arsenickittycat · 1 year
i am so pathetic
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sixosix · 6 months
heyyy kittteeeennnnn~~
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(from thre very recent ch of thawed!!)
ilove u sm ausauASJHAKNJSA this is all i can do rn bc i am eepy and im planning to hibernate this christmas break to make up from my loss of sleep BUT!!
ok so u know how like cats eyes dilate when they see someone they like rght? and lyney is somewhat, if not fully, a cat right? yeah, i dont have to elaborate further<33
hres an extra
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he dfinitely cried fr
that lyney art is SO CUTTTEEEEEEE AAAAAHHHGGGGHHH HE LOOKS SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭 im cryring im on my knees spbbing. I want to put him under a hydraulic press.
THE DETAIL W CATS EYESS OHHH youre so good. You get it. you hit exactly where i was goinf and youre a genius for that. Ugh. THE WAY HIS FACE LOOKS SO FRAGILE im going to scream horrible words. he definitely looks like he’s about to cry and that was definitely what i wanted to portray in that scene
THE SWCOND IMAGE im cryint. Im saving that. LYNETTES FAC E 😭😭😭😭😭 HAHAHHS
i hope u sleep well!! we have the same plans so here’s to us making up for our fucked up sleep schedule ❤️❤️❤️ thank u sm for this consumable art. Im in love with your art so much its unhwalthy. I LOVE YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS
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jotunvali02 · 3 months
I watched "Hetalia Singing in the World again" and cried again.
The fact that it SCREAMS GerIta, that the HRE/Italy gets me everytime no matter the media (and the plushies are so CUTE!) and that Yūichirō Ōmi (Germany) genuinely sobs his heart out during the Christmas song at the end doesn't help either. 😭
That man KNOWS how to play overwhelming, painful but so welcome love. Or maybe, he was just so invested in his role he ended up actually falling in love with Italy right at that moment.
OMG, his face, his eyes when Italy tells him he makes grated cheese fall from the sky because it goes well with the pasta he gave him! It's like a Cupid arrow skewered his heart right at that instant! 💘
It's like both the actors were told "play your character as if you're in passionate and desperate love with each other".
Also I love the part when right after Italy relive memories with HRE and begs him not leave, Germany comes in.
And of course, both screams each other's name when one leaves the other.
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prussiasqueen · 27 days
Vent ahead 🔫 : nothing really has changed within the fandom, except there’s new people, new massive amounts of mlm pairing, a bunch of headcanons that everyone seems to fight over each other about on a tumblr and other places and one thing that has changed is how people perceived certain characters…
Germany in my eyes, is no longer HRE, HRE is the predecessor of Germany , HRE loved chibitalia who he thought was a girl. That is no longer though a existing concept it’s long gone, Germany in my eyes finds Italy to be that annoying friend that he deals with. And Italy in my eyes is a big flirt with men and women, but mostly women and in my canon, he’s actively looking for a wife. Germany… is an awkward ass demiromantic, and he too in my canon is looking for a wife, And if I want to self ship with Germany fucking my s/i’s big beautiful juicy ass, then he’s gone do it~ and I’m gonna draw about it, write about it because I love it and my bf loves it and yeah~ in my canon, he’s in a complicated thing with Malka (Israel Chan) and he also seems to be very attached to my s/i Bridget, which makes a very fucked up love V. … (but anyways, I’m shooting off to something here on my rant )
And if I say Prussia is fucking the hell out of my s/i’s fupa then he’s going to fucking town on that~ squeezing tits, making me scream his name, whatever the case! Nom nom nom it’s all mine and what I love to portray (can’t wait to do cosplay with my bf of it, that’s even better, hue hue hue hue)
I ain’t even gonna sit here and let y’all tell me they are with so and so-
It goes both ways in this, people get just as possessive and crazy about fujoshi/mlm ships as they attack the self ship community REGARDLESS of the ship is platonic, queer platonic, queer romantic, heterosexual romantic, it doesn’t matter of any of it! Whether s/i is male, female, non-binary, etc. there’s always a small war between the self shipping and the “canon obsessed” fans.
Look, I been attacked by gerita fans in the past and even now, and I’m not gonna sit here let the abundance of gerita porn/fanfiction deter me of how I see Germany. it ain’t canon in my eyes, and never will be. That’s how I feel on it. As anyone should portray how they want to of a character. But if you ask me to go ahead and accept it, fuck you I’m not.
Don’t like my self shipping? Then block me, the end. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I been secretly self shipping with Germany since I was 17 years old, I saw his face and that’s when I knew I fell in love… and guess what.. I’m a fucking female imagine thaaaaat! And one with big tits and big butt at that and doesn’t define as any other orientation or gender other than Bisexual, demiromantic , OH NO A FEMME LOVES Ludwig GASSSPPP 😱/s
People can love Germany as whoever the hell they want to, he can love whoever the fuck he wants to because he’s a fucking fictional character, same for Gilbert and Elizabeta.
My canon in my universe and in my perception is what my german bf who kins with both things, he and I do what we do in the fandom and it’s in our own little corner, if you choose to be interested in how I portray my f/os, cool… if not then, don’t bother.
I’m tired of being fucking nice, people brought the bitch out of me.
I will do whatever the fuck I wanna do with Ludwig and Gilbert and Elizabeta.
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nie7027 · 8 months
So because I'm in the mood for spooky stuff I'm once again here posting an idea for a supernatural fic but this time I'm making it Hetalia (YAY LETS GO BACK TO THE ROOTS)
I came up with this like months ago (in June) when I was barely getting back into hetalia(because of PRIDE) but left it there until I realized Hey this is perfect for the season and also who I am kidding this research paper isnt getting written anytim- ANYWAY HERES MY FIC IDEA JUST AS I TOLD IT TO MY BESTFRIEND!
