#thank u to the panthers for giving us THE best most entertaining game of the playoffs so far fr
larsnicklas · 5 months
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face of a man who has just seen the five guys on the ice get involved in a brouhaha and is thoughtfully considering how he can create even more chaos (he fought david p.astrnak a mere minute later)
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - M-My heart...
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Jamil: …Once again, you made a promise without thinking about the consequences.
Kalim: But the principal said he didn't know where to go on a holiday right? Our home country is the best, don't you think? We the Scarabia dorm are representatives and we should show him the charms of the Country of Hot Sands! I'll leave the decorations of the lounge and the cooking to you Jamil. I will make the preparations for the parade!
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: …And for him to tell me that the day before. And he especially invited the principal. If the banquet is half-baked, it will have an influence on our evaluation. For Kalim's, the banquet…and my sake, I'll have to make this banquet a success. Okay. For the decorations. However it wouldn't fit if the decorations were just pretty, they also have to represent the culture of our country. ..All the ideas I have will take a long time. Hm… To have both beauty and culture…beauty and culture…beauty… Ah! I know!! I guess I should hear out "that" person.
Pomefiore Dorm - Lounge
Vil: …So you came to ask me for advice for the design of the party.
Jamil: Yes. A beautiful interior, a beautiful table set and beautiful entertainment… When I thought about "Beauty", your face suddenly appeared in my mind.
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Vil: Ah. Is that so.
Jamil: Kalim has prepared traditional fabric from our country to use for decoration. They're the ones I'm carrying now. They're deep red, patterned with large peacocks. I thought that someone with an aesthetic sense as yours would be able to teach me how to use this cloth the best…
Vil: I understand what you want to say. …But surely you don't intend to consult my knowledge free of charge?
Jamil: Haha, I knew he would say that! My preparations are flawless.
Jamil: You don't think that I presumed the charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit would cooperate free of charge! I'm not that impolite. In the case you do give me advice, I offer you one roll of this fabric. The textiles made in the Country of Hot Sands are very valuable after all. Moreover, the goods woven by the purveyors of the Asim household aren't even available in the stores…
Vil: I could estimate the value of this cloth by a glance so you don't have to explain. I was searching for a fabric for my new suit, so I shall accept your request.
Jamil: Really? I am so glad!
Vil: Show me the textile.
Vil: …I see. The weaving was done carefully, but the large pattern has a strong impact. Framing it like it is or using it as a rug will certainly give of the "traditional crafts" feeling. If I fiddle with this a bit…
Jamil: I see~ I will study this~
Jamil: And now I just leave everything to Vil. I should just sit back and nod when appropriate…
Vil: Can someone bring me scissors!
Pomefiore Student: Here!
Jamil: Are those sewing scissors? …Wait please, what do you intend to do with those scissors. You're not going to…
Vil: I've already decided. I'm cutting this.
Jamil: Aaah!! You cut this super expensive cloth in two!!!!
Vil: I'll cut it more so I can make a long and narrow flag.
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Jamil: Y-You cut it again! You know one roll of this can feed a 4-person family for one month right!! How wasteful… Hm? No…T-this is…? By cutting in this traditional pattern, you made an innovative design!!
Vil: Yes. If you come out of your comfort zone you will avoid being unfashionable. However, a certain someone who came to me just couldn't stop giving me harmless but pointless compliments…
Jamil: Shit.
Vil: Whatever you do, you should never forget to be bold. Aim to be sensational. There's nothing that I produce that can be considered "inocuous"! Now, I shall have you be brought another scissor and you shall cut this cloth according to my instructions!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
Main Street
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Jamil: Sigh. I'm tired… Being unrelenting is a good thing but the way he handles people is way too rough. There were a lot of scraps, so cleaning up took forever. …Oh well, for now the matter of decorations is settled. Next I have to prepare the food for the banquet. It's past 3 pm right now so I should… Wait it's past 3pm!? That's less than 3 hours 'til the banquet!! Because Vil was prattling on, I forgot to keep an eye on the time. I won't make it in time for the banquet! Whatever I do, I won't be able to prepare the food in time. Cooking….Cooking…Aha. This time I shall just ask "that" person!
Chapter 2
Jamil: Kalim suddenly planned to throw a banquet for the principal to introduce him to the Country of Hot Sands… If I want to make this party a success, I'll have to cook something from our hometown… If I was on my own, I wouldn't be able to make it. So I had to call in someone to help me. And if it's about cooking, this person will certainly…
Jamil: Trey. Please take care of me.
Trey: I'll do my very best. Since… in return you would prune all the rose bushes at Heartslabyul, wouldn't you?
Jamil: …Yes. If I can safely make it through the banquet, that is. In terms of labor, I lose. Keep the cool face and look at your feet…
Trey: So, did you decide on a menu?
Jamil: Yes. I intended to set up some bases of the traditional food of the Country of Hot Sands. The main dish will be a goat roast. Usually, you have to let it marinate in spices for three days but… I already seasoned one and put it in the freezer. Today we will use that.
Trey: You're so careful to the point that it looks like you knew about the party beforehand.
Jamil: Kalim loves inviting people over so I prepare stuff every day. I'll put the meat in the oven and have it slowly roast on a low fire. Meanwhile, we can start with the other meals. Seafood sauté, green salad, thin baked bread and dessert… Anyway I'm short of hands. First of all, please peel the potatoes!
/Cooking sounds
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Jamil: Okay, now all of the cooking is done.
Trey: All of them smell fantastic… Especially the well-cooked meat looks delicious! …However… by appearance you could say it looks kind of miserable.
Jamil: Huh, do you think so?
Trey: Yeah. There's only light brown on the plate, it's kind of unsatisfactory. I picked roses to put in the jam. If I scatter the petals like this… Look. If I add some red to it, doesn't it look more brilliant?
Jamil: You're right! It gives of a luxurious impression. Sometimes my younger sister tells me that my cooking looks plain by appearance. Back in the days we quarreled about it but… to think it was about the color.
