#than back to regular fics plus i might join this thing i was tagged in
scullydubois · 4 years
Only the Light Ch. 13
13/? | AU where Melissa moves in with Scully after Scully’s abduction | angst, msr slow-burn, occasional fluff | currently: Christmas Eve 1994 | T | 5k | previous chapters | read on ao3 | tagging: @today-in-fic <3
As Scully copes with her diagnosis, Mulder joins her for the Scully family Christmas dinner. Plus, Melissa's girlfriend meets the family.
TW for disordered eating, cigarette smoking, references to abduction/medical rape.
Self destruction is a natural impulse for Dana Scully, though she’ll try to deny it. Take one unexplained abduction, add a dash of premature menopause, and sift out time spent proving Mulder wrong, and you’ll get a struggling Scully.
She can tell she’s entering a bad mental state when food becomes a suggestion rather than a necessity. Every bite is either earned according to whatever trivial rules she’s set for herself in that particular moment, or is not deserved and therefore not eaten. It’s a game where she’s the coach, player, and referee, yet she still loses every time. Nourishment is both prize and punishment, feeding her hunger but vacating her control.
This habit started when she was a teenager and wracked with feelings her petite frame couldn’t contain. It felt much safer than the route her siblings had taken of sneaking out in the middle of the night or using fake IDs to buy alcohol or skipping church on the regular. As far as fifteen-year-old her was concerned, she wasn’t bothering anyone by foregoing some meals. Her mother disagreed and called her out every time, humiliating her into her second coping mechanism, smoking.
There were the times when Scully was really young and enticed by her sister’s cigarettes, but that was simple preteen rebellion. What developed when Dana was seventeen was something different entirely. A survival mechanism with poison inside, snuffing herself out while keeping her alive and sane. She would walk to the gas station and buy packs of Marlboros with coins from her piggy bank. The laws were lax in the 80s, the prices too. She would blow rings of smoke while walking home, then hide the pack in her bra and swish some mouthwash. She’d repeat the process to and from school, steadily acquiring a nasty nicotine habit. It continued until the summer before college, when she made herself go cold turkey so as not to take the habit with her. As far as she knows, neither her parents nor any of her siblings ever knew about it.
It resurfaces in times of stress, though normally for no more than a single pack. Lately she’s accustomed to keeping a pack and a lighter with her at all times. Her building is smoke free so she steps outside, but her car is off limits because she doesn’t want the smell to cling to her. It is a hassle, but then again, so are most things.
Missy knows about the poor eating habits--those are hard to hide from someone who shares the same space as you. Nevermind the fact that the scale shows six less pounds than before, and that adds up when the number’s not that large to begin with. Scully’s edges protrude now...that can’t be hidden.
Missy never says a word. She remembers Dana complaining about their mother’s condescending comments about her weight, and she knows the damage that does to a young psyche. Instead, she offers. Healthy meals, guilty pleasure meals, all her sister’s favorites. She cooks more than she ever has before, well aware that her sister will struggle to refuse her.
“I recognize what you’re doing,” Missy told her sister when she tried to turn away a caesar salad, of all things. “I’ve been known to do that too,” Missy admitted. “Eat. You’re hungry, you just think not eating will give you some form of control over your body, or your life...but wasting yourself away is letting the bastards win.”
And so she did, that time at least. Scully has enough shame regarding her habit to push it aside whenever confronted---that’s how she insists to herself that it’s not an eating disorder. She can stop on command. That makes it okay, right?
Getting back into the office helped her a lot---you can’t starve yourself and function as an FBI agent. Besides, she would dissolve into thin air if Mulder figured out what she was doing. He was the one who batted around the idea of Scully helping prep each case and supervising any tests he might need the crime lab to do while he’s in the field. He understood that in lieu of therapy, she needed something to take her out of her own mind.
It was as much for him as it was her; at this point, it’s almost incomprehensible to him that the X-Files had existed before her. Of course he was the laughingstock of the FBI! He had huddled in the basement by himself with UFOs and blurry Bigfoot sightings pinned on the wall like a shrine to his own delusion.
Her fall from grace was his absolution. He’ll make an angel of her, somehow. Even if it means he has to meet the devil.
Scully has no interest in becoming an angel, though she’d sure like to avoid hell, and that hasn’t worked out too well. Locker room jokes are one thing. Underestimation another. But assault? Rape? Trauma and torture because she is who she is doing what she does? She is not a quitter, and that is killing her.
Her barrenness haunts her because it was bestowed upon her as punishment, an implication that she only has worth as a walking womb. She wants to be seen as a person, not a pawn.
The arrival of the holiday season is another weight on her shoulders. It used to be Scully’s favorite time of year; now the sight of carolers makes her want to poke her eyes out. It’s the first Christmas without her father, and that is simply unimaginable. Her and Missy spent a quiet Thanksgiving with their mother---small portions and whispered thanks--in preparation for an elaborate family Christmas. Bill Jr. and Tara are flying in from California for the annual Christmas dinner and midnight mass. They will all try to move forward, pretend it’s just like any other year, but it’s not and it never will be again. Happy Christmases are over for the Scully family.
And yet, they will try to enjoy the moment. Missy told her mom that she’s bringing a friend, which is completely true. Trinity is her closest friend that she doesn’t share blood with. That said, she plans to use the occasion to introduce Trinity as her girlfriend, come what may.
Then there was the suggestion that their mother made, which caught her youngest daughter completely off guard. “Why don’t you bring Fox?” Margaret Scully proposed demurely during their weekly phone call. “I’m making a zoo’s worth of food, I could use another mouth to feed. I hate to see any of it go to waste.”
“Mulder’s spending Christmas with his family, I’m sure,” Scully had replied. “But I’ll pass along the offer.”
That was how Scully learned that Mulder’s family isn’t much for celebration, that he usually spends the holiday flipping between It’s A Wonderful Life and the 24 hour marathon of A Christmas Story, and that he has a particular fascination with the idea of midnight mass.
“I just don’t get it,” Mulder mused. “You believe that a jolly old man with flying reindeer leaves presents in your house, but you think he waits until after you’ve gotten home from celebrating Baby Jesus’ birthday? Didn’t you ever look for his sleigh in the sky on the drive home?”
“No, Mulder,” Scully sighed. “I just believed that he knew when we were tucked in bed. Santa’s all-seeing, you know,” she teased.
Mulder chuckled. “Kind of presumptuous to assume he functions on your schedule, huh?”
Ultimately, Mulder said yes. He figured attending the Catholic equivalent of Jesus’ birthday party would be another check off his supernatural bucket list, though he did not say this part out loud for fear of Dana Scully’s wrath. Besides, what else was he gonna do on Christmas Eve? Shake the shoebox of junk he stuck under his mini-basketball hoop so he felt like he was getting a gift?
And so the fateful day arrives. Mulder flips his Garfield page-a-day calendar to December 24th, chuckles at the comic strip of the orange cat eating all his owner’s Christmas cookies, and makes his way to his partner’s increasingly familiar doorstep. The sun has already slipped behind the trees by the time he arrives. It gives up easily in the winter.
He rings the bell and hears Scully’s dainty footsteps on the other side. She’s snuck up on him enough times for him to have developed a keen sense of her light footing--no more jump scares for him.
“Hey Scully,” he stammers as she opens the door. She had told him to look “festive,” so he donned his nicest green sweater (a gift from his mom from J. Crew...he had never worn it) and slacks. Scully rounds out their show of holiday spirit with a velvet red blouse and black trousers.
“You look lovely,” Mulder says reflexively, unsure when he started using such a word. Scully pulls at her shirt, obscuring the bit of cleavage that has revealed itself. “Thanks Mulder,” she mutters, ushering him inside.
He holds up the shiny silver gift bag he hastily stuffed with tissue paper. “Some candy canes I picked up at the gas station. I figured the whole family could enjoy them.”
Scully nods, amused by his feeble attempt at gifting. “I’m sure they won’t go to waste.”
A fire crackles in the fireplace. It’s so hot in the apartment that Mulder is surprised it hasn’t melted the snow outside on the sidewalk.
“Where’s Melissa?” he asks, hoping they will hit the road sooner than later.
“She’s picking up her girlfriend from the airport. She couldn’t get an earlier flight.”
“Dulles?” He sure hopes not. It’s all the way across town.
“No, Reagan.”
Whew. Much closer.
“She should be back any minute now,” Scully continues. “Trinity’s flight got in at 3:30.”
Mulder rolls his sleeves up. “So your family doesn’t know about Trinity?”
Scully shakes her head.
“Do they know that Melissa’s…” He gestures, unsure which word to fill the space with.
“Bi? No.”
“So she shows up with Trinity, and then what?”
Scully shrugs. “She introduces her as her girlfriend. Mom already knows Missy is bringing a guest so she’ll have a plate for her.”
“You’re not worried about how the family’s gonna react?”
“Well, I’m sure Bill is gonna be a dick about it, but that’s normal. We only see him once a year, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“Bill’s your brother?”
“Uh-huh. And Tara is his wife. They got married about a year and a half ago.”
Even as he pushes into his thirties, it still surprises Mulder that anyone close to his age could be married. He doesn’t even sleep in a bed.
“You think your mom’s gonna be cool with Trinity?” he asks.
“I think she loves her daughter enough to be.”
“Mmm.” Mulder sticks his hands in his pockets. If only he had dilemmas like this. He imagines him and Samantha speculating about their mother’s reaction to Sam’s nose piercing or dyed hair or...anything really. He would give so much to have someone to laugh about his uncle’s sideburns with.
His emotional deep-dive is promptly cut off by the entrance of Melissa and a brunette woman whose bangs graze her eyebrows, her hair falling just below her shoulder. “Hi!” she chirps, taking in the magnificence of Dana Scully. “Dana, I presume?”
Scully nods.
“May I hug you?” Trinity asks, hazel eyes shining.
“Sure,” Scully says, feeling the brisk air against Trinity’s coat as she’s pulled in.
Scully lets go first, and Trinity takes that as a cue to pull away. “You look just like Mel, wow,” she remarks, fighting the urge to run her fingers through Scully’s hair.
Scully smiles softly. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh, it is,” Trinity assures, exchanging a gooey gaze with Missy. Next, her attention falls upon Mulder, who does an awkward half-wave. “Hello!” She points between Mulder and Scully. “Boyfriend?”
Mulder chokes. Scully picks up his slack--”Oh, no. This is Fox Mulder, my partner at the FBI.”
“Ahh,” Trinity smiles knowingly. “Yes, I’ve heard about you. I didn’t know you would be joining us for Christmas.”
“Christmas is not exactly my family’s cup of tea, so I figured I’d get an authentic experience with the Scullys.”
“Same! I’m looking forward to Mama Scully’s ginger snaps. I’ve heard fantastic things about them.”
Mulder elbows his partner playfully. “Damn, Scully! How could you leave me in the dark about ginger snaps?”
Scully rolls her eyes but smiles. “I apologize, Mulder. Though for the record, the fruitcake is better.”
“Says no one, ever,” Mulder teases.
She grins. Now this is Christmas.
Taking a seat at Margaret Scully’s dinner table feels like existing inside a Christmas movie, in Mulder’s mind. Fancy china, green and red serving platters, paper mache snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, and a porcelain nativity scene; the dining room has it all. Not to mention the heaping piles of food there for the taking...if this is Christmas, Mulder wants in every year.
Scully does not share his cinematic fantasy. She knows better, having actually attended one of her family’s dinners before. Bill will get too drunk and start saying whatever comes to mind, their mother will laugh along like he’s still a five year old babbling about nothing (as opposed to the thirty-something spewing bullshit that he actually is), Missy will attempt to debate him to get him to shut up (which never works), and she will sit there and wish to be somewhere, anywhere else. And all without their father to hold the reins and keep a fight from breaking out.
The night has gone smoothly enough, Scully supposes. Missy introduced Trinity as her girlfriend in a very non-ceremonial way, forcing Bill and their mother to nod and accept it, in the moment at least. Mulder received a hug from Margaret and a pat on the shoulder from Bill, so pretty much the highest token of approval. Mulder’s candy canes earned a place in the center of the dessert table, which gave him way more satisfaction than it should have, and he couldn’t help but feel that if they were to vote on favorite man at the party, he would win. A room with Bill Jr. in it is probably the only place he would ever earn this honor, and he’ll take that.
Yet everything unwinds as Scully suspected. Bill waits until everyone has packed plates and full mouths to unleash his particular hyperfixation for the night.
“Trinity?” he questions, raising his fork diagonal across the table toward her. “Is that your name?”
Trinity smiles and nods, oblivious to what she’s in for.
“And you know Melissa how…?”
She pats a napkin to her mouth. “We worked at the same restaurant in Oregon.”
He chuckles gruffly. “What was it, one of those gay bar things?”
“No, an Italian bistro,” Trinity continues calmly.
Missy, however, is not so calm. “Gay people can go places other than gay bars,” she retorts. “We’re not segregated. Though I’m sure you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Bill sets a fist on the table, clanging his silverware. “Yeah, that’s what I said. Why the hell do you insist on being so politically correct all the time? I’d shoot myself.”
“Gee, maybe you should try it sometime.”
“Now Melissa…” Margaret Scully’s voice rises above the clamor.
“I have the right to defend my girlfriend and I against Bill’s thinly disguised homophobia,” Missy responds.
“You act like I give a damn what you and your friend do,” Bill sneers. “That’s not my business.”
“Then stop pretending like it is.”
“Oh boo-hoo, little Missy thinks the world revolves around her.”
“Bill, honey, I think that’s enough,” Tara says, laying a protective hand on his arm.
“You’re right.” He raises his can of beer toward Mulder. “Whaddya doin here, hot shot? Trying to seduce my sister?”
Scully frowns, but doesn’t say anything, pushing food around on her plate.
Mulder seems rather unbothered by Bill’s advances. He chuckles. “Actually, I think it’s the other way around.”
Bill snorts. “That’s a likely story.”
“You don’t think I’m worth your sister’s time?”
“I don’t think Dana thinks you're worth her time. You’re not her type.”
“I am sitting right here, you know,” Scully says, staring daggers at her brother.
“Then tell us Dana! Is hot shot here your type?”
Her eyes brush Mulder’s face. His cheeks flush, reddening like a stormy sunset. She wishes she could read his mind. The safe answer and the true answer are not often the same. “I think Mulder is a wonderful man. I’m very lucky to know him,” she answers stiffly, her annoyance aimed at Bill.
“Oh, the old run-around!” Bill scraps his fork against his plate. ”Typical.”
Scully grabs her now empty canned cocktail and sulks into the kitchen, leaving her chair pushed away from the table. Everyone watches her go, but Bill gives off the only visible reaction. He laughs. “Scared her away. Thought it would take more.”
