labelle-verte · 6 months
About movie parallels and telephatic connections
As a teenager I was quickly impacted by the bond Taichi and Sora (from Digimon) shared, much deeper than others, as brightly put in the novels:
“Because of the smooth two-top coordination that Taichi and Sora showed within their soccer plays, he must have gotten the mistaken impression that they shared a telepathic link. Perhaps he thought Sora would use it to get Taichi to come flying out to see him.”
It wasn’t just a male main character meant for the female one. It was conflictous, complex, realistic and pretty much solid. 
There was no way not to worship them.
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Some say Sora is obsessed with windows but in reality she was trying to connect to Taichi all the time.
I’m getting older but still very much obsessed with Tai and Sora’s connection. Yes, I’m a nearly forty years taiora trash.
That said, I watched Past Lives some time ago and I couldn’t help but draw a parallel with my favorite ship from the anime world.
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It’s all there: the long term friendship, the growing apart, the “what ifs”, the one-sidedness, the complexity, bittersweetness and tenderness beyond place and time.
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No, it can’t stay like this forever. Something will always remain not only in this but beyond life. “There is a word in Korean. In-Yun. It means "providence” or “fate”. But it’s specifically about relationships between people. I think it comes from Buddhism and reincarnation. It’s an In-Yun if two strangers even walk by each other in the street and their clothes accidentally brush. Because it means there must have been something between them in their past lives.”
(Wait, let me remove something that just fell in my eye. :~)
And it’s funny how, in the Last Evolution Kizuna movie art, if we take away the other characters, Sora and Tai trace parallel paths. And, from what I remember from school, parallel lines meet at the end, at always, at infinity.
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So, in my headcanon, all this adorable-stormy-irreplaceable relationship will only get stronger over the years (physically or not).
"Finally, let’s remember That less for less gives more love If the parallels will at infinity meet Why do it take so long for two hearts to integrate?” (Tom Jobim’s “Math Class” - my translation)
That´s all. For now. ;)
Lots of love! @earlgreymon and @dutchforstrangers this post is for you guys, just adore each one of yours.
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artypurrs · 2 months
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Art made by @sabedilemon the digimon template made by @earlgreymon
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artforsis · 2 months
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Art made by @sabedilemon for my sister template made by @earlgreymon
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redthreadoffate · 7 months
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header by @/earlgreymon
for @ashxketchum!! requested some time ago and finally got to finish it (there's a part that just won't write itself!). i know you asked for takari but your takari for me, my mimato for you (even though it's a little unfair since i love mimato, too). i still do hope you like it! i had a lot of fun writing this and it kinda went on and on as i typed once the part finally wrote itself. anyways! enjoy (i hope)!!
endgame | main characters ; yamato ishida, mimi tachikawa, some taichi yagami and sora takenouchi, can't forget gabumon, palmon, agumon, and piyomon | universe ; au / can be placed anywhere after 02 | ships ; yamato x mimi, taichi x sora, takeru x hikari | genre ; fluff, humor | word count ; 2,235 | rating ; 13+ | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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Yamato was never in the mood for flirting. He knew people fawned over him, he knew his band was worshiped by those his age, and sure, he did “have a feeling” that flirting was going to be part of his life. But he never even tried to flirt back. Well, maybe he did, but it was usually against his will.
The band was not together anymore, having to go their separate ways, but he still loved them. The flirting, however, did not stop. He knew he was a good-looking guy but now that he was living a life that did not involve anything that required him to “go out there and fly”, maybe a life without people flirting with him 24/7 would be nice.
He and Taichi were having a meal in a small diner with Gabumon and Agumon hidden beside them. The digimons were enjoying their food while their partners talked about school.
Although they took up different courses, they still had some minor classes together, which, despite Yamato not admitting it, was a relief from all the other students they swarmed with. He had made some friends, but no one at the same level he had with Taichi. Everyone came from different backgrounds, and if they were to be honest, it was a little overwhelming, especially since it was their first year in university.
“Are you going to Shinichi’s party on Friday?” Taichi asked.
“Who’s Shinichi?” Yamato questioned, not bothering to look up from his food.
“He’s in one of our minor classes,” Taichi responded, “cool guy. But this party is a little too early, don’t you think? It could be a way to make some friends, I guess. Wanna go together?”
