#thank u for the knowledge they existed king but also. why
effervescentdragon · 3 months
the song they're singing is called 'links rechts' which directly translates to 'left right' it is sung by one of my favorite dutch people of all time, Snollebollekes. which, means nothing. but this is him, this is MY king.
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he is from the south (as is my family) and his music is just southern party music which in itself is a separate genre of music here called 'carnavals muziek' it's kind of a branch of our own genre of folk but w t much alchol. his music and it's genre it exists for the sole reason to get extremely drunk to and scream at from the top of ur lungs. he himself is also VERY southern n makes his accent v obvious in his songs.
also Snollebollekes is like a character to him, irl he is SO smart and knowledgeable about music and loves it so much, he literally makes this kinda 'shitty' music just because its fun and he enjoys making and performing it.
the song itself literally just talks about getting drunk as fuck and partying, he uses southern words and sings that the roof is gonna go off the place and that theyre going to break the house. house is a bad word its actually 'tent' which is I think also an english word but when we refer to it in a party setting we mean a party tent outside which makes it better.
anyway the moment u hear in the video is the best part of the song where snollebollekes goes 'TO THE LEFT!' and everyone goes to the left collectively and then he goes "TO THE RIGHT" to which, everyone goes to the right, then he says 'AND AGAIN" and "TO THE LEFT" and thats it, its incredible and fantastic and here's a video of one of his performances.
anyway, its objectively horrible, everyone knows it, he knows that to that's why he does it, this genre of music and he exists solely for the fun of it and I adore it sm.
if u ever play this somewhere where dutch people are you will be shoves and you will be forced to move along and its the most fun ever.
okay so i saved this explanation so i could read it properly after le mans finished (i was having a series of heart attacks in the last two hrs) and i love this! the culture reminds me of these parties that happen in slovenia, called basically "firemen parties" (gasilske veselice) which are just excuses to get drunk and given that firemen places (i forgot the name of the like. buliding) used to be this kind of like places where community gathered, they happen there or also under these huge tents, so i know what you mean. the music played there is also very like, folksy? it has lots of accordions, and parts of it can be equaled with the austrian "peasant" music, which also uses local dialects, so i think it all comes together as overlaps of culture and we all have so many things in common. its so catchy tho and i LOVE that. gonna try it on dutch fans next time im at red bull ring or sth 😹 love you kyle, thank you for explaining 🧡
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noshitshakespeare · 2 years
Hi,What tips do you have for a student who is about to do his GCSEs in a month. I managed to get a 8 once in the mocks but have never reached 9. Do u have any tips that like techniques ,structure or good points to talk about in macbeth?Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards ,Ben
Hello Ben! Thank you for your question.
The GCSE format is a very particular thing, and something your teachers are probably more familiar with than I am now. But the fundamental things that make a good English literature essay remain the same at any level of academic study.
First and foremost: answer the question, and plan. When you see the question, plot down the five most important points that come to mind. Put them into an order that makes sense (make them follow on from one another). These can then form the core of your structure. In other words, think of each point as a paragph, and don't be tempted to deviate from that core. If you include things that have nothing to do with the question, it really looks like you're just trying to write everything you revised instead of answering the question. Remember that an exam is there for you to show that you know the subject, so it actually looks better if you can show that you can tailor your knowledge to the specific point. It shows that you know more than you're writing down.
Second: think deep. A good point analysed carefully is worth more than a multitude of points made vaguely. So use the quotations you've studied and really think about the implication of each line, the choice of words, the wordplay. A key part of what a GCSE examiner looks for is evidence of awareness that there's a writer behind these words making deliberate choices. So think in terms of 'why did Shakespeare choose to do this?', 'what effect does this create?', 'what is the meaning of this line, and how does Shakespeare create that meaning?'. For this, it can be very useful to have some fluency with terminology. So if you can identify the iambic pentameter you might be able to talk about where the stress falls in the line, or note when a line is shared and think about what effect that creates, or you might be able to identify that the weird sisters talk in iambic tetrameter, more fairytale and riddle-like. You can show that you know Shakespeare used these techniques deliberately. It's also a chance to show off that you know a line can be interpreted in lots of different ways. At university level, people will want you to be more clear about what you think, but at GCSE level they really want you to show that you know there are many responses to a text, that there are opinions other than your own out there. If you happen to know any criticism, you can use it for this purpose, but it's not necessary at this stage.
Third: contextual information. I think many teachers stress the need to include historical information, but actually, contextual information is broader than that and can include things like your awareness that this is a play, written for an audience. If you know your history you can of course bring in things like King James' obsession with witchcraft, the fact that the play was written soon after the succession crisis created by Elizabeth being childless, the contemporary debates on the nature of tyranny, or even that the play seems to flatter James I somewhat as the descendant of Banquo. It can be vaguer too if you don't know your history. The fact that England was a monarchy, for instance, or the fact that Macbeth is set in a Christian world, where questions of the afterlife concern him. Or you can go more detailed and specific about the conditions of the existence of the play text: things like the fact that this is Shakespeare's shortest play or that recent scholars suspect it was edited and amended by Middleton might be relevant if you wanted to talk about, say, the sense of urgency, or the fact that the Hecate scenes have a very different feeling about them. BUT only bring in these things if directly relevant to the question. You can already see how I've connected the length of the play with a dramatic feature of the text (its speed). You shouldn't just drop facts for the sake of it. Ideally, context isn't a separate point but something you integrate into the rest of your response, but it can be a paragraph on its own if that works best for you.
As for points... You might find some curious things under my Macbeth tag on this blog, which has quite a number of strange points you probably won't encounter at school.
The best essays integrate all the aspects I've talked about here into a cohesive response that flows naturally from one point to the next, and that's why it's useful to have your key points and to stick to them.
And most importantly, though this may sound strange... Enjoy yourself. The best thing is to enjoy the text, and the chance to analyse the text, because that interest comes through in your writing. Turn any nervousness into excitement and take it as an opportunity to write and have your work read by somebody else.
Good luck!
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apricotbuncakes · 3 years
🏳️‍⚧️ Luigi is Trans Masc 🏳️‍⚧️
Long Post!!!
Now that I have your attention, here are some reasons that I headcanon Luigi as trans, based off of my own experience as a trans masc person.
1) He ghosts hunts even when he has the option to say no.
Could this be a ‘I have to save my loved ones from danger’ or a ‘this is the right thing to do even though I’m scared’ situation? Yeah! But I’m trans and grasping for straws, so let me have this.
I put this as a reason for him being trans, because I believe he’s doing it because he’s a man and he’s ‘not supposed to be afraid’.
Luigi is assumed to be 24, and his character was first introduced in the 1980s, specifically 1983. Assuming he was 24 when the first game released, he would have been born in 1959 (feel free to check my math on that).
Although his character was introduced in the 80s where men tended to be more feminine and flamboyant, he was probably raised with the idea that men should be tough and strong, and should lead. Even if we throw release date and age aside, even if he was born in my generation, those stereotypes of men still exist and are taught within society. Even as those norms are being broken day after day, he would have still been exposed to the toxic masculinity.
Luigi, from what we’ve seen of his adventures, tends to be more scared and less ‘tough’ than what was expected of a man. From what we know of Luigi, we can safely assume that (if he was trans) he would be doing this not only for his family and friends, but to prove he was tough and strong, and that he was manly.
2) He dresses like his brother.
Yes, he is a plumber by trade, but he also ghosts hunts, and makes bank off of that. You think he would wear a different outfit when he ghost hunts simply because denim Isn’t meant for physical activity. Anyone who’s run in jeans knows that it isn’t exactly meant to be stretchy. It’s (supposed to be) designed to withstand the test of time. So why doesn’t Luigi change from plumbing cloths (specifically his denim overalls) to something more suited for the running he has to do in various places for ghost hunting? Because Mario wears overalls and a t-shirt.
From what I’ve seen on social media, other trans people follow the lead of those around them who match their gender identity/their presentation. I would do the same was well. I would look at what my dad wore, what my brother would wear, and what guys at school wore. I developed my style after what I had seen, so I could pass.
While you don’t have to pass to be trans (or even have the desire to), it’s a common theme amongst trans people to try and blend in with cis society. This can be for safety reasons, or just because they want to fit in with their peers.
Luigi clearly looks up to his brother, crying tears of joy whenever Mario is saved from King Boo. He congratulates him when he wins events. He supports him, because he looks up to him. They’re brothers after all!
It makes sense that Luigi would mirror Mario, since they are so close. Since Mario is most often seen wearing his overalls, Luigi follows suit, because it’s what he believes guys do. He’s following the example that Mario set for him.
3) Luigi’s view on gender expression.
Luigi has had a couple of instances where he is known to ignore typical gender stereotypes, specifically with dresses.
In the game super Mario Odyssey, Mario can be seen wear a wedding gown with a veil, and Luigi is only concerned that Mario didn’t tell him about the wedding. There was no wedding, and Luigi didn’t mock Mario when informed that his brother was wearing the gown for fun.
The second major instance is from the New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe website. The website tells us that only Toadette can use the Super crown. The last part of the Super Crown’s description says “Sorry Luigi- Only Toadette can use this item!”
While this could point to Luigi being trans fem instead of trans masc, I would like to point out that recently, it has become more accepted that men can dress feminine. Since this game was released in 2019, it’s completely possible that Luigi has caught onto this, and is becoming more accepted and accepting of his femininity as a man. This would also be plenty of time to unlearn harmful stereotypes from when he was younger, about what men can and can’t do. Although he still sticks with old habits, he’s learning more about how the world around him works, and how it’s changing day by day.
I believe that Luigi has a better understanding of gender and gender expression because he is trans. He’s learning to accept that he doesn’t have to be hyper masculine to be a valid guy.
4) How he got his mustache and flat chest (and… other stuff).
This section will be discussing the effects of hormones, surgeries, and genitalia. Please keep this in mind as you read.
This is more of an explanation for how certain things happened.
How did he grow a mustache? Testosterone. It was likely after helping his brother with his career, and winning sporting events he had a good amount of income to start Testosterone. Another option? Minoxidil. Minoxidil was tested to see if it could cure ulcers in the 50s. Through testing, The Upjohn Company discovered it opened blood vessels and allowed for blood to flow more smoothly. In the late 70s, it was FDA approved for patients to use if they suffer from high blood pressure. Through this, they discovered that minoxidil also has the side effect of hair growth. The FDA approved the product to be sold, and it was called Rogaine. Meaning Luigi would have had access to something to grow facial hair, even if testosterone wasn’t an option.
What about his flat chest?
Binding or Top surgery. Both were an option by the time Luigi was old enough. Laurence Michael Dillon was a trans person who was born in 1915 and died in 1962. While I do recommend you look at more of his story, what I want to focus on is the fact he had top surgery. While the surgery was still fairly early in it’s development, it was possible. Luigi, who wasn’t born until 1959 (as previously discussed) would have the option to get top surgery when he became an adult.
Another option would be binding, though I think this is less likely because of how binding restricts physical activity. Binding in any way makes it difficult to run or exert yourself in general. We see Luigi run a LOT in various games, and for decent amounts of time too. It’s less likely that he’s binding.
The last thing is his penis.
There was a huge joke going around about the bulge we saw in a promotion for Mario Tennis Aces. People were discussing how large it was, and Even Mattpat on Game Theory discussed the measurements to determine how large it was.
Why was it so noticeable? Well bottom surgery was also an option for him pretty early on. Surgeons (from what I’ve been told be social media) will ask how you’d like to look like. Even if he decided to not get bottom surgery, he could be wearing a packer.
A packer is anything you use to give the feeling and or appearance of a penis, specifically used by trans masc people who were not born with a penis. There are many different types of packers (including clean rolled up socks) that people may use. What’s most important to note though, is they have a high chance of moving around.
Even with harnesses or underwear specifically designed to keep a packer in place, they can still shift around in your pants, especially when you’re doing a lot of moving. From my experience, my packers tent to move forward rather than back. Wearing athletic shorts will also make that area more pronounced as the fabric is looser, so if Luigi was wearing a packer, we’d know.
5) He’s trans cause I say so.
Like I said in the beginning, it’s a head canon. I say he’s trans because it’s a cool idea. A Nintendo character that is trans, and isn’t being hidden, explained away, or made fun of (like Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door). I like the idea that Luigi is a proud trans guy, and we don’t know because it doesn’t matter. He’s a guy because he’s a guy. He doesn’t just ‘become’ a guy because he goes through surgeries or goes in hormones. He’s trans, and t doesn’t matter if we know or not, because his trans identity isn’t important to the story we’re playing, or our knowledge to know. We aren’t entitled to it.
He’s a guy who happens to be trans, and that’s that.
If there is any misinformation above, please let me know so I can correct it. This was meant to be a fun post about my head canon, but I did use real world examples t explain it, and if I got something wrong, I’d like to know. Thanks!
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jounetsunosymphonia · 3 years
Alex in Wonderland (Mankai Stage Spring 2019 translation)
translation for the stage version of spring’s second play! song can be found in full here
i’m including a little bit of spoken lines before the song starts because...yeah. it’s technically still part of the thing. but u just won’t get to hear it and i’m sorry for that.
cast list Usui Masumi (Makishima Hikaru) as Alex Chigasaki Itaru (Tateishi Toshiki) as Mad Hatter, Professor Minagi Tsuzuru (Maekawa Yuuki) as White Rabbit, Usaka Sakuma Sakuya (Yokota Ryugi) as Cheshire Cat, Nekota Citron (Furuya Yamato) as King of Hearts, Shintani (i’m not sure this is actually his name i can’t hear very well and i don’t have the script sdjfndjsh if anyone knows lmk!!)
[bell chimes]
Shintani: A~h. They’re late.
Nekota: Hey!
Usaka: Sorry to keep you waiting!
(all three of them like, fist bumping and going EYYYY at each other. yeah)
Usaka: So something really funny happened at my club today--
Nekota: Oh, if it isn’t Alex! Good morning--
Alex: (walks past them)
Nekota: Eh, he’s totally ignoring us? Don’t you recognise us? It’s Nekota, Usaka, and Shintani!
Shintani: We’re in the same class so...let’s be friends! (holds out his hand for a fist bump c’mon alex don’t leave him hanging like that)
Alex: No thanks, I’m not interested. (sits down to read his book)
Usaka: Man, he’s sour. What’s he even coming to school for?
Shintani: (puts his hand down with the most hurt look on his face i’m so sad)
Nekota: Nah, it’s fine, right? Everyone’s different! But anyway-- (nekota and usaka exit)
Shintani: (running after them) What is it~?
Professor: Now, are you sitting here reading on your own again? Why don’t you act a little more like a college student and go have fun with your friends?
Alex: That would be a waste of my time. Books give me knowledge, meanwhile all they can give me are pointless conversations and boredom.
Professor: Though you might hate humans, you like animals, do you not?
Alex: For the most part, yes, but...that’s because they’re fluffy. Fluffiness can heal people, it’s not pointless at all.
Professor: Do you really hate useless things so much?
Alex: Of course. I didn’t come to university to waste time being unproductive.
Professor: Hmm. Productivity, you say. ...Alex, say there is a treasure of gold that only your friends can see, but is invisible to you. What could it be?
Alex: If we think about it logically, Professor, a situation like that could never exist in reality. Therefore, the only conclusion is that it is a dream. Please stop with the pointless questions.
Professor: Alex, what you have in intelligence, you lack in imagination. Here, try drinking this. (SIR DON’T OFFER YOUR STUDENT ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. SIR.)
Alex: And this is?
Professor: Plain black tea. Perhaps it’ll help loosen up your rigid way of thinking.
Alex: I doubt it, but I’ll take your word for it. I know you won’t let me leave til I drink it, anyway...
Professor: You’re a tough one, as usual.
(alex drinks the tea and stuff starts to get funky! from this point onward is the actual song)
White Rabbit: Oh dear, I’m late! You, get out of my way!
Alex: What’s with the ears? You’re in college, but you’re still dressing up like that?
White Rabbit: Enough of that, just let me through. It’ll all be over for me if I’m late!
(commotion ensues as white rabbit tries to carry alex out of the way, and throws him down to wonderland)
Alex: Ah---!
White Rabbit: I’m going to be terribly late!
Professor: Now, Alex. It’s time to search for that golden treasure!
(i’m not typing this all out it’s the same lalala as in wonderland a go go dnfjsdhsd)
Cheshire Cat That’s my favourite napping spot Get out of the way! Go away!
Alex: What are you--?! Where am I...
Cheshire Cat I’m Cheshire and this is Wonderland!
Alex: Wonderland, you say? That’s absurd! Even making me put on this kind of costume...
Alex I need to return to my own world Have you seen someone with white rabbit ears?
Cheshire Cat If you mean White Rabbit, he’s seeing the King
Alex Take me there, he’s the one who brought me here
Cheshire Cat You’re one to demand something of me! Well, it’s fine~! This fellow and the King should be fun to see
[spring telepathy time part 1] Sakuya: (Isn’t this amazing, Masumi-kun? It’s only the first show, but we’ve already settled down like this!)
Masumi: (You seem like you’re enjoying yourself, as usual.)
Sakuya: (Yeah! Maybe it isn’t enough for me to just be doing that, but...this really is fun!)
(more funny stuff where they’re thinking while still acting as the character bc...sakuya is talking as himself here, but    walking on all fours as cheshire. and masumi is responding to him perfectly normally. it’s hilarious.)
Cheshire Cat: Follow me.
Masumi: (That’s fine...I think you’re fine that way.)
King of Hearts: The court has decided, the White Rabbit will be put to death.
White Rabbit: Please wait. I was only late by three seconds!