For reasons Italy and Germany (it's important that Japan isn't with them) are playing with sobrenatural stuff and Veneziano ends up accidentally breaking something that triggers some kind of guilt curse and becomes haunted by the ghost of HRE seeing him sneaking around and of course freaking the hell out.
It's most probably Japan's old stuff they are fucking around so it makes sense its magic/spiritual and that they want to keep it a secret. (Also guilt onis are very in tone with japanese mythology).
Italy being Italy doesn't talk with anybody about it (HE WONT DARE TOUCH THAT THEME) and just gets scared outta nowhere and whimpers and cries and is miserable to the point he isolates himself in his house.
Nobody knows what's up with him.
Nobody except Germany.
Germany of course gets worried and suspects it has something to do with they thing they did as it was then when everything started but he's not surewjy or how so he tries to reach out and eventually goes to Italy's house to drag him out himself...except...
Except when he gets there he sees a child.
And not just any child. Lol nop
He sees a child version of himself.
Germany is rightly confused.
What is a child version of himself doing there???
He tries to chase the boy but he is unable to catch him and also Italy still doesn't answer to him so he decides to keep coming both to try to talk with Italy and to figure out what's up with the kid.
And finally on one of those days he goes he hears an interesting conversation...
Roderich (Austria) and Erzebeta(Hungary) being the closest thing Italy has to guardians strong arm their way into his room (obviously Hungary is the one who does most of the work) and force him to talk to them so Italy reveals he has been seeing HREs ghost
Hungary and Austria are like 'BUT THATS IMPOSSIBLE ITALY! YOU KNOW HES..." and yeah he knows he's dead. He knows France himself killed him (Austria and Hungary looking super uncomfortable during the whole conversation) but he's there, following him and everytime Italy sees him his heart constricts and he can't bear to look at him.
Austria and Hungary get outta there believing Italy's is having some kind of late response to repressed trauma. That he's having hallucinations.
And it makes sense!
Of course they know the boy has been developing feelings for the German and they also know how much he loved HRE... It can't be easy to fall in love again after going throught something like that
Of course Italy would try to find out, of course he would do his research... canonically-sh it was France who told him but italy also has his own historians and he looked into it until he couldn't anymore and FUCK THEY CANT BELIEVE THEY REALLY FELL FOR ITALYS CHEERY FACADE AND HAPPILY LET HIM DEAL WITH THAT ON HIS OWN.
No wonder Italy is having issues...
Especially when taken into account that Germany...
..they never were sure... and-
HRE IS DEAD. HE WASNT THERE TO HELP HIM AND THATS ALL THERES TO IT -Roderich argues, practically screams, the guilt still gnawing him in his insides
All they can do is help Italy go through his issues now.
Germany of course only hears the last part of Italy's conversation with Hungary and Austria before he has to hide so he only learns that yes its the kid, his child self, the one that's causing Italy to suffer so much and
He knows
(Kinda? )
He knows he had a troubled childhood but he really wasn't expecting just the sight of him could cause Italy so much grief...
In fact... why is his child self even haunting Italy in the first place? Shouldnt he be haunting himself?
Germany tries to confront the child, he chases and chases the child and it's not until he corners him and orders the child to get away from Italy that he gets a reaction
"ITALY IS HIS!" The child screams with all his might
"He won't ever leave Italy!" and "Who does he believes he is to try to separate him from Italy?!" are some of the things the child keeps screaming
And boy Germany might not remember much of his childhood but he's pretty sure Prussia had never told him he was such a brat
But at least this brings a little more of light on the issue.
Germany isn't dumb, he knows himself.
He's aware of his... complicated feelings towards the italian. The memories of a failed valentine date coming to haunt him...
He also knows he can be a little too selfish and ambitious.
A war mongering state fully capable of starting wars just to get what he believes is his.
A fact he isn't proud of himself
Fully capable of hurting others.
A fact that causes him a lot of guilt to this day.
So, he concludes, his child self somehow became aware of his own feelings for the Italian, latched onto them and is doing what he knows best.
Chasing after the Italian. Unwavering, unstoppable. Hurting him in the meantime
But what's he's supposed to do now?
The child won't leave Italy's side.
He doesn't know how to get rid of him.
He could try distancing himself from Italy.. see if the child somehow also senses this and gets away from the italian... but he isn't sure.
But he can't think on any other option
Now Germany believes he's the one being haunted and that Italy's suffering because of him.
In the meantime Japan as all the other countries is confused as to what the heck is happening.
Suddenly his friends started acting strange with Italy locking himself in his house and Germany looking more and more stressed every day
Of course he found the broken vase in his house, the one talking about a guilt oni.
But canonically Japan doesn't remember magic was an actual everyday thing in the ancient times.
To him is just another of his many relics.
The only thing that made special this case was how well preserved it was despite it being really old, back from his young days he barely remembers
From when he was still under china's care.
But Japan doesn't have any other clue.
All he knows is his friends started acting strange after they visited his house and that the vase is somehow related so he has no choice but suck it up and go ask China.
China whos ancient and remembers everything, even the times when magic was real, immeditaely recognizes the vase and goes OH NO.
"So... Who did you say was closest to the vase when it broke?" China nervously asks.
"I don't know. I wasn't there when it broke" Japan calmly responds, unsure why that would be important. "It could be either Germany or Italy. They both were there."
China who knows he's is in front the remnants of the broken guilt oni container yelps: "Germany?! FUUUUUUUCK"
China also isn't very willing to talk about what's happening with Japan.
Talking about the jar would mean talking about magic with Japan, and THAT would mean talking about old times they both would rather ignore ever happened.
China knows this is also part of the guilt oni doing but fuuuuck he really doesn't want to talk about this.
And because the guilt oni/curse spreads like an illness, infecting everybody that's gets close with guilt and feeding from it, growing and growing until there's no more...
There's another player in this.
