#god i wanna get back to playing celeste
soartfullydone · 11 months
Jumbo OC Asks! Riven - 🍊⭐🍐💧; Celeste - 🍒🔥💙🌸
[touches your face] thank you
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
I couldn't name her favorite meal to save my life, probably because Riven prefers variety. So she's become very enamored of the dinner-breakfast hodgepodge she and her da make for the pair of them and Krelyss. She's been trying many new dishes to accommodate Krelyss' tastes (who knew mushrooms could be used in so many ways?) and getting to know some of her lost culture in the process. Even when the cooking attempt doesn't pan out, she enjoys the company above everything. Her home life has never been better. For snacks, she prefers most fruits. Citrus and apples and drupes. Dessert is where she likes to get fancy. Tarts, eclairs, anything with a meringue or mousse. Right now, she's in love with a blackberry mousse, served with gold flakes and mint. As for drink, well, it matters more who she's drinking with than what she drinks. Ale, rum, water, doesn't really matter, but whenever she does order some type of ale, it's because of all the warm memories and conversations she's shared with Delethil—and now also with Eravin and the party during their drinking games. There's nostalgia and comfort in the drink rather than a deep love for the taste.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
For a long time, Riven was deeply wary of all the things her da impressed upon her to be wary of: orcs, necromancers, duergar, the undead, and drow. But those fears were so distant and well outside the border. She was more afraid of Lunhaven becoming a cage for her, of being trapped into responsibilities she didn't want by people who neither liked nor respected her. She was afraid that her loneliness would kill her (thanks Britney). Ironically, the way she often dealt with this was to pick fights with her da before running off to be alone somewhere. As Del entered the picture, she gained someone to vent back and forth with and who made her feel valued, but she never left behind her tendencies to run and self-isolate. Now, she's afraid of new things. Of the wrong people discovering she's a glamoured half-drow. Of something terrible happening to Krelyss. Of ruining the relationships she's gained. Of the divide between Del and her friends growing so much that she can no longer bridge it, no longer allow the two halves of herself to intersect. Of one day becoming a mother and being, not only terrible at it, but also unable to protect and connect with her bairn when the glamour prevents her from looking like them. Would they think she was ashamed of them? Would glamouring them to protect them prove that thought right? She's getting better, though, about not running away and isolating herself. She's learning to trust the friends she has and that they won't eventually betray her or throw her away. She's not doing great at it. She's still taking on too much to prove her worth when she doesn't need to. But she's working through unlearning a lot of past behaviors and beliefs. There's still a long way to go, though. As much as people, in Aeranth especially, would find her drow form intimidating, Riven as she is isn't intimidating at all, even when she tries to be lol. But that's okay for a rogue. As frustrating as it is to be constantly underestimated, it's deeply satisfying when she sneaks someone to death with her 10,000 knives attack.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Riven performs positivity a lot, both to make herself feel better but also because she's desperate for people to like her. But inwardly, she has a bit of a dark humor to her, a bit of a resigned mindset about the way things are—and also a renewed sense of idealism for the way things could be. Her thoughts have recently taken a turn toward being more genuinely positive, but her adolescence and early adulthood was, well. Let's just say she had dreams but she didn't have a lot of hope. There's a vein of sadness that runs deep within her. Because of that, Riven's never had much of a plan. She believed her life would be decided for her regardless of what she attempted. But never being anchored to any one goal made her quick and adaptable, which led to her picking up the rogue arts so easily. It was in her wheelhouse and it was a small way to rebel. Del shared many of these qualities with her, part of why they took to each other so quickly, but Riven is the more openly impulsive of the two. She doesn't think things through sometimes, saying the first thing that comes to mind, and she puts her foot in her mouth often. It's only recently that she's learned to act strategically, and only because she earnestly cares. Ricocheting constantly between doing the honorable thing and doing the cutthroat thing, this one. Whatever feels right.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
She has no recollection of her first year in the Underdark, of Avenzi, Krelyss, her da's mad flight to freedom, almost dying to fucking pollen, none of that. I think the earliest memories she can manage are cloudy ones a few years after. Erosen carrying her while she was small enough and he strong enough to do so. So many of the estate staff having accents like her and talking to her in their dialect. Playing with dirt in the courtyard because she was "gardening." Her da reading to her. Part of why her relationship with her da growing colder and more distant hurt so much was because she could remember when it wasn't like that between them. She likely has some of her childhood dresses shoved in the dark recesses of her closet, the tulle awfully stiff, the velvet faded. All that costume jewelry either got broken, lost, or tarnished. I know for a fact Erosen still has her favorite children's book he read to her in his personal study.
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
The primary word that comes to mind is meaning. If a relationship doesn't hold meaning for her, Celeste is quick to dismiss it. She also expects relationships to inevitably end one way or another. There's no great mourning for her about this. It's just a fact of life and doesn't prevent her from pursuing new relationships. You can get plenty of use out of people between now and whenever that end is. That being said, Celeste vastly, shall we say, trusts and prefers platonic relationships over romantic ones. A lover might die for you, but a true ally would defend and kill for you. She had her fun and frivolity when she was younger, but longevity isn't built on fun and frivolity. You have to be able to make hard choices and sacrifice to get what you want. Can you pick up that she is incredibly demanding? And why shouldn't she be? Much is demanded of her, after all. What people expect from her depends. Enemies would declare her a snake and expect her to act accordingly. Those under the protection of her House know that protection isn't offered freely, but nor is it offered duplicitously. Her family knows she is exacting and cold, but she acknowledges talent and rewards good work done in service of the family accordingly. (Oh, but, a certain member doesn't agree and believes she's the root of every unhappiness in his life.) It's not all backstabbing and assassinations in Twalan. Loyalty can and does exist. In fact, Celeste has been in a Very Dedicated Relationship since she was nineteen years old :3 Of course, now Celeste is not in Twalan. She's in limbo with a bunch of capable yet sentimental eccentrics she's not expecting much out of outside their shared desire for resolution. She does not expect them to take on her problems and currently believes whatever issues the rest of the party has is their private affair. She doesn't much care anymore what others expect of her here. If people want to see her as just a frail old woman, it's their funeral—or it would be, if death mattered here.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Celeste likes order and tidiness. Distractions and amusements. Power and safety. Loyalty and comfort. She dislikes ambiguity and not knowing where the threat lies. She hates anything that changes masters like one changes their small-clothes. She's also not loving the way magic seems to be shifting away from the arcane toward the technological. Makes her feel obsolete and other things we won't self-analyze right now <3 As for colors, well, black, wine red, gold, royal blue, plum purple. She'd look great in white, too, but those days are behind her, I fear. She enjoys velvets, suedes, silks, and leathers. Feathers, too, but practicality must come first for now. As for music, she has a classical ear and vastly prefers beautiful, sweeping, even tragic stringed compositions over whatever noise the kids are listening to these days. She misses operas in her reserved box. What she never thought she'd miss was the sea breeze misting the air and the salt in her nose. So easy to take for granted! She'd settle for freshwater rain at this point.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
She wanted to not be murdered before she turned twenty. She wanted to matter. She wanted to be able to hurt others before they hurt her instead of the other way around. She wanted power, and security and safety in that power. She wanted to build something that would be sustainable without her. She did just that and was satisfied—until very recently. I think we can call the Worst Vacation Ever one hell of an unexpected turn, but it wasn't Celeste's first. There's a reason the party met her outside of Twalan, her birthplace and stomping ground, and there's a reason she hasn't flaunted her warlock status nor openly stated her family name. Leaving limbo completely out of it, Celeste feels more in the dark and unfulfilled than she's ever been. If it weren't for the sheer anger and indignity of it all, she would wonder why she should even care, about anything.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Celeste's voice has changed over the years. Now, it sounds lower, more throaty. She speaks with a bored drawl because she either IS bored or amused (it's also the upper-class snootiness coming out). Her laughter is restrained, haughty, condescending, pitying, or concealing. She might occasionally hum but doesn't sing. I don't think she experiences enough joy to either laugh genuinely or sing from the heart. Her accent is Twalanian nobility through and through, but there's something practiced about it, almost textbook.
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fruitbasketball · 1 month
wnba recap 8/16
i didn’t get to watch a game last night bc i was watching paige and flau’jae coach high schoolers into turnovers but i got box!!! so here we go
seattle storm vs atlanta dream
i was surprised that atlanta squeaked this win out bc seattle actually is (dare i say it) a good team
but when rhyne howard drops 30 on y’all heads 😭😭😭 not much you can do i guess 😭😭😭 man i really forget jordin canada plays for atlanta now, but really solid contribution from that starting five
nobody was like exponentially ass this game either like… sure naz only got 6 points, but 13 boards makes up for it. ezi only scores 6 but gets 7 boards
except jordan… maybe jordan was ass
sds back 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 i misseddd herrr 🥰 GIMME 29 🗣️🗣️🗣️
29 for skylar, 21 for jewell, 16 for nneka, and NONE FOR NIKA MUHL
i am in pain.
dallas wings vs connecticut sun
nobody can save dallas atp. not even satou. lord what the fuck is THIS 😃😃😃😃
satou had 20/7/8 😃😃😃 rike shot 50% 😃😃😃 y’all cannot STILL BE LOSING
okay celeste! give us nothing! (2 points)
at with a triple flirt? we love to see it. plus marina with 17 in her debut game??? let’s see how you play with nai on the floor tho 😭😭 i’m playing but fr someone investigate that
yeah connecticut’s the best team in the league, and i say that because i hate watching the liberty
phoenix mercury vs indiana fever
bro caitlin clark is an insane individual. there is no other way to put it.
what do you fucking mean it’s your first game back and you put up 29/5/10??? on 50% shooting??? who ARE YOU???
and kelsey mitchell with 28?? lyss with a near double??? man y’all make me look GOOFY bc just two days ago i was talking about how good the merc look
dee bro… get another tech. nah go ahead get another fucking tech 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE GO A MOTHERFUCKING HEAD AND GET ANOTHER TECH SO HELP ME GOD
another 30 piece for kah 💀💀💀💀💀 and this is how you treat her 💀💀💀💀💀 i am going to bomb phoenix 😃😃😃😃😃😃
man y’all just out here with the sole intent of making me look dumb as fuck bro get it together
y’all wanna act fuckin stupid go play in the nba i’m TIRED OF THIS SHIT
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nostallicca · 1 year
The Memory Remains
~ Heavy rings hold cigarettes, up to lips that time forgets, while the Hollywood sun sets behind your back. And can't the band play on? ~
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Episode 6: Dim the light
Episode 5
Warnings: Alcohol usage, drug usage, smut, mental health
*2 missed calls from Celeste*
You had absolutely nothing to say to her at this moment. You had a good night and you were intending to keep it that way. You had no interest in listening to her logic and reason right now. Everything was so up in the air and you refused to get down.
The Hilton's was about ten minutes away. Room 301 at the Hilton's. Imma take care o' ya was on constant repeat, playing like a broken record in your head. You could not get the image of James on stage out of your head. He looked so good and he didn't even try. The black jeans, black t-shirt and black boots was all it took to make you go crazy.
Arriving at the Hilton's, you and Amanda skipped right over to the bar that was located at the very beginning of the hotel. Two vodka shots please Amanda called out. The bartender accommodated you with your drinks before going back to wiping the surfaces. Surfaces sticky with old liquor. You each downed one of the shots before moving over to the elevator. There were six floors of the hotel and you pushed the button to floor 6. That's where the rooms 300-350 were located. As soon as the elevator pinged you could hear muffled voices coming from one of the first rooms on the floor. Room 301 to be exact. The voices were being slightly drowned out by the music being played. Motörhead's Hellraiser.
You entered the room with almost shaken knees and you were met with an almost crowded room already. The room was a suite. Probably the master. It didn't take long until your eyes were locked on James. Now wearing a white t-shirt, some regular blue jeans with his hair slightly slicked back. He looked incredible. So incredible to the point where you all of a sudden started over analyzing the way you stood, the way you talked or the way you talked or the way your arms always felt misplaced on each side of your body. There were a bunch of girls in there doing everything in their might to get one of the guys attention. Sometimes being successful and sometimes being completely shut down.
James locked eyes with yours and he gave you one of his signature grins. That grin where half of his mouth was curved upwards while the other side of his mouth rested nonchalantly. He looked so cocky with this look on his face. It was making you burn up inside.
He strutted his way over to you before giving you a light hug, with one hand on the back of your head, lightly tugging on your hair. He smelled so good. Once again, that scent of slight leather and beer mixed with that perfume of his that you had yet to discover which one it was.
You look so good in that little dress of yours he said with much confidence.
You swallowed hard. Unable to keep eye contact with this man, towering over you. Thank you you respond in a low voice coated with innocence. Something you had realized was a weakness of his. You would look so much better without it though he said cockily while taking a big chug of his beer. Adding to the intoxicating smell of him. You let out a small giggle before pulling at the hem of your dress because you know those kind of shy actions appealed to him. You did it intentionally but somehow you made it look unintentional. He took note of this and let out a small groan before he pulled you closer to him so he could whisper in your ear. God I wanna tear that shit off you. You managed to let a out a slight moan at the sound of his voice uttering those words. Knowing that hearing a little moan escape your lips would drive him crazy. And it definetely did. Fuck it he said before chugging his beer and placing it on one of the tables and then he grabbed your hand and pulled you in to the bathroom.
He shut the door behind him harshly before he attacked your lips and immediately grabbed a fistful of your hair with one hand and the other reached up under your dress, tracing over your panties and your already throbbing pussy. Fuck...you're already soaking he says. I know... you whine. Get on your knees. You automatically comply and get on your knees, reaching for his belt, unbuckling it quickly. You take his already hardened cock in to your mouth, deep throating it immediately. Clearly incredibly eager for it. Almost pathetically. Fuck... he lets out a low groan, already grabbing your head with both of his hands, thrusting harshly and deeply in to your mouth. You feel hid cock get absolutely drenched inside your wet mouth. Everytime he pulls it out a little bit, drool comes running out of your mouth.
He pulls his rock hard cock out of your mouth abruptly and slaps it on your tongue a few times. You give the tip a peck before spitting on it, making it even more soaked in wetness. He takes the spit now on his tip and smears it around your mouth and on your cheeks. James grabs you and pulls you up on your feet before pushing you up against the bathroom sink, facing the mirror. You pull up your tight, black dress and move your panties to the side. The sight of him with his messy hair, a slight tint of red on his complexion, adjusting himself to line up with your aching hole. This sight is too much for you to handle. You can feel your pussy clenching around his tip already, making him grunt in that way that only he can.
He pushes every single inch inside of your and gives you practically no time to adjust at all. He makes you look in the mirror as he pulls your hair so hard it might actually fall out. Oh my god, yes! just like that you moan out laced with so much desire in your voice. You like that? yeah? you like watching yourself get fucked like this, don't you he says while pounding mercilessly into your burning hole. Ah yes...please James you whine out. God, you're such a desperate fucking slut for this cock...fuck! he groans before his movements starts getting sloppier and his breathing heavier. He gives the last few thrusts his absolute all before he comes inside you.
You rest your entire upper body on the sink for a while before you feel the cum starting to drip down your thighs. James buckles his belt, pushes his hair backwards and strokes his face before leaving the bathroom coldly. You grab some toiletpaper and start cleaning yourself up with some lukewarm water. Your hair is messy but you manage to fix that too. Luckily. You don't necessarily want everyone to know exactly what went on in there. Even though it might not be very hard for people to guess.
You managed to make yourself look presentable again before you walked out of the bathroom and back in to the party. Hyperaware of what you had just done you could feel everyone's eyes on you. Their eyes burning into you with oblivious judgement. You couldn't care enough though with the alcohol soothing your insides like velvet.
Jason seemed to have quite a serious conversation with a bunch of guys based on the look on his face. Kirk was playing the guitar with a bunch of girls seemingly very impressed of what they were seeing more than what they were hearing. Lars was cutting up some lines of what looked like cocaine on a plate, once again being the loudest man in the room. James was in the corner and the sight of him made your heart drop. Not in that way that you were now used to but in a completely different way. He was paying way too much attention to another girl in the corner of the room. He had the same look on his face as he had with you. It made you nauseous. Now, you weren't in love with the man but my god were you infatuated. He didn't give you a single look for the rest of the night except short, cold glances.
Was this it? now that he had gotten what he wanted from you, was he done with you? was he going to toss you away like so many others? did he see you like nothing but a groupie?
You could feel your eyes tear up and you didn't know what to do with yourself. You didn't want to leave because that would make you look like a pathetic little girl. And maybe you were? who develops feelings for a rock star at the peak of his career? that's the dumbest thing you can do. And well, here you were. You thought you two hade something different though. Something more.
You walked over to the minibar and started drinking away. Everything you could get your hands on. Wow, someone can drink, alright! some random guy blurted out. You then walked over to the middle of the room and started dancing. You and two other girls were the only ones dancing. And now with enough alcohol in your system you didn't care if everyone or no one was watching.
The only thing you could see in the corner of your eye was James walking off with his arms wrapped around two other girls.
You could no longer see clearly and everything was spinning. You could no longer control your body movements. The room felt like it was upside down. You tried to make your way to the bathroom but you could not walk in a straight line even if your life was depending on it. You ended up falling over and that was all you remembered before everything went black.
END OF EPISODE 6 - Everything's about to get MESSY messy!!! The next episode will be out next week <3
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - RIP Claudeleine
Here we effing go, y'all. 🤧
The coven tortured them b4 the were put on trial--W T F 😱
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Yep, in the rat box--what practical PURPOSE or POINT was there to put Claudia in there to get gnawed on by feral rats, other than sick sadistic viciousness? We know Celeste & Estelle used the Mind Gift on Roget--you mean they could'n't've done that to Claudia like Santiago did on Madz? You HAD to stuff her in there? EVIL.
