#tgamm sonia
tgammsideblog · 2 years
Tgamm S1 11-A ¨Ice Princess¨ episode analysis
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The Mcgees find out about the Brighton urban legend, the ¨Ice Princess¨: An ice skater ghost that every four years covers the entire city in a blizzard while she repeats her routine over and over. The Mcgees try to find a way to persuade her into stopping the blizzard...
¨Ice Princess¨ is an episode that surprised me the first time i watched it. It has multiple elements that makes it a great episode. It’s able to tell a sweet story about people finding their passion again for something they used to love doing, all in eleven minutes.
One thing that separates Tgamm from other animated shows is how ghosts are potrayed. They aren’t exactly ¨naturally evil¨ as more it’s something that some ghost choose to be. They have their own personalities and backstories and are treated as supernatural beings that happen to be connected to the human realm. More often than not, in the series, ghosts are lost souls who need help or had an ¨unfinished business¨ from their human lives. This was the case with Howlin Harriet, who only was looking for her missing toe.
In this episode the main antagonist is a ghost who has been tormenting herself because of the public humiliation she went through after she failed at doing a ice skating move when she was still alive. Sonia was a well known ice skater in Brighton that, after her mistake in the Winter Games, it is hinted that she left the sport, something she loved doing. Every four years, as a ghost, she returns to Brighton and tries repeating the same routine she failed at doing, covering the city in a blizzard during the process. She can’t find a way to rest from that mistake that has been haunting her even in her afterlife.
I like how the Mcgees try talking to her and find a way to help her with her problem. It’s a unique approach to ghost antagonists that i don’t see that much in other shows and i appreciate the series doing this. I also find interesting that Molly isn’t the one that helps Sonia, it’s Pete because he has a talent for ice skating.
Another aspect i really liked from this episode is that Pete gets some charcater development. It’s revealed that in his youth he used to an ice skater and, much like Sonia, he went through a similar humiliating situation that made him stop skating. Because of this, he relates to the Ice Princess story and offers himself to do ice skating with her. In addition to this, it’s hinted that Pete’s older siblings used to mock him when he was a kid, something that gives context for his current insecurities and it gets later explored in the ¨Twin Trouble¨.
This way ¨Ice Princess¨ tackles the theme of people who dedicate themselves to sports or art becoming obsessed with doing everything perfect that they forget to have fun. They feel so pressured in doing things just right that they start to loose their passion for the sport, in this case. After Sonia and Pete skate together and still fail in their routine, they both realize that they don’t have to be perfect and recover that joy in ice skating they lost many years ago.
In smaller note, Scratch gets a bit of extra development in the sense he starts to notice that he is really into ice skating. He enjoys seeing Pete and Sonia practicing their routine and later asks Pete to show him some of his movies. I think it’s a nice addition to his character and it is sweet to see him joining Pete near the end of the story.
On last point, the song sequence is well animated and it fits nicely the theme. It has this sports movie song vibes that manages to be quite emotional. It does a good job at showing how the characters feel at the moment. The whole musical scene is one of my favourites from this half of the season. 
In conclusion, ¨Ice Princess¨ is great episode that delivers a good message about passion in sports and manages to to tell an interesting story about a secondary character in a short time. It also gives some development for Pete’s character, which it is appreciated. Overall, a solid episode.
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theknucklehead · 6 months
The many ghosts of Brighton: Demonic edition.
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nebulaquatic · 9 months
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silviaflowers · 1 year
I dont have any art of it but dONT LEAVE YET PLEASE
But the basic concept is all of the (unique, no historical figures) ghosts are human, and all of the human characters are ghosts! The premise mostly surrounds Scratch (obviously) being "haunted" by Molly.
Molly is kind of an outcast among ghosts because of how joyful she is, and instead of going down to earth to create misery, she goes down to create joy! She, obviously, fakes her scare reports.
