#thank you Charlie senpai
danganronpa96 · 11 months
Why didn't Ayano kill Chapter 4, since well….Senpai is her motive and well, I think she'd figure out pretty quickly that it's Senpai without having to see it?
What if there was a triple kill Chapter 5? Like dynamics wise and the trial itself? (DR69)
How would Yoshi likely react to the death of Mario, assuming Mario had Yoshi had a pet and all that?
Would the idea that after the explosion, the little killing game in the church would actually somehow continue but turn into a full blown killing game in the city?
How would the participants had reacted if Yuri had committed a murder?
Also, the Smiling Friends artstyle you managed to a T. It's really good and Pim looks so cute in it.
What if the entire cast was just Yuri cloned 16 times. What if Kaidou and Yuri have survived? How do pets work in a world of anthropomorphic animals? How did the participants not freak out that there were two anthropomorphic animals? Why do I have so many questions?
Anyways um, York again, loved Chapter 4. Sorry for the horde of questions again.
Hello 101 questions /lh
1. This one is pretty obvious. Ayano made a promise to Luigi in chapter 3 she would try her hardest to get the trust of others and help them out. She even showcased this during the chapter 3 trial when she was being falsely accused with her secret exposed. Ayano went onto be distrusted regardless, but remained determined to keep herself in line. She knew her Senpai would be the focus of any motive featuring loved ones, but that wouldn’t stop her from her promise. After all, trying to kill a situation like this always pertained the possibility of herself dying, and in that scenario she would not be able to protect her Senpai at all.
2. I don’t know, it depends who would die. I could see Parappa getting involved somehow, but not anyone else (unless Ayano decided to go to the 5th floor too). So it’d either be Fluttershy/Parappa/Ayano or Fluttershy/Parappa/Brian. I think the trial would become more complex, but also since three bodies would leave three times as many clues behind… it could go either way.
3. The Yoshi would be very sad, but I’m sure Luigi would go onto adopt it for Mario.
4. Not really. That wasn’t what I was going for in the story. The whole ‘new killing game’ was just meant to be a cop out to a) introduce Matt into the gang and b) introduce Gumi and how I wanted to portray her character. But it does sound interesting regardless.
5. The majority of them wouldn’t be surprised. Natsuki would feel upset and betrayed Yuri went the full way with it. Although, I’m not sure she would consider it as most people would suspect her in a trial (unless this was before she revealed her philosophy).
6. Thank you!! I think I can draw Charlie a bit better than Pim but I’m happy to hear you liked how I drew him too ^^
7. a) The Yuri’s would be very freaked out. One would snap first but you can’t ask me to identify who because, you know, they all look the same.
b) Kaidou may do a similar thing I described in this post (and by that I just mean from the 3rd paragraph about the bandages and down, as a sign of maturing). Yuri on the other hand would become like a typical DR antagonist, who’d have some moments in the trials but ultimately tries to skew things in the wrong direction in order to help let the killer win.
c) You ask the Bojack Horseman universe the same thing because I have no idea. Or maybe ask the MLP universe because it works with Fluttershy. I guess it depends on the theme of animals (if they’re all different animals then no pets).
d) Well Hayasaka and Kurumada did get a bit concerned at Retsuko at first, but just went along to accept it come meeting Bojack (slightly) because they all woke up on an island with no recollection why at this point they could start levitating and assume it’s all one big group hallucination or social experiment.
e) man I don’t know holmes you tell me
Hello again! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed ch4!! And thanks for the assortment of questions lol
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Thanks for the tag @your-void-senpai!
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: In a domestic partnership. My SO and I have been together for seven years
Favorite color: Any shade of purple!
Song stuck in my head: Yuck by Charli XCX
3 favorite foods: Rigatoni alla vodka, buffalo chicken pizza, and salmon sushi
last song I listened to: Essence (feat. Justin Bieber & Tems) by Wizkid
dream trip: Probably a train ride through Europe starting in France
last thing(s) I googled: The website for the meal plan I use so I could update my meals lmaoooooooo
I'm going to leave this as an open tag, so whoever would like to participate can! No pressure either way!
