#thank u SM <33
jesterwriting · 11 months
jester dear!! I had an idea, had some thoughts about it, and if you want you can make a drabble or a one shot, is really up to you.I heard an audio from tktk, that had some hurt/comfort?? So, maybe you could write a Law/Crocodile/Sanji/literally anyone you would like, the dialogue is like:
Character A: I'll take care of you.
Character B: Its wrotten work.
Character A: Not to me. Not if its you.
Hope that gives you an inspiration, I really just kinda want you to write something to have fun and all, but if not, totally fine, art has a strange way to present itself in our lifes, hope ya day/afternoon/evening is good, and remember to rest and eat a little!!!
pairing: sanji x reader & law x reader (separate)
contents: reader is depressed in sanjis, sleepy law, fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 1.1k words
note: OH MY GOD I LOVE THE ROTTEN WORK QUOTE. literally got your request and had to run in circles for a second. i only did sanji and law, though i would be open to doing crocodile another time >:3 those two just came to me the easiest right now. thank you so much for your request! i seriously loved it <33
playlist: tire swing by kimya dawson
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“Black Leg” Sanji
For some reason, you haven't been doing very well lately. Maybe it was the weather, or maybe it was because the sun was setting earlier than usual. You didn’t know. You didn’t care. The only thing you knew was that you were tired. It was getting ridiculous how exhausted even the simplest tasks made you. Eating shouldn’t leave you a husk, crawling back to your bed with a trail of slime in your wake. It had been a week since you last showered, and you were sure you stank to high heaven. Your hair sat odd on your scalp, greasy and unbecoming.
You let out a heavy sigh and buried your face deeper into your pillow. Another thing you needed to wash. At this rate, you’d get pimples, then you would look as gross as you felt.
Light flooded the room and you blinked wildly at the figure that had intruded in your very important mildew session. Sanji stood in the doorway, one hand on his hip, the other holding a plate of food.
“You need to eat, Y/N, darling. You missed breakfast,” He stated, always serious when it came to matters of food. As he made his way into your room, he turned on the lights, making you groan and shove a pillow over your face.
“Not hungry,” You mumbled.
Sanji ignored you and set the tray of food on your bedside table. It smelled delicious, bacon and eggs covering the smell of human sweat, though you knew it would inevitably turn to ash on your tongue. It was a shame you couldn’t taste Sanji’s delicious cooking right now, he made the best food you had ever eaten. Whenever you got the chance, you reminded him of that, if only to see him blush and swoon.
You knew he wouldn’t leave until you ate. Exhausted, you gave in and sat up against your pillow. With a sigh, you pulled the tray in your lap and shoveled a forkful in your mouth. You were wrong, it didn’t taste like ash, instead, it was entirely flavorless. Frowning, you shot a glance at Sanji, who sat on the edge of your bed, barely concealed worry shining in his eyes. He was smoking. You handed him an ashtray you kept nearby, just in case he dropped in.
Lighting up, Sanji gave you a bright grin. “Aw, thank you, Y/N.”
You snickered to yourself. There were practically hearts in his eyes at such a simple gesture. As you watched him swoon, you couldn’t help but feel the beginnings of guilt claw at your throat.
“You don’t have to do this.” You took another bite, fighting a grimace. “Take care of me, I mean.”
Sanji blinked at you like you just said the sky was green and the sun set in the east. “I want to take care of you.”
“It’s rotten work.” There was a smile on your face, as if to offset how miserable you felt. Like most smiles these days, it didn’t reach your eyes.
He took the fork from your hand and scooped a bit of egg onto it. Snorting, you leaned forward, mouth open.
“Not to me,” Sanji said as you swallowed. “Not if it’s you.”
Trafalgar Law
You found Law sleeping face down at his desk. Over the past several days, he had looked exhausted, only getting worse and worse as time passed. The dark circles under his eyes were almost black, so bad, he looked more raccoon than man. If he wasn’t wearing his hat all the time, you were sure his hair would be spiked in every direction from lack of care.
Humming under your breath, you knew what you had to do. There was no way you were going to leave him there to wake up with a nasty crick in his neck on top of everything else. You ducked under his arm and helped Law to his feet. He jolted slightly, startled by the sudden intrusion, but once he saw it was you, his eyelids sagged and he slumped against you. You laughed to yourself as his head lolled against your shoulder, hat falling to the floor. You would have to get that later.
The next few minutes were spent half-dragging, half-carrying Law into his bedroom. He was awake enough that his legs didn’t give out, but still too asleep to move them. You had to lead him forward, shuffling under him so you could coax him to put one foot after the other.
