#thank u again jojo :P
fleurmatisse · 1 year
tagged by @oatflatwhite for a get to know u meme thanks bud :)
share your wallpaper
*tim curry voice* s p A c e
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last song you listened to
helter skelter but the version from across the universe
currently reading
crooked kingdom (if i ever get my brain to FOCUS)
last movie
ella enchanted. somebody to love scene still slaps
last show
ER with my mom :)
what are you wearing
t shirt i tie-dyed so there’s an eye in the middle, gray & neon green basketball shorts, long socks my aunt gave me with bunnies in glasses that say “hopster” on the ankle. and the inside of the bunny ears is sparkly
how tall are you
i wish :( i had my ears pierced when i was 10 but i didn’t keep them bc it freaked me out too bad to change them out
one that says “you are part of everything” which is from dear prudence. i want more but im also paranoid about getting an infection :/
glasses that i literally found in a cabinet in my house. no one knows where they came from but they were my prescription so mine now
last thing you ate
mini hershey bar
favourite colour
how am i supposed to choose :( everything i buy ends up teal or pink or yellow tho
current obsession
uhhhhhh. guess i don’t have one if i can’t think of one kfjskd
2 goats (nigel the black one (u can see up his nose in my icon<3), paolo the loaf), 2 cats (oscar the black one, jojo the tabby), and a dog (penny <3)!
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favourite fictional character
you can’t ask me that there’s so many. i’ll say kaz bc that’s what im reading. and carter from er is my baby boy who’s now older than me and about to make me fucken cry (AGAIN)
last place you travelled
if you mean like traveled traveled it would be myrtle beach literally 17 years ago kfjsks other option is a town near virginia beach which was still like 10 years ago
i will tag @judesstfrancis and uh i don’t really talk to anyone else on here but if u wanna do it u can say i tagged u <3
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bahebak · 6 years
30 questions tag
I was tagged by @symphoniecraptastique , hey hey thanks bb you know I love you!!! <3 <3 <3
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nickname(s):Taytay, Tater Tot, Frankie, and people at work started calling me Red becaUSE THERE ARE THREE TAYLORS ON MY UNIT AHHGGGGHH it’s such a common name oh also I have red hair that’s why
5′1...and a half!
Current time:
 2 AM
Favorite bands:
aHHHH???? way too hard of a question so I’ll just list some great bands I’ve been listening to lately: Animal Collective, Death Grips, Sparks, Talking Heads, Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees, Cocteau Twins, The Cure, System of a Down....
Favorite solo artists:
Also a really difficult question to answer!!!! Probably Kate Bush, Selena, Prince, Bowie, Sade, Faye Wong, Akiko Yano, Nancy Ajram, & Myriam Fares 
Song stuck in my head:
One of my favs by Faye Wong it’s called Decadence please please put this on spotify omg ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee8xD0c1qzU )
Last movie I saw:
The Matrix lmaoooo
Last show I watched:
Either Gintama or Nathan For You
When did I create my blog:
uhhh around 2011 woah
What do I post:
nothing good!
Last thing I googled:
“smoking cigarettes health benefits conspiracy“ because I heard there was a conspiracy theory about it but turns out it was just a meme hahaha
Do I have other blogs:
no bahebak is my baby but I should def be on here less so I can at least try to be productive
Do I get asks:
not often but I loooove answering them
Why did I choose my URL:
it just means love in arabic I know it’s uncreative I’ve wanted to change it for a while but when I searched my own blog name in the search bar (lmao) there were so many other bahebak’s with numbers after them so I was strangely happy to be the original
1,539 >:O
Followed by:
489 and a lot of them are bots but I hugely appreciate all of my followers and mutuals for sticking thru the horrible content I reblog and my occasional rants <3 <3 <3 <3 
Average hours of sleep:
it’s either like 4 or around 10 there’s no inbetween
Lucky number:
42069 hahaha humor uh actually I don’t have one!
Former flute (and recorder!!!) player, I’d love to get back into it when I have some free time, currently teaching myself piano
What I’m wearing:
many  c o m f y  layers
Dream Job:
hmmm something involving traveling, eating, studying and teaching different religions, cultures, and languages....
oh or an esthetician (but wish they were payed much higher :\) or a more realistic dream job would be what I’m actually planning in the future which is to be an Aesthetic/Dermatology Nurse Practitioner or Medical Spa Nurse (:
Favorite food:
ok so I’m a big slut for Palestinian/Lebanese, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Thai, & Korean food but more specifically uhhh Pineapple fried rice (hoooooooo boi if you haven’t had this go out and get some right now... all the flavors and textures... wow I’m craving this so bad now) Sushi, pizza, chicken wings, molokhia over rice!!!!!!!, and of course... the god of all dishes... stuffed grapes leaves (warak diwali? idk how to type it just how to say it go get some Palestinian ones not the Greek dolma blehhh those don’t compare at all
*born in the usa by bruce springsteen plays muffled in the background*
My Favorite song:
This question is almost impossible so right now I really love the songs Night of the Swallow & Experiment IV by Kate Bush, Orange Appled by Cocteau Twins, and Born Under Punches by Talking Heads (more like Tina Weymouth and the boys amiright @symphoniecraptastique )
Last book I read:
oh man it’s been a while I’ve been meaning to read The Handmaid’s Tale and Leah Remini’s Troublemaker but probably Shane Dawson’s It gets Worse :P
Top three fictional universes I want to join:
(1) A mix of two of my childhood favorites... Naruto and The Last Airbender!!! I loved them so much as a kid that my neighbors and I made up a game called “Ninjas” that we each possessed different elements and trained and fought each other and enemies oh and we were ninjas too
(2) I love and will always love Kingdom hearts and in the game you can go to so many disney universes so that’s a plus also destiny island is the starting universe I use to have dreams that I would hang out with Sora, Kairi, and Riku trying to catch starfruit .... big cringe but it was sweet as a kid ok roast me
(3) mmm maybe some sappy lovey dovey unrealistic Korean Drama like Reply 1988/1997 or Coffee Prince!!!
ok if you made it this far thanks for reading love ya xoxoxo
I’m tagging @sonic06apologist @languagecrazy @ribitchulous @gingerche @jalukaw @hojabby @izukusfreckles @jerkbend @heart @swagipino @dangerouspers0n @xxxthottacion @sweetestpiano @googooshftbollywoodandkpop @thetyrannosaur @renm @karinadotgov @sinopea @naseemaa and anyone else who wants to do this ;--}
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lizardthelizard · 3 years
2/? I’d tots love to see what happened from day 1, bc if u read the article about how Ems was found it doesn’t make sense at all. That article cannot fit at all so I’d ignore canon there cause a) with that outfit he’s def not a local b)he knew nothing of the LWM c) journalists actually have brain cells. Imo he’d say his real name & - after realising no one believes him - he’d go along with the people’s impression that he’s dressed up and claiming to be P cause of trauma or smthing Jojo
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Jojo, the dedication here is truly incredible 💖💖😌 Thank you SO much for sharing all of this <3 You have given me so...SO much to think about.
I agree with a lot of this (and I have a lot to say about certain points you've brought up) so I'll write it all out below the cut. For anyone interested in hearing my own take on August's past in TLWM, please take a look. Otherwise...maybe don't click the read more because, trust me, it's gonna be a long one :')
*cracks knuckles*
Okay. So. Firstly, yes, I think we can all establish here that the article was stupid and should largely be ignored. I like to headcanon that the article was written like that in order to protect August. That there was someone with the police looking out for him that knew the journalists would have a field day if August was to just turn around and tell them that he was Pinocchio, so they lied on the report in order to protect him (that's what I'm going with because it's the only way I can get the article/report to fit without just scrapping it altogether and pretending it never existed).