Scratch is roommates with Geoff and Jeff, though the three of them don't spend that much time together. Each have their own jobs to attend to, and Scratch's life is pretty bleak until one day he's getting a midnight snack, Geoff is sleeping on the couch, and a ghost comes in to scare Geoff!! It's Molly!!
Scratch kind of freaks out because come on you're interrupting his snack time and also she just appeared, realized Geoff was asleep, got out of her scare form, and slowly tucked a blanket over him. So Molly explains her situation and Scratch is like "literally just get out"
So Molly leaves but.. comes back the next day. And the next. And the next. She just keeps bothering Scratch all the time, and eventually, shenanigans occur.
For some other stuff:
The Chens are joy hunters!
In contrast, Jinx is a ghost hunter
Mr. Davenport is the Chairman! - andrea flaunts this constantly
The McGees and Libby are the only ones who really are fine with Molly being a ghost of pure joy, mostly because they knew each other in the real world
Harriet, Sally, and Sonia are roommates! Eventually Jinx moves into the same house as them and Sally moves out.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! The AU is... yet unnamed! Some of this stuff was come up with by @itchthefriendlyghost btw!!! :D
Thanks for readin, Ill be making a fic for it soon :)
EDIT: The AU is currently named the Reverse AU! Ill try to rb all the stuff people make for it, so going through the tag below should give you all the content on it!
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deemee-ed · 1 year
Favorite TGAMM episode, song, and character (that’s not Scratch 😛)
alright, sorry for taking so long to answer but I REALLY needed to think about this HEHE
I'll avoid talking about season 2 so that no one gets any spoilers for it (since I have.. and... it didn't feel good.), which means I'll focus only on season 1
Favorite episode:
7b-All Systems No
This episode has always been pretty dear to me, especially for how Scratch and Molly's friendship is presented. They're just being the chaotic duo they are and I love them for that
13a-Innocent Until Proven Ghostly
Little tastes of angst in a slice-of-life kind of episode... delicious, a delicacy
17-The Lucky Penny - Lock, Stock and Peril
Both segments of episode 17 are so nice to me, I love the little wholesome moments between Scratch and Molly!
Favorite song:
Main Theme and Ending theme
I obviously have to include the main theme in this list. It's the reason I started watching this show in the first place! Before it had begun, I found the animatic for the intro and this song was so good, it just peaked my interest! And the ending theme is also one I love listening to, I never skip it. I don't know what is it about it, it just sounds so friendly and silly
Everything is normal
Not sure why but this song randomly pops up in my head from time to time, so why not include it here
I know I said I would have only talked about season 1, but before season 2 started the song "Enjoy your afterlife" had already been released and I IMMEDIATELY LOVED it. Scratch's song style is very enjoyable in general
Favorite character:
SCRA- oh it can't be Scratch huh, mmmh...
I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure what to say here, every character in this show is so damn enjoyable!
Molly is a kind of character I usually don't enjoy much, but they made her so original and fun! I just can't help but love her.
Libby is also pretty cool! Love to see an introverted character that isn't being ashamed for that!
Also, a secondary character that I enjoy a lot for some reason is Sonia Davis, aka the ghost from episode 11a-Ice Princess. I hope she'll appear again in the future
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thebig-chillqueen · 2 years
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Scary Scratch! 👻
I put them in the order of which I found the most appealing! :)
So many good spooky designs, I love them sm! 😱
Gotta also love how often he chooses to be either purple or green in this form! 💜💚
"Selfie!!!! :D" ~ Molly McGee, completely unfazed by Scratch's attempts to scare her away.
"You aRE THE MOST FRUSTRATING-" ~ Scratch having zero tolerance for Molly's abundant optimism. BONUS because these designs also deserve lots of love! 👻
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Spooky Ezekiel "Tug the Tornado" Tugbottom, Sonia Davis, Howlin' Harriet and Geoff!
