#we have so much to cover and so much friction to create
magicalella · 3 days
Hi all!! For those of you who don’t know me, My name is Ella Griffin, I’m a 24 year old trans woman based in south florida. For the last four years, I’ve been working on a super special project that I’m beyond thrilled to share with you all: my debut novel, The White Liar. As a big fan of fantasy books, I’ve felt for a long time that there’s a serious lack of authentic trans representation in the genre. For years, I yearned for even just one iconic transfem hero in a high fantasy setting. The White Liar is my attempt to fill that gap in the literary canon.
As a bit of background, I am a massive fan of hard fantasy books with an epic scope and in-depth magic systems; such as Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books or Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea series. I’m also a big fan of gothic literature and character-driven classics like Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables and Anna Karenina, all of which have played an influence on this book. The White Liar’s setting is heavily inspired by celtic folklore, mythology and history with a feminist twist.
It’s a world where fae creatures range from tiny glowing insectoids to massive flying mounts and even humanoid beings. Yet, even the tiniest of these has the potential to unlock unfathomable magical potential through the art of Serimancy! Serimancy, the primary magic system of the book, gives users the ability to transmute or ‘spin’ the silk made by fae creatures into supernatural strength, telekinetic threads, and twelve other distinctive powers. Think Rumplestiltskin spinning straw into gold, but more vaporwave.
Without giving too much away, the book features a diverse cast of characters from all different backgrounds, including transfem, transmasc, nonbinary, aspec and disabled characters, although those aspects don’t always define their motives or character arcs. Mainly, The White Liar is a book about the nature of truth and identity; the ways in which our environment affects how we perceive those things, and the friction that creates with our own perception.
I would also characterize the book as a gaslamp fantasy like the Mistborn series or the video game Lies of P, with a baroque/art nouveau-meets-Bridgerton 19th century aesthetic. I’m a 100% independent author with a summary $0 budget publishing through kindle direct, and flat broke, so I would highly appreciate any and all support with this project, be it word of mouth or otherwise. The cover art is a digital painting created entirely by me and is canon to the book!
Thank you so, so much for giving me your time and attention. This book is my love letter to the queer community and I truly hope someone somewhere finds it hopeful or inspiring like I’ve found with the works that inspire me.
The White Liar is available now on E-book here:
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soartfullydone · 11 months
Jumbo OC Asks! Riven - 🍊⭐🍐💧; Celeste - 🍒🔥💙🌸
[touches your face] thank you
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
I couldn't name her favorite meal to save my life, probably because Riven prefers variety. So she's become very enamored of the dinner-breakfast hodgepodge she and her da make for the pair of them and Krelyss. She's been trying many new dishes to accommodate Krelyss' tastes (who knew mushrooms could be used in so many ways?) and getting to know some of her lost culture in the process. Even when the cooking attempt doesn't pan out, she enjoys the company above everything. Her home life has never been better. For snacks, she prefers most fruits. Citrus and apples and drupes. Dessert is where she likes to get fancy. Tarts, eclairs, anything with a meringue or mousse. Right now, she's in love with a blackberry mousse, served with gold flakes and mint. As for drink, well, it matters more who she's drinking with than what she drinks. Ale, rum, water, doesn't really matter, but whenever she does order some type of ale, it's because of all the warm memories and conversations she's shared with Delethil—and now also with Eravin and the party during their drinking games. There's nostalgia and comfort in the drink rather than a deep love for the taste.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
For a long time, Riven was deeply wary of all the things her da impressed upon her to be wary of: orcs, necromancers, duergar, the undead, and drow. But those fears were so distant and well outside the border. She was more afraid of Lunhaven becoming a cage for her, of being trapped into responsibilities she didn't want by people who neither liked nor respected her. She was afraid that her loneliness would kill her (thanks Britney). Ironically, the way she often dealt with this was to pick fights with her da before running off to be alone somewhere. As Del entered the picture, she gained someone to vent back and forth with and who made her feel valued, but she never left behind her tendencies to run and self-isolate. Now, she's afraid of new things. Of the wrong people discovering she's a glamoured half-drow. Of something terrible happening to Krelyss. Of ruining the relationships she's gained. Of the divide between Del and her friends growing so much that she can no longer bridge it, no longer allow the two halves of herself to intersect. Of one day becoming a mother and being, not only terrible at it, but also unable to protect and connect with her bairn when the glamour prevents her from looking like them. Would they think she was ashamed of them? Would glamouring them to protect them prove that thought right? She's getting better, though, about not running away and isolating herself. She's learning to trust the friends she has and that they won't eventually betray her or throw her away. She's not doing great at it. She's still taking on too much to prove her worth when she doesn't need to. But she's working through unlearning a lot of past behaviors and beliefs. There's still a long way to go, though. As much as people, in Aeranth especially, would find her drow form intimidating, Riven as she is isn't intimidating at all, even when she tries to be lol. But that's okay for a rogue. As frustrating as it is to be constantly underestimated, it's deeply satisfying when she sneaks someone to death with her 10,000 knives attack.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Riven performs positivity a lot, both to make herself feel better but also because she's desperate for people to like her. But inwardly, she has a bit of a dark humor to her, a bit of a resigned mindset about the way things are—and also a renewed sense of idealism for the way things could be. Her thoughts have recently taken a turn toward being more genuinely positive, but her adolescence and early adulthood was, well. Let's just say she had dreams but she didn't have a lot of hope. There's a vein of sadness that runs deep within her. Because of that, Riven's never had much of a plan. She believed her life would be decided for her regardless of what she attempted. But never being anchored to any one goal made her quick and adaptable, which led to her picking up the rogue arts so easily. It was in her wheelhouse and it was a small way to rebel. Del shared many of these qualities with her, part of why they took to each other so quickly, but Riven is the more openly impulsive of the two. She doesn't think things through sometimes, saying the first thing that comes to mind, and she puts her foot in her mouth often. It's only recently that she's learned to act strategically, and only because she earnestly cares. Ricocheting constantly between doing the honorable thing and doing the cutthroat thing, this one. Whatever feels right.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
She has no recollection of her first year in the Underdark, of Avenzi, Krelyss, her da's mad flight to freedom, almost dying to fucking pollen, none of that. I think the earliest memories she can manage are cloudy ones a few years after. Erosen carrying her while she was small enough and he strong enough to do so. So many of the estate staff having accents like her and talking to her in their dialect. Playing with dirt in the courtyard because she was "gardening." Her da reading to her. Part of why her relationship with her da growing colder and more distant hurt so much was because she could remember when it wasn't like that between them. She likely has some of her childhood dresses shoved in the dark recesses of her closet, the tulle awfully stiff, the velvet faded. All that costume jewelry either got broken, lost, or tarnished. I know for a fact Erosen still has her favorite children's book he read to her in his personal study.
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
The primary word that comes to mind is meaning. If a relationship doesn't hold meaning for her, Celeste is quick to dismiss it. She also expects relationships to inevitably end one way or another. There's no great mourning for her about this. It's just a fact of life and doesn't prevent her from pursuing new relationships. You can get plenty of use out of people between now and whenever that end is. That being said, Celeste vastly, shall we say, trusts and prefers platonic relationships over romantic ones. A lover might die for you, but a true ally would defend and kill for you. She had her fun and frivolity when she was younger, but longevity isn't built on fun and frivolity. You have to be able to make hard choices and sacrifice to get what you want. Can you pick up that she is incredibly demanding? And why shouldn't she be? Much is demanded of her, after all. What people expect from her depends. Enemies would declare her a snake and expect her to act accordingly. Those under the protection of her House know that protection isn't offered freely, but nor is it offered duplicitously. Her family knows she is exacting and cold, but she acknowledges talent and rewards good work done in service of the family accordingly. (Oh, but, a certain member doesn't agree and believes she's the root of every unhappiness in his life.) It's not all backstabbing and assassinations in Twalan. Loyalty can and does exist. In fact, Celeste has been in a Very Dedicated Relationship since she was nineteen years old :3 Of course, now Celeste is not in Twalan. She's in limbo with a bunch of capable yet sentimental eccentrics she's not expecting much out of outside their shared desire for resolution. She does not expect them to take on her problems and currently believes whatever issues the rest of the party has is their private affair. She doesn't much care anymore what others expect of her here. If people want to see her as just a frail old woman, it's their funeral—or it would be, if death mattered here.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Celeste likes order and tidiness. Distractions and amusements. Power and safety. Loyalty and comfort. She dislikes ambiguity and not knowing where the threat lies. She hates anything that changes masters like one changes their small-clothes. She's also not loving the way magic seems to be shifting away from the arcane toward the technological. Makes her feel obsolete and other things we won't self-analyze right now <3 As for colors, well, black, wine red, gold, royal blue, plum purple. She'd look great in white, too, but those days are behind her, I fear. She enjoys velvets, suedes, silks, and leathers. Feathers, too, but practicality must come first for now. As for music, she has a classical ear and vastly prefers beautiful, sweeping, even tragic stringed compositions over whatever noise the kids are listening to these days. She misses operas in her reserved box. What she never thought she'd miss was the sea breeze misting the air and the salt in her nose. So easy to take for granted! She'd settle for freshwater rain at this point.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
She wanted to not be murdered before she turned twenty. She wanted to matter. She wanted to be able to hurt others before they hurt her instead of the other way around. She wanted power, and security and safety in that power. She wanted to build something that would be sustainable without her. She did just that and was satisfied—until very recently. I think we can call the Worst Vacation Ever one hell of an unexpected turn, but it wasn't Celeste's first. There's a reason the party met her outside of Twalan, her birthplace and stomping ground, and there's a reason she hasn't flaunted her warlock status nor openly stated her family name. Leaving limbo completely out of it, Celeste feels more in the dark and unfulfilled than she's ever been. If it weren't for the sheer anger and indignity of it all, she would wonder why she should even care, about anything.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Celeste's voice has changed over the years. Now, it sounds lower, more throaty. She speaks with a bored drawl because she either IS bored or amused (it's also the upper-class snootiness coming out). Her laughter is restrained, haughty, condescending, pitying, or concealing. She might occasionally hum but doesn't sing. I don't think she experiences enough joy to either laugh genuinely or sing from the heart. Her accent is Twalanian nobility through and through, but there's something practiced about it, almost textbook.
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monstersflashlight · 2 months
Pavlovian response (Day 1/8 of 10k followers event)
Werewolf x fem!reader || dub-com, exhibitionism, public sex, knotting
It starts like a joke, but when it starts working… You keep doing it. You’ve been training him for what feels like forever but had only been a couple weeks. Every time you are excited and a bit horny, you ring the bell. With just a tiny ring, he’s ready and leaking, ready to fuck you senseless.
And it’s fun. For both of you.
Until you ring the bell one day by accident, and he gets to you with a raging hard on and mouth salivating already, almost feral. You laugh about it, and he looks at you confused and ready to fuck, but you just chuckle and tell him to calm down. He doesn’t like that, but you keep going through your day. After a while you start to give it a good though, and the more you think about it, the more you want to test it.
So you start doing every once in a while, alternating it with times you actually have sex with him. And it works every single time. You accidentally trained your werewolf husband into one of Pavlov’s dogs, they irony is not lost on you as you chuckle at the thought. Maybe that’s a bit offensive to werewolves, but so funny you can’t stop from giggling every time you ring the bell.
But then it goes south.
You are going to tease him like any other day, but you don’t look at the moon calendar before doing it. Teasing your werewolf husband any day is dangerous, but close to the full moon is almost suicidal. But you are dumb enough to not realize, to do it before thinking twice about it. You ring the bell and go outside, on your way to the pack meeting.
You don’t hear him approach, you don’t feel his heat, you don’t realize he’s behind you until his chest is covering your back and you are being pushed to the ground and he starts grinding his monstrous hard on against the seam of your clothed pussy.
You moan without having time to stop it, and he growls. That shouldn’t make you as wet as it does, but as soon as you hear him you are soaking your panties and wanting to rock back into his dick. You try to break free of him, but you feel his clawed hands against your back, pushing you to the ground as he pushes your ass up. You are in complete submission as he manhandles you until you are panting on the ground and your pants and panties are wet with his precum. He’s leaking so much you can hear it against your clothes.
“We- The pack… The pack-meeting,” you get out as he keeps grinding against your center, making your brain fuzzy and your body thrum with anticipation.
“You think it’s funny?” He growls, his voice so low and dangerous that you had to swallow a whimper. “You think you’d get away with training me into your good pet?” You want to laugh, to cry, you are not sure. But his dick is pressing your clothes against your clit and creating the most amazing friction, driving you so insane.
“I- I’m sorry,” you apologize, your voice breathy and needy, completely messed up after the constant grinding of his dick against your center.
