#thank yoooouuuuu
f1-birb · 1 year
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soartfullydone · 11 months
Jumbo OC Asks! Riven - 🍊⭐🍐💧; Celeste - 🍒🔥💙🌸
[touches your face] thank you
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
I couldn't name her favorite meal to save my life, probably because Riven prefers variety. So she's become very enamored of the dinner-breakfast hodgepodge she and her da make for the pair of them and Krelyss. She's been trying many new dishes to accommodate Krelyss' tastes (who knew mushrooms could be used in so many ways?) and getting to know some of her lost culture in the process. Even when the cooking attempt doesn't pan out, she enjoys the company above everything. Her home life has never been better. For snacks, she prefers most fruits. Citrus and apples and drupes. Dessert is where she likes to get fancy. Tarts, eclairs, anything with a meringue or mousse. Right now, she's in love with a blackberry mousse, served with gold flakes and mint. As for drink, well, it matters more who she's drinking with than what she drinks. Ale, rum, water, doesn't really matter, but whenever she does order some type of ale, it's because of all the warm memories and conversations she's shared with Delethil—and now also with Eravin and the party during their drinking games. There's nostalgia and comfort in the drink rather than a deep love for the taste.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
For a long time, Riven was deeply wary of all the things her da impressed upon her to be wary of: orcs, necromancers, duergar, the undead, and drow. But those fears were so distant and well outside the border. She was more afraid of Lunhaven becoming a cage for her, of being trapped into responsibilities she didn't want by people who neither liked nor respected her. She was afraid that her loneliness would kill her (thanks Britney). Ironically, the way she often dealt with this was to pick fights with her da before running off to be alone somewhere. As Del entered the picture, she gained someone to vent back and forth with and who made her feel valued, but she never left behind her tendencies to run and self-isolate. Now, she's afraid of new things. Of the wrong people discovering she's a glamoured half-drow. Of something terrible happening to Krelyss. Of ruining the relationships she's gained. Of the divide between Del and her friends growing so much that she can no longer bridge it, no longer allow the two halves of herself to intersect. Of one day becoming a mother and being, not only terrible at it, but also unable to protect and connect with her bairn when the glamour prevents her from looking like them. Would they think she was ashamed of them? Would glamouring them to protect them prove that thought right? She's getting better, though, about not running away and isolating herself. She's learning to trust the friends she has and that they won't eventually betray her or throw her away. She's not doing great at it. She's still taking on too much to prove her worth when she doesn't need to. But she's working through unlearning a lot of past behaviors and beliefs. There's still a long way to go, though. As much as people, in Aeranth especially, would find her drow form intimidating, Riven as she is isn't intimidating at all, even when she tries to be lol. But that's okay for a rogue. As frustrating as it is to be constantly underestimated, it's deeply satisfying when she sneaks someone to death with her 10,000 knives attack.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Riven performs positivity a lot, both to make herself feel better but also because she's desperate for people to like her. But inwardly, she has a bit of a dark humor to her, a bit of a resigned mindset about the way things are—and also a renewed sense of idealism for the way things could be. Her thoughts have recently taken a turn toward being more genuinely positive, but her adolescence and early adulthood was, well. Let's just say she had dreams but she didn't have a lot of hope. There's a vein of sadness that runs deep within her. Because of that, Riven's never had much of a plan. She believed her life would be decided for her regardless of what she attempted. But never being anchored to any one goal made her quick and adaptable, which led to her picking up the rogue arts so easily. It was in her wheelhouse and it was a small way to rebel. Del shared many of these qualities with her, part of why they took to each other so quickly, but Riven is the more openly impulsive of the two. She doesn't think things through sometimes, saying the first thing that comes to mind, and she puts her foot in her mouth often. It's only recently that she's learned to act strategically, and only because she earnestly cares. Ricocheting constantly between doing the honorable thing and doing the cutthroat thing, this one. Whatever feels right.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
She has no recollection of her first year in the Underdark, of Avenzi, Krelyss, her da's mad flight to freedom, almost dying to fucking pollen, none of that. I think the earliest memories she can manage are cloudy ones a few years after. Erosen carrying her while she was small enough and he strong enough to do so. So many of the estate staff having accents like her and talking to her in their dialect. Playing with dirt in the courtyard because she was "gardening." Her da reading to her. Part of why her relationship with her da growing colder and more distant hurt so much was because she could remember when it wasn't like that between them. She likely has some of her childhood dresses shoved in the dark recesses of her closet, the tulle awfully stiff, the velvet faded. All that costume jewelry either got broken, lost, or tarnished. I know for a fact Erosen still has her favorite children's book he read to her in his personal study.