Mulder and Melissa exchange a glance. She nods, granting him permission to play knight-in-shining-armor. Quietly, Mulder slips out of his chair and pushes it back into place. He catches the kitchen door as it swings closed behind his partner.
Her anger concealed from the rest of the family, Scully drops her can in the recycling bin with a bang. She ignores Mulder, instead opening the refrigerator and pulling out another cocktail, saying nothing.
“What is this, your fifth drink?” Mulder brushes his hand over her shoulder, and she recoils. “Leave me alone, Mulder.” She slams the fridge and tries to turn around, but he’s cornered her.
“C’mon Scully, Bill’s harmless. He doesn’t bother me.”
“It’s not fucking about Bill,” she fumes, alcohol fizzing through her bloodstream. She inhales, trying to keep it together in front of the man who has done nothing wrong to her. “Please get out of my way.”
“What’s wrong?” He frames her shoulders with his hands, creating their own little bubble.
“Don’t touch me!” she growls. Mulder knows as soon as hears it: he will never forget the pure anguish in her voice. As she retreats to the corner, he looks down at his palms, the stovetop that burned her...he would cut them off if he could.
Unfortunately, the commotion attracts the Scully’s like a dog whistle. Bill leads the charge into the kitchen, getting a full view of his sister hunched over by the back door while her partner stands by the fridge like an idiot. “Ooo, a lover’s spat!” he exclaims, only nominally concerned about Dana’s well-being.
“Shut up, Bill,” Missy hisses. To everyone’s relief, he does.
Mrs. Scully comes forward, maneuvering around Mulder to get to her daughter. “Are you alright, Dana?”
Scully keeps her back to the crowd. “I just need a minute.” She taps her pocket, confirms that she slipped her pack of cigarettes in. “I’ll be outside. Everyone can go back to dinner, please.”
She twists the doorknob and steps onto the back deck without waiting for any response. Mulder feels the tug of tears in his throat, like a dormant animal waking up in him. He is used to being hurt (though not by Scully, never her), but inflicting the hurt is a whole other beast. He doesn’t know what he’s done, but he doesn’t need to. The look in her eyes, put there by what he thought was a harmless touch, made his heart tremble. He is frozen in place, grateful when Melissa appears at his side as the rest of the party returns to the dining room.
“I didn’t mean to upset her, I was trying to make her feel better about Bill…” he laments.
“I’m sure, I’m sure. It’s not you specifically, she’s going through a lot right now--you know.”
Mulder rubs his neck. “I don’t know if I do.”
“She hasn’t shared her diagnosis?”
His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. “Diagnosis?! Is she okay?”
Missy sighs. “I think you two need to talk. If she gets pissed, tell her I sent you.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Tell me if she’s okay.”
“She’s okay. It’s not fatal or anything.”
“She would tell me, if it was...wouldn’t she?”
Missy bites her lip. “I don’t know, Fox---Mulder. I would hope so, but I was under the impression you already knew about this, and you see how that’s gone.”
Mulder turns toward the back door, desperation living in his voice. “I’ve gotta go. I’ve gotta check on her.”
Missy nods. “Don’t let her weasel her way out of this one. I’m expecting a heart-to-heart, mushiness and all.”
“Aye aye, captain.”
He turns the back doorknob and slips through the door, trying to imitate his partner’s ninja skills. The old wood on the door frame shakes as he shuts it. He winces--so much for the sneak attack.
Mulder follows the arc of the deck, winter’s bite colliding with him. He didn’t have a chance to grab his jacket, and now that he’s thinking about it, Scully didn’t either. He can grin and bear it but she is all skin and bones, now more than ever. It scares him to see her like that, but it’s none of his business, he feels, to comment on her body. He can break her fall, but he must not provide an extra push.
The wind has no friends to protect nor foes to defeat, so it will give away anyone. It carries the unmistakable tarnish of smoke to Mulder’s nose, an ashy haze that has come to remind him of Skinner’s office and the shadow lingering in the corner. He almost expects to find him there with his Morleys and his sadistic laugh. Instead, he finds a redhead and her Marlboros shrinking against the December cold snap.
“Bum a cig, ma’am?” He scoots up to her, ready to retrieve his own smoke from her long, slender fingers.
“Mulder!” She pulls the cigarette away from her, holding her last puff captive in her lungs.
He wiggles his fingers like an impatient child. “We’re all gonna die someday, right?”
Her jig up, she rolls her shoulders back and releases the smoke with a great rise and fall of her chest. It mingles in the air with the chill of her breath, becoming one and the same as they leave the contours of her body. Head tilted back and lips parted, she is alive with nicotine’s ease and intoxication’s freedom.
It is better than porn, according to one Fox William Mulder. He’ll keep this observation to himself for now.
“Did your parents never teach you that sharing is caring?” he rambles. “C’mon, give me a light!”
“It’s a nasty habit, Mulder.”
“I’m a connoisseur of those,” he replies loosely. “Now, you’re not gonna make me put you in a headlock are ya?”
Scully rolls her eyes. She’s never felt less threatened in her life. “You’re exhausting, do you know that?”
“I’ve heard it a time or two.”
She pulls a cigarette from her carton and slips it into his fingers. They are warm; hers are ice-cold. “I wanted to be alone.” She hands him the lighter, watches as he generates heat from thin air.
He lights his cig and sticks the lighter in his pocket rather than handing it back to her. “According to my calculations, you should be very drunk right now. Other than your Oscar bait performance back there, you’ve got things pretty under control I’d say.”
Scully gestures at her cigarette smoking, teeth chattering self. “Yeah, I’m the picture of health.”
“Do you have some exceptional alcohol tolerance I should know about, because that’d make you very valuable in undercover work.”
Scully gazes out into the distance. She’d smile if she were to look at him right now, and that doesn’t feel right for the situation. “Those drinks have low alcohol content, Mulder. You can buy them at Dollar General.”
“You ever looked at their hand sanitizer? It’s like 95% alcohol.”
“Well, now I know where you go to get your fix.”
He chuckles. “You got me.”
She stuffs her hands in her pockets and he wishes, god he wishes, that he had grabbed his jacket. He’d take off his sweater if she wanted him to--stand there with his bare chest to the cold--but he has a feeling that would only exacerbate the situation.
He tries a more gentlemanly route. “Do you want me to grab your jacket? I won’t give away your trade secrets.”
She folds herself together. “No, it’s okay. It’ll make me get a move on at some point.”
They stand united in their rebellion, blowing smoke and freezing their asses off. Who needs Christmas cheer when you’ve got Christmas resentment?
Mulder sways a bit to keep his blood circulating. He is careful not to bump her. “You wanna tell me why you’re out-Scrooging Scrooge this year?” he prompts as gently as he can.
“In case you haven’t noticed, it hasn’t exactly been the best year of my life.”
“I gathered that, yeah.”
“And it’s the first Christmas without my father…” her voice warbles.
“Shit, right. I’m sorry,” Mulder murmurs.
“...So it just doesn’t feel very celebratory.” She takes a long drag. Mulder can tell that this secret smoking habit is not new to her, and he wonders when she picked it up, how long she has kept it from him.
He takes a deep breath, watches as it is written in the air. “Melissa told me you received a diagnosis, and I think we’ve already established that sharing is caring…”
Scully looks him in the eyes for the first time since he joined her. It has the sudden intensity of a black-and-white film, Scully the 1940s scarlet and he the leading man who pales in comparison to her. There is no one he’d rather be overshadowed by.
“It’s humiliating,” she croaks. “Missy and my mom are the only ones who know.”
“I’ve got the monopoly on humiliation in this partnership, so I wouldn’t worry about that,” he says, flicking some ashes to the ground.
“This is a particular form of humiliation you can’t experience, I’m afraid. Or at least, it wouldn’t impact you the same way.”
“Let’s hear it.”
She sighs. “My abductors removed all of my eggs, causing my menstrual cycle to shut down and me to enter perimenopause.”
His breath catches in his throat. “Jesus christ.”
He throws his cigarette on the ground and stamps it out, though it could have burned longer. “That’s fucking horrifying, Scully. You’ve got to inform the Bureau. We’ve got to catch these--whatever they are. We’ve got to make them pay.”
“No, Mulder. It’s too much. I don’t want to keep reliving it, I want to be able to move on with my life.”
“How can you move on when they’re still out there, probably doing it to more women?”
She shakes her head, feeling the snag of tears and holding them back for fear they might freeze on her face. “I don’t know, but I can’t think about it like that. It sort of...shatters everything, the idea that this could be a phenomenon happening to other women in secret. I wouldn’t believe it if it didn’t happen to me. I still don’t believe it.”
Mulder shudders. He can’t discern whether it’s from the cold or their conversation. “Do you think it was men who took you? Or do you believe Duane Barry?”
“It seems like a level of monstrosity that only man could achieve. It requires a certain understanding of society, gender roles...dehumanization that only humans could perpetuate.”
Mulder nods. Her reasoning tracks, but the thought of him failing to outsmart humans who stole away his partner is something he cannot fully process. It makes sense that he couldn’t find her if she was in space, but if she was on the face of the Earth, he had no damn excuse.
“You were just gone, Scully...you were just gone.” His aching is so palpable, his voice a cliff’s edge they could both tumble down.
“I know I was.” She takes one last puff, then lets her cigarette fall to the ground. She crushes it with her heel, her force premeditated and brutal. That pain is for the ones who took her, the ones who have obviously never loved a thing at all.
Head bowed, she moves toward the door, but not without grasping for Mulder’s elbow, assuring that he is following behind. He is and he will be, for as long as she lets him.
Inside, the home’s manufactured warmth hits them, unreal in comparison to the cold they have known. The kitchen is as quiet as it was before their ordeal, the dining room empty aside from Mrs. Scully clearing serving platters.
“Where did everyone go?” Scully asks, momentarily alarmed that she may have ruined the entire gathering.
“We’re going to drive around and look at lights before mass. Everyone’s getting ready.”
“Oh.” She looks to Mulder, as if to check that he hasn’t left her stranded. “I think I’ll stay here,” she tells her mother. “Make a cup of hot chocolate and relax for a bit.”
“Well, you’ll be missed. Fox, would you like to join us?”
He takes a leap, hopes he’s got the right idea. “I’ll stay here, but thank you.”
“As you wish,” Mrs. Scully says with a slight smile. Mulder had never noticed her resemblance to her daughter until that moment. It was like looking at a sketch of a famous painting; the lines are there but the colors missing.
Soon enough the crowd leaves and Scully and Mulder settle on the couch with mugs of hot cocoa. Margaret Scully’s tree forms the centerpiece of the living room, and it’s hard not to admire its gold and red decorations and the shiny angel on top.
“That’s gorgeous. Does she do it every year?” Mulder asks, ignoring the steam rising out of his mug and going right in for the kill.
Scully nods. “Every year since we were kids. There used to be a lot more homemade ornaments, but I guess she swapped those for a more elegant look now that we’re grown.”
“Well, it’s beautiful.” He looks at her, curled up with the glow of the fireplace falling upon her, and he feels warmth and safety like never before. It would be so easy to slip in “and so are you,” it is practically begging to be said. But she wouldn’t believe him if he said it now; she would think it was a pity compliment. Instead, he mouths the words, and she is not looking, and that is okay.
She snuggles deeper into the cushions, closing her eyes and letting her mind wander. She is the most at ease she has been in months--here in the house she lived in during high school with the fireplace crackling and her partner by her side--and that’s not what she expected from Christmas Eve. Heaven strokes her skin, and she blinks her eyes open to find Mulder tucking her in with her mother’s microfiber blanket. She smiles her soft Scully smile. “Thank you,” she coos, burrowing herself deeper into the blanket’s embrace.
“You’re welcome,” Mulder whispers into her ear. His fingers tangle in her hair as he pulls her toward him, his lips meeting her temple. She catalogues the feeling for her memory bank: chapped but carrying the hot chocolate’s warmth. She will spend the next while convinced that it was a dream, a fleeting image in the moments before sleep, but she will carry the feeling until she feels it again.
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skepticalcatfrog · 4 years
Aurora High School (Introduction Part One)
Introduction Part One Introduction Part Two Masterpost
Summary: After starting their junior year in high school, the Jones twins find themselves meeting new people, setting them on a track towards new friendships, new romances, new heartbreaks, and many new adventures.
Pairings: (Eventual) Scarlett Jones x Finian de Seel, Tyler Jones x Saedii Gilwraeth, and Aurora O'Malley x Kaliis Gilwraeth
Word count: 4,708
Author's Notes: This is the new project I've been raving about! I've been very into this book series lately, and I was feeling inspired. However, this won't be like my other two projects, so it won't be in the regular rotation! Instead of being a chaptered fic, this is going to be a series of oneshots that gets developed as people request ideas. I do have some more ideas up my sleeve, but I will be accepting requests very soon!
Important Author's Notes: This story contains a character who uses a wheelchair. I did do some research, but since I don't experience it, it's virtually impossible for me to be an expert on this topic. If you are more knowledgeable about this than I might be, and you notice an inaccuracy, please let me know what it is and I'll try to fix it!
It was a Friday in October. October was one of the best times of the year in the opinion of one Scarlett Jones. It was after September, so everyone had already gotten used to being at school. But it wasn't quite December yet, so you could go outside without having to wear eight jackets. Plus the slightly warmer fall months were some of the best times of the year for fashion, and Scarlett would know. She had plenty of experience in that field. The amounts of people wearing scarves and sweaters increased tenfold, which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the rest of their outfits.
But the fashion habits of her classmates didn't really matter, despite the fact that she could go on and on about the topic. What mattered slightly more was the fact that her brother was desperately trying to get her attention as they approached the school.
"Scar? Scarlett?" Tyler waved his hand in front of his sister's face.
"Hm?" She quirked an eyebrow. "I wasn't listening, what was that?"
Tyler rolled his eyes and adjusted the way his backpack was resting on his shoulder. "I was saying that I need you to tell Coach de Stoy that I can't make practice tonight. I've got too much work to catch up on, and I don't want to fall behind this early in the year."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Mr. Tyler Jones, star player on the football team, passing all his classes with flying colors." Scarlett nudged her brother, not hard enough to hurt, but just hard enough to be a little annoying. "Careful, or you'll make everyone feel bad about themselves."
"Oh shut up." Tyler smiled, standing up a little bit taller to look for someone in the crowd of people flooding through the front doors. When he spotted her, he raised his hand high above his head and waved.
Cat Brannock slowed down her walk to fall into step alongside the twins. Somehow, despite the cool and cloudy weather, she was still wearing a short sleeved shirt that showed off the tattoos on her arms. She had the most tattoos of any high schooler Scarlett had ever seen. But they were very well done, so she could understand why her friend wanted them to be visible. Cat had skipped the 5th grade, so she was a senior even though the Joneses were juniors. She was already looking towards college. Neither of the twins were looking forward to her leave. It would be weird to not have her around all the time, the three of them were rarely very far apart since they'd met in kindergarten. But they couldn't really do much to stop her from going, after all, college was what she wanted.