He laughs cruelly, his body cracking behind you. “No, you are not. You love being treated roughly, you love when I fuck you senseless… And now, you are going to get every little bit of that.” You feel him change before you feel his claws prickling at your sides. His body turning so much bigger, so much stronger. You are swallowed by the size of him, so big and feral.
“He- Here?” You ask, trying to focus on the fact that you were outside, close to the pack-meeting point. Closer to all your friends. And you were about to get fucked.
“Yes.” He growls against your ear, his fangs too big to fit his mouth, saliva dripping down your neck as he holds you down and tears your clothes away. Just like that you are naked against the floor and his dick is rubbing against your soaked entrance.
“Somebody could see!” You exclaim, a bit alarmed. He growls against your ear. You groan, his feral nature turning you on more than anything ever could. “They- they are going to see!” You repeat, but he’s too far gone for that. Too far gone to care about anybody seeing you.
“Let them,” he growls. His dick pushes inside of you as you cry out.
He fucks you like a piston, fucking in and out of your pussy like he’s the owner of it, of you. And you can’t stop the ah ah ah you are letting out every time the tip of his dick hits your happy place.
When everyone starts arriving, you want to melt into the ground, but also melt into him. The pleasure is so intense and it’s only heightened by the eyes on you. You are exposed, your pussy being fucked in front of everyone as you groan and moan uncontrollably. He fucks you ferally, no control, no finesse, no caress at all about your well-being, just using you as his full moon toy.
And everyone is watching.
You want to be embarrassed, you want to be mad at him, but in reality you are just hot all over seeing everyone looking at you as you get fucked. Most of them say nothing, some of them are rubbing themselves through their clothes. And you can’t stop the broken groan escaping your mouth at the sight.
You come. Just like that, with everyone watching how much of a slut you are for him. Everyone watching as you get fucked without an inch out of your life. When he starts expanding inside of you, you scream. He growls and bites the back of your neck, making you submit completely to him as his knot fills you. You cry out again, whimpering as he grinds his hips against your pussy. Someone laughs at your pathetic attempt of moving, and your face is hot with embarrassment.
He fills you to the brim, and by the time his dick deflates, there’s an orgy going around you, some jerking off, some fucking, everyone is in some kind of nakedness. He pulls out and howls, enticing a bunch of responses from the rest of the pack. He looks at your abused pussy, leaking and stretched and licks you clean with his long and raspy tongue, so inhuman in his transformed form. You groan and come again, crying out as everyone around you cheers.
He picks you up and walks away. “Never thought she was such a slut…” Someone says as your werewolf husband carries you away, his tail wiggling behind him as he takes you to his den, to your house, to keep fucking you until he’s satisfied.
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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         𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N and the triplets decide to go out for dinner at a pizzeria, but Y/N is cold and Chris becomes her personal heater.
REQUESTED?: Yes, from anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"Forget about it!" Chris's voice sounded in a ridiculous Italian accent, catching Y/N's attention, who was a little away from the triplets as she looked at the pizzeria's sign.
The girl turned around, seeing Nick holding the camera with both hands, the lens focusing on Matt and Chris, her own silhouette probably appearing in the background.
Y/N smiled at the brothers' banter as she rubbed her hands together, trying to extract some heat from the friction as she mentally cursed herself for her chosen outfit option.
When the boys came up with the idea of ​​trying a different Texas-style pizzeria that had good reviews online, she felt super excited. Her biggest hobby was discovering new restaurants, so much so that in LA, she took the boys with her at least once a week to have dinner out.
But she completely forgot that she wasn't in LA and that the cold in Texas was intense, reaching 2°C. And that was precisely why she was so angry with herself, having chosen a short dress with a long sleeve that did nothing to warm her arms and left her collarbone exposed, a pair of pantyhose too thin to even be felt against her skin and a pair of high-heeled, short-cut boots that didn't even reach past her heels.
Y/N pressed her legs together as she crossed her arms tightly around her own waist, white smoke leaving her lips with each deep breath. She just hoped the pizzeria had a good heater.
"Yeah, so we're eating pizza..." Nick turned the camera so that the lens framed him too, starting to explain what they were going to do.
Chris turned towards the entrance of the restaurant as he looked for his girlfriend, missing her presence by his side. His eyes found her quickly, a smile stretching across his face, but that was soon replaced by furrowed eyebrows upon seeing her condition.
He walked away from his brothers and took quick steps towards Y/N, placing his hands on her shoulders, feeling the tension in the area, probably due to the cold.
"Shit, you're freezing, baby. I told you to change your clothes." Chris murmured, his voice sounding panickly as he ran his hands up and down the girl's arms, trying to warm her up with the friction between his hands and the thin fabric of her dress sleeve.
Even though his words were scolding, his voice sounded like a wave of heat through Y/N's body. She just shook her head, a whine escaping her throat.
"I forgot it was 2°C." She responded in a weak voice, her teeth chattering as she tried to run her hot tongue over her lips, wanting to warm them up, but to no avail.
"Look, we have a penguin with us today." Nick's voice sounded close to the couple in a playful tone, his hand still holding the camera on as a laugh escaped his lips, the lens catching the two of them and Matt, who was looking at them with his arms crossed and his brow furrowed, probably worried about Y/N's situation.
"Texas is so cold." The girl complained, getting closer to Chris looking for more human warmth.
The boy hugged her tightly, the momentary heat penetrating Y/N's sore muscles, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.
"Thanks." Her voice was muffled, her face pressed completely against Chris' covered chest.
His arms wrapped around her shoulders so perfectly that their bodies looked like a two-piece puzzle. The human heat that surrounded Chris's body embraced Y/N's one, creating a bubble around the two. A sound of appreciation escaped Chris' lips at the closeness, his hands caressing his girlfriend's cold back.
The boy bent down slightly, bringing his face closer to Y/N's, sealing his lips momentarily on her forehead before running his nose lightly over the sensitive skin, a shiver running through the girl's spine due to the coldness of the tip of his nose.
A few seconds later, Chris realized that his girlfriend was still shivering, slightly moving her away from his body, receiving a sound of complaint in response.
Chris just raised his right hand, silently asking her to wait. He brought his hands to the hem of his black hoodie, pulling it up and removing the piece from his body, the beanie falling from his head with the movement.
Matt bent down, retrieving the beanie as a smile stretched across his face.
"Chris is a true gentleman, guys." Nick started from behind the camera, a smile in his voice. "Don't accept anything less than that." He continued, adjusting the camera's zoom so that it focused on Chris, who was holding the hoodie in his hands. His body now only covered by his baggy jeans and two layers of black turtleneck sweater.
The youngest of the triplets completely ignored him, approaching Y/N, who was watching his movements with wide eyes.
"Babe, no! You'll be cold." She exclaimed, raising her hands trying to stop him.
"My priority is your comfort, gorgeous." Chris returned it, arranging the hoodie in his hands so that he could slip the piece over his girlfriend's head, being careful with her makeup, knowing that if he messed it up, she would be mad.
The boy helped her pass her arms through the respective holes, pulling the hem down and pressing the fabric against her body, trying to warm her up more quickly.
"I loved the style, very aesthetic." Matt commented from the couple's side, letting out a laugh. Chris smiled as he rolled his eyes, wrapping his right arm around Y/N's shoulder, pulling her close, her arms wrapping around his waist.
"Can we eat now? Please?" Nick asked, his voice sounding desperate. He was eager to try the meatballs he'd seen so much of in the reviews.
"This is literally the only time you'll ever see me with chapped lips, I'm in the fucking Tundra right now." Matt spoke quickly as he looked at the camera, his icy hand passing over his lips.
Y/N opened her black purse - which only had a lip gloss and a watermelon Space Camp lip balm - and took out the lip balm, handing it to Matt, who jokingly celebrated before thanking her, opening the package and passing it across his lips.
"Free advertising." Chris's sentence was the last thing the camera captured, besides the others' laughter and the little "go buy Space Camp" comment made by Y/N, before Nick turned it off and they finally entered the pizzeria.
extra - comments:
"Chris taking off his hoodie and giving it to Y/N because she was cold 😭"
"it's exactly because of Y/N and Chris that my standards are so high"
"yes Nick, we all know that Chris is a true gentleman 😔"
"can we take a few seconds to admire Y/N's beauty in that outfit? WHAT A WOMAN"
"Matt picking up Chris's beanie off the floor 😭"
"Chris hugging Y/N all worried and shit because she was shivering from the cold 🥺"
"Y/N lending her Space Camp to Matt after he complained about his chapped lips: the biggest advertisement you can have"
"Nick hire Y/N to advertise your brand right now!!!"
"MY PARENTS 😭🧎‍♀️"
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 months
Working For It
Pairing(s): Bruce Wayne x F!Reader x Selina Kyle
Summary - Bruce and Selina love to make you work for his cock.
Warnings - 18+ ONLY! Smut. Thigh riding. Fingering. Face sitting. Unprotected sex. Creampie. Multiple orgasms. Bruce and Selina are a little mean. Aftercare.
Word Count - 1.9k
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“Come on, baby. We both know you can do better than that,” Selina purrs from where she lays on the bed. She’s on her side, one hand supporting her head while the other is between her thighs, playing with her clit.
All you can do is whine and moan as you roll your hips, almost desperately, against Bruce’s bare thigh. His back is against the headboard, eyes dark as he watches you cover his thigh in your slick. His cock is rock hard, the head red and dripping precum. He quirks an eyebrow at you.
“I don’t know, Selina. I don’t think she wants my cock that badly.”
His words have you whining out of frustration. You do want his cock. You really do, but the slicker his thigh gets with your juices the less friction there is, making it harder to keep your pace and chase your pleasure. 
“I do,” you gasp. “I do want your cock! I want it so badly.” 
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you senseless?” he asks. 
You nod eagerly. You do. You really do. It’s been on your mind more often than it hasn’t all week and it’s been driving you crazy. But both of your lovers seem content with torturing you instead.
“Gonna be a good girl and come on my thigh then?”
“Yes. I want to be your good girl,” you mange to choke out. You try angling your hips differently, getting your clit to fully press against his body, but it doesn’t really work. Instead it only leaves you more frustrated than you were before.
Bruce must take pity on you because the next thing you know you’re being briefly lifted from his thigh while a towel is draped over his thigh.
“There we go. That’s better,” he coos. The hand on your hip, that’s been keeping you stable this entire time, gives you a gentle squeeze.
You have already started rutting against him again, the friction created by the towel giving you more control and feeling of it dragging against your engorged clit feels amazing and has you finally getting closer to your release. 
Bruce is enjoying the fucked out expression on your pretty face as you moan and fuck yourself on his thigh. You’re so goddamn wet that you have already soaked the towel, seeping through the fabric and clinging to his skin. His attention is pulled away from you as Selina moves. She pushes her tongue into his mouth and he moans into the kiss. His free hand comes up between her thighs, his fingers easily sliding through her slick folds and he pushes them up inside of her. She moans as she starts to fuck herself onto his fingers and he takes the opportunity to wrap his mouth around one of her nipples.
Your eyes are completely focused on Bruce and Selina. You love watching your two lovers kiss and touch each other. It adds to your own excitement, adding to the pressure building up deep inside of your lower stomach. Selina’s gaze meets yours, mischief dancing in those green eyes of hers.
“I think she should only be able to have your cock if she can cum in the next 30 seconds.” 
Bruce chuckles and it’s clear he’s agreeing with her. They both love torturing you so much and you’re so intoxicated by both of them that all you can do is listen to them because you want it. You want his cock. No, you need his cock. You need to feel him splitting you open and filling you up so badly, until you’re so fucked out you can’t remember your name anymore. 
“20 seconds,” Selina calls.
As mean as he can be at times, Bruce is still nice enough to keep a grip on your hips, continuing to give you the leverage that you need as you continue to grind your soaked cunt against him.
“Ten seconds.”
They both can tell you’re close by the way that your moans continue to grow louder and louder.
“5 seconds, baby. Time’s almost up.”
By the time that Selina reaches 3, you’re crying out Bruce’s name, your head thrown back and your eyes shut, as your orgasm steals away your breath. He catches you as you collapse against him, your head coming to rest against his chest as your body shakes and you trying to regain control of your breathing. As you come down from your high, catching your breath, he praises you and tells you what a good girl you are for them. Selina’s hands come to rest on your hips and she presses feather light kisses to your sweat soaked skin, adding her voice to his praises. 
Their words start to spark more heat inside of you, a growing need starting to build back up from deep within. There’s only one thing that you can think of that will help soothe it.
