#teru's all jumping to conclusions
minamotosousuke · 2 years
anyways I’m using my dyke powers to do a lesbian override... kou’s allowed to suffer from comp het 
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nanabansama · 6 months
Why does teru hate supernaturals so much
I think the best chapters you could read to get a feel for Teru's dislike of supernaturals would be 9, 10, 72, and 97.
Teru explains in ch. 72 that because being an exorcist is a 24/7 job, he hasn't had a day off in years. We've seen that Teru has been working as one since he was at least 8, which means he had zero time to enjoy his childhood.
Just look! AidaIro even drew art of him staring longingly at an arcade. Poor little guy...
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This isn't the long and short of it, but it paints a pretty bleak picture. I wouldn't exactly be able to blame him for hating supernaturals out of resentment for this alone.
Being forced to fight supernaturals since he was young has given Teru many opportunities to see the uglier sides to them, as well. We've already seen some pretty nasty ones in the manga, haven't we? And I'm sure Teru has seen supernaturals bring real harm to people, whether that be through lifelong injury, mental scars, or worse, death itself.
Not only is all of that traumatizing, but he was indoctrinated into being an exorcist at a ridiculously young age. I haven't heard a single character bring this up as problematic in the manga itself, despite the very real danger Teru was facing. Kou admires him and was even jealous about it, since Kou was stuck doing household chores instead.
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This just goes to show that Kou has been indoctrinated, too, but Teru feasibly has no reason to blame anything but supernaturals for his lot in life. If there were no supernaturals, he wouldn't have to keep doing this--and why would he ever blame the very people he's working for? They're the good guys, the ones fighting to protect the innocent. It could even be his very own father making him do this. How ungrateful he would look to cast any blame on his father and the senior exorcists...
Eh, now that last part is me guessing a little, but given that we've only ever seen Teru express dislike for supernaturals, I think it's a valid reading of his character. That said, I don't think he's entirely brainwashed, and I could still easily see him acknowledging that what happened to him wasn't fair and harboring secret resentment towards the exorcists. It's just inappropriate to express that aloud, and especially in the very loud way Teru expresses hate for supernaturals. It also makes more sense for him to like the exorcists more by default because he associates positive things with them, unlike supernaturals which have been nothing but bad news.
Teru is a great character in the manga since I feel it's easy to understand why he is the way he is, but he hides so much behind a facade (like Hanako) it's hard to know what he's really thinking sometimes. Writing this post has made this very clear to me. Given that we have seen Teru react very immaturely at times, though, I imagine that his hatred doesn't stem from some super deep and logical reason. And since his mother was revealed to have died from postpartum complications, I doubt there was some tragic childhood event involving supernaturals that made him this way, either. His childhood itself is the tragic event. (._.`)
So in conclusion, I think Teru hates supernaturals because he was indoctrinated from a young age to fear and eradicate them, that this constant exposure to the ugly side of supernaturals has only cemented this hatred, that his 24/7 exorcist job has been a source of great stress for him and ruined his childhood, and that hating supernaturals is not only a socially acceptable form of stress relief, but that it's the only valid form of resentment his upbringing has conditioned him to have.
I hope this helped! I do urge you to reread the manga and jump to your own conclusions, though. And who knows? Maybe you'll reach a conclusion you like more than mine!
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Can I have a Amane and Teru headcanons with a s/o who has terrible paranoia! They are always scared someone is going to hurt them or the people they love so they are always on edge even when they don’t have to be
This also really interferes with their sleep schedule and they tend to stay up most of the night sort of “watching out” just in case something happens
They do other things like sit in the back of the class so that they know no one is behind them with evil intentions, often thinking people are lying to them when they have no reason to think that, watching over amane and teru all the time as well- it just interfere with their life in big and small ways-
genre : Fluff
Characters : Amane Yugi, Teru Minamoto
TW : None
And I hope you like it Cherry !!
For those who don't know what Paranoia is
Paranoia is the irrational and persistent feeling that people are 'out to get you' or that you are the subject of persistent, intrusive attention by others. This unfounded mistrust of others can make it difficult for a person with paranoia to function socially or have close relationships
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I'm here.. Don't worry no one is gonna hurt you..
He notices that you always look around your surroundings, In a very panicked matter
Like you're hiding from something
or someone
He would actually observe your every move
Would walk faster when entering crowded corridors
Sometimes you accidentally leave him alone in the crowd-
He would also observe how much you refuse, to go anywhere alone
even the bathroom—
or even stay alone in your own house.
You couldn't bare to be alone and sometimes have to beg him to come over
There was a time he slept over at your house and you jolted up and started looking at your surroundings
He woke up to you panicking and shaking so he calmed you down
That's when he put the pieces together on what he has observed and came to the conclusion that you have paranoia
Terrible case of paranoia
To the point that it has greatly affected your sleeping schedule too
His poor S/O :(
That's why your lovely boyfriend has come to the rescue!
He would actually monitor what time you wake up and how long you stay up
So when his alarm goes off he'll check up on you, and stay with you until you fall asleep
Or when he can't come to your house, He calls you, Fufu you two sometimes sleep on call together
at school he'll beg for Yamabuki to change seats with him so he can sit next to you
He will give a glare to those who look at you, even the slightest
He'll squeeze your hand whenever you two start walking towards a hefty amount of people
So you'll know he is always there <3
"Don't worry my Love.. I'm here.. No one will come and hurt.." He said as he hugs you tightly and peppers your face with kisses
No one will hurt you when I'm around, I promise that.
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I'll protect you.
Teru would notice right away how paranoid you are
You're very aware of your surroundings and look left and right whenever a stranger walks past you
This one time you almost attacked him with a book cause he was following you
My guy just wanted to hug you from behind—
There was also a time you barged into the student council office
Looking.. Worried?
You jump into his arms with no explanation and started sobbing a little
He also notices that you ALWAYS sit at the back of the class
And you sometimes you look a bit tensed with other people
You and him are neighbors, And late at night whenever he stays up, He will notice the light in your room is still on
Why are you awake at this time an hour?
he gave you a call, And you sounded like you were having a panick attack
Went over and helped you calm down
You ended up sleeping in his arms
Thats when he finally noticed that these were symptoms of Paranoia
Do you always wake up at this time an hour??
Now he was worried
You probably stay up all night because of this
or even at class, He sits at the 2nd row while you sit at the far back
The next day you noticed he sits next to you now
aha, he begged the class adviser which took him awhile
He'd look at you from time to time to see if you're doing okay
Drag you away from the group of people who keep bugging you about his and your relationship
With matching death glare
Someone's making you uncomfortable and uneasy?
Just know they're already in the student council office having a 'talk' with Teru
Would update you on where or what he is doing
This little doings of his just makes your heart melt and you are thankful that he understands your situation
"Don't worry, Princess, I'll protect you" He said whispering as he hugs your sleeping figure as he also doze off to sleep.
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Cause it made me realize I have paranoia aha—Dont you jusy learn new things everyday
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italiantnea · 1 year
#0/ The dispersed and accumulated solutions are unknown not a piece of cake
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i feel no pity sorrow too is unthinkable
it is the path i follow though i barely progress forward
in the end, is it nothing more than a path without a path
— “Work #1”, S
#0-1_otogiri_tobi/ I don’t know who you are
prev: cover/contents/illustrations //next: 0-2
The teacher with the black-rimmed glasses who always stood in front of the school gate called out to the students. What he wore was, as usual, an awfully tight-fitting suit.
On this morning, he detained one of Tobi’s classmates.
“Those bangs, aren't they too long? Go cut them. It’s bad for your eyes. Sensei’s eyesight got bad from that, you know?”
“Yagi-sensei also had long bangs in the past?”
“Who’re you calling Yagi? Well, yeah. It was long. I didn't have this hairstyle in the past, after all. Well, that’s obvious.”
“Yagi-sensei, you mean you used to break school rules?”
“Like I said, it’s Yagarashima-sensei, not Yagi! The school I attended was one in the countryside with about thirty students in the entire school, so there weren’t really school rule-like school rules…”
“I’ll cut it next time…”
As soon as Asamiya went by, Yagarashima-sensei with his black-rimmed glasses immediately zeroed in on another student.
“Oi, Takagii. You don't look well. You ok?”
“I got low air pressure, so”
“What’re you talking about, low air pressure. If you’re going with that, it’s low blood pressure, isn't it?”
“Yagi-sensei, mornin!”
As another female student passed by and waved her hand in greeting, Yagarashima-sensei jumped up with enough force to dislodge his glasses.
“You there, Miyoshii! It’s not ‘mornin’, it’s ‘good morning’!”
Tobi hadn't noticed until now, but Yagarashima sensei seemed to be quite looked down upon by students. To put it in a better way, they were quite friendly with him.
As Tobi greeted him while passing by, Yagarashima-sensei’s face broke into a broad smile with an “oh!”.
“Good morning, Otogiri!”
He seemed awfully happy, or rather, he wore an expression that couldn't help but make him think he was smiling from the bottom of his heart. Caught off guard, Tobi bowed his head slightly without thinking.
The backpack Tobi carried on his back laughed with a small “heh.”
“He’s not a bad guy, is he?”
“...I never thought he was a bad person though?”
As Tobi responded in a low voice, Baku replied nastily, “Is that so?”
“Ah, but you know…”
He sure was cheeky for a damn backpack.
“I’m starving, damnit.”
“Haven't you been saying that all morning?”
Tobi had to lower his voice so the students walking towards the school wouldn't hear him.
“I’ll say it as many times as it takes!”
Baku didn't have to take the same care. Tobi was the only one who could hear the backpack’s voice.
That was the conclusion he’d made all by himself, but in reality, that hadn't been true.
But to the majority of people, Baku did not talk or go wild on his own. He was just a backpack.
“Tobi, you eat breakfast lunch and dinner every day, don't you? I gotta eat something too, or I’ll get hungry. I finally realized that recently.”
“If only you’d never realized that…”
Tobi sighed and patted his stomach. He’d eaten a proper breakfast at the facility. Today, he’d even had a second helping of rice for once. Even so, he didn't feel quite satiated.
Baku writhed around as he grumbled.
Had their surroundings caught his eye? It was the same for Tobi.
On the shoulder of the boy walking slightly ahead of him, clung something that looked like an extremely flat gecko. And ahead of that, what looked like tiny teru-teru bozu with hands and feet dangled from a girl’s hair, spinning around and around.
“Hey, Tobi—”
“No, you can't.” Tobi told Baku flatly before he could finish his sentence.
“What the hell. I didn't even say anything.”
Baku seemed dissatisfied, but he really couldn't. Of course he couldn't.
Tobi saw right through what Baku was thinking. Is it ok if I eat that flat gecko, or the spinning teru-teru bozu? That was what Baku had been trying to ask Tobi.
For the sake of argument, if those things happened to be some mutant gecko or mystery animal that resembled teru-teru bozu, if Baku really insisted, Tobi would not stop him. However, that was not the case. Those strange things were not reptiles or teru-teru bozu shaped organisms.
That was what they were called.
Tobi sighed once again and lowered his head, trying to keep the zingai out of his field of vision. What would happen if he ate the zingai? Did Baku not know? There was no way he didn't know. He had to know.
Because Baku had eaten before.
He’d actually eaten a classmate’s zingai.
