medicoabroad · 2 years
20 years formation of Medico Abroad on 18th Dec, 2022 Congratulated by students
20 years formation of Medico Abroad on 18th Dec, 2022 Congratulated by students
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carrerprabhu · 1 year
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Career Prabhu
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naijaorganic · 2 years
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farida-mourad · 2 months
for a couple of two weeks i can't speak a word,,i feel everything is hard ,,i feel the whole world is so obnoxious...
we still see new daily massacres in Gaza We’re hearing of Palestinians dying of starvation everyday and lately UNRWA stated that cholera outbreak began due to the lack of clean water and malnutrition There’s not enough
Also, the testmonies of freed captives are so appalling .. despite all of this we can't estimate the scale of the tragedy
A total of 158 Palestinian journalists have been killed by Israel just in the past 9 months in Gaza, for the crime of exposing Israel as the genocidal entity that it is.
Palestinians are not voiceless, they are actively being silenced.
Does that not scare you? Does that not anger you?
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bighermie · 1 year
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thirtyeighthparallel · 8 months
Discovering Your Best Self at The Holistic Sanctuary
The Transformational Power of Holistic Mental Health Treatment: Discovering Your Best Self at The Holistic Sanctuary
At The Holistic Sanctuary luxury mental health treatment centers, we provide clients with the life-changing chance to discover their best selves through our innovative blend of cutting-edge therapies, personalized care, and a one-of-a-kind healing environment. The journey to mental wellness can be filled with challenges, setbacks, and periods of darkness that may seem endless. However, with the right guidance, support, and care, you can move through these difficult times to emerge renewed, hopeful, and more empowered than ever before.  With holistic and personalized treatment tailored to address the root causes of your struggles, you’ll find the clarity and strength that will allow you to reclaim control of your health, happiness, and purpose.
What Makes a Holistic Approach so Effective?
Decades of research and thousands of inspiring recovery stories have repeatedly shown that a truly holistic approach is essential for sustainable, long-term mental wellness. By evaluating and treating the whole person rather than isolated symptoms, holistic care provides clients with the skills, awareness, and resilience to carry them throughout the lifelong journey of recovery.
The Holistic Sanctuary’s treatment centers fully embody this philosophy by utilizing advanced, integrative therapies to heal the mind, body and spirit in unison. We believe that mental health challenges and addictions often originate from trauma and biochemical imbalances that require much more than a quick fix to resolve. Our therapies are designed to uncover and address the root physiological, emotional and spiritual causes of these issues while empowering you with the coping tools to thrive in your daily life.
Client Testmonial
“The holistic approach that The Holistic Sanctuary takes to treatment is truly remarkable. I have learned so much about how to take care of myself on both a physical and emotional level, and I am confident that I will be able to maintain my recovery long after I leave the center.”
– Client Testimonial
With highly customizable treatment plans developed by our world-class team of over 30 specialists, we can confidently say that the care at our facilities is unlike anything else in the world of mental healthcare. Our commitment to innovation and excellence has been recognized through numerous awards, cementing our status as the leading choice for those seeking transformative healing rooted in lasting wellness.
Unparalleled Success Through Expert Care in an Exclusive Sanctuary
The road to recovery has many ups and downs, but you won’t walk it alone at our treatment centers. Clients praise our welcoming community of passionate professionals who provide around-the-clock guidance and support with care and compassion. We intentionally limit our group sizes so you can receive over 150 hours of dedicated one-on-one therapy each month from master- and doctorate-level clinicians specializing in diverse areas like psychotherapy, mindfulness and nutrition. No request goes ignored—our staff takes pride in tending to clients’ every need to optimize their experience.
“The staff is incredibly compassionate and knowledgeable, and the environment is truly conducive to healing and growth.” – Client Testimonial
We invite clients to fully immerse themselves along an intensive healing passage customized around their unique situation, challenges, lifestyle and goals to ensure lasting transformations. While the minimum recommended length of stay is 90 days, clients are welcome to extend their time with us as needed; we’re committed to seeing your recovery through to the finish line. Our Platinum Program is specially designed to deliver our full spectrum of cutting-edge treatment modalities in three focused phases for foundational, breakthrough and integration healing.