"Hey, kids." Cat smirked. "Let me guess, Tyler's fretting over his errands and Scar's making fun of him for it?" She gestured to each person as she mentioned them.
"Just the daily routine." Scarlett winked, linking elbows with her friend.
Cat laughed. "Do you two ever get tired of doing the same shit every day?"
"Never. Routines are what lead to mastery." Tyler said proudly.
"Just say 'practice makes perfect', Ty." Scar shook her head. "If you try to get too fancy with your words, no one's going to know what you're talking about."
"That's easy for you to say, no one ever knows what you're talking about." Tyler retorted. Scarlett stuck her tongue out at him. "It's not my fault that-"
Tyler was cut off by a girl bumping into him. She'd been very absorbed in whatever she was doing on her phone, so she didn't see him coming. The shock of bumping into someone made her look up, giving the rest of them a better look at her face. The first thing you'd notice about her would be that she had a streak of white dyed in her otherwise black hair. The second thing you'd notice would be that one of her eyes was dark brown, and the other one was really light blue. Almost colorless. She hugged her notebooks close to her chest.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I should've been watching." She apologized sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine. I should've been paying attention too." Tyler shrugged.
"Oh… thanks." The girl looked slightly confused, as if she expected someone as intimidating-looking as Tyler to react less calmly. But despite his appearance, he was practically the human embodiment of a golden retriever. "Well, I should really get to class."
And just like that, the mystery girl was gone. Scarlett couldn't help but notice that she'd never seen that girl before. It wouldn't have been surprising if she just didn't like to be the center of attention. Or maybe they just didn't have any of the same classes. Either way, Scar would be lying if she said that she wasn't intrigued.
A few minutes later, Scarlett and Tyler were sitting at their desks in the first class of the day while the morning announcements droned on in the background. Scarlett knew the girl who did them every day. Her name was Zila Madran, she'd been Scarlett's tutor in freshman year. They still talked occasionally, but they ran in very different circles, so they didn't see each other often. Eventually, the announcements ended, and the second bell rang. The first bell was always more of a warning, like 'okay, you'd better at least be in the building'. But the second bell was the 'get your asses to class' bell. And if you were still in the hallway after the second bell, then you were screwed.
Scarlett was fully prepared to fully zone out and stare at a guy across the room for the entirety of class, until of course Miss Mystery walked in. She looked like she was going to just sit down at a free desk and call it a day, but the teacher stopped her.
"Ah, Miss O' Malley! I see you've found your way here. Class, this is the new student, Aurora O' Malley. She will be joining us for the remainder of the year." The teacher explained. "Please make her feel welcome."
Oh, so she's a new kid. Scarlett thought to herself. That's why I haven't seen her around before.
Frankly, Aurora looked quite embarrassed after the surprise introduction. Maybe Scarlett had been right about her not enjoying the spotlight. Whatever the case, that was the last interesting thing that happened for the entire rest of class. The rest of it was spent going over poetry… or was it a play? She wasn't paying any kind of attention, it could've been fractions and decimals for all she knew, despite the fact that they were in English class. She didn't need to know about Shakespeare and all of his friends, it wasn't like she was ever going to meet them. She had better things to do anyway.
Time ticked by slowly. Scarlett was sure she almost dozed off once or twice. She was only fully awake again when the bell rang, then she practically jumped out of her seat. It only took her a minute to put her notebook and pen back into her bag, but by the time she'd finished, Tyler was already talking to Aurora. Scarlett listened in on their conversation.
"I was just wondering if maybe you could show me around?" Aurora asked. "I know we don't know each other too well, but you're the only person I've talked to all day, and I get lost really easily around here."
"Sure. This place is like a maze to anyone new, so I'd be happy to show you the ropes." Tyler nodded.
"Well that was fast. I didn't even have to tell you that you get to skip two class periods." Aurora smiled.
That had Scarlett's interest piqued. It wasn't that she didn't like school, but she was feeling especially done with the world that day. A two-period break sounded like exactly what she needed. "Do you mind if I tag along?"
"Oh, um, sure." Aurora nodded. She looked back at Tyler. "You know her, right? I saw you guys walking together this morning."
"Yeah, I know her. This is my sister, Scarlett." Tyler gestured to his sister.
"Nice to meet you." Scarlett smiled. "I like your hair, by the way."
"Thanks." Aurora looked a little surprised at the compliment, but not in a bad way. It had done a good job of breaking the ice.
The next two hours were okay, if not slightly boring. Scarlett had severely overestimated how fun this would be. She was at least glad that their absence from class was officially excused. That was the bright side. The first place they went was the multi-purpose lab, which was used for most of the science classes. Next, they went to all of the important classrooms. Math, Social Studies, the works. Then on to the important but less necessary rooms, like the auditorium, the cafeteria, and the gym. They only briefly went over the principal's office, figuring that she had to have been there already. Just as they were finishing their tour, the bell rang to signify the end of period three. Students began flooding out of classrooms.
"And I guess that's all we have time for." Tyler clapped his hands once. "Welcome to Aurora High School."
"You know, I just realized how weird it's going to be to go to a school that I share a name with." Aurora glanced at a nearby banner that had the school's name on it.
"You'll get used to it eventually." Scarlett tapped her on the shoulder.
For a moment, things were looking up. Their little tour was over and done with, there were only six periods left in the day, and Scarlett had gotten to miss math and a study hall, one of which was one of her least favorite classes. But that little bit of optimism was quickly shot down. As the three of them rounded a corner, everything exploded into a burst of noise and motion. Faster than you could blink, a fight had broken out. It had to be about four or five guys, all beating the absolute shit out of each other. It didn't take long for a crowd to gather. Tyler took it upon himself to see what was going on. He pushed through all the people to get to the center of things.
"Hey! What's going on here?" Tyler barely had time to finish his sentence before he got decked in the face. Apparently this group didn't take kindly to people trying to mediate things.
Aurora gasped as Tyler was dragged into the fight. Scarlett felt for her. It was only her first day, and things were already going wrong. That must not have made her feel too good. Her mismatched eyes darted back and forth as she tried to keep up with all the flying fists. Scarlett suspected that she'd never seen a real fight before. She looked nervous.
"I'll… I'll catch up with you later." Aurora decided, turning around and speed-walking away. Scarlett watched her leave.
When she turned to face the action again, she saw Principal Adams making his way through the crowd. Three of the guys had fled the scene, leaving just Tyler and one other boy to take the blame. She didn't know who the second guy was, but he was taller than Tyler, which wasn't the easiest thing to be.
"What do you two think you're doing?" Adams crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry sir. I was just trying to stop the fight, I swear." Tyler's shoulders sagged. The other boy stayed eerily quiet, but still stood tall, seemingly not as ashamed of himself as Tyler was.
"Yes, well, joining in on the fight isn't really stopping it." Adams shook his head. "I'm afraid I'll need both of you to pay a visit to my office." He looked around at the rest of the students. "The rest of you, get to class. There's nothing to see here anymore."
It took a minute for everyone to leave, but eventually they did, until the last one left was Scarlett. "Ty, do you want me to come with you?"
Tyler nodded. Whenever possible, if they had to face a potentially scary situation, they would do it together. It had been that way since they were little kids. At that point, it had become a reflex for them to ask if the other needed support.
"Alright Miss Jones, you can come, but I will need to talk to these two separately. You weren't a part of the fight, so you don't have to be a part of the punishment." Adams told her. He began walking away, and the three of them followed.
A moment later, they found themselves in the waiting room of the principal's office. Tyler and the other boy sat next to each other on one end of the room, and Scarlett sat next to a different boy on the other end. Tyler mostly just stared at the floor, but he would occasionally glance at the guy next to him. This dude was very tall. Even Tyler was pretty intimidated, and that was completely unrelated to the fact that he'd just been beaten up by this guy. He had long black hair and dark blue eyes. He looked like someone straight out of a fantasy novel. And apparently, he was also very attentive, because he noticed Tyler looking at him.
"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" The boy asked. His voice was deep and serious, and he had a faint accent that Tyler couldn't quite place.
"Oh. No, not really." Tyler offered his hand. "I'm Tyler, by the way."
"I am aware. My name is Kaliis, though my friends call me Kal." The boy answered, not shaking Ty's hand and instead opting to ignore it.
"You put up a real fight back there, Kal. Do you do sports?" Tyler asked him.
"I don't participate in school sports, no. I take fencing lessons outside of school." Kal said.
"Cool." Tyler nodded appreciatively. "But if you ever wanted to join the football team, I'm sure we'd be able to find a spot for you."
Kal smiled, but just a little. It was barely noticeable. "My sister would kill me if I joined the football team. She thinks all of you are buffoons."
"Wow, harsh." Tyler laughed. "But hey, no harm no foul. Do you have any paper I could use?"
"I don't. Why do you ask?" Kal raised an eyebrow.
"I'll write down my number, maybe we could hang out sometime." Tyler looked around for a second, then got up to grab a napkin and a pen. He wrote down his name and phone number, then handed the napkin to Kal. "There you go."
"Thank you." Kal folded the napkin up and put it into his pocket. They both looked up as the door to the principal's office opened.
"Tyler Jones? Kaliis Gilwraeth? You can come in." Adams gestured for them to follow him, and they did.
Scarlett had been eavesdropping on Tyler and Kal's entire conversation. It seemed like Tyler had made a new friend, which was good. And also strange, given the fact that they'd met during a fist fight. But good nonetheless. However, when they vanished into the principal's office, she became eternally bored. She turned to look at the boy next to her. He was busy scrolling through the homepage of some website on his phone. She couldn't quite tell what it was, so she looked up at his face instead. He was quite possibly the palest person she had ever seen. It looked like the sun had never touched his skin. His hair was a light, light blond to match. The only thing that threw off his whole snow prince vibe were his eyes, which were such a dark brown that they almost looked black. She couldn't tell the difference between his irises and pupils. He wasn't the most impressive guy she'd ever seen, but all things considered, he was a little attractive.
"Whatcha doing?" Scarlett asked, leaning towards him and resting on the arm of her chair.
"Checking notifications. I've been in here for a hot minute and Adams still hasn't found time for me." The boy shook his head. "I guess two guys beating each other up is more important than little old me."
"Well what are you in for?" Scarlett brushed her hair out of her face.
"Someone locked three teachers' car keys into their cars. They assumed it was me because I kept leaving class." He shrugged.
"I'm going to take a wild guess: it was you, wasn't it?" She smiled.
"Oh, yeah, totally." He laughed. "Frankly, I would've been intimidated if it wasn't. I like to think that I'm the only guy in this whole school who can pull off a stunt that awesome."
"How did you do it?" Scar crossed her legs.
"You ask a lot of questions. This isn't an interrogation, is it? Did Adams put you up to this?" The boy smirked. He switched the tab on his phone to a time killer game.
"Don't worry, I'm not a secret agent. I'm just curious." She said coyly. The boy's smile dropped. He looked genuinely surprised that anyone would actually want to listen to him, which made her feel kind of bad. But she would've felt worse if he was actually looking at her instead of at his phone. "Anyway, what do you do around here? Outside of this room, I mean."
"I'm on the tech crew for the school play. I used to go to robotics club too, but I dropped out after I realized that I was making everyone feel bad about themselves." And just like that, his sarcastic facade was back up.
"With what, your skills in robotics or your charming personality?" Scarlett retorted.
"Why can't it be both?" He pointed out.
"It can be both when you tell me what I'm supposed to call you." She countered. "I'm Scarlett. Scarlett Jones."
"Touché." He turned off his phone for the first time since they'd started talking, and looked up at her. The moment he saw her face, his eyes widened and he sputtered like a broken engine for a moment before finding his words. "I'm single. Are you Fin?"
Scarlett tried her absolute best to hold back a laugh. This was something she'd witnessed many times before. He'd been trying to ask if she was single, but had failed miserably. "I'm actually not Fin, but I think you might be."
"...Oh." Fin realized his mistake. He shook his head a little to get himself back on track. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm Fin. Finian if you want to be fancy about it. Or Finian de Karran-de Seel if you're mad at me."
"I'll try not to be mad at you then, because that's a mouthful." Scarlett nudged his shoulder with her own.
Fin shrugged. "Yeah, it's hyphenated. It almost never fits on the line when I have to write my name on an assignment."
Scarlett smiled. "I'll tell you what, how about I put my number into that phone of yours, and I'll text you later?"
"Sure." Fin was quick to open up his contacts and hand over his phone.
"Do you have a habit of handing your phone to complete strangers?" Scar asked, typing in her name and number. The phone looked very new, and very expensive. There was no denying that.
"Not always. But one time I gave my phone to one of my cousins expecting him to give it back right away, and he didn't give it back for eight days. He's older than me, so I couldn't really do anything about it, but my mom and aunts got mad at him." Fin rambled. "He's kind of an ass, to be honest. Not to mention that I owe him a favor from one time when he washed the dishes for me. He's been holding it over my head for weeks. And I borrowed twenty bucks from him, so I owe him that too."
Scarlett handed his phone back to him, and just as he finished talking, the door opened. Tyler and Kal stepped out. Fin looked them over and let out a low whistle. Scarlett decided to do a science experiment, and glanced at him. He was checking out her brother. She made a mental note of that.
"Have you been chatting it up out here, Scar?" Tyler asked.
"Maybe." She stood up. "Don't worry, he didn't ask me out."
"You say that as if I would assume that he did." Tyler smiled. Scarlett conducted another experiment, knowing that Ty's smile had quite the fanbase. Fin was leaning back in his chair, eyes slightly widened. Yeah, he was definitely checking out her brother.
The door to the principal's office opened a second time, and Adams poked his head out. "Finian de Karran-de Seel?"
"Well would you look at that. I guess our time together has come to an end." Fin started to go towards the door. "But I'll see you around, hopefully."
Scarlett hadn't noticed before, but when he moved, she saw that Fin was in a wheelchair. She hadn't taken the time to really look, so she'd just assumed he was sitting in the same kind of chair that she was. She'd assumed that he was just wearing gloves because he liked them. Evidently, she was wrong. It was honestly pretty interesting, and she had plenty of questions, but figured that it would probably be best not to ask them. They'd only known each other for about fifteen minutes, it wasn't necessarily time to get super personal.
"Yeah. I'll text you later." Scarlett waved to him, and he waved back.
Then she, Kal, and Tyler left the office. As soon as the door closed behind them, Tyler let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad we're out of there. I don't know how much longer I could deal with Adams' 'disappointed' look."