Prussia who doesn't regret what he did.
Prussia, who, if he were put under the same circumstances would do it again and again. 1000 times over if it was necessary.
Prussia whose only regret is knowing it would break his little brothers heart (and maybe even more) to learn the truth
Prussia who one day comes home to find his little brother clearly trying to hide how much he's freaking out and after hours and hours of pushing and poking finally manages to get him to spill the truth
And when Prussia hears from his brothers lips that Italy is being haunted by his child self he's running out the house as if being chased by the demon himself screaming about ghosts and how super scary that is.
And don't be mistaken.
Prussia isn't a bad brother.
He's an awesome brother who will support his brother in his time of need but first....
This is too risky.
As much as he loathes the idea of poor little ita chan suffering he loathes more the idea of what could happen to his brother...
No way I'm hell he was going to take that chance.
He would rather never see Italy again than to lose his brother.
If he couldn't do anything back then when he was powerful much less now than he is barely more than a mere mortal/a shadow of his former self.
And here Gilbert/Prussia is exaggerating.
As much as it would break Germany to know he wouldn't disappear, he's too solid of a state for that...
But Prussia was there.
Prussia saw the last days of HRE. He watched him agonize and no way in hell he's going throught that again.
No way in hell he's abandoning his brother. (No way in hell My boy doesn't have trauma over this)
No, Prussia will deal with this on his own.
He will fix it, just like he has done before.
He will fix it before anything happens and he will be there for his brother once all this is over.
But first he needs information
So, knowing Erzebeta and Roderich had been able to speak to ita chan, he goes and sneaks in Austria's house and has his worst fears confirmed when he hears ita chan has been hallucinating with HREs ghost.
Except now he's the only one who knows that that isn't an hallucination and that both Italy and Germany can see him.
And if Hungary catches him sneaking around and demands to know what he's doing there he will only say that that he was there to execute a surprise attack on the uptight austrian.
And Hungary tries to bring up the card of long formed warrior bonds to get him to talk about that , that that shall not be talked about and he would divert the theme and laugh to her face
Because this is something he is planning to take to his grave.
And that's what I got so far.
*it's my head canon that HREs death became something of a taboo topic in the house. Everybody knew but nobody dared to speak about it. Hungary and Austria never found the way to sit down with Italy and talk with him and Italy while he was still in Roderich's house never asked them not wanting to hear it coming from their mouths, preferring to be in negation and pretend he's still waiting for him to come back even though he knew it wasnt going to happen
Eventually the truth will have to come if they want to get rid of HREs ghost but aint no way in hell Prussia will reveal it so Italy and Germany (and others) have no choice but to face the demons of their past and discover it themselves
The whole every country has a deep seated guilt and the guilt curse will spread like an infectious illness was a nice surprise for myself.
They way it touches on everyone ...
Italy and Germany dealing with the ghost (the lover Italy lost, the reminder that Germany really know who he is and what he is capable), Austria and Hungary's not being able to save HRE nor help Italy. Japan and China having to deal with their broken relationship...
God just thinking about Prussia also facing HREs ghost, the failure to save him, to what could happen to Germany if the truth comes out... the ANGST IS SO GOOD in this one.
Even France and Romano (and therefore Spain) could enter into the game with Romano feeling guilty with not knowing how to help Italy despite being his brother and heck even the potato dumbas seemed to know more about what was going on with his brother, as always romano being the last to know his own brother... and Spain is just there watching romano suffer knowing he's partly responsable for the distance between the Italy brothers and once Hungary and Austria learn it was France who told Italy about HREs fate they will eat him alive.
Except France won't stand for that.
1 it was centuries ago when France told Italy that! It's not his fault what's happening to Italy now and 2 Italy deserved to know! He loved him! They loved each other! He wasn't going to stand there and keep quiet for centuries just like Austria and Hungary did.
He wouldn't stand for such disservice to love .
And Frances is obviously being dragged down by the guilt of causing HREs death. France might be Prussia's best friend but i highly doubt Prussia would let him know what really happened with HRE considering the circumstances... Then again even if it hadn't been Frances fault it really is the thing Prussia is the most secretive about.
He himself could have told France that HRE died. Specially because if HRE was super weak and had too many enemies that wanted him dead it would be convenient for him to spread the rumor of his death and who better than France, who both had struck the fatal blow and was connected to every part of the world and had such a stronghold on knowledge after his revolution, to do it.
Once the truth comes out i really need a scene of Germany approaching Prussia and asking him to tell him how was he before... when he was... How was he back then?
And Prussia who has never talked about this with anyone.
Prussia who for centuries kept all that happened to himself.
A burden to never share.
Who even now that the truth is out still doesn't want to talk about it relents.
Because it's his brother who asked. And he will always do whatever Germany asks him
"Truth be told he isn't that different now from how he used to be" he says his heart breaking a little when he sees the brief glimpse of desolation crossing Germany's features.
"He isn't that different but he enough for it to matter. To be another person" Prussia ammends quickly. No way he isnt aware of Germanys identity crisis.
"He has always been serious. Too dutiful for his own good. But... he wasnt as guarded as he is now. It was easier to know what he was feeling.... Even the foot soldiers knew about his crush on little Italy" Prussia says snarking while recalling the last part
And yeah that.
Germany is really surprised to know it turns out he has loved italy his whole life... Then again if he thinks about it it isn't really that surprising. It makes sense
It makes sense even if he's now avoiding the Italian as much as he can since the truth got spilled.
Germany can't help it. He doesn't think he would be able to tolerate it if he sees disappointment in the italian eyes, yearning for a person who doesn't exist anymore.
"Try as he might he wore his heart on his sleeve... And that was part of the reason for his downfall." Prussia keeps saying, wondering not for the first time if Germany had unconciously developed the way he had as a defense mechanism. "More feisty, easily flustered."