I completely agree with you in that he would have told them his real name to begin with. Because how on earth was he to know that the name 'Pinocchio' in TLWM carried the weight and implications that it does. Sure, it might be an unusual name in the EF, but it's not a name that would be instantly recognisable to anyone that heard it like it is here. And yes! He WAS trying to be better and not lie. Yes, he lied about where he found Emma but I don't necessarily see him doing the same when they ask him his name.
And we're only an hour or something into this new world and already things are off to a bad start for him. He spent so long being told that he should be good and tell the truth ect and the second he does so, everyone thinks he's lying. And yes, of course the adults would all be SUPER concerned about his home life/mental well-being because he's claiming to be Pinocchio AND he's dressed like that.
So, rather than 'going home' like his so-called statement said, I reckon that someone in Chantey's saw him clutching a baby and they were the person to call the police. I imagine that he still tries telling the police that he found Emma by the side of the road but that, when they start asking questions about him and his parents, he struggles to give them any reasonable answers (and, of course, initially tells them his name is Pinocchio, instantly making everything else that comes out of his mouth even harder for them to believe).
After being unable to find any parents for him or Emma, they both end up in the orphanage, as we know. omg jojo your 'praying up to the stars for help' comment is HEARTBREAKING (and probably very true And yeah, the abuse we saw there was likely only the tip of the iceberg. So ofc the kids all steal some money and hop on a bus out of there.
Now...this is where our headcanons differ slightly. Because you picture him being on the street for years...and I only picture a few months. ....I don't know how far they went on that bus, but I imagine they traveled to another state if they were able, right? So he eventually gets picked up by someone (with parallels to 'tougher than the rest', showing us exactly why he knew where to take Emma when he helped her off the streets) and placed back into foster care again. This time it's somewhere a little better, but he's still not exactly happy there. He misses his dad and so every time someone shows an interest in adopting him, he deliberately acts out. (BTW??? HELLO??? "it’d be like betraying his father getting happiness and a family elsewhere." I thought Serena and myself had the angst covered and you're out here with lines like this???? And it's so sad because you're SO right???)
Whether or not he ever did get adopted for a brief while, I'm still undecided on. However, at some point,,,,his appearance starts to change, right? (thank you terrible casting OUAT, something I kind of HAVE to blame on the fact that he's not technically a regular human, and therefore the drastic change is something connected to his magical roots (pun intended)?) so, whoever is taking care of him (foster parents or just the careworkers) have a moment of 'lol, this is weird???' but basically get told that he's just going through changes that come with puberty and it's nothing to be alarmed about.
Except...I see this physical change (from the little ginger boy with brown eyes and freckles, to a dark haired, blue eyed teen) as the moment that August really starts to question himself and his own reality. Where he really starts to drift away from the idea of being 'Pinocchio' and his past in the EF, and sinks into his identity as 'August'.
Oh wait. Except. That CAN'T happen. He can't allow that to happen, because he might never see his father again if Emma doesn't break the curse and he just forgets about who he was, right? So this is the catalyst that triggers him to seek out Emma. And this is the reason he runs away for good (he's maybe 13/14 at this point) and soon after, manages to find a homeless 7 year old Emma and help her off of the streets.
But he can't commit to it. So he continues to 'keep tabs' on her for a little while. And yes, he's then homeless again for a while after that. Getting by in a similar way to ANY of the Lost Children (Neal, Emma, Lily) until he got a stable job + apartment ect ect and built a proper life for himself.
Also omg yes!!! He spent LOADS of time in the library as a child/teen/adult. We KNOW he loves reading + writing and he's a very intelligent and curious person. (Has he read 'Pinocchio'? probably. Though, I imagine that was probably a very hard read for him. That some of it (like idk, the bird hatching from the egg and flying out the window) was just so bizarre that he could laugh it off (because of COURSE that didn't happen back in the EF) but some of the more traumatic stuff....well...it was probably pretty triggering and I can't see him doing more than a skim read of those sections (if that). YET, this, combined with general misconceptions about his story) was also the very thing that persuaded him to re-write his own story in the first place (because he would write it the 'correct' way).
And ofc, yes, he then hits his first big low. And he crumbles under this huge responsibility that his father placed upon him. So he does what he knows best and he runs. And it's not until the guilt really worms away at him that he finally tracks down Emma again and the whole Tallahassee thing happens.
And no, he hasn't really had any stable relationships by this point. Because how tf could he? His life is wayyyyyy too messy for him to be honest with anyone right now. So he tries a new life in Phuket (I headcanon that he used the money he stole from Neal/Emma to help get there + set up a new life there).
And yes, he very much ran into the Apprentice in Phuket (and I imagine that the Apprentice actually GAVE August his own pages from the book (rather than August typing them up himself (because sorry but where tf did he get all the illustrations from?? I know he can draw but...come on, like hell he would remember exactly what David's dad looked like...)). And, we don't actually know when the Apprentice talked to him, but it's likely that August tried his best to ignore him. By this point, he was more than ready to forget about his past. And yes! he was probably feeling a lot of anger towards Geppetto (mixed in with a very healthy dose of guilt).
He probably forms a few much more stable relationships in Phuket. Idk exactly who Isra was to him, but at least we get to see SOMEONE from his past aisjbdkuabsdasd
(also, a quick note before we end the rambling, but I just wanted to add that I find the lying throughout his life FASCINATING. The fact that, since he was kind of forced to lie the second he arrived in TLWM, he eventually ended up relying on it for almost everything. The way he tells all these tall tales to make himself sound more interesting and charming is absolutely his way of coping with his otherwise very shitty past and childhood, and lying quickly became something he needed to do in order to survive. It was no longer something bad that he had unlearned in the EF, but something that became second nature because those lies were all he had. Even his own name, the new identity of 'August Wayne Booth' was built on a lie, because he wasn't allowed to be 'Pinocchio' anymore).
I'm sure I'm missing a LOT here, but I'm going to cut things short here, or else I'll end up with a 10,000 word essay on my hands. Thank you once again for all your messages and ideas about this, Jojo :') 💕💕💕 Maybe one day I'll have the brainpower/willpower to flesh them out a little more.
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booty-lati · 3 years
Comforting! Bakugou x Fem! Reader (Headcanons)
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Ahh another request from a friend :D hope you enjoy~
Just a reminder, sfw requests are open for Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure parts 1-5 and My Hero Academia (~‾▿‾)~ Reader can be female or gender neutral
*Oh. my. God.
*This explosive pomeranian with anger issues is actually really soft around you (lmao congrats).
*He is the best therapist you could ever have whenever you’re upset, s u r p r i s i n g l y .
~At School~
* That one time at UA you had a hard time chasing Mineta (a.k.a Ligma Grapes) because he stole your spare clothes( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) from the girls locker room (he snuck in during lunch), and suddenly-
*BAM! He bumped right into Bakugou!
*Oh boy, here it comes:
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*After minutes from chasing the midget down AND shouting at him til’ his ears started to ring and bleed and spit covered his face AND (nah he can’t beat him up cause he doesn’t wanna get expelled but he really wants to tho-) as he continued to refuse to give back your clothes until he threatened Mineta that he’ll destroy all the “magazines” he keeps at school
*AND when he FINALLY gave up, he lent your clothes to Bakugou.
*When he finds you alone in a empty hall, upset and overflowing with tears, he slowly walks up to you and~
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*“...Here’s your clothes (s/o)”
*(Snuffle) “Wha?-”
*“J-just take it! They belong to you anyway..”
*(Sniff) “Thank you Bakugou, that was really sweet of you.”
*“I- well- pFfT, DUH, I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND AND I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH SO-” Oop he got flustered.
