#thank u anthony for this gift of an ask
kirkwallsquad · 5 months
top five varric insanity moments go
holy shit where to even begin
pretending that his crossbow has a deep dramatic dark backstory when it‘s literally just. his ex made it and it‘s named after her and criminals want her to make more like it and also he’s legally not allowed to see her
saying This to sebastian (this might be the Most Insane but i couldn‘t rank it higher bcs i refuse to applaud varric‘s homophobia/transphobia moment for even a second)
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comparing blackwall to sebastian and treating him similarly to how he he does sebastian - he does this multiple times, but i specifically want to point out this comment he makes:
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which specifically references THIS INSANE CONVERSATION
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saying This about solas
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everything abt his relationship with sebastian, from sebastian being 100% dtf and varric hating him for it to all the antagonism. but number one HAS to be when varric says THIS to sebastian COMPLETELY FUCKING UNPROMPTED
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71 notes · View notes
sageprada · 11 months
cool people. part II
chris pine x musician!reader (slightly oc)
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pintrest board
part one
synopsis: a series chronicling the love affair between a famous musician and her actor neighbor
word count : 8.5k
warnings: 18+ ONLY, fluff, slight smut, age gap relationship (reader is late 20’s while chris is 42), lil sub!reader, swearing, explicit descriptions of sexual content, mentions of drugs and alcohol 
authors note : i’m back ! it only took a year for me to finally drop part two of cool people. i truly appreciate all the love i’ve received from part one along with my blog in general. truly if people didn’t ask for a part two this would have just sat in my drafts for eternity. so thank you for all the love truly ! y’all are mother fuckin’  best and more chris content to come <3. 
Time wasn’t something she was sensitive to. Explicitly, the passage of time as a year seemed to pass by in merely a few months.
Working had always come naturally to her. Her parents' hunger to succeed was an appetite she’d clearly inherited. The need for sleep or spending time with her peers had at one point come second to spending hours in her cramped recording studio converted basement. She wouldn’t allow herself to relish in her achievements because all she could seem to focus on was the next task.
Imposter syndrome had become a major topic between her and her therapist. She’d recently started sharing with her family her experience of waking up in the middle of the night with tight breaths stuck in her throat as she felt like a stranger in her own body.
Her Mom and Dad were extremely worried, with one of them calling or texting her at least once a day to check in. Her younger brother, Wyatt, suggested for the tenth time this year that he could join her in LA and help out. He’d just graduated from high school and successfully convinced their parents to participate in a gap year to really explore his options. Of course, that came with the price of finding a job, and being a dishwasher at Dad’s bakery wasn’t, in his words, cuttin’ it.
Her older brother, Anthony, and his boyfriend politely forced her to join them on a four-day weekend vacation to the Caribbean, where she was forced to take part in the "Double U’s". 
"You’ve just got to Unplug and Unwind."
Conveniently, the escape to paradise fell upon the 95th Oscar nomination announcements.
It was her first major motion picture project. She spent months working under numerous conductors in preparation and even bought a membership to the LA Philharmonic because she’d started frequenting concerts for research. She’d often wear the hoodie she bought at the gift shop to rehearsals.
During every part of the process, she had complete creative control. From section leader auditions to picking out what type of mics would be used for recording sessions. Never had she felt more challenged creatively. Yes, at one point she thought she would develop sores on her temples with the constant rubbing away of migraines. She was smoking nonstop due to the stress and anxiety. Her messages were going unread. And while it was unhealthy, at the time she hadn’t been happier.
It was in her contract when she agreed to do the movie's score that she would be submitted for competition. It would be her first time conducting, with most of the members of the orchestra having never done such a big project either. She wanted to make sure she was opening doors for as many people as she could, giving them the shot she had been gracious enough to get herself.
At the very least, she expected a couple film festivals and critics to give her a pat on the back for her efforts. A handful of positive reviews and, at most, one of the best experiences she ever had the privilege of being a part of.
But the movie was a commercial hit, and whispers began to surround her.
So it wasn’t a surprise that her brother crafted this scheme behind her back. They were so close that he always seemed to know what was best for her before she could even figure out what was wrong. However, it took Anthony dunking her into the crystal blue ocean fully clothed for her to admit the escapism was helping immensely.
On the last day, she was abruptly woken up at six in the morning by the sound of tiny confetti cannons going off. Two grown men came barreling in, jumping up and down ceremoniously on her bed while chanting her name. Quickly, an iPad was thrust into her hands, with a bright blue light displaying a Zoom call with family and close friends all congratulating her.
Five years ago, she was a sound engineer for an independent music label and a background vocalist for an experimental R&B group.
She was now an Academy Award nominee. The thirteenth woman and youngest person ever nominated for Best Original Score
Through blurred eyes, riddled with shock and still slightly drowsy, she was full-blown crying while she blabbed during the call. Luckily, her very big family was filled with very BIG personalities, so no one seemed to comment on even notice as they talked over each other. Except one, and she was so grateful to see the man she was missing the most pixilated image gaze at her fondly in the corner of the screen.
Chris was just starting to become a constant in her life during pre-production, even if it felt like he had somehow always been there. In the span of their year together, he wasn’t just helping her by being there; he was helping her grow as a person. He was enriching her life, even if she dreaded the early morning yoga classes he made her go to or the weekly kale smoothies he had her drink. Chris was so in tune with his emotions and so open with her that she started working on herself to do the same. No longer did she feel embarrassed by how often she craved his presence. She constantly ached for his soothing voice, which always seemed to be the perfect remedy for calming her down. His touch was a sweet elixir that made all her worries disappear.
But the consistent praise, reassurance, and love that Chris provided her was the exact reason why she was able to be this open. After all, this was her first serious relationship to any degree.
Everything was looking up until the photos leaked.
LA nights this time of year were a bit brisk, but that did nothing to divert the couple's attention from one another.
They’d just had dinner and were now waiting for the valet to bring Chris’s car around. He’d picked her up from a meeting in West Hollywood earlier that evening and surprised her with a reservation at a new restaurant she’d been wanting to try. He got back from press in England a couple days ago, and they've managed so far to do at least one thing every day together since.
"You smell heavenly." He stood behind her, arms wrapped around her waist, encouraging her to rest her back against his chest. Her white tank top was a little more casual than she’d preferred to wear, but it did nothing to defer her mood with the way he’d been looking at her all night.
"Oh? Maybe it’s cause someone thought I needed a new perfume?" With sarcasm dripping from her voice, she could feel his lips smirking against the skin of her neck. One of Chris’s love languages was gift-giving. He spoiled her beyond comprehension, and it was something she was still getting used to. He was a person so used to luxury that at times she had to remind him she was still ‘new money’. 
"I’m telling you, I just couldn’t get the scent out of my head." He pulled away and moved his hand to gently turn your head to face him. He held a serious gaze, and she kept her lips tight to stop herself from snickering. Always dramatic, Chris had already told her this story twice. But he spoke with so much passion and looked at her with so much awe that she didn’t have the heart to stop him from repeating it.
"I thought at first it was just one of a random coffee. Or maybe a poorly advertised flower shop, because I’d at times smell fresh tulips, but the street the hotel was on was honestly, baby, bleek and underwhelming. So, one day we finished early, and I’d just gotten off the phone with you to say goodnight. I went for a walk, and lo and behold, just at the end of the block, guess what I saw."
Looking up at him, she brushed a fallen strand of hair from his face and couldn’t imagine being more in love with anyone at that exact moment.
"No, whatcha see?"
He smiled at her encouragement for him to continue. "Down the same street I’d taken my run just the day before, I'd look to my left , and right there is a quaint little perfume shop. One that had been there for over one hundred years. Now, I felt like there was a reason I hadn’t noticed it till then, and that day the air had a particular sweet scent lingering. One that seemed so familiar, but yet I couldn’t put my finger on it, so I went inside to investigate." At this point, she’d turned her whole body towards Chris to give him her full attention. He kept one arm around her waist; not one inch of space separated their bodies. His other hand was resting on her neck, his thumb lightly gazing at her jaw while he kept eye contact.
"It was obvious the place had history. Filled to the brim with different vials and incense that you’d think would be overwhelming, but it was actually very calming. One scent seemed to stand out amongst the rest—one that reminded me of someone, one that smelled like home."
He allowed his thumb to graze over her bottom lip for a third time; he couldn’t seem to stop himself. "The nice shopkeeper said one of the ingredients is honeycomb that’s derived from a local bee farm in town. So it’s one of a kind, just like you."
She grew shy, diverting her attention to see the valet pulling up next to them. As she watched the young man approach them, she gave him a soft smile but felt Chris eyes still on her. Hands still on her.
"Sir, your keys."
That seemed to knock the older man out of his trance. "Thank you." Chris stepped away to grab his keys and passed the man a tip before leading her to the passenger side of the car, hand dangerously low on her back. It seemed they could never go a few moments together without some sort of physical contact.
"She also said that it had a hint of jasmine, which is a natural aphrodisiac."
He whispered this into her ear while reaching for her seatbelt to buckle her in. It was something he liked to do often—another little trait that always filled her with warmth and made her head fog.
"Wait…" He’d never shared that fact. "You got me a pheromone perfume?"
As he finished bulking her in, he pulled back and gave her a sly wink.
"How else am I going to get you to fall in love with me?"
TMZ had taken their photos at some point without their knowledge. Selling them off to god knows how many entertainment outlets and gossip blogs in less than twelve hours. She woke up to an article link sent by her manager the next morning.
Daily Mail 
Neighborly Romance!? Chris Pine and Musician Kapital looked quite comfortable together while grabbing dinner in LA.
Can’t say anyone saw this one coming!
Kapital, the two-time Grammy-winning artist, was seen being embraced by the Dungeons and Dragons star while out enjoying a quiet night at one of LA’s newest restaurants. The actor, 42, was all smiles as the couple stood waiting for a valet. Pine dressed in a classic white button-up and timeless slacks, while Kapital opted for a more relaxed outfit with a long denim skirt paired with a leather jacket.
This news comes just days after the announcement of the Queens-based musician's surprising Academy Award nomination for Best Score, making her the youngest nominee in the category's history.
This isn’t the first time the pair has been seen together, having previously been spotted accompanying one another on walks around their neighborhood in Studio City. However, since living next door to each other since 2020, it’s the first time it's been insinuated that there might be more than just trips to the local coffee shop where their relationship stops.
They weren’t even kissing, but it was obvious from the intimate position they were caught in that it wasn’t just two neighbors grabbing a bite to eat. She read over the article multiple times, squeezing Chris bicep as he slept soundly next to her.
Their little bubble was slowly cracking. They knew with their individual careers that it would eventually happen, but mourning its loss and what was to come from it was a step into the unknown neither of them had yet faced.
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Apparently, sunshine is rare this time of year in Berlin. Its appearance was delightful, as it aligned perfectly with her impromptu visit to the city.
With her sternum pressed into the iron railing of the hotel balcony, dozens of hours spent on a plane made her exceptionally appreciative of the fresh air. But, hell, she couldn’t really complain. First class never ceased to surpass her expectations.
She’d never been flown out by someone outside of work-related engagements. Especially during one of the busiest times in her life, and it took multiple people's permission to get her here so quickly. Her manager, Grace, was the hardest to convince. They’d been working together since the very beginning of both of their careers. Being Grace’s first client out of business school, she was the older sister she never had and always cherished both her work and personal opinion.
She raced around her room hastily packing while continuing to glance periodically at her propped phone on her dresser. Grace was seen in her big designer reading glasses while she rubbed her pregnant belly with skepticism on their FaceTime call last night.
"Are you sure about this? I’ll have to call GQ and see if they're willing to reschedule."
"I mean, I’ll be back Sunday afternoon, just in time for the interview Monday. And besides, he already bought the ticket."
She heard the sound of Grace crunching angrily at another Pringle.
"Of course, when I’ve begged you to take a break, you’ve wanted to keep working. But now that we have the literal OSCARS next week, you wanna go off to Europe to be with your DILF boyfriend."
She could hear Grace’s husband off camera telling her to watch her heart rate; she’s notorious for having a bit of a short fuse, and stress was not good for the baby.
"Wait, Chris doesn’t have any kids?"
"Babe, his dog counts."
They both laughed before Grace sighed. "As your manager, I can’t help but not be the biggest fan of this situation; it’s a slight distraction. But as your friend, I’ve seen how he makes you feel. Hell, everyone has. So fuck it, what’s a couple days?" She continued, looking at the younger girl fondly. "Your best interests are always my top priority, even if it means allowing you to go drop your pants for Captain Kirk."
Lost in thought, she didn’t notice the text she had gotten a text until the two minute notification reminder went off. Walking back into the suite, she flopped on one of the luxurious armchairs unlocking her phone.
On my way up.
She’d just barely arrived, not even twenty minutes ago, delusionally thinking she’d have more time to freshen herself up.
Racing to the master bathroom, she had no time to admire the space before quickly washing her face and brushing her teeth. There was no time to change into the provocative lounge wear she’d originally planned to greet him in, hoping the sweatsuit set wasn’t a complete turnoff.
Just as she walked back into the living room, she was met with the sound of the front door opening.
"Sweets! I’m he-." Chris was adorned in a pale blue suit, soft against his lightly bronzed skin. He’d been outside a lot helping her with her garden as they were approaching spring in LA.
He didn’t finish his exclamation. Instead, he kept his eyes glued on her, as if like a hunter that’d just been noticed by its prey. She stood frozen, only allowing herself to watch him as he moved across the room with calculated steps.
He placed a golden box down on the coffee table, finally reaching her position at the master bedrooms entryway. Chris didn’t want anything to prevent him from grabbing the sides of her face, standing so impossibly close that she was forced to look up at him. Personal space was nonexistent in the couple’s vocabulary.
"Hi," She whispered.
"Hello baby." 
Kissing Chris always felt like the first time. The action of him leaning down to capture her lips never failed to make her lightheaded. The dragging of his top lip as it flushed against hers always left her breathless. He’d managed to slightly suck her bottom lip in between his every time, whether it was a chaste peck or a full-on make-out.
Her hands moved to grip his white undershirt tightly, his lean abs prominent under her touch.
God, those yoga classes were paying off.
He didn’t release her until a soft whine escaped from her throat, satisfied at how breathless he’d made her.
"Look at you." Sky-blue eyes shamelessly traveled over her body as she nuzzled her face into his palm. "Was the flight okay? Did you get any rest?"
She scoffed at his worry. "Yes, everything was fine. Short layover in London, so I got some Nando’s. Was practically in a food coma the rest of the way here."
He let out a deep hum in approval, gently caressing the apples of her cheeks with his thumb. "That sounds good, baby. I still want you to be relaxed." She knows he’s referring to his last-minute request for her to be there with him. As soon as he asked her to come, he felt guilty because she had so much going on herself.
"Chris, I wouldn’t have come if I didn’t want to. Missed you too."
That warranted another kiss. She could feel his smile as he cheekily slipped his tongue quickly over hers.
"Wanna take a bath together?" Eyes still closed, she felt him whisper the request against her skin. One of his hands had traveled down to her ass, giving it a soft squeeze as a choked breath left her parted lips. Her previous worries that he wouldn’t be attracted to her casual state flew out the balcony window with all the reassurance in his touch.
She nodded and opened her eyes once she heard him tsk. His nose was pressed against her, minty breath washing over her face.
"Gotta hear it, Sweets."
"Yes please."
He smiled, proud of the verbal confirmation.
"Let me go start the water."
She hated how cold and empty the air got as he left her to head to the bathroom. But she couldn’t resist the urge to watch him walk away as he started to strip out of his clothes in the process.
"Open that box on the table. I think you’ll like it." He insisted. 
Slightly dizzy from the kiss, she shook her head and blinked a couple times.
Damn girl, chill. 
The box had a soft bow nestled beautifully in its corner. The name Rausch in black cursive text sat in the center.
Various arrays of chocolates greeted her, and she bit her lips happily as she assessed the multiple options. Each was so delicately crafted with intricate designs that she decided Chris and she would just have to split each one to have a chance to try them all. Walking into the bathroom, a sight just as sweet as the chocolate she’d just bit into was awaiting her.
Chris, as naked as the day he was born, was slowly stepping into the deep tub located in the center of the bathroom.
"I don’t mind you looking baby girl, but the waters gonna get cold."
"Right!" She sat the box on the edge of the tub as she quickly started undoing her sweatpants.
No longer was she hesitant to expose herself to Chris; the older man had explored her body inside and out more times than she’d be able to count. But he always looked at her the same way. As if he’d never seen her naked before. Like a child with a present on Christmas, he looked as if he was thinking of all the ways he was going to play with his new toy.
It made her feel incredibly sexy.