"What'd he say?" Scarlett asked.
"He said that he was not mad, only disappointed, and that the two of us should have known better." Kal explained briefly.
"We got off with a week's worth of after school detention, starting Monday." Tyler frowned.
"Who would've thought! Star student Tyler Jones, in detention? Unbelievable." Scarlett pretended to be indignant.
"I know, it's not-" Tyler caught on to her sarcasm. "Oh, okay, I get it. But don't expect my sympathy if you ever get detention for a week."
"I wasn't expecting it anyway, you absolute child." She tapped him on the shoulder.
"Scarlett, you are three minutes older than me." Tyler said, gesturing with his hands out of frustration.
"Yup, three very long and important minutes." Scarlett nodded. "I'm glad you're with me on this one."
"I feel like this is not a conversation that I need to be a part of." Kal decided.
"Yeah, probably not, but we still like having you around." Scarlett winked jokingly.
The three of them walked down the hallway together, parting ways only when they had to go to their separate classes. Tyler had gym, Kal had math, and Scarlett had social studies. It was one of the only classes that she actually enjoyed going to. It might seem strange to some people, considering the rest of her personality, but history had always fascinated her. She liked learning about different conflicts and how they were solved. That was why she joined the debate team. She liked arguing when she knew it wasn't for real, and she was very persuasive.
Periods five, six, seven, eight, and nine crawled by slowly. When your day had been as exciting as Scarlett's had, anything less interesting was boring. After social studies was art. Then lunch. After that was science. And finally, gym. She hated going home after gym, because her hair and makeup would always get messed up, then she had to go on the bus that way. She wished that Coach de Stoy would let them take a few minutes after class to get cleaned up, but instead the class always went right to the bell. It was annoying. Plus, then she had to run to the bus every day, which was like a second gym class.
The bus ride home wasn't very eventful, thankfully. Usually there would be at least someone in the back yelling, or playing their music too loud, but not that day. And frankly, it was very refreshing.
When Scarlett and Tyler got home, they took off their bags and jackets and hung them on the hooks by the door. It was quiet for a moment, but not a long moment.
"Welcome home, you two." A voice called from the living room.
"Hey, Adams." The twins responded in unison.
They'd been living with Principal Adams since their father died when they were kids. The two had been close friends, and since their mother wasn't around, he was the next highest choice. The Joneses were also the only ones with permission to call him by only his last name. They usually tried to keep school and home separate, except for a few rare occasions. That day was one of those occasions. Upon walking into the living room, Tyler got another one of those disappointed parent looks. Scarlett took this opportunity to sneak upstairs.
"Tyler. Why, exactly, did you think that trying to intervene in a fight was the right choice?" Adams asked, putting down the book that he was reading.
"I don't know, they were really hurting each other! I had to do something!" Tyler raised his voice a little.
"You don't need to get upset with me. I'm not upset with you. I'm just worried about you." Adams clarified. Tyler pulled up a chair to sit across from him. "Sometimes you do have to try to help. But you also have to pick your battles."
Tyler sighed. "I understand."
"Good. That's all I needed from you." Adams picked up the book again. Tyler put the chair back and went upstairs to his room.
He sat down on his bed and picked up his phone from where it had been charging on the nightstand all day. He never brought it to school, it was a distraction. Upon opening it, he saw that he had a message from a few hours ago.
Kal G: Hello. This is Kal.
Tyler added him to his contacts and slid the notification away, then moved on. He opened up the chat he had with Scarlett.
Tyler J: Adams gave me a talking to. 
Tyler J: I thought the talk today at school was enough, but I guess not.
Scarlett J: Is he mad?
Tyler J: He said no, but I think he is.
Scarlett J: Maybe if we get out of the house for a while, you'll feel better?
Scarlett J: Fresh air could be good, we should go to the park.
Tyler J: Could we invite some friends?
Scarlett J: Yeah, you text some people and I'll text some people.
Scarlett J: Meet me downstairs in 5?
Tyler J: Got it.
Tyler hit send on the last message, then switched chats. He sent messages to Kal, Aurora, and Cat.
Tyler J: Scarlett and I are going to the park, want to come with?
He got responses from each of them in no time.
Kal G: I am free for the rest of the day. I will have to bring my sister though, if that's alright.
Cat B: I bet I'll get there faster than you.
Aurora O'M: Can you tell me which one? If so, I'll be there.
After quickly responding to each of them, he got up and put his phone in his pocket. He speed-walked down the stairs and grabbed his sweatshirt. Scarlett was already waiting for him, having donned a light jacket and scarf. She was using her phone camera to reapply her lipstick when Tyler came down. After a final touch-up, she zipped her phone into her jacket pocket and smiled at her brother.
"Ready to go?" She asked.
"Ready." Tyler nodded. Then, they were out the door and on their way to the park.
Taglist: @taco-taco-belle
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Signs of Love
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Hi @shireness-says I’m your CS Secret Santa! It’s been so great talking to you for the past few weeks (even if it was sporadic on my end, apologies!) and I hope you enjoy this gift (and I may or may not be working on a fic that includes the tropes you love that I didn’t include here!) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your favourite traditions- I’m curious to know what ornament you received :) 
And thank you @cssecretsanta2k19​ for hosting a great event this year!
“I know I’m here for Mary Margaret and David, but God I hate this lame, cheesy shit.”
Killian is more amused than offended by this comment, having heard plenty of grumbles from the tag-along partners of his customers that sneer and scoff at his products. He stands around the corner from the checkout, hidden by a wall that allows him to eavesdrop on the one-sided conversation of the woman’s phone call.
“I know they love this stuff but I’m the one that has to spend money. I’d rather it not be on crap, you know?” The woman continues and Killian begins to feel a little defensive. His store was a small but well-crafted selection and range of rustic items, mostly his own versions of things people see in magazines and want in their homes.
The wooden ‘live, laugh, love’ signs were the most popular, along with wicker log baskets and white metal heart ornaments, boxes and photo frames. Killian is aware that this is a particular taste in décor but he takes pride in his business of local production and sales.
“Okay, well I’ll ask if they do that kind of thing, if anyone even works here. This place is literally empty.”
Killian waits for the woman to hang up the phone before making an appearance, catching her checking out the price tag on a photo frame with an expression that looks like actual interest.
“Can I help you?” Killian asks politely. The woman has the decency to look a little sheepish as she looks up at him, but she quickly dismisses the photo frame to march up to the checkout counter.
“I need a gift for my friend’s wedding. I was wondering if you did custom orders?” The woman asks assertively. There’s a hardness to her green eyes that means business and it’s clear she’d like to get this gift and be done quickly.
“Aye, we do custom orders. It can take up to 6 weeks depending on what you want, so if it’s a last-minute gift I’m afraid it won’t be done in time.” Killian tells her, fighting back a grin when her eyebrows shoot up.
“Are you insinuating that I’m a crappy friend that buys wedding gifts last minute?” The woman retorts and Killian puts his hands up defensively.
‘Not at all, love. I’m merely informing you to avoid receiving a complaint that it isn’t ready for the event. We strive for the best quality production, which can sometimes not be quick enough for some customers, even if it is lame, cheesy shit.’ Killian replies, letting a smirk spread across his lips when he uses her words. The woman appears to be shocked at first, but with the twitch of her lips and the drop of her shoulders she shakes her head and softens slightly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. All this wedding stuff is just stressing me out.”
“Why don’t we start over? I’m Killian Jones, at your service to design whatever gift you wish.” He extends his hand with a soft smile, watching as the woman’s eyes roam over his face for an intense moment before she slides her hand into his.
“Emma Swan, maid of honour for her best friend’s wedding and entirely void of sentimentality.” She says quietly, offering him a small, short-lived smile. Their hands slip away, and Killian slides a folder on the counter towards her.
“This has all the choices of material we have available, ranging from metal to several different types of wood. It also has all the styles of engravings and personalized messages and how much it costs. Feel free to browse through.” Killian says softly, looking up to see Emma chewing her lip as she quickly flicks through the pages in the folder.
“Yeah, I have no idea about any of this stuff. Do you have any suggestions?” Emma sighs, looking up at him with desperation in her eyes.
“How about you come on back, I have some sample products I can show you to get some ideas.’ Killian offers, gesturing behind him to the back room of the store. Emma glances around and Killian chuckles, much to Emma’s surprise.
“This place is, as you said, literally empty. I’ve got more work to do back there than out here anyway.” He explains, and Emma silently nods in agreement, a light blush rising to her cheeks as he repeats her less than kind words once again.
“So, how long have the happy couple been together?” Killian asks as Emma walks around the counter to join him, the folder tucked under her arm.
‘Three years this December. Mary Margaret found an injured bird and brought it to David’s vet clinic, and I guess they fell in love over a broken wing. They’re that couple, you know?” Emma snorts, but he can tell she thinks a lot of her friends underneath the derision.
“Well, I have a few bird ornaments if you want something like that. Or I can make something with their wedding date on.” Killian offers, watching Emma as she looks around his workshop with curiosity. She stops at a wooden sign he’s in the middle of carving for the Robinson family and hums thoughtfully.
“I think something like this would be nice on their porch, maybe with a bird on each end and ‘The Nolans’ in the middle. And then maybe something else with their wedding date on too, is that okay, can you do two things?” Emma asks sheepishly. He feels himself smile at the way she crinkles her nose when making the request.
“Of course, love. I’ll make anything you pay for.” Killian teases, pleased when she actually laughs a little. He grabs some scrap paper and draws some designs for her, and he’s surprised when she helps him with ideas and seems excited. They look over types of wood and measurements until he has a clear vision of what she wants. Judging by the genuine smile on her face, he thinks he has convinced her that his shop isn’t just lame, cheesy shit after all. He creates an initial invoice for her and spontaneously decides to write his number on the bottom, just in case she had any inquires or requests of course. Her expression tells him she knows exactly what he is doing, but there is something in the way her mouth curves into a light smile that gives him hope she might actually keep it.
Winter is here in full force this evening as Emma gets out her car and races into Killian’s store away from the billowing snowstorm. She groans at the feel of the heat once inside, kicking the snow off her boots and shivering. Killian isn’t in the front of the store, so she heads into the workshop in the back like she’s a regular (at this point though maybe she is, letting herself in when the store is closed and all that). He’s sanding away at some wood with headphones in, his head nodding to the beat as he works. She can hear him singing quietly too, his voice deep and pleasant. Emma has to admit, he looks particularly attractive when he’s in his workshop and his hair gets messy and his shirt clings to his arms.
She walks in front of his work bench, waving when he looks up in surprise.
“Swan, hi.” Killian says, sounding flustered. He takes out his headphones and brushes his forehead with his arm.
“Hey. I’m sorry for dropping in uninvited. I just wanted to um…ask you something.” She feels ridiculous now, realizing she should have just sent a message instead of coming out here like this.
“I’m sorry to disappoint, but I haven’t quite finished The Nolans’ gift.”
“No, it’s not that. Well, it kind of is I guess. Related to the gift. I mean, more like the wedding itself but anyway. I just wanted to ask if you would be my plus one for the wedding? Of course you shouldn’t feel obligated to come just because I asked and you’re making the gift but there was some confusion. I was going to bring my son as my guest, but David and Mary Margaret counted him as a guest on the list already and now there is an extra seat and everyone I know is already going and I can’t be the maid of honour and be responsible for screwing up the numbers so I’m inviting you.”
“So, you’re inviting me, a man you’ve known for two weeks, to your best friend’s wedding where I will be joining you presumably at the front of the wedding reception along with your child whom I’ve never met?” And didn’t know existed, she’s sure he’s thinking too.
“Okay, when you put it like that, yeah it’s weird. I’m sorry I asked, I’m way overstepping.” Emma feels her face burn and suddenly all she wants is to back outside in the snowstorm.
“I never say no, lass.” Killian chuckles, putting down the sandpaper and wood on the bench and standing close to her. She can see the mischievous glint in his eye before his expression becomes a little more serious.
“I would love to accompany you, Swan. Send me the details and the colour of your outfit so I can dress accordingly.”
“Killian, this isn’t the prom, we don’t have to colour coordinate.” Emma snorts, shaking her head as he wiggles his eyebrows. She’s learned over the past couple of weeks that Killian is usually flirtatious and humorous, and she’s come to expect his eyebrow raises and cheeky grins. She wishes she didn’t fall for it quite so much, but he also seems like a pretty decent guy and she knows he’s putting in a lot of work to get the gifts made for her.
“I do have to warn you though, a lot of people are going to ask if we’re dating. Actually, I know for a fact my friend Ruby is going to pounce on you the second we get to the wedding. I just don’t want things to be awkward, and Henry doesn’t even know you so…” Emma trails off, the gears in her head making her realize this probably isn’t the best idea.
“No worries, this is a purely platonic arrangement, I understand.” Killian nods, making her sigh with relief. She doesn’t want to deal with not bringing a guest but in all honesty she hadn’t fully considered actually bringing Killian as a guest either. She’s sure David and Mary Margaret would appreciate meeting the man who literally carved their wedding gifts, but she has not had a plus one that wasn’t her son in a very long time, and she knows full well that people lap that kind of gossip up at weddings.
“How old is your boy?” He asks, and Emma knows he’s trying to quell her concerns.
“He’s ten. He’s a great kid, wise beyond his years. It’s been me and him his whole life.” Emma stops there, thinking that is plenty of information to share for now. Killian smiles and nods but doesn’t push for more details and she is appreciative, glad when he turns her attention to the woodwork. He makes her feel the smooth edges and wiggles out compliments from her on his handiwork and she decides that she made the right decision in wanting Killian as a friend in her life.
The wedding party is in full swing, everyone dancing and laughing around the newlyweds. Emma watches Henry as he gleefully cheers while Killian gives him a piggyback around the dancefloor. It had been surprisingly easy introducing Killian to everyone, but Henry was the most excited and receptive, immediately asking Killian to say things in his ‘funny accent’ and asking him what comic books he likes.
“It’s almost like Killian is the perfect guy for you.” Ruby grins as she sits down beside her, and Emma rolls her eyes. She’s surprised she held out this long without saying anything.
“Ruby, we’re just friends. He’s a great guy and Henry seems to really like him but I’m not looking for this to be anything more.”
“Sometimes things just happen when you’re not looking though. Just think about it.” Ruby says, a bit too seriously for Emma’s liking. She brushes her off and pretends to go grab some food but instead heads over to the Christmas tree by the window where it is quiet. David and Mary Margaret went for a rustic winter aesthetic for their wedding but couldn’t resist adding some Christmas decorations. It’s perfectly picturesque outside too, with the snow lightly falling and dusting the trees with white, a fairy tale winter wedding fit for her friends.
