#thank uuu <33
wispscribbles · 1 year
I want to photosynthesize your art
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heck yea bud lets do it !!
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svedupelle · 6 months
hi henry !!! how are you today :)
hi hanan!!!! im good :) im currently suffering a sunburn so thats not fun but i am literally in brazil so i wont complain lol. i am learning portuguese tho lol
the ocean is so warm here. like it almost feels unnatural im so used to ocean and lakes being cold as balls in sweden. its sooo nice i want it to be cloudy so i can just spend every day in the water without worrying about the sun turning me into a piece of charcoal 😭
i also didnt bring enough appropriate clothes so maybe it'll be an excuse to go shopping hehehe. i want a hat.
hope ur well too :) i saw a colibri-like bird in some flowers the other day and wanted to snag a picture for u but i was too slow 💔 ill try harder next time ✌️
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zu-is-here · 2 years
For you
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numbaoneflaya · 1 year
Happy day of birth
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National day of mischievous behavior 😈😈😈😈😈
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thesungod · 2 years
*twirls hair* STOOP🥰🥰🥰
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sillysiluriforme · 6 days
I love your MLB horror(?) au so much, I honestly want to make my own au because of it
La Terreur's secret goal besides the anti-green eye propaganda is influencing the fandom to make more horror content, you have my blessing boy
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visionkept · 26 days
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FINALLY ! After skipping his banner last time and now, coming back months later, they got the THIRD COPY of their dear "best friend". Time to run though, LET'S GO ! They are running late for their Natlan adventure !
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venuslove-28 · 1 month
hey !! once again just wanted to tell you I love love LOVE your teen pack art ! it's so good I need it like tattooed on my eyelids
HOW AM I JS SEEING THIS OMG sorry for letting this sit in my inbox omg thank u sm, i want to make more soon bc I luv those boys :3
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synthbug · 2 years
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SILLY DOODLE FOR MY AWESOME MUTUAL !! I think we can have fun in spidey hoodies :3 as a treat🦋 <33 ALSO!!! LOOK AT HIS AWESOME ART AT @dotjpeg !! :D
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jrueships · 6 months
I'm shy but you're one of my favorite people that I follow on this app. You're so funny and I wish I could be half as clever as you. You've introduced me to a lot of interesting people and ideas! Just wanted to pass on some appreciation on this Saturday night. Hope you're having a good time 🥰
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psychicbergara · 2 years
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HELLO EVERYONE!!! it's that wonderful time of the year to fill in shyan bingo slots :D
since so many of you liked this year's bingo, i'd thought it'd be nice for yall to come up with some of the spaces for next year!!
so send some predictions either through my inbox or you can write it as a comment on this post. be as creative as you want (but nothing too sexual please ALDFJ make it somewhat reasonable as a prediction lmaoo). everyone can send in predictions until january 1st and then i'll make the final copy of the board.
me and the amazing/beautiful @littlekingbergara already added in some new predictions and some from the previous bingo. feel free to use these as inspiration or as a reference <3
have fun with it everyone!! so excited for next year 🥰
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bueris · 4 months
Ness sends Kaiser a picture of the gay oars from Puppet History and captions it "us"
hmmm google gay oars puppet history
yes every year on the first of june without fail, micha expects it and tries to predict what time that message comes through and actually gets pretty pumped when he gets it right (would die before admitting to it)
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verdiesque · 6 months
top 5 tebaldi recordings! (arias, duets etc., not the entire operas - unless you want to mwah)
I think entire operas would actually be easier but let's do individual pieces with the caveat that everything she does is my favourite forever and ever
1. Tu che le vanità
2. Pace, pace mio dio (you know the one (+son giunta from the same recording ))
3. Voi lo sapete
4. Phaedra's monologue (not an aria. Idc)
5. The Tosca scream in the finale <3
Bonus: Tre assi e un paio moment specifically, D'amor sull'ali rosee + Miserere, Porgi amor, La mamma morta, Suicidio and her recording of Vaga luna che inargenti and also literally every moment where she's being vulgar or whatever
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ireallydohateyou2 · 8 months
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breadmp3 · 1 year
🐮 hi! oh, it's my first time using this emoji. and i followed you just recently because i thought your username is so cute ♡ have a nice day
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silliemop · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
AWWW<333!!! TYY
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