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perryhedge · 2 years
Thoughts on Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
I think this is about what I expected, but I quite liked this one! Cute, easy to watch, fun characters. Not really laugh out loud funny or anything but there are a few good bits carried by the lead's strong voice acting. Most importantly, this show looks much better than it needs to, consistently, and has some real nice bits of animation like in the OP and occasional flashes every other episode or so. I was a bit surprised at just how wholesome this was.
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To be honest, I didn't really care about the senpai, nor was I really rooting for their relationship to progress -- I'm not even necessarily convinced they'd make a good couple, let alone that the senpai has any feelings for his kouhai other than a desire to look after her, though his obliviousness and simplicity really gets stretched the further you go. As for the secondary couple, they're alright I guess, I never really minded when they were on screen but I was never dying for the story to return to them either. I guess that's how I felt about this whole show pretty much. Characters, seasons, and scenes come and go. None of it was necessarily something I got super attached to, but everything was pleasant enough that I happily clicked play on the next episode right after. There's some nice side stories too that are properly done, like the backstory between Futaba and Natsumi which was a highlight for me. Just an effortlessly competent production all around that does what it needs to do to hit the beats it needs to hit, without really having any major stumbles or unforced errors. Which is surprisingly rare!
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And while most shows would probably make the joke of the lead pair's strange size difference a lot weirder and just be way hornier in general, this show actually felt surprisingly pretty tame, despite the fact that I know Doga Kobo productions will not necessarily shy away from that stuff. I was surprised at their restraint! And to go along with that, no one was mean to each other at all, aside from some light teasing. It's completely inoffensive and without bite, and that made it pretty easy to watch. It's just cute and genuinely pretty innocent, and I'm not sure I want to read any of the manga and break that impression. To be real, I pretty much don't think the main pair should get together, and the show gives that side enough plausibility. I do think the "dramatic" scenes got old, because on at least 3 separate occasions they play the scenario where a helpless female character is harassed by often literally faceless guys, and then their romantic interest (or in the backstory, Natsumi) show up to beat em up. Got kinda tired of that, but it's not a big deal. This show wasn't about drama for the most part, and thank god for that. It was about going on field trips with your coworkers who are basically your classmates but shh they're all adults.
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Underrated aspect of this show was the music, which was delightful and overall very tastefully done. There's some whimsical orchestral tracks here almost like you'd hear on an Azumanga Daioh or Yuyushiki OST, and quite a few off kilter jazz-ish tracks too. Actually, with all the Christmas theming I almost got a Charlie Brown vibe at times. I think it's the music and especially the smart use of it (knowing when to kick off, escalate, fade in a track) that makes otherwise ordinary scenes even more pleasant. Like I said, everything in this show is very vanilla, so there are times when I think this is definitely needed to add that emotional weight to scenes that are on paper very understated.
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Btw shoutout to the endcards, each made by a different popular porn artist on Twitter as far as I can tell, I liked them except for the one by the Made in Abyss mangaka lol.
On the whole, one of the most watchable anime I've seen in a while. Filled with comfy slice of life moments and made me remember why I like this stuff in the first place. It actually reminds me a lot of the Office, but the middle seasons, after the show had lost its edge but before all the navel gazing identity crisis stuff hit. Just, those middle seasons where everyone's just kinda hanging out. And yeah, there are a lot of moments I definitely won't remember by next month, like the entire character of the magical Russian girl, but the overall impression will remain like a pleasant aftertaste. So in conclusion, this show is really one of the most pretty good anime of all time, and I mean that in the best possible way.
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ralphavi · 7 years
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... I c-wah-nt exp-wah-in... Even if I t-wah-ied to... (...Discord made me do it...)
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aerialflight · 3 years
the most misc fic rec list yet to date (and became instant faves)
[Game of Thrones]
biggering by TheOneKrafter
Ship: OFC / OFC (lesbians in the house)
House Mooton is an old and respected house founded before the time of Petty Kings and forever lying in their holding, Maidenpool.
Eleanor Mooton inherites the Ladyship of House Mooton after the second brother of two months dies in a hunting accident in the middle of Robert’s Rebellion. She is quite put upon about this.
(alternately: local reincarnation unfortunately becomes important due to the universe’s own fuckery. she should’ve ran to essos the second she realized where she was. also, where the fuck did all these kids come from??)