This was not the first time you had found him asleep at his desk, and you doubted it would be your last. It was, however, the first time he was too exhausted to take himself to bed without your help. If he was awake, he would be mortified. You didn’t look forward to the morning when he would inevitably remember being carried to bed, and decide, instead of addressing it like a normal human being, to avoid you for the next several days.
“Let go, Y/N-ya, I can do it myself.” Law tried to sound stern, but it came out as more of a tired whine than anything. You choked on a giggle. He must have gone without sleep for over a week if this was where he was at.
After what felt like a century, you made it to his room. Plopping Law on the bed, you smoothed out his hair, ignoring how he slapped your hands away, and moved to help him take off his shoes. Without you there to hold him up, Law flopped backwards with a snore. Fine, it was easier if he wasn’t awake to complain.
You set his boots down beside the bed where he would easily find them when he awoke, and lifted his hips by his legs to slide him fully onto his bed. The manhandling woke him up enough for him to groan and hit you with a glare that would normally send you running for the hills. Right now, however, it was sort of cute.
After twenty minutes of leading, sleepy glaring, and shoe removing, your captain was finally in bed. With a soft smile, you said, “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here take care of you, Law.”
“‘S rotten work,” He muttered, though you watched his eyes open to search your face. You tried not to think about that glimmer of something his sleepy gaze.
You grinned and brushed your thumb against his cheek. “Not to me, it isn’t. Not if it’s you.”
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spacenintendogs · 8 months
For the doodle requests, snotlout and astrid making out gross pls🥺 I love them in your art style..
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say less
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
You have a gift, I swear
omg stop im blushing...
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jeanbie · 2 years
Hii!! 💗 I have only just discovered ur account but I love it :D And I wanted to ask if u could do : "how would aot characters feel about cats?" IDK I JUST FIND THIS CUTEE 😤🤩
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AOT! AND CATS ★ masterlist.
⏤ eren
likes cats, but thinks dogs are better
always tries too hard to be liked by said cat and has a million cat-related wounds on his hands and arms
eren can be heavy handed and so he’s worried cats will dislike him because he likes to play rough
likes watching cute cat reels on instagram though and makes the effort to say hi to armin’s cat when he gets the chance
⏤ armin
adores cats
his mum had a cat when he was younger and then they adopted a second cat when he got a bit older
his cat is an off-white colour with big blue eyes
armin understands the personality of cats and is perfectly content letting his cat do whatever she wants when she feels like it
is the type of cat-dad/brother who buys way too much stuff for their cat
armin could be on his last few pennies of the month and he’d still somehow end up with money to buy something stupid for his cat
⏤ mikasa
prefers cats to dogs, mostly because she gets scared when dogs jump up and bark
mikasa always tends to attract cats when she’s at somebody’s house, and has a knack for beckoning over strays she sees on the street
she is usually the receiver of the reels eren finds on instagram so she always likes watching cute cat videos too
really wants a cat of her own but she doesn’t know if she’d be a good owner
she’d worry about stepping on it or not feeding it or not giving it the love it needs or wants
⏤ jean
feels kind of awkward around cats
he doesn’t like their claws or the way they sniff you accusingly and jump around from furniture to furniture
but he tries too hard to get cats to like him and when they don’t, he acts like he doesn’t like cats anyway
he thinks that they’re cute to look at and are very soft but armin’s cat hates his guts and so he has a stick up his ass about cats
⏤ connie
likes cats a lot
does not care when they scratch him or bite him
he will baby talk to the cat, carry it like a baby, he’ll annoy it to death
probably actually allergic to cat fur but likes cats too much so he won’t confess to it
⏤ sasha
same as connie, she likes cats more than cats like her
but she’s not allowed to be around armin’s cat because she gets too excited and shares her snacks and cats aren’t allowed to eat some foods
she’s probably tried to eat cat food or cat treats before just out of curiosity
tries to communicate with the cat and swears on her life that once the cat meowed in reply
⏤ historia
has a special way with cats
looks literally regal when they’re on her lap and owns a cat herself
her cat probably eats high brand foods and is on a special diet and has the cleanest fur and a princess castle tower
gets very emotional when cats go missing in her neighbourhood
and gets quite protective of her animals
⏤ ymir
doesn’t like cats
pretends to like historia’s cat because she knows that if historia was going to pick one over the other, then she’d pick the cat
ymir has personal beef with historia’s cat and will call it names or talk shit about it when historia’s not in the room