Taking another bit of the chocolate she presented him, he playfully nipped her finger as she pulled away. The water was at the perfect temperature; Chris naturally ran hot, and as he rested himself against her between her legs, she couldn't think of how this moment could be any more perfect.
"You have one."
"What makes you say that?" Her voice rose in intrigue. Chris surprised her time and time again with his observational skills.
There was never room for empty conversation, unless she intended it. Over the years, she found fascination in interesting factoids that she somehow was always able to conjure up for anyone willing to hear them. Sometimes, Chris just asked because he liked to get a peek into that fascinating mind of hers.
"Because you always do." His hand pinched her waist, and she swatted his bicep. Taking her wet hand, she pushed back his short blonde salt and pepper hair in thought.
"Well, this hotel is old as shit, so it's got a lot of history. Notoriously, Michael Jackson held his infant son, Prince Michael, over the balcony while paparazzi gathered below. " She glanced at the window that was nestled on the far left wall, smiling because she knew she'd got him with that one.
She feels him go stiff. He turned around slightly to look up at her from his place on her chest and saw her smirk. "No fucking way."
"Yes, way."
"Fuck. That’s a good one."
As she reached for another chocolate, she felt his hand trace over the curve of her breast. Not so much with sexual interest, but more with admiration.
"Why’d you accept my invitation?"
She knew he was being serious by the way his voice dropped an octave. He said her name, her real name, and she dropped the chocolate gently back in the box.
"You sounded like you needed someone."
It was a stretch of the truth. Chris knew that, and he let out a sigh.
"I think we both know I just needed you." He leaned up to turn and face her. She felt slightly exposed in that moment, but of course Chris noticed. He always does. So to ease the tension, he grabbed a piece of chocolate and took the first bite. He leans forward, and she sighs into the sweet kiss before he slips the other half in her mouth. Now it was her turn to nip his finger.
"Yeah, but then that begs the question: why couldn't you just wait 'till you were back in town next week?" She keeps his hand close, holding one in between both of hers. "Knew I wasn’t going to New York until the end of the month; could’ve just waited."
He acknowledged her point with a subtle head tilt.
"I simply enjoy being with you. I enjoy laughing with you, touching you. You make everything I do seem worthwhile. I need you to understand how badly, Sweets, I want to have you in any possible way, either as this version of ourselves or something more; just having you in my life is the best thing I could have ever been gifted."
He let the statement sit for a bit, watching her under the bathroom's pale lighting. He ran his hand over her knee while she sat with what he shared. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t told her before; it was just hard for her to accept at times. These feelings she had for him were intimidating and still pretty new.
Finally looking over at him, he had a soft, patient smile, and she brought her hand to his cheek.
"You got me feeling crazy and that scares me."
He gripped her hand on his face and pulled her close to him. The water surrounding them splashed slightly as he moved her onto his lap, never straying from her focus.
"God, I fucking love you, and I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman alive. You're stuck with me until you no longer want me."
Goddamn it, she was in it now.
"Then I guess I’m stuck with ya."
Chris pulled her into a searing kiss. One filled with hope, opportunity, and love.
But, of course, it was short-lived. Chris had made her show him how to set up different ringtones on his newly bought iPhone. Recently, she came to find out he'd paid $1.29 to buy her score's theme song on iTunes and set it to play every time he got a call.
"I think that's your phone."
"Fuck that thing." He was lost in her, moving his lips down to her neck and slowly beginning to suck on the sweet spot below her jaw. Sucking in a quick breath as his teeth skimmed her wet nipple.
"Chris." They were already pushing it with having her here; she didn’t want to get him into any trouble even if she was the invited intrusion to his press tour.
"Stay here." He kissed her tits, making his way out of the tub. She giggled at hearing him angrily grumble under his breath, forcefully grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.
Perching her jaw on the edge of the tub, she watched as Chris pulled his phone out of his discarded suit pocket.
"Hey man, what’s up?"
It was a couple moments of silence, with Chris listening to the person on the other end of the line.
"Um…" He bit at the pad of his thumb, sparing a glance in her direction. She looked at him with a pointed brow, curious about what he seemed to be contemplating.
"Yeah, we can meet you in the lobby at eight."
We? As in him and her?
As he ended the call, she waited for him to come back to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the tub and let out a sigh as he took in the sight of her wet, bare body.
"Welp, my plans to fuck you in this very spacious tub are going to have to be postponed. We’ve got other plans tonight."
"Hugh Grant has requested that we both join him and his wife for dinner."
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The restaurant was very busy. She wasn’t as taken aback by the mass of people since Chris forewarned her on the drive over about how in high demand the place was.
"There will probably be a couple paparazzi and fans outside after dinner when news gets out that we are all here. So just make sure you just stay close to me, baby." Chris had switched into a tan linen jacket and matching pants. He kept the white undershirt, and his golden pendant necklace was in its usual place in the middle of his chest.
The Le Labo cologne she watched him spray on his wrists still lingered on his skin.
Along with the expensive wine, her fluffy blue sweater was keeping her warm. Chris would slyly slide his hand underneath its seams, gently holding her wrist while his thumb rubbed slow circles over her pulse.
She was nervous as fuck.
No matter how many famous people she finds herself around, her palms got slightly sweaty in their company. Her Mom was going to have a cow when she saw the texts she’d sent her. And the voice message she’d nervously word vomited into during her trip to the bathroom.
Chris said Hugh was a tad pretentious, his dry humor not helping in the slightest with some feeling slightly offended by the seasoned actor at first.
She thinks she got on his good side when he asked if she’d ever seen any of his movies.
"Oh, for sure. Florence Foster Jenkins— I watched that on a flight with my Mom. She teared up, and she didn’t even do that while giving birth to my younger brother." She wanted to crawl into a hole after her failed attempt at being cheeky, wincing slightly in embarrassment. But he and his wife both laughed, and that was before the waiter had even taken their orders.
"It’s so fun doing these little press junkets because you completely forget about the movie you’ve worked on since it was damn near a year ago. But you get to reconnect with all these people you spent months working your bum off with. Even recall some of the wacky events that occurred." Hugh wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at everyone around the table. She noted Hugh’s quirky vocabulary got more eccentric after each sip of his glass of merlot.
"Now, darling." They'd just gotten their meals, and so far she’d been successful in not being the topic of conversation. She was content to be a fly on the wall, watching as Chris interacted with his coworker. Instinctually, she sat up straighter as everyone fixated on her.
"First, congratulations are most certainly in order. Chris here has expressed much interest in your work; dare I say he has gone as far as to show a few of us videos of you composing?"
Hugh’s admission was shocking; she was ready to go into great depth on her career and why the hell she might even be there.
She’d only met a few of Chris close friends and vice versa, wanting to keep a level of privacy in their relationship that very few people got access to. It was better that way for the both of them. Some reasons being more obvious than others.
However, ever since the first set of pictures with them came out, more and more were published in the press. With the amount of time they spent together it was inevitable. She’d noticed how Chris was now more inclined to share her with people outside their circle. He was less withholding of PDA, not that he was really trying before.
He wants people to know she’s his.
That thought sparked something deep in her chest, accompanied by a warm feeling in between her legs. In some sick way, she liked him establishing this claim on her. Because, at the end of the day, it was her allowing him to do so. If she displayed any sort of disdain for the situation and expressed it, she knew he’d stop in a heartbeat.
"I’ve just got to know how this talented young lady came to be."
She cleared her throat and glanced over at Chris, whose undivided attention was completely on her. The dim lighting added to the facade of intimacy, and the busting room filled with chatter from other patrons conversations. But hell, they might as well have been the only two people in the room.
"I, uh, grew up in New York. My mom's an adjunct professor at NYU but volunteers when she can. My Dad’s owned this bakery like a block from where I grew up since before I was born. They really wanted to push my brothers and me to follow our passions just as long as we could make a suitable living doing so." She giggled to herself at that. "Never, uh, was really that good in school, but music stuck pretty naturally. I learned how to play like fourteen instruments by the time I was twelve."
"Oh my, so you were a prodigy?" Anna, Hugh’s wife, expressed. The couple looking at her impressed.
"I guess so? Never got tested or nothing. Just recorded some music and samples on my parents iMac and uploaded them online. It’s pretty much how I got discovered."
She feels a hand squeeze her upper thigh, looking over at Chris, who was gazing at her in admiration. She sheepishly smiled back before looking down at her plate.
"Well, I for one think that should qualify as a prodigy, especially for being nominated for such a prestigious award so early in your career." Anna smiled at the younger woman, and she replied with a soft but appreciative thank you.
The topic flows easily throughout the remainder of the evening, and just as Hugh and Chris finished arguing about who’d fit the bill (Hugh did), they began talking about plans for tomorrow.
"Oh, you're going to love the movie, dear; it’s a heap of fun." Hugh exclaimed, looking between her and his wife.
"Yeah, it looks great. Can’t wait to see it." She'd already ordered a couple tickets in advance to see it opening weekend back in LA. Few of her friends excited to see her hot, daddy boyfriend in action.
Their words, not hers.
"Now I don’t know where you plan on sitting, but you're more than welcome to join Anna and me."
"Huh?" She was confused, looking over to Chris, whose jaw had clenched as he slowly finished his wine.
"Well, at the preimere, it'll be so bus-"
"I hadn’t really had a chance to bring it up, Hugh." He placed his glass down while glaring at the man across from him.
"Oh." Hugh looked nervously at the young woman and back to his wife before letting out a guilty chuckle and saying, "Silly me."
Anna quickly began to change the subject allowing her to try and connect the dots. Departing goodbyes and future plans were made as they all made their way out of the restaurant. Following Anna towards the exit, with Chris close behind her, she whispered behind her shoulder.
"Chris?" She knew he’d understand what she was asking, but she didn't really love being out of the loop.
"Let’s get you outside to the car first, Sweets, then we'll talk."
As soon as the doors opened, multiple camera flashes started blinding her.
She'll say one thing about being in the music industry: she wasn't a stranger to crowds or people. Yet it still made her slightly uncomfortable when strangers invaded her personal space. She pulled her Prada sunglasses out her purse and slid them over her eyes. Instinctively grabbing Chris’s hand as he guided her to their car. The chauffeur was already standing outside holding the door, and she gave him a quick thanks in appreciation while quickly getting in the back seat.
Once it was quiet, with only the sound of soft German music imitating from the radio, she allowed herself to slip off her sunglasses.
Chris was already looking at her; he’d slid his hand across the middle seat to rest it on her upper thigh.
"Good?" His eyes held a bit of worry.
She nodded. "Good." Then her eyes became daggers. "Now, what the fuck is going on tomorrow?"
"I wanted to ask you tonight after dinner. No photo ops, no red carpet. You’ll ride with Sarah and me to the theater. I'll do my rounds and then join you both for the screening."
Her head was spinning. A million thoughts raced to the front of her mind. The first one that left her mouth was the least important.
"I-I don’t even have anything to wear."
"Baby girl, you're telling me you don’t have one outfit?" He cocked a brow towards her, and she groaned. Of course she did; she’s an overpacker, and with Chris’s classic spontaneity, she always made sure she was prepared for anything. Still, she wasn’t able to just pull out a custom gown from her ass.
"No photos or press?
He barked out a laugh, bringing her hand to his lips to give it a warm kiss. He knew he had won her over.
"Just want you by my side, scouts honor."
She wanted to scoot over the middle console to be closer to him, but the little wine left in her system wasn’t enough to cloud her judgment to do so, and she didn’t want the driver to be uncomfortable.
"You owe me big time. Like huge, just FYI."
He brought up two fingers and gestured for her to lean in closer to him. Chris softly cupped her jaw and angled her head so he could whisper in her ear.
"I hope you got enough rest on that plane. We’ve got a long night ahead of us."
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When Chris fucked her, she could only successfully compare it to a premeditated game of chess. Always seeming to know how he, the knight, would take down his opponent.
He held back from touching her the entire ride back to the hotel. Minimal words were shared between the couple as they let the tension speak for itself. Her skin was cold; goosebumps were visible, and in the elevator, she stuffed her hand in her pockets to prevent reaching out towards him.
He needed to make the first move.
It wasn’t until she took a seat on the plush sofa that he knelt down in front of her. Eyes gazing up as if she’d built the entire world around them all her own.
"Will you let me undress you?"
His touch was like a live wire while his hands ever so gently gripped her left ankle, undoing her heels clasp. It took everything in her to hold back a whimper.
Once he’d discarded her other shoe, he pushed up her pants leg till it bunched at her knee. Slowly following an invisible trail up her now exposed leg with his rose-colored lips. They were tinted a dark shade from the wine, and an embarrassingly loud whine left her lips as his tongue slowly dragged up her calf.
It quickly turned into a yelp as the man’s teeth nipped at her shin. "Keep those eyes on me." Chris always required her attention, knowing how often her mind wonders.
"Yo-you got it."
A smile appeared. Rewarding her with a lick over the nicked skin and sweetening it with another kiss
They both watched his hands let the pants leg fall, dragging them over the fabric that covered her thighs as he reached for the button of her pants.
"I know you said I owe you, and trust me, this isn’t me cashing that in. I’ve just been craving your fucking pussy since California."
It wasn’t anything she didn’t already know. Chris was a pleaser; he got easily riled up just by knowing he was the only person who could ever make her feel this good. He'd told her himself.
Nodding her head with fervor, she aided in helping him take off her pants, wiggling her hips off the couch as the garment fell to her ankles along with her pink panties. An obvious patch of arousal was on the crotch. "You always takin’ good care of me."
He hummed in agreement, but his focus had gone to her cunt. Slowly, he raised her legs to rest on his shoulders; her pants wrapped around her ankles, trapping him in between her thighs. Delving into her, the man raised an expectant hand to her lips. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do, and as soon as his broad tongue dragged against her slit, she shoved his middle and ring fingers into her mouth.
A groan escaped him right as his mouth dragged along her clit, the stimulation causing her to slightly drool on his fingers.
"No wine in the world can compare to how goddamn good you taste." Chris other hand squeezed her hip where it rested, locking eyes with his lust-blown pupils. She could confidently claim that no one had ever looked at her like this until him. That no one has ever made her feel like this. It seemed so foreign yet so familiar, like meeting a totally stranger and instantly hitting it off.
Eating out someone like this should be considered a war crime. It seemed irrational that Chris could delve into her like a starving man when they just had dinner. How he lapped at her bundle of nerves like it was a bountiful oasis after traveling miles through treacherous terrain.
His tongue caught on the edge of her entrance, and a sharp "Fuck!" left her lips. His fingers slipped from her mouth, soaked with her saliva. The hand resting on her hip punished her with a quick slap. Her head fell back further into the couch, taking all of her energy not to close her eyes.
Being from the city meant she had a mouth on her. It was ingrained in her DNA, and it was something Chris always loved about her. But in the bedroom, good girls never curse.
"Sorry." He accepted her apology by rewarding her with a kiss on her thigh.
One hand gripped the top of his head while the other gripped the decorative pillows next to her. She was so focused on how he was making her feel that he used it to his advantage, slipping two fingers slicked with her spit inside her.
"Oh my god!" He went slow, pushing his fingers all the way to the last knuckle until he even attempted to curl his fingers inside her.
"Do you miss having my fingers inside you, baby girl? Know how hard it is for you to reach this deep." Chris tapped at her g-spot, and a high-pitched yelp left her mouth.
Her eyelids kept fluttering as they both watched his fingers move in and out of her. His thumb was coming up to her clit and she knew If she bit her lip any harder, she’d draw blood.
Chris slowly rose to his knees to rest his upper body against hers, his half-lidded eyes looking down at her. She didn’t even recall him fully taking her pants off until he gently nudged her left leg to rest her foot on the couch, bending it. The new position let him finger her even deeper, and fuck, if she wasn’t wet now, she was gushing.
"I think you can take three fingers, Sweets. Wanna try for three?"
She might be too far gone to confirm if the wet spot on the crotch of his pants was real or not, but she didn’t question the feeling of him bucking his hips against her right leg and the sofa. Just as he was adding his third finger to the mix, it was enough to send her over the edge.
Immediately, a flash of white filled her vision as her eyes rolled in the back of her head. A long moan leaving her lips while Chris worked her through her orgasm.
"There you go."
He kept fingering her until she opened her eyes and looked back at him. She had a wide smile across her face, and Chris mirrored it, placing a long kiss on her forehead.
"I haven’t come that hard in so long." Giggles escaped her, and she knew the high from cumming was still flowing through her. "Well, at least since you left me all alone."
Chris hands started pulling at her sweater to take it off of her. She hadn’t worn a bra under it; the sweater was so oversized and fluffy that it wasn’t even noticeable.