"Unlike Germany who was a well behaved boy, HRE wouldn't listen to Prussia... Not in the sense that he would ignore him/dismiss whatever he said but rather than unlike Germany who did whatever Prussia asked him to do without question HRE would have to ponder it. HRE would have to consider all the options and act according to what he deemed best....He had to. He was the head of the empire. He was in charge of all of them... Highly capable and yet so weak. A fragile constitution" Prussia says with finality.
They were nearing on hard topics he really REALLY didn't want to talk about. The brief talk already taken it's toll on him and as much as he owe it to Germany he had already pushed himself too far in one day.
Germany understood it. They had time.
Despite Prussia's worst fears that have been proven wrong... they had time after all.
A huge relief washin over prussias entire being, the relief of putting down a burden he had carried for so long.
They could keep talking about it later
And here the mic drops.
So... how do you like it?
It's good to be back 😎
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apersonwholikeslotus · 8 months
Can I hear more about your OC's? Doesn't matter who, it can be any
okokokokok so this is going to be SO disorginized but i'm gonna talk about my hre oc bc the only canon character i truly hate is hre i want to punt the child
her human name is Adelheid Dietrich but she regularly just goes by Heidi. Her first name means Nobility, and her last name means Ruler of the people; very fitting name for how much power she held in Europe for so long.
Her parents are Gaul and Germania, she very notably was never very close with her mother, and very close with her father until the the last few years of his life. (The Saxon wars, and Heimeric's own refusal to convert contributed to the deterioration in their relationship but that deserves it's own post) I don't have her exact year of birth pinned down yet, but sibling wise she is between Austria and Switzerland. Roderich being a few years older, and Aldrich being a few years younger. Heidi is only 1 of 2 girls in the family and was fiercely protective of Belgium, even as adults, if anything happened to Bel she would regularly blame herself for 'letting' it happen. She had decently rocky relationships with most of her siblings, but would get in screaming matches with Denmark over the most insignificant things. Reasonably bitter because she did end up substitute mom for about half her younger siblings, specifically Netherlands, Belgium & England. And she should not have had to do that. Eldest Daughter Syndrome(TM) personified. Would get into an argument with Dan, Nor, and Swe not long after their father died that would consist of "Everything i've done to keep our family together and this is how you thank me? 'No'? Just because you don't want to? Do you know all i've given up? I didn't get a childhood. But it's fine. Do what you want." v much a The things she said weren't right, but the emotions she was having were definitely there.
She was terrified of death. Just from the moment she gained consciousness she couldn't think of anything worse then running out of time. And tbh that's probably what drew her to Christianity, and kept her there, the idea that death wouldn't be the end, and it would be a happy after. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life" She's sold before the missionary can say anything else. That didn't stop her from being independent to a fault, which is where Lutheranism came into play; she was tired of being under Vatican's thumb (for lack of better term) so the moment the Reformation came around she was on board with that too. But all of that isn't to say she didn't have a complicated relationship with religion especially after a relationship--that i'll get to in a minute--constantly held it over her head as the whole reasoning for why she shouldn't do certain things; and it always worked because nothing scared her more than the idea that doing something would send her to Hell.
Anyway on romantic relationships; she was super queer. Would probably identify as bisexual in the year of our Lord 2023. She only ever had 2 notably relationships with other personifications; the first was with Czechia. It was very secretive, they were young, and dumb, and swore they would love no one but each other. (I actually wrote a little thing about them here). It somewhat obviously did not work out, because Heidi was scared of someone finding out about them, and after almost a century of being together she thought someone was getting to close to figuring it out; Adéla tried to insist it would be fine. Heidi panicked came up with a plan, and got Adéla to agree to it without telling her what it was. Within a couple months not a single person thought Adéla and Heidi were together... no they were too busy talking about how Clemens (Vatican) had supposedly broken his chastity vow and 'you'll never believe who for.' That was the end of her relationship with Czechia; it wasn't supposed to be. But it was.
Her second one was also a 'secret' but everyone knew about it. (so side note on my Vatican oc; remember he was born to represent West Rome and his land claim diminished as his children came along. Until eventually he picked up the title of the papal states then Vatican/Holy See). They met long before their 'romantic' relationship started, when Germania brought his at the time only daughter along to Rome and Vatican decided he just had to have her, and the sons of Rome usually get what they want. When they were very young they had a psuedo-relationship that really just happened because it was the first time they thought someone was cute and the other person thought the same. When she slept with him to cover her and Adéla's tracks, it was calculated. She had to have proof, and she had to have one or two people who she knew would talk have an inkling that it happened so rumors would start. What she didn't count on was him still having some of those feelings from hundreds of years earlier, she assumed he'd moved on completely. His children had to have come from somewhere. But now that Czechia didn't want anything to do with her she thought 'fuck it' and went along with a relationship that she didn't really want, but by now wasn't going to refuse either. And they would just stay that way, off and on, usually just sleeping with each other not much actual substance, but not so little that either would leave. They were just Stuck.
Jumping forward a bit to her death, she and Germany had a little less than a month overlap. He was born July 12th, 1806; and she died August 6th, 1806. She was already very sick when he was born, but asked to see him every day without fail. Austria told her eventually that he was sending Germany to live with Prussia, deemed he would be safer anywhere but Vienna. She argued with him over that, for a long time; insisted she wouldn't trust Brandenburg or Prussia to rear a child if they were some of the last people on earth. Austria got fed up, told her Germany was his son and he would do whatever he wanted with him. She argued back Germany was her heir, and she believed her heir should be raised in Vienna, not Königsburg, not Berlin, not Potsdam, Vienna. The argument stood until her death two weeks later, Austria to this day wishes he hadn't told her.