(This fic is basically lets throw a Tired lesbian at the start of Robert's reign and see what happens. What happens is shit gets actually done. I love her, laugh at her, and pity her as she tries her best to Fix Canon and not give a fuck about anything else. A hero of the people, truly!)
Daybreak by pretend
Ship: Jasper/Bella, Emmett/Edward, Rosalie/Alice
Bella knew what her life would be like if she turned around and got back on the plane to Arizona. She knew her mother and her moods and how far the woman could go. Charlie was the unknown. And what was that saying about the monster you know versus the one you don't? Didn't end well for the prey in either scenario.
(I need to put up warnings for this both hilarious yet triggering fic. Bella was abused by Renee and it fucked her up good. Not gonna lie, I was very close to smashing a wall when reading Bella's thoughts and what she's been through, but at the same time, the tone of the fic made it easier to handle the topic at hand. It's so fucking funny how Awkward both Bella and Jasper are in this?? Seriously, they felt like such teens and Jasper made me laugh out loud multiple times, he's such an awkward Mess and it's fantastic, oh lord. I love how the author characterizes them and the rest of the Cullens and especially Charlie (bless that man), and how the author handles Bella's trauma. It felt so visceral and anxiety-driven, I felt so much for her. Also, the author fixed Edward! He's chill, thank the lord.)
[Star Trek]
A Galaxy of Spiderwebs by I_Got_Lost
Jim Kirk lives in a galaxy of spiderwebs. He has his kids, his crew, and the surety that the monsters that haunted his childhood are dead and long gone. Until, suddenly, one of them isn't. And it isn't the one that is easy to kill.
-AOS Star Trek with mythos from Coraline and other fae stories. Edit: starts in Iowa before Tarsus IV and runs during that time as well
(I was biting my nails to the nub when reading this, I wish I had read this fic in October holy shit. This is genuinely terrifying and a constant feeling of dread dodged my heels at every chapter. It's honestly so good and this is the one fic I am waiting for updates with bated breath.)
[Avatar The Last Airbender]
Ballad of the Nightingale by Lost_In_The_Muse
What does it mean when you’re living through a pandemic, suddenly find yourself in Ba Sing Se with absolutely no explanation, and the only thing you have going for you is an uncanny knowledge of your Spotify playlists? Escapism during quarantine just got a whole lot more epic. OC Self-Insert.
(This made me laugh out loud and facepalm so many times, the self-insert is so freaking awkward lol. Though let's be fair, my social skills took a deep dive due to this pandemic too.)
[Ted Lasso]
this is the very beginning by tenderjock
Ship: Roy Kent/Ted Lasso
This is not the end of a love story. / "Roy loves Ted. He doesn't like to admit it. He doesn't like feeling it. But, damnit, he does."
(Roy really does hoard all the sunshine characters in this fandom, doesn't he?)
Final Boss by saltedpin
Ship: Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
It’s totally fine, though – Oikawa can, temporarily at least, put aside a grudge that was six years in the making for the sake of trying to impress his coaches and senpai.
Or at least he could, if Ushijima weren’t so obviously and blatantly staring at his ass.
(*slams head on desk* fniewopafeaw Oikawa is so dumb. Oikawa, Oikawa why?? But also, Oikawa slowly falls until it's too late and then he's plummeting to his death. And Ushijima is a mountain whose head is so up in the clouds that he can't see the desolation and chaos Oikawa truly is, he's in a whole other stratosphere lol. Until he isn't. But also, he's characterized so well and I know he's such a hard character to pin down but the author just nailed it, ugh, so good.)
[Boku no Hero Academia]
Thinking in Resolutes by Redleaveshavefallen
"I attempted murder."
Iida’s voice was low and even, with a dangerous weight that immediately rooted Midoriya in place. "I tried to kill someone, and it's only because of the police's intervention that our teachers don’t know. And if anyone heard that, well," and at this he attempted a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes, "they wouldn't believe I belonged here anymore, right?"
Bakugou hadn't meant to overhear.
