#thank u again for commissioning me i appreciate it very much
seoz-seoz · 2 years
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Konan 💙🌈 commission drawn for @luna575
Thank you for commissioning me, I really appreciate it and i hope you like it.
This is actually my first time drawing konan!!! I really like konan so much and I wish so bad that she had gotten a better ending. She deserved better. All of the ame trio did. I wish she had been able to see her dream come true,, of amegakure getting out from under the thumb of the bigger fascist nations and finally prospering. But that's what fanfic is for I guess. Sigh. Also I think her paper jutsu (which is that a kekkei genkai?? I'm actually not sure) is such a creative and fucking cool power. Like you wouldn't think paper is all that strong, but she uses it so cleverly. Konan geniusly fuses her origami art, her vast experience, and her tactical knowledge to create beautiful and deadly attacks. It's so cool, she can use her paper for traps, weapons, decoys, spying, even simple bamboozlement!! I feel like ppl definitely aren't expecting her to just suddenly poof into thousands of pieces of paper. Let alone paper bombs. And I think she can weave genjutsu into that move too??? God she is so cool. A literal angel. Plus her trap for "madara" just showed how smart she was, how closely she had watched him all those years to discover his fatal weaknesses. If izanagi wasnt a thing, she would've killed him right then and there!!!!!!!! Love her.
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kettleghost · 5 months
hi tumblr, long time no see! i would like to announce i am opening commissions!!
all the details are here on my ko.fi! please check it out, it’d be super appreciated :D and please make sure to read the rules before commissioning me and all that stuff, hope everyone’s been doing well!
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gojosattoru · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well cuties! I've missed you all so much! ^^ *hugs* So I'm doing this post to announce that I will start taking commissions again. I have been working as an illustrator, it has been really fun, my boss she's cool and has nice ideas but the issue is... she doesn't pay me on time... and sometimes I wait till 2 or 3 weeks till she pays me.. I'm really needing to gain more money... I have been trying to find a second job but it has been difficult.. No matter the curriculums I send.. no one responds or they say i don't have enough experience....... I'm really getting frustrated..
So I'm coming back, fortunately I have been feeling much better lately thanks to my psychologist and my medication. I want start editing again and tho on opening commissions on Tumblr and for Twitter! I can make icons, headers for both websites (or for any other social media if you want) I too have been doing a lot of chibi drawings, (you can see them on my art page on twitter and my blog and sideblog @letsbeeart) if you are interested and you could help me, I would really appreciate it :) If anyone wants to request feel free, but if you could give me even a small ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/gojosattorus it would be wonderful, if not it's okay i'll do requests nonetheless ^^ so the prices for the commissions are these:
Headers alone are 10$;
Icons (anime and manga) alone are 3$;
Batch of both they are 11$. 
Chibi Commissions: (i should say this, if you want to commission me chibis please ask for fandoms i'm into! Since I'm more familiar with them and gives me more motivation to draw it helps me a lot! Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail are good too ^^)
1 Character -> 25$;
2 Characters -> 35$
+ Characters -> 50$
with background -> 15$
It would be awesome if you guys could spread this post around as much as you can…Sorry for coming out of the blue with this.. I have been on hiatus for a month and a half due to my mental health and now I suddenly appear to open commissions (like i said i can take requests too you could give me a lil ko-fi if not it's alright too) but I have been thinking a lot recently since I don't gain THAT much and my boss always delays the pay day.. I should do something to gain more money! I have been practically doing nothing recently... So if you could support me, even just a lil it would help me a lot!.. Thank you for all your support, love, kindness and strength you have been sending to me recently and for keeping liking everything I do guys, makes me really happy whenever I see your messages ; U ; I will keep doing my most effort to create the best for you guys and I hope you like them and can enjoy too! Thanks for reading and to reblog. Anything you are interested in, or any doubt, you can always message me and we will talk things through. Wish you all the best and I love you very much!! 💖💖💖💖 Have a lovely day/night! *hugs* Take care!
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jotigerjotiger · 1 year
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hey all! I was laid off last month and am trying to keep up with bills and expenses while job searching, and I've decided to open a few commission slots to help myself out and get back in touch with illustrating if i can! I gotta buy cat food too >__>
If you're interested in a commission please contact me via my ask box/tumblr dms or twitter dms with what type of piece you're interested in, as well as reference pics if available!
