#tfd rambles
if you join collaborative games and do fuck all just so you can get the reward with 0 effort whilst everyone else around you does everything for you, i wish you a very Go Fuck Yourself.
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megolololo · 7 months
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SHOCKWAVE AND TARN. UGH. don’t interrupt my rambling i’m about to spit some delulu
they’re SO gonna be a key relationship in tfd… just the idea of damus calling shockwave senator…
just the idea of TWO empurata victims… one who rebuilt himself for someone else and who refused to be rebuild and instead took a gun to protect himself and others…
UGH they are literally the judas and jesus to my bible (is that sacrilegious to say 😭) a betrayal rooted in the idea that the other had failed his nation/country… and the KISS. it’s not romance; it’s strategy. a psychological chessboard.
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and the fact that tarn is so young compared to shockwave… the fact that the senator had taken him in and almost “mentored” him. the fact that shockwave was the one who taught him “how to play chess” and is now on the other end… UGH I WILL MAKE THEM INTERACT SO MUCH IN TFD I SWEAR TO GOD
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wildfandom · 1 year
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I posted 28,226 times in 2022
104 posts created (0%)
28,122 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,473 of my posts in 2022
#—— sleepaway - 161 posts
#wildfandom rambles on - 137 posts
#quynh tfd - 130 posts
#camp azalea sleepaway - 111 posts
#**** sleepaway - 104 posts
#^^^^ sleepaway - 99 posts
#c sleepaway - 97 posts
#ivan-core - 85 posts
#theseus sleepaway - 64 posts
#==== sleepaway - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also like the contradiction between mocking for not having fresh veggies while at the same time not mocking cheap calories due to food pover
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I Am So Normal About This Game :)
135 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
the venn diagram of fallen london fans and disco elysium fans has gotta be almost a circle
141 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
re: my previous post, as promised, That Scene™ + Mitski
anyways feel free to show me some love/use the audio on tiktok since i posted it there as well: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdkBLTmm/
146 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
made a tiktok about koby’s and helmeppo’s actor in the live action and this comment…
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216 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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*through gritted teeth* i am so fucking normal about this game
219 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jeawrites · 4 years
Howdy gamers, guess who made a list? It’s me. Feel free to send in,, a ship (or ships) and a number and/or letter. You can do multiple letters and numbers as well if ya want. Have fun w/ it.
Sleepytime cuddles.
Taking a break to enjoy time together.
Taking care of injuries.
Dancing/Singing together.
Waking up together.
Blind date
First kiss
Meeting at a party
Break down at a party?
Marriage Proposal
Scheming together
Fake dating
Secret dating
Runaway lovers
Starcrossed lovers
High school dance (homecoming, prom, winter, etc.)
Love at first sight
To the rescue
Taking a bullet
Drunken night aftermath (no smut but,, the aftermath).
Double date
Heist gone wrong
Jail break
Game night
Date night
Long distance
Kisses for days
New neighbor
Love pats
Stuck together (elevator stopped/Ferris wheel/etc.)
a. “You know I love you” “Do you? Cause that’s becoming hard to believe.”
b. “Nothing’s that important... right?”
c. “You just don’t know when to quit!”
d. “Why can’t you take a hint?”
e. “I love you, dumbass!”
f. “Can’t it be both?”
g. “I hate you.” “No you don’t.”
h. “I’m coming with!”
i. “I’m doing this for you!”
j. “I can’t believe you.”
k. “Wanna hang out?”
l. “Are you flirting with me?”
m. “I’m not leaving without you.”
n. “Can we stay like this for a while?”
o. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
p. “Morning, Cutie.”
q. “Wakey wakey” “Fuck off”
r. “You are so out of key- are you sure you’re not tone death?”
s. “Can you say that again?”
t. “Are you blind??”
u. “Just leave me alone!”
v. “We can’t just run away!” “Why not?”
w. “I can’t go with you.”