*“Omigosh say that again-” He embraced you with a big hug ambush and a massive attack of kisses that peppered your lips and neck.
*“Shut up idiot.”
*“Yes, I am indeed your idiot-”
*That was the day he started walking home with you.
*Now it's always a “habit”❤
*Of course he does it out of love for you and your safety, but he also does it to make sure that Mineta stays out of your sight. He gives occasional death glares at him too if he happens to see him~
*Basically overall his anger can work sometimes, but it always works if someone is bothering you ;)
~At home~
*Awe, He’s such a great cuddler (He’s equivalent to a bear-)
*..And an amazing kisser.
*If you wanna talk about why you’re upset, he’ll be more than welcome to talk to you for hours (ooh, totally not a foreshadow-). He isn’t exactly the best at expressing words, but he’s definitely a good listener and will also try his best to empathize with you.
*Will make you your favorite food and watch movies together on the couch with your favorite drink to cheer you up
*Sometimes his mom gets mad (uhh w o r r i e d ?) cause he leaves his phone on silent and he forgets to go home WAAAAY earlier than late.
* Oopsies.
*It's so ironic whenever you get phone calls from his mom because she's really sweet to you ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
*“Uh sorry, I forgot that I needed to go home earlier.” He gave you one last kiss before he was about to leave.
*“Awe, can’t you stay for a bit longer?”
*“Heh, I wish. See you tomorrow babe ❤”
*Ahh, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow, you were so eager to see him again❤
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
some more thots:
once race and al were watching a horror movie with a group of friends and race was scared out of his mind so al used his *epic gamer senses* and told race what tactics they use to make the scene feel scarier than it is and predicting the jump scares so he starts to relax a little. now theres a photo on twitter of race practically shaking hiding in albert while al is pointing at the screen and explaining how they changed the lighting to convey a sense of unease
al has a lip scar because he got in a fist fight with someone (al won but thats irrelevant) and his fans s w o o n e d when they saw it
in retaliation for race posting a video of him playing the keyboard, al posts one of race singing and everyone loses their minds
once when playing among us they were imposters together and they won before a body even got reported
then the round after that race vented in front of someone and got ejected before anyone was killed
athletic al hcs would be much appreciated please
also would you like my hcs for them playing multiplayer games together? i was left alone with my thots and now i have Too Many
anon has done it again THESE ARE SO GOOD
ok so,,,, everyone prepare for chandler struggling to explain her thoughts
-y e s 👏 so yk how one person will sit on the couch or something with their legs spread and someone else will sit between their legs and lean on them? al’s sitting on the floor against the couch, race is leaning back on him while al whispers to him about all the horror movie tricks. katherine, aka the one in their group with any sense of adorable romance, was the one to take and post the picture. she later posted a second picture of them STILL sitting like that, rambling about the avengers half asleep like 4 hours later because the movie ended but they were comfortable and race had finally stopped shaking.
- he’s got in plenty of fistfights (his entire friend group was loud gay theater kids and the delanceys exist, enough said) but barely any of them a c t u a l l y left any scars. the one he DOES have on his lip is on the right side of his face and literally runs across both of his lips. the story is, basically, some asshat said something to race al didn’t like, said asshat had a bottle in his hand he decided to smash, and the smashing of the bottle sent glass shards flying everyone and one of them caught al. albert then proceeded to kick the bottle of the guys hand and punch him in the face. (good job al <3) someone asked him in chat while he was streaming slight tipsy (read: drunk) and he did a very dramatic retelling of the story while race cackled in the background. and yes, everyone swooned. (suckers for a knight in shining armor AND for boys with scars, all of them)
- he does, particularly a video of race in the kitchen singing in italian while he cooks. he doesn’t even really know what songs he’s singing, just that it’s what his mom did what he was really little and it makes al melt EVERY TIME so he posted it and all the fans lost their damn minds
- yes, because they muted their mics on discord and albert told race exactly what to do. they’re always partners anyway, so the tactic was basically just double kill til the game ends. the strategy was flawless and everyone is scared of them when they both get imposter cause they’ve never lost a game that way
-and then race gets imposter next round, but with jack, and promptly vents in front of jojo cause he has no idea what he’s doing
- yessss i can talk about this all day. so albert did elite competitive gymnastics from age 4-15, roughly, and the only reason he stopped was because of a knee injury because of a bad landing during competition. he played hockey for all of middle school and high school, except sophomore year when he was dealing with that pesky gymnastics injury, and was team captain his senior year. now he plays rec hockey (kinda? he’s on the ice a couple times a week but he doesn’t always get to actually play) and does kickboxing, but also is just a crossfit guy and is at some sort of gym almost daily. (sidenote, sometimes he’ll streaming after kickboxing and still look slightly bruised and banged up, and everyone - including race - finds it like,,,,, unreasonably attractive.
- please please please please p l e a s e i love these so much
did i just ramble for way too long again? you betcha ✨ thank you for sitting through it anyway <3
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naivesilver · 3 years
1/2 Ahahah tbh Sere, u should blame Libby for my sudden August mood, that post with him & Marco awoke my craving for August/Marco & August/Archie content (I re-read some fics recently to relax a bit & the need woke up again hungrier than ever) Also♥️how the 3 of us are sharing brain cells about this all across Europe😂😂😂 I mean u actually had a dream somewhat connected to my ask... that’s bloody telepathy ahahah btw, I too wanted Blue&August to interact in that episode urgh *facepalm* Jojo
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Listen, I blame Libby for a great many things where August is concerned, but this time I KNOW it's a joint effort because we're all going round in circles egging one another on and concocting the worst angst known to man (btw I appreciate the optimism in using braincells plural - I firmly believe it's only one, singular and puppet shaped, going back and forth over the Channel and spreading awful ideas all around). And hopefully we aren't so connected that you get a taste of my dreams bc they're all profoundly weird and horrifying more often than they're funny - this one with Archie and teenage P (SIGH) was only decent by chance.
Speaking of the two of them...oh my GOD Jojo???? I hate it but also, I so want to see it (which means I'll have to write it myself, of course - there are six Archie&August fics and I wrote THREE of them. Three. Thank God I found it in myself to love the cricket for what he is otherwise we'd be starving for content). You just know Archie would be firm and genuine in his reassurances, but also, it's kinda hard to maintain one's composure when your beloved baby idiot is now a six feet tall, 35 year old idiot who you've failed in every way available. It's like that old conundrum about the gravedigger - who can give therapy to the only therapist in town?
(Thank you for calling me out for only putting stuff in my AU, by the way. I deserved that in full. I should be writing SO MANY OTHER THINGS but yesterday I was writing Twinkle stuff and there's the Camelot fic (which I now feel like I've hyped too much bc it's gonna suck ass) and then I have a one shot in mind that'll prompt a few choice words out of Libby, so you can see what a fucking clown I am)
POOR KID HE WAS JUST TRYING TO DO HIS WORK but at least together we managed to ascertain that lemurs do not have wings, don't fly, and no, they don't like being sat on. They also don't live in Nepal. Probably.
