ainawgsd · 1 year
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The Great Pumpkin Patch is so much more than pumpkins.
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ainawgsdoutdoors · 1 year
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One of my favorite parts of The Great Pumpkin Patch is the landscaping. These people cag garden!
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gosulsel · 1 year
TGPP Maluku Apresiasi Dispar Makassar dan PHRI Sulsel, Hadi: Ini Kunjungan Balasan - Gosulsel
AMBON, GOSULSEL.COM - Ketua Tim Gubernur Percepatan Pembangunan (TGPP) Maluku, Hadi Basalamah mengapresiasi kunjungan Pemkot Makassar ke Kota Ambon. Hadi menyebut kunjungan ini merupakan kunjungan balasan tahun lalu. "Tindak lanjut eksibisi bertajuk Maluku Baileo Exhibition di Makassar,...
#DisparMakassar #PHRISulsel #TGPPMaluku
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Chapters: 22/22 Here it is everyone: Scott Pilgrim if she was a trans woman!
And also Ramona is trans as well.
And all of the exes
It's done.
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omedapixel · 3 years
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Soda Cans & Juices
Here’s part 1 one the project!! I have 3 items for you - the soda cans from the University vending machine, juice boxes from various expansions, and some cans from the Island Paradise pool bar. I didn’t write down how many polys each one is, but since these are EA meshes they are EXTREMELY low poly.
» Price: §3 » Categories: Deocr, Misc » Textures: 9 presets, not recolourable
» Price: §2 » Categories: Decor, Misc » Textures: 2 presets, not recolourable
» Price:  §2 » Categories: Decor, Misc » Textures: 3 presets, not recolourable
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imaginarycircus · 5 years
The Good Place Project Master Post
I really love The Good Place. It feels more like a TV show made for me than anything I’ve ever seen. I haven’t talked to (m)any people who are coming at it with a philosophy degree and a few said they’d like to know a bit more. I toyed with the idea of making a few off-the-cuff posts about philosophy touched on in different episodes, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do something constructive because I really I love philosophy. Less rambling like the drunk on the next bar stool and more thought out commentary.
I’ll link all the posts I make back here. There will be at least one preliminary post about wtf ethics is before I dig into episode one. I’ll be using the tag #TGPP. 
I’m not an expert. I’m a total doofus who is just barely keeping myself from making 𝞥-curious jokes. (Ooops.) I’d never trust someone who claims to be a philosophy expert and I adore that Chidi never does that. He knows a lot, but he knows there’s so much he doesn’t know and that’s okay. Teaching is as good for him as it is for the other characters. He’s learning as much as they are because he is forced to apply ethics in ways he didn’t while alive.
Two Caveats because imo it’s a headache in the making to approach philosophical inquiry in these two ways:
1. Expecting right/wrong or yes/no answers. We live and think in the gray. We only ever have partial knowledge and that’s a feature, not a bug.
Philosophy can be a lot of long, sometimes dry and impenetrable books, but at its heart it’s simply rigorously thinking about thinking. We all do that anyway. (be tee dubs, thinking about thinking is the “Highest Good” or the best thing you could ever do according to Aristotle. A philosopher. Shocker.)
2. Conflating universal, or general concepts with specific situations or applying judgment without consideration. I can’t stress this one enough. Like. Sure. It’s wrong to steal. But what about a man who steals a loaf of bread because his children are starving? Or what about... You can descend into what aboutism very easily and it’s pointless. The general rule/moral will NOT apply in all situations equally. It’s not meant to and I want to delve into that later. It’s wrong to steal. In every single case? I don’t know. This is a conversation about ethical philosophy, not a court of law.
Feel free to ask questions. Reblob away.
#1 WTF is Ethics?
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tmarauder101 · 5 years
I was tagged by @xx-thedarklord-xx ! Thanks Sam! <3
Rules: Post a sentence from one of your WIP’s and tag as many people as words
But she knows—from the way her reflection winks at her in the dull glass; the way the shadows loom and grin at her under the moonlight; the way the animals flock to her on some days and high-tail away others; the way flowers bloom under her feet and the grass peeks up from between the cracks before curling over brown and broken within the next few days—she knows. 
Not quite sure who’s done it but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. No pressure here! :)
This is from my upcoming fic for my MCU Series The Gods are up there playing poker. The first one us up if you are interested! It’s basically a Young Avengers/Endgame Fix it! Link is here ~> :)
I tag!!!
@enigmaris @starrykitty013 @official-impravidus @mydrarrybullshit @froggish-lesbian @paradoxicalblueberry @unconditionaldrarry
 and anyone else who wants to do it!