Everyone in the house knew about Heidi's fear, there wasn't a single person in Europe that didn't know about it. They all waited for something to register, for it to kick in that she more than likely wouldn't be making it another month, much less another year. But it never did, August 1st she got better, and for a solid two days she was even out of bed; it was during this Austria and Prussia caught her giving Germany a little speech.
"Now, you'll be taking over my job. I'm not promising it's an easy one because it isn't. The ones under you are insane, every last one, constantly fighting and they're changing all the time; every time you turn around someone new will have shown up, or someone else will have disappeared. I hope not too many disappear on you, but eventually you get used to it, and not in a sad way, in a "maybe they're off living their own life without the responsibility of thousands of peoples lives now". Unfortunately the annoying ones stick around the longest, your father is one, your uncle Gilbert is another. Saxony, Bavaria, Hesse, Brandenburg etc.. you'll have to get used to them, I don't think they're going anywhere. I know your parents are worried for you right now, but I'm sure it's completely unfounded and they're just dramatic. You'll be just fine... I wish I could stay to watch you grow up, i'm sure you'll be in charge of this whole continent eventually. You have to promise you'll make your family talk about me, don't let them be too sad about it, I want to be known as the interesting aunt not the one who died when you were a baby. Can you promise me that Ludwig?"
after those two days she got bad again though, worse than she was initially, and three days later she passed away. The moment they were waiting for never came, she didn't seem scared about the end; she put in her will someone has to make sure whoever killed her knew that she wasn't scared.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Ludwig Childhood Headcanons
I don’t think I’ve posted these headcanons outside of Discord and now seems like a fine time. I’m going to write a fic about this one day, but I keep getting distracted by event weeks. I also have prompts in my inbox, but I may put out fics I want to write first because I got a lot of outlines. Anyway...sorry for rambling. 
TW: Mentions of being buried alive (or more like he comes to having been buried since everyone thought HRE was dead dead)
In case you’re new to my blog, I like to think Ludwig was born into HRE’s body, but he’s his own person...like the best way to describe it is like he’s a separate soul/ internally he’s a different person from HRE
So...with that in mind...Ludwig comes to in HRE’s grave...underground...And he just understandably freaks. He’s screaming, clawing at the coffin lid. Due to this event, Ludwig grows up with sever claustrophobia (though its been getting better in recent years). 
Luckily Gilbert has been coming by on the regular to check the grave. He hears Ludwig screaming underground. He immediately jumps into action and begins digging up the grave. He throws open the coffin and sees what he thinks is HRE alive. Without thinking he just pulls the boy into his arms. 
Ludwig, with no memory of the body’s past life and hating the idea of being touched screams again and tries to get free. Gilbert realizes that this is not his former brother and lets Ludwig go. 
Gilbert backs up to give the kid space and try to figure out what to do next. He sits himself on the ground, hoping that if he makes himself smaller like that. When he still sees Ludwig is breathing raggedly he leads him through some deep breaths which helps
With the kid calmed down, Gil says: “You’re not the Holy Roman Empire...” Ludwig shakes his head. And in the moment, a name comes to Gilbert’s mind: “You’re Germany.” To which Ludwig nods.
 With that cleared up, one question remains...Why is this kid using HRE’s body? But Gil decides to drop it and focus on getting Ludwig to trust him so they could go home
He ends up using the teddy bear he was going to lay at HRE’s grave to get Ludwig to trust him. He uses a silly voice and has the bear introduce itself. Ludwig loves it and immediately grows attached to the stuffy.
Ludwig was mute as a child. Many people around him judged him for it, but Gilbert decided to let him take his time to start speaking (though he would try to prompt it through having conversations with Ludwig). 
To this day, under extremely stressful circumstances, Ludwig will find himself unable to speak until he’s calmed down. 
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kalu-luwa · 2 years
some self-indulgent incorrect quotes because i’m sad:
featuring @sammo-writes-whatever​‘s lovely oc yumeko amane
cw: lotsa swearing, talks of death, general twst slander, spoilers for chapter 6, ooc but do i care? nah not really
(under the cut for dash length)
Neph, hugging Yume: I've only had Yume-chan for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in Twisted Wonderland and then myself.
Neph: *addressing people* fuck you
Neph: fuck you
Neph: fuck you
Neph: *addressing Yume* you're cool :D
Neph: *addressing Crowley* and fuck you, i'm out
Anyone: I may or may not have made Yumeko uncomfortable. How long until Nephtali and kills me?
Grim: ten
Anyone: Ten? Ten what?
Grim: nine
Yume and Neph: *holding hands and swinging their arms, laughing and softly talking while strolling, general sweet sibling relationship*
Ace and Deuce: *slinging either of them over the other's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, both of them screaming and sprinting past them*
(alternatively: Jade and Floyd? Riddle and Floyd, Rook and any of the beastmen...)
Yume: Oh no, a cute girl! I can’t talk to her like this!
Yume: Oh, she's going. 
Yume: Oh no! Another cute girl!
Neph: Stop looking in every mirror you see, I don’t want you to have a mental breakdown.
Yume: I have HRE. Hopeless Romantic Energy.
Neph: Holy Roman Empire.
Grim: Hambu Rg Er
Yume: As fellow first years and good friends, we always finish each other's-
Adeuce: -homework
Neph: what the fuck
Adeuce, crying: *slides over sheets of paper* please help
Ace: How does it feel to have the shittiest dorm ever?
Neph: shut up your mother buys you mega bloks instead of legos
Ace, unlocking his Unique Magic: YOU FUCKING TAKE THAT BACK
Rook: j’owo
Rook: tu owos
Rook: il/elle/on owos
Rook: nous owoins
Rook: vous owoez
Rook: ils/elles owoent
Neph: did you just conjugate owo in french
Rook: owoui
Neph: with all these e-girls and e-boys
Neph: i just want to be e-nough
Neph: i'm not normally a violent person
Neph, gesturing to TWST Chapter 6: but this makes me wanna go smack some people around
Yume: please don't
Neph: Grim, you ate too many blot crystals and blacked out. I'll ask you a few questions while Yume-chan does first aid.
