#thank u for letting me talk about the guy
rthko · 10 hours
oh id be interested in your thoughts about the dating apps u use if u have any
Yes, thanks for asking. I could compare the features or benefits of different apps, but on principle I just don't like them. I find them dehumanizing, not because of the sexual aspect but because this is just not how courtship is supposed to work. I mean, if it works for you that's fine, but the unpleasantness of the dating app experience is so near universally agreed upon that Hinge factors it into its own "designed to be deleted" marketing. On any app, no matter the flavor, you're going to burn out. I can't stand having to maintain 10+ friendly conversations at once and fall out of touch with people who under other circumstances I'd get on fine with. The only use of the apps that actually makes sense to me is only going on Grindr when you truly are "looking right now," but when I do that, others online are just aimlessly scrolling like it's Instagram.
Like the relationship between rideshare apps and public transportation, dating apps pose tech "solutions" to problems that they themselves feed into. Don't have gay bars or cruising spaces in your area? Go on the apps. Oh, you do but you're intimated? Go on the apps. Real life isn't tailor made to your tastes? Go on the apps. And sure enough, the bars start closing, you don't get to work on your social skills, rejection still hurts just as much as ever, and foreclosing any possibility of pleasure or even friendship with people who don't fit a pre-determined "type" paints you into a corner. And now that everybody's on the apps, it's not even a gay-specific problem.
Here's the kicker: apps exchange the benefits of actual, embodied interactions for the promise of courtship without conflict, even though this promise is impossible. Hinge can pair you with the non-smoker, LTR-oriented match you're looking for, but you can still discover another deal breaker. Tinder only lets you talk to people who also matched with you, but you can still be rejected. Grindr can deliver bad sex with the guy who had listed the exact "tribe" and position you were looking for. The masculine archetype of a man Scruff sent to your doorstep can turn out to be a total queen. But in real life, you can anticipate not having your expectations met and either roll with the punches or change your mind. You can learn to dish out and take rejection gracefully and still have a nice conversation. You don't have the block button to protect you, but you have a community to look out for each other if something goes awry. And you can totally hit it off with someone who challenges the idea of what your type is and what it means to be sexually compatible.
The surprises and idiosyncrasies of IRL courtship and cruising that the apps try to smooth out and avoid are exactly what make them better. I don't have a utopian view of them, and know that much of the same cruelty, racism, body shaming, and heartbreak are not only possible but frequent offline. But offline, people can't filter what they don't want to see out of existence, and this is a good thing. The apps promise an escape from the cruelty and disappointment of the real world or the "gay scene" only to exacerbate them. I still have my anxieties and to this day I'm no stranger to the Grindr grid, but pushing myself to get out has nearly only been good for me.
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117 w/schlatt! 🩵
117. interrupt - the garden (link to req info here)
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ted's vision might not be 20/20, but his hindsight sure is. and now, as he sits between you and schlatt on the chuckle sammy set, he realizes that maybe letting you be this week's guest wasn't the best idea.
it's not any fault of your own, of course. schlatt had been the one to propose the idea in the first place. the two of you had been dating for quite some time now but only recently decided to hard launch considering you both valued your privacy. and so, in light of the launch, schlatt had eagerly asked ted if he could invite you on the podcast's upcoming episode.
"c'mon, ted!" he'd so desperately pleaded. "the viewers are gonna want us to talk about it eventually. (y/n) would make a great guest, too. y'know that!"
it's true. you and ted have been longtime friends due to schlatt introducing you two. the chemistry is all-around great, so naturally he had no qualms with you coming on the podcast. that is, until now, as he watches you and schlatt lightheartedly bicker among each other.
"wait! just- don't speak."
"just let me speak!"
"you cut me off!"
"guys!" ted finally cuts in, his voice laced with an almost bewildered laugh. "may i remind you that literally all i asked was how you two met. you've been arguing over the smallest details for the last, fuckin'..." he briefly checks his watch. "seven minutes. this has been going on for seven minutes."
"yo! not my fault (y/n)'s memory sucks ass," schlatt retorts, an impish grin adorning his features.
"my memory sucks?" you gasp at your boyfriend, feigning offense as your jaw drops. "you've been telling the story all wrong this whole time!"
"maybe 'cause you've been interrupting me, toots. i get distracted!"
it's obvious this is all playful banter. still, ted waves a hand dismissively. "fuckin' christ, you two. forget i asked! how 'bout we revisit this question when you guys have a consistent narrative of how it happened, alright?"
