#thank u reina for giving me this idea
Day 5: Aphrodisiacs
Summary: Misa tries to slip Light an aphrodisiac, but L accidentally drinks it too.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lawlight
Words: 3019
AO3 Link
Misa felt like she couldn’t stay still. Everything was going to go perfectly. She knows that Light loves her and wants her, but he’s too much of a gentleman to say anything, especially being handcuffed to Ryuzaki. So she decided to take initiative! 
Reina from work had been telling her about this aphrodisiac concentrate she bought online and that her man wouldn’t leave her alone for days. It made a lightbulb go off in her head. So, she procured some.
Now she had to figure out how to get him out of those handcuffs for a while. Misa-Misa wasn’t into exhibitionism or anything like that, but maybe desperate times call for desperate measures. Ryuzaki did mention something akin to letting them have a date on their own if there were cameras. And while having her physical form on camera would be icky, the infra-red cameras can’t be that bad, right? They’ll just show their outlines. It’ll be fine. She’s convinced herself of this. And Misa knows how to get her way.
Once she slips this to Light, he’ll be so desperate for her that their combined whining and pleading will have to make Ryuzaki cave! And, if all else fails, at least Light won’t be able to stop thinking about her. 
Slipping the concentrate into his drink would be tricky. There’s of course always cameras. Sleight of hand wasn’t a skill she possessed. But maybe hiding a concealed dropper would work? 
They’re all sitting in her room when she asks if they could get some tea. Ryuzaki immediately jumps for the idea and calls for Watari. Trying to stay nonchalant when she’s so excited is really tough, but she is an actress after all. 
“Light, let me put in the sugar for you!” she says, grabbing the saucer out of his hand before he could say anything. Light blinks but sits back.
“Ok, just three sugars please,” he says, before replying to something Ryuzaki says. 
Ok, Misa, you can do this. As soon as she sets the saucer down, she grabs the top, and squeezes the dropper’s liquid into the cup. Shoving it back up her sleeve, she drops in three cubes before giving it a nice stir, handing it back to Light with a smile. 
“Here, darling!” Misa says, enthusiastically pushing the cup into his hands. 
“Thanks, Misa,” he says. Ever the embarrassed lover. He only ever says ‘Misa’, but he’s always in front of his colleagues so she understands. 
Light doesn’t drink from it for a while, and Misa gets nervous. Clenching her hands, she tries to stay calm while Light and Ryuzaki bicker back and forth. Light finally goes for a drink, blowing on it before taking a big gulp. Score! Everything is falling into place. But Light’s face crinkles, stopping in the middle of whatever he was saying, before shooting a look at the tea cup. Taking another hesitant sip, he recoils from it.
“I thought you were rich, but you can’t afford decent tea?” he says, slamming the cup and saucer onto the table, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
There’s no way they could know what it was by taste, right? Ryuzaki looks very affronted by Light’s accusation. 
“It’s the best matcha tea in Japan. Mine tastes fine,” he retorts, getting huffy. It’d be funny if one, she didn’t sense a fight coming on, and two, if she wasn’t in risk of being caught. 
“Mine tastes like shit. That’s not matcha tea; not that a foreigner would know the difference,” Light raises his voice back. Maybe she should be rooting for a fight. Then they might not care enough about the tea anymore. 
“You just don’t know quality. Watari handpicks these teas for me.”
“No offense to Watari-san, but I can count like five brands of matcha tea that are better than this garbage.” 
“Fine, I’ll taste it then,” Ryuzaki barks back, grabbing the cup. Everything goes in slow motion for Misa, and it’s too late to take the cup back. 
“Fine,” Light stubbornly says back. Plopping more sugar in first, Ryuzaki takes an unrefined swig before his face twists. He, too, takes a second try, immediately letting it fall back into the cup. Eww.
Misa bites her lip so hard it might draw blood.
“I told you,” Light mocks. They squabble for a bit more before they suppose that the cup wasn’t washed properly. Eventually looking at his watch, Light looks up at her apologetically and tells her they need to head back to work. 
“I’ll try to visit sometime in the next week,” he promises. Misa can only look on in sadness that her plan didn’t work. All she can hope is that he’ll come back when it kicks in more. Maybe she should be worried they both drank it. But it’s not possible either of them are gay, so it should be fine, Misa muses. She’s always prided herself on her excellent gaydar. She goes around tidying up in case Light comes back.
Everything felt weird. It was hard to concentrate on his monitor. Light hoped and prayed that everyone would leave sooner than normal so he could go to bed. He wonders if he’s getting a cold. His skin felt tacky, there was a dull ache in the front of his head, and he felt a little dizzy. Maybe he was getting a fever? But he refuses to ask Ryuzaki to check his forehead. 
Thinking about it, Light noticed that Ryuzaki was acting weird. He had a plate of macarons in front of him, a few nibbles out of one. Watari had brought them two hours ago, and Ryuzaki had taken a bite and pushed the plate away. Maybe they’re both getting sick? Light supposes that would make sense. After wondering for a while if he could make an excuse to go to bed early and trying his best to look at his now fuzzy monitor, Ryuzaki stands up.
“Gentleman, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want, but I’m afraid I’m feeling unwell and will leave now,” Ryuzaki says, not waiting for a response from the Task Force. Ryuzaki almost all but drags Light as he tries to scramble up from his chair. Light lets himself be dragged to the elevator as Ryuzaki strides.
“You feel unwell also?” Ryuzaki asks, but it feels more like a statement. 
“Very dizzy, sweaty; a headache, I think? I’m very warm,” Light explains. “Do you think we have the flu?”
“I’ve never really been sick since childhood, but I suppose I do have walking petri dishes coming in everyday,” L says, frantically pressing on the elevator button over and over, like it’ll make it come faster. Light snorts. 
“How about you? You didn’t eat,” Light asks, trying to be polite. Light wants to be in Ryuzaki’s good graces, but the usual polite procedures he uses on people didn’t really work on him, and the guy made it too easy to be mad at him. 
“I’m very nauseous. Which is weird, because I’m not a puker— for fuck’s sake. I’m also very warm. I don’t like the feeling of my clothes sticking to me.” Ryuzaki says, getting mad at the elevator. Light is thankful when the doors open. To say he was surprised to see Ryuzaki like this was an understatement. It felt like being on the other side of the glass at an exhibit. 
After making it to their room, Ryuzaki immediately heads for the bathroom.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand through a whole shower,” Light admits, still feeling dizzy. 
“I’ll catch you if you fall,” Ryuzaki says mockingly, not stopping in his stride. Light briefly thinks that he’d rather die of embarrassment. 
He hates to be right, but he is having a hard time staying upright in the shower. His head is getting more woozy due to the steam. At least if he falls, Ryuzaki won’t fall with him, since he took off their handcuffs for the shower. One moment he’s rubbing soap on his body, the next, his knees wobble and he feels himself falling. True to his word, Ryuzaki catches him. Light blinks, trying to get rid of the fog, and looks into his eyes. Light can feel his face heat up 
“Are you ok?” Ryuzaki asks, in a surprisingly soft tone. Light nods his head and tries to get up, before leaning on the shower wall. “This might’ve been a bad idea, let’s rinse off and go to bed.”
All Light can do is nod again, resting his forehead on the wall. Hesitant hands run a washcloth over his back, causing Light to flinch a little. He turns his head to see Ryuzaki rinsing him off.
“Here, you don’t look so good,” he says. Bashful maybe? Ryuzaki hands him a towel and he wraps it around his waist before stumbling. An undignified squeak leaves his mouth and Ryuzaki picks him up like he’s nothing. 
“W-what are you doing?” Light asks nervously. Rolling his eyes, Ryuzaki says nothing and places him on the bed. 
“I’m not doing much better than you. We should just go to bed,” he says, walking around the bed and climbing into the covers. Light is too nervous to tell him they’re wearing nothing but towels. But he supposes guys do this sort of thing unbothered? Right? 
“Being out of the shower improved my dizziness I think,” Light supplies, trying to make things less awkward. “Not that I’m complaining, but you forgot the handcuffs.” 
All L had to say was a wave of his hand while his face was planted in a pillow. Humming, Light tries to get comfortable. 
It’s all too warm. After lying there for a bit, he just stares at the ceiling. Light swears he’s sweating even more than he was before. Turning over to get more comfortable, a gasp leaves his lips, and he shuts his mouth so fast he bites his lip hard. 
“I can’t sleep,” L drawls, annoyed. Meanwhile, Light’s freaking out. Now that the floodgate was open, Light realizes how sensitive his whole body is. He doesn’t dare to move another inch.
“M-me neither,” Light says, cursing himself. Feeling L lean up from the bed, Light tries to make his body appear as small as possible. In the span of seconds, he has a raging hard on. For the love of all that is holy…
“You don’t sound good,” L says, leaning over him, voice huskier than Light remembers. Glancing a look up at L, Light sees that he doesn’t look much better. The sight of L’s blown-out eyes and mussed up hair cause Light to gulp. Closing his eyes, he tries to think of what’s wrong with him that he’s thinking these things. Fingers raze against his shoulder before pulling away, causing Light to flinch again, but after the fingers leave, he wants to gravitate towards them. L lets out a hum.
“Just as I thought; I think Misa tried to slip you something,” L drops down to the bed right behind Light. Light feels his presence through his skin as it prickles. 
“What?” he asks, then thinks of the stupid tea. Everything clicks. “Oh my god. She’s insane!”
The revelation makes Light sit up in bed, the cold air on his skin feeling good. 
“Quite,” L drones, seemingly more annoyed than alarmed. “I assume that Misa tried slipping you an aphrodisiac, we both drank it, it was a potent dosage, considering how horny I am. I assume you’re in the same boat, then.” 
Light cringes in embarrassment before hesitabtly nodding. Leave it to L to make everything more awkward than it already was. The arousal is unbearable, and Light wonders if L feels just as bad. They both sit there, and then in a flurry, the attach to each other. Light isn’t sure who initiated first. 
Lips on fire, Light grips onto L like a lifeline. Every nerve is too sensitive and yearns for contact. Hands start rubbing up his arms and sides and Light breaks away from the kiss to let out a gasp. L takes the chance to kiss up his neck, the kisses scorching to his skin, before playfully biting on his ear lobe. 
“I want to touch you,” L pleads, grabbing Light by the scruff to grab another kiss. Resting his forehead against L’s, Light lets out a breathy Please. 
L inserts a finger, but it’s barely a blip to Light’s system until he feels it curl. It makes Light grab onto L’s hair a little too hard, but before he can say sorry, L lets out a delightful grunt, spurring Light on. There needs to be something else. It’s not enough. 
“More,” he whines, trying his best to not straight up grind against L’s fingers. 
Another finger is inserted, and his cock aches; precum leaking onto L’s towel. Bemoaning the barrier between them, he tries to raise up and pull it off. Hands place themselves on Light’s hips to lift him up, and with a chuckle, L removes his towel. Light immediately sits himself down and the reaction is immediate, with L letting out a cut-off whimper, and covering his mouth in embarrassment. 
Grabbing the offending hand, Light shoots him a glare and kisses his wrist, causing L to blush.