This exclusive program allows you to escape into a private five-acre estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean—an oasis purpose-built to cocoon and restore the mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll discover stunning panoramic views, luxury amenities, organic fare and an environment intentionally optimized for relaxation, inner reflection and profound healing.
Holistic Therapies: Renewing Mind, Body & Spirit in Unison
The root of true, lasting mental wellness extends far beyond chemical pathways in the brain. Our brains and consciousness exist within the greater context of the body’s intricate ecosystems, which can heavily influence our moods, decision-making, self-talk narratives and outlook on life. Past traumas, chronic inflammation, biochemical deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and genetic predispositions can all contribute to suboptimal mental health.
Client testimonial “I was initially skeptical about seeking treatment at a mental health facility, but I am so glad that I decided to give The Holistic Sanctuary a try. I have made significant progress in my recovery, and I am now feeling more optimistic about the future than ever before.” – Client Testimonial
This is why quick fixes like medication alone often fail to generate sustainable improvements in one’s mental health. Our therapies leverage the interconnected nature of the mind and body by utilizing evidence-based protocols and cutting-edge technologies to calm the nervous system, resolve imbalances, release stored tension and traumas, and enhance the body’s natural self-healing intelligence.
Luxurious amenities provide soothing spaces for practising techniques like breathwork, yoga, sound baths, equine therapy, and meditation aimed at quieting the mind. Brain optimization modalities such as neurofeedback, psychospiritual integration and cranial electrotherapy stimulation are paired with various types of one-on-one counselling and traditional behavioural therapies. Nutrition plans, fitness regimens, educational courses and life skills development further address lifestyle factors that impact mental health.
Alternative medicines and time-tested indigenous healing traditions reinforce growth through sacred plant medicines, auriculotherapy, and shamanic rituals designed to dissolve ego attachments and foster spiritual awakening. Our highly-trained healers adapt these offerings into personalized programs to target clients’ personalized needs down to the finest details. With over 20 years of refining our integrative care strategies, these treatments have helped thousands reclaim joy, fulfilment and purpose.
Therapies Designed for Lasting Mental Wellness
Mental health struggles often have complex origins spanning one’s genetic makeup, personal history, traumas, thought patterns, behavioural cycles, lifestyle choices and innate neurochemistry. Pinpointing and resolving the specific drivers behind symptoms of anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD and more requires comprehensive, multidimensional support.
Client testimonial
“I had tried many different treatment approaches in the past, but nothing had worked for me. The Holistic Sanctuary was the first place where I felt like I was truly being heard and understood. I am so grateful for the difference that this center has made in my life.”
– Client Testimonial
The Holistic Sanctuary is proud to offer the most sophisticated mental health services available. Core modalities administered by specialist clinicians include:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT helps identify negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging beliefs created through past experiences to replace them with healthier mindsets. Reframing one’s perspective of past events can have profound impacts on emotional states and decision-making abilities.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
DBT builds critical life skills around distress tolerance, emotional regulation, mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness by helping individuals accept themselves, adapt to stressors and better communicate inner needs. Mastering these tools leads to improved self-confidence and relationships.
Psychodynamic Therapy
This form of “talk” therapy navigates how unconscious drives, mental processes and emotional conflicts manifest into current struggles while identifying unmet core needs. Increased self-awareness leads to breakthroughs around core issues.
Post-Induction Therapy
This proprietary method for processing plant medicine experiences helps integrate powerful and potentially overwhelming insights, visions or encounters into practical personal growth lessons. Therapists help attachments to unrealistic expectations or identities dissolve.
Somatic Therapy
Also known as body-oriented psychotherapy, this releases stored memories and traumas in the nervous system through touch, movement and bodily awareness. This is essential for addressing experiences resisting verbal processing.
Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) Therapy
EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation of the brain's hemispheres to process disturbing memories that underlie conditions like PTSD and panic disorders. This can rapidly neutralize emotional distress linked to past traumas that disrupt quality of life.