"fine by me," schlatt responds slyly. he wiggles his brows at you. "that okay with you, doll?"
"perfect." you stick your tongue out at him.
ted is satisfied with this response. he's quick to redirect the conversation, spitting out a slew of topics at you. you're doing your best to keep up with him, but your train of thought is still continually disrupted by schlatt. however, this time, it's through the text notifications you see popping up from him on your lockscreen.
>> schlutt 💙: just fyi i totally would've kissed you to shut you up if we weren't recording rn >> schlutt 💙: thought you oughta know
from across the table, he can see your face heat up as you read the notifications. meanwhile, you're doing your best to discreetly type out your responses.
>> (y/n): thanks brah >> schlutt 💙: yo lock in >> schlutt 💙: i see you reading these u ain't slick >> (y/n): fuck u >> (y/n): u keep distracting me boy stfu >> (y/n): this is a setup >> schlutt 💙: ok >> (y/n): u are my #1 opp >> (y/n): hard left can i get that kiss later tho >> schlutt 💙: obviously
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ilwonuu · 2 days
"die 4 you" was so good!! (as well as ur other fics ofc) 💞 if youre going to make a part 3 / a finale please make it a happy ending!!!
omg thank you so much😭😭 ily<3 as wanted hehehe here is a part three with a happy ending. i love hannie so bad thank u all for supporting me while writing this!!!
𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍
⇝ 𝗒𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇
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read part one & two first<3
❤︎︎ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀- 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌, 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
❤︎︎ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖾, 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗎𝗉<𝟥, 𝗃𝖾𝗈��𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗌𝖾𝗑 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺??? , 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝖽, 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾<𝟥
❤︎︎ 𝖺/𝗇- 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾,,, 𝖽𝗐𝗐 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾 𝗂 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗋𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 (𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗋𝗋𝗒<𝟥)
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jeonghan was more hurt than your ever thought he would be. you leaving him to be with his best friend? he was so sad. but how could he blame you? he was such a terrible guy towards you these last couple weeks. he drove to your house immediately. he waited for you as long as he needed to until you got home.
he sat in his car waiting for you to pull up with cheol. he can’t even stop for a moment without thinking about you. he can’t hide from his feelings anymore because all it does is eat him alive. he hasn’t told you but being in the situationship was killing him as much as it was hurting you. he was just too good at hiding it.
he was brought out of his thoughts when he seen cheol’s car pull into your driveway. you waved to the boy, thanking him for the ride. he was quick to get out of his car. running to your front door as you opened it.
“jeonghan??? what are you doing here?” you were startled by the other boys appearance.
“please can we talk? i’ve been waiting here for an hour for you.” you look at him a little bit more. he looks like he’s been crying. you slowly nodded at him as he came inside with you.
“first- did you and cheol um- fuck or anything?” the thought was eating him alive. he couldn’t even handle the two of you kissing.
“no jeonghan- i just kissed him to make you jealous. he just took me to get some food. he was comforting me.” he nods slowly as you two sit on your couch.
“so you don’t like him?” his eyes look teary.
“jeonghan- no! i’m in love with you. i don’t even understand why we’re having this conversation- you’re just gonna reject me i know! go home.” you try to get up but jeonghan grabs your hand.
“please don’t walk away. just listen to me.” you sit back down with a sigh. you were really not in the mood for him to tell you he just wants sex.
“i’m so sorry for everything. i thought that if i buried all of my feelings for you i could just forget. i don’t want to bury them anymore. i can’t even- i can’t go a single minute without thinking of you. i want to hold you and kiss you. i don’t want anyone else. how could i? you’re the most perfect girl in the entire world.” he grabs your hands.
“i’m so in love with you. i’m sorry i did all of this when i could’ve just had you the second you told me about your feelings. i’m so fucking stupid. you’re all i need. i know- it might take awhile for you to even begin to forgive me for how i’ve treated you. i want to be your boyfriend- if you still want that of course.” tears were now in your eyes. you let go of his hands to cry in your own hands. you were sobbing. he pulled you into his arms to comfort you.
“i’m so sorry- i don’t want to make you cry. never. i-i love you.” you wrapped your arms around jeonghan with tears still streaming down your eyes.
“i l-love you too- god i hate you.” you laughed a little as you wiped your tears. he smiles at you as he helped you wipe the tears.