“Can we go?” Agumon asked.
“A party’s always fun,” Gabumon said.
Taichi smiled at them and then looked at Yamato. “What do you say?”
Yamato looked over at the smiling Gabumon and Agumon and sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”
“Great!” Taichi exclaimed.
“But you’re driving,” Yamato said.
“Sora will.”
“Yeah. She wants to go. But she wants to bring her car so that she can leave anytime she wants.” Taichi shrugged. “Her mom’s car. And she said walking would be a pain, Shinichi’s venue is a little far.”
“We can always ask Birdramon to fly us away,” Agumon jested.
Taichi chuckled, Gabumon laughed, and even Yamato gave a smile.
“So what time do we meet her?” Yamato asked.
“Not sure yet. But we’ll ask her, or message if we don’t see each other anytime soon.”
Yamato smirked. “Right. Anytime soon.”
When Friday arrived, Sora, Taichi, and Yamato, along with their digimon partners, were packed inside Sora’s mom’s car. It was just a four-seater after all, it would only be Mrs. Takenouchi, Sora, whenever Mr. Takenouchi would come home, and Piyomon. And of course, Piyomon rode shotgun, while the men were cramped at the back.
“I think we’re here,” Sora said, looking out the window.
“Finally,” Yamato sighed in relief.
“The place is packed and in full swing!” Taichi said.
“Let’s just find a place to park. Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of cars.”
As they drove around, Gabumon pointed at a spot and Sora immediately swirled to get to it. Both Taichi and Yamato looked at each other, surprised by the speed and sudden jerk of the ride.
They got out of the car and Taichi whispered how his soul nearly left his body after that short ride. Yamato rolled his eyes and stated that he was overreacting.
“His place isn’t that big up-close,” Taichi observed. “It’s just the garden.”
“You think there’ll be beer?” Yamato wondered.
“You three find a spot,” Sora ordered. “Somewhere we can see each other.”
“I don’t think there is a place where we can see each other,” Yamato said.
That could be true. The house was packed. So far, the three have not found anyone they knew. But they were just outside and there were not many people around, perhaps they would find more people inside.
“Think you three can go around without being seen?” Taichi asked.
“Of course!” All three digimons grinned.
The group dispersed, the digimons to the right and the Chosen Children straight ahead.
When they reached inside, they looked around for anyone familiar. After a minute of standing by the door, Sora was called by another young lady and she excused herself from the boys.
“We’ll leave at midnight on the dot,” she told them as she walked away.
“Yes, ma’am,” they both murmured.
After some time of just being together, people-watching, someone came up to them. Taichi straightened up while Yamato raised an eyebrow.
“Hey, glad you two can make it!”
“Thanks for the invite, Shinichi,” Taichi said, smiling.
“Yeah, the party’s great,” Yamato said, although he actually did not find the party that great.
“I’m glad you think so, Yamato. I really wanted your approval.” Shinichi grinned. “I heard you were pretty popular back then, I know you are right now. I wanted the approval of someone who knows how to party.”
“I don’t know how to party,” he replied. “I was in a band, but that didn’t mean we were always partying.”
“I see.” Shinichi pursed his lips. “I’m sorry for assuming. But anyway, enjoy the party.” And he waved goodbye as he disappeared into the crowd.
“I think he likes you,” Taichi joked.
Yamato sighed. “I don’t regret the band.”
“I know you don’t, we all do.” Taichi placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “But come on, enough of this. Time to have fun before the old lady tells us to go home.” He snickered.
Yamato scoffed. “I’m going to tell her you said that, I’m sure she won’t like it. At all.”
They both laughed.
The two did enjoy the party. They made new acquaintances and even stuck with a group. They invited Sora in and the three were glad they had new people by their side.
At some point, as the group was talking, Sora paused mid-sentence and everyone waited for her to continue.
Both Taichi and Yamato immediately looked to where Sora saw Mimi, followed by the rest of the group.
“What’s she doing here?” Sora wondered, her voice filled with worry.
“Why?” One of the members asked. “What’s wrong?”
Sora shook her head and headed straight for the young girl. Taichi and Yamato followed suit.
“Mimi,” Sora called her.