Holistic offerings like mindfulness activities, art therapy sessions and spiritual counselling reinforce traditional modalities by revealing innate wellness resources, inspiring personal breakthroughs and promoting radical self-acceptance. Nutritional support, personalized fitness guidance, life skills mastery courses and family education empower individuals to actualize vibrant, balanced lifestyles aligned with their recovery goals.
Custom-Tailored Treatment Plans for Lasting Success
Far from a one-size-fits-all approach, our therapies are carefully curated after conducting comprehensive assessments of each client’s history, needs, challenges and aspirations to identify the most direct paths for healing. Every detail of our protocols is then adapted around individual circumstances with careful consideration of past treatment efforts, personal sensitivities, genetic markers, lifestyle factors, stress triggers and more to amplify efficacy.
Success means far more than surviving challenges; it means thriving through empowered purpose and passion. Our programs unlock your highest potential.
Intuitive treatment plans evolve in sync with each client’s growth through the healing passage using sophisticated biomarkers and trusted feedback to determine appropriate adjustments. Holistic care means understanding mental health challenges as part of one’s unique makeup rather than an arbitrary failing; we leverage personal traits, interests and strengths into meaningful tools that motivate and inspire lasting wellness.
Our clinical team remains driven by a common goal: crafting remarkably engaging and resonant treatment programs that continue inspiring long after one’s stay. We want clients to feel wholly understood, equipped and hopeful about the road ahead.
“The Holistic Sanctuary has a truly holistic approach to treatment, which I believe is essential for truly addressing the root causes of mental health challenges. I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced such a high-quality and personalized form of care.” – Client Testimonial
The Many Benefits of Choosing a Holistic Approach
Holistic mental health treatment yields multifaceted benefits surpassing temporary relief by promoting whole-person wellness as a lifelong endeavor full of exciting possibilities. Our cutting-edge therapies produce measurable, lasting enhancements spanning body, mind and soul.
On a physiological level, treatments directly target nervous system regulation, biochemical deficiencies, hormone balance, gut ecology and nutrition for drastically reduced symptoms stemming from unmet physical needs. Luxurious amenities provide welcoming spaces to practice newly learned skills, routines and rituals designed to calm the body and quiet the mind for ongoing resilience.
Client testimonial
“The Holistic Sanctuary is more than just a treatment center; it is a sanctuary for healing and transformation. I am so grateful for the support and guidance that I have received from the staff, and I am confident that I will continue to make progress on my journey to recovery.”
– Client Testimonial
Cognitive capacities expand through focused modalities and self-mastery courses that sharpen emotional intelligence, critical thinking, stress resilience, communication and more. Increased self-awareness around personal narratives, learned coping mechanisms and latent traumas manifest clarity around destructive patterns.
Spiritually, treatments reignite one’s sense of purpose by subverting limiting beliefs about identity and possibility. Ceremonies elicit cathartic breakthroughs while providing role models of success through others further along their journeys. Holistic care empowers individuals to trust themselves to make choices aligned with personal truths.
Collectively, these changes compound upon each other to vastly amplify confidence, self-efficacy and quality of life. Our therapies plant the seeds for the continual achievement of exciting goals and dreams once thought impossible through profound healing.
Why Choose The Holistic Sanctuary for Your Recovery?
Searching for world-class mental health treatment online reveals an overwhelming number of options that all start to look the same—but common offerings promoting generic, outpatient treatment models cannot compare to The Holistic Sanctuary’s truly bespoke healing passage. We invite you to directly experience the peace, safety, luxury, and cutting-edge therapies that set our facilities apart.
Holistic Therapies, Not Medications
We focus solely on resolving root causes of issues rather than masking symptoms with temporary fixes. Our therapies produce lasting neural pathway changes for improved mental health beyond treatment.
Complete Immersive Experience
From gourmet meals, luxury suites and amenities to over 150 hours of monthly one-on-one therapies, our programs fully engage and meet diverse needs.
Specialized Trauma Resolution
Unprocessed traumas drive mental health struggles. Our brain optimization technologies and experiential therapies safely reveal and dissolve past burdens.
Custom-Tailored Treatment Plans
Sophisticated, natural protocols adapt to clients’ unique needs and goals for ultra-personalized care unmatched elsewhere.