“God, how much do you think she dosed us?” L asks, running the kissed hand down Light’s chest.
“Knowing her—hmph—she probably poured the whole thing,” Light says, making L laugh. Getting impatient, he reaches down and swats L’s hand away. “Stop, stop, I need you in me. Now.”
L helps Light sit up, and they line up before Light slowly sinks down on L’s pulsing cock. Light chokes, hunching over. “Sorry,” he squeaks. 
“I think you drank more tea than me; I can’t imagine it being any worse than what I’m feeling now,” L says, the most sympathetic Light’s ever heard him, as he brushes some of Light’s hair out of his face. It makes his chest seize. Light tries to get used to the foreign fullness. 
“I’m ready,” Light says, placing a hand on L’s chest to steady himself. He probably needed a little longer to adjust, but he needed to get his mind off of that. 
Raising back up, Light pushes back down immediately as L thrusts up. They try to establish a rhythm but Light’s brain is too fogged to do it or care. They sloppily slam themselves against each other. 
There’s tingling all over his entire body and he wonders how much of this sensitivity was normal. It borders on overstimulating. He feels embarrassed from the sounds he can’t keep in, but it soothes him a little to hear L in the same boat. 
“It’s too much,” Light gasps, head falling.
“Do you need to stop?” L asks, not stopping, but settling a hand on Light’s arm.
“No,” Light cries. “Don’t, please don’t stop.”
His legs cramp, and Light groans in frustration, making L falter when Light wobbles. 
Light isn’t sure if L understands what’s going on, but the man switches their positions with a growl, knocking the wind out of Light. L continues his onslaught, pounding into him at a new angle, making Light gasp, leaning up. 
Fingers thread themselves into his hair, gripping gently, pulling his head into L’s chest. The fingers rub at his scalp, making Light keen. L leans down, his breath tickling his ear, sending a shiver down Light’s spine.
“You’re doing so good,” L whispers, despite no one else being around. The praise adds to everything and suddenly it’s all too much, Light attaches his teeth to L’s shoulder to keep himself from being too loud. L winces, but doesn’t admonish Light, holding Light’s head tighter to himself. 
Skin still on fire, Light throws his arms around L, trying to get him closer. It’s not enough. He needs more. His skin yearns to be touched everywhere. Light’s pleasure builds until he feels it plateau right as he’s about to cum, groaning in frustration. Feeling bold, he grabs one of L’s hands off of his hip and guides it to his erection. The hand traces itself over Light’s cock, the touches imprinting into his skin, before L takes it in a firm grip. 
It keeps rising afterwards, as L’s hand glides over his cock in beat, and he feels himself clenching so much it’s painful, awaiting for his orgasm. It can’t build anymore than this, right? Opening his eyes, he looks down at L’s face. His usually fluffy hair lays sweaty around him on the pillow, with eyes closed shut, and his head turning to the side. He’s huffing with every thrust. 
“Please, L,” Light drags out in a whine, and L doesn’t correct him. L speeds up his hand, and Light finally feels himself arch as a tidal wave sweeps over him. 
As he’s cumming, he’s not sure whether to wring Misa’s neck or thank her. His orgasm is hard and fast, almost painful, as it slowly decreases in intensity. Slouching, not able to raise himself through his orgasm, he stares at the cum sprayed across L’s chest as he feels L still thrusting, causing Light to huff from the overstimulating, and Light is sure that he lost control of his brain for a couple of seconds. He’s sure his hips will be bruised in the morning with how desperate L is holding onto him. It makes him feel something he’s not sure he’s ever felt before. 
He hears L cum with a cry, and after sloppily raising him one more time, he feels the hands drop from his sides. They stay where they are as they come down from their highs. Light finally flops down beside L, feeling calmer.
The burning of his skin has lessened, but hasn’t diminished completely. It’s exasperating. His arms feel limp, and his body doesn’t want to move. It only takes a couple of minutes before he feels just as bad as before. 
“I think… I’m hard again,” L says, mumbling into his chest. 
“Yeah,” Light replies in agreement, before turning over to take L’s lips again. 
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Hiya :D im here to ramble about the nishikis!
I had an amazing idea: in my country, studying medicine takes around 6 years and 1995 is 7 years after y0! Sooooo... Concept: freshly graduated doctor Hatsumi Saki takes over Yuko's case because Hiyoshi is like 'this doesnt profit much' (because nishiki didn't say he'd do anything yet) and she is actually competent and faster in suggesting treatments!
Like VADs (ventricular assist devices, basically fake hearts) were already a thing in 95 and they're used sometimes to help extend a person's lifespan while theyre waiting for a heart transplant.
(my country has a decent healthcare system and Japan is supposed to rank higher than it so im going off of what i know)
VADs are completely covered by public insurance, as are heart transplants altho u have to pay some part of sth idk its nebulous, but with akira working his ass off, he gets yuko one. Additionally, Yuko at that point would be high priority, so she gets a heart transplant and everything is fine! :D
Meds that lower chance of rejection exist and because Yuko has been through enough I think she deserves everything to go extremely well!
And then she becomes a buff goblin who lives with akira and helps him achieve world domination! >:D
(she also beats up matsushige for akira, who then claims some of his fingers and makes him fuck off)
Everyone forgot she existed so when the plot of kiwami starts, kiryu doesnt recognise her which she takes extremely personally and she gets to kick kazama in the balls <3
Because akira didn't loose it completely, he has a better grip on his subordinates, so neither Reina nor Shinji die.
And OFC Akira doesnt die either and becomes Chairman
Honestly the MOMENT ya mentioned Saki-chan I was like "YES LET'S GO!!!!! SAKI WOULD NOT LET THIS HAPPEN" she is a busy bee after all, she'd give it her all and Yuko would come out all good ^u^
I really really REALLY wish I had a better idea for how Yuko looks cause I really wanna make a mini comic of her meeting Kiryu again and him not recognising her and she's like D:< ten years in the joint turned you into a fuckin ASSHOLE cfgvbhjnkmlcfgvbhjn
And HELL YES she should beat the shit out of Matsushige and Kazama, go queen, get their asses, and while you're at it please slap Kashiwagi for me thanks honey <3 Ugh I'm just losing my mind over these Power Siblings who would do anything for each other and Yuko becoming like this powerful force but from the shadows and no one knows/realises who she is and both siblings are like How Fucking DARE You Show Her Some Respect!!!!!! And yayyyyy everyone gets to liiiiiiive ^U^ including Sera I assume!! Yay!! Shimano can still die though, and Kazama because I hate them <3 cfgvbhnjmcfgvbhjn
Sorry I don't have too much else to add or build on I'm not good at this but thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!! Yuko Nishikiyama Nation RISE UP
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nerice · 2 years
oc ask meme! 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, and 47!
*rolls up my sleeves all the fucking way* let me introduce u to so many freaks. also linking my oc page again here not everyone's on there but for refrance!!!! this got long so im actually using the humble readmore function for once but im gonna showcase one answer up here and that is:
has anyone drawn fanart of your ocs? if yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
i love all the art you n charlotte have drawn but this pic you did of reina. man (i cry everytime i look at it, she's SO BEAUTIFUL here you got her down better than i have ever drawn her <33333)
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first oc ever: a young girl who gets her throat taken out by a big cat at a circus performance; who is now a young boy called honey who gets his throat taken out by kizuna while he wanders the swamplands searching for his brother! :D
personal favourite oc: absolutely without any doubt or competition whatsoever this goes to sky lmao. rabbit daughter of my life <33333
have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? nope! all organically grown ocs in my brain tbh i find the practice of adoptables etc a little weird but that's just bc it, for me personally, conceptually, just does not work at all lmao
if you could make only one of your ocs popular/known, who would it be? nightmare scenario that guarantees callout posts tbh but after reading a billion articles on traditional female villains for my thesis i am slightly tempted to blaze knowledge abt faye lmao. high femme lesbian villain (power armor notwithstanding) we need more of em <3
are your ocs part of any story or stories? only have story ocs!! if i think up a guy he comes pre-equipped with problems which i will somehow slot into the grander verse, i don't make the rules
sunshine oc: alissa!!!! tragic girl who dies too young but before then is the absolute light in the life of everyone she touches ;_; there is one au where she lives and aims to use the lifesong to help more people, in the process of which she becomes eliada's sworn enemy & also possibly romances damia. long story
troublemaker ocs: handsdown linn wins this category lol. always up to no good, a nsfw criminal menace <3
oc otp: YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT IS JUMIE/REINA. thank you for drawing them make out it gives me life <33333
introduce an oc that means a lot to you (and explain why): gestures at reina. gestures at sky. gestures harder *camera pans over i am now on the floor sobbing* yknow?
introduce oc that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like: jumie used to be very mellow and leaned most strongly into the caretaking persona (it still comes out with sky a lot ;_;) but when i actually got around to writing her boy. oh boy. takes no shit and vibe checks every single person she comes across (for better or for worse) lawful good paladin behavior
which one of your ocs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? leah!!! unfortunate tendency to disappear on people bc of whatever piqued her interest & also knows no fear/loves freaky and spooky stuff. noah, her scaredy-dragon bodyguard, is as exasperated as he is close to a heart attack at all times
pick one oc of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) cait, avery, and jumie wld all run weapon aes focused blogs (swords, knives, spears&bows respectively) and would probably end up sending each other hatemail over their weapon preferences lmao
introduce an oc who is not quite human: kizuna!!! typical choice here lol but. fun-sized (bear shaped) omnivorous murder bunny who can shapeshift into the people she devours. has a little identity crisis from it eventually, its ok
do you have any certain type when you create your ocs? do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? it’s time to confess: i dont set out to create ocs so much as they just show up unasked on the doorstep of my brain but i absolutely love 2 give ocs a truckload of extremely visible scars (and some hidden ones for funsies) face scars are one of the greatest honors i can bestow <3
has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your ocs as their child? various yeah most frequently adopted are leah (statistical daughter of all time) and belle+sky for trauma reasons lmao
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anniebibananie · 5 years
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If We Never Try (We’ll Never Know) | rating: T | 8,792 words
"Out of all the unfortunate things to happen in Sansa’s life, she thought the most might just be the fact that somehow in the four years since she’d seen him Theon Greyjoy got hot."
And somehow that lead to him becoming her fake boyfriend? Sansa wasn't all that sure how it happened, either.
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Possibly another adopted by tokomaru hcs but if they were all adopted together?
I gotchu~
~ Mod Noire
"We'll Save You"
(TokoMaru x Platonic!Warriors Of Hope)
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They heard that they were going to be adopted by Komaru and Toko, and were all instantly ":O" faced.
Masaru and Nagisa immediately take on the protective roles of the rest, stepping in front of them at all times, as if ready to accept a beating in order to protect the others.
This deeply saddens Toko, who reassures all five kids that they have nothing to worry about.
Monaca gets shunned for a while by the other four, despite deeply regretting all she had done to them prior.
This is intervened by Komaru, who stages a mini "intervention", so to speak. She basically allows Monaca to express her regret, and the other Warriors to hear her out.
"Deal with it." - Komaru, in the middle of a peaceful argument with Toko.