Trey: Haha. There are plenty of people who think that Heartslabyul's sweets are gaudy, so I understand you. The most important thing in cooking is flavor after all. That's why I want to tell you that "Appearance doesn't matter!" but… you went through great troubles to make it delicious. It should be enjoyable from the start to the finish.
Jamil: I'll do my best remembering that. The next time I'll go home, my sister will be in for a surprise.
Trey: Let's decorate the other meals as well. I also have edible flowers that I use for cakes.
Main Street
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey! …Okay. I managed finish up cooking perfectly. …I wonder how Kalim's preparations for the parade are coming along.
Kalim: It seems the animals have arrived. Let's pick them up at the front gate!
Jamil: Hm? When you speak about the devil you see his tail. I'll watch secretly…
Scarabia Student C: Did you really get lions and elephants? What if they broke loose in the school…
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine! You guys. What do you think is the most important thing  when you communicate with animals?
Jamil: Heh, that's super easy. The answer is "Animal language". With that you can tell the animals which route to take for the parade…
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Kalim: The most important thing when you communicate with animals is… PETTING!!!!
Jamil: !!??
Kalim: Everyone is a living being after all, so if you rely on them it will turn out alright. If you want to take a small break, open the cage and deepen your bonds with the animals!
Jamil: …Is he releasing the lions and the elephants without any preparation…? Why…Why are you so incautious when it comes to animals…! Ever since you were little, you tottered over to the likes of tigers and panthers to give them pet food… It's worrisome. No matter how I look at it, it's worrisome. I can't trust Kalim with anything. I shall talk to the animals…!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Kalim: Principal. Please experience the hospitality of the Country of Hot Sand with all your might today. Then let's start this fun banquet!
Jamil: Somehow… we managed to finish up the decorations, cooking and parade on time… I ran more today than I do in a basketball game. I'm completely exhausted…
Kalim: Hey Jamil. Don't you look a little bit tired?
Kalim: Really? Okay.
Crowley: The decorations are wonderful, and the food is absolutely delicious.
Grim: Chomp, chomp. It's so good!
Yuu: Come on, manners! Chomp Chomp.
Kalim: It seems that the principal and the guests are enjoying themselves. Thank you for preparing the decorations and the food. Jamil.
Jamil: …  Don't mention it. But it's too early for you to let your guard down. As the organizer of the event, don't you still have to appear in the finale? Hurry up and get ready.
Kalim: Okay, gotcha!
Jamil: Good grief…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your cooking, all of it is amazing!!
Jamil: …Yuu, what do you think? Do you like the cooking of the Country of Hot Sands.
Yuu: It's yummy. I want to eat it every day.
Jamil: Heh. I'm glad.
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Jamil: Ah, it seems that the parade is starting. Principal, please go out to the balcony and enjoy the welcome parade of the Country of Hot Sands.
Scarabia Student C: U-Uhm! Vice dorm leader Viper!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a hurry.
Scarabia Student C: That's because… whisper…whisper…
Jamil: … What!?
Crowley: Hm? Is there something, Viper?
Jamil: N-No! There's nothing. I'll just have to leave my seat for a while… please continue enjoying Scarabia's banquet!
Chapter 3
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: KALIM DISAPPEARED!? The animal parade is a tradition of the Country of Hot Sands. The most valuable seven-colored parrot have to fly… And the organizer is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere but we couldn't find him… We can't do the finale of the parade like this.
Scarabia Student D: Wait! Instead of the dorm leader, we should have the vice dorm leader do the greeting.
Jamil: I can't. It would dishonor the organizer…Kalim.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And the parade is still going on… what do we do!
Jamil: …Calm down everyone. Panicking won't help. You guys are the farsighted and deeply designed students of Scarabia, aren't you? When an unexpected situation comes up you should be calm.
Scarabia Student D: …It is as Viper says.
Scarabia Student C: Sorry for getting upset.
Scarabia Student B: Uhm… dorm leader Kalim wanted to me to bring you a message…!
Jamil: …I see. Because of your error, the seven-colored parrot fled. And Kalim went to search for a substitute.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… The dorm leader said that it was fine to start with the parade… Sorry. It's all our fault.
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Jamil: Let's leave the investigation of your guilt for later. Let's first think about the problem we have in front of us. According to your story, Kalim has gone to Diasomnia… Even if he flyed on the magical carpet he would take 10 minutes. We have 5 minutes left until the finale of the parade. No matter what we do he won't make it in time. …We have to stretch time until Kalim gets back.
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… there are plenty of other animals marching lively. I'm so moved that I'm able to watch such a wonderful parade from the dorm's balcony!
Grim: Yes! The parade is going 'til the fountain. The music is getting louder as well…
Yuu: It's time for the finale! Let's get excited together!
Crowley: What kind of surprising show will I be able to witness at last!? …
Grim: …
Yuu: The animals seem to be circling in the same spot?
Crowley: How strange, I wonder if something happened. Can it be… that they ran into some trouble?
Scarabia Student C: The principal is muttering… Is the dorm leader Kalim still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: At this rate, our party we worked hard on will fail…!
???: The Asim household does not fail.
Jamil: …As long as I'm here! I'm on top of the roof… the shadow of the tower is just right. I'll rely on my wind magic to make it flashy!
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Crowley: Oho? Something is falling down. The red blizzard making the white Scarabia glow is truly beautiful…
Grim: The way it flutters and sticks to my noise is annoying!
Crowley: Grim, you don't understand. Isn't this a chic show. If it's this, I could watch it forever.
Jamil: The scraps of cloth that Vil cut off and the petals I got from Trey… Who'd have thought they'd play this role. Even I couldn't predict that. Anyway, I managed to stretch the time of the show. Now there's only…
???: Heey!
Jamil: The thing flying over there is…the magic carpet! He has arrived!!
Kalim: Principal! And Yuu and Grim as well, thank you for coming to Scarabia today! I've never been this happy that I could entertain my dearest guests!
Jamil: Sigh… And with this the parade is over without a hitch. I should go back to the lounge. My broom, where is it… And how long is Kalim planning to ride that carpet? I'm getting anxious watching him stand and move around on that carpet…
Kalim: A, Ah I'm losing my balance…aah! I'm falling!!!