Peaceful Sanctuary Setting
A serene haven overlooking the Pacific Ocean provides the ideal backdrop for relaxation, growth and healing.
Cradle-to-Grave Support
We start with comprehensive assessments to match world-class therapies around individual needs and provide lifetime recovery resources and assistance.
High Success Rates
Our long-term approach has helped thousands end the cycle of relapse through motivated, resilient and joyful sobriety. We confidently stand behind our peerless outcomes.
Our award-winning services hold strong appeal for high-achievers, creatives, entrepreneurs and professionals seeking world-class support. We invite all to inquire about our Platinum Program to learn more about exclusive amenities, cutting-edge modalities and transformational passages tailored around your distinct needs. The true quality of life awaits.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Facilities
What makes The Holistic Sanctuary unique from other luxury mental health treatment centers?
Our approach to treatment is completely customized, holistic, and focused on uncovering and resolving the root causes of symptoms by healing the whole person. Peaceful sanctuary settings, cutting-edge therapies, luxury amenities, and our long history of innovation separate our elite care standards.
What evidence-based alternative therapies are offered?
We integrate numerous evidence-based and promising alternative therapies spanning psychotherapy, brain optimization technologies, sacred plant medicines, somatic experiencing, experiential therapies, and holistic healing arts that synergize for immense transformational potential.
How does a beachfront location enhance the recovery process?
With gorgeous panoramic views, fresh ocean air and tranquillity, beachfront properties synergize beautifully with our integrative therapies. Endless amenities provide outlets for renewing passions that inspire while promoting lasting motivation beyond treatment.
What luxury amenities are available?
On-site spas feature cutting-edge detoxification technologies, cryotherapy, infrared saunas and healing modalities for profound mind-body renewal. Plush designer bedding and suites accentuate the recovery passage. Farm-to-table, gourmet organic cuisine, fitness studios and recreation spaces further one’s journey.
What is included in your exclusive lifetime recovery guarantee?
Those completing our intensive 90-day program receive lifetime aftercare resources and access to our facilities to support lasting transformation. This ensures that temporary setbacks never turn into relapses, cementing our commitment to clients’ lifelong wellness.
Conclusion: A True Sanctuary for Healing Awaits
The Holistic Sanctuary offers an exclusive doorway into lasting mental health, free from the statistics of common relapse. Everything within our sanctuary—from award-winning therapies to luxury amenities, cutting-edge modalities and licensed specialists—serves a specific purpose, strategically selected to gently unwind old patterns while awakening your highest potential. Our integrative care paradigms heal on a physiological, psychological and spiritual level in unison, empowering authentic purpose, resilience and joy.
Here you can finally experience what a customized passage guided by leading experts offers; no detail is left out or to chance. Our scientific protocols are reinforced with spiritually transformative plant medicines, somatic trauma therapy, fitness and creativity outlets, life skills mastery courses and more in this serene oasis designed to cocoon from stress. There is no better place to rediscover motivation and purpose while developing tools for healthily maintaining the progress made here.
While recovery is a lifelong journey, everything after treatment may look and feel entirely different once the root causes perpetuating behaviours dissipate. Break free from stagnancy and despair—you hold the power to actualize lasting transformations once hidden away and deemed impossible. What matters most is being ready;
The Holistic Sanctuary awaits to match your commitment to healing with our own. Your journey to fulfilment and passion starts now.
To learn more about discovering your highest potential through elite care speak with an admissions coordinator.
The Holistic Sanctuary – Patient Facility
Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico
Email: [email protected] Phone: 310-601-7805
Read more here https://marketing-tutor.com/blog/discovering-your-best-self-at-the-holistic-sanctuary/
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notebooknebula · 10 months
Jay Conner, The Master Of Private Money - Carl Silman's Testimonial #shorts
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Studying Crime Control." Kingston Whig-Standard. August 19, 1933. Page 4. ---- During this week the United States Senate committee on racketeering, with Senator Royal S. Copeland as chairman, has been holding hearings in New York. The witnesses have been men with long experience in the detection and prevention crime and in the punishment of criminals. and they have presented a great variety of of suggestions as to remedies and the causes of organized crime.