Kon Chiami, and Masamune, a.k.a. Masaki Shuuji. Baku had devoured their zingai. And what had happened after that?
“You know, even I’m not thinking of just gobbling them up indiscriminately…”
Baku grumbled, trying to defend himself.
“But, you know… aren't there a lot? Hmm? Is it just my imagination?”
Tobi ignored him. But he thought the same. There really were a lot.
There had always been a number of people with zingai, within reason. He hadn't counted them specifically, but if the elementary school students and middle school students made up a hundred people, among them a handful of people were accompanied by zingai. Those handful of people didn't seem to be aware of their own zingai, but anyway, it was probably around two or three percent of people. In that case, it wasn't strange if there were one or two, or several in his class.
To Tobi, being able to see zingai was normal. That was why even though there were several zingai in his classroom, he wasn't particularly surprised. Even after getting to middle school, he didn't find it particularly strange. Of course there would be this number of zingai around. He felt like it was natural for them to be there.
Aren't there kind of a lot?
He’d never had such a thought before.
After going through the door of the front entrance, Tobi stopped in his tracks. In front of him to the left, near the shoe box, the flat gecko-like zingai was clinging to the back of the girl changing her shoes. Tobi began walking right away.
“What’s wrong?” Baku asked.
Tobi feigned calmness without responding. Internally, he was a bit shaken. He wanted to confirm that zingai he’d just seen. But he’d gone too far ahead, he couldn't see it from here.
It’d been very flat, a thin flimsy gecko-shaped zingai. Around five centimeters in size, and he thought it looked whitish. That had been a third year student’s shoe box. It had been a third year female student.
Had he not actually caught sight of that flat gecko-like zingai?
Maybe the color and size were a bit off. He couldn't remember it clearly, but that flat gecko-like zingai had been clinging on the shoulder of a male student.
No way, he thought.
It was just a coincidence.
By chance, two people had similar zingai. That had to be it.
Asamiya had finished putting on his indoor shoes and was leaving the shoe box.
“Good morning.”
When Tobi spoke to him, Asamiya said “Eh?” and pitched forward for a moment. Then he turned around with great vigor and pushed back his long bangs.
“...Good morning, Otogiri.”
Asamiya was staring in surprise. He seemed to have spooked him.
“Just now—”
Tobi took the indoor shoes out from his own shoe box.
“Asamiya, you got picked on, huh? By Yagarashima-sensei.”
“Ahh… well yeah. Mm. It happens a lot.”
“‘It’s bad for your eyesight’ he said?”
“Yeah that. He says that every time.”
“I see.”
Tobi changed into his indoor shoes and put his outdoor shoes in the box. 
Walking out of the shoebox area and into the hallway, he found himself a bit disappointed.
“Ain't here huh, that O-Ryuu,” Baku muttered. That confirmed it for him.
Ryuuko might be there. Tobi had thought so. Of course, it wasn't like he’d been looking forward to it. It was that Ryuuko they were talking about. There was a possibility of her hiding in the shadows of the shoebox and suddenly jumping out, and it would be a disaster if he didn't brace himself for that. He could've been spooked like Asamiya just now.
Come to think of it, why had Asamiya been so surprised?
Asamiya was beside Tobi, and somehow they ended up walking side by side.
As Tobi tried to say Asamiya’s name, Asamiya too, said “Say, Otogiri,”. Their voices clashed together slightly.
“Ah… eh, it’s fine, Otogiri, you go first.”
Tobi shook his head. It wasn't anything important anyway.
“What about me?”
“...Right. Otogiri you… how to say it. Were you always this type of person? How do I put it… like… friendly¹?”
“Friendly?” ¹ he uses the english loanword “friendly”
Tobi furrowed his brows. He knew the meaning of the word. But it wasn't a word he used often.
“Nobody’s ever called me that.”
Asamiya let out a small laugh. It wasn't like being laughed at made him mad, but it didn't feel great. Maybe it showed on his face, but Asamiya apologized with a “Hey, sorry.” As he said those words, he was still laughing slightly.
“That’s fine…”
Tobi was strangely annoyed, if he did say so himself. That being said, he didn't think he was mad. Even though he wasn't mad, he was annoyed. That was strange. It was a contradiction.
Anyhow, it was weird.
 Tobi glanced behind him. Beyond that hallway was the infirmary. Why had Tobi turned around? That, he didn't know himself. But it was on his mind after all. As he walked, he looked behind him once more. He stopped.
Someone was looking at Tobi.
He wasn't in uniform. From the way he was dressed, he wasn't a student.
In the hallway leading to the infirmary stood a single lone man.
Judging from the build, it was probably a man. He was quite large. He was wearing a brimless hat and a mask. It was a strange mask. It was painted with a drawing of what looked like baring teeth. His eyes were unique as well. That man’s eyes were clearly looking at Tobi. Even so, they seemed to be looking at nothing in particular. They were right there, yet nowhere at all. Those eyes were real, yet seemed fake.
When Asamiya spoke to him, Tobi replied, “Yeah?” halfheartedly. In the approximately one second he took to look at Asamiya’s face, his gaze left that man.
When he looked back, he was gone.
Baku’s backpack body stirred restlessly. He wanted to say something. But Tobi couldn't talk with him here. Asamiya was with him.
As Tobi began walking again, Asamiya followed. He seemed puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions. On his end, Tobi was thankful for that. If he asked he wouldn't have been able to give a good answer.
Who was that man? That hadn't been a child. It was an adult. Was he affiliated with the school? That would be strange. Such a huge man prowling around school would definitely be viewed with suspicion under normal circumstances. Why wasn't anyone making a big deal out of it? It was like no one had noticed the man. Had Tobi been the only one to witness him? Was that possible?
It wasn't his eyes playing tricks. Tobi had without a doubt seen that man. Tobi could recall him clearly. Though he’d only taken one look at him, he remembered him in detail.
The man was wearing a dark flight jacket-like blouson. His hands were large. He wore boots.
But had Tobi been looking at the man’s large hands? Had he really been wearing boots even though he was in the school building?
Even so, he remembered.
Perhaps this wasn't the first time he had met this man.
At some time, some place, it was possible he had seen him before.
It was possible Tobi knew this man.
prev: cover/contents/illustrations //next: 0-2
t/n: ok lots of things about the chapter quote. First of all the first two lines are made of two separate clauses smushed together without punctuation. The third line has a single comma for some reason? But yeah yeah stylistic choices. I’ve made the executive decision to transcribe it in all lowercase, I think it’s fitting. The word used for “sorrow” is 悲しさ (level of sadness) and not 悲しみ (the feeling of sadness). So more like ‘(I) don't think about how sad (I am)’. Lastly, to walk ‘a path without a path’ means to forge onward into unknown territory. The pronoun used is ‘boku’. ‘S’ you are so pretentious. If that even is your real name.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
Can you analyze Kou too plz? I loved the one you did for Teru!
aaah thanks anon! 
I won’t really call it an analysis since this is mostly how I perceive the character (and I may be wrong ahah you know it’s easy to project stuff you believe on a fiction x’))
I really really like Kou too :D 
Kou is the perfect type of hero (I am talking about archetype). The loser who is not really strong at the beginning of the manga and wants to get better (big rip but that’s true, he is litteraly the hero of a shonen manga at first x’))). He is an exorcist and a bad one. He wants to be better at it, but he will probably realize it one day. Kou’s greatest strength won’t be being a good exorcist, because he just can’t, it doesn’t go with his personality and his goal. He has a mentor to surpass (Teru), things to prove to his big brother (and once again I do feel like Minamoto dad didn’t help I am gonna fight him) because he was always told that he was good at taking care of things alone at home and that’s all. 
His main goal is ‘I want everyone I care about to be happy’ and that means some supernaturals too. He will never be able to exorcist people he cares for. 
Kou’s strength comes from his optimism and his wish to make everyone happy. He tries so hard, he fails, but he stands up again and again and again. We see some scenes through his eyes. He is definitely not the brightest but one of the most nice and caring characters of the whole cast. He is genuinely kind and we know that a lot of people love him, even if he doesn’t make much sense Yokoo and Satou stay with him because that’s the kind of person you want to stay with. Kou is not an idiot either. He knows how to talk to people, what to say to cheer them up and he also knows what can be bad for them. He is the one calling out Number 3 in the picture perfect arc. He knows nothing good can come from a fake world and that fantasy is nice but will never be reality. And that reality can hurt.
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 Kou is one of the character who thinks the most of others before himself. Even with his crush on Nene it was proven several times he doesn’t even try because he knows and understands that she either prefers Teru (bonus chapter with the king game) or Hanako (latest chapters) over him and because he doesn’t even see himself as someone Nene could fall in love with (Kou i love you plz love yourself)  Kou cares about others A LOT and does everything for them,to the point of forgetting about himself way too much. He has so little regard for himself. He knows near to nothing about supernaturals. He learns so many things at the same time as Nene. And coming from an exorcist family, this is not normal. Especially when you put him next to Teru. He doesn’t even seem to know his teacher (Tsuchigomori) is supernatural. If Kako rewinds time he is affected by it if Akane didn’t help him etc… He has a very low spiritual energy at the start of the manga. He is sometimes so simple minded that he forgets about the consequences of his act and is reckless, especially about himself. Jumping from the top of a building because he thinks that’s what number 3 wanted was a good example of this ahah. Even if he knows how to read people when it is about him he will always come to the most insane conclusion because he doesn’t think people would be hurt if he disappeared  Or he doesn’t think when it’s about him it’s because they genuinely love him and not because they want to use him for something (give him a little bit of self love plz). Number 3 had to call him out on this, and someone will have to do it again. Even Natsuhiko who knew him for like 2 hours noticed this and definitely used this as an advantage for his plan . Kou just doesn’t care what will happen to him if he can do something for someone else. 
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One of my fav page about Kou and which explains a lot of things about him is this one
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As Nene, he thinks it is better to live in a real world and thinks that giving it his all will be enough to answer Mitsuba’s wish and keep Nene alive. Even if you give your best sometimes it just doesn’t work, and supernaturals tend to know it, and mostly go by this idea. Contrary to humans they give up easily and always come to the ‘easiest’ solution, and that’s what Hanako does. In the end, once again Kou didn’t do anything about Nene’s lifespan, because Hanako didn’t believe in him at all (even if Hanako believes him for other things but that’s for another day, this is the same as Teru in a way ahah) 
Let’s come back to Kou ahah, 
Chapter 77 is one of my fav of the whole manga because we can clearly see how much Kou wants and how he finally says it in a way. AND HOW THIS IS FCKED UP HELP THIS KID
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Number 3 NEVER said that. It’s what Kou thinks he wants, and the only thing he found to answer is ‘Mitsuba doesn’t believe in me’ (I am concerned for him).
He wants Teru to stop hating supernaturals, he thinks it would be easier if Hanako was an evil spirit he wouldn‘t have so much question about it he could just exorcize him, he wishes he wasn’t alone knowing all of this …
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But at the end of this chapter he comes to the conclusion that his wishes just can’t come true (like most wishes in this manga). And he just learns so much in this arc, the red house arc was for the Yugi twins yep but the other main character was Kou and not Nene who wasn’t that pro active in it. 