"Oh? Well, maybe I’ll have to show you how to do it right then, huh?" He was kissing all over her cheeks, slowly making his way down her neck. "Make sure you don’t suffer for too long while I’m away." Mumbling into her skin.
"Don’t think I could ever make myself feel this good."
He nipped her collarbone and faced her, their noses almost touching.
"Damn straight." Capturing her lips in a kiss, she began pulling at the back of his jacket to undress him. Chris quickly caught on and stood before her to start stripping. Pulling her legs on the couch, she bit the tip of her thumb to help suppress her smile at the show. 
His solid upper body, rippled with pure muscle crafted by numerous hours spent in the gym, had her hypnotized. As Chris stood up to undo his trousers, he couldn’t contain a smug grin. Looking down at her debauched figure, slightly vibrating in anticipation, did a number on the older man.
Just waiting within arm's reach was his exposed cock. It was bigger than anyone she’d ever taken, and her first time she had to cum twice from him stretching her out until he finally fucked her. It was long, and its width something that never failed to take her aback. Whenever she rubbed him off, she couldn't even fit her full fist around him.
 "Let me take you to the bedroom you deserve a good fuck."
Tipping her chin to flick her gaze at him, he scoupped her naked body up into his arms. A squeal rang throughout the suite, legs wrapping around his slender waist. Arms around his neck as he cupped her ass. She took advantage of him guiding them safely to the bed, fingers dragging through his hair as a content sigh released out of her nose.
Placing her in the center of the bed, the Egyptian cotton petted her skin. Chris body pressed against hers, and she embraced how he basically engulfed her. Body weight making her sink deeper into the white comforter.
"I’ll give you the world and then some, baby. Just tell me what you want me to do."
Giant hands cradled her head, and carnivorous eyes bore into her soul.
 "Need you to make love to me."
From the tips of her fingers to the bottoms of her feet, the feeling of being so fucking saturated in one another was indescribable.
An infinite kiss, in which lips contently rested on top of one another, sealed the deal.
Toned thighs moved to spread hers apart, positioning her instinctively. A distracting slip of his tongue into her mouth, simultaneous with his cock shoving into her cunt. Her mind went blank, a haze washing over her as her mouth fell open in a silent scream.
"Shit." The swear came from deep within him. Chris forehead pressed against hers as their noses bumped into one another. His breath was warm, and the air around her was hot as it grew thick with the smell of sex.
Gripping her cheek tightly, squeezing until her lips puckered open. He let out a deep groan, obviously enjoying the view. Well, that and the way he tried to be subtly with a shallow thrust to her g spot.
"Do you believe me now?" He was referring back to their conversation earlier in the tub.
"How I feel about you?"
"What your very fucking-" She had to close her eyes as her body was completely engulfed in all of him. The faint feeling of his hand traveling down to the back of her neck, tightly cupping it. Tightening his hold on the back of her neck, forcing her head to hit the goose feathered pillow. "existence does to me?"
Her eyes snapped open when his pelvis casually dragged against her clit after a deep thrust.
"Yes! Fu-god, I get it!"
When they locked eyes, she felt a twitch in Chris’s left leg. The one resting against her right thigh.
It was swift. His hand gripped her waist as he flipped her on her stomach. A wide hand slapped against her chest to flush her back against his firm chest.
Thighs resting on thighs, with both of them on their knees, she was positioned comfortably on his lap. Another hand was resting on her hipbone holding it up to prevent her from sinking down on him. Spit-soaked lips pressed right on the shell of her ear.
"Now I can fuck you how you deserve."
They groaned in unison once Chris finally let them reconnect. Hand once on her waist, traveling down to rub her clit as she grinds her ass against his pelvis to try and accommodate him inside her again.
It was a slow tempo, pushing deep into her from behind so she could really feel him. All of him. He’d moved the hand on her chest to rest on her neck. Fingers dancing around the bare planes of her collarbone
"I think I need to get you a pretty little necklace." Thrust. "Make sure everyone knows who fucking cunt this is. " Thrust. "Get something for you to play with when I can’t get my cock in your mouth." Two fingers turned into three to slap at her clit. 
"I’m-" She hiccuped while trying to blabber out the rest of her sentence. A dark chuckle warm on her ear. "I’m def-initely gonna cum."
 "Baby’s got manners tonight, huh?" A quick slap to the side of her ass almost had her whine out but he returned his hand to her clit to continue. "Now are you asking me or telling me?"
Nibbling her ear, she could feel the stutters of his thrust beginning. He was close. Touch more desperate and harsh against her skin than the last buck of his hips.
He forced them to remain still, with no movement except his fingers abusing her clit and his dick pulsing inside her. Even the city around them grew silent, waiting.
"Go ahead and cum for me then."
Each orgasm Chris gave her was never the same, but they all made her feel nothing less than euphoric. It reminded her of a hot summer day, finishing off a blunt while relaxing in the sun. All the stress and anxiety that filled her washing away, similar to the silk dripping down his dick.
"There you go. Fuck there, you fucking go, baby girl." And whenever he came inside her, god she felt limitless. No experience in the world could be shared between two souls could equal this primal connection.
 Her head had fallen against his shoulder, enjoying the electrical currents of ecstasy traveling through her as his hips continued to push his cum into her. 
Kisses traveled up and down her sweaty skin as Chris shoved his face into her neck. He was humming out a breath subconsciously to a random tune while soaking in the moment.
What came next was always the worst part. The inevitable of him having to pull out of her. Both of them groan while he lifts her off his softening dick to tuck her in the bed.
"Thank you." It was the first thing said as they basked in the aftermath of their lovemaking. He had her tucked under his arm, arms and legs intertwined. He kissed her temple whispering the words like a secret.
"Feel like I should be the one sayin’ that." Lips grazed her skin as he nodded his head no at her claim.
The moon was seeping through the curtains, painting their naked skin a blue hue. She doesn’t know if she’s seen or felt something so beautiful. So filled with warmth and passion.
"I fuckin’ love you." It was the first time she had said it first. Always relying on confirmation from him whenever they exchange vows.
Chris smile was brighter than the top of the Berliner Fernsehturm. Eyes sparkling. He immersed her in his hold, shoving her face into his chest, almost shielding her from anything that could penetrate their bubble.
"And I love you."
174 notes · View notes
okay it’s CMA-
I read the chapter and holy fuck!!!!!!! A (mostly) fluffy chapter!!!! I feel so spoiled lmao but also like I should enjoy this while I can before shit inevitably goes down. I took a few notes while reading so here they are:
(btw I hated taking notes when reading for school but for this it’s like yes I have to write it down otherwise I will forget and I need to express how amazed I am at this part/line/moment or whatever because I need to share that and I cannot contain myself)
Omg a flower that makes you horny????? it’s a “real life” sex pollen lmaoooooooo is this a real thing that they thought???
The aunt thinking that she’ll be able to rest when clover is married… lmao nope I highly doubt it. Or she’ll be that person who is like ‘not my problem anymore haha benedict u sucker’
Anthony knowing Charlie’s favorite flower + clover, the most love blind human being who doesn’t even believe in it, being the first to recognize it >>>>>
I was wondering if benedict would get her the tuberoses and also did he buy them right away????? He had to have asked for them to be delivered to her place presumably so do you think that the shopkeeper was horrified?? Or that he thought it was for her aunt LMFAO??? Also was Anthony there when he bought them?? Was he like ‘Ben why are you buying the horny flowers’ or did he just go with it??? I have SO many questions
Ben making sure she doesn’t have to answer any questions she doesn’t want to🥺😭😭 I love him your honor
What happened to clover to think so poorly of a gift???? Who taught her this??? Who do I have to go murder??? Did someone trick her and that’s why she has no friends from before?? Why does she never mention anyone from her past besides (begrudgingly) her family????
“Any inappropriate urges?” “So many” SCREAMING oh my god that’s so fucking funny. He’s unapologetically horny this is so funny just wait until he’s actually able to do something about it
anyway dream I love love love this chapter!!! I’m glad for the fluff before shit gets real, but I’m sure I’ll be screaming at you when that does happen lmao.
anyway, love u lots❤️❤️
Omg loveeee! I'm so excited for this! 🥰❤️
I love your notes so much😍
Real life sex pollen lmaooo😂 Yesss it is something they thought, or at least some say it is😂 I laughed so hard when I read it, check this out;
During the Victorian era, young unmarried women were forbidden from smelling the tuberose flower because it was believed to have the power to cause spontaneous orgasm. /They were discouraged from smelling it, to prevent awakening erotic urges. / Maidens were prohibited to help in the harvesting process as the lingering smell was so sensual that it could entice the men on the fields
I feel like the aunt won't be able to rest even when Clover is married 😂
Anthony definitely knows Charlotte's favorite flower, he didn't even think hard, he memorized it 😂❤️
Yesss! Absolutely, Benedict bought them right after Clover left the florist 😂 The florist was scandalized but he couldn't say anything because it's Benedict who's buying them, not Clover 😂 Anthony just went along with it but probably rolled his eyes at him 😂
Benedict will be so protective of her 🥰
Clover trusts no one and I doubt she had many friends aside from Josie and her friends ❤️ It was really hard for her back at home and we will see so many signs of how it affected her whole approach to the people 💔 She's not good at accepting gifts, and she thinks Benedict could take it away the moment he saw she likes it ❤️
Let's just say that he will be very...enthusiastic😈❤️
Thank you so much for this darling, I LOVE THIS! ❤️🥰🥰
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Grace Met Gala Stream 5/6:
Grace did not go live an hour early from the countdown to do her makeup and she wasn't cooking lasagna while watching the Met Gala. She was sitting down doing commentary while streaming the gala. She said that she was going out to have dinner later after the stream.
There was a lot of people in the chat that included some weird interaction and the chat was kind of going faster than usual at first but it calmed down afterwards. Shout out to the present mods: Daalton, Kez, Lacey and Steven (sorry if I missed anyone else)
amyk1463 - back at it again with the constant "do u still talk to Joseph Quinn" questions in the chat
chillaxolotll - kept spamming a wall of text asking the same thing over again "Grace what's your favourite part of stranger things ?"
Here is more of the non-drama stuff that happened
Grace went to the same high school as Gigi Hadid
Grace just learned that she may not be a fan of the colour pink
When Grace used to work at a smoothie shop, Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky were regulars and Elsa would always be the one to order for the both of them.
Outfits that Grace liked (not in order): Tyla, Da'Vine Joy Randolph (She loved the silhouette of the dress but not the fabric), Kylie Minogue, Zendaya, Kendall Jenner (Grace's favourite), Karol G (Another top favourite), Dove Cameron, Phoebe Dynevor, Teyana Tayleo, Ariana Grande (Another favourite), Lala Anthony, Chloe Sevigny, Lana Del Rey (loved), Elizabeth Debicki, Brie Larson, Barry Keoghan (Grace really wants to wear his outfit), Sabrina Carpenter, Amelia Gray, Cardi B and Alia Bhatt.
Grace bought a Valentino Coat for herself as a wrap gift
Grace will be doing an audition tomorrow 5/7 but she'll try to do a longer stream in the morning. Probably playing Sims as suggested by Kez. Afterwards she's getting dinner with the directors of The Swallows.
I most likely won't be able to catch 5/7 stream. Anyone please feel free to write out the summary.
Thanks again for the summary! Didn't seem like there was a stream today so you're good.
0 notes
typical-simplelove · 2 years
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You Belong With Me -> Tyson Jost
Summary: Part Two to Babe (Taylor's Version)
Author's Note: After many comments asking for a part two, here it is! Although you don't have to read Babe (Taylor's Version), I highly recommend it. Much thanks to @2manytabsopen because they contributed to much of the outline of this fic. I hope you enjoy this, and let me know what you think!
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: explicit!female reader; divorce; break-ups; mentions of sex; kind of proofread
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“When a wedding invite says there’s a wedding registry, what does that mean?”
“You purchase something from the wedding registry for the couple,” Tyson’s mother explains, incredulously.
“Yeah, that’s what Kacey said, but I wasn’t sure.”
“Who’s getting married?” she questions.
“Mat,” Tyson answers, scrolling through the list. Tyson is 100% sure that Mat doesn’t want a single one of the gifts on the wedding registry, and you probably had to force Mat to even sit and aid in setting up the registry. He squints at the items and wonders why anyone would need any of the items. Like four sets of towels? Towels are towels. Why does someone need so many? Tyson gathers, though, that if he were engaged or married, then he’d understand why your wedding registry had four sets of towels on it.
“Oh, he’s settling down?” Tyson’s mother says, shocked. Tyson had the same response when he saw the Instagram announcement on your account—not Mat’s. “I always thought he’d be a bachelor until well into his thirties. I’m surprised he’s getting married before you.”
“Well, he’s getting married,” Tyson murmurs. “Even though she can do better than him.”
“Did you say something?”
“Nope,” Tyson answers, popping the p. Tyson liked you. He met you a few years back when you traveled to Vancouver for a summer. You were happy, bubbly, and light. You were a ray of sunshine, and the fact that someone like you was with someone like Mat, someone who could care less about your good nature, made Tyson’s blood boil. Tyson loved Mat, but anyone who knew you and Mat’s bachelor tendencies would be shocked as to why you were in a long-term relationship with Mat. “I have to go, but I’ll talk in a few days, yeah?”
Once Tyson and his mother get off the phone with his mother, he places a set of towels and teacups into his cart before sighing and closing his computer.
If you weren’t already with Mat, then Tyson could easily have fallen in love with you. He could fall in love with your smile, your laugh, your kindness, and your personality. He could shower you with flowers and chocolates and gifts. Tyson could so easily fall in love with you, but you were with Mat, so Tyson stopped himself. He knew better and knew that even an ounce of romantic emotion towards you would be terrible. That doesn’t mean, though, that doesn’t Tyson doesn’t hold you in the highest regard. You were one of the most amazing people Tyson has ever met, and you ending up with Mat seemed to be the universe being evil just for fun (and it’s not because he’s jealous of Mat, no).
Tyson sighs again. He guesses that the wedding really was happening.
. . .
"We're all shocked he did this, right?" Dante discreetly proclaims as he and Tyson join a group of Oliver, Noah, Anthony, and a few other friends. The entire group nods and murmurs in agreement.
"Poor girl," Anthony murmurs. They're all watching as you talk with other NHL wags as they shower you in compliments. You deserved all those compliments. You looked beautiful in your perfectly styled dress, hair, and makeup. You were stunning, and as the sunlight shone around you, you were just glowing. You deserved to be loved and treated like an absolute queen by a husband who would always put your first.
"Her sister came in all the way from London," Noah adds.
"All the way from London? Damn," Dante responds.
"Should we have said something to her?" Tyson asks. They all know the type of person Mat is, and they all know that you deserve so much better than Mat could give you.
"She wouldn't believe us, or Mat would go on a bullshit rant about how he's 'better' now," Anthony contradicts. "If this were anyone else, I'd say we should take bets on how long their marriage would last, but not her."
All the men nod in agreement.
"His poor wife," Tyson mutters.
As if sensing they were talking about him, Mat's eyes land on his friends. They don't notice him, though. They're too busy watching how happy and radiant you look. You should be having a wedding with someone who would always love you. They're thinking about how, just maybe, they could have stopped this and you'd have committed the rest of your life to someone who truly loved you.
. . .
Adjusting his hold on the bag, Tyson puts on his sunglasses and begins to walk to his car. Tyson’s mom has been hounding him to buy new suits, and after a long time of putting it off, Tyson finally went to purchase some new suits. He’s not really paying attention to anyone around him, but when he sees a familiar head of hair sitting at a table outside a coffee shop, he stops dead in his tracks. He calls out your name to this person.
“It is you,” Tyson says with a smile. You nod and smile. “Can I sit here?”
“Yeah, of course,” you respond.
“Is Mat around?” Tyson asks, oblivious to the end of your marriage.
You nearly choke on your meal as you give Tyson a curious look. “What?”
“Mat, your husband? Where is he?” Tyson clarifies, confused.
You furrow your eyebrows but say, “he didn’t fly in with me.” You’re confused. As close friends that Tyson and Mat were, you were shocked that Tyson didn’t know that you and Mat had been officially separated for the past eight months and were on route to getting a divorce. “No, he’s still on the island.”
“It’s funny seeing you here. Why didn’t you call that you were in town?”
“Um, I’ve been busy with a few things,” you lie. “My bad for forgetting to call you.”
Tyson was going to make a comment about how Mat could have told him you were in town, but he got a feeling that you didn’t want to talk about Mat which was so weird. As far as Tyson knew, you loved Mat, even if he didn’t deserve your love.
“How long are you in town for?”
