#thank you Calico!!
agentplutonium · 9 months
7 n 15?
thank you for the ask Calico !!
(referring to this ask game)
I did Answer 7 already, but Imma do it again anyway
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
Definitely gonna try leaving more comments for the fics I do read!! I am not as good at it as I want to be and it's a whole thing. I also want to read more fics this year, as I feel like I've been missing out the last little bit because I haven't. I also just wanna make more writer friends in general, because I know some pretty talented people on this site and it'd be cool to get to know them!
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 
Basically, the same obstacles I faced last year. I am a third year uni student taking six courses this upcoming semester, who also has a part-time job, and also does an internship. In the summer between school years, I will likely have a theater-based job (or, hopefully, I will, fingers crossed) so hours are going to be hectic and I might not have the energy to write :( but imma try my best to write anyway because I really do love posting fanworks and even indulging in other fan projects ^^
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wikipediapictures · 25 days
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Cat carrying kitten
"Tortoiseshell cat carrying her kitten up a flight of stairs. She grips the kitten's scruff in her teeth." - via Wikimedia Commons
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dire-vulture · 4 months
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oops i dropped my calico ferberus and it came apart :(
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robinfollies · 4 months
I literally have No idea how to go about making a post for this but I have a teepublic now!! And I’ve put a BUNCH of bbu pride designs on it that you can check out now if you’d like!!!
Here’s just a few of the designs I have available right now!!! You can get them as stickers, on shirts, and many more things!!! Happy Pride Month!!!
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emthimofnight · 5 months
new kid new kid damn pretty!!!!
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sadly, I don’t have specific colors, but I tried to do them as similar as possible!! also bad camera ehhh
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arsenicflame · 2 months
The thing about Jack's Izzy is that he was never supposed to be Jack's Izzy. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, to teach Ed and Sam a lesson, to escape their constant tugging at him to decide who he was going with. He'd been beginning to feel more like their favourite toy, a pawn in their endless stupid fight, than a person whose opinion they actually cared about. He tells them he hasn't decided, that he doesn't want to decide, but it goes over their heads every time, too focused on "winning" him.
So when it comes to it, after Hornigold's gone, after they've won, and they're asking him again before he's even had chance to clean the blood from his sword, let alone his hands, he just blurts out "Jack"
To say everyone's shocked is an understatement. Sam and Ed's shocked "What's?" are only drowned out by Jack’s own. It's not like he hasn't known the whole time he was never in the running, he hadn't even asked Izzy because he knew he'd just laugh in his face. He loved Izzy just as much as they did, but it was never the same for Izzy. He never had the drive of Sam & Ed, the passion, the potential. He was Calico Jack, too stupid, too immature, too much of a drunk to be a worthy captain. (never mind that Izzy had always seen through that cover, seen the way he used the act to keep himself safe, seen that he was never really as drunk as he acted, seen the way he played people to get what he wanted. It didn't matter. He wasn't Ed or Sam, and that's all that really mattered in the end)
Izzy sits firm in his split second decision, telling them that he's fed up with all this bullshit, and Jack's the only one who listens to him, so he's going with him. Jack's not stupid enough to question Izzy further, so they take one of Hornigold's fleet & a handful of crew who hold no loyalty to the other boys, and set sail before it has a chance to turn into another mutiny.
The thing is, Izzy never really intended to stay. His plan was to leave with Jack for a month or so, fucking around achieving nothing while his boys got their heads out of their asses, then go back once hes actually had space to make a decision, to decide who he wants to be, free of anyone else's expectations. Only, having Izzy there to impress makes Jack pull his act together fast. He's desperate to prove he's worthy of Izzy's time, cutting back on all the dicking around and making a genuine effort to be a worthy Captain for him. He's not perfect by any means, but they're actually doing ok.
And for Izzy, it's like someone's lifted a weight off of his shoulders. He hadn't realised it until he was away, but being with Sam & Ed had felt crushing towards the end, both of them expecting so much from him, wanting him to be someone who wasn't quite him, wanting him to help them build a legend. And maybe he wanted that, maybe he would love it in another life, but it's also nice to not have expectations. Jack never wants him to be anything other than himself, and it's been pretty nice, learning who Izzy Hands is. He thinks he might like the guy.
So it goes from there. A month passes and Izzy makes no mention of meeting up with the others. Then two, then three, and before long he's forgetting that he ever seriously planned to leave. He stays, and they make it work, together. It's not perfect, it was never going to be, but they have something that makes them both happy. And that's enough.
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poales · 1 day
I really want to see an interaction between Calico Jack and Natquik
I mean they have almost opposite traumas
both were isolated for a long time but Natquik spent so much time in Antarctica that it made him (unhealthy) attached to that type of environment (he's probably uncomfortable in hot places full of people).
And this makes him appear in similar places like his home in the Arctic.
(He was rescued but never returned from his isolation)
On the other side, Calico Jack cannot stay in one place for long, always going on long journeys in search of treasures, almost as an excuse just to be able to stay away from things.
This seemed to change when he met his grandson and became an octoagent.
But never really abandoned his nature.
And of course, I really want to see these differences in one episode.
*and it's also good when they break the persona of obstinate researcher and pirate captain (like in these clips)*
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justadiva · 7 months
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im screaming at the top of my lungs never has there been anything this cute ever before in history
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tagged by the wonderful & talented @kimdokjas to do this fun lil picrew~!! thank you 💕
I tag: @the-melody-of-words, @aiku, @itafushii, @dogboytits, @backwardshirt, @arashi-hime, @prringlecan, @trashlie, @josmottt, @kiryuuiins but ofc no pressure! I hope you have a nice day :)
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ofmd as posts i saved to my phone way before ofmd came out
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part 6/?
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badly-drawn-bbu · 8 months
BDBBU Holiday Spectacular 2023 FINALE
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prev // epilogue // start
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loelett · 7 months
for requests!!!! um um perhaps armand and daniel warrior cats? if you already haven’t done it
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yea... yeah i can do that...
i do have. headcanon thoughts on names and dumb shit like that but i don't have enough shame yet. so
bonus loustat cats:
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wikipediapictures · 3 months
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Calico cat
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that-one-furry-sky · 7 months
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and this is for ya :3
Thank you so much!!!
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unknownlemoneater · 3 months
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sayonaramidnight · 2 months
14, 37, and 47 for the amorous asks! :D
14. If your OC were to dress up to show themselves off to their best advantage, perhaps for an existing partner, or in the hopes of attracting positive attention, what might they wear?
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This may not be the answer you seek, but the one she's willing to give.
37. Would your OC ever attempt to cook a romantic meal for a partner or prospective partner? How successful and/or funny would this end up being in reality?
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It's not supposed to be romantic, it's supposed to be healthy and nutritious! But is ends up funny every single time, especially when it involves insubordinate cooking appliances.
47. When was the last time your OC cried because of something in their relationship or love life? Or lack of either of these if they are single?
"Tell me my dear, if Menphina and Oschon can find their ways to each other, even though She walks the sky and He walks the land, why can’t we?" A lovely sentiment, which could only work (if taken literally) until She left. So, what now?
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Let's imagine her hair is longer here. I'm pretty sure she shed a tear or two on the day she told him she wouldn't go anywhere if he asked her to stay, but instead, he told her he felt like coming along. Where to? Guess ^_^
Amorous asks!
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