Last but not least - bold of you to assume I remember the Disney movie in such detail AKHSKDJSKSJDKDJ I watched it perhaps three times, the last one during quarantine while screensharing with my sister, so while I trust you infinitely, don't take my word for it. I'll have to go check at some point, to my own dismay LMAO
Have a good evening ❤
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sturmmhond · 3 years
thank you for tagging me, love of my life, light of my eyes, my stars and moon @rosesonmyheart
name: ioana (jo or jojo)
gender: female
phone wallpaper: this really cute screencap from adventure time of finn and jake on a flying office chair
house: hufflepuff 🦡!!
had a crush on a teacher: nevurr
coolest halloween costume: we don’t really celebrate halloween!! but i did make a goat costume for romanian new year’s back when i was little and the traditional customs stood, if that’s of any consolation??
favorite 90s show: that ‘70s show (lol)
last kiss: new year’s date last year kajdhsjdhjshdhKBDBXJSJ no i don’t cry about it, what do you meeeean??
ever been stood up: y u P multiple times... by the same person... akdhhcjsjakdh you would’ve thought i’d learn after the first three times but nah
favorite pair of shoes: my doc martens!! we’ve been going on strong for four years now!!
favorite book: ninth house by leigh bardugo!! it has everything i could ask for: magic, the occult, a woc main character who’s a class a survivor and a lovable badass, dark academia, murder, suspense!! it’s so good!!
favorite fruit: m a n g o!! and bananas!!
favorite tv show: criminal minds is my current obsession, but i really really enjoyed how to get away with murder, merlin and anne with an e
last movie i saw in theaters: the parasite... its been a long year since kajdhcnsjahk
without any pressure meant, i’m tagging: @rigatonireid @summerygubler @idmakeitbehave and @derek-morgan-love-squad kajdhhxbsjdh again no pressure tho 🧡💛🧡
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/OFFICIALRAHIMJARVIS | 130k followers | pro🏌🏿, & yes i was on that dating show...don’t obsess over other people, obsess over water, stay hydrated friends!
22 (23) years old
From Birmingham, England
Pisces sun? + Virgo moon + Cancer rising
Parents are both Afro-Antiguan and Barbudans + migrated to The UK once they were pregnant with their first child
They’ve been married for over 20 years
He gets his height from both of his parents
His mother keeps her hair buzzed short, cooks the best Antiguan food + loves creole seasoning, she’s 5’11, & works as a bank teller
His father is 6’5, works as a substance a*use counselor & does not believe in tough love as a way of showing you care about your children. He learned that the hard way growing up
Ibrahim is a pro golfer & dislikes tiger woods, “he’s a proper arsehole, typical American yeah?”
Got into the craft thanks to his maternal grandfather who was also into golf along with other sports & taught him all he needed to know. At first Ibrahim didn’t like it, found it rather boring & would rather stick to video gaming but his grandfather wanted to break his grandchildren out of staying in the house all the time
It kept him fit and also relieved any anxiety Ibrahim had in life and he had a good amount
He’s got an incredible swing, thanks to his long arms
He’s 6’3
Has three older brothers: Jesse (27) , Keithroy (25), and Reuben (24)
He loves working out and spotting other people, feels likes it’s a team effort & he’s a team player
Drinks gallons of water on a daily and nothing else, it’s even better if he puts fruit in it
Always eating fruit, for breakfast/with or after his dinner. Rather eat fruits than vegetables...yes he’s an adult but he can’t stand broccoli or radishes
Canon: hates seeing other people test their fruit to see if it’s ripe or not. But it’s fine when he does it himself, he just thinks about all the germs that are on other peoples hands when they’re doing so; it physically makes him sick & irritated if he ends up touching the fruit that’s mushy/lumpy
He’s a big fan of comics. Always has been since he’s a kid and has a huge collection of them, his oldest ones are packed away in a couple of crates (in his loft room that he uses as a extra storage room) since he no longer has space in his room. Yes he has no shame (and shouldn’t) of having them on display even tho his oldest brothers clown him for it
Massive fan of black panther & was hyped when it first came to theaters. Saw it three times in one day
Was heartbroken when Chadwick Boseman p*ssed
He’s awkward at expressing himself & sometimes it makes him feel misunderstood & it’s frustrating
Hates people that come up with these ideas of him instead of allowing him to collect his thoughts and speak them the right way
Yet he can be the type of person that wants to ignore issues and hope they go away
He wishes people had enough patience like he did with others in the world
He seeks advice from his dad, since he’s a counselor & everything yet it’s slightly different?
Can be a sweetie & very romantic in relationships
Will do the most (he won’t see it that way) & drop $ on you if he wants to...buying things, trying & failing to DIY, doing wealthy ppl shit, expensive trips— canon: taking his girl to Spain? Was it? Or Italy? I don’t remember... the whole 9
Had 1 gf before the villa. He broke up with her for being too flashy with his things & found that she wouldn’t have liked him if he didn’t have a bit of money
His parents live with him. “They’re basically my roommates until or if they find a house they like.” He didn’t go overboard once he got his first paycheck, he didn’t need a mansion but he did go big enough, industrial style but homey with some minor modern touches for his dream home—he didn’t want it to feel cold or penthouse-like
Isn’t too flashy on the socials but will post something every now & then if he feels the need to show it
Doesn’t post much of his face, mostly what he’s doing in the moment...lots of golfing pics!
Dresses like a dad but it works for him. Loves a good snug polo & plaid trousers/regular that are cut above the ankle, “those are highwaters innit?!” “No mum, it’s the style.” Rolled up jeans, tall white socks & some patterned, baggy sweaters, fancy hats, picks oxfords over sneakers, etc...
Definitely takes the time to iron/steam/press his underwear & socks
Enjoys getting his hair braided, isn’t tender-headed at all (must be nice)
Only grows his hair out during the fall/winter seasons or cuts/gets a shape up
When he posts about his tournaments or time at the golf course, he can always count on Bobby to comment the usual... @/returnofdamckenzie: do you ever have moments where you Reenact troy bolton on the lovely green grass? @/officialrahimjarvis: Idk whether to block u or have a laugh mate, yes i had to look him up!
Dated Jo for about 5 months after the villa until she broke up with him, finding that their lifestyles were too hectic for them to continue, at least that was her public statement to the fans but they really grew apart & the “love” was no longer there
Ibrahim seemed to be more upset about it than Jo in the beginning resulting in snappy replies for awhile, which again stems from him not knowing how to express himself
She checked up on him A LOT, almost as if they never broke up but Ibrahim felt like he needed his space now. They talked it out the best they could over dinner and got closure but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He just didn’t think it was needed to be calling each other everyday to see how they were both holding up. If they were done, then that’s what they should be
Jo didn’t see it that way. She still cared for Ibrahim, that didn’t mean that they had to stop talking in her view. She wanted to know how he was coping, and was known for “sticking her foot in her mouth” so that was also a flaw in their relationship
She would say certain things that touched on how she was feeling but didn’t express them at the right times & then there was Ibrahim who didn’t know HOW to say the things he felt which left jo to assume things
Ibrahim was back to the single life and he hated it. He wanted someone he could come back home to, someone that wanted to be with him for the long run. A part of him feels like Jo wasn’t planning to be with him for the long run in the first place and in a way that was okay? Sometimes you don’t know where you’re going in relationships but there should be some sort of goal? Maybe? At least that’s what he thought. Yeah they had fun but he wanted more someday
He was still young he didn’t need to be hung up about it right? Sike. He didn’t know how to take things lightly. That wasn’t how he was built. And to get comments about his ex relationship and have fans dragging him about his choices in the villa A YEAR later!!! Was disheartening
Shannon seemed to be doing well. He thought they would still be friends, at least that’s what she showed before she left the villa. Before he got her dumped. They talked a couple of times since then, jo personally wasn’t a fan of that—Shannon didn’t care but it was clear there was some tension still there
Until he contacted her just to realize she probably had his number blocked but her IG was public and she had a new man & was traveling about
His dad and Reuben were the only ones rooting for them
He had no choice but to be happy for her. Who was he to come in between that? Not that he wanted to but it’s a natural reaction to wonder after a fresh breakup, “what if?”