Under the break I'll provide a breakdown of prices and extra info. I'm very happy to provide a comm on a sliding scale! Times are hard all over and every bit helps. I appreciate you checking out my work and sharing this post, thanks so much :D <3
I'm not good at organizing images like this lol, so here's a breakdown of what I'm offering! FLAT PRICES: $15 for rough sketch, $20 for bust linework, $30 for full body linework. Colors add an additional $10 and are not available for a rough sketch. Additional characters add an additional $10 per character for bust, $15 for full color, or $5 for a rough sketch. ROUGH SKETCH: $15 for bust or full body, no additional charge for full body. +$5 for additional character, AKA a two-character sketch would be $20, three would be $25, etc. BUST: $15 for rough sketch, $20 for flat lineart, $30 for color. +$10 for additional character. FULL BODY: $15 for rough sketch, $30 for flat lineart, $40 for color. +$15 for additional character. I'm not going to do nsfw, and I'm not able to do a complex piece at this time. I'm happy to draw furry for you but it depends on the type! I'm not very experienced with drawing animals either but dm me and we can see!
I can accept payments through PayPal, CashApp or Kofi, whatever works. Typically I accept payment upfront after a sketch is sent your way! Tips very gratefully appreciated, but not necessary!
Thanks again for considering me :-9 If you're unable to commission me at this time please consider reblogging this post and spreading the word! Being an autistic 20-something without an income is mortifying as i'm sure u know, and I am so thankful for any interest. love u guys soooo much for real ilu ilu ilu
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d1s1ntegrated · 1 month
hi guys
its my birthday!
send me money cause im hot
however i did wanna say as i start to pick this back up from my slump, i made a ko-fi! (i promise im not a sellout im just in fucking poverty). i'm still working on the setup but i decided (and this is completely optional. my inbox here is always open) that i wanted to offer a few commission-based fics/writing if anyone wants to show support! it would mean the absolute world to me if even just a few people wanted to even check out the page itself :,) again, not at all a requirement. i figured id just shoot my shot anyways cause i see a few very beautiful and talented writers doing this as well, and maybe im being a bit overzealous but again, it never hurts to try!
also; i've been slacking a lot and i apologize greatly. if you guys didn't know already, ive had a fuck of a month. the ao3 writers curse? it's real! i got sliced and diced like a cucumber in a mandoline and recovery was lowkey ass. not to mention i've just had a super duper busy month; birthday, work, family matters, health issues, and a bachelorette weekend at the end of this month. basically, im running on E. it's a partial reason why i started the ko-fi: im fucking so broke and my job sucks and AGH! being an adult is hard. LOL!
enough of my pity party! it's my birthday and i don't wanna ruin the vibes :3 thank u guys for your continuous love and support. just know how much i appreciate all of you. knowing i have....nearly 400 followers now...is fucking wild and keeps me going. genuinely. my mental health has increased tenfold. i cannot thank you all enough.
bai bai for now my loves <3 !!!!!!!!!!
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batfluffs · 1 month
hello! ur art is v cool and I saw u opened ur commissions:) awesome!! hope im not being rude w this, bc i saw u already upped ur prices once, but just wanted to tell i personally think u could ask a little more if u wanted/gen, ur work is v nice and pretty and cool!! and i dont think all your skills n effort are reflected in the current price (the models r rly cool!)
again, hope this isnt rude, just want a cool artist to get what she deserves (imo) have a nice day!:)
hi anonn!!!
its no worries at all!! thank u so much, ur really sweet for saying that <33 im trying to garner as much interest as i can and get myself out there first to get some practice in and some proper examples 👀 just since im still a bit new to being on tumblr and 3d modelling in general tbh ahaha!! tho i really really appreciate the kind words ;v; it makes me so happy about my art and im very glad to hear u think so :)
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covfefeaddict · 1 year
You’re a man.
commission for @snekdoodl​ !! thank u my son !!
find my commissions HERE !!
trans alec hardy getting outed or outing himself to ellie
" OI! "
Ellie may be a small woman, but what she lacks in size, she certainly makes up for in volume - and she has turned the dial up significantly, having caused Alec to duck his head a fraction at the assault on his ears. Easing back against the frame of the counter, the detective leans his weight into his palms, the cool spans of the countertop a stark contrast to the sweat slicking the flesh there, and currently beading along his brow.
The woman that Ellie had her sights on now had made the tremendous mistake of insulting Alec in a variation of ways with one simple sentence - and in some ways that Ellie hadn't even remotely considered. 'Oh, but don't you want a real man in charge, El?' had been the tipping point, and Ellie's icy stare was shortly followed by closed distance and invading personal bubbles. When Ellie had a point to make, she was not afraid to get up in one's face. It's one thing that Alec appreciated about her most, even if it could lead them into some trouble.