Series Part 1 of The two most villainous students in UA
(The Bakugou and Iida friendship fic! They bond! Over murder and whether or not they're villains! It's a wholesome time! *bright smile*)
[Sailor Moon]
The Next Right Thing by AislingRoisin (JayBird345) for HybrisAnaideia
Ship: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi
Usagi was aiming to live her best third life. Then a cat happened.
(*buries face in hands* I have GOT to STOP getting into the most random fandoms, it's ruining me dkfwjewa. But seriously, this fic looks at Sailor Moon critically and yeah, there are some messed up things in this fandom I never even thought about, wow. Really liking it so far!)
Made some bad decisions by ThatOnePlatypus
If Sousuke had to determine the reason everything went wrong, he would point the blame very firmly at Kenpachi Zaraki’s feet.
How was he to know that, for once, murder was not the solution?
(*rubs hands together and laughs evilly* Karma bites Aizen in the ass and it's the best thing ever! :D)
anyone's ghost by fathomfive
Hinamori and her new captain have nothing in common but the first, worst thing.
To get the Fifth Division off the ground they're going to have to pull all-nighters, scale the cliffs of bureaucracy, strengthen new and old bonds - and maybe do something really drastic, like trust someone whose mistakes can't be erased.
(I always love when fics explore the aftermath of the Fifth Division. Shinji and Hinamori both learn to work with and around each other, struggling to make this situation work and trying to be kind to each other in the ways they can. Trying to function after what Aizen did to both of them. It's fascinating and one of the most underrated relationships I've seen expanded in this fandom. Love this!)
One Day (you'll have given more of yourself than is meant to be taken) by Cross_d_a
Thor grows into manhood reluctantly, fiercely, with all the fervor of a child who desperately wishes to be loved but doesn’t exactly know what they’re doing. Or why. Or even if they should.
But she does it anyway.
(The thing is, Thor knows she will never be a real man. But how can Thor complain when she was born a boy in all the ways that seem to matter?)
(#Trans!Thor, #Thor is actually a woman who never learned it was okay to be one, #because everyone sees Thor and thinks "this is a Real Man", #and never thinks there might be room for something more)(If these tags aren't enough to make you cry, then reading this fic will.)
[The Hobbit]
The Fine Art of Small Talk by Margo_Kim
After Bilbo rescues Thorin, Thorin starts respecting him, but there's a big difference between respecting someone and liking them. What do you say to someone you have nothing in common with? If you are Thorin and Bilbo, you say all of the wrong things.
(It's been years since I read this fic and it's just as good as I remember! The dialogue and dry wit still make me laugh and the slow friendship between this cantankerous pair is so believable and real. If anyone wants to read an old favorite, give it a go again! It's great. *thumbs up*)
[My Next Life as a Villainess]
Time after Time by Palhinhaea for mariagonerlj
Ships: Katarina Claes/Alan Stuart, Katarina Claes/Geordo Stuart, Maria Campbell/Geordo Stuart, Anne Shelley/Long-suffering, One-sided others (My ship tag has never been longer lol)
All Katarina Claes needed to succeed in her mastery of subjects was a little motivation. If her motivation was the opportunity to spend time with her gorgeous fiancé, all the better for her future plans. But even the most determined horse sometimes needs an actual carrot and maybe Katarina Claes will attempt to master the most challenging subject of all: how to find someone worth gifting her time.
(It's been so long since I've been in this fandom but this fic reminded me why I love this crazy place so much. Alan was always my favorite and this fic just proves why?? He's the best boi and truly cares about Katarina and just, I love them so much?? Also, Geordo, get wrecked.)
The Phantom of the Palace by mariagonerlj for Palhinhaea, Lutka
Ships: Katarina Claes/Alan Stuart, Katarina Claes/Geordo Stuart
Prince Alan Stuart had sailed through eighteen years of his life with nothing but the winds of misfortune at his back. Hideous, useless, untalented, sickly, and largely unknown to anyone outside of his circle of immediate family and morose servants, he had lived with the sincere conviction that he was one of the most unfortunate men to have ever been born. He did not expect to ever get engaged or married, have children, gain any appreciable power, or do more than flit around the royal palace like a gray ghost.
So who could have known that one day, he would find himself courting the strange, passionate, and pensive woman that his golden twin brother had abandoned? Or that a most unorthodox love story could blossom from their burning desire to prove themselves to the world?