Talks to Priya every so often now. He seems to find comfort in her, it’s the same for her on her end
His mother has a feeling Priya is the one her son will end up with. Even if she is older...Keithroy also liked her the best
While Jesse seemed to be the only one who supported his relationship with jo
I honestly thought he would have liked Hannah in the beginning but idk if it was him or Gary that said she was too unrealistic when it came to love? I think they both said something along those lines which is odd since it seems Ibrahim has no problem treating his girl like a princess
Probably only has one special dish that he can cook the best & it’s gumbo. otherwise hes out of the kitchen or having his personal chef cook for the family
Goes live on twitch—when he has time, playing many games with the boys from the villa, which pleases the fans
Talks to them all as much as he can
Noah seems to be the first to always text back since Bobby is the one who’ll start off responding in minutes then forget to text back cause he’s off doing handstands or booping people on the nose or some shit, Gary always ends up busy doing something with his nan or for Lottie—but Noah’s always around
They seem to be the closest outside the villa, they mesh well & hang out the most when they can
he likes having his sound on & LOUD when he texts! There’s something so satisfying about hearing the clicking of texting to him
Watches a lot of sports on the Telly, it doesn’t have to be just golf. Usually watching that sport sends him right to sleep while the others keep him active/vocal...yes he’s a tv yeller
Holds sports parties at his home & invites all of his family & mates, he HATES having to clean up afterwards. If it wasn’t for his mum he would save the cleaning until the next day yet he doesn’t mind cleaning his car twice a week
Continues to make his violet man drink & wouldn’t be opposed to someone giving him a endorsement deal for it
Is the “I love everybody!” Drunk
Enjoys yard work over cleaning the house
Has his own customized golf cart that he keeps in his garage
He likes driving that more than his Buick suv tbh
Wants kids some day, not too many, not too little just right— he’ll probably have two but for rn his Doberman pinscher is his bby
Either ends up with Priya with slight insecurities that she’s too good for him or he falls in love with a tennis player, either way I’m fine with both
Crushes/his type? : Jojo Levesque, SERENA WILLIAMS, China McClain, Brie Larson, Victoria Pedretti, Nathalie Emmanuel, & Keke Palmer
Listens to: Aminé, Big Sean, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz, Pink $weats, B Young, Ali Gatie, Russ, Raveena, Jessie Reyez, Rayana Jay, Cosima, TianaMajor9 etc...
Anthem = Lucky Daye, “Buying Time”
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dolphin-enthusiast · 3 years
can i pretty pls request a match up? I'm 5'4", african american, im a scorpio, braids, brown eyes (i got serious rest bitch face but i promise im not mean im just shy and awkward) i dont speak much at first but given the chance and the time i'll talk your ear off about anything and everything! im pretty affectionate and touchy, again, given the chance and the time! i love psychology, i love 2am adventures, traveling, trying new foods, skiing and swimming! ive got adhd and anxiety so :D thank ya!
"OEURFBEFB IM SO SORRY for the 5'4" african american ask i forgot to say which anime hnnnnnnhhhhhh jjba im so sorry-"
Yo it's perfectly fine, I'm a jojo writing blog speficially lmao bebdbsbs if anything u could have said if u had any specific part in mind??
Either way, I match you with...
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Listen......yall's energies are p similar ngl. Like, Kak over here isn't the chatty type either, even if he SEEMS like it at times it's because he's doing it out of politeness but any blatant idiot could tell it's forced. But not with you. Him opening up and rambling would feel hella natural (and vice versa) and you could tell he's entirely relaxed and doesn't feel pressured to say certain things in the slightest! He'd absolutely love if you talked his ear off abt anything really, even if he has no mcfucking idea abt it. Also 100% he loves ur resting bitchface and just...knew you weren't threatening in the slightest (man's got mad talent at reading ppl.) He's extremely supportive and will ALWAYS be on the lookout for anything that could trigger your anxiety and is just...overall very wholesome and understanding of all of your problems. Kak himself is also extremely affectionate with a s/o (moreso behind closed doors tbh) and will literally m e l t if you sneak behind him and wrap your arms around his snatched waist.
Did anyone say psychology?? bc I bet his ass is lowkey interested in it for whatever reason. Tbh he just feels like he rlly likes learning abt new stuff in general just for the sake of broadening his knowledge, even more so if it's his s/o we're talking abt. And even if he ain't THAT adventurous Kak will def give skiing or swimming a try with you, don't forget he is in fact C H A O T I C. Fucking cryptid ass will go to Target or Walmart with you @ 2 am and fuck shit up just for shits and giggles. ALSO FOODS BRO HE'S SUCH AN AMAZING COOK this man could and would cook for u 25/8 literally whatev u wanted (will feel extra loved if u offer to help since he finds it very domestic and romantic; literally the embodiment of "coming behind you and putting his hands on yours to help you slice/mix shit" trope) and will literally jump thru the roof if you let him cook you traditional japanese recipes that he learned from his family.
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
I love your yandere Jojo’s. Could you try your hand at writing a yandere Bruno?
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! sorry it took me a while to write this, I’m sorry dsklnasdkl anyway. Here’s some Yandere Bucci!! 
content warning: yandere, kidnapping, weird power dynamic
maid for each other (Bruno Buccellati) 
“Signore, will you buy me?”
His hand is warm, you think. Calloused, roughened, but warm. He drags you to the kitchen and you wonder if this is some fantasy of his. To take someone against his kitchen counter, would he make you wear an apron, would he make you do something worse? You shake your head and commit yourself to think about something else. You can’t lose your nerve after you’ve come this far. You think about the money, the money you so desperately need. Your hands shake just a bit and you wonder if he can feel it. You wonder if he acknowledges the slump of your shoulder and the drag of your feet against his floor. You are not looking forward to whatever it is he has planned, but if it was for them, you would willingly dirty yourself. So, when Bruno guides you to the kitchen sink and tells you to get to work, you are sincerely surprised.
You eye the mountain of unwashed dishes and pans and then glance back at him. He gives you a sheepish smile as he picks up a sponge and hands you a towel for drying.
“If we want this done by sundown,” he says as he scrubs away at a dish, “we need to work quickly.”
At the end of the day, he presses some bills in your hand. He chides you as he gives you your pay. The sun sinks behind him, immersing the afternoon in a warm, orange glow. He’s an angel. You think to yourself. When you lie in bed, you think of Bruno. And when you drift off to sleep, you thank whatever higher powers you can think of that you met him. The next day, you turn up to his house again, this time with your own cleaning tools. He gives you a soft smile and ushers you in. This is how you started working for Bruno Buccellati.
When you clean his house, you learn to ignore the blood that stains the wood.
You know that Buccellati is no saint. He doesn’t hide it but he doesn’t tell you outright either. You’ve aways assumed that he had some skeletons in his closet. You just never assumed that they could be so literal.
You are sorting out the laundry one day when he stumbles in, bruised and bloody. You’d gone down to meet him only to be met with his damaged form. You barely blink, guiding him to the sofa. You fetch the first aid kit he keeps in the sofa and with a practiced hand you tend to him. He doesn’t say anything more than the occasional gasp of pain but you work quickly and surely. When you move to fetch him a new pair of clothes he stops you, his hand weakly tugging at your sleeves. A moment passes, then another. Meekly, as if chastened he lets go of your sleeve. You leave to fetch him a fresh pair of clothes and something to drink. When you return his eyes widen just the slightest and when you sit on the floor on the spot by the couch so you can be near him he finally says, “thank you.”
You smile, for the first time in a long while as you rested your head on the couch. Your head barely touching him, “no. Thank you, Signore.”
He tells you that this is when he started to fall for you.You tell him that you wish you had left him to bleed out.