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
The primary word that comes to mind is meaning. If a relationship doesn't hold meaning for her, Celeste is quick to dismiss it. She also expects relationships to inevitably end one way or another. There's no great mourning for her about this. It's just a fact of life and doesn't prevent her from pursuing new relationships. You can get plenty of use out of people between now and whenever that end is. That being said, Celeste vastly, shall we say, trusts and prefers platonic relationships over romantic ones. A lover might die for you, but a true ally would defend and kill for you. She had her fun and frivolity when she was younger, but longevity isn't built on fun and frivolity. You have to be able to make hard choices and sacrifice to get what you want. Can you pick up that she is incredibly demanding? And why shouldn't she be? Much is demanded of her, after all. What people expect from her depends. Enemies would declare her a snake and expect her to act accordingly. Those under the protection of her House know that protection isn't offered freely, but nor is it offered duplicitously. Her family knows she is exacting and cold, but she acknowledges talent and rewards good work done in service of the family accordingly. (Oh, but, a certain member doesn't agree and believes she's the root of every unhappiness in his life.) It's not all backstabbing and assassinations in Twalan. Loyalty can and does exist. In fact, Celeste has been in a Very Dedicated Relationship since she was nineteen years old :3 Of course, now Celeste is not in Twalan. She's in limbo with a bunch of capable yet sentimental eccentrics she's not expecting much out of outside their shared desire for resolution. She does not expect them to take on her problems and currently believes whatever issues the rest of the party has is their private affair. She doesn't much care anymore what others expect of her here. If people want to see her as just a frail old woman, it's their funeral—or it would be, if death mattered here.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Celeste likes order and tidiness. Distractions and amusements. Power and safety. Loyalty and comfort. She dislikes ambiguity and not knowing where the threat lies. She hates anything that changes masters like one changes their small-clothes. She's also not loving the way magic seems to be shifting away from the arcane toward the technological. Makes her feel obsolete and other things we won't self-analyze right now <3 As for colors, well, black, wine red, gold, royal blue, plum purple. She'd look great in white, too, but those days are behind her, I fear. She enjoys velvets, suedes, silks, and leathers. Feathers, too, but practicality must come first for now. As for music, she has a classical ear and vastly prefers beautiful, sweeping, even tragic stringed compositions over whatever noise the kids are listening to these days. She misses operas in her reserved box. What she never thought she'd miss was the sea breeze misting the air and the salt in her nose. So easy to take for granted! She'd settle for freshwater rain at this point.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
She wanted to not be murdered before she turned twenty. She wanted to matter. She wanted to be able to hurt others before they hurt her instead of the other way around. She wanted power, and security and safety in that power. She wanted to build something that would be sustainable without her. She did just that and was satisfied—until very recently. I think we can call the Worst Vacation Ever one hell of an unexpected turn, but it wasn't Celeste's first. There's a reason the party met her outside of Twalan, her birthplace and stomping ground, and there's a reason she hasn't flaunted her warlock status nor openly stated her family name. Leaving limbo completely out of it, Celeste feels more in the dark and unfulfilled than she's ever been. If it weren't for the sheer anger and indignity of it all, she would wonder why she should even care, about anything.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Celeste's voice has changed over the years. Now, it sounds lower, more throaty. She speaks with a bored drawl because she either IS bored or amused (it's also the upper-class snootiness coming out). Her laughter is restrained, haughty, condescending, pitying, or concealing. She might occasionally hum but doesn't sing. I don't think she experiences enough joy to either laugh genuinely or sing from the heart. Her accent is Twalanian nobility through and through, but there's something practiced about it, almost textbook.
