#thank u for the ask !!❣️
smithsparker · 2 years
hello sas, 31, 52 & 73 💙
hii magda <3<3
31. la solassitude by stromae
52. creature by half•alive
73. more like you by orla gartland
send me a number between 1 and 100 and i'll give you a song from my wrapped list!
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buckxtommy · 2 months
Bucktommy for 12.making out against the rescue helicopter (lets be honest that exactly where those “flying lessons” will lead)
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exactly how those flying lessons actually went 😌 [wip]
added my twist to the prompt, which is tommy smiling into the kiss– sth i can totally see him doing <3
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ashstfu · 1 year
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oh hi i giggle everytime i see my posts circulating out of tumblr ..
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djservo · 1 year
list 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 🖤
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🌹🌹🌹🌹 diego lobo 🌹🌹🌹🌹
- collector of vintage perfumes & pulp erotica
- attends bimonthly erotic open mics to share the wealth & read aloud from said pulp erotica (he's a legend in the underground erotic open mic world)
- knows absolutely everyone's business, knows you know he knows your business but acts like he doesn't
- got his start/following as a critic by having a blog in college where he complained at-length about how ugly and wrong everyone was in his art classes
- has never done his taxes
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Sorry to ask what is the supposed brothel scene with R and D? Is it a scene in the books?
possible spoiler (reddit leaks/leaks in general) for ep 4
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twilightdomain · 11 months
tell me about already? 🥺
it's all very vague because i am not deeply informed on so much lore (always trying but THERE'S SO MUCH) um okay so she's a second (or third or something) born and died a while before 1325—before that though she sucked pretty bad, just like unnecessarily bloodthirsty in the name of the pale tree, so it was a little bit of a relief tbh.
except in 1330 another pod opened with her in it again, with as far as anyone could tell no immediate memory of her previous life (the attending gardener saw her and could only think to say "you happened already..." and she was like cool is that my name 😀).
what she DOES remember, privately, is the intervening time she spent, some sort of undead, in the mind of an under-trained charr revenant, developing a wretched sort of codependency until trahearne's grieving understudy extracted her to test their process of reincarnating a whole sylvari instead of scattering their memories into the dream!
anyway she's stellar she's sinister she's suspect. she's like this
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ID: 3-panel art by A Softer World with images of an angel statue and text that says "When you died, I buried you in that creepy ancient cemetery. And you came back different. Which is good, because you were kind of a dick, originally." end ID
and i think Pale White Horse by the oh hellos is a great song for her :)
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chwedout · 4 months
2, 11 & 16 for the pc ask?🥰
2 — newest photocard
i wasn't sure if this meant my most recent pc or recent in terms of comeback but i guess these pcs from a fansign and the belluna dome work for both
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11 — is there an idol you wish you had more photocards of?
jeonghan!! i find a lot of his pcs so cute and i wish i could collect more of his photocards but i think i'd go broke if i even tried. here's one of my fave jeonghan cards though🥹
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16 — a photocard with your favourite colour
here are a bunch of pcs with the colour red❤️
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✨ photocard ask game
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
Yesterday i found out there there is not one, but two chapters of the smoking fic
I had only seen the first chapter on here and love it so much!! I quite literally read it everyday for weeks. AND THEN I FOUND THE SECOND CHAPTER AND I THINK I LITERALLY DIED AND CAME BACK
thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
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gokartkid · 11 months
the dichotomy between chalex and galex is fascinating to me... charles and alex are light and sweet (caught giggling before races) and then george absolutely steamrolls his way through with something so devastating, so casually poetic (touching alex's bleeding wounds mid-interview). puppy love vs. star-crossed lovers i'm afraid
there IS a dichotomy and different appeals from both of them! UNFORCH AS A CHALEX LOVER (and a galex enjoyer!) i dont think chalex is puppy love, as in i don't write them with that intent as in i obviously have an overthought thesis in my mind!!
i think georges relationship to alex is very like. if i loved you less i could talk about it more, hunger etc. (also something about george being the youngest of the three of them… the way he seeks attention…. i dont have a coherent thought about this but. something!) and yes. very poetic siken bleeding wounds cannibalistic consumption 😋
alex with charles i dont think it is alll sweetness and light! the chalex pre race chatty pics areee everything and i think that alex is… in some ways more overtly kind to charles like when he doesnt make fun of him for not understanding things he explains things to him a lot (there’s video evidence but obv im lazy) BUT i think thats also to do with how genuine charles is like. hes never hesitant to be curious and to admit when he doesnt know things. compared to george who i feel rlly wants to give the impression of competency and being In and Getting It. in return, i think alex likes it a lot when people are straightforward, it reflects his own nature!