You stifled a huge sigh as you said, “it’s up in the air right now, but we’ll see.” What you wanted to say was that you moved to Denver to get away from Mat and didn’t plan on returning to New York for a really long time. Why didn’t Tyson know about the end of your marriage? If Tyson wanted to be nice and not address the failure of your marriage, then wouldn’t he have not mentioned Mat at all?
“We should get together and hang out or something,” Tyson suggests.
“Yeah, definitely,” you agree, a stiff look on your face. “I, um, actually have to go, but I’ll definitely see you around.”
“Definitely,” Tyson agrees and watches you walk away from the coffee shop, dropping a full cup of coffee in the trash.
Why were you so quick to get out of there? Why were you so apprehensive to talk about Mat? Was everything okay between the two of you? Tyson should have known, considering Mat’s rap sheet, something could have gone awry. Now that Tyson thinks about it, he didn’t recall seeing your very shiny wedding rings reflected the very bright sunlight. Tyson’s face pales as he wonders, did Mat finally screw things up with you?
. . .
Once he got home from seeing you, Tyson immediately called Mat. It was beyond ridiculous the conversation that you and Tyson had, so he had to get to the bottom of it. Mat didn’t pick up his phone the first few times Tyson called, but Tyson was persistent. Mat wasn’t going to get away with it.
“What’s up, Tyson?” Mat says when he finally picks up the phone.
“I saw your wife today,” Tyson remarks, bitterly.
“Your wife, the person you married.”
“I’m not married,” Mat says, dryly. “At least not anymore.”
“What do you mean ‘not anymore’?”
“Wait, where did you see her? Are you in New York?”
“No, she’s in Denver.”
Mat snorts. “That must be where she went after the divorce.”
“You guys got a divorce?”
“Officially, no,” Mat clarifies. “We’re legally separated and are on our way to a legal divorce in a few months.”
“What happened?” Tyson asks.
“She left,” is all Mat says. “Look, I’ve gotta go, but we’ll talk soon and get dinner the next time you’re in New York.”
“Mat, wait,” Tyson attempts, but Mat already hung up the phone.
As far as Tyson was concerned, you were crazy in love with Mat. Your eyes lit up whenever you saw or talked to him, so when Mat said you left, Tyson knew that it couldn’t be the case. Tyson also knows the way that Mat is and is more than pretty sure that Mat has cheated on you since the moment your first started dating.
Tyson always trusted his friend; he had no reason not to trust Mat. For some reason, though, Tyson is pretty sure that Mat’s version of events of how his marriage ended isn’t really what happened.
. . .
After getting off the phone with Mat, Tyson is pacing around his apartment, trying to figure out who to call. He needs to know what really happened so he can (a) take care of you and (b) apologize for his words previously in the day. Tyson pulls at his curls as he groans in frustration. You didn’t need protection or someone to protect you. You were strong enough to handle it on your own, but Tyson still wanted to be there for you. Tyson had to be there and step in to help you.
Anthony. That’s who Tyson could call. If anything, you would have told Anthony the truth, or he’d know the full extent of the truth. Immediately, Tyson picks up the phone and dials his other New York friend.
“Hey, Tys,” Anthony says from the other side of the phone. “What’s up?”
“Mat’s marriage. What happened?” Tyson immediately asks, jumping right to the chase.
“What do you mean ‘what happened’? Their marriage ended like a year after the wedding ceremony ended.”
“Yeah, but what happened?”
“She left him,” Anthony states, blatantly. “There isn’t anything left for me to say.”
“Beau, come on. We both know she loved him to pieces, so something had to cause her to leave.”
“Tys,” Anthony sighs. “You know the way Mat is and how he was even before he met her. Mat was cheating on her since day one. Either, she didn’t know about it when they got engaged, or she chose to ignore it. Regardless, he cheated a lot, and I guess she couldn’t take it anymore.”
“That —” Tyson angrily breathes out. “I have to go, but thanks for letting me know.”
“Yeah, sure. Have you seen her? She told me she was planning on moving to Denver.”
“This morning, and I didn’t know they got divorced until I called Mat and asked about her.”
“She didn’t tell you? I can’t tell if that means she’s taking it well or hard.”
“I don’t know, but I have a few more phone calls to make.”
“Tyson, don’t do anything stupid,” Anthony warns.
“No promises,” Tyson states and hangs off the phone. He immediately dials Mat’s number and prays that Mat picks up.
“Hello again,” Mat says. “What can I do for you?”
“You cheated on her! That’s why she left you. She didn’t just leave you because she didn’t want to be married to you; she left because you cheated on her and have been cheating on her. What’s the matter with you? Why would you hurt someone so great and amazing as her?”
“Tyson, I’m not in the mood,” Mat sighs.
“She loved you with every fiber of her being, yet you ruined her life! She was absolutely in love with you. Why couldn’t you just love her and treat her the way she deserved? She’s one of the most amazing people on this planet, and you ruined her and hurt her.”
“Dude, why do you care so much?” Mat asks. Tyson despised Mat’s tone. It was almost as if Mat didn’t care. Mat’s voice was laced with annoyance but not at Tyson. No, he was annoyed at you. “She’s my ex, not yours.”
“You make me sick,” Tyson accuses and hangs up the phone. How could someone ever treat you like that? Tyson hates himself. He should have had the guts to tell you how Mat was and who he was as a person and partner.
Tyson only wishes he could go back and fix the way things were because maybe then he could be with you, and you wouldn’t have wasted your time on Mat.
. . .
Knocking on your door, Tyson really hoped you were home. He’s not sure what he could possibly say to you. Yeah, I’m sorry my best friend cheated on you, and we all knew that Mat didn’t deserve you and that your marriage would end this way, but I’m sorry. Tyson had to better figure out what to say to you because his job right now was to make yourself feel better.
“Hey, Tys,” you greet when you open the door. Tyson’s eyes go wide and blink a few times at the nickname. You rarely call him that, and when you do, the warm feeling deep in Tyson’s chest always erupts.
“Hey, I brought wine,” Tyson answers, holding up the bottle.
You laugh. “Ah, the way to my heart.”
Tyson’s face turns a deep crimson as you take the wine and welcome him into your apartment. “So, you live in Denver now?”
“Obviously,” you say and gesture to the apartment you live in. You’re reaching for wine glasses when Tyson notices that all your furniture is new. Mat must not have given you any of the furniture when you left.
“What brought you to Denver?”
“I got a job,” you reply and pour the wine into glasses.
“And I thought you moved for me,” Tyson teases as he graciously accepts the glass.
Your eyes look up at Tyson’s flirtatiously and say, “maybe you were a bit of an incentive.”
Tyson hides the blush behind a sip of wine. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” you question.
He shrugs. “Everything.”
You snort. “You’re sorry for Mat cheating and the demise of my marriage?”
“Yes, no, I don’t know,” Tyson grumbles. “I should have told you about his ways and who he was. I could have stopped it all from happening.”
“Tyson, come on, that’s ridiculous. I was blinded by what I thought was love and should have known better.”
“Yeah, but—”
“No, stop, don’t even, okay?” you push. From there, you and Tyson sip your glasses of wine in comfortable silence. You can’t help but ponder what if Tyson warned you? What would have happened then?
“I always thought you could do better than Mat,” Tyson admits as he finishes off his glass of wine and many moments of silence.
You snort. “Yeah? And who did you imagine me with?”
“Me,” Tyson murmurs.
“Tys,” you whisper, and with that one nickname, you tore down every wall that Tyson ever built up. Although he tried not to fall for you, he fell for you the moment you walked into the summer lake house with Mat. The minute his eyes landed on your form and saw the glow of the sun around you, Tyson prayed that you were just a friend, but when Mat introduced you as his girlfriend, Tyson built up those walls to protect him and his friend (although said didn’t deserve that). When he saw you a few days ago, Tyson was shocked. He hasn’t seen you since the wedding. Tyson knew he couldn’t see you with a wedding ring on your finger that was from someone else and not him. And when Tyson heard about what Mat did? He went feral.
Tyson knows you don’t need a knight in shining armor to save you. You’re strong enough to carry your battles, but damn, Tyson wants nothing more than to protect you. He wants to hold you close and tell you everything was going to be okay.
“I’ve spent years telling myself that I never felt anything for you, but that was what I told myself because you were with Mat,” Tyson admits. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Tyson,” you say, not sure how to respond. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you and Tyson had something. Your relationship was far too familiar for it to be “Mat’s girlfriend” and “Mat’s best friend.” Assuming Tyson was innocently flirting with you, you returned the sentiment. The feeling it erupted in your stomach and heart, though, was a feeling that Mat could never give you and never gave you. His eyes, his smile, his laugh. Sometimes, in the quiet moments of the past few years, they’d play through your mind.
Tyson looks at you expectantly. He wasn’t expecting anything from you, but he had to tell you.
Your eyes met his, and suddenly, everything made sense. Your lips met halfway as they crashed on each other. Your hands went to his hair, and man, it’s so much softer than you ever imagined it could be. The last person you kissed was Mat, and at one point, you thought he would be the last one you’d ever kiss, but with Tyson’s lips on yours and his hands on your body, it feels right.
Almost instinctively, Tyson stands and lets you lead him to your bedroom. His lips never leave yours as if he could die if your lips separated. As he lowers you onto the bed, you can’t help but think everything felt right. Being with Tyson felt right. It all felt right with Tyson.
. . .
Tyson woke up the next morning in your empty bed. Your phone was still sitting on the nightstand, so Tyson was pretty sure that you didn’t leave him. That didn’t bring the disappointment Tyson felt, though, when the felt the cold of your pillow.
He runs his hands over his face as he tries to wake up. He still couldn’t believe that the previous night happened. Of all the times he thought about being with you, Tyson never imagined that it would actually happen.
Tyson only hoped that last night would be the start of something instead of the end.
Once Tyson is sufficiently awake and is ready to see you, he heads out into your kitchen. He looked for his shirt on your bedroom floor but couldn’t find it. You saw a lot more than his bare chest last night, so he doubted you’d mind if he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“Good morning,” you say when you hear Tyson’s footsteps. You turn around and hand him a cup of coffee.
“Good morning,” he murmurs as he graciously accepts the cup and notices you’re wearing his shirt. “Is my shirt comfy? I’m kind of cold.”
You smirk and rest your hand on Tyson’s heart. “Is that so? You feel warm, and your heart rate is stupid fast.”
“Oh, is it?” Tyson replies, a smirk overcoming his face as he rests the coffee cup on the counter. His hand goes on top of your hand on his heart. “Do you want to know what the cause of my heartbeat is?”
“Mm, what’s the cause?”
Tyson smiles as he rests his hands on your waist. His forehead goes on yours as he whispers, “you.”
“Me?” you say with enthusiasm.
“You, always you,” Tyson murmurs. “Since the moment I first saw you, you were the one who made my heart race. You’re still the one who makes my heart race. Even when you were with Mat, you—”
“Don’t say his name,” you instantly interrupt. “I don’t want anything to do with him.”
Tyson smiles. “Well, you belong with me, so whatever you want, I’ll do. As long as you’ll have me, I’ll be right here by your side.”
“You’ll wait for me?” you question, nervously.
“Forever,” he promises. “Because it’s you and me.”
“You and me,” you agree and seal the deal with a kiss. “Because you belong with me, too.”
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Taglist: @sorryjustafangirl, @ilyasorokinn, @laurenairay, @joelsfarabees, @rosesvioletshardy, @shinyfalcon4, @jostystyles, @besthockeyfics, @fallinallincurls, @sunshinegirouxmakar, @ch-ristiane, @owenpowerstapejob, @barzyblogbabe, @2manytabsopen, @plds2000, @stars-canucks, @barzysandhughesbaby (Join the taglist here!)
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travellvogue · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet- Anthony Joshua
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A= ATTRACTIVE, well it’s pretty obvious that you were attracted to him straight away (look at him), but AJ can hand-on-heart say that the second he saw you he knew that you were different, it’s like his heart was telling him you’re the girl he’s going to spend the rest of his life with
B= BABYGIRL, he’s not really one to use all the soppy cringy nicknames, but he likes the way you get all giggly and shy when he calls you ‘baby girl’ every now and then
C= CUDDLE, he can effortlessly give the best cuddles, his large frame and strong arms making him your own little climbing frame to get comfy and snuggle in to 
D= DATES, you’re quite regular with the dates, whether it’s just a candlelit dinner at home together or something fun like crazy golf or the arcade 
E= EVERYTHING,even the ‘annoying’ things you do- like leaving mugs in the sink too long so they stain around the bottom, hanging your towel wrong so it doesn’t dry properly- none of it matters to him, if anything they make you even more lovable, he truly loves everything about you
F= FAMILY, family means absolutely everything to him so he’s beyond thankful that you fit into the family so well, his mum absolutely adoring you and always wanting to be around you
G= GENTLE, despite the sheer size of the man, he’s the most gentle human being when it comes to you, he’ll always make sure to be super soft with you as he’s aware that putting an arm around you could feel like a bag of bricks resting on your shoulder
H= HUMOUR, you’re always laughing together, he loves that you’re not afraid to give it as good as you get. never getting offended by his dry sense of humour and you’ll both happily tease each other without the fear of the other getting moody about it
I= I MISS YOU, it’s not often that you’re away from each other for long periods of time, but when you are you definitely struggle without having him by your side so you’re always on the phone to each other or texting just to make the distance feel a little smaller
J= JEALOUSY, both of you will very rarely get jealous, you have enough trust in each other to know you’d never even have a reason to feel an ounce of jealousy
K= KISS, you’d never known addiction like it, you just want to kiss him all the time, every time you look at him or every second he’s in the room you just want to have him close and snog his little face off
L= LOVE, the two of you fell in love with each other very quickly, to the point where you didn’t even ask one another if you were ‘official’ or exclusive’ you literally just became boyfriend and girlfriend without even discussing it 
M= MEMORIES, watching him in any boxing match has to be your favourite memories, just the pure sense of pride you feel watching him do what he loves is unmatched
N= NICKEL (buying things), that’s his love language, even though he knows you hate it when he spends money on you, he loves buying you little things or ordering you something cos he remembers you saying you liked it, or a ‘just because’ gift
O= OBSESSIONS, you’re obsessed with his smile, your heart just melts every time he smiles, unable to stop yourself from smiling along with him P= PET NAMES, he’s not one to use pet names, but his favourite is calling you ‘love’ or ‘lover’ 
Q= QUEEN, you really are one of the most important people in his life, he treats you like your royalty and he knows that will never change
R= RELATIONSHIP, for him, he knows this is it, you’re the only person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he knows he could never love anyone the way he loves you
S= SAD, sometimes he’s not that good with emotions, but when you’re sad he knows you feel safe in his arms, listening to his heartbeat and sharing his warmth
T= TOUCHY, never in public, but when the two of you are at home your hands are constantly on each other, whether it’s his hand on your thigh or your fingers tracing patterns along his arms
U= UNCONDITIONAL, the word ‘unconditional’ had so much more meaning when he fell in love with you, through it all- the good and the bad- he knows you’ll always have each other
V= VOICE, his voice can turn you on, make you laugh, send you to sleep- and he knows that, he knows that you find comfort in his words whether their filthy or comforting, either way you use it to your advantage
W= WEDDING, a ‘typical’ wedding isn’t necessarily something you care about, as long as you get to call him your husband neither of you care how you actually tie the knot
X= XYLOPHONE (your song)- Eye of the Tiger, you’d first started playing it through your phone as a joke every time you’d join him at training, but now it’s become the song he listens to when he misses you, before a fight, when he wants to make you smile
Y= YOU, you know every part of him, every emotion, every expression, every secret, every good and every bad. And because of that he knows you’ll stick by his side no matter what
Z= Zzz, sleep next to him is like having your own pregnancy pillow to snuggle up to every night, he’s your own personal giant teddy bear
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aziraphales-library · 4 years
Looking for Christmas fics!!! Or winter fics!! Preferably both!! Happy or sad, smutty or not, but this year I’m starting to celebrate early (I deserve it) and I would love to do so with some good omens!! Thank u so much for all the work u do here btw, I’m pretty new to the fandom and ur blog has helped me discover so many amazing fics! Would also like to thank all the good omens writers! Never have I been in a fandom with such good and creative writing! I’m constantly surprised and amazed at the wonderful stuff u all come up with!
Here’s a few Christmas human aus:
Snow Angel by Vagabond (T)
Human!AU. Aziraphale needs a date to his brother's Christmas party to avoid getting set up with someone. Anathema suggests Crowley, the office bad boy. They go, get snowed in, and have a heart-to-heart that ends in a Happy Christmas.