(I am going crazy over this panel)
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Kou also keeps a lot to himself. A plot which was brought up at the beginning of the red house arc is the hint Natsuhiko gave him, but that Kou didn’t have time to explain to Nene (thanks to Akane, and I want you to note how perfect the timing is that when they are talking about becoming supernaturals the person who comes into the room is a supernatural himself lol). The fact he seems to really want to become supernatural. Keeping stuff to himself, is posing a problem. He went against Teru which ended up in Akane, Teru and him being injured (or dead for the first two idk rip). Keeping the fact he talked to Natsuhiko before the severance is a problem too. 
I wanna talk a little bit more about his view on death and what he learned in the red house arc, because I hope, it will mean something. I do think Kou learned a bit that he mattered, or at least that people would be sad if he was gone (that’s a least what he tells everyone else I hope it implies a little bit to him too) 
First, he meets Sousuke’s mother, and he realizes that Sousuke is dead. He will never see him again, and he needs to hear Mitsumom say it to him to finally understand. He learned a real lesson of grief in this arc, and even more when he met his mom because he remembered what he felt when he lost her. 
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The more he wanders into the red house the deeper his wishes are, the fact that the thing he wants the most is to meet his mom again makes him realize a lot of things. 
And he understands what others feel when someone dies. And that’s a big step in Kou’s mind I think. Because dying is not a solution, because if you die, you will leave people behind. 
He didn’t even think about it in the perfect picture arc, he just jumped. Didn’t even give a thought to his family when we know how much they mean to him and how close the Minamoto siblings are.
The thing he said to little Tsukasa just proves to us how much he grew in this arc for me. He understands now what could happen if he decided to disappear. So I hope he will think about it a little bit more. 
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Now let’s talk about chapter 90 because this is a fkcing nightmare (don’t get me wrong I really love this chapter) 
Everything we ever knew about what Kou thinks about himself is said orally. He doesn’t care about himself, he thinks no one depends on him at all.. Dying is not a problem for him if he can realize his dream of making everyone happy. People baby him a lot too (and Number 6 does in this chapter). And wow he manages to deafet number 6 at the end :D And nope we can see that if Natsuhiko didn’t intervene he would probably have died.
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Kou just makes me kinda sad. I really really want him to succeed, characters who try their best to save people/make them happy, deserve to succeed.
 This manga is just out here showing us that ‘no, life isn’t always a dream or a fantasy and that people who are too optimistic will probably not succeed (big rip)’ (that’s what we can guess from now but we are close to the ‘all is lost part of the manga I think so it’s understandable). And also that you aren't made for everything and that he shouldn't take things he knows he can't do. Unfortunately for Kou, He is really good at giving is all in everything, to the point of not keeping anything for him. But even if he tries tries tries most of the time he fcks up. And like, really fcks up. 
Telling little Tsukasa that Amane was going to kill him to protect him ended up as Tsukasa going back to be killed. Getting rid of Number 6 ends up as the broadcasting club using this to put an end to the barrier between supernaturals and humans. That makes me wonder if one day he will just really break because no matter how hard he tries in those big moments, he fails most of the time. (even if he doesn’t completely fail. He could show that he is capable of defending himself to Teru, and telling baby Tsukasa was really coming from a nice thought. Nene and Kou just didn’t take the time paradox and the butterfly effect into consideration but welp it is understandable.)
I kinda think Nene and Kou will manage to do things and succeed at this whole thing, because they are the main characters and the only two who are like this (and oh nevermind Akane is a little bit like this too but that’s for another day, when I will be done with everything I wrote about him ahah help). It really depends on how AidaIro wanna finish their manga and what kind of messages they wanna show us
I hope this text makes a little bit sense x’) This is what I think about him and why I think he is great ^^ I really really hope he will understand how important he is to others because this boy needs therapy oh boy. 
 I will stop here for now, I didn’t go in that much details for the beginning of the manga but I really like Kou as a character he is just.. so genuine. I like him very much, he is one of the best written character in my opinion ^^
Thank you so much for the ask anon and really sorry again for the long answer dshkjdhsjk
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theevilthatismokke · 1 year
thoughts on chap 98 (major spoilers)
There isn’t much to say about this chapter. The aquarium “date” was cute and it’s nice to see Mitsuba having fun with a friend for a change.
Since, y’know, that’s how he chose to spend his last day/final moments. With Kou.
Surprisingly, Kou and Mitsuba got along pretty well this chapter. Often, their meetings start with or involve Kou trying to zap Mitsuba with his weapon, so it was nice not to have that for a change. Kou even got flustered after Mitsuba got cute and thanked him for the penguin keychain.
Guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder, huh?
On a side note, the others’ reactions to Kou going on a night out (on the town) were pretty fun.
Of course Nene immediately jumps to the conclusion that it’s a date. And she sounds so happy too!! She really does not see Kou in a romantic light at all, huh?
Meanwhile, Teru is so, well, shocked, almost miserable to hear Kou being out like this… Aidairo’s really leaning on the brocon aspect of his personality and I love it. It’s way too funny.
“Your big bro misses you uwu 🥺”
I also love how Aoi and Akane are supportive. Specially Akane. “Send pics and don’t get arrested lol”.
Of course, Teru has his own reasons besides being clingy. He knows kaii tend to pop out at night, it’s been repeatedly shown that he often works at this hour.
And speaking of them, I love how the “aquarium” itself is almost like a anglerfish.
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How it’s bright and that’s how it attracted Mistuba’s attention. The little thing resembling an esca at the top of the entrance. The fact that it’s free (lol).
Also, I really love Aida’s artstyle and I don’t often comment on it, but the scenes at the aquarium were so pretty and so fun to look at; the fishes, and the seal, and the little penguins.
And, of course, anglerfish-like kaii. Great designs!!
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Kinda interesting that they seem to feed on ghosts, tho, and not humans, which is what we’re used to. At least, that’s the impression I got.
Considering Mistuba’s comment from earlier that he wasn’t okay, but brushed it off, plus the fact that he quite literally started falling apart at the end of the chapter and never turned into his “No. 3 form” (something he always did immediately whenever he felt threatened), I can only assume he no longer has his seat among the Seven Mysteries.
So… how did it happen? Did someone destroy his yorishiro? Did Mitsuba destroy it himself (either for personal reasons or because he was forced/coerced to)? Did he get motion sickness from the Severance and vomited the Tengu/Yatagarasu/Whatever bird-like yokai the original No. 3 is supposed to be?
...This makes how many times Mitsuba has 'died'/almost 'died' now? Three? Four?
Who knows. Boy's a phoenix.
Gotta admit, this chapter was way less disturbing than I was expecting. And, you know… I was kinda mad at Kou at the beginning of chapter when he was all, “You’re okay!! I was so worried!!”
Bitch, you were all smiles at the thought of exorcising kaii not 2 seconds ago, don’t you pull that card now!!
Still, this was the nicest he’s been so far to Mitsuba, he actually took him out to have fun, and he didn’t zap him once, so… that’s cool, I guess. Hopefully, we'll get some interesting development for Kou, Mitsuba and their relationship next chapter.
Goodness knows that Kou desperately needs it.
On speculations… do these anglerfish kaii have anything to do with that mermaid kaii? But then again, maybe not. After all, there were a lot of fish-like kaii in chapter 70, and they didn't seem to have anything to do with the mermaid.
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Kou is dead. Long live "Cringe-Ass Chuunibyou Scaredy-Cat Goody Two Shoes Earring Boy". Jr.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hellooo!!!✨✨okok so--i know you already did break up PRANK hcs but hear me out on this one!!-- TBHK boys getting into a really bad argument with their s/o and then a day/few days later the boys overhear their s/o talking to someone about how they might actually break up with them💔?If you want to ignore this thats fine but if you do, then angst to fluff please!!✨✨✨
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: RAZOOOOOOOOR MY DEAR FRIEND, THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, I LOVE ANGST TO FLUFF BUT. I'M TAKING SO LONG WRITING THIS AND I FEEL SO BAD SO I HAD AN IDEA??? I'M GONNA POST!!! WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN NOW!!!!! AND WHEN I FINISH THE OTHER PARTS I'LL TAG YOU IN IT AND COUNT IT AS THE REST OF THIS REQUEST;;;; I'm so so sorry for the inconvenience, and probably disappointment, but the parts i have written are fairly long, so maybe that'll make up for,,,,,, the unreasonable wait you've had to deal with, and what will probably continue to be an unreasonable wait;;
also this highkey goes from headcanons to a oneshot so??? i'm sorry, it's,,, it's chaos in my braiiiin /lh
warnings: mention of arguments?
word count: 1,857
kou minamoto <3
Kou tries his best not to jump to conclusions, especially regarding your relationship with him. However, now, he can’t help it…
He doesn’t typically lose his temper. Teru tried to reassure Kou that you both simply got fed up with something, and that arguments were bound to happen… what mattered was that Kou apologized. Think for a bit, realize where he was in the wrong, and admit that to you. Be sincerely sorry, and then leave the forgiving up to you.
So, that’s what Kou wanted to do… he at least wanted to apologize. Kou wasn’t sure that you’d forgive him, but that’s all he wanted.
“Kou? Ah… we… got into a pretty bad argument yesterday, so I haven’t really talked to him.”
“Oh? I’ll take it you’re considering how to break up with him? I mean, if it’s bad enough to make you not feel like talking to him.”
“I’m… well, maybe? I can’t say just yet, but I won’t say it’s not going to happen. Just… how would I-”
Kou turned around, walking as quickly as he could, until he couldn’t hear the conversation. His feet felt like they froze up on him- as he turned back around. At this moment, he would be completely lost.
He genuinely couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. As he stared back down the hallway, Kou would be… put simply, full of guilt. What could he have done to prevent the argument? Why couldn’t he have admitted his fault sooner? What could he do to keep you?? No… did he even deserve you at this point?
Heck if he was going to let you go so easily… no, no, he had to try something. Anything.
So, he’d walk back to where he came from, turning the corner to where you were as if he heard nothing. He appeared normal- walking with the same amount of confidence a boy his age would. But, when he spoke-
“(Y-Y/N), could we… walk home together?”
The way he stuttered, and the general tone of his voice, practically gave him away. Maybe it was for that reason you agreed? Were you curious? Or were you just looking for an opening to break up with him…?
The walk was silent… silent, until you were far enough from others that Kou could speak about the topic comfortably.
“(Y/N)... please, please… at least reconsider breaking up with me.” He spoke, looking over at you, a more serious look on his face than you thought the usually fairly lighthearted boy could muster. Still, his eyebrows were furrowed, as if he were desparate. “Please.”
A second passed before he inhaled again, turning to face you completely, no longer walking. “I promise you, I’ll never raise my voice at you again. I’m so sorry that I did- I’m so sorry for yesterday, and I thought about it, and- and not even because I love you, I was in the wrong. So… so, just tell me what’s wrong. If it’s something I can change- if you need me to change for the better, I… I can do my best, alright? Please?”
“Kou…” You sighed, unsure how to approach this. He looked as if he was going to cry- as if he was trying not to look emotional. Maybe to look strong? Or maybe hoping that his emotions wouldn’t affect your answer- and that you would answer the way you wanted to… he could only hope that it would be the way he wanted.
“Kou, I’m not going to break up with you. I had to think, yes- I had to think long and hard about that argument. But, I’m glad you’re apologizing- and I’ll apologize as well. Really, that’s all I need for now, so… calm down, you goofball.”