“I can’t believe the two of you timed me,” you mutter once you finally feel recovered enough. “I better get my reward.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Bruce replies. You feel Selina pull away and he gently flips your positions so that you’re now laying on the bed with him on top. He presses his lips against yours in a slow and sweet kiss. You sigh into the kiss as your hands come up to cup his face.
He pulls away sooner than you would like for him to, resting on his knees as he gets you to wrap your hips around him and he lines his cock up with your entrance. You gasp and your back arches as his cock starts to push inside of you. That delicious stretch as your body accommodates his large size has your fingers gripping the bedsheets. He bottoms out inside of you and stills for a moment. 
Selina kisses you before settling her legs either side of your head, facing Bruce. Her pussy is absolutely dripping with need, her clitoris red and engorged, poking out from beneath its hood. You swallow thickly at the sight, your cunt squeezing around Bruce’s cock, drawing a deep groan from him. You have to taste her. As you tug her down to get her to sit on your face, Selina laughs.
 “Always so eager to please,” she purrs, already gently rolling her hips. 
You answer her by wrapping your lips around her clitoris and sucking, drawing a moan from her. Pleased, you release her clit and lap up her arousal, groaning at her taste. 
Your groan quickly turns into a moan as Bruce slowly pulls out before roughly thrusting back into you. He sets a steady pace, each thrust making you moan against her pussy. You’re still so sensitive from your previous orgasm you can feel the pleasure quickly building up inside of you. Your nails dig into Selina’s muscular thighs in attempt to try and ground yourself.
Though you can’t see either of them right now, you know that they are kissing. Their moans and groans are muffled and his pace has slowed, letting the pleasure that's been building up inside of you slowly fizzle out.
As you roll your hips, looking for some friction and trying to get him to move faster again, you push three of your fingers inside of Selina and wrap your lips around her clit again. You know when you have found that sweet spot deep inside of her by the way that she suddenly gasps your name and her body squeezes your fingers while her thighs squeeze the side of your head. Her nails scrape against your skin and she rides your face more insistently, chasing after her high.
Bruce’s pace slows down even more. He drags his cock against the walls of your cunt, making sure you can feel every last vein, as he watches Selina fall apart thanks to your deft tongue and fingers. Her mouth drops open as she cries your name and her entire body shakes as her orgasm crashes into her. The sight is almost enough to have him cumming right there. She rolls off of your face, collapsing against the mattress as she breathes heavily.
He sees his chance and moves forward. Your mouth and chin are covered in her release. He can’t help himself. He licks a stripe from your chin to the tip of your nose, groaning softly at the tangy taste. You giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss and happily letting him push his tongue into your mouth. 
As the two of you kiss, Bruce starts to move again. This time faster and a little bit harder than before. Each thrust has you moaning wantonly as your nails start to dig into his back. The springs of the mattress creak with each thrust and his head comes to rest in the crook of your neck.
Slender fingers surprise you as they press against your overly sensitive clitoris and start to rub tight circles against it. You’re sure that you must be drawing blood as the grip you have on him tightens the closer you get to your climax. Pleasure is thrumming through every inch of you and you know he’s as close as you are. His thrusts are growing sloppy and his usually grunts and groans are turning into moans of your name.
“Come on, baby. Let go.” 
You have no idea which one of you Selina is actually talking to. Perhaps both of you? In the end it doesn’t really matter. You get there first, your body locking up and squeezing his cock as the edges of your vision turn fuzzy and all you can hear is your heart thumping away in your ears. Bruce falls straight over the edge with you, the squeezing of your cunt too much for him, and he buries himself as deep as he can, as he fills your pussy with his cum.
By the time you come back to your senses, Bruce has already pulled out of you and is cleaning you up, while Selina has your head resting in her lap and is gently stroking your hair. The feeling of the damp washcloth coming in contact with your pussy has a sharp gasp leaving you as you realise just how sore you are down there. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he murmurs before pressing a kiss to your knee. “Got a bath running for you. Should help with your discomfort.” 
“And I’ve ordered takeout from your favourite place,” Selina says. “You must be starving.”
“Sounds good,” you reply. She’s not wrong, you are hungry, and food from your favourite place sounds absolutely divine.
Your orgasms have left you completely boneless and exhausted, but it’s the good type of exhausted. One where you feel so content with your life and loved by the two people that you love most in this world. It also leaves you pliable and easy for Bruce to manhandle as he lifts you from the bed. You curl into his embrace, snuggling against his body, which has him chuckling. As he carries you toward the en-suite, you find yourself desperately fighting to keep your eyelids open as sleep tries to claim you.
The feeling of hot water washing over your body doesn’t help. It’s a battle the entire time to keep yourself awake. One that both Bruce and Selina seem to find amusing.
It’s only after your bath and your food has arrived that you wake up a little bit more. The smell of the food making your stomach growl and your mouth water as your body decides that eating right now is way more important than trying to get some sleep.
Once you’re full, you have no issues with falling fast asleep. Especially when you’re finally tucked in bed with both of Bruce and Selina’s bodies pressed against your own.
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lordprettyflackotara · 2 months
noise || ben drowned & jeff the killer || maid!reader || (𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪��𝓵𝔂pasta au)
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SMUT MINORS DNI 18+. tw: threesome, jeff’s an asshole, dom!jeff, soft dom!ben, humiliation, spanking, face fucking, you take a trip to paris, facial, orgasm denial, bondage
If your past self could’ve asked your current self how you had gotten in this position, you weren’t sure you could’ve provided an answer.
You were currently bent over on Ben’s bed, knees tucked to your chest as your hands were handcuffed behind your back. A silk blindfold was secured around your eyes, making everything you possibly could’ve seen now invisible. Jeff had asked Ben to tie you up before he got there, no longer in the mood for a chase. Now you had to silently suffer, listening to Jeff and Ben chat nonchalantly. Your cunt was soaking, your previous orgasm covering your slick. They chatted about you as if you weren’t there, the thick smell of weed indicating to you they were smoking.
“Yeah and then, she came on my dick without permission dude,” Ben finished, his story one full of the raunchy and explicit details of your affair with him. He handed Jeff back the blunt, Jeff’s preferred method of smoking. The pale killer chuckled darkly. “Funny that she’s that much of a brat, everyone around here loves to praise her,” He commented. The two watched you squirm, the handcuffs preventing you from doing much of anything at all. “You ask me we could probably find many more just like her. Ones that are more obedient too,” Ben replied. They grinned sadistically as you tried to clench your thighs to create some sort of friction. Jeff exhaled the smoke, passing the blunt back to Ben. “Maybe we should ask Slender for a new maid. I think this one is broken,” He snickered. This really got you going, the pleas falling off of your lips before you could stop yourself,
“No no no please, i’ll be good. Please just touch me. Use me.”
The boys exchanged devious looks as they approached you, Ben in front of you and Jeff behind you. You didn’t recognize Jeff’s large and rough hands, but you knew it was him by the sharp slap he delivered to your ass. “You gonna be a good whore then? Huh? Let us use you until you break?” Jeff huffed. You nodded profusely, Ben’s hand picking your chin up off of the mattress. “Whatever you want. Just please. I need this. I need you. Both of you,” You cried, silently cursing the restriction of the blindfold. You sighed in relief as you felt the bed dip, the clinking of belts music to your ears. Jeff ran two fingers up your slick, grinning devilishly at the sight of how wet you were. "I see you had fun disobeying Ben," He mused. You swallowed, licking your dry lips. "I-I didn't mean to, it felt so good," You explained. Jeff delivered a sharp slap to your ass, causing you to yelp in pain.
"I didn't ask you to speak, did I? Shut her up Ben," Jeff barked. You rolled out your tongue, Ben teasingly slapping the tip of his cock against your cheek. You whimpered as Jeff delivered another slap to your ass, your skin turning visibly red. "Arch that back for me slut," Jeff ordered. You arched your back as best as you could, your wrist scraping against the metal. Ben slowly slid his cock into your mouth, as Jeff teased and prodded at your cunt. He purposefully avoided your clit, exploring your folds delightfully slow. You whined around Ben's cock, the vibrations making Ben groan. "Such a warm mouth, fuck," Ben panted. Jeff grabbed the mounds of your ass, forcefully splitting them open. "I have an idea. Let's play a game," Jeff suggested. Ben shoved himself in deeper, his cock sinking into the back of your throat. Tears flooded your waterline, the blindfold soaking up the droplets. "You need some discipline slut. Since you like cock so much let's teach you in a way you'll understand," Jeff chuckled darkly. Your clenched around nothing in anticipation, forcing your jaw to go slack.
"Every time I spank you, you're going to count. If you don't or lose track, I think i'll fuck your other hole, got it?" Jeff asked. His thumb ran over your puckered hole, causing you to shudder from fear and arousal. You nodded profusely, Ben's cock sliding in and out of your throat. The first smack made you fall forward in a pathetic attempt to get away, your nose buried in Ben's bush. "One," You said, Ben's cock muffling you. It continued like that, each slap from Jeff getting rougher and rougher. Your skin was becoming tomato red, sensitive to the touch. Jeff teasingly traced the mound of your ass, watching you quiver. Meanwhile you were struggling to continue deep throating Ben, becoming light headed from the lack of oxygen. You weren't able to protest anything, Ben's cock relentless as it pounded into your throat. Jeff finally grew impatient, rubbing his tip up and down your slick.
"You're lucky i'm feeling kind today doll. Now shut up and take this dick," Jeff huffed. The pale killer was anything but gentle, slamming his cock inside of you. You struggled against the handcuffs, Jeff not giving you anytime to adjust to his girth. Momentarily Ben pulled out of your throat, grinning as you gasped for air. Your moans rang off of Ben’s bedroom walls, Jeff fucking you mercilessly. Ben smeared the remnants of saliva on his cock on your cheek, soaking in your sinful noises as Jeff pounded into you. “F-fucking shit, too much,” You whined, your wrist beginning to burn from digging into the metal of the handcuffs. Ben grabbed your chin, your blindfold finally being ripped off. “Too much? Cmon pretty princess we’re just getting started!” Ben said, giving you a devilish smile. Jeff relished in the feeling of your gummy walls clinging to his cock, milking him dry. “You’re gonna take it and you’re gonna like it,” Jeff grunted. His fingers dug harshly into your hips, you knew you were guaranteed bruises tomorrow.
You whined as Jeff’s balls slammed against your clit with each thrust, another orgasm boiling in the bottom of your stomach. Ben stuffed his cock back in your mouth, snickering at the sight of you fighting against your handcuffs. “Loosen up your jaw for me,” He panted, weak in the knees as your mascara trailed down your cheeks. The boys were relentless, pounding you from both ends. Jeff could sense you were about to cum, his evil grin curling upwards even wider. “Awe are you about to cum on my cock slut? Does taking two cocks at the same time really get you off?” He questioned. Your response was muffled by Ben abusing your throat, your thighs trembling as you attempted to hold back your orgasm. You didn’t want to give Jeff the gratification by cumming on his cock. Yet your body was betraying you, each thrust bringing you dangerously closer and closer to the edge.
“I think she’s holding back. Stupid slut doesn’t want to cum,” Ben commented. Jeff delivered another sharp slap to your ass, before abruptly pulling out of your cunt. You whimpered at the loss of friction, the pale killer watching your cunt clench around nothing. “You don’t wanna cum? Fine then, don’t cum,” He barked. He joined Ben’s side, the blonde removing his cock from your throat. You gasped for air, both men standing before you with their hard cocks begging for attention. “Stick out your fuckin tongue,” Jeff growled. You flattened your tongue across your lip, staring up at both of the men. Your heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, your smeared mascara now dried across your cheeks. Both of them pumped their cocks in front of your face, panting as they did so. “Fuck, gonna cum,” Ben sighed, aiming his seed to paint your tongue. The taste of salt danced across your taste buds as his warm cum slid down your tongue. “Keep that tongue out,” Jeff sneered. Ben’s cum traveled down your tongue, dripping onto the bed below. Jeff grunted your name as he came, purposefully aiming his seed to shoot across your face.
Both boys were quick to button themselves back up, leaving you a filthy and wet mess. “You know we forgot to get Helen a birthday present. His birthdays tomorrow,” Ben mentioned casually, as if they didn’t just take you to paris. You would’ve began to clean yourself up, if the fear of what they’d do to you if they disagreed didn’t scare you. So instead you felt Jeff’s warm cum settle onto your face, little droplets of Ben’s dripping off your tongue. “No worries dude, I have the perfect bday gift,” Jeff replied. He took out his phone, turning on the obnoxious flash and snapping a picture of you. He tapped away at his phone, before giving you a devilish smile.
“Better pack your bags sweetheart. You’re gonna spend the night at the Trenderman mansion.”