You should’ve realized, when he insisted that you stay in his home, when he told you to stay for longer and longer, when he would ask about your family, your friends, your life. You had only been to happy to comply with him. How could you refuse your savior? So you tell him about your parents and their fighting, of the unpaid bills, and of other more unsavory things. When you show him your scars and your still healing bruises, you could see the barely concealed outrage that flickered in his eyes. He begs you not to return back to your home. But you couldn’t ask that of him. There was still some part of you that loved your broken family. He sighs deeply as he holds your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. He hooks a finger below your chin, bidding you to meet his gaze.
“Do you love me, _____?”
“I-I do, B-Bruno,” you said, a deep blush on your cheeks. “I’m very grateful for everything you’ve done for me and my family.”
“I’m glad, then, that I wasn’t the only one…”
When he leans in, you expect to hug him. Never in your wildest dreams did you expect his lips to meet with yours. It isn’t the kiss that startles you so much as the passion that he kisses you with. There was something about the way he kissed you that frightened you, the way his hold on you tightened, the way he kissed you so ardently, so deeply. He leaned closer, so that your back met with the couch as his hands began to wander… Before you knew it, you had pushed him away. There were tears in your eyes and what you wanted to tell him hung in the air. You didn’t have the heart to say it out loud, but he got the message. He heard it loud and clear in the silence.
Then you ran, but you didn’t get very far.
You tell him as he ties you up that you did love him. You were thankful for his kindness, for his warmth. You didn’t love him the way he loved you but damn it, you loved him too. Wasn’t your adoration enough? Why did he need more? He was your savior, your benefactor. If it hadn’t been for him, your family would have starved, you wouldn’t have made it this far. He gave you a job, he gave you purpose, he gave you new meaning.
“Don’t do this, Bruno, please. I do love you. I do.”  
“But not the way I want you to,” he had scoffed.
This time when he kisses you, you can’t push him away. You take in the full brunt of his affections. So this was the side he kept hidden from you. When he breaks the kiss, he cards his fingers through your hair. His eyes are cold when they meet yours, there is no sign of the kind savior who had taken you in when you had no where else to go.
“You are mine, _____.”
It was a lovely afternoon, Bruno chuckles as he listens to Narancia, Fugo, and Mista bicker. The sound of tears breaks the lazy, cheerful ambience of the restaurant. His gaze turns to the crying woman making her way to him, guided by an equally morose man.
“The other women, the other mothers tell me that you can help,” she had managed to say in between her sobs. She had crumpled into a heap on the floor, her hands shaking as she pressed a photograph into his hand.
“P-Please, Signore,” the man said as his wife devolved into hysterics. “We- we haven’t been the best but she’s all we have.”
He consoles the couple, promising that he would help them find their missing daughter. When they leave, Bruno had excused himself from the table and told the others that he was heading home to start working on the case.
They never suspect a thing; and why would they?
He takes out his key as he unlocks the front door, his footfalls thumping loudly in the quiet home. He takes in your slumped back, your defeated stare as you looked out the window. He places your photograph on the coffee table, he would find a suitable frame for that soon. He wanted this to be your home too, after all. He makes his way to you, his arms coiling around your form possessively. He places a tender kiss on your head. You place a hand over his arm, and as you do, an intricate golden band around your finger glimmers.
“Welcome home, darling.”
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transgenderboobs · 4 years
bunch o’ tag games under the cut
tagged by @dykeangel​ !! ty emilie 
what was your last…
drink - jus woter 
phone call - my phone company
text message - dad
song you listened to - the fall by half alive
time you cried - last night watching jojo rabbit 
have you ever…
dated someone twice - kind of?
been cheated on - not to my knowledge 
lost someone special - yes? i mean not like they died but people have like. left my life u know
been depressed - lmao
gotten drunk and thrown up - Yes. :|
in this year, have you…
made a new friend - Yes ! 
fallen out of love - no
laughed until you cried - Yes. do this a lot in the horny for worms chat
met someone who changed you - u mean like in these 3 months of 2020? no
found out who your true friends are - idk??? i mean i like to think i KNOW already
kissed someone on your facebook list - lol no
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life - like.....most of them.
do you have any pets - yes!!!!!! i have two cats and two dogs
do you want to change your name - yes. i just have to find one that feels right and then go about making the Effort to actually change it
what did you do for your last birthday - i just like. went out for dinner and ice cream
what time did you wake up - like. noon
what were you doing at midnight last night - watching jojo rabbit!!!!!!!
what’s something you can’t wait for - this pandemic to end so i can finally go the fuck to germany
when was the last time you saw your mum - new years eve
what are you listening to right now - nuffink babe
have ever met a person named tom - don’t think so
what’s something that gets on your nerves - my school’s admin giving me Useless info about this pandemic sitch re: my thesis/graduation
what’s your blood type - absolutely no clue. i asked my parents and they don’t know either. it’s a mystery
nickname - prem is a nickname
relationship status - obviously i’m married to daisy tonner sorry ladies ;)
zodiac sign - aquarius
pronouns - they/them
fav tv show - the good place!!!!!!!!!
tattoos - many. got some pics of a few of them in my tattoo tag
right or left handed - right
surgery - none. well i had to be put under anesthesia  once so they could do some weird shit to my teeth cuz i had this nasty infection but idk if that counts
piercing - ears babey
best friend - her name was kalea we stopped talking when i was like 6 or 7 and she recently added me on fb again
vacation - hmmmm i think going to texas to see my dads family just before my parents got divorced 
pair of trainers - what the fuck are trainers
right now…
eating - nothing
drinking - nothing? water?
i’m about to - get up and make some coffee
listening to - nothing
waiting for - nothing
want kids - NO NEVER
get married - yes bitch !
career - i just want to lie on a hot rock under the sun for several hours of the day 
which is better…
hugs or kisses - both
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - either would be excellent 
older or younger - don’t care as long as they’re close enough to my age 
romantic or spontaneous - romantic
nice arms or nice stomach - no preference
sensitive or loud - either. both
hook up or relationship - relationship
trouble maker or hesitant - trouble maker
have you ever…
kissed a stranger - i wanna say no but i was a god damn lunatic in high school so it’s possible 
drank hard liquor - Yes a lot
sex on the first date - never been on a date. but i have had s*x with someone after only knowing them for like 5 hours day so
had your heart broken - yes.
been arrested - yes.
cried when someone died - never really known anyone who died besides relatives i’d met maybe once in my life at max, so. n/a
fallen for a friend - i only wanna smash my bros bro
do you believe in…
yourself - eeehhhhhh
miracles - eeeEEEHHHHH
love at first sight - no.
santa claus - no
kiss on the first date - sure !
angels - no
tagged by @paintedvanilla​ !!! thank
instructions: tag 10 followers that you wanna get to know sorry
name: just prem
nicknames: prem is a nickname :3c
gender: oh no thank you i’m ok
star sign: aquarius
height: 5’9″ (OR exactly 69 inches or 175 cm)
sexuality: dyke
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
fave animal: i like owls and cats
average hours of sleep: god. who knows. not enough
current time: 12:30pm lads
dog or cat person: i mean i love them both but i think i’m a cat person
blankets you sleep with: just my comforter 
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dream job: see above
when I made my blog: january 2014
followers: 3798
why i made a tumblr: god who remembers why i did anything in 2014. a bitch was still in high school in 20fucking14
reason for my url: no god damn genders allowed in this fucking house hold thank u Very much
rules: hit shuffle and list the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people
tagged by @d-quintana​ and @the1975bi​ !!! ilu guys 
ghost - halsey
firefly - breaking benjamin
monster - paramore
i write sins not tragedies - p!atd
broken open - cold war kids
brick by boring brick - paarmore
wild heart - bleachers 
this is gospel - p!atd
don’t stop - innerpartysystem
cliff’s edge - hayley kiyoko
the love club - lorde
anyone else but you - moldy peaches
curse - imagine dragons
west coast - coconut records 
lemon to a knife fight - the wombats
would that i - hozier
killer - the ready set
headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet - fob
snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers - fob
bad side of 25 - patrick stump
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Did You Find It In The End? - Specs
Triggers: None that I can think of, but if you find any, please let me know and I’ll add them
Word Count: 1,383
Genre: Fanfiction, Canon-Era
The sun was slowly rising above the stunning New York skyline, Manhattan to be precise. If you were up at that early hour, you would see all of the beautiful, old buildings were immersed in the golden rays of first light.