Masaru, surprisingly, broke down crying, and the other Warriors were not happy.
Honestly, if it weren't for Monaca and Nagisa, both Komaru and Toko would have probably gotten killed by Kotoko's wrathful self-
Jataro was the comfort to Masaru, and Monaca joined in on that after mediating the fight.
If anyone says the word "gentle", I kid you not, Nagisa socks them in the jaw so fast-
NOBODY gets to hurt HIS little sister. His words, not mine.
Kotoko helps Monaca bedazzle her wheelchair with cute jewels, stickers, and googly eyes!
The first time a Warrior called one of them "mom", it was completely an accident.
And it was, surprisingly enough, Jataro who said it.
Toko was helping Jataro sew up his mask after it had come apart, when he blurted it out.
"Thank you, M-M-Mom."
Toko's heart felt like it could burst right then and there.
But it shattered when he began apologizing for it.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what g-g-got into me... I didn't mean t-to... I'll never s-say it again, I p-p-promise..."
Toko hugged him so tight, she almost squeezed the oxygen out of him.
"N-No! No! I like that you see me as your mom, because that's what I a-am now!"
Jataro was confused. All his life, his mother hadn't wanted him. The idea that someone did, especially someone so kind and sweet, baffled him. It just seemed so foreign to him, and the warm affection almost seemed to burn.
"N-N-Naegi-San, too?"
"Yes! Naegi-San is happy to be your mom, too! We love you! We both love all of you!"
The first secret came from Monaca, where she revealed that she had faked her disability. She was willing to give up the faking, but wanted to keep her wheelchair for comfort. Komaru agreed to this, and allowed her to keep her wheelchair as a comfort item.
Kotoko and Nagisa were a bit upset about that, but they eventually forgave Monaca, understanding that she only used it to obtain sympathy enough to escape from the abuse of her brother and father. Masaru and Jataro forgave her right away.
Nagisa revealed once that he was getting picked on in school, and that he wanted to be homeschooled because of it.
Genocide Jack was NOT HAVING IT.
He showed up at the school, and threatened the kids' lives with scissors had a talk with them.
That was when Nagisa realized that he really could depend on the two women. He did begin to show affection, albeit in his own kuudere way, much more often.
For example, he was a lot less snarky when correcting their grammar, math, etc., and he genuinely smiles and compliments them all the time.
Kotoko gave the first hug. She was so overwhelmed with emotion, that she shamelessly, unapologetically hugged both Komaru and Toko!
Uncle. Makoto. Is. Their. Favorite. Person. In. The. History. Of. Everything.
Komaru and Toko totally put all five of the kids in therapy for their trauma.
None of them are upset with it, though. They actually appreciate it.
New Year's is a surprisingly fun holiday with this family!
Kotoko, Masaru, and Monaca stay up to watch the ball drop with Komaru!
Nagisa, Jataro, and Toko are all out before eleven o'clock.
The four that are awake do fun things while waiting for the ball to drop!
For example, Monaca reads them her favorite books! She takes requests, though, and if one of them requests a specific story, she will try her best to read it. Komaru makes sure not to request anything too difficult for someone her age.
Masaru gets them all to play ping-pong with spoons and mini cupcakes.
The rounds are as follows: Masaru vs. Monaca, Masaru vs. Kotoko, Masaru vs. Komaru, Komaru vs. Monaca, Komaru vs. Kotoko, and Kotoko vs. Monaca.
Kotoko paints all their nails. Yes, even Masaru's. Masaru genuinely doesn't care, and he wants his the brightest, boldest red color she has. Komaru goes for a paler green. Monaca goes for bright green. Kotoko gets her nails painted by Masaru and Monaca; one hand for each of them.
Kotoko ends up with a half pink, half black handset, courtesy of Monaca and Masaru, respectively.
Toko and the others are disappointed that they missed all the festivities, but Komaru reassures them that there's always next year.
Valentine's Day is another fun holiday for them!
Jataro saves up all his allowance for almost four months in order to buy everyone presents!
Precious babey-
Jataro ends up giving Komaru a Ouija board, tuna eyeballs, and a new electric fan to talk to.
Yes, Jataro has witnessed her strange habits, and is curious of them.
He gets Toko a little clip-on nightlight to help her through her fear of the dark. She clips it to her shirt twenty-four-seven, and always makes sure that it has batteries.
Masaru is given a cool red basketball with his name written in white letters. He never plays with it, though, preferring to keep it in a safe place, where it won't get dirty or broken.
Nagisa is gifted a large encyclopedia. It's a simple gift, but he appreciates it, and gives Jataro a long, genuine hug.
He gifts Kotoko with a cute book with kawaii, adorbs stickers. Surprise, surprise, everybody wakes up with their faces stickered, and there are stickers all along the walls, floors, and appliances. Anybody who comes over thinks it's cute, and that only encourages Kotoko to "spread [her] adorbs-ness everywhere"!
He gives Monaca a sewing machine, because Monaca had brought up her love of fashion. He thought that maybe she would want to design her own. Monaca burst into tears, exclaiming that she felt so selfish for accepting a gift from someone she used to treat so cruelly. Of course, Jataro reassures her that that's in the past, and they're siblings now. Monaca ends up with a soft smile, and hugging the life out of a very blushy, flustered Jataro.
When St. Patrick's Day rolls around, Monaca puts her Valentine’s Day present to use! She makes cute green outfits for everyone, and takes their senses of style into account. Masaru's is designed like a jersey, Kotoko's has lots of glitter and frills, Komaru's and Toko's are designed like schoolgirl uniforms, Nagisa's is formally styled, Jataro's is leathery, and her own looks steampunk.
Kotoko convinces everyone to go look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or at least some leprechauns.
They didn't find any. :(
April Fool's Day is a D A N G E R O U S day to exist, as long as they live with Masaru.
Masaru is basically a miniature Kokichi Ouma when it comes to pranks.
He switched the sugar for salt once, and Kotoko ended up sick for two weeks, considering she eats too much of it, and probably eats it in spoonfuls.
Mother's Day is a fun one! They split Mother's Day up into five days, that way each kid got to spend time with each mother.
On the first day, Toko took Masaru to a basketball game that she had scored third-row tickets to prior to Mother's Day. He cheered so loud, and it warmed her heart to see his joy at her surprise. Masaru ended up giving her a pack of colored chalk for her to write on her chalkboard with. Komaru ended up taking Nagisa to watch Harry Potter in a theater with her, after realizing they had both read the book. In return, he gave her a meal of tuna eyeballs that he cooked, himself. They weren't perfect, but... he tried. :'3
On day two, Toko took Nagisa to go write short stories together. They googled writing prompts, and each used the same one to comprise a story of under five thousand words in ten minutes. Then, they judged and gave constructive criticism to one another. He gave her high-quality pens to write down her ideas with. Meanwhile, Komaru took Jataro to plant a garden of vegetables in the backyard, and tend to it everyday. Sometimes, Jataro talks to their plants when he feels lonely. He gave her a pretty rock. Again, he tried. :'3
On day three, Toko took Jataro on a food tour, where she drove around and they got a small snack from every food place they drove past, eventually ending up with a whole big meal! He gave her a pretty flower. All the while, Komaru took Kotoko to a fashion show where they showcased pretty glittery idol clothes and lolita clothes. She gave Komaru a song she had written in her honor. Yes, Kotoko actually spent weeks writing a song for Komaru, and even got the other Warriors to play the instruments for the music. Masaru played guitar, Nagisa played the piano, Jataro played the drums, and Monaca played the bass. Of course, Kotoko was the vocalist. (Band AU?)
On day four, Toko took Kotoko to a Morning Musume concert. I swear, everyone must have had bleeding ears from how loud Kotoko screamed for it. She ended up getting an autograph and a picture with Tanaka Reina, so she was a very, very happy girl. She gave Toko a pink card that had a painted sweet message on it and was practically swimming in pink glitter. Meanwhile, Komaru took Monaca to play video games and order Monaca's favorite food. It was something simple, but something Monaca really appreciated. They played Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, and Crash Bandicoot. And they had tons of fun. Monaca gave her a cute new outfit, made in steampunk design, that she made, herself.
On day five, Toko took Monaca to a planetarium, where they looked at all the beautiful constellations. Monaca, being the smart cookie she is, told her all their names, what they represented, etc.! And at night, they went stargazing for real, Monaca pointing out her favorite constellations again. Monaca gave Toko an invention of hers: a program she designed that filters out spelling errors, grammar errors, etc., and suggests new ideas when writer's block comes around. Meanwhile, Komaru took Masaru to play laser tag! Komaru got "shot" sixteen times, while Masaru got "shot" three times. The two made jokes about it the entire way home, and it was just an overall fun day. He gave her the baseball that he had batted to hit the final, winning home run in his last game. It was the only winning baseball he had ever hit, so Komaru felt quite special receiving the gift.
Now, onto Father's Day~!
Genocide Jack takes an hour to spend with each kid!
He plays soccer, basketball, and baseball with Masaru for the first hour!
He reads stuffy, boring novels with Nagisa for the second hour.
He cooks the best, most fanciest meal with Jataro for the third hour!
He acts out movie and show scenes with Kotoko for the fourth hour.
He helps Monaca make inventions and sew for the fifth hour!
He refuses all of their gifts in return, however, as he doesn't believe that children who have been hurt in the past, just as Toko herself was, should be allowed to pay homage to adults.
Despite them not technically being his kids, he cares enough to step into that role for them, Toko and Komaru allowing him to do so.
The fourth of July is great!
Genocide Jack brings up the idea of taking the kids to a carnival for it, to which Toko and Komaru agree.
They all get facepaints, funnel cakes, and they ride all the rides!
They play most of the games as well, and win eight or nine stuffed animals!
It becomes an annual tradition to take the kids to the carnival for the Fourth Of July!
For Halloween, of course they're all the cutest things!
Masaru is Yasutaka Okayama. Nagisa is Albert Einstein. Jataro is Frankenstein's Monster. Kotoko is a Fairy Princess. Monaca is female Izuku Midoriya.
Kotoko has no issue using her cuteness to get extra candy.
When Thanksgiving rolls around, it's always fun!
Toko and Komaru prepare dinner the night before, while the Warriors aren't allowed downstairs. They have to call if they want something, like water, and there is a bathroom in the attic.
In the morning, when the actual cooking happens, Kotoko and Masaru beg to help, but only Nagisa is allowed to, because Nagisa is the responsible one.
Even so, they invite their family members that they are still in touch with, such as Uncle Makoto, Aunt Kyoko, Aunt Aoi, Uncle Byakuya, Uncle Yasuhiro, and even Genocide Jack makes his "grand appearance".
Honestly, it shouldn't even be surprising at this point.
Christmas is another fun time!
They do Secret Santa, but Komaru and Toko make sure that they get each other.
Masaru gets Jataro; he ends up getting Jataro a whole new array of spices and flavorings for his cooking hobby! Jataro appreciates this greatly, and uses it whenever he cooks.
Nagisa gets Kotoko; he gets her a toy microphone that works like a real one, just on a smaller scale. Nagisa can now consider himself the reason "One Room Sugar Life" is belted through the house at two in the morning every day.
