#thank u for the ask!!! :)
1000dactyls · 2 months
Rewatching all HTTYD media and realising Hiccup is one of the best shots of the show like genuinely sticks funeral arrow hitting the target that far away, the fact he shot down toothless in pitch blackness while toothless was completely camouflaged there's some more I'm missing but damn get that kid in the Olympics right this second
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imagine how much shorter rtte would’ve been if they gave hiccup a gun
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jacarandaaaas · 5 months
do you have any random hcs you’ve never really seen anyone else say?
ooh I’m not sure if they’re uncommon or not but happy to share!
- isa has a soft spot for kids in particular! she loves how they look up to her and think she’s the coolest ever (even after wecid) as she’s noticed a shift in how the adults act about her! she hates teens but to be more specific 15 year olds /j
- luisa loves hot chocolate but rarely has it because it makes her sleepy
- mirabel and camilo are both insufferable about their fave animals. like that’s their thing not yours !!!
- pepa hates white wine but loves red
- julieta hates red wine but loves white
- agustín hates awkward silence and would say the most random stuff to fill it
- in contrast felix can keep a conversation going for hours effortlessly
- Bruno hates sweet food because he ate hardly any of it in the walls and lost his appetite for it
- nobody can ever tell when almas being serious or joking post movie. Look at the proof! a mirabels like “ahahah are you being serious or ??!” unfortunately for alma she just SUCKS at humor
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- Antonio tells all his animals they’re his favorite to avoid upsetting them (they find out and argue with eachother over it)
- mirabel painted the mural in the town!! she updates it post movie to include everyone and any changes they made to their appearances!
- dolores is really great at advice! she’s straightforward but in a compassionate way and really discusses it with you
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ivipl1 · 20 days
Very interested in ur Circles Upon Circles Sage au (Can I call it that???)
Question: How does Mirabelle respond differently when Odile figures them out, aka the Memory of Secret?
She panics! Definitely tries to explain why she was hiding it while stuttering a bunch, which causes the rest of the group to notice and join the conversation. It probably turns into a full on fight because Mirabelle is Stressed The Fuck Out, which then causes Siffrin to instinctively loop back to avoid conflict. Mirabelle is very normal about this!
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magniloquent-raven · 13 days
bucktommy time! 💖 when you receive this message 💌 you must share at least one (1) headcanon about bucktommy being domestic! 🏳️‍🌈🥰
Okay! 🥰
I love thinking about them getting a cat. I will give any character a cat if I can, and ever since that one episode when Buck's landlord said the only pets they allow are cats I've been like 👀
So maybe he takes in a rescue they found during a call. Some gangly tabby with too-big paws and the crispiest lil meow that absolutely refuses to unhook his claws from Buck's chest after Buck pulls him out of a pile of rubble. And Buck's like, okay, well. I hope Tommy likes cats. They're not quite living together, but the amount of time Tommy spends at his place they may as well be.
Tommy starts, somehow, spending even more time at the loft after Buck brings home a cat. He would be that "dads and the cats they say they didn't want" meme. He's kinda neutral on the whole issue when Buck brings it up at first, he thinks it's sweet that Buck cares so much, but that's about it. Then he actually meets the cat. And the cat loves him. Perches on his shoulder while they're watching TV. Sits next to him and headbutts his shin while he's trying to eat dinner at the table. And Tommy is just so charmed by it. Buck wants to be annoyed that his own cat keeps cockblocking him by monopolizing his boyfriend's attention but it's just so fucking cute how happy it makes Tommy whenever the cat comes around loudly demanding cuddles.
Buck always kinda worried that getting a pet would be a bad idea with the hours he works, but he barely gets out the sentence "I wonder if he gets lonely while I'm at work" before Tommy's volunteering to drop by when their shifts don't line up. He already has a key. And he knows where the cat food is. It's fine, he doesn't mind.
It only takes one shift for Buck to decide he wants to move in with Tommy for real. He gets home and Tommy's cross-legged on the floor, smiling all soft and fond, holding a piece of string that neither of them are really paying attention to. The cat's stretched out in front of him oversized paws kneading air, purring so loud Buck can hear it from the front door.