Mimi looked back and grinned. “Sora!” She stepped forward and gave her a hug, which Sora returned. When they let go, Mimi hugged both Taichi and Yamato as well. “I’m sure Palmon has found the others already.”
“Mimi,” Sora said softly. “What are you doing here?”
“I was invited,” she smiled. “They said there was going to be a party here and I thought it might be fun, you know. And Palmon’s with me.”
“Mimi,” Taichi started. “Who invited you?”
“Shinichi Ozawa did,” she replied. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Well, no…” Sora said, tilting her head a little. “But, this is a college party. Does Shinichi know that you’re not a college student yet?”
Mimi began to think. “I went to your campus one time, and that’s when he invited me.”
“What were you doing on our campus?” Yamato asked.
“I wanted to surprise you all,” she answered, grinning at him. “But then I asked if you three were coming to the party. He said he wasn’t sure but I wanted to take my chances and surprise you here instead! Isn’t this fun?” Though she sounded unsure when she said the last part.
Yamato sighed. “I don’t think asking you to leave is an option, especially since you’ll be alone—even with Palmon.”
“So what do we do?” Taichi asked.
Sora licked her upper lip. “Babysit.”
Mimi’s eyes widened. “No!”
“Mimi, we don’t know these people. We don’t know these people. Please, stick with at least one of us. We’ll make it up to you, we promise. Just please, Mimi?” Sora pouted.
Mimi looked at all three of them but focused on Sora last. After a few seconds, Mimi sighed. “Okay. I don’t want to admit it but I am a little nervous about this.” She frowned. “Especially since I wasn’t even sure if you guys would be here.”
The three older Chosen Children sighed in relief.
Just then, the group that group the three were talking to appeared and asked what was happening.
“This is Mimi,” Sora introduced. “She’s one of our closest friends.”
“Really?” One of the guys asked. “I’ve never seen you around campus. What course are you in?”
“She’s from another university,” Yamato said quickly.
“May I visit you there?” the same guy asked, his voice a little flirty.
Yamato was suddenly feeling very protective of the younger girl. He did not like the thought of an older stranger visiting her. “Not at the moment,” he said.
“Why don’t you let her answer for herself?” the guy snapped.
Mimi smiled. “Yamato’s just always been protective of us. I don’t mind him answering for me…sometimes.” She giggled.
Yamato knew she was lying so he wondered why she was playing along.
The party was in even fuller swing about forty-five minutes later. Although the three knew Mimi was not too happy with the situation, they also saw that she was having a good time.
At the stroke of twelve, Sora ordered everyone out of the house after thanking Shinichi for the invite. As they headed for the car, the four digimons arrived by their side.
“Yamato, would you take the car and bring Mimi home?” Sora asked.
“Sure,” Yamato answered. “But what about you guys?”
Taichi intertwined his and Sora’s fingers and smiled.
“Got it.”
Mimi squealed. “You two have fun!”
“Agumon, Piyomon?” Palmon looked at them.
“We’ll protect them,” Piyomon said. “But we won’t ruin their moment.”
When everything was set, Yamato, Mimi, Gabumon, and Palmon entered the car. They were quiet for a while until Palmon asked Gabumon how Takeru and Hikari were.
“They’re still very shy,” Gabumon replied. “But that’s expected, right, Yamato?”
“Either very shy or very guarded,” he said with a laugh. “Taichi is still all over them.”
“And you’re not?” Mimi asked, smiling.
Yamato smirked. “Takeru can handle himself. Even if this is his first relationship.”
“Everyone knows Takeru and Hikari would be endgame,” Mimi said with a giggle.
“And Taichi and Sora, too,” Gabumon added.
“Yamato, didn’t Sora have a crush on you before? Mimi said that she gave you something special for Christmas one time. What happened?”
“Palmon!” Mimi chided.
Yamato sighed. “I’ve only told Taichi what happened.”
“I’m sorry,” Palmon said, bowing her head. “I was just very curious now that the topic came up.”
“I knew that Taichi had feelings for her, and I couldn’t do that to him, especially since I only ever felt feelings of friendship for Sora.”
“And Sora gradually had feelings for Taichi, too. And he didn’t even have to try too hard despite having strong feelings, correct?” Mimi grinned as Yamato nodded. “It just means they’re meant to be!”