x. “You both make such a cute couple- right under us of course.”
y. “Prove it.”
z. “I’m being serious.”
aa. “You are soo, so, very dense”
bb. “I’m so dumb...”
cc. “Why are you crying?”
dd. “You’re my favorite person.”
ee. “A good time never killed anyone.”
ff. “I don’t deserve you.”
gg. “What are you hiding from me?”
hh. “I just wanted to-” “You’ve done enough.”
ii. “So I might’ve gotten a little hurt-” “You got hurt?”
jj. “I know I can get bad, but you’re down right crazy sometimes.” 
kk. “Can I hold your hand?” 
ll. “I’m sorry I never called.”
mm. “I thought I was going to lose you!”
nn. “You are never doing that again.”
oo. “I’m okay, aren’t I?”
pp. “I need a hug.”
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oakandcirrus · 3 years
Ursa Major/Thoughts on ‘The Infernal Devices’
I feel so raw, tender to the touch. The weight of time is on me again. People have loved and lost as long as love has been something to lose; and people will continue to love each other and lose each other as long as there are people to love.
This is a fact I know to be true, though it has never been more personal to me as it is right now. I’m thinking of stories: my own and others’, real and fictional. Tales of Lightwoods and Herondales and Fairchilds, of Lukes and Scalettas and Gregors. How each name has a story of how it came to be, how names are antiques in and of themselves. Once the occupation or dwelling of a man, now an heirloom, a source of pride and love and honor.
The Wheel turns over and over. It is August again. I stand where I stood three years ago. Nothing has changed. I am not the same. Years come and go. Loss is inevitable, loss is unbearable. But I take the unbearable and I bear it, because pain must be held softly. As a great tree falls in a land unknown, one must be there to hear the mighty roar of roots tearing free, the shaking of the earth as it hits the ground, its glory gone dull; otherwise, it will be as if it had never been.
I bear loss daily. My mind is untethered, free to wander upstream at will, to the places where storms have ripped trees from the ground, where fire has razed life to dust, where floods have smothered the delicate flower, and where the shifting of earthly bones have rent skin from flesh, into awful chasms, all the while I walk amongst what is living and loving. It is unbearable, to thumb over the face of a loved one—standing in a river and scowling as her photo is taken—and feel such heavy grief that my body trembles, though the girl in question is right next to me, laughing as she raises her fork to her mouth. It is unbearable, and yet, I bear it.
What a lesson to learn so young. How morbid. How cruel. To know that life is fleeting. That every moment spent smiling is spent dying as well. That joy is never free of despair, never is one separated from the other. Love is never apart from grief, for they are mirrors of each other. They are one and the same. We feel love through grief. Loss is a light that illuminates our dark loves. What is love without the knowledge of loss? What is grief without the resilience of love?
What epic loves have come before me? Whose body does mine resemble? Whose eyes do I see with? Whose hair tangles ‘round my fingers? In what instances is history repeating itself in ways that I am blind? I know very few of the answers: the way I look up into the night sky and search for Ursa Major and Orion, who were my great grandmother’s companions on her many travels, and are now mine. I see her now in my hands and in the shape of my lips. I see my heritage in the severity of my brow, the mold of my nose, my smile. I see my grandparents in the way I hold a brush and in my garden, with soil under my nails and fresh fruit gathered in a basket. We are the same, at our core. A recycling of traits and genes and talents that flow like driftwood. To know where it began, to know whose love of books and writing and of language became my own, it would be as though I knew their names, their faces, their hearts.
Oh, Great Bear, my guardian angel, do you know me? Have you watched me grow, and my mother, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers before me? Have you watched our blood flow down the river from the start? I will never know, not in this rotation of the wheel, but the fact that you have seen the thread of life—blood-red—traced down to me; that you have watched over me, protected me, is comforting. You remember who came before, and you will see pieces of myself in others, years from now, and love them as you did me.