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Daaaaang, they used a wombo-combo Mind Gift to tell her to STFU; her effing nose is bleeding!
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"In all their chilling premeditation"--yep, this is why criminals should never leave diaries or use social media! 😅🤦‍♀️ And omfg they let the audience read her diaries, I can't. 🫣 And the Baby LouLou fangirls aren't in the front row this time; effing fair-weather fans! 😒
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GOD the coven frikkin hamstrung them, too!? 😱 To the BONE!
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"Evil of my evil," SAY IT. Claudia laughing like she finna dance in his innards. "It moved Claudia, right up on her [HAMSTRUNG] feet," I was AGHAST. If y'all don't step TF back and give my daughter room to tear his a-hole wide open!
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I love how AMC changed Ghost!Claudia's legacy, cuz the diaries were all Lou had, which implied that Claudia died "hating his guts," as Daniel said in 1x7. But by regaining his memories of the Trial, AMC!Lou gets to see that Claudia actually went out DEFENDING him. The one she REALLY had beef with was Lestat. Ofc she resented Lou, but most of all she loved her Daddy Lou, and was traumatized seeing him broken like an EGG from an airplane that SHE tried her darndest to piece back together. And Lestat can't say EFF ALL, cuz he already admitted that he broke him to hurt him.
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(Girl we all know you ain't sorry, lol. But PREACH!)
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SPITE! 😫 Lestat was being SPITEFUL. Yes, this IS his big revenge; he DGAF about Claudia, he came there for Louis, YES! Did he expect Claudia to die? No, he EXPECTED Armand to get TF up and save ALL of them. But he DID go in there ready and willing to throw Claudia under the bus to get Louis out of there.
Claudia called herself "just a roof shingle" that flew off Loustat's townhouse, as she shuffles her way back to her seat. Chile, this whole audience us dumb as a pile of bricks to not notice that she's LITERALLY hamstrung. The unbelievable pain she must be in, omg.
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"Took the air out of the place with that one" EMMYS WHEN 😫 "Got a lot less fun real quick" EMMYS WHENNNNNN 😫
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("'RHIIISE!" Santiago's campy accents & pronunciations STAHP.) WHY ON EARTH would anyone wanna join this nasty AF coven after seeing the hypocritical effed up way y'all treat people!? Y'all shoulda just kept her hypnotized and made her say yes, which proves that y'all really didn't care if Madz joined or died anyway! She was just collateral; and I guarantee if she'd joined they'd've used her in their actual mock trial plays, making her relive her shame the same way they did with Baby LouLou.
I get that Claudia shook her head, only wanting Madz to join so she'd stay alive, but I'm with Madz--they'd've killed her for some bogus reason sooner or later. Might as well die with her companion.
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😭 MY COVEN IS CLAUDIA, TOO! 😭 Claudia finally feeling like someone in the world picked her first. 😭
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STFU Santiago. 😡
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STFU Lestat. 😡 (I had to make a separate post for this, cuz it's both ironic AF but also wildly in-character that Lestat of all people would mock Madeleine for doing this.)
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Flip them all off, yaaas! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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I was on the edge of my seat; I knew my BAMF daughter was gonna do or say SOMETHING crazy. 👀
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My daughter said "Until you do right by me everything you THINK about gonna fail!" 😤 Armand said moment of defiance; PLEASE! ALL HER LIFE SHE HAD TO FIGHT!
Rest in power, Claudia! ❤️👸🏼👸🏽👸🏾❤️
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My life every time a new IWTV episode airs.
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That's the same flute dude AND SONG playing when Armand set that Children of Darkness/Satan vampire on fire. Execution dirge WTF 😭
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The ultimate gaslight.
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Not Claudia embracing Madz as she singing that effing song take me out back and end it. 💔
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Look at Lestat's bish arse standing back there watching while HIS BLOOD DAUGHTER burns to ash--Mr. I Could Not Prevent It #2! The last thing she saw on earth was her deadbeat father not doing a effing thing to help her--
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--but Louis leapt through FIRE and a whole burning building to save his daughter; a girl he didn't even KNOW, and already loved unconditionally! Blood ain't thicker than water, eff what ya heard! 😤
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EXCUSE ME!? 😱 Santiago I hate you so much, wow.
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"Tweedley deedly dead" written on the mirror in Claudia's (or Santiago's?) booth at the Theatre; you can see her yellow dress in the corner too; omg this coven is nasty. That BETTER NOT BE her ashes.
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We been expected this my guy; the movie's like 30 years old and the book's 50+, be serious. But y'all did an AMAZING adaptation; adding in things I definitely didn't expect, like Claudia singing the song. 😭👌
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Claudia's the GOAT. 🐐
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I’d like to request Big sister headcannons(platonic of course) with Kyoko,Kaede,Mikan, Mahiru, and Sakura where their little brother got into a fight at his middle school and REALLY beat the dogshit out of the other kid because he was talking shit. the little brother got a few minor couple cuts and bruises but the kid he was fighting got SIGNIFICANTLY more damage. All his peers and classmates recorded the fight and it was all over social media such as snapchat and instagram so there was little chance the older sister wasnt gonna find out. The little brother walked in the front door with headphones on playing no music was looking down while frantically and quickly trying to walk to his room because he didn’t wanna get scolded by his big sister lmfao.(even tho Mikan doesnt seem like the type to scold)Even if they asked if he got in a fight he would attempt to lie and say no and make up some dumb excuse
Thats about it pretty much. Also I’m really glad you’re back, def one of my favorite writers of tumblr! Hope you have good rest of your day.
Hey anon! I'm so happy to hear I'm one of your favorite writers, it's such an honor. I've never gotten a sibling request before, so I hope I captured this in a way you like! Enjoy :)
-Mod Celeste
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Big sister! Kyoko, Kaede, Mikan, Mahiru and Sakura confrontation + comfort after a fight at school:
-You can't hide ANYTHING from her. She'd seen the video of course, and had an expression of "you're in trouble, mister!"
-Snatching the headphones aside, she'd calmly ask if there's something you'd like to say.
-There's no point in lying, her Detective senses are too good! So you cave.
-"Now, now. Don't get worked up... I want you to apologize to the school and leave that boy alone. I know why you did what you did, but you're better than this."
-Stern as she is, she still loves you. She'd patch you up and grab you some juice as a peace offering.
-More than anything, she was worried about you! Her little brother, in a fight? No way!
-A mutual friend had told her, and she was worried sick. When you got home, you didn't even make it to your room before she tackled you in a interrogatory hug.
-"Are you hurt?? What did he do?? WHY did you punch him so many times??" Realizing you couldn't answer suffocated, she'd let go.
-Begrudgingly, you explained. She sighed, concern evident in her voice. She put a hand on your shoulder and looked you straight in the eyes.
-"Listen, buddy. I know you're super strong about your morals, and this guy upset you... but let's be a little more proactive next time! I know you can do that."
-Kaede is the forgive and forget type, so no need to dwell on it. She'd play you your favorite song to feel better about things!
-Oh, she'd be worried sick. She was actually a part-time nurse at your school, so she found out before you could even get home.
-"y/n to the nurse's office please!" Oh God, who let her use the PA? She would only ever be outspoken for you.
-You skulk to the office, annoyed. She sees you crashes into your bag, aiming to hug you... and missing, of course.
-Mikan didn't care about the circumstances, the motive, any of that. She wept (more like a sob in her case) and asked where you were hurt, what you needed, and if you were okay.
-She got to work before you could even answer. Ditzy as she is, nursing is still her talent.
-Afterwards, she'd try to find the right words. Mikan is constantly trying to be the best big sister, even if she doesn't really know how. "Uh, sweetie... I know you didn't mean to get in trouble, but, um, you know violence isn't right! It's my job to help patch up people, and well... I don't want you to end up in here again!!! Understand?" The last part was more of a feeble plea.
-You couldn't stand to see your sister sad, so you agreed. That day you left school with more sugar-free lollipops than you could eat.
-She does NOT stand for violence. You knew that. "Oh God, she's gonna kill me," is definitely what ran through your head.
-Mahiru, to you, seemed omniscient: "Why are you in such a hurry, huh? Did you maybe PICK A FIGHT YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE?"
-She scared you sometimes. Not in a bad way, just in the typical "scared straight" sense. She'd come into your room, pull up a chair, and begin her spiel.
-"Okay, bro. I shouldn't have to say this, but... fights just aren't okay. Ever. But hey it's over now, so just try to resolve it peacefully next time. I know you're a good kid at heart, so let's act like it."
-She knew you were afraid of her reaction, so she let you off easy. You're her brother after all... she just wants what's best for you.
-simply the best big sister, I don't make the rules
-She has a good sense for when something is wrong. Around you, she is always gentle but firm.
-Sakura never confronts you, or scolds. She simply asks what is on your mind. A wonderful listener, that girl. And you feel safe enough to tell her everything, every time.
-She takes in your story, and pats you on the back. "Well dear, what's done is done. You know from watching me that fights have their purpose... but this one was not productive. All we can do is make better choices in the future, and strive to be better people. After all, people aren't bad at heart, they just make bad choices once in a while. Let's relax for a while, okay?"
-She'll give you a hug, and then some space to decompress. Later that night, you'll find a plate of dinner waiting for you.
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confusedcritteryip · 1 year
I was tagged by @koboldgirltailtuft to name 5 things I like! Wow, thankies!!! :3 (sorry it's late though, on vacation!) Unfortunately my answers are kinda lame past the first one because I'm kind of a basic bitch haha
1) Roller coasters. Holy shit I love roller coasters. I can see a very small section of a picture of a roller coaster from the US and there's a 90% chance I can name the ride and what park it's at, and if not I can definitely name the manufacturer and ride model.
2) Video games! Not just playing them, but I love learning about the history of video games and video game hardware. Development cycles and any interesting tidbits from development, cut content, weird easter eggs, all that shit is SO fascinating! Top 5 rapid fire, 1st to 5th: Hollow Knight, Celeste, OneShot, Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst, Bloodborne!
3) Music! I am VERY opinionated about music and I love discussing it. I love asking people what kind of music they listen to, and my least favorite answer is "I listen to everything." NO. BAD ANSWER! Tell me what you decide to listen to in your free time! And if that's multiple things, tell me! My favorite genre is djent, which is a subgenre of progressive metal, but I've been WAAAAAAY into midwest emo lately. I do jump around a lot though, from prog metal to math rock to pop punk to kawaii pop to neo folk to lo-fi hiphop. And I wanna hear what weird subgenres you listen to! Tell me why you like them! Go in depth!!! Bwah!!! Top 5 bands rapid fire 1st to 5th: Periphery, Thank You Scientist, CHON, American Football, Fleet Foxes, but outside pf Periphery, my top 5 are a lot more fluid than my top 5 games.
4) Reptiles! I know very little about reptiles as this is a more recent fascination for me, but GOD i love those funky little dudes. "Which little dudes?" Yes. Show me all. Not a single bad reptile. I have GOT to hyper fixate and learn more. Would love to one day get a Northern Blue Tongue Skink but def a lot I have to learn before that day comes!
5) Computers and electronics! Even since I was young I've always had a fascination with the technical side of things. I installed a hard drive and video card into my family computer in elementary school. I was taking apart my DSi and PSP back in middle school and putting it back together. I've built tons of computers and I used to repair consoles at my job for a while before I got swamped with other things, but that will probably come back sometime soon! :3
I nominate @purrple-bat @ghostmadewithlove @captainbaz @razzledazzlesalazzle and @fliffyy if y'all wanna do this! No worries if not though ^_^
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Tell Me Why
I’m a total cheapskate. I have around 150 games I got for free from Epic Games, and a few on Steam, and I’ve paid for a total of 7 games. So in June I found that a game called Tell Me Why was free on Steam so I just got it and never thought about it again. Until later on when I was watching a video on why you shouldn’t buy Hogwarts: Legacy, when they mentioned that you should instead support games made by LGBTQIA+ people, like Celeste and Tell Me Why, and my ears perked up, and I went to my Steam library and there it was! So I immediately installed it, and wow. It is awesome. I have one gripe with it though. More of a gripe with me but whenever I think about the game my brain just jumps to Jake Peralta singing “Tell me whyyy, ain’t nothing but a heartbreak”. Anyways, that aside. So the story is about twins, Alyson and Tyler, Tyler is a trans man, who were separated from each other after their mom was killed by Tyler following a supposed psychotic episode where she tried to shoot Tyler. 10 years later, after Tyler is released from juvie, they reunite, and go back to their childhood home to sell it and put their past behind them, but they find things they did not expect to. I won’t go into much more detail for now.
I really love the story and where it’s heading and oh my god, the interactions between them, so great. Gameplay-wise, it’s sorta like a visual novel but you get to play, instead of choosing dialogue options and reading text, sorta like a Telltale game (Telltale Games was a development studio that made episodic games with choices that branch the story, like choosing to be an asshole or choosing between characters to die. It’s fun. I never played any because cheapskate, but I watched like a ton of playthroughs and could probably detail the story and branches of Minecraft: Story Mode). There’s also a really interesting mechanic that I don’t really want to spoil too much, but they help tell the story through flashbacks and make for some interesting interactions. I also really love the portrayal of dysphoria and the struggles of being trans, they put a lot of effort into getting it right, which I really appreciate, and the voice actor for Tyler is also himself trans. :P I wish I took more screenshots, but you’ve seen those that I did take, so eh.
NOOOO DAMMIT, I COULDN’T GET A SCREENSHOT. Anyways, it’s just dialogue that went
Alyson: So do you want instant coffee or… instant coffee?
Tyler: Hmm, nah. I’m more of a T person. Get it? Like T as in-
Alyson: Mmmhmm. How long have you been waiting to make that joke?
Tyler: Longer than I’m willing to admit. 
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(Sorry, I’ve been waiting to use this meme for longer than I’d like to admit too.)
(T is short for Testosterone if you weren’t aware)
Uhh what else have been up to, oh yeah, I finished 2 anime. Your Lie in April and Tokyo Ghoul. YLIA is certainly something. My heart aches just thinking about it, and I’m not one to get emotional about much. Seriously, it has this really cool opening, https://open.spotify.com/track/2BlDX1yfT0ea5wo0vjCKKa?si=7b95e588be604494
 and I learnt to play the intro on the piano, but whenever I do I’m like goddammit I can’t deal with this pain again. It’s about a piano prodigy who stopped playing after his mom and tutor died, and him getting back into it because of a violinist. She forces him to be her accompanist and then picks it up again. Again, don’t wanna give out too many details, although, it is romance so you probably won’t watch it, but whatever. I would make a comparison with a certain novel but that would be giving out too much. I’ve vowed to never spoil anyone. I think I’m finally shedding toxic masculinity and allowing myself to watch whatever I want. Overtly edgy stuff still has my heart tho. Tokyo Ghoul is… weird, in a bad way. I watched the first two seasons and I’m like huh??? in a bad way. I usually like going huh??? but like, nothing mad e sense. Turns out the anime adaptation is garbage. Gonna have to read it :P. So I started Banana Fish. My first shoujo! I heard it’s… sad? Weird? Disturbing? I don’t remember, but all of those are right up my alley so I’m gonna watch it anyways.
(Okay, I'm 3 episodes in, definitely disturbing. Yay! It's created by MAPPA??? Why does MAPPA have everything, like what? Attack On Titan, Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, literally every recent anime is MAPPA lmao)
Also, I played this really cool demo of a game called Paper Trails, by the creator of Hue, another puzzle platformer game that I got for free, with an interesting mechanic where you use colors to make stuff appear or disappear, so like if it's a red platform and you switch to red, the platform will disappear, and if you switch to something else it reappears, and Paper Trails did not disappoint either. So, the basic mechanic is, it's a top down puzzle game, where the levels are paper. So the level has two sides, and you can fold the paper to create pathways and solve puzzle. Really innovative, can't wait to play the finished game.
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pankowperfection · 2 years
Sky High Thrills
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Summary: you’re on the plane to visit Rudy but he can’t wait to see you so starts sending sexy messages
Warnings: sexting, nude photos, dirty language, semi public masturbation, 18+
A/N: quick little note while I’m in the sky heading back to Charleston, hope you like it!
Your work was keeping you busy, unable to visit Rudy while he was in Charleston filming for a few weeks. The two of you regularly had phone sex, unable to contain yourselves while you were apart. You had just boarded your flight to Charleston, finally able to get away for a week when a text from Rudy came through.
Can’t wait to see you sweetheart
You smiled to yourself, thinking he was being sweet. You replied quickly,
I can’t wait to see you either baby
Immediately a photo message pops through. You open it without a second thought, shocked when you see Rudy’s bare, hard cock fisted in his hand, tip angry and leaking precum. You quickly glance around, hoping no one saw but luckily the seats around you are empty. You instantly grow wet at the sight, clit aching with need.
Seriously Ru? Anyone could have seen that!
Shh don’t worry, I bought the seats around you. Flight attendant should be bringing a blanket too ;)
Almost on que the flight attendant arrives, smiling as she hands you the blanket and tells you to have a safe flight. You decide to play along, too horny to care about getting caught.
Mmm baby, my panties are soaked. Wish your fingers were teasing my clit instead of mine. You snap a pic under the blanket of your panties pulled to the side, fingers teasing your wet pussy.