Kou’s entire expression seemed to lighten, a very visible switch from his previous emotions showing both on his face and in his body language. “Really…? You’re sure?”
“I’m sure, I’m sure. We may need to talk about some things? But, I still love you, and I’d muuuuuch rather work things out- which I’m sure we can do- than break up with you.”
Excitedly, Kou slung his arms around you, squeezing you tightly- as tightly as he could without hurting you. “Thank you so much, (Y/N)... I’m so happy. I’m so, so sorry- thank you for forgiving me. I love you so much-”
“Ah- I love you too, Kou. Very much.”
teru minamoto <3
Teru losing his temper is extremely rare, especially with you.
However, when he does… it’s very intense. He knows how to get under any person’s skin, he manages to figure out every little insecurity or pet peeve about people he barely knows- of course he knows yours. He dislikes using his knowledge against you, but when he starts to lose his cool, he simply knows how to express his anger through words.
(Words being other words than ways he’d deem “childish.” Yes, he takes arguments seriously, and doesn’t want to seem incompetent- well, not at any time does he want to seem incompetent, but especially not during an argument.)
So, no one could blame you for having the option of breaking up- or maybe just… splitting for a bit, just to have time to think- cross your mind. Actually, cross it several more times than either of you would like.
As much as Teru wanted you to apologize, he knew that he’d have to eventually. He wanted to be as mature as he could, but even he wanted some time to simply… think. Consider the words he said, and consider the ones you did. Consider what started the argument in the first place… yes, he just needed to think.
And he certainly did think. In fact, he’d think and think about it for a while- all day at school, until he found himself thinking a bit more heavily, a bit more panicked, and a bit more serious- unintentionally (at first anyway) eavesdropping on a conversation between you and a friend.
“He just… he knows how to annoy people, you know? It’s like he knows everything about me to a point where he can use it against me. I’m not unique of course- I’m sure he knows every little thing that bothers you. He’s just… attentive, I guess. But it’s getting overwhelming- I’m starting to consider just… breaking things off. Or at least distancing ourselves for a bit??”
Your friend sighed a bit, barely loud enough for Teru to hear- “I understand. He seems like a nice guy, so I’m not sure I could have guessed. Still, you do what’s best for you. There’s no need to rush things, but if you have to seriously think about breaking up, then I’ll support you all the way!”
As Teru heard you thank your friend, he walked away- trying his best to keep his composure. Panic mode was on for the tall boy, as he stepped into the (thankfully) empty School Council room. He locked the door behind himself, and took a seat.
Teru would place his head in his hands, trying to force himself to think. What should he do? Would apologizing work?
“I’m an idiot,” Teru verbally sighed, standing back up. Rarely did he exclaim things aloud like that- but he genuinely thought of himself as nothing more than an idiot in that moment.
He’d unlock and open the door, stepping into the hallway, then making his way to where he knew your locker was- the school day had barely just ended… surely, you would be there by now.
There you were- slinging your bookbag over your shoulder as you waved goodbye to your friend. Teru did his best to seem casual, making his way over to you. Not many people remained in the hall, so Teru hoped it was few enough for him to talk to you casually.
“Hey, (Y/N)...” He spoke, waving his hand slightly. Never had the school prince felt more awkward- if for nothing else, this was why he hated arguments. The mix of guilt and embarrassment was truly starting to bubble up inside of him.
“Ah. Teru. What brings you to… my locker?”
“I wanted to talk to you. The vice president will be a while- so, could we talk a bit in the School Council room?”
Teru could feel his nerves increase as you looked hesitant, glancing to the side as if you were searching for an excuse.
“I’ll leave the doors unlocked. Aoi could enter at any moment, and you can leave as you please. I just want to… apologize, mainly. But I do want to talk, just for a bit- for as long as you’ll listen.”
You glanced up at Teru, making eye contact for the first time that day. “Yeah? Will the ‘talk’ be you insulting me again?”
“...I’m sorry, (Y/N). I can’t express how sorry I am. I know I can’t take words back, and that saying sorry truly fixes nothing, but I will do whatever you need me to. Whatever it takes for you to understand how genuinely sorry I am.”
Yes, Teru prayed that you could see how sorry he was. He was willing to apologize in front of any students who may be around… the prince himself indirectly admitting his faults. Though he’d continue to spill his feelings in front of everyone that remained, a part of him did hope you’d prefer privacy-
When you sighed, turning in the direction of the club room and walking, Teru internally cheered. You were considering his apology. He was… doing alright- still, he needed to do better.
Once the two of you are alone, Teru would express his genuine guilt, sincerely apologize many times, and go into detail as to why he was sorry- what he was sorry for- and how/why exactly he’d change. The reasons he’d do all he could to never treat you that way again.
“Teru,” You sighed, his monologue now settled in your mind. “I understand you’re sorry, and I appreciate it. I’d apologize for my part, but- I see the way you’re looking at me. You don’t want me to apologize,” Teru nodded at that part, agreeing with the statement, “and I appreciate that as well. I may have to think a bit, but I don’t want to end things if I don’t absolutely have to. Just… prove yourself to me, alright? And that’s all I’ll ask for. I’ll do my best to prove myself as well.”
“That’s fine. You don’t need to prove anything to me, (Y/N). You’re an angel in my eyes,” Teru spoke, standing up and gently grasping your hands. For once, you could tell that Teru was nervous. His hands holding yours shook slightly… and you were surprised at how warm they were- vaguely sweaty. You would have joked about how un-prince-like that was, if it wasn’t for the gentle expression he wore.
“I love you, (Y/N). Thank you for giving me another chance to prove myself.”
“...Alright, alright, I love you too. Don’t get too overdramatic about it- just don’t be a cocky jerk- at least not to me- and we’ll do just fine.”
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anonsleap · 3 years
Hi! I'm back to request again! Could you write Hifumi and Teruteru in a polyamorous relationship with the reader? And the reader is touch-starved and loves to cuddle, hug, and kiss Hifumi and Teruteru ALL the time. And they love to compliment and flirt with them all the time too, especially when Teruteru flirts with them.
Them!!! I love them so much! Btw, highly recommend the animes mentioned but dm me if you want to know more/ warnings for them.
Teruteru and Hifumi in a poly relationship with a touch-starved S/O
Content warnings: scars, body image issues, Hiyoko in general, teruteru misinterpreting modeling, burns
Before you were dating, you hung out with Hifumi and Teru watching anime. Once a week, you’d meet up and binge anime together. Teruteru brings homemade snacks like chocolate covered popcorn, mini pizzas, brownies, garlic knots, all sorts of stuff. Hifumi provided the subscriptions to Crunchyroll and Funimation. You brought games to play while watching.
You all took turns picking the anime, and then binged that pick for the rest of the night (unless you finished it). Teruteru’s picks were always Food Wars and Restaurant to Another World. Hifumi chose a wide variety, but it was mainly Demon Angel 🌟 Pretty Pudgy Princess, Good Luck Girl, Blend-S, and Ouran Highschool Host Club.
Teru would flirt constantly with both of you, get a nosebleed anytime there was fanservice, and would lean on your shoulder. Hifumi would cry at emotional scenes and hug the both of you. They’re both pretty touchy and flirty people already, so you fit right in.
Teru cannot handle if you flirt back he will pretend he’s fine but he can’t do it well. He becomes a blushing babbling mess.
Later on it was less of just chilling on the couch and more snuggling. None of you even addressed the change, it was just one day you were snuggled up to Hifumi while Teru laid on top of you guys.
You and Hifumi felt kinda bad for having Teru make the snacks all by himself (even though he’s the one who refused to let you get store bought stuff), so you ended up having either the day before your binge session or just earlier in that day to help in the kitchen.
Hifumi would burn himself on accident and you both immediately went “do you want me to kiss it better?” at the same time.
You guys finally start dating, they both adore you. Snuggles and reassuring kisses all the time, Hifumi has issues with his body image and Teru does too, but he puts up a confident act so people won’t pick on him.
“I knew you had two hands for a reason, S/O ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
Speaking of hands, odd headcanon but Hifumi’s hands are constantly sweaty and Teru’s are super soft but they’re covered in scars from cooking. They’re both really subconscious about it.
Anime nights are a lot more often now, sometimes you just end up staying at Hifumi’s dorm.
Teru has now taken all of Hifumi’s junk food by force. He feels a little bad, but he wants the best for his boyfriend. To make up for it, he teaches you both how to cook.
You couldn’t hide this relationship even if you wanted to. They will follow you like lost puppies. So you’re immediately thanked when everyone realizes that they’ve stopped flirting with them.
You help Teru drop his persona because you love him for who he really is. Now that he’s not pretending to be so confident he will hide behind you whenever Hiyoko or another bully shows up. He will also hide from Nagito but that’s just because he creeps him out.
Hifumi brags about the two of you and everyone’s like “okay but who cares.” He doesn’t even get upset that they don’t care, he just keeps talking about the two of you.
PDA all the time. Teru will sit in your lap if you let him. Holding hands, hugging, all that fine and dandy shit. Hifumi will see things that he thinks the two of you would like and buys them without hesitation, he gets super excited when he sees them and will grab you by the arm and drag you to them.
Whenever either of them overwork themselves you just drag them to the bed or couch and nap with them. You all snuggle up, it’s the only way to stop them.
They’re not jealous, really, they just worry about you leaving them. They don’t think they’re all that good looking and they feel like you deserve better.
People compliment you and they’re just like “damn right. That’s my partner right there. Aren’t they so perfect? Can’t believe we’re so lucky to have them.”
But if someone crosses your boundaries they will have a problem. Teru is a tiny ball of country fury and Hifumi has the power of god and anime on his side.
Gifts all the time! Hifumi will buy you guys merch and will even write you fanfic! Teruteru memorizes all of your favorite snacks and foods.
Hifumi sometimes asks you guys to model for him. Teruteru immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion.
“Teru, honey, put your clothes back on, it’s not that kind of modeling.”
There are so many drawings of you two, Hifumi draws you individually, together, or the three of you. He thinks you’re both so perfect.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Hewwo! I was wondering if you could do danganronpa 2 boys walking in on whats looks to be cheating but was not. I understand if you don't want to do this request. Tysm for your time.
Hewwo! I kinda ran out of ideas for scenarios haha--so I hope just Teru, Nagito, Gundham, and Hajime are okay!
He hears your laugh and peeks into your room, wondering what was up with you.
“Awh you’re too cute haha”, you say as you’re looking at your laptop.
But then he hears Gundham’s voice and...a part of him dies a little.
Were you...cheating on him? He didn’t want to jump to that conclusion so quick but...
Why? He promised you he’d tone down the lewd jokes, and he even made you anything you wanted to eat. Was it not enough?
He stares at you with teary eyes, clutching his neckerchief.
“No, I see..you wanna be with Gundham more. A-An’ if that’s the case then..then....YA SHOULDA JUST SAID SO!!!”
It only takes a moment for you to realize why he thought that, and you freaked tf out.
“Teru..oh my god that is NOT what’s happening! I was just telling Maga-Z how cute he was!! See?” You turn the laptop and, sure enough, the little hamster’s face was visible in the webcam. “I was only talking about him!! That’s it!”
Once Teruteru realizes this, he calms down a little, relieved he had the wrong idea.