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meat-wentz · 2 years
addition to your collection <3
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jann-the-bean · 1 year
Birthday hug for the birthday gal! Biiiig hug!
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I’m so sorry for responding so late
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I always wanted to draw Alexandros, and I finally did it! so here u go
it might look a bit messy because im in class right now, but i hope you like it
I love it. Thank you!!! @immagrosscandy
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ohhalefire · 2 months
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sparklestheunicorn · 10 months
16 for book ask!
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
Hmmmmmmmmmm I haven't read too many popular books this year, but I must say that Deathless and For the Wolf didn't really do it for me in their respective genres. They were good but I didn't find them that good ya know. Oh and lest we forget the farseer trilogy, that I only finished bc of the plot.
Yearly book asks
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gideongrovel · 2 years
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blue boy jumpscare!! 💙
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maelerie · 2 years
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💜
(no pressure to continue, just spreading some positivity)
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Getting these in my inbox makes me happy cry for hours 🥲🥲🥲💜💜💜
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covenofthearticulate · 9 months
🔍 something about the modern era not referenced in the books that you think Louis would find upsetting or confusing + why?
🚫 one thing you don't like about your favorite character in-universe (don't hold back!) (Sorry!)
🧛🏼‍♀️ design an outfit for Louis based on the following aesthetic or scenario: Wedding or whatever spousal commitment ceremony they have at court
🔍 Answered here and here :)
🚫 don't be sorry LOL I love to hate on Louis, he is my favorite loser <3 I think my least favorite trait about Louis in canon is his massive ego. Like honestly, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people paint Lestat as the arrogant one when in reality, Lestat uses arrogance to cover up his own insecurity whereas Louis genuinely believes he is the smartest person in every single room he walks into. Physically? He's weak and human and whatever. But intellectually? Louis thinks he's superior to just about everyone. Even when he meets Armand, he begs for enlightenment, but the second Armand disagrees with his philosophy, he calls him simple! LMAO THE ARROGANCE!!
Idk I've been thinking about this a lot ever since I started chatting with @headfrst4halos about it, but I think one of the reasons I find Louis so intriguing is that he's somehow so pathetic and humble but also incredibly entitled and arrogant in the same breath, and it's weird because with the amount of guilt he carries, you'd think he'd have a bit more self-awareness, but I think especially in IWTV he fails to hold himself accountable for his own actions over and over again, it's just exhausting LOL
🧛🏼‍♀️ OH BOY okay so while I don't agree with everything Anne said in her Hypothetical Loustat Wedding facebook post (I'm haunted every day by the idea of a weird vampire children church choir), I do agree that Louis would actually wind up dressed in black for this particular occasion.
I actually don't think he'd wear a full early 19th century frock coat, though; rather, I think he'd wear something modern, but inspired by that same silhouette. Cue: this Tom Baker coat that costs more than my paycheck LOL. It still sits longer and accentuates the waist, and I actually would want to keep the charcoal satin cravat— if I had to change one thing, it would be that bit of leather at the top of the lapel, but otherwise I think Louis would look so dashing in this!
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For a pop of color, I think he'd go for a waistcoat like this (sans tie). I love the dark emerald, and idk something about the floral print seems very Louis to me.
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I'm having trouble finding something that suits him because Louis is very much a silver tone, not gold. He wouldn't want a massive jewel, but something of a reasonable size, and square-cut, not circular. For the band, I don't think he'd be against something a little more ornate, but not too gaudy. The best thing I can find is sort of like a combination of these two styles:
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The one on the left I picked out because I actually like the wide emerald cut on the silver band, and the one on the right has more of an elegant filagree on a thinner band, which I see as more Louis' style— if it was silver, and didn't have those little flowers, I think it would be perfect.