but alex is not Not mean to charles. and im also fascinated by the work it mustve took from being teammates in the feeder series and competing against each other (iirc charles and alex were the big championship contenders….?) and charles getting to f1 first and everything… to be very nice to each other now because they get along so well is soo interesting!! i also think alex at his worst could be resentful, and spiteful. and is that not delicious??? i think charles also has a tendency towards… believing things will work out for him because they do. and a lot of alexs life has NOT worked out, has been very very hard work for him to work it out, i mean he was benched! no seat! i think those conflicting worldviews also offer a lot for the depth of their relationship. they have fundamentally different outlooks and ways for solving problems that both allows them to get along well, and at the same time is material for conflict.
its like. in chalex, alex is the one more inclined to certain neuroses. in galex, its george. (they all have neuroses but im just saying the like. tendency…)
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alemi-i · 5 months
hi alemi !! i don’t believe ive ever submitted anything through here before, but i just wanted to say that i love your works so much !! i adore your writing style and admire how hard you work to write. thank you for blessing all of us with your amazing fics 😭🫶
that being said, please dont overwork yourself with writing. it takes a lot of energy and thinking to come out with a good fic, but please remember that you should always come first ! take care of yourself, im super excited to see some more fics from you ! 💕
this means so sk much to me especially because writing is always a hassle for me considering my schedule 🥹 producing a good fic is always difficult especially because i am in no way confident jb my writing HAHAHA i do hope i publish another fic soon... 😭❣️❣️ THANM U SM UR WORDS ARE SK SWEEET !!
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autism69 · 1 year
I have your blog background but sideways and slightly bluer
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WOAGHHHHHH ☆*'°:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
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realness-remade · 7 months
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WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE PICTUREmy parasite watching me roll a joint while he kills me
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iwasneverth3re · 1 year
Since Amai adopted you, I'd like to say welcome to the family, Li-Li! <3
Are you here to talk about extending my car's warranty?
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djservo · 1 year
hiiii <3 big ask big answer is what i'm expecting would LOVE to know your top 5/faves across various media that are new(in release or just new to you) this year! so: shows, movies, games, books, songs/albums, new artists you've discovered etc
this is separate from the big book ask that's also coming this month <3
omg it was like pulling teeth narrowing everything down to just 5, I feel like in the past couple months alone I've encountered so many new (to me) films/albums that I now consider favorites BUT OK —
let’s not even try 🤚
Shortbus (2006) dir. John Cameron Mitchell
All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001) dir. Shunji Iwai
Hush! (2001) dir. Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Plan B (2010) dir. Marco Berger
Law of Desire (1987) dir. Pedro Almodóvar
**honorable mention to xavier dolan bc I can't choose between the 3 of his I watched 🙄❤️‍🔥
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Tender at the Bone: Growing up at the Table by Ruth Reichl
Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin
Either/Or by Elif Batuman
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel Clowes
Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora by Martin F. Manalansan IV
(was gonna cheat and do 5 artists/5 albums/5 songs but this is long enough so i'll condense it to 5 I kept returning to In General)
albums: Bavarian Fruit Bread by Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, Oncle Jazz by Men I Trust
artists: my little airport, Lali Puna, CFCF
**honorable mentions to Broken Social Scene + the Yeah Yeah Yeahs bc I saw them both live in concert this year (separate but equally magical/life-changing occasions) and it made me go back n burrow deep into their discographies like I was a teen again ❤️‍🩹
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ikosburneraccount · 1 year
I can still see your account!!! U ok?????
YAYYYYYYYY THANK U ZHEN 🥰❤️ yes im okay my blog just wasn’t working and i googled it and it turns out i got shadowbanned 😭😭😭
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wqnwoos · 11 months
OMG seokmin thing was sooo so cute🥹🥹🥹!!! EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS SO COMFORTING OMG it made my night end on a good note🤭
also i wanted to ask your bias line?:0 (sorry if youve answered this before!)
AHH thank u so much omfg!!! made my day 🫶 i hope you sleep well!!
my bias is wonwoo!! and my bias line extends to jeonghan, jun, dk and minghao. but honestly atp it’s all of them. what even is a bias line anymore. i don’t know.
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