To the heavenly body that followed the lives of my ancestors, I am sorry. I do not envy you. I know what it is to be Atlas, and I also know that though I fancy myself something like you: a documenter, a lover, a living archive of love, I would not know how to shoulder the burden you bear. The kind of love you hold—it is celestial. But if given the chance, to be a collector of memory, I think I may take it. “For love is as strong as death,” and at my core, I know I am made of love, and made to love, no matter the cost. I hope that decades from now, my children, and their children, will look up to find the light-bringer in the early morning sky, and feel my love. A love that is universal. Unconditional. A love that runs deep as the river of time, and into the soul of God.
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plot idea: A is cheating on B with C, adds B to a Matrix room, A never checks their Matrix account so they never join the room, A invites C to the room as well, C joins, they can't kick B, A and C flirt and start dating, B eventually does check the room again and [gasp]
(inspired by real events, and a particular fear of mine)
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whatitis-inside · 3 years
d’you feel like there will come a time when you leave the fandom that is associated with Timmy & move on to other things that fancy other interests?
First of all, I suppose this ask is quite old one, because it was at the end when I scrolled - so frankly, I’m not sure if you’re still hanging here Anon. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t. Beside that, it took me quite some time to answer merely because the more I thought about it, the more points to acknowledge I would find. And while I’m here, in this some sort of introduction, I would like to remind that I’m usually a rambling mess. I don’t make good arguments. I don’t do well with language - so if it doesn’t make sense at all, well - sorry I guess.
The short answer to your question is yes. For me life is constantly changing. Your interests, hobbies, work, things you like. Things you dislike. It all differs, changes, shifts. And mind you not always in such negative light as leaving. Sometimes changes around you can even intensify a particular hobby/interest. But going back to me - I think my interest have already changed. I’m not invested in the same way I used to. I’m really not. Before I would watch everything that you can call content and now - now it doesn’t hold the same interest. I haven’t watched Tim’s interviews. I haven’t seen SNL episode he was in charge with. When I see at his future projects I don’t see anything of my interest. And even with Dune, with how much I love these kinds of movies, I’m also the person that prefers less green-screen that we get now (see all the Marvel things) - like green screen doesn’t do it for me. I hate it tbh. I prefer the craft of people making costumes, people making scenographies, people making mock-ups. To this day LOTR is one of my favorite movies - because of that as well. It all just feels more real, tangible, as almost existing somewhere there when it’s not something placed on green screen. So I’m not completely sold on Dune. Then we have TFD and that wonka movie - and both are not something I’m very interested about. As for Armie - I haven’t seen Rebecca (tho I loved the book) and we all know in what situation he currently is, so I’m not gonna write more about that.
And this may come as a surprise - but I’m no longer following any of them on their sm. Nor I’m following their inner circles - sans Will coz Will is a cherry and I love him for who he is. I don’t follow any fan accounts - I don’t get any of them on my feed on sm. And to me personally, those are the steps to you know remove yourself from let’s say ‘fandom’ when the time comes.
The changes are natural - and I think we all engage more than we used to. More even so, because we rarely get any good content lately. I mean that amazing sort of content we got with CMBYN promo tour. And I miss that. I miss the old times. I miss when Tim wasn’t that well known, when his fanbase wasn’t so big like now when everyone tries to snatch a piece of him for themselves. I don’t like it - it’s not for me. I’m sure Tim personally loves it - because for me it was something he was moving forward to. Something he desired. And I’m glad for him - that he gets the attention he wanted/craved. It’s just ... that doesn’t suit my tastes you know. Playing for the public, detaching himself in terms of his sm activity, appearing in dialy-shits while pap-walking. It isn’t something I appreciate - and maybe the recent stuff happening in my life also showed me that I don’t have to you know. That there are more important things and that it’s fine to let go and forget. Because when you don’t feel joy why are you even here. Hanging around, ruining mood for folks. It’s pointless. The other thing I guess is that when I took the break, I’ve discovered new things - I’ve fall in love again with all things related with spanish-language. I don’t think I can explain it well, but they are more real. Raw. Not the perfect creation of Hollywood for masses to digest. Granted, they are not on the same level of fame but that makes them even more interesting for me. Because they aren’t restricted by some rules. I’m sure I’m oversimplifying things but it was all just joyous and exciting for me.