Emma knows Ruby means well, and all her friends who’ve told her how great Killian is tonight, but Emma finds it more important to enjoy people being in her life than trying to define their relationship or make it something immediately. Besides, she has Henry to think about. It’s one thing for her to get potentially hurt in a relationship, but she absolutely does not want Henry to get hurt.
“You look like you could use a drink.” An accented voice tells her from behind, and she turns to see Killian with two glasses of champagne, extending one out to her.
“Thanks, I definitely could.” She laughs, clinking her glass lightly with his.
“Your boy is wonderful, Swan.” He says softly, and she thinks about Henry’s happy laugh with Killian just now.
“I think he likes you too. He’s so open with everyone, but I admit I’m cautious about introducing him to new people. Friends like David and Mary Margaret will always be in his life, but some people are more like his dad than them.” Emma feels instant regret at her words, hating that she turned their conversation serious.
“That’s perfectly understandable. My older brother essentially raised me, and he was always cautious of people coming into my life after our father left. Defense mechanism and all that.” Killian shrugs before taking a long drink of champagne. Emma studies him for a moment, looking over his clean suit and shiny shoes. He’s wearing spicy cologne and she recalls that his hair, now messy from giving Henry a piggyback ride, had been carefully styled at the beginning of the ceremony. He had put a lot of effort into preparing himself for tonight and she feels warm at the thought that he cared about it.
“Does your brother know a woman you’ve only known for a few weeks asked you to her best friend’s wedding?” She jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“My brother is no longer with us, but if he was I’m sure he would get a laugh out of hearing that before lecturing me.” Killian smiles a little, but Emma still internally curses herself for probing about his brother. She’s about to apologize but he shakes his head.
“It’s fine, honestly. He’s been gone ten years now. It was not long after we started the business together, so I find the most important thing for me has been keeping it afloat.”
“Oh God, now I feel even worse calling it lame shit when I first came in!” Emma cringes, covering her face with her hand in mortification.
“Lass, it was funny, I’m truly not offended. Besides, you gave me a pretty decent cheque so I will not hold it against you.” Killian laughs, and Emma downs the rest of her champagne in embarrassment.
“Well, I have one more job for you that will add to that cheque. Could you maybe help with putting up the Nolan sign on their front porch? I wanted to do it when they’re away on their honeymoon, so when they come back its there.” Emma asks, crinkling her nose in the way she knows Killian finds amusing.
“Aye, I can help. But not for any payment.”
“Okay, fine. Only if you come dance with me.” Emma smiles. The champagne must have gone straight to her head, but she tries to stop thinking so much as she grabs Killian’s arm and pulls him back into the main reception room. Killian puts down their glasses and she laughs as he swings her around quickly to the music. He’s messing around but she can tell he is a good dancer.
It’s when the music becomes slower and the couples around them start swaying that Emma comes down from the fun a bit and realizes Killian takes hold of her like they’ve done this numerous times before.
“I’m not so good at this part.” Emma quietly laughs as she figures out where to put her arms around Killian. He hums, and the sound is soft and deep in her ear.
“Well, all you need to do is pick a partner who knows what he is doing.” Killian replies, and Emma finds herself softening into his arms. For a moment, she forgets where she is and all the anxieties she had about bringing him here and just enjoys the moment. It’s the first time in a very long time she’s felt comfortable with someone new, and instead of overthinking it or running like she always does, Emma decides to embrace it.
4 years later
Killian tries to fight through the craziness of the workroom, dividing the projects up based on what is ready for pick up and what is still being worked on. It’s the store’s busiest Christmas yet and he can’t imagine a time when he did this by himself. Will and Robin are working away at their own stations and David has stopped by to lend a hand, thankfully.
He’s running back and forth between the store front and the workroom helping customers and bringing out their orders for most of the day, not even taking notice when it’s dark outside and the store hours are long over. The chaos is finally under control when David heads home for the night, and Killian decides to work on the finishing touches on one more project before doing to same.
“So, he goes up to this woman at the bar right, and starts turning on the charm when this big guy, absolutely all muscle, comes up behind him, picks him up and drops him off away from his girlfriend.” Robin laughs hysterically as he tells the story of his and Will’s latest escapades in the pub, Will trying to downplay the incident while exclaiming “it wasn’t like that!”
“I would have loved to have seen that. Why didn’t you guys mention when you were heading to the pub?” Killian asks as he finishes off a coat of varnish on a wooden ornament.
“You were having dinner at Emma’s that night; we didn’t think you’d want to go.” Robin shrugs, glancing over at Will quickly.
“I’m always down for a night at the pub.” Killian jokes, but he narrows his eyes at the looks between his friends.
“Nothing. It’s just we’re both single and we like to, you know, chat to women and stuff. You don’t seem to be all that interested in doing that.”
“I’m single.” Killian is met with snorts from his friends and he gestures with his hands in confusion.
“Come on, Jones. You’re deeply in love with Emma and everyone knows it. Ain’t fair to any other women to lead them on.” Will tilts his head at him and Killian feels the judgment in his eyes.
“And when did ‘everyone’ come to that conclusion?”
Robin and Will are silent for a moment, before Robin clears his throat and puts down the piece of wood his is working on.
“Look, we all think you and Emma would be great together. We just wish you would actually realize that yourselves.”
Killian scratches his ear awkwardly. He is perfectly aware that he and Emma’s relationship is the topic of much discussion among their friends, but they’ve been friends for four years now so the comments really ought to stop, particularly now that Emma is seeing Walsh.
“Emma is in a relationship; I hardly doubt she has feelings for me. Besides, I may have liked Emma when we first met but I’m way past that now.” Killian knows that’s a bald-faced lie even as he says it but he doesn’t know what else to say to get them off his back.
“Then why did Walsh return the gift he got her for Christmas earlier?” Robin challenges and Killian feels a sudden lurch in his chest.
“He did?”
“Yeah, he came in and returned the gift, said that he didn’t need it anymore and he was sure there were other things from your store Emma would prefer instead.”  
Killian silently digests this information, feeling awful for hoping this meant that Emma’s relationship was over. He had been spending far less time with Emma since she had met Walsh, and spent even less time with the man to judge him all that well and knew any negativity he felt toward him was born out of jealousy. He could admit that to himself, but God help him if Emma ever knew that.
“The way I see it is you’ll never get what you want if you don’t go for it, and I think there is a long overdue conversation you need to have with her.” Will offers, Robin nodding in agreement. Killian thinks on it for a long time, and soon Will and Robin head home for the night and he is alone. He absentmindedly turns things off and packs things away before going home himself, standing for a moment by his car as the snow falls. It is quiet tonight, his store far enough out that he can’t hear and sounds from town.
For some reason he thinks of the sight of Emma at David and Mary Margaret’s wedding, standing by the Christmas tree with the snow falling outside. He’d been lucky enough to spend a couple of Christmases with Emma since then, but sometimes he wishes he could go back to that moment and just tell her he liked her then, so that four years down the line being in love with his best friend wouldn’t be as torturous.
Killian rubs his hands together to warm up before getting in his car, completely ready to crawl into bed. And yet, twenty minutes later he finds himself pulling up outside Emma’s apartment. Henry answers the door, and Killian suddenly realizes he has no idea what he plans to say to neither Emma nor Henry.
“Thanks for coming, I feel like you’d be better at this than me.” Henry says, and Killian frowns as he enters the apartment, slipping off his shoes and hanging his coat on the peg he always does. He checks his phone quickly and sees a message from Henry, asking him to come comfort Emma after Walsh left. Killian breathes a sigh of relief and clings to this excuse for coming over. Henry is a tall lad now and his voice is so deep Killian forgets he is only fourteen and probably correct in saying he is not the best at comforting his mother through a heartbreak.
“No worries, lad. Thanks for thinking of me.”
“Well you’re the one other person that makes mom the happiest, and I know you would do anything for her.” Henry has always been an observant boy, but Killian has always suspected he sees more than he lets on. He squeezes Henry’s shoulder and makes his way to Emma’s room, knocking on the door lightly before entering once he hears her small voice and closing the door behind him.
“Killian, what are you doing here?” Emma asks, looking around at the stuff on her bed with wide eyes. Killian’s eyes glance down, and he notices an open box and several cards, pieces of paper and tickets. He can’t quite make out what any of it is specifically, but he suspects it was things Emma had gathered over the course of her five-month relationship with Walsh.
“Henry messaged, thought you could use a friend.” He shrugged, watching as she scoops everything up and puts it back in the box.
“Because of Walsh? I’m honestly fine.” Emma replies, and he’s surprised at the steadiness of her voice.
“Are you sure? You seem…nostalgic.” He gestures at the box, raising his eyebrow when Emma scoffs.
“I am, but none of this is to do with Walsh. Um, it’s actually stuff from over the last few years, things we did together and things from you.” Emma puts the lid back on to hide everything, holding the box close to her chest as if trying to still keep it a secret. She’s missed one piece of paper, and he picks it up before she notices it. It’s the invoice for the wedding gift four years ago, the one he wrote his number on (he remembers claiming it was in case she had any more requests for the order, and the look she gave him at the time knowing fine well she could use the store number for such things).
“And you said you were void of sentimentality.” Killian says, the first thing that comes to mind. He’s taken by surprise when Emma laughs, but he’s pleased that she isn’t brushing him off. In fact, she lifts the lid back off the box and pushes it towards him at the end of her bed. He looks through the contents, smiling at all the memories and keepsakes she had collected. There was a strip of pictures from a photobooth they had taken two years ago at an arcade for Henry’s 12th birthday. The one with all three of them smiling at the camera was framed in the living room with several other photographs, but it was the last one Killian was drawn to. Henry had darted out of the booth in the previous picture and Killian and Emma were left alone, looking at each other.
“I feel like in that picture it looks like you could love me. Sometimes I look at it to try and convince myself that you really do.”
“It was one of the few moments I couldn’t stop myself. I must have done a good job of trying to hide it the rest of the time, at least to you.” Killian murmurs, and he watches Emma suck in her bottom lip. He suddenly realizes what a fool he is being and walks over to kiss her, feeling her immediately lean into his touch.
“If it wasn’t already clear, I do love you, Swan.” He whispers against her cheek, feeling her cheeks move as she smiles.
“I love you, too.” She replies, and Killian feels the knot in his chest that had been building for four years suddenly loosen at those words.
This year, Killian truly felt like part of the Swan family Christmas, instead of simply a guest like the previous couple of years. He took part in all of their little traditions, like driving around the neighbourhoods on Christmas Eve to see all the Christmas lights, followed by hot cocoa and a Christmas film. He helped Emma prepare the food and played games with Henry, and once they were done eating he shared his hope for the next year like Henry and Emma always do. They played cheesy Christmas songs and danced, Emma’s hands comfortably finding their way when they swayed to the music this time. Killian would catch sight of the stockings every so often, and seeing his name next to Emma and Henry’s made him smile. It was truly perfect, only beaten by the following Christmas, when Emma unwrapped the ‘Swan-Jones’ family sign he had made and immediately said yes before he had even asked the question.She later showed him the bauble she had Will and Robin carve up that had the very same family name in the middle that she had also planned to propose with, and they hung it up proudly on the tree, soon followed by a bauble with their wedding date.
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damonsbitchx · 5 years
Imprinting Pt. 1
I have no idea what to title this but my prompt for this fic is Jacob and Leah ending up together because wtf resume’s a baby???? Prompt is courtesy of @loveless-and-nameless. I hope you like it! I’m going to make a second part.
Summary: This is set after Breaking Dawn p.2 where Jacob lets Leah stay in his pack so she doesn’t have to go to Sam. In this, Leah and Jacob are only two or three years apart in age and they both imprint on each other in this. (That’s my personal touch.)
Characters: Jacob x Leah, and some waitresses 
Warnings: I think there’s one swear word, it’s fluffy and sweet
All mistakes are mine, no one proofread except me many times.
Word count: 3,069
If you want to be added to a tag list send me an ask with your @ 
Likewise, if you have any requests please send them in an ask. I might reject but ask anyway!
       After my dad died it’s no secret that I phased along with my little brother Seth. The pack was not welcoming about it, to say the least, but I didn’t really care. It was bad enough my dad had just died and I was the only girl in the history of EVER to phase, but to make matters worse, I was stuck under the rule of my ex-boyfriend who broke my heart after imprinting on my cousin. I was still bitter, to say the least, so if I had to suffer so did they.
       Jacob made his best effort to be a bit kinder to me than the rest of the pack, especially after he lost Bella to that dirty bloodsucker. He and I disappeared after making sure that they all survived the attack of the goth government. He told me he was going to the mountains of Alaska and I had planned on running as far East as I possibly could. We were definitely more than 300 miles apart but we could still hear each other clear as day when we were phased. As far as I could tell, he never phased back to his human form. Once I made it as far as Wisconsin I tried to stay human as much as possible so he and I could both be alone like the other didn’t exist. It was a very intimate thing to be tied to someone like that, even with all the miles between us physically and mentally. After being able to hear his thoughts all day every day for as long as it took me to get to Wisconsin I sort of started to miss the company when I was human, but I didn’t want to make him regret letting me stay under him instead of Sam so I didn’t out myself. I wandered around cities in Wisconsin looking for purpose, only phasing during the night so I could sleep in the woods somewhere. I’d make sure to only phase when I could barely keep my eyes open anymore and I’d always greet him to let him know I was there. Then, I’d fall fast asleep and phase back the moment I woke up. 
       I’d never tried this hard to be careful about what I thought when I was phased because I always felt like if I had to suffer in my own mind they did too, but it wasn’t just me. They thought horrible things about me from the moment I joined the pack. Sam was always tougher with me than any of the guys. Even Seth, who was smaller, younger, and weaker than all of us got treated better than I did. I didn’t want to just be the second choice anymore, mocked by the people who were supposed to be there for me. I didn’t want to be spoiled leftovers anymore. Jake would sometimes stick up for me and try to get closer to me, but I was closed off to all relationships with people after my father died. Being out here in the middle of nowhere might be making me soft or maybe I’m just realizing I don’t actually want to be alone. Without the voices of the rest of the pack in my head constantly and the faces of the people, my own people, who betrayed me I found peace. I found myself wanting to be closer to Jacob. It was a foreign feeling to me, I hadn’t experienced any need to be in anyone’s company for months. It didn’t matter either, Jacob was on a search for his gravity and I wouldn’t be a leech in his life because he was doing me a solid by just letting me leave Sam’s pack. I wouldn’t mess this one up, not this time.
       One night I slumped against a tree deep in the woods and phased, about to voice my greeting to Jake to let him know I was there but I stopped to listen because he spoke first.
“Leah, I was worried about you. You didn’t phase last night,” he growled.
“Oh, yeah um sorry Jake, I was doing other things. I found a bed to sleep in last night.” 
“With who?”
“Just some rando I met in the park, we hit it off and I figured I’d give you a break.”