Jamil: !!!?? WATCH OUT!!!!!
Kalim: …Man I was really surprised. I was careless and fell in the fountain. …Hm? But I'm not hurting anywhere…? …Ah, Jamil! You made me float with wind magic. Thank you. Thanks to you I wasn't hurt.
Jamil: M-My heart…I thought it was about to stop…tch.
Kalim: But I'm completely soaked… How cruel. Hahaha!!
Jamil: You feel like laughing huh. I felt like I was about to pass to the other side! Stop trying to imitate people rashly!!!!!
Kalim: Yeah. …Sorry for making you worry. …Anyways, did you see the finale? I did my best!
Jamil: …Yes, I saw it. Well done. Me.
Crowley: Well, the decorations, the food and the parade made for a wonderful banquet!! It must've been awfully troublesome to plan all of that, no?
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Kalim: Nah, absolutely not. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes.
Yuu: Good job! Good job…
Jamil: Today was a harsh day. If I had to plan another party like this…
Kalim: Principal! Disregarding your holidays, you should come again…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hmpf.
Jamil: If the principal tells you something again, just say that you'll consider it. No matter what, first consult everything with me. Understood?
Kalim: …Hah. I thought something was up when you suddenly shut my mouth. Okay. I don't really get it, but I get it!
Jamil: You're really such a reliable dorm leader…
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50 things to be thankful for in 2018
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There's no denying 2018 has absolutely tested our patience, but it turns out the year hasn't been complete trash.
Beyond some of the most important aspects of life like your loved ones and your health, 2018 has truly given us a lot of good. From social justice initiatives like Time's Up and March for Our Lives, to pop culture masterpieces like Queer Eye, Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again, and "thank u, next," the year had its share of hopeful, joyous, entertaining, and positive moments.
So when times get tough and it feels like there's not much to be happy about in the world, here are 50 things to be thankful for.
SEE ALSO: The internet's best tips for how to be kind on World Kindness Day
1. Time's Up launched. 2018 started off strong with a group of more than 300 women in the entertainment industry coming together to form Time's Up — an initiative dedicated to standing up against sexual harassment.
I stand with women across every industry to say #TIMESUP on abuse, harassment, marginalization and underrepresentation. ⁰@TIMESUPNOW https://t.co/4zd5g2ByU0 pic.twitter.com/0h8ojLOq9U
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) January 1, 2018
2. Laverne Cox made history on the cover of Cosmo. In January, actress and producer Laverne Cox also made history as the first ever trans covergirl for Cosmopolitan Magazine. Cox graced the cover of Cosmo South Africa's February issue.
3. The Fab Five came into our lives. It may feel like Jonathan Van Ness, Tan France, Karamo Brown, Bobby Berk, and Antoni Porowski have been inspiring us all to eat, dress, groom, self-love, and decorate to the best of our abilities for a lifetime, but Netflix's Queer Eye reboot only premiered in Feb. 2018.
4. Drake's "God's Plan" music video. Remember pre-Meek Mill beef when Drake gave away nearly one million dollars and filmed himself doing all those good deeds like paying for people's groceries? That was nice!
5. The Parkland teens. Though 2018 was full of an unfathomable amount of tragedy and gun violence,  the year also inspired a heartwarming amount of youth activism in America. After the deadly Parkland shooting in February, a group of teen survivors from the Florida high school shooting has consistently stood up to government officials and publicly advocated for gun control.
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Parkland teens at March For Our lives rally.
This year alone they've formed March for Our Lives, led school walkouts, inspired others (both young and old) to register to vote and protest gun violence, and even inspired the Obama's to write a heartfelt entry in the Time 100 issue.
6. Mirai Nagasu landed a triple axel. The Winter Olympics also took place this year! There were many standout moments but Mirai Nagasu absolutely slayed, making history by becoming the first U.S. woman to land a triple axel in the Winter Olympics. Thankful we got to witness this moment.
7. Black Panther came out. We were truly blessed this year by the arrival of the record-breaking Marvel's cinematic masterpiece, Black Panther, and the talented actors, fierce as hell soundtrack, and on-screen representation it brought to our world.
8. Jordan Peele's Oscar win. Speaking of movies, Peele's film Get Out won "Best Original Screenplay" this year, making him the first black screenwriter to receive the award.
9. The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate wait is almost over. The highly anticipated video game is set to come out for Nintendo Switch on Dec. 7.
10. Beto O'Rourke. 2018 was the year of Beto, burgers, and a Beyoncé midterms endorsement.
We just want to say thank you to everyone who made this possible. Everyone who made us feel hopeful, everyone who inspired us. Everyone who became the most amazing campaign we could have ever hoped to belong to. Grateful that we got to do this with you. We love you. Goodnight! pic.twitter.com/1j6JnhtP0f
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) November 7, 2018
11. A Quiet Place. John Krasinski directed and starred in a horror film alongside his IRL wife that was so quiet and terrifying people were too nervous to eat snacks in theaters. What a time to be alive.
12. Kendrick Lamar won a Pulitzer. Remember when the rapper was awarded the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in Music for his fourth studio album, DAMN? Hell yeah!
13. Beyoncé at Coachella. Beychella was THIS YEAR. We knew she would slay but nothing prepared us for the sheer magnitude of her powerhouse performance, or Destiny's Child, or the movement she inspired.
14. The Royal Wedding. When the world needed a distraction from the bad and an escape from reality, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were there for us. And for that we thank them.
15. Brooklyn Nine-Nine was saved. For several terrible, horrible, no good, very bad hours Brooklyn Nine-Nine was cancelled. But thankfully, after a whole lot of love from fans, NBC picked it up for a sixth season.
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Image: fox
16. Won't You Be My Neighbor reminded us of Mr. Rogers' magic. We needed a heavy dose of Fred Rogers' pure and wholesome goodness to get us through the year and this film did just the trick.
17. Ava DuVernay made history. DuVernay's adaptation of A Wrinkle In Time led her to become the first black woman to direct a film that grossed more than $100 million at the box office.