“you’re so beautiful- i’m so in love.” you look away from him with a blush.
“shut up. i’m still mad at you- and tired. i’m so tired.” he nods before letting go of you.
“i just wanted to talk to you tonight or i would of died of overthinking.” he stood up before leaving a kiss on your head.
“where are you going?” you asked him as you saw him gathering his keys.
“angel you said you were upset still and tired- i’m gonna go home. i don’t want to overwhelm you.” you shook your head.
“okay of course i’m a little upset. but i want you to stay. please? sleep with me.” he stops in his tracks.
“are you sure?” you nod standing up with him. he nods as he takes his shoes off.
“let’s go to sleep.” you lead him to your room as you quickly change in to comfortable clothes.
“i still have some of your clothes in my closet for you.” he thanks your before changing aswell. you practically jump into your bed. jeonghan trailing behind you and he climbs in next to you. you turn to look at him and he’s already staring right back at you.
“tired hannie?” he nods at you as he sighs. he pulls you to cuddle him.
“i love you. let’s sleep.” you get comfortable in his arms as you murmur i love you. you quickly falling asleep to his slow back rubs.
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the next morning was one of the best mornings you had. you woke up to jeonghan’s peaceful snoring. he was so cute. you left a soft kiss on his head. you didn’t want to wake him. you stare at him for awhile waiting for him to get up. you were still making up your mind for what he asked you.
did you want him to be your boyfriend? of course you did but it’s only normal to feel a little nervous. but you trust jeonghan. you don’t know why but you do. last night he seemed genuine and you know he wouldn’t say something like that if he didn’t mean it.
you tried to go back to sleep but you just got lost in your thoughts. you were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t realize jeonghan had woken up and he’s looking at you.
“angel? what are you thinking about?” you looked at him and shook your head.
“i don’t even know. just a bunch of things.” he nods. he pulls you back to him with a smile.
“hannie- i want you to be my boyfriend.” he leans up to look down at you.
“are you sure? you don’t have to decide so soon.” you shake your head.
“you’re all i want. please be my boyfriend. but i will never speak to you again if you hurt me.” you say the last part with a teasing tone but you mean every word. he nods and leans down to kiss you.
“i won’t even begin to think about hurting you ever again. i love you angel.” you blush at the nickname.
you peck his lips again. you quickly turn the kiss more desperate and he just smirks into the kiss.
“you’re needy this early?” you nod as you hide your face in his chest. jeonghan had discarded his shirt in the middle of the night. his bare chest had your head spinning.
“you look so pretty hannie-“ he cuts you off with a kiss as he starts to massage your waist. you moan into the kiss as he sloppily kisses you. he pulls away to peck your neck a couple times. before pulling away from you.
“don’t you think i should tease you just how you did me?” you shake your head.
“you deserved it!” he smiles at you and nods.
“yea- but i’m hungry. let’s eat first yea angel?” you pout at him before he lifts you out of bed.
“you’re so mean! i hate you.” you try to squirm out of his hold.
“i love you even more.” he puts you down and kisses you again.
“you’re lucky you’re cute.” he just smirks at you.
“lets go make food angel and then i’ll give you anything you want okay?” you roll your eyes at him before pulling him to the kitchen. you know he can’t see your face. but if he did he would see the huge smile on your face.
you finally have him the way you want him. you are so in love with yoon jeonghan.
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sturnwh0re · 3 hours
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CONTAINS: dirty talk, unprotected sex, cumming, pet names, suggestive topics, grinding, print, whimpering & moaning, cursing, dom!chris, oral F!recieving
description: you had started to take guitar lessons to get out of the house, by the time you got to the studio.. your instructor was fucking hot. were you really going to learn anything, or maybe something else?
I had walked into the studio, the lady at the front desk shooting me a smile as she took her eyes away from her computer. She had this welcoming smile on her face, and it made me feel way better about this entire guitar lesson plan.
“Hey darlin’ you come to practice?” She said smacking her gum.
“Oh— oh no I’m coming here for lessons. For..” I fiddled around with my paper to find my instructors name. “For Mr sturniolo.” I crumbled up the paper and shoved it in my pocket.
“hm, Mr sturniolo? He will be over there and to the left.” The lady said standing up and pointing her fingers for visuals.
I smiled and almost bowed her to slightly “thank you ma’am.” She shot back a smile at me and returned the words.