From a prompt: Human!AU: Aziraphale needs a date for family Christmas. He invites the office rebel/bad boy, Crowley.
muddle through somehow by curtaincall (T)
Aziraphale Fell runs a successful food blog, Celestial Comestibles, where he shares mouthwatering recipes and heartwarming stories about his happy domestic life in a cottage with his husband and son. As promotion for his upcoming cookbook, his publishers run a contest: one lucky winner will get to spend Christmas with Aziraphale and his family.
What the publishers don't know is that the real Aziraphale Fell is a single city-dweller. And if he wants to keep up his happily married persona, he'll have to acquire a cottage, husband, and son before Christmas.
As it happens, his friend and neighbor Anthony Crowley has his nephew staying with him for the holidays. One fake marriage proposal later, and everything seems tickety-boo--as long as Aziraphale can keep from developing inconveniently real feelings for his pretend husband...
Taking the Cake by Caedmon (T)
Aziraphale has noticed his handsome neighbor, but hasn't had an excuse (or the nerve) to talk to him. He gets his chance, though, when a bakery delivers a package to the wrong door a few days before Christmas and his neighbor comes knocking.
The Grinch Who Sold Christmas by darcylindbergh (T)
Anthony J. Crowley, a big-time attorney from London, is sent to small-town Tadfield to close a deal before Christmas that would sell out half of high street to a fancy developer and put him up for partner at his firm. The deal will run the local businesses out and change the landscape of the town forever, but that’s none of Crowley’s business; he’s just doing a job.
But as the town invites him to share in their lives, their hopes, and their holiday celebrations, and as the enigmatic Aziraphale invites him to share in something more, Crowley starts to wonder: if everything has its price, is he still willing to pay what this deal will cost?
And here’s some canon-verse fics!
Holidays in the South Downs by TurnipTitaness (G)
After stopping the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley have retired to a little cottage in the South Downs. This is their first holiday season together. It's fluffy.
Deck the Bookshop with Decorations by Elphen (G)
Not one to decorate the bookshop for Christmas, Aziraphale nevertheless finds ornaments, baubles and other decorations hidden among the medley of items, not clutter, of the shop. What's more, he discovers that more is added over the course of December. There can only be one culprit, but why? Of all the things to Aziraphale is going to find out, one way or the other. Even if it means he has to actually ask outright. Set post-canon. 
Christmas Gifts by Amaranthology (E)
Crowley has plans for Christmas this year.
It's posted so that you can read Chapter 1 and get no smut or continue with Chapter 2 for the full experience.
A Christmas Miracle (A Very Smutty Christmas) by IneffableScript (E)
After the Non-Apocalypse, Aziraphale feels he can finally enjoy Christmas. He thinks the only thing to make it perfect, would be to spend it with Crowley. But Crowley has a secret that might ruin Aziraphale's plans! Lots of fluff and smut, only a dab of angst.
Hungry for more? Here’s a link to the Christmas tag on AO3!
As always, if any of our follower have any recs, feel free to leave them in the notes!
~ Mod G
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stonylovessteve · 3 years
SLS 2021 Creator Reveals
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We’ve reached the end of the exchange and that means it’s time to reveal the creators of all our works!
Thank you for putting so much love and effort into Stony Loves Steve 2021, you really made it a great experience. We hope everyone loved it as much as we did!
Giftees, be sure to leave a comment and kudos on your gift if you haven’t already. All our creators worked hard to make this event a success, so show them some love.
You can now post your work publicly outside of the exchange. Tag it as #stonylovessteve2021 on tumblr and we’ll reblog you. @ us @stonylovessteve on twitter and we’ll retweet you.
Below the cut is the final list of all the works produced for the exchange and the creators.
Cold as Ice, Warm my Heart by lil_aussie_girl for parkrstark (MCU, 1.5k)
The cold took away one love already, and his greatest fear is that it will do it again - before he has the chance to say those three important words.
Strength Like The Sea/A Familiar Yet Foreign Face by Lacrimula_Falsa for funkyspacegirlfriend (AU, 3k)
There had to be another explanation for the ugly burning feeling in his chest because this wasn’t a rom-com and he’d known Steve for less than a day.
After years of his father fruitlessly searching for one, Tony finally gets to meet a real-life vampire.
· · ·*‒*‒ ‒ ‒*‒ ·*‒ · ‒ ���
No, not Anthony, because Anthony had crumbled to dust right before his eyes. But this man looked so eerily similar to him, he could have been Anthony’s twin brother. Only the eyes were different, warm brown instead of cold blue. After being woken nearly a century after he went into stasis because the pain of losing his lover Anthony was too much, Steven meets a man who looks just like him.
I Know There is Comfort Where We Overlap by jellybeanforest for ghosthan (Ults, 10k)
As a relic of a bygone era, Steve struggles with feelings of isolation and severe depression made worse by his recent breakup with Jan Pym. He secretly hooks up with random strangers chasing a sense of connection with someone, anyone. Things are going (not) well when he and fellow Ultimate, Iron Man, are tasked with infiltrating a Thai resort serving as a front for illegal arms dealing. Only catch: They must go undercover as a married couple on their honeymoon.
finding steve rogers by jacobby for geekymoviemom (MCU, 6k)
Steve sighs. “Sorry. I wasn’t a very good tour guide. Ma always told me about the town, but she never got into specifics.”
Tony takes Steve’s hand in his and places it close to his lips. “It’s your first time here too. We understand.”
After a botched mission with SHIELD, Steve takes a vacation with his family to a town in Ireland.
Things are knot as they seem by BladeoftheNebula for DepressingGreenie (AU, 3k)
Everyone assumes Captain America is an alpha and Steve doesn’t see the harm in not correcting them. After all, Alphas command respect while omegas are still considered far too delicate for leadership.
And sure, it sucks hiding his designation when he’s in love with Tony Stark, the hottest alpha he’s ever seen, but what alpha would want an omega who could lift them with one hand?
So it’s fine. It’s not as if anyone was ever going to find out his secret anyway…
A drop of love by CapAL for Perlmutt (AU, Comic)
After sleeping for 70 years Steve wakes up to a world that he doesn’t understand. As an age-old vampire he’s seen a lot of things in his life, but nothing has ever confused him as much as the bubbly Starbucks barista Tony. They meet by chance and Steve stays. He falls for him, even though he knows he shouldn’t, and together they explore modern New York, while Steve tries to hide his true nature from Tony, afraid that he would send him away if he knew the truth.
The Fake Prince and the Cat  by Neverever for Fluffypanda (AU, 5.5k)
Steve is sent in place of Prince Brock to marry the libertine Tony Stark. It's better than he thought it would be, plus he makes friends with a cat.
father to son by parkrstark for HogwartsToAlexandria (MCU, 2.5k)
Steve had been planning on asking Peter to be his son, officially, for weeks now, but he always chickened out because he didn't thik he was good enough for the boy. Funnily enough, Peter had the same idea, but when he showed the adoption papers to Steve, he didn't have the best of reactions.
The Best Half Of Me by Huntress79 for RoseRose (AU, 1.5k)
An encounter with one of his exes at a charity gala opens Tony’s eyes about how much he really loves Steve - and how much he’s looking forward to their future together.
neither here nor there by ghosthan for  Welcoming_Disaster (616, 18k)
Captain America comes back from Dimension Z changed. He has had over a decade of his life taken from him, as well as the woman he loved. Stoic, secretive, and traumatized, much of what he experienced remains a mystery to SHIELD and the world; Tony is there to help him heal, and uncover the truth about how much Steve has lost.
The Eventide Aspect by geekymoviemom for ishipallthings (MCU, T, 12k)
“Yeah, Cap, about that,” Tony says, looking rather sheepish as he scratches at the back of his neck.
“Yeah?” asks Steve.
“Well… remember those half-baked ideas that I mentioned?  I’m afraid this might be one of ‘em,” says Tony.
“Okay.  Care to explain it to someone who doesn't speak technical?”
“Ahh…” Tony trails off, mumbling under his breath again.  “Yeah.  Um… if my theory is correct, I’m thinking that when we stepped through that window, we might’ve entered another dimension.”
Looking by Robin_tCJ for Vento_Lunar (MCU, E, 4k)
After a raid on a HYDRA base, Steve's body reverts back to the way it was before the serum. Tony still wants him.
You Had Me in the First Half by Corsets_and_Cardigans for Robin_tCj (MCU, E, 2k)
Steve is on his way to meet Bucky for a movie before their football team goes away for a game. Too bad Tony has plans for him! He'll apologize to Bucky for it later.
the rest is history by starksnack for muchmoremajestic (Avengers Academy, G, 2k)
It's Steve's birthday and he usually likes to spend it alone. Of course, Tony has other ideas.
Basically just some soft AvAc fluff.
(Let Me) Love and Be Loved by HeLovedYou for wikketkrikket (MCU, T, 6k)
Steve forgets how to self-sabotage his own happiness.
He also forgets his team, his soulmate and the last three years of his life.
avengers featuring steve’s doppleganger vol 1 (FANCOMIC) by wingheads for jellybeanforrest (616, Art)
tony dates a man who looks a lot like steve. everyone can see it, everyone knows what that means, except tony, who doesn't seem to realize he's dating steve's doppelganger. steve doesn't see the resemblance either and actually comes to like tony's new boyfriend, but then one of the other avengers spills the beans that they look exactly alike to tony, who can't unsee it now and breaks up with the new guy, only for steve to be sad that his baseball-buddy won't be around anymore.
Hart Island by Amber_Skye for lil_aussie_girl (MCU, G, 12k)
Steve is acting out of character, and Tony and the other Avengers can’t work out why.
the soul of dragons by funkyspacegirlfriend for Amber_Skye (MCU, T, 2k)
Steve’s dragon companion is the largest Tony’s ever seen up close. And she captivates Tony from the very first moment.
Just in the Knit of Time by DepressingGreenie for picturecat (Avengers Assemble, T, 2.5k)
Steve only has a week to tell Tony he loves him before his secret is leaked to the world.
Learning Curve by picturecat for Huntress79 (Avengers Academy AU, G, 2k)
Freshly defrosted, Steve Rogers is the newest teacher at the Avengers Academy—an attempt to guide and teach the newest generation of heroes before they have to take on the burdens of their teachers. Steve himself has a lot of learning to do.
First Impression by veryvincible for wingheads (616, M, 7k)
The Avengers find the schematics of a deadly weapon in the hands of an up-and-coming villain. To safely retrieve the data that led to its creation and keep the city safe in the process, they have to take a very subtle approach. The man-- Jack Marshall-- has an eye for hunks and a tendency to get vulnerable with them. The team could use this to their advantage, if they have the right assets.
Enter Steve.
Dandelions and Lilies by Wikketkrikket for CapAL (AU, G, 4k)
Written for CapAL for the StonylovesSteve event 2021.
A summer job in the florists is pretty good, as summer jobs go; and when a handsome guy comes in with some very particular requirements it gets even better.
Or it would, if Steve wasn't lying about the meaning of every bouquet he sold.
Potshot by jellybeanforest for jacobby (AU, T, 2.5k)
In an expansive wasteland infested with hordes of the undead, Steve, leader of a group of ex-military operatives known as the Avengers, searches for survivors and supplies in the ruins of the old world.
That’s all well and good, but Tony would do just about anything for an American cheeseburger.
For Stony Loves Steve 2021. Based on a prompt by jacobby.
Remorse and Rapture by oliverparker for optimusprime13 (AU, E, 6k)
When Steve's mother falls ill, he's forced to move in with the family she works for. He's not thrilled about it.
Shards of Eternities by Perlmutt for starksnack (AU, T, 5k)
Rumor had it that the war would soon be over. It could not end soon enough. Until then, Anthony would wait for Steven. He would wait and protect their child. He would wait and write another thousand letters for his alpha, his mate, his husband, if only he would come home, come for him, come for them.
Two Can Play That Game by JehBeEhh for Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) (MCU, T, 4k)
Tony Stark is many things. Patient isn't always one of them. Especially not when there's a happily ever after at the end of that bout of patience.
Uncovered by mariana_oconnor for Corsets_and_Cardigans (MCU, G, 6k)
Steve didn't think the tip-off was anything more than the usual nonsensical conspiracy theory. He only went to check it out because he was curious. He definitely wasn't expecting it to be a trap.
Build Me Up Buttercup by ishipallthings for BladeoftheNebula (4k, M, MCU)
Tony sees the gold letters spelling “Stark” on the edge of Steve’s hood and his mind grinds to a halt. Steve looks good wearing his name. Too good.
(In which Steve starts experimenting with a new style. Tony does not find this infuriatingly attractive, thank you very much.)
Discovery [Art] by Fluffypanda for captainstars (Art, G, Noir)
Renowned adventurer Tony Stark discovers a carving of a lost civilization's protector.
I left my heart (at home with you) by captainstars for UisceOneLove (2k, G, AU)
It shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did.
The man grinned at him, wide and beautiful. Steve couldn’t help sneaking another glance towards the heavens. They really lost their citizens fairly easily. Steve would like to say this was the first white robed beauty he had come across until now, but he wasn’t.
Steve moved to a cabin in the woods hoping to live the life of a hermit werewolf. When Tony Stark decided to become his new neighbor, it threw a bit of a wrench into Steve’s plans.
A werewolf and an incubus cuddling in a tree.
Raspberry Beret (I Think I Love Her) by ralsbecket for oliverparker (4k, M, 3490)
When Steve looked at Natasha, he knew in his heart that she was what put his derailed train back on its tracks. For the first time since they met, Steve felt like he had some semblance of a plan for his future. And he wanted Natasha to be a part of it.
Savior Complex by optimusprime13 for HeLovedYou (18.5k, G, AU)
Wealthy businessman Steve Rogers stumbles into barely-getting-by Tony Stark in a cemetery, and they hit it off immediately. Steve is enamored by Tony’s razor-sharp wit, his startling intelligence, and his penchant for building stuff. He has a problem though - he can’t stop wanting to save everybody around him, especially Tony - who is struggling to make ends meet. However, Tony is too proud and stubborn to accept any help from Steve. But when Tony gets kidnapped to act as bait for Steve, how far will Steve go to save Tony when it means sacrificing himself?
Through His Stomach by RoseRose for JehBeeEh (2k, G, MCU)
Steve decides he wants to try to cook with all the new ingredients he has found in this new time, but he needs someone else to taste-test his creations. Tony is holed up in his workshop, so he makes the perfect guinea pig. The two of them grow closer over several meals.
Iron & Sapphire by Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) for Lacrimula_Falsa (AU, 5k)
Steve can always sense him, long before Tony enters his cave. It makes his blue scales tremble and his big wings flutter in excitement. Tony brings light and warmth into this musty hideout he calls home. And food. And while they may be as odd a couple as you can imagine, that won't stop them from bantering and cuddling just like anyone else.
Man On The Moon by Welcoming_Disaster for veryvincible (616, 7k)
Things haven't been the same since Steve has found out about Tony's secret identity. A mission that goes wrong forces both of them to confront why.
I Love You to the Moon and Back by muchmoremajestic for mariana_oconnor (MCU, 3k)
After Steve gets attacked in the woods, certain changes start happening.
Happy Birthday to America's ass by njava97 for ralsbecket (MCU, 2.5k)
It's the night before Steve's birthday and something is very wrong.
Magic's in the Moving Portrait by UisceOneLove for neverever (AU, 9.5k)
Without his ma, Steve's lost his ability to make art. In walks new wizarding student Tony Stark, who also happens to be his new roommate. All hope might not be lost just yet for him and his brush.
Reach The Sky by Vento_Lunar for njava97 (MCU, art)
Non-serum Steve Rogers saves the world. (And Tony saves him)
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mothpylon · 4 years
catholicism in the zones, fuckers!
part 1/?
my credentials: my ma’s mexican catholic, my dad’s irish catholic, i been raised catholic for like 17 years lmao
also like altho im not very religious anymore a lot of this is based on beliefs that i still hold and that are still sacred to me so like,,, pls don’t clown on this post? its fine if u don’t like catholicism just like... maybe just ignore this if it isnt ur tea thx
also this is built off @jg-piff‘s fuckin lit hc!!
the Phoenix Witch:
-she isn’t seen so much as a goddess as a saint; the patron saint of the Zones, of death and danger, like the ‘patron saint of switchblade fights’. She guards over those in imminent danger and comforts the dying.
-asking for her intercession is a normal, daily occurrence in the Zones. Like, you know how if you grow up in a a big catholic family and u just hear someone yelling ‘hey saint anthony!!! i lost this thing can u help me find it i love u!!” “thank u saint anthony i found it ur the best!!!” at the randomest times? like that. you get a flat tire? ask the Phoenix Witch to help you get back safe. it’s been a while since your sweetheart went on a supply run and you’re scared? you send a quick prayer to the Witch and ask her to protect them an extra lot so they’ll be safe. you don’t want it to be too hot tomorrow? you pray to her that it’ll be nice out. it doesn’t matter how small or dumb the thing is, you ask the Witch to help.