King of Hearts: For the crime of stealing away my time, White Rabbit is sentenced to death. Off with his head!
Alex: Wait. Don’t just murder that rabbit!
King of Hearts: What is it to you? Are you a friend of his?
Alex: No. But I need him around.
King of Hearts: Then you can take his place.
Alex: Eh?
King of Hearts: We’ll have another trial by croquet just for this. Now, the preparations for the trial!
Alex: Hold on. This is a flamingo and a hedgehog.
King of Hearts: And what of it?
Alex: I can’t do this...not to these cute little babies...
King of Hearts: Then you have chosen death. Off with his head!
[spring telepathy time part 2] Citron: (I’m saying the lines properly. I’m getting better at Japanese!)
Masumi: (If you’re going to act onstage, that’s only to be expected.)
Citron: (I hate kings, but I like this role. I’ll move upstage more like you said, Masumi!)
Masumi: (Good. We’ll get along better if you’re not forcing it.) (you all need to know that this entire time he’s just holding the flamingo and hedgehog plushies to his chest like little baby. son.)
White Rabbit: Ah--! I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?
King of Hearts(??? i think): What are you--
White Rabbit: Take that! (he smacks the cards. it’s cute.) Let’s go. This is thanks for you saving me. That way, I don’t owe you anything!
King of Hearts: What do you think you’re doing! Seize them!
White Rabbit: Whew, we finally shook them off...
Alex: Tell me how to get back to the surface.
White Rabbit: No idea.
Alex: Huh?
Cheshire Cat: My, my, looks like you finally found White Rabbit~
Alex: And yet I haven’t achieved my goal. I want to return to the surface.
Cheshire Cat: Then you should go ask the Hatter.
Alex: Professor?!
White Rabbit: This guy wants to go back to...his own world, he says.
Alex: If I drink that tea again, I should be able to return home! Mad Hatter: Now, I’ve never heard of anything like that. Isn’t that right? (directed at the audience) What do you all think we should do with this young man? Hmm, I see! Alex: ...who have you been talking to. Mad Hatter: Reality is not limited to what you can see. There are those in this world who sink a lot of money into things that cannot be seen. Like, say, items in a game.
Alex: I’m getting a headache...
[spring telepathy time part 3] Masumi: Don’t do weird adlibs like that.
Itaru: I told you, let’s just do things our own way. Besides, you look like you’re having fun too. Is that for the director?
Masumi: Of course. But today, it’s not just that. Acting...is fun.
Itaru: Hmm~? What was that?
Masumi: Shut up!
Mad Hatter Then I shall tell you! The world is always the world that you are in!
Alex: Huh?
Mad Hatter You are me, and he is you, and I am he
Alex: Enough of the Zen questions and answers! Just send me back to the world I came from!
Mad Hatter The only one who can rescue you from what you’re telling me is yourself.
King of Hearts: Found you!
Alex: What are you doing here?!
Mad Hatter: You ask why, well, that’s the King’s seat.
King of Hearts: Off with his head!
Alex: Wait! I don’t want to die here!
King of Hearts: Then you should ask one of your friends. If the White Rabbit will take his place, then Alex will live.
White Rabbit: I don’t owe him anything anymore. In the first place, we aren’t even friends.
King of Hearts: And you?
Mad Hatter: You must be joking. I have no need for friends.
King of Hearts: And you?
Cheshire Cat: Isn’t having friends pointless?
Alex: Haha...we’d get along. I feel the same way.
Alex: ...get along...? You are me...he is you...I am he...could it be that this world is my subconscious? How absurd!
King of Hearts: For the crime of having no friends, you are sentenced to death!
Alex: You’re only being so aggressive because you do want friends, don’t you?
King of Hearts: Huh? Just who do you think you’re talking to?!
Alex: You’re lonely. So you push everyone away to protect yourself.
King of Hearts: How do you know that?
Alex: ...because I’m the same.
King of Hearts: What...?
Alex: So...if you’ll have me...can we be friends?
King of Hearts: Friends...with me?!
Alex: I don’t know what it’s like to have friends, so I was afraid of having anything to do with anyone. You’re the same, aren’t you? But since we’re each other’s first friends, even if we’re both awkward, we’ll be able to forgive each other.
[spring telepathy part 4] Masumi: Tsuzuru, this is just what’s in the script and not my own words.
Tsuzuru: But you’re acting it out even better than I expected!
Masumi: Of course I am. For Director’s sake...and because I’m an actor.
Tsuzuru: They’re lines I don’t think you’d be able to say if you didn’t really think them, Masumi.
King of Hearts: Let’s...let’s be friends!
Alex: I also want you to stop doing terrible things to animals.
King of Hearts: I will. An official decree! Free all the animals, and all of the prisoners. Ten days of consecutive holidays for all the land!
White Rabbit: My dream vacation?!
Alex: He’s way too happy about this...
King of Hearts: Now, everyone! A party for the whole country, and a toast to my friend, Alex!
Everyone: Yay!!
the lalalas from wonderland a-go go
King of Hearts: Let’s carry Alex into the air!
Everyone: Yay! Heave-ho!
this is like, the part where it’s just alex and hatter for a bit and everyone goes away. like a dream. woooo.
Professor: Good morning. How are you feeling?
Alex: Awful. Like I just wasted a bunch of time.
Professor: That’s the answer to my earlier question. That which only you cannot see, is the treasure of spare time.
[i’ve lost count of the spring telepathy times] Itaru: So, do you get it? What it means to be an adult.
Masumi: Yes, with you as a cautionary tale.
Professor: Was it a bad dream?
Alex: I didn’t...hate it.
Professor: My! How honest.
Alex: I just don’t want any more of that tea.
Masumi: I won’t grow up to be like you.
Itaru: Well, if you’ve ever got any worries, you can come talk to me.
Masumi: No thanks. I’ve had enough of arcades.
Itaru: Come on, it’s the last scene.
Masumi: Don’t you tell me what to do. Let’s go.
Alex We are alone, but
Hatter We are not alone
Alex and Hatter If you close your eyes, Everyone will always be there smiling in your heart
Alex There, in Wonderland
Hatter (in Wonderland)
Alex I found
Alex and Hatter An important key
All Now unlock your dreams and your heart It’s a fantasy!
(and as always, they go into the actual song here. tl from the wiki, as usual.)
Alex Since I've fallen into this Wonderland, Why don't you and I go on a journey together?
Hatter Although this world is filled with uncertainty, As long as
Alex I'm with you
Alex and Hatter It seems like we'll be just fine.
Alex and Hatter Since we've fallen into this Wonderland, Why don't you and I go on a journey together? Although this world is filled with uncertainty, As long as I'm with you It seems like we'll be just fine As long as I'm with with you, it seems like we'll be just fine
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
Quackity is the only MFer who can talk CIRCLES around Dream and I LOVE HIM FOR IT
Dream resorting to threats, his only resort is violence, it always is and thats why QUACKITY IS GONNA TROUNNCE HIM
"I think you're forgetting that I designated this the holy land" - wow they pushed him this far aND THEN CALLED HIM ON IT LIKE FUCKING CHAMPS LETS GOOOOO
"So your breaking the rules AGAIN" - Quackity
Quackity is so on point in shutting down Sapnap's instinct towards violence, he's right they HAVE to win this with words they HAVE TOO. They have Dream backed into a corner as long as they aren't the ones to instigate violence on the Holy Land and its AMAZING
also hes EXACTLY RIGHT there is LITERALLY no proof other than meta gaming that they caused the explosion its SO PERFECT
"If you pull that fucking [rocket launcher] that is actual terrorism. We're playing a politics game, this is easy, this is easy, we have the upper hand here" Quackity KNOWS how much of an upper hand he has in this and I LOVE IT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
he's even talking about 'pushing narratives' hes so smart hes so smart I love him
...also I love the character arc Sapnap's on where he's realizing that Dream really really doesn't care about him. I saw it a little bit when he came to bully Tommy, trying to reclaim what it used to be like, to bond over one of Dream's interests really. But now, now Sapnap's stated it out loud and actually acknowledged it, and I love it
"raid MY castle, MY THRONE" omg
lol Eret reaching out, they're too good for this, they don't deserve this happening to them lmao
"I literally don't care about the throne" gOD "its just a bunch of gold blocks" once again Dream not giving a SHIT about sentimentality and how this server RUNS
"KINDA SOUNDS LIKE A TYRANT TO ME" heyyy buddy, you know who likes to call his political enemies terrorists Dream?? Hey you know who likes to do that, huh buddy????? TYRANTS MOTHERFUCKER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
But seriously I think Karl is just catching on to HOW FUCKED UP DREAM AND HIS POWER IS, and is fully behind this, even knowing that Eret's not behind the explosion. Because the thing is, that DREAM doesn't know that (maybe not even cc!Dream knows that it's unclear!) so if Eret really HAD killed him, this is the kind of response he would have gotten. For getting KILLED, PEACEFULLY PROTESTING. and THATS REALLY FUCKED UP!!!!!
Also I would like to point out that they have made no indication that they're going to continue ''''griefing''', and yet Dreams goal is for them to "Stop". I think the reason Quackity had to do this, the reason Dream's so upset, is exactly because Dream does NOT like to be made to acknowledge the factions as actual Things until he has too (and even then he likes to declare war on them and say they aren't a country at the same time. Like a Tyrant.)
"In my mind Mexican L'Manburg doesn't exist" "So no one can form a country????"
"And I'll talk to Tubbo about it" FUCKER LIKE U HAVE THAT PULL ASS. what u gonna put the walls back up if Tubbo doesn't agree with you???? He really does see Tubbo as fully in his power now that Tommy has been exiled huh
"we just want to be recognized as a country" "THAT is the ONLY time you have ever stepped foot and EVER recognized us as something" BOOM THERE IT IS THIS IS WHY THIS HAD TO HAPPEN THIS WAY
Quackity trying to give up the Tyrant angle, because he knows its ineffective, Absolute King Karl not giving up on it because he BELIEVES (to the arguments detriment to be fair lmao)
Nothing is the operative word Dream, you like to ignore these things because as long as you don't acknowledge them, they're just another part of Dream SMP to you
"A country that is established has to have a fair and just and logical ruler" FIRST OFF, first time we're hearing these rules Dream thanks for laying that out to us soooooo clearly and definitely not just covering your ass bc your hypocrisy has been pointed out :) :) :)
SECOND, what bULLSHIT, to say that a ruler has to be "fair and just and logical", has to be up to YOUR STANDARDS basically to rule!!! its not enough for them to form and have people follow them, oh no, they have to be up to YOUR IDEALS. EPHEMERAL IDEALS that can CLEARLY be taken away, as seen by the L'Manburg walls being put up after a time of peace!
And lets talk about why you think Tubbo of all people is someone you consider up to your standards AFTER exiling Tommy. Because it wasn't TUBBO who changed, those standards have NOTHING in them about a cabinent or who lives in the country. NO, its because now Tubbo has proven to be CONTROLLABLE, and therefore a PUPPET GOVERNMENT
lol its so much clearer because Tubbo has SO much chaos energy the HYPOCRISY
"Do you think through anything you do" the sheer AUDACITY, QUACKITY IS THE MOST CALCULATING PERSON ON THE SERVER ARE YOU KIDDING ME. It just goes to show HOW MUCH Quackity has this in hand and has Dream FOOLED, how much Dream DOES NOT UNDERSTAND QUACKITY AT *ALL*. He's had SO MUCH CONTROL over EVERY ONE in the confrontation, from Dream himself down to keeping his men in line, to keeping the conversation on track. ARE YOU TELLING ME SOMEONE WHO CAN CONTROL THIS ENTIRE CONVERSATION with HIS WORDS ALONE is someone who DOESN'T THINK THINGS THROUGH????
Poor Eret, they truly are just a figurehead at this point, and nothing shows it more than the fact that they are only NOW joining the 'leaders' call. They were USED to get to Dream because Quackity completely understands that the crown is just a symbol and they really have NO say, despite the fact that it was really them who has been wronged in this case!!!! Dream isn't even PRETENDING he's upset on Eret's behalf!
Even Eret's body language, its looking up to Dream, its crouching, its supplication
Dream is really going off of either meta knowledge or PURE Assumption
the SMILE on Quackity's Face when he starts laying out terms he's COMPLETELY willing to do
"How about we start from a fresh slate, it's a bloodshed history, we'll change it" ayayyyyyy a dawn of a NEW DAYYY
"I'll Apologize to Eret but I won't Apologize to you" KING SHIT KING SHIT
WHAT A RUSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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toriliashine · 3 years
mius fte continuation
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Miu: I'm not a normal person...
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Saihara: oh you thought i knew u were a cyborg? I was literally just being mean to u :///
glad to see that despte his dislike, he still cares for her as a person, poggers. we have humane care in the house legends!!!
as the ftes continue its like
Shuichi: yeah im getting 'closer' to her but at what cost. My peace of mind, that's what.
it's cute how a lot of gifts she likes are related to robot building and robot maintenance
why are we getting naked, miu please. she's flustered and uses sexual themes as a sort of distraction or lee way of sorts hmmm leee way?? is that the right word/saying for the thing hrmm
*this is so sexual and confusing for here, alexa play 'falling for you' from teen beach movie*
REJECTION OOOOOOOHHHHFFFF ASKNIADN. okay saihara assesrted he did NOT day he was in love with her at the start but hrrng/ she ran of waILING, NOOOO. Saihara-chan i know she isnt one of ur favourites but don some prince gear and freakin explain to her rn.
jj she made him a pie with her hair in it???
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girl are you okay?? queen? Shuichi i know i said u were being extra on some of these but u deserve this one(1) shocked expression
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'at least her confession was genuine; thanks fr understanding she's going through a lot, king aksjndakda
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Saihara said; girl you ain't Jesus I am not eating ur dang-
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*insert, gosh i wish that were me, meme here* but like, minus (what i assuming) is her underwear in hand bc girl please.
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Mans is so tired but ,k salkdnsf fjmcz,kjvsxnvdfjdvbc
Hope they have fun sjbdas,db
He's very nervous about their connection but still wants them to get out of there together! how nice
end/summary thots mius ftes followed a main plot which was her thinking shes an augmented human after a huge life or death accident she was part off that made her unconcious for a while. Augmented part may be true but there is also an excellent miu analysis(that i'll link) that suggests that this may have just been her way of coping with her life/death experience. Personally i do believe she was smart even before the accident and did has great engineering expertise. The accident brought the ideas but she needed the knowledge of how to make such (or at least base machinery) before hand. before she could have only been able to fix and remake what already existed, said car incident made her able (or just more confident?) to build new things on her own. She wants attention, someone to genuinely listen to her and get excited by her inventions. maybe even get construction criticism from someone with a brain nearly as gorgeous as hers
irouma time *is throttled*
*alexa play 'Wanted' by one republic*
Anyway from watching these her 'vulgarity' is not the major issue she has. She has attachment issues, i'm deriving? And believes that people ( or person, saihara in this case) who show her attention or even basic humane affection must want her in some other way?? be it romantically or sexually or hmmmmm. or to see her inventions. or that may be too far fetched. she was excited that someone liked her and made it seem like that was expected but was still super happy to show her inventions and mind off to them so hmm.
on shuichi: this fte, especially for a character a lot knows he dislikes. brings up pretty stark differences betweem some quotes, his general character and how some relationships just may not work but that's a convo for later - i shld sleep. loveee <333
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Detroit Evolution Commentary Pt. 3 [FINAL]
It’s been a while, sorry. Life sucks ass sometimes and I had to do some transferring to my new laptop. I’ll write down some more fun facts as an apology. Disclaimer: This is all stuff I noticed, inferred, or interpreted. I didn’t write the film, anything I’ve interpreted is just that, an interpretation based on things I noticed using my experiences and knowledge. 
Fun fact #1: I have attempted to write in a proper novel style at least five times. After watching DE and watching @octopunkmedia ‘s script breakdowns and such, I've started writing scripts instead. I’m much farther along in those than I ever have been in books. 10/10 amazing for my visual based concepts.
Fun fact #2: My mental health was rapidly declining and I was losing interest in quite literally everything at the time the film was released. Watching the film and fixating on it for a month straight not only inspired me but helped me regain control of my life. Watching streams by the cast and Michelle while I worked for school made my productivity skyrocket.
Fun fact #3: I recently developed a tic that I now can’t get rid of. It was out of control for about twenty minutes right before I began writing this post. However, when I began re-watching the film (partially because it’s a comfort for me and I’m quite honestly terrified of what’s happening in the US right now) it stopped. So that’s fun.
As usual, spoilers and swearing under the cut! Quick note: If there should be a trigger warning on this or anything else I post, please let me know! I’m horrible at remembering to tag triggers. I’ll also be doing some quick posts on Umbrella Academy and my severe obsession with Jason Todd soon. Have fun!
As usual, here’s a list of people I know the users of in case you’d like to check any of them out. I’m likely missing people so feel free to let me know who I’m missing so I can add them!
Maximilian Kroger - Nines (@ maximiliankroger)
Christopher (Chris) Trindade - Gavin (@ trindabago)
Michael Smallwood - Chris Miller (@ michaelsmallwoodforever)
Carla Kim - Tina Chen (@ carlahkim)
Jillian Geurts - Ada (@ jilbobaggins_nyc)
Michelle Iannantuono - (@ octopunkmedia)
JJ Goller - Lazzo (@ quasar.cos)
Brett Mullen - Cinematographer (@ brettmullendirector)
Austin Butts - Sound Design (@ austinbytts)
Tiare Solis - Valerie (@ tiareleiana)
So I decided to put all of the rest into this post. It’s a long one. Not even that sorry about it bc I love this film with my entire heart. Warning for me getting sidetracked. I use a lot of Supernatural references but it’s because I’m visiting my dad and he’s binge watching the show. I like Dean and only Dean, don’t bully me for it.