Grim: *incomprehensible noise of affirmation*
Neph: What's your favourite colour?
Grim, with the confidence of a thousand suns: tuna
Yume: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Floyd will and won't eat.
Neph: Grass? Yeah.
Yume: Moss? Yeah!
Neph: Leaves? Oh, yeah.
Yume: Shoelaces? Strange, but true!
Neph: Worms? Sometimes...
Yume: Rocks? Usually, no.
Neph: Twigs? Usually.
Yume: Lilia or Jade's cooking? Inconclusive!
Deuce: How... did you test this???
Yume: You just hand him stuff and say 'eat this' and if he eats it, he eats it.
Deuce: I don't know how to feel about this...
Neph: i lived bitch
Overblotters: Wha- you can't be here- you're dead!- I literally saw you die??-
Neph: death is a social construct
Deuce: Neph isn't answering the phone.
Yume: I'll try!
Ace: Deuce and I have tried 6 times each, what makes you think-
Neph: hello???
Azul: It’s a white flag and you may as well start waving it-
The Leech Twins:
Everyone else:
Azul, slightly terrified: Holy shit.
Neph: I like to think I have a sharp memory. Try naming something I forgot.
Ace: your birthday You left me in a parking lot 3 weeks ago.
Neph: that was on purpose try again
Neph and Epel, struggling to stand in 1-inch heels: yeah heels aren't for us
Vil, flawlessly walking in 6-inch stilettos: W E A K
Yume, staring off dramatically into the sunset:
Neph: Yume-chan, are you alright? What’s wrong?
Yume: If you stack two pizzas on top of each other, it’s two pizzas.
Yume, frowning: But if you stack two lasagnas, it’s still one lasagna.
Anyone: If I say 'I love you', will you say it back?
Yume/Neph: Yeah.
Anyone: I love you.
Yume/Neph: It back.
Yume: What’s it like being tall?
Neph: Is it nice?
Yume: Can you reach the cupboards comfortably?
Malleus, 100% serious: *talking about Lilia* we live in constant fear of the small ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want
Grim: Why do the two of you like the rain so much?
Yume: It’s so romantic, and it makes a great white noise for when you’re going to sleep! I like splashing in puddles too, it’s fun and nostalgic.
Neph: i’m trying to get hit by lightning
Neph: listen here, you little shits
Neph: not you, Yume-chan, you're an angel and we're glad you're here
Ace: Also, from now on, we’ll be using code names! You can address me as Eagle One.
Ace, to Neph: Been There Done That.
Ace, to Yume: Currently Doing That.
Ace, to Grim: It Happened Once In a Dream.
Ace, to Deuce:
Ace: Eagle Two
Deuce: oh my god
Ace: L is for the way you look at me
Neph: O is for the only one I see
Yume: V is for very, very extraordinary
Deuce: egg
*tea-cup Disney rides*
Yume and Neph: *calmly spinning, chatting happily*
Leona, Vil, and Malleus: *spinning faster, heated conversation*
Adeuce: *hurricane spinning, screaming at each other*
Neph: The average pineapple, peeled and cut, makes about 4.5 cups or 36 ounces of pineapple chunks. Cans of pineapple come in a variety of sizes, the most common being 28 or 20 ounces and 46 ounces. Meaning a single pineapple won’t fill up a single can perfectly, which also means every time you eat pineapple from a can, somewhere someone else has the can that has the rest of that same pineapple. Meaning you can share a single fruit with a stranger from hundreds of miles away and I think that’s beautiful.
Yume: How much sleep are you getting?
Neph: not enough
Yume: Poseidon quivers before them!
Neph, to Octavinelle: FUCK OFF
alright that’s enough for today goodbye
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0mega-x · 1 year
saw your france + hre banner and nearly screamed!! thank you for being on that same east/west francia brainwave :D
Holy shit I was just looking at your tumblr after seeing your post on frank/france when I see this 😭
Of course! I love that whole east/west francia, and I hope the fandom (because I doubt the canon will) expand on it. There is just SO much that could be talked about on the two's dynamic all the way hre's death
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
I was reading quite a few sub fics a while back and it left an imprint on me 😳
I’m happy to hear I delivered it well 😂
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untitled-swapau · 2 years
Reflect- REFLECT NO. Take your time back in there, you don’t have to be gone too or cause someone to lose a loved one again-
- He grasped at the anon, pawing desperately as his mass melted down and dripped onto the floor.. -
- He's... Literally screaming. -
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aellynera · 2 years
Moon Knight Episode 1 - The Goldfish Problem
Okay, so after staying up until 2am my local time to watch the series premiere last night, I’m going in again because YES PLEASE. In a way, I wish DIsney would drop the whole series at once, but I’m kind of a masochist and I revel in the idea of dragging it out and making myself crazy for five more weeks. So hre I am blogging thoughts/reactions as I rewatch this episode. Feel free to ignore me, feel free to inbox me with your thoughts/comments, please scream along with me because this series is gonna be a ride.
Okay, so I actually knew what the first scene was going to be because of reading an interview Ethan had done, but dude… glass in your shoes is a little extreme no matter who your chosen god is. Also, if you wore glass-filled shoes and no socks all the time, your feet would look way more gnarly than that.
And this soundtrack? Is KILLING IT. The song choices are fucking fantastic and whoever was in charge of the music should get extra cookies.
I want a Gus. 
Is Steven actually leaving a voicemail for his mom, or does he just think he’s talking to his mom? Is he really calling his real (Marc’s) mom, who undoubtedly knows about the DID? 
God I would take any tour Steven wanted to give me I LOVE HIM OKAY???