-there’s a specific chaplet dedicated to her (a chaplet is a set of prayers that u count with a string of beads like a rosary, but not a rosary; its usually dedicated to a specific saint/angel); mostly if you have one it’s because you knotted it yourself out of whatever string you could find, but sometimes you can find a bead one if you look extra hard and are willing to shell out the carbons. they’re kept looped around your wrist and prayed throughout the day, whenever you can spare the time to murmur a few prayers. it’s not necessary, but a lot of the ‘joys do it; it’s like giving something back to her, in a way, after all she’s done for you
-in a similar vein, there are tons of tacky roadside shrines along every road. usually they have a statue of a saint, or the Witch, or Our Lady, and they’re always swamped with little gifts, old jewelry and masks and rosaries, sometimes a wad of carbons, maybe a fake flower or two. some of them are gifts of gratitude, thanks for some miracle from one who interceded in their favor. Others are goodbye presents, a plea to the saint to take care of whatever ghosted ‘joy they’ve lost. some are bargains; “hey, if i give you this, will you keep me safe? thanks!” <- sometimes it works. sometimes not. if you’re sincere, she’ll help you, bribe or no.
-they say she’s close friends with Our Lady. Milady’ll give you peace, healing, rest, gentleness, if you ask. Shell comfort you, like the Mother that she is. but the Witch’s form of love is the anger and the spite to grit your teeth and come back alive, just to fuck them over.
-if you’re scared, sometimes you repeat her name, over and over again under your breath, hoping she’ll hear. witchwitchpleasephoenixwitchohpleasekeepmesafekeepthemsafepleasephoenixwitch.
she usually does.
-holy medals with her on them are hard to come by. if you find one in the shops, chances are it’s battered and old, beaten up so much you can hardly see her face. either it’s incredibly expensive, or the shopkeeper will just look at you with a tired smile, and tell you to keep it, don’t worry about the price.
-they call on her a lot, but it’s considered a Big NoNo to talk about her in a joking/irreverent/blasphemous way
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
15 or 21 from the angst/fluff list with either barzal or beauvillier please? Love everything you write 💜💜
this took me so long and i am sORRY. i hope you like it and thank u for the sweet message 🥺
21: “Shouldn’t you be with him?” w/ Mr. Barzal
It was just like you to go above and beyond for someone who probably wouldn’t do the same for you. But, honestly, you couldn’t help it. Especially when it came to Mat.
And, honestly, it wasn’t just for him. Sure, it was his birthday. But, all the guys were getting ready to head home for the off season, so it was more of a send-off than just a party for Mat’s birthday. It was for everyone. And, because it was for everyone, you were getting no help from anyone.
It was around 7 p.m. that you were rushing down the hall to your apartment with bags of finger foods and beer. As you rounded the corner to your door, you bumped straight into Derick Brassard’s chest.
“Jesus, YN,” he murmured. “Are you good?”
“Oh, good!” you exclaimed. You passed a bag off to him and shoved him back towards your door. “Why are you here?”
“I was dropping off beer for later,” he answered. “I just left it at your front door.”
“For all my neighbors to see and steal?”
“You’re dramatic,” he noted. You came to a stop at your front door where Derick picked the beer up from the welcome mat as you unlocked the apartment. “Where should I put this?”
“Put everything on the kitchen counter.”
Derick ducked into the kitchen and placed everything down before turning to take the rest from your hands. You walked away with just the balloons and began to tie them around the chairs at your dining table.
“You know you didn’t have to do all this for us,” he murmured, leaning up against the wall. “We gladly would have just met up at a bar to grab a few drinks and shoot the shit.”
“Yeah, I know that,” you stated. You fastened the last balloon to the last chair and looked around the room with your hands on your hips. “But I figured this is a nice treat. Just our friends, hanging out, celebrating the season.”
“Celebrating Mat’s birthday,” Brass mumbled under his breath. You looked over at him and noticed the card in his hand. He waved it at you. You took a step forward and snatched it out of his hand.
“Two birds, one stone,” you stated. “Besides, you know he’d be bitching if we didn’t do something for him.”
Derick hummed, a knowing smile settling on his lips as he stepped towards the door.
“Do you need anything else, dude?” he asked. “I have to go home and shower, but if you need anything I can bring it when I come over.”
“I think I’m okay.”
“Alright, lover girl.”
Brassard was out the door a moment later, leaving you with the scarlet red blush across your cheeks.
Every time you were with one of the Isles boys, another one of them noticed your crush on Mat. The first was Anthony, simply because he was around the two of you more than the others. It was right before the Christmas break. You’d gone out for drinks with the two boys in the city and Mat’s hands were on you the entire night.
It was innocent really, and he was drunk. But, Tito couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering to where Mat’s hands rested on your hips, or around your waist and against your stomach. He’d watch with wide eyes as he sipped his drink. He didn’t intend on saying anything about it until Mat passed out on your couch afterwards and Beau found you staring at his face while you ran your fingers through his hair.
“If I was in your position, I would’ve been so annoyed at him right now.”
“There were so many guys checking you out tonight,” Anthony stated. “But this one was all over you.”
“It’s whatever.”
Tito didn’t miss the blush that appeared on your face, and took a mental note of it for later.
The second to notice was Ebs. It came when he had to pick Mat up at your apartment before practice one morning. He had come over for dinner the night before and, again, ended up sleeping over. While he gathered his stuff from inside, you went out to say hi to Jordan.
“Why do you let him live here rent free?” he asked with a smirk. You raised an eyebrow at him. “He’s literally always here.”
“No, he’s not.”
“He is,” he insisted. “This is like the third time this week, I think. Beau and I check his location. We have a running bet.”
Before the conversation could continue, Mat came bounding out of your apartment. He wrapped an arm over your shoulder and placed a kiss on your hairline before hopping into the car.
Now, it was Derick.
You figured from their perspective that all of Mat’s little touchy-feely mannerisms would look suspicious. But, you’d seen him leave bars with tons of girls before and he never once tried to do that with you.
And, sure, he’d slept over maybe way too many times and drunk Mat had left kisses against your neck and your shoulders. He even had a key to your place, and left at least one piece of clothing at your place every time he came over. But, there were absolutely no hidden feelings. That was just the way he was. Touchy, feely. Besides, he’d been in a relationship not long ago and you figured he just liked that you could substitute for that type of commitment.
People started showing up to your apartment around 9:30 p.m., Derick being amongst the first there. He helped make sure that everyone was eating and starting to drink. He also set up a few drinking games before disappearing into the kitchen to make some pigs in a blanket. You followed him in to make sure he didn’t fuck it up.
Mat and Beau arrived a little while later, unbeknownst to you. They said their hellos to everyone in the living room before Mat started asking about you.
“Kitchen, I think,” one of the boys told him as Tito settled into a game of flip cup with them. Mat smiled and headed in the direction of the kitchen, only to find you and Derick giggling in front of the oven.
“Barzy!” Derick exclaimed as soon as he saw him. Mat gave him a half-assed smile, trying his best suppress the jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach. Derick glanced back at you. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”
He slipped out past Mat, sending you an eyebrow raise behind Mat’s back.
“Hey, you,” you greeted him. Mat stepped forward and wrapped an arm around your waist. He pulled you against his chest and kissed your forehead. “Happy early birthday.”
“Thank you.”
His greeting was a little less enthusiastic than normal, but you brushed it off with a smile.
“I’ll be out in a bit,” you told him. “Go have some fun and I’ll find you in a little bit.”
Mat offered you nothing but a nod before you slipped back out to the living room. He tried to shake the picture of you and Derick in the kitchen from his mind, but it sort of ruined his night. He didn’t like seeing you with another guy in the kitchen, in such a domestic moment. He wanted that to be him.
And it didn’t help that as soon as Derick left the bathroom he went back to the kitchen.
It wasn’t for another fifteen or twenty minutes that the two of you joined the rest of the party, and even then you seemed to be attached to his hip.
If Mat wasn’t so dense, maybe he would have realized that everyone else had already partnered up for beer pong. You had to go with Derick. But, again, jealousy makes some people a little stupid. Especially Barzy.
The beer pong tournament was Beau’s idea, of course, and he managed to make Barzy his partner, despite everyone’s complaints that they were an unfair duo. They ran the tables the entire time, which was surprising considering every time Mat wasn’t shooting the ball, he was busy shooting daggers in Derick’s direction.
When the tournament was finally over, Mat fell onto the couch and began to sulk. That’s when you made your move to flop down beside him. You picked his arm up and wrapped it over your shoulders, sending him a dorky smile as you did so. He didn’t smile back.
“Shouldn’t you be with him?” Mat asked, nodding his head in Derick’s direction. You narrowed your eyes at him in confusion. “I mean, you’ve spent the entire night hanging around Brass. Might as well keep it that way. Don’t worry about me.”
Mat peeled his arm away from you and leaned away, grimace on his face.
“You’re kidding, right?” you asked. You hoped the question would bring him back to reality. It didn’t. He just remained stone faced, waiting for you to explain yourself. Which you definitely didn’t need to do. “Fine, yeah, I should be with him.”
As soon as you stood up and went back to Derick, Mat knew he fucked up. He watched Derick lean in to listen to you and glance back in his direction. He raised his eyebrows at Mat before wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
He tried to brush it off for the rest of the night, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. And he couldn’t stop glancing at you, searching for you in the crowd of people as the night went on. You stuck with Derick, it’s what Mat asked for really. He couldn’t blame you.
He drank a little too much, maybe, and by the time people began to filter out of the apartment he realized it was now or never. But, he couldn’t find you anywhere. So, he frantically searched for Derick. No way the two of you would disappear together, right?
“Ready to head out?” Beau asked. Mat turned on his heel at the voice and released a quick breath when he saw Derick over Beau’s shoulder. “Mat?”
“Give me a few?”
The boys nodded, knowing damn well that Mat needed to make an apology tour before leaving.
Mat went down the hallway and knocked on your bedroom door before opening it. You weren’t in there, but there was a gift bag on the bed with his name on it. He glanced over his shoulder and approached it. He ran his fingers along the ribbon tying the handles together and then grabbed the card that was peeking out of it.
He didn’t hear the door to your bathroom open, didn’t hear you lean up against the frame to watch him.
“Are you going to open the card, or what?”
“YN,” he murmured. “I’m sorry.”
“Just open it.”
You walked over and plopped down at the end of the bed beside the gift bag, motioning for him to open your gift.
He opened the card and read it to himself.
Happy birthday to the best guy I know. Thankful for your curls, your hugs, your kisses, and all the memories we’ve made. Here’s to another trip around the sun. I love you! – YNN
Mat closed the card and pouted at you, but you just raised your eyebrows at him in a way of telling him you were sick of his shit from tonight.
“I threw you this entire party. By myself,” you told him. “I did this for you. Not for Tito, or Derick, or anybody else. You. I said it was for everyone because you’re all going home for the off season, but every other one of the guys called bullshit. They all knew this was just an excuse for me to celebrate your birthday with you.”
Mat sighed, but you continued talking.
“But you are so fucking dense that you didn’t even realize that. And then you came up with this bizarre scenario in your head where I want to be with Brass over you. Are you kidding me, Barz? The only person I ever want to be with is you. I’m so tired of trying to get you to notice how much I like you when it always goes right over your stupid head.”
Mat stared at the words on the card for another moment. He kept reading the same part over and over again. ‘your curls, your hugs, your kisses’ and ‘I love you’.
You waited for him to say something, anything, watching as he read the card again and again.
Finally, he looked up at you and tossed the card onto the bed. He took your face in his hands and ducked his head to yours. And then he stopped, lips ghosting over yours momentarily before he closed the gap between you. You gasped into his kiss, standing to get closer to him. His arm wrapped around your waist, tightening his grip on you.
When he pulled away, you fell back on your heels with your eyes still closed. His free hand brushed along your hairline and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You finally looked up at him, still breathing heavily.
“I like you a lot.”
“Do you?” you asked, giving him a skeptical look.
“So much,” he murmured. “I saw you with Derick and I just assumed the worst. I’ve been trying to confess how I feel for so long, but I like how things are and I didn’t wanna ruin it.”
“How things are?” you repeated. “Like how we act like we’re dating, but there’s no label?”
Mat’s cheeks flushed.
“I hate that,” you admitted. “I just figured I was a safety blanket… That I was the only one with feelings here.”
“Not at all,” he stated with a shake of his head. He leaned in again and kissed you once more. When he pulled away this time, he whispered, “I’m sorry that I’m an asshole. I’m sorry that you did all this for me and I didn’t appreciate it.”
“You can just make it up to me now.”
Mat’s eyes went wide and all the heat went to your cheeks. You couldn’t believe you’d just said that. And with your whole chest.
“Hold that thought,” he said. He turned and walked out of your room. “Tito? Brass? I’m gonna stay here tonight.”
“We know!” Derick called back as Tito yelled, “Use protection!”
The door to your apartment shut and Mat came back into your room with a pump of his fist. He walked right up to you and picked you up to drop you onto the bed. He crawled up and hovered over you with a devilish smirk.
“Now, where were we?”
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somedrunkpirate · 4 years
The Beach (Goodomens ficlet)
This might be the weirdest thing I’ve ever written. If you give it a chance, I thank u. <3 to @wildblueyoshi and @benzedrine-calmstheitch, without it it wouldn’t have existed. 
Read on ao3 or continue reading  ---------------------------------------------- There is a boy playing in the sand.         There are many boys, on bright days, when the wind is heavy with heat.
But there is this boy, hair of coral strands, playing in the sand.          Wet and cold and shivering          He doesn’t seem to mind.
         —— —— ——
The boy has returned.       There are none of his kind here. The birds of white and screeching have long since disappeared,
           and yet, there is the boy. His head a stain of red on the grey dark morning sand. He takes a shell, and then another, and then more. He carries them, carefully, further into shore. He places them, gently still, in a pattern around his feet. Around, around, around. It takes him till the light has gone.
No one calls for him.
       —— —— ——
The waters are too strong for the white cold to take hold, but the creaking of rivers warn of dire times.       and yet, there is the boy.
       —— —— ——
                               and shells and shells
                          and shells            and shells
                       and shells                   and shells
                          and shells            and shells
                               and shells and shells
                                       and shells
       —— —— ——
There is a boy, laying shells into shapes. There are many boys today.
Some walk to the boy. Some talk to the boy.
       Some— Shells break easily. The boy does not cry. He sighs.
But rain will come for him.       Cold and wet and he won’t mind.
There are no boys playing in the sand.
               Only one.
      —— —— ——
Shells are abandoned homes.
      —— —— ——
The dark still lingers when the boy returns.         His feet are quiet.         He is hunted.         He is scared.
But the shells, he counts them. It helps.        878                       879
There is a voice.        923                       924
There is shouting.        931                       932
Moving light.        998                       999                       1
“Anthony! You cursed child! I forbade you—“
The boy runs.
       —— —— ——
       Shells crack easily.        He does not return.        Not as a boy.
       —— —— ——
The young man is familiar.       His face framed in flames.
He wanders, lingers. He has forgotten the shells.      But when he leaves, he is smiling.
        —— —— ——
The young man returns. Early, before the many boys arrive.
        He never picks up a shell.
He always leaves with the birds. They never tell where they take him.
       —— —— ——
The young man has his feet in the water. A wave touches him gently.
“I don’t know if I’ll be back.”
There is a shell beside his toe. “I’m free of them.”
The young man grabs the shell.
“I don’t need to return. They can’t make me.” The young man leaves.
                   It’s still in his hand.
       —— —— ——
There is a man, looking at the shells. “I can’t believe how small the bay is.”
He is speaking to another.             Curls like sand in golden light. A smile twice as bright.
“To children, the world is an endless place.”
The golden man does not crush shells. He steps around. He circles.         He circles the man. Carefully. One foot heavier than the other.
“I came back here, every summer, too. After. I was no child then.”
A storm was coming. It can wait. The wind should stay quiet for a little longer. “I don’t know, dear, maybe you have grown in more ways than size, since you last came. Maybe you needed this place to be endless then too.” “Hmm.” “Are you sure you want to meet her alone?” “They won’t accept you there. You’re not— you’re not family, to them.” “That is not what I’m asking.” “Aziraphale.” “What do you need, Crowley?”
“I’m going alone.”
The golden man has dimmed.      They wander, they linger. “Despite everything, I can’t help but feel safe. Here.” The golden man holds him gently,                                      as if the boy— the man cracks easily too.
“I am glad there was a place you could go.”
       —— —— ——
The man returns alone, in the dark. The storm has come. It could not wait longer.