I had started to walk down the hallway, remembering the way to Mr. sturniolos room. When I had finally made it, the door was opened and a hot guy with fluffy brown hair and electric blue eyes was strumming his guitar strings.
My stomach almost flipped in circles. I didn’t know whether to interrupt or to just wait until he noticed me. I was almost hypnotized by the way his fingers glided over the guitar strings. His pearly whites bit his bottom lip as he focussed on his guitar.
Shit. Was this really my instructor? If I couldn’t help myself I’d fuck him before I had learned anything new about guitar. He had glanced up and jump slightly seeing be just standing there. He looked me up and down before hanging his guitar up and walking over to me.
“Sorry about that, I was working my guitar. You here for sm’lessons?” He said looking down at me. His eyes were almost like a nasty spell. The way he towered over me left me speechless and I stared at him in awe without realizing.
“Yeah— yeah I’m here for lessons.” I said nervously, fiddling with my own finger tips. I had seen him face palm himself
“Fuck. I forgot to introduce myself. Sorry, I’m Chris. Short for Christopher.” He said shooting a smile at me from above. Ugh. Everything about him was perfect. Even his name was moanable. It felt so wrong imagining him in bed with me but it felt so right as well.
i had let out a nervous smile and introduced myself too. “Yeah.. yeah I’m y/n.” I couldn’t believe how fucking hot my instructor was it was almost eating me alive.
after introducing myself I had walked into his studio looking around to see lyrical lemonade merch in almost every corner and 5 guitars plastered on the wall for anybody to see. Chris had pulled out a chair for me to sit in front of him, in front of his wooden stool.
“So, is this your first time playing guit—“ my fantasizing about this man blocked all of his words out. There was no way I could focus on any lessons knowing this sexy man was going to be instructing me.
By the time the lessons were finished I had learned nothing but how much I wanted to fuck Christopher. I couldn’t help but imagine his hands all over my body and even his thick fingers inside of me if I got lucky enough.
by the end of my 4th lesson I was helpless and still had no knowledge on any guitar. I would go home and just touch myself to the thought of Chris, pretending my fingers were his and imagining the sweet dirty talk.
Little did I know, Chris used to go home and wrap his guitar fingers around his hard on and pretend as if it was my hand. Bucking up into his own hand pretending it was me wrapping around him. Just imagining all the slutty things he would do to me.
For the 7th day of my lessons, right before I was going to drive to the studio to see Chris, my phone had vibrated. I picked up my phone and looked at it to see Chris had texted my phone.
The text read: “hey, sorry for the sudden change of plans, the studio had to use my studio room so the lessons are gonna be at my house. * ADDRESS *
My eyes jolted open seeing this text. I’m gonna be at my hot instructors fucking house. This had to be my chance to make a move. I quickly turned off my car and ran back into my house to change.
I bursted into my room and found the sluttiest skirt I could find. I quickly changed into it and ran back out to my car. I quickly jumped into the driver seat and shut the door. I was so excited to finally try and make a move, although i was probably gonna chicken out anyways.
As I started to get closer to Christopher’s house I started to feel more like a chicken. I was getting nervous but I knew if I really wanted this I would have to push all of the nervousness aside and just shoot my shot. Chris wasn’t much older than me either.
I was 19 and he was 20. A year means nothing to anybody and it shouldn’t mean anything to him either. Even in the car I couldn’t stop thinking about how badly I just wanted him to ruin me. When I had finally seen his house in the distance I took a deep breath and parked in front of his house.
I turned off my car and gave myself a slight pep talk before grabbing my phone and leaving my car. I took a few strides to his front door before pulling my skirt down alittle bit nervously and knocked 3 times. Almost instantly the door opened.
Me and Chris had locked eyes before he looked down at my short skirt I wore just for him. His jaw clenched and his breaths became loud. He blinked and looked back up at me, ruffling up his fluffy hair. “Come in.”
I had walked into his house and looked to the left to see a wooden stood in his living room. I walked into the living room and I felt Chris’ eyes staring at my behind.
A couple of minutes went by and he was teaching me a few cords. This was finally my chance to shoot my shot. “Sorry.. I really don’t get it.” I said fiddling my fingers around the guitar strings.
Chris’ voice lowered as he walked behind me. “Let me help you..” he held onto my fingers and held my other hand to guide my hands. My heart was pounding and I’m sure if it was any louder it would cause an earthquake.