Jataro gets Monaca; he buys her a whole stack of fashion magazines with her beloved Big Sis Junko in them, along with new fabric to sew with. She appreciates the gifts, and assures Jataro that he can revel in despair with her when she obtains it.
Monaca gets Masaru; she gifts him with a ping-pong set, a table tennis set, and an air hockey set. Masaru is surprised that she cared enough, to which Monaca replies, "Monaca is a changed person now. Monaca cares about you now."
Birthdays are the same as Christmas, but all their efforts focus on that one person.
They grow to all love each other very much, and all of them would happily die in defense of the others.
Monaca even eventually gives up on her obsession with Junko, hope, and despair, with their help.
All the Warriors will forever appreciate everything that Toko and Komaru have done for them.
Overall, just a completely wholesome family.
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thewayshedreamed · 4 years
Secrets Don’t Make Friends— Feysand AU
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Prompt submission by Nonnie— Reverse fake dating au where everyone thinks you’re dating and you’re keeping it a secret, but you’re not.
Thank you to whoever sent this one in! I had an idea for Nessian, so I may post that one as well if y’all are interested! 
It was another beautiful day in Velaris, and Feyre couldn't seem to focus on her newest project assignment for anything. She found herself gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the Sidra's soothing flow and mentally mixing her various paints to capture the unique color.
Unfortunately, her firm's newest client didn't care much for river paintings since they were paying for a full digital marketing overhaul. Truth be told, she didn’t hate her job as a creative director for the largest marketing firm in Velaris. It allowed her a steady income, let her flex her creativity to some capacity, and definitely kept her on her toes. She had started as a design team member with the firm several years ago upon graduating from Prythian U, and after several largely successful projects, she started to gain more responsibilities within the team. Once her team’s creative director, Amarantha, had moved on to another firm, Feyre had been promoted to her position.
She turned back to her computer screen, willing the motivation to hit her. Any moment now.
This was a typical pattern for her. Initiating a new project was always the hardest part, but once she got started, she tumbled down the proverbial rabbit hole. She just had to... start.
“Ughh,” Feyre lamented. “I wish I was halfway through this proposal already. I’m way better at that point in the project.”
”You are pretty worthless right now,” Lucien joked. Feyre offered a vulgar gesture in return, earning a hearty laugh from her friend.
Lucien left the marketing side of the firm about a year ago, itching for a different opportunity that would allow him to express himself more freely. He felt stifled by the business side of things; the numbers, the politics, the marketing director he worked under. Tamlin hadn’t been the absolute worst to him, but his leadership style didn’t align well with Lucien for the long-term. He had ended up as a member of Feyre’s team and seemed to fill a void they weren’t aware they had.
“I can’t be that mad at you, to be honest. You’re not wrong,” she replied. “Maybe I need caffeine to get out of the post-lunch slump.”
”Someone say caffeine?”
Rhysand Vila approached, perching on the corner of Feyre’s desk. He was wearing dark khaki slacks with a black button down, rolled up to the elbows. At some point, he had ditched his tie in favor of an open neckline, likely free of meetings for the rest of the day. His casual appearance didn’t readily identify him as one of the firm’s most successful marketing directors, but his authenticity was one of the things that extended his influence the most.
Rhysand’s marketing team often collaborated with Feyre’s creative one, and they managed to create some of the most well-balanced projects within the firm. They worked so flawlessly together that they were starting to become almost exclusively paired, much to the chagrin of some of the other teams. Not only were their proposals solid, their presentations were engaging and convincing. Their perspectives on the projects, combined with their mutual respect of the other’s contributions, presented a solid, united front that built trust with their clients.
Through long work hours and multiple business trips across Prythian, Rhysand had become one of Feyre’s dear friends. When they’d originally started working together, his cockiness had grated her nerves to the nth degree, but she realized over time that it was mostly in jest. In truth, Rhysand was kind-hearted, cared deeply for the people in his life, and an incredibly supportive partner on client projects.
They’d fallen into a comfortable kind of friendship, and they’d only gotten closer with time. He’d confided in her about the toxic relationship he and Amarantha had foolishly found themselves in, and he’d listened to her never-ending rants about her brief coupling with Tamlin, nothing but understanding all over his face.
“I think a coffee run is a necessity,” Feyre said, playfulness dancing across her features.
“I left my wallet in my desk. I’ll go grab it. Meet you at the elevator?” Rhysand asked as he walked backward toward his office.
“Sounds good!” she replied. She turned to Lucien. “You coming?”
He had an odd look on his face, smirk included. She gave him a questioning look, and he let out a low chuckle. “Nah. But if I give you my card, will you grab something for me?”
”Why wouldn’t you just come? I’m not your coffee bitch, Vanserra.” That earned a full laugh.
”And I would never assume you to be. If I’m going to take a break, I don’t feel like being third wheel, is all.” The confused look returned to her face, and he continued. “Feyre, stop. It’s not my company either of you want on this little coffee date. You and Rhysand can go about your charade with anyone else, but you’re not getting that shit by me. It’s fine— you two are great together. I just can’t figure out why you insist on the secret.”
Feyre’s expression morphed into a stunned one, and it took her a few seconds to decide on a response. She and Rhysand had never crossed any lines beyond platonic, so all of this was news to her.
”Luce, I’m not sure who your source was for that little nugget of info, but don’t trust them with anything incredibly important in the future. They’re way off,” she assured him. “Text me your coffee order.”
She made her way to the elevator, finding Rhysand propped against the wall on his shoulder. He was scrolling through his phone, stray black hair falling across his brow, looking as if he couldn’t be bothered by the work day. Once the elevator made it to their floor, they stepped inside and found themselves sharing with Morrigan Reina. She was head of Human Resources, absolutely stunning, and Rhysand’s cousin. She had to admit, their genetic pool was quite impressive, all things considered. She was his opposite in every way with her brown eyes and blonde hair, but they shared immaculate bone structure and a certain elegance. Objectively speaking.
“Well, hi! This elevator ride just got way more fun. How’s is going, Rhysie? Fey?” Her dark eyes sparkled, dancing over Rhysand’s face. She raised her eyebrows at him slightly, silently communicating with him in that way only family can.
”Oh, come off it, Mor. We’re on a coffee run. Care to join?” Something in his tone seemed oddly like a challenge. She realized she hadn’t yet answered Morrigan but felt like a response of “Doing well” would seem out of context, since Rhys had already transitioned away from greetings. She deciding on standing there awkwardly, pretending not to feel incredibly intimidated by this woman in the elevator.
“So sweet of you, but I’ll have to take a rain check. This is my floor actually. Unfortunately, I have a termination meeting to attend. Have some for me!” She brushed her cheek against his in a mock kiss. “Good seeing you, Feyre!” She disappeared so quickly that Feyre started to doubt if she was ever there in the first place.
“Awfully prickly with your dear cousin this afternoon, Rhysie,” she teased.
”Well, dearest Mor can be quite the busy body and likes to think she knows all of my secrets.” He gave a small eye roll, but the smirk on his face gave his affection away.
“You have my attention. I think it’s only fair that I’m let in on this little secret.”
She swore the tops of his bronze ears turned slightly pink. “I assure you I’m not that interesting, Feyre Darling.”
As if on cue, the elevator chimed, and they were walking into their building’s lobby. The coffee shop was right next door, so they made their way there quickly. Within 10 minutes, they had their coffees in hand and were sharing an elevator with a small crowd on their way back to work. Feyre regretted that she wasn’t able to press Rhys for his secrets anymore but supposed it was for the best.
He took the long way to his office in order to drop her off at her desk. She set Lucien’s coffee down on his desk with just enough force to startle him out of his work, earning a laugh from Rhys. Lucien simply glared at her before mumbling his thanks and taking a long pull of coffee.
“Well, Feyre Darling, this is where I leave you.”
Lucien eyed her over his coffee lid, lowering it slowly as he paid full attention to their exchange.
Feyre chuckled, ignoring Lucien altogether. “Thanks for returning me safely. I fully intend on pulling at least one secret from you on the next trip, though. You’ve been warned.”
His violet eyes bore into hers, amusement all over his face. “Do your worst,” he replied, winking at her as he sipped his coffee and walked away.
Coffee seemed to be just the inspiration Feyre needed to hit her creative stride for the afternoon. She finally managed to land on a prospective theme for the new account, and she was busy making some rough sketches on her drawing tablet. A booming voice called out to her from down the hall, and she recognized it immediately as Tamlin. Of course he would recruit her attention once she was finally feeling productive.
“Feyre, could you come down as soon as you’re free? I’d like you to do a consult with Ianthe.”
She forced herself to refrain from rolling her eyes, trying her best to be diplomatic.
“Sure, Tamlin. Be there in a bit.”
He hesitated at his office door, poorly masking his impatience when she didn’t immediately jump out of her chair. Typical.
She was already annoyed at his loud declaration across the office that he was asking her to give feedback on another creative director’s work. She didn’t feel particularly protective over Ianthe. It was just poor form, and it set the tone for resentment with no true reason.
Finally, she stood and made her way to his office. He was in his office chair, Ianthe pointing to various items of interest on a flat screen mounted to the wall. She greeted Feyre politely, but it didn’t seem like she was all to keen on getting her feedback.
“What can I help with?” Feyre offered.
“I wanted to see what you thought about the account we’re working on. Considering that you’ve been monopolized by Vila for months, I thought I could at least get a brief consult,” he explained.
Feyre decided to mentally count how many underhanded comments she’d endure over the course of this meeting.
”Sure. What’s up?”
Ianthe launched into the cliff notes of her project, Tamlin contributing nothing the entire time.
“I’m sure you’re probably swamped with whatever you’re working on Feyre, so I appreciate you taking time to look at what I’ve put together.” Ianthe seemed genuine enough. She wasn’t sure if she trusted her, but she felt bad for her all the same.
Before she could respond, Tamlin inserted himself. “Oh, she’s definitely seems busy. Just not sure how much of it is work-related.” Her head snapped toward him, eyes blazing. She steadied herself and turned her attention back to Ianthe to try and keep this meeting on track.
”Honestly, Ianthe, I think you have a great proposal overall. My only suggestion is that you consider a different color focus. Your primary color for the logo is red, and that happens to be the main color of their largest competitor’s logo as well,” she stated, ignoring Tamlin entirely.
He started to say something about her input, but she quickly interrupted him.
“How unfortunate that the person responsible for doing the relevant market research into any competitors didn’t think that to be relevant intel to bring to the project,” she finished, eyes gravitating back to Tamlin’s face.
”Good catch,” Ianthe said simply.
“It’s happened to me before, too. Don’t create too much additional work for yourself. Maybe see about pulling one of your coordinating colors forward instead, and see how that plays out. No need to reinvent the wheel.”
”I’m not sure how you’ve managed to convince Vila to do all that extra legwork on your behalf, but it sounds like you’re awfully convincing,” Tamlin seethed. He couldn’t help himself, it seemed.
It was quiet for several uncomfortable seconds. As if on cue, her savior himself appeared in Tamlin’s doorway, a friendly smile on his face just for her. He knocked with his knuckle as he glanced around the room.