" I am absolutely itching for a reason to get you suspended. Say one more word, no, you even look - no, you even breathe near DI Hardy again without it being a very simple 'Yes, Sir.' to whatever he's asked of you, I will throw you out of my precinct so quickly your head will spin. " A pause, a heavy breath. " Do I make myself clear? "
" Miller. "
She doesn't even look at Alec, merely lifting a finger toward him to shut him up non-verbally. He acquiesces, heaving a great sigh - although a small smirk does play at the corner of his mouth. He does love watching Miller give a good bollocksing. The anxiety that has bubbled in his chest, however, is not settling well within the space between ribcage and thrashing heart.
" Do. I. Make. Myself... Clear? I should not have to repeat myself. "
The woman flits her gaze between Alec and Ellie briefly, sucking in a sharp breath before offering a small nod.
" Good. Now get the Hell out of my sight. "
It's only later when Ellie is pacing Alec's office like a wild, caged animal, that Alec finally leans back in his office seat, hands folded against his stomach lazily. He has often been able to play it off as though not much bothers him when he isn't getting rightfully tiffed about this or that, but this situation has him on edge a bit. " Sit down, Miller. You're making me dizzy. "
" The audacity. " She growls instead, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "A real man, what's that even mean? What does she want you to do, drop your trousers in the middle of the office for all to bare witness? I mean - "
He offers a breathy chuckle at this. " Miller. "
" - the nerve of some people! The absolute - "
" Miller. "
" - stupidity of - "
" Miller, I'm transgender. "
Silence befalls the room. Ellie's quick-paced steps halted as she mulls over this sudden information she's been given. " What? "
Alec lifts a hand, waving it in nonchalance as if to say, 'It is what it is.'. The woman across from him, on the other hand, is none-too convinced as she tilts her head to stare at him. Alec stares right back, but flicks his gaze elsewhere a moment after - he's not been able to hold eye contact long unless his intent is to intimidate. " I'm - "
" No, I heard what you said. " Another pause. " Why would that make you any less a real man? "
" No. I, I'm, I mean yes, but - "
" Alec. " Ellie approaches, side-stepping around his desk so she can lean a hand on the stained wood and study him carefully. " Your scraggly scruff and twelve-hour deodorant degradation certainly look and smell like a man. "
A puff of an irritated exhale; a roll of his eyes. " Thanks, Miller. "
" My point is, Sir, that it doesn't matter. You present yourself as a man, you call yourself a man... You're a man. You are and always have been a man. This doesn't change anything. "
Alec has to consider this. He has heard many a time that he is a man now, but never that he is simply a man and that is all he has been and all he is. A thick swallow forces down the lump in his throat, and he stares up at the woman quietly. He doesn't need to speak. She knows him well enough by now, he assumes, to pick out the unspoken appreciation in his gaze.
In Ellie's other hand, forgotten, is a container of chips that she had been picking away at earlier while pacing. With a small smile, she shoves the container in front of him. He glares at the food for a moment, parting his lips and sucking in a breath to complain about not being able to eat it... but her confirmation, support, and unconditional friendship have him taking this white flag in the form of salty chips and malt vinegar. -------------------------------------------------------------------- find my commissions HERE !!
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
hi this is patchw0rk-quilt aka hippie-self-shippie and i just wanna say if i had the money i would ONE HUNDRED PERCENT commission something from you!!! your art is always so cute and lovey covey and it’s a joy to see!!! :3
AUAGAHHGH UR DO SWEET???? I REALLY APPRECIATE EVEN THE THOUGHT SO MUCH THANK YOU !!! I am so happy you like my art to compliment me that way, you’re very kind!!! Thank you soso much once again!!! I hope u have a wonderful day!!! u absolutely made mine!!! 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏽🧡🧡🧡
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gentlebliss · 1 year
hihi, i love ur page and u seem lovely, i just wanted to say a few things about your template/commissions..
neocities is all about creativity and passion; it seems that using or posting templates for neocities is kind of defeating the point of it. i keep seeing your templates pop up on neocities and it makes me think that people just don't want to learn how to code and make their site from scratch, and be creative, and it makes me a little sad... because the nice thing about neocities was everyone had something unique!