But you see he’s still upset, and so you end the call before coaxing him to your bed, hugging him closely. “Sugar..what on earth would make you think I’d ever cheat on you?”
The way you said that nickname with such softness and worry is enough to make him start crying.
He feels so damn guilty for yelling at you over a misunderstanding.
“Oh..I see you two are having a fun time. I’ll be going now.”
You look over at your bf in a panic, shoving Mikan off before you spring up to chase after him.
“Nagito, you know how she tends to “trip”. I-It wasn’t what it looked li-”
“But wouldn’t she be a better partner? She might be a klutz, but she’s kind..and patient..and a healer. Unlike this worthless garbage who was just unlucky enough to see-”
Cutting off his pessimistic rant, you grab his hand, making him look back at you before you kiss him on the lips.
That shuts him up on the spot.
He just stares at you as you explain that you only loved him and would never cheat on him for any reason.
It’s hard for him to be convinced, but...eventually he forgives you and apologizes for misinterpreting the situation.
Cue Mikan coming over to apologize too and she “trips” onto Nagito instead.
It’s an awkward situation but you all just laugh it off.
‘What is this...stinging feeling of betrayal?’ 
That’s all he thinks as he sees Teruteru flirting with you and taking your hand, unaware of your uncomfortable expression.
But as you punt the perverted chef away, you turn back to see Gundham storming out.
Though one of his Dark Devas stays behind and crawls into your hand, squeaking in worry.
“What...?” *squeak, squeak*  “He thought Teruteru was....? Oh no..”
You’re quick to find your bf sitting alone in his room, sulking. 
“Don’t..take a step closer if you intend on shattering my heart...” He sounds so depressed. “For once I open it up to you..and now it seems I must seal it..”
You sit beside him and take his hand, explaining that you were only trying to get Teruteru away from you. His remarks and gestures made you disgusted.
Gundham was surprised, but relieved to realize you had no intentions of “cheating” (as he learned that’s what this ugly side of human relationships was called.
Then he hugs you close, which was shocking considering you usually initiated hugs first. 
“Forgive me, my dearest. Next time he tries to lure you away with such vile temptations..let me know and I shall smite him.”
When he sees you laughing with Kazuichi in the hotel lobby, Hajime can’t help but feel...hurt.
He was searching for you all morning--only to find you sitting there with the mechanic’s arm around your shoulder.
You see your bf turn around and leave, worried he got the wrong idea.
So you (quite aggressively) shove Kazuichi off and dash after Hajime-
Only to find him sitting by the pool, his pants rolled up as he stares at his reflection with sadness.
“Oh hey...I thought you were having fun with him,” he just huffs, trying not to get choked up as he looks away from you.
“I’m sorry. You had the wrong idea. Kaz and I are childhood friends and that’s just a habit of his...but I should’ve known better than to let him get that close.”
He says nothing, though he looks back at you when you take his hand.
You reassure him he’s the only one you love, despite knowing his lack of talent. He’s helped you feel like a normal highschooler and you’re forever grateful to have him in your life.
Finally...he smiles and brings you closer to hug you, feeling relieved he was wrong.
But also kinda embarrassed he got so worked up over a misunderstanding.
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter seventeen: Let me call Satori
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters?
TW: Swearing, suspected cheating, violence
An: Sorry this is late I had a busy mind yesterday and I just couldn’t focus long enough to write :(( 
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Third Person POV
Y/n arrived back at the new house from work. She walked around looking for the kitchen. Terushima was resting on the island. 
“Hey Yuji, have you seen Satori?” He turned to look at her and she noticed his black eye. “Holy shit what happened?” She rushed over to his side to get a better look at his eye. 
“I told Kyotani and Matsukawa about the mole, Matsukawa punched me and then left the house. Mad just left as well.” 
“Shit okay, let me call Satori.” Y/n said. 
She rang his number but there was no answer. She called again and the same thing happened. She sent him off a text. 
“It’s okay Y/n. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything witho-” His words were cut off by the door slamming open. 
Kyotani stomped into the room and slammed something down in front of Y/n and Terushima. He motioned for them to pick up what was there. Y/n moved slowly to grab the pages. She picked them up only for her jaw to drop as she looked back at Kyotani. 
“How did you.. How did you get these?” She asked. 
“Teru told us so I left right the fuck away and he was snaking around with that fucking cop Daichi.” 
“Holy shit.” Suna and Shirabu walked into the kitchen fresh from work.
“What’s going on in here?” Y/n past over the pages from Kyotani. 
“Did you show him the texts?” Suna asked. 
“What fucking texts?” Kyotani snapped. 
“We took his phone and downloaded it or something, I don’t know, it was Kenma who did all the  brain work.” Suna said. 
“I did what?” Kenma said, as he entered the kitchen. 
“You have more proof of Hanamaki.” Y/n said to him. 
“Ah yeah. I can pull it up.” Kenma walked away as Suna stood up. 
“Let’s go Mad.” Suna waved at him to follow. 
Matsukawa busted in the door suddenly. He stormed over to the kitchen and slammed a phone on the table. 
“Look at this fucking shit. I can’t fucking- I just can’t.” 
Y/n picked up his phone as she looked over the text messages and noticed right away it was Hanamaki and Sugawara’s conversation.
“How did you get Hanamaki’s phone?” 
“It doesn’t matter, sorry Yuuji.” He said as he looked away. 
Kyotani busted back into the room. He looked at Matsukawa and growled. 
“Hey Mad, sorry about earlier. I just-” 
“Save it. We need to fucking get Tendou here right now.” Kyotani snapped. 
“Y/n called and texted him a bunch has anyone heard from him at all?” Shirabu asked. They all shook their heads. “Let’s split up and look for him then.” 
“Kenma!” Y/n said as she ran from the room. She slid into his open door and yelled. “Kenma! Can you track Satori’s phone? No one can get a hold of him at all.” 
“Yeah give me a second.” He began to type out something on his keyboard. After a few seconds he looked up at Y/n. “His phone says he’s upstairs.” 
“What the fuck.” Y/n said as she ran from the room. She sped up the stairs and began calling his phone again. She opened the door to their shared room and noticed it lightning up on the bed. 
She walked over and hung up her call. Seeing a few missed text messages, she opened it to call Kohaku and Tendou's whereabouts. Unlocking his phone it opened immediately to a conversation with Haruhi. She read over the conversation as she could feel herself losing her cool. 
“Y/n, what happened?” Shirabu had entered the room behind her but she was more focused on the phone in her hand. 
“Satori he-” She swallowed hard, “He has another fiance.” 
“This can’t be real. The guy would cut his left arm off if you told him too.” Shirabu said, taking the phone from your hand. 
“I don’t want to jump to conclusions, I really don’t. For now I will just pretend I didn’t see this, find out who she is, then rip out all her pretty fucking finger nails one by one.” 
“I love the sadistic thoughts, but maybe you should go for more medevil torture methods instead.” 
Y/n turned around to see Terushima and Matsukawa in the doorway. 
“So are you two good or what?” She asked the two. 
“Yeah, I am just a dick.” Matsukawa said. 
“No one can blame you, you guys were friends forever.” Terushima said. Kyotani stepped into the room after the two had fully entered. Before anyone knew what was happening, Shirabu sped across the room and slammed Kyotani into the wall. 
“Who the fuck is Haruhi, and why is she engaged to Tendou?” 
“What the fuck! How would I know?” Kyotani spit in his face. Kyotani got out of Shirabu’s grip and stood back. “Tendou went to his mom’s for dinner the other night. Maybe they fucking met there. He fucked Y/n in the bathtub after so I don’t fucking know.” 
“We could have left out the part about my sex life but okay.” Y/n said awkwardly. 
“Tendou is so in love with Y/n so it makes no sense why he would go about a secret fiance.” Terushima said. 
“I need to find out who this girl is.” Y/n said as she pushed out the door past everyone. 
“Let me see the fucking phone.” Kyotani said to Shirabu. Shirabu passed over the phone. Kyotani read over a short bit before he pushed it into his hand again. “Guess doesn’t have a fucking haruhi. These are fake.” 
Outside the house, Y/n was in a tool shed in the back. She was looking between an assortment or garden tools looking for a decent tool to use against Haruhi when her phone buzzed. She slide it out of her pocket only to see a message that read 
Stay away from him, he’s mine.
Followed by the text was a picture of a girl with Tendou she has never seen before.
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justphilia · 4 years
I want to write a fic where 10 year old Reigen meets 11 year old Serizawa and they hang out because Reigen’s the only guy who doesn’t think Serizawa’s powers are weird.
In fact, he thinks they’re so cool, and it makes Serizawa really soft. So they play superheros in the playground and sometimes Serizawa would make Reigen fly.
“Do you have a lot of friends in your school, Reigen?”
Reigen looks up from the sand mountain he’s making and stares at Serizawa, a little nervous to answer because he doesn’t have a lot of friends in school. “Uhm. Yeah, totally. Tons. I’m really popular.”
“That makes sense, you’re so nice, who wouldn’t like you? I don’t have a lot of friends, you’re my first one,” Serizawa is making little people with sand using his powers and a bit of water from a bucket he filled. “I really like you.”
“Well, you’re my best friend, so I really like you too.”
Serizawa goes all soft again.
Then Serizawa has that powers accident that forces him to stay inside for a long time and Reigen wonders where he went, so he knocks on Serizawa’s front door but Serizawa’s mom is like, “Sorry, Katsuya doesn’t want to come out today.”
And Reigen tries again the next day and the next and the next until he just finally gives up. He tried everything from letters to flinging notes into his window, only for them to be flung back out.
So anyways, fast forward and Reigen moves away to Seasoning City for job and stuff and then world domination happens, yeah?
By then he sorta forgot about Serizawa, so he’s running up the stairs to reach Shigeo before it’s too late, and he barely acknowledges Serizawa as he runs past him.
But Serizawa does. He’s the kind of guy that clings onto things that are dear to him, and Reigen’s one of them, so when Reigen ran past him, he gets this instant flashback and he realizes who Reigen is.
And knowing what will happen if Serizawa doesn’t run after him, he follows Reigen up the stairs and hides in the shadows until the right moment to save him.
So after world domination, Serizawa wants to reconnect with Reigen but he has no idea if Reigen remembers him (in this case, he doesn’t) so he’s just standing there staring at Reigen until Reigen notices.
“Oh! Hey, thanks for saving me back there,” Reigen smiles, and it makes Serizawa soft. Serizawa thinks that, maybe, Reigen does remember him, until Reigen pulls out his god damn business card and goes, “Looks like you’ll be needing a new job. Here, maybe you can work for me when this is all over, I’ll go look for Mob now. See you!”
And Serizawa stands there, staring at Reigen as the man runs off with Ritsu and Teru to dig through the broccoli for Shigeo, and he thinks, “He really doesn’t remember me.”
Fast forward and Serizawa drops by the office and he gets that haircut from Reigen, right? And Reigen’s like, “Oh, how rude, I didn’t get your name!”
“Serizawa Katsuya,” he quickly introduces, hoping Reigen will recognize it.
Reigen pauses, but doesn’t say anything as he hums, “Well you probably already know mine.”
“So you remember me?”
“...You saved me, yes.”
“No I mean, from...nevermind.”