The Wrist Grip™️ in the bedroom before Nines moves back
Shoutout to Maximilian Kroger’s muscles u go dude
Lighting Symbolism™️, big theme through the movie, honestly I think it’s beautiful and they did a wonderful job with it.
The little nod from Gavin as he starts talking about his nightmare 
You can see Gavin gearing up to move, like not in a normal way, in a “oh god I don’t know if I have the energy to do this” way and that’s Relatable™️
The little smile from Nines as they sit together
Nines being domestic, making coffee and breakfast, being Soft.
Shirt change??? Either I’m blind or he’s wearing a different shirt in the morning (He is. He’s wearing a t shirt at night and a buttoned collar shirt in the morning. Perhaps he changed? He’s wearing normal pants so he probably changed but he’s not wearing that same shirt in the next scene)
Ada eye rolling at them being passive aggressive dumbasses. Same. Apparently Jillian kept fucking with them which is,, so valid. 
The lighting in this scene (the office pt. 2) makes Maximilian look Android-white and outlined in the CyberLife blue-ish color. Very symbolic, I have no idea if it was intentional.
Another shoutout, this time to Maximilian’s eyebrows, the expressiveness is *chef’s kiss*.
“You can thank me later, Casanova.” Nines: *confused Android noises* 
Honorable mention to Michael’s Foo Fighters t shirt in the bar, it’s vintage.
Nines is in fact wearing a different shirt now. Not the same shirt from the morning bedroom scene. I also think he’s wearing a different jacket. Less of a peacoat and more of a leather jacket. Nice.
Shoutout to Tina’s (not irl) wife, Valerie! And her weird crush on Hank! I honestly can’t wait to see her in Seven Deadly Synths!!
Ada DODGING the questions that Nines is asking because she is SHADY. 
Also, he looks to Gavin when he talks about wanting to be more human. Recurring theme of him perceiving himself as lacking because of his ace-ness/android-ness, like he can’t give Gavin what he wants. Honestly I know that the android thing is a thinly veiled metaphor for race in canon but I kinda like thinking of it as a metaphor for being LGBT+ and in Nines’ case, specifically ace. Might not make sense but it does in my brain??
Gavin Senses Are Tingling and Nines is GONE. Leaving the bar for ur not-bf to try to talk things out like adults??? King shit.
Also electric lighter, fun, I genuinely didn’t know those existed
“You don’t want to help me, you want to fix me.” What a loaded line. Because in a way, it’s almost true? Like, Nines has this entire simulation of Gavin in his ideal world, and obviously that version of Gavin has probably been idealized at least a bit. Nature of humanity, and Nines might not be human but he’s got the Brain Things. And at that moment, it’s nearly true that Nines wants Gavin to be like that ideal Gavin. Obviously Nines wants Gavin as Gavin, but there’s the edge of that simulation there, still. 
But Nines does want to help Gavin, and that’s where he’s wrong. Nines wants Gavin to get better, wants to help stop the nightmares, etc. But by pointing that out, I think it’s partially why Nines can accept letting go of Simulation!Gavin when Ada attacks him. Because he knows that the simulation of Gavin will never be the real Gavin, and this line sort of helps him understand that he can’t really keep Sim!Gavin anyways.
Again idk if that’s legit but that’s definitely something I felt from that while watching.
Nines is constantly very controlled, but when he walks away from Gavin you can see him straining to keep that composure and not let his anger show. 
Ada looking So Done With This Shit when Nines comes back from talking with Gavin outside of the bar
“I’m sure this will be like...every other time.” Oh honey. Oh my sweet child. I am so very sorry. It most definitely will not be.
Ada’s exasperated Eyebrow Raise before taking a drink. If that ain’t the mood sis.
I love Ada’s bat wings on her outfits. 
Gavin being a stalker and putting his hood up. 
“I’m...certain that most of the credit can go to you.” IMMEDIATE ANGER. Must Defend Boyfriend.
Nines has Suspicion™️...press X for doubt... 
*Only vaguely related rant warning*
I do feel that we as a fandom tend to make Connor almost childishly innocent despite him being likely one of the least kind and least innocent characters. The characterization of Nines in this--and pardon me for the off topic rant--where he’s a fully grown man and acts like it is so much more realistic. Nines is a cop, as is Connor. 
Even post deviancy, they were designed and equipped to handle murder. Nines, in a lot of fandom content, tends to come off as an exasperated older brother or a gritty and mean detective, or even worse, essentially a sociopath who feels nothing in contrast to Connor’s childish and extreme innocence. I dislike both. Seeing Nines be a normal fucking person is so relieving, I’m serious. There’s still those elements of ‘oh he’s only been properly alive for like a year, right? He probably doesn’t get Chris’ Casanova reference.’ but it’s not to such an extreme that it overtakes all of his personality traits.
Like, yeah, ok, I get why a lot of fandom content does that. In order to balance what we see Connor do (and in order to further push the Hank as a father line) we over-emphasize the not getting references and such. Honestly I see the same in content for Castiel from Supernatural. Nines, when he’s added, often HAS to be a lot darker in order to make that seem not as jarring and unrealistic.
Doesn’t mean I enjoy it. If you do? That’s great, good for you, but I don’t like seeing those characters be portrayed as such one dimensional extremes. People aren’t like that. On the off chance that someone is such an extreme, there’s still other aspects of their personality.
DE has done an amazing job at not flattening their personalities. Nines and Gavin are three-dimensional and incredibly interesting characters I find myself invested in every time I watch it.
*Onto the commentary again.*
Gavin is still being a stalker
“Particular fascination with the RK line” AHAHA funny. She’s also an RK, and she likely knows more than Nines because her programming is based on information gathering. Her fascination begins and ends with what their programming can do for her.
The little computer details in Ada’s eyes as she copies Nines’ OS, and again in Nines’ eyes when he’s in the alley alone. I believe Michelle did all of that and I am just amazed every time I watch. 
The warped voice effect.
Gavin shifting to hold Nines as soon as he passes out
The ethereal colored lighting is very good for the mood, space hospital vibes
Shoutout to the latex suit they put Maximilian in! That’s not CG! He’s wearing a full body white latex suit. I’m so sorry.
Gavin looks so tired talking to Dr. Maria. His posture is defensive, pulled into himself. Shoulders hunched, arms pulled in. Eye bags, messy hair. Boy looked messed up. Somebody hug him.
Nines’ hair being disheveled and messy in the corrupted Zen Garden, rivaling his assertion that in his ideal world (Aka the normal Zen Garden) his appearance is polished, signifying the loss of control and the loss of the Zen Garden being a safe, ideal space for him. Same concept with Sim!Gavin being corrupted.
Nines: *wakes up in his mindspace*
Also Nines, immediately: GAVIN!!1!!1
Nines believes in CONSENT!! You do not go into someone’s program without asking, ADA.
Ada’s “poor widdle baby” face as Nines is freaking out because she trapped him. Mood.
Tina wearing a low turtleneck and a flannel is Peak Gay, especially next to Gavin “I wear the same leather jacket+hoodie combo every single day and probably the same jeans for a month” Reed, aka the most disastrous and chaotic bisexual I have ever seen. Again, a mood, I honestly felt that one.
The face when Nines realizes that Ada isn’t deviant yet. 
Gavin is blaming himself somebody stop this idiot. 
“Not without Nines.” What a softie.
“The last thing I said to him was ‘I don’t need you’.” BITCH WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART.
Gavin calling Tina “T” in that soft voice is so sweet omg
Ugh the bisexual LIGHTING is KILLING ME, ESPECIALLY as Gavin sits at Nines’ bedside
Tina encouraging Gavin. WLW/MLM solidarity. 
Fun fact: Chris Trindade told Maximilian not to react at all to the big speech but Maximilian literally started crying during it and there’s footage somewhere of the Dramatic Single Tear rolling down his face while he’s still ‘in stasis’.
Yes, I double checked the streams to make sure I got this right, I love the concept though.
Look I cannot get into the speech because I will write 1.5k words on it, but I will say this: It made me cry. The acting, the writing, it’s iconic. The amount of love and devotion they got without even saying the words “I love you” was amazing. Chris is so very talented. 
Tina is the best wingman ngl
The glitches in Zen Gavin are amazing. The sequence when he’s deleting the Zen Garden is also amazing. I use amazing a lot but it’s deserved.
Nines deleting the Zen Garden and Sim!Gavin is very symbolic of letting go of all of the fake stuff, letting go of the fear he was holding that kept him from confessing to Gavin and I love that
Nines sitting silently straight up. 
Gavin is highly intelligent and I’m so glad Octopunk embraces that. 
*another vaguely related rant warning*
Ok let me tell y’all a thing because this RUINS MY LIFE. People tend to take characters like Percy Jackson or Dean Winchester, whose intelligence isn’t outwardly obvious from the get-go, and remove it entirely. Percy is reduced to an idiot who can’t tie his own shoes and Dean is often shown basically unable to research without Sam. Both of those are bullshit. 
Percy has ADHD and Dyslexia, so when often we categorize smart as only book-smart, Percy’s intelligence as a battle strategist and his actual knowledge gets erased. Dean is usually the more physical and shoot-first-never-ask-questions type, and his intelligence is severely downplayed. He made an EMP detector from scratch. Made a shotgun, remembers how to kill things, is a very good hunter, especially on his own. But that’s thrown away because he’s not book-smart.
I despise when people take characters who are talented and smart in ways that aren’t just reciting the periodic table and reduce them to muscles and angst or drooling children. 
Octopunk having a scene where Gavin is working through a case, already having done the things that Chris, someone who was only recently promoted, suggests, is just affirming Gavin’s intelligence in a way I wish I could be not surprised by. Gavin is smart, and luckily I haven’t seen much downplaying that fact. He’s a detective for a reason. Unfortunately I think it might be because the fandom tends to turn Connor and Nines into actual children, but a win is a win.
Now I’m not saying I don’t love a good himbo character but I literally had to stop interacting with Percy Jackson content because people wrote him as incapable.
*Moving on*
“I think I can help with that.” Bitch why are you so dramatic I love him so much.
Nines’ t-shirt says “Detroit City Marathon” 
“You...undead asshole.” What an iconic line. I need a t-shirt. 
“I...hate you.” “You love me.” Harkens back to the beginning where the roles are reversed. Yes I used that unironically. Words are fun.
Gavin looking scared right before The Kiss™️ 
I thought that was cute when I learned it in one of the streams.
Nines’ LED spinning blue when they finally kiss asgladkaf 
“What dipshit programmed you to do that?” “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective-“ “oh you are such a fuckin’ prick!” “Takes one to know one.” I canNOT with them, I laughed my ASS off
The little broken laugh Nines does
Nines rubbing his hands over Gavin’s while they talk about Gavin’s jacket
Shoutout to Chris’ surprised pikachu face. (Tina is also there) That was a joke take, it’s in the gag reel, too. The face wasn’t supposed to make it into the film but Michelle added it. (In the gag reel, Carla yells “Let’s go to Denny’s!” At the end.) 
And Ada’s leather pants. Honestly?? She’s so pretty. I love her. They’re all really attractive it’s actually terrifying.
Nines and Tina being a part of the Gay Turtleneck Gang
Nines’ untucked turtleneck
Tina being a Smart Girl. (Nines calling her “Officer” and her replying with “I’ll make detective someday.”
Chris being Exhausted during the whole meeting. Me too dude.
Chris and Tina doing literally nothing while Gavin and Nines have a whole heart to heart
The WHITE COAT. Tina in her blues. Chris’ Foo Fighters shirt. They’re such icons but they absolutely look like a group of gay ppl who did NOT decide on a theme.
The fight sequence is impressive, considering that they’re literally not stunt actors. I’m not a fight choreographer or stunt person so That’s really all I have to say on that.
Chris patting Gavin’s gun after he explains what he’s doing. \
As a Jason Todd lover the crowbar is unfortunate (had to, sorry)
Nines’ smirk and the TURTLENECK as he spins away from Ada with the crowbar. Iconic. The Big Dick Energy. Especially for someone who doesn’t have a dick.
Chris being a Dad when Gavin runs off to go stop the body calibration
Ada just YEETS Gavin. Iconic.
Ada: *doing the villain “you won’t shoot me, you’re too moral” thing*
Chris: Shut the fuck up *shoots her*
Deviancy sequence, iconic
“You’re awake now” bitch get your own tag line, Markus became Robot Jesus for this shit
Gavin trusting Nines’ decision immediately. Amazing. THAT’S LOVE BITCH.
The SMILES after Ada leaves!! They know they made the right choice!
Ugh the COLOR SYMBOLISM!! This is one thing that Michelle has touched on herself! Gavin isn’t wearing white in this scene because he’s not ‘fixed’, he never will be! He has trauma and he’s just barely beginning to heal from it with Nines’ help. He’s wearing grey, lighter than his usual, but still grey because they aren’t pure or innocent and they’re not perfect!! And that’s the fucking point!! It’s also a contrast against Sim!Gavin wearing white! Sim!Gavin was an idealized version of Gavin in Nines’ idealized world!! Real Gavin isn’t that!! So he’s wearing grey!!
Gavin immediately understanding that Nines is Ace and that it’s ok!! Beautiful!
“You’ve been a whole person since the day you woke up” YES!! YOU DO NOT NEED SEX TO BE WHOLE!! FUCK YEAH!!! (this is ace excitement. In the months since writing this I realized I’m aro-ace and trans so fuck yeah for ace rep.) 
Gavin being a dick and making Nines tell him about the skin thing
THE KISS!! They slowly move more into the light!! Because they’re getting better TOGETHER!!
Ok before I sign off, it’s only 3 am so I think I’m awake enough to talk about this, I like that they bring up that Gavin has like, actual issues that he needs to get through. Let’s be 100% honest here, I see Gavin as having ADHD, depression, and probably a form or symptoms of PTSD. He’s kinda fucked up and I’m gonna be real here he needs some therapy. He’s got trauma and needs to work through it. 
I like that at the end they explicitly have Nines understand and accept that that’s what needs to happen. As someone who has actually had relationships ruined because of trauma (on both sides) that we were unprepared to work through together, if I had seen something like that? Game changer. As it was, most relationships I had seen were idealized and seemed to “fix” those issues by way of just being in a relationship. Thanks major media. 
Now that the Detroit Evolution post series is over, I’m gonna be a bit sentimental and say that this film quite literally changed my life. Seriously. Michelle is such a big inspiration for me and I can only hope to be the same for someone else. 
If you ever have a chance to check out any of the amazing people who worked on this film, please do. To put into context how big this was: I changed my ideal college major from Forensics to Film. 
That’s it that’s all, ending this post at 3:24 am before I literally start crying over it. Thanks for suffering through my long-winded explanations, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day.
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themilky-way · 4 years
paris {s.r}
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gif credit: sincerelycalum on tumblr
pairing: spencer reid x female! reader
summary: while working on a case in paris, you and spencer realize that there may be more to your friendship than you think. how long until the city of love casts a spell on you? based on this song.
warnings: none i think it’s just fluff  (like everything I write lol)
author’s note:  this long af bc this was supposed to be a series and this would’ve been the second part but the first one i posted didn’t do well lmao. so instead, just enjoy this one shot and maybe i’ll post the first one again if u guys want but idk. also we a lil bold in this fic bc we love confident queens
grabbing your go bag and cell phone from the charging port, you quickly made your way to the jet that was already waiting for departure. the team was ready to make their way to paris, france on a case for a serial killer that migrated from california. it had been difficult for everyone, considering the unsub wasn’t leaving much evidence. 
despite it being for work, you and the team were excited to explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world. if you thought about it, it was kind of like killing two birds with one stone: the opportunity to finally catch a gruesome killer and a vacation. morgan was practically shaking with anticipation as he kept getting up from his seat and bothering garcia every five minutes and then going back. 
“just think about it, baby, all the smokin’ hot people we’re gonna meet. I mean, it’s called the “city of love” for a reason!” derek rambled to penelope as she typed away rapidly on her computer. 
“this isn’t a vacation, sugar, but yes I’m aware of all the potential babes we might encounter. and for that, I prepared another bag,” she giggled as derek started to laugh along with her. he raised his hand to high five her and she lifted hers too, lightly patting it. 
“oh you’re bad bad aren’t you,” he laughed, and they both continued to talk too rapidly for the others to understand. meanwhile, you had grabbed your seat next to emily and right across from you was spencer. you and emily were talking about god knows what, the range going from guessing the types of desserts paris had to perhaps renting a motorcycle for your stay. the banter between the both of you was endless, and you even started watching a french movie to get some pointers on the language. 
between the jokes and wondering remarks, you didn’t really notice that spencer was observing you the whole time. sure, he could play it off as if he were judging both of his coworkers for their lack of knowledge on french culture and linguistics, but he wasn’t really doing that, was he? no, in fact, he was watching you in such depth, the way he’d look at the pages of a book, and taking in every aspect that you had to present. he was, in the most simplest way it can be described as, mesmerized.
the day spencer realized that he looked at you this way shocked him. to be completely honest, it scared the hell out of him. he never pictured you as anything more than a friend, and he always thought you were too relaxed for a job like this. he told himself that he’d leave the matter alone, that their would be no thinking or second-guessing of any kind. but the second he’d lay his eyes on you, it’s like the rules he made up never quite existed. however, the more he looked back on it, there was one question that urged this matter forward: am I gonna find out why?
he shook out of his deep concentration to look up at the voice that was now speaking to him. his eyes focused again and he stared at you confused.