“Sorry for interrupting. Feyre, could you stop by my office before you head out today? Nothing big. Our last account sent an email asking for some minor changes, and I wanted to get your input before I tell them anything,” he said.
“Of course, Rhys. I’ll be there in a second,” she replied. He gave her one of his dazzling smiles, that rogue strand of hair kissing his brow yet again. When he walked away, she immediately felt compelled to follow him, as if he took the light straight out of the room when he left.
“You may go, Ianthe,” Tamlin stated dryly. She quickly excused herself, repeating her thanks to Feyre on the way out.
“You realize you two are partners— she doesn’t work for you.”
“Our dynamic is hardly your business, Feyre.” He wasn’t exactly wrong, but she hated the way he spoke to people who worked with him. It had always bothered her.
“Says the guy who all but insinuated that I’m putting out to get Rhys to be a good partner on projects. You’re unbelievable.”
“All of the speculation that circulates around this office regarding you and Rhysand, and you’re caught on what I’ve said? Feyre, sweetie. I thought we were past this.”
”It seems as though the lot of you aren’t busy enough if you have all this time to discuss whether Rhys and I have some secret affair happening under your noses. Maybe if you put half that effort into your job duties, you’d be an almost decent partner to Ianthe,” she snapped.
“You shouldn’t concern yourself with me and Ianthe. We’ll work together in whatever way works for us. Plus, you basically belong to Rhys now, so you won’t have to worry over having to work with the likes of me.” The way he mockingly said Rhys’ name made her want to punch him in the throat.
She turned on her heel to leave, so angry that she didn’t trust herself to respond professionally. Once she got to the doorway, she found the words rolling off her tongue without a conscious thought.
“I ‘belong’ to no one. Your problem is that you see people as assets rather than building relationships. You should consider incorporating a little humanity into your leadership. You may find yourself a little less miserable to work for or be around. From now on, Ianthe can address me directly if she needs me. You, sir, can fuck off.”
Feyre made her way directly to Rhysand’s office, still fuming. She probably needed a quick break on the roof to clear her head, but it was already 4:30. She didn’t want to make Rhys stay late so that she could pout properly. Although, he’d probably do that for her if she asked.
She approached his door, knocking lightly when she saw he was on the phone. He waved her in as he finished his call. He let out a polite chuckle at whomever was on the line, and she wondered how even his contrived laughter sounded almost musical.
“Absolutely. I’ll see you for lunch tomorrow. Bye.” He placed the receiver of his office phone into the cradle and faced her fully.
“Hey there, Feyre Darling. Thanks for saving some time for me today. I hope I didn’t overstep, but I wasn’t sure when if I’d be able to catch you later.” He leaned back in his chair, propped his elbow on the arm rest, and cupped his large hand to run it over his face. So he was tired, too.
Feyre let out a low chuckle. “You’re my hero, basically. Your timing was absolutely perfect. Never hesitate to interrupt if Tamlin is the person I’m talking to.”
His bright, violet eyes seemed to linger on her face. “I wouldn’t mind hearing you laugh again,” he mused. “It’s become one of my favorite sounds, I think.”
She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face, and she found one mirrored on his own. She cleared her throat, unsure how to tame the butterflies she was experiencing at his words.
“Shall we?” She motioned to his computer, and he nodded. She pulled her chair to his desk so that she could see, but he forced her to switch with him, insisting she take control of moving through the project.
She wasn’t sure if she was reading way too much into the weird comments she had heard today about her and Rhys, but she was acutely aware of his thigh so close to hers. It was far enough that they weren’t flush, but she could feel the heat radiating off of him in the most distracting way.
He already had the project pulled up on the screen and asked her to move through the document to the place of the proposed changes. He reached across her slightly to point at something, and she was instantly immersed in his scent. She found it oddly comforting, if she was honest with herself.
“So what do you think? Is it a simple fix? Or would this be something beyond the originally contracted rate? If it’s going to take you some time, I think it’s appropriate that we negotiate an additional fee, especially considering we’ve just initiated another large account.”
”Mmm. It’s been a while. Mind if I play with it for a minute?” she asked.
”Yeah, for sure. Take your time,” he said, leaning back in his chair as she worked.
Several minutes passed in excruciating silence, causing Feyre to break out in nervous laughter.
“You can talk to me, you know. It’s eerily quiet in here,” she joked.
He huffed a laugh. ”Hmm, okay. Anything particularly interesting around the office today?”
She thought immediately of her conversations with Lucien and Tamlin, and she couldn’t help but include their interaction with Mor in the elevator on the list. It really was such a weird day.
She worked for a couple of seconds before she replied. “It was quite the day, to say the least. I learned a lot about myself via the grapevine.”
”You mean to tell me there’s gossip in this office?”
”This very one,” she replied through a laugh.
“This is the part where you tell me what’s been said about you, Darling.”
She big her bottom lip, nervous of how he would react. “Well, it’s not exclusive to me. It has to do with you, too.” Her eyes never left the computer screen as she spoke.
“I like how that looks,” he said in regard to her edits, jumping straight back into their original conversation. “Now you have to tell me, especially if I’m involved.”
He offered a small poke to her ribs, laughing at her jerking away from him and the glare it earned. “Spill, Archeron.”
Before she could chicken out, she described her interaction with Lucien prior to their coffee run. He went entirely still as she spoke, eyes trained on the screen. When she finished, he said, “I see. I bet Lucien thinks he’s quite clever, then... Oh wait, I like that better.” He pointed to a small change she made.
He seemed so indifferent, and despite her attempts to the contrary, it bothered her that he was acting so cavalier. She had to check herself, remembering how ridiculous she had found the comments only a handful of hours ago. It was certainly unfair to have expectations of him being that she had barely finished processing this afternoon’s events.
“Yeah, I guess he’s pretty proud of himself. I don’t know how much he believed me when I told him he was off-base, but time will tell, I guess.” She immediately launched into her interaction with Tamlin, outlining the full interaction for him.
His jaw was tense throughout the story, and she could see his shoulders tighten when she would share a particularly tasteless thing Tamlin said. They tended to stay out of each others’ ways, so sometimes it was easy to forget how much animosity existed between the two of them. She finished the entire story, and decided to wrap up everything in a brief summary.
”So yeah, according to Lucien and Tamlin, you and I are hiding a super secret little office affair. But apparently we’re really bad at it, because everyone knows.” She let out a long breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding. His response was swift.
“Well, that’s fucking ridiculous.” He stated, so matter of fact. “Go back to that one really quick— if you don’t mind.” His eyes never left the screen. All business, all of a sudden.
Okay. Now, his indifference stung. She thought she knew Rhysand well enough that he would cushion the blow better than this if he were totally shooting her down. She didn’t like how detached he was, and come to think of it, it’s not like she had offered herself to him anyway. For all he knew, she could find the idea of them dating totally repulsive.
“You could do a lot worse for yourself, you know,” she said, anger bubbling to the service. She saw his head snap toward her, but she refused to look at him.
”I know you could walk out of this office and take your pick, but you could do worse for yourself than me. It can’t be that ‘fucking ridiculous’.” She clenched her jaw to force herself to stop talking and breathe.
He sat there looking at her, his attention to the project entirely derailed.
“Feyre...” he started.
”It’s late. I’ll finish looking at this tomorrow. Could you save the changes and upload to the cloud? I think I can make quick work of it.”
”Would you look at me, please?”
She let go of the computer mouse and covered her face with both hands. She rubbed her face roughly as she spoke.
“I’m just tired, Rhysand. I didn’t mean to snap at you. Just forget I said anything. Really, I’m okay.” She didn’t want to see the pity in his face or listen to any explanations. She just needed to get out of there.
She felt one of his hands grip softly around the wrist closest to him as he turned the chair to get her to face him. She kept her face covered, leaning forward, and he had the nerve to laugh softly at her.
“You are such a stubborn, difficult woman sometimes, Feyre Darling.” He gripped her other wrist with his free hand and pulled her hands away from her face. She was too tired to fight him on it, so she let him. She fixed her gaze on his thighs, not entirely prepared for what his expression would show.
“Please look at me,” he whispered. She melted at the tone of his voice, imploring her to make eye contact, and raised her eyes to meet his.
He rubbed slow circles on the sensitive underside of her wrists as he spoke. “In no way, is the idea of me being with you ridiculous. What is so ridiculous to me, Darling, is the idea that I could ever be with you and delude myself into thinking I could keep it a secret,” he murmured, the sincerity in his expression overwhelming her. She saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, readying himself to finish. “Cauldron, Feyre. If you ever let me love you... I wouldn’t have it in me to contain it.”
She was frozen in her chair, in total disbelief. Once she finally regained control of herself, she reached her hand up to smooth his hair back into place. His eyes fluttered shut at the contact.
“That piece of hair has been driving me insane all day long,” she whispered. She was closer now, so much closer to him than she had ever been. She dropped her hand back to her lap to find his again.
His eyes popped open, traveling across her face and landing on her full lips. She watched his tongue dart out of his mouth slightly to wet his own before she regained eye contact. She leaned forward a little more, his hand coming up to brush her hair behind her ear. He cupped her face, running his thumb across her cheek.
“Feyre?” It was barely a whisper, but it was everything.
She subtly nodded her head, and his lips were on hers. He was slow, near reverent as he kissed her, and she leaned in to him, craving more contact. He slid his hand a little farther back so that his fingers could find their home in her hair, just behind her ear. She braced her hand on his forearm, and he pulled her face into his, only slightly, to deepen the kiss.
She let out a quiet whimper as Rhys angled himself to better capture her mouth, and just like that, she was gone. She no longer registered that they were in Rhys’ office or that his door was still open from when she arrived. As far as she was concerned, the world began and ended with them.
They both missed the quick footsteps as Lucien passed by on his way back to his desk from a meeting. They were entirely unaware of his halt as he realized what he’d witnessed and his prompt back peddling. It was when they heard his quiet rasp that they startled, breaking apart only millimeters.
”I fucking knew it!” he whisper-screamed, obviously pleased with himself.
True to Rhysand’s nature, he seemed totally unfazed by Lucien’s discovering them. He brushed his nose over Feyre’s, a grin spreading across his beautiful face.
”Fuck off, Lucien,” he crooned playfully.
His mouth was on hers yet again, neither of them noticing the soft click of the door as Lucien backed out of the office.
Just a bit of Feysand fluff for y’all! Feel free to keep the prompts coming, and let me know if you have a particular pairing or mood in mind ☺️
If you’d like to be added to my tag list, you can comment, shoot me an ask, or reblog! I’ll be happy to add you!
Tags (Masterlist):
@polireader // @justgiu12 // @hizqueen4life // @sis-it-dont-add-up // @b00kworm // @bookstantrash // @gisellefigue08​ // @maastrash​
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skycollides · 4 years
If you write for Tiggy (if not then EZ!) one where he’s being kinda pissy and rude to reader his gf and she doesn’t say anything about it, but the others confront him? Then he like does her nails or something for her lol tyyy
Painting Nails and Spilling Beans
Ez x Reader
Authors note: I apologize in advance for grammar mistakes
English isn’t my native language.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Warning: swearing , heartbreak, happy end
Words: 1.983
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You’ve been worried about your boyfriend Ez for a week now. He’s acting n to his usual self. Not having a proper conversation only short answers and when you ask him what’s wrong- the answer is aways nothing and you can’t stand it. He usually tells you when somethings bothering and you find a solution for the problem together but not this time. On top of that he hasn’t been at home for 2 days now and you’re getting worried since he isn’t answering any of your calls. So you decide to text Angel hoping he can tell you about his whereabouts.