doesn’t care for the way they scratch you for no reason sometimes
tries to drop hints that historia’s cat wants to kill her to see if historia will get rid of it (never works)
⏤ reiner
forgets that cats aren’t the same as dogs
used armin and historia’s cats as weights when they all got together one time and nearly lost an eye when armin’s cat declared war
never gets personally offended when cats don’t care about him and will always find them cute when they walk into the room
probably likes dogs more though
doesn’t know how to have fun with a cat
⏤ berthold
really loves cats but feels shy when he’s around them
is too timid to stroke them and feels anxious when they jump on him or on his lap
one time he fell asleep like a cat would and now everybody brings it up when a cat is sleeping in the same room as him
“ha looks like you bertie”
⏤ annie
does like cats but an average amount
couldn’t see herself owning any pets personally but she’ll never treat other pets differently
respects that cats need their privacy and time alone, much like she does
strokes behind their ears if they come near her but mostly she will let it wander around without fuss
⏤ levi
really likes and respects cats
he likes dogs a lot too but not for the same reason that he likes cats
he tends to be a lure for cats and they like to snuggle on his lap, mostly because he doesn’t do much to make a cat feel anxious or stressed out
he doesn’t like when cats (or dogs) leave a mess on the floor or on clothes but if its not his pet then he doesn’t care about what state they leave someone else’s room in
likes to play with the feather wand with cats because it maintains that space between the two of them
⏤ erwin
lets stray cats into his house when its cold and gets confused when they try and come back in on a later date
always looks at cats to buy online but never does
he will always love dogs that bit more but he thinks cats are very adorable
but he’s not sure if his dog will love a cat the same way
⏤ hange
is fascinated by cats
genuinely believes that cats have magical powers and 9 lives and probably talks to cats as if they can understand them
they hold them like they’re antiques or science experiments, like they needs to observe their frame
laughs when they are attacked by them
tests cats boundaries without realising that they're overdoing it
⏤ zeke
ponders life to the cat
tries to hug the cat like its a stuffed animal and when he gets attacked he takes it really personally
⏤ gabi and falco
once pulled on the tail of a cat, got attacked and are now deathly afraid
falco wants to like cats but he’s just too damn scared
⏤ other warriors
pieck would be the best with cats out of the warriors, definitely tries to act like a cat sometimes to everybody’s discomfort
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vicciouxs · 10 months
hi! 2 for your wrapped :D
My Kind Of Woman — Mac DeMarco
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scre6m · 2 years
the fic author is notesfromthechamber! the wenclair fic is The Dead and The Dancing and the ronance fic is When It's Cold (I'd Like to Die)
omg i think thats one of brus fave ronance fics i need to catch up on it and start the wenclair one thank u!!! <3
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mirkwood · 7 months
caracal for the cat ask game :salute:
caracal - how well do you think people know you? how hard is it to get to know you?
People i'm close with know me too well, and it's not hard at all to get to know me bc i love talking about myself 😭😭 especially if I am comfortable and with people I trust.
Otherwise I don't like the idea of people i don't know (or ppl I have drifted apart from) having that kind of access to me, so that's when it gets harder to know stuff about me
cat ask game
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saetoshi · 1 year
MARI MARI MARI CONGRATS ON 700 <3 so deserved mwah
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tinartss · 1 year
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you can hear it in the silence
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paperbooart · 1 year
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guy who likes music
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tojisun · 9 months
biker!simon sending you this…
IM CRYING AT HIS SCREAM HELLO no because whys this kinda cute and funny to imagine dhfbwhbf 😭
biker!simon mlist // star divider by @/plutism <33
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just. imagine looking out of the window, frowning in worry at seeing the snow gathering strength – unstoppable in the momentum, blanketing the streets with fluff. any other day you would've grabbed your jacket and slid into your boots to go outside, or perhaps melt into the soft cushions of the couch with a soft music playing in the background until you are reduced to this moment – soaking in the tenderness that comes with winter; a certain nostalgia that waxes and wanes.
simon's still not back, and his only ride home is his bike. he was the one in charge of closing up the shop tonight, and you're certain that he's working alone late today – john's out of the country for a vacation, johnny called in sick, and kyle's visiting his parents – so it's not like someone can drop him off.
