#literally mostly fluff
genericpuff · 8 months
hot take, but if you can't enjoy even casual H x P inspired romance stories made for fun without justifying or defending your enjoyment of it with "well ACTUALLY these stories are MORE accurate because Persephone WANTED to go down there, she LIKED it in the Underworld!" then you sound like an out-of-touch adult intentionally omitting/changing facts to scrub the story down for a 5 year old who you know won't question you
and that's not okay ~
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occasionallyprosie · 3 days
A Thousand Ways
Chapter 13: "The Hero's Sister"
The chain gets to meet one of their own's sister… Hyrule and Legend also get adopted and neither is complaining.
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The next shift, which arrived before they could reach Hyrule Castle, took them to Warriors' era.
It seemed whatever was throwing them from era to era only brought them to Legend's for him to arrive just when it was too late to save his grandparents.
Legend took about a week to get a hold of himself, then he was able to act as normal again, throwing off most of the group.
He didn't care if it confused some of them, or if they may have thought him heartless for not mourning his grandparents longer. Frankly he let their deaths affect him longer than usual... yeah, he was shoving the pain down until the quest eventually ended so he could break down and adjust himself to all the pain, but... He couldn't risk remaining compromised, emotionally or otherwise.
Epona couldn't cross through the portal, though Legend had anticipated that, and in the few hours between leaving the remnants of his grandparents’ farm and coming to the next portal. In that time, He enchanted an old flute of his with the three whistles from Holodrum as inspiration.
Epona assured him that it was as if the flute rang in her mind and his location was a homing beacon when they tested it. She promised to come find him when he called.
They went through the portal, and on the other side, Warriors claimed the land as his own. Soon enough, they were wandering some small town filled with people who clearly knew their resident hero.
Legend hadn't paid that much mind, his own era's towns were always filled with people who knew him, it came from helping them out all the time.
He lingered at a stall with some magic items, Hyrule pointing to one and asking the merchant about it. They received a decent sales pitch and description of the item. An ancient ring forged in dragon fire with the power to protect the wearer from flames.
Legend noted the magic itself was just basic flame protection and made a comment that it must be expensive if it was so rare, asking if he could see it. He was allowed to hold it, and then they were told it was a thousand rupees.
Hyrule frowned. "You know, that's so odd... See, we're something of magic users ourselves, and that's..."
"That's a basic fire protection charm on a... plain gold ring and those rubies have several visible imperfections," Legend finished. "I'm also a bit of an artisan, so between the two of us, we know our stuff."
Hyrule smiled sharply. "Sorry, give me your name again?"
"Uhh, Ar--"
"Arthur, right!" Hyrule's grin sharpened even more. "Why don't you put some time and effort into being honest and not selling fakes."
Legend snorted as the man tripped over himself to remove the fakes from his stall, and he nodded Hyrule to move on.
"Not bad, Rulie."
"Thanks. I hate liars, there's no way you could even forge anything short of steel in Dragonfire, unenchanted gold would turn to ash!" Hyrule huffed.
Legend snorted. "Not wrong there--"
"Hey! You!" Legend knew that voice. He turned and Linkle was there. "I didn't think you'd be back here! You look a lot better than last time I met you."
"I was half dead last time you met me," Legend deadpanned. Hyrule glanced between them. "Oh! This is Piyoko!"
Piyoko happily let Linkle pick her up.
Link! Link! She's like you! Piyoko declared. Hello, miss!
Linkle grinned. "Hi there!"
Hyrule tapped Legend's shoulder and he looked over. "Oh, this is Linkle. I ran into her last time I was in this era... I didn't actually know it was the captain's but yeah. She helped me out."
"Kid showed up half dead on my doorstep," Linkle said, cradling Piyoko in one arm as she held out her other hand to Hyrule. "You must be one of his time-traveling brothers then?"
Hyrule smiled and nodded. "Yep! Well--We're not brothers, but that's the easiest to say."
"Hey, brothers-in-arms is a term, it's not lying if you don’t specify," she responded. "I'm glad this guy actually has some gear now. Don’t you take after him, kiddo, he showed up on our doorstep covered in blood with only a knife--a single knife--as his defense."
Hyrule snorted. "His magic too, actually. And I'll take after him as much as I want, thank you, ma'am."