I am aware it's for starters and that it's for beginners, but i also believe that if you truly enjoy and understand neocities, you will make something yourself no matter how small !! , and build your way up from there. watching someone progress forward is a nice sight..
i can't blame you that the layout got popular, however, i think that you could've advertised it for a different web hoster instead of neocities.. :( it makes me think a little that nowadays users will choose to use a template rather than just wait and code something and make their site when they're ready..and there r tons of resources out there, i just don't get the point of templates nor commissions. neocities really isnt the site for that (′д` )
im not coming at you with mean intentions. i love ur blog and u seem very sweet and kind.. i just really needed to say this..
I've actually received an ask like this before, hopefully I can respond to this in a meaningful way! I do appreciate your kindness. Thank you for saying I'm sweet and kind!
This became very long, so TL;DR... I make templates for the people that need them for any reason, cause I believe everyone should have their own web space if they want one, and I don't believe in gatekeeping coding or personal websites. Sorry but that's just not me... Coding is for everyone, and should be made into something that everyone can do.
If you don't agree and it bothers you, that's fine, but I don't plan to stop helping people to comply to those that are against it... As long as people tell me they find my resources helpful, I will keep making them. I do this because I love it
The long version is below
Firstly, I don't believe there is a "purpose" or something Neocities is particularly for, other than building personal sites. I don't think there is a right or wrong way to "do" Neocities. First and foremost Neocities is a space to make your own thing, whatever it may be, and people have already been demonstrating for years that websites comes in MANY different ways
A lot of people need a place to start, it's not as easy as just learning it just like that, cause I remember when I first started it was very frustrating! I wanted to quit many times. And I had to use bases for awhile. I used bases for my first couple of Tumblr themes. If there weren't bases available to me, I probably never would've continued. If I couldn't even figure out how to make images round, I doubt I would've been able to start from scratch so early on, and I probably would've quit
People need a space where they can learn at their own pace, and throwing them into something like that with not much guidance will have mixed results. Some people will stick with it and become exceptionally skilled, but many won't, and they deserve just as much guidance and support!
And there are just people who don't have the time for building a site from scratch... A lot of people are too busy or many other reasons that prevent consistent dedication to a website, and I think they deserve to have a website if they want one for any reason, even if they don't have all the time that someone might need in order to build it all the way up... Many people who do use bases will eventually make their own things, anyhow. I started with bases, and I make nearly everything myself now. I have noticed my friends use my bases and then make their own thing. But everyone needs somewhere to start. And then again, even if they never do decide to work on things from the ground up later on, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to have a website!
... Also templates have been a thing waaay before Neocities was made. Like, back in Geocities days, and on random websites in entirely different languages from way back too, so it's like everywhere. I've seen Japanese websites hosted on platforms you've never heard of offering tons of free templates! It's nothing new tbh, and there are also many free instant generators that build websites from the ground up, I'm not sure why it's much of an issue when I take time to build something myself that can be shared among everyone !
Thanks for reading! Hope none of this sounds rude, and hopefully it's clear and worded in a way that makes sense lol
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sovonight · 1 year
hi sovo ;u; I hope it's okay if I ask you a shop question! So um, I'm lower on money than I've ever been and I'm too burnt out to do commissions for ppl due to personal stuff, but I feel like... if I made one charm or one sticker for a particularly huge fandom/movie that's out right now, and if I put it up as preorder and sold at least 20 keychains then I'd be able to pay my bills this month. but I've never sold physical merch before and I'm a little nervous to try it haha :'D
Would you recommend I try making an Etsy since it seems to have a large enough audience, or do you think I should try making my own website/shop? I'm definitely not ready to consistently sell things as a steady job yet, I thought I'd try literally just one single keychain or one sticker sheet (I already learned how to make those, thankfully) in order to pay my rent this month bc I've only got about a hundred dollars to my name sdflkfssdf;; and if it goes well then maybe I can try it again.
I'm also not quite sure how to price things? if I made a 3.5 inch acrylic charm with the little star shaped keychains like from Vograce, do people normally price those at $15 when they sell them? should I also account for shipping? I've also umm never shipped merch before and I'm so worried about somehow messing it up sldfjsf like I don't know what kind of envelopes I have to get or if I should even use my own address bc I'm so nervous about my personal info being out there, but I don't know if it's worth paying for a PO box if I'm so low on money already. if you have any tips on anything whatsoever, I would appreciate any feedback if you're not busy. But if you don't want to answer please don't worry about it ;u; anyway thank you so much for reading this I really appreciate you! ❤
no prob! here are my thoughts:
pros/cons of etsy:
apparently if you're new to selling on etsy, there's a probationary period where etsy withholds your profits for 3 months. i don't know anything about it personally since it started in 2020, but it seems that funds are only released when your shipped orders are scanned at the post office. i think i also remember hearing about other cases where payments aren't released at all for 3 months--and etsy customer service has a reputation of being difficult to get a hold of if you have a problem as a seller, so if etsy made a mistake with your shop, it may take even more months to resolve. since you have preorders in mind, i would hold off on etsy unless you can pay out of pocket.
