#captain América
nerdbrazil · 1 month
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shykpop · 21 days
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CHRIS EVANS/ STEVE ROGERS icons, +like or reblog If you use
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punkbarnes2 · 1 year
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I made this little Mermay themed art for you, after struggling almost and hour to come up with a good idea and sketch, but it turned out very good, i loved the result and the process ✨ 
Fisherman Steve finds a different kind of creature in his net
- a little update on the art: i put some blue on the water splashes on the bottom, in comparison to the one i posted on Instagram
Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/derwassermann
and commissions are open <3 see details here: https://punkbarnes2.carrd.co
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shield-o-futuro · 3 months
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Porque hoje é aniversário dos dois, e ai me deu vontade de fazer uma edit rápida com eles, porque eu adoro o Sam <3
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winniethewife · 1 year
Kinktober day 7
Day Seven: Stripping (Steve Rogers x reader)
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Warnings: smut under the cut, nsfw, 18+, FemBodied, stripping, grinding. fluffy
Minors DNI
Words: 642
Steve Rogers was probably the most vanilla man she had ever been with. Nothing wrong with that, and it didn’t make her love him any less, but, it made it difficult to figure out how to make their time in the bedroom more interesting. It wasn’t until she made a snide comment about it to Bucky that she found out about his love for burlesque. So for their anniversary she went all out, she had scoured the internet for information on “the art of the strip tease.” She bought the vintage styled undergarments, spent the time mastering the makeup and hair. She was going to give him the night of his life.
“That was amazing Darling. Remind me to thank Tony for the recommendation on the restaurant when we see him and Pepper on Sunday.” Steve says as they walk into their Brooklyn apartment.
“I’m sure that will stroke his ego immensely,” She laughs.
“Well, yeah but what doesn’t exactly?”
As they walk into the living room, she hits the button on the remote and music started to play. Steve smiles and takes her in to his arms as they sway to the music. She rest her head on his chest as they dance around the living room eventually leading him to the couch. She takes a step away from him and smiles sweetly.
“I have a surprise for you” she says with a gleeful grin.
“Oh?” He looks at her curiously, looking at her attire, the dress with the buttons all the way down, the victory rolls in her hair, the classic red lip. She looks like she just stepped out of a 1940’s femme fatal movie. He love it when she dresses like this, bringing him back to a simpler time. She turns the song to a familiar favorite, as the trumpets begin to play, she starts to unbutton the dress, slowly and sensually. His cheeks flush as he realizes what’s happening.
“Oh!” He looks at her mildly stunned as she continues to disrobe, reveling the black vintage styled undergarments. She had really gone all the way for this. He felt his bulge harden as he watched her.
Never thought that you would be, Standing here so close to me, there’s so much I feel that I should say, but words can wait until some other day…
As the lyrics began she starts to move her hips to the beat of the music her hands finally undoing the dress and sliding it down her shoulders as it puddles at her feet on the floor. The black lace and silk look divine on her. Her eyelids half closed in a seductive manner as she straddles his lap. His face a bright red as she does so. She leans in as she reaches behind her unclasping her bra.
“Happy anniversary baby.” She whispers into his ear as the bra joins the dress, his hands go to her breasts holding them gently, his rough hands on her succulent skin. She lets out a soft moan. His hands glide over her curves as she grinds into his hardened bulge.
“Dear god you’re perfect.” He moans as he touches her his eye filled with love and lust. She kisses him softly, lips pressed together as the song continues in the background. Her tongue slides over his bottom lip asking for entrance and he obliges. As their tongues dance together he holds her hips pushing her in rhythm to her movements bringing her down harder on the his crotch groaning slightly in pleasure. As they break the kiss they look into each other’s eyes, breathless.
“Bedroom?” She asks “Bedroom” he confirms as he lifts her. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carries her into the bedroom, planning to thank her for his surprise in as many ways as he can come up with.
Kinktober Masterlist
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m-cristiny · 8 months
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captain America 🇺🇸
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nevenkebla · 26 days
Discurso patriótico
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #537 J. Michael Straczynski (Escritor), Ron Garney (Dibujante)
— Captain America: Recuerdo la primera vez que entendí de verdad lo que era ser estadounidense… lo que era ser un patriota. Era solo un crío… a veces parece que hace un millón de años. Tendría doce años. Leía a Mark Twain. Y escribió una cosa que me llegó al corazón… algo tan poderoso, tan auténtico, que cambió mi vida. Lo memoricé para poder repetírmelo una y otra vez a lo largo de los años. Escribió… en una república, ¿Quién es el país? ¿Es el gobierno que de momento lleva las riendas? Pero el gobierno es solo un sirviente temporal; no puede ser su prerrogativa determinar lo que está bien y lo que está mal, y decidir quién es un patriota y quién no. Su función es obedecer órdenes, no originarlas. ¿Quién, entonces, es “el país”? ¿Es la prensa? ¿Es el púlpito? Eso son solo partes del país; no tienen mando, solo tienen su pequeña parte del mando.