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wcrden · 7 months
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starter call ! give this a like and i'll toss you a starter ( dw, they'll be smallish )
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green-planets · 8 days
5, 12, 22 for flat top x rusty mayhap :3
5. Who is the cheesier one of the two?
Rusty! He's super dorky :P He sends Flat Top pictures of things like two chickens hanging out and says 'look it's us!'
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real]
Rusty prefers calling! He's a bit old-fashioned and quite understand text abbreviations or emojis. He texts like a old man-- at first Flat Top mistook Rusty's overuse of ellipses and all caps as passive aggressive. Flat Top prefers texting but will put up with phone calls for Rusty's sake.
22. Love languages? How do they get around differences, if any?
Flat Top's are words of affirmation and physical touch and Rusty's is quality time. Freight trucks love roughhousing but with Rusty's chronic pain, Flat Top had to learn to dial it back
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
For the record, I adore you. When I do get the chance to write with you (when life isn't kicking my tail) I enjoy every moment. When I'm not writing with you, I love seeing how you portray the characters and how you make them feel as though it's them directly that is being interacted with. I love seeing how you bring them to life, and the ideas that are behind them.
Send me tumblr users you adore and why? | ✿
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🌸。*゚+. CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER !! These were meant for OTHER people, Kat !!! But thank you so much dfghjsk I appreciate it a whole lot.
To be fair, I also adore you and your muses ♡ Writing with your Zelda was such a delight. Our muses hit it off so well, Time was thoroughly smitten. You have a graceful way of writing her, and your creativity when it comes to writing your other muses was a joy to have on the dash!
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
Karin for that headcanon game?
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
Headcanon A: realistic
Ooooh I think Karin, depending on her circumstances, can be a sort of "jack of all trades", in which she can adapt to any situation you're putting her in, no matter the the skill, task or mission, and come out of it with fairly passable success. From a young age Karin was doing nothing but adapting to changes and making herself useful to survive, and so now she's most of the time a very reliable person and not so easily discarded by whoever she works with.
Her main interest, however, seems to be personal research and science, seeing as that she gets her own lab when she returns to work with Orochimaru. Morbid, silver-lining of her getting kidnapped is that she developped a new passion of hers. Her main deal is making scents, perfumes, to throw off other people, to make herself smell better or even to figure out how she can use them along with genjutsu.
In general she is a very curious person, and whenever presented with the opportunity to gain more knowledge, she'll take it. Shame she never got to listen to Hashirama talk about his backstory, she would've enjoyed it from purely a historical knowledge standpoint.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
There was one post that implied that Karin knew the secrets to the Uzumaki clan's sealing and contact with the dead jutsu but that she just kept it all to herself just to fuck with Orochimaru. I find that so funny.
But imo while it's funny, my idea of Karin is she knows some things about her own heritage but otherwise is in the dark about it because of Uzushio's destruction and her direct family being frequently displaced by war and being targeted for murder.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Again, not sure this really counts, but I see her attachment to Sasuke being on the same line as Juugo's attachment to Sasuke, though hers manifests more in a romantic/sexual attraction way. In the same way Juugo got attached to Kimimaro for showing him kindness the rest of the world barred him from, that's how Karin got attached to Sasuke after he saved her life. It's a case of her having a little crush, of her being so unused to any kindness because she's been treated like shit for so long and because her feelings for Sasuke are good, warm feelings that she feels she can hang onto safely without it being much of a problem to her. She knows he doesn't actually like her back like that, but leaning into the "normal girl with a crush" feelings is just... fun to her.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I'm so sooooo mad about Taka being reduced to comic relief in the war arc and Karin forgiving Sasuke so quicklu for the stabbing. I think she didn't actually completely forgive him and, while she still cares about him, after the war they're pretty tense with each other.
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pmd2ost · 2 years
ok everything is good actually thank you so much 😭
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Onyx, Barrayar, Alex and Sonder for the Character Bingo :) 💕 - Louis
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Barrayar is so funny I love thus little bastard uwu
Alex is blorbo in law
our Onyx is Great uwu Canon Onyx is funky and unhinged but ours is better
sonder is a leetle Baby he should suffer
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