(THIS IS SO CUTE?!? ALAN THINKS HE'S UGLY AND HE'S SO DRAMATIC AND SHY AND BASICALLY THE CUTEST AND KATARINA IS QUEEN HERE AND IT'S RIDICULOUSLY SWEET?! I laughed so many times and got so much second-hand embarrassment reading this, it's unbelievable fewnifopewa)
[Klaus] (it's December, so let's add a bow at the end)
Hard-Knock Life by kitlaurie
Ship: Klaus/Jesper
In the absence of a working postal service the Smeerensburg post office has been (unofficially) repurposed as an (unsupervised) orphanage.
And now that's Jesper's problem.
Series Part 1 of Klaus Orphan au
(I AM IN LOVE!!! This is so heartwarming and I want to adopt all these vibrantly colored children who are all troublemakers and will probably give me as many gray hairs as they do Jesper but I DON'T CARE! I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH!! *ScReaMM* Stumbling upon this fic was the best Christmas gift EVER! Please read and spread the joy!!)
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ask-thsc-blog · 2 years
"Everyone in the briefing room looked at the new recruit"
1st LT Galeforce enters the room
Gale: He's with me... Anyways Charlie welcome to C company, your new home away from home
Charles: Thanks Da- I MeAn Lieutenant... *whispers* can i speak with you privately Dad
(Hehehe hiii!)
HUBERT: " of course...come with me."
He lead the nervous boy.to his office.
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cheri-cheri · 3 years
Anon from the previous ask~ Thank you Cheri-senpai for answering (´∀`)♡. I had the same impression as u about Osborn and Sariel! Except Sariel recently made me realize I'm not attracted to tsundere anymore LOL. As for Osburn- I came in thinking he was the cold tsundere type but i ended up being shaken by his teasing/cheekiness?╥﹏╥ the deal was sealed when i found out his VA voiced Gavin. I thought Charlie was a cocky playboi with his shades/outfit LOL But now I'm curious about him bc of u
Hello again Anon-kouhai~ (^-^*)
AW I should be the one thanking you for talking about L&N with me! When I first started doing translations for it, it was meant to be a pet project to help me cope with the overwhelming feelings I had for Charlie (which explains why the date translations are so brief and sketchy LOL). 
To know that people actually bothered to read them and even start liking Charlie is such a pleasant surprise! (ಡ‸ಡ)
“Sariel made me realize I’m not attracted to tsundere anymore” HAHAHAHA 🤣 I guess it’d have been better if the dates had a chronological order to them! Now it just feels like we’re jumping back and forth the timeline of their relationship progression so he seems hot and cold hnghngh
YES Osborn is such a tease!!
Congrats on getting half of your impression of Charlie correct!! 😂 I THOUGHT HE WAS PART OF THE MAFIA
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a-simple-imagine · 4 years
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✧ •˖*  directory ❀ ko-fi *˖• ✧
→ one-shots 
a treasured memory - charlie weasley x fem!reader 
you reminisce on the past with charlie. 
griffy - charlie weasley x fem!reader
charlie has a surprise for you
the rarest cat - charlie weasley x reader
charlie tries to bring home yet another scaly friend 
run away with me - charlie weasley x fem!reader
every moment shared with charlie weasley is an adventure all it’s own. how you wish to spend every moment together and all it takes is to run away. 
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ 🐲 ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
the lion, the badger and the snake - hermione granger x fem!reader
Best friends with both Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy it’s down to you to decide which romance you peruse but things become more complicated as the second wizarding war lingers in the near future. Will your path lead to redemption or anguish?