— Captain America: En una monarquía, el rey y su familia son el país; en una república, es la voz común del pueblo. Cada uno de vosotros, por sí mismo, por sí mismo y por su propia responsabilidad, debe hablar. Es una responsabilidad solemne y pesada, y que no se puede rechazar a la ligera por la intimidación del púlpito, la prensa, el gobierno o los lemas vacíos de los políticos. Cada uno debe decidir por sí mismo qué está bien y qué está mal, y qué rumbo es patriótico y cuál no. No puedes eludir eso y ser un hombre. Decidir contra tus convicciones es ser un traidor completo e inexcusable, tanto a ti como a tu país, aunque los hombres te etiqueten como quieran. Si tú solo entre toda tu nación decidiera de una forma, y esa forma fuera la correcta según tu idea de lo que es correcto, habrás cumplido con tu obligación hacia ti mismo y tu país. Levanta la cabeza. No tienes nada de lo que avergonzarte.
— Captain America: No importa lo que diga la prensa. No importa lo que digan los políticos o las masas. No importa si todo el país decide que algo malo es algo bueno. Esta nación se fundó sobre un principio por encima de todos: la exigencia de que nos levantemos por lo que creemos, sin importar el riesgo o las consecuencias. Cunado las masas y la prensa y el mundo entero te dicen que te muevas, tu trabajo es plantarte como un árbol junto al río de la verdad y decirle al mundo entero… no, muévete tú.
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mistercoffeesblog · 3 months
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Captain America icons
Steve Rogers icons
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avalentina · 3 months
USA vs. Panama tomorrow!
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My One and ONLY Request... (Besides winning and kicking ass)
I'm supposed to play at 6:30 pm Central and I literally told them I'm not moving until the final whistle blows. Unless there's shit going down then y'all gonna have to wait longer.
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But my cleats and I will be ready to go after the game! 😝
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irishmanwhore · 3 months
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nerdbrazil · 8 months
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shykpop · 1 year
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Marvel icons
Like or reblog, If you save/use
Credits always welcome
Ask is open
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azulatodoryuga · 1 year
All Right
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Character: Brock Rumlow X Reader X Steve Rogers
Warning: Smut.
Note: This is present for @nekoannie-chan for birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It will also be published on my Wattpad. The english version will be exclusive for Tumblr.
—Something is wrong — Brock assures when his call comes back into the mailbox.
—If something bad had happened to him, we would know by now — Jack says, trying to calm his friend as he follows him — Now where are you going?
—Rumlow — Steve called him, and both men turned to him, who was addressing them — I need to talk to you.
—I have more important things...
—It's about Y/N — Steve said Brock stops talking when he hears your name — I can't reach her; do you know anything about her?
Brock denies.
—Not much has happened since we lost contact with Y/N — Jack points out — So I doubt anything will be done for the time being.
—We'll look for her first, and if we don't find her, we'll alert S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jack would take over some of Brock's duties, so Brock and Steve could look for you without any problems.
They go to your office to look for any files or documents that might indicate your whereabouts, but find nothing. They decide to go to your apartment. When they enter the garage of the building, they realize that your car is not there.
They go to your apartment, and Brock opens it with the key that you had given him—something that catches Steve's attention because he also has one, but later he would ask for it.
They look all over the place, and again, nothing
—I've had enough — says Brock, tired of the situation, taking out his cell phone.
—Who do you plan to call?
—I know someone who can help; he owes me some favors, so he won't refuse.
—Finger crossed.
Just as Brock said, his contact didn't refuse to help; they waited a few minutes until his contact called him back, and Brock put the call on speaker.
—It must be wrong; check again — Steve asked incredulously when he heard the address.
—I'm not kidding; we're right in that building!
—I'm serious; it's right there; in fact, as far as I can see, I arrived less than ten minutes ago.
After those words, the front door is heard to open, and both men become alert.
—Hello? — Your voice rings through the apartment. Not having a lock on the door, you knew that Steve or Brock was in your apartment, but you couldn't guess who exactly. The two men almost bolted for the front door.
—Y/N? — Steve asks quietly as he sees you standing at the entrance of the apartment. You're okay — he says, relieved, without stopping his walk.
Before you can ask anything, Steve pounces on you, hugging you protectively. A few seconds later, you feel other arms around your back, and you realize instantly that it's Brock, who hugs you protectively but also a bit possessively.
—Ah, mmm, thanks for the nice welcome, but... what are you two doing here?
—More to the point, where were you? — Brock claims, turning away from you a bit. You were about to answer, but Steve beat you to it, joining in the complaint.
—You didn't mention you were dating — Steve says, imitating Brock's action.
—Let's take it one step at a time — You try to move away so as not to lose your calm due to the nerves of having the two of them so close, without any success.