Actually, Reigen does remember Serizawa, just not fully because he only remembers bits and pieces and he doesn’t want to jump to conclusion.
So the whole time they’re trying to reconnect while also form a new bond, until finally Reigen remembers.
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Of course! Here you go, Anon.
To be clear, I personally have never been to Japan. But my dad has, and everything stated here is based on his opinion and my imagination so please if anything is wrong, please don’t be offended. Other than that, enjoy the hcs :D
(By the way, excuse the weird formatting. Tumblr on mobile be trippin’)
Warning! There are mentions of bullying below, so read at your own risk!
Teru w/ Foreign Reader
- Since Teru is the student council president, the headmaster would assign him to keep an eye on new students, especially if you cannot speak fluent Japanese.
- Let’s say you’re from America, because you wanted to experience how school life in Japan is like.
- This boy has full marks in English, so communicating shouldn’t be a problem
- At first, he was quite taken aback by your… openness.
- You didn’t really care (or know) that in Japan, people are more distant from each other than people in America.
- So often, you would jump up to hug him unexpectedly and scare the daylights out of him.
- It didn’t help that when others caught wind of this news, rumors spread like wildfire.
- You didn’t care. At all. When Teru confronted you about this piece of news, you shrugged it off, saying, “Why should I care what they say? Besides, it’s not even true. If they want to gossip, even if we do nothing, they’ll still talk.”
- Teru really wanted to drive home that that kind of thought process wouldn’t do in Japan but a part of him is impressed by your nonchalant attitude towards harmful rumors about you.
- He dropped the subject after that.
- However, he began to notice the increasing number of wounds on you.
- Teru decided that, as your friend and the student council president, he has to ensure your safety and mental health at Kamome.
- “(Name).”
- Teru approached you one day after school.
- Gently easing your sleeve up, he pointed at your bandaid covered arm
- “Is someone doing this?”
- You stared at him for a moment with an unreadable expression, then broke into laughter.
- “Nah, Minamoto, it’s all good!”
- Teru’s eyes narrowed. Ever since the start of your time here, you had always called him by his first name despite his exasperation. You had even said, “If you’re gonna be my guide, I might as well as get to know you better.”
- But he let it go. Knowing you, you wouldn’t spill the beans if you didn’t want him to know.
- The increase of wounds on your body remained a mystery, until one day, after staying late finishing some paperwork for student council, he got ready to head home.
- As Teru was nearing the shoe lockers, he heard loud thumps and angry voices
- Teru peeked around a row of lockers, spotting you on the ground with multiple girls surrounding you, kicking and threatening you.
- “Listen, America girl, Minamoto-san is not yours and never will be! He belongs to no one so you better stop hanging around him with that stupid smile on your ugly face.”
- “Yeah! And don’t even think of confessing to him, he’ll never like you. You’re loud and you don’t act like a girl at all!”
- “What? She wants to confess to Minamoto-sama? How dare you even think of that?!”
- Teru watched, anger burning under his skin as the last girl kicked your sides, causing you to whimper in pain and curl up into a pathetic ball on the ground.
- “That’s enough.”
- The three girls turned around to stare at him, their mouths dropping open.
- His voice was level, not at all loud but it carried a sense of barely contained anger.
- “Minamoto-san— I— We—”
- Teru pushed past them, glaring at the girls. “(Name) is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and if you don’t agree, you’re welcomed to fuck off.”
- On the ground, your eyes widened. Teru never, ever cursed. You had asked him once why he doesn’t.
- He told you how he had to be a role model for everyone around him, therefore, he shouldn’t be running his mouth, being a bad example.
- For Teru to curse, at girls no less, he must be extremely pissed off.
- “By the way,” his cold voice brought you back into the present. “She’s more qualified to be my girlfriend than any of you will ever be.”
- After that ordeal, you hesitantly confessed, revealing that your crush on him had been there since the very beginning.
- You two began dating, and no one dared to ever bad mouth or hurt you again.
- In conclusion, Teru is polite and proper, but if you push him over the edge by hurting someone he loves, he can and will destroy you, emotionally or physically
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I’m doing my entry about the third week super late, but here I am anyway. 
I randomized it based on novel 10, that’s what I got when I made the post, and got a 7.
Dun dun dun, I got the chapter when Conrart pushed Yuuri into the sea! xD I just read a couple of lines and I was like man what a chapter hahahah. This is the one with the big misunderstanding xD 
Novel 10 - Chapter 7 - Live commenting
Yuuri’s so calm when he’s in the water, but he was scared of the sea when he was on the ship just moments ago, it’s noticeable his connection with this element. Until Jozak tries to save him, almost ripping his arm off with a rope, and then he breathes and chokes with water, making him a mess when he’s back on the deck. He later admits he was scared to death, but still, it’s a nice mental picture of a really calm scene of him underwater when everything outside is a mess.
Here I found a small detail I didn’t remember. Yuuri first says the sea is super calm underwater and very dark, but at the moment when Jozak pulls him up he talks about two forces, the one upwards and a whirlpool. We all know that Conrart tried to push him to send him back to the other world, but I always had the impression it was not going to work anyways, but it seems it was working actually. If there was a whirlpool then it means the traveling was starting and Jozak interrupted it extracting Yuuri just at the right second. Even if Yuuri calls it “the force of nature” and never thinks about traveling between worlds, all the details are there to make conclusions. Yuuri’s really convinced he was safer at the deck of the ship, but I’ll give this one completely to Conrart, pretty nice idea to send him away from danger but it was the worst way of doing it. Even so, if he would say to Yuuri “go back, it’s safer” he wouldn’t listen, so I get where he comes from just pushing the kid and be done with it.
Jozak here says Yuuri’s usual handsome image is ruined because he’s throwing up water by the mouth and nose, and he complains he’s not handsome to begin with. I really like how casual is everyone in the other world about Yuuri being so good looking xD
Yuuri only jumps into conclusions about Conrart in his mind, but the moment he mentions he was alone with him when he fell Jozak goes berserk and threatens him with death. He’s surprised he ended in this position because we know Jozak knows Conrart since forever. But after reading all the info about these two, I can understand why he’s acting like this, they were close, but Cornart never let him be that close. Every time I’ve read a flashback about their friendship, there’s always a barrier between them set by Conrart. And he ends up acting like guilty of the charge of muder when he's only silently accepting he pushed him, but with no explanations there’s no other end for this than Yuuri thinking he tried to kill him.
Things are so emotional, aw. Yuuri remembers every time Conrart saved him in the past, and his final sacrifice when everyone thought he was dead. I know they’re in a mess of a situation, but with all that info if you do 2+2 you should suspect there’s something else going on. But Yuuri just rips the maseki from his neck and throws it to the floor for extra drama. I love this hahahah. And Saralegui enter smiling without a care in the world XD
Saralegui is asking for the maseki and Yuuri has the time to talk how good he looks fixing his hair hahahahaa. 
I just love soooo much how everyone tries to check about suspicious things given to Yuuri. In this case Jozak is all girly asking to see the pink ring Saralegui gives to Yuuri for the trade of jewels. There was also that other time Wolfram even smelled a cloak Saralegui gave him to check if something was off, but I don’t think Yuuri understood what Wolf was doing comparing it with this time when he totally gets Jozak acting. He’s learning or he was just distracted with teru teru Wolf xD
Yuuri is awesome in this chapter, he’s always careful about what he says and what not in front of Sara. When Jozak confronts Conrart again with the knife if he tries to get close, Yuuri has to middle like before, but he can’t say anything too personal. 
Interesting bit here, I’ll paste a quote:
“My arm hurts, if only Wolfram or Gisela were here now~”
“Can’t you heal it yourself? Young Master, isn’t your maryoku really strong?”
“I heard it was dangerous to use maryoku on human lands, and we’re approaching the country of the shinzoku no less! Murata and Wolf keep telling me again and again ‘don’t push yourself’, I’m sick and tired of hearing it.”
“Is that so~ Well, that’s inconvenient, huh~”
So, I understand from this that you can use healing maryoku on yourself. I think we discussed this in the blog, and I can’t remember anyone using majutsu to heal themselves so I always doubted if you could do it or now. I’ll update my headcanon and say, yes you can.
Aw the ending of this chapter is so sweet. Jozak is waiting to see if Yuuri will cry or not, and he’s following his excuse of the pain he feels in his arm and all, but they both know what hurts is not that T_T
It was an awesome chapter I got! I’m very happy I re-read this.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Observations about Tsukasa
Tsukasa really is a weird and controversial character and while I get this would happen with his status as a villain regardless of his actual personality, I still feel obligated to point out some things about him that people seem to overlook.
Tsukasa’s backstory is still almost a complete mystery but I would argue his personality is strong enough that one can have a fairly good idea of his character. The thing about Tsukasa is that while a lot about him is unclear, what is clear is that he’s very, very immature and childish.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in children’s behavior. So, if I make mistakes or inaccurate assumptions, forgive me. And of course because we live in a society, I have to bring up incest as a topic. Bah.
For some of these translations I’d like to credit @just-a-little-hanako-obsessed​ and @jibakukarasu​. 
So, let’s review.
Tsukasa, like a lot of children, is often motivated by the fact that he can, so he will.
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This in particular vaguely reminds me of Undertale, which has this very notable quote. It’s important to note that while this is directed to the player who can be of any age, the player character is a child.
no matter what, you'll just keep going. not out of any desire for good or evil... but just because you think you can. and because you can... you have to.
I’ve mentioned in a previous post that Tsukasa is someone who defies the idea of order. He, in his own words, believes that people and apparitions should do whatever they want.
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What a rebellious child!
Another thing about Tsukasa that shows his childishness is how he’s pretty literal-minded. He doesn’t pick up on implied meaning nor suggestions.
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He also shows a very simplistic way of thinking, one void of consideration towards social cues and what is or isn’t socially appropriate.
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Honestly, Tsukasa’s relationship with Sakura is pretty...different to the usual as well. Because Sakura is Nene’s foil, you’d think her relationship with Tsukasa would have hints of romantic tension in at least a similar way.
But while Tsukasa is similarly clingy as Hanako is, there’s zero tension in that regard. In fact...
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This approach more or less de-sexualizes Tsukasa, diminishing his potential as a lover/partner and instead literally putting him on the level of a domesticated pet, specifically a cat, which...while they can be trained, they’re still notoriously fickle and prone to doing as they please.
Not dissimilar to young children!
Fun fact: cats bond with humans in a way very similar to how babies bond with their guardians! It’s true! Here’s a video on the matter!
Although note that cats are also known for hunting for pleasure rather than necessity. Still not dissimilar to children, tbh, even the more normal ones because it’s not uncommon to be especially dickish to bugs when you’re younger. I know I in particular was prone to kicking over anthills. Like. All the time. I don’t anymore. Ants bite.
More on Tsukasa and...uh...sexuality??? I guess??? We should compare him to his brother in this regard... I... I guess.
Hanako’s definitely a pervert with a thick leg fetish. Like, it’s not up for debate. A lot of comedic relief involves his perverse tendencies.
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Let’s compare this to Tsukasa. First of all, as shown before, we already know that his response to this would be along the lines of “can’t you do all that already?” and would not understand why you...shouldn’t. Rather than dwelling on that, let’s look at this scene.