Hey Angel,
do you know where your
brother is. I can’t get a
hold of him?
Hey Y/n,
yes I do. We’re all
here at the clubhouse.
Come over and join the
party. I have missed 
having you around.
Great so he can party with the guys but not return your calls. Is the first thing that comes to your mind after reading Angels answer. You get dressed and do your make up before heading to the scrap yard. Once you arrive you already hear the music blasting and see people outside of the clubhouse. It looks like the party started hours ago. A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
’’Hey sweetheart’’ you hear Bishops voice.
’’Hey Bish’’ you say and give him a hug.
’’It’s good to see you. It’s been awhile’’
’’That’s true. Have you seen Ez somewhere?’’
’’Yes they’re inside. Go on we can catch up later.’’he smiles.
’’Thank you Obispo. Yes definitely.’’ you say and return his smile.
You head inside the clubhouse and hear Angels laugh. You look in the direction where it’s coming from and see Ez there with him so is Coco.
You make your way over and Angel is the first one to notice you.
’’Hey stranger! I’m happy you made it’’
’’Hey guys good to see you. Erm Ez can I talk to you?’’ you ask him and he completely ignores you continuing talking to Coco. Your face drops and Angel has a confused look on his face. He looks at you and you shake your head not wanting to spill your and Ez’s problems there.
’’Ez I gotta talk to you!’’ you say louder and grab his arm. He shakes your hand off his arm and looks at you before he starts to speak.
’’Can’t you take a hint. What do you think why I haven’t been home? I don’t wanna talk to you. Hop off my dick for goodness sake and leave me alone. Go and annoy someone else.’’ he says rudely before he gets up to get a new beer. You stand there not understanding what’s going on. He never raised his voice at you or been so rude to you before. Tears are streaming down your face and Angel tries to hug you but you move backwards. You turn around and leave the clubhouse in a hurry. You practically run to your car trying to get away from there a fast as you can.
As soon as you get home you go straight to your bedroom locking the door behind you before you let yourself fall onto your bed and cry yourself to sleep.
After you left: Clubhouse
’’What the fuck was that?’’ Coco asks confused.
’’I have no fucking idea. All I know is that she is the sweetest girl I’ve ever met and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.’’ Angel says not understanding what is going on with his brother. Seeing you in tears breaks his heart. He has seen you as the little sister he never had ever since Ez brought you to the family dinner about a year ago.
Bishop enters the clubhouse and make his way to Angel and Coco.
’’Is there a reason why Y/n left in a hurry crying?’’ he asks with an eyebrow rising
’’My brother is an asshole I thinks that pretty much sums up what happened.’’ Angel says.
Ez comes back and the 3 men stare at him.
’’What?’’he asks.
’’What? This all you gotta say? What the hell is wrong with you?’’ Coco says.
’’Nothing and I would appreciate it if you all would stop ask me this all the time’’ he says and storms out of the clubhouse. The three of them stare at each other not used to Ez acting like this.
’’I’ll talk to him’’ Angel says and leaves the clubhouse. He sees the lights on in Ez’s trailer so he walks there opens the door and slams it shut behind him.
’’I talk you listen Ezekiel. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but you need to stop lashing out on everyone like this. There is something wrong we ll can see it. You can say there is nothing wrong as often as you want but none of us believes you. It is not our fault that you feel like this and especially not Y/n’s. She is worried about you because she loves you and you act this way? Dud be happy you have a woman like her in your life. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. I won’t have it. She’s like the little sister I never had and I hate so see her like his all sad and shit Ez get it together!’’ Ez looks up to his older brother and Angel sees the change in his eyes. Tears are starting to form.
’’I fucked up didn’t I?’’ he asks his brother quietly.
’’Yes you did but we can fix this. You stay here and tomorrow morning you go home and talk with Y/n tell her finally what’s bothering you if you’re not comfortable talking to me about it. But more importantly apologize to her.’’ Angel says and pats his shoulder before leaving Ez alone in his trailer.
Next Day - Your Pov.
You wake up with a bad headache from all the crying before. You take fresh clothes and make your way towards the bathroom hoping the painkillers are still there. You reach the bathroom and open the door and there he is. Ez is standing in the middle of the bathroom looking at you with wide eyes. You drop your clothes wanting to leave Ez stops you and pulls you in his arms.
’’I’m sorry mi reina. You don’t deserve the shit I put you through the past week and especially not what I did last night. I feel ashamed for how I talked to you last night. All I can do is apologize and promise you it won’t happen again baby. I love you so much.’’ he end his speech with kissing your head. You look up to him and see tears in his eyes. You give him a short kiss on the lips and say:
’’Be happy I love Ezekiel.’’ you say and he lets go of you.
’’Wanna hop in?’’ he says nodding towards the bathtub and now you realize your surroundings.
The tub is filled with water and there are candles standing there along with a cup of your favorite tea. You nod and get undressed before you sit down and lean back with your eyes closed.
’’Mind if I join you?’’ he asks but you turn him down.
’’What makes you think I want you in here with me after last night’’ you and his smile fades.
’’I was suffering last night now it’s your time to suffer Ezekiel. Go and get chair.’’ and Ez dies as he’s told hoping it will help him to get out if the dog house.
Once he returns you open your eyes and look at him.
’’Can you hand me a painkiller? My head is killing me’’ you say and once again he’s does as he’s told.
’’Now Ez over there’’ you say and point your finger to the box where you keep all your nail polish.
’’open the box get the purple one and please start doing my nails’’ you say and look into his eyes. He nods and gets the purple nail polish before sitting down. He takes your hand and give you a  massage. After he is done he kisses the back of your hand and starts to paint your nails. When he is done you look at your hand and you’re quit happy with the result.
’’Wow I’m impressed Ez. More hidden talents I should know of baby?’’ you say with a smile.
’’Well you’ve got a lifetime to find out Y/n’’ he says and you nod.
’’Sounds good’’ you say before turning in the tub sitting now on the other side so he can start with your other hand. After he finished the second hand he put the polish back to where it belongs and takes the chair back to the kitchen. He shortly returns to you and you’re already out of the tub wrapped up in your fluffy towel. You open your arms for Ez and he glad excepts your hug.
’’Thank you! I really needed this’’ you say and kiss his lips. He returns the kiss taking your head in his hands pulling you closer. You move back and sit down on the floor. He looks down at you and you ask him to sit next to you. Ez sits down and you start to speak.
’’Will you tell me what’s going on now?’’ you ask and he nods.
’’You read about the guy in the newspaper the one who killed himself?’’ he says and you nod.
’’It wasn’t suicide. I made hit look like it. He became a threat to the Galindos and Emily asked me to do something about it. I wasn’t supposed to kill him. It was an accident you have to believe me.’’ he practically begs. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You’re more shocked about the fact that he is still talking to his Ex than the fact that he killed someone. 
’’I don’t know what to say Ez.’’ you say shaking your head before getting off the floor, taking your clothes and leaving the bathroom. You head to the bedroom and close the door behind you. Once you’re dressed you pull out a pack of cigarettes and head out to the back yard. You sit down and light one up. You usually don’t smoke only when you’re completely stressed out which is now the case. Your thought are running wild. Is he cheating on you? How long has he been talking to his Ex behind your back? Do the others know? A bunch of questions are that stress you out even more. You hear the door open and Ez makes his way towards you. He sits down you ask him the questions that have been haunting you for the past 15 minutes.
’’Are you cheating on me? with Emily?’’ you ask anxiously.
’’No mi reina I would never do you hear me never I swear.’’ he says.
’’Does anyone know what you did?’’
’’Only Emily. I didn’t tell her but it was clear to her that it wasn’t suicide. The only other person who knows is you baby. I trust no one like I trust you. You’re the only one I completely open up to. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you with this shit. So I thought pushing you away I wouldn’t feel the urge to tell you. I love you Y/n!’’
’’Do me a favor and stay away from her Ezekiel. She is up to no good. And please don’t push me away like this ever again. I love you Ez more than you know.’’ you say and lean your head on his shoulder. The both of you sit there in silence simply enjoying each others company. You’re happy Ez finally told you what’s bothering him now the both of you can move on from what’s happened.
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ghdjhdfhgkdmoved · 4 years
oohoho can i ask ♫ and 💕for all of them? 👀👀
♫: Does your muse like music? What kind?
they all like music, yea!! fhjhdg i'll list off all the types of music they're into
chase: he likes 80s music a lot!! also rock. these are two entirely different genres but he likes em both a lot
henrik: similar to chase, he likes 80s music a lot. he also likes folk punk (and by that i mean mainly ajj) and whatever genre the hoosier's music counts as
marvin: marvin likes all kinds of different music and they literally do not care about genres and categories. if it sounds good to them, they will listen to it. they like a lot of will wood and the tapeworms and MARINA, though. also poppy
jackie: he likes a lot of obscure bands and musical artists. stuff like jack stauber, mitski and the scary jokes, u know
anti: super glitchy distorted music that's really questionable. he also occasionally listens to natewantstobattle's music because fuck you nwtb is great
jj: a lot of electro swing!! also super old songs that are from like, the 1920s-1940s. he's an old-timey man who likes old timey music
💕: Does your muse have any crushes?
ohohoho >:3c
dhddhgs thank u reina for giving me the opportunity to ramble about the gay shit that lies within my dumbass egoverse
alright so fuckin. henrik has the biggest crush on marvin. he discovers this later when they finally start getting along and it makes him. so mad. because he PROMISED himself that he wasn't gonna fall in love again and then suddenly THIS BASTARD shows up and he's writing ROMANTIC POETRY for them and UGHHHHH
and marvin is just as equally enamored by henrik as he is by them but they're also very convinced that he'd never wanna be with someone like them and they are just. fuckin idiots, man.
sgdfhf ok. nd jackie is very in love with chase. like, the dude's been pining over him for years. and absolutely doesn't know how to tell him that because he's only been with a few people in his life and they ALWAYS ended badly and he's TERRIFIED of rejection and fhjhsfhjsfj
chase eventually figures out that he's in love with jackie too but that comes way later since chase doesn't understand his own feelings, apparently
aand then there's anti. anti likes the IDEA of love and romance nd all that junk, but he's never actually like, had a crush on anyone. (though darkiplier and natemare both made him very sexually confused.)
,,i guess that if you wanted, you COULD see his obsession with jack as a crush?? but it's,, not. it's just a very uncomfortable and unhealthy obsession
nd jj is ace and aro, and therefore doesn't experience romantic attraction. and he is perfectly content with this.
anyway that's it can u tell that i'm a dumb shipping bastard
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trillhouse-lh · 5 years
Wardrobe Malfunction
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Reina kept her gaze fixed towards the ground, doing her best to ignore the stares of her schoolmates as she hurried through the halls of Royal Woods Middle School. It wasn’t so much that she was in a hurry to get to class… she had more than enough time, after all.