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greatsweet98 · 2 years
TGAMM alignment chart memes I made (1):
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Um.... I can explain
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swasdoodles · 2 years
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my favorite ghosts
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theknucklehead · 6 months
The many ghosts of Brighton.
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(I do love after summoning the Ghost Shark and making it friendly, Scratch actually kept it as a pet in later episodes)
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tgammsideblog · 3 months
Tgamm-Molly and Pete's relationship analysis
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Pete Mcgee is the father of Molly and Darryl in the series. Much like Sharon, he has multiple episodes dedicated to explore his character and his relationship with his children, mainly with Molly.
Pete and Molly share plenty of traits in common. Molly takes a lot after her dad, trying to follow his steps on ¨enhappifying¨ people around her, or in this case the city of Brighton. They are both optimistic, enthusiastic and love helping other people.
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Being a city planner, Pete usually works together with Molly in ways they can improve the town. They can easily work in sync since they both have similar ideas and personalities. Molly supports Pete in his projects and tries to get herself involved in them. In ¨The Turnip Twist¨ they come up with a Turnip festival to bring more attention to Brighton and help with improving its image. They are seeing dancing together during the song sequence and showing the judge Eva the festival around.
Pete believes that one should help others to make the world a better place, as helping is its own reward. He reminds Molly of this in the ¨Don't Gooder¨ when Molly gets angry that Andrea is getting the spotlight that she thinks should have been her. In spite of this, when Pete gets to be famous in social media in ¨Dance Dad Revolution¨ he lets the fame get to his head, losing sight of why he had started making those videos with Molly in first place. At the end of the episode he realizes his mistakes and asks Molly to delete his account.
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When Pete gets anxious and nervous, Molly usually pushes him to move forward with her own positivity. Molly's more grounded nature contrasts with Pete's more paranoid and anxious nature. In the episode ¨Ice Princess¨ Molly encourages Pete to try skating with ice skater Sonia ghost to help her with moving on and stop the blizzard on Brighton.
On the episode ¨Twin Trouble¨ Billy and Tilly come to visit the Mcgees and constanly tease and humiliate Pete. Molly doesn't like seeing her dad getting put down by the twins and she, along with Scratch, tries to getting rid of the sobgoblins that are attracted to the misery that Pete is getting from his older siblings. Near the end Pete manages to stand up for himself and call out Billy and Tilly for their poor behaviour, making them stop bullying him.
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Pete as parent is quite permissive, often letting Molly and Darryl do whatever they want as long as they don't get into trouble. He often goes along with his children's mischiefs, like when he and Darryl accidentally broke the hog water that was on the house basement in ¨Mama Gotta Hustle¨. In ¨Game Night¨ he gets very caught up playing the game with Molly and Darryl, ignoring the house chores they have to do.
On the other hand, he has his limits and tries to set a good example to his kids. He doesn't like when Darryl is called out by the principal in school, showing disapproval of his behaviour. It is easy to assume he does the same with Molly when she does something inappropriate too. As previously mentioned, he reminded Molly of doing good deeds for the sake of helping others and not turning it into a competition in ¨The Don't Gooder¨.
One flaw that Pete has in his parenting is that he may downplay when the family is going through a complicated situation. During the time they were homeless in ¨Home is Where the Haunt is¨, Pete kept trying to tell to the kids that they just needed some weeks to get their house back while Sharon insisted in being honest with them. This habit is something that Molly picked up from Pete, as she is seen hiding what is happening to her to Libby and saying that ¨everything was fine¨. Pete does this with the intentions of protecting his kids from the harsher reality but often he doesn't realize that it can do more harm than good by hiding certain things from Molly and Darryl.