(although you know that if johnny or, god forbid, kyle were with simon, they would've brought their bikes too. bunch of hopeless fools, the lot of them.)
you nibble on your bottom lip, playing with it in worry, before snagging your phone from the table to shoot simon a message. you pray that he's not on the road yet.
but before you could type up anything, you receive a message from simon. it's just a little five second video, with a tag-along caption that reads, "i fell."
your heart lurches into your throat, lodging there as worry creeps up and engulfs you. you play the video, not realizing just how hard you are biting on your bottom lip until you had to gasp, blood beginning to rush back into the muscle. still, you ignore the muted throbbing, busy cataloguing simon in his video.
he's staring up at the camera, eyes furrowed, and you're sure he even got his lips pinched in disdain under his balaclava. you note how he's no longer wearing his helmet, and that feeds your rising worries even more. he shows you the snow-filled streets right after, then he pans towards his bike, showing you how the little thing is tipped over and crusted with melting snow.
the video cuts out just at the apex of simon's scream.
the apartment is filled with stagnant silence, not even your heaving breaths could puncture through, before a snort scratches at your throat, the sound creeping up unconsciously.
holy fuck.
you replay the video again just to hear the inhumane screeching at the end, giggling to yourself, before finally replying to him, "send your location pls. gon pick u up."
simon responds instantly, sending you his location – a stretch that's only ten minutes away from the shop – and adds, "my hero."
you send a kissy-sticker. simon sends you the thumbs up emoji and follows it up with the snowman emoji.
what a dork, you think with fond huff.
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this aint much n im so sorry its too short :< // taggin: @babygirl-riley @teehee-47 @comeonatmebruh <33
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beholding-moth · 1 year
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posting my fav old gerry art again for repostober <3
still one of my best 2020 art tbh.... can't believe 3 years went by so fast
ID in ALT by @princess-of-purple-prose
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ask-smg4-clubau · 19 days
Anyways lmao
Uhhhhh question for the two silly ppl [ those two sillies being 2 suspiciously familiar people who are blue and purple 🤨 ]
How much do you two get paid, like I genuinely want to know 😭😭😭
And uhhhhh question for the creators, are you planning on making this au as a silly ahhh au or a serious one 👁👄👁
Also, is there more Club AU content coming 👀?
Anyways uhhhh
Deez nutz
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Club 3: " You seem to be a bit nosey asking a guy how much they are making. A bit rude don't you think? "
Club 4: “Oh c’mon 3, don’t be shy!
Whispers: he’s just embarrassed he doesn’t make as much as me
But I on the other hand make about as much money as you throw at me, so thats for you to decide ;)”
Club 3: " OI! you know i'm standing right HERE right ??.. but yea that's gonna have to satisfy your dumb question. " " and i am NOT shy so shut up.. "
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Also hai, Cookie here! (co-owner)
For your second question, this au is a pretty silly one.. for now
But this au can get very serious! We honestly have so many ideas and conflicts and arcs that we CAN’T WAIT TO SHARE, but it’ll be a while before we get there so stay tuned :3
So to answer your third question, there’s a-lot of content coming out >:3
(We cant wait to share it all with y’all YIPPEE)
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Hi hi its uh 3 here or uhm Coffee or bomb or whatever... as to what cookie said yea its pretty silly for now... but we got lotta stuff planned so like.. if theres more questions... start asking and thus should be revealed.. maybe if club 3 isnt an asshole HAVE FUN ! >;3c
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shiolu · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♥︎⠀⠀ 1.000⠀⠀followers⠀⠀⠀⠀晴れた ✿
⠀⠀  ୨୧ oh my gosh . where do i even start . this is such a big milestone , can u believe it ?! 1000 followers !! if we forget abt the bots for a while . . anyway !! im so so grateful for all of you . its been so long and we are finally here !! im so happy for reaching this wonderful milestone , its so hard to put it into words >< thank u so much for sticking around until this moment ! i hope u will be here until my next milestone ^_^ love u all so much . . goodbye for now !!
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⠀⠀ ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ⠀⠀ BLOGS i L☆VE ! @baenu⠀⠀@muruffin⠀⠀@p-oisn⠀⠀@yeritos⠀⠀@sseulr1n⠀⠀ @v6mpcat⠀⠀@7hyein⠀⠀@fyidor⠀⠀@koosuvi⠀⠀@jeonzio⠀⠀@minslune⠀⠀@fairytopea⠀⠀@v6que⠀⠀@jangism⠀⠀@vivrhan⠀⠀@hy4k⠀⠀@tookio⠀⠀@raeceah⠀⠀@jnthri⠀⠀@rkivefr⠀⠀@florietas⠀⠀@y-unjins⠀⠀@yunjidoll⠀⠀@jaes1lvr⠀⠀@wiotas⠀⠀@mingisito⠀⠀@bambicito⠀⠀@iluvrei⠀⠀@alfaire⠀⠀@agsthv⠀⠀@y-vna⠀⠀@y-urios⠀⠀@y-ujin⠀⠀@y-ves + more . .
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ilonacho · 2 months
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Commissions are now open again!💕 Message me if you're interested!
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pinkcannibal · 3 months
Your fic turned my friends into Marilyn lovers.
was it my fic or was it simply christina riccis insane lesbian dyke sex appeal as marilyn thornhill
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