Rather, the issue was her choice of attire.
She tried in vain to pull down the hem of her shirt, as if it would make any difference. Swapping out her regular t-shirt for a cutoff top had seemed like a good idea… well, a good idea to her at least. It was a hot day after all, and puberty had brought with it a number of positive changes to her figure; she’d figured it would boost her sex appeal, raise her popularity amongst her peers. If you’ve got it, flaunt it, right? Well, it had worked a little too well. It wasn’t even third period yet, and still it felt as though every kid in the school had already ogled her at least once. Some tried to be discreet about it, some took no shame in their behavior, and those that didn’t eye her like a piece of meat instead did so with contempt. She’d heard the whispers, the snide comments… hell, Tina had even called her a skank. Tina, of all people! As if the school’s resident thot had any room to judge others for their revealing clothing.
“Yo, Reina.” The girl winced at the familiar voice, and a quick glance upwards confirmed her suspicions: Hayden was standing nearby, his loyal stooge Andy by his side as always. “Lookin’ good,” He said, eying Reina up and down with a look that made her skin crawl. She grit her teeth, letting out a scoff of disgust as she shoved her way past. She wasn’t about to give the bastard the satisfaction of a response, even as she heard him and his cohort sharing a laugh at her expense. Still, try as she may, Reina couldn’t help but feel anxious as she approached her classroom. She could practically feel her classmates’ eyes on her, slowing down as they walked past to get a better look. She couldn’t do this. Her first two classes had been a nightmare; she was pretty sure even Mr. Hamilton had been sneaking glances in her direction, a thought that made her stomach turn.
Reina stopped, instead turning away and heading back in the opposite direction. She moved quickly, ignoring the stares and comments of her peers as she made her way to her ‘secret spot’; an old, seemingly forgotten janitor’s closet out of the way from most of the action. It was a safe haven of sorts known only to her and Bobby… well, Lyle and Lemy too, though as far as she knew they’d never made use of it. The girl locked the door before leaning her back against it and sliding down to the floor with a sigh. She hugged her knees to her chest, ignoring the bell signaling the start of class. She knew she’d be in for a world of trouble for skipping class like this, but she didn’t care; anything would be better than the prying eyes of her classmates. Reina sniffled and wiped at the corner of her eye. She was no stranger to failure, and she’d made a laughing stock of herself more times than she could count. But not like this... she’d never felt so humiliated, not to mention objectified. Reina wished now that she had heeded her siblings’ warnings, or those that had advised against it at least.
So Reina waited. She’d wait there all day if she had to; she wasn’t going back out there to make a spectacle of herself. A minute turned to ten, then twenty, then thirty. Even when the lunch bell rang she didn’t budge, that is until a knock at the door jolted the girl from her self-pity.
“Reina…?” A soft, gentle voice spoke from the other side of the door. “Are you in there?”
“...Bobby? H-hang on...” Reina got to her feet, wiping her eyes and putting on her best poker face before opening the door for her twin brother. The boy stepped inside with a look of concern on his face. “Hey, bro… um, what’s up?”
“What’s up?! Reina, why weren’t you at class? A-are you alright?” He asked. Reina gave a forced laugh, waving her hand dismissively.
“Ah, chill. I just needed some me time, that’s all.”
“...So you skipped class,” Bobby said flatly.
“Hey, it’s not like geography’s that important,” She said with a shrug. Bobby simply rolled his eyes; he knew his sister better than anyone, and he wasn’t buying her act for a second. He stepped all the way into the closet with a sigh, closing and locking the door behind him.
“What happened, Reina?” He asked again. The girl frowned, her ‘cool girl’ act beginning to falter. He waited for a response, only to receive none… still, it didn’t take a genius to guess what was going on here. “It’s the shirt, isn’t it?” Reina hesitated, averting her eyes biting her lip before finally giving a small, meek nod.
“...Everyone keeps staring.” She muttered quietly. Yep, just as Bobby had figured; he’d noticed their classmates’ prying eyes too, after all. “I… should have listened to you,” She admitted. “I-I didn’t think it’d be like this…” Bobby frowned. Part of him wanted to chastise his sister for ignoring his words of caution, but he couldn’t bring himself to… not when she was this vulnerable. Instead, he smiled and gently squeezed her shoulder.
“Well, of course it would… you’re, y-y’know...” Bobby paused, a sheepish look crossing his face. “...You’re pretty.” Reina turned a light shade of pink, looking away from the boy and coughing into her fist.
“W-well, yeah, obviously.” Reina said with an unconvincing mask of confidence. “A-anyway… I don’t know what to do. I can’t go back out there like this…” Bobby rubbed his chin in thought. It was a dilemma, to be sure; Reina’s jacket was barely any longer than her top was, and even if it were, he doubted she was actually able to close the tight-fitting garment.
Then, an idea hit him.
“Hang on…” Bobby mumbled. To his sister’s confusion, he began to slip out of his hoodie.
...And then his shirt.
Reina’s cheeks turned bright red, her breath catching in her throat. Was it finally happening? Was Bobby finally going to-
“Here,” Bobby said, offering her his shirt. Reina blinked, staring down at her brother’s offering. “I-it should be fine for today, at least… I mean, if you want to, anyway…”
“Um… n-no- I mean, yeah, that’s perfect!” The girl gasped, reaching out for the garment, only to hesitate. “But… what about you?”
“I’ll just zip up my hoodie.”
“Right… duh.” Reina laughed, gratefully taking the shirt from her brother. “Thanks… um, do you mind…?”
“O-oh, right, s-sorry…” Bobby turned away, blushing slightly as Reina changed behind him. She pulled off her top and haphazardly chucked it aside; quite frankly, she really didn’t care about the damn thing.
“Okay. You can look,” She said once she had finished, and her brother turned to face her. His dark blue shirt was a bit loose on her, but not by much… he was her twin, after all. “Do I look okay…?”
“...Yeah,” Bobby said with a smirk. “You look good.” His sister smiled brightly and Bobby slipped his hoodie back on, being sure to zip it up all the way. “Now, c’mon… we should get some lunch before-” He was cut off by Reina wrapping him in a big hug; he was taken off guard for a moment, before returning the embrace with a chuckle.
“Thank you,” Reina said quietly before breaking the hug. “Are you sure you won’t be too hot, though?” She asked with a frown. “I mean, it’s not exactly sweater weather.”
“Ah… I’ll be fine,” Bobby assured her. “It’s not that bad...”
...Or so he thought.
By fifth period, the boy was absolutely sweltering. He wasn’t sure what exactly had prompted him to wear his hoodie today of all days when he had better options available to him, but he supposed old habits die hard. Bobby huffed, wiping his damp forehead with his sleeve. He couldn’t take it anymore; without thinking, the boy unzipped his hoodie and slid his arms from the sleeves, letting it drape across the seatback. He let out out a sigh of relief as the air hit his sweaty skin, pleasantly chilling him to the bone.
“Mr. Loud!” Bobby snapped back to his senses, his eyes shooting wide open and meeting the stern, disapproving glare of his math teacher, Mrs. Elwood. He blinked a few times, glancing  around to find that every eye in the classroom was on him… some seemed to be taken aback, others amused, some were even openly snickering into their palms. The boy’s brow furrowed in confusion and he fidgeted in place, suddenly feeling very nervous. Why were they all staring at him…?
“Bobbyyyyy...” Reina hissed, her voice cutting through the deafening silence like a knife. He turned to the seat beside him to find his sister staring at him with a mortified grimace on her face, which only deepened as she pointed down to his chest. The boy cocked an eyebrow before glancing down.
...Oh. Right.
“...U-u-um…” The bare-chested Bobby sputtered, turning a deep shade of red from head to toe. “I… s-s-sorry, er… I…” He let out an awkward, forced laugh, and Reina could only groan and bury her face in her palm. Guess we’re both getting la chancla today, she thought. ...Probably grounded, too. Still, as her flustered brother tried in vain to explain himself, Reina couldn’t help but giggle under her breath. That was Bobby, alright… a pillar of support one moment, and an awkward, bumbling mess the next. He’d come a long way since they were little, but at the end of the day he would always be the same little dork he’d always been.
And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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What are your OC's
I LOVE MY OCS SO MUCH ASDFGFDS IM VIBRATING but if i actually got into their characters and backstories and the overarching plot this’d be a 15k post and no one deserves to have to scroll past that so ill keep it shortish:
im not finished sketching their designs yet so i used a character maker to give u a rough idea
Reina Nagasaki: Empress of the Nagasaki dynasty. Can speak 5 languages and yet still cant tell Hoshiko she’s in love w/ her. An absolutely useless pining lesbian. Despite appearances shes pretty emotionally driven, which is why Hoshiko is literally the only thing keeps her from unintentionally fucking up all political connections.
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Hoshiko Masae: Royal advisor and childhood companion of Reina. Literally never asked for any of this. Likes being bi, doing stuff for the hell of it and not being the cause of a huge war with hefty civilian casualties :)))) Has so much love in her heart for life and everyone in it and no one can take that away from her!!! Reads a ton of philosophy books and is a master swordswoman
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Haruna Saito: Empress of the Saito dynasty. w|w, if ur girl didn’t start a war over you then she needs to lift her game. Also she’s 6ft bc im gay and i make the rules. Often has good intentions, but due to her naturally selfish nature thanks to her upbringing, fails to deliver. 
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Saki Nakahara (Saito): Commander of Armies (Saito dynasty). Secretly Haruna’s little sister but we ain’t got the time to talk ab that. Devotes herself to her sister’s command completely, which leads to some crippling trauma since Haruna is sort of unintentionally selfish like 78% of the time. 
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Chouko Asano: 5ft of pure killing power. no fr she’s the world’s deadliest assassin and also very short. can be summed up using :3. She’s so bad at flirting but she grew up in the woods so cut her some slack. Freelance assassin and part of the 0.5% of the population that is magic compatible. 
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Kaori Matsui: Ambassador and chief diplomat for the Nagasaki Dynasty. Case of resting bitch face but she’s literally so patient and motherly??? wishes guys would stop hitting on her Please shes a lesbian and she doesnt like it!!! sort of hates being flirted with in general tbh shes either too flustered to properly respond and accidentally brushes them off or it makes her uncomfortable!! hasnt slept in a week bc all these bitches cant clean their own damn messes.
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Michiko Sakaguchi: Princess of the Sakaguchi kingdoms. Initially shy and somewhat reserved, she’s actually rather shrewd with a surprisingly sharp tongue. First in line to rule the largest of the various territories that make up the rest of the supercontinent not under the control of the Nagasaki or Saito dynasties. Hates it when people don’t take her seriously.
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Kichiro Asano: Chouko’s twin brother. if Chouko is :3c then Kichiro is >;3. equally bad at flirting as his sister, but instead of staring unblinkingly for 1.3 hours at his crush he’s just,,, constantly using bad pick up lines. Smug little bastard, owns two kittens. Is also an assassin, but way less infamous than Chouko, mostly does small time murders. 