In all, Molly really looks up to Pete and takes a lot from him. They both share similar ideas and personalities, making a good team when they come up with ideas to improve Brighton. Pete may sometimes be too permissive with Molly and Darryl but he still tries to be a good role model for them. He has a close relationship with Molly and they get along well most of the time.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Scratch’s Corruption Theory Megapost
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A very common theory/speculation that has been going around Tgamm fandom is the possibility of Scratch becoming corrupted. It has been an idea in the fandom since the episode ¨Howlin Harriet¨ (Season 1 Episode 2-A) aired back when the series was just starting. Fans have made their own fanart of corrupted Scratch designs, fanfics involving Scratch becoming corrupted, etc. It’s a popular concept to explore in the Tgamm fandom. The question is: Could Scratch become corrupted in this show? What could lead him to become corrupted?
In this post i’m going to talk about what we know about ghost corruption so far and why Scratch has a chance to become corrupted at some point during Season 2.
What is ghost corruption?
According to Libby’s guide in ¨The Unhaunting of Brighton Video¨ episode ghost corruption is the result of ¨A ghost that is so obsessed with their unfinished business that they get consumed by a single emotion¨. In this case Libby cites the example of Howlin Harriet, who became so obsessed with finding her missing toes that her form became very different from the one of a ¨normal¨ ghost. (Howlin Harriet episode)
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Something that is interesting about the Howlin Harriet episode is how it was one of the first episodes of the series, episode 2-A, to be precise. Almost as if ghost corruption as a concept is going to gain importance later on in the show, such it has been the case of the episode ¨The Unhaunting of Brighton Video¨ diving further into how the process of corruption works.
Both creators of the show, Bill Motz and Bob Roth, have shared important information regarding ghost corruption around these last months. (Taken from a Discord AMA)
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Link to Bob’s tweet:  https://twitter.com/automaticgravy/status/1659984445347348481
Based on this, ghosts can become corrupted by obsessing with their unfinished business or focusing on a single emotion like controlling others. They ¨become nothing more than their desires, losing all of their humanity¨. Ghost corruption varies depending of the ghost and what their unfinished business is. This explain why Howlin Harriet looked completely different from other ghosts while Blair looked normal but behave agressive in some ways. Ghost corruption could also depend on how long the ghost has been corrupted. Blair has been stuck in that video store for what would be around two decades while Harriet had been haunting the woods for probably hundred of years. Harriet probably was more in a ¨advanced¨ stage of corruption after being roaming in the woods for so long.
Blair could speak and communicate with the protagonists. Her corruption state manifested as her being on denial on her own situation and watching horror movies obsessively over and over again. She claimed to like staying in the video store, something that was later revealed to not be the case. Blair’s corruption came from not being able to return the tape of a horror movie she really liked before she died. She was consumed by the guilt of having kept the tape for so long. This showed that unfinished business doesn’t have to be ¨tragic¨ for a ghost to have one and the corruption is result of the ghost becoming obsessed by an specific emotion.
Another ghost that could be considered to had been corrupted is Sonia Davis, the Ice Princess, who was consumed by the obsession of doing a perfect triple jump she failed at doing when she was still a human. She was freed when Pete reminded her to have fun in ice skating instead of obsessing over past mistakes. (Ice Princess- Season 1 Episode 11-A). In this case Sonia’s ice powers seemed to have been distorted by years of haunting the lake and thus generating blizzards in Brighton every four years. Sonia didn’t look aware of the chaos her powers were creating in the city, probably because she was too consumed by her unfinished business to notice it.
Now that it has been clarified what ghost corruption is, where does Scratch fall into all this?
Possible hints of Scratch becoming corrupted
One of the things that Scratch needs to become corrupted is for him to have an unfinished business. Something he left from his human life and that he wasn’t able to complete before he died. It has to be something that it was important to him like an activity he loved doing or a person that was special to him... ...Ah What about that flashback he had about his childhood friend, Adia, saying goodbye and moving away? (A Soda to Remember-Season 3 Episode 3-B)
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At the start of ¨A Soda to Remember¨ Scratch talked about how he wasn’t able to recall most of his past except for a memory related to Surly Sid’s strawberry soda. Near the end of the episode it was revealed this had to do with a promise he made to Adia, a childhood friend.