And yeah, that's pretty much how Buck feels about having Tommy around too. He gets it.
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lazyveran · 4 months
Azutara nation coming to the rescue: about your fic what do you think is the principal reason of why Katara and Azula start to fall in love with each other?
thank u for the ask! and, it's different reasons for them both
for katara, it's complicated. azula is, intially, the anthesis to what she envisioned her future partner and life to be like. but underneath azula's one billion trillion issues is a woman that katara comes to deeply respect. the dedication to her people and country, her tireless hardwork, her surprising spirituality, and the simple fact they do eventually relate to each other bc of their backgrounds - azula, in short, inspires katara as much as she infuriates her. i think that challenge, too, that azula constantly gives katara is... well it's probably a little fun for katara. a little toxic too, but. well. they keep each other on their toes! (and make each other worse, in some ways. i will... unfortunately... be writing katara's approach to azula as 'i can fix her' *is made worse by her*) also, azula's classic fire nation passion n devotion is just Deeply Attractive to katara, azula at her core appeals to a certain, romantic side to katara - a charismatic, powerful princess utterly devoted to her, these big gestures of love she performs?? swoon!
for azula, she needs someone to challenge her. if katara had ever let azula walk all over her - well, azula would think of her as a pawn and nothing more. but katara's assertiveness, confidence in herself and grounding, it confounds azula. pisses her off. draws her in. gets her obsessed with the challenge and 'game' of katara. in that, azula is able to actually SEE katara as someone. and in that she sees so much compassion, kindness, and mercy (all things she thinks are weakness, that gives katara STRENGTH) and goes 'oh. oh.' in short, katara fascinates her, infuriates her, and all but intoxicates azula with how different, similiar, all of that, she is. rubix cube wife. also, the simple fact that katara is her legal wife. there's territory there that azula is allowed to explore, and once she's comfortable, she certainly will.
so. yea. they're honestly a little terrible for each other, but in a way that kind of also makes them better? in a sense. this will make more sense with the events of the fic i think!
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theloveinc · 2 years
househusband deku who gets a little too excited when you playfully run away from him
But awww, unlocking old memories from his days of being a hero🥺🥺🥺 like a kitty who sees a feather on a string and immediately wants to play. You don’t even have to be all that serious about it, swiping your hips away from him, but he’s ready to bat...
which usually means a chase around the house that ends up with you sweaty, bent over and panties down on whichever surface he gets you on first👀 like a big puppy in his attraction to you ... tho be careful what u wish for
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jamietxrtt · 4 months
How about untitled document 4?
OH. this one's angst central. basically jamie's been hurt by his father and was in the hospital in a like coma for. a few weeks. and during that time roy goes to the cops and spills everything he knows about james. and this is what happens when jamie wakes up and roy has to tell him:
“And you-- you--” an accusing finger dug into Roy’s chest. “Talked to the fucking cops, and told them-- fucking everything? Everything I ever told you about my dad?”
Roy gave a slow nod, watching Jamie's finger shake.
Jamie gave a quasi-hysterical laugh. “Now, why the everloving fuck would you do that, Roy? Why would you just tell them? Why wouldn’t you fucking-- I don’t know, wait for me to wake up and fucking ask me if I fucking wanted--”
“Because!” Against his own better judgment, Roy couldn’t stop the yelp inside his chest coming out, a tight burst of emotion. “Because I didn’t think you were fucking going to wake up!”
That stopped Jamie in his tracks, his anger faltering and going cold. “...What?”
Roy took a deep breath, and then another, his brain working overtime to steel his nerve, calm his voice.
“Because I thought,” He said again, slowly, enunciating every word. “That you were not going to wake up.”
Jamie stared at him for a moment.
“There was a-- Jamie. You were--” Roy huffed another breath. He couldn’t look Jamie in the eyes, his gaze wandering around the ceiling instead as if looking for answers on the ceiling tile. “There was a point, where you-- Before you woke up, there was about a week where it was… where it wasn’t looking good. For you.”