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Compared to Hanako, Tsukasa’s interest in sexual things is pretty...pure??? I guess??? While he is curious, he’s not really perverse. Even when admitting to flipping Sakura’s skirt, he does so in a way that screams childish. He doesn’t display the kind of excitement a guy with sexual interests would have, it’s just matter-of-fact and you could easily call it even innocent.
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He just wants to know about these things because he’s heard about them and the supposed significance of such gestures, not because he himself has any personal interest in them.
But speaking of Amane... Yeah, this is definitely the most controversial part of Tsukasa’s character. And while I’ve analyzed their relationship before, I’m not...really all for discussing the extent of weird shit going on between them, up to and especially the suggestive overtones because goddamn do I not want to be involved in The Discourse, but uNFORTUNATELY it’s relevant so I’m gonna have to bring it up.
How to do so in the least awkward way...
Okay so, Tsukasa’s fixation on his brother sure is a thing. There’s definitely an intent to make it uncomfortable on some level. Villainous incest is, unfortunately, a popular trope. One that I am not going to analyze here because I don’t want to. BUT, there are other tropes about inappropriate sibling relationships that are also pretty prevalent in Japanese media.
For one thing, the inappropriately attached sibling is often inappropriately attached due to immaturity.
“I want to marry my big brother!” isn’t an uncommon sentiment among “imoutos” and even Hanako-kun has a scene playing into it.
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(It’s not scanlated, sorry, but I swear to god the line “I’m gonna marry big bro when I get older” is somewhere in here.)
But yeah while some probably see Tsukasa’s attachment to his brother in a villainous light, I argue that there’s an intent to frame it as childish/immature as well, especially in their later interactions.
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Building on the mention that Tsukasa is pretty much lacking in any open sexual interest beyond the purely childish curiosity, I think we are supposed to view Tsukasa’s attachment to Hanako/Amane in a similar manner. That the reason why Tsukasa is so clingy with him is due to immaturity. While it’s still undoubtedly inappropriate, this framing and display of Tsukasa’s attachment as single-minded and immature can be viewed as ultimately innocuous the same way Tiara thinks she’d like to marry Teru in the future. The fact that Tsukasa isn’t possessive (as shown before) also makes me think we aren’t supposed to vilify him for his attachment. It’s really just the rest of Tsukasa’s personality that’s the problem.
Admittedly, the vague relationship history between the twins does make sweeping judgement difficult. So, like, things might change in the future. But this is the vibe I’m getting thus far and I do hope it’s not twisted for shock value later because I don’t think it’d be very good writing, lol.
But yeah, my point is that Tsukasa is really immature and childish. Really, really immature and childish. It comes across in every aspect of his character from his cruelty to his motivations to his attachments. While he’s still a villain, I do think we shouldn’t forget that he’s also...very much a child.
And that maybe this should be heavily considered before jumping to any conclusions.
At least, I think so.
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haiky-u-lously · 4 years
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (5)
A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader.
Action, Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Gore and fighting, mention of explosion
Word Count:
For Chapter: ~3500words              
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always.
–Admin Red
Chapter 5: Planning a Festival
“Well, that was an absolute trash can of a first impression.” Yamagata said a few moments after the guests had left the dining hall.
Kuroo sat in his seat and leaned his head back as he contemplated the new information he’d been given. ‘An offspring of the King of the Red Knight Order. I’d gone against the offspring of their King. Gods help me from here on out.’ His thoughts just kept circling back to the fact that he’d not only insulted them but that he’d insulted another royal. ‘But which one is the royal? The squire? That’d make sense because of how he spoke. But the squire hadn’t given any information until the Knight made a move. Maybe it’s the Knight, but then why did he listen to the orders of the squire? And going as far as to carry all the bags and his food. But then the squire carried the Knight’s plate.’ His thoughts confused him the harder he tried to come to a conclusion.
“What, in your ever stupid mind, were you thinking Atsumu?” Satori challenged the blonde twin.
Rolling his eyes before answering, Atsumu reached for an extra helping of food, showing his disinterest in being scolded or questioned. “Obviously, I was thinking I’d pull that Knight’s helmet off so we could see the face of the person that’s made such a fuss around Camelot.”
“If Futa hadn’t stopped you, things would have ended so much worse!” Daichi screamed at him, pushing up from his seat as he did so. “If you had really pulled off the Red Knight’s helmet, they would have left without a second thought. Didn’t you listen outside? Are you really that impatient about your own wants?”
“My own wants?” He restated. Sending a glare to Daichi, Atsumu answered his own question, “Like all of you weren’t wanting the same thing. Kuroo had already pushed them apart by changing our seating arrangement when we’d all returned.”
Osamu nodded in agreement with his brother, and added, “It is odd that they wouldn’t even let us see his face. Add that he refused to speak, it was an odd order that squire demanded of us. And, we’d had no idea where their confidence came from. Can’t really blame him, Daichi.”
“Actually, I agree with Daichi,” Iwaizumi noted. “Atsumu, you and Bokuto seemed to be trying to make headway with the Knight and we were all for it. Letting you do your own thing in hopes it would work was the general agreement between all of us.” Seeing that the twins were looking at him expectantly, Iwaizumi continued to explain his thoughts, “I don’t fully agree with Futakuchi revealing his powers so early, but the squire had just told us that they’d only reveal the Knight’s identity when, or rather if, they approved Kuroo’s rule. His actions were solid in upholding that part of the agreement. Sure, he’d also said not to try talking to the Knight without him but technically he was still in the room.” Iwaizumi sighed in defeat as he rubbed the spot between his eyes. Clearly annoyed about the entire situation. “Now, to find out that one of them is a royal of the Red Knight Order? It should make us even more grateful that Futa covered your lapse in judgment.”
Futakuchi coughed to draw their attention to himself, “Well, to be fair. They already knew about my powers.”
The shock carried across the room at the magician’s revelation. 
“What?!” Kuroo, Bokuto, Daichi, and Yamagata all screamed as they springed up from their seats.
Just nodding as a response, Futakuchi contemplated as to whether he should explain further or not.
“Well, isn’t that something?” Terushima called with a laugh, interrupting Futakuchi’s thoughts. “Presume that means one of them also holds some magic. That’s awesome! Now I really want to challenge them to a duel!”
Satori also joined in laughter, “True, maybe we could make it up to them.” Tapping his chin in thought, the red-haired knight beamed with excitement, “We should hold a tournament!!”
His overly-excited announcement pulled the tension from some of the knights in the room.
Terushima clapped in approval, “Yes! A tournament! We could use it as, what? Call it a proper welcome to our guests. And then, we’ll have a real chance to challenge them!”
“That could be exciting, I’ll admit.” Yamagata stated, scratching at the back of his neck, still a bit embarrassed at his outburst of surprise.
Aone, who’d been silent for the majority of the time since the Red Knights had entered the hall, nodded. “Could be used to make up for tonight’s mistakes.”
The twins looked to each other, silently discussing their ideas towards the idea of a tournament. They nodded to one another once, and Osamu smiled at the other knights. “Atsumu will be on his best behavior here on out. We’re in for a tournament against those guys.”
Kuroo glanced around, meeting eyes with each of the men around him. Realizing that every single one of them were dreaming up scenarios of a good and fun fighting game between each other and their guests, he just smiled to himself and released a breath of relief. He trusted these men with his life, always would, and if they felt the best course of action was a sort of festival, then what type of King would he be to refuse them.
“Very well! We’ll plan a tournament. Futa,” Kuroo called for his friend. “Which one noticed your powers? We’ll have to keep that in mind when setting the rules for this tournament should they not face you first.”
Futakuchi shook his head, “I know for a fact that the squire knew, But my assumption is that the Knight did as well.”
“It’s probably rude of us to keep referring to them as their positions and not their names, isn’t it?” Yamagata questioned, hearing Futakuchi’s answer to the King.
A few of the knights looked at each other in question.
“Maybe?” Atsumu half-answered, half-asked in response.
Bokuto, who had kept uncharacteristically quiet for most of the exchange, chose to speak out at this. “I think calling the squire has earned us calling him by his name, but I didn’t hear it from atop the stairs when we were outside. But that other guy, if he doesn’t want to reveal his identity then why should we call him by anything but the Red Knight? No. If he wants to stay in his role until they decide we are worthy enough, then that’s exactly how we should treat him.”
Kuroo really looked at his friend, and recognized that there was a real struggle going on in his mind. “Sure, Bokuto. That is a great assessment of the situation. So we should call Sugawara by his name and the other will be referred to in some way of relation to his job as a knight.”
The others nodded to indicate they’d follow the King’s words.
“So then,” Daichi commented, confirming his own thoughts, “We are going to hold a tournament?”
The more excitable knights shouted in positive affirmation. The quieter ones just nodded. Kuroo looked to Futakuchi, and they shared a smile.
“Looks to be,” Futakuchi answered.
‘It’s a blessing of the Gods that I have these men by my side.’ Kuroo thought to himself, looking over his friends as they held side conversations about the new decision. ‘Bokuto has something going on with him, maybe he should face Satori first. His teases could prove to pull that idiot out his own head before he hits one of his depressive states I guess. Futa could be paired against the squire, that’d be interesting to watch. Two magic wielders. That’s assuming Sugawara would not only agree to participate but would be willing to showcase his powers.’ Kuroo sighed at his thoughts but let them continue to work through a plan. ‘Teru is keyed up for a good fight, pinning him against Iwa would just make him more energetic. But I’d rather have the twins fight, that’s always a good show no matter who wins. But if Teru gets paired against Aone he’ll just complain about how there’s no chance for him to win. Iwa would probably want to face Daichi again, maybe he’s picked up a few new tricks since the last time they faced off. If Daichou decides to participate, then Daichi or Aone would be good choices to fight him. But who would I go against first?’ He kept thinking about all the individuals and how a good line-up would work.
“Kuroo?” Daichi repeated when the King had yet to answer his question.
“Earth to Kuroo!” Terushima yelled from across the table.
Still no answer.
Atsumu laughed to himself before calling after the king himself, “Your royal ass-ness! Hello!”
Bokuto rolled his eyes at the nickname but chuckled at how not even that caused the King to withdrawal from his thoughts. “Oi! Idiot King! Your knights are trying to talk to you!”
Futakuchi was surprised that not even Bokuto’s voice could break the King’s concentration.
“Hey, Kuroo?” Iwaizumi made an attempt while waving his hand in front of the King’s face.
Still no change in expression came, and the knights looked to Aone. Hoping his tone could pull the King from his trance.
“King Kuroo.” The bear of a knight spoke aloud, voice carrying the same seriousness it generally did.
But, the King still made no indication of hearing the knights.
“What could he possibly be thinking about so hard that none of us can break his train of thought?” Yamagata questioned, looking upon the King with a look of utter disbelief.
“Right? Since when does Kuroo actually think so hard that he becomes deaf to the space around him?” Osamu added.
Satori just rolled his eyes each knight to another, grin widening as the seconds ticked by, before he abruptly jumped from his seat and screamed at the top of his lungs in the King’s direction.
After calming themselves from the shock, the other knights looked to Kuroo to see if the sudden explosion of sound would hold any effect. To their continued disbelief, the King sat undisturbed.
“Well that was pointless then, Satori.” Semi chided his friend, before approaching the King. He placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down to meet Kuroo’s eyes. “Kuroo. It’s time for you to play King again.”