I know people are like “omg that British accent” and yes, it’s supposed to be kind of fake but it still works, which is the point. And the way they’ve written Steven’s dialogue so far is maybe my favorite thing in the show. I’m the type of person who is far too self-deprecating on a daily basis and he’s like the perfect mix of smart, funny, and just a bit too self-aware and it makes me so happy and I would honestly watch an entire show JUST about Steven Grant and his everyday life. He feels like such a real person to me, I don’t know how else to explain it.
 “If I’m gonna have a girlfriend at some point, at some point, obviously can’t have ankle restraints on my bed, can i?” Y’ALL ThE WAY I LAUGHED. Holy shit. Have I read too much smutty fanfic? Probably BUT COME ON OSCAR you can’t just SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT and- honestly what exactly is the problem here sir? Sorry, getting distracted.
Any time this man puts a pair of glasses on is a good day. A GOOD DAY. Tell me I’m wrong.
I adore Khonshu’s snarky ass and I kinda want my very own to narrate my existence and mock me on the daily. And I adore that it’s F. Murray Abraham and that in a backwards kind of way, Llewyn Davis is finally being mentored by Bud Grossman like he always wanted.
If Ethan Hawke was going for the David Koresh cult leader vibe? Nailed it. He’s charismatic and interesting and creepy and I can’t wait to see how he develops too.
The first time Steven had a blackout I thought my tv and my app were fritzing and I was ready to throw things.
This is officially the greatest use of “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” in the history of ever.
Okay and then the fact somewhere in the time that Marc/Steven was in the Alps, Gus died? And Marc replaced Steven’s fish? Like??? My. Heart.
Steven looking at himself in the mirror in a jacket and tie and calling himself a knob is going to give me LIFE for an entire week.
And the way my heart broke when he found out it was two days later and he missed his date?? Poor sweet baby angel. I’ll eat a sympathy steak with you.
“No, not personally.” Made me bark laugh each time. The clever little bits of wordplay in the script are delightful. And also charming.
I love how they used mirrors. Actually the episode was really beautiful in general, the cinematography is wonderful. It’s such a pretty show. The whole sequence at the ended with the museum and the evil-Egyptian-death-dog chase was wonderful. 
One of the things I was most excited to see from the series was the way Marc and Steven interact. I wasn’t expecting it to hit like this, this early. And I know there’s so much more coming, and I can’t wait to meet Mr. Knight, and and and. And who was the Duchamp in the middle of all the missed Layla calls? Has to mean something, otherwise why stop there for a second and let us see it? I also really want to meet Layla.
p.s. I know it’s not the context at all but the way Marc says “Look at me” to Steven in the bathroom? Um. Hngh. Yes. Yes sir.
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soapscrustymohawk · 3 years
toxic aph traits
these are just my headcanons of toxic traits that I think the countries would have
only hangs out with Germany because it reminds him of HRE
will absolutely judge you as a girl, only flirts with hot girls
Doesn't think about your comfort with sex
reacts with LOL or SAME when you try to tell him when you feel down or what bothers you
judges people in their bathing suit
He react his frustration out on you
Only thinks of his own privacy and comfort while living with you
Can't handle screaming/yelling but is the one who causes all the yelling
Will force you to interact with people you hate
Makes you go out with the dogs when he knows their to strong for you, and makes you chase them till you have them again
Can be really mean and doesn't even realize it
Is a toxic friend
Forces you to cook something for him even when you're in his house
Loves working but expects you to be ready (food on the table, clean house, managed all the financial toruble etc.) when he comes home so he can relax and watch football
Loves football, or any sport on tv, more than your relationship
Whenever you two fight he will tell you that it is your fault and plays victim
Blames you when something goes wrong
Forces you to go out when you are clearly uncomfortable being somewhere
Is the one causing the trouble and makes you clean/work it out
Is a douchebag, like the ussual straight boy (no offense straight boys)
Doesn't realize that girls can be strong and independent too, He thinks girls are sensitive and weak
Often uses girls and boys only as his dolls
Will force you to eat something, even if you ate already
Can get so angry he will punch the wall, he tries to change but often his anger can take him over
He goes to the gym for more self control and it definetally helped
He will judge you in your clothes out of his own insecurities
Thinks your sh scares are weird
just his personality
He is toxic, even when he doesn't realize it and is actually really sweet
When you are friends with him he will leave you alone and keeps quiet when you ask him something because he is afraid he might hurt you
He can't react to vent talks so he will either react with lol, mood or same or doesn't say aything at all and stay silent
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Things Austria has said while raising Veneziano and HRE
"He won't stop cr— WHERE IS THE OFF BUTTON!?"
"Why am I maintaining eye contact with the kids as I eat? To show them just how creepy it is. HEY! STOP LAUGHING, IM TEACHING YOU A LESSON! I'LL STARE MORE! I'LL DO IT, DON'T TEST ME!"
"Babies.. Um. They come from. From... Toes? I don't know, humans are disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if the toe thing were true."
"If you don't be quiet I'm going to sing off key until you beg me to stop."
"There are no monsters under your bed. Yes I checked twice. Look, kid— if you don't go to bed now I'm going to call up a real monster and tell him there's a child buffet here. Put that head on that pillow. Go on. Do it. Oh, I think I hear the claws of a big scary monster. Hurry, go to sleep of he'll get you!"
"Hey Holy Rome. Vati said I was his favorite. You were his least favorite. Oh stop crying, its the truth. Wait— NO DON'T GO GET PRUSSIA! I WAS LYING! YOU TATTLETALE!"
"Hey Spain, want to see an angel's smile? Watch this; Veneziano, you are doing amazing sweeti— PUT THAT FINGER DOWN, YOU GREASY LARD MONKEY! I WAS TELLING THE TRU— YOU LITTLE— THAT'S IT, YOU'RE GETTING THE SOAP!"
"You're both grounded. Oh you didn't do anything. I just want a nap without two hooligans running around screaming."