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ghoulgeists · 4 months
hi,! uhm, your art is super pretty and i especially really enjoy the traditional art you do with fountain pens,
i’ve spotted a couple of ecos, but do you have like. a full list of your pens posted somewhere? wondering as a fellow fountain pen collector/user that loves its ecos
AAA hello!! THANK YOUUU I love drawing with my pens it's so so much fun <3
I have a pretty sizable collection of ecos, and that's what I primarily use for my art! My nibs range from EF to B :3 I LOVE ecos so much... I love how chunky they are and they come in so many good colours... plus I feel like they just write really well, I love using wet inks with themmm
Here's my gay little twsbi rainbow though omg happy pride <3
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I don't have a pen list posted because holy moly that's a lot to list out agdjdh, but besides my ten billion ecos I also use a couple PenBBS pens and a kakimori brass dip pen!
I have a few other little guys in my collection, but I don't really use them for art as much anymore :'] they're emptied and tucked away.
I usually write down what pens I used + inks in the tags of my traditional art, so if you're ever curious about what I did you can always check out my little rambles :3
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spiderware · 7 months
May we know more about little Emmet's circumstances ? How did he land on Ingo's doorstep ?
he was actually kinda injured (and unconscious) when ingo came across emmet, emmet having plenty of bruises and strange cuts on his arm. so naturally, ingo panic-called the hospital and rushed the fainted emmet to it. the hospital was extremely quick to think ingo was his father, the dna test emmet took didn’t help the rumours. (it was a 75*% match to ingo)
so after a few quick calls and many signatures later, ingo was able to go home, with “son” hand in hand! (emmet had insisted on it)
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exhaustedalien · 4 months
who’s your favorite red dead character to draw and why?
ummm right now it's john and more specifically happy healthy between the games era john because I can give him a tummy and pretend the good safe family having daughter being alive times are gonna last forever......but also I just love drawing any era or au of john in general because he is a Barbie doll 2 me I like to put him in silly outfits and situations.
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talkshowboyluvr · 4 months
hi!! i was reading through your fics on ao3 (i promise i won’t be annoying and comment on like. all of them) and i wanted to first say that your writing is so good omg. i just finished reading Inarticulation and that little scene where wovey tries to comfort mizzen both warms and breaks my heart. i adore wovey and i was wondering if you had any thoughts on what the games/zoo might have been like for her?
HAHA lmao don't worry u aren't being annoying commenting on them, that's so sweet <43
eek my thoughts on wovey!!! well starting off i feel like there has to be some backstory given, specifically how i view her and bobbins relationship.
i really enjoy the hc that bobbin's younger brother is woof, and that maybe wovey had some friendship with woof before the games, and therefore latched onto bobbin as it would have made him more familiar.
and i think he felt the same for her, very much the only non alien thing in the capitol.
i also see wovey as older than bobbin (this is book wovey hehe) so i could almost see her as being protective over him? especially in the zoo i think she'd try her best to shield him from what was going on. however, i also think bobbin wouldn't have been attempting to do the same for her? they'd sort of both see themselves as the protector.
when it comes to getting food in the zoo, i'd say she probably would have tried to gain something from the crowd, maybe by picking out what outfit were her favourite, complimenting their style and so one, but i doubt she would have gotten much food from her efforts.
though, i assume much as lucy gray did, the other tributes would see her kindness and feel pity and fondness for her. where the capitol ignores her, the tributes pay a closer eye on her. they smile at her jokes and don't snap at her for clearly not understanding the situation she is in.
with her relationship with hilarius i'm sure hilarius would Not have been a good mentor. especially due to both his sexism and just assshole nature, i think she'd likely be on her own when it comes to strategy. and i also think as she is one of the younger tributes her strategy would be very different.
practically everything she does is futile. she can't win, but i don't think she would no that. as many kids do i think her mind would have twisted the situation she was in, attempted to trick itself into thinking it was not in the horrors it was.
specifically, i think she'd try to make it a game! a real game. like hide and seek in the tunnels, or tag when someone was pursing someone, or sleeping lions when she saw a dead body.
maybe she'd see the water as a prize for how well she was doing in her games, because well that makes everything a little more tragic.