The four talked more about their friend’s love lives. Mimi’s home was a little on the farther side so they had a lot of time to gossip.
Finally, Mimi had a mischievous look on her face. “What about you, Yamato?”
Yamato smirked. “What about you, Mimi?”
“Don’t turn this in my direction. I asked first.”
“If there’s nothing to say then it only makes sense the question goes back to you.”
“Oh please, someone like you is bound to have someone in mind.”
“There’s no one, Mimi. And again, what about you? If I remember correctly, you’ve always been a hopeless romantic.”
“I still am,” she admitted. “But my goal is different now. I want to play Cupid.”
“Don’t force it though.”
“I know the limits. Now c’mon, Yamato. Answer me.”
“There’s no one, Mimi.”
“Do I have to play Cupid?”
“If it’s with you then I don’t mind.” A smirk on his face.
“I’m serious!”
“Oh look, we’re here.”
Mimi looked up and sighed when she saw the building she lived in. “Okay, fine. But you owe me an answer, Ishida.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes, but a smirk appeared on his face. “It’s time to go, Tachikawa. It’s getting late. Too late.”
“Will you bring the car back to Sora’s?”
“Yes. And then Gabumon and I will walk home.”
Mimi smiled. “Okay. Thanks for the ride.” She turned to the back seat as Palmon went down. “Goodnight, Gabumon.”
Yamato raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll say goodnight to you if you give me an answer.”
“The gas is running,” Yamato said, looking at the meter. “Goodnight, Mimi. Goodnight, Palmon.”
“Goodnight, Yamato,” Palmon said with a wave.
Mimi chuckled. “Okay. Goodnight, Yamato. Goodnight again, Gabumon.”
“Goodnight, Mimi. Goodnight, Palmon,” Gabumon said.
Yamato looked at her and smiled. “G’night.”
Mimi smiled once again and closed the door.
Once Yamato saw that the two had gone inside the building safely, he drove away.
“Yamato,” Gabumon said.
“You were flirting with Mimi, weren’t you?”
Yamato choked. “Flirting? Me? I wouldn’t say so.”
“You were.”
“I was not.”
“You even said—.”
“Gabumon,” Yamato said in a warning tone. This only made his digimon laugh. “Gabumon!”
“You won’t admit it, but you were!”
Yamato sighed. “You’re not letting this go, are you?” Gabumon shook his head. “Just don’t mention it to anyone. And no, I was not flirting.”
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patamon · 2 years
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Are we falling like snow at the beach? Weird but oh so beautiful - Taylor Swift
@digisecretsanta kenkari gift for @earlgreymon. Merry Christmas, Sky!
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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The TyHil Love Countdown, a month long challenge dedicated to creating content for this ship, will begin in November this year and you’re cordially invited to join in! 
❍ The rules are pretty simple, post any TyHil related content during November based on these themes! You can post as many entries for each of them, or even just post one entry for the entire month, how you decide to tackle the challenge is completely up to you. 
❍ If November is a busy month for you, then you can take the challenge on during any other month. The simple purpose of this event is to generate TyHil content consistently over a period of time, so as long as you accomplish that you’re good to go! 
❍ The themes are also open to any and all interpretations, the meaning is not limited to the word itself but any ideas associated to it. For example, you can create something Christmas or New Year themed for “Winter”. And you also have the option to use the free days from the last 2 days of the month in your earlier entries if you wish to.
❍ The main focus of your entry should be TyHil, but it can feature other characters/ships/ocs. 
❍ The challenge is meant to celebrate TyHil as a couple, so of course it would be ideal if your entry is romantically themed, but if you’re not a TyHil shipper and still want to participate by shedding light on their platonic dynamic, you’re more than welcome to do so! (*as long as any other ships do not take the spotlight in the submission) 
❍ Remember to tag your works with at least one of these tags: #tyhil #takaoxhiromi #tysonxhilary #takaromi #tyhil love countdown . 
❍ You can even tag me if you want! But at the end of the day my blog is multifandom, so to make sure that the entries don’t get lost in the ocean and are easily trackable, I have made a new blog @takaoxhiromi  where I will reblog and archive all the entries to the challenge. 