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ 🐍 ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
→ one-shots
down at the lake - ginny weasley x fem!weasley
you’re staying at the burrow over christmas break and ginny decided to take you ice skating
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ❈ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
→ one-shots
alone - hermione granger x fem!reader
hermione prepared you for everything but loneliness
just a little bit of love... potion? - hermione granger x fem!reader
you and ron have been pranking each other back and forth for years but now it may have gone a little too far. thankful hermione is here to help. 
look pretty - hermione granger x fem!reader
while attending slughorn’s christmas party you find yourself dancing around your feelings for her while helping her escape her own date 
misunderstandings - hermione granger x fem!reader
the whole school knows you’re planning to go to hogsmeade and rumors of who you’ll be asking to go with you spread fare and wide
new student - hermione granger x fem!reader
you’re a transfer student from ilvermorny and hermione becomes your new tutor
perhaps in another life - hermione granger x fem!reader
you and the golden trio fine the mirror or erised again
playing with fire - hermione granger x reader (collab w/ @mionemymind​)
when things don't go quite as planned, a bitter duo is led to fight for their lives while resolving locked away feelings
study date - hermione granger x fem!reader
you always thought hermione didn’t like you or your best friend luna lovegood but turns out that may not be the case
written in the stars - hermione granger x fem!reader
soulmate au with hermione where everyone has a timer counter in their wrists and the time goes down every time you’re about to meet your soulmate
→ prompts
‘that looks infected’
“this is awkward. not ‘you’re awkward’, but just ‘cause we’re… i’m awkward. you’re gorgeous."
→ series 
the smarter witch - hermione granger x fem!slytherin!reader
you like to consider hermione your academic rival but things begin to fall apart between the two of you when Malfoy and friends start asking questions
adolescence syndrome - hermione granger x fem!reader
being the daughter of a murderous death eater can be a lot of work and one day something really weird starts to happen ( based off the anime ‘rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai’)
the lion, the badger and the snake - hermione granger x fem!reader
Best friends with both Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy it’s down to you to decide which romance you peruse but things become more complicated as the second wizarding war lingers in the near future. Will your path lead to redemption or anguish?
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ✯ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
→ one-shots
back alley love potions - pansy parkinson x fem!reader
pansy wants a love potion and comes to you for help
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ლ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
→ one-shots
just a little bit of love... potion? - ron weasley x platonic!fem!reader
you and ron have been pranking each other back and forth for years but now it may have gone a little too far. thankful hermione is here to help
     ✧ •˖* ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ♞ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ *˖• ✧
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salad-uchiha · 4 years
Top favorite characters!
Rules: list your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 different people
Tagged by: @bijuubinch thank you for tagging me! I love these kinds of posts 🥰
This was honestly so hard. I had to scroll through my Netflix to remember what shows I watched and who I liked 😂 so in no particular order
1. Gaara (Naruto) I’ve always loved his character development. Although all of the Akatsuki tie for a close second
2. Dean Winchester/ Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural) I couldn’t decide between these two. I love them both so much
3. Raven (Teen Titans) I always loved her story arc in teen Titans. She’s been one of my favorites since I was a kid
4. Winter Soldier (MCU) Honestly I just really love Sebastian Stan. Bucky is one of my all time faves and I would die for him
5. Grimmjow (Bleach) I’ve watched through the Hueco Mundo arc countless times just to see this psycho
6. Yurio (Yuri On Ice!) Who doesn’t love this angry little Russian
7. Sokka (ATLA) Hey friendly mushroom! Giant mushy frienddd
8. Zoro (One Piece) Green hair. Scars. Swords. What’s not to like
9. Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) Honestly watched this show just for the ban/Elaine plot line. My heart
10. Howl (Howls Moving Castle) Not much to say about this one. I just love this dramatic bitch
I’m just gonna tag a few blogs that I enjoy.
@potty-mouth-slut @thecrispystan @yo-aloe-vera @kazulmehto @deidara-senpai @kirishimas-ugly-ass-crocs-109 @zombie-honeymoon @juubiobito
Sorry if anyone’s already done this. Also anyone feel free to do this if you want, I’m terrible at tagging people
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Oc bullshittery pt.7
Bei: I trust flesh!
T.y: You think he knows what he's doing?
Bei: I'm not sure I'd go THAT far.
Rico: [Finds a crumpled up piece of paper] Hey, what’s this?
Quinncie: Oh, that’s my to-do list!
Rico: Wow, you’re being so productive, good for you, I never thought that–
Rico: [reads what on the list]
Rico: This only has my name on it...
T.y: What do you normally do when I’m gone?
Flesh: wait for you to come back...
Peach: why is Quinncie crying?