Fuck y/n, if you were here I’d have my tongue buried inside you, sliding up to suck on your clit while I pump my fingers in and out. He sends a video next, stroking up and down his length at a fast pace as you can hear him breathing deeply in the background, heavenly moans falling from his lips.
God you’re so hot, wanna cum all over your face baby. Wish your hands were wrapped around my thighs, holding them open as your devour me. I’d tangle my hands in your hair, pulling on it hard just like you like. You send him a video of your fingers pumping in and out of your entrance, thumb circling your clit as you bite your lip to hold back your moans.
He replies a few moments later with another video. He’s stroking himself hard, your name spilling from his lips as he cums all over his hand, some of it spilling onto his abs. God damn baby, can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock.
Seeing him come undone pushes you over the edge. You managed to take a video of your face as you cum, eyes screwed shut and head thrown back in a silent scream. He loves seeing your face when you finish so you know he’ll enjoy it. You try to calm your racing heart, somehow impossibly more turned on that you just masturbated in public. His thoughts seem to mirror yours as another text comes through.
My naughty girl, pleasuring yourself in public. I’m gonna have to punish you later 😈
You grin, loving when he gets rough. Bring it on baby.
Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist
@adventuresinobx @starkeyobx @hoebx @ailee-celeste @pankowforlife @outerbankspov @houseofperfecttaste @vesperluvsbillie
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sir-sunny · 3 years
thh hcs cuz why not
-he likes to paint his nails but everytime he does, he makes a goddamn mess all over his hands and the table
-he has dimples
-he's a really affectionate person; he gives hugs as a greeting, he'll grasp someones hands to show that he's listening intently, and he leans against people's shoulders
-she loves stuffed animals 
-when she gets really excited about something, she talks really loud and waves her hands around, its v cute
-she likes to bake. she'll make cute little cupcakes for just about any occasion. passed a test? cupcakes? won a competition? cupcakes. got a divorce? c. cup..cakes,,
-he has a pet bearded dragon
-he's a huge nerd abt superhero movies and comics
-he likes the idea of growing his hair out but he just cant stand the awkward phase in between long and short hair so he always ends up grabbing a pair of scissors and chopping all off
-they like to take walks while its raining
-they like to host movie nights with their friends (they always pirate the newest movies ;))
-i love love love the hc that they work out with sakura. and sakura is just so happy to help and the two of them are such good friends
-his favorite snack is toffee peanuts
-he attends lots and lots of protests; protests for women's rights, gay rights, civil rights, you name it. he really passionate and yells very loudly
-he failed his driving test like three times
-he can play the violin
-he holds so much tension in his shoulders for the love of god someone get this guy a professional masseuse
-his class notes are upsettingly perfect. from his handwriting to the organization and color coding, its just unreal
-he loves to cosplay
-his depiction of characters are very diverse in his illustrations; he draws disabled people, plus sized people, poc, and so on
-him and chiro like to play pc games together
-she'll vent to grand bois cheri (her cat) for hours on end, its very cathartic
-she gets freckles when she goes outside :) she hates it. she always carries a parasol with her when its sunny
-she won't tell anyone but she fucking LOVES rock and roll
-she's quite the artist; she loves painting
-she's actually not the biggest fan of donuts, but she loves going on donut dates w hina so its ok
-she owns so many house plants and she takes good care of them too; she likes learing about plants so she knows a lot abt them
-she's actually really good at doing makeup; she doesnt do her own often, but she likes doing her friend's makeup
-she can do parkour 👀
-her favorite season is winter. she honestly loves playing the snow like a child (shes uuhh really intense in snowball fights)
junko (non-depair):
-she has quite the sweet tooth and she's always chewing gum
-she honestly hates wearing boots; theyre a pain to put on and theyre just too heavy
-she wants to be a voice actress; she has a VERY wide rage of voices
-she takes really good care of her hair; she cuts it and styles it herself. its very soft and silky and pretty
-makoto swears that she has a loud, guttural laugh (he loves it) but good luck ever trying to get her to laugh that hard
-she likes cloud watching. its very soothing to her
-he easily gets emotional when watching movies
-he cant see for shit without his glasses. if he loses track of them, he goes full velma mode
-he's actually kinda ripped; he takes really good care of his body (he's the type who looks thinner with clothes on amirite)
-she's very clumsy. she's always got scratches and bruises on her legs
-she's taken many boxing classes and she knows a lot of boxing moves (shes so buff are u kidding me)
-she's a VERY restless person. shes always moving; rocking back and forth on her heels or swaying her body from side to side
-despite making fun of hifumi, she likes reading and writing fan fiction
-she's afraid of the dark
-her and kyoko are really good friends and she will occasionally cloud watch with her. she genuinely enjoys their time together
-he loves watching shitty movies and making fun of them
-he's a really sympathetic person and he's really good at giving his friends advice. or if they just wanna vent, he'll listen for hours
-his living space always radiates calm energy. the moment you walk in he offers a cup of tea and lights an incense
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we-are-swearwolves · 2 years
Pairing: Sirius Black/Logan Tremblay
Rating: E
Words: 8k
FWB but the benefit is love. And nudes. 
“They don’t get to take having photos away from you. And they don’t get to take fucking in the back seat of a car away from you either. This is America, for fucks sake.”
AO3 link
(Characters belong to @lumosinlove )
(Originally written in the Québécois thread in the SW server)
Sirius and Logan were on the couch playing something on the xbox, loud and shove-y and playful and competitive (a hipcheck here, a hand pushing a face away there) like they had before when Logan had first moved in with Dumo and Sirius was there all the time anyway, pretending he wasn’t lonely in his huge empty house, when Sirius still kind of startled at friendly touches even though he looked pleased too, and Logan could never actually, thoroughly get it, but he still got it, so they would crawl all over each other trying to get the other’s controller out of their hand (“trying to fucking cheat, you mean, you asshole”)
Because Logan had always been tactile. With his family, playing and shoving with his friends growing up, when he would play with girls’ hair or jewelry in college to let them know he’d fuck them if they wanted, when Celeste somehow knew that a hand run through his hair would comfort him, when, before they got together, Leo knew (even when Lo was terrified) when to hug him, when to help him unclench his fists. Hell, it must have been obvious the whole time, because the one time he’d let Finn touch him at school, he’d known exactly how to handle him. It was…..
Well anyway, he and Sirius were fucking competitive when it came to the Xbox.
“Just because you can take Knut and Harzy doesn’t mean you can take me, fucker,” and then a lightly thrown elbow.
“Ohhh wouldn’t you like to know how well I take Knut and Harzy.”
Sirius did, almost, drop his controller. 
Logan was a little shocked with himself that he had actually said that. But it was Sirius so it was ok. 
“Quoi? Oh.. oh my god, Tremz. I. How? People actually..? In real life.”
He raised his eyebrows and smirked, leaned in conspiratorially, “‘How’?” he repeated back. 
“Oh fuck you, I don’t..” but then he hesitated. Then he flicked his eyes back to Lo for a second from the screen. 
Oh. Ok alright, fuck Xbox, this was it now. He paused the game.
Logan quirked his head to the side in a question, a dare, a tease, whatever it was it was playful. “Do you wanna know how?” He asked around a smile. 
Well fuck, alright they were flirting now.
“Would you tell me if I did?”
“Well yeah, it’s you.”
A pause, and then, “I’d tell you, if you want.” Lo said like it was easy, and it must have been because it was true. 
(He’d never know how much Sirius’ heart warmed when he said that, because he read the awe a bit as disbelief, so he continued)
“You made me feel like,” he looked for the words. Years of speaking two languages had made him more selective of his words, it was so easy to lose what you mean. Sirius always let him take his time to find them, even when they were speaking french together. Logan loved that about him. “Like I could have it? It’s what got us together. I mean, I know I told you that, but it… it just— like I could have normal shit! Like I could talk about it with my friends, like I could have a sappy lock screen and could smile about being in love in public and could take pictures,” (’Logan had never hoped for pictures before’ ‘He could remember hoping Finn could feel his heart beating’ ‘Logan loved that picture’), Sirius’ eyes widened a bit, (shit, the photos) “Fuck, not even dirty photos— I mean we take those too— but like– like us on vacation like normal fucking people do. Y’know? So, yeah. I’ll tell you if you want.”
Sirius caught Logan’s hesitance to even say ‘take photos’ to him, but surprisingly, he wasn’t caught up in it as much anymore. One thing about the pictures, Sirius supposed, was that now he and Remus could take as many cute couple photos as they wanted without… well. That ship had sailed, so to speak. 
(He’d been working on it in therapy)
They’d never taken nude photos though.
“Isn’t that kind of… scary?”
He and Logan, however, had never directly talked about the photos.
“Like... Like if they got out.”
It kind of broke Logan’s heart a little actually, that Sirius would be scared of intimate photos. It made sense, but still.
“You wanna know what’s fucking scary,” Logan said, looking to lighten the mood, “Finn was actually still ‘Harzy’ in my phone until pretty recently, and let me fucking tell you,” he paused for effect, “‘Harzy’ and ‘Hazard’ right next to each other. I almost sent Alex a video of me jacking off and said ‘thinking about you’.”
Well. That did lighten the mood; the look on Sirius’ face was fucking priceless. 
Back to flirting, then.
“Tremz,” Sirius lost his shit, he was laughing so hard he was coughing a little. “Tremzy, no, you did not.”
“I said ‘almost’, didn’t I? But yeah it was almost… something. I know Alex pretty well, but not quite that well—“
“— he’s not on my hall pass list.”
No. He wasn’t.
Alex wasn’t. 
“No. No, it didn’t sound like he was when we talked about it.”
They had all talked about it, and landed somewhere in the neighborhood of “if it happens, it happens”. They all trusted each other, both in order to be open to this in the first place, and to be able to tell if and when it felt right. 
Because Sirius was on his list.
And it felt right.
“Does that mean I can have videos if I want?”
Oh fuck yes. Evidently Sirius thought it felt right too. 
“Yeah. You can,” his heart felt warm and he hoped his smile did too. 
Well. Warm among other things. 
“You just… have those. You keep them on your phone to have, they’re not snaps?”
Logan leaned in and tried for a solemn, serious voice.
“I reserve the right to carry around a video of my boyfriends coming on my face. This is America.”
It had the desired affect, Sirius was laughing again. Laughing and shoving (his touch lingering) with a cute ‘oh my god’ look on his face. 
But then….
But then.
“You like that? I mean… you like when they do that?” And Logan couldn’t really tell what the hesitance in Sirius’ voice was about, but answered very honestly with, “It makes me feel beautiful. Like… like just looking at my face is enough to get them there.”
Honesty. Just because.
Sirius made an odd sound then, like the breath had been punched out of him. 
It was the same sound Leo made when Logan said something filthy in French around people when he knew only Leo would understand. (It used to drive Finn crazy, but now he liked watching Leo blush).
“Yeah,” Sirius said quietly, looking at Logan and probably not realizing that he was licking his lips. “Yeah, I like it too. I like when Re does that.”
Logan wanted him to say more. So he said more. 
“I like that they want photos, too. Finn really like them. Makes me feel like… I don’t know. Like he wants to keep that memory. And it’s not like we can’t— I mean we fuck all the time. You know.” 
Sirius huffed out a laugh. He knew very well. 
“But it’s like… it’s like even though that’s true, that moment feels perfect enough that he wants to keep it forever.”
Sirius was quiet then. Before—
“I want that. I want to have that.”
Logan let that sit in the air for a second. 
“Yeah. Is it… what’s it… does it feel like that in the moment or after? Is it like…” But Sirius trailed off. 
Logan probably looked like a lunatic for the way he was smiling, hoping in the back of his mind he could charm it into being alluring because he was about to fucking jump in (he’d been practicing) and said:
“We could make one, maybe. If you want. I could show you.”
Sirius was licking his lips and staring at Logan’s mouth and goddamn if that didn’t make Logan squirm. 
Lo shifted on the couch and searched Sirius’ gaze; apprehensive, but Lo could see the excitement there. Either way, photos or not, the door was open now and Logan wanted to walk through it. 
He could tell Sirius did too. 
For all the relationship uncertainty in his past, Logan could always, always tell when someone wanted to kiss him, and he was long past the point of holding back if he wanted that too. He was so goddamn happy now, but he still occasionally felt a bit of heartache at all the time he’d lost. 
So he crawled into Sirius’ lap. He settled at a friendly distance, really. Considering. Straddling Sirius’ thighs with a playful sort of contact, hands going to Sirius’ shirt just over his sides. 
Sirius grabbed his hips to steady him and probably didn’t register how he was more squeezing than holding, how his hands slid just a little towards Logan’s ass before coming to a stop. His eyes darkened. 
There it is Logan thought
“What d’you think?” he leaned forward just a little, a dare in his eyes, “Wanna fool around?”
It had to start like this, Logan knew on some level. They meant so much to each other and they were both very... intense people. It would be so easy to drown in each other, the laughter would keep them above water, at least for now. 
Sirius pulled at his hips and pulled him a little closer, not so much sitting astride his thighs anymore, but—
Thought so.
They’d been inching toward each other, eyes bright, flicking down to each other’s mouths. Because this was the precipice. It was a dare, this part. They were calling each other’s bets with each inch closer they got. Logan tilted his head forward, flashed his eyes in warning, and leaned in for just a quick kiss to the lips before pulling back and saying conspiratorially, “I’m gonna need a ‘yes’, captain.”
Sirius surged forward, mouth open, and holy fucking shit oh my god was licking, was sucking, the words out of Logan’s mouth. 
Logan groaned back, bringing his hands up to Sirius’ hair, getting a moan in response (yeah I know, me too, I love that too), nipping at Sirius’ lip a bit, just a bit of a warning before pulling ever so slightly back. Sirius mouth chased him, made a vague sound of protest when Lo turned his mouth into the side of Sirius’ face and nuzzled in a bit, Sirius pulling Lo’s hips closer.
“Did you not hear me, Cap?” kiss, “said I’m gonna need a yes.”
Sirius fucking growled at him. Like, for real growled. 
Oh shit, Lo barely had time to think before Sirius was wrapping his arms tightly around Logan, mouth moving to his neck, twisting to the side to pin him on his back against the couch. 
Sirius kissed his way up Logan’s jaw, right to his ear, bit him (just a little) and said “Yes.” In a voice that made Logan’s eyes flutter, his cock hardening even further.
“Fuck, yes, come here,” and he pulled at Sirius’ hair until their mouths found their way back to each other, wrapped his legs more firmly around Sirius’ waist and rolling his hips up, making Sirius groan into his mouth. 
And they kissed. They kissed for a long time. 
“Fuck you,” Logan let out softly when they parted briefly, breathing hard, “is there anything you’re not good at, for the love of god.”
Sirius laughed, easy and open, leaning up on his forearms on either side of Logan’s face, staring at him with a sweet look in his eyes. He pulled back, got his knees under him and rose up, running his hands down over Lo’s chest (god his stomach) appreciatively as he went. 
“I want you to show me..”
Logan knew there was more. 
“… I just.. I’m nervous about it existing. I don’t want to be, it’s so— it’s fucking hot, everything you said. But it’s… it’s there.”
No videos then.
Logan moved one leg to the floor, swung himself up, met Sirius’ gaze directly. 
That’s ok he hoped his eyes said, he kind of knew Sirius wouldn’t want him to say it out loud, that he wouldn’t really want Logan looking directly at that particular exposed nerve. 
So instead Logan leaned in and pressed quick kisses to Sirius face. Forehead, cheek, temple, lips, other cheek, jaw, lips again.
“Wait here.”
Because Logan had an idea. 
And he really believed that Sirius would like it.
Oh my god Sirius was trying to catch his breath Jesus christ Logan can kiss.
Well. Double the practice I guess.
He pulled his shirt off, he wanted Logan back in his lap, wanted him to touch skin this time. He lay back, closing his eyes, rubbing himself through his sweatpants, imagining earlier when they pressure had been Logan, using those fucking thighs and grinding down against him. 
Fuck if this wasn’t one of the best goddamn ideas Finn had ever had, if he wasn’t thinking back to Remus’ raised eyebrows, his small smile, his ‘huh’, his eyes mischievous as he looked at Sirius and said with a voice just lower than usual ‘That’s kind of hot’.
He’d barely opened his eyes (he had closed them?), didn’t even register the soft noise made as Logan dropped an armful of stuff on the couch next to them, the huge ridiculous couch meant to hold multiple hockey players that he was now so, so thankful for, didn’t register any of that at all because then Logan was back in his lap, was grabbing his hand up and placing it on his own chest and replacing the pressure on Sirius’ cock with his own hips. 
And then Logan kissed the fantasy right out of his mouth because he was right here, in reality, was right fucking here. Here, kissing and rolling his hips and nipping at Sirius lips before rubbing his face on Sirius’ a bit like a cat before moving to his ear & nibbling a bit there (he loved biting actually— it was like kissing but with a winner) and saying, “Starting without me, cap? Rude.”
“Had to,” Sirius growled into his mouth, hands up the back of Logan’s shirt, pushing it up and off, feeling his way across Logan’s back and diving back in with an open mouth; he needed Logan’s tongue back. “’Gonna need a yes’ fuck you.”
Logan laughed into his mouth, “Yeah, okay.”
Sirius’ brain tripped on that for a second, even though he knew where they were going, hearing it echo in his head yeah okay okay okay.
“D’accord, yeah.”
Kissed, and kissed, and kissed, Logan pulling his hair just like he liked, his face right there and seeming even closer by the curve of his shoulders, like he was trying to crowd even further in towards Sirius. 