“reid, you okay? you’re spacing out on me, buddy,” you said, head turned slightly from the position you were seated in. you had shifted in your seat to face emily, your left leg bent on the cushion and your right giving you stability on the ground. 
“sorry, I was busy thinking.”
“well, try not to use that big ol’ brain of yours too much yet, we’re gonna need it when we land,” you said, giving him a small wink. he gave you a small smile while a tiny smear of rose-colored blush crept its way onto his cheeks. it was a friendly gesture; everyone on the team did it so you thought, “why the hell not?”
reid opted to read a little bit while on the plane so that he could get in some new interrogating tactics for when they met the unsub. you and emily continued to watch french movies and spot all of the hot actors and actresses you thought would be fake, penny and morgan, well they were on a whole different level of fun. the only ones quiet and doing some work was hotch, jj, and rossi. 
the plane slowly began to descend, butterflies erupting in your stomach from the fall, before the captain announced, “we are now ready to descend and are getting ready for arrival.”
when the captain finished, hotch began, “alright, listen up, team. the location of this case was by chance and we shouldn’t get distracted by anything or anyone. do your job quickly and efficiently as you’ve always had.” he spoke sternly, his shoulders were straight and his face emotionless and heavy with sleep. to any other person, hotch would be a zombie who helped solve murder cases, but to the bau team, he was their leader and they admired him. 
“oh, come on, hotch! if we work extra hard these few days and have enough time by the end of the wee-” you began before getting cut off. 
“yes, we can stay a while and explore the city. the unsub and the evidence altogether looks promising, so hopefully we can wrap it up quick. but don’t stray from your path in the meantime.”
everybody nodded and “yes, sir’d” before standing up and grabbing their luggage from the compartments at the top of their seats. everyone walked out in pairs and headed for the taxi cars that were waiting for them. you took emily, morgan took reid, jj and penelope partnered up, and of of course rossi and hotchner stuck together. at different paces, the team agreed at a nearby hotel closest to the paris police department that had called them. getting your bags in the car, along with the rest of the girls’, you made your way to the hotel to check in and drop your luggage off.
at first glance, it looked like a simple building; a cream color adorning the walls and some very intricate, sophisticated street lamps aligned on the perimeter of the parking entrance. before entering, there was a sort of roundabout you had to pass in order to reach to valet parking, and in the center of the roundabout, was a water fountain. it was simple, yes, but to parisians only. to outsiders, like the bau, it was already quite elegant. the ladies, including you, pitched in a little to pay for the ride and once you got out, there was a young man who offered to take your bags inside. 
“avez-vous besoin d'aide, madame?” the boy said. all of you looked at each other a little confused because even though you thought it might’ve helped, watching french movies for nine hours with emily wasn’t doing it. 
“he’s asking if you need help with these. here,” penny clarified before putting her tiny hello kitty handbag in yours, “let me handle it.”
she walked up to the somewhat tall boy, looked him over once, and said in the thickest french accent there was, “oui je fais mon doux muffin merci beaucoup.” she did a tiny hair flip to her blonde curls and came back to where the rest of you were standing.
“penny, uh, what exactly did you tell that boy?” emily said, stifling down a small giggle.
“nothing, i just said “yes” that I needed help and “thank you very much.”
“no, no, the other part. there must’ve been another part to it. tell us!” jj said, grabbing penelope by the shoulders and shaking them lightly. 
“what other part?”
“the one where you made a boy dressed in victorian era clothing blush like a maniac over some luggage,” you laughed. to this, garcia started to laugh too and then even harder. you and the rest of the girls had puzzled grins on their faces, but the inkling of seeing your friend laugh so hard was reaching your guys’ throats too. 
when she finally caught a breath to speak, she said, “I called him my sweet muffin!” at this, you and the girls broke into heaves of laughter, and couldn’t stop. you and jj had to bend down and place a hand on your stomachs’ to stop them from hurting a little. after a while, there was no words just the intake of small breaths and exhaling them out for control. when the fun comedy was over, you guys followed the boy and his friend inside the hotel lobby. `you took turns registering, and when you were all done, you saw that the rest of the team had beat you to it. they were sitting down in a cushion area near the front desk and were waiting for you guys. 
“okay, now that the rooms are ready, you all can pick a partner to dorm with. it doesn’t really matter, but just choose wisely. I know some people get too crazy when they’re together,” hotch announced, flashing a look at you and garcia before handing out keys. you and emily teamed up per usual, and the rest pairing up in the same order they had been in before. once everyone was ready, you started to make your way up to your rooms while making small chatter with the rest of the gang. emily inserted the key into the lock of the door, and as soon she opened the door, your eyes’ were met with the most delicate and luxurious room you both have ever encountered. 
on either side of the room were two king sized beds with victorian style bed sheets; the design on them were floral, the pastel shades of the roses tracing the outline of the bed beautifully. the ends of the sheets were long, but shabby, which added a nice, elegant, and almost romantic feel to it. 
in the middle of the two beds was a small isle that allowed one person to walk on it at a time. at the end of it, was the entrance to the balcony, which gave view to the famed Eiffel Tower. the small cities, parks, and lakes, that made up the ground portion of the tower were now completely lit up, giving way to an entire new feeling for you. you set your bags on the bed, pushing the cushion down with your hand to feel the softness of it, and made way to the balcony.
“i’ll be right out here, em, if you need me,” you said, waiting for the small “yup” that came from her before proceeding. as soon as your leg crossed the small threshold to the other side, the fresh, cool breeze of the night flooded your senses. you smiled and took in the emotion it gave you, fully crossing over to stand against the railing now. you took in the sights first. the trees that shaped the parks swiveled against the current of the wind, couples of all ages walking hand in hand, admiring how the moon and the stars matched so well to their love. the lights of the tower gleaming brightly and almost seemingly looking at you, as if they asked you, “don’t you realize, (y/n)? don’t you pay attention?” 
paris, and everything it was offering you at that moment, put you through a trance. one where you began to actually speak to the lights, the very same ones that millions of others had fallen in love under. “realize what? I do pay attention, i always have, but what is it I need to notice?”
you kept staring and looking around, if the lights actually were talking to you and this wasn’t a dream, and that you weren’t crazy. you looked around the balcony and walked on it to spy a tiny clue your instincts informed you about. soon enough, you noticed that the balcony was shared by the room next door. you placed your right hand on the rail to kneel down a bit and see if you could figure out who the room belonged to.  
“maybe it’s penny, oh god please be penny. i’m not in the mood to see rossi in scooby-doo underpants...” you whispered fairly. just when you saw a dainty silhouette about to exit the restroom, you turned around to your end of the balcony. 
“(y/n)? are you spying on- (y/n), we’ve been here one hour! our hot, paris boyfriends can wait until we catch the unsub,” emily, whose head was the only part of her body on the outside of the balcony, whispered. “come on, get changed into some comfy clothes. we can take a look at the victimology together.”
standing up, you made one quick glance at the room and the figure was already gone and so was the light. thanks for that, eiffel tower lights, you thought. you crossed to you room again and took a shower before arranging your clothes according to the days of your stay. you put your pajamas on and climbed onto one side of emily’s bed to wait for her to come out of the restroom, since you guys took turns brushing your teeth. 
after about a half and hour of rearranging victimology statements and connecting photos from the crime scene, the both of you were ready to go to sleep. emily turned off her lights and you took one last glance at the view before doing the same. 
and then you heard footsteps on your balcony. 
“you guys think I can woo a french girl tonight?”
“honey, with those shoes? not a chance,” garcia pointed out. morgan made a pout at her response and then acted as if he was offended. the team laughed and then raised their glass in unison and took a sip. the case, overall, went well. you guys managed to catch the unsub in an isolated tunnel and brought him over to the parisian authorities. you and jj had taken the only victim left alive to the station to make one final statement to the news. the rest of bodies were given proper burial and the families were finally given closure. 
because the team had performed beyond excellent, and there were still a few days left before your departure, the team opted on celebrating on a night out. currently, you and your friends were seated around a small circular table inside a local bar, chatting away at whatever came to mind. 
you chose to only drink mineral water, mostly because you knew that you were technically still at work and you didn’t want to risk being drunk in case of an emergency. reid, in a similar manner, chose a glass of soda to toast with. but while doing so, he found himself looking at you in the same way he did on the plane. he hadn’t been able to take in your features that night, but as everyone was so deeply distracted, he began to notice everything. 
he looked over your outfit for tonight, a red, plaid mini skirt with a black turtleneck. the shirt itself was fitted to your body and allowed your angles and curves to be accentuated perfectly. the skirt permitted your legs to be highlighted in a decent, and elegant manner. your hair was loose tonight, and with every breeze that made its way through the bar windows, it caused small strands to caress your face lightly and some to stick to your lip gloss. the heels, oh god, the heels. it drove him crazy; the delicate way in which they clicked when you walked on the concrete, how they would sometimes cause you discomfort and force you to stop and fix it,  how your gentle hand had grasp his shoulder for balance or else you’d fall. 
everything about you tonight was immaculate. no matter how hard he forced himself to look away from you, to stop thinking of you in any other way than a coworker, and to just drink his soda which was becoming less carbonated with every passing second, he just couldn’t. and it was scaring the hell out of him. 
you on the other hand, were still trying to decipher what the tower lights had asked you. what was there to realize? you were here, in paris, the city where millions of people fall in love, to fight a serial killer. the chances of you finding love, especially on a balcony where you had spied on a stranger, were slim. 
by the time you finished your thought process, you noticed that hotch was looking at you with a puzzled expression. 
“everything alright, (y/n)?” he softly asked you. 
“yes, sir, just thinking. is it okay if I head back to my hotel?”
“yes, of course, you might even catch reid on the way there. he left a couple of minutes ago.”
“thank you, sir. good night,” you spoke and got up from your chair, adjusting your skirt as you did so. huh, he left? weird, you thought. you left a tip for the waiter and bid farewell to the rest of your companions before grabbing your coat and clutch and exiting the bar. 
it was rather close to your hotel, so within a few minutes you had reached your dorm and set your things down. sitting down on the edge of the bed, you bent over slightly to unlatch your heels and slip them off your feet. you set them aside and you laid on your back for a few minutes. the only light in your room was the bathroom’s as you didn’t like strong lights shining during the night, so these dimmed ones would do. 
you closed your eyes for a little while and just let the sounds of the city flow through you. you had one opportunity to experience paris, and you weren’t gonna take it for granted. for a while, only your small inhales and exhales of breath were audible, the aura of the room peaceful. 
it wasn’t until you heard footsteps, the very same ones from that other night, on your balcony. your eyes flew open and you pushed your body upward to look back at your window. this is my shot, my chance, you thought. could it be a super old man who was here on vacation? yes. could it rossi, who might’ve gotten the dorm next to yours? maybe. were the possibilities of who the hell was on your balcony in a parisian hotel endless? again, yes. 
but you had to see for yourself, figure out what exactly the universe, paris, was telling you. so you got up from your bed and creeped quietly to the window and slid it up. you crossed the threshold, and even though your light was limited, you were able to make out a tall, thin figure. you inched a little closer, hands crossed over your chest to appear somewhat like a normal human. you wouldn’t have figured it out until he spoke. 
his voice sent shivers down every inch of your body, and no, it wasn’t the cold air of the city, it was him. it was spencer. it caught you by surprise, the feeling his voice gave you, but you tried to play it off. he never made you feel this way, why now? 
“(y/n)? you okay?” he spoke again. this time you lightly shook your head and walked closer to where he was standing so you could lean on the railing now. his body followed yours, and now you were able to make out the perpexled look on his eyes. 
“hi, yeah, I’m good. just didn’t expect to find you here, that’s all,” you spoke quietly, unsure of yourself. he noticed, obviously he noticed, it’s spencer. 
“yeah, same here. I heard footsteps the other night here but I had just taken a shower so I didn’t come out until later.” you glanced up at him when you realized that he was the figure that was in the restroom you’d seen. the one you had spied on and probably would’ve seen naked if emily hadn’t interrupted. a tiny blush made its way onto your cheeks, and you were quite thankful the dark covered the rosy color a little. 
but spencer wasn’t dumb, much less stupid, and if he noticed every little detail about you tonight, he saw how you became around him. and god, he sure did like it. “oh, well that’s good, i guess,” was all you could mutter. so you turned your body now to face the tower, elbows on the railing and hands folded together. he saw the shift in stance and he followed, so now you were both side by side and looking at a view that somehow resembled your emotions for one another. 
“hey spence?”
“have you ever fallen in love?”
his voice hitched a little and he felt his throat tighten. he let out a small cough to mask the impact of your question, but he found the strength in his voice to retort.
“what makes you ask?”
“no, no reason, i was just curious, ya know. being in paris and all,” you answered. you began to feel intrusive for asking such a personal question, but it had seemed easy for you to do so because of your friendship. you were looking at him as you replied, but then looked back towards the view again. the both of you stood in silence for a couple minutes, your guilt seeping in more at this point. 
“only once. it didn’t end well for the both of us,” he broke the silence. you turned your head to look at him, and you were about to open your mouth to say something when he spoke again. 
“but it happened a long time ago. i don’t think about her anymore.”
you straightened up a little and you continued to face him, prying a little deeper than you should be. “so who do you think about now?”
he glanced at you, his face quickly returning back to the nature displayed in front of him and then looked back to you. a small grin began tugging at his lips, as if he meant to ask, “is this your way of playing with me?”
you gazed up at him and took this sudden swerve of confidence to glance at his lips, and then back up to him, your own smile forming. 
“she’s standing on a balcony with me in paris.” 
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chilledfoodtin · 5 years
Could Ardyn be the father of Ignis?
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As we draw to the close of FFXV’s official content, we *still* do not know anything about Ignis’ parents or family life.  This is a  glaring omission given that we know something about the father of each of the other chocobros.  Thanks to this vacuum of info, we have to fill in the blanks.  There are quite a few viable theories out there, but after reviewing the large--and growing--number of parallels between Ardyn and Ignis, I think it’s very possible that Ardyn himself is Ignis’ sire.  This has come to be known as the Papa Ardyn Theory.  I will begin by explaining a few version of this (cursed) theory and then dive into how Episode Ardyn provides some evidence for it.
Intro: Papa Ardyn Theory
Before diving into how Episode Ardyn plays into this, it’s it’s important to understand the basic template of the Papa Ardyn theory.  Here are the most straightforward versions:
(1) Ardyn impersonated Ignis’ father (from the Scientia house) and seduced his mother (this is exactly how Hercules was conceived).  Ignis and his family are unaware of this.  Ardyn, however is fully aware of this.
(2) Ignis’ mother was a Scientia. She and Ardyn had a brief lived romance (maybe even just one encounter) that resulted in Ignis.  His mother never married, but Ignis took her last name (this is somewhat dependent on Insomnia customs).  Ardyn may or may not be certain Ignis is his in this scenario.
(3) This is a variant of (1).  Ardyn dfathered Ignis whilst in disguise, but he was not a Scientia.  Ignis’ “Scientia” name is assumed, or even an entirely new, fabricated surname intended to distract from Ignis’ real pedigree.
In this post, I will argue for (3) and suggest that Ardyn fathered Ignis under the guise of Mars Sapientia.  This is by no means the only potential way for Ardyn to have fathered Ignis, but for the sake of brevity I will focus on this one theory.
I. Possibilities 
1. Mars Sapientia
Ardyn infiltrates Insomnia under the guise of a border patrol officer named Mars Sapientia.  At first glance, it may seem like Mars is simply a plot device to explain why no one recognizes Ardyn in Kingsglaive.  In terms of the DLC narrative, this is true.  Mars Sapientia has no backstory or development of his own.  In fact, he appears to be a  clone of Petra Fortis from Kingsglaive.  The name itself, however, is a direct reference to Ignis which leads me to believe the name is a clue from the devs and it’s where our focus needs to be.
The last name, Sapientia,  is an obvious allusion to Ignis.  Not only does sapientia sound like scientia, it has a related meaning.  In Latin, sapientia means “wisdom”.  In traditional philosophy, scientia and sapientia were considered two different forms of knowledge.  Both seek the truth, but they do so in different ways.  Scientia is more closely associated with empirical knowledge (knowledge of the natural world gained through sense) while sapientia is wisdom itself--a higher, more complete form of knowledge.  Sapientia would be the variety of knowledge Socrates was seeking, for example.  These methods of seeking the truth/knowledge are not at odds, they just have different implications.  Thus, the last name “Sapientia” is clearly meant to refer to Ignis’ last name.
The first name “Mars” is a less obvious Ignis reference to a western audience, but it would stand out immediately to the Japanese audience.  The Japanese word for “Mars” is “Kasei (火星)”.  The first kanji means “fire” and the second means “star” or “planet”.  In Japanese, then, the name outright references fire.  This, naturally, makes one think of Ignis whose name is simply Latin for “fire”.
Mars connotes the god of war, or the “red planet” to much of the western world.  That said, both the planet and the god of war are also tied to fire.  The planet Mars (Ares to the Greeks) has always been known as the “red” planet and consequently has been connected to heat and fire.  For example, the Greeks also referred to Mars as “Pyroeis” (fiery).  Pyroeis was one of the “Astra Planeta” (star gods) who inhabited the planets. The god Mars is also tied  to fire in part because of his destructive power and in part because he drove a chariot drawn by four fire-breathing horses.  There are other connections between Mars and fire, but I think the link has been established firmly enough.