Neither of them seemed to want to let you go, and clearly, their strength was by far superior to yours. You sighed in surrender before you began to recount what had happened.
—I had to make a trip to another city; the problems started when I got back; my car broke down, and my cell phone had no battery. I was stranded for hours until someone finally helped me. But there was no signal to call a tow truck.
—What do you mean there was no signal? — Steve interrupted in confusion.
—There's no signal everywhere, Steve — you clarified. You knew perfectly well that this erroneous idea had gone through his head.
—What else happened?" Brock asks, curious.
—Well, we had to go to the city to get a signal and call the tow truck, then we came back, waited for the tow truck to arrive, got my car fixed at the shop, came home and found you, and now, can you explain to me: How did you both end up in my apartment?
—I couldn't reach you, and neither could Rumlow; we got worried and decided to look for you together.
You were speechless. You turned to Brock, who nodded, giving you the understanding that what Steve said was true. It was hard for you to believe that the two of them decided to look for you together instead of doing it on their own, even though they didn't get along at all.
—I'm sorry if...
—Don't apologize — Brock said, tightening his grip — The important thing is that nothing happened to you — he continued, and you smiled at him with a warm smile.
—Just out of curiosity — Steve started talking, so you and Brock turned to look at him — Since when does Rumlow have a key to your apartment? — You couldn't help but tense up at that question.
—Why should that matter to you, Rogers?" Brock asked mockingly.
—I asked her, Rumlow. Y/N," he said, turning back to you and waiting for an answer.
—Don't push her.
—I'm not pushing her.
“Here we go again" you thought, and sure enough, they started arguing, with you in the middle... again.
But this time you decided to leave them to continue their pointless discussion and escape. It was easier than you thought. You slipped away to your room. You needed to take a shower; it had been a long day.
You went to the bathroom, but before entering, you saw out of the corner of your eye the two men who kept arguing. You entered the bathroom and got rid of your clothes to enter the shower, relaxing at the sensation of the water running over your body.
You couldn't help but remember the arms of both men on your body, giving you an indescribable feeling of security and tranquility that only they made you feel.
From the beginning, you were in love with both men. Both are attentive and protective of you, but they are very different in many, many ways, and yet you felt the same way about both of them. The idea of dating both men was always in the back of your mind, but you doubted they would agree to have that kind of relationship.
You turned off the shower and rolled up your towel. You left the bathroom to go to your room. On the way, you noticed the silence of the place; Steve and Brock had already stopped arguing, but at what point...
You'd better worry about that now that you're dressed.
You went into your room and got a big surprise when you saw Brock sitting on your bed.
—What are you doing here? — you asked, confused.
—I was waiting for you to get out of the bath — he answers naturally.
—Is something wrong?
—Did you also give a key to your apartment to Rogers? — he questioned you; you weren't surprised by his question per se, but he looked annoyed. Although you hesitated, you nodded, answering his question.
—Why? — he asked, irritated.
—Because he is my friend — you say with difficulty.
—“Friend” — he repeats. You nod again, and he gets up from the bed — Good — he says, and he starts walking towards you, a little intimidating. Your nerves increase as he stands in front of you.
And before you can ask any questions, he puts his arms around you to pull you closer to him so he can join his lips, or rather, devour your lips.
Your heart begins to pound, and you can't figure out if it's because of nerves or the excitement that begins to take hold of you. But only two options cross your mind: to stop him and ask him for time to clarify your feelings about him and Steve, or to let things take their course. Obviously, you choose the second option.
You place your hands on his chest and try to follow his kiss. Brock's hands run down your back over the towel that starts to fall.
You were about to take it off, but you felt a pair of hands do it for you, realizing something: Brock still had his hands on your back.
You abruptly pull away from Brock, breaking the kiss, turning back, and finding Steve with the towel that he drops to the floor the moment they connect gazes, leaving you completely exposed to them.
Before you can even say anything, Steve begins to devour your lips like a beast. His left hand rests on your right breast, massaging it to his liking, and with the other, he holds your left side, almost touching your other breast.
While Brock attacks your neck, filling it with kisses and a bite or two. His right arm has you wrapped around him, and with his left hand, he eagerly caresses your intimacy, concentrating on your clitoris, making you squirm from the intense pleasure.
You begin to feel a knot in your stomach. Brock realizes your soon-to-be orgasm and accelerates the movement of his fingers on your pleasure point so that pinching makes you reach your orgasm. You let out a loud moan that was stifled in Steve's mouth.
You pull away from him to catch your breath. But your slight rest was interrupted when Brock grabbed your neck roughly, making you let out a small moan.
—Let's go to bed — Brock whispers in your ear, making you feel a shiver down your back.
—You'll be more comfortable — Steve assures you.
Maybe not everything on this day will be so bad.
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nekospacepsd · 7 months
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Steven Rogers - Capitán América
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thrainbowday · 2 years
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Cap Wolf
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m-cristiny · 9 months
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🇺🇸 captain America 🇺🇸
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