Legend rolled his eyes. "First of all, it was mostly monster blood, and secondly, I slaughtered two whole hordes of monsters with that knife and my magic. Also, don't tell him what to do--and you, don't copy me."
Hyrule just had this blinding grin while Linkle rolled her eyes.
"Hordes? Yeah right, gimme numbers over twenty and we can chat--"
"Fifty-seven with horde one, I remember somewhere around three times that, mass wise, with the second, but I also had some help there and I got my hands on a sword part way through."
Linkle whistled appreciatively. "We could've used your help with the war, and if this brother of yours--" Hyrule glowed a bit brighter, Legend noted that his successor definitely liked being connected to him, "--is anything similar, he would've been an asset too. Shameful of y'all not to show up back then."
"Ah, we've been busy."
"Time travel ain't restrictive, now, is it?"
Legend had to give that to her. However, before he could respond, he heard a familiar whistle. Wild was calling them to regroup.
"Ah, we have to go," Hyrule said. "Nice to meet you, miss Linkle."
"Nah, I'll tag along. Can't hurt to meet the rest of the time travelers, Lana would kill me if I didn't," Linkle waved them off. Legend swore he heard that name before, but he shrugged.
Hyrule frowned and looked at Legend, but he shrugged. "Piyoko likes her, and I trust her." As much as he could trust someone he didn't actually know. "Worst comes to worse, we meet with the others and Pretty Boy tries to kill her, so we help."
"One of your brothers are gonna try to kill me?" she asked bluntly.
"If he knows you and you're an enemy, then yeah, and we'd side with him," Legend admitted easily as Piyoko squirmed from Linkle's arms and landed on Legend's shoulder. "But I think you’re a good person so by all means you should be fine."
Linkle sighed. "And here I go, doing the one thing I told Momma I wouldn't do: risk being killed."
Hyrule snorted as they headed off toward in the direction Wild had whistled from. "Okay, no, I like her too. Can we keep her?"
"Eh, sadly she doesn't fit the whole Triforce of Courage, Master Sword, killed Ganon, or is a reincarnation of Sky's previous incarnation, and she wasn't dragged to join us by the goddess, so I don’t think so. Unless she is?" Legend raised an eyebrow at her.
She blinked. "Wait--If those are your "brothers-in-arms" group's requirements then--"
"Vet! Traveler!" Warriors called as they reached a market street. "What took you-- Linkle?!"
"Link! You absolute bastard! You told Ma you were on a sanctioned mission out west! Not some goddess-driven quest!"
Warriors tried to backpedal but Linkle was fast. She grabbed his collar and threw him into a nearby merchant's stall. The merchant, though startled, saw who it was and just sighed heavily... as if this was normal.
"Hey!" Sky reached for his sword.
"No! No--It's fine!" Warriors said quickly, getting up fast. His nose was bleeding, and he was holding it with one hand while his other rapidly waved Sky off. "She's my sister!"
"The sister you lied to!" She screeched. "Oh, Ma is gonna be so pissed! You lied to her! Yer out here time travelin' again an' recruitin' actual children?!" Linkle gestured to Legend and Hyrule, the former of which scooped Piyoko up from where Linkle had dropped her. "You told us it was a damned political venture to re-negotiate borders!"
Legend shared a wide-eyed glance with Hyrule. Then the others seemed equally shaken, yet most of the townsfolk seemed unsurprised, guards included and just gave them a wide berth.
"It was!" Warriors argued. "I just... Got portal-napped on the way and didn't tell you in the letters."
"You said the negotiations were going well in those letters!"
"They might've been! I didn't know!"
"Oh, you--!"
Legend stared with wide eyes as they fought. He leaned toward Wind.
"Is this what having siblings is like?"
Wind snorted. "Oh yeah, only when one of you fucks up."
Legend nodded slowly. Maybe he shouldn't tell Fable...
They watched as Warriors and Linkle argued, fought--bruised and bit arms-- and hurled insults 'til they turned blue. Then at some point their... altercation paused, and Legend decided to put all his bravery to the test to intervene, despite Twilight's and Wind's verbal protests to not.
"Linkle?" Legend entered the five-foot radius everyone gave the siblings.