I pushed my behind into the tent in his sweats. He let out a low groan “shit.” He muttered. “You know what you do to me.” He growled again. This was the first time he had ever said something remotely sexual and I was so here for it.
I felt myself get wetter between my legs, listening how softly he spoke to me. He grabbed the guitar from my hands and put it on the couch. He walked in front of me and put his hands on my waist.
“You have to know how you make me feel.” Chris said in his low voice again. I was an ocean under my panties. I had enough self control to not just push him on the couch and take him right then and there.
I gulped slightly. “How do I make you feel?” I said softly, matching his tone of voice. I was staring at his lips more than I’ve stared at anything ever.
“Fuuuckk. Don’t make me explain myself.” Chris said looking down at his tent in his pants. He didn’t even let me get a sentence out before putting his lips on mine, holding my hips so I wouldn’t grind against his hard on.
He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips were intoxicating. I melted into him and he was carrying me somewhere as we kissed. He released the kiss and opened his bedroom door, before throwing me onto his soft bed.
Chris grabbed his LED remote and made the lights red. He had already had rap music playing and he walked in front of where I was thrown onto the bed and he stood between my legs.
“Fuck.. I’ve been waiting for this for so long already.” Chris said starting to take off his sweats, to which I start to take off my mini skirt, leaving me in my soaked panties.
Chris had looked at the wet stain on my panties and brushed his finger against it. “You’re already soaked.. ngh.” Chris said growing harder. He had no boxers on under his sweats and was completely hanging lose.
He grunted before pulling my panties to the side. “Fuck Chris..” I whimpered lightly, feeling his hot and big hands be so rough with my underwear. Chris was stroking himself and even pulled out some oil to lather his 8 inches in.
He had started to stroke the oil onto himself, bringing his big thumb onto my clit to start rubbing it in circles. “Ohh yeahh..” Chris growled out, seeing the pleasured expressions on my face.
My head was thrown back and I hit my bottom lip. The way he was rubbing my sensitive clit was almost enough to make me cum right there. He had released his finger on my clit and positioned himself to my shaft.
He was rubbing his tip along it to try and open me up a bit before he pushed in. Our moans were in sync as I gasped and he growled. He put his hand on my neck and used his other hand to hold my thick thighs open.
“Fuck yes.. you like that mama?” He said keeping the same pace of his thrusts. My small hands were holding his wrist. My moans were already loud from his length and it felt like heaven.
“Yes— yes..!” I choked out. I was so busy focusing on the pleasure I had almost forgot how to even form words. I had felt Chris love his hand and bring his thumb to rub my clit again, making me squeal. Chris had no mercy on me, and a new idea came to my brain. This was finally the time I could moan his name like I’ve wanted to all along.
“C-Chris.. Chris.. fuck…” I moaned out. I knew his name was moanable from the beginning. He kept his pounding consistent and stared me in my eyes the entire time.
“Cum for me princess.. Cmon..” Chris growled, adding more pressure to his pounds, making my legs slightly cramp up. He finally stopped rubbing my clit and grabbed my chin to make me look at him. “Y’gonna be a good girl and cum on me? H-huh?” He said stammering.
He was continuing to slam into my sweet spot full of nerves, making me see stars and music notes. His tip was pushing against my cervix each harsh punishing thrust. He seemed merciless hearing how he was ruining me under him.
I could tell me was close. The most I could get out was a slight “mhm..” as my eyes shot open. I felt the tightness in my womb suddenly release as I heard Chris’ grunts get louder. He moaned loudly over the music and held himself inside of me.
“FUUUCKK.” Chris growled. Cum was circled around his base as he collapsed on top of me. “Fuck your good, mama.” He chuckled. Burying his face in the crook of my neck. I let my hand play with the back of his hair as I finally caught my breath.
He finally pulled out his cum covered cock and slapped it against my clit once more, making me twitch. “Atta fucking girl..” Chris bit his lip again, in the familiar way I’ve seen when I first seen him.
I looked at Chris and he had started to kiss my stomach and slowly get lower and lower. He finally kneeled between my legs and put my thick thighs over his strong shoulders. He started to lick and suck on my inner thighs, teasing me.
“Chris pleaseee.” I whine, pushing my hips up. Chris used his strong hands and pushed my hips back down to the bed.
“Don’t do that.” Chris growled. He slowly licked a line from my entrance to my clit before he started sucking on it. He used his talented tongue and darted it around my sensitive bean. My hands traveled down and grabbed onto his hair.