And then the motherfucker was leaning away for some goddamn reason, just for a second. Sirius made an affronted sort of sound and thought What the fuck Logan before—
“Got a couple things to do first though,” slightly muffled, muffled because their mouths were still working together, like a competition only they were both winning. 
Logan pulled back a second, pressing his forehead to Sirius’ before nosing at him to turn his head to the left. 
Logan kissed and bit at Sirius’ jaw, one hand still in his hair, while the other held up a Polaroid camera, pressed the shutter release, and caught Sirius’ kissed-red mouth and hazy eyes in a photograph. 
(“Jesus fucking Christ, this looks like a cologne advertisement” Remus would say later, to which Finn would say “I’d fucking buy it”) 
Sirius moaned when he caught on to Logan’s plan, turning back to face him with his eyes full of lust, gripping and scratching at Lo’s back. 
“Photos,” Logan said mischievously, “but no trace. Can’t hack a piece of paper.”
“Yes?” Logan asked, a little more gently; Sirius had been quiet for a few seconds. 
“Ouais, yeah. Yes.” It was a little strained, a little quiet, and a little misty, so Logan knocked his forehead against Sirius’ temple playfully and said, “Ok then,” and rolled his hips forward, because he’s an angel like that. 
“You just fucking had that lying around, did you?” And Sirius was playing again now too, growly again, hands no longer shy at all about grabbing Logan’s ass and pulling him closer. 
“Was making a—a present for Finn before, was gonna put some photos in one of his books for his— fuck, do that again.”
Sirius did that again. 
“Hnnh uh huh,” Logan was babbling around a smile that was almost a smile, but was mostly just his mouth hanging open because hnnh uh huh, Sirius was good with his hands and he was touching Logan now, had snuck a hand out to rub him through his sweats. 
“Wait w-wait— just a…”
Logan leaned back in Sirius’ lap, leaving a hand placed right at the ties of his pants where it had slid down appreciatively, and framed up another photo: Sirius looking wild and hungry, the frame far enough back to include Logan’s own hips, to see where Sirius was gripping him tight, to see the shapes of their cocks through their sweats, rubbing against each other.
Lo got a hungry sort of glare instead, and loved it. 
He’d been watching Sirius perform in front of cameras for years as he dodged question after invasive fucking question from the press; this was the first time he had ever seen Sirius performing (because Sirius was performing, just a little) and liking it. He looked like he was loving it, actually. 
Logan smiled behind his camera & pressed the shutter again.
“There it is. Fuck, cap, you look—“
He didn’t get to finish the thought though. He wanted to see his picture, but he fucking dropped it to the side, because Sirius stood up— stood up— taking Logan with him, fucking lifting him— walked a few steps and then lay Logan down on his back on the ottoman (on the insanely large, multi-hockey player sized ottoman), standing over him and looking down with an expression that let Logan know he was about to be devoured.
Just like he wanted. So he said, “I dare you.” and watched as Sirius took his fucking dare. He held Logan’s gaze. He untied his sweats. He pushed them down, stepped out of them, was naked in front of Logan, for the millionth time and the first time; he was naked, hard, and leaking.
Logan’s mouth watered. He gasped. His breath caught. His cock twitched. He spread his legs a little, on instinct. 
Sirius descended.
He kissed his way down Logan’s chest, his stomach, fucking licking at his abs as he went, his hands both and Lo’s waistband (“Can I?” “Yes, fuck, please.”)
He took off Logan’s pants, smiled, reached out & wrapped his hand around Logan’s cock, looked up at him and said “Want to suck you,” through a smile. 
Logan groaned.
“And I want you to take a picture of me with your cock in my mouth.”
“Fuck! Fuck, Cap, I—,” Sirius was stroking him now, he was going to fucking lose it, “—you should know something about me.”
“Want to know what you fucking look like when you come, Logan. I want a fucking picture.”
Oh my god.
“Oh my god.”
Sirius grinned at him from his place kissing down Lo’s chest. 
“That’s kinda the thing tho. It’s that you can? You can. I can. A couple times— at least a couple times.”
Sirius stared at him. Logan was holding his breath. 
Sirius smiled. 
“Of course you can, Tremzy, fuck.”
Logan sized Sirius up, looked him up and down, eyes conspicuously lingering on his cock. 
“Guess we’ll see won’t we.”
Not fucking likely.
“Oh you think I can’t make you?”
“I think I want to find out, captain.”
“Tremz.” Sirius said, like Logan was missing something obvious. Lo didn’t fucking bother guessing though, the only thing he could fucking think about was looking at Sirius where he was kneeling in front of him, stroking Lo’s cock confidently right next to his fucking face, ready to use his mouth. 
“Tremz, you do realize that my entire life has been based around picking up skills from practicing them, right?”
Jesus Christ he was right.
“Jesus Christ, you’re right—”
Logan was heating up now, every thought spilling right out of his mouth. 
“Uh huh… that’s.. yeah ok.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows playfully, “Yeah,” he said before turning his head, holding eye contact, and licking once up the length of Logan’s cock. “Ok.”
At one point there had been a conversation in Logan’s apartment about cocksucking in which, in response to Finn’s (very appreciated) praise, Logan emphatically said, “Finn I need you to fucking believe me here— speaking French does more to train your tongue than speaking English ever will.” The kitchen had been stunned into silence for a second— including Logan, he didn’t realize he felt so strongly about that until he said it— before Leo sighed happily from his place perched on the counter and said, “Facts.”
Logan had never been in the NHL and not been in love; there had always been (at least) one mouth he’d been preoccupied with. 
But he had eyes, ok? He knew Sirius had a gorgeous fucking mouth. 
This was the first time Logan had gotten his cock sucked by someone whose first and primary language was French, and he was very gratified to know he had been right on both counts, now knowing just how good for fucking Sirius’ mouth really was. 
He rolled his hips up, into the warm, wet, perfect mouth in him and said, “Fuck you, god, don’t stop,” as if Sirius had any intention of stopping. 
He felt a pinch to his hip bring him back to himself, looked up and saw Sirius’ hazy, pleasure-filled eyes, had a split second to think me too, I love sucking cock too, I get lost in it too, before he saw Sirius eyes flick to Logan’s side. 
To the camera. 
“Fuck,” Logan said into a groan.
He grabbed the camera, trying to get in position, lifting his shoulders high enough to get a good angle.  
Sirius pulled off just long enough to say, “Hold a sit-up, wanna see your muscles work,” because, well, Sirius had eyes too. 
There was also the added bonus of making Lo’s abs look incredible in the picture he was about to take, so it was a win for everyone, really.
Logan needed two tries; the first time he looked through the viewfinder and saw a framed image of Sirius Black sucking him off, he fell back again and had to breathe for a few seconds. 
He got the shot on his second try though. Later, when they looked through them, it would be one of their favorite photographs of the night; both of them looked at it and felt the buzz of energy there’d been in the room at the moment it was taken (Sirius moaning around the cock in his mouth, Logan moaning at the results of a lot of practice sucking cock and seeing his captain on his knees.)
Sirius was right. 
After sucking Logan through his first orgasm of the evening, he chuckled just a little as he kissed his way back up Logan’s chest to get to his mouth. 
He took the same detour Finn and Leo did (though he didn’t know it at the time) and made it a point to kiss the tattoo on Logan’s hip. 
So I guess it’s a universal thing Logan had just enough time to think before Sirius’ mouth was back on his. 
He moaned appreciatively into Sirius’ mouth as their tongues moved together. He loved knowing other people had his taste in their mouth and made it a point to kiss whoever it was filthy each time, just to make sure. 
Sirius had such a little shit look in his eye when he pulled back, tapped Logan’s chest with one finger and said, smugly, being right, “That’s one.”
Contrary to popular belief, and with the notable exception of Xbox games, they were both extremely… fair players, whatever the game. Wins were better when you earned them, and blowjobs were better when they were reciprocated. 
Logan was on his knees in front of where Sirius was sat on the couch and he was fucking giving just as good as he got.
Sirius had thought Lo was a good kisser due to double the practice… but goddamn did Logan call his bet on ‘practice’ making perfect because oh my god, because—
“You’re fucking perfect, oh my god.”
Logan hummed happily around Sirius’s cock, nuzzling a bit into the hand Sirius had on his face cradling his jaw, in what might have been a ‘thanks, babe’ and a wink and a ‘I practice too’ under different circumstances (‘You fucking flirt, Tremz’).
Logan was sucking his cock like there was nothing in the world he’d rather be doing, looking up at Sirius through his long dark lashes, letting Sirius see the desire in his eyes. 
It made for a very good photograph.
Sirius didn’t want Logan to stop, could’ve kept at this forever, because Goddamn, Tremzy… but there was something else he wanted too. He didn’t want this to be over yet. 
Fuck ok wrong move, Logan humming on his dick was not helping. Something of that feeling must have shown, because Lo pulled off then, relaxing his mouth with his other hand. 
“Ça vá?”
“Ouais,” didn’t make sense, didn’t need to, “Just… I wanna keep..”
Logan smiled, did a sort of roll, not really to get his hips against anything, more to put his chest more with Sirius, like he could make more ‘together’ by skin contact. 
“Yeah? Me too.”
“What you said— before you said...” Lo had said ‘yeah ok’ in response to ‘fuck you’.
“I did,” Sirius wished he were the one with the camera just then, he wanted to keep Logan’s smile. 
“I want to—“
“Thank god.”
He looked nervous again; Logan tried to make his eyes gentle when he gave a go on sort of nod. 
“Next time?” And then the words were spilling out, “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you, mon dieu,” he was grabbing at Lo’s shoulders, a little frantic, “You’re so— it’s just,” Logan gave another gentle go on, was rubbing a hand gently over Sirius’ thigh, trying to offer whatever comfort he needed. 
“It’s just I think I need you to fuck me right now.”
Logan smiled even sweeter then, and Sirius couldn’t fucking take it, held his gaze somehow silently communicating ‘don’t move’, smiling right back at him and fumbling a hand beside him to grab for the  camera. 
He got the photo he wanted, and a second, moments later, of Logan looking so fond it made Sirius’ breath catch when he realized what Sirius was doing. 
Sirius got to keep that too. 
And then, he got to hear Logan say, “God, yes, fuck, I want that.”
They were smiling at each other like lunatics, hands everywhere, giddy that they got to play and have and touch. 
“Although—” Logan added, with a kiss “—just know that you are going to make good on that,” kiss “because I need you to fuck me at some point, because like,” and, with a gesture at Sirius’ cock, fully hard, leaking, driving Logan mad, “c’mon.”
Sirius laughed and pulled Logan up to him, Logan landing right between his legs, face close so he could kiss him properly. 
“Fucking count on it, Tremblay.”
Logan had brought everything he thought they’d need when he went to get his camera (Sirius would laugh at him later when he found out there was a Gatorade tucked into the blanket) and reached over for the lube and—
“Do you want me to wear—”
“No.” Sirius cut the question off quickly, like he’d been waiting to let Logan know. 
Me too, I love it too, I get lost in it too.
“I mean— just. If you want that’s ok but I’m… I’m good.”
Sirius was blushing a little (at this? When I just had your cock in my mouth?) but Logan got it, and was happy with Sirius’ smile when he said “I’m good too”, and even happier, when he added mischievously, “I like it better that way too, when it’s me,” and a little lower, a little sexier, “feels like I’m theirs, y’know?” And got such a look from Sirius in return. 
“You’d like Remus.”
Well then. 
“Well. One way to find out.”
“Shut the fuck up,” except for Sirius was grinning.
He was back between Sirius’ legs, pushing the backs of his thighs up with a questioning look on his face. Sirius nodded though, pulled them up, looking like he was getting everything he wanted. 
(Because he was.)
“Hold,” Logan said, and Sirius did. Logan wrapped his hands around the tops of Sirius thighs and pulled bringing his ass further toward the edge of the couch. Sirius let out a little ‘hhuh!’ and Logan knew exactly why, knew how delicious it was when you let yourself be handled after a lifetime of dropping your gloves.
“I know. Mon dieu, we have so much in common it’s actually ridiculous,” Logan said as he slicked up his fingers.
Sirius let out a little laugh and a, “I fucking know, right? Anyone else and I think it’d freak me out.”
Logan’s heart did a little flip. 
“Shut up, you are too, that’s my point.”
“This is mine,” Logan said, quick and easy, slipping a finger inside.
“Hnnn,” Sirius sounded so happy being fingered. Logan couldn’t wait to fuck him. 
Sirius spread his legs wider, Logan added a second as Sirius pulled his legs up and apart, and then Logan could see as well as feel and—
“Fucking Christ,” his other hand went right to Sirius’ cock, tight and slow and god but he just wanted to look and look and look forever, Sirius was beautiful like this, open, with a gentle happy look on his face, leaning into a gentle pleasure as Logan stretched him. 
Logan wanted to look forever.
But Logan hesitated. They’d each grabbed for the camera a few times so far, and he wanted to now; this was such a thing to see. But at the same time, he knew what it meant for Sirius to be this vulnerable, he knew exactly how rare it was and he didn’t want to scare him. He wasn’t sure if Sirius would allow a photo like this. 
Sirius saw him want though. 
He did hesitate, for a second he went a little tense. 
Logan held his gaze, he rubbed his hands in and over and around a little more gently, somehow more intimately even thought he was inside and thought no no no, it’s ok, I won’t, this is for us, you don’t have to. 
And then he saw Sirius decide. Sirius nodded, adjusted his hands under his knees and pulled up just a bit more. Open. 
“Ouais. You can. I want you to.”
He looked sure, but Logan hesitated now; this was important. 
“I want you to. It’s ok. It’s you, it’s ok.”
Logan had to kiss Sirius then, there was nothing for it, so he turned and kissed the nearest bit of skin there was (his inner knee). 
Sirius smiled at the kiss, and let his eyes go hazy and his mouth fall open for the photo, staring right into the camera, performing because he wanted to. 
“Fuck. You look— you feel— fucking hell, Sirius.” The camera set aside, Logan’s fingers were back, stroking in and out, in and out, in and out and twisting and pressing and—
“Yes, fuck, more.”
So Logan gave him more
“This is better than I ever—“ Logan cut off
“Mmmm, than you ever? Tremzy,” and it was really unfair of Sirius, actually, to ask while rolling his hips down, “You thought about me?”
It was ridiculous that Logan should look sheepish with three fingers inside of Sirius for getting called out on the fantasies he’d had as a teenager. 
“It was Finn for so long. But before, when I was younger and you were… I mean. You. Looking like this. I’ve got eyes, don’t I?”
“Fucker,” Sirius said fondly, breathing heavy as Logan’s fingers worked in and out of him. “Second person to ever see me like ‘this’.”
“Fucker,” Lo’s voice so goddamn fond. “Actually—”
“Oh hell yeah—” he was rolling his hips down in circles, down against the fingers inside him, up into the tight fist Logan had on him. Slow and easy and confident. 
“—actually… maybe a couple times since—You’re hot!” He said to Sirius who was giggling at him, “Leave me alone.”
“No, c’mere.”
And then he got a kiss from his teenage crush. 
He blushed. Tucked his face into Sirius’ chest for a second, trying to keep his rhythm steady, but came back up for, “Another, allez.” And he kissed, and he heard the click of the camera from beside them, and he smiled into Sirius’ mouth.
“Still Captain Sirius Black then,” he was nosing at Sirius’ jaw, kissing his way back down. They were ready now. “But… yeah there was more than one reason I was nervous to meet you. Finn was so fucking nervous to meet you before— before he left.”
He tripped on that part a little, but Sirius let him push through it. 
Sirius did honestly deserve the reverent tone, he had then and he did now, but Logan knew that the only way he’d accept hearing any of this would be if Logan were joking with him just a little. He didn’t know why they were talking about this now, to be honest, it just seemed like Sirius should know before he let Logan all the way in. 
“Hope you weren’t disappointed.”
Logan couldn’t let that part be teasing though. He gave a bit of a tighter squeeze amid his strokes, kissed Sirius’ chest right over his heart, and said, “No, not at all.”
“Both of them… you’re insane.”
(Logan was inside now. He had lain Sirius down, kissed the sort-of-nervous look off his face as he crawled on top of him, settling between Sirius’ legs. He’d leaned forward, covering Sirius as best he could with his chest, knowing that for all Sirius’ confidence and all of his trust, all of his daring looks into the camera taking back what should have been his all along, that this part would be hard for a minute. 
He tucked his face into Sirius’ neck and nuzzled and kissed and bit (gently) and asked “Ready?” Softly into Sirius’ ear. Lo was close enough to feel him nod, turning toward the question and the gentleness and Logan knew he had been right. 
He reached down to position himself, and as he murmured into Sirius’ ear, “I’ve got you, it’s ok,” the French coming out so natural and familiar and comforting and exactly what was needed, he canted his hips forward and eased his cock into Sirius for the first time.)
You’re insane.
Logan laughed a bit, huffing out through his panting breaths as he fucked forward, slow and gentle and hard and thorough.
“I’m not. Felt so good.”
Sirius threw his head back and groaned. Logan was keeping his rhythm as steadily as he could. This feeling— he wanted so much of it, he didn’t want this part to end. 
Logan might have missed it for how softly Sirius had spoken, if he hadn’t been actively taking in everything, as much as he could to remember every bit of this.
He did hear it. And he had promised to tell Sirius. 
“Hmmm,” he brought a hand to Sirius’ face, pet him a little when Sirius turned in toward his palm, before running his thumb over the curve of Sirius’ lips. He’d wanted to for a long time. Sirius let his mouth fall open and Logan pushed two fingers in, his hips stuttering in their motion when Sirius closed his lips and sucked. 