As a means of curbing crime, new and severer punishments have been urged. These include the death penalty for certain classes of racketeering, exile for habitual criminals and the use of the lash. Other witnesses claim that there is weakness in the detective division and advocate a widening of the police power of the Federal Government and the establishment of a strong central bureau of crime detection. something like the popular conception of Scotland Yard. Another need is asserted to be uniform laws for the control of fire-arms. Warden Lawes of Sing Sing favored a modified martial law and said with the powers of Mussolini he could quickly suppress the crime menace.
Particularly striking has been the testmony as to alliance between politics' and the more sensational forms of organized crime. Mr. Medalie, United States Attorney, went so far as to declare that he knew at least four district leaders who were gangster-controlled. Justice Kernochan,with many years of experience in New York courts, to the committee, that, while "racketeer" was a new word, it connotes activities that are very old. There had long been an evil alliance between politicians and criminals but the present mobility and more skilful staff work of organized crime made this alliance today a greater threat to society than in the past. Its influence, he said, stretches even into the police department.
The great range of views is suggestive of the problems faced in the United States in dealing with crime. Sterner punishments, it may be agreed, are needed to fit, the crime but alone they will not stop the wave of criminal activities. Nor can the strengthening of the police forces of detection. An American Scotland Yard an idea based on a good deal of misunderstanding of that famous organization can not work the cure alone. The sinister conditions suggested by the charges of political influence in behalf of the gangster are of no less importance than punishment or detection and apprehension of criminals. There must be swift and speedy justice backed by a public opinion which will give the United States the reputation of an unhealthy country for criminals. In the present attention being generally given to the subject there is evidence of a public awakening which in itself can do much to reduce the crime menace.
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betterairnorthwest · 1 year
At Better Air Northwest we always strive for our customers to have the very best experience! Starting from the first phone call to the end of the service our experienced and friendly staff are here to help! We would love to hear from you! (360) 852-6212 (503) 490-9542 #airductcleaning #dryerventcleaning #familyownedbusiness #smallbusiness #vancouver #portland #customerservice #testmonial #happycustomer
At Better Air Northwest we always strive for our customers to have the very best experience! Starting from the first phone call to the end of the service our experienced and friendly staff are here to help! We would love to hear from you! (360) 852-6212 (503) 490-9542 #airductcleaning #dryerventcleaning #familyownedbusiness #smallbusiness #vancouver #portland #customerservice #testmonial #happycustomer
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deblala · 1 year
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philipkings11 · 2 years
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carrerprabhu · 1 year
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Career Prabhu
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abdullahshahwan · 2 years
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الإعلان أو المحتوى لا ينسى إذا ارتبط بالمشاعر 90%من قرار الشراء يكون من خلال المشاعر هناك 10 مشاهر رئيسة محفزة على قرار الشراء
المشاعر المحفزة على الشراء :
الانتماء Belonging
انضم لاسرتنا في فريق المملكة
الطمع reeg
اشتري الأن واحصل على هدايا مجانية
الثقة Trust
شهادات العملاء Testmonials المراجعات Reviews
في صفحات الهبوط
الراحه comfort:
وفر وقتك و جهدك مع كريم
الخجل shame :
متحطيش نفسك في موقف محرج واستخدمي مزيل العرق ليفي
الغيرة jealousy:
أصحابك بيعرفوا يختاروا ملابس تعالى الكريم واحنا تخليكى الأشيك
الفخر pride:
انتي الملكة مع اكسسوارات جريد براند
الذنب guit :
إبنك مسؤوليتك ساعديه على النمو بحليب المراعي
السعادة Happiness:
استمتع بقهوة الصباح مع موسيقى ونسمات البحر في كافية الاماكن
الخوفfear :
لو مش عاوز تفقد وظيفتك يبقى لازم تنمى مهارتك
مشاعر خوف نوع أخر
العرض سارى حتى الفد باقى 3 قطع
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medicoabroad · 2 years
Student Testmonials |1st yr Medicos of Gomel State Medical University | Medico Abroad Consultations
Student Testmonials |1st yr Medicos of Gomel State Medical University | Medico Abroad Consultations
For MBBS aspirants, Belarus country is the best choice destination and Gomel State Medical University is the most renowned for its quality medical education. You may appreciate to know that Belarus was the only country holding offline (physical) classes even during the Covid-19 pandemic by taking exemplary care and sanitary conditions for foreign students @ Gomel State Medical University hostels…
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suwaneemeditation · 4 years
Now, My Family Can Really Be Called ‘Family’
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Shinja Kim / Ad Production Planning Director
I have a husband who earns good money and two good looking sons. On the surface, our household was a happy picture, but on the inside my family rotted away. As a primary school teacher, I was married when I was 26. I wanted to make a perfect and happy home, but nothing went my way.