etsy can drive traffic towards your listing for you (if you choose the right keywords--it's more difficult to be discovered just randomly if you don't).
they have high fees (for a $15 charm they'd take $1.88 in fees, which is 12.5%).
people may be cautious to buy from a shop that has no reviews yet, but many customers are protected by etsy's purchase protection and can be refunded at no cost to you if their order gets lost in the mail (provided that you ship with a tracking number and meet other criteria).
etsy will strongly recommend that you offer free shipping; ignore them. i don't think i've ever bought fanmerch with free shipping in my life, and their advice isn't geared towards sellers like us.
preorders don't work very well with etsy's system--iirc you're not supposed to do them (even though people still do, of course) but the main reason i remember is that the max processing time etsy lets you set per product (as in, the time between the customer purchasing the listing and you shipping it out) is 6 weeks. that means that the time you allow for customers to place their preorders, the time it takes for you to order and receive the merch, and the time it takes for you to ship out orders, all need to add up a max of 6 weeks, which was personally a difficult timeline for me to meet when making keychains. ofc, it's possible to extend the processing time, but going over the processing time may make it possible for customers to leave reviews/open cases early before you're even ready to ship out their orders, which could affect the reputation of your shop.
pros/cons of not etsy:
if you're not going with etsy, i've heard people recommend bigcartel, since it doesn't require a subscription like shopify or other places do. bigcartel's free plan is limited, but it should work for what you're looking for. another alternative might be ko-fi--i've heard that ko-fi shops aren't ideal for shipping out a large amount of orders, but since you're targeting just 20 i think it should be manageable.
ofc, you'll have to drive all your traffic yourself, so consider if you have enough of a following in your target fandom, or how you should go about getting your post noticed by your target fandom.
unlike etsy, shipping isn't auto-calculated, so i'd probably set a flat rate (in the US i'd expect $5). flat rates might make calculating your taxes just a little bit more complicated; in california at least, you have to pay taxes on the difference between the shipping you charge your customers and the shipping you actually pay to the post office, so iirc you either refund the extra shipping to the customer or hand it all over in taxes.
yes, the standard price for ~3" acrylic keychains is $15, though i've also seen people go up to $16 or $17, especially on etsy where the fees are high.
shipping should be a separate cost, either auto-calculated for you (if you're on etsy/shopify) or a flat rate that you set based on shipping rates for your country, so in the end a customer might pay $15 + $5 = $20 in total.
unless most of your prospective customers are international, i'd recommend against shipping internationally to avoid dealing with customs forms, especially since you already have a lot of info to take in.
you can ship everything in a regular bubble mailer, though if you're just shipping stickers not keychains, a flat envelope should work fine. when shipping packages, you'll need to know the weight of each package, but you can just go by an estimate. a 3" acrylic keychain weighs about 1 oz (it weighs less than that, but they don't accept decimals) so i just multiply based on how many keychains are in an order. for usps at least, shipping is the same rate up until 10 oz iirc, so you don't need to weigh it super accurately. you could also always just go into the post office and have them weigh and label everything for you.
po box:
if regular PO box rates in your area are too high, you can also consider using a virtual po box; they go for about $10 per month at their most basic plans. if you're not expecting to get any mail redirected back to you, you should be able to just buy a month's subscription when you're ready to ship things out.
words of caution:
you probably already know this, but large fandoms can often be oversaturated by merch, so just choosing a large fandom might not be enough to guarantee a sale--you might have to stand out by, say, choosing a character who's in demand but doesn't have much fanmerch, having a funny meme concept, or having such a unique/attractive style that people can't help but want your fanmerch in particular. if you haven't already, i'd recommend looking around the market and seeing what's out there and decide why a buyer should choose your merch over anyone else's. though honestly, depending on your fandom, it could also not be this serious and not warrant much research--it all depends!
even if the preorder process works out and you get the funds to place the order, the manufacturer could always mess up on your order, which could lead to delays in your fulfillment and at worst, more expenses if you need to pay to get them remade. if it's easier to get sticker sheets made (like if you make them yourself/locally instead of ordering from overseas) they might be a safer choice of merch to make. ofc, i don't generally see sticker sheets up for preorder so you'd probably have to order them out of pocket and hope they sell, and you'll probably have to sell more of them than you would of keychains to get the same amount of profit. i don't know the whole situation, so i can't say anything definite about the risks/rewards between choosing to sell keychains and choosing to sell stickers.