The brilliant golden sunshine streamed through the gap in the curtains where it fell upon the face of Specs. He was woken up by the light and knew that it was almost time to get out of bed and carry the banner. As he sat up and put his thick-rimmed glasses on, he, slowly and sleepily, looked around and saw most of the other boys who were bunking on his floor. He could see Jack and Crutchie in their respective beds; Albert and Jojo in theirs; Romeo and Mush, and Elmer and Blink, all in their own bunk beds. There were also bunks behind his one but as he couldn't see them at the time, he didn't think about them.
'It is so quiet in here!' He thought. All that Specs could hear at that particular moment was the sound of the boys breathing and the birds singing their morning songs on the fire escape and the roof above.
Then, like a stone being dropped into a calm pool, the quiet was shattered by Mr Kloppman opening the door and the sound of his heavy boots shuffling along the dusty wooden floor of the dorm.
"Come on, boys! You're still asleep? Wake up! Come on, you gotta wake up!" He said whilst going around each of the boys' bunks and using various different methods to get them awake.
For example, Elmer, Crutchie and Albert were particularly heavy sleepers and the only way to wake them up was to take their blankets off them and just let them freeze until they could be bothered to get up and put some proper clothes on! Romeo and Mush were incredibly light sleepers so all it took was the sound of Mr Kloppman opening the door to get them up.
Slowly, but surely, all of the boys in the slightly overcrowded room began to rise from their beds and begin to get ready for a day carrying the banner.
"Hey! That's my shirt! Give it back!"
"Pass the towel!"
"Albert DaSilva! Where is my cigar? I know you have it somewhere!"
'Oh great! The daily arguments have begun already.' Specs thought. 'And I almost thought we could last 5 minutes.' He laughed to himself and got up. Carefully looking upwards to see if Tommy Boy had risen yet. It was lucky he looked up, because, at that moment, a boy shaped mass jumped down and landed in front of him.
'I swear that kid's a Kangaroo or something! He is always jumping!' He thought as he narrowly missed being flattened by the kid who slept in the bunk above him! Again. He was used to it though. Although, the first few times, it really scared him!
Specs wondered if there was going to be a good headline today and he hoped so, because the day before had not been so good, and he was forced to eat his papes. Not good.
While he had been thinking, he had got dressed and put one of his shoes on. He reached to the end of his bed where he kept them and felt nothing. He belly-flopped down on to the bed so that his head was hanging over the end. He couldn't see his shoe.
"GGGUUUYYYYSSS!!! I CAN'T FIND MY SHOE! Which one of you'se idiots took it?" He yelled and immediately everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at him like he was being stupid.
"I know one of you'se has it!"
"Specs...No one has your shoe. You must've lost it." Elmer told him, speaking for all of the Newsies in the room.
Specs searched high and low for that shoe, couldn't find it and ended up having to wear one of the spare ones that Kloppman always seemed to have in the storeroom. He was in quite a bad mood all day. You see, because those shoes were worn so much, they were somehow moulded to his feet and the new one was stiff and incredibly uncomfortable in comparison to the other one.
Throughout the day, the other Newsies kept telling him to lighten up a little, the shoe was bound to turn up soon enough. And luckily, his spirits were lifted very slightly at the end of the day when he sold his last pape.
He was selling in his usual spot when quite a pretty girl walked past him and looked his way. He smiled at her and he smiled back. He had never seen a prettier girl and he was stammering like an idiot for a few seconds before saying,
"Buy a pape miss?" He asked. "And may I say you look very pretty in that lovely dress!" She gave him a dime and in return, she got the pape and the comment that it was only a penny. I thought that she was giving me too much, and if her parents would mind.
"Take it. My parents won't mind, don't worry!" She said, reading his mind. She beamed at him again, then walked off, paper in hand. As she walked away, he scolded himself for not seizing the opportunity he saw and asking her out. He could see her smile, bright as the first light of dawn the woke him u that very morning. Her smile, it knocked him out and he fell apart whenever he pictured it. It was then, he vowed to find her and ask her out on a date.
He too turned and began to make his way back to the Lodging House, counting the days' earnings and attempting to figure out a way to find the girl as he went. He felt so stupid for not finding out her name.
Fast forward about an hour and Specs was knee-deep in a heated discussion with Davey about the correct spelling of auspicious. Specs knew he was right but Davey was stubborn as the best of times and he was refusing to admit he was wrong for once!
"No that's wrong! You spell it A-U-S-P-I-S-I-O-U-S!" Davey practically screamed in his face.
"When will you get it! You spell it this way! A-U-S-P-I-C-I-O-U-S!" Specs retorted with equal volume and energy.
"Ah, Katherine...How do spell auspicious?" Specs accosted Katherine for a definite answer.
"Oh hey, Specs. You spell it A-U-S-P-I-C-I-O-U-S. Why do you ask?"
"Because David Jacobs can't accept that he is wrong for once!" Specs exclaimed triumphantly. He said it a bit too loud because the entire room of Newsies was silenced in an instant and all that you could hear was Katherine laughing like there was no tomorrow! She would have great fun telling Jack all about it and Davey knew that he would never hear the end of it. Oh, how he was dreading the next few days!
"See, Jacobs! I was right!" He said, before smugly turning and walking up the many stairs to his floor's dorm room.
He opened the door and made his way over to his bed. Specs had never made this much money from a day's selling before and he just wanted to be sure that he had counted properly, you know just to check if he had counted anything twice.
He emptied his quite full pockets and as he did, a few small coins fell onto the floor. He got down onto his knees to reach under the bed to retrieve the pennies and that's when he saw it...
There it was, lurking in the darkness, peeking out at him like one of the many mice that lived in the Lodging House. As soon as he had a firm grasp on the object hiding under his bed and examined it meticulously, he came running down the stairs faster than the Racer himself. He burst into the very-almost-full room and yelled at the top of his lungs,
"GUYS...I FOUND MY SHOE!!!!!!!!"
And that night, his face was a vision of happiness and he knew that he could fall asleep safe in the knowledge that he would never have to wear Kloppman's old storeroom shoe again...
A/N I hope that was adequate. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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kamvkoma · 5 years
Odd numbers for the JoJo's ask.
thank u thank u,, i just finished reading part 6 so hopefully this can distract me from how upset i am.
1. Which jojo is your favorite?
jotaro 🐟❤️
3. Which is your favorite part?
i am honestly not really sure. there’s things i like and dislike about all of them. imo, part 3 was the most fun, part 4 was the most well done, and part 5 had the most characters that i really like. so somewhere between those three.
5. Who is the best villain?
doppio/diavolo as a dual answer i guess lmao
7. Who is the best child? 
having just finished part 6, i have to say i kind of like emporio. i mean, i can respect him, i guess. 
9. Which is your favorite pillar man?
kars obv 🚗
11. Stand or Hamon?
stands for sure, sorry jonathan and joseph 
13. If you had to live through a jojo part which one would it be?
im a slut for like the idea of journeying around the world and shit so i would pick stardust crusaders. plus then i get to beat dio’s ass at the end of it, hopefully.