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jilixthinker · 7 months
as the self-proclaimed sub!skz ambassador, i felt the need to share my version to the internet just because this was boiling inside of my brain for too long, so... i am sorry ♡
content warning: sub!skz, dom!fem reader, unprotected sex, mention of subspace, dacryphilia, perv tendencies, overstimulation, light BDSM, boob sucking, mommy kink, noona kink, anal play (m receiving), cross dressing, feet play, lactation kink, food play, dumbification, pet play, choking, breeding kink, cum play, virgin, reversed corruption kink, sex toys, masturbation, oral sex (both receiving)
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➛ Han
- whiny™️. the word whiny was created for hannie himself. he becomes a sobbing mess after just one second of you touching him, even if it's not sexual;
- dacryphilia will soon become one of your biggest kinks, even if you didn't explore it before meeting him. he cries, pants, sobs and hiccups at every slight friction and will plead to not to stop, ever;
- tears are not the only thing making your boy messy. because he also drools. a lot. he does it when he is on top of you, face hidden in the crook of your neck, and when it's you topping him, cheek pressed into the soaked pillow under his head;
- with hannie you are gonna have multiple rounds almost everytime. he doesn't last too much, poor angel, because he is always overwhelmed with how warm and tight and wet you feel and he just cannot hold himself. he recovers very fast though, and he will happily suck you into his mouth in those few minutes of waiting;
- be prepared, because he is horny 24/7, and gets pussydrunk very quickly. he is up to anything you can give him? handjob before going to work? quickie in the restroom? filthy audios to keep him satiated? he wants it all;
- he has slight perv tendencies. it's consensual of course, and you told him multiple times that you are perfectly fine with everything he does, but he likes to pretend you don't know. the rush of adrenaline he gets by stealing your panties to bring them to work and taking dirty photos of you when you are not looking makes him feel dirty, and he likes it;
- since he cums really quickly and he is very horny all the times, i can see him being into overstimulation. he will beg you to keep circling the palm of your hand on his cockhead until he almost squirms away, and then he will cum for a second time in a few seconds;
- he has a filthy mouth, and he won't shut up under any circumstance. your neighbors probably hate you;
- he likes to be as submissive and yours as possible. he loves being your little toy to play with, and he will often ask you to finger his mouth as if it was his pussy, and to tie him so he cannot move to much and be completely under your control;
- he prefers when you ride him. he loves seeing you ravishing him and milk him dry, but especially because he just can't get enough of your boobs. when you stay on top he can bury his face on them and suckle at your nipples until your chest is all covered in drool;
- kind of obvious but he has a mommy kink/noona kink, and calling you that while you are fucking him makes his brain feel floaty and fuzzed. "Please noona, oh f-fuck, please - ah nnghh - p-please mama, mommy, let me cum, mama - uhh".
- he is into anal play, but for him. hannie will ask you to finger him, fuck him with your strap, rim him and put a plug in his cute wiggly butt at least once a week. he feels like your princess like that, he cannot help it.
➛ Felix
- here we have him, angel boy lixie. the softest, the sweetest, the embodiment of love. just a look at him and you would give him the entire universe;
- just as binnie, i think that also felix would be into cross dressing. he buys all the pink lacey underwear that he can find on the internet, and he pairs them with pleated skirts and high stokings;
- he will also add a few cute ribbons on his hair, and maybe a little bit of make up too. a rosey eyeshadow, shiny highlighter and glossy lipstick, better if sticky. he will let you fuck him without taking anything off, just pull the panties apart and slide his puffy cockhead on your folds until he cums prettily all over himself;
- he loves you so much he almost worships you. whenerver he is intimate with you, you will always find him looking at you fondly, tears almost prickling his eyes. he cannot help it, he just feels so much when you are together that he cannot believe how lucky he is;
- lixie has particular kinks, but he loves every single inch of you, and he will make sure to let you know. i have the feeling he would love feet stuff a little bit more than he wants to admit. especially when you are chilling on the sofa together, and your sole presses too close to his groin. he always feels a little aroused and filthy for the fact he enjoys this kind of stimulation;
- another mommy kink enthusiast here. he loves being cuddled and pampered by you. the nickname falls naturally out of his lips whenever you give him pleasure, and he sounds so innocent while doing it that it becomes an habit also out of the bedroom;
- lixie loves your breasts. he massage them to fall asleep and he suck on them as a comfort whenever he feels a little bit overwhelmed or fuzzy into his headspace. he like to be babied like that, to be lulled in your arms while he suckles softly on your nipples with pouted lips;
- and this led to his lactation kink. he is not ashamed of asking you to pretend to brestfeed him whenever he is stressed out. "b-baby please, gimme your milk, it was an awful day, p-please";
- he will need a lot of physical touch, such as holding hands, hugging and kissing. He loves every position in which he can be as close to you as he can;
- he wants and gives baby talk all the time. every cute nickname is okay for him, but his favorite are love, angel, sweetheart and sugar;
- definively into food play. he will take every chance to play with you while cooking and baking, sweet hiccups while you twirl your tongue on the head of his honey-dripping cock and lap at his sweet balls underneath;
- talks in 3rd person while in subspace. "uh- mommy, a-angel.. lix -uggghn- l-lixie is cumming, oh god, lixie is c-cumming".
➛ Seungmin
- i am a strong believer that seungmin is the hardest sub of all the boys. whenever he is in the bedroom his personality will shift drastically until he becomes a brainless needy thing;
- minnie is always so stoic and composed in real life that he just needs to let go. sex for him is the only way he can empty his head and give you the absolute control of his body;
- that's why he immediately falls into his subspace as soon as you get intimate with each other. he cannot conceive any other way of loving you than to give you complete power over him;
- i can see him being into light humiliation and dumbification. minnie needs to be useful for you and he will do anything to fulfill your desires. he gets off on the feeling of being your toy and your sexual object, and the embarassment he feels whenever you call him your dumb thing makes his head spin;
- for this exact reason, he is into pet play as well. he loves to be reduced as a silly puppy who needs to earn his treats. whenever you make him kneel in front of you to take food directly from your hands, his cock is always red and leaky against his lap. you often let him hump your calf and stop him just before he cums just to see him crying and pleading for you;
- after a few months, he will probably ask you to explore choking on him. you establish a few rules and safe words before you try that, and the way he just mewls while you lightly restrain his breath will convince you to do it more often;
- minnie needs to be owned. he will ask you to give him a tiny collar with your name on it, and he will wear it everywhere, even at work, hidden under his clothes;
- he always follows your orders diligently, but he enjoys his punishments a little bit too much as well. he pretends not to, because he wants to be your good pup, but he cannot hide the way his wet cock almost drools with precum every time your hand slap the soft fat of his butt, or the back of his balls;
- being so utterly in love with you, he will quickly develop a breeding kink. he cannot hold himself whenever he hears your voice tempting him, and he will cum the hardest if you combine it with a little degradation. "is my little pup ready to breed? mmh... i'm not sure. dumb pup is so weak to fill me up with his cum, isn't he? but you can try, puppy, you can try stuffing me full of your babies."
- and, of course, he is the weakest for cum play. especially if you let him lap his own release out of your folds after he emptied his load inside of you;
- another non verbal baby. as soon as you start pleasuring him, he will not be able to form a single sentence anymore. just sighs, sobs, soft moans and mewls;
➛ I.N
- here we go, another sub enthusiast here!! sweet, lovely innie is so happy of being with you that just cannot wait to try everything that he can;
- i can see him being a virgin before meeting you. not because he didn't have the opportunity of experiencing sex with anyone, but because he wanted to wait for his true love and be as confortable as possible;
- that's why he quickly develops a reversed corruption kink. innie wants - no, he needs - you to ruin him for good. he wants to feel little and inexperienced under your gaze. he wants to know that you are there for him, to teach him and guide him until he knows how to pleasure and be pleasured;
- after the first stages, he becomes unsatiable. he will ask for you to fuck him multiple times a day. poor baby will make up for all the time he lost!;
- he wants to try as many sex toys as he can. he will probably buy a bunch randomly without even know how to use them, and then place them neatly on your bed while waiting for you to show him the way they work;
- he gets pussydrunk pretty fast. he loves eating you out and fingering you the most. as soon as he is confident enough, he will ask you to sit on his face and ride his tongue until you cum on him;
- the prettiest soft grunts while you ride him or you manhandle him, "uh, nnnngh, ff-fuck, ahhh, oh g-god";
- thigh guy for sure. he goes crazy every time he sees you in a short skirt or in a tight pair of jeans. he will look at your legs so much he will almost go crossed-eye and will mentally pray for you to suffocate him with them as soon as you come back home;
- he loves to watch you masturbating. he will sit obediently at the foot of your bed, enraptured by the schlick sound of your fingers pushing in and out of your wet pussy, baby boy almost salivating at the sight;
- call him a simple guy, but he cums the hardest with sloppy blowjobs. he knows he has to stay still, but he usually cannot handle it till you give him permission and will end up thrusting in your mouth just a couple of times before you smack his ass and bring him back to his place;
- another noona lover here. he just loves the feeling of your experienced hands guiding him into pure bliss and to be called your pretty little boy;
- "noona, what was that? oh-ohhh g-god that feels amazing, p-please do it again."
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taglist: @jisunglyricist @hannahhhhs-things @hyuniehwa @changisworld @hyunjinhoexxx @yoobears @rockstrhanji @yongboks-stuff @taliavaleska @hw4-l1z @4-chan-inpadella @k-cock @biglipsfattits @vanillacupcakefrosting @simpity-wimpity
if you see your name in bold, it means that I couldn't tag you!
©️ jilixthinker, 2024. please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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causeilikelix · 9 months
always thinking abt thigh riding with (dom)felix 😭 like his deep ass voice saying degrading and teasing things omg 🧎‍♀️
UGHH yes please I need. He's got such great thighs dlsfkjsdljk
Like it would probably start off innocently enough. He's a sweetheart, as we all know, but that's definitely NOT what he's like when he gets horny.
SMUT under the cut. Minors DNI!
WARNINGS: Hard!Dom Felix (I think?), afab reader, thigh riding, one ass slap, name calling (slut, princess, baby, things of that nature), dacryphilia (?), orgasm denial (?), teeny bit over overstimulation, actions take place in a public place but no one gets caught
Like, maybe you came to visit him at the studio one night because he's practicing late. He's got a concert coming up and he has to practice his solo stage! But he works so hard.
You'd bring him coffee and a snack and you'd just stare at him while he ate. He's all sweaty and his hair is sticking to his face and it's just... so hot (I'm a Black Hair Felix supremacist so that's what I'm imaging lol)
Before you know it, you're crawling over to him and capturing his lips in a kiss. You don't even care that he tastes like coffee and sweat. He grunts into the kiss but kisses you back before you know it.
"Missed me much?" Felix chuckles
"So much." you press warm kisses down his neck.
"Why don't you show me then?" Felix's deep, tired voice made you throb.
You crawl into his lap and he spreads his legs to accommodate you. Your knees on either side of his slim waist, his hands on your ass, the heavy breathing while you make out. It's not long before you're grinding down on his clothed cock.
He shouldn't be so surprised that you want him, he's basically wearing lingerie. Gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Fuck, you want to stain them so that he's reminded of you every time he looks at them for the rest of the night.
"Get on my thigh, princess," Felix commands as if he can hear your thoughts. You follow his wishes and straddle one of his thighs. He pushes your skirt up and tsks at you. "You didn't come here just to bring me food, did you? What kind of slut wears this sorry excuse for underwear to the studio?"
Felix tugs at the flimsy thong that does almost nothing to cover you. you moan when the elastic snaps against your skin.
"Ride my thigh, princess. Prove that your slutty hole deserves my cock." Felix grips your hips and shoves your core onto his thigh.
You start moving instantly. The fabric of his sweatpants creates a warm friction that shoots up into your core. You moan as you work your core along his thigh. He grips your hips tightly and leans his head back to watch you lose yourself.
"Fuck, baby, this must have been what you wanted the whole time. Can't go a single night without thinking about my cock in you?" Felix chides. You shake your head, barely able to form a coherent thought. Pleasure sparks through your body with every grind. Your core clenches around nothing.
You whine and work yourself harder against him.
"There's absolutely nothing in your little brain right now except wanting to cum. You must want my cock that badly, huh?" Felix muses. His eyes are dark and hooded as he watches you shake above him.
"Want your cock!" you cry, burying your face in his neck as you get closer and closer to your high.
"Make yourself cum on my thigh first, princess, then maybe I'll consider giving your slutty hole what it wants, yeah? Gotta make sure my cocksleeve is wet enough to take me." Felix rasps in your ear. He palms himself through his sweats in order to get a little more worked up.