What if the reason of why this was the first thing that Scratch was able to recall was because he tried looking for Adia in his human life but he couldn’t find her? What if finding Adia is Scratch’s unfinished business and he doesn’t know it yet?
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In addition to this, some fans have pointed out that what would Adia’s house from the flashback could be the same one Scratch was living at the start of the series and now it is the Mcgees’ home. If the Mcgees’ house used to be previous Adia’s home, this could would support more the idea that Scratch waiting/looking for Adia may be his unfinished business. While he wasn’t able to remember it, part of his subconscious must have told him to stay in this house because it was familiar to him.
A few days ago one tumblr mutual of mine @the5n00k​ made a video highlighting parallels between how Blair/Ollie were acting in ¨The Unhaunting of Brighton Video¨ and Scratch’s general behaviour when it comes to confronting his past.
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During the episode Blair kept being in denial of her own past and unfinished business. She pretended that everything was fine and lashed out when the protagonists asked her what happened to her so they could help her. She would scare workers out of the video store, protecting the place she found herself ¨stuck¨ in.
Blair’s behaviour resembled a little too much Scratch’s in ¨A Soda to Remember¨ episode. In this episode Scratch did everything he could to avoid being reminded of his past, expressing fear of what could happen if he remembered and finding out that his human life wasn’t exactly a good one. He sabotaged Molly’s school heist to get him the surly sid’s soda and lied about a few things such as ghost not being able to go through safes. Almost as it was something he has been avoiding for years to be reminded of.
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In ¨The Unhaunting of Brighton Video¨ hints that Scratch is still scared of confronting his own past. When Libby and Molly told him that they couldn’t leave Blair without helping her with her unfinished business first, Scratch didn’t think there was anything wrong with Blair not wishing to confront her own past. (¨What is so wrong with that?¨). Scratch thought it was okay to leave Blair being haunted by her own past, stuck and in denial of her situation instead of seeking help. Since the two characters share many parallels, it wouldn’t be surprising if Scratch was subconsciously his own personal issues in that conversation.
Expanding a bit more Scratch and Blair’s parallels, the way Blair haunted the store and kept workers away was much alike how Scratch acted towards the Mcgees when they first arrived in Brighton. Scratch would try to scare Molly and the rest of the Mcgees out of the house, almost as like he was protecting it. If that house was in indeed Adia’s, this could explain in part why Scratch was so grumpy about the Mcgees moving in. He didn’t want a place that reminded him of his unfinished business be invaded by others.
Another aspect worth of noting is the amount of time Scratch has been repressing and avoiding his memories. The creators and the show have both implied that Scratch was alive between 50′s-70′s. He know who Sonia Davis was (who participated in the Winter Games during the 50′s) and seems to be into old music like Jazz/Broadaway (Fried Food song)
Based on this, Scratch has been a ghost for around 50 years, if not more. It isn’t nearly as many as Harriet, who has been implied to be a ghost for hundred of years but it is still enough time for a ghost to become corrupted due to their unfinished business.
Scratch has been dealing with a lot of things in this season too. He has become the new chairman of the Ghost World, a role that really stresses him out because of the responsibilities that go with it. He is also dealing with a neighbour ghosthunter family that has been causing conflict in the Mcgee family and to clash with Molly more than one time. On top of that, he is now having more flashbacks related to his past and put in situations that remind him of this issue.
All of these problems are enough to push Scratch into a situation that could trigger his corruption, even if they have nothing to do with the moment this transformation takes place. It’s simply something that would lead to anyone to have a mental breakdown and Scratch isn’t exactly the best when it comes to dealing with so much stress.
What could trigger Scratch’s corruption?
If the corruption is going to take in some point during this season, for it to happen Scratch should have to go through a very emotional moment that is strong enough for him to trigger the transformation.
My speculation is that being reminded more of his past is what could cause it. Scratch brought up in ¨A Soda to Remember¨ that they could be a reason of why he forgot about his past. In general, he is scared of learning more about it, as something bad could happen if he does.