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awoken-artist · 10 months
Important Update!: Hard drive issue
So I have announced this early on my discord server community I have about this situation. So not long ago about a few weeks ago my hard drive decided up and then to refuse to open again and give me a notification it has "malfunctioned".
I panicked when I couldnt get into my hard drive at all and lead me to have a mental breakdown. Heres a reason WHY though is because of the fact all of my artworks, vods ive saved ever since i started streaming for the first time on twitch as my first time vtubing, even videos ive created for years and film projects to look over, sounds and music ive saved even from places i probably cannot get back anymore, gifts from lovely people and friends even art trades and commissions ive also saved as well.
a fuuuuuck ton of art ive saved from YEARS of drawing are on there along with photography works even personal photos and videos.
so yeah i panicked like shit because my whole life work is in that damn thing.
My mom and dad manage to find a program to pay to get everything as much as we could to be able to move stuff over. we bought a new hard drive and its currently being used to copy stuff over. and me going through to make sure the amount of files on the hard drive to the new one match and if it doesnt we can focus on the single files that focus's on it to move over.
and this takes...DAYS. weeks even at worst. So this is a tedious as fuck of a long wait for to get EVERYTHING out of there. or at least everything that were ABLE to get out of there.
I do want to get my new hard drive unplugged temporarily and move my 2023 stuff over cause- fuck i need that file in my hands and plug it back into the other computer to continue making the copies. but god this is just horrendous....
it made me very sad this happened and it pisses me off as well. hopefully i can get everything back like nothing actually is missing and what not. so for those waiting on Art trades and commissions I beg to be patient. i know I have sketches down and saved towards DMS to the people and so that i can easily trace over that wip previews and go for it which i will. everyone else i have to start over which i hate doing but i also dont want to keep everyone waiting :/
I know once ATs and coms are done i will only open commissions for friends only. YCH's i'll probably open when able to cause I Have some planned to open on Vgen and Ko-fi.
I'll update you guys about it soon. if you guys wish to get quick updates from me your welcome to join my little server, just send me a dm of a rainbow emoji. :P or come by to my streams I have a bot that you can do !discord into and you can come right in. do know you have to fill out a form. I dont allow children in my server and if i find out people are lying about their age you get banned. so dont even fricken try. =_= i am just very uncomfortable around kids and rather keep my server for adults only. thank you.
hope everyones having a good monday! I will probs do a stream later today so if you guys are following me on twitch and vstream you'll get notified about it. [hopefully you guys get notified tbh-] ^u^)/
click to go to Twitch | click here to go to my Vstream
I'll also try to stream on YouTube as well. it be much appreciated if you can give my youtube some loves as well. Im trying hard to grow so any help be great. ;w;
Click to go to my Youtube Channel
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Not a day goes by I don't want to commission you so bad but you've only Just returned and I do not want to tempt fate by even asking you but GOD is it good to see you back especially just to know you're still kicking I enjoy you as a person first and a hand in hand fan of the robots second
this is SO SWEET thank you so so much!!!
if ur interested in a drawing commission, ill need to so some practice pieces first bc i havent used my mecha-drawing muscles in a HOT minute-- tho i have been doing other artwork, and ive learned a lot of new techniques, so my art is prolly gonna be better than ever. prepare for knightverse blitzbee art soon bc if i dont draw knightverse soon, i will combust
as for writing comms, i need to finish kein weg zuruck first, which should take a while since ive still got a pretty hefty chunk of chapters left, and they are NOT short. im hoping to have the next chapter up next week, and then release weekly until its done. (then i wanna write a knightverse blitzbee fic but its gonna be immensely sad so idk if ill post it or just write a few scenes self-indulgently lmao)
but yes, comms will open up again, maybe in a couple weeks or a month or so. i just wanna stretch my creative muscles first and make sure im delivering the best work possible to ppl! and its been a LONG time since ive been creative in a self-indulgent way so i wanna give myself a chance to barf out all the hyperfixation needs first LMAO
i will announce when comms are up again! appreciate u very much for ur words tho, fr 💖 its so special to know that ppl still care about me. and not just as a creator but as a person??? wack. i love yall
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prometheanglory · 2 years
helloooo it’s not quite new years get over here in america but i have some end of the year sentiments to get off of my chest before 2022 is up 🥸 this is rly long teehee
it’s been !! a really busy year!! oh my god i didn’t realize how little i posted until i saw my tumblr wrapped T_T honestly, at some point i wondered if it’d be for the best for me to formally announce a hiatus — some parts due to university and work, and other parts due to personal conflicts that made it difficult to feel confident or proud that i was creating.