❍ Lastly, in case of any triggering or explicit content, make sure you put the necessary warnings in the tags or description so that everyone can enjoy your contribution safely. 
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me anytime. 
Special shout out to @/earlgreymon and her Enlightenmonth Event for inspiring this. 
Inspiration behind the name: Love Countdown by Nayeon ft. Wonstein
Can’t wait for November ❤️
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ri-ships-takari · 2 years
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I posted 311 times in 2022
27 posts created (9%)
284 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 280 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#digimon - 225 posts
#queue - 182 posts
#digimon adventure - 149 posts
#digimon adventure 02 - 96 posts
#hikari yagami - 57 posts
#takeru takaishi - 57 posts
#takari - 26 posts
#yes - 25 posts
#yamato ishida - 24 posts
#daisuke motomiya - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#they remained wrapped in each others arms silence stretching between tem like a comfortable blanket 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 ou bb
My Top Posts in 2022:
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48 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Me, preparing myself for the new movie and the new Takari content, hoping this time Toei will actually make them canon:
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we been knew they wont but we know we all be holdin out right until the postcredits that they might right 😩😩😩
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64 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
takeru takaishi:
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yep. there is no way this boy is straight
68 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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random only somewhat impulsive life update: this year i got stylized crests of hope and light tattoos 💖
just a nice little reminder for myself that even if i'm getting a bit too busy for fandom lately, enjoying and creating for this pair and for this fandom will always be something i could come back to 💖
also these were designed and inked by local artist Ally Campollo at the Siningtinta studio!
Very few people from the fandom are in this region so you might not be able to check out the studio, but do feel free to check out their art~ (Ally does custom design commissions!! I think all the other artists at this studio do too!)
87 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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ngl even if the movie were just miyako/daisuke and the others bickering like this, i would still pay good money to watch that shit
272 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sluggybasson107 · 2 years
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I posted 923 times in 2022
109 posts created (12%)
814 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 921 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 759 posts
#queuedump - 312 posts
#digimon - 50 posts
#myart - 46 posts
#reliablejoukido - 32 posts
#ask - 30 posts
#digitalworldbound - 28 posts
#favorite reblogs - 24 posts
#self reblog - 24 posts
#patamon (user) - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#the reason why i talked more about armor we can’t remove compared to the other fics is bc i’ve already gushed about fy and ud
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[Image Description:
A digital drawing of Sora Takenouchi and Garudamon from Digimon Adventure. Sora is on the right side of the drawing, and we see her from the knees up. She wears her default outfit, consisting of her blue hat, yellow shirt with white edges, her pink belt pouch, and jeans. Sora clutches her chest, with a red color emitting behind her hands. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth is partly open. Garudamon is behind Sora. Their hair flows to the right as they looks to the left. Fire surrounds Garudamon behind her, and part of the Crest Of Love is seen.
End Image Description]
Day Four: Love/Compassion
Finished one of my late drawings for Sora Week! And yes, I'm planning on completing all the prompts.
This drawing is inspired by Garudamon's first appearance, which is one of my favorite Digimon episodes ^-^
60 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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See the full post
60 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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It’s so late at night right now and once I thought of this I couldn’t stop thinking about it
87 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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[Image Description:
A digital drawing of Sora Takenouchi from Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna. The drawing is her in the process of making the flower arrangement she created in the short To Sora. She's kneeling on a purple cushion and faces her flower arrangement, holding a red flower in her right hand. She also reaches for the book Notes Of The Blossoms with her left hand. There is a sixty minute speedraw of making this drawing.
End Description]
99 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
156 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bossarmadimon · 2 years
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I posted 6,880 times in 2022
That's 646 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (1%)
6,814 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,841 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#art - 3,281 posts
#screencaps - 1,548 posts
#digimon adventure - 1,118 posts
#digimon ghost game - 983 posts
#fanwank - 754 posts
#digimon adventure 02 - 742 posts
#gifs - 670 posts
#original characters - 633 posts
#fakemon - 605 posts
#artsing - 592 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#but do you have any idea how hard finding screencaps involving taichi and agumon with ken or iori is???
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ghost Game is really the entire cast shouting “Braincell!” as they toss two braincells back and forth between themselves like Elizabeth, Pintel and Ragetti in PoTC; Dead Man’s Chest. 