Elliott: He's drunk and saw a picture of Rico's boyfriend
T.y: But he is Rico's boyfriend
Elliott: Like I said, he's drunk
Quinncie: [crying on the floor in the fetal position]
Eva: [on day three of no sleep and forgetting to eat, looking completely dead inside] Self-care is for the WEAK!
Cake: [coughs]
Eva: [frantically swaddling her in blankets] We need an ambulance!!!
Flesh: [Talking about Eva] Don’t worry! She likes your butt and your fancy hair.
Cake: [As she runs her hand through her hair] She thinks it’s fancy?
Camie brown: Wait, you're gay? As in, gay...gay? As in, you like women?
Peak Lilly: I thought I was being...
Peak Lilly: Crystal queer
Bei: alright boys ready to g– Thomas where’s your vest?
Elliott: [smiling mischievously] yeah Thomas where’s your vest?
Diel: ...
Diel: about that..
Pimp: Quinncie, baby. How can I get back on your good side?
Quinncie: It’s gonna take about three weeks of not talking to me.
Peak Lilly: Why aren't the dishes in alphabetical order!?
Camie brown: WhAt thE FuCK dOeS thAT eVEn MEAn!?
Flesh: [being kidnapped] Will I need my toothbrush?
Kidnapper: Shut up!
Flesh: I'm assuming that means you'll be providing the toothbrush.
Bei: [on the TV] Boss won't get off your back? Girlfriend won't stop nagging you?
Bei: Did that fuckstick Eva sell you a bullshit dagger that broke almost immediately despite the fact that you spent half your goddamn savings on it?
Bei: Have you considered... murder?
My oc's as popular vines:
Quinncie: so no head?
T.y: what the Fuck is up Kyle?!
Peak Lilly: Look at all those chickens!
Flesh: Hi welcome to chilis
Chii: Fuck ya chicken strips!
Poppet: ThAtS My OpInIoN!!
Charlie: Chris is that a weed?!
Diel: what up I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read
Peach: Wooow
Bei: Ms Keisha? Ms Keishaaaa!? oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead!
Paston: Hi my name is Trey I have a basketball game tomorrow.
Camie brown: I wanna be a cowboy baby!
Elliott: Im a bad bitch you can’t kill me!!!
Flesh: [on the phone] dad? i need your help! Th–
Chii: is the apartment complex on fire?
Flesh: ...no?
Chii: then it’s not an emergency. [hangs up]
Dax: well?! what did he say? what do we do about the portal to hell in the living room?!
Flesh: [shrugs] apparently it’s not an emergency.
T.y: [being strangled by a demon] HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOT AN EMERGENCY??
Diel: [muttering]
Bei: Diel what are you doing?
Diel: I’m having an argument with myself so I can finally win something for once.
Bei: would you mind not doing that right now? We need to be quite-
Diel: Well I actually would mind, because I’m losing right now.
Bei: How can you lose an argument to yourself?
Diel: the voices in my head decided to join in, and they’re making some pretty solid points on why I should just kill the bad guys and take their money.
Bei: well that’s........ mildly concerning...
Elliott: MILDLY????!?!!
Chii: In terms of instant relief canceling plans is like heroin.
Chii: I hope flesh liked the shirt I got him yesterday. Oh, he called.
Voice mail: You have 17 new messages.
Chii: What?!
Flesh: Hey dad, thanks for the Bazinga t-shirt it's… great. I was just calling because I might need a ride later tonight. T.y can’t drive and I ran iris's car into a ditch after we watched Fast Five on Netflix together.
Iris: You still owe me for that.
Flesh: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Cars are really flammable, did you know that? I didn’t know that. Well, I do now.. but anyway I’ll call you later if we need a pick up from the show, alright?
T.y: [groans]
Flesh: t.y, you’re up! Talk to you later, dad!
Voice mail: End of Message.
Chii: I’m not listening to all of these.[skips to the last message]
Voice mail: Message 17.
[loud screaming of pure terror as a booming demonic roar pierces the air]
Rico: hey i used to b uglier believe it or not.
Camie brown: What is the worst thing you've done sexually?
Charlie: .... I'm not sure what I'd want to call a worst..
Peak Lilly: A man..
Coccoh: pppfffttttt!
Eva: Stay the fuck away from my man, I won’t tell you again!