"Okay so puberty is like when you get kicked in the groin. But you're on fire. And the water in on fire. Everything is on fire. Death isn't even an option. Stop crying Holy Rome, you asked and I'm only being honest."
"How much do you think I can make for biweekly toddler wrestling shows? No I'm not being serious. But for real how much?"
"Good night, don't um... How does that saying go? Oh right! Don't suffocate on the spiders that crawl into your mouths in your sleep, kids."
"You are my brother and I love you. But I'm going to fucking bite you if you don't stop humming in my ear, you little bastard."
"Hungarrrrrry! Veneziano is bugging me! I know I'm lovable but I just don't care about a stupid scrapped knee!"
"I don't care if you made the roach your pet. I'm not feeding it."
"Toddlers terrify me and Veneziano, no matter how sweet, is no exception. If that little bastard says one more thing about dead people I'm going to break a window."
"If I buy you this toy will you do me a favor in return? Good. Leave me alone."
"Vene, put the snake down. Yes I know it looks like a pasta noodle. No you can't eat it. Stop. Don't you dare put that thing into your pocket. If you do I will tell the monsters to come gobble you up."
"Holy Rome, an empire with a lot of potential, just ate his own booger and told me it tasted like salt. If you need me I'm going to go get drunk and wish I wasn't related to that little weirdo."
"Vene dressed up in my clothes and pretended to be me. Now one would usually go 'awww how adorable' but frankly I'm offended. The mole was drawn in the wrong place. So I grounded Vene. No, this is a serious issue. Yes I'm pissed. This mole is my trademark. Vene insulted me."
"Goddammit.. Oh nothing, the kids just set my wardrobe on fire again."
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Feliciano went a little too far with the cheerfully-stated insults (I found he did this a lot in the manga) oh no! Lorenzo is now in a bit of a self loathing state now and is struggling not to cry in front of Luciano, Feliciano, and Sebastian. What does Luci do? Sorry this is sad, Imma sit in the corner now don’t worry - UwU97
(Feel free to send sad aks, I’ve been dying to try a different interpretation of Feliciano so this is a great opportunity! Apologies for writing so much lmao)
- To say Luciano is enraged is a SEVERE understatement
- However, before doing anything else, he’ll take Lorenzo to the side and see if he can cheer him up even just a little
- He wipes away his tears, he tells him how much he loves him, compliments him for however long he deems to be fit and then tells him to stay there while he “goes to get his coat”. He’s not getting his coat.
- Luciano’s arguments are always well structured, he’s typically calm but still very quick-witted. However, the moment it got personal is the moment Luciano loses his willingness to treat the other as a person
- He will grab Feliciano by the hair and scream in his face, Luciano knows that they knew what they were doing the moment any insult slipped through their lips
- He’s held back on a lot of his emotions towards his 1p ever since Lorenzo’s mumblings of his personal history, but that stops now
- Brings up how terrible the North has always treated the South, says how Feliciano has lied and manipulated people into thinking he’s some harmless happy-go-lucky person, says the only reason he has friends is because of this persona because no one would actually like him otherwise, he may bring up HRE if he thinks a line was crossed
- Someone can try to stop him but they won’t be able to, Luciano’s anger is unrivalled in terms of aggressiveness so no one will likely even be able to get near him, minus Lorenzo
- Once he calms down, he’ll apologize to Sebastian for seeing him in such a way and most likely spit in Feliciano’s face for “being such a disgusting and vile THING”
- He doesn’t care if Feliciano is crying, he thinks it’s good if he is because that means he got a taste of his own medicine
- He’ll end up going back to Lorenzo and taking him home immediately so he can spoil him with as much love and attention as he wants
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fromtheboundlesssea · 4 years
Love’s Not Always Wise Ch. 19
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Celia VII
Rickon laid curled into Celia. His face buried in her chest as though trying to find some resemblance of his mother in her, even though she knew that he knew she was not Lady Catelyn. Sweet Rickon had grown quiet recently, throwing fits and not wishing to use his words, growing wild like Shaggydog already. He would pout and cry out angrily when Robb or Theon did not pay attention. He threw his books about when Maester Luwin tried to sit him down for lessons. He would hide behind Celia’s skirts and demand his mother.
When they told him she was not there he would cry and scream until he was red in the face and his cheeks streamed with angry tears. He would hit Celia’s arms or Robb’s legs or Theon’s chest whenever the Ironborn attempted to hold him so that he might not hurt himself.
Bran seemed to be the only one to help, but Celia’s brother was often resting and needed to work on the horse they were raising for him and Rickon could accidentally run underfoot and so Celia had to occasionally keep them separated.
Now, Rickon was once again silent, his tears having run out, but his eyes raw from them. One hand was fisted around Celia’s braid and the other was fisted against her cotton shift. He had finally worn himself out and Celia had decided it was best to simply put him to bed with her that night instead of in the nursery for Old Nan to look after.
Robb had kissed the top of Rickon’s curls as he buried his face in Celia’s neck as she picked him up to carry him to her chambers. He had kissed her cheek as well and Celia walked away quickly, embarrassment rising to her cheeks.
Rickon whimpered, drawing Celia back once more to her baby brother and continued to stroke his hair.
Deep in the meadow, under the willow.
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow.
Lay down your head, and close your eyes.
And when they open, the sun will rise.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm.
Here the daisies guard you from every harm.
Here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.
Here is the place where I love you.
Deep in the meadow, hidden far away.
A cloak of green, a moon beam ray.
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay.
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.
Here it's safe, and here it's warm.
Here the daisies guard you from every harm.
Hre your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true.
Here is the place where I love you.
Rickon’s hand loosened from her braid and he seemed to have finally drifted off to sleep. Celia kissed the top of his head and prayed that Lady Catelyn would return soon.
Continue on Ao3
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