18. The world is finally taking action against plastic pollution. Plastic straw bans are spreading across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Businesses like McDonald's and Starbucks are even getting on board the movement. 
19. We still have dogs. No matter how bad things get we still have furry companions to turn to, and play with, and occasionally throw cheese on.
20. Eighth Grade filled us with middle school anxiety. Bo Burnham's Eighth Grade reminded adults how stressful growing up can be and gave teens an emotional look at middle school through a more relatable lens.
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Image: a24
21. Crazy Rich Asians was a smashing success. The film dominated box office sales and served as an important milestone for Asian representation in American pop culture. And guess what? It's getting a sequel.
22. Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again! Love. Pregnancy. Death. Flashbacks. Dancing. Singing. Abba. Meryl. Cher. Andy García. Help!
23. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. 2018 has seen the rise (Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin) and fall (Ariana and Pete) of celebrity relationships. But through the ups and downs of the year Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra's love never seemed to waiver. We're thankful this nice, soon-to-be-wed couple is here to restore our faith in love.
24. LeBron James opened up a school. The NBA star opened his "I Promise" school in Akron, Ohio, to give 240 third and fourth grade students a life-changing educational opportunity.
25. To All The Boys I've Loved Before captured our hearts. Netflix introduced the world to the film adaptation of Jenny Han's young adult book and after Peter Kavinsky's "woah woah woah," our hearts will never be the same. Not to mention it inspired dozens of Lara Jean Halloween costumes.
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Image: netflix
26. That quirky, super high-maintenance cat was adopted. Remember Bruno, the thicc, polydactyl cat that Wright Way Rescue Animal Shelter in Morton Grove, Illinois, was trying to find a home? He found one :').
27. A sixgill shark was discovered. This is cool because most sharks have five gills. It's also a reminder that we should be thankful for oceanographers, researchers, and all those who explore the our vast and mysterious oceans.
28. India strikes down gay sex ban. On Sept. 6, members of India's Supreme Court unanimously voted to make the landmark ruling that eliminates the ban on consensual gay sex.
29. Moth memes lit up our lives. The year was filled with good memes but those moth/lamp memes? Pure joy.
30. Amy Sherman-Palladino and all those Emmys. Amy Sherman-Palladino has always been genius. Gilmore Girls? Bun Heads? Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life? It's about time she's properly celebrated, so we're thankful The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel won four Emmys. We are also thankful for her husband, Dan Palladino.
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Image: Rich Fury/Getty Images
31. Twitter did one good thing. We have no edit button and there's still bots and harassment a-plenty, but at the very least, Twitter brought back the chronological timeline.
32. Gritty came into our lives. Can anyone even remember a world without the Philadelphia Flyers' new hairy orange mascot?
33. The Office is back ... sort of. While fans of the NBC comedy are still holding out hope for a revival, 2018 treated those nostalgic for the days of Dunder Mifflin to a charming off-broadway musical.
34. Speaking of The Office — be thankful for Steve Carell. He stars with Timothée Chalamet and Amy Ryan (Holly Flax) in Beautiful Boy. He's got Welcome to Marwen coming out, which looks, uh interesting. He's on SNL. And he's making his triumphant return to television!
35. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper gave us life. A Star Is Born came out this year, along with a kickass soundtrack and some perfect memes. We will never be the same.
36. Fat Bear Week ran our lives for 7 days. Much love to all the fat bears out there who distracted us for an entire week just by living their lives. 
37. This throwback baked potato costume. Halloween costumes are great but this throwback baked potato get-up really made us smile.
38. Thankful for the hot duck in Central Park. We thought we lost him, but he's back again. <3
39. We have a new anthem: "Party For One." How did Carly Rae Jepsen know we were in desperate need of a song to dance in our underwear and eat a large pizza alone to? And the music video! UGH!
40. And there's no musical praise without discussing Ariana Grande. The warrior of 2018, Ariana Grande, has given fans so much love, inspiration, and hope throughout the year. Not to mention, the ultimate independent BOP: "thank u, next."
i’m so ..... fuckin ..... grateful
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) November 11, 2018
41. BDE came to be. Speaking adjacently of Pete Davidson, for better or worse 2018 also gave us Big Dick Energy and that's something we'll never forget.
42. Netflix still delivers. Netflix has an entertaining social media presence and continues to create quality original shows and movies.
43. There was an increase in voter turnout. 2018 proved Americans are standing up for what they believe in and exercising their right to vote. Voter turnout for midterm elections reached a 50-year high, and young people voted at historic rates.
44. Midterm results showed a refreshing amount of diversity. It was a night of historic firsts — from over 100 women elected to Congress (the highest number ever) to wins for the LGBTQ community and more.
45. The Detective Pikachu trailer looks delightful. Another cute as hell movie to look forward to? Yes please.
46. Cher's Twitter is hilarious. Twitter is sometime awful but not Cher's account. That's always good.
47. All of the books. The world has so many books just waiting to be read — books for when you're mad at the patriarchy, books for hikers, books all about pride. And some great books written this year.
48. All of the great TV shows. Streaming aside, there are dozens of phenomenal shows airing on television this year, like Superstore, The Good Place, This Is Us, Killing Eve, and more.
49. Sports are still a thing! We've got football, we've got soccer, we've got basketball, baseball, hockey, and so many more. Sports bring people together!
50. All the people working to keep others safe, informed, and up-to-date with the news. It's been a tough year for news, mass shootings, and natural disasters, which is why we're thankful for all the hard working journalists, reporters, news anchors, first responders, weather forecasters, and hurricane scientists.
So remember: No matter how bad things may seem there are always some bright spots in the world.
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes history as she becomes the youngest woman ever in Congress
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jodyedgarus · 6 years
25 Years Of Super Bowl Halftime Show Lineups, Ranked
On Sunday, tens of thousands of rabid football fans will descend upon Atlanta for Super Bowl LIII. They will consume lots of alcohol. They will paint their faces. They will scream and howl as the Patriots and Rams engage in brutal 22-man warfare with the highest possible stakes. Oh, and about two hours into this, they will all pause everything to watch a 12-minute Maroon 5 concert.