"W-wet enough! Want your cock now!" You beg wetly against his ear, pressing kisses on his favorite spot to try and entice him.
"You sure are soaking through my sweatpants, babe," Felix chuckles darkly, "Maybe I should make you stop. Keep you empty and desperate while I practice a little more."
"No!" Tears pricked at your eyes at the thought of stopping. You worked yourself harder against him to urge your high to come quicker. "Please! Need you, baby, need to cum for you."
"Need me? Desperate slut." Felix landed a stinging slap to your ass. He rubbed his palm over the red mark soothingly. "Should I make you stop? Dance a little more and watch you touch yourself? Do you think you could cum without me?"
"No! No I can't cum without you." You sobbed into his neck. He gripped your hips to work you against him harder. "Wanna come for you, just you! Want you to fill my holes all the time."
"That's right, princess, you can only cum with my help. Your little brain is just waiting for me to tell you to cum, that's why you can't now." Felix chides.
It's true. You can taste your orgasm in the back of your throat. Your stomach senses it approaching. Your thighs shudder with anticipation. But you can't fall over the edge. There's something holding you back.
"Please, please can I cum!"
"Fine. Cum on my thigh, princess, make a mess."
That's all it takes. Your thighs clamp around his and you let out a keening moan. Felix forces you to keep grinding on his thigh despite the bite of overstimulation. Your high washes over your body, making you shake in Felix's hold.
After a few minutes, your high wanes and you slump against his chest. Your breath heaves as you try to get some much needed oxygen from your pussy to your brain. Felix gently rubs your back and pulls your skirt back down to offer you some decency. He presses soft kisses on your cheek and neck wherever he can reach.
"Feel better?"
"Still want your cock," you mumble into his neck.
"Yeah? Then ride me, baby."
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bandgie · 10 months
Hey I saw your requests were open so I figured I’d shoot my shot. Can I request a fic Where Hyunjin really needs to pee and reader is joking around with him while straddling his lap and he keeps warning her that he needs to go but she thinks he’s kidding and he ends up peeing a bit and he feels kinda shy about it so reader tells him it’s okay to just let go while she’s on his lap. Then she starts grinding on him and he gets turned on and they fuck raw for the first time 😁
a/n: oh you're siicckk I love it
warnings: just read the ask man, MDNI 18+, established relationship, under the influence, fem!reader, dom-ish reader, soft dick hyunjin (lets fucken go), fluff mostly, PIV, no protection, come on you should know me by now!
1.4k words
Maybe drinking wasn't the best idea. You could only imagine the pounding headache that would come in the morning. However, you couldn't manage to care enough as you sat on Hyunjin's warm lap. His hands were lazily placed on your hips, softly rocking them against his crotch.
Another bad idea in getting wasted was that neither you nor Hyunjin had explored each other much. The relationship was still new, but that didn't stop either of you from grinding up against each other late into the night. 
Hyunjin could feel the excitement bubbling in his stomach. The feeling of your plush thighs on his, how your chest was pressed in his face. It sent a thrill down his spine to be this close to you, but there was a familiar pressure in his bladder that ruined the mood.
"Babe," his voice was velvety soft as he spoke. "I gotta piss."
You looked down at your lover. A confused look on your face as you replied, "Now?" He nods, looking at you like a dog who got his bone taken away. "Yes, now."
Rather than getting up, you grab the back of his head and force him between your breasts. He makes a mmf! sound then giggles at your behavior. "Babbeee," he drawls. "I really need to go." His hands tap your ass as an encouragement to get up, but you aren't having it.
"You just don't want to touch me," you pout. The alcohol must be getting to your head. You're not one to deny someone of relieving their bladder. Hyunjin, however, is too drunk to catch onto the playfulness of your tone. "Of course I want to touch you! I'll just go to the bathroom real quick and-"
Hyujin's cut off with a moan as you grind your hips down on him. You rock back and forth, trying to create some friction between the layers of clothes. "You can hold it." It's not a request, but a demand from you. 
He shakes his head, "I really can't. We drank a lot. I'mma piss myself."
This makes you giggle, "Big boys don't pee their pants." You ignore Hyunjin's whines as you lift your hips just enough to remove your skirt. With your white underwear exposed, he can see the small patch of wetness that's accumulated. 
"If you do wanna piss that bad, you can go here," you look down to your bare thighs. Your hands move from the back of his head to the front of his pants. He doesn't protest when you unbuckle his belt, zip down his zipper to pull out his soft cock.
You coo at the sight, grabbing ahold of his dick and running your thumb along the slight. "You really are drunk," you mumble. "Can't even get hard." Hyunjin looks both horrified and aroused. It's your first time seeing his cock, and he's flaccid. You, on the other hand, are beyond ecstatic to see it. 
The warmth of your hand makes his hips jerk upwards. He groans. "Fuck, I'm gonna pee on you."
No matter how many times Hyunjin's warned you, you're still shocked to see a yellow stream emit from his tip. He tried to cover his cock, but you quickly slap his hands away. His piss lands on his jeans, leaking into the material. The warmth seeps onto your thighs, all the way down until your white underwear is stained with a yellow hue.
He moans. Moans when he sees you covered in his pee, his fifth. Hyunjin expects you to jump off his lap and run to the bathroom. He's waiting for your disgusted expression, but he's surprised to see a wide smile on your face. 
You pump his wet cock, drooling. "Fuck it's everywhere. Peed on me like a dog, you're so hot." Some piss leaks from his cock as you stroke him faster. Your underwear sticks to your cunt, but you're certain it's more of his own fluid than yours.
Hyunjin whimpers, "I...You think it's hot?"
The uncertainty in his voice pulls at your heartstrings. Your boyfriend could do anything, and you'd find it endearing. He has you wrapped around his finger, and he doesn't even know it. "I think you're hot," you emphasize. "I need you in me now. I really wanna fuck you."
If Hyunjin was more sober, he would be horrified at the thought of having sex with you like this. He wanted your first time to be romantic. He wanted to take things slow and feel your body on his, completely nude. Still, he can't ignore the delight in how you pull your soaked underwear to the side.
His cock twitches in your hand. After his tinkle, Hyunjin feels himself getting hard in your soft palms. He helps you over his dick with his hands on your waist, slowly lowering you to his length. 
Everything is so easy, so perfect when his tip breaches your walls. There's not an ounce of pain as he fills you up. You shiver and place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. "Mmm so good," you moan. "Deeper."
Hyunjin complies eagerly, shoving the remaining inches of his cock. It nestles snugly in your cunt, the head kissing your cervix. As much as you would like to bounce on him, you stay sitting fully on his dick. You want to feel how the curve of him hits every spot within you. How your walls tighten and squeeze around his unfamiliar girth.
It's only when you've begun dripping that you move upwards. A few inches of Hyunjin's length slip out before you slide back down. He slides effortlessly in you, stretching you wonderfully. 
Hyunjin can't decide whether he wants to look at your face or where your bodies connect. He loves watching his cock disappear in you as you ride him, but he also loves your fucked out expression. How your mouth hangs open to moan uncontrollably, the way your nose scrunches when he thrusts his hips upwards, how your eyes look into his so dreamily. 
"Fuck," Hyunjin groans. This might not have been the ideal way he wanted to make love, but he'll forever save the image in his mind. Imprint the feeling of your body on his. He'll immortalize this moment in a painting.
Both of you are too tipsy to properly fuck into each other. Your thrusts are sloppy and they don't match. Sometimes you have to stay hovering while he grinds upwards to you. The sounds of his thighs clapping against the back of yours echo in the house.
You throw back your head when he decides to use you to his liking. He bounces you on his cock like a fleshlight, eyes crazed. With your throat exposed to him, he can't help but lean forward to bury his face into your neck. 
Without warning, he bites down. You cry out from the sensation, feeling his teeth pierce your flesh. The saltiness of your skin settles on his tongue and the primal taste makes his hips move rougher.
A warm sensation builds quickly in your stomach, and you find yourself flooding before you can comprehend it. The familiar pale yellow liquid spurt from your cunt, and sprays all over his lower stomach. 
Hyunjin laughs tiredly upon feeling the liquid stream out of you. He pulls his head back and looks down, seeing the mess. "Looks like I wasn't the only one who needed to go."
You babble incoherently, jumble 'sorrys' and 'don't stop.'
He chuckles again and focuses his attention back on your dripping cunt. The extra warmth and wetness only push Hyunjin closer to the edge. His grip tightens on your hips and he drives into you. His balls tense and his cock twitches, and for a moment he thinks about pulling out. 
But the way you're helplessly letting him use you and looking at him so endearing makes it seem as though you might get upset if he pulls out. So he doesn't, and he buries his cock to the base as he cums inside. 
You thought it was impossible for you to feel wetter, but you're proven wrong. Hyunjin's cum shoots itself deep inside to claim you. You feel gravity pull his arousal down and out of your pussy, dripping onto his thighs and the couch. 
Tiredly, you collapse on his chest. His arms wrap around you and pull you close, peppering your neck and cheek with kisses. Both of you find solace in each other's embrace, giggling and giving open mouth kisses carelessly. It doesn't take long for the cum and piss to get uncomfortable.
Both of you decide a thorough shower is much needed... and maybe another round.
a/n: this was pretty fun to write! little secret for ya'll, men can't piss during sex (unless they have a medical condition) so that's why I had him soft to pee. but tbh we need more skz soft penis appreciation. if you're with me say 'i'
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gojoidyll · 4 months
jing yuan x fem!reader
warnings | smut , tit-fucking. slight man-handling & dom!jing yuan
He was depraved, he was sure of it. There was no other way to describe what he was, who he was, and how he was acting in this very moment.
It had been a long and tiresome day at the divination commission and all he could think about and look at was you. You worked with the commission closely, and your uniform was as tight as ever. It would be no secret that many would stare at you, admire you, and undress you with their eyes from afar.
Jing Yuan should know because he was doing the same thing. He would always find himself wondering how you even got the uniform, but then would remember that he was the one who ordered you to wear it. Even being extra sure to give you a size that was a bit too small and would accentuate your tits and thighs more.
And, unlike the others who always ogled you, you belonged to him. You both have been married for some time now, so he made it clear to you how he was feeling throughout the day. Accidental caressing. Soft kisses on the cheek or on the lips. Or how he ordered you to fuck yourself on his fingers during a meeting he had (it wasn't an in person meeting, mind you. he just had to show up as a hologram. That's all.). And god did he enjoy how you would bite your hand to keep yourself quiet as you would rock against his deft digits that would dig and plunge deep into your cunt. Your walls squeezing his fingers as he would hit, curl, and scissor all the right places.
And now that night fell the Luofu, all the workers of the divination commission had clocked out. All except for two which just so happened to Jing Yuan and you, his lovely spouse.
"Fuck! Keep them together!"
He ordered you easily. Forcing you on your knees as you pressed your tits together as best as you could as he rutted his hips against your chest. His breathy moans echoing into the room - loud and clear as his dick slid between the tight valley that your breasts created for him.
He moaned at the sudden sensation as you helped work his dick. Pushing your tits impossibly tight around his cock.
You dart your tongue out, letting it flick against the head of his cock at each upward thrust. He couldn’t control his hips by this point, his movements becoming slightly jagged as he began humping against you harder than before. You began moving faster around his cock, syncing up with his thrusts.
Earlier, he thought you getting off on his fingers alone would be enough for the day. On how your cunt clenched each digit as he would curl, scissor, and stroke your inner walls, and massage all the right places. How you would roll and rock your hips, trying your best not to make a sound as he was still in a virtual meeting. But for fuck's sake. This was so much better, and he promised to himself that he would ravish you the moment you both get home.
You were struggling now to keep your hands tight around your cum covered breasts. Your grip loosening on each upward thrust he made, your tongue still trying to keep up. Jing Yuan needed more friction, craved it. In an instant, his hands let go of his desk. And instead rested his big hands atop your own, which were still trying to keep your tits pressed together. He squeezed you impossibly close around his cock, not even missing a beat in his thrusts. You whimpered at the sudden squeeze. You couldn't deny the fact that you loved this, craved it just as much as him.
"Feel that," he grunted, "I'm- I'm so close hah, and you better take it."
His words held a bit of a threat within them as you opened your mouth for him. His dick immediately leaving the slick valley of your breasts as he let go of your hands and went to grab your hair and force your mouth to wrap around his tip.
"Make me cum one more time and I promise that once we get home, it'll be all about you."
He glanced at the clock across from them, a slight chuckle escaping his lips.
He was depraved. He was sure of it.
"We're already past overtime. And I'm already getting tired, so you have five minutes to make me cum. Get to work."