At the beginning I was also very excited about writing. New ideas, new stories. You know, that state when you are all shaking with joy and just wanna do all of it. It’s also all different now. My head right now is mostly focused at finishing whatever I have started and that’s it. Not only because the interest and so on, but also because of what I see, how my brain work, how it’s all about comparisons and wanting people to read your stuff, about not making progress. And so on and on and on. I’m definitely rambling now - so sorry for that.
So I guess to just conclude somehow this rambling mess - I’m not saying I’m gonna disappear within a week. We will see how things progress and maybe I will get excited about it again. But right now I’m hanging somewhere there and that will do for now.
*sorry it that doesn't sound like English to you, it's possible
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Who we are and how we started
Good Evening, How was Nothing Now Games formed? Who are we? Why do we want to publish games? Well, i'll have a post here eventually from Jeff and Carla but I can cover some of that, as well as my own interest and history. The short version of my life - I am 48 years old this month, I lived in Harrisburg / Hershey Pennsylvania for roughly the first 30 years of my life (and yes when I was a teen I worked at Hersheypark annoying everyone from the games booths asking people to win a prize for a $1 a try, I also should be about 800 lbs as I have eaten my share, my families share, and your share of chocolate during my lifetime). After a year or so with family in Ft. Wayne Indiana, I ended up in Columbus Ohio in 1999. Met my wife, eventually adopted a now 8 year old wonderful daughter, and through a friend met Jeff and Carla Horger. I am a typical gamer I suppose, grew up on all the starting video game systems from atari through nintendo and had an Apple IIe, played D&D and my first board game ever depending on what you count would be Dark Tower, or Freedom in the Galaxy. After meeting Jeff and Carla while playing D&D I was invited to board game night, and after Carcasonne, Catan, and Ticket to Ride I was introduced to hundreds of games over the years, taking a thorough dive off the deep end into Age of Rennaisance and Advanced Civ which are two of my top five games. Jeff and Carla had been designers before I met them with GMT Games publishing Manoeuvre, and later Thunder Alley, Grand Prix, and with other publishers 20th Century Limited and Fast & Furious Full Throttle. About 3 years ago Jeff and Carla had investigated trying to start publishing their own games, and after several discussions we agreed to start a publishing company. I have a project management backgound and would handle the business side of things with Jeff and Carla handling the development and design (although I do playtest a lot, I thought it would be a good challenge to figure out the intracacies of publishing, I have wanted to follow that dream since I was in my late teens). So we started, came up with a name of TFD Games which represented many different things from Three Friendly Dragons through Those F..... Dice....and others. Unfortunately that name was taken so during a discussion with a friend, Jeff when asked what our name was going to be, stated 'It's Nothing Now....' to which was answered 'that's pretty cool'. So it stuck for lack of something better, we became Nothing Now Games, LLC. As to the 'why' we want to publish games, especially in this market where there seems to be a glut of new games coming out every week, and everyone and their brother seem to be coming out and self publishing, well I suppose in my case it seems like a challenge and it seems like there could be a better process in the long run for getting good games to market. I thoroughly believe that we have the capability to bring solid, well designed, well developed and playtested games to market. We have had our failures thus far and learned from them and continue to apply those lessons going forward, we are always reaching out and asking for feedback, and we have the advantage of being in Columbus - home to Columbus Area Boardgame Society in which we actively participate and have a design group at, as well as being host city to Origins Game Fair, Buckeye Game Fest and within a few hours of Gencon in Indianapolis. We have had a success in Thunder Alley Crew Chief and since our last kickstarter which we closed out early, decided to bring on a valuable graphic artist into our mix. At the end of the day, thematic games, with good graphic design and appealing art that have been designed well, and playtested well is how we hope to differentiate our company as we move forward from our original failure at Loaded Up and Truckin', past our success with Thunder Alley Crew Chief, and on through our next project Panic! by James Ernest, Mick Sullivan and Greg Parsons which we will be previewing this summer and launching in September. I have a lot of blogging to do this summer, and it's actually an enjoyable process for me, the only piece is keeping it short and relevant as I tend to ramble on at times. We hope you will join us on our journey. Thank You! Sean Gardner Nothing Now Games, LLC. BGG - Nothing Now Games Website - http://www.nothingnowgames.com Follow Our Blog - https://www.boardgamegeek.com/blog/6640 Follow Us On Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/NothingNowGames Follow Us On Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/NothingNowGames
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megolololo · 7 months
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soundwave lovers!!!
