hivequeenworks · 3 years
"Be mine"
Es uno de mis dibujos más especiales.
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iwasnotaslasher · 3 years
In WinterFalcon we don’t say “I love you”, we say “He’s not my partner”. And I think it’s beautiful.
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worstloki · 3 years
One of my biggest fear for the next (and last) episode is that Sylvie will have the change of costume and not Loki.
I know it seems silly but hear me out. Both in TFADWS and WandaVision in the last episode there was the big new costume reveal of the protagonist. While I know that the show is pushing for having Sylvie as protagonist, having her changing the costume and not our Loki would just be the final confirmation and I don't think I can take it. Right now I can still lie to myself that Loki is the protagonist, but if there is no costume change for him? Nope, nada, niente. It's finished for me.
Furthermore the Sylvie new costume is already being hinted in this week episode when Sylvie lament how uncomfortable her clothes are and that she want to change them! So it's only a matter of time... really...
I hope I am being wrong.
I was thinking about how Sylvie’s being shown to be far more competent and Loki is essentially someone who she’s changing with the power of love..... and then how Loki even though he’s had magic hasn’t changed outfits..... and then about how Sylvie is the one who is supposed to not know how to do that kind of magic but the show established she should be able to... about how they’re about to meet who is behind the TVA to destroy them as has been Sylvie’s goal... I’m legitimately worried she’s going to end up getting a superhero transformation at the end instead of Loki.
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I feel like John Walker is what Steve antis portray Steve Rogers as in Team Cap bashing fics. (Props to Wyatt Russell for making me, both feel bad for Walker and hate him at the same time)
I wouldn’t say so.
Whoever’s been around here knows I’m not a big on Steve and honestly I like John better because he’s more layered of a character (I’m not a black or white girl when it comes to like characters, I’m usually more attracted to morally grey/complex ones). And I mean, it works for Walker as a character. It’s something it would have never worked for Steve but mostly because they represent two different Americas. We see it clearly. The entire mood of The First Avenger and the mood of TFADWS are of two different times and mindsets in America.
Like, if you’ve noticed or changed a lot since they left the US both in good and bad but especially the reception of the main 5 (Sam, Bucky, Zemo, Lemar and Walker).
On a side note, Wyatt is an AMAZING ACTOR! I felt really bad for John in a lot of episodes and he’s doing great portraying him.
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hivequeenworks · 3 years
"Desayunar/seguir trabajando"
Sam y Bucky están compartiendo un lugar porque de esta forma es más fácil para los dos hacer el trabajo. La vida hogareña es algo que a Bucky le está gustando más de lo que le gustaría admitir, se está acostumbrando a dormir sin pesadillas, recuperar las horas de sueño que no ha tenido en mucho tiempo y siempre tener algo para desayunar. Pero aún hay trabajo que hacer, por lo que al menos uno de los dos debe estar presentable para cuando el resto del equipo llegue.
No puedo renunciar a la idea de que ellos 4 son un gran equipo aunque solo haya estado juntos en una misión.
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