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groovyace · 6 months
FOR THE MUSIC ASK #11, #20, and #22? You can pick and choose if u dont wanna do all of em!!
11 - Are You There by Slaughter Beach, Dog. Smthn about this one.. the lyrics and the slow buildup to the synth is absolutely godly. Like i just wanna start floating and spinning.
20 - Scared by The Tragically Hip. I'm outing myself as a Canadian here, but.. u gotta do what u gotta do. Choosing this one mostly because I have analyzed the lyrics like i million times and can't come up with a concrete meaning. This guy's songs are so cryptic.
22 - Garden Song by Phoebe Bridgers. Would not be any sort of list if this song specifically was not included. This is the one forever. I want this song tattoed on my eyeballs. Like I'll literally be walking with my irls and out of nowhere be like, "Remember when Phoebe said the doctor put her hands over my liver - she told me my resentments getting smaller???"
(These were actually so hard to choose omg)
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jacarandaaaas · 2 months
In case we're still talking about songs I feel like "Puppet loosely strung" by The Correspondents fits Isabela's and Mirabel's relationship. Especially Isa's envy of Mirabel's freedom and eventual reconciloation.
But I wanna know what you think! :-]
ahh yes of course we can always talk about songs! I find it so fun to assign songs to characters!
but ahhh omg the line “you never felt the need to conform” as isa talking about how mirabel never had to be put into a role where she had to be someone else! she always just got to be herself and isa is so jealous of it!
“did you feel the weight of others views or was their ignorance a source of fun” i can totally see this as isa watching the pity mirabel has to deal with but how she just smiles through it or makes a joke! she seems like she doesn’t care but she really does!
“that it was me needing you not you needing me” ouch😭😭 I feel like this can apply to them both! whilst it’s obvious in the movie mirabel misses isabela (she would never admit it) but based on isas pov in tots she feels the same.
the whole chorus I feel perfectly encapsulates isabelas point of view! she doesn’t want to be a puppet!
this was super fun and insightful ahh thank u!!
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thnksfrthgysx · 1 year
Hihi! When you make the holographic lil gays (tyler and narrator) can you please let me know (or heck even just answer this when you have them ready to be bought) :]
YEAS OF COURSE,!! i actualy got this photo sample from the manufacturer a few days ago but i didn’t bother posting because i didn’t think any1 cared enough to be updated AOUGH
im making an etsy this week and these guys shud be with me in about 2 weeks time ….
ill definitely post when they arrive because i am So Excited…. i cant find Any silly fight club merch so i will probably be making some myself to fill my own niche HANAHGAHAHHAHA
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wrixie · 7 months
What is the story behind your username? ☀️
i wish there was some cool story about how i chose it but i just kinda looked up unique words and ran into wrixles! which eventually turned into wrixie after being called wrinkles too many times on overwatch lmfao
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candyskiez · 4 months
You were probably asked this, but who are the people who inspire your writing?
I haven't been, actually!
Embarrassingly, I first got interested in writing because of uh. Warriors. I wrote so much shitty warriors fanfiction that I am not linking also it's on a quiz site that people used as bargain bin social media for some reason I don't know why we did that. But as for actual inspirations uhhhh
MP100 has been a massive one lately, like. MASSIVE. It's inspired me to get Weird with metaphors and just in general. A big one that kick-started my love of OCS again and made me actually make my characters more complicated again was Infinity Train, which shouldn't have been cancelled and I'm mad about it. Also arcane.
Elliptical's fics have inspired me a lot, so have uhhh Shaylinne's. You should read their fics. Also shcerbatskayas' fics definitely. Those three have massively influenced my writing style recently I think. Fun fact about me I actually write all the fucking time I just struggle to finish shit. I have been getting so much writing done. Can't wait to publish these fics in like fifty years /lh
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