(interactive post)
im currently struggling to build nuance and depth for soundwave’s character in tfd so i want all of your hcs, ramblings, and thoughts on him!
go crazy in replies, reblogs, tags, anything! i’d just love to see how other people see him
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jeawrites · 4 years
Friendship ended with I Am Panda now Terror Panda is my best friend--
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jeawrites · 4 years
If my AUs collided all of the ohms would be at each others throats.
Wneo Ohm is a bastard (rn anyays) and Derby Ohm is super nice!! Digimon Ohm prefers not to go near people and ALD Ohm hates humans.
Wneo Ohm isnt happy with the path he took, so the minute he sees Derby Ohm (who's living hos best life), the guy's gonna snap. And, Derby Ohm is kinda pushy so he'd be all over talking to them all and trying ti get Digimon Ohm to talk (to no avail) and it'll only irritate ALD Ohm.
The whole thing is funny and it'd prolly end with them all fighting. And?? I think Wneo Ohm would win. He has a gun and the other three,,, don't. ALD ohm just relies on transformation magic and he doesn't carry weapons on him, Derby Ohm is pretty much a nonviolent guy, and Digimon ohm is,, like, 17? And he doesn't like letting his Digimon fight.
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jeawrites · 4 years
The magic AU had a part where Brock was going through a tough time because he was one of the few to be born with two powers? One was defensive magic, which meant he could provide shields for the group and cast levitation spells for support and summon small portals for escape, but he was also born with rare destruction power where if he gets too happy, mad, sad, etc. He could destroy whatever he touches. So, he didn't,, have extreme emotions.
There's a point in the story where he begins to develop more emotions as he becomes closer to his friend group and his powers begin to show, which cause him to freak out and make them worse. Brian and Evan noticed quickly, but before they could do anything Brock just vanished.
Anyways, this all led to Brock being a reluctant villain- most things he did on accident, and others he didn't have a choice because he needed people to stay away from him.
So, the real reason I bring this up is because,,, emotional villain Brock has my life,, and idk why I stopped writing this story,,,
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jeawrites · 4 years
A bbs au where its all like one of those weirdcreepy pasta x readers where the reader is just okay w/ being kidnapped by these weird serial killer fuckers because “they do be cute tho”. 
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jeawrites · 4 years
Tyler named his podcast fhfnfnfnfn WILDCAST FHFNFBFB
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jeawrites · 4 years
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I woke up to this today!! We hit 100!! Thank y'all, a lot for liking my content enough to stick around, love y'all ❤💕❤💕❤💕
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jeawrites · 4 years
OMFG!!!! oh I am soooo happy for you!!!!! you know what maybe I am lucky lmao 😉😉 but hey congrats!!! I'm so jealous...😫 but also very very happy for you!!! -E🌴
Thank yoooouuu!!!! Ily E🌴!!! Thanks for the confidence boost!!
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