it feels kinda weird missing vinh’s birthday for the first time in a while 😅 (granted, i drew something for it but i didn’t post it bc i didnt finish/i got nervous) .
moreover, it felt weird being so distant from twst and my own tumblr? admittedly i scared myself off from doing as much as i could this year, so i have less to physically show that i’m still around and i still care just as much as i did in 2019. it’s hard to do stuff that you like when ur in the constant process of shoving ur foot in ur mouth or feeling really self-conscious, or well. sometimes it’s just hard to not feel insecure about what you want to make and what you perceive other people expect from you?
i admit that i’m still trying to rebuild my foundations so that i can feel secure and proud of myself. it’s been a really, really long road to take but i have all of 2023 and more to orient myself. i’ve been trying to get into new things and explore new ventures, and that has been… a very nerve-wracking process for someone who’s never done anything before (did you know how many emails and phonecalls i had to make to get anything done/set up just to take commissions….. i’ll tell u what, it’s definitely over 10)…
all in all, i just wanna get back on the horse _(:3 」∠)_ i’ve been a bit of a ghost, but i’m still here. i still wanna thank everyone who still pops in every now and then when i pop up every once in a while 😅 i really appreciate you guys hanging around and everything yall do, especially as a community. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a more vocal oc community before? it’s an environment that i appreciate more than anything and i don’t intend to let my gratitude go unspoken for. you guys are really sweet and supportive, and god, i can’t keep count on my fingers for the sheer quantity of amazing creators that i’ve seen here. i hope that with 2023, i get my hands on a better time management schedule so that i can properly give back into the community T_T
well anyway, i planned to do this many months back — here’s a list of random stuff i’ve been working on throughout 2021-2022 that i meant to announce but i never got around to but hopefully it’ll come trickling out in 2023 🤭
new dorm incoming, and a (pseudo) new dorm project
new ocs approaching :-) some canon, some fandorm
diversify my posts a little…….. cannot promise that i won’t still spam vinhs but i can try 🫡
organize blog a little more
stagrove uniform+chara revamp / sprites
oc design + sprite revamps (sarge / lola / imp twins / holly / edgar /xuehai are the ones i have on hand rn, but everyone’ll get their turn 🤓)
potential new vinh sprite (since the july one was just drawing over the old one 🤡)
stagrove episode is being gradually picked up again
i swear to god i’ll go through my inbox
get into merch production (charms/posters/stickers… u know the deal)
get through commissions faster and more frequently T_T
try to do a new style of commission…? (community votes on a subject/character/etc and when the goal is met, the art gets published for everyone to see or smth)
do a follower milestone celebration (potential giveaway?)
i swear to god i’ll get to that malleus daki design.
if malleus works out i prommy i’ll do leona daki too
oc personality or matchup quiz
more fun/detailed oc reference sheets
oc masterlist + oc profiles on toyhou.se
incoming comic project and more to come hopefully
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peachchanvidel · 2 years
Do u draw for other ships as well? Linko mainly or even Linumi. If noz do you take requests or commissions
I'm confused. I'm drawing mostly Linzin and Linzolt atm. I barely upload smth new. If you were in any way interested in my art and following you would realise my output for the ships I like is already really small. So.. how and why should and could I add even more? 😔🥲 And I DID post Linumi art in the past (it's rather a sketch and I have a bunch wips in my pipeline. But no mood to work on them.). Drawing Linko never worked for me. I tried. It looks odd and I can't really experiment that much on a ship that's kinda low on the food chain for me. Perhaps someday for my timetravel Linko, but... not right now.
Atm I only stick to drawing what I feel like and what makes me happy. I barely have free time and stamina at the same time to invest into art and then inspiration needs to hit too.. so I go with whatever feels right and works out. And where it doesn't matter as much if I barely get any Likes, cause it can be so very depressing when you put a lot of work into something and nobody seems to appreciate it.