I grimaced to myself, I’d forgotten last night happened. I thought it was just a bad dream.
“Oh… well, it takes like two seconds to phase and tell me, don’t let it happen again,” he snapped.
      I let out a small whine, but he didn’t say anything after that. I fell right to sleep. That next morning I woke up with the strange feeling I was being watched. There was no way there were people this far out in the forest. My ears perked up to listen intently.
“Leah?” Jake’s low voice rumbled in my head.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“How would he even know if I wasn’t okay?” I wondered to myself, forgetting he could hear me.
“I just got a bad feeling out of nowhere late last night. I started running to Wisconsin to keep myself awake in case you woke up and were in trouble, plus I’d already be at least halfway there if it happened. Where are you? This forest is huge.”
“You’re here?” I growled. I didn’t expect him to be here.
“Well, yeah, I wasn’t gonna run all that way just to turn around after I knew you were okay,” he chuckled.
I heard a twig crack behind me and I leaped up with a yelp, tucking my tail and preparing to charge whatever it was.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” he chortled at my surprised reaction, trotting out from behind a thick tree.
“S’okay, I was already on edge. Jake, what are you doing all the way out here?” I grimaced, rising out of my defensive stance, my tail wagging a couple times. He didn’t fail to notice, twitching his ears in response.
“What, the alpha can’t come to visit his only pack member now?”
“Well, no, I just meant why would you want to be out here with me? I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.”
“Look, Leah, I’m here, okay? Don’t make me regret coming, you seemed like you could use it,” he snapped.
“Okay, I’m not, I’m sorry,” I almost whispered, looking down at my foot pawing the ground.
“Do you want me to get you some breakfast?”
“Jake, I-”
“Some human breakfast.”
       I moved my gaze back up to his copper-red face, not quite meeting his eyes. I let out a small whine in sync with the rumble in my stomach. Suddenly, he took off in the opposite direction dashing behind a tree and phasing into his human form. He appeared around the other side in his regular human clothes and gestured for me to do the same. I let out a low growl to which he chuckled in response and raised both his hands level with his face in surrender, turning on his heels and crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and darted behind a tree out of sight to phase and yank on my human clothes. When I emerged around the other side he was already a few feet away from me, grinning and looking me up and down. Then, he frowned.
“Leah, are you eating enough?” he demanded.
       For a moment his question shocked me. Maybe too much time alone was getting to him, he never paid me this much attention. He barely even talked to me this much before. My words caught in my throat and I stared at him in disbelief. Why did he care? I was glad he couldn’t hear my every thought now.
“That’s not your business,” I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. “Last I checked, I don’t answer to you.”
       He glared at me as if he were trying to crack me, but after a few moments, he shook his head and grabbed my hand. He began pulling me towards the edge of the forest and I didn’t fight him on it because I really was hungry. Besides, he was much bigger than me, I could only do so much.
“If I had known you were this bad at taking basic care of yourself I never would’ve let you go off by yourself,” he growled, glancing down at me. 
I glared at him as we strolled out of the forest and began through the city to find somewhere to eat.
“I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.”
“Clearly not,” he held my hand up and gestured to my entire arm as evidence to back up his opinion. I rolled my eyes again, there was nothing wrong with my arm. Maybe I was just delusional thinking I actually wanted his company, he was more annoying than I remembered. 
       We found a little small-town cafe type place that we went into. Jake was still holding my hand when we went in and a couple waitresses eyed me sourly. I followed their lines of sight down to our hands which were intertwined and immediately I let go, folding my arms across my chest and avoiding their gazes. He didn’t seem to notice, flashing a dazzling grin at the hostess who was now taking us to a window booth. She all but melted right there on the spot. At this point, I was unsure if Jake had any awareness of his effect on any woman besides Bella or if he just didn’t care. We took our seats across from each other while the short brunette hostess proceeded to ask our drink preference.
“We’ll have two waters, please,” he sounded like he was trying too hard to be polite, smiling at her and nodding.
         He redirected his eyes to the menu once she left and I quickly scanned the one in my hands before deciding I’d want some pancakes and eggs. I slapped the menu shut and set it on the edge of the table, taking a moment to look around the place and take in every old-fashioned, dusty element of this little cafe. The paneled walls were off white and decorated with various framed photos of old white people usually standing with a big red barn in the background or posed with their family outside in a field. It reminded me of my family’s house back in La Push. All the chairs had metal frames and black leather-looking covers. The floor had a wood grain pattern, but I couldn’t tell if it was real or not. There were a few old couples scattered around the rest of the cafe, but other than them, us, and the staff the place was a ghost town inside and out. A few moments after I decided to let my eyes wander they made their way back to Jacob only to realize he was watching me. I frowned. 
“What are you looking at, punk?” I teased but held a serious expression on my face.
“Nothing,” he chuckled. “You just look sort of like a kid in a candy store.”
“Hey, don’t make fun of me Jacob Black. I’m older than you,” I growled.
       He rolled his eyes at me. It was true, I was older than Jacob even though it didn’t look like it. I vaguely remember when he was born because I was around three years old. I watched him grow up, he and Seth played together often and Bella would join too, up until she stopped coming up to her Dad’s all together. We would all three or four run around down on the beach even though it was much too cold to be near the water. Bella liked to find cool rocks and Jacob liked to throw rocks at her. He threw them at me too, but I’d threaten to beat him up if he didn’t stop so he did. Seth and Jacob liked to collect bugs and bring ‘em back to Billy, mom, and dad. Mom would always scream at them to keep the bugs outside where they belonged and the boys got a kick out of her hysteria. They would also chase Bella around with them because it made her scream and run. Eventually, though, she started smacking them instead of running so they stopped that too. I huffed and smiled mostly to myself at the memories that came like a flood in my mind. I had forgotten a lot of my history with Jacob. 
       Suddenly, pulling me out of my daydream, Jacob cleared his throat. My drifted gaze snapped to him with a glare and he jerked his head to alert me that the waitress was almost here. My expression softened and I shifted my eyes away from him embarrassedly. The waitress approached our table, barely glancing at me, settling her eyes on Jacob. She wore a shining smile and she asked him what she could get for him. He proceeded to rattle off this long order of foods I paid no attention to while she scribbled furiously and shoved in her clarifying questions whenever she could. It was kind of funny. I snorted to myself watching her struggle to keep up with him. Finally, when he had finished she turned to me with another sour look.
“And for you?” she asked, breathlessly and with a lot less politeness than before. 
“Pancakes and scrambled eggs please,” I said, slapping the menus into her hand when she reached and watched her walk away. 
       She definitely ran to tell the other waitress what had just happened. Their fawning made me chuckle to myself. Jacob would never notice them the way they noticed him. It was a lost cause. I met Jacob’s gaze and he looked annoyed with me again. I rolled my eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I huffed, pouting out the window.
“Leah, you literally ordered two pancakes and two eggs, you can’t live off of that,” he hissed. 
“Jacob, I know how to take care of myself,” I hissed back at him. This was starting to get very annoying.
“Leah, I’m just worried about you,” he sighed, reaching for my hand across the table. I yanked it from his reach and stared at him with wild anger now burning in my face. Why was he suddenly being so nice to me? 
       I locked eyes with him and suddenly my breath was knocked from my chest. My eyes grew wide and I froze. Suddenly, every memory I’d ever made with Jacob raced through my mind like adrenaline in my veins. I felt my lungs fill and deflate with air, somehow knowing each breath now had a purpose bigger than just myself. His expression changed too, I wondered if he was feeling what I felt. I was suddenly more grounded. My hand gravitated towards his still stretched out across the table, grabbing it firmly in mine. I felt the weight of all my troubles seemingly lift off my shoulders, my mind became clear, my heart was beating with more enthusiasm. My hand buried in his began to feel hotter than the rest of my body if that was even possible with my already abnormal body temperature. His Amber eyes seemed to see into my soul, he squeezed my hand endearingly, matching my gaze. Our breathing was in sync now and both our jaws fell open ever-so-slightly as we stared into each other’s eyes. Why had I never noticed him like this before in all my years of knowing him? It was like the electricity was pulsing between him and me, connecting through our intertwined hands. He was like a cool summer breeze basking under the warm sun on the beach. He was suddenly laughter and cookouts, breakfast on the back porch overlooking the ocean, and picnics on top of a mountain. I could see in him everything I’d ever dreamed of having. Sitting here with him, our hands melting into each other becoming a uniform stream of energy and life, I knew I’d found exactly what I wanted. I could only hope he’d feel the same.
        We both snapped suddenly back into reality when we realized the waitress had returned with our food. “That was fast,” I thought to myself, wondering how long we’d been sitting like that. I yanked my hand out of the way, staring down at my hands now curled in my lap under the table and I began biting my lip nervously. What the fuck just happened? 
       I listened to Jacob talk to the waitress but paid no attention to what he was saying, I couldn’t focus on anything but the sound of his voice that seemed to command the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. He cleared his throat a minute or two after she left when I still hadn’t moved.
“Leah?” his voice was soft now, almost resembling the kid in him.
       My stomach flipped at the sound. I took a deep breath and forced my eyes up to meet his. He looked petrified with anxiety, so my hand instinctively shot out to silently ask for his again before I could even process his expression. My eyes grew wide at my actions but softened when he took it with a smile. My face dropped into a relieved smile in response and I squeezed his hand reassuringly. Whatever this was, I could get used to it. He held onto my hand all through breakfast, not letting go one time and I wasn’t about to make the first move either. I was content at that moment. By the time I’d finished my measly little two pancakes and two eggs, he had also devoured his entire three meals worth of food and the waitress had given us our ticket. I didn’t even question where he got money from, it seemed like something I didn’t want to know. Besides, I was too busy soaking up this new side of Jacob I’d been given. I didn’t even notice the waitresses anymore though I was sure they were whispering about us and exchanging dirty looks. So, we got up, paid, and left even though we didn’t know where we were going. He still had my hand firmly locked in his grip as he led me back towards the forest.
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
(1/2) There has been some *next level* great fic published recently. Honestly, I feel intimidated to write anything new because nothing I could produce will ever be able to measure up to the talent of some of the authors I'm reading. On the other hand, I see fic that is exactly the opposite. Fics whose authors have admitted are written with little to no thought or effort, but that get reblogged and liked ad nauseum because of "who" the author is and/or they tag tons of people.
(2/2) I feel like my writing falls somewhere in the middle, but because I'm not a popular blogger I don't seem to be able to build a bigger audience, and I don't feel comfortable tagging people that I don't know personally. Do you have any advice about how to stay motivated to keep writing, when I'm not confident that my writing will ever be as good as the good fic is, or that it really "fits in" anywhere? I feel rather discouraged about it and I haven't written anything in weeks as a result.
Hey there gorgeous! This is a long answer, so there’s a cut, sorry!
I hear you and feel you and see you. And, I’m sorry to say, I don’t have any magic words of wisdom that will instantly fix this. Art is so subjective plus social media is like any club where there will be groups of people who’ve been around longer and have built long-term relationships, some who are brand new and walk right in with confidence, finding their place straight away, then there are the long-termers who are a bit more reserved or only come out to play sometimes. It’s the heirarchy of life.
I will say up front though, that I don’t believe there isn’t a place for your fic here. It will fit in somewhere! This fandom has generated such a breadth of fic from the fluffiest of fluff to the ickiest of ick that there is bound to be someone out there who loves what you write. The trick is to try to love it yourself too! And that’s hard. Creativity comes with great freedom and a heavy burden - our old friend self-doubt.
So, to push back against your point about intimidation, please don’t fall into that headspace. There isn’t a writer on here who doesn’t doubt their own ability. There isn’t a published original fic author who doesn’t doubt their own ability. It comes with the turf. You have to accept that your writing is unique and that comparing it to others’ styles and fic is just going to wear you down. It’s not productive and won’t make your writing any better. That’s not to say you shouldn’t look at ‘good’ fic and work out why it is elevated - we all have our personal preferences. Is it the prose? The plot? The pacing? The characterisation? Study the quality writing and try to think about the reasons it works so that your own writing will improve.
This fandom is still eager to read and there has been a ton of fic produced over the last month, including some newbies and oldies who’ve published new writing. If you have a story to tell, you should tell it. I find that stories bang at your brain until they’re let out. Don’t do yourself an injury for fear of never being seen. Writing for yourself is your first job. All writers to do that.
Validation is what we seek, though. Through likes and comments and reblogs. Otherwise, what are we publishing our work for? Yes, we write for ourselves, but we publish for the consumer. So, I understand it can be demoralising when your fic doesn’t do well in terms of notes. How do you know if anybody likes your stuff? It’s frustrating. There are some seriously under-rated writers on this site, who turn out amazing words, but their fic can sometimes be passed over for reasons unknown to me.
However, I’m probably not the best one to advise on this. My own fic has never really been consistently popular. I generally don’t reblog my own work and I don’t tag other bloggers unless specifically requested. Building a base here is a long road for most writers. We aren’t publishing pretty art or amazing gifs. Words tend to look boring on the page and require a commitment when people are time-poor. I started out by entering challenges and by reblogging, commenting and sending asks to those writers I admired. I DMd writers I thought I could connect with and took things quite slowly. I’ve been here for three years, posting regular stories but my follower count isn’t that huge. Maybe that’s something you can do while you’re drafting your next fic? Reblog the stuff you love, work out why you love it, make comments and send that author an ask (not on anon). Sending praise feels as good as receiving it. And other people notice that kindness too!
I am hosting another couple of workshops before the end of the year and if you’re available, you are more than welcome to attend. They are friendly, fun and encouraging. You might turn out some surprising writing and then you get to tag the other writers who participate because that’s how these things work. 😊
I hope this helps a little. There is no one answer to this age-old question. Personal taste is what it is. Fifty Shades of Grey was a huge best-seller. It’s not great writing, but people bought it in droves. I don’t understand the popularity of Jodie Picoult or Danielle Steel or Wilbur Smith but they sell stacks of books. Who the hell is Drake and why does his music do well? What about the Kardashians? Famous for what - yet people watch their show and buy their handbags. 
With fanfic, there’s good and there’s bad and there’s everything in between and we are not here to tell people what they should read and reblog and what they shouldn’t. That’s the beauty of our fandom. There really is something for everyone from drabbles to novel-length, slash to romance; but that something might not be popular. You know, people sometimes just want to read a story that makes them feel good and smut and fluff (the most popular genres on Tumblr as far as I can see) provide that comfort so, if your writing isn’t in either of those genres, don’t despair. There’s likely still an audience for you. They might just be a little more discerning or not on here as often or might be jumping up and down saying ‘ooh, that’s just like me!’
If you’re brave, come off anon and send out those asks to your faves. Join us at the next workshop (follow @just-fic-already for the details) and just write!