He withdrew his fingers, lifted one of Sirius’ legs up over one of his own arms (“Fuck! Lo!’) changing the angle of his cock a bit, before he reached down between them, pulled out a little further than he had been with his thrusts, and pressed one— you can take one more, Sirius, I know you can, it’ll feel good, I promise— back in with his cock. 
“Hhhah! Hnnn— This… God, this is— it’s—“
“Yes, it is. I know. It’s this. And then it’s…” he pulled with his finger, outward away from his cock just a little, but the moan it drew from Sirius was… well, Logan knew exactly how much ‘just a little’ actually was when it was this. “…then it’s this.”
“Oh god!” Logan knew. “And then— And then you…”
“Then you keep going,” he could look at Sirius looking like this all night. His face screwed up in pleasure like this… it was something to see. “Then you take more. Then you let them work into you until you belong to two people.”
Sirius shuddered and shook beneath him, rolled his hips up and *onto* Logan. 
Yeah me too. “I like that part too.”
“Twice this?” He whined, “This is— this is so—“ Logan felt a fierce pride rush through him for making Sirius feel like this is so, because he felt it too. “Only had you and Re. Can’t imagine— I— both. It’d be…”
Logan waited a beat (needed a beat to get a hold on himself, feeling like he was going insane with the things Sirius was saying) before—
“They’d show you.”
Sirius’ eyes snapped to his. 
“You wouldn’t have to imagine it.”
And then could see Sirius was. His expression— it looked like how Logan thought his wanting felt.
“Hey,” softly, balancing so he could reach over beside them. “Look here,” he made his intentions clear, for Sirius to obey or not. 
Sirius looked. 
He turned and he looked right at Logan, then right into the camera with so much want in his eyes— it was surreal.
They went a while without photos then. They got lost in each other, in hot open kisses, breathing into each other’s mouths, pressing their faces into each other and grinning and huffing out half-laughs when one of them would change the angle of their hips. The grabbed and pulled and snuggled actually, while they were fucking, held tight to each other and rocked together, arms squeezing around each other each in a sort of daze, awed at what they got to have just because they wanted to. 
They switched positions a couple times, playfulness winning out in the end, wanting to try a couple ways to feel good together. Logan was grateful for having come once already, or he never would’ve made it this long. 
They ended up lain down again, Sirius face down against the cushions, Logan on top of him, chest to Sirius’ back, thrusting in, slow but powerful, with an arm wrapped around in front of Sirius, his jaw hooked over Sirius’ shoulder as he fucked into him. 
Lo got to suck at Sirius’ neck, got to kiss his jaw as he fucked him, got to hear the most gorgeous sounds leave his mouth. Sirius was moving beneath him, alternating between pushing up against him and grinding his own cock down for friction, arching his back and rolling his body up for contact and pressure and the feel of moving skin on skin. 
“I’m— I’m almost—”
“Almost there?”
Logan was too, and was glad to hear; he wouldn’t let himself come again until he got Sirius there. 
“Uh huh.”
“I’ll take you, hold on.”
“Fuck yes.”
Lo pulled Sirius tighter against him, snapped his hips forward with more force, “Let go, let go, I got you, let go.”
And with a deep rumbling cry, Sirius did, eyes screwed up shut and bucking back against, he turned his face toward Logan and let himself fall.
(He didn’t register the click of the camera from where it was held out in front of them, but he’d be glad to see the photo later.)
Logan fucked him through it gentle. More gently than maybe was necessary, but it made Sirius “Hnnnh mhmm,” happily and back towards him, so he did it anyway. 
“Tremz,” Sirius’ voice was breathy, he turned a bit beneath him, trying to get back to him.
“Yeah,” Lo said, he pulled out slowly, raised himself up a bit so Sirius could turn beneath him, back around because he needed a kiss just then. 
Logan did too. 
Sirius hands found their way down to Logan’s hips, “Please,” he said, into Lo’s mouth. 
I want it.
Sirius didn’t have to say it for Logan to hear it, and he wanted to give it to him, so he sat up, looked straight into Sirius’ face, and jacked his own cock, quick and tight, until with a, “Fuck! Sirius!” he came all over Sirius’ chest. 
Sirius looked so blissed out, so gratified, that he handed the camera to Logan with a smile when Lo held his hand out, wordlessly asking. He gave it over, and then gave it over, arms above his head, fucking muscles displayed almost obscenely, a blissed out smile, his eyes fluttered shut, covered in come, he let Logan take his picture. 
Sirius did end up getting one more out of him (“Bet I can” kiss “bet you’re right”). He sat him down in his lap, Logan’s back to Sirius’s chest, used his hands, squeezing and stroking his cock, cradling  and lightly pulling at his balls, his voice in Lo’s ear murmuring sweet things until Logan was writhing, bringing him over the edge a third time. 
(“Glad I get to see pictures too, get to feel you here and I get to see how sweet your face looks later, no wonder you get as much cock as you want, looking like this, sucking as well as you do. You like that? Like me talking like that? Oh fuck, yeah you do. More? Fuck, ok. God, that’s right, Tremzy, push back, fucking slut looking for cock even as fucked out as this, you’re so fucking hot, hope those boys are treating you right, you’re a fucking gift. One more, I know you’ve got one more, Tremblay, give it to me.”)
(Logan did.)
(Sirius held the camera backwards out in front of them as he bit at Logan’s neck, and got a photo of Logan’s face as he came, he himself looking mischievously over Lo’s shoulder.)
“We look fucking good, these are so hot.”
Lo was very proud actually. Not least for the way the pictures turned out, impressively steady even though both of them had been half out of their minds. They’d each blushed a little at the photos of the faces they’d caught of each other as they came, but had been simultaneously pleased with how good they looked. 
“Yeah… yeah we do don’t we?”
It was sweet. It was objectively cute. It was like they were best friends who fucked sometimes. 
Which they were now. 
They were giggling together under their blanket (“I swear to fucking god Sirius if you don’t snuggle me right now I’m gonna freak out.” And a “Are you kidding me thinking I’m not going to? Get the fuck over here”) moving around together playfully just to be, just for skin and for contact. Holding and nuzzling and scritching and petting a little while they looked through the photos they’d gotten. 
A few minutes after they’d set them aside and settled a bit, relaxing into each other, Sirius said, “Thank you.” Out of nowhere. 
“Thank me? Thank you, are you serious— don’t— but actually—”
“No,” around a small smile, “I— for the pictures. I mean also for fucking me like that, Jesus Christ, but… for the pictures.”
He wasn’t done though, Logan could tell.
“The night that—”
It was Logan’s turn to wait for words. Sirius cleared his throat before elaborating; he’d needed a moment.  
“The night they got those pictures of us… it was actually… I’m actually kind of mad about it?”
Logan held his tongue. Of fucking course Sirius was mad about it? There must be something else. There must be another reason he was saying it.
“It was… it was a good night. All star lists had just come out, and… it was the first time I got to have a New Years kiss.”
Oh god. Logan’s heart ached already, whatever Sirius was about to say was going to hurt, he could already tell. 
“Yeah,” he said softly, not really needing to, just wanting to be there, saying something. 
“I almost told him I loved him—”
Logan snapped his eyes up to Sirius’.
“—for the first time that night. Felt like I couldn’t wait, but I was… I wasn’t sure if he was there yet. And I didn’t want to spoil my first New Years kiss by jumping the gun.”
He let out a bit of a laugh that wasn’t funny at all.
“I didn’t want to spoil it.”
Logan had thought he was done being furious about those photos, thought he had let go of the anger weeks ago when Sirius had asked him to; he was wrong. 
“So I’m glad I didn’t then. That I didn’t say it. If they would have— I’m glad they didn’t get to have that.”
“They don’t get to have any of it,” Logan’s voice was quiet, but even though he was trying to gentle it, it was fierce.
Sirius smiled, but wouldn’t really look at him. 
“Ouais. Thanks, Tremzy.”
“They don’t get to have any of it, they don’t, they—”
They. They, they, they, they, they.
It wasn’t fucking about them. Not if Logan could stop it. 
“I think maybe you two should fuck in the backseat again.”
Sirius did look at him then. Sirius stared at him actually. “Um. I mean I— I don’t know if—”
“No, I think… I think maybe…” Logan picked up the camera and gently pressed it into Sirius’ chest. “… you could get some better photos. For you.”
There was a beat of silence and then, “They don’t get to take photos away from you…” kiss “… and they do not get to take fucking in the backseat of a car from you,” he gestured vaguely around, “America.”
Sirius laughed, for real this time. 
“When’d you get so smart, Tremzy?”
“I went to Harvard, asshole.”
(Another real laugh.)
He was quiet for a few minutes, just snuggling under the blanket with his best friend, letting the comfort bleed into him. 
“Yeah,” his voice was soft, “I think I like that idea. One thing though…”
And oh the mischief flared in his eyes, then. And it was so them it was ridiculous, because they could always get back to smiling together. 
Sirius was smiling as he grabbed Logan by the back of the neck and pulled him into a hot, open kiss (just to show him. But also maybe to thank him a little, one more time) then pulled back, a hand on Lo’s face. 
“You’ll take them, ouais?”
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
Things I Want In A New Animal Crossing New Horizons Update That We Probably Won’t Get
1. New fish/bugs/fossils to find
There are so many different fish and bug and extinct species that exist. Imagine catching a Blob Fish or a Maple Moth! Could you imagine digging up an Irish Elk fossil or a Ground Sloth? Also there’s only so much to do in ACNH, the game gets boring after a while. We need new things to find
2. New clothes and a shopping cart at Able Sisters
I literally have no use for the Able Sisters anymore. Give me new clothes to wear. And give us a shopping cart so we can buy more than one shirt or pair of shoes or pants at a time.
3. New crops
Give me a reason to keep using Kapp’n. Give me cucumbers or green beans or watermelon! There are so many things you can grow! Herbs!! Also new fruit trees! Bananas! Pomegranates! Starfruits! Avocado!
4. New cooking recipes
Basically a follow up to #3, give us new things to cook with those new crops and fish! I love the cooking and I need more!!
5. Give Celeste her own area in the museum
Like in Animal Crossing City Folk I want her observatory back! Let us find/look at constellations!
6. New hairstyles
Let me change my hair up more! Hair is amazing, you can do anything with it! Let me split dye it, let me ombré it! Let me put it up in new gun ways!
7. Change things up for the holiday prizes
Once you do the Halloween or Thanksgiving activities, you never have to do them again. It’s the same prizes every year. Change it up! Make it fun to do the quests again!
8. Ordering specialized coffee for villagers
It was sooo fun to do this and it will also give me a reason to keep seeing Brewster.
9. Bring back Club LOL
Give me Dr. Shrunk 😡😡. Give me the funny guy again.
10. More terraforming options.
I know this is a stretch but let us make different cliff shapes, let us make things like tunnels, caves, hills, rocky cliffs, expanded beaches. More pathway types and for the love of god, remove the grass patches underneath buildings and between pathway types.
I don’t wanna keep making things one by one! It’s so time consuming and annoying! Let me make like 30 fish bates at the same time!!!!!!!
12. Familiars or pets to follow you
Listen, I literally just had this idea while playing that it would be so cool to have a little pet follow you around. Could you imagine like a little bat or whatever following you? It be so cute!
13. Being able to go from one mystery island to the next without having to go home first.
It would save so much time to just go from one to the other without having to go through all the dialogue with the dodo birds.
14. The ability to change your islands name
I don’t wanna have to restart my whole island just to change the name. I’m just not feeling it’s name anymore, let me change it.
15. More Nooks Cranny upgrades
I want a bigger selection of items! I want more than just 5 things a day.
16. Weather app
I saw someone on Reddit talk about this and I couldn’t agree more. It would be cool to know when it’s gonna rain seeing as some bugs/fish only show up in the rain. It’d just be really cool to have.
17. I want more attitude from villagers
That stuff was funny. I want it back.
18. Post Office
I know you can send mail at the airport but i miss Pete, Phyllis, and Pelly. Plus it could give us a new building to put on the island.
19. GracieGrace
Bring back Grace the giraffe and her unreasonably expensive furniture!! Speaking of new furniture there was so much stuff in the previous games that haven’t been added to NH.
20. Easier way to get missing DIY’s
A new NPC that will help you get diys you are missing would be amazing. When they visit you can trade 10 duplicate diys cards and they could give you a diy you haven’t found yet!
————————————————————— I know this is a long list but all of these things would be sooo coool 😫😫😫
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futurebicon · 3 years
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Autocomplete Interview
CW- mention of outing, swearing, semi misgendering? (A question about Jules and Remus’s family) mention of injury
“Hello I’m Remus Lupin.”
“And I’m Sirius Black.”
The couple waved at the camera.
“And today we’re doing the Autocomplete Interview.”
Marlene handed Remus the first board.
“Hey I wanted it,” Sirius pouted.
“Too bad.”
“These are questions about you,” Marlene told Sirius from off camera.
“Oh great.” Sirius groaned.
“First one,” Remus pulled off the first paper. “Is Sirius Black gay?”
“Of course that’s the first one.” He shook his head. Contrary to popular belief I am not gay, I just happen to be married to a man. Kidding, yes I am very gay.”
Remus laughed and pulled off another paper. “Does Sirius Black speak French?”
“J’ai grandi en parlant français et je n’ai commencé à apprendre l’anglais qu’à l’époque de 8 ans. Je viens du Québec où la plupart de la population parle français.”
“So yes.” Remus translated.
Sirius reached over and pulled a paper off.
“Hey that’s my job!” Remus swatted his hand away. “Sirius Black name weird.” Remus could barley read the question as he laughed.
“Yes my name is weird. My full name is Sirius Orion Black. My brothers name is Regulus Arcturus Black. My fathers name is Orion. My mothers name is Walburga. We are all named after stars and constellations.”
“Arcturus?” Remus asked.
“It was my grandfathers name. Next question.”
“What is Sirius Blacks zodiac sign?”
“What is that?”
“It’s like the way the stars were when you were born or something like that.” Remus explained.
“You’re a Sagittarius.” Marlene told Sirius.
“Let me guess you have an uncle named Sagittarius?” Remus teased.
“He’s my 5th cousin but your name literally means Wolf Wolf so you have no room to talk.”
“Oh shit do you really?” Remus laughed.
“I hate all of you.” Sirius shook his head as Remus double over with laughter, along with the crew behind the camera.
“Okay last one on this board. I’m fucking crying.” Remus said and wiped his eyes. “Who are Sirius Blacks parents.”
“Pascal and Celeste Dumais are my parents. Next board.” He caught the board Marlene threw at him.
“Remus Lupin brother.”
“I have a sibling and their name is Jules.” Remus said, hoping people would pick up on what he was saying.
“And they love me more than they love Remus.”
“That’s honestly probably true.” Remus laughed.
“Alright next one.” Sirius ripped the paper. “Umm, Remus Lupin injury.” He cringed slightly.
“Fenrir Greyback tore my shoulder muscle, pretty much shredded the muscles because he was scared that I would get drafted and then threatened me if I told anyone. And now I’m playing for the Gryffindor Lions while he awaits trail.” He smirked. “Next.” He tore the paper.
“Hey,” Sirius swatted him away.
“Pay back bitch.”
Sirius rolled his eyes and read the question. “Remus Lupin hot guy on the bench,”
Remus let out a cackle as Sirius shook his head and tried not to smile.
“Next question.”
“No, no” Remus stopped him. “Basically there are fan pages of me because people think I’m hot and Sirius gets jealous.”
“Everyone knows you’re hot they don’t have to post about it.” He grumbled.
“You post about how hot I am.”
“Yeah but I’m your husband, I’m allowed to.”
“And they’re not?”
“Non” he said as he tore the next paper off.
“Remus Lupin skating videos,”
“Why do people wanna watch me skate?”
“Because you’re hot when you skate.” He tossed the finished board to the side.
“Oh my god,” Remus blushed and shook his head.
Sirius kissed his cheek and grabbed the last board.
“My turn” Remus took it.
“Share,” Sirius told him and ripped off the first one. “Are Sirius Black and Remus Lupin married?”
“Yes we are.” Remus held up his hand to show a gold wedding band.
“Do Sirius Black and Remus Lupin have any kids?” Remus read the next one.
“As of right now, no. But we will 100% have some in the future.” Sirius answered. “Remus Lupin and Sirius Black car pictures.”
“Basically my fucked up family took pictures of me and Remus kissing and then posted them and outed us.” Sirius answered.
“Last one.” Remus read it. “Do Sirius Black and Remus Lupin love each other?”
“Absolutely not”
“I hate him.”
“Despise each other.”
They said as they kissed and the outro played.
Sirius Black Reads Thirst Tweets
Sirius Black Answers Questions While Playing With Puppies
Favorite Coop Moments
Sirius Black and Regulus Black Speak Out About Their Childhood
Sirius Black, Pascal Dumais, and Logan Tremblay Play ‘How Well Do I Know You’
Send me suggestions for more ‘articles’
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hi! Do you think you’d be willing to write some Cubs fluff for Mardi Gras? Like Leo making Finn and Lo do something (I don’t exactly know how it’s celebrated)?
Oh my god I LOVE Mardi Gras!!! Also, I haven’t done Cubs fluff in a while, and I combined it with a couple other related prompts. This fic includes Cubs and Coops bonding (ft. Logan being a little shit), Leo learning to drive in the snow, a chaotic trip to the grocery store, and Lions family dinner after a winter walk. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, as always <3
“Eas—Easy, babe, just take it nice and steady,” Finn gripped the ‘oh, shit’ handle with one hand and Leo’s thigh with the other; in the backseat, Logan rubbed his neck where the seatbelt bit into it.