"What?" She whirled onto him.
He held out Piyoko. "She didn't want to yell."
Link wants you to stop beating up the blue one! Piyoko chirped.
"Hey, snitch," Legend hissed.
"Vet, please put the psycho poultry away--"
"Psycho?! Piyoko is not psycho!" Linkle snarled. "She is an angel!"
"She actually tried to pluck the eyes out of Ganon," Legend admitted.
"Yeah! She actually... she what?" Linkle looked at him confusedly.
Legend grinned. "You heard me. But uhh, it is getting kinda late and I'd rather not be bothering the locals, despite how clearly used to this they are. So, inn and food?
He looked over at Time, who nodded. He seemed a bit surprised but mostly amused.
"Yeah, to the inn and get dinner," Legend repeated then held up Piyoko again, "or I'll sic' her on you and I promise you, she'll win."
Linkle blinked while Warriors just stared. Then the woman grinned. "I like this kid, Link. You found some good ones, but I claim these two."
"You had Mask and Tune! I'm claiming these two!"
"You’re not even on this quest!"
"I am now, bitch!"
You know? Legend liked Linkle, she was great.
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jenna-louise-jamie · 3 months
thinking about yassen gregorovich instead of sleeping (because i love him) and how he is a catalyst. yassen stabbs ash -> ash kills john rider -> ian rider raises alex -> yassen kills ian rider -> mi6 blackmails alex into becoming a teenage spy.
i have so many thoughts that i can't properly articulate. obviously this is a simplified chain of events, but yassen and his choices set off a chain reaction of the world's most unfortunate dominos. especially when you read russian roulette. to be clear im not necessarily trying to blame him for everything because that feels very mean. he was also just a 14 year old kid when everything in his life went wrong, just like alex. only difference being yassen literally had no one.
i think i should write an essay about this because i haven't even gotten into my thoughts about what yassen and alex's dynamic would look like past eagle strike. i would imagine it'd be similar to ellie and joel from the last of us part 2.
where obviously yassen loves alex and alex on some level cares for yassen back but struggles to reconcile that with the fact that yassen is responsible for his uncle's death. a very unforgivable act. it would be so messy and complicated and angsty, because on one hand here is an adult who truly cares about him and has a connection with him through his father. yassen could tell alex about john, and trust that yassen truly wants whats best for him. but he killed ian, and he cannot take that back.
while alex reels from those feelings, yassen is also trying to reconcile his love of alex with the knowledge that he on some level is responsible for the suffering alex endured at the hands of mi6. and possibly even the fact that alex's godfather is the one who killed john and helen.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 7 months
someone: what's your coping mechanism?
normal people: *idk insert sth normal*
me: 😈 fanfiction!
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eluxcastar · 2 years
hello! can i request krul and mikaela(separately) taking care of their sick human s/o? she/her pronouns! good day/night<3
Taking care of you when you're sick.
FEATURES: mikaela hyakuya, krul tepes
CW: none
WC: 500
NOTES: this was sent in before I clarified my no child Progenitors rule so I decided to approach it with more Motherly vibes ♡
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mikaela hyakuya
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Mikaela isn't too worried at first, but he does spoil you a little and doesn't approve of the idea of you getting out of bed too much
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Sometimes he lays with you, gets you the things you need or want occasionally, he very rarely wants to leave your side in case you need him ♡
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 If he's forced to for some reason or another, he usually tried to get you to sleep first so that you're not left alone and it's like he didn't leave at all
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 He may sometimes tell you little stories about how it's ok he's taking care of you, the way he used to take care of the orphans, telling some absurd story about them to make your laugh and cheer up
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Mika can't get sick so he likes to cuddle with you at times, especially if it's a time you're just not feeling good at all, its good comfort (* ̄︶ ̄)
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 He tries to make sure you stay hydrated, lots of water even if you don't want food (゚▽゚*)
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Generally he is very soft on you though, he has a good enough memory of what it was like to be sick and knows that rest will do you better than smothering you in home remedies
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 He does try to keep people away though. No visitors. If he wants someone to check on you it'll be him and nobody else
krul tepes