In summary, Ardyn impersonates an individual whose name is effectively “Fire-star Wisdom”.  I think it’s pretty clear this is an Ignis reference, but to what end?  This is where Papa Ardyn theory comes into play.
2.  Mars as Ardyn’s avatar
There is a very strong possibility that Ardyn fathered Ignis under the guise of Mars Sapientia.  If Ardyn masqueraded as Mars, it’s much easier to imagine an Insomnian woman (Ignis’ mother) having an affair with him.  Or, perhaps, Mars had a wife and Ardyn just took advantage of the situation (the Hercules conception scenario).  In either case, Ardyn could have fathered a child.
A potential scenario: Ardyn impersonated Mars on a frequent basis.  Mars had a wife and a relatively average existence for a border patrol guard--except that Ardyn likes to impersonate him.  On one of these jaunts to the outskirts of Insomnia, he fathers Ignis (presumably in 733, more on the timeline later).  If we want to make it even more of a soap opera, we can assume that Mars and his wife had been unable to conceive a child (which would confirm that Ardyn is the father).  If Mars Sapientia is Ignis’ father, though, why is his last name Scientia?  
One simple explanation could be that the family changed their name following the infamous attack.  After the Founder’s Day attack, 734  “Mars Sapientia” became synonymous with terrorism.  Perhaps as a kingly mercy, Regis had the “Sapientia” name officially wiped from existence and allowed Mars’ wife (and son) to take the (comically) similar name “Scientia”.  Mrs. Mars preserved some memory of the husband she had loved by naming her son after fire (pretty bold after the Ifrit attack!).
This could also explain why Regis brought Ignis into the royal court at such a young age.  Perhaps Regis felt some guilt about the death of Mars.  Even if Regis hadn’t slain Mars in combat, he likely would have executed him for treason.  This is understandable given Mars’ role in the Founder's Day massacre, but we know Regis was aware that it wasn’t “Mars” it was “Adagium”.  Regis might, then, feel sorry for this young boy whose father was taken from him under very difficult circumstances.  If Regis was aware that “Adagium” was Ignis’ potential father, it would provide yet another reason to keep him under close watch.
This would also explain why no one mentions Ignis’ parents or his childhood in game.  This would no doubt very painful memory for Ignis and his family (and any former Sapientia now Scientia).  It could also be dangerous.  If the general populace knew who he was, it could lead trouble for Ignis.
At this point you might object to the plausibility of a family name being completely wiped from existence and altered.  First, I’d note that Lucian kings have a penchant for wiping names from history (and it would only be fitting that Ardyn’s son had a similar d”de-naming”).  This would explain away any references to a house of “Scientia” that had long been stewards to the kings.  Further, there is a precedent in reality.  The current royals in England come from the “House of Windsor”.  In reality, the family was originally from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.  The name was changed by George V in 1917 due to WWI.  His proclamation stated ““The Name of Windsor is to be borne by His Royal House and Family and Relinquishing the Use of All German Titles and Dignities.”(source).
While I’m not assuming the Sapientias were royals, they would certainly have reason to change their name following the Founder’s Day massacre.  Again, this is just one potential explanation--there could certainly be others. 
2.1: Potential timeline difficulties
In the DLC, Ardyn invades Insomnia on Founder’s Day, 734.   According to the Ultimania Guide, Ignis was born on Feb. 7th, 734.  It's pretty clear Founder’s Day is happening in Spring or early Summer which would seem to rule out Ardyn fathering Ignis at some point during the DLC’s events.  
At first, this might seem to rule out the possibility that Ardyn fathered Ignis while disguised as Mars, but  there is no reason to believe that this was the first time Ardyn impersonated Mars (thanks to /u/scissorman for this thought).  He may have practiced a similar ruse multiple times.  Indeed, I am assuming such a scenario:  Ardyn repeatedly impersonated Mars Sapientia and was able to essentially adopt his life long enough to father a child.   This is made more plausible by the fact that Mars was a border patrol guard.  Presumably he would have spent little--if any--time in the city center.  This view is strengthened by the fact that Mars’ blood stained ID says it was issued in 719 and expired in 721.  721, of course, being the year Ardyn was released by Verstael.
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What could explain this?   Perhaps Mars Sapientia was one of the few guards on Angelgard the night Ardyn was released.  He was killed and his credentials were collected.  Ardyn goes on to practice his impersonation skills using Mars’ identity.  Alternatively, Mars’ ID was collected on Angelgard, but he survived.  Ardyn just intermittently impersonated Mars until he “burned’ the identity in 734.  Most important, the 721 ID suggests that Ardyn’s first encounter with Mars was not 734 and had perhaps impersonated him for many years.  To bring this back to the Papa Ardyn theory, perhaps Ardyn finally chose to burn the identity in 734 due to the birth of Ignis.  An infant was not something he wanted to deal with.
The above outlines an account of how Ardyn might have fathered Ignis despite seeming to arrive in Insomnia *after* Ignis; birth.  A closer look at the timeline, however, gives us reason to question the 734  date for Ignis’ birth. The Ultimania states that Ignis was made Noctis’ advisor/retainer in 740.  The Scenario Side further elaborates that Ignis was 6 and Noctis was 3 when this happened.  But this is impossible given that Noctis was allegedly born in 735 (there is a discrepancy in the Scenario Side saying Noctis was born in 736).  It would make more sense if Ignis was established as Noctis’ advisor/retainer in 738.  Ignis, then, would probably have been born in 732.  This type of minor discrepancy should give us some pause about specific dates, but it’s more important to focus on the fact that Ardyn was active in and around Insomnia during the 730s--information we did not have before this DLC.
I may have convinced you that this theory is at least plausible physically and chronologically, but you still might be asking, why?  What does Ardyn have in common with Ignis that would suggest the two are related at all?  It turns out quite a bit.
II. Parallels 
1. Names
The similarity between Ardyn and Ignis’ names is probably the most objectively compelling comparison between them.  To see this connection, it is important to understand that Ardyn’s name was originally “Arden”.  If you look at Roberto Ferrari’s concept art for Ardyn, you can see the name clearly labeled “Arden” (source)
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While “Ardyn” has no obvious linguistic meaning, “Arden” does connect with a Latin word--ardens.  Ardens, strictly speaking, means “burning” (it is the present active participle of ardeo, a verb that means “to burn”).  Ardens is also translated more metaphorically as “passionate”.  It is the ancestor of the English word “ardent” and “ardor”--both terms describing a strong feeling.  
The above discussion makes the connection to Ignis fairly obvious--fire.  As many of you probably already knew, ignis is a Latin masculine noun and is generally translated simply as “fire”. “Ignis” is also one of the few Latin names in FFXV that actually remains a common name in parts of the world.  The names Ignatius, Ignacio and Ignace are all just variants of “Ignis”.
Not surprisingly, ignis and ardens can also be used in conjunction linguistically.  The phrase “ignis ardentis” translates to “burning fire” (1). It could be a linguistic hint, of sorts, that Ignis and Ardyn go together somehow.  Alternatively, you could ask if Ignis is also connected to Ifrit somehow (the Ifrit theory has been detailed elsewhere).  The two names also provide a metaphorical contrast.  Burning is associated with passion and desire while fire itself is associated with purity and cleansing.  Perhaps this is another hint that Ardyn is somehow impure while Ignis is pure.
An amusing side note, SE appears to be aware of this linguistic connection in one of its other titles, Octopath Traveler.  The highest fire magic in the game is called “ignis ardere”.
**It is worth noting that “Arden” could have been derived from Shakespeare’s Arden forest a name which  likely does not derive from the Latin word “ardens”, but, of course, it’s possible the name “Arden” has a double meaning.**
2. Relationships and roles
2.1 Strategists  
Ignis and Ardyn are some of the most intelligent characters in the game.  This is expressed in their ability to strategize and plan.  Ignis is specifically described as a strategist on more than one occasion in official materials--so I don’t think this needs to be demonstrated.  Interestingly, though, in a cut profile for Ardyn (discovered in Platinum Demo files by a Reddit poster (source), Ardyn was described as a “tactician”:
Ardyn Izunia This middle-aged military tactician rose through the ranks by reforming the empire's magitek infantry, and now runs the nation seated at the emperor's side. Quick-witted and observant, he not only grasps any situation in seconds—he also manages to transcend and take control of it shortly thereafter. 
Even if we ignore this cut profile, it's obvious Ardyn is a strategist.  His plan for revenge was elaborate, detailed, and effective.  We also recently learned (during the Q&A following the prologue release) that Ardyn is a big fan of chess--yet another reinforcement of his strategist side.  If there was one other character in XV who would play chess--and excel--it is Ignis.
2.2 Older Brothers
This connection is more metaphorical, but it is still striking.  Ardyn is an older brother to Somnus (specifically 3 years older).  Ignis is an older brother to Noctis in everything but blood.  In the opening of Episode Ignis, Regis specifically says to Ignis: “I ask you to stand by him and lend him a hand--as his friend, and as his brother”.
In the alternate storyline of Episode Ignis (aka “V2”) it’s interesting that Ardyn chooses to reveal to Ignis  that it was, Somnus, his own brother who betrayed him.  Why bother sharing this information with Ignis if he was just to be bait for Noctis?  One potential explanation is that Ardyn felt the need to share this family history with his own flesh and blood.  Of course then you might ask: why not reveal to Ignis in that moment that they were related?  It’s possible Ardyn isn’t even certain, or perhaps he was feeling merciful and thought that information would be too much for Ignis to bear.
Ardyn is also exceptionally cruel towards Ignis (pulling  his hair, repeatedly curb stomping him) which may be a reflection of his own frustration at Somnus--and himself.  Perhaps he sees Ignis as a fool for being so loyal and trusting (the way he trusted his brother).  He may also resent Ignis’ loyalty--perhaps he is jealous his own brother wasn’t loyal in the same way.  In any case, it’s interesting that they are both older brothers of a sort to the would-be king.
Further, if Ignis is Ardyn’s son, it creates an interesting thematic situation with respect to brotherhood.  Noctis would represent Somnus’ line while Noctis’ “brother” Ignis represents Ardyn’s.  Ignis and Noctis could get things right in a way that Ardyn and Somnus did not.
3. Similar Taste
This section might seem the most frivolous, but it becomes compelling when you see the number of parallels.  Generally speaking, Ignis and Ardyn appear to be the most epicurean characters in the game, but there are very specific tastes that they share.
One interesting revelation of Episode Ardyn is that Ardyn is a fan of Ebony.  When you rest on park benches in Insomnia, Ardyn leisurely sips on an Ebony while reading a car magazine (a magazine Ignis also happens to read repeatedly ).  As we all know, Ebony is Ignis’ favorite drink (some would say he is completely addicted).  For the devs to give this drink to Ardyn, it seems to be a clear Ignis signal to the audience.  Why else put this in?  They could have given him Kenny’s Jetty’s drink for cheap nostalgia points.  Ebony is an emblem of Ignis.
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The two men also share a taste for delicate cake.  It is well known that Ignis loves Fluffy Chiffon Cake.  In fact, it’s probably one of his most identifiable favorites (it is an endearing feature of his personality).  
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What not many people realize is that Ardyn is also associated with that confection. In one of the SE Cafe events, Ardyn was depicted on a placemat with Elegant Orange Cake--aka orange chiffon cake.  
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Two characters in XV love chiffon cake.  One is Ignis and the other is Ardyn. Of all the dishes they could have chosen for Ardyn they selected a signature Ignis favorite.  It’s too obvious to be a coincidence.
The two also have a preference for “bespoke” clothes.  Ignis expresses an interest in fashion (and a knowledge of it in his discussion of Vivienne Westwood, for example).  In the XIV collaboration, Prompto also introduces Ignis to Y’jhimei as the “bespectacled gentleman with the bespoke wardrobe”.  It’s also just objectively true that Ignis has the best fashion sense.  
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Ardyn is affectionately known as a hobo in the fandom so you may think he is less fashionable than Ignis, but this would be a mistake.  Ardyn’s wardrobe is a carefully put together ensemble that perfectly reflects his personality--the true mark of fashion sense.  In Episode Ardyn, he also saucily remarks about his lab attire: “I daresay this outfit wasn’t tailor made” further indicating his desire to wear “bespoke” clothing.
We also recently learned that Ardyn is a fan of wine (not surprising at all).  Ignis never explicitly says he likes wine, but we can see that he cooks with it.  The official Twitter accounts also posted a render of Ravus and Ignis having some wine in Altissia. 
These might all seem like frivolous connections, but the world of XV seems to suggest that hobbies and tastes are heritable (to an almost comical degree).  Given this, I think we should take these similarities in taste as *very* telling.
4. Dialogue and Combat
4.1 Dialogue and quips
Ardyn and Ignis have very different combat styles, but I was surprised to discover they share a few quips.  When prisoner Ardyn first engages in combat on Angelgard he says “cease this!”.  Many people will recognize that as one of Ignis’ combat lines from Episode Ignis.  Many players found it somewhat odd and amusing so it really stands out here with Ardyn.
Later, when Ardyn is given his mission to destroy the shield generators in Insomnia he says, “no rest for the wicked.”  I'm sure we have all heard Ignis say that quite a few times at the start of a random battle encounter.  At the end of some combos Ardyn will intone “It’s over!” -- an identical line is uttered by Ignis when using High Jump (though he says it a bit more like “It’s ovaah!!”).  It’s worth noting that Regis also says this line (I’ll post on that theory one day).
In chapter 9 when Noctis asks Ignis what  happened to his eyes Ignis replies: “A small sacrifice, in the greater battle.”  After Ardyn’s fight with Somnus in Insomnia, Somnus explains that he “killed” Ardyn and erased him from history for the sake of the Lucian people.  Ardyn incredulously replies: "A small sacrifice for the good of society. How noble!"  It’s a stretch, but interesting that the two used the same phrase to describe their own suffering.
4.2 Combat
I will keep this brief because Episode Ignis is a rabbit hole in itself (I have more thoughts to post on it eventually, though).  In the alternate ending of Episode Ignis (known as “V2”), Ardyn does seem genuinely determined to kill Ignis (to inspire Noctis to ascend, evidently).  In V1, however, Ardyn holds back considerably.  When Ignis puts on the ring, Ardyn has a look almost approaching pity (I’m reading a lot in there probably).  Once Ignis has been granted the ring’s strength, Ardyn seems excited to fight him, but he does not use anywhere near his full strength.  In fact, he abandons the fight before the ring could actually drain all of Ignis’ life force.  That seemed an intentional choice on his part.  
It’s likely Ardyn chose to preserve Ignis’ life in V1 because he figured Noctis needed him, but it’s interesting to consider the possibility that he held back because Ignis is his own flesh and blood.
Completely silly side note--both Ardyn and Ignis are *very* scrupulous about buying novelty trinkets.  Ignis spends time collecting items so that he can sell them and make enough money to buy glasses in his episode.  Ardyn, despite mugging royal cops, conscientiously pays for each novelty hat he acquires.
5. Lucian Line Connection
I’ve suggested in the past that perhaps Ignis could be a bastard son of Regis (I still think this is a strong possibility).  Many of the things that would support the conclusion that Ignis is a son of Regis also support the theory that he is a son of Ardyn given the Lucii connection.
Ignis is the only bro with a decent magic stat aside from Noctis, he has elemancy related tech and his most powerful move is magic based.  The game makes it quite explicit that magic is connected to Lucian royalty and the oracle. If Ignis were part royal, it would make sense that he has innate elemancy skills.  Granted, glaives (especially ones from Galahd) also exhibit magic sensitivity, but Ignis has another unique magic related ability--he survived the ring.  
We know that only Lucian kings are supposed to b able to use the ring.  Nyx Ulric, however, was able to use it briefly.  In order to use it, though, he had to sacrifice his life.  Ignis seemingly gets away with ring use at only the cost of his sight.  Why the difference?  One potential explanation is that Ignis has some Lucian blood--albeit tainted thanks to Ardyn’s downfall.
There are other parallels that I am cutting for brevity’s sake, but I think this displays the surprising number of connections between these two characters.
III. Conclusion
There are many hints (especially after episode Ardyn) that the devs want us to see Ardyn and Ignis as linked.  One of the simplest, and most provocative, explanations of those parallels is the Papa Ardyn theory.  The game never directly asserts that Ardyn is Ignis’ father, perhaps because they rightly assume this information would be unsettling to some, but there are more than enough hints in game to suggest it’s a possibility.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
What was Lea’s personality during BBS and after? Up to Kh3? (U probably did this, but I love your analysis on Kh Isa and Lea)
Lea/Axel: The Alchemical Trickster
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“The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.” – Carl Jung
Thank you! It is rather fun to write about Lea and Isa. ^_^
Well, actually I haven’t done a full write-up of Lea’s personality, though that was one of the many ideas I’ve had stirring around in my head. So, I’m glad you asked the question. More than anything I think Lea/Axel embodies the Trickster Archetype, which is an example of a Jungian Archetype. I picked up a very strong Jungian influence in the KH series. Jung’s famous quote on the shadow side of the human psyche is very similar to what The Fairy Godmother told Aqua in Birth By Sleep.
Carl Jung, The Trickster Archetype
A primitive cosmic being of divine-animal nature, on the one hand superior to man because of his superhuman qualities, and on the other hand inferior to him because of his unreason and unconsciousness. The more civilized we become, the more we will blame a “shadow” for our misfortunes. Like the trickster of old, the shadow represents a quality that isn’t accepted into the awareness. It can ‘pester’ us unmercifully but always has a gift for us, a missing quality, an attitude needed to cope, or self-realization.
Carl Jung’s explanation for the archetypes that surface in cultural and religious literature is that they are the product of what he calls the collective unconsciousness. That thread of consciousness that connects all human beings and cultures around the world. Jung would say The Trickster is a manifestation of our own collective unconscious. 