Wet, cold, shivering. Lightning strikes. Too close. He does not seem to mind.
Moving light. Shouting.
The man does not run this time.
“Crowley, what on earth are you— you’re being reckless! This is too dangerous!”
The golden one comes closer. His step is uneven, but he tries.        Wet, cold, shivering.        He minds. He is terrified.
“Come back with me, dear. Please. Nothing she said is worth this. She cannot— you cannot let her do this to you again.”
Lightning strikes once more.
“You don’t know anything Aziraphale!”
The golden man stops.
“Leave me alone.”
       They do not leave together.        They do not return together.
       —— —— ——
There is a man, drawing in the sand.       It is not the boy— the young man,       the man.
It is the other.
       He is drawing patterns.                    Circles. Around and around.
“I cannot let him do this alone.”
He sighs louder than wind.
“Why here? Why did he go here? Why did he not come back to me. Am I not—“
The golden man shivers. he sits down. He is thinking. The sea breathes with him.    Familiar footsteps, silent, in the dunes above. Watching. Thinking.
“I suppose it is peaceful here. If a bit wet.”
The golden man pads the sand besides him.          Gently.        A thank you.
Then he stands. He sees the man walking towards him.
“Crowley! I didn’t think—“ “They buried him. Didn’t stick around for the after party.” “I understand. Does that mean we can go h— back?”
The man looks away.
“The lawyers are coming tomorrow. They’re dividing the estate.”
“… and you want to stay.”
The man does not answer.
       —— —— ——
The man comes late again. Alone again. He is throwing shells into the sea.        1025         1026         1027
But he is not counting. He is screaming.
“I hate them. I hate all of them!”
He is sobbing.
“But I have to. I have to.”
       —— —— ——
There are men, shouting on the beach. Their voices like a storm, approaching.
“I told you to let me go! Don’t meddle with this too! You’re always—“
“This is killing you. I don’t understand! Why do you insist on putting yourself through this! It has been days, Crowley. How long are you letting this go on?”
The man stills. He looks away.
“We will back in time for your surgery, Aziraphale.” “That is not what I’m worried about at all!”
“Maybe you should be.”
The man leaves.
The golden one stays, for a little while, and cries.
—— —— ——
There are no men on the beach. No boys too. It's quiet.
—— —— ——
The golden one comes back first.      Sunlight welcomes his arrival.
He sits down. Touches his leg. Hisses.
          He is—
Driftwood on the shore. Beautiful. Cracked. Something crushed it. Hurt him bad. The man sighs and draws in the sand.
“It can’t be the money. It just can’t be.”
There is no one to listen. Yet he speaks.
“He doesn’t care— he never cared. Not about this. But now— I don’t know, anymore, what he cares about. Why, he cares about this. Is what we have not enough?”
The wind sharpens. Waves crash. He shivers.
“No. No. He would have said. He would have told me.”
Calm seas again.
“There must be something— something he doesn’t want to tell me. Something he is afraid I won’t—“
The golden one is holding his leg tight.
“Oh— Oh!”
This lightning does not hit the sand. It flashes on his face.        Bright. Flush.        Love.
The golden man stands. He is hurting. He doesn’t seem to mind.
       —— —— ——
“Why here Angel?”
“Because I want you to feel safe.”
“Your leg—“
“It's okay, dear. You’re taking most of my weight.”
“You should be careful.”
“I am. Come, sit down. It’s dry.”
“Just for a moment. It's nice out today.”
“...What did you want to say, Aziraphale.”
“I— I didn’t understand. And I’m sorry, for shouting. For not seeing it sooner. But I think— I think I know now.”
“You’re so very important to me, Crowley. You are the most important thing. You know that right? Nothing else— nothing else even comes close.”
“It's alright, dear boy, come here. I know— we’ve had a rough go of it. The leg, and now… here. It’s alright.”
“I’m just trying— I’m just trying to make it all okay again, Angel. But I— it’s hard.”
“I know you are. But this, love, this is not worth it. You’re hurting. It breaks my heart to see.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to—“
“We said we wouldn’t hide things, not anymore.”
“I know. But, you’ve been— You’re in pain too, and I just—“
“You wanted to fix it.”
“I wanted one good thing to come out of this. I wanted— I want you to live without worries.”
“I’m worried now, dear. Debt— I much rather have you happy. We will figure it out, won’t we?”
“There is just… I know I’ve been doing this wrong. I should have told you from the start. I should have let you— help me. But I didn’t. I don’t know not to be alone here.”
“Oh Crowley. Oh dear god.”
“Shh, it’s okay. You are here. You stayed. Even when I tried to push you away. You stayed.”
“I will. I always— if you want me gone and you are— okay. Or, when you will be happier without me, then of course I will go. But this time. I just thought that you…”
“You were right. You did the right thing, Angel. I never wanted you gone.”
“Good. That’s good.”
“And I know now, that you’re here with me. So, let me try. Let us try together. Let us do something here that will make our lives better. Because they have never once done that. This money. It’s never been used to make me happy, Aziraphale. And I want to spend it on you— your health. Your safety. Because that would make me happy.”
“Crowley… I—”
“Just breathe. It's alright.”
There is never silence on a beach. The wind hisses. Weaves breathe. Creatures scuttle forth. But now, it seems to be. All waiting on the golden man. He is thinking. In pain. Torn. Broken. The man holds him and waits too.
Wind, waves, creatures, man.        Exhale.
“We’ll try, together. But if it goes too far. If it threatens to break you…” “We’ll leave.” “We’ll go home, Crowley.” “Alright. I promise.”    
The song of the sea plays again.
“Come, it's getting cold. You shouldn’t be out this long, you’re shivering.” “I don’t mind, love. Lets walk, just for a little while. We might not come back here again.” “We can, if you want to— not for her, not for them. Just here. For us.” “I’d like that. I feel as if I might miss this beach, somehow.” “Yeah. I always do.”
The boy— the young man, the man, picks up shells along the shore.       Gifts of the sea floor. Only one hand free, fingers entangled. Golden. He places them. Round and round. The other watches, smiles. Draws in the sand. The man gives the last shell, the one he had taken, so long ago.
       “You finish it, Angel.”
The circle is complete.
       —— —— ——
There are men playing in the sand.               Laughing, smiling.               One gold, one red.
They come when the sun shines bright and the sand is hot. And leave with the birds, before the wind grows cold.
       Where do you take them?
                         We bring them home.
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Good Omens:A First Foray
The First Impressions of a Viewer with No Context
I knew a good chunk of the plot because at first I honestly wasn't going to watch it, so I didn't really shield myself from any spoilers on tumblr.
That being said, I was hooked right from episode 1. I went into it thinking I was gonna be all over Crowley (given my other favourite characters in most other franchises) but the first time Aziraphale smiled I M E L T E D. SO PURE AND SWEET Also when "Aziraphale" was said I had a moment of 'oh. that's how you say that' Also the earth and my mom share a birthday. When Nanny Ashtoreth showed up I KNEW I was gonna need more content of her. Wife 100%
The fact that, try as they may, Zira and Crowley are completely incompetent and really only matter in the last like 16 minutes before the end of the world is really great. It's like watching a show that's about the really interesting side characters you get to see for 2 minutes and WISH you got 6 hrs of. Thank you, Neil.
Ep 2 we get to meet Newt and Anathema and omg I love them. I need Anathemas wardrobe ugh. And newt??? disaster Newton Pulsifer??? he's a mood. Not totally sure how I feel about their relationship but I love the contrast of "hey we just met like an hour ago and we're dating now thnks" to "we've known each other for 6000 years but there's no way he likes me the same way? side note, isn't it funny how the world is always emitting a low buzz of love my dear?" "ngk"
Agnes is amazing and I love how sassy she is. 10/10. I love how Aziraphale is not at ALL concerned about being shoved against a wall by Crowley. Like not one bit. He's like "oh finally, it's only taken you 6 millenia" honestly same
Ep 3 gives us the 30 minute cold open who's only purpose is to show how these two kept coming back to each other for 6 millenia, no matter how the last meeting may have gone. Here are a few thoughts:
Crowley has very pretty hair. Also I could 100% see by this point how these two have been gay for each other since day 1. Er rather day 7? Golgotha Crowley is v pretty and learning later that those are traditionally female garments was a treat. That scene was otherwise hard to watch, and they definitely thought so as well. The globe theatre was really fun to watch, I love Shakespeare. Sadly, Hamlet reminds me of my awful 10th grade English teacher. she ADORES that play. So thanks,  Aziraphale.
I'd seen the church scene and "you go too fast for for me in MANY a gift,  but hearing them was OOF. Michael Sheen didn't have to go so hard on that line but OH BOY DID HE EVER. I may have cried.
I honestly didn't realize that the intro didn't play until the middle of the episode until I rewatched it??  like that completely flew over my head.
THE BANDSTAND. THE E M O T I O N. AZIRAPHALE WAS SO HURT. he was so torn because so much of him still wanted to believe in the good of heaven, but his heart (or the angelic equivalent) had long ago sided with Crowley. When Crowley came back and asked him to run away to Alpha Centuri??? UGH. that dude instantly assuming they're gay? same. same random dude. same. And omg Crowley praying??? to God??? he cares about humanity and it SHOWS. By this point I was REALLY relating to Aziraphale. His reluctance to stray from what he knows and was told reminds me so much of myself. that A n x i e t y.
the end of episode 4 and into episode 5 HURT. the bookshop? "I lost my best friend"? The fact that Crowley was ready to give up and wallow drunkenly through the Apocalypse because continuing on or running away held no meaning if he didn't have Aziraphale by his side. I cried. On the other hand, defiant Aziraphale? "Angels can't posses people" "Demons can..." YES BBY STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!!! FREE THOUGHT BABEY!!! Now: Shadwell and Tracy. Shadwell is hilarious and I love him, end of story. He's just so... out there. crazy dude. Madame Tracy on the other hand? AMAZING. her actress (I can't think of her name and I have a REALLY ONE TRACK MIND) absolutely KILLED it. AMAZING. The seance?  That dude who WAS JUST LOVING EVERY SECOND? Loved that so much. still cracks me up. When they first get to the airbase and Crowley compliments his dress and Aziraphales like OwO like fellas they gay.
1970s crowley... the mustache... "Can I hear a Wahoo?" Hastur... love him... "What's a computer" part of me wants to think he's just fucking with Crowley because who wouldn't but also he's so deadpan and yo I can't read expression AT ALL.
Love the fact that Crowley was ready to yeet off to a far off star system light-years away, but at the same times like "you expect me... to go to TADFIELD? In this weather??? Maybe I should drive but I mean, have you SEEN the TRAFFIC Angel? And now the M-25s on fire. Great."
Hastur going from on top of everything and tearing Crowley down to panicking because YOU'RE DRIVING TOWARDS A WALL OF FIRE.
snek eyes :3c
"Young man your CAR is on F I R E"
ALSO the horse people getting lost is peak entertainment. Honestly the horsepeople are great. War? Gorgeous. Famine? Love him. He's got style Pollution??? They're amazing, and also THEY THEM PRONOUNS BABEY. that made me v happy bc I just got used to usin em myself uwu. D E A T H. He knows his aesthetic yall. love it.
suppose nows a good a time as any: THE THEM.
I didn't really like Adam at first, he seemed a bit snobby. he's grown on me now but... ngk. Wenslydale was an instant fave. he's adorable. love him. Brian? total mess. super genuine. Great kid. PEPPER. she's great. she's sassy. she's gonna go far in life. all together, they're a tight knit group and I love them and they're all my children now thabks. and the parallels to the horsepeople? p e r f e c t
Alrighty Episode 6!!!
The beginning terrified me. All this time I was rooting for Zira and Crowley to finally get their happily ever after and yknow how most media is nowadays. There's a reason Fix-it Fics are so popular. So the beginning of the episode scared me. Also Beelzebub 💖
I love the Them vs The Horsepeople. "I believe in Peace, bitch."
I didn't even realize til later that that was Aziraphales sword. didn't even catch that line.
When Beez and Gabriel showed up? THAT DUMB SMILE OF GABES? I really hated Gabriel. The way he treated Aziraphale REALLY rubbed me the wrong way and I just did not like him one bit.
W I N G S. PRETTY WINGS. also didn't even realize that what Crowley did was STOP TIME. LIKE WHSOHDOEBE WHaT? ??
 "it burned down... remember?" uuggghhh kill me with how soft and gentle he's being!!! he knows that bookshop MEANT something to Zira hdoehekdn
T H E B O D Y  S W A P
the caught me COMPLETELY off guard... at first. I was completely unaware right up until "crowley" was attacked. I caught that little "Tickety boo" and I paused screaming like CROWLEY WOULD NOT SAY THAT IN THAT SCENARIO NO WAY THAT IS N O T ANTHONY J CROWLEY W H A T 
The heaven scene solidified my then hatred for Gabriel. I like him now but oof that scene he's still VERY punchable.
Crowley: Nearly threw hands with the Archangel Gabriel
The Hell trial. So Extra. Asking for a rubber duck? iconic! "Michael, dude!" oh mood.
when they switch back and it's all revealed? G l o r i o u s. They played each other so well!!! honestly props to Michael and David, their acting was PHENOMENAL.
The ending. A happy ending. The amount of love with which Zira says "to the world" killed me. I'm dead now thanks to that. I'm typing this from the grave,  that's how powerful that line is. Honestly, knowing next to nothing going in was kind of wild and my crazy reblogging spree actually got some of my mutuals to watch the show which is pretty neat. Going back through 3 more times now, Aziraphale definitely resonates with me the most. I actually have a small blurb I wrote on the positive effects he's had on my perception of myself in terms of stimming.
All in All this show hit me in a way I did NOT expect it to, and I'm glad I found it when I did. I was at a point where I was kinda feeling like I'd never really have a fulfilling relationship because of my asexuality, and then I found good omens. I def read the characters as ace while watching it and it was amazing seeing two characters who can love each other fully, without the need for anything explicit. The show was an instant fav and I'm trying to find a physical copy of the book (that I can afford) so I can read the original text. This is a story that's going to stay important to me for a very long time, I can feel it.
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undert33th · 5 years
I really like your Chara design can you talk about your interpretation of them?
First off tysm !!!!!!! I’m so glad u like them ;0
Second off yes of course ! Here’s a few things about them :
-they r mongolian-american
-they lived in northern Oregon/southern Washington for most of their life on the surface, both in civilization and out on the woods (I’ve always had this idea of Chara being a forager, super self sufficient, it’s one of the first things I developed abt my interpretation of them)
-lived in a group home as a child (along with that they love kids !)
-Chara has inattentive ADHD as well as bipolar disorder
-SpIn’s include: fungi, knives, sewing and geometry (which they suck at but it’s challenging and stimulating and fun work)
-they were 9 when they ‘fell’ underground and 12 when The Plan was enacted
And now for more game related stuff:
-i whole-heartedly support NarraChara
-I know everyone likes to think that Chara has a special connection with Frisk but I like to think that they could interact the same way with every fallen (that includes influencing their choices)
-going with influencing the choices of the fallen they initially did their best to cause the children to fail in hopes of saving their family after death
-they talk Like That at the end of NM to appear more intimidating (by Like That I mean like a walking dictionary)
-the no mercy route was NOT their doing (I like to think of the player as an entity, while Chara is more of just an outside force if that makes any sense? Chara can certainly control Frisk as a vessel, but only of A) frisk has given them that option, B) they’re anxious/angry/emotional enough that their power amps up and allows them to overtake frisks living soul, or C) the player is controlling Frisk through Chara) (I can post more of my ghost stuff if y'all want it just shoot me an ask) back on track for this one the no mercy route was not their doing, but they do give you, the player, not frisk, an ultimatum at the end of the no mercy route because they’re fucking pissed at you
-Goopy Chara? Cool! It’s congealed blood
-Chara only finds out that Flowey is Asriel in true lab which is why its so weird (i cannot for the life of me find the post but its super popular, probably a birdsareblooming or undertale-in-2k19 post)
Personality wise:
-theyre super skittish and jumpy. Startle at everything and wear headphones Everywhere
-theyre semi-verbal and have selective mutism (won’t speak in public at all, rarely in front of Toriel and Asgore, and frequently to Asriel and Frisk)
-with that, they’re super light on their feet and hardly make any noise when moving
-also; very quick and hard to catch
-they tend to fall apart under pressure . In a situation where something is expected of them they’ll either overwork themselves into a burnout or stop functioning all together .