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Nobody tell her about Vix VapoRub istg
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 On the contrary she is very worried. How sick are you? How much energy do you have? Your temperature? When did you eat last? Have you had enough to drink? Describe your symptoms in detail (ノ´∀`*)
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Krul probably has a recipe for these things, something she picked up from an old wives tale a long time ago. She's not as good at caring for Humans but like any good Mother figure she's doing her best
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 She's not with you 24/7 but every so often she comes to check on you, even if you're asleep. She tells you to come get her if you need something, she doesn't want to disturb you with her clambering about ♡
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Forget going anywhere she'll tie you down if she must, the one thing she insists on even if you can't eat whatever weird concoction she cooks for you (no matter how technically edible) is rest (* ̄︶ ̄)
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 Insists a lot that you're not inconveniencing her and this is a time for you to be relaxing and trying to get better
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 She's overall easy to manage though, once you realise she does this out of a strong desire to help you feel better. Perhaps explaining what you feel you need would be more helpful? (ノ´∀`*)
⊹ ִֶָ𓂅 She gets you medicine to help eventually, once you ask if there is something to help some of your symptoms, but before that it didn't even occur to her Humans had invented ways to combat common illnesses
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 10 months
there’s something so inherently wrong with me when i tick to include major character death in the warning for ao3
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zoekrystall · 1 year
Hate how I didn't even think until now abt how zelda was alone as a dragon for so many years until the present. I wonder way too much abt how everything was for her and esp now as a dragon like mineru did say you lose yourself completely iirc but reg the tears shed do I believe it's not fully true. Maybe depends how strong your spirit is. Like yeah she can't really communicate well anymore but she recognizes us and her eyes. Her eyes I still can't get over them they're so full of emotion that's absolutely her eyes. Like. You're still inside that dragon when you become one if you try your best to remember is what I think (or want to believe). It's 5am I am not going to try to explain my already barely coherent thoughts better. Too much possibilities where I think some border on denial. I am a fluff not angst person. Anyways I wonder how long all those years felt what do you do as a dragon did the sages try talking to her dragon form or like anything-
#totk spoilers#rent free in my brain huh#I almost play 24h without pause hylia help me#(well minus for like. necessities like food)#still need to beat the story#I cannot believe I seriously considered her going through time or smth smth time power shenanigans#I completely forgot the sword needs a lot of time to get power. rip me.#I am not a fan of angst I like fluff stuff why is my brain just absolutely occupied with dragon zelda#mmmmaybe bc I suprisingly quick accepted it already. at least I can paraglide next to her and all#also maybe I forgot a lot that I read and know abt the timeline bc I think I wreck my head too much abt that too#I got the hyrule historia but like. how does botw tie in again. I think abt it too much it's just for fun damm it#I say since hours only this then bed and now it's 5am#I am awake since 7 and play since what 8? 9?#Absolutely insane how loz got me in a chokehold again but I lately don't even touch pokemas for daily missions#Obv in the back of my mind 24/7 but I feel so odd when pkmn in literally any regard isn't the thing that gets constantly#shaken around in my head with little focus for anything else#In other news I would die for penn and tauro is also neat wanna snatch his hairstyle#also zonai are one of the prettiest races ever. would love to be one or some of the zora ones#anyways all I got is 'I wonder if'#I like. barely talk abt such things it's such a new refreshing thing and I'm sorry I talk mostly for myself#(such things being speculations hc whatever I mostly just kept to myself bc my ex bff just did not care. yay.)#(so fuck if I know much abt fleshing out n all)#a wild lux appears
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s-wordsmith · 10 months
Why did I just now notice the prominent flute in the first half of the first chorus of "All You Wanna Do" in the studio cast recording?
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destinationtoast · 1 year
Now seems like a good time to re-recommend my favorite post-S2 "Roy has broken up with Keeley and is a complete wreck" pair of fics, by @wildwren .
Roy x Keeley; Roy x therapy (slow burn):
And Roy x Jamie (but with a setup for Roy/Keeley/Jamie endgame):
Mind all the tags for both, but enjoy!