Maybe this is foreshadowing that once Scratch gets back most of his memories, he is going to remember Adia, and thus, remember how he was looking for her and didn’t found her. Being reminded of his unfinished business could ¨reactivate¨ his corruption and losing control trying to look for her childhood friend.
The second option could be him ¨losing¨ Molly, fearing the same thing that happened to Adia could repeat again. As it was stated in ¨Scaring is Caring¨ Scratch’s biggest fear is losing Molly, a fear so big that was enough for him to make him return to his normal form. If Molly gets taken away from Scratch for some reason with Scratch having his memories back, it could trigger the corruption, since the feeling of losing another friend would be too much for Scratch to deal with.
So far, many things hint that Scratch’s corruption is a event that is bound to happen sooner or later in Season 2. This season has been diving more into Scratch’s personal issues, his tendency to avoid his past and confront it. The concept of ghost corruption has been hinted more frequently both in the show and by the creators, giving more detailed descriptions about what causes it and what happens to the ghost when is during that state. It’s hard to pass this off as some lore and not an aspect that is going to gain importance later on.
Scratch getting corrupted is an interesting direction his character could take considering all the emotional baggage he has carrying all this years. It could be a good opportunity for him to realize he needs other people to help him and finally deal with these personal issues.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Tgamm S1 Ep 20-B ¨Molly vs The Ghost World¨ Episode Analysis
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While Scratch is being put on trial for being friends with humans in front of the Ghost Council, Molly tries to find a way to go to the Ghost World and look for Scratch...
Starting from when segment A ¨The Jig is Up¨ left, Scratch is brought to the Ghost Council by Jinx, who reveals that Scratch is friends with a ¨living person¨. The members talk about how that is a very serious charge against the ghost rules and begin the trail.
Back on the living realm, Molly is trying to do astral projection with Libby helping her. This gets them nowhere and they aren't sure of what else they can do. Then Molly happens to have the idea of summoning Geoff by spelling his name.
Suddenly Geoff appears. Molly begs for Geoff to let her go to the Ghost World using to a ghost portal, to which the green ghost hesitates for a few moments, since humans aren't allowed in the Ghost World or usually can't go there. Molly still decides to jump through the ghost portal, only to find out why is that the case: Her own spirit becomes separated from her body when going through the portal, leaving an empty husk that barely has any emotions. Libby explains to Molly that she is now a ¨wraith¨ and she would remain as such as long as her spirit doesn't return to her body. Since Molly is now a ¨ghost¨, she can go to the Ghost World now. Quickly, Geoff and her go to the spectral realm while Libby stays to keep an eye on Molly's husk until they return with Scratch.
In this episode we get a better insight of what it was established in previous episodes: the Ghost World lives in misery and joy itself is seen a some type of poison. As Geoff puts it ¨joy is not allowed¨. The Chairman feeds off from the misery he causes to humans and ghosts. He keeps his position of power by keeping the Ghost World as miserable as possible and tries to get rid of anything that radiates joy.
This brings a lot of problems to Molly since her spirit is full of joy energy. Almost everything she touches turns into joy like changing its shape and getting flowers growing around them. The visuals of Molly's powers are pretty cool. It's fun to see the contrast between the more cold colors from the Ghost World and how Molly accidentally changes it wherever she goes.
It's worth of mentioning Geoff's role in this episode: He guides Molly through the ghost realm, helps her with avoding Jinx and the sobgoblins and, when they are cornered, he uses the sobgoblins as nunchucks to fight the rest, giving time for Molly to escape. Throughout all this, Geoff acts seriously since he knows that Scratch is in danger. He is willing to defy the Ghost Council's authority to protect his friend, showing how loyal he is.