Leo took an unsteady breath and carefully pressed the gas again, wincing as the car rumbled under him. “Oh god, oh fuck, okay.”
“Snow isn’t that hard to drive in—” Finn cut off as Leo slammed on the brakes again. “—as long as you don’t brake hard whenever you feel a little bit of ice. Lo, you okay?”
“Fine,” Logan wheezed, bracing against the car door.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” Finn murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on the road as Leo began inching forward again. “If you start to slip, take your foot off the gas and do not slam the brakes, okay? We don’t want to skid.”
“I don’t get why you can’t drive us there,” Leo said, glancing in each of his mirrors even though they were still in a fairly residential area. Ten minutes on the road and they’d barely made it four blocks from the apartment.
“Because you need to know how to drive properly.”
“I know how to drive!” Leo saw Finn and Logan exchange a look through the rearview mirror and smacked him lightly on the chest. “Stop it. When’s my next turn?”
“Still 53rd.”
“Left or right?”
“Right.” Finn tapped out a quick text on his phone. “Cap and Loops just arrived at the store.”
“Fuck,” Leo muttered.
“It’s okay, Peanut, take your time,” Logan said. “Just focus on getting there safely.”
Leo tried to breathe deep and they rolled down the block, flinching each time snow or ice crackled under the tires or threatened to make them slide. “I drive in the rain all the time. This shouldn’t be hard.”
“Rain is way different than snow.” Finn pointed to the next intersection. “Turn there.”
They took the turn a bit wide, but thankfully there were no cars on the other side—still, both Finn and Logan went pale. Logan cleared his throat. “Streets here aren’t as wide as New Orleans, mon amour.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Leo grumbled. “How much further?”
“The parking lot is on the next block.”
They almost got stuck driving up the small ramp into the parking lot due to Leo’s ‘slow and steady’ approach and he could have sworn he heard Logan muttering the Hail Mary in French under his breath. Parking was easy—nobody in their right mind would be driving after a true Gryffindor snowstorm. Except us, he thought wryly as he turned the engine off.
“Don’t forget to lock the car,” Finn said mere seconds after the key was out.
“Sorry. Uh, Cap’s by the produce section.”
They were too focused on not slipping and falling on their asses to talk much while they walked through several snowdrifts to get to the front entrance of the grocery store; Leo sighed with happiness as soon as the heated air hit his face.
“Harzy!” Cap waved an arm over his head from the apple stand, smiling brightly. “You survived!”
“It was a close one,” Finn called back with a grin, sliding his hand into Leo’s back pocket as the three of them walked over.
“Dibs on riding in the cart!” One of Logan’s legs was already halfway into the basket before Sirius could stop him; he kicked aside the celery and onions and settled down, leaning back onto Sirius’ hands. “Bonjour.”
“Get out.”
“Non. I live here now.”
“I’m not pushing you.”
“I will!” Finn said. “Where’s the old ball and chain, Capsicle?”
“Call me that again and you can say goodbye to your ball and chain,” Remus said drily, lugging a bag of rice over from the other aisle. He stopped when he saw Logan, looking amused. “Hiya, Tremz. You look comfy.”
“Oh, I am.” Logan lounged in the cart, letting one leg drape over the side; he groaned when Remus set the rice bag on his chest. “Was that necessary?”
“No, but it was funny.” He grinned at Leo. “How was driving?”
Leo shrugged. “Decent.”
Sirius snorted as they began walking toward the meat section. “That bad, huh?”
“It’s a miracle I wasn’t beheaded,” Logan said. “Fish, how fast can you make it to the end of the aisle?”
“Loops, time me.” Finn tightened his grip on the cart and bent into a runner’s stance; Leo and Sirius both rolled their eyes as Remus dug his phone out of his pocket and opened up the timer.
“Ready…set…go!” Finn ran for three steps before hopping onto the under carriage as Logan whooped. Remus stopped the timer. “Four point six seconds! Get back here, I wanna try.”
“You’re not going to beat that time,” Logan laughed as he climbed out of the cart.
Sirius raised his eyebrows at the same time Remus stuck his tongue out. “Watch me. Knutty, can I trust you to be an unbiased timer?”
Leo shrugged. “Sure, gimme your phone.”
“You have one of your very own.”
“Trying to hide something, are we?” Logan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Sirius pushed him away by the forehead. “Spill the beans, Loops! Got some spicy messages in there? Some things poor baby Nutter Butter can’t handle?”
“No, I just don’t trust any of you with anything that belongs to me,” he laughed. “You’re walking safety hazards.”
“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Leo said as he set the timer. “Ready? Go!”
Sirius nearly tipped the cart over when he stood on the lower bar, making both of them yelp and wobble for a moment. Leo stopped the clock at the end of the aisle. Three point nine seconds.
“Sorry, guys, that’s four point eight seconds!” he called as Sirius pushed the cart back up to them.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Show me the phone.”
“I already reset the time.”
“So we definitely won,” Sirius said while Remus clambered out of the basket and Logan took his place. “Get out, Tremzy!”
“Make me!”
Sirius reached in and grabbed him under his armpits, but Logan kept a tight grip on the sides. “Are you done?” Remus asked wearily once Sirius started shaking him. “ ‘cause our grocery list is, like, a million miles long.”
With a disgruntled noise, Sirius dropped Logan back into the cart. “With any luck, he’ll be crushed under the food. What’s next?”
They had a few more competitions during their journey through the store, including onion basketball, vegetable Tetris, and a highly amusing game of twenty questions that ended in Sirius laying the bag of rice over Logan’s face.
Leo did some mental math as they walked out with six grocery bags full of ingredients. “We’ll need about seven pots to fit all this, but we’ve only got two that would work.”
“I think we’ve got one or two as well,” Remus said as he hauled a bag into the trunk of their car and brushed his hands off. “Celeste probably has some, and I can give Lily a call. Where are we making it, again?”
“Dumo’s. There’s nowhere near enough space at the apartment and I don’t want these two anywhere close to it.”
Finn shot him an offended look over a bag of onions. “Hey!”
“I love you, sweetheart, but if you fuck up my gumbo I’ll cry.” In the back of his mind, Leo was already thinking of small jobs for Logan and Finn to do so they could make it together, but they didn’t need to know that. It could be a Mardi Gras surprise.
“The sun’s coming out,” Sirius mused, looking upward at the clear blue sky. “Nothing we bought is going to melt. Do you want to go for a walk before we head out?”
Logan checked his phone. “We’ve got time.”
“Sounds good to me,” Leo agreed.
“I’m never going to say no to a snow day,” Finn laughed, wrapping his arms around Leo and Logan. “Lead the way.”
“So, Knutty, gumbo is basically chicken noodle soup, right?” Sirius asked as he linked elbows with Remus and started down the sidewalk.
“Uh, no.” Leo made a disgusted face and reached out to smack the back of his shoulder. “That’s blasphemy. Gumbo is more like stew, but you put less meat in it and more of a vegetable base. There aren’t noodles, either. Do you even know what a roux is?”
Sirius glanced back at Finn, who shrugged. “…I do not.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Leo muttered. “A roux is the base to all good New Orleans food. It’s flour and oil, and you heat it up so whatever you’re making has an actual taste to it, as well as some thickness. If you get it wrong, the whole thing is pretty much ruined.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Damn.”
Ahead of them, a pack of kids played pickup hockey on the park’s frozen pond. Several of them wore Lions sweatshirts or hats and Leo leaned his head on Finns beanie with a smile. “Look at how cute they are,” Finn cooed, waving to some of the astonished parents who had spotted them.
“Oh, killer hit,” Remus said as one kid went on a breakaway. “Is he—hey, nice shot!”
They paused for a second to applaud and a jumble of excited yelling echoed off the trees around the pond; Leo burst out laughing and draped his other arm across Logan’s shoulders, pulling him in closer to their huddle as they began to walk again. “We should head out there sometime. We live close enough.”
Finn hummed in agreement and stood on his tiptoes with a hopeful smile. “Kisses?”
Leo obliged, still grinning. “You’re ridiculous. That had nothing to do with hockey.”
“I didn’t get any kisses,” Logan grumbled, snuggling into Leo’s ribs.
“Get up here and I’ll give you one!”
“My nose is cold!”
Leo sighed dramatically and bent down to kiss the rosy tip of his nose—at the last second, Logan popped his chin out of his coat collar and caught his lips. “That was smooth as fuck. Better?”
“Are you three being gross again?” Remus teased, craning his neck to look back.
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“One walk,” Sirius sighed. “I wanted one walk where we could hang out in peace and quiet.”
“You invited the wrong people for that,” Leo snickered as they looped back around the block into the parking lot. “Harzy, baby, can you drive us back?”
“You need to learn!”
Leo turned on his saddest puppy eyes and stuck his lower lip out. “Please?”
Finn scrunched his nose up and flicked his shoulder lightly. “You’re too cute for your own good.”
“Is that a yes?”
After a quick pit stop at their apartment to pick up the pots, they arrived at the Dumais house just past two in the afternoon. Sirius and Remus pulled into the driveway just as they began unloading groceries from the truck and hurried over to give them a hand; all five of them were immediately mobbed by children the second they set foot in the house. Leo carefully took the onions from Logan so he could sweep Katie over his shoulder and tickle her knees, making her dissolve into giggles.
“My boys!” Celeste called from the entrance to the kitchen. She practically glowed with excitement as she pulled them into a group hug and Leo melted a little when she pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks. “You brought the food, yes?”
“We’ve got everything we need,” he confirmed, holding the onions and a pot up as proof. “As long as you’ve got counter space, we’ll be a-okay.”
Sirius and Logan lingered in the doorway, chatting with the kids in rapid French that Leo didn’t even try to keep up with—he used to think regional differences were made up for internet clout, but even after living with Logan for close to a year he sometimes struggled with the pace.
Celeste helped them gather cutting boards, knives, and basic spices that they hadn’t picked up at the store; Leo felt a thrill in his gut and drummed his hands happily on the countertop at the sight of the familiar ingredients. He made a mental note to send a picture to his mother later that night as he rolled up his sleeves.
“Think you can handle rinsing vegetables?” he asked, passing Finn a bag of green peppers.
Finn rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, and he pressed a kiss to Leo’s cheek before going to the sink. Remus unpacked the last of the bags and gave him an expectant look—Leo was struck by the sudden realization that for once, he was the only one in the kitchen who knew the recipe.
“Um, I’ll start the roux,” he said, grabbing the flour and oil. “Loops, can you start dicing the peppers, celery, and onions? Cap can help out once he gets the squid children off him.”
A smile tugged at the edge of Remus’ mouth. “Bold of you to assume he won’t drag them in here.”
“Alright, Rookie, what’s my job?” Sirius panted, grinning wildly as Adele wrapped herself around his lower leg and groaned with each dragging step.
Remus spared him a playful I told you so look, and Leo shook his head. “As long as you can use a knife with a kid clinging to your leg, you can help your fiancé chop the basics.”
Sirius mock-saluted him and hobbled to the counter; behind him, Logan wandered in with Marc under one arm and Katie under the other. “I have potato sack delivery,” he announced, giving them each a gentle shake. “Can these go in the gumbo, too?”
“No!” both shrieked at the same time, flailing their legs.
“Those look like pretty good potatoes to me…” Sirius said, glancing down at Adele. “What do you think?”
“Put ‘em in the soup!” she yelled.
“It’s not soup,” Leo complained, though he couldn’t be heard over the loud protests of the youngest Dumais kids.
Sirius finally got Adele to let go of him when he started cutting onions—“Do you want to smell like onions?”—but Katie perched on the edge of the counter and watched every move Leo made with eagle eyes as he finished each roux and began mixing the trinity in. Each motion was muscle memory—the smells wrapped him in a hug made of tangy peppers, smooth chicken broth, and a kick of spice at the very end.
Much to his surprise, Sirius, Finn, and Logan were quick learners. Making five massive pots of gumbo was much easier when he had five more hands helping him; Celeste had even been sweet enough to put jazz on as they cooked and the six of them took turns dancing, partnering with whomever was closest.
The others started arriving at five—almost immediately, the kitchen was crowded with ten new hockey players who crammed as close as they could to the stovetop to smell the bubbling broth. Noelle was the only one who was allowed to get within ten feet of the food, much to Talker’s chagrin.
Honestly, it was a miracle that they made it to the table without the rest of the team falling on the gumbo like a pack of wild hyenas who hadn’t eaten for a week. Kasey’s bouncy leg shook the edge of the table in anticipation until Leo reached over and smacked him on the thigh with his spoon. “Be patient, Bliz.”
“I’m always patient!”
Eight different people made noises of protest and he scoffed, leaning his face over the bowl to get a whiff of the thick steam. Dumo tapped his fork on the side of his cup; it wasn’t quite a classy ding-ding, but it made enough noise to catch people’s attention.
“First, thank you all for coming here for a family dinner,” he said, smiling so wide it made Leo’s heart warm. “Second, I’d like to welcome the older and wiser O’Hara to his very first Lions dinner, since he had the great fortune of visiting just in time to be adopted by the team for a night!”
Loud cheers filled the house and Alex gave a slight wave, blushing under the attention as Kasey and Nat jostled him between their shoulders.
“And finally, everyone say ‘thank you’ to Knutty for sharing his top-secret gumbo recipe from home. We might not celebrate Mardi Gras like New Orleans, but this is a party nonetheless.” Dumo raised his water with a wink and Leo squeezed Logan’s hand under the table as seventeen voices thanked him for his cooking, despite the fact that they hadn’t even tasted it yet.
The house went dead silent as people took their first bites, then erupted into noise. “Holy shit, Knutty!” Nado all but shouted, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. “This is witchcraft.”
“It’s called ‘cooking’, you should try it sometime,” Leo shot back, grinning. The chicken thighs melted in his mouth, and the pop of lemon and spice at the back of his throat tingled all the way down to his bones. He didn’t think Pots had taken a breath in thirty straight seconds. Leo closed his eyes, letting the tangled muddle of his family’s voices roll over him, mixing with the taste of home.
“Ça va, mon amour?” Logan asked under his breath, touching his elbow.
Leo smiled and touched their foreheads together, setting his spoon down on the edge of his bowl. “I’m so fucking happy right now.”
Logan smiled and the edges of his eyes crinkled. “You look happy.”
“You two are whispering without me?” Finn whined, scooting his chair over a few inches and squishing Logan between them. His bowl was already half-empty, Leo noted with a sense of satisfaction. “That’s rude.”
“I love you,” Leo said. It needed no embellishments; no big, dramatic displays. “And I love making food for everyone.”
“You can do it any time, baby rookie.” Kasey scraped the sides of his bowl to catch the last few grains of cornbread, knocking his knee with Leo’s. “Next time we have a sleepover, I’m not ordering pizza.”
“So I’m going to be your personal chef?” Leo snorted. “Not a chance.”
“What’s that saying? The Mardi Gras one?”
Leo savored his next bite of gumbo and looked around the table as everyone chatted and laughed at the top of their lungs. “Laissez les bon temps rouler,” he said. “Let the good times roll.”
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝atsumu, kuroo, tsukishima and bokuto playing acnh ❞
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miya atsumu
→ first he called the game dumb but he eventually gave in because everyone and their aunts were playing it and he didn’t wanna be left out
→ mf tries so hard for raymond at first
→ he insists it’s just because he can sell him for a lot
→ he really just wants raymond because he lowkey reminds him of osamu
→ anyways this fool doesn’t get raymond but ya know who he does get?
→ pedro
→ atsumu was ✨disgusted✨
→ “a clown?! a fukn clown?! yer jokin me!”
→ “aw don’t cry he fits in so well on your island 😹”
→ “sHUT YER TRAP 😠😠😠”
→ he hated pedro at first and for what?
→ eventually he starts vibing with him though
→ he decides that perhaps... pedro isn’t a bad guy after all
→ so atsumu develops a soft spot for him and begins to favour him over the rest of his mediocre villagers whose names he can’t be bothered to remember
→ ya know whose name he can remeber though?
→ BELLA 😡😠😡😠😡😡😠
→ the name that sparks rage in him
→ atsumu hits his villagers with his net shouting “nice cut g!” as a joke
→ with bella he’s not joking 😐
→ he hits her repeatedly and grins maliciously when she gets angry eventually
→ LOVES shoving her into pitfalls for absolutely no reason
→ cusses her out under his breath
→ writes hate mail to her only to get fustrated when she sends a nice reply about the flowers she saw the other day that reminded her of him
→ honestly bella girl it ain’t worth it, pack your bags and get outta there sis 😔
→ he wants her to get tf off his island because he doesn’t like her but he also kinda wants her to stay because he loves annoying her and making her angry
→ literally goes out of his way to buy the ugliest clothes for her to wear
→ he also has all his villagers address him as “big dick man”
→ pedro is special though 😳
→ pedro is the chosen one who gets to call him “tsumu”
→ literally thinks it’s the funniest thing when his villagers say “hey big dick man! the weather sure is great today isn’t it!”
→ you can hear his cackling from down the hall
→ thinks it’s the peak of comedy
→ oh and you’re not allowed to visit his island on a saturday
→ saturdays are “for the boys”
→ and by that he means he’s just going to buy a ton of matching clothes for him and pedro and talk to him all day until he eventually annoys pedro by accident to which he genuinely gets upset about
→ he doesn’t really bother with the fishing tourneys or bug offs
→ does catch a few though just to make sure he beats bella earns nook miles
→ pretty average island, not too much effort put into it yet
→ atsumu prefers channeling his energy and game time into bullying bella interacting with his villagers
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kuroo tetsurō
→ bangs. it. tf. out.