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mrsportgas · 22 days
Ghost Ridders Chapter.6
PLEASE THIS IS +18, Pure Smut. You are warned.
#Summary: Eight years ago, you were taken against your Will to Mary Goise to become the new slave of Saint Roswald, or rather, to living a hell on earth. One day, while you go with  him on a visit to a New World´s  island in the New World, but a familiar face appears. This creates the perfect opportunity for you to escape, join the Whitebeard Pirates, and discover more about your past, your abilities, and who you really are. All  while you try to endure your new crewmate, Portgas D. Ace, who is incredibly annoying... or perhaps incredibly irresistible? You haven't decided yet.
This story is based in the world of One Piece, with the same characters and timeline. Of course, this story is fiction created by me. Some of the timelines, names, and characters might be the same, also some names, characters, stories, or even personalities may be altered. The story is happening pre-time skip, while strawhats are in sabaody for the first time.
The first chapter is an introduction to the current story, which begins with Ace as your central romance. (This romance may shift to other characters as the story progresses, but don't worry, there's still plenty of Ace to come.) The story is written in first person. Female gender, Y/N, but feel free to change the gender, name, or anything else that makes you more comfortable.♡
Previous Chapter
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My heart started to race. Ace reached my neck, giving small kisses and nibbles, sucking on every part. His fingers moved quickly over my body until they settled between my thighs, and while he ran his fingers along the cloth of my underwear, he lifted his head and his eyes met mine "If there's anything you don't like, just tell me."
I responded by nodding, focusing as much as I could. Because the heat that was beginning to form in my stomach was the only thing i could think of.
Ace started kissing me again with passion while he teased my heated core with his fingers. We were both moaning like crazy. He pushed my underwear aside, moving to my bare cunt, and quickly reaching my clit.
"Wow, pretty, you're so wet already. Is that all for me?" he said with a mischievous smile.
Without giving me time to respond, he slipped one of his fingers inside me. The sensation was pleasurable. Ace didn’t make wrong movements; he knew exactly how to move his fingers, where all the weak spots were, and how to touch me precisely to drive me to ecstasy. He inserted a second finger into me, causing the pleasure to intensify more and more, drawing another groan from my lips.
"Ace!" I moaned as my eyes reached for his. Ace pulled his lips away from mine while groaning and pressed his forehead against mine as I rode the approaching orgasm. "Does that feel good? Hmm?". He took his time there, taking care of every inch of my insides.
Suddenly, he stopped, pulling out his fingers, and with both hands, grabbed my face, kissing me fiercely.
"Y/N…" -My name sounded so good in his mouth that another small moan escaped my lips. The truth was that Ace rarely said my name, and I loved hearing it whenever it came from him, but it seemed he preferred to call me silly nicknames.- "You’re going to have to get on top of me, or the blanket won’t cover you properly."
I got up and removed the blanket to reposition myself, and without thinking, I also took off my underwear, leaving my body naked and exposed. His eyes, like magnets, followed my movements, scanning my entire body.
"You're beautiful,"- Ace said as he watched me and placed one of his arms behind his head to lean against the wall. My cheeks burned, and embarrassment took over as I realized I was completely exposed to him, but the needy feeling keep me going.
I sat on top of him, covering both of us with the blanket. Ace ran his hands all over my body, searching for my hips while he kissed me wiht lust, rolling his hips hard into my core, seeking for friction.
He moved his hand back to my clit, massaging it in small circles, the other hand grabbed one of my breasts, bringing his mouth to it and licking it gently as I noticed how his erection was now pretty tight under his towel.
I was a moaning mess, and Ace knew exactly where to touch me, but I needed something more. "Ace… I need more… I need you…" I managed to say, stuttering between that sea of moans.
Ace's face broke into one of his big cocky smiles. "Oh yeah? You’ve been good to me, hmm?" he said, laughing. "You're a brat," I retorted. He leaned into my ear and chuckle, "Princess, I'll give you everything you ask for and you know that." And with that, he untied his towel, letiting it fall under his legs. My heart fluttered at his words and for sure I was starting to develop feelings for him.
He was huge and hard, even though I had barely touched him. I sit up on his lap, lining up against each other.
He starts to rock inside me slowly; the mixture of pain and pleasure was taking over my body, but pleasure and desire were the only things I could think of.
He reached the bottom, and our heavy breathings increased with the anticipation of what was about to happen. Giving me time to adjust, Ace placed his hand on my cheek, caressing my lips. "You're so tight… you drive me crazy, you know?"
He positioned both hands on my hips, holding me with strength and firmness, guiding me in a slow motion over his member. Moans escaped my mouth as he slid smoothly, kissing my cervix each time. And each time, reaching my sweet spot.
I started to pick up the pace. Ace held me with one hand while the other roamed all over my body. His muscular chest glistened with the sweat running down his skin as we both increased the speed more and more.
We had both let the blanket fall to the floor, absorbed in our activity.
He starts rubbing my clit, and I ran my hands through his hair, gripping it. "Cum with me, babe," he said, and my thigts began to shake as my body lost control from the approaching climax. I could feel his cock twitching with pleasure inside me too. We were both on the verge of reaching our peak. The sound of our bodies colliding grew faster and faster, and the room filled with our moans. I could already feel my orgasm building quickly in the pit of my stomach, deep down. Ace must have sensed it too because he pulled me as close to him as possible with both hands, and with his lips on mine, he whispered, "Be mine."
The orgasm hit, coursing through my entire body as I came all over Ace's cock, which made him cum too, filling me up with his own release. Both our bodies trembled but held onto each other.
After a few minutes of catching our breath, Ace lifted me strongly, placing me on the blanket.
"I'm going to see if I can find something to clean us up…" he said with shy smile, quickly leaving the scene as if something was bothering him.
I stayed there, thinking about everything that had just happened.
Were those words real, or was it just my imagination? Why did he leave so quickly and embarrassed? Did he regret it? I didn’t quite understand his attitude. Although everything had been incredible.
"I couldn't find anything else, so, well, we can use my towel." Ace's words snapped me out of my trance of thought.
"It's fine, Ace, we can share the blanket… if you want."
We both cleaned ourselves up as best as we could and put our underwear back on. Our clothes were still wet, so I went back to the blanket, leaving some space for Ace. He settled on the blanket, trying to leave a few millimeters of space between us, looking everywhere but where I was.
"Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" I asked in a soft tone.
Ace turned, and the expression on his face softened with tenderness as he turned and wrapped his arms around me. "No, Rooks. We should get some sleep."
"Then don't act like a child," I replied firmly.
Ace's eyes lit up, and he let out a small chuckle. He placed the blanket around both of us, pulling me close to his chest. A few minutes later, Ace's soft snores were the only sound in the dark night.
The next morning, I woke up with a strange feeling, like something was missing. Ace wasn’t on the blanket. I opened my eyes a bit more and sat up, but the boy was nowhere to be found.
I went over to my clothes, which were thankfully dry, and got dressed, determined to find Ace.
As I stepped out of the cabin, I saw a figure in the distance running through the trees toward the cabin. It was Ace.
“We’d better get going. I don’t think they liked that I took this,” he said, showing me a manuscript while pointing to a group of pirates running in our direction.
The crew celebrated our return to the Moby Dick, cheering loudly. Marco approached me, giving me a big welcome-back hug, and although he didn’t say anything, I could see a look of relief on his face that I had returned safe and sound. The crew gathered around us, and I lost sight of Ace in the crowd.
That same night, we would reach another island. The crew talked about celebrating on the beach, but all I could think about was everything that had happened with Ace and his distant attitude afterward.
The full moon shone brightly over the beach, and I couldn't get Ace out of my head. Our glances kept meeting and then losing each other in the crowd, as if searching for excuses to watch him without being noticed. Suddenly, a shadow appeared beside me. Deuce.
"What's wrong, Y/N? You seem a bit lost," he said with a friendly smile, sitting down next to me on the sand.
I sighed, letting the drink in my hand rest in the sand. "Ace…" I murmured, staring at the fire, avoiding Deuce's eyes.
Deuce raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Ace? What happened between you two?" he asked, noticing that there was something more behind the furtive glances.
I hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to confide in him. After all, Deuce had always been trustworthy, and he probably had an idea of what was going on with Ace. I quietly told him what had happened during the mission: how we had shared intense moments, both physically and emotionally, and how, since then, Ace had distanced himself.
"I don't understand," I confessed, looking at Deuce with concern. "He seemed so confident, and now… That was my fear, Deuce—that everything would fall apart and there would be tension between us. I just joined the crew; I'd rather nothing happened with Ace than for things to get weird."
Deuce nodded slowly. "Well, Ace is complicated. Sometimes, when he feels something strongly for someone, he doesn't know how to handle it. He gets scared, you know? But if you really care about him, I think you shouldn't wait for him to make the first move."
"What do you mean?"
Deuce smiled, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "I'm saying that if you wait for Ace to stop acting like an idiot, you might be waiting a long time."
We both burst out laughing. "He's not very good at expressing what he feels, you know?" Deuce said with a wider smile. "Actually, I have an idea… How about we play a game? It might help you clear your mind and forget about him for tonight. You need to have some fun for a while."
Deuce quickly stood up. "I'll see if anyone else wants to play some dares. It'll be fun, you'll see."
I knew Deuce wasn't much for parties and even less for playing any sort of games, but the fact that he was trying to cheer me up made me consider the idea of forgetting about the whole thing for the night and just having a good time.
A few minutes later, Deuce gathered some of the crew members in a small circle around the bonfire, under the pretext that they wanted to relax with something fun. Most were enthusiastic, already relaxed enough from the drinks and good company.
Deuce took charge of starting the game. "Okay, we'll play dares. The rules are simple: if you're dared and don't do it, you´ll drink up your cup to the very last drop." Everyone laughed, excited by the challenge.
After a few minor dares—like making a crew member dance ridiculously or another run down the beach—my turn came. Deuce looked at me with a mischievous smile, and I already knew he was going to dare me to do something involving Ace.
"Y/N, I dare you to go to Ace, flirt with him, and kiss him."
The group burst into laughter and applause as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Ace, sitting a few meters ahead, unaware of everything, was talking and drinking enthusiastically with some crewmates and commanders.
"Maybe he's drunk enough to play along," I thought.
"Come on, Y/N," one of the guys said, encouraging me. "You can't back out now."
"This is going to be fun," added another. "I bet Ace sets his eyebrows on fire, no, even better, his pants."
The rest erupted in laughter.
I stood up as my heart pounded in my chest.
I walked slowly, trembling a bit from the nerves, looking back to see everyone watching me intently, though trying to be discreet so no one else would notice our game. Deuce made small encouraging gestures.
As I approached, Ace looked more and more. The truth was, I missed being close to him.
"Hi," I said warmly, though timidly.
Everyone in Ace's group turned to look at me and, with sweet smiles as they made some room for me to sit beside him. It seemed like the whole crew was well aware of our feelings for each other, everyone except us.
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zh0nggucc1 · 9 months
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Drippin Desires 1/2
Word count: 1.6k
Pairings: Mingi x Gn!reader
Content: Mingi is Y/N’s boss and he’s running late…
Warning: NSFW, public indecency, fingering, degradation, pet names (darling), dom!mingi, sub!reader
Splash! Droplets of the liminal greys above my head secreted its condensed layers. People scavenged around for any form of shelter, some even using the tops of their hood-less jackets to protect their heads from the harmless liquid. There was one in particular who caught my eye, the only one that could come out of this waterfall looking like a Greek God. If he wasn’t a Greek God he was surely blessed with all the beauty Athena had to offer
Song Mingi, unfortunately my boss. His brown, slicked back locks were beginning to fall down onto his carefully and beautifully, sculpted face, due to the rain weakening the gel that held his most likely, soft and luscious hair in place. A slight look of frustration painted his face before he glanced my way, replacing that sour look with a half smile. He soon approached me. We didn’t often catch the train together as he usually took the earlier train. I’m assuming he woke up late, putting him in this position.
“Good morning Mr. Song, are you running late?” I gently and professionally spoke to him. The rain dripping down his face enhanced his beauty by 100x, I could barely focus on anything but his stunningly shaped, pink, plump lips. They looked like they were itching to be kissed, I couldn’t bare it. “No need to be so professional, we’re not at work yet, call me Mingi.” He sent me a friendly smile. I couldn’t be friendly with him, I could barely resist ripping his clothes off on the spot. “I would prefer to be professional around you, sir.” As I finished speaking, the train had arrived at the platform. The moment the doors had opened, I swiftly hopped on hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. The train was rather crowded so we had both ended up in each other’s personal space. It was more than i could handle.