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witchblade · 3 years
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satumaluku · 2 years
100 Ribu Liter Minyakita Penuhi Kebutuhan Kota dan Pulau Ambon
100 Ribu Liter Minyakita Penuhi Kebutuhan Kota dan Pulau Ambon
satumalukuID – Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Maluku menyatakan lebih dari 100 ribu liter minyak goreng kemasan rakyat (Minyakita) telah ada dan didistribusikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di Kota Ambon dan Pulau Ambon. “Saat ini sudah ada lebih dari 100 ribu liter minyak goreng minyakita yang masuk di Kota Ambon. Minyak goreng murah ini sudah didistribusikan di pasaran…
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wardo · 7 years
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You just casually cited Immanuel Kant. Yeah, I know we're in a miserable bind here,but this might be the proudest day of my life. season one
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crosswised · 7 years
The Great Pumpkin Patch TGPP Arthur Illinois Corn Maze Noah's Ark Pumpki...
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ainawgsd · 1 year
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An assortment of faces at the sumflower maze
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bagusbalibus · 4 years
Gianyar siapkan 16 lokasi penyimpanan vaksin COVID-19 - Berita News Bali
Gianyar siapkan 16 lokasi penyimpanan vaksin COVID-19 – Berita News Bali
Gianyar, Bali (Berita) – Dinas Kesehatan bersama TGPP (Tim gugus tugas percepatan penanganan) COVID-19 Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, telah menyiapkan 16 lokasi sebagai tempat penyimpanan vaksin agar pelaksanaan vaksinasi serentak secara nasional dapat berjalan baik. “Pelaksanaan vaksinasi bagi tenaga kesehatan Gianyar akan dilakukan di 16 titik tersebut yakni di 13 puskesmas, dua RS pemerintah, dan…
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Turns out, being trans gives you another skill tree! and some of it is broken as hell.
when Scott sees a girl in his head, he just can't seem to get her out of it. so, a relationship commences. and now Scott has to fight her seven evil ex-girlfriends in order to get to date her. and why doesn't Ramona remember having seven girlfriends?
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omedapixel · 3 years
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New TS3 Project!!! I was playing around in SuperCaw and noticed you could place all kinds of props and objects normally not found in the catalog - which inspired this idea! also can you tell i like making cute graphics
What is it?
I’ll be extracting all base game, expansion and store “props”. That means objects that show up during animations and interactions, and other objects. For example, the beeper that sims in the medical career have, or the candy you can collect when your sims trick or treat. 
What will I be changing?
I’ll be making everything decorative and buyable. I’ll also be enhancing all the textures as best I can, and for some objects I´ll be making them recolourable and adding slots. 
Will I do every “prop”?
Short answer - no. I’m doing all the ones I could find in the game files MINUS futuristic/alien/magical stuff simply because it doesn’t fit with my gameplay. But if I miss something that you really really want, I’m happy to add it to the list :)
I’m gonna post the first part literally straight after this, so look out for it! I’ll be tagging everything #tgpp (hopefully that doesn’t stand for anything else? 😅)
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imaginarycircus · 5 years
The Good Place Project: Post #1
(project master post)
WTF is Ethics?
It’s deceptively easy to define ethics as doing the right thing, but what is the right thing? The concept of rightness or good is slippery and without specifics like who, why, how, and what’s at stake, there’s nothing much to talk about except vague, mushy concepts like Good and Right. This is one reason ethics is hard to discuss and practice. We talk in universals, but we act in specifics. We study and contemplate the big picture, but we live in our choices. Learning to translate from vague principles and hypotheticals to everyday thoughts and actions is the work of ethics.
So wtf is Virtue?
The Greek concept of virtue has nothing to do with Christian ideas or any sexual connotations, as in euphemisms for unbecoming behavior in women. I had to recalibrate the word when I first started reading ancient philosophy. So what is it? Plato never gives a simple and solid definition of virtue. His dialogs are about asking questions, not answering them. Do we know what we think we know? What is it we think we know? If we can find the best way to ask a particular question will it lead to a clear answer?
Aristotle’s definition of virtue is snappy. It’s doing the right thing, in the right place, at the right time, and for the right reason. 
The right reason is what renders actions virtuous or not. If you do a good thing by accident it’s nice, but it’s not virtuous. If you avoid doing something bad because you fear punishment, you definitely aren’t practicing virtue. If you do the right thing because you know it’s the right thing, that is virtue. It has to be intentional. So that’s easy, right?
Easy as pie, if said pie is universally delicious to all people and cures all diseases. Alas. That pie is impossible and so is perfect virtue. 
Hold up. Why can’t we be perfect?