Take care, lovely. Thanks for swinging by. 💜
21 notes · View notes
svtmatokis · 5 years
Miracle P2
LASTLY here is Miracle P2. I am sooo soft since the song was released and I hope you guys get why Jihoon is acting the way he is in this fic. Also has anyone noticed tht i LOVE using Yoongi and Jihoon in the same fics? K I need some sleep now cause getting 2hrs the night before and a birthday party right after = zzzzzzzzzz
Have you ever had that moment where you met one person who just changed your life in an instant?
Words: 4772
Pairing: You x Jihoon 
Warnings: NGL y’all are gonna wanna brush your teeth extra once the fluff in this fic is over 
Part 1
Tags: @mitchx17carat​
(If you want to be tagged, feel free to send me an ask or reply to the fic of your choice.)
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The first day of classes had finally arrived. Unfortunately for Jihoon, the two of you hadn’t seen each other since the morning after Jungkooks birthday since he had to take care of Soonyoung after he woke up and you went to tend to the others who lived in the house. 
After a quick bye, the two of you went your separate ways and as Jihoon sat in his first class of the semester waiting for the instructor to arrive, he started to think when he was going to see you again. He was sure that both Soonyoung and Seungcheol would have your number but he didn’t feel like answering any questions they might have. 
As he continued to let his thoughts drift, he overheard a few of the students talking and when Yoongi’s name was mentioned, he started to pay attention.
“I heard Min Yoongi’s going to be the assistant for this class.” one girl said as her friend gasped. 
“I haven’t seen Yoongi around campus in ages. I wonder what’s making him comeback. He’s already a big name as is outside of this college and anyone who works with him is considered lucky.” she said, “Theres a rumor that Y/N came back from that program the school sent her to in London so it could be that.” 
“If Y/N’s back then that could be the reason...you know how much he’s doted on her and I can’t blame him either. She’s so pretty and talented.” another girl butted in. “You don’t think they’re dating do you?”
Jihoons eyebrows furrowed at the last statement he heard, was it a secret that you and Yoongi were siblings? Everyone at the party seemed to acknowledge it since most of the guys who were there steered clear of you and he had heard that Yoongi was fiercely protective of you when it came to dating.
A tap on his shoulder shook him out of his thoughts and it was as if the sun rose when he looked up to see your face.
“Is anyone sitting here?” you asked motioning to the seat next to him that had his bag on it and Jihoon sat up quickly to remove it. How lucky was he that you were in this class? A class that he almost didn’t take because of what happened in the past.
“No, no ones sitting here.” he said and you put your bag on the desk before sitting down. “I didn’t know you were going to be taking this class.” 
“I have to.” you said, “Plus, you won’t believe who our T.A is going to be…”
“Yoongi?” Jihoon asked and you nodded shocked that he knew. Obviously he saw it because he continued to explain further, “This class is full of gossips.” 
“Ah…” you said covering your mouth as you giggled, “Did you already hear the rumor that Yoongi and I were dating then?” 
Jihoon nodded chuckling himself, he was surprised to see that you knew of the rumor and decided to ask you about it.
“Does no one on campus know that you two are siblings or something?” 
“It’s not that...it’s just that no one asks. Yoongi graduated from the music program when I was a freshman. He was already producing music for outside people back then so he was fairly well known. But because you know, him being him,walked me to every class till I left for London.” you explained, “If people asked we would tell them we were siblings but I guess it’s more fun to assume things.” you let out a sigh and blew a piece of hair that had fallen in your face. 
“Life of a college kid.” Jihoon agreed with a nod, “Where is he anyways? Wasn’t class supposed to start five minutes ago?” 
“He’s standing outside talking to that instructor...Bumzu or something about a project he wants Yoongi to help with.” you explained just as Yoongi walked into the room and you saw him smirk as he saw you sitting with Jihoon.
“Hello class...welcome to Advanced Music Production.” he said in a monotone voice as he put somethings on the desk. “As you can see, the instructor is no where to be found. Due to a recent project, he will not be attending classes until the middle of the semester.” 
“Bummer” you said as Yoongi shot you a glare but continued.
“I will be taking over in his place till then and to start the semester off, you guys will have to do a project to show that you actually belong in this class. The course outline has been emailed to you all by the instructor and as you can see, there will be a final production project that EVERYONE will have to complete individually because it will be half your grade.” Yoongi explained looking at each person in the class. 
“The first project that you guys will be doing will be a partners project but choose wisely. The project will show the instructor and I who will be invited to take part 2 of this course next semester which as you know is not mandatory to graduate but is a lot more advanced than this and is for those who are serious about music producing. Are there any questions?” 
When no one raised their hands, Yoongi smiled and you swore you heard a squeal come from behind you. 
“Good, the details of the first project is on the course outline. I will be here to assist and give advice but please try to complete it with your partner before coming to me. You have two weeks to complete the project starting now. Please let me know who your partner is before the end of class.” he finished and sat down which signalled for everyone to start working.
During the time that Yoongi was talking about partners, you felt Jihoon nudge you ever so slightly and you nodded at him when you saw him look at you from the corner of his eye. You had a hunch that there would be a few people who would’ve wanted to partner with you to get your connections to Yoongi but thankfully, Jihoon was already one of Yoongi’s few mentees (literally only you and Jihoon) and you had no problem working with him. 
“Hey welcome back Y/N.” Joshua who you recognized from freshman year said as he sat down in the desk in front of you. You heard from Seungcheol that he had joined the SVT Frat and lived with the guys but outside of that, you never talked much. 
“It was fun, thanks for the English lessons by the way. They totally helped.” you said with a smile, “I hate to be back but you know...real school calls.” 
“Didn’t some of the credits from the last two years move forward?” Joshua asked and you nodded.
“Most of my dance credits have me covered that I can take it less seriously now, but I only took music comp during my final year there and it wasn’t enough.” you let out a sigh, “It’s fine though considering who our T.A is.” 
“Yea who would’ve thought Yoongi would return to teaching.” Joshua said, “Are you partnered with anyone yet?” 
You nodded your head to Jihoon had stayed quiet this whole time, “Jihoon and I agreed to work together for the semester. Is Vernon coming back this year?” 
“Oh, hey Jihoon..” Joshua said with a wave, “I just assumed that you’d be working yourself again like you did last semester and yea, he’s on his way back from New York now. He’ll be back in class tomorrow.” 
You looked at Jihoon with wide eyes wondering how he convinced the instructors to let him work alone for most of the year but had a feeling Yoongi’s influence had something to do with it.
“I thought a change would be beneficial this semester.” Jihoon said and looked at you, “I’ll go tell Yoongi about the partners.” 
“Sounds good.” you said with a smile and Jihoon got up.
‘Did she really imply that she wanted to work with me for the semester?’ he thought to himself as he went to talk to Yoongi while you and Joshua continued your conversation.
“I didn’t expect you to be friends with someone like Jihoon at all.” Joshua said and you gave him one of those looks and he quickly continued to explain, “It’s nothing like that...its just that he’s pretty introverted when it comes to class...I see him with Cheol and everyone and he seems okay but still, very timid.” 
“Really?” you asked looking at Jihoon and Yoongi talk, “I met him during Jungkooks birthday party a few days ago...didn’t seem that timid. By the way, where the heck were you?! I had to take care of Tae’s drunk ass myself since Jin and Nam were busy with birthday boy and Jimin.”
Joshua smirked at the comment, “Maybe it’s the way you are around people. You can get the mute to open up and tell you their life story.” he snorted, “And I literally got back from visiting my mom two days ago and totally missed the birthday party. I actually have to make up for it by meeting the guys for drinks tonight, you want to come with?” 
You frowned as you looked down at your phone showing him your jam packed calendar. “I can’t even if I wanted to. Hobi, Soonyoung and I are meeting up to talk about dance team auditions then I need to talk to Jihoon about the project. Plus Yoongi’s being well...Yoongi…” 
“It’s understandable, you know he means well right?” Joshua asked knowing the situation of your odd family and you shrugged.
“I know. It’s why we give each other such a hard time.” you said with a grin. 
“Who do you give a hard time too?” Jihoon asked coming back to his seat as he overheard your last comment.
“Yoongi.” you said simply and Jihoon shook his head. 
“It’s a wonder how you survive living with them you know.” he stated.
“She doesn’t live with them.” Joshua said, “Unless you decided to move into a house full of guys.” 
“I technically live in my dorm with Kimi...but from what I heard the last few days, Soonyoungs going to be a regular there so maybe I will start living with the guys.” you said grimacing to what you saw when you came home one day. “Anyways, are you or Vernon coming out for dance team this year?” 
“Vernon is, I am most definitely not.” Joshua said with a shake of his head, “I’ll be at every performance with Tae to take pretty pictures though.” he said using his hands as a fake camera, “You should really try out this year Jihoon. It’s a lot of fun especially with Y/N back”
Joshuas comment made you nod in agreement, “I heard from Soonyoung that the two of you used to dance together. Chan’s on the team too.”
“I’ll think about it.” Jihoon said and saw the hopeful smile on your face and he couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe he would try out this year. There was nobody holding him back after all.
Eventually class ended and you thanked the heavens that you only had one class that day. You had been working on a few things since you got back and you didn’t want to stop until it was completed. Unfortunately, that meant not being done till about 5 in the morning which only allowed you 2.5hours of sleep before you had to get ready for class.
“Do you want to go get lunch to discuss the project?” Jihoon asked not ready to part ways with you yet and was happy that you agreed. 
“Sure, I have to meet with Hobi and Soonyoung after though for dance stuff.”
“That’s fine, I’ll probably head back to the house after that then.” Jihoon said, “Do you want anything in particular?” 
“I’m craving jajangmyeon...no ramen...no..” you let out a sigh not being able to decide as Jihoon laughed next to you. “I’m seriously craving Jajangramyeon*…” you said with a pout.
“Jajangramyeon*?” Jihoon asked shocked and decided at that very moment, you were someone that needed to be a permanent fixture in his life. No one knew about Jajangramyeon but here you were actually craving it. “Do you...want to go back to my dorm then? I can make lunch while we discuss the project…” he suggested shyly thinking you wouldn’t agree to something so forward but the look on your face said otherwise.
“You know what Jajangramyeon is?” you asked shocked and he nodded his head.
“It’s my favorite foods…” he said and the smile you gave him after that literally made his heart melt. It was the biggest and sweetest one he had ever seen from you and he couldn’t help but grin back.
“Lee Jihoon, I really think that this is a wonderful start to an everlasting friendship.” you said and packed up your things quickly as your stomach started talking for you.
“Yea?” he asked completely shocked at what came out of your mouth but his grin grew when you nodded your head.
“Anyone who knows about and how to make Jajangramyeon is considered high in my books.” you said as you walked towards the door and purposely said loudly, “Maybe even higher than Yoongi and Jin!” 
“HEY! Say that in front of Jin next time you want something to eat!” you heard from behind making you and Jihoon snicker as you walked out towards Jihoon’s dorm which was the SVT Frat house.
You had only been here once before you left for London and that was when you and Hoseok had gone to tell Soonyoung the news of him being the new junior dance team co-captain which he completely deserved at the time. Ever since then, Soonyoung and Hoseok were partners when it came to the dance team but due to lack of experience, Hobi was the only one teaching the after school classes and you knew that it took a lot out of him.
When the two of you walked into the house, you saw Seungcheol and Soonyoung in the living room seemingly watching a movie. They waved as you and Jihoon walked by and made your way to the kitchen.
“I knew it was a good idea that Jihoon went to that party.” Soonyoung said, “He’s managed to change himself in less than five days.” 
“Y/N has that effect on people.” Seungcheol said, “I just hope she doesn’t break his heart…”
“Doubt it.” Soonyoung said as he saw the ingredients that Jihoon was getting together, “Look at what he’s making for lunch.” 
Seungcheol leaned over slightly to see the ingredients on the table and wrinkled his nose, “I knew it wasn’t only Jihoon who liked that stuff together. The fact that he’s cooking for someone else too is just…” 
“Not Jihoon?” Soonyoung asked and Seungcheol nodded. “But remember how Yoongi and Jin were when you started college?” 
“Y/N was their light and despite having lost so much in her life, she still managed to bring those two back.” Seungcheol said with a small sigh, “Now they’d do anything for her and it’s not because they have to either…” 
“I’ve never seen Y/N not have a smile on her face. She’s gone through a lot...more so than any of us. She’s the step sister of the student body president and star producer who didn’t even know about her for fifteen years...I admire her because of that.” Soonyoung said the two watched Jihoon cooking while you sat on the counter next to him talking about something they couldn’t hear.
“You admire her for being the step sister of an affair?” Seungcheol asked and Sooyoung shook his head quickly.
“I admire her because despite losing both parents and gaining two brothers, she’s still so strong. We don’t know her full story but if she can smile like she does now without a care in the world and make someone like Jihoon come out of his shell. It makes me think about all the rumors that people spread about her during her first year when Yoongi walked her to every class and when Jin would have lunch with her whenever he wasn’t busy.” Soonyoung sighed, “I wonder how badly the rumors affected her that she decided to leave so suddenly that year...Yoongi practically shut himself from everyone again and Jin went back to being Jin.” 
“I never noticed that...So it wasn’t because of the video she submitted for the audition?” Seungcheol asked and Soonyoung shrugged.
“Hoseok told me that it was between him and Y/N for the London program and he backed out so Y/N could go. But essentially, because no one would ask and they just assumed who she was to them, she did the one thing she knew how to do. She ran away and came back stronger than ever.” 
Seungcheol thought about Soonyoungs last comment and watched as Jihoon made two bowls of noodles while you sat on the counter next to him talking about whatever you were talking to him and it was evident that the big smiles on both your faces were genuine and both boys had simultaneous thoughts.
‘Just like Jihoon…’
“...Sounds like your back bone grew while you away then. The program sounds like it was a lot of fun.” Jihoon said as he went to put the two bowls of noodles on the table. 
The two of you had been talking about your time in London and how much it changed you and helped your confidence level. In London, no one was there to gossip on how you were tied to the schools top producer or the student body president. Instead, they praised you for your talent in dance and classical music and it really did help with yourself esteem in general.
“I would want to go back one day just for vacation. There were so many spots that I didn’t get to see while I was there since school was literally year round.” you said as you hopped off the countertop to join Jihoon. “Oooo! This looks so good.” 
“Eat up.” Jihoon said handing you a pair of chopsticks. “It tastes better when it’s hot.” 
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” you said and instantly took a bite. The moan that left your mouth made Jihoon stop midbite as he saw you close your eyes in satisfaction. “And here I thought Mingyu and Jin were always good cooks...I have obviously been wronged.” 