In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story (god, goddess, spirit, human, or anthropomorphisation), which exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and conventional behavior.The Trickster is an alchemist, a magician, creating realities in the duality of time and illusion. The Fool survives in modern playing cards as the Joker.
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The Trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is he who points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, and to cause us to question and not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded, needs to be torn down, and built anew. He is the Destroyer of Worlds, and at the same time, the savior of us all.
In later folklore, the Trickster/Clown is incarnated as a clever, mischievous man or creature, who tries to survive the dangers and challenges of the world using trickery and deceit as a defense. He also is known for entertaining people as a clown does. The Trickster seems to be a comedy of opposites. For every good aspect of his persona there is an equal and opposite aspect. In religious stories his role is very diverse. He is the breaker of taboos. He provides comic relief to a religious myth. And he will pull off elaborate schemes to teach a moral lesson or expose the folly of men.
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Tricksters “…violate principles of social and natural order, playfully disrupting normal life and then re-establishing it on a new basis.” The trickster crosses and often breaks both physical and societal rules. That’s why I think Axel’s weapons are based on the Sigil of Chaos. The weapon on the right, Dive Bomb is a combination of the Chaos Sigil and an alchemical vector, representing the union of Mercury and Sulfur, Sol and Luna, The Red King and White Queen of alchemy. Or the King and Queen of the Night, as Saïx’s weapons are so aptly named. I have absolutely no doubt that Lea was gonna “Dive Bomb” right into his boyfriend’s heart and wake his sleeping ass up.
Kairi: “Aren’t you…a bad guy?”
Axel: “I’m not. But not really a good guy, either.”
The Trickster behaves as he does from impulses over which he has no control, possessing no values, moral or social; he is at the mercy of his passions and appetites. The others in Trickster stories possess similar traits: the animals, the various supernatural beings and monsters, and man.
Often, the bending/breaking of rules takes the form of tricks or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both. The trickster openly questions and mocks authority. They are usually male characters, and are fond of breaking rules, boasting, and playing tricks on both humans and gods.
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According to Jung, through the Trickster we can see that “individuals have the power to recognize their shadows and in doing so, choose the better part.” It is in the Trickster these combinations of qualities are recognized as being in the world, and from the Trickster we learn existential lessons as to the consequences of letting our darker side rule our lives.
There is another side to the Trickster. As the giver of all great boons—the fire-bringer, teacher of mankind—it is common for the Trickster to be a creator figure who created the earth and brings culture and civilization to humans. Among the Classical Greeks, Prometheus as creator brought into being all of the world’s animals. For this he was badly punished by Zeus. One of Axel’s weapons is named Prometheus.
Day 299: The Value of a Lie
Roxas doesn’t trust me after the whole Xion incident, but I can’t tell him the truth yet. So I keep lying. It’s no big deal when you’re a Nobody. There’s no guilt, no feeling at all. So why does it still sting, just a little, when I lie to him? All my dealings with Roxas give me this bizarre illusion of humanity.
The Trickster of Greek mythology was a god by the name of Hermes. He is the Magician Arcana in the Alchemical Tarot.He is also the patron of thieves and the inventor of lying. Once again we see a sort of bridge between the average man and the gods. Hermes is the only god in Greek mythology that is born to a nymph (a mortal). Also with Hermes we see the recurring theme of flight. Hermes is said to have wings on either side of his head. It makes the scene where Axel flies in Neverland that much more enjoyable.
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Physical reality is a game in which the Trickster challenges us at every turn. That is his role in the duality of this bio-genetic experiment in linear time. The Trickster is a teacher, survivor, and hero—always traveling, outrageous and cunning, foolish and wise, mischievous and often doing good despite himself. He is a metaphor for the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.
In modern literature the Trickster survives as a character archetype, not necessarily supernatural or divine, therefore better described as a stock character. The Trickster seems to have supernatural powers which help him perform his tricks. He lives, dies, comes back, shape shifts, all sorts of magic as our reality is nothing more than an illusion. It is the mythology of our reality, birth, death, and rebirth from the ashes, the flame of creation.
The Trickster is almost always portrayed as male. In the duality he represents the lower emotions, lower chakras, that which gets us into mischief. This represents the aggressive side that deals with the lower frequency emotions: jealousy, anger, self destruction, rage, depression, even mental illness. The Trickster is the emotional body, our Inner Child or wounded soul, who evolves in our lifetimes as it spirals back to higher light.
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Frequently the Trickster figure exhibits gender variability, changing gender roles and engaging in same-sex practices. Such figures appear in Native American and First Nations mythologies, where they are said to have a Two-Spirit nature. Even Artemis (one of Saïx’s weapons named after a goddess) was said to engage in cross-dressing. So it makes TOTAL sense to me that Lea and Isa were intended by the writers to be, yes, a romantic pairing.
Carl Jung was also a well-known proponent of alchemy. According to a manuscript in Jung’s collection published in his book Psychology and Alchemy, the Emperor and Empress of the Tarot deck represent the Red King and White Queen at the beginning of the great work, known as magnum opus.
The Empress and Emperor are put at the end of the Alchemical Tarot sequence, symbolizing the end product of their marriage: The Philosopher’s Stone. Like Jung’s Alchemical Tarot deck, Luxord’s deck ALSO ends its sequence with the Emperor and Empress cards. It’s for this reason I think that Luxord’s deck actually tells a story using the Alchemical Tarot as its foundation— Lea and Isa’s story as the alchemical Red King and White Queen, to be precise. It tells their love story SO perfectly. But that is a meta that I’m still working on.
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Like Saïx/Isa, I also believe that Lea/Axel was inspired by the Zodiac signs, particualy the Fire Triad. Aries lives in the moment and moves fast and furiously. They’re natural-born leaders, and impossible to ignore. They are always ready to take charge and conquer whatever challenge they meet. Courageous and competitive, Aries is a powerful force, carving paths through new territory to find undiscovered treasures. This fearless sign lives life as a warrior, infusing everything it touches with fire, passion, and strength.
Aries’ Tarot Card: In Tarot, The Emperor card is a masterful representation of the zodiac sign Aries. The Emperor is a natural leader, just like Aries. The Emperor represents Aries’ loyalty and ability to stick by others through thick and thin. Like the royal figure on this card, Aries uses its sense of authority to help others, and to achieve its own goals.
Aries’ Symbol: The Ram represents courage, action, initiative, and authority. These traits are the backbone of Aries’ characteristics, and help Aries take every part of life head-on.
Aries’ Ruling Planet:  Aries is ruled by Mars – the Red Planet, or the warrior planet. These two have been linked since ancient times, as Mars is the Roman God of War, and Ares is the Greek God of War. Mars is a planet of great action, aggression, and drive, influencing what we do, and how we do it, and enhancing the active energy of Aries. Mars is considered a pioneer of new territory, just like the Aries Ram. Among the 12 Zodiac signs, there is one specific sign in which a planet functions at its optimum. This is called its sign of “Exaltation.” The Sun is exalted in Aries.
Aries’ Ruling House: As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries rules the 1st House of Self. The 1st house is a representation of your overall self – the personality and traits that make you uniquely you. Aries’ connection to the 1st House of Self speaks to this sign’s pioneering nature, its bravery, and independence. Aries’ desire to create, identify, and deepen its sense of self is what the 1st house is all about.
Aries’ Element: The element of Fire fuels Aries’ courageous demeanor and desire for life. Fire is a self-motivated and high-spirited force that yearns to freely express itself and cannot be contained. Like a volcano, without warning, Aries is prone to bursts of enthusiasm or aggression. Aries embodies the Fire element through their identity and ego, acting as a trailblazer and a leader.
Aries’ Color: Red is the color of passion, excitement, and Fire, which supports Aries’ active energy and eagerness for life. Red is a vibrant color that demands attention – and Aries is a sign that doesn’t like to be ignored. It’s also no surprise that Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, is known as “The Red Planet”. The more red Aries surrounds itself with, the greater their natural powers can be.
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Ruled by the vibrant Sun and driven by the warmth of its Fire element, the charming, magnificent, and dramatic Lion is the life of the party and loves attention. With its shining heart of gold, Leo is a loyal lover and a proud and courageous leader. This sign of the Lion embodies an air of royalty, just like the kings and queens of the jungle. Sometimes expressive to a fault, you’ll find them to be some of the most generous souls you’ll ever meet.
Leo’s Tarot Card: Leo is empowered by its Tarot card, Strength. In most Tarot decks, a Lion is featured prominently on this card, representing an obvious relationship with Leo the Lion. This card embodies nature in its most primal form, allowing the Lion to be and to express its true self. The Strength card is not only about physical strength, but also about strength of heart, mind, and soul. This card reminds Leo to balance its brute force and powerful roar with compassion, generosity, and love.
Leo’s Symbol: The Lion is known most for its strength and bravery as it rules over the jungle as one of the most powerful animals. The sign of Leo mirrors many aspects of this magnificent and royal feline, like instinct, affection, strength, and bravery.
Leo’s Ruling Planet: The expressive Sun is associated with the zodiac sign Leo. Just like the Sun is the center of the solar system, Leo likes to be the center of everyone’s attention. In Astrology, Leos are known to dazzle with charm, drama, and warmth. The Sun is a physical manifestation of all these characteristics.
Leo’s Ruling House: As the fifth sign of the zodiac, warm-hearted Leo rules over the 5th House of Pleasure. Both playful and full of energy, Leo the Lion feels right at home in this house that’s all about fun, creativity, and expression. And thanks to Leo’s frisky, flirty ways, this house also holds great clues to your romantic life, and the rewards love holds for you.
Leo’s Element: Leo is a Fire sign that shines as the center of attention wherever it goes. The element of Fire ignites Leo’s desire for life, drive for love, and eagerness for action. Like a roaring bonfire, Leo’s energy radiates warmth and lights up even the darkest nights. All it takes is one little spark to set Leo ablaze with with bold expression, brave choices, and powerful confidence.
Leo’s Color: Regal and bright, gold is the color for Leo the Lion. Glistening with royalty and class, gold has always been a symbol of power and prestige. So it’s no wonder Leo – the King of the Jungle – is represented by this expressive shade. When caught in the light, gold will glisten and shine so brightly it’s almost blinding. Just like Leo’s flamboyant nature, the color gold oozes with warmth, positivity, and attention.
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Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and opportunity, the sign of the Archer is an eternal student, looking for enlightenment through new ideas, people, and places. Sagittarius is on the hunt for the biggest, best experiences life has to offer. They have a positive and outgoing personality that makes them the life of any party. With a love of adventure and all things exotic, the worldly Archer just wants to soak it all in. Sagittarius is driven by a constant need to explore and expand its mind, heart, and awareness to the fullest extent. Fiery and free, Sagittarius knows that the only limits are the ones we create ourselves.
Sagittarius’ Tarot Card: Wise and understanding Sagittarius is connected to the Temperance Tarot card. The gentle process of tempering is about finding a perfect middle state, combining the best of all things to forge something that is stronger than the sum of its parts. By bringing the power of the philosophical world into their physical world, Sagittarius makes itself a source of ultimate truth and awareness.
Sagittarius’ Symbol: The zodiac sign Sagittarius is associated with the Archer, Chiron, and its glyph represents an arrow. Always eager to explore new horizons, the Archer sets its sights on a faraway target, then shoots toward it with precision. This focus on learning more, doing more, and seeing more is what Sagittarius is all about.
One of the tales about Chiron relates that he received a wound from a poisoned arrow. But because of his wisdom, he had been granted the gift of immortality from the gods. So he couldn’t die. But neither could the wound heal, for the poison was from a deadly serpent. So Chiron is the figure of the wounded healer, the sage who has an incurable injury yet who, because of his injury, understands the nature of pain far better than others.
Sagittarius’ Ruling Planet: Larger-than-life Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods, the biggest and the best. In Astrology Jupiter is known as the “benefic” planet, meaning it is the luckiest, most opportunistic planet of all. This positive energy influences Sagittarius’ optimistic, enlightening, and outgoing nature that shines and spreads through anyone they come into contact with. As the largest planet in our cosmos, Jupiter’s vastness encourages Sagittarius to stretch its mind and heart as far as it can.Sagittarius’ Ruling House: As the 9th sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius rules over the 9th House of Expansion. This house reveals how open our minds are, and how much we expand ourselves through education, exploration, and life lessons. From philosophical conversations to book research to world travel, the 9th house encourages you to go further than you’ve ever gone before. Sagittarius’ drive for adventure, growth, and awareness is strongly represented here.
Sagittarius’ Element: The zodiac sign Sagittarius is a Fire sign that lights up our lives with profound questions and exciting ideas. Just like an uncontrollable wildfire, this sign will happily go where the wind takes them to seek new experiences. Sagittarius uses its Fire energy on its lifelong journey of exploration, always ready to jump at the next adventure. The element of Fire continues to fuel Sagittarius’ never ending supply of optimism and inspiration.
Sagittarius’ Color: Purple is a color of abundance, which encourages Sagittarius’ natural luck and its drive to expand its mind and world. The color purple is also associated with spirituality and enlightenment, empowering Sagittarius’ philosophical explorations and lifelong quest for knowledge.
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ebthecelebrity · 5 years
When We Changed the “er” to “a”, Did It Really Matter?
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The windows were down, the music blasting and we were just vibing!  The bond between a son and mom is just unexplainable. We shared the same taste in music and undoubtedly he was fly.  I mean, he’s MY son.  This was the norm. Music was our life.  If I was not playing “The Groove” or “The Joint” on Sirius Radio, I was blasting Trap Music.  I had been listening to Trap Music with my son since he was in my womb.  Something about trap music ignited this aggressive proudness in a black person’s soul.  Being BLACK in AMERIKKA was dangerous as fuck, but it was a privilege.  Yes, a privilege.  We held hundreds of years in struggle within our bloodline with skin of beautiful, melanated gold.  Our African countries embodied deep, majestic culture with gorgeous diamonds and exotic landscape.  Our fashion, our music, our infamous shea butters and braided crowns…..our full lips, our bushy afros and soulful cuisine……our ebony eyes, our thick, shapely bodies…..being Black had always been a privilege as I learned we were the original Kings and Queens.
We’re in the car, speeding down highway 485 and the trap drums hit our soul.   I immediately turned the volume up and snapped my fingers.  The feeling is unexplainable.  My son is in the backseat turnt all the way up.  I imagined how Corporate America blasted trap music before heading to work in the am, spiritual beings blasted trap music while saging their homes, and lovers blasted trap music after smoking a blunt together and fucking like animals.  Trap music was essential to Black Culture.  It was essential to American Culture honestly. My 7-year-old son starts reciting the lyrics in the back seat.  I’m impressed with his performance skills.  He was so damn smart that he knew when to NOT curse.  He would strategically pause at any curse word and continue rapping flawlessly.  I watched him from the rearview mirror and nodded my head in agreement.  
“Met all these niggas, they sweeter than Sadie”
My mouth dropped.  He said niggas.  The fact that he knew all the socially offensive profanity to avoid but NOT “niggas” was a little confusing. Or was it confusing? I instantly scolded him to not use the word in fear that he would use it at the wrong time and place. Like school. I didn’t have the time nor energy to explain to his teachers that “nigga” is a word majority of the black community used in our vocabulary around friends and family. I didn’t want to explain how he could have easily picked this up in our music or in our movies.  Hell, it could have easily been me too.  
How is this word historically offensive to society but not to Black America? Simple. We turned a negative, degrading word used to dehumanize us since the very beginning of our existence in America to a positive, uplifting one to acknowledge each other in our own unique way, like Ebonics. Is it positive? Is it uplifting? Hmmm if you are black, you can be the judge but I thought heavily about this on the rest of the ride home.  We definitely changed the game and dropped the “er” and added that “a” to compensate, but does the hurt and pain truly go away by using this word that every white person who is a lover of trap music says secretly anyway?  
I am quick to say “nigga” in a lot of scenarios.  When a good friend that I haven’t spoke to in a while calls, I sometimes answer the phone with a smile on my face “What’s up nigga?” When that black coworker who I’ve bonded with brings me breakfast or some free food from a meeting provided that day, I may say, “My nigga, thank you!”  When I talk about how in love I am with my man to my best friend, I call him “My nigga.”  When I’m joking with my Uncle and I mention family members, I call them “niggas.”  When I’m at an amazing party and the vibe is right, I just may say I had a good time with “them niggas.”  This word gets used almost daily.  This same word that is supposed to enrich the black race as we’ve changed the last two letters, I also use when I’m angry.  Niggas can be used in a negative connotation at any given moment. I can call someone a “bitch nigga”, “dumb nigga”, “stupid nigga”…. the list goes on and the jargon is heavy in trap music.  
So I started thinking about how to possibly even turn the word around completely for the new generation of our children. I thought about my son who was extremely intelligent, opposite of the definition of “nigger”. Did I really want him to be labeled as a “nigga” for the rest of his life from other niggas? Not really. I remember hearing about the word “Negus.” Actually at 35 years of life, I was first introduced to the word negus last year.  Upon doing my research, NEGUS is a noun derived from the Ethiopian Semitic root, meaning, “to reign.”  This in my opinion was so important to educate myself on, as I wanted to start changing my vocabulary for myself and for my seed.  I am a true believer in the power of the tongue and aimed to speak positivity in all aspects of life. The word was shockingly close to the sound of the word Nigger/Nigga, yet had a more influential and positive meaning than the other two.  Pronounced “Neh-Goose”The word had been used Biblically and in other literature to represent “King” or “Emperor.”  Our First Christian King of the World was in 320 AD and his name was King Negus Ezana. Nigist = Queen.  