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skelekins · 7 months
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ciryze · 10 months
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Relationship: Raine Sage/Zelos Wilder Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Short One Shot, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
Words: 1180
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
not that it matters now anyway but one pragmatic problem with felix's concept is that it works best if the DM is proactively keeping his passive scores in mind, especially insight, because he tends to just Notice Stuff and comment on it in ways that as a player it wouldn't necessarily make sense or feel natural for me to always ask to make an active check to find out, but my DMs all tend to be pretty bad about even using passive perception for anything ever, much less anything else
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disastrouslydared · 1 year
This is a little blurb of my personal OC, Marshall (Last Name Pending), that I decide to shitpost. This was made with a black!reader in mind but anyone can read. Enjoy.
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Sleepless Nights and Bright Screens
It was 03:34am.
Marshall laid up on his bed with his hand behind his neck, the other draped on your waist as your murmured in an unclear fashion. His thumb rubbed at your skin while he peeled an eye open, his brown raising as the piercing white light of your screen greeted him.
“Why’re you up?” He muttered while his calloused hand went up to pinch your cheek, breathing deeply as you shrugged him away, staring into the low light of your phone as your thumbs swiftly typed.
“You know I have a hard time sleeping.” You rasped, typing away at your notes app as you blinked sleep away from your eyes. Your bonnet was slightly riding up your head as your eyes bored into the screen, tiny curls peeking out as Marshall rolled his eyes.
Kissing your cheekbone, he snatched the phone away from your hands, turning it off and putting it on his nightstand before he pulled the bonnet down over your eyes.
“Excuse you.” You grumbled as you looked up at him, your eyes narrowed as you fixed it back properly. Marshall ignored your complaints, placing his hand on your head. You felt your face get pushed onto his chest, left cheek smooshing onto the plush skin near his scars.
“Sleep. It’s late and you need to be up for school tomorrow… well, today..” He spoke softly and gently to you as he dragged his palm over your ear repeatedly, the sound bringing a wave of exhaustion crashing. You traced the scars under his pecs tenderly, your eyes drifting closed as your chest started to slow in its rising.
You listened to his heart beating strong and loudly, skipping a few times much to your concern but you decided to ask about that another time.
Right here, right now, it was time to relish in this tender moment. A moment you’d never experienced. Pure love and adoration came from Marshall as he soothed you, only stopping once you were in a deep sleep.
His hand clasped around yours before he allowed himself to rest, his heart beating at the same rhythm as your own. “Goodnight, love..”
I’ll be under the tag “#adreamerswritings” so it’s easier to read all my works! I’ll also put my asks/requests on in the (unlikely) event someone would like a custom fanfic written lmao.
Sleep well, mi amors~
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strawhatboy · 1 year
this book I'm reading is going to send me straight to hell
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crimsongrimoire · 2 years
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psychological warfare.
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mbat · 25 days
when you hear someone say "this comic ruined my life and made me unable to accept my identity!" and you think itll be something like
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but in reality its fucking this
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#everyone ever saw boyfriends and said THIS COMIC IS THE WORST THING EVER I HATE IT SO MUCH#meanwhile the comic is literally the most tame boring thing ever and is LITERALLY JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER#FLUFFY BOYS LOVE ON FUCKING WEBTOON#at the very least i cant blame anyone for hating the webtoon ads or the way that webtoon is obsessed with this comic#but the comic itself? its NOTHING. NOTHING HAPPENS. ITS LIKE 100 PAGES OF 0 THINGS HAPPENING#my post#ignore me#// transphobia#// stonetoss#sorry for using a shitlord nazis comic but like... thats literally what it sounds like when people talk about boyfriends#they sound like theyre talking about the type of shit a guy like pebblefuck would make#this isnt even coming from nowhere i literally used to read and like the boyfriends comic! it was cute! it was fine! whatever!#i stopped reading it because fluff comics get so fucking boring after a while! because nothing! fucking! happens!#the maturity tag is literally because of the transphobic imagery. sadly tumblr doesnt have image censors like discord#i know its not my place to tell someone about their own experience but ive literally had people tell me that the boyfriends comic made them#unable to accept their own queer identity and im like ??? how??? what happens in it??? that caused that???#ive heard people say its fetishistic but that was mostly terfs who were being transphobic against the creator#transphobia#i know this is a weirdly mean spirited post for me to make but like. whatever#transmisogny tw#transmisogny#<- at the very least im trying to tag so people can choose not to see the top image ajfjs
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