Jihoon tried to hide his blush from your compliment by lifting his bowl to take a bite himself and swallowing before he said, “It’s just one of my specialties…Mingyu does most of the cooking around here.” 
“Yea, but no one really mixes the jajangmyeon and ramen noodles that well and it normally ends up being too bland or too spicy.” you said wrinkling your nose, “Yours on the other hand is one hundred percent.” you shot him a wink and took another mouthful as Jihoon sat there with a blush on his cheeks as he watched you eat. 
This was something that he could really get used to...it just felt so natural with you. He didn’t have to force himself to be anyone and to him you were an open book. He was surprised how much had changed from a week ago before the two of you even met and now here he was, cooking his favorite food for someone who also loved the same thing and he couldn’t have felt anymore happier.
Eventually the conversation went to the project that you had to work on and it really didn’t take long to plan it out since you two had similar schedules since you were both part of the dance department and only had two classes for composition which you shared.
“I like that idea…” Jihoon later said once all the food was cleaned up and you were now out with your laptops going through the outline. “How about we meet up…”
Unfortunately, Jihoon couldn’t finish his sentence since Soonyoung decided to walk in with Hoseok in tow and the two proceeded to sit in front of you and Jihoon.
“Weren’t we supposed to meet at the cafe in like two hours?” you asked looking between the two grinning boys.
“Then Soonyoung said you were here and I finished classes early today and thought that we push our meeting earlier since we have a lot to discuss.” Hoseok said and looked at Jihoon, “Feel free to stick around Ji. You’re going to audition for the dance team this year right?” 
“I have somethings to take care of and as I told everyone else, I’ll think about it.” Jihoon said and looked at you with a soft smile, “I’ll talk to you later then?” 
You gave him a smile back and nodded, “I’ll come say bye before Hobi and I leave.” 
“Does that mean you’re coming back to the house again?” Hoseok asked and you pointed at Soonyoung.
“Yes, considering he’s going to my dorm after this meeting.” you deadpanned and Soonyoung gave you a heart with his hands.
Once Jihoon was officially out of earshot and the kitchen door was closed, both boys jumped into conversation.
“Please tell me you convinced him to audition for the dance team.” Hoseok said, “We NEED someone with his skill on the team this year or else we won’t stand a chance for finals.”
“Please tell me you’ll say yes if he ever asks you out.” Soonyoung pleaded. “You’re literally the first and only person he’s cooked for since he’s gotten here so that says A LOT.” 
You blinked as both boys held one of your hands each and you took them away quickly before flicking both of them on the forehead.
“You heard what he said and he didn’t tell me different.” you answered Hoseoks question, “and we literally met a week ago and didn’t you say he was hung up on his ex the last time we talked?” you asked Soonyoung.
“I don’t think he’s hooked on her anymore Y/N...and for the record, you’re the first female he’s ever looked and smiled at in two years” Soonyoung stated, “Yoongi’s told us stories about you too and I think he was interested in who you were at first but I know he fell when he met you. The guy was completely speechless at Kookies birthday party.”
“Plus Yoongi doesn’t talk highly about ANYONE who doesn’t deserve it.” Hoseok added, “Don’t you think it’s time for you to find genuine happiness too Y/N? You know those rumors don’t matter anymore and Jihoon isn’t the type to judge. Plus, Yoongi and Jin WILL approve. Jin posted it on Instagram when he found you two in the same bed for frick sake!” 
“Yea, I kind of find that hilarious considering that he was taking care of me before he ditched to hang out with you and clean YOUR frat house of all places.” Soonyoung said with a pout. “So...will you say yes?” 
“How about you guys just let things happen naturally as they already are?” a voice asked coming from behind you and you saw Seungcheol leaning on the door frame, “It’s obvious Jihoons already stepped out of his comfort zone by doing what he did today and I can guarantee he’s up in his room thinking things through as he always does. Plus, don’t you three have to discuss the dance program for the YEAR?” he asked and the three of you glared at him.
“Would you like to join the conversation and join the dance team this year Mr.Choi?” you asked sarcastically as a small grin appeared on Seungcheols face as he took the seat next to you.
“As a matter of fact….” 
A few hours later, Jihoon decided to go and check on your little meeting surprised to find Hoseok and Soonyoung dancing around the kitchen while Seungcheol was laughing while holding his stomach. He then looked at your situation where you had your hair tied in a high bun and there were papers surrounding you.
“Is she alive…?” Jihoon asked poking your shoulder as you moaned and you looked up at him with pure exhaustion in your eyes.
“Please audition for dance team this year and not leave me with these three monsters.” you begged which made Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Hoseok laugh even harder and catching Jihoon off guard.
“Don’t forget Vernon and Chan.” Soonyoung added before grinning evily, “And Taehyung…”
“There’s also Hyungwon, Jun, Minghao…you should be happy Kimi’s coming back” Hoseok started listing as well and you stood up having enough.
“I’m done.” you said throwing the papers you had into your bag, “We’ve decided what we’ve had to decide and the audition dates are set. I can’t handle another hour with you idiots.” you stated and turned to look at Seungcheol, “And you of all people decided to come back to the dance team after two years without an audition, like what the heck!” 
“It’s one less person we have to audition if you really think about it.” Hoseok said leaning on the countertop. “This leaves us four spots to fill.” 
“True but still…” you sighed shaking your head, “I’m heading back to the house. Are you coming with?” 
Hoseok shook his head, “I’m gonna hang out with the guys for a bit and I’ll be home later. Don’t stay up too late working again. You’re going to burn yourself out...seriously.” 
“Yes grandfather.” you said sarcastically and picked up your bag before looking at everyone in the room including Jihoon, “I’ll see you guys later.” 
“I’ll walk you out.” Jihoon said as he followed you out of the kitchen and to the front door. “Are you sure you’ll be okay going back yourself? You look really tired.” How had he not noticed it earlier?
“Well, having a meeting with three children for the first time in two years would do that to you” you said with a yawn, “I’ll be fine though...it’s only like a fifteen minute walk.” 
Jihoon looked at you with uncertainty before acting out of impulse. He held his hand out and asked you for your phone which he put his phone number into.
“Text me when you get back then so I know you made it safe okay?” he asked and you nodded before opening the door.
“Thanks for lunch today Jihoon, it was literally the highlight of my day.” you said with a tired smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow…” 
“See you tomorrow Y/N..” he said with a smile as he lead you out to the porch, “Remember to text me.” 
“Got it. Bye Ji~” you said with a wave and started walking away.
Jihoon watched you disappear around the corner before closing the door. He then went up to his bedroom to cover his face with a pillow and groaned. Was he seriously going to do this?
You were the girl that Yoongi had talked non stop about whenever they would hang out or when Jihoon would go to his studio to work. After two years he was finally able to put a face to a name and personality and he had to admit, he really liked what he saw in just one day. 
You were easy going, soft spoken yet full of confidence. Your smile could turn anyones frown upside down and he could tell that everyone in his frat house and the BTS frat house doted on you like a little sister so he had to ask himself again. Was he really going to do this?
He thought back to your big eyes and bright smile before thinking about the things the guys said about you which happened to be all good. He then thought back to the slump he had been in for the last two years and realized that today was that one day in those two years where he actually felt like his old determined self. After coming to a conclusion, he decided to set the plan into action.
(Three hours later)
[10:45pm] Woozi - Hey Y/N? Are you okay? 
[10:45pm] Woozi - I had to get your number from Cheol because you didn’t text me...so can you please reply so I know you’re alive? 
*Jajangramyeon - A mix of Jajangmyeon and spicy ramen noodles, I actually tried this combo and its legit...interesting but legit.
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hopewritcs · 6 years
dancing in the kitchen. six.
pairing: romantic steve x reader, familial dustin x reader, friendship nancy x reader
word count: 1.2 k
summary: without giving too much away: the reader is Y/N Henderson, Dustin’s older cousin who’s staying in town, due to some family issues. takes place soon after s2.
note: sorry this is so short--and that it took 300 years to get to. i’ve been so busy, but now that i’ve graduated college (woo!!) and most of my exams are done, i’m in a regular routine again so i should be able to actually update this (and other fics) regularly. pls like/comment. i love u all. (also i’m reposting this bc it didn’t show up in the tags??? thanks tumblr u suck lol
other chapters: masterlist
tag list: @stevieboyharrington, @lola-winston-harrington, @fuckthatfeeling​,@thekidsofneibolt, @labgeek, @tyedyedstars, @samisimportant, @madhatterweasley, @pity-mee, @l4life, @veryweirdintrovert, @restlessmelodrama, @darkuserboxes,@princessnancy, @hipsmcgee, @wtf-richarddd (if you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know!!)
Y/N’s face was hot she honestly felt like she was going to explode. She couldn’t even turn to look at Steve’s face. Everything about this felt too awkward. Silent and awkward.  What was Y/N supposed to do? Distract everyone with food and hope they forgot the assumption of her and Steve dating.
“Y/N and Steve are what?” Dustin asked, his voice loud as his head whipped around between the pair and then looked back at Jane who had been the one to announce it to the room. “They’re not dating, El. My cousin is not dating Steve. There’s no way.”
Y/N was gripping tightly to the cloth in her hands. She had no words for this entire situation. She was embarrassed.  Would her secret harbored crush be outed right then and there? She surely hoped it wouldn’t--that might make this night too awkward for her to handle.  And, to be fair, it was already pretty awkward.
“Are you saying your cousin wouldn’t date me?” Steve asked, throwing himself into the conversation with a bit of a smirk.  Though he was much more confused as anyone else in the room.  He was attempting not to show the confusion in his appearance and presentation. “I mean, I’m a catch, Henderson.” Steve gestured to himself in a semi-cocky way with a waggle of his eyebrows.  
Everyone in the room either rolled their eyes or laughed at what Steve had said, but it was Dustin who actually addressed the comment. “Okay Farrah Fawcett.”
That got Y/N’s attention as she turned to look over at Steve at the comment, “Farrah Fawcett?” she snorted out a giggle and then covered her mouth with the dish cloth.
“I’m going to kill you, Dustin.” Steve said as he raced forward and lunged for the younger boy--wrapping an arm around him and rubbing his fist into the curly hair.
“No, wait, we have to hear this story.” Nancy explained with a small chuckle as she looked at Steve and Dustin.
Dustin wrangled himself out of Steve’s arms and went to the table to join his friends. He shot Steve a death glare before turning to the friends and discussing strategy for tonight. For a moment, the room was silent from the change of pace. But everyone fell into the routine forgetting the dropped conversation.
As the night wore on, Y/N watched Dustin and his friends participate in the game. The laughter and competition was contagious, and honestly she loved being around all of them.  The friendship.  The family.  It was something she had missed.
After a couple of hours of playing, the group was getting hungry again. Y/N had taken out an angel food cake she’d bought earlier.  However, she forgot to check the freezer before getting the dessert ready.  So, she sighed, and turned to the kids. “Alright, I need to run out and get some ice cream. The diner’s still open, so I’ll be back soon.” she explained, tapping Dustin’s head with a smile. “I’m taking your bike munchkin.” she commented, turning around to grab her jacket.
“It’s pretty dark out, why don’t I drive you?” Steve asked, already standing up from the couch.
Y/N shook her head, “Thanks. But I’ll be okay.”
Meanwhile Nancy had tapped Jonathan’s arm and grabbed the keys from him and stood up herself. “Y/N, how about I drive? You did all this stuff, it’s only fair.”
After a moment, Y/N nodded, “Okay.” she buttoned up her jacket and turned back to wave to the group before heading out the door with Nancy.  “Thanks for offering.” Y/N said with a smile as she got into the Byers’s car. She turned to look at Nancy as they pulled out of the drive.
“Well, honestly, Steve was right. You shouldn’t be biking out this late. Especially on Dustin’s bike. But I figured the last person you wanted to leave with was him. After what El said.” Nancy explained quietly, glancing back at Y/N with an almost worried look in her eyes.
“Why did she say that? I mean...we’re not dating. He doesn’t....I don’t...” Y/N sighed, running her hands through her hair as she leaned back against the passenger seat.
Nancy bit her lip to hold back a small chuckle at her friend’s obvious frustration. She knew that Y/N had a crush on Steve, and worried about how it would work out.  Despite not knowing how Y/N had wound up back here in Hawkins, Nancy could tell something had happened.  And she worried about her friend.  But she wanted Y/N to be happy.  So she wanted to help Y/N understand that she could be with Steve.  Or, at the last, tell him how she was feeling.
“You do.” Nancy chided, nudging her friend as she drove. “You totally have the hots for Steve.  It’s understandable.” Nancy giggled.
“I do not!” Y/N immediately shot back, halfway through Nancy saying she had the hots for Steve. Her face was flushed again. After a moment, Y/N shrugged her shoulders and sighed, “So what if I do?  It’s not like he likes me too.  Plus, I’m in no position to date.”
“Listen, Y/N, I know you don’t want to talk about whatever happened to make you move here with your Aunt, but it doesn’t, like, define you.” Nancy explained.  If only Y/N knew what they had been dealing with the past year and a half.  If only she knew.  “We all have a past, right?”  Some of us more deadly than others.
“I just can’t...I can’t tell anyone.  Everyone would judge me and think so different of me.  I wouldn’t be Dustin’s cool older cousin.  I’d be that gossipy bitchy girl.  And that’s...not me.  Not anymore.” Y/N explained, wringing her hands in her lap as she glanced around nervously.  She was still coming to terms with everything.  She didn’t want to explain it to everyone.  
“Well, you can tell me anything and I won’t judge you.  You’re practically my sister, anyway.” Nancy put her hand on top of Y/N’s with a smile as she pulled into the diner parking lot.  
“You really are the best friend.” Y/N expressed, pulling Nancy into a hug before the pair got out of the car.  
Y/N and Nancy got a variety of flavors for the ice cream, including a couple different toppings.  They came back into the house to see the group fighting over what film to watch.  The girls came in unnoticed, until the group heard clamoring in the kitchen.  
“Ice cream!” the kids shouted and bounded into the kitchen.  
“Whoa, back up munchkins.  Can we at least set up the sundae station or do you all want to be animals?”  Y/N snorted, laughing.  “Jane, can you grab some bowls for everyone? And Dustin, why don’t you grab some spoons and stuff for the bowls, and then some serving ones too?” Y/N asked, not turning around as she worked on getting the ice cream and toppings out of the bags with Nancy.  And within a couple of minutes they had everything set up on the kitchen table and everyone was preparing their own ice cream.  
Y/N grabbed two scoops of her favorite flavor and put in a slice of angel food cake and sprinkles.  She watched as everyone gathered things for their own ice cream and then the whole group filed into the living room.  The kids continued to fight over a movie to watch for the night, and the teens threw in some ideas here and there.  In the end they picked a classic Hitchcock film and got settled in for the night.  
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