The Super Bowl halftime show has become the spectacle within the spectacle. It used to be filler entertainment while the players hydrated and tended to their wounds. Now it serves a higher purpose. It is about world peace, joy, introspection and even grief. It’s also sometimes about giant metallic lion puppets and dancing sharks.
How are we to interpret these hopelessly silly, desperately hopeful rituals? By ranking them, of course. At FiveThirtyEight, we don’t have the technology to make slideshows, but we do have math and a history of applying convoluted methodologies to questions that don’t really need answers. So let’s get started.
First, we need to manage expectations: We are not ranking halftime performances, rather the sheer star power that the NFL assembled on stage each year. We’ll talk about how the shows went, but only in relation to their artists’ success on the Billboard Hot 100 chart before the Super Bowl. Our methodology favors shows with many artists because they’re more likely to excite an audience diverse in age and musical interests. Purists may have enjoyed the simplicity of seeing The Who perform without any interlopers in 2010, but anyone who wasn’t excited by a few 60-something British rockers playing their decades-old hits was left with bupkis.
We chose Michael Jackson’s 1993 halftime appearance as the starting point for our analysis. His performance — widely considered one of the best — is the beginning of the modern halftime show. Viewer ratings for the 1993 show exceeded ratings for the actual game, and a blueprint was formed for years ahead. To get a sense of how MJ changed the game, note that the previous year’s show included a salute to the 1992 Winter Olympics and a bunch of kids performing a rap arrangement of “Frosty the Snowman.”
To measure the success of the featured artists — excluding cameos from the likes of Jessica Simpson, who kicked off the 2004 show by asking the audience to “choose to party” — we created a metric called Performer Points. Our methodology for calculating these points is simple:
Artists are assigned points for each of their songs to make the Billboard Hot 100 list since the list began in August 1958.
A song appearing at No. 1 is worth 100 points.
A song at No. 100 is worth 1 point.
We count each week separately, so songs rack up points for staying on the chart.
Performers listed as the main artist on a track get full credit.
Featured artists or guest vocalists get only one-third of the song’s points.1
Performers get one-third of the points from their former band’s hits. That means Paul McCartney gets only a small boost from hits by the Beatles. The weights compound, so if an artist’s former band was merely featured on a song, the artist gets one-ninth of the song’s points.2
If any of that seems confusing, let’s look at an example featuring one of this year’s performers, Atlanta rapper Big Boi.
When we add up all the points, we can see how successful the artists were for every Super Bowl. Here’s what that looks like for the 2019 halftime performers.
Super Bowl LIII nets a respectable 65,065 total Performer Points. That’s seventh on our list of best Super Bowl lineups since 1993. We’ll see whether that translates to a memorable show on Sunday, but the past five years could give us a sense of whether our methodology has any predictive power.
It’s easy to dunk on the Black Eyed Peas, and their uninspiring halftime show in 2011 didn’t make it any harder. Fergie, will.i.am, Taboo (!) and apl.de.ap (!!) closed out their headlining set with “Where Is the Love?” on a giant stage shaped like, you guessed it, the word “Love.” The only problem was that part of the letter “v” was literally missing. Now at least we have some data to back up what everyone was thinking the next day: Usher should have headlined. By 2011, he had already reached Billboard’s top 103 with 14 tracks, including classics such as “My Boo” and “U Remind Me.” Usher went into the halftime show with almost twice as many Performer Points as the Peas, and though he performed one of his weaker hits, “OMG,” he still managed to hit every cue, leaping over will.i.am’s head and into our hearts.
I have a confession: I’ve always thought of the 2012 halftime show as “the one with Nicki Minaj.” Looking at the chart, it’s clear there’s recency bias at work — Minaj has become unavoidable since 2012. But at the time of the Super Bowl, her only top 10 hit4 was “Super Bass.” Madonna, on the other hand, stands on top of our individual power rankings with more than 59,000 Performer Points, thanks to her trove of hits dating back to the 1980s. Credit to Madge for almost single-handedly dragging this riot of grecian beefcakes and vogueing into the top five — Katy Perry and Lady Gaga could never.
I’m glad to see our formula isn’t totally set on picking shows from the past 10 years. The “Salute to Motown’s 40th Anniversary” in 1998 had all the intergenerational appeal that Madonna’s show was supposed to capture. The choreography seems a little hokey by today’s standards, but I could listen to this medley all day. Queen Latifah brings it, The Temptations sound fantastic, Boyz II Men gets a solid ballad in, Smokey covers all the old bases and Martha Reeves is so harmlessly, indescribably awful that you can’t help but smile knowing that social media didn’t exist back then.5
Super Bowl L — er, 50 — was billed as Coldplay’s performance, but the NFL let halftime show veterans Beyoncé and Bruno Mars “crash” it. This was a blessing for anyone not named Chris Martin. Both guest stars had more Performer Points than Coldplay, and they stomped away with the show. Beyoncé, dressed in a black leather homage to the Black Panthers, debuted6 “Formation” right there on the field and reminded us of just how powerful this 12-minute musical interlude can be.
We didn’t tweak the weights to get Nipplegate this high up, I promise. You can see on the chart why it’s such a good show. Janet Jackson was an appropriate headline pick, both in length of career and volume of hits. Nelly and P. Diddy were established emissaries from the rap genre, which the Super Bowl has rarely invited on stage. Justin Timberlake had teenybopper loyalty from his *NSYNC days and a new, prurient edge as a solo artist. And Kid Rock was … also there. Of course, nobody remembers anything about this show other than the words “wardrobe malfunction,” and I don’t think any chart could change that, so let’s leave things there.
You may be wondering where your favorite halftime show falls on the list. As we mentioned above, it’s a rough measure of the excitement people might have felt before the show began — Prince may be the best performer ever to take the halftime stage, but if you weren’t a fan, then there wasn’t much to anticipate. On the chart below, you can see how all the artists compare.