So recently it's mostly Linzin and babies/toddlers cause I'm in the mood for it. No idea how it will be in half a year.
I rather don't draw for strangers anymore... cause no matter how nice you try to be. You put a lot of work into something, don't get a thank you and people even start calling you names, cause they dislike the ship and you don't want to draw their other ships cause it's simply not for you. So I draw for friends when I'm inspired and in the mood. I may take ages for these but that's at least worth it, even if people get mad at me again for 'the wrong ship'... at least I know I made friends happy...
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I thought u were done writing akakuro fics so when I saw u had posted one last year I was literally so excited I almost started crying. So if u ever think no one will read any future akakuro fics you post, I WILL READ THEM and they will make my entire month. Also I would definitely commission u to write them if ur interested in doing that, idk if u would want to but I 100% would pay you for literally any akakuro content like I’m so obsessed with ur writing anyway sorry this is weird lol ok bye
i have no way to tell when this came in (probably too long ago SORRY IM A TUMBLR DESERTER…) but it’s such a happy kind message to leave in my inbox, thank u so much for writing it 😭😭 im terrible at commissions trust me u don’t wanna do that LOL but it’s a very good feeling to know that someone appreciates a fic even if its posted 4+ years too late CRIES. and if i ever complete another akkr, at least i know i have one (1) reader out there whod still be happy to see an old fandom’s notif nskshhdh
TAHNK YOU so much again,
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thatsweeird · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy s3 spoiler!!
-Okay i'm so fucking pissed of rn u have no idea, literally.
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Five spent his whole life in that fucking apocalypse, 45 fucking years, alone, without food or water, toxic air, a fucking mannequin who believed he was human because HELLO GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY HE HAS A FUCKING TRAUMA and he has seen the dead bodies of his family multiple times, lived with the commission just to be able to go back to who exactly? his ungrateful sibilings? who? the ones who don't appreciate him and accuse him of causing that fucking apocalypse for pleasure because he has nothing better to do? as if all of it wasn't for him a fucking trauma he has experienced three times since he was what, 13 years old? Really? And not to mention that they always blame him for everything i mean fuck off honestly.
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He did everything for them, literally. He pushed himself over and over again, got hit, beaten, lost an arm, nearly killed and all this over and over while they... what? What have they ever done for him? Everyone calls him an asshole as if this asshole wasn't the one who saves your life without batting an eye after disappearing. He's back after 17 years of missing (or at least for THEM were 17) and, without even sleeping, he immediately started looking for a solution. Oh poor them all.. are you lost in a timeline all alone? Well he was alone for 45 years and he was a fucking kid and I'm so sorry if he was trying to fix the mess you caused in 17 years and he took you all with him losing his strength and suffering just to save your asses so yeah, be alone in another time it's surely a fucking shit but up to 10 minutes before you were crying because you were going to die and he saved you, again.
I'm really tired of this. He's insulted, not appreciated and much more and has had a life full of shit and not even a break if not that nap in the hotel and all that for what? Try to save sibilings who don't care about him? I wonder why they can't just say thank you to him or acknowledge the fact that he's the one who puts himself out there for all of them and never gets anything in return. No one appreciates him, no one recognizes all the effort and what he went through for them, ever. Not even once.
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Even in the end when Allison made that mess and everyone lost their powers, he was left alone. The others didn't bat an eye, didn't say anything and didn't even look at him, they simply allowed the brother who saved them multiple times to find himself in the body of a thirteen-year-old without powers and completely alone without even looking at him. When Allison has been bad and acted like shit all season then it's okay because she's in pain but if Five tries to save them and they make more mess then what? Then he did it on purpose, right? And he's what, just an asshole without feelings? But are they at least aware that his life revolves around their safety and nothing else? We want to talk about Luther who, again, blames Five because Sloane was not there? hello?? doesn't he know that Allison did it all by herself?? why blame him? fuck off u all honestly.
And no, this is not a competition to see who is most traumatized and who deserves more and you know what? They're fucking lucky with that because he would win hands down after not even a second because he lived 60 years of shit just for them and I don't care about who will go against me because these are facts.
Don't you agree? That's okay, of course I accept it but please don't start discussions. I recognize that everyone has suffered but it seems to me that everyone is there for each other except when it's Five because when it's him it's okay, right? So it's just the old Five who gets drunk and is an asshole, right? I look very angry because I am, believe me.
(the only one to say good things to Five was Klaus during their trip but I didn't expect anything else from Klaus <3)
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