“Sh-Shit..” I mumbled as I felt his tongue lick and suck around on me, cleaning me up completely. He dipped his tongue in my shaft cleaning up the extra cum. He licked inside of me, making my back arch off of the bed. He had finally left a hard kiss on my clit once more before kissing back up my body.
I had finally caught my breathe from the oral & pleasure he had given me & how he had ruined me.
“this was probably— probably the only thing I’ll remember from the lessons.”
Disclaimer: I may or may not add more to this fanfic, so if you read it again & it’s changed a bit you know.
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toriluvsnickwayne · 2 days
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Getting Hooked
Chapter 7
Hook x Reader
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Tyler’s POV
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I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease after storming out of Andretti's place. I knew I had to calm down and clear my head. I decided to take a walk along the beach, hoping the fresh air would help me process my emotions.
As I walked, I couldn't help but think about Y/N and the mark on her face. Who could have done such a thing? And why was Andretti flirting with her like that?
I felt a surge of protectiveness towards Y/N, and I knew I had to find out what happened. I turned around and headed back inside, determined to get some answers.
When I returned, Y/N was still working, her face still bearing the bruise. I approached her, my heart racing with anticipation.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, trying to sound calm.
She looked up at me, her eyes hesitant. "Sure, Tyler. What's up?"
I took a deep breath, my mind racing with questions and emotions. "What happened to your face? And why was Andretti flirting with you like that?"
Y/N's expression changed, and she looked around nervously. "Let's talk outside," she whispered.
I nodded, and we stepped out into the night air, the tension between us palpable.
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Tyler led me outside, his eyes fixed on mine with a mix of concern and anger. The cool night air hit us as we stepped into the parking lot, the only sound being the distant music from the bar.
"Who did this to you, Y/N? Tell me the truth," Tyler asked, his voice low and urgent.
I hesitated, not wanting to escalate the situation. "It was just some guy at the bar, Tyler. It's not a big deal," I said, trying to brush it off.
But Tyler's grip on my arm tightened. "Don't lie to me, Y/N. I can see the fear in your eyes. Who was it?"
I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep it from him. "I don't know his name, okay? He was just some drunk guy who got out of hand. He was yelling at me, and then...and then he hit me."
He paused, taking a deep breath. Then, his expression suddenly turned stone-cold, his eyes glazing over with a calm intensity.
"Don't worry about it, Y/N. I'll take care of it," he said, his voice eerily calm.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against my forehead in a gentle kiss. "I'll see you later, Take care."
And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me stunned and confused. His sudden change in demeanor left me wondering what was going on in his mind.
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Uhhhhhh hey sorry I’ve been gone 🥲. I’ve been rlly busy the past few weeks and things r js now settling down for now. I’ll try to update a few more parts before I go on vacation for 3 weeks😂. But srsly thank u guys for being patient n not flipping out. That’s rlly all I have to say for now I promise I’ll get at least 2 more parts out by Tuesday cuz that’s when I leave for vacation n hopefully schedule some posts the come out (no promises tho). Anyways lots of love- Tori😘😘
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geodenes · 4 months
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can someone PLEASE be insane with me about them
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croakings · 3 months
i apologize for mithrunposting incessantly but honestly if any of you expected better of me you shouldn't have
anyway i get it and some of the failguy jokes are funny. i can tell that nothing i've run into is even malicious. but also it would be really cool and awesome if there were simply less posts calling a disabled person a failure or baby or a dog or whatever for needing accommodation or extra help, especially when like. hey did you know the source material very on purpose did not do anything remotely like that. critical thinking question: could there be some reasons these phrases are not great, potentially