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Haruna: I have never wanted for anything. Anything i could have possibly desired has always been within my reach, at the snap of my fingers. As is such, this world bores me, for there is nothing for me to strive for, to obtain. 
Hoshiko: hey
Haruna: i will literally die without u
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apryllfool · 5 years
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So. I meant to make a post yesterday but h I. 
I had homework due last night and tonight, and it’s hard on nights like tonight when I got home at about 10, and the assignment is due at 12, but I got it don e. Now I have stuff due tomorrow too so I’m debating staying up, though I’ll get home at about 7:30 tomorrow, I think-- so that’ll be better. But today I worked from 1:30pm to 9:30pm, and this work is actually seri o u s. Like, serious. I felt like I kept screwing up, and I have a credit card quota or smth and I have to get a certain amount of people to sign up per month? per week? Honestly it keeps changing. 
I guess that’s my biggest problem! Like, with the training videos, they were a lot different in practice! And then today was my second day, and it went a lot different than my first! I just am not getting a chance to get used to anything? It feels like I keep needing to re-learn what I’ve already learned and idek if that makes any sens e. Like, it’s only day 2 but I’ve been been shown like 3 ways to make returns, which I’m not the best at, but I’m better at that than at exchanges, oh m y. Those darn exchanges. And you’d think cash would be the easiest thing to handle right! But I literally have been failing at counti n g. I’ve always been good at counting... :c 
And don’t get me started on those dressing rooms. They were a mESS, couldn’t even clean it all by the end of my shift. I work from like 10:45am-7:15pm tomorrow, and I have homework that I can either do now or later, and I’m still deciding cuz I’m sO tired.
But ahem, I saw great stuff on the dash today! and I’m all caught up in the chat so bless, I usually open up tumblr on my breaks and try and catch up some time during the day cuz gotta~ But the art was so great, and I heard flame colored the hotak/dri one and she is so good I love he r. And aku is great at drawin g
I also wanna talk about how perfect that Ib au is for those babs. Like, Reina batting the dolls away with her broom?? She would 100% swat those things far awa y. And she’d pick up Ken, and protect them and even I wonder wh y. Maybe because they can’t take care of themselves? Mayb e. But hi, if anything screwed her over in Ib tho, it’d be when she had to rip open dolls to get out of that room? And that doll that was coming out of the painting like. Big r i p. She might just hit that one with something too. Anyways I love it and wanna talk more about it but h, I’ll rebloop it later bc tired, but I have so much to say and thank you aku,, I love reina too and need to do more with her but it makes me feel like I’ve succeeded a lil whenever you guys do/say something that’s just so accurate for he r. and it gives me ideas and I love yall
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Chapter 18
(aka ‘I swear I’ll randomise Revelation at some point, you’ll get your spotlight one day Owain :’D’)
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aiight let’s fight Leeeeeoooooo
off to the woods that for some reason have graves in them! :’D
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I think we can all see that very clearly, Corrin
wait I just realised; imagine a forest map like the Lost Woods or smth it would be annoying as all heck, but it could be interesting .... aesthetically; at least hahah;;;
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yes Azura, we know you’re Azura, we’ve known you’re Azura since like; the prologue :V (her voice line was ‘I am Azura’)
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i just had this mental image of Leo just poking his head through some shrubbery or smth like that one meme and just ‘Are you sure about that?’ Idk I’m just procrastinating on fighting Owain auhdigduaygdaf
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yeah then we’re all Skull Kids ... or Stalfos iiiidk it’s to do with ages right-
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did you like, disturb the dead or what-
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pretty much
... ok i think that cutscenes just take a while to load and I’ve never noticed until I’m thinking every time it’s frozen-
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this really is the lost woods, isn’t it? just follow the lamps you’ll be fiiiine .... that is, if this is botw logic-
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tbf if you aren’t paying enough attention and are just walking in a direction, forests can look exactly the same-
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oh you know, just Leo
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o h y o u k n o w j u s t L e o
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gdi stop gawking and r u n
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then why are you still just standing there :’’’’’’D
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oh wait it’s the Misfits! :’D wait... no those were red, weren’t they? not blue besides, Devil isn’t around lmao
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about time
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did you.... seriously not see any gravestones until just now? :’’’’’D
boom, Faceless
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just how bad is your eyesight, Corrin-
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finally the meme prince arrives you took your damn sweet time, Leo :V
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oh get off your high horse, Leo like, actually get off of your horse and fite me ya gremlin >:y
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boi I appreciate your desire for symbolism but c h i l l
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ohoooooo snap come at me, b r o
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excuse u she’s got a sticky bomb in the form of a tree branch just WAITING to be detonated >:3cccc
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sucks to be you, Felicia has Pass
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actually it would since you’re a Swordmaster but ok-
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is now really the time for that ok-
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idk man birthright’s late game chapters don’t make me want to Die as much as conquest’s-
aiiiight we’re at the battle prep
I should probably take more nohrian units in w/ me but meh :’D
ok I think I’m all ready let’s go
aaaand there’s all the Faceless ahahahahh;;;;
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pfft yeah we’re fine
wow, Felicia had a 96% chance to hit and she missed good thing she doubled the guy o<o;;;;
we just gottaaaaa be really careful who we place in the bogs-
oh man since Azura’s a Hero she can just go right into the bogs >:3cccccc
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ok but I’ve been training Hana up behind the scenes and she’s already capped her defence lmao her hair keeps clipping through her face tho lol I’ll see if I can get a screenshot of it eventually
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welp B y e
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ayyyyyyy she wouldn’t have killed the guy otherwise :’’D
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aaaand another criiit >:3c I love these branches; they have such a high crit rate lmao
oh hey Hana proc’d Pavise :o
oh my Farore none of these Faceless can touch my dudes :’’’’D
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he had a 10% chance to crit :’’’’’D
oh wait Azura does get hurt by the bog? huh
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also that’s the thing that Hana’s hair does-
oooh Hinata’s weapon level went up!
ok I’m pretty sure that Owain and Niles move before Leo :V kinda I think idk ahahahh;;;;;
I’ll move Kaze into the range and have him equip the Javelin to check :V
oh nvm more faceless just spawned ok
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d e s t r o y e d
right let’s move Kaze into Odin’s range and see if we can draw him out
Hinata can deal with the Faceless no problem, the Beastrune is great
OH OK Leo’s just decided to move and use that dragon vein k at least these Faceless are doing no damage at all
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aaaand a shit ton more faceless g r e a t
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sigh it didn’t have to be this way, Owain u nerd roleplayer
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blech- I’m so sorry, man
oooh, level up for Kaze and we got a Horse Spirit :V
... the music stopped for a while there ahahahah;;;;;
meanwhile Hinata’s destroying every faceless that comes his way-
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ayyyyy also I just realised that these guys prroooobably have Lunge, or at least on higher difficulties ahahahah;;;;;;
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aiight Fight me, Niles
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w o w
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Kagero gets a lotta crits :V
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oh Leo’s going after me as well welp Fite me irl, bro
oohhh, I was wondering why Niles has so much avoid, it’s because it hasn’t been 7 turns yet
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hmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I can easily get rng screwed here
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but he can’t do shit against Silas >:3c let’s do it-
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I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try- aaaand she missed both times Fun
geh Niles just give me your Silver Bow dang it
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how about this, you fool
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yeeeaaah, sorry about that now give me that Silver Bow, thanks
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I could kill u right now the question is, should I mmmmmmmmmmmmmyeah let’s go
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get rekt, ya meme gremlin now give me that Energy Drop >:V
ok the cutscene just took a while again- I keep getting so scared ahahahahh;;;;;;
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rlly now how about in Conquest when Garon was about to have Corrin excecuted the moment they come back-
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I wonder if, had she been wielding the Yato, that she’d end up with the Grim Yato lmao
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‘kill me, like, actually just kill me’ ‘wh-’ ‘just do it, Corrin’
yeah just more vanilla text yadda yadda
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gimme that sweet conquest music heck yeeeaaaah the music is like, the only thing I like about conquest that isn’t the characters hahahahh;;;;;
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yeah that’s not happening, Corrin :V
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oh yeah that convenient plot device that’s only ever explained in one scene in Conquest hahah;;
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‘have fun learning about Valla and not being able to talk to anyone about it and Suffering with me lmao’
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uhhh yeah
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uhhh no heck your siblings are only half siblings because Garon has approximately 0 chill
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nor will ya get the chance to hahah;;
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magic, bro
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tbh it’s perfectly understandable why lm a o
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trust me I highly doubt he’s as broken as Azura hahah;;
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nope, but he sure can be a dumbass :Y
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‘oh wait, guys, we don’t have any places we can have the party go to the rainbow sage to get a better yato’ ‘o h, uhh, just have leo give them a warp spell, it’ll be fine hahah;;;’
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Felicia still has some shade to throw around lol
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meanwhile Takumi is actually chill for once-
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well not that one, at least :’D
aaaand that’s chapter 18! ooooh and we can finally upgrade the Hot Spring! ....... I’ll quickly do a challenge and we can see how Reina is-
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alll riiiight, she’s a Paladin, sweet her personal is Nohr Enmity, so +3 damage to nohrian units she also has Even Keel, which means she takes -4 magic damage on even numbered turns ... whether that’s her dealing or taking the damage i have no idea ahahahah;;;; aaand she also has Lucktaker, niiice! (Growths: HP - 30, Str - 15, Mag - 35, Skill - 35 Spd - 55, Lck - 45, Def - 45, Res - 35) (Heart Seal: Ninja)
aiight well, that’s that :V
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nerice · 3 years
OKAY SORRY FOR A BILLION ASKS but since reina eliada and chess al mess up big time with splitting the soul what does gray do? to be the worst? what crimes does this man commit.
ur asking the billion dollar question & i will tell u outright that i will not answer straightforward bc i cannot fkcin do this on main i need 2 keep vagueposting abt gray “worst man” nolastname until the karmic cycle takes me for good
gray is. a consequence (of reina’s soul split) if reina+chess are the original sin n eliada is the one throwing apples at them then gray is the metaphorical fall from heaven personified ((feeling like the guy who wrote nge no fuckin idea how religion works it just looks cool)) anwy !!
why is gray worst oc u ask what crimes has he commited u ask. i’ll give u an abridged list of grievances i have @ him. is a bitch, that’s number one. eye gores chess which is the final nail in the coffin of reina’s world n sets free azra bc while reina’s soul split caused a power outage in the moons, gray decided 2 stick his fingers in there nd make it irreparably worse. n then fuck off w chess’s eyes as fancy jewelry. he n linn r mostly chill [mutual consensual murder] so he gets a pass for all he does 2 her bc she does 2 him in equal measure. faye might not have lost her arm if once again gray had not decided 2 put his fuckin fingers on the damage linn did tho perhaps that one was inevitable :^) n then there is. sky :’) we r not doing this we r not talking abt 🔪🔪🔪 r*bbit content 🔪🔪🔪 or, gray being so convinced his d**ghter wld b soulless like him nd what happened when she Wasn’t. skipping this. bc oh n then there is also the part where. reina comes 2 flay him nd he gets what he deserves n had coming long time, but not before he burns half her face >:|
... :)
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