→ literally acts like he doesn’t care about the game but has 395+ hours game time
→ uses the excuse it’s to play with kenma but kuroo actually got into it before kenma had the chance to look at it properly
→ fishing tourney KING
→ has multiple gold trophy’s and built a whole extension just to show them off
→ also treats all his villagers equally
→ he was a bit picky and only wanted cats and dogs on his island though
→ if you’re anything but a cat or a dog, i’m sorry but kuroo will timeskip you tf off of his island
→ has a soft spot for lucky but doesn’t admit it
→ he likes to come across as a “fair dictator of the island”
→ just admit luckys your fav and go oh my god
→ his house is really nice too
→ pretty much paid off all his debt and is financially responsible 😼
→ he will send you money over a few times a week because he claims he’s a good boyfie virtually and realistically
→ LOVES opening the letters from ‘mom’
→ it’s a small detail in the game but it brings kuroo comfort when he opens the letters and sometimes receives gifts from his virtual ‘mom’ 🥺
→ keeps all the letters from her because that’s what he would do if his real mom ever wrote to him
→ he’s a shameless timeskipper
→ “tetsu?? where tf did you get all this the games only been out a week??”
→ “👁👁 idk what you’re talking about baby”
→ the thing that annoys him the most are the fossils
→ HATES the stupid little marks in the ground that appear every day
→ also HATES talking to blathers
→ “spit it out already! i have places to be and villagers to see!”
→ completely ignores blathers’ real name and refers to him as ‘bokuto’
→ because he’s an owl duh
→ and bokuto also talks a lot
→ you thought it was a cute friendship thing at first but took it back when you heard him muttering under his breath
→ “oh my god just analyse the fossils already you himbo bird!”
→ “did you just call blathers a himbo? 😳”
→ “...no? 😳👀”
→ all in all, kuroo’s pretty good at the game
→ you like visiting his island because he has a ton of extra stuff he just gives you
→ “i never want to hear you call me a bad boyfriend again 😐”
→ “okay fine...but oNLY if you give me an ironwood dresser 😏”
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tsukishima kei
→ another one who bangs it out
→ doesn’t really care when you point it out though
→ “you’re just jealous your islands a dumping ground compared to mine 🥱”
→ “k-kei 😔”
→ also sprints near where you’re fishing to scare the fish off and be spiteful 💀
→ little shit KNOWS you only need oranges to complete all the fruits on your island
→ he also knows you’re out of nook miles tickets
→ “aw that’s a shame, maybe if you were a bit better at the game you’d find them quicker but good luck! 😀”
→ oranges are his native fruit 😐😑😐
→ eventually he gives you them because you’re relentless and his patience runs thin after a while
→ good at the bug offs
→ pretty good at scorpion/tarantula hunting too
→ convinced spike is in love with him after the amount of scorpions and tarantulas he’s donated to him
→ his fossil exhibition in the museum is completed already
→ when blathers tells him the facts about the dinosaurs he just rolls his eyes
→ “i knew that already you stupid bird 🙄”
→ why’s everyone bullying blathers damn 😿
→ now, he likes henry
→ one of the few villagers he doesn’t bully
→ tsukki doesnt particularly care for majority of his villagers
→ henry has a special place in his heart though
→ maybe it’s because henry isn’t overly perky or he isn’t rude like the cranky villagers which tsukishima doesn’t like
→ henry is just??? so??? nice????
→ he can’t hate him
→ all his villagers have catchphrases that are dumb af
→ tsukki thought he was being clever when he made them but he just looks mean when other people talk to his villagers
→ “good morning i am useless! i love your outfit!”
→ henry gets to call him tsukki though
→ only because he figured out that henry reminds him of yamaguchi
→ that’s the only reason henry’s the exception to his bullying
→ i feel like tsukki has a pretty nice house too
→ he makes a lot of bells from selling scorpions and tarantulas and spare fossils he’s dug up
→ doesn’t really care about the size but has very detailed rooms
→ like all the furniture in his rooms follow a scheme
→ mf never opens his mailbox
→ doesn’t care for what the other “peasants have to say for themselves”
→ terraforming isn’t really his thing tbh
→ doesn’t like how slow the process and be and kinda likes the natural flat land
→ he likes laying down paths though
→ cusses villagers out when they get in the way though
→ full on shoves them and will keep shoving them until they get annoyed just because they’ve annoyed him
→ tsukki doesnt put as much time into the game as kuroo but his island is still pretty good and aesthetically pleasing
→ he just won’t help you make yours look like that 💀
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bokuto koutarō
→ weeds. everywhere.
→ get so confused when he’s told he has to pick them all
→ “really? why can’t i just let them grow though i kinda like them 🤩”
→ mf ✨struggles✨ at the first stages
→ “y/n, you know i love you, please give me 30 iron nuggets 🥺💖💞💗”
→ ofc you give them to him because you’re well ahead in the game and don’t need them as much as he does
→ praises you like royalty but then he’s back to begging for materials from you 💀
→ doesn’t pay his debts
→ you’re gonna have to help him out here
→ doesn’t like the idea of having to constantly pay them off
→ like?? he doesn’t want a bigger house so why is this damn raccoon always bothering him to upgrade like leave him and his 2 room house alone 😠
→ has a the same camp bed and lamp from when he first moved out the tent 💀
→ insists he doesn’t need another one because the furniture all functions the same
→ he has a point tbf but his house just isn’t aesthetically pleasing
→ he also hoards stuff
→ common butterfly? yeah bokuto has 37 sitting in his storage
→ doesn’t like letting the bugs go because he “caught them fair and square”
→ you show him how to pay his debts back and then he dedicates a whole room to his stupid bugs 💀
→ loves blathers and celeste just because they’re owls
→ doesn’t care about what they’re wittering on about he loves interacting with them just because they’re the only owls in the game 😐
→ his favourite villager is kid cat
→ literally follows him around and sprints circles around him
→ l o v e s the chaos outside the town hall
→ 2 of his villagers are singing, 3 are running around and 1 is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
→ HYPES his singing villagers tf up
→ “yeah get it bianca! turn it up!!! 🥳🥳”
→ has to match his villagers clothes at least once a week
→ also makes them all refer to him as “the best ace”
→ it boosts his ego a little more each time they say it
→ bokuto actually got raymond out of luck but had no idea who tf he was and just how popular he was
→ lets that mf go without advertising that raymond’s in boxes
→ atsumu screeches when he finds this out eventually
→ bokuto doesn’t care what his villagers look like everyone’s welcome
→ bella should move to bokuto’s island and move from atsumu’s because bokuto will accept her with open arms rather than a net to the head everytime he sees her 😿
→ ALWAYS remembers birthdays for his villagers
→ and always shows up to their birthday parties insisting he’s the life of the party and they’d be bored without him 😹
→ which is true to a certain degree cause the party only really starts when the player arrives
→ bokuto is actually okay at terraforming
→ quickly changes his mind after an hour of building and digging and restarts it all over again
→ he can make his island look pretty good
→ theres just weeds and buried fossils everywhere though 👁👁
→ also forgets his turnips go bad
→ literally the least financially responsible out of them all
→ it’s okay though because you help him and he eventually gets the hang of it
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zehecatl · 3 years
rec post for @f-eef that got too long for its own good, and is now just. a general rec post i guess
(as of writing, today is the steam summer sale! writing this before that goes live, so no guarantee everything on here is on sale, but! most of these are older games, so it’s likely. keep them in mind~)
- Iconoclasts my absolute favourite game, ever (along with OFF, but shh), if you check out one game from this list, let it be this one. it’s a genuinely almost flawless package, with gorgeous pixel art, fun gameplay, a really good story, and a cast of characters i just. adore. it’s so so so good, and three years later, i’m still not over it
- The Binding of Isaac so there’s this genre called roguelikes, wherein the whole gimmick is that, when you die, you gotta start from the Very Beginning; and the ‘point’ is getting better and better at the game, until you win! it’s super easy to just, play a few runs (they generally don’t last that long!), and then go on with your day, so it’s a really fun game to just waste time in, if you just wanna chill with some game. and, in my personal opinion, Isaac is the best roguelike game, with so much stuff to unlock, a whole slew of items to play with, and so much content it’s kind of unreal. i definitely think the DLCs are worth picking up, but it’s mostly for more content than like. actually being necessary
- Terraria it’s minecraft, but 2D. unlike MC, it’s got a bit of guidance, which i personally prefer, with bosses to fight and such. an absolutely BLAST with other people too
- A Hat in Time a 3D platformer, ala Mario, that’s just. super charming. it’s also really fun to play. i haven’t actually played the DLC’s, since i played it way back, but i’ve heard good things about Nyakuza Metro, which does look super slick, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Slime Rancher you are a slime rancher. you ranch slimes. it’s honestly just wholesome as hell, and just exudes happy vibes. mostly for running around and collecting slimes, ngl
- The Messenger really funky retro game, wherein you play a ninja on a mission. it’s primary draw is definitely in its gameplay, but there’s a surprising amount of story for this kind of genre? i honestly really just like this one. it’s neat
- Underhero you play as a cute minion, who kind of like. managed to kill the hero. and whoops, guess you’re doing his job now? it’s got that undertale vibe, though i’d say it’s less polished than it. HOWEVER, it’s absolutely lovely and it’s climax is REALLY good
- Hatoful Boyfriend bird dating sim. trust me. the ‘secret’ finale route is just. *chef’s kiss* fantastic
- Night in the Woods if you don’t mind having a very poignant sad time, oh my god, i could not recommend NITW more. it perfectly captures that period when you’re done with school, and suddenly your whole life is stretching before you, and you feel so so fucking lost, and overwhelmed and pained with it. it’s just. so good. a sadness worth experiencing 
- Shovel Knight another retro game! this one is, pretty much, the king of the genre, and for very good reasons. the first one (shovel of hope) doesn’t have much story, but the latter ones really add on it. they’re honestly just, really solid games! with funky knight characters!!!
- Hyper Light Drifter man, it’s just a masterpiece. everything about it is perfect. it’s been like, five years, and it’s still one of the very best indie games
- Tell Me Why it’s currently free for june! and it’s a story game! plus, if you like the genre, the devs got the ‘Life Is Strange’ serie(s) to delve into!
- Cat Quest honestly, i just really like this little game. the gameplay is SO much fun, and everything else is just. really charming :’)
- Yoku’s Island Express metroidvania, where you play as a dung-beetle post officer, and the gimmick is that it’s pinball-y! it’s really fun, and very cute and just an all around good time :)
- Owlboy you play as an owl boy! named Otus! and you can fly around, and there’s GORGEOUS pixel graphics, and a neat story, and just. the BEST cast of characters. it’s delightful
- Yuppie Psycho + Count Lucanor just gonna bundle these two together, because they’re both REALLY GOOD. YP is the newer one, and is therefore probably ‘the better one’, but i like them both a ton! they’re 2D horror, but i wouldn’t say they’re that spooky? though that might just be because they’re pixel games! you explore spooky place, and weird stuff happens around you. just a really fun time :)
- Angels of Death my FAVOURITE rpgmaker game, it’s main draw is, a 100%, the main characters and the relationship that develops between them. i just love it a whole lot, and it’s got that lil’ tinge of horror that i, personally, fucking adore. there’s actually an anime based on this, but i haven’t seen it myself!
- Celeste curve ball! it’s a 2D platformer! it’s really good, got a ton of accessibility features, and has like. the tightest gameplay- and, on top of that, surprisingly emotional story! 
- Bastion putting Bastion here, because it’s actually the only one i’ve properly played, but you could probably buy any of the Supergiant Games, and come out satisfied. Bastion is the oldest of the bunch, and is definitely a bit less polished for it, but i personally adore it; the gameplay probably hasn’t aged that well, but i think the story and presentation more than makes up for it
- The Darkside Detective funny point and click adventure, with great wit, and a pair of characters i kind of simply adore. it’s main draw is definitely its humour
- Littlewood very wholesome and chill farming game, that feels more like an RPG than something like stardew valley- i’d not recommend it over SV, but if you want more of SV, Littlewood might scratch that itch!
- Pony Island + The Hex absolutely adore both of these, though if i had to rec only one, it’d probably be Pony Island? they’ve both got that undertale-off vibe, though Pony Island definitely leans harder into it. very interesting plays, both of them
- Oxenfree another horror-ish game! primarily story-focused, but oh boy, what a story! i’m a BIG fan of this game, and the sequel was recently announced too! definitely worth a look if you like ghost shenanigans
- Creature in the Well wasn’t a 100% sure if i should rec this, but beside the finale boss, i really enjoyed my time with this! it’s this weird pinball inspired hack and slash, with some amazing vibes
- Kindergarten 1 + 2 they’re just fun little games okay. the 2nd is much more fleshed out, but the 1st one is really fun too
- the Henry Stickmin collection I JUST... LIKE THESE GAMES A LOT... i think you can find the old versions somewhere on the internet, if you wanna check them out first? idk, they’re fun!
- LIMBO + INSIDE personally, i like INSIDE more, but both of these are classics, and also they’re made by a danish team, and i like them a WHOLE LOT
- The Final Station i could not tell you why i like this game as much as i do, but oh my god. i love this game? it’s got a dying world, neat pixel graphics, big zombie apocalypse vibes, and a weird little story
- Year Walk i love Year Walk :)
- Smile For Me if you liked undertale’s lovely cast of characters, oh boy, you’d likely LOVE this game! it’s really, really, fantastic, and the epilogue (not in the actual game lol) hit me right in the feels
- Pikuniku just a fun little game! there’s not really much there, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a wonderful little play, one of those games that just sets out to give you a good time, and absolutely success. i like it a lot :’)
- A Short Hike wonderful game, where it’s more about exploring the island than actively finishing the game. it’s real wonderful
- ULTRAKILL ANOTHER CURVEBALL! no idea if you like FPS, but oh my god. ULTRAKILL is so fucking good. just an absolute blast to play. there’s a demo to check out, and i’d definitely recommend it, because if it’s a genre you might like, you’ll love this one (OH also it’s in early access, which means it’s not finished yet! personally, i don’t mind that, especially considering this is more gameplay focused, but ya’ know!)
- My Friend Pedro it’s honestly just really fun to play, and sometimes i still think about the implied lore, and go all !!!!
- Little Misfortune another point and click! this one is pretty short, and is set within the same universe as their other game, Fran Bow, which is much bigger, but idk. i like this one. it’s dark cute
- This Strange Realm of Mine i honestly dunno how to explain this one, because it’s kind of weird and a bit odd, but i really like it, in all its weird poetic glory. it’s neat!
- Donut County you’re a terrible racoon who’s ruined the whole city with holes. it’s great and i love it
- OneShot another ‘gives me undertale vibes’, though this one was in development before UT, if i recall correctly! it’s so good, and it’s got some fantastic meta bits, and i love Niko. i love Niko so much
- Inmost gorgeous vaguely spooky game with a neat story... my favourite genre
- Sayonara Wild Hearts i’d call this more of a spectacle than anything else, but oh my god. what a spectacle it is! the OST is amazing, everything about it just hits right, and even if you suck at the gameplay (which i did), it really doesn’t matter, in my opinion? it’s just great all around!
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hongism · 4 years
mists of celeste ➻ 27
➻ pairing: ??? x fem reader ➻ genre: space au, pirate au, space pirate!ateez, angst, smut ➻ Word Count: 4.1k ➻ Rating: M ➻ Warnings: language, violence, guns and weaponry, blood, future warnings tba ➻ summary: Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you
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✧✧✧ act four ➻ part two
When Hongjoong said that you would reconvene the next day to discuss the plans further, you expected it to be quick and easy. Instead, one day turned into six and a half days that consisted of playing a waiting game. No one was allowed on the bridge aside from Seonghwa – even Mingi was told that he couldn’t take his regular post at the captain’s side, which left the bitter taste of curiosity in your mouth. And since you and Seonghwa are on a break from your regular physical activities, you haven’t been able to ask him what the hell is going on because he spends all his time on the bridge talking with Hongjoong because you don’t get to see him. You aren’t bitter or anything – honestly and truly, you aren’t – but it does feel a bit strange to go from sleeping in the same bed as someone every other day and having a certain level of intimacy with them to not even seeing the back of their head for almost a week. The one time you did see Seonghwa, it was so brief that if you had blinked, you would have missed him and the rushed greeting and farewell he gave you on his way to the bridge.
Maybe you are a tad bitter, but only because you would have appreciated a better explanation than the silence you got instead.
Hongjoong’s strange and unexplained delay in conducting his plans led to a spike in stress throughout the crew. You would assume that having this downtime and not having to do anything would be something they enjoy and look forward to, but that’s limited to being able to leave the ship on said downtime. No one has been allowed to set foot off the ship according to a vague order over the ship’s intercoms. Despite the much-needed rest, you have to admit that even you are growing tired of it. You spend your days reading about Sirens in your room, sparring with Jongho or San, or just milling about the ship with little purpose because there isn’t much to do. More quality time spent in each other’s presence isn’t always good though. This whole situation has caused a spike in Wooyoung’s complaints about the food primarily because Jongho has been the only one cooking in Seonghwa’s absence.
“I’m just saying that if you lowered the heat on the stove, maybe the food would be so burnt!” Wooyoung’s voice rings through the mess hall before you even reach the archway leading into the room.
“That’s called flavor, Wooyoung!” Jongho argues back, dark head of hair coming into view as you cross the threshold. You don’t even bother looking over to where the food waits because if Wooyoung is this loud in his complaints already, then it’s worse than usual.