WHY haven’t we used this amongst each other was mind-boggling! I continued to do more research on this Powerful and Historic word, to realize that many rappers felt the same way I did.  Kendrick Lamar and Public Enemy’s Chuck D have been urging other rappers to start the movement.  If you listen to Kendrick Lamar’s “i” off his album, “To Pimp a Butterfly” you will see that he has been woke and trying to educate us.
“Well, this is my explanation straight from Ethiopia/N-E-G-U-S definition: royalty; King royalty – wait listen/N-E-G-U-S description: Black emperor, King, ruler, now let me finish/The history books overlook the word and hide it/America tried to make it to a house divided/The homies don’t recognize we been using it wrong/So I’ma break it down and put my game in a song/N-E-G-U-S, say it with me/Or say no more/Black stars can come and get me.” ~ Kendrick Lamar
Knowledge is Power.  Please educate yourself Neguses and Nigists.  We are worth so much more.  Let’s change the narrative.  
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I'm not that cool at least not anymore, but thank you.
Most rom-coms these days are shitty Netflix productions, omg have you seen He's All That?! She's All That was very cliche already, but they really butchered the plot so badly in the new movie... and the acting, I died.
60 WIPs 😭 also new Hwa fic dropping soon? I'm not ready, but also give meeee. And what's the villain reader x king I'm hearing about? Fantasy, plot heavy?!
Okay, but that manhwa you recommended looked familiar, turns out one of my friends talked about it before and recommended it to me, but I forgot about it, so thank youuuu I think it's a sign I should read it, and the guy has long hair? Yeah, sign me the fuck up.
The toxic trait me and my friends have is reading and watching stuff then immediately thinking about writing stories based on all those works. Sadly, only a few of us actually get shit done. My role is to make scenarios for someone else to write them. - DV 💖
HELLO i completely forgot this existed lmfbbfnebd
I'm not that cool at least not anymore, but thank you.
Most rom-coms these days are shitty Netflix productions, omg have you seen He's All That?! She's All That was very cliche already, but they really butchered the plot so badly in the new movie... and the acting, I died.
I HAVE PLS i was very embarrassed watching it btmehfje eVEN IF SHES ALL THAT WAS CLICHE IT WAS THE RIGHT CLICHE 🤌🏼 but he’s all that just….very tiktok ish -5/10 idk why can’t directors cast call ppl with better acting 😭😭😭
60 WIPs 😭 also new Hwa fic dropping soon? I'm not ready, but also give meeee. And what's the villain reader x king I'm hearing about? Fantasy, plot heavy?!
60 WIPS 😭😭 YES !!!!! yes ma’am!! new hwa fic, so rec watching the kdrama first and then reading duke and his general! as a pre-requisite !!! it’ll make more sense <33 omg here’s a snip on the content warnings !!!
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UHUH YES YES YES VILLAIN READER X KING!HWA everything fantasy and magic and witchy stuff + maleficent-ish vibes,,,,,, ofc the king as a queen to be….and there’s also our reader who’s the villain ☺️☺️ ill be naming it “serpent’s dove” i think that alone makes a lot of sense and gives a insight on how the relationship between hwa and the reader would be <3
Okay, but that manhwa you recommended looked familiar, turns out one of my friends talked about it before and recommended it to me, but I forgot about it, so thank youuuu I think it's a sign I should read it, and the guy has long hair? Yeah, sign me the fuck up.
YES YES YES ITS EVERYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE I PROMISE 😩😩😩 he’s got long hair and the authority and a pharaoh 😭😭🤌🏼🤌🏼
The toxic trait me and my friends have is reading and watching stuff then immediately thinking about writing stories based on all those works. Sadly, only a few of us actually get shit done. My role is to make scenarios for someone else to write them. - DV 💖
my toxic trait is that im the same as u guys, and the fact that i think i can write them under 20k. 😭😭😭😭 jBDNWBDSM PLS IF UR FRIENDS R WRITERS PLS DO SEND ME THEIR WORKS ID LOVVVEEE TO READ !! u guys found so fun <3
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Apostle John Makaya
Let us pray: Mighty king heavenly Father I thank you for today I thank you for your guidance and protection upon your people from morning up to now I pray for your wisdom as we are about to partake of today's gospel we need a word of breakthrough from you in Jesus name father help us to be doers of your word and not hearers only we open today message in the name of the father son and holy spirit Amen
• Topic:Flee Idolatry
• Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians10:14
Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
• Our memory verse we should what???
Flee from idolatry people think making statue or bowing to man made God is all about idolatry and it's definitely not the truth idol can be anything you take higher than God, you Love more than God, you obey etc
Dictionary define idolatry as a lover blind with admiration and devotion any thing you devote yourself to more than God blindly admiring or making it a priority is an idol to. We have what we call self idolatry thing you make idol I know people are still confused which questions like how can I be self idolater the answer is simple. Amen.
Now we go deep, Some people here take their business higher than anything in this world even higher than God that even make them not to attend services with remark like this is where I earn my living so what if I go to church and the best costumers miss me today. Amen some one will say I won't go for envagalisms because am selling don't be suprise if I announced to you that you are an idolater for its is written, Seek first the kingdom of God, if you not seeking first the kingdom of God am afraid what ever you are seeking first is an idol in God's eyes.
Some people there children are their idols.
some husbands, wife, job, worldly thing
If only you deprive God for the above then they are idols in God's eyes. Loving nothing more than God Amen. I pray for you today to flee from idolatry in Jesus name.
Even your phone can be idols when you are in the presence of God you are still focused on your phone it definitely an idol in God sight. If you having been loving anything more than God Repent now and flee away from idolatry.
Break down all statue today, burn all that the devil gave you for protection it all idolatry nothing in this world can't protect you except Jesus and Jesus don't operate through material things he lives in you just call on him in any problem then he will answer some pastor sell all such of materials in churches today in the name of deliverance all that is idolatry. Let no pastor deceived you in the above if you have been doing it flee now buy them no more flee away from those idolatry churches. It very easy now to identify idolatry pastor the are the ones that use material things to perform miracles Jesus said 'cast out demons and deliver people In the name of Jesus' he didn't say use all such of this.
Some will want to decived you with some old Testament stuff making mention of God Commanded Moses to use his rod many times to save yes it true but by then the rod represent Jesus but now he lives in you there's no way he can go through material things before saving you I don't know him to be that kind of God that's gives u all such of things to carry on your body. I pray you flee in Jesus name. Lord arise and deliver your people today in Jesus name.
• How can you stay away from idolatry it simply flee idolatry 1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
Colossians 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth;
fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
The above scripture Also help us understand that not only making images or statues is idolatry but if the ones list above if you are addicted to them then you are idolatry.
• Effect of idolatry
Psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.
That's is why some people move from sorrow to sorrow because they are idolaters check your life to ensure there is no idol worshiping and enjoy God's blessings forever. God is a jealous God you shall have no other God expect him. Let look at this scripture and know how some people have been idolatry deciving themselves with things and people above.
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;20:6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
It clear that the Roman Catholic are idolaters why all the statues in the church statues of mother Mary in which people bow to, statues of the saints, and even statues of Jesus bowing to them as if God exist in them Jesus lives in you there is no way you can make an image and say it Jesus it totally wrong some even have it at home hanging cross on their neck believing that in time of problems the cross will save they are wrong the cross will never save it is Christ that save.
If you are a corporate of it I advise you separate your self now in Jesus name.
There is really a high rate of idolatry in that ministry because all the rosary saying makes no sense for it is written *God has exalted him and given him a name above all other name* why saying prayer in other names only in the name of Jesus we are save not even in the name of her mother or Disciples separate your self now. I pray for the holy Spirit to open your eyes in Jesus name and see all your weaknesses in life. Take your time to read this to the end and reflect on every one word.
Isaiah 44:9-20
44:9 They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.44:10 Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?44:11 Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together.44:12 The smith with the tongs both worketh in the coals, and fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh it with the strength of his arms: yea, he is hungry, and his strength faileth: he drinketh no water, and is faint.44:13 The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with a line; he fitteth it with planes, and he marketh it out with the compass, and maketh it after the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house.44:14 He heweth him down cedars, and taketh the cypress and the oak, which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish it.44:15 Then shall it be for a man to burn: for he will take thereof, and warm himself; yea, he kindleth it, and baketh bread; yea, he maketh a god, and worshippeth it; he maketh it a graven image, and falleth down thereto.44:16 He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh; he roasteth roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire:44:17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.44:18 They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.44:19 And none considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; yea, also I have baked bread upon the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and eaten it: and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?44:20 He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?
Prepare your mind today to make a change flee from all form of idolatry preached above and obey God's Commandant to always enjoy his blessings and riches.
Father I thank you for today's message I pray it brings change in the live of your children in Jesus name father make them doers of the your in Jesus name thank you Lord thank you father thank you Jesus for in Jesus name.
Stay blessed Jesus Loves you
Don't forget to share the Good news
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nightblink · 7 years
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters 112-113, Interludes 12-14
Yep, everything’s blowing up in their faces.
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twelve – For the Living
Still nothing solid on who that ninth Unmade could be from Hessi, though she wonders if she's “conflating two Unmade into one”. Possible, but mmmmm...
“Kaladin remembered a woman's kiss.” That is not how I was expecting this chapter to start. But! MORE TARAH INFORMATION. GOOD. She's still basically an unknown at this point, so more info is always good.
Cultural note: dresses of an old-fashioned Thaylen style – an apronlike front with straps over the shoulders and skirts that ended right below the knee; a buttoned shirt underneath, often in a bright colour
It would take forever for tall-and-skinny beanpole Kaladin to find a spear long enough for him to wield properly.
'Slightly plump, with a round face and firm build, Tarah's beauty was a subtle thing. Like an uncut gemstone. The more you saw of it – the more you discovered of its natural facets – the more you loved it. Until one day it struck you that you'd never known anything as wonderful.' Um hello yes snagging this happily to add to my demi-romantic!Kaladin headcanon, along with general note of Tarah's appearance
Haaaah. She has to follow her own path. She won't stick around just to be with him, just as he wouldn't do so for her. She has a point, too - “Maybe someday you'll learn how to be there for the living, not just for the dead.” Kaladin continues to carry the weight of those deaths; he did throughout his time as a slave, in Sadeas' warcamp, and still shoulders it now. He's got such a gentle, soft, caring heart, and it doesn't heal easily when it bruises or breaks, especially as he refuses to let go of the pain of those deaths.
I'm- I'm glad this is ending amicably; I was wondering if she'd end up just another name on the list of those who died/Kaladin believes he failed. THANK YOU FOR NOT FRIDGING TARAH FOR THE SAKE OF MANPAIN, BRANDERSON.
More really cool Shadesmar trees: 'taller, more statuesque ones with deep crimson trunks and limbs like burnt-red crystals that, at the ends, burst into a small collection of minerals.'
Kaladin's still attracting windspren every now and then. What is it that they're drawn to about him right now that's causing them to pop over even a little from the Physical Realm?
So the uncorrupted Oathgate-spren look like a matching pair of salt-and-pepper shakers – one iridescent-black, one prism-white, as opposed to the corrupted black-and-red that we saw back at the Kholinar Oathgate.
And there's an army in their way. Of course.
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirteen – The Thing Men Do Best
'Dai-Gonarthis' is our possible last Unmade, then, and maybe one that packs immense destruction as its main ability – perhaps even as much as to destroy Aimia?
“Did you really think that you belonged here? That you were native to Roshar?” Oh come on, Stormfather, why would they think otherwise, when all they know of their history has been here? They didn't even know much about four thousand years ago, much less anything before that, and after the destruction of the Desolations? After the continuing apocalypses that would wipe out 90% of the population? They'd lost all knowledge of what came before, much less so early as that. At least their originating from Shinovar makes sense to believe from their point of view – but complete aliens?
Where. Did. The. Humans. Come. From. Between the Rosharan System blurb in Arcanum Unbounded and the main SA series itself, we know that they have to be genetically distinct, and everything else in the Greater Roshar System screams 'deliberately created this way'. There are spren on Ashyn, aren't there? Were Rosharan-humans originally created by Adonalsium rather than by Shards or transplanted from Yolen, and put on Ashyn instead of Roshar?
“It was not only the truth of humankind's origin that caused the Recreance. It was the distinct, powerful fear that they would destroy this world, as men like them had destroyed the one before. The Radiants abandoned their vows for that reason, as will you.” Okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'm still shocked that it was enough that they would kill their soul-bonded spren to do so, but they essentially looked at themselves and went I have the power to physics-nuke a planet and that's more than enough to shake anyone to the core.
[winces] And the bridgemen get it. “Invaded by people trying to reclaim their homeland. Storms. I'd be mad too.”
Except they've been co-opted by Odium, their fellows transformed by the Everstorm into mockeries of the Radiants – powerful, but still mockeries, and ones that consume the soul of the body that they inhabit, and in the end, they and/or Odium will destroy Roshar so that there is nothing left for either Humans or Parsh/Dawnsingers.
Their unwavering faith in Kaladin is beautiful and heartwrenching at the same time. Dalinar, on the other hand… he's losing hope that Adolin and Elhokar will ever return. 'No news is good news' doesn't quite count when the city they were in has fallen to the enemy and no information was coming out of Kholinar before that anyway.
!!! So- what the Vorins call the Tranquiline Halls could in fact be a reference to the origin of the Rosharan-humans?
Honor sounds like he was going a bit loopy before he died, though even before that, he was egging on the Radiants, perhaps pushing the war even when peace might have have been brokered and Odium's power over the Dawnsingers broken.
“They tried to protect the world. I blame them for their weakness, their broken oaths. But I also understand. You have cursed me, human, with this capacity.” Character development even from the Stormfather, greatest of spren of Roshar. Who would have thought?
[winces] The coalition alliance is cracking along every seam it has. And Taravangian has the sheer gall to say that he's sorry, when he's the one who orchestrated all of it! ~~FUCK OFF, YOU MANIPULATIVE OLD TURDBUCKET~~
“I tried my best to hide this.” “So we could continue living a lie?” “It is, in my experience, the thing men do best.” I… I would say something along the lines of 'fucking ouch', but- but instead I'm reminded of that one Terry Pratchett quote from Death in Hogfather – the one about needing to believe the little lies so that we can believe the big ones: 'JUSTICE. MERCY. DUTY. THAT SORT OF THING.'
That's not what Dalinar or the Stormfather sees, of course, but at the same time……
End of Part Four
Interlude Twelve – Rhythm of Withdrawal
The Fused's/Odium's plan for Venli stumping for them now involves her forced into a hermit cave, an essentially 'primitive' existence, and I'll bet it's to help the image of how they want to portray her – the last of a people that had held out against humans for centuries, millennia, now but a dying predecessor to those who will rise and fight.
Oh, no more individual talks? You're right, Venli; Odium probably doesn't want you and your people to realize their history of long ago as Dawnsingers, or how close the world has come to complete and utter unlivable destruction in Desolations past.
!!! She's going to the assault on Thaylen City with the rest of them? OOOOO. Sanderson please let her meet Dalinar in person that'd be great
Yeaaaaah, the Everstorm's sent to push them onward – maybe even awaken new Fused on the way there (especially since Rine says that the “strongest and most skilled of [their] number have yet to awaken”, which is… oooof.)
Interlude Thirteen – Rysn
Who is very much not happy to be confined to a desk, no matter how 'important' the job may be. Someone needs to invent a kind of wheelchair stat so she can have some freedom of movement.
That Thaylen Gemstone Reserve is going to be important. This is the second time they've mentioned it in only the last few chapters.
That 'Wheeeeeeeeeeee.' has me cracking up istg
She still has her grass! And her insectoid gift from Relu-na! Chiri-Chiri is an adorable name for the larkin; it sounds like an onomatopoeia. Her own tiny iridescent not-axehound!
“You just ate.” Thank you branderson for somehow capturing the exact exasperated tone of voice that all pet owners everywhere know by heart.
Vstim is past seventy! I'd originally though him early sixties or something when I read their WoR Interlude. By Earth calculations, that would now make him… at least 77, and still sauntering around the world to trade up until taking this position. Damn, he's spry.
I love that she has her own little guardian crustacean. Chiri-Chiri: U WILL NOT HURT MY HUMAN
Hmm. Looks like the Growth Surge can't heal wounds that are past a certain point. Hobber's paralysis healed, but he did that by taking stormlight in himself, not receiving healing from an outside source.
Ohhh, Rysn bowed out of going on further expeditions herself- you and Renarin need to have a long talk together on disability, I think.
Vstim, you are a gem of a mentor and friend.
“a stuffy meeting with old Kholin and his soldiers” - which in the end turned out to be anything but dull and stuffy, but fair enough.
All of the security – and the assertion that the vault has never before been robbed save through embezzlement – makes me all the more certain that we'll see a robbery happen in this interlude.
Oh, so she does have some sort of wheelchair…? Sounds like it needs a bit more optimization in order to get her into and through more places, though.
!!!! 'The King's Drop' – like Honor's Drop, I believe was the one mentioned earlier? A perfect gemstone that would never lose light? Which would explain why it's still alight after two hundred years without ever being taken out to refresh its light. 'The size of a child's head' daaaaayum but that's a big gemstone. But… I wonder what the other, more mundane objects in there are being kept for, if they're important enough to be secured in the same area as the King's Drop?