All the data we scraped also allows us to answer one final question: Which artists should the Super Bowl reach out to for the 2020 show? Assuming the league is aiming to please a range of viewers, we can grab the top 10 artists by Performer Points for each decade since 1990, as well as from the past two years for the Gen Z audience.
Drafting a Super Bowl halftime show fantasy lineup
Artists with the most Performer Points, by decade
1990-1999 2000-2009 2010-present 2017-present 1 Mariah Carey Nelly Drake Drake 2 Madonna Beyonce Rihanna Post Malone 3 Boyz II Men Ludacris Nicki Minaj Cardi B 4 Whitney Houston Kanye West Taylor Swift Kendrick Lamar 5 Janet Jackson P!nk Bruno Mars Khalid 6 Celine Dion Usher Maroon 5 Ed Sheeran 7 R. Kelly Rihanna Katy Perry Migos 8 TLC 50 Cent Chris Brown Imagine Dragons 9 Elton John Nickelback Lil Wayne Bruno Mars 10 Toni Braxton Alicia Keys Justin Bieber Halsey
Gray text indicates that the artist has already performed at a halftime show, that the artist has died or that a member of the group has died.
Unlike in the rest of the analysis, points earned as a member of a musical group do not count toward an artist’s individual points.
Source: Billboard
Drake would be the biggest get here for the NFL. Starting in May 2009, Drizzy held a spot somewhere on the Hot 100 for 430 weeks straight. Since 2010, he’s amassed 83,898 Performer Points. The closest runner-up in that table is Rihanna, who collected 48,153 points during the same period. If halftime producers haven’t already approached Drake, they’re sleeping on him.
It’s impossible to know who on our list has talked with the NFL. Stars are rarely as open about Super Bowl negotiations as Cardi B was this year, when one of her representatives told Page 6 that “she was not particularly interested in participating because of how she feels about Colin Kaepernick and the whole movement.” (Rihanna also reportedly declined to perform because of her support of Kaepernick.) Taylor Swift, for instance, seems like an obvious candidate. But she has shilled for Coca-Cola — a relationship that could be at risk if she were to perform in the halftime show that Pepsi has sponsored for seven years running.
Whomever the NFL picks next year, the pressure is on. Asking Maroon 5 to headline a show in Atlanta, a city abounding in talented rappers (Big Boi is the only homegrown artist on the bill), resulted in a social media backlash, and a petition with more than 100,000 signatures has urged the band to drop out to demonstrate solidarity with Kaepernick. USA Today even went so far as to publish an obituary for the halftime show as a cultural institution.
That seems a little premature to me. The Super Bowl has evolved before and could do it again. What used to be a variety show writ large, with inscrutable themes,7 Elvis impersonators and card tricks eventually embraced the market-certified success of singers like Michael Jackson and *NSYNC. The collective shrugs following picks like Coldplay, Justin Timberlake and Maroon 5, which has the second most Performer Points of any artist on our list, may herald the end of that era.8 The league has clearly taken note of this year’s controversy, announcing that the pregame press conference with Maroon 5 would not take place so that the artists could focus on their performance. What might come next for the halftime show is anybody’s guess, but one thing’s for certain: Everyone will be watching.
All images courtesy of Getty.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/25-years-of-super-bowl-halftime-show-lineups-ranked/
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Roma, Vice, Black Panther Win Big at 24th Critics' Choice Awards
The energetic host Taye Diggs kicked off the evening at the 24th Critics Choice Awards in Santa Monica, CA, with a song and dance number that honored inclusivity in this year's acclaimed films: “Crazy Rich Asians,” “BlacKkKlansman,” “If Beale Street Could Talk,” “Roma,” “Green Street” and “Black Panther,” all to the tune of Cardi B's "I Like It"—a perfect crowd-pleaser. 
Credit: Sarah Knight Adamson
A rare occurrence also happened Sunday evening in two of the women’s categories: Best Actress in Film, and Best Actress in a Movie Made for Television or a Limited Series—both garnered ties. Glenn Close, for “The Wife” and Lady Gaga, for "A Star is Born." Earlier in the evening, it was Amy Adams, for “Sharp Objects,” and Patricia Arquette, for “Escape at Dannemora.” They shared Best Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Made for Television trophies.
The Best Actress Oscar race is now the most capricious, as Lady Gaga is back in the running after being shut out of the Golden Globes. Close’s riveting performance in “The Wife” showcased her career talents as one of the great actors of our time. For Lady Gaga, a relative newcomer to acting, she stunned all in her soul-baring, passionate and natural performance.
Glenn Close’s warm acceptance speech was directed to all women as she embraced the notion of celebrating together with another female, instead of continually being pitted against each other. Close thanked her daughter Annie Starke, for helping her create her part in “The Wife.” A tearful and gracious Lady Gaga praised her director Bradley Cooper for his cinematic guidance. After leaving the backstage press room upon the conclusion of the show, while following the exiting crowd, I found myself directly behind the “A Star is Born” dinner table and witnessed a supportive Sam Elliot and a misty-eyed Gaga sharing a tender moment.
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In the Best Picture race, “Roma” director Alfonso Cuarón’s personal black and white foreign language film won both Best Foreign Language Film and Best Film. "Roma" received four awards in total, the most of the night, including Best Director and Best Cinematography. “Black Panther” and “Vice” followed close behind, each winning in three categories.
Christian Bale, as Dick Cheney in “Vice,” won the Best Actor and the Best Actor in a Comedy awards for his conspirator performance. “Bohemian Rhapsody'"s Rami Malek and “Green Book”s Viggo Mortensen are also main runners for the Best Actor Oscar.
In the Best Supporting roles, Regina King, “If Beale Street Could Talk” won over co-frontrunner “Vice's” Amy Adams, who has been Oscar-nominated five times, but has yet to win. King paid homage to author James Baldwin, writer of the 1974 novel the movie is based on by saying, “Thank you for being the voice for the voiceless—for educating a country even when they didn’t want to learn a lesson. For still educating us posthumously.” Concluding, “I’ll leave you with this: in the words of James Baldwin, ‘we can make America what America must become.’” 