When even touch didn’t pull the King from his state, the knights began to feel nervous.
“Could a spell have been cast upon him?”
“What if the guests cursed him as retaliation?”
“But, he was normal just before.”
“Right, he was talking normally before we started talking about who would face who.”
As the knights openly discussed the situation around the man himself, the King freely pulled himself from his thoughts. He’d caught Atsumu’s comment that maybe Satori was right in assuming the magic wielder cursed him in retaliation. And, despite not knowing where the statement stemmed from, he found himself laughing out at the idea. Around his laughs, and missing the fact that everyone went silent as they stared him down, Kuroo asked after the blonde twin, “Do you really think the Order would curse me as a form of retaliation from tonight?” His laughter continued, and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm down before he finally realized the expressions on his friends’ faces. “What?” He asked incredulously, “Do I have something stuck to my face?”
“We’d been calling for you!” Iwaizumi informed Kuroo in exasperation.
Yamagata nodded and added, “You were so out of it not even Satori straight shouting pulled your attention.”
Kuroo’s eyes went wide as he looked to Saotri, “You screamed?”
Futakuchi laughed, “Kuroo, they all tried to get your attention! Even Aone called out to you and you just stayed silently staring off into space. What else were we supposed to think?”
“You’re very stupid aren’t you Futa?” Kuroo shook his head, a smile held on his features. “I was thinking through the tournament arrangements and trying to decide who’d be unlucky enough to face me first.”
“Wha--!” Futakuchi started, ready to argue with Kuroo about his intelligence levels, but was quickly cut off by the doors to the hall opening.
Lord Daishou stood at the entrance and presented a wicked grin that shut Futakuchi up in a split second. “A tournament? To welcome our guests I presume?” The King’s brother strutted to the seat he’d always taken up and smiled at Kuroo as he made a plate of food for himself as he continued to speak. “That sounds absolutely splendid. I do hope you’ll plan for me to join as well, Kuroo.”
“Of course you’ll participate, Daishou!” Kuroo confirmed happily, “What type of tournament would it be if the King and his brother didn’t participate?”
“Great, I just ask that I don’t face you first. I’d rather face one of your lessers.” Daichou insulted the knights offhandedly.
Though Kuroo only seemed to hear the part of his brother not wanting to face him first. Cackling as though he’d just heard the best joke in ages, Kuroo responded by saying, “If you are that afraid of me brother, perhaps I’ll let you face Futa to help give you a bit of a confidence boost.”
The knights around the table played at laughing along with their King’s comment. All of them knew about Futakuchi’s powers, but Daishou was only aware of a small portion of all the attendant could do. It was all because of Futakuchi’s mistrust of the Lord, but they were grateful that the King allowed the magician, for the most part, to choose who he shared his gifts with.
With the Lord having come into the room, many of the knights who also mistrusted the man felt an immense pressure to leave. But they knew their duty was to stay until the King determined the next course of action.
They looked to Futakuchi for direction, as he too would want to be elsewhere.
“Your Highness,” Futakuchi called in a more formal tone than he normally used with the King, “Should we continue the research from earlier or put up the works?”
Thinking for a moment before answering, Kuroo recalled how the guests laughed outside when they thought the Camelot knights were trying to sway their opinions. “We can be done with all that. Take some of the guys to help you clean up the room and return everything to where it belongs. Meet me in my chambers later to discuss possible line-ups.”
The attendant bowed in what would be considered a proper bow for a servant to his King, and the knights who’d been away from the castle too long to remember, recalled that the pair always acted so much more formally when Daishou was around.AS if they feared retaliation from the Lord should it be discovered that the King was in fact friends with his ‘lowly’ servant.
Without a word between them, Atsumu, Terushima, Semi, Daichi and Iwaizumi stood to leave with Futakuchi. Aone and Yamagata stayed behind because they were better at hiding their true feelings about the King’s brother. Osamu, Bokuto, and Satori, having their own reasons for not feeling pressured to leave, also stayed seated.
With Futakuchi leading, the six men left the mess hall.
“If Daishou participates, maybe we shouldn’t have you face the visiting sorcerer.” Iwaizumi commented once he was sure they were a far enough distance away from the dining room.
Daichi agreed and added his own thoughts of the matter, “Though it’s better that he joins so that we can keep a close eye on him.”
“Please, with Futa’s powers, we’d just need a good plan if we wanted to keep close eyes on that jerk of a Lord.” Terushima countered.
Atsumu rolled his eyes, and said plainly, “He’s already decided to join, nothing we can do but prevent him discovering just how much power you wield.”
Futakuchi thought about the knights’ comments before answering, “I’ll probably try to get Kuroo to match Daishou against the Red Knight first. Because either I am right that the Knight has powers also, and then two things would happen. Either a fight between magic wielders would be showcased, or Daishou would be struck with confusion at the Knight’s powers. Each is a desirable outcome. But, should my assumption be wrong about the Knight having powers, and he wins, then Daishou will be watching all the battles with fierce determination for the rest of the tournament.”
Camelot’s knights nodded as they listened to their sorcerer’s understanding of the possible situations.
“But, I still feel like that would be the best first pair up since he decided to join and Ushijimia and Asahi aren’t here.” Futakuchi concluded.
The others nodded, and the rest of their trip commenced in silence. Each male thinking about how Diashou’s presence could potentially ruin any chance they have at redeeming Camelot in the eyes of their visitors.
A knock on his door indicated to the King that Futakuchi had arrived. Without looking up from his desk, Kuroo called out for his friend to enter the room.
“Kuroo,” Futakuchi called upon entering.
“Futa, what do you think of this line-up? We’d have two face-offs at a time for the first round to make it go a bit quicker. Then on the second day we could have round two and three. With the last day holding the finals. We’d need some of the training knights to do some jousts in between fights on days 2 and 3 to keep it entertaining for the people, and to give some reprise to our guests. But I was thinking through the first pairings and I know some that I want for sure, but the others could be changed.” Kuroo explained in quick succession. “Take a look.”
The order was followed by the King holding out a piece of parchment, while he continued to read over a books in front of him.
Snatching the document from Kuroo, Futakuchi looked it over, thinking as he did so. ‘First would be the twins facing each other on one side, while Terushima would face Satori on the other. That would be a good fight to watch. And having both be high profile pairings would draw in and entice the crowd. Then would be Aone facing the Red Knight,’ humming to himself, Futa smiled at how a good match that could potentially be. ‘That would be alongside me fighting Semi. Gahhhh, why’d he pit me against Semi? Actually he probably doesn’t care who I face first. He probably put me here with the idea that if I beat my first opponent the second match would be thoroughly exciting.’ Rolling his eyes, he looked over the next groups, ‘Daishou versus Bokuto. Another good pairing. Alongside Iwaizumi and Daichi at that. So the third first round is another eye catching event, huh, Kuroo? Well at least Iwa will be happy about getting a chance to repay Diachi’s beat down from the last tournament. The last pair would be Yamagata against the squire, Sugawara. If Ushijima and Asahi were here I’d probably change a few of these around, but since they aren’t I guess this is the best line-up we’ll get.’
Looking up from the document, Futakuchi’s eyes locked with Kuroo’s who’d been waiting for him to finish thinking through the proposed groupings.
“Yea, it looks mostly good. I presume you’d face whoever won between Yamagata and Sugawara?” Futakuchi questioned while returning the parchment.
“That would be the plan.” Kuroo answered.
Nodding, Futakuchi moved about the room to stand by the window. Once looking out across Camelot’s grounds, the magician asked further, “Though they aren’t yet here. If Ushijima and Asahi were to arrive in time to join, I would still change some of the pairings. Have we actually determined that they are not coming?”
Kuroo sighed as he stood from the desk, “If they arrive we can rearrange the schedule, but we cannot plan for them to participate if they aren’t even here. Besides, it was your job to get them here if I recall correctly.”
The two men thought in silence, both trying to figure out how to bring about certain topics without pushing the other over the edge. Futakuchi wanted to ask Kuroo to send Daishou on a mission to get him away from the castle for the duration of the tournament so they could fully determine the strength of power from Sugawara. Kuroo wanted to ask Futakuchi about Bokuto’s seemingly growing issues but also wanted to ask him to try and get closer to their guests since they were brother’s in magics.
Neither ended up saying a thing to each other.
With the silence stretched for many minutes, Futakuchi was about to excuse himself. He’d turn away from the window to face Kuroo.
A sudden explosion sounded, quickly followed by two more. The men glanced at each other, Futakuchi picked up the King’s sword from its place against the wall and tossed it to Kuroo, who caught it with one hand and took off running towards where the sound came from.
Looking back out the window, Futkuchi saw smoke rising from the square inside the castle’s walls. A fire quickly spreading along the dry grass and hay.
“We’re under attack.” He whispered to himself before sprinting to catch up to Kuroo and tell of what he saw.
Table of contents:
Chapter 4                                                        Chapter 6
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trish-chan · 4 years
Hi Iove your blog a lot!! I wanted to ask your opinion on Amane/Hanako x Tsukasa as a couple? It seems to be extremely popular lately and even gaining some Nene haters. Wish you a nice week ♡
OMG hi anon-san! Thank you so much 🥺💕 That is so nice to hear since I am so inactive on this blog! I wish you a nice week as well!
Since this topic is controversial, I'm going to just leave it under the cut ^^
Okay so Amane/Hanako x Tsukasa. Setting aside the fact that this ship is incest, it makes it more weird since they're identical twins.
What's my opinion about this ship?
I think this ship would be really problematic. Being with Tsukasa would be unhealthy for Hanako. Remember when they met on the rooftop? The guiltーthe regretーthe self-hatred in Hanako's eyes when he saw his brother right in front of him. We're not even sure what their past was like. We don't have concrete proof that Tsukasa was indeed abusing Amane.
We had a picture of them right in front of the school but that was it. It's almost like Tsukasa never existed after that. Tsuchigomori didn't mention him when Amane gave him his moon rockーnor did Amane. To think he decided to not go anywhere, where was his brother at that time? Did he already kill him? Was that the reason why he ended his life so early? Because he couldn't handle the guilt of taking one's life?
That same guilt is also the reason why he's still staying in the near shore. It is also the reason why he didn't want Teru to exorcise him. Sure, destroying him would make him disappear but his guilt won't.
Hanako keeps saying that the God would forgive him if he does this and that but does he really believe his own words? Something I find really sad about Hanako is his self-hatred.
He does change how he reacts around Tsukasa but we know how secretive Hanako is. They seem to have a good relationship as brothers in the Picture Perfect arc but this fake world was supposed to be "perfect." We don't know how "real" this is.
I don't want to jump into conclusions about Tsukasa because we still don't have any backstory from him. And how he treats Amane while they were still alive is still a mystery. But I hope whoever reads this will understand my point.
I am NOT considering this ship. People might get the wrong idea and I don't want that to happen ;w;;
Also based on what I saw on Twitter, mostly Japanese artists are the ones who create art of this ship? And my friend told me that this ship is popular on Pixiv.
I get why the people who ship this *hate* on Nene. It's because she's the one always with Hanako. But I don't think hating on her is necessary.
That's all. I wasn't actually planning on answering this because I'm afraid of hate but I felt like... I had to share my feelings about this since it bugged me as well. I hope people wouldn't get the wrong idea :)
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