That’s a major selling point, btw.
13 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Thought on latest Ghost game episode:
1) *scream*
16 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
I want to say, I’m feeling like this fandom is going through a bit of a rebirth on tumblr and I am SO VERY GLAD for it.
love y’alls
21 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
"Two dumbasses and the voice of reason" is a fun relationship dynamic, but also consider:
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See the full post
260 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey, y’know that crazy-ass video that was recently making the rounds. yeah. that one. You know the one. Turns out it’s not the whole thing.
1,316 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elecmon · 2 years
i need togemon with a beansprout for shitty doodle hour bcs toge in my country means beansprout...
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amesscott · 4 years
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taiora + wholesome friendship
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artforsis · 2 months
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Art made by @sabedilemon for my sister template made by @earlgreymon
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
that’s not a pure word
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header by @/earlgreymon
a super late gift for @sincerelytan​!!!
this is so exciting for me because this has been in the works for a long time but i FINALLY got around to finishing it even though it’s a little short. i feel it’s because the ending never really got to me? so i re-did it a few times and i finally found the right groove. i hope you like it!!
that’s not a pure word | main characters ; yamato ishida, mimi tachikawa, satoshi ishida (oc) | universe ; au / no digimon partners | ships ; yamato x mimi | genre ; humor, family | word count ; 1,077 | rating ; g | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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Yamato and Mimi had just finished preparing Satoshi’s birthday dinner. He cooked the food and she baked the cake. It was just a simple party, just the three of them for now. Or four counting the baby inside Mimi. Satoshi liked to count them in already.
“Happy birthday, Satoshi-kun,” Mimi greeted as she brought out the cake. There were five small blue candlesticks on it and as soon as she placed it on the table, her son blew them all out with a single whoosh. “You haven’t even made your wish!” she gasped.
“I’ve already made my wish,” Satoshi said with a huge grin. “But I’m not going to tell you,” he added in a sing-song voice.
“You’re keeping secrets from us now?” Yamato asked, his voice steady, but he tried his best to hide the tiny smile he had on his face.
Satoshi giggled. “Only my wishes.”
“How can we make your wish happen if we don’t know about it,” Mimi asked teasingly.
“Tenma-onii-chan said that you should never tell your birthday wishes. I should only tell Tenma-oii-chan and Akihito-onii-chan.” Satoshi crossed his arms and nodded.
Yamato sighed. “Such a Takeru thing to do.”
Mimi laughed. “Next thing you know, Michiru-chan is acting like Hikari.”
“Mama,” Satoshi called, “do you think the baby will be a girl?”
Mimi tilted her head a little. “We haven’t asked the doctor,” she admitted. “We kind of want it to be a surprise.”
“Why? How will you pick out his or her name?”
“We have names ready,” Yamato answered. “But we want this to be a surprise this time.”
“But why?”
Yamato and Mimi looked at each other. “No reason, really,” Yamato said. “That’s just the way we want it to be.”
Satoshi frowned. “I wished for a baby sister.”
Mimi smiled. “Let’s hope the baby is a baby sister then.”
“But what if the baby is a boy?”
Yamato crouched to his level. “Will you not love him?”
Satoshi shook his head. “I will, but I want a baby sister like Chiru-chiru-chan.”
“Girl or boy, you’ll be the best big brother ever.” Yamato patted his head and grinned. “You take after me after all!”
Days later, Mimi and Satoshi were out shopping. They were going on a short holiday during the summer and Yamato wanted them to buy clothes while the season was still far. Mimi laughed and said that they did not have to worry. Yamato argued about the crowd.
As Mimi looked around, Satoshi was happily trotting beside her. She had bought him a new, small basketball set. While the headboard and net were in the cart, he was holding the ball. He was dribbling carefully but at some point, the ball rolled a little further. Luckily, there were not many people and he knew he could follow and get it without getting separated from his mother.
“Shit.” He quickened his pace and caught the ball before returning to the side of his mother. “I got it back.”
“What did you just say?” Mimi asked. Satoshi could not tell what was wrong with what he said.
“I got it back,” he repeated.
“No the–no, never mind. Just don’t say that again.” Mimi shook her head.
“I got it back?” he asked once more.