“Come on, you can loosen up around me Y/N, don’t have to be so tight~.” His comment caused a light pink to cover my cheeks. “I don’t think it is appropriate for you to be talking to me this way and please, call me ‘L/N’, we must remain professional, sir.” I remained calm. “What? You don’t like it when I call you Y/N?” He sent me a very subtle smirk. No, I fucking love it, that’s the problem…
“Please don’t call me that again.” I spoke in between a gulp. Mingi spoke up again. “But I like your name, Y/N.” That was it. “I said stop!” I snapped at him, just like an angry chihuahua. I immediately regretted it. I turned around, My back facing him, feeling slightly guilty for shouting at him. Seconds later, I felt something solid poke my backside. Was that what I thought it was? This can’t be happening, I won’t be able to resist much longer…
“S-Sorry…” He muttered, as he grazed his finger along my hip, his tone much less confident and much more timid. He held his head lower, the sensation of his rough breaths down my neck, sending chills down my spine. I know what he wanted and I wanted it too but it was so risky, especially here.
Fuck it. Any dignity I left was gone in an instant as I backed myself up onto his partially hardened erection. I could tell he enjoyed this as he had to clear his throat to hide any devilish sounds that were aching to leave his mouth. It was so undeniably sexy. I needed to hear more of his sinful vocals. They caused a familiar liquid to coat my panties. I pressed my thighs together, in attempts of creating some kind of friction to satisfy this unbearable desire to be touched by him.
I hurriedly, scanned around the crowded cart. Once I was sure no one was looking, I grabbed his abnormally long fingers from behind and placed them exactly where I wanted them, up my skirt, in between my thighs. Not a word, left my lips in shame. I was about to let my boss fondle me on a train.
I heard a scoff leave his mouth and felt the vibrations from his chest due to our close proximity. Gosh that was so sexy, I felt myself getting even wetter. I bit my bottom lip, my breath becoming shaky.
His head tilted, his lips grazing my earlobe. “What is it? You want my fingers, hm?” He suggested, his voice low and quiet. It turned me on more than anything. I gulped and nodded. “I want to hear your words, darling.” He stated, stubbornly. “Y-yes..” I quietly replied. “Yes what?” He smirked. “Yes please...” I desperately spoke. He let out a low chuckle, sending shivers down my spine.
His finger’s collided with my underwear using one gentle touch and with one rough pull, they had been ripped off of me. I gasped in disbelief. He muttered a careless ‘oops’ and placed lacy fabric in his other hand, so he was now able to give me what I had been desiring.
He swiped his middle finger across my dripping folds, causing me to let out a shaky breath. He soon located my clit, rubbing slow and gentle circles around it. It felt good, but i needed more. I whined quietly. “What? is it not enough for you? How about this?” He hastily shoved two digits inside of me, causing me to let out a loud gasp. My reaction brought a wider smirk to his face. It created a sloshing sound due to the wetness. His fingers were so long, they easily reached my g-spot. He pumped his fingers in and out, rapidly, hitting my g-spot every time. My body jolted every time he hit it. I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress my moans, hard enough to draw blood.
It satisfied him seeing me try so hard to keep my composure but failing miserably. “What a slut? taking my fingers so well.” He whispered, his lips, again grazing my earlobe. I wished those perfect lips of his could be all over my body. I wished for his tongue to replace his fingers ramming into my dripping cunt. Unfortunately, this was the most I could allow to happen. It was too risky.
His bulge rubbed against my ass as his fingers rammed into my clenching cunt. He used his thumb to circle my clit, rapid enough for an orgasm to be nearing. I couldn’t do that here… it would make a mess.
“Sir- I mean Mingi- I mean Mr. Song… you need to stop.. i’m c-close.” I stuttered, breathlessly. “So what? Why don’t we make a mess and let the whole world that you’re not as innocent as you make yourself out to be~.” He whispered seductively. As much as I loved this feeling, he had to be stopped. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of my skirt and just in time because our stop was approaching. Once the train had stopped, he leaned down to whisper in my ear again. “Meet me in my office on your lunch break, darling~” He got off of the train while I paused, almost forgetting to get off.
I hopped off and started making my way my usual coffee shop. I always stopped by there before work. As I walked in, I noticed a face i hadn’t seen before. I had grown quite fond of all of the employees, but this one I didn’t recognise. They must’ve hired someone knew. He was gorgeous, a little bit short, but nevertheless stunning. He had black, mid length hair, with a middle parting. He had a smile that could light up a whole room and quite a cute aura. I had been so focused staring at him, I didn’t notice that he was trying to take my order. “Ma’am, can I help you?” He gifted me a gentle smile, knocking me out of my trance. “Ah yes, so sorry! Could I get a caramel latte with extra cream?” I asked, He immediately typed it into the till. “Of course, is that all?” His voice was so soft and pretty, I could listen to it all day. “Yup that’s all, how much will that be?” I asked. “On the house… if I could get your number?” He flirted, looking me in the eye. He was confident, even more attractive. My cheek went a light shade of pink. “Eh sure why not?” I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up the keypad, handing my phone to him. He took it and swiftly typed his number in, saving his contact with the name ‘Joongie<3’. I read his name badge. His name was Hongjoong, what a pretty name. “thank you uhh-“ I cut him off. “Y/N, call me Y/N.” I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He passed my phone back to me. “Nice to meet you too, Hongjoong.” I replied. “Wait how did you- oh I forgot I wear a name badge.” He let out the cutest chuckle, to which I replied also with a chuckle.
After our conversation I waited, patiently for my latte. After it had been made, I bid Hongjoong a goodbye and made my way into my work building. There was nothing special about my job. It was a basic office job, nothing more to it, I sat at a computer all day and got paid to type. I can’t the pay was bad though, the pay was pretty good for what it was, it gave me enough to live on and that’s all that mattered. There was one thing I looked forward too everyday and that was eye fucking Song Mingi whenever he made a grand appearance however today I felt as if I had more than just eye fucking to look forward to.
I walked over to my computer, setting my coffee down on the table. I decided to take my phone out and message Hongjoong, just so my number would show up in his phone.
Hey! it’s Y/N, message me when you get the chance
I knew, as he was at work, it would take a while for him to reply, so I just got straight on with my work.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!! please give me your opinion and/or requests!! thank you for reading <3
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Really super awesome and cool shenhe smut
For my coworker who bought me ice cream in return for a smut. Thank you broski, this is for you
Tw/cw: afab reader, fem pronouns, shenhes very hot and sexy we love her, bdsm? She ties you up with red ropes, degrading, threesome with ice twin, mentions of morax, she threatens to crush you w her thighs its very hot, consent isn't said verbally but rather physically
Not proofread because fuck you
♧ Being an adventurer from Fontaine, your expectations were high when it came to scenery.
♧ It goes without saying that you had your fair share of dangerous encounters with random enemies. Treasure hoarders and hilichurls being the most common, usually the latter. You had always carried a small pocket knife with you just in case you had run into a sticky situation, but you'd usually run away before it could get out of hand.
♧ After a specific hilichurl encounter made you drop your knife, you had no choice but to climb up the mountain in front of you. Luckily, it wasnt a high climb and hilichurls don't have the brain capacity to follow you up. When you got to the top, you were amazed at the way it was flat at the top, with a large tree in the middle covering what seemed to be a tea table.
♧ As you started to walk around more, you find a small cave. Walking into it would reveal a glowing light and a young woman, seemingly your age. "And who might you be?" She asked, sensing your presence before even turning around. When she did finally meet your eyes, you were at a loss for words. She had this beautiful white hair, flowing down to her hips that was tied in a loose braid, and she was dressed in black fabric that fit her skin perfectly. She looked completely void of emotion and she just stared at you, awaiting an answer.
♧ "Just an adventurer who seemed to come at the wrong time. My sincerest apologies, I'll go now." Before you could start walking away, some sort of clone of the woman appeared in front of you. She seemed to be made of ice and had a talisman coving her face. She stood in the doorway you entered through, blocking your path.
♧ "Not so fast. Not until we're done with you." She says, looking at the figure behind you. "You're not from around here. You make it obvious. I should show you how punishment is served, maybe you'll learn your lesson." She's right in front of you now, looking down on you with her cold, soulless eyes.
♧ The white haired woman grabs a hold of your wrist and roughly pushes you to the ground, her ice twin lifting your hips up, working on getting your traveling gear off your waist. "Careful now, she's fragile."
♧ The Ice clone was done, leaving you in just panties and a bra, completely exposed to the both of them. Now then, where's my rope..." The woman says in a sarcastic tone. Her ice clone looks at her, slowly taking out a large amount of red rope. "Ah, here it is." She says as she gives you the most sinister grin you've ever seen. She begins to tie you up, your legs becoming joint at your thighs and ankles while your arms were bound at your wrists.
♧ "This will make it a much more pleasurable experience for the both of us." The woman says, her ice clone moving to now have you head laying on her thighs. The clone slips her hands under your bra, slowly pinching your nipples and rolling them in her fingers. The white haired woman looked up at your face as she knelt down in front of you, asking for permission. You give a desperate nod as she pulls your panties to the side, making it unbearable with how you can't spread your legs for her more.
♧ She licks a straight stripe up your pussy, making sure to give your clit extra stimulation. She moved her hands, one on your ass while the other slid down your stomach to in-between your thighs. Her hands spreading your legs out as far as possible, which wasn't exactly far, creating tension and friction. She begins to move her thumb at a steady pace as she slid her tongue inside you, slowly tongue fucking you. All this stimulation was too much, having this white haired woman between your thighs while her clone endlessly kneads your tits with her cold hands. You began to moan loudly, the woman between your legs slaps your ass in response, kneading it after to soothe the sting. "Shut it slut. Maybe I really should punish you. Crush you with my thighs, hm? Or would you like that, whore?"
♧ You began to bite your lip so hard it bled, but the woman continues fucking you. Trying to suppress any noise you make is torture, to the point you may actually combust. Arching your back, you can feel the knot in your stomach forming as both women continue to please you in ways you've never been pleased. As the white haired woman tongue fucks your pussy and stimulates your clit, she takes her tongue out and licks her middle and ring finger, slowly inserting them back into your pussy along with her tongue.
♧ After that the knot in your stomach broke, having such an amazing orgasm no amount of pain could stop you from moaning. Both women get up, the white haired woman staring down at you as she wipes her chin. "What would our lord Morax think?" She says in a cocky tone, watching as her ice twin unties you from the rope.
♧ Before you could even get up to get changed, a strange figure shows up in the doorway, casting a shadow on all three of you. It's... A bird? She doesn't look very happy. She sighs and puts her head down. "Seriously Shenhe? Again?" The bird says, leaving you in confusion.
A/n: eek
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muav99 · 1 year
Truth or dare Pt. 2-
Felix Smut- soft dom felix x sub reader, teasing, dirty talk, voice kink, swearing, unprotected (use protection) 🫶
“Shhh i’ll take care of you” felix hushes you and strokes your hair
“But we gotta be quiet, everyones in the other room” he says trying to ignore that the thought of the members hearing you makes him hard
Secretly you want them to hear. You’ve been in denial so long, but now in this moment felix is all yours. And you are all his
Felix leans in again for a slow but passionate kiss, he slides his hands up your thighs lifting you up on his lap again. He groans feeling you throb on his hard on.