15. Favorite Jotaro outfit?
already answered but i’ll say it again. part 6 jotaro is extreme dilf.
17. Favorite Jojo stand?
i will always love star platinum the most.....gold experience is p cool too though, and op af even without requiem lmao.
19. Favorite non-jojo stand?
i didn’t get question 20 on here (“what do you think is the most powerful stand”) but i’m going to sneak it in anyway to complain about how king crimson was so cool and it should have been wayyy too op for giorno to defeat diavolo but i guess plot necessitated that not be the case, lmao.
so yeah, i like king crimson. but i also really like weather report--which is another ridiculously op stand. 
21. If you could have one stand for a day which would it be?
bohemian rhapsody so i could fuck all of the fictional characters i'm thirsty for.
23. Which is your least favorite stand?
i really can't think right now off the top of my head. but i know there are some cursed ones.
25. Favorite love interest for a jojo?
do we mean canon or not? my favorite ships that include a jojo in them are caejose and fugio. but if we're talking canon love interest, then i think erina and jonathan were cute.
27. Favorite anime scene?
im obsessed with the king crimson metallica fight, so maybe that. it was just animated so well.
29. Favorite arc?
idk too broad lol. i'll say metallica again.
31. Character that shouldn’t have died?
like literally all of them.....,,, *looks at part 6 in particular* :/
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sanakaan · 6 years
Alright uhhh that shakarian jjba au was real neat and i love ur art
Oh thank u very much!!! tbh i thought more about this au and i dont think there will be a follow-up to it, Shepard and Garrus p much the only ones that i could picture in it, maaaybe ill draw it again but i prefer to move on to new ideas
now. What the heck is jojo:
(sorry if there are mistakes or typos)
Ok so basically its an ongoing (and super fucking long, it strated in the 80s) series of manga and anime. Its mostly known for general insanity of its story and fights, really outstanding and unique character designs (the reason why i started watching and eventially reading it in the first place. i literally just saw a fanart of Kira and thought that he looks cool, p much like it all happened with Garrus and mass effect, look where we are now), lots and lots of musical references and of course memes (actually i think most people like jojo just for the memes, and dont get me wrong, i love memes as much as the next guy, but thats not the main appeal for me)
But in my opinion the most interesting thing about jojo is that it is split into parts, and each part takes place in a diffirent time and place ,and also has a (mosty) diffirent cast of characters. For example, part 1 takes place in 19th century England, part 5 (Vento Aureo, which is currently airing) - in modern Italy, part 6 - in american prison, part 7 - in Wild West and so onThe thing is, each part gets more and more crazy. 
We go from this:
Tumblr media
to this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(i dont think these are even spoilers bc jojo spoilers are mostly meaningless, sometimes even with context its hard to tell what is happening)
Also i really REALLY love the characters!!! the author of the manga, Hirohiko Araki, is really good in writing interesting personalities and relationships. Jojo is a rare case where i love or at least like almost everyone
so yeah, there we go :`) honestly there is a lot i can say, but i dont want the answer to take very long (and thank for asking i STARVE for jojo questions aaaaaaaa)
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penzyroamin · 5 years
for the ask thing: the letters of your name for the art of slaying giants!!!
okay i couldn’t decide to go with my actual name (amelia) or penzy so… i’m doing both! you enabled me so you are to blame fgsjdgshgds (ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME TALK ABOUT THIS FIC I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY.
A- how did you come up with the title?
okay so fun fact there’s this book with a similar title that was actually the inspiration for this fic! i have never read the book and know nothing about it BUT i saw the spine in the library as i was walking along the aisles and i was like haha david and goliath! huh what if i wrote a fantasy au with.. slaying giants in it? and boom! the art of slaying giants was born!
M- got any premises on the backburner you’d wish to share?
this doesn’t really apply to the particular fic, but i do actually have some backburner fics right now while i work on the art of slaying giants– one modern fic about adult javid and their family, some spavey stuff, a rafaela/jojo childhood friends to lovers fic, and some possible followups to some previously written fics1
E- if you wrote a sequel, what would it be about?
huh. kind of hard to say for the art of slaying giants, since it isn’t over yet, but here are some sequels/followups i have thought about: a “losing my mind” sequel and a followup to “their mistake was they got old” !
L- how many times do you usually revise a chapter before posting?
i sort of revise as i go– whenever i get back onto a doc to write some more, i read through what i already wrote to remind myself of where i am and change stuff as i like! i’m a very messy writer fsjhsjhgdjshds so pretty often some typos fall through the cracks of my editing
I- do you have a fic reading/writing guilty pleasure?
i fucking LOVE dorm/roommates fics. (see: my blue moon obsession.) it’s probably honestly because i know that i’m enough of a mess to fall deeply in love with any pretty girl i saw in pajamas.
A- the title question again!
and then penzy!
P- are you what george r r martin would call a gardener or an architect? (how much do you plan in advance vs letting the story grow on its own?)
i’m sort of a mix! on one hand, i do have a vague structure for each of my multi-chapter fics before i start it, but even with those, and ESPECIALLY with my one-chapter works, i give them room to grow
E- i already talked about this one!
N - is there a fic you wish someone would write (or finish) for you?
uhhhh so many goddamn fgshdgshgd… i’ve always wanted to read a sci-fi superheroes fic??? also ella and i talked a long time ago about a fantasy au where jack’s like a Evil Mastermind aka dork who just hates the monarchy who casually kidnaps princess sarah so that davey, his bf, prince by day revolutionary by night, has an excuse to run away with him. god i really want to read that
Z- major character death– do you ever read/write it? which character’s death can you not tolerate?
(side-eyes their mistake is they got old) UHHHHHHHHHHHHH
yeah i think i’ve made it abundantly clear that i can and will kill any character. no one is safe.
Y- a character you want to protect
hmm. smalls. she can take care of herself but i just feel the need to defend her fsdgsgdjsgds
thank u!!!!!!!! these were fun fgshdgshgds
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patanu102 · 6 years
ABC Tagged
So @warden-sigma tagged me with this a while ago and I figured I’d give it a go.
A: Age - 26, but people tell me I got a baby face, and a baby voice, I look like a very tall child.
B: Birthplace - Minnesota, USA
C: Current time - 9 o’clock ish-
D: Drink you last had - Pepsi, its rots my teeth but not my liver.
E: Easiest person to talk to - Myself. And he’s a pretty judgemental.
F: Favourite song of all time - I can't pick one. I could throw a random one out there and even then it wouldn’t be a genuine pick. So I just like a lot of music.
G: Grossest memory - Pulled a worm out of my foot once. That sucked.
H: Hogwarts house - Probably Hufflepuff, Though Ravenclaw works too.
I: In love? - I don't talk about my love life.
J: Jealous of people? - Of course. I mean, no ones perfect.
K: Killed someone? - No one important.
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? - Well sure you can be attracted to someone at first sight, but maybe you should talk to them first.
M: Middle name - Joey jojo shabadoo.
N: Number of siblings - Me, Myself, and crippling loneliness.
O: One wish - No drama for the rest of my life.
P: Person you last called - No one.
Q: Question you must ask - What?
R: Reasons to smile - The feelings that no matter how bad things get in your life, that things could get better.
S: Song you a saying - What?
T: Time you woke up - 9am.
U: Underwear color - Underwear?
W: Worst habit - Getting shit done.
X: X-rays - Never had one.
Y: Your favourite food - Pizza. Great, now I’m hungry. Thanks, random tag thing.
Z: Zodiac sign - The sheep one. Wait, no, thats chinese variant, the virgo thing. That one. I dont feel like tagging, so I wont. Have a nice day.
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