Mahershala Ali’s Dr. Don Shirley’s performance in “Green Book” won critics over frontrunner Richard E. Grant’s performance in “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Ali sidestepped the recent "Green Book" controversies by speaking directly to the film's composer and pianist, Kris Bowers, saying, "This gentleman I owe so much. This is my other co-star, he doubles for me, and he did the composition for the film. He was my piano teacher and my friend." 
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Upon the announcement of Best Comedy, “Crazy Rich Asians” the excitement was apparent as the cast leaped to their feet and rushed to the stage while high-fiving and cheering. Best Sci-fi or Horror Movie winner John Krasinski for “A Quiet Place” gave a tribute to his wife, Emily Blunt and their kids by saying, "I got to make a movie about a love story and a love letter to my kids. I got to do it with the love of my life by my side, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better than that. Thank you so much."
This year’s #SeeHer Award recipient, Claire Foy, was presented by former #SeeHer Award recipient Viola Davis. The award recognizes a woman who embodies the values set forth by the #SeeHer movement—to push boundaries on changing stereotypes and recognize the importance of authentic portrayals of women across the entertainment landscape. The mission of #SeeHer is to accurately portray all women and girls in media so that by 2020, the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote, they see themselves reflected as they truly are.
Credit: Sarah Knight Adamson
In conclusion, the evening is a celebration honoring talent and a chance for critics to meet talent face to face. Each year has a different tone, as last year’s #MeToo movement had just kicked off. ‘Inclusion’ now appears to be front and center.   
“Black Panther” “BlacKkKlansman” “The Favourite” “First Man” “Green Book” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “Mary Poppins Returns” “Roma” “A Star Is Born” “Vice”
Christian Bale – “Vice” Bradley Cooper – “A Star Is Born” Willem Dafoe – “At Eternity’s Gate” Ryan Gosling – “First Man” Ethan Hawke – “First Reformed” Rami Malek – “Bohemian Rhapsody” Viggo Mortensen – “Green Book”
Yalitza Aparicio – “Roma” Emily Blunt – “Mary Poppins Returns” WINNER (tie): Glenn Close – “The Wife” Toni Collette – “Hereditary” Olivia Colman – “The Favourite” WINNER (tie): Lady Gaga – “A Star Is Born” Melissa McCarthy – “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”
Mahershala Ali – “Green Book” Timothée Chalamet – “Beautiful Boy” Adam Driver – “BlacKkKlansman” Sam Elliott – “A Star Is Born” Richard E. Grant – “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Michael B. Jordan – “Black Panther”
Amy Adams – “Vice” Claire Foy - "First Man" Nicole Kidman – “Boy Erased” Regina King – “If Beale Street Could Talk” Emma Stone – “The Favourite” Rachel Weisz – “The Favourite”
Elsie Fisher – “Eighth Grade” Thomasin McKenzie – “Leave No Trace” Ed Oxenbould – “Wildlife” Millicent Simmonds – “A Quiet Place” Amandla Stenberg – “The Hate U Give” Sunny Suljic – “Mid90s”
“Black Panther” “Crazy Rich Asians” “The Favourite” “Vice” “Widows”
Damien Chazelle – “First Man” Bradley Cooper – “A Star Is Born” Alfonso Cuaron – “Roma” Peter Farrelly – “Green Book” Yorgos Lanthimos – “The Favourite” Spike Lee – “BlacKkKlansman” Adam McKay – “Vice”
Bo Burnham – “Eighth Grade” Alfonso Cuarón – “Roma” Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara – “The Favourite” Adam McKay – “Vice” Paul Schrader – “First Reformed” Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrelly – “Green Book” Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, John Krasinski – “A Quiet Place”
Ryan Coogler, Joe Robert Cole – “Black Panther” Nicole Holofcener, Jeff Whitty – “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” Barry Jenkins – “If Beale Street Could Talk” Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters – “A Star Is Born” Josh Singer – “First Man” Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee – “BlacKkKlansman”
Alfonso Cuaron – “Roma” James Laxton – “If Beale Street Could Talk” Matthew Libatique – “A Star Is Born” Rachel Morrison – “Black Panther” Robbie Ryan – “The Favourite” Linus Sandgren – “First Man”
Hannah Beachler, Jay Hart – “Black Panther” Eugenio Caballero, Barbara Enriquez – “Roma” Nelson Coates, Andrew Baseman – “Crazy Rich Asians” Fiona Crombie, Alice Felton – “The Favourite” Nathan Crowley, Kathy Lucas – “First Man” John Myhre, Gordon Sim – “Mary Poppins Returns”
Jay Cassidy – “A Star Is Born” Hank Corwin – “Vice” Tom Cross – “First Man” Alfonso Cuarón, Adam Gough – “Roma” Yorgos Mavropsaridis – “The Favourite” Joe Walker – “Widows”
Alexandra Byrne – “Mary Queen of Scots” Ruth Carter – “Black Panther” Julian Day – “Bohemian Rhapsody” Sandy Powell – “The Favourite” Sandy Powell – “Mary Poppins Returns”
“Black Panther” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “The Favourite” “Mary Queen of Scots” “Suspiria” “Vice”
“Avengers: Infinity War” “Black Panther” “First Man” “Mary Poppins Returns” “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” “Ready Player One”
“The Grinch” “Incredibles 2” “Isle of Dogs” “Mirai” “Ralph Breaks the Internet” “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”
“Avengers: Infinity War” “Black Panther” “Deadpool 2” “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” “Ready Player One” “Widows”
“Crazy Rich Asians” “Deadpool 2” “The Death of Stalin” “The Favourite” “Game Night” “Sorry to Bother You”
Christian Bale – “Vice” Jason Bateman – “Game Night” Viggo Mortensen – “Green Book” John C. Reilly – “Stan & Ollie” Ryan Reynolds – “Deadpool 2” Lakeith Stanfield – “Sorry to Bother You”
Emily Blunt – “Mary Poppins Returns” Olivia Colman – “The Favourite” Elsie Fisher – “Eighth Grade” Rachel McAdams – “Game Night” Charlize Theron – “Tully” Constance Wu – “Crazy Rich Asians”