“You’re going to be the death of me y/n” he says with a shaky breath
“Good” you say as you lean in reconnecting your lips, hands settling in his hair and around his neck
You feel him twitch under you and you stifle moan, starting to grind onto his jeans trying to create any friction possible
“You want me that bad baby?” He says in your ear sending chills down your spine. You whimper
“Do you like my voice y/n?” He teases
“Then i’ll talk you through it naughty girl”
“Fuck please move” he says beginning to become more desperate
You grind faster, He sinks his face into your neck placing sweet but sloppy kisses all down it. Nipping and sucking. Causing you to squirm. You’re a moaning mess. Not caring about anything else but this anymore
You start to get more desperate. You tug on the bottom of his shirt and he pulls it off. You stare and admire his toned body. Dancing really does the job. You slowly stroke your fingers down his body as he engulfs you in a deeper kiss. As if he swallows you whole. His grip on your waist tightens and you cant help but go faster. He moves your hips in circles. Now your grinding up against his dick, his jeans hit your clit. You moan loudly but Felix covers your mouth
“Quiet for me pretty girl, can you do that?” he kisses your cheek lovingly
You nod. His hands wonder under your shirt as his neck kisses get sloppier and more aggressive. You lift up your arms as he rips off your shirt in haste. He looks down at your chest. You start to cover yourself up feeling shy
“Y/n you’re beautiful, please don’t be shy I want to see all of you” he pleads sweetly
He thinks you’re beautiful? That immediately goes to your head. Feeling brave you unhook your black triangle bra and start grinding up on him harder. He latches to your chest placing kisses and creating hickies so dark you think they’ll last weeks. You’re both groaning and moaning and grinding on each other desperately. Felix begins to be impatient. He takes you off his lap and stands up. Quickly dropping his jeans leaving him only in his boxers. You try not to look but your drooling is very apparent
“Its all yours y/n, how do you want me?” He smirks looking down at you
“Felix!!!!” You squeal, smacking him in embarrassment
He chuckles putting out his hands to you. He gently holds your hands and helps you up. Keeping the eye contact he gets on his knees in front of you. His fingertips reach the band of your shorts and slowly pull them down, teasingly slow
“Felix I cant wait any longer. I want you” you say starting to feel needy
“Then you can have me” he says in response looking up at you with his gorgeous brown doe eyes. But god are they seductive
He stands up and pulls you into him, connecting you in another passionate kiss. You stumble but he guides you to your bed never letting go. You could kiss him forever. Its slow, but sexy. Not too much and just enough. And his lips are so soft. You both groan against each others lips. He lets go for a single moment and lays you down. Felix climbs on top of you and kisses your forehead
“I know we both said we want this, but do you still want to? I want you but if your not ready please tell me to stop” he says seriously looking in your eyes searching for any sign you’re uncomfortable
“Felix. Ive never wanted anyone or anything more. Please touch me.” You breathe out
“Don’t have to tell me twice gorgeous.” He dives into your chest kissing and nipping at your skin. It feels like you’re on fire
“Felix” you whine
He hooks his fingers around the waistband of your black lacy underwear and slips them off, throwing them somewhere in the room. Looking you dead in the eye his fingers begin massaging your clit back and forth, teasing you to the point of no end. You moan, shudder, and latch your hands on to his neck holding for dear life. His fingers run up and down and in circles around you. Your greedy hands move to his waistband and start to slide his boxers down. He wastes no time and stands up to take them off. He climbs back on top of you and your bodies connect in a kiss. He sucks and bites your bottom lip, tongue begging for entrance. You allow him in of course. You’re whining and whimpering against his lips. His fingers find your heat again and rubs your clit. His motions are sending you into overdrive
“I want you now felix” you say looking down at his throbbing hard on. He’s just as ready as you are. You’ve been friends this long. But you didn’t expect him to be this big you think
“Let me know if it hurts or you need me to stop okay?” He says lining himself up to your pussy. He slowly eases in and it throws you over the edge. He could practically cum this second
“God” he pants heavy breathing into your neck
“Please felix your voice is so sexy. Keep talking.” You plead as he slowly begins to thrust into you. You both are moving and swirling your hips. Your legs wrap around him trying to get him as deep as possible. And thank god for that dancer body because his hip movements. God
“Shit, you feel so good” he groans into your neck. “You’re doing so good for me y/n”
“Does it feel good” he teases? Seeing your head thrown back eyes closed in ecstasy
“Look at me” you try as hard as you can to look at him again
“Keep looking at me. Dont stop, keep your eyes open. I want to see your pretty face looking up at me.” He moans and starts to pick up his pace
The room is filled with loud, muffled moans and the slapping of your skin on his. You can’t imagine how lewd it sounds from the other room. But right now you couldn’t care less
You both close your eyes lost in it. Felix is rocking back and forth thrusting as far as he can into you. His face buried in your neck as he groans eyes closed now. Your legs wrap tighter around him starting to feel your high
“Felix im….”
“I know. Let it go y/n, you can let go now ive got you”
His pace picks up starting to get sloppier and more aggressive. His hands grip one of your tits massaging it, and mouth latched to the other sucking and flicking your nipple. You could scream. Your moans become louder and louder and felix strokes fast and harder into you. His finger goes to your clit and starts rubbing it in circles
You both are a moaning mess. Lost in the feeling of pleasure
“Felix im cumming……mmh” you moan out letting it all go
He groans in response making your neck vibrate. He pulls back to face you. You both moan in each others mouths as you cum. He pulls out and wraps you up in his arms. Both of you heavy breathing and move to a cuddled up position
“That was amazing” he looks in your eyes praising you and stroking your cheek
“It was wonderful feli…..” you’re cut off by the sound of whistling from the other room
“You owe me $20!!!” Hyunjin yells at Changbin
“Great job guys hahahaha” han yells and i.n is cackling
“GO AWAY” felix yells as the boys run back to their rooms giggling
You bury yourself in his chest mortified
“Next time maybe somewhere more private?” Felix chuckles his face flushed, kissing your cheek
“Next time?” You ask hopefully
“As many as you want y/n. I really. Like you” he blushes
Your eyes light up just looking at his face. Of course you like him too
“I’d like next time, and I like you too” you say shyly
“Good because next time there’s soju I want to be prepared” he laughs
You both crack up in each others arms, slowly but surely drifting to sleep
Soju is apparently good for more then just getting drunk
*My first time writing full Smut so I hope you enjoyed! I’d love to keep writing🩷🩷*
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masuchu · 2 years
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warnings. brat taming, f!reader, spanking, degradation, hard dom!zhongli, restraints, gagging w ur underwear
testing your boyfriends patience was something you enjoyed, even more so when he went over the edge ..
kinktober 22’ | navigation ⋆˙⟡♡
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“how many was that, love?”
“th- three! thank you, sir!”
another hit came rippling down onto your asscheek, giving you no recovery time from the last one. each smack brought more tears to your eyes, your cheeks stained red with tears of both arousal and pain.
how, you thought, did you end up here?
it all started early this morning, unfortunately for you, you had woken up in dying need for something to fill you up. the desire was only further fuelled on when your extremely hot boyfriend gave you a prolonged kiss, thumb stroking your jaw as he murmured something along the lines of “i’ll give you it later, darling.” (truth be told, you weren’t really listening, the word ‘later’ being the only important thing in your mind.)
after that small, but definitely memorable moment, you had made it your life goal to make sure that not only was zhongli riled up, but also that you got the dicking down that desperately needed— and deserved.
nothing went to plan. obviously.
now as you lay here, ass red and stinging, eyes glassy and aching, you deeply regret everything.
“i dislike causing you pain, [name], but when you do things like this i have to put you in your place. we have a contract.”
the memory of the bind you two made floods your mind, and all you can do is curse yourself for agreeing— which you don’t actually mean, but cumming just seems so much better right now. another smack come rippling down onto your ass, broken sobs escaping your lips along with ragged breaths. you can’t do anything, his hand presses down like weights against the small of your back and the most you can do is wiggle around and cry.
his hand moves and you can almost see him pulling it back, winding it up for extra friction. before he can hit, your hands fly to cover yourself, a small tap against your fingers being all you get as he slows down his blow.
“move your hands, love.” his tone drips with poisoned honey, and you make the horrible mistake of talking back.
“don’t wanna’..” you kick up your heels, struggling against him, your body burning with a small bit of fire left in you— a flame begging at you and begging you to be a brat.
“try again, [name].” now, this should’ve been an easy answer.
“i said, i don’t wanna’!”
or not!
zhongli works quickly, pulling off his tie with an unreadable expression as he creates a tight knot binding your wrists. a small “what’re you doing—!” leaves your lips, but shortly after he stuffs your mouth with your own slick-coated panties, the taste overwhelming you and filling your stomach with an eruption on butterflies.
“that was your last chance at an apology, i fear i have been far too lenient with you, dear.”
and harsh tug at the collar around your throat leaves you choking into the stuffed fabric in your mouth, looking at your lover with teary eyes and regret. you really fucked up this time,
“it’s time to show you how mean i can really be.”
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© 2022 masuchu, do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
“these are so wet aren’t you going to remove them?” with MOB!PETER bc of course
Warnings: fem!reader, oral (f receiving), edging. 18+
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You shouldn't be doing this.
The words kept repeating over and over again as you walked up to his house mansion. The little voice inside your head, the one that was telling your body to keep walking up to the door, overpowered the other, more reasonable voice.
It was just a package, that's all. Once you handed him the package, it would be over. You would go back home, making your father proud that his daughter was showing she was ready to take over the family business.
You shouldn't be doing this.
It was just a drink he had invited you in for. Just a drink. Once it was consumed, you would go back home.
You shouldn't be doing this.
He just wanted to show you the latest art piece he had purchased. He knew how much you loved art, particularly this painter.
You shouldn't be doing this.
He was just wiping off the remnants of the wine that was on your cheek. Despite his long, calloused fingers, his touch was gentle. His fingers trace over your skin, his thumb lingering underneath your bottom lip.
You shouldn't be- fuck it.
You dipped your head down ever so slightly, enough for your parted lips to close around his thumb. Those honeyed eyes of his that you thought about late at night widened. You simply continued to suck on the ring-adorned digit, going down to the knuckle, your eyes never leaving his.
Which was how you found yourself in a bed with your father's "colleague", Peter Parker.
"You look so good underneath me, doll," his whisky-smooth voice set your skin on fire.
It didn't seem like Peter wanted a verbal response, given the smirk on his face when you simply whined, back arching as he continued to grope your breasts through the thin fabric of your dress.
Going braless for this errand was a strategic choice on your end.
A large hand traveled down your stomach, pulling the hem of your sundress upwards, exposing the thin cotton panties you had on.
His name fell from your lips as a desperate moan when his thumb pressed against your clit through the fabric.
Shamelessly, your hips bucked up towards his hand in an attempt to continue receiving his touch.
"Don't worry, I got ya doll," He flashed you a grin that could only be described as wolfish before dipping his head down, his teeth latching onto one of your breasts, wetting the thin fabric of your dress.
Your hands clawed at his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself as his touch continued to make you wither and throb.
"You want more, doll? Gonna have to use your words." It was a treat watching you melt under his touch after enduring months of your teasing. Months of fleeting glances, short skirts, low cut blouses, feather-light touches.
Peter could afford to have some fun.
"C'mon doll, know you can do it," He murmured against your neck, his beard creating a delicious friction against your skin.
You wondered how that beard would feel against your thighs.
"P-please, need more. Need y-you. Peter, please." It was harder to speak coherently when his teeth were grazing against your skin, leaving marks and soon to be bruises.
"Good girl." You trembled at his words. His hand palmed the front of your panties, creating friction against your cloth-covered cunt.
"These are so wet, aren't you going to remove them?" He teased. A few moments passed before you realized that he was waiting for you to do it.
Hastily, you sat up, your shaking hands reaching down, thumbs hooking underneath the waistband of your panties.
His eyes never left your core, watching as you tugged your underwear down and off your legs. For a brief moment, you were about to toss them aside.
But then he stuck out a ring-clad hand.
Peter's gaze never left you, his mouth forming into a devilish smirk when you handed him the damp fabric.
"Now we can have some fun." Peter stuffed the panties into the pocket of his trousers.
Any protest died in your throat as soon as his mouth latched onto your cunt.
His beard felt heavenly against your thighs, scratching against the sensitive skin as his tongue lapped at your entrance.
Your hands tangled themselves into his hair, gripping the dark locks. The growl he let out sent vibrations up your body, making your back arch in pleasure.
"Peter," his name fell from your lips like a prayer.
"You know how long I've been waiting for you to say my name like that? To taste you?"
His words overwhelmed you, causing the coil in your stomach to continue to tighten.
"I bet I can make you fall apart with just one finger, what'cha think doll?"
Your mouth hung open as he thrust a large finger inside of you, curling against that spot that made you see stars.
The grip you had in his hair tightened when his lips latched themself to your clit, sucking lightly.
Fuck, he was good and yes, you could feel the smirk he had against your skin but you didn't care.
All you could focus on was the white hot pleasure that was beginning to course through your body-
"You have to leave."
A confused whimper left your lips as you looked up, Peter's body now hovering over yours.
You shook your head, "No, I was so-"
"Your father is going to start wondering where you are, doll."
Your hips canted upwards, meeting only air. He didn't seem concerned. If anything, the look on his face was mischievous, as if he knew something you didn't.
"But I-I-" His lips silenced you, pressing against yours.
You shook your head, placing your hands on his chest as you tried to speak, "Peter, please, I need-"
"I know what you need, doll," a hand placed itself around your throat, fingers hooking under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"Which is why tonight you're going to tell your dad that you're going to have some drinks at a friend's house and you're going to come over here." His other hand traced the skin of your inner thigh, getting close but never closer to where you needed him the most.
"We're gonna have a little sleepover, okay?"
You nodded your head in understanding, trying to focus on anything other than the ache between your legs.
"And don't bother bringing pajamas. You won't need them."
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