Mimi stopped in her tracks and bent down. “Shit. Don’t say that word ever again.”
“But Papa says it all the time when something falls,” he defended.
Mimi sighed. “He’s sleeping on the couch tonight,” she murmured.
His mother pursed her lips. “I’m going to talk to Papa, okay? But whatever happens. You do not say that word again, okay? Ever. You got that?”
Satoshi nodded. “Okay.”
Later that day, Satoshi was playing with the basketball set in his room when he heard his mother raise her voice. He could not make out what she was saying but he knew she was mad at his father. He wondered why that single word broke into an argument.
Night came and he was thirsty. He got up from bed and headed for the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As he entered the kitchen, he saw his father lying on the couch, a blanket covering his body. He walked over to the sleeping man and nudged him awake.
Yamato opened his eyes and turned to look at him. “Why are you still up?”
“I was thirsty,” he said. “Why are you sleeping on the couch?”
Yamato grinned. “I made Mama angry.”
“Is it because of that word I said?”
“The one you’re not allowed to say?”
He nodded.
“Maybe.” Yamato twisted his body. “Do you want to sleep beside me tonight?”
Satoshi smiled. Yamato threw the covers up and the young boy climbed up. Once settled, Yamato fixed the blanket and hugged his son tight.
“Goodnight, Papa.”
“Goodnight, Satoshi-kun.”
Months later, Yamato and Satoshi entered the room. Satoshi begged his father to tell him if the newborn was a baby sister or brother. Although he really wanted a baby sister, he would still love his baby brother with all his heart and more. “Girl or boy?” he asked again.
Yamato shook his head. “I’m not going to tell you.”
“Satoshi-kun, come here, meet your baby sibling!” Mimi had a huge grin on her face, the baby in her arms.
“What’s a sibling?” he asked, looking up at his father.
“A brother or a sister, a general term,” Yamato replied.
Satoshi did not know what “general term” meant but he understood through the first part that a sibling is either a brother or sister or both. “That’s smart,” he said.
Yamato hauled Satoshi up to the bed and the brunette little boy excitedly crawled up to his mother and looked at the baby. The baby was sleeping and had blonde hair like his dad. He tilted his head from side to side, not sure if the baby was a brother or sister. He looked up at his smiling mother and asked, “I don’t know.”
“What did you want to name your baby sister?” she asked.
“Kiyo,” he said right away. “It means purity, doesn’t it? Akihito-onii-chan told me what purity means.”
“I hope it isn’t the other meaning,” Yamato muttered under his breath. But Satoshi did not understand what he meant.
“Kiyo,” Mimi said. “What do you think, Yamato?”
“I think it’s perfect,” he replied, patting his son’s head. “Better than any name we thought of.”
Mimi brought her arm forward. “Satoshi-kun, meet Kiyo.”
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takariweek · 2 years
hi mod gen, hope you're doing fine <3 someone from twitter asked whether it is possible to expand takari week to other social media such as instagram? according to them, there's a lot of taiora and mimato-related events there, but no takari. here's the tweet: https://twitter.com/KamenMayumi/status/1562103171798941697?t=cMzjoo3WDnCFnPBE8BExCg&s=19
I never thought I'd see the day this would expand beyond Tumblr 🥺
I do have an Instagram, although I can only promise I'd post whatever submissions to my story since that's how Insta works with that 😔 But yes, I'd be happy to see what comes from beyond the reaches of Tumblr.com!
If it's possible to post links here/repost (with links of course) to direct others to their work, that'd be amazing as well!
Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I'd be happy to discuss this further in DMs or some such :)
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noctisfishing · 3 years
New Header and Avatar
Courtesy of @earlgreymon
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Awesome, right?!
Also look LOOK there are lyrics and LEAVES in the background!! T_T
Imagine I make a Colors in Autumn high school days but it's an AU because the Digimon will be there having onigiri with them ON THEIR PICNIC DATE (a reverse AU?? all things considered lol)
I am emotional! Thank you again, Sky! =,)
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holydramons · 3 years
not a meme hoarder but i hope you can overcome the sadness. sending much love 💜
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Sky look i'm sorry, but how is this picture of tentomon not a meme? in fact it is the perfect meme for this situation
Thank you so much ♥ much love to you too
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