“Annihilation” “Halloween” “Hereditary” “A Quiet Place” “Suspiria”
“Burning” “Capernaum” “Cold War” “Roma” “Shoplifters”
“All the Stars” – “Black Panther” “Girl in the Movies” – “Dumplin’” “I’ll Fight” – “RBG” “The Place Where Lost Things Go” – “Mary Poppins Returns” “Shallow” – “A Star Is Born” “Trip a Little Light Fantastic” – “Mary Poppins Returns”
Kris Bowers – “Green Book” Nicholas Britell – I”f Beale Street Could Talk” Alexandre Desplat – “Isle of Dogs” Ludwig Göransson – “Black Panther” Justin Hurwitz – “First Man” Marc Shaiman – “Mary Poppins Returns”
“The Americans” (FX) “Better Call Saul” (AMC) “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) “Homecoming” (Amazon) “Killing Eve” (BBC America) “My Brilliant Friend” (HBO) “Pose” (FX) “Succession” (HBO)
Freddie Highmore – “The Good Doctor” (ABC) Diego Luna – “Narcos: Mexico” (Netflix) Richard Madden – “Bodyguard” (Netflix) Bob Odenkirk – “Better Call Saul” (AMC) Billy Porter – “Pose” (FX) Matthew Rhys – “The Americans” (FX) Milo Ventimiglia – “This Is Us” (NBC)
Jodie Comer – “Killing Eve” (BBC America) Maggie Gyllenhaal – “The Deuce” (HBO) Elisabeth Moss – “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Hulu) Sandra Oh – “Killing Eve” (BBC America) Elizabeth Olsen – “Sorry For Your Loss” (Facebook Watch) Julia Roberts – “Homecoming” (Amazon) Keri Russell – “The Americans” (FX)
Richard Cabral – “Mayans M.C.” (FX) Asia Kate Dillon – “Billions” (Showtime) Noah Emmerich – “The Americans” (FX) Justin Hartley – “This Is Us” (NBC) Matthew Macfadyen – “Succession” (HBO) Richard Schiff – “The Good Doctor” (ABC) Shea Whigham – “Homecoming” (Amazon)
Dina Shihabi – “Jack Ryan” (Amazon) Julia Garner – “Ozark” (Netflix) Thandie Newton – “Westworld” (HBO) Rhea Seehorn – “Better Call Saul” (AMC) Yvonne Strahovski – “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Hulu)Holly Taylor – “The Americans” (FX)
“Atlanta” (FX) “Barry” (HBO) “The Good Place” (NBC) “The Kominsky Method” (Netflix) “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) “The Middle” (ABC) “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop)
Hank Azaria – “Brockmire” (IFC) Ted Danson – “The Good Place” (NBC) Michael Douglas – “The Kominsky Method” (Netflix) Donald Glover – “Atlanta” (FX) Bill Hader – “Barry” (HBO) Jim Parsons – “The Big Bang Theory” (CBS) Andy Samberg – “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (Fox)
Rachel Bloom – “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” (The CW) Rachel Brosnahan – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) Allison Janney – “Mom” (CBS) Justina Machado – “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) Debra Messing – “Will & Grace” (NBC) Issa Rae – “Insecure” (HBO)
William Jackson Harper – “The Good Place” (NBC) Sean Hayes – “Will & Grace” (NBC) Brian Tyree Henry – “Atlanta” (FX) Nico Santos – “Superstore” (NBC) Tony Shalhoub – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) Henry Winkler – “Barry” (HBO)
Alex Borstein – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) Betty Gilpin – “GLOW” (Netflix) Laurie Metcalf – “The Conners” (ABC) Rita Moreno – “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) Zoe Perry – “Young Sheldon” (CBS)Annie Potts – “Young Sheldon” (CBS) Miriam Shor – “Younger” (TV Land)
“A Very English Scandal” (Amazon) “American Vandal” (Netflix) “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX) “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime) “Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic) “Sharp Objects” (HBO)
“Icebox” (HBO) “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert” (NBC) “King Lear” (Amazon) “My Dinner with Herve” (HBO) “Notes from the Field” (HBO) “The Tale” (HBO)
Antonio Banderas – “Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic) Darren Criss – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX) Paul Dano – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime) Benicio Del Toro – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime) Hugh Grant – “A Very English Scandal” (Amazon) John Legend – “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert” (NBC)
WINNER (tie): Amy Adams – “Sharp Objects” (HBO) WINNER (tie): Patricia Arquette – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime) Connie Britton – “Dirty John” (Bravo) Carrie Coon – “The Sinner” (USA Network) Laura Dern – “The Tale” (HBO) Anna Deavere Smith – “Notes From the Field” (HBO)
Brandon Victor Dixon – “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert” (NBC) Eric Lange – “Escape at Dannemora” (Showtime) Alex Rich – “Genius: Picasso” (National Geographic) Peter Sarsgaard – “The Looming Tower” (Hulu) Finn Wittrock – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX) Ben Whishaw – “A Very English Scandal” (Amazon)
Ellen Burstyn – “The Tale” (HBO) Patricia Clarkson – “Sharp Objects” (HBO) Penelope Cruz – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX) Julia Garner – “Dirty John” (Bravo) Judith Light – “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (FX) Elizabeth Perkins – “Sharp Objects” (HBO)
“Adventure Time” (Cartoon Network) “Archer” (FX) “Bob’s Burgers” (Fox) “BoJack Horseman” (Netflix) “The Simpsons” (Fox) “South Park” (Comedy Central)
“Critics’ Choice Awards” are bestowed annually by the BFCA and BTJA to honor the finest in cinematic and television achievement. The BFCA is the largest film critics organization in the United States and Canada, representing more than 300 television, radio and online critics. BTJA is the collective voice of journalists who regularly cover television for TV viewers, radio listeners, and online audiences. 
Sarah Knight Adamson© January 15, 2019, member of the BFCA, article for Rogerebert.com
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