“The eggs are black, Jongho. Black! How do you even manage to do that?” Wooyoung scoffs, leaning back in his seat as he motions down at his plate. Yeosang is at the man’s side as always though he doesn’t engage in the conversation happening before him. He still bears the same cloth sling that he’s been wearing since that explosion in the marketplace. As much as he insists that he’s fine, Yunho continues to make him wear it just to be sure that he won’t tear anything.
And, speaking of Yunho, he’s the first to greet you as you draw closer to the table. He lifts his hand to offer a gentle wave but says nothing more than that because Jongho is still hellbent on getting the last word.
“Look, I don’t appreciate this kind of attack. Your tone is very hostile and accusatory, and I’m not really vibing with it in all honesty.”
You huff out a weak laugh at Jongho’s comment, stepping around the man to sit between Yunho and San when they make space for you.
“I’m not vibing with eggs that look like gravel! We can’t all vibe with what we wanna vibe with!” Wooyoung protests as he slaps his hand against the table. The silverware and plates shudder at the impact, but Jongho remains unblinking, lips drawn into a fierce pout.
“Suit yourself. More for the rest of us!”
“More for you,” Yunho cuts in with a quick shake of his head.
“And only you,” San adds a moment later.
“All of you are cruel. At least I can rely on Y/N to treat me better than this.” Jongho angles his chin towards you, and you resist the urge to look over at him. You’re certain that he’s going to be wearing those damn puppy dog eyes that he’s too good at, and you are more than slightly susceptible to. “Wow, nevermind! She’s not even gonna look at me.”
“Careful, Jongho. She might be cranky. She hasn’t fucked in maybe a week with our dear lieutenant always on the bridge.” Jongho chokes on his coffee, Wooyoung’s eyes all but bulge out of his head, and San coughs to cover the laugh that threatens to breach his lips. Only Yeosang maintains a sense of normalcy, but you can spot the hint of a smirk as he hides behind his coffee mug. You swing an elbow into Yunho’s side, hitting him square in the ribs, and he yelps from the impact. “Ow! Hey, rude!”
“Fuck you,” you huff.
“Oh? Okay, what time? I’ll gladly clear my schedule for some fun.” Yunho props his elbow up on the table and angles his chin to look you in the eye. You glare in response to the teasing gleam there, opting not to give him the pleasure of hearing another response from you.
“Breakfast is always so much fun, isn’t it?” San teases, pulling his arm up to rest on your shoulder.
“Can’t we have one breakfast with Yunho making things about sex?” Wooyoung whines as he slumps forward on the table.
“Why is everyone cranky except for me?” Yunho scoffs. “It isn’t like you all have never had sex, I don’t see what the big issue is! Why can’t I just chat abo–”
“Can it, horndog!” Wooyoung interrupts, and he chucks a wadded up napkin at Yunho’s forehead a moment later.
“Fine! Just remember that one day, I’m gonna stop talking altogether, and you lot are going to regret having ever been mean to me about talking too much.” Yunho purses his lips, drawing his arms up to cross over his broad chest, and Wooyoung shakes his head in response.
“No, no, you idiot! Shut up because someone is present,” he hisses out. His index finger comes up to jab in the opposite direction, and you have to swivel your head to see what exactly he’s pointing at. Yunho does the same, but his expression melts into a neutral one in an instant. Mingi stands at the other side of the room, oblivious to the eyes upon him and as stoic as ever. The talk at the table falls quiet. It’s such a sudden shift that it sends you reeling, especially since you haven’t seen Mingi in the mess hall since – well, you can’t recall ever seeing him here. The tension and discomfort in the air is palpable. You consider breaking the silence, but Yunho’s flitting eyes and Wooyoung’s suddenly stiff muscles convince you not to. Rather, it’s Jongho who cuts through it.
“God, can’t you all act normal around him?” He pushes himself up and turns to where Mingi lingers near the edge of the room.
“I’m confused,” you mutter, shifting your head to look in San’s direction. He looks back at you with lips drawn tight together. They relax after a moment, and San opens his mouth to say something. The words never come out because Jongho interrupts the train of thought with a booming tone that echoes through the hall.
“Hey! Mingi just said he loves my eggs, you rat!” It’s obvious who the comment is directed at, and Wooyoung is quick to respond with an equally loud scoff.
“He is only saying that to make you feel better. He knows how bad they really are!” Wooyoung huffs. You try to relax your shoulders as the hanging tension begins to thin and dissipate. Jongho all but drags Mingi closer to the table where you all sit, but once the pair gets within three feet of you, Mingi halts. Jongho tugs his arm a little to no avail because Mingi still shakes his head and refuses to budge.
“I think… they would feel safer if I stay at this table instead,” Mingi says, tone hesitant. His tongue darts out to drag over his lower lip, and his gaze lands on each person at the table before settling on you. Jongho doesn’t push him any further though and lets Mingi move towards the other table instead. Yunho lets his gaze flit between Jongho and Mingi, watching the silent exchange before huffing out a sigh and standing up himself. He goes to sit beside the taller Berserker without a word and doesn’t bother bringing his food or coffee with him as he drops to the bench, elbows propped up on the edge of the table. He’s almost tall enough to stretch across the space between the tables with his legs alone, and you’re sure that he could if he put in the effort.
You don’t face forward right away. Mingi’s presence looms behind you like a ticking time bomb. Even if the tension is slowly ebbing away, you can still clearly see that everyone is on edge. Maybe it is only because you’ve all been stuck on the ship for so long, perhaps everyone is on edge and tense because of that, but you know that Mingi is an influential factor regardless. It’s suddenly everywhere in the room: in Yeosang’s sharp eyes narrowing on Mingi’s form, Wooyoung’s shifting weight as he glances over at the Berserker every so often, the hand that San inches across the bench to brush against the nape of your back. Jongho and Yunho stay close to Mingi, but it doesn’t seem like a gesture meant to be solely friendly. It looks more like a blockade than anything else. The way Yunho stretches his legs out to cover more distance, his body facing towards your table rather than the opposite way, and Jongho finding a statuesque position evenly between the tables with arms pressed firmly against his hips.
It isn’t necessarily Mingi or his aura that makes you uncomfortable and tense. It’s the crew’s reaction to his presence in the mess hall that does that. Normal conversation slips back in, though it doesn’t help to ease the discomfort churning in your gut.
“What the hell is taking Hongjoong and Seonghwa so long anyway?” Wooyoung asks, slumping over the table after pushing his plate of unfinished food out of the way. “It’s been a week. What kind of plans are they making for a week?”
“Big ones?” San offers with a half-smirk stretching his lips.
“Haha, you’re so funny, San. Have I ever mentioned that? How funny you are? Because you’re fucking hilarious.” Wooyoung doesn’t try to hide the overexaggerated roll of his eyes.
“In all seriousness though, I have no idea. They could be playing a waiting game, just like the rest of us.”
“A waiting game for what?” Wooyoung shifts a bit in his seat. Yeosang glances over in his direction and seems to pick up on something that no one else does because he pushes closer to the dark-haired man until their shoulders rub against each other. The simple touch releases some of the tension in Wooyoung’s shoulder in a fraction of a second.
“Given where we are, it would be no surprise if they needed to wait like the rest of us,” San explains through a sigh. “Especially with what happened the last time you were out and about in the city.” If you didn’t already know what San is referring to, you would be able to tell just from the way Wooyoung and Yeosang look at one another, eyes sad to a degree, and Wooyoung pushes a hand back to brush against the one that hangs out of Yeosang’s sling.
“It’s been a long time since Hongjoong was this patient,” Jongho notes as he finally takes his eyes off Mingi. “Do you think something happened?”
You know why he’s patient all of a sudden. The reason is you. Your identity as a Siren, your revelation to him a little over a week ago, and the fact that Hongjoong has two Sirens in his grasp rather than just one. You can’t very well come out and say that however; you don’t need the rest of the crew treating you like anything less or more than what you are. Nor do you need them doubting your abilities all of a sudden like Seonghwa did (another thing you aren’t bitter about in the slightest). If it were up to you, you would make sure that none of them found out. The underlying need to be appreciated and wanted for who you are rather than what you are outweighs the desire to explain Hongjoong’s patience.
“I’ve got no clue.” San shrugs, casting Jongho an uninterested glance before returning to his coffee.
“Being on Kebos sucks ass.” Wooyoung huffs air through his nose, but the sound is masked entirely by a sudden clatter behind you. San’s grip shifts to your hip and squeezes tight before he turns around. It’s a split second shift, and the tension spikes tenfold. Wooyoung claps his hand over his mouth, eyes growing impossibly wide. You dare to turn with the rest and stare directly at Mingi. The sight before you, however, is an entirely normal one.
Mingi sits in the same position as before. He hasn’t even budged. You wouldn’t be able to tell that something is wrong if not for the next words that come out of his mouth.
“We’re on… Kebos?” It isn’t clear who he is talking to because he keeps his chin dipped to his chest.
“No! Uh, I just meant that — I was thinking about it. We were talking about it. Earlier!” Wooyoung exclaims as he drops his hand to the table. That turns out to be a mistake, however; he releases a cry of pain the second his hand connects with the metal, pulling away and cradling the limb to his chest. Yeosang lunges to shield Wooyoung from view, but he doesn’t move fast enough thanks to the awkward position at the table and one of his arms being out of commission. There’s a flash of crimson trickling down Wooyoung’s arm. Yeosang’s weight slams into Wooyoung, and the two topple off the bench and thrash a little before hitting the ground at a painful angle. Wooyoung takes the brunt of the impact, Yeosang falling on top of him with a grunt.
When you glance down at the table again, there’s a knife beside Yeosang’s plate, one that has the same shade of crimson as Wooyoung’s arm coating the blade. It isn’t difficult to figure out what happened. San notices the knife the exact moment you do. He jerks and stretches across the table to knock it off the edge, and the blade clatters a few times before skidding across the metal floor. You don’t dare move a muscle. San leans closer to you, lips grazing the shell of your ear as he turns back to Mingi.
“Move to the other side of the table,” he mutters. “Don’t make any sudden movements.” You’re tempted to nod, but the warning in San’s tone prevents you from even doing that much. So instead, you slide across the bench as slowly as possible to do as asked.
“Hey, Mingi,” Jongho starts. From your new position, you can clearly see what was going on, and Mingi’s gaze is firmly fixated on the spot where the bloodied knife just sat. “How’s the weather up there?”
Mingi doesn’t respond. His hands are trembling in his lap without cease, and even as San slides to block his line of sight, he remains stuck in place.
“Mingi…” Yunho stretches a hand towards the Berserker. He barely makes contact with the man’s shoulder, but it triggers a visceral response in Mingi. The speed he moves with is almost a blur. Next thing you know, Mingi has Yunho sprawled on the floor with his hands straining around the healer’s neck. “F-Fuck. Jongho, ge–” Mingi cuts the words short by squeezing tighter.
“Mingi, can you hear me?” Jongho asks, stepping closer to where Mingi has Yunho pinned. He moves slowly still, no rush or panic in his steps or tone. “Mingi.”
“Y-Yes, yes. Yes, I can – I can hear you.”
“Can you still move your hands?”
“Not re… no, yes. I can.” Mingi’s fingers flex around Yunho’s neck. He relieves some of the pressure on the other man, letting him gasp in deep breaths of air.
“You need to let go of Yunho.”
“I can’t.”
“You can.”
“No! No, I can’t. They–”
“You’re hurting him, Mingi,” Jongho murmurs, squatting beside the pair. He doesn’t reach out to touch Mingi the way Yunho did, but he doesn’t need to. Mingi listens, understands, and slowly but surely his grip on Yunho’s neck alleviates until it’s gone altogether.
“I-I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to — I wasn’t trying t–”
“It’s okay, Mingi.” Jongho drops a hand to Mingi’s shoulder at last. This time, Mingi sits still and lets himself sink into the touch. Jongho tugs him ever so gently off Yunho, allowing the older man to roll out from under Mingi’s weight and get to his knees further away from Mingi. “Can you stand up?”
“Yeah… yeah, I can.”
“Cool, let’s get up then, yeah? We can talk somewhere quieter.”
The silence in the room is suffocating, so you aren’t what on earth he means by that, but Mingi just nods in agreement and pulls himself to his feet. Jongho’s hand remains clenched around his shoulder. There’s too much pressure around his knuckles for it to merely be a comforting touch; it’s a secure and robust grip, one that keeps Mingi in check as Jongho guides him out of the mess hall without even looking back. You aren’t sure how much time passes, but no one moves for a long time after both Berserkers leave. Yunho’s chest heaves as he reaches up to rub at the reddened skin around his throat. Wooyoung and Yeosang are still on the floor behind you, both sitting up now, and San remains rigid like a statue in his seat across the table.
“Wooyoung, let me look at your hand,” Yunho says after a long while, voice a bit raspy. Wooyoung scrambles to get to his feet and meet Yunho halfway.
“I-I’m sorry. I forgot. I know I wasn’t supposed to say anything but I–”
“It’s not your fault, Woo,” Yunho murmurs as he pulls Wooyoung’s hand away from his chest and examines the cut on his palm. “He was doing well until I touched him so… the blame falls on my shoulders as well.” A sigh escapes him. “You won’t need stitches, but I need to clean it and dress it. Head to the medbay; I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. Yeosang, you can go with him.”
“You aren’t coming right away?” Wooyoung inquires, head tilting to the side in echo to his question.
“I need to tell Hongjoong what happened.” Yunho brings a hand up to his pale hair and runs his long fingers through the locks, eyes squeezed shut for several seconds.
“Y/N and I can do that, Yunho,” San interrupts. He motions to where you’re sitting, and the sudden attention has you straightening your back and nodding a few times. “Take care of Wooyoung and yourself first.”
You expect some sort of denial from Yunho, but one glance at Wooyoung has him nodding in agreement before leading the way out of the mess hall. You and San are suddenly very alone in the large room. The weight of what just happened begins to sink in, one thing nagging at the forefront of your mind more than anything else.
Mingi apologized. Not just a half-assed emotionless apology either. His tone held guilt, and it was clear that he genuinely felt back about nearly choking Yunho to death.
“Hey…” San is suddenly at your side, hand rubbing between your shoulder blades, and you jerk your head to look up at his face. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you agree quickly.
“That’s not a pretty sight, I know.”
“I’ve never seen something like… that. Fights, sure. But t-that was so–”
“Exactly,” you confirm through a sigh. With a small shake of your head, you push up from the table and step over the bench to stand beside San.
“Mingi is a hand grenade with a hairpin trigger, but he isn’t that way intentionally. He is trying to get better. We have good days and bad days with him, then we have days like today. Rough but productive. There was a time when Mingi wouldn’t have hesitated to kill Yunho, and there was a time when he couldn’t even be in the same room as us.” San offers a shrug before motioning to the other end of the mess hall opposite the doors Yunho and the others left out of.
“So, this is normal or…?” You trail off before finishing the question, staying close to San’s side as he leads the way to the bridge.
“Yeah, you could say that. I know it’s not something that you’ve gotten the pleasure of seeing or witnessing, but this has happened several times since you joined the crew.”
“He didn’t want to hurt Yunho,” you note in a quiet tone.
“Of course, he didn’t. He never wants to hurt anyone, especially not anyone on the crew. He wants to have a reason to hurt someone before doing so. He has no qualms with hurting or killing someone who hurts one of us first. Or even threatens us for that matter.” San hesitates to look down at you. “Mingi is a lot like you and me in actuality. He has these ghosts of the past that haunt him. A guilt he’s grown into and a burden on his shoulders. The person he used to be isn’t the person he wants to be now. Unlike us, however, he doesn’t have the luxury of knowing and understanding his own emotions. He was conditioned to ignore them and block them out. Robbed of basic knowledge on how emotions work. So he has a harder time because he has to relearn what it means to feel things. It’s one thing to kill and feel nothing, but another to kill and not understand why you’re in pain.”
“Then he had a visceral reaction to hearing that we’re on Kebos because of what? Since this is where he was born and raised? Or because he feels like he’s being forced back?”
“Part of him fears that he’ll be the same person he used to be, and that being on Kebos will reawaken that part of him. Or that he won’t be able to hold the voices back and turn back into the monster he used to be.”
“The voices?” You glance at San out the corner of your eye.
“Yeah, like flashbacks but without the visual hallucinations.” San cracks a small smile.
“I know what you mean by voices, smartass. I was asking about what he hears.”
“I know, I know. He hears the cheering from the arena most of the time. Cries for blood and death. Other times he will hear his master’s voice telling him to kill. But from what I understand, it’s constant. They never leave him alone, even when he’s asleep.” San comes to a halt, and it’s only when you glance forward that you realize you’ve made it to Hongjoong’s office. There’s a faint din coming from inside, rapidly exchanged words that you can’t make out, but you’re certain that it’s Seonghwa and Hongjoong. San knocks his knuckles against the door several times. The voices fall silent, then the sound of Seonghwa clearing his throat breaches the door. Three seconds later, the door slides open to reveal the dark-haired lieutenant. He looks like he hasn’t slept a single day in the whole week that has passed since you saw him last, but you don’t have time to dwell on that fact because San is already speaking on your left.
“Mingi had an episode in the mess hall.”
✧✧✧ a/n: okay ngl i feel like this chapter is a bit of a mess so im sorry for that ;-; i couldn’t get a chance to sit down and write it in one sitting and make everything as cohesive as i wanted and i ended up cutting some bits so that i could shift them into the next chapter instead so we’re left with this hot mess 😭
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