#*#mithrun#dungeon meshi#people are being weird about laois and falin wrt autism also but this is a separate issue#the downside of rep outside of like Average Action Movie Protagonist#which is to say. rep at all. as we would think of it.#is that you get to see not in-group folks talk about those characters. also.#and sometimes. people have. let us say. unexamined. or unacknowledged. biases. perhaps prejudices. at times.#ANYWAY#DISABLED PEOPLE HOWEVER DISABLED ARE NOT INFANTS OR ANIMALS. THANK YOU.#ALSO JUST FOR THE RECORD NOT THAT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO MY POINT#BUT MITHRUN IS SAID IN THE STORY TO BE FAIRLY SELF SUFFICIENT OUTSIDE OF DUNGEON CRAWLING.#his intelligence and strength stats are both extremely high. hey. hey. hey guys. what about him compels you to portray him#as weak or bumbling or unintelligent. quickly.#edit:#like look. if your whole joke is just ''ooooh he's so fucked up. he's so fucked up he's basically a goofy dog''. think about some things.#talking about/including a character's disability: 👍✅#exclusively talking about how fucked up it makes them/how fucked up it is to be disabled: 😕❌#double anyway. fucking. please for the love of god if nothing else. understand that real life disabled people see how you talk about#and portray those with disabilities. and sometimes! it does not feel good. thank you.#this isn't no fun alloweding. just THINK before you say shit PLEASE.#the only character ive seen get called a dog as much as mithrun is fucking laois. which. yk? ykwim here? would u call chilchuck a pursedog.#would that be fucked up‚ maybe. can you tell me why. are you reading me.#ok. i'm done. just. god. negative sims interaction bubble. JUST THINK ABOUT IT THATS ALL.#''its funny to ship mithrun with beautiful people bc he looks so fucked up now haha'' PLEASE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME.#actually i have more to say. rbing this. god. God.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
just here to say that I loveee the way you have doodled jin ling. squeaky toy golden boy. the most nephew to ever nephew. thank you for delightful comics, that's all, mwah
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I simply think the Jin DNA is full of lil guy potential; like sugar ants on a peony B*)
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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bangcakes · 3 months
#god i was so giddy today (or well i guess yesterday. its almost 2am JDJFJFJF)#i was waitin all day for him to finish work so i could message him n he messaged me in seconds... triple texted NDNDJDJDNDNDMDMDN#god hes so cute. im so !@@@@@ i like him so much. like ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!#he makes me so happy idk how to explain. i just !!!!!!@@ like him so !!!!@@ much !!!!#why do i deprive myself of him 😭😭😭😭😭#but i mean we did talk for 2 hours straight in person a few weeks ago. not much you can like. converse about after that JDJDJDJDJDJDJ#:')))))))))#maybe i'll let myself be a lil hopeful.... 🥺🥺🥺#personal#also omg i think i figured out why he was so combative??? when i saw him last#i think it was bc of our mutual friend...........#n e way HDNDNDNDNDN#so maybe thats why he was like that. bc with me.... sure we tease each other but hes not like....... out for the kill idk JDJDJDNDNNDNDND#hes so sweet.... like not in an obvious way but like NDNNDMDDMD IDK.#we'll put it this way....#when ppl ask him for help... he tells them to google it#meanwhile hes explaining stuff to me in detail; going up to the teacher n asking questions for me; getting up out of his seat n#looking for a plug for me JFJDJDJDD LIKE ?????#hes also so polite... thanks ppl... holds the door for ppl. god hes so......#if he's like....... the guy im gonna be with for the rest of my life... o i'll be so happy BDJZNZNNZNZNZNZNZ#THIS IS SO SAPPY GOD.#if u saw the messages you'd be like literally what are you giddy over HFJDJDJJDJDJDJD AND THATS OKAY#hes just some guy.... love that about him the most.....
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kettleghost · 1 year
Hi there! Just stumbled upon your Saul Goodman artwork! I love that rascal, he gives off Daria vibes in ur style!
thank you so much!! this really means a lot! im assuming you’re referring to my slippin’ jimmy redesign(??) since i actually based that design off of the artsyle of early mtv cartoons like daria and clone high and shows like that! so it’s super great to know that it translated well into my drawing n stuff. so so glad u enjoy my art! thank u for letting me know :D here are some doodles of the silly guy
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paging-possum · 21 days
I saw your bookshelf, can I ask what Theives, Kid Gloves, and Displacement are about? They sort of caught my eye, and I’ve been looking for new books
YES OH MY GOD thank you so much for asking!!!! Thoughts under the cut because this took a full hour for me to write because I kept writing too much 💀
Thieves by Lucie Bryon is about two girls, Ella and Madeleine, who get close after a party at which Ella gets super drunk and accidentally steals a bunch of stuff. They then return the items by going to other people's parties and hiding them where they belong. I would classify it as a YA romance, but it isn't overly dramatized, and feels like a much more accurate depiction of teens than others ive read- it mostly focuses on the relationship between Ella and Madeleine, and how they learn to support one another better during the course of their 'mission'. It has a really charming art style, and is one of my favorite books, I would highly recommend it!