-very logical and has a hard time processing strong emotions (mostly anger)
-does a lot of mimicking and can take a while to trust
-hyper empathetic 
-they can be very charming and good at manipulation; take that how you will
Extra HC’s:
-Chara knows magic! It’s not much, and it really drains them, but Asgore taught them (it’s mostly enacted through hand signs and they know healing and self defense)
-they stim a ton! Cracking their knuckles and chewing are the big ones
-Worn Dagger is a survival knife gifted by an older human brother from before falling who I’m referring to currently as Anthony . It’s got a wood and resin handle and a seven inch blade with gold embossing of flowers (specifically daisies). The sheath is hand made and embroidered by them !
-they know sign language and are constantly making new slang terms . Their signing is so modified and personalized that a lot of people have a hard time understanding what theyre saying
-arthritis in their hands and wrists from a couple injuries that never healed right and constant use of their knife only made it worse (they have these splints designed to look like gloves that hold their wrist in place)
-listen to me . Listen to me. They get their hands on Tetris and never let go . Tetris is the coolest game to them . Have y'all seen Tetris tournaments ? If not watch one they’re addictive . Chara gets in . Chara rocks it . They don’t win but they get up there . They fucking rock at Tetris guys
-also after frisk shows them minecraft they fucking lose it okay . ‘Frisk’ starts making houses or rooms fully furnished for seemingly no-one and Tori only . raises an eyebrow
-they listen to lots of rock and early 2000′s alternative/techno once they can get their hands on it. Frisk hates it so they’ll debate about it a lot
-super sensitive to smell and textures
(ps: its worth mentioning that a lot of my chara is based around myself! chara is one of my comfort characters and so a lot of them is just kinda … me, or who i wish i was on some level owo)
and might as well throw in some thoughts on canon compliant chara:
-we dont really know much about canon chara, but theyve shown to be somewhat manipulative and have a really strong case of suicidal idealization . this sort of ties into the idea of them being a martyr, the future of humans and monsters; thats like a huge fucking load for a kid to carry that i definitely feel could have some effect on mental health. like, telling a kid that they’re the future of two separate races, while theyre also learning about 1) how horrifically humans acted towards monsters and 2)  how the barrier can be broken, especially while already having a tendency towards self harmful actions (i.e: jumping off a fucking mountain), and given how presumably awfully humans treated them in comparison to all the kindness theyve been shown by monsters, I think I’d get some ideas too.
- I’ve already said that i don’t think they’re evil, and I’ll stand by that opinion until the day of my death
-that said, their plan was flawed. I mean, obvi. the things they did, such as attempt suicide on 2 occasions,  and succeed on one with the help of Asriel (as well as taking him down with them !) were wrong for quite a few reasons. I think ultimately they were blinded by the pressure placed on them, whether it was intentional or not, and not having a place to diffuse that anxiety, they sort of absorbed it and honed it into a plan to save everyone important (monsters, who showed some bare minimum decency and kindness) and kill everyone who wasn’t (that being themself.) And, once the first part of that plan succeeded, they sort of exploded; being on the surface, with humans, the people who hurt them, the people they hated, was a good enough motive to release all that built up tension .
-also, i might as well go into no mercy- I think Chara winds up with a lot of power, a lot of anxiety, and anger built up, so when every monster in the underground is killed theyre sort of gaining power bit by bit- until the end, after you kill flowey, and we get to meet them for real . I think they’re pissed off, and they try to convince you that you’re in the right, they thank you, etc; they try to appeal to the player, who throughout the run weve only seen as a mindless killing machine, in an attempt to get you to erase the world and go back on your decisions . When you don’t, they get frustrated, explode, using all the power they’ve gained through the run to erase the file themself.
I just . I dunno . i could talk about chara for hours please ask me more questions about them
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jennasims · 6 years
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I saw the Get to Know Me Tag floating around and I wanted to try it out. It’s also been a while since I’ve made my simself! I’m not always mad but I do have a quick temper thus my face up above. Under the cut is the rest of the questions.
I was not tagged but I tag anyone that wants to do it!
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
Traits: Bookworm, Hot-headed, Foodie
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? most of my nicknames in life are based off of my last name sooooo....
3. BIRTHDAY? February 5
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I read a lot of books, mostly stand alones. I guess Hunger Games?
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? Alt Nation on xm radio, or my spotify
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I don’t think I have a favorite word! maybe zesty
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? something off the new 21P album, can’t remember the name
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn 99, Parks & Rec, Chef’s Table, Parts Unknown w/ Anthony Bourdain (RIP)
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? I like to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race when I’m feeling terrible, I don’t have the attention span for movies.
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? mostly Sims, but I like Animal Crossing and Pokemon
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? dying alone
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I’m really passionate about things when I want to be
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? sometimes I can be distant to close family and friends
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I love both but my kitty is the best boy
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Fall, but summer in Maine is always great
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yeah with myself thank u next
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? brown with blonde streaks
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? My family and my friends and my cat
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my friends from school who I haven’t seen in ages
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Christmas? trying to plan a trip for next year too so maybe that if it comes through!!
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I don’t think I could tell any man ANYTHING right now but there are some I’ll tell a lot to.
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? a little bit!
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I hate rodents!!!
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? a little bit of both but it’s usually me behind the camera
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? reading, writing, cooking, Sims
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Where She Went by Gayle Forman
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? some christmas movie on netflix I already forget what it was called
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I played the flute for about two weeks in the 5th grade
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? Cats & dogs but I also love bears
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? On the couch or out in the woods with a bowl
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? nature! good music
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? lol sports. sometimes I do yoga
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? fountain sprite or Dunks coffee
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? today! I sent my friend a gift in the mail
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? a little bit
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? impolite and closeminded people
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? [pasdfiosjfkjlasdk yeah I’ve been to a TON because I’m a concert junkie
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? A teacher/a journalist/an actress
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? losing someone very important to me, being unable to pay my bills
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? I love singing along but I think I’m terrible
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? not in HS but lots in college to smoke weed on the beach
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? the beach!!! I love love love the water
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? I like where I am now a lot
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? a kitty cat named Poe
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? a night owl, I’m up way too late for my own good
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I like pretty much everything but rap/country
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? my mom
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? not really
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? lol my road rage is real
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? mostly real books but don’t mind electronic devices
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? older brother + older sister
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′3″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes I love to cook
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? laughing, listening to others, adventures
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? confrontation when it doesn’t involve me, emotions, stupid heads
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? like a lot of Youtubers tbh
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? every once in a while
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? I love them both and they love me! sometimes my mom and I butt heads but we’re just both really headstrong lol
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? ahahahaha every once in a while I guess
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? control what you can // confront what you can’t // always remember how lucky you are to have yourself
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yes with small lies
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? all the timeeee
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? depends on the day
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I try to keep one but it never works
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? depends on the circumstance
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Return it to the owner (if I can find the address & it isn’t too far) otherwise bring it to the police station
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? verrrry
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yes I love to fly I wish I did it more
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? just my ears
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yes “(un)lost” on my wrist
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes she’s a bitch
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? maybe someday! too early in my life to tell
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? my older brother
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? Dark blue/gray/black
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? yeah! I was on the Today Show when I was 10 
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? always be your own sunshine
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? i’ve got a lethal sweet tooth
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Ay! You made me want Purple Cat to have a little brother who he never knew about! I don't know if it's a good idea yet, I have to ask my friends etc. but soon I will tell you if I am going to add little brother of Purple Cat :3 Sorry, anyway I won't use your Anthony but I will be at least inspired by him! I think that's ok? Oh, and I wanted to tell you that you lately really improved with art and I hope I will soon see more of your arts! I'm glad you back and Thank you for this gifts with PC! ^^
U could use Anthony cuz u have my permission but it's ok if u don't want to and thanks ^^ I'm surprised how far my drawing skills have come too!
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lauraramargosian · 6 years
Kidney Disease Treatment: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic!
Kidney Disease: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic is raising awareness!
George Lopez and his team raising money for kidney disease
Kidney disease treatment is no joke. Remember when George Lopez had to learn that he was in need of kidney disease treatment? Well, if you didn’t know there was a time in Lopez’s life when he needed kidney disease treatment and fast. His wife stepped up to the plate and was ready to do all she could to help with his kidney disease treatment plan.
“I’ll give you one of mine,” Ann Lopez told her husband. When the words flew from her mouth the comedian thought she was just joking. George Lopez, best known for “The George Lopez Show,” wasn’t living in a comedic world at this moment in his life.
The day was Tuesday, April 2005, the Lopezes arrived at Cedar -Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles gearing up for surgery in neighboring rooms. First, it would be her surgery and with love, faith and devotion she left George a letter and a rosary.
Mrs. Lopez opened up about the letter, saying:
“I wrote that I was doing this out of love, and that I had faith in the operation,” Ann recalls. “To me, this was about us, about our daughter, Mayan. But George, he comes from a very dysfunctional family, a horrific childhood. It was hard for him to accept that someone would give him the gift of life.”
Ironic, how some people with the hardest lives have to face hardships but the truth is, this makes us all grow stronger and George has been a positive influence in the industry for such a long time, we are thankful that his beautiful wife was able to give him the gift of life. Ann wasn’t worried, in fact she was excited to be able to give her love another chance at a healthy life. But George, he was nervous.
TOLUCA LAKE, CA – MAY 01: (L-R) Cheech Marin, George Lopez and Eddie Van Halen attend the 10th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Lakeside Country Club on May 1, 2017 in Toluca Lake, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for George Lopez Foundation)
“I was crying. I thanked her and I told her I loved her,” George recalls. “I was more concerned about her than I was about myself.”
The two (as expected) spoke on one another through the phone because they had to be in different rooms and post kidney treatment would take sometime in recovery.
Ann Lopez’s surgery took two hours. And George’s took five. But he was given the chance to continue making people laugh. And I’ve we’ve said before, laughter is a gift, if you can make someone laugh, you can make someone listen.
It’s great he got a second chance at life. Living a life with Kidney Disease is not an easy life. And we’re certain that’s why George Lopez is now taking part in the 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic, raising money and awareness about kidney disease.
Sponsors included Century Healthcare, 3 Arts Entertainment, Aftershokz, Allen & Anita Kohl, Alveo Technologies, Axis Capital, Baltaire Restaurant, Beer Pong Golf, Boulevard Management, Bunnin Chevrolet Cadillac, The Gilbert and Jacki Cisneros Foundation, City National Bank, CoachLabs, Coca-Cola, Combi Charitable Foundation, Committed U, Companion Life, Curtis & Co. Watches, El Chicano Productions, Endemol Shine Group, Fifty150 Brand, Glenmorangie, HBO, Healthcare Highways Rx, Ken Corday of Days of Our Lives, King Taco, MGO Wealth Advisors, Moët Hennessy USA, Municipal Packaging, OnCore Golf, PXG, Santo Mezquila, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Snoop’s Premium Nutrients, Stacey & Larry Kohl, Sultana Distribution Services, UTA, Vektor Vodka, Vino Latino USA, WebTPA, WBBO, Sheryl Underwood Radio, ZORIZ Golf and many more!
Doris Bergman’s Annual “Gratitude Lounge,” is also featuring an amazing assortment of luxury gifting!
George has made it his mission to raise awareness to kidney disease and organ donation.
“As we enter our tenth [now 11th] year, we continue to improve quality of life for underprivileged children, adults and military families, giving them the opportunity for a brighter future. Please join George Lopez in supporting this very worthwhile cause.”
Did you know that Kidney disease is the 9TH leading cause of death in the United States.1 An estimated 31 million people in the United States (10% of the adult population) have chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
Kidney Disease Facts and Kidney disease treatment
9 out of 10 people who have stage 3 CKD (moderately decreased kidney function) do not know it.
CKD is more common among women, but men with CKD are 50 more likely than women to have their CKD turn into kidney failure (also called end-stage renal disease or ESRD).
Some racial and ethnic groups are at greater risk for kidney failure. Compared to whites, the risk for African Americans is almost 4 times higher, Native Americans is 1.5 times higher, Asians is 1.4 times higher. Compared to non-Hispanics, Hispanics are almost 1.5 times as likely to be diagnosed with kidney failure.
The leading cause of kidney failure is diabetes.
Kidney disease treatment ranges from simple diet changes to needing a transplant.
“Diabetes causes 44% of all new cases of kidney failure. In 2012 it was the primary cause for 239,837 kidney failure patients. An estimated 29.1 million people have diabetes; 8.1 million of them don’t know they have it. About 40% of people with diabetes will get CKD.7 African Americans with diabetes are 3.5 times more likely than whites to get kidney disease. Most people (69%) participating in a 2011 nationwide survey by the American Kidney Fund could not name diabetes as a leading cause of kidney disease, despite the fact that over half (55%) had a loved one with diabetes.”
And then of course, high blood pressure is the 2nd leading cause of kidney failure.
“High blood pressure (HBP) causes 28.4% of all new cases of kidney failure. In 2012 it was the primary cause for 159,049 kidney failure patients. An estimated 70 million (29%) people have HBP — that is every 1 in 3 American Adults. And most people (85%) participating in a 2011 nationwide survey by the American Kidney Fund could not name high blood pressure as a leading cause of kidney disease, yet most of them (75%) had a loved one with high blood pressure.”
Kidney Disease: Early Detection and Treatment
According to “Medlineplus.gov,” here are some things to consider if you’re worried about kidney disease.
How can you tell if you are at risk for kidney disease? Ask yourself these questions
Do you have diabetes (problems with your blood sugar)?
Do you have high blood pressure?
Do you have heart disease?
Did your mother, father, sister, or brother have kidney disease? (Kidney disease runs in families) and may eventually need kidney disease treatment
It doesn’t matter how old or young you are kidney disease treatment is important.
“If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are at risk for kidney disease. Now is the time to get tested. Your health care provider will order two simple tests to check your kidneys—a blood test to check your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a urine test to check for protein.”
These tests are a quick and painless way to get tested to see if you need kidney disease treatment. And it’s certainly a great way to stay ahead of the staying healthy game.
[ Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Carlos Santana at Padres El Sueno de Esparanza! ]
TOLUCA LAKE, CA – MAY 01: (L-R) Pat Monahan, George Lopez and Eddie Van Halen attend the 10th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Lakeside Country Club on May 1, 2017 in Toluca Lake, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for George Lopez Foundation)
Those are the facts, it’s not all about “drinking too much,” or “doing drugs.” Health is a constant crisis all over the world. And that’s why George Lopez and other high-profile celebrities including Eva Longoria, Andy Garcia, Anthony Anderson, Andy Buckley, Yasiel Puig, Eddie Van Halen, Luke Wilson, Don Cheadle, David Arquette, Adam Rodriguez, Cedric the Entertainer, Joe Mantegna, Dean Geyer, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Alfonso Ribeiro, Dennis Haysbert, Tim Allen, Oscar De La Hoya, Sheryl Underwood, Joe Regalbuto, Joe Pesci, Billy Dawson, Esai Morales, Bruce McGill, D.L. Hughley, Emilio Rivera, Frank Buckley, Dr. Jason Diamond, John Brotherton, John Pyper-Ferguson, Johnathan Fernandez, Ken Corday, Kevin Rahm, Kyle Lowder, Jonathan Antin, Lizzy Small, Mark Rolston, Mauricio Umansky, Norman Nixon, Pat Monahan, Patrika Darbo, Paula Trickey, Richard Karn, Roland Martin, Steven Michael Quezada, Yancey Arias, Vinnie Jones, Gary Valentine, Phillip Palmer and others will be taking part in the tee off Monday morning, May 7th.
But you can make a difference as well and you don’t need to be rich. Firstly, if you can’t visit www.georgelopezfoundation.org and give a donation, make sure to stop in and learn more about kidney disease, share this article and spread the word. It starts with education and the whole point about any disease is knowledge!
[ Selena Gomez teaches us to take care of our health! ]
We all know someone who suffers from a chronic illness but many have become afraid to speak up and talk. That’s why it’s important to share, learn and remember that our bodies are truly amazing, they spend every waking and sleeping moment attempting to heal the damage done naturally and unnaturally, so, if you find yourself on the wagon of drinking, drugs or other things that could be harming your bodies systems, take a step back and remember, you deserve to live a healthy life.
Some people aren’t given a second chance but education, just knowing it can happen to you… well, that can change your life.
Huge shout out to George Lopez and the rest of the team for continuing to tee off to raise awareness to kidney disease, we are proud of you.
Do you know someone who has had a kidney transplant or needed kidney disease treatment? How did it go? How are they doing now? Let us know in the comments below (and of course use an alias for their name) but talking about it is important because it teaches. And you never know who is reading your comment. Words are power as are stories. And it’s all about giving back at the Celebrity Golf Classic and taking action on raising awareness to kidney disease and kidney disease treatment!
Blessed be!
Throwback: 10th Anniversary George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic 2017
The post Kidney Disease Treatment: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic! appeared first on Celebrity News | Positive Celebrity Gossip | Laurara Monique.
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