Perfection is a static quality because it cannot change. It simply *IS* and nothing in the physical world is static. Everything is changing at every moment, becoming something and then breaking down.  Our lives can’t be perfect, but they can be virtuous. I like this because fear of not being perfect or of being wrong often hamstrings us needlessly. I mean Chidi. Bro. Pairing a guy who fears making mistakes with a woman so cynical she sees no point in doing good things is brilliant. It makes them both consider their behavior and change once they become friends. I want to talk about how all the characters affect each other in another post.
I’m dancing around Aristotle’s concept of “becoming.” It is the most important part of all his philosophy. Good is not something we are. We are becoming ourselves by doing good. I want to tell you all about this right now because it’s the kindest most practicable ethics I’ve read, but I’m cutting myself off to stay focused. It will come up in a later post. Crap. I’m going to have to make a post and just dump a lot of Aristotle on people who want it. idk if you noticed yet, but he’s kind of my fave. I’m not planning to stick to ancient philosophers forever, but it’s where our characters begin, where my education began, and where the western canon begins. Apologies to the Pre-Socratics, but how many people have even heard of Anaxagoras? TBF he was actually kind of cool. Most of them were Sophists. We don’t like them. They’re a bunch of punk ass bitches.
How to be a good person.
Yeah. How? I honestly don’t know. This is a preliminary post so I’m setting aside what “good” can mean in this context. Defining your terms is a huge part of philosophy and that’s what a lot of Plato’s Dialogues investigate. The word good has a ridiculous number of meanings in the wild like high quality, satisfactory, useful, competent, worthy of approval, and this specific goodness that is virtue is a whole discussion in and of itself. Aristotle calls it beautiful and there’s something sort of noble about it. But we all have concepts of what is good and right. That’s all you really need for now. 
I’m not being cute. I really don’t know how to be a virtuous person, but I can tell you that philosophers advise practicing virtue for its own sake, education, learning from and observing wise people and friends who are like you. Self-examination and reflection is required. If that sounds like A LOT consider that you’re already doing some of this to some degree. 
Does it matter if we’re virtuous or not?
I think so. Socrates talks a lot about being good so you can be reincarnated as a bee or some other highly organized creature and maybe you can see what I meant about not finding answers in Plato’s dialogues.** Aristotle says we practice ethics to be happy. It’s not the kind of happiness derived from someone baking you a cake. It’s not pleasure per se. It’s a soul deep rightness that you’re doing what you’re meant to do.
Our purpose in life is to be happy the same way an acorn’s purpose is to become an oak tree. We try to do good things, to be good people to benefit others and become ourselves--happy people.
I promise I will come back to “good” and “happy” later and try to really dig into them.
** I assume people know this, but just in case--Socrates was Plato’s teacher. Most of what we know about Socrates was written by Plato. The Dialogues are like little plays--the dialogue written out. So what is Plato’s work and what was truly Socrates is up for grabs. Plato was Aristotle’s teacher and let’s just say that Aristotle is cut from a different cloth. If you ever have questions, please don’t be afraid to ask me. I want to share cool ideas with people and I am not judging anyone for what they don’t know. People can’t know everything and if you want to learn you have to start at the beginning. I didn’t know that Plato’s dialogs starred his teacher until I read them.
Do other people matter or is ethics something you do alone?
Other people are crucial.  We can see in The Good Place why everything hangs on relationships and community. We are "political animals.” People live in civilized societies with codes of conduct and intertwining lives. We depend upon each other. Politics is the condition of living in a city or group. That’s all it means. Our existence is political. You cannot be ethical on your own. It’s always in relation to other people and the rest of the world.
People learn different things and are good at different things. This is a benefit of living in a society. All of our lives can be improved by people sharing ideas and skills--by people taking care of each other.
1. Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, translated by Joe Sachs. Mr. Sachs is (was?) a tutor at my college. His Greek translations are par excellence. Aristotle is dense and hard to crack open. I had to read parts of The Physics half a dozen times before it started to make any sense. I think he’s definitely worth reading, but reading it alone without being able to discuss it sounds difficult. Not impossible though. I’m referencing The Politics at the very end there.
2. Plato’s Dialogues, Princeton University Press, various translators. Specifically The Meno and The Apology here. The Meno is a good dialog to try if you’ve never read Plato. The Gorgias is also useful. I know people are all about The Republic and The Cave and that’s fine. I just can’t stand that Dialogue and cannot personally recommend it. You can pick up and read Plato easily. You may find it interesting or obnoxious. Socrates likes to flirt with many people, especially pretty young men. Even though he can be maddening, he was also brilliant. He believed in his work so deeply that he was happy to die for it rather than recant or say he was wrong. He walked the walk until they executed him. I think of Socrates as the First Teen Idol. He got all the kids in Athens het up on philosophy and disobeying their parents and people lost their goddamn minds.
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