Depression after a decade of marriage; An ultimatum to my husband: “I’m leaving”
My husband, who had a strong desire to succeed, only wanted to focus on his work. On the weekend, he golfed with other men to network and get more business. He was a person who thought that if he made money, he served his role as head of the household. I didn’t want to say anything because he was a good provider so I suppressed all of my hostility and frustration about our situation. Even if my husband’s behavior was out of my control, I could still raise my children the way I wanted.
So, I imposed all of my personal standards of what is right and what is wrong on my children. When their behavior didn’t meet my standards – as often was the case – I would hit them. If there was something that I didn’t know about my children, it would make me feel anxious and meddle in their business. Eventually, I drove my children away from me. I couldn’t understand them at the time. Our family may have been living together in the same house but it felt like we were all living alone. I felt so lonely.
Then I started to feel physical problems. My body hurt. I was dizzy and had shortness of breath. My organs’ functions were weak for no reason at all. I eventually had no choice but to quit my teaching job of 13 years. I wanted everything to look good to others and my pride was so strong that I had suppressed all the problems of my home life from everyone around me. In front of others, I always wanted to look like we had the perfect family. I suffered like that for a while and eventually became depressed. Life was really gray. It was too hard.
At one point, I gave my husband an ultimatum. I told him, “Either I’m going to leave you, or I’m going to jump out of a window!” My husband, who didn’t know how serious my condition was, seemed shocked. Then, one day, he brought me a book on meditation that was given to him by a co-worker. I didn’t know what meditation was all about, but it was good just to leave home for a week.
If you’re worried about family conflict and family discord, you have to empty your mind
In July 2003, I started meditation. I cried a lot when I took a good look at my life. I was living in hardship, holding on to my vain pride, honor, and greed that didn’t exist. What I realized while looking back was that I had never really thought about the minds of my children. Everything I had done for my children was for my own pride. It was smothering to my children. I had to let it all go.
In the meantime, all kinds of minds, such as hatred, resentment, anger, and loneliness – which had been accumulated in the past – disappeared. My body and mind became lighter each day, and I could feel the change in myself.
A few months after starting this meditation method, I told my husband, “I haven’t made breakfast in the past, but I’ll take care of it from now on.” I had been sick for a long time, so I have never made breakfast well. How difficult it must have been for my husband to always eat alone in the morning and then to come home late at night when his family was asleep.
Nervousness and irritation have disappeared. I can truly understand and consider things from my husband’s and children’s perspectives. My health has also improved noticeably. Eventually, my husband began meditating. After meditation, he said he felt sorry that he had done nothing for his family. My husband, who used to know nothing but work, has now begun trying to do things for his family. My children also became brighter and more mature, changing beyond recognition after attending a youth meditation retreat.
After doing this meditation I absolutely trust my children. I respect my children’s wishes and let them do whatever they want. The more I trust them, the better they seem to do on their own. The conversations with my children have also increased. When I used to interfere, they didn’t want to talk with me. But now they speak more freely with me. These days, our family hugs and greets each other when we wake up in the morning. Now my family can really be called a family.
These days I find that people consult with me a lot. Surprisingly, there doesn’t seem to be a single home without some kind of conflict. When they talk to me, I share my experiences.
If you are worried about discord in your family, I want to tell you to clean your mind. After you empty all of the complicated minds that are boiling within you, you will find your original mind that is love and warmth itself. When we become one with that love, our conflicts disappear by themselves. Now, it is no longer about my expectation of my husband or my children, it is my husband and my children exactly as they are… I am so grateful for them.
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