While this is happening, the trial takes place. There is a sequence of ghosts from previous episodes getting interviewed like Sonia, Harriet and the doctor from ¨Scaring is Caring¨. It's a clever way to bring back all these characters and showing the consequences of it when it comes to Scratch not being able to hide his actions anymore.
Just before Scratch is about to send to the Flow of Failed Phantoms, Molly shows up. Scratch begs for Molly to leave but she pushes and calls out to the Ghost Council for saying that they shouldn't throw Scratch to the Flow only because he happens to do things differently from them. Keep in mind that Molly is a teen girl who turned herself into a ghost and went throught the Ghost World because she wanted to save her friend. Despite fully understanding what is happening, she is willing to do anything to help Scratch. She isn't only positive but a very brave girl to stand up against someone like the ghost rulers.
Jinx shows up and throws Geoff to the Flow for helping Molly and Scratch and calls Molly a ¨menace¨ for her joy powers. This leads to Scratch to talk about how Molly thinks it is better to be nice and help others to make the world a better place and, in a rare genuine moment, he admits that Molly is right for doing all those things. Scratch admits out loud that Molly is his friend and ¨he doesn't care who knows it¨. This speech is the culmination of the development Scratch got in this season so far. He finally stands up against the Ghost Council, who spent this entire season (and years) abusing and treating Scratch as worthless. He gains the courage to speak up against those who have been pushing him down for years and being honest about who he really is.
As result of their defiance, Molly and Scratch are send both to the Flow of Failed Phantoms. They try holding on for a few seconds and right before they are sucked in, Scratch grabs Molly's hand and tells her that ¨You were the highlight of my afterlife¨. This line holds a lot of emotional weight to it, because before meeting Molly and the rest of the Mcgees, Scratch felt very alone and miserable. This started to change when the Mcgees moved in and over time became a family to him. Molly inspired Scratch to open up to others again and for him to ¨feel alive¨ again.
After they get sucked into the Flow for some moments it appears that's the end of it until some sparks of joy energy appear in the Flow: It turns out that by throwing Molly into the flow, that made it change because of her joy powers. All the ghosts that were trapped in the flow get freed while Molly gives a speech about how ¨joy is more powerful than misery¨ and explodes the flow surrounding herself and Scratch with joy energy. Molly approaches the Chairman, defying him, she touches him and the Chairman suddenly is taken over by Molly's energy and he disintegrates, only leaving the robe behind.
Geoff appears and hugs both Molly and Scratch. Molly says that she is leaving with Scratch and threatens the Ghost Council and Jinx if ¨they have a problem with that¨. Scared by her power, they answer that they can leave without any problem, letting Molly and Scratch return safely to their home in the human world.
Back in the Mcgees house Molly returns to her human body and the Mcgee family celebrates Scratch coming back to home. Scratch talks about how Molly defeated the Chairman, exaggerating some parts of it. Then he tries putting a curse on the Mcgee family, a callback to the first time he met Molly, and stops in the middle, clearly indicating that it was a joke. The episode ends with Scratch talking about eating something while the rest of the Mcgee family is smiling at him.
In conclusion: While feeling rushed in some ways because it has many things going on, ¨Molly vs The Ghost World¨ is a great emotional conclusion for Scratch's conflict with the Ghost Council and Season 1 as a whole. In spite of its writing being slightly inferior to the one of ¨Out of House and Home/ Home Is Where The Haunt Is¨ it is still a good double part episode with great visuals, some shocking twists and cathartic character moments, specially for Scratch.
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tgammsideblog · 3 years
I'm thinking how in "Ice Princess" Sonia and Pete weren't able to do the triple spin on the air since that wasn't the point of the episode. The point was how they stopped doing what they loved because of them trying to be perfect and letting a bad experience forget their passion for ice skating.
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tgammsideblog · 3 years
This entire scene was beautiful
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thebig-chillqueen · 2 years
Scratch protecting his family!!!! 🥺
Keep in mind that things usually go right through him, so he had to concentrate super hard for that not to happen this time! 😭
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