“They say it's a chunk off the Stone of Ten Dawns.” That's more mythology and one we don't know about what is the Stone of Ten Dawns tell us Sanderson-
“The queen's guard killed Tlik.” WHAT. JUST. SO CASUALLY STATED. WHAT. Oh no oh noooo, Rysn's knocked to the floor and he's going after Vstim I hope Vstim ends up all right oh noooo
Aw shit, whoever the thief is, they're ignoring the damage – another Radiant associated with Taravangian, perhaps?
Smart decision to use the rope and tie the ruby to her, and if the one killing everyone really is a Radiant, then reducing the available amount of stormlight via Chiri-Chiri will actually be a good thing.
Alone in the darkness, men dead and dying around her as she realizes that there's no way for her to step to load the crossbow, the thief-murderer advancing on her, but at the same time-
“Yes. Yes, I care! I want to sail my own ship!” YEEEEESSSSS
!!! It wasn't a Radiant but a Fused? There's a type of Fused that have the ability to use a Voidbinding that's equivalent to Lightweaving? UM. This is the first that we've heard of that. Also, Chiri-Chiri can feed off of voidlight as well as stormlight.
Odium and the Fused want the King's Drop – or at least one of the perfect gemstones – but for what?
Interlude Fourteen – Teft
TEEEEEEFT. Last POV we had from you, you were falling back into moss-addiction, to the point of selling your Bridge Four coat for money. Sounded like you were stabilizing a little bit there for a while, given Kaladin and the rest of your support group, but then started sliding back again recently.
[winces] Then again, I could have been reading him 'maybe getting a little better' as him just being functional, as outlined here in such viscerally honest terms.
Looks like there's someone who we saw last time who still hasn't given up on him, though. The honorspren is still there, still standing at his side. Has he- has he sworn Oaths already? And how many?
Oh shit. They've got trouble at Urithiru too?! SHITSHITSHIT THEY GOT ROCK AND TWO OTHERS AND THE HONORBLADE-
Rock and Bisig are still alive thank the Heralds but they may not be for long unless they get help, and Renarin was still in Thaylen City, though he left the audience chamber-
An unfamiliar man – who could have been anyone from one of Taravangian's spies to one of Ialai's to maybe even a Fused, now that we know there's a kind that can Lightweave – ...and they were wearing Teft's coat.
He's never going to stop blaming himself for that.
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franeridart · 7 years
you made me start shipping bakugou, kaminari and Kirishima (i forgot their ship name). They're sucha good ship and your drawings for them are amazing!!!!!!!
Oh man thank you!!! I’m super happy I could make you like them!!!!!! They got amazing dynamics, don’t they? :D
Anon said:Your ocs are always so cool and cute i love them??!? Do u have more information about them?
THANK YOU!! And yesssss I do, actually! And I’ve also talked about them a while ago already!!! If you’re looking for more info specifically about Josh and Chris I blabbered about them here!!!
Anon said:I love your art ! And I love your Bakugo, but, have you ever thought of a undercut Bakugo ??
I sure have!!!! Tho I guess I do draw him more often with a side shave haha
Anon said:This is probably annoying, but I just wanted to say that I LIVE for your art! Its so amazing and I love it so much!! You’re one of my favorite artist on Tumblr. Plz continue to be awesome
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why would it be annoying anon!!!! Thank you so so much for the good feelings!!!!! :D
Anon said:What u think about Traitor Theory in BNHA :,)?
I find all the theories going around incredibly interesting and well thought, actually! But they all feel pretty unrealistic to me, after all, and as of now Horikoshi still hasn’t given me any reason to change my mind about the traitor actually being Tsukauchi
Anon said:Oh honey.. everytime i got a notification of your art, my day become better. Stay safe, happy and manly💛💪
A Kiri anon ;O; ohhh boy this ask made me seriously happy hahaha thank you!!!!
Anon said:I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I REALLY want to hear your opinion on this. What about a Bakushima Star Wars AU wherein bakugou is a badass Sith warrior who feels the pull of the light-side and Kirishima is the only Jedi Knight who actually trusts him enough to help him with converting to the light-side of the The Force. Oh and Bakugou dual wields red light sabers and Kirishima only has the one Blue saber but wears heavy armor. What do you think?? Thanks! Love your art!!
It’s a pretty amazing concept, actually? :O one I wouldn’t mind thinking about more, even though Bakugou as a sith………….. does feel pretty unrealistic to me, not gonna lie haha he’s such a good guy in the soul, Katsuki~
Anon said:oh my god i absolutely adore your linearting. it’s so neat and smooth. i hope i can achieve that kind of smoothness one day
Thank you!!!!!! A good stabilizer setting and a lot of ctrl+z might help you in your endeavor, anon hahaha my linearting is more about the patience to erase a line sixty times than it is about skills lol
Anon said:yo! have you ever watched digimon or yugioh??
DIGIMON!!! YES!!!!! My first fandom ever!!!!! I was five when I got into it!!!!!! I’m behind with a couple of the movies, atm, but I still love it a whole damn lot!!!!
On the other hand all my knowledge about yugioh comes from when I watched it on tv as a kid and from my dash obsessed with it, so I can’t say I’m well versed in the topic haha
Anon said:AAAAAAA I CANT BELIEVE YOU MADE A CUTE COMIC THING FOR MY BAKUGOU ASK! omg ty :‘0 and yeah, i see how it could stand for king or katsuki! seems like something he’d do lol
IT WAS A GOOD INSPIRING ASK ANON thank you for the involuntary prompt!!!!
THANKS!!! Sometimes it seems like I can actually manage to put together the patience for that sorta things too haha
Anon said:You know the bnha ending where all the characters are in this au fantasy world? I’ve been curious to know what type of mythical creature or fantasy being deku and kirishima are…? :/
Uhhhhh aren’t they just humans? Well, the fandom as a whole has decided that Kirishima’s probably the dragon, but I think the general, original concept was that most of them are just humans haha
Anon said:Kiri’s dragon tail looks fantastic!!! I love the way you colored it.
;O; thank you so much ohhhh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i literally l i v e for your kiribaku and bokuroteru art 😍😍😍
Anon said:I came for the art, stayed for the wonderful person you seem to be, then scrolled down to fangirl over more art. Your art is a blessing and I hope you know how great you are! 🎉
Oh my gods thank you so much this is such a sweet message !!!! ;O;
Anon said:How do you usually find your inspiration?
Hmmmmmmmm what a question. I guess, through life? This sounds like such a bullshit answer haha but yeah, I found that the best way to keep your inspiration going is to live life and experience new things. Most of the ideas behind what I draw come from things I did myself or saw or said or heard and so on - talking to my friends and family inspires me, books inspire me, music inspires me, going out and looking at people/places inspires me, other people’s fanworks inspire me a whole damn lot too! As far as I’m concerned, inspiration is sort of everywhere - there’s days in which I’m more receptive to it, and days in which it flies right over my head and I sit there wondering where the hell it went, but in general as long as I’m living and doing things ideas in the end will come my way haha
Anon said:Hmm…If Bakugou wants to be the best at everything…would he be the best at playing the flute? :o
I wouldn’t say Bakugou wants to be the best at everything, it’s more like he wants to be the best at everything he’s interested in doing - so if he had any sort of interest in playing the flute, he sure as hell would make sure to be as good as he possibly can at it haha
Anon said:have u ever considered: tokoyami/tetsutetsu OR tokoyami/shinsou
You know, this is actually an interesting question because I’ve actually been asked about both these ships already? Are they actual ships that exist in this fandom? :O I can’t say I’ve ever thought about them - well, tokoshin does interest me in the sense that I’d really love to know if Shinsou’s quirk works on Dark Shadow, but that’s about it haha
Anon said:I really like what you said about trans Bakugou! Like…I know it’s canonically improbable but I still really like the idea of Izuku being trans, because that’d add another layer of adversity and self doubt he’d be facing while trying to become the top hero. So I think it’s neat when people acknowledge that something isn’t canon but still completely accept the headcanon of it. Love your work! Keep it up~
It’s why it’s called transformative work, after all!! If you want to keep as close to canon as you can then all the power to you, but once you start transforming the canon (shipping non-canon is included in it, of course), putting a limit on how much you can transform it would just be unfair! As long as we’re all on the same page about the fact that it’s not canon, and therefor no one can force the idea on anyone else, I don’t see a problem with it!
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themadvigilantist · 4 years
dantalion - all of the following original info is from (here) and i’ll just end up making references to this (I ALREADY HAVE PAST ME and i put a small edit there but, everything else?? solid. but i mean the version of dantalion i play as??? won’t mention any of these because he does what he wants so all of this, for the most part. he should because this is a great resource if there’s just not enough lore about solomon’s lesser key demon!!eventhoitsnotofficialbutilikeit) so my commentary is [like this]
“Who is Dantalion you may well ask… and it shall be answered” (…)
Dantalion - Spirit of knowledge, empathy, passion, love, emotions/intellect, Demon of mind.
Abilities (Generally, he can teach you everything that each human in this world has thought about or known, but of course these are his main job)
He knows thoughts of all people and can change them at his will - and also can teach you how to do this (also telepathy) [time lords are perfect hosts]
He teaches all art & sciences (ya know this before, but I wanted to classify it) [time lords are perfect hosts, specifically prydonians/patrexes]
He teaches how to achieve alternative states of consciousness (OOBE, Lucid dream, higher states, past life reading, hypnosis etc.) and he can accompany you during them. [time lords are perfect hosts.]
He can help you open astral senses or knowledge of something that you want to know (but better be ready, cause your brain may take a break for a really long moment…) [time lords are perfect hosts!]
Teaches persuasion, manipulation, lies, flirt, good speeches, relations, mind control, generally all social skills. [time lords are perfect hosts!!!!!!]
He can heal/or help you with low self-esteem, negative thoughts, neuroses, depression, other coded wounds in the subconscious. [time lords are perfect hosts: missy vault scene? just eps centered around bill’s mind?]
He can suddenly put in a state of deep peace and relaxation, and show you how to do this with your mind (He also knows a word which makes your mind calming down). [time lords are perfect hosts: see episode LISTEN]
He shows similitude of any person including your person (it’s for empathy skill, when you want to more understand others or people you may like) [time lords are perfect hosts: any new who and yes, shalka is new who fight me]
He can cause love or other emotions (but remember, it’s not like someone who never knew you will love you automatically, but he/she will have more positive thoughts/attitude towards you) [this why he hates it]
Causes obsession, illusions, fear or hallucinations. [this is fun to him]
Causes lust (No, he’s not a nerd who is sitting on the armchair and reading his book with a moral look of your catholic aunt. He knows what is sex and he knows it very good) [WELL OK THEN]
Finds persons similar to themselves and causes them to unite (even if your other half is in the beyond) [time lords are perfect hosts: see the introduction of missy/danny pink arc]
Knows secrets (knowledge, but not only) and reveals secret councils. [all those secret councils??? he’ll expose if you bad.]
Can show you other aspects of your personality and makes you more charismatic/or who you want to become. [time lords are perfect hosts: that entire rose arc and no, the moment is not part of that arc. sorry! but, the moment herself said she aint rose tyler. so technically she took the form of the first incarnation of the TARDIS’ heart, second being 9th (in books she took the form of war doctor) and 3rd being idris (involuntarily)]
Causes people not paying attention to you ( so you can secretly work) [time lords are perfect hosts: the earth not knowing the doctor/timelords exist plotline...I MEAN]
Preferences (you probably saw lots of other planets/elements/zodiac assigned to him and you were wondering what’s going on - these depends really on aspects, that’s why I mentioned a few, best suited to his nature)
Zodiac - Pisces(venusian), Aquarius (saturnian) Planets - Venus/Moon, Saturn [and this is why dantalion knows venusian aikido] Elements - Water/Air (perfect harmony between the intellect and emotions) Number - 9 [he think he funny w/ that upside down 6. he aint] Quarter - North (north gate) Time - Night time/morning (generally before noon) Color - Gray, red, purple, green, (dark green or dark purple) blue, black. [can you believe that i sure didn’t know about this until i stumbled on this??? a muse meant to be OKAY!!! all those years rping and i was guessing oN A WHIM??? that demon must have told me: do me justice because !!! ] Candle color - Green, purple, generally dark shades (u can also use white) Tarot card - 9 of chalices. Stones - Pearl, emerald. King - Paimon (he’s one of his dukes) [note: formally]
Offerings Raspberries, cherries, tea, honey, whisky, classy wine, flowers - dandelions, roses (especially with passionate colors - he’s a romantic guy) nuts, your love.
Scent - Sandalwood, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose petals.
Appearance Usually shows up as a robed man with women’s and men’s faces and with the book in his right hand (sometimes replaced with a mirror). But he’s a shape-shifter, so he can take any other form. This spirit can look like a man you may personally know (or not) or even he may look like you. You can also see him as a black cloaked figure, black mist with eyes, gray cloud or floating face. He usually appears as a tall and slim man, in style of gentleman or businessman. ( I (the author) usually see him as a man dressed in dark robes with pale skin, black long hair decorated with jewels tied back and with crown) [TALL SLIM MAN ok sure]
Voice Most often dark and deep. Can also be as whispers or male and female alternating voices. Often speaks quite poetically (but he also knows nice slangs) [thanks 15.ai!Tenth Doctor. you right on the money]
Energy (how to recognize) His energy is very strong, focused and deep. You can feel the multidimensional planes of his being and it’s very characteristic. It is very penetrating, surrounding you from all sides and you may feel like your mind is a bit underwater. Generally, his energy is quite psychedelic and the effects are different. After, you may feel on high (like after good marijuana) have a headache or just feel weird. If you look closer, you will also feel great calm from his essence. [time lords are perfect hosts: the matrix]
Personality Just remember one word - COMPLEX. You will never really know how he will behave, because he’s like chameleon - he adapts to people, situations and places. For one, he will be a nice guy full of heat, and for another a dark tricky spirit. He may look cold and serious at the beginning, associated with his “knowledge aspect” (air) but he’s also very emotional spirit. He’s impulsive, determined and it’s quite easy to offend him. He has these two aspects connected (intellect/emotions) with whom empathy and healthy thinking can exist. If he behaves quite dark/annoying/arrogant that’s usually because he wants to protect himself (it was a bit like empath complex - the most openhearted and sensitive people are used by others the most) So he seeks balance and tests people. In reality, he’s a very generous spirit, patient and forgives quite quickly, but also he trusts hard and always needs control (he must see everything).
Dantalion is a spirit who is focused on human bonds, so you may see him talking about ethics/morals or knowledge which opens people to the truth about their nature - that people are the same. We will always be individualists but our needs are very similar - we want to be loved, appreciated and satisfied with our actions. People may create stereotypes, hierarchy, determinants of coolness but no human will create your face and never see through your eyes.
Dandelion (sounds familiar to Dantalion, it’s not a coincidence) is a symbol of this unity. Seeds of this plant may flew away with the wind but they’re still a part of this plant with which they have formed the whole before.
Tips for working
Take it slow. This spirit can make you very obsessed (u feel these nights when you were searching the entire internet to find him and you didn’t know why?) [AHAHAme] Look through your thoughts and set your clear goal - if you want to find him try invoke him or meditate, but don’t rush. Follow your goal not obsession. Dantalion will not run away from this world.
If you want to start relationship with him, prepare for patience again. At the beginning he’s formal, cold and not very emotional. He must find a place for you and adapt. (he’s a real thinker) Show the heart, he will show it too.
Get ready for a tests - he can test your intellect or your transparency in thinking.
Speak directly. He has sense of humor, don’t worry, but sometimes he takes words a bit too literally…[he do tho]
He doesn’t like work alone. If you’re this type and you prefer sit and wait when the spirit will end all his work, this may take a long time (except when these aren’t big things, then no problemo) Otherwise, He may start to make sure you’re still planning to pay him, and everything will be slower. (He non stop must watch what’s going on)
He usually works quick but he sometimes has a several episodes when he’s a bit more limited (idk maybe he has this delegation again) and he answers for a few days. Just wait 3-4 days and if nothing happened try again.
As I said before, it’s easy to offend him. He has big ego. Know your way and know what you want but unnecessary words can cause an awkward atmosphere. Get upset, but continue anyway with determination. Let it be rational and intelligent talk.
Other asks
When you did invocation/prayer and you don’t feel his presence that doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. He usually sees everything with his eye and even he may already work with you but you don’t feel it consciously. He likes working behind the curtain.
Sometimes he acts weird and unexpected. People do strange things, your cat began to like him more than you, one time he wants to talk and the other he prefers to sleep, he walks on the wall, whispers strange things and this day he prefers eat pizza than classy alcohol. Can encourage you to play. It’s just his complex nature. [yep]
He’s not a demanding spirit. Just give him something from your heart or what you think is valuable.
He’s a good guardian when it comes to safety with people.
This spirit has equal gender. Dantalion is both female and male. Here I prefer call him “he�� because that was my experience and this spirit’s attitude. [time lords are perfect hosts]
Dantalion is a djinn, demon, fallen angel, dark angel - he’s everything. Name as you want. [he prefer demon/fallen angel because he was an angel]
He may look nice and with good heart but he also HATES. He really gets pissed off and can destroy your life very hard when you think you shouldn’t give him what have you promised earlier (and then there’s no empathy at all …) [time lords are perfect hosts: i did make vin his host for a time for a reason...didn’t think that i end up being true to that character......]
He’s [used to be] a very loyal boy if your work was successful. He can come back to you even after a year without contact.
His attributes/symbols are - eyes/eye, faces, crown, books, the speaker, the judge, Judge’s stuff of high social rank, scepter, psychedelic waves/smoke, dandelions, brain, mask, mirror, water, clouds, the priest (absolutely not about religion but more about education and speaking to people) [EMOJIS]
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