Kid Gloves by Lucy Knisley is an autobiography about Knisley's pregnancy and the birth of her child! I would definitely preface this one with a content warning given that she also discusses having a miscarriage, emergency c-section, and eclampsia. If any of that or general medical issues are an issue, I wouldn't recommend this one, but if not, then it's a very good read! I'm generally not super interested in pregnancy-related books, but Kid Gloves is funny, its fascinating to read someone's firsthand account of something I've barely thought about, and Knisley manages to weave together both her own story and a lot of information about pregnancy really well (she divides chapters with little nonfiction interludes about pregnancy that are super interesting as well!) NGL I would also recommend Relish, or Something New which are about food and her wedding if Kid Gloves doesn't seem up your alley! Lucy Knisley one of my favorite autobio authors ever....
Displacement by Kiku Hughes is about a girl who goes to San Francisco for vacation and ends up getting transported back in time to follow her grandmother during her time in a Japanese internment camp. To be honest, it's been a while since I read this one, but it's a really well-done story that discusses life in internment camps, and ties it in with present-day politics (it was published in 2020). Involuntary time-travel parallels the displacement, and follows Kiku (the main character) as she not only learns about her family's history, but also the others that she meets in the camp. It's really gorgeously done, and also manages to combine fact and fiction really well.
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celestialrealms · 1 year
anyway am i really the only person who’s noticed this, honest question:
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maybe i’m just biased because i want him to either be nightbringer or just get some actual screentime, but is it just me or is barbatos the only character besides the brothers who is visually represented on the title screen? 
there’s also this:
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at the bottom of the official nightbringer website barbatos’s triangle motif in a cyan/turquoise color is once again repeated, along with being on the background to the app store/google play links.  
idk. i am biased because i want him to have an important role as my favorite character, I just think it’s interesting. Maybe I’m reaching, but I haven’t seen it mentioned despite the fact that it stares me in the face every time i open the game  🙈
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vogelmeister · 2 months
been feeling mixed on some of my friends recently
#i love them but im gonna explain#i don’t want this to boil over like the twins did#but one of my friends i feel so cast off sometimes#i get it bc shes full time adult job employed now#in healthcare no less#but im just getting fully annoyed at her lack of availability and it makes me sad#im getting even sadder actually bc she also always seems to have time to hang with her uni friends whuch hurts#like im like okay i know you have this from 6-7 so how about we meet for dinner at 7:30 bc i wanna see you casually and she says no#and i think i really need to talk to her bc it makes me sad and then i feel slapped in the face#even on nights out we always have to go home early. which my friend basically said:#i think in future if you wanna go home you can but others shouldn’t have to too#bc my other friend got so sad she was forced to come back early and i was like yea i would have liked to have sat at manly with yall#bc i feel we don’t do this any more#i honestly think it’s better to just let her figure it out and go#i don’t want me to sweep so much shit under the rug until i despise her#bc i know this isn’t her fault i just wish she would let loose or make an effort#my other situation is my childhood best friend#i love her a lot she’s amazing. but but but. sometimes i feel she can be too protective of me.#it comes from a place of knowing me for so long#and i do trust her opinions on people who i surround myself with bc she fucking hated those twins#but sometimes i feel she has been treating me differently since my neurodivergence diagnosis#even with a certain high school friend she held this dislike even when i said she was not like the twins#bc she was hanging out with the twins at the 21st#like this girl was also having her issues with the twins and was the person in the firing line of the breakup#even when i was in nl she was so worried about me and its nice to have her have my back#bc after that guy kissed me directly on the lips she suddenly became concerned about ppl taking advantage of me#and its like to me great she cares but also i did in fact learn from it#but she gets super defensive when ppl take advantage of me and i just wanna her to step back#i just feel sometimes i don’t need her feeling like she needs to protect me or that i need to hang neurodivergence up like a flag#idk its a lot. thank u for listening
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variantia · 1 month
BELLUM. I turn 30 on Saturday, AURORA's new album drops on June 7th, Inside Out 2 premieres on June 14th (I probably won't get to see it in theater but)
I genuinely do not think y'all are ready for the amount of FERAL I am about to be over the next month
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hellogoodbyegirl · 8 months
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the illustrious Glenn Tilbrook in the Hits Of The Year promo video for Squeeze
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