T.y: BITCH! I don’t wan yo man. Nobody wants yo man. That’s why he’s wit you!
Peak Lilly: It was the 80s, we did a lot of drugs back in those days.
Bren: How could she even do drugs?! She's a fucking alien!
Camie brown: Your mother found a way.
T.y: [decks said cop]
Bei: why did you do that??????????
T.y: I am not emotionally involved in this situation!
Eva: i sleep with a bow and arrow under my bed.
Bei: oh yeah? i sleep with a gun under my pillow!
Ashton: weak! i sleep with a nanobotic suit ready to be equipped!
T.y: damn, you's all are paranoid as hell!
Eva: yeah? what do you sleep with?
T.y: Elliott.
Flesh: So how about a change of name?
Diel: You know, one that sounds marginally less like a porno than your current one!
Bei: [unsheathes sword]
Diel: [running away] You just had to open your mouth!
Flesh: [ducking under a blade swing] My mouth? My mouth?!! This is your fault!!!
Eva: [slides flip phone across floor] Fuck this and fuck you! You little spawn of Nokia!
Peach: I wonder why I don't like anything around my neck.
Poppet: maybe you were hung in a past life?
[heavy pause]
Eva: -and that's why I think God doesn't exist!
Cake: sorry sugar, I wasn't listenin'.
Eva: what, why?
Cake: look hun, I just really want a cupcake
Paston: wow, that jacket is so soft that if someone hugged you they'd die on impact. And I have a deathwish! So come here!
Quinncie: [singing to the tune of "We Just Got a Letter" from Blue's Clues] I just got a message, I just got a message, I just got a message, and it's from your man!
T.y: Bitches be like "You mine".
T.y: First off I'm on probation, "I" belong to the state.
Bei: I was so angry at everything when i was 13. And i was right.
Bei: [get assigned a mission out of the city]
Bei: [drives off]
T.y: [storms into the apartment]
Rico: [sorting files]
Flesh: [at the computer]
Iris: [sharpening knives]
T.y: ATTENTION SIMPLETONS! Bei has JUST left the building!
Iris: ....
Flesh: ....
Rico: ....
T.y: and guess who’s been deputized as sheriff of this complex!
Rico: [hesitantly raises hand]
T.y: M E! 
Rico: [hand goes down]
T.y: now [presses play on bluetooth speaker] work bitches!
[Work Bitch by Britney Spears echoing throughout the apartment]
Flesh: uuuughhhh not agaaaaain–
Iris: [putting on makeup]
Flesh: [watching]
Flesh: Why do you use so many brushes for makeup?
Iris: Was Mona Lisa painted with one brush? 
Iris: NO!
Bei: [walks into the kitchen]
Apartment complex 404 Fam: [eating breakfast]
Bei: just a reminder; it’s Throat Punch Thursday
Bei: [leaves]
T.y: [checks imaginary watch] damn, that time again already ?
Quinncie: I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night!
Eva: the only two important Michaels; Jordan and Jackson.
Peach: [while pulling out Michael Myers mask] wooooow aight bet–
T.y: they kicked me outta church bc i yelled “fuck the devil!” I thought we all hated that motherfucker!?
Peak Lilly: You know, one day you could be a great dad!
Chii: I already am.
Peak Lilly: flesh doesn't count.
Chii: so, what did I miss?
Dax: flesh died twice.
Diel: my goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me.
Bei: you can’t just say that every time you fail a mission.
Iris: wow i need a drink.
Iris: [pours chocolate milk into a shot glass]
Flesh: I think your calculations might have been off.
Diel: Well, they can't be off if I didn't do any.
Iris: [to Elliott] You... you... you rude person!
Dax: Go easy on him, iris.
T.y: [comes downstairs to find bei up and about]
T.y: wow you sure are quite the night person..
Bei: buddy I’m barley even a person!
Bei: No one expects an angel to set the world on fire. But than again I'm no angel.
T.y: oh yea? Well apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
T.y: [Points at flesh] But this one got ran over by a fuckin lawn mower!
Diel: I look like I'm supposed to be stalking senpai in this outfit.
Diel: Who's senpai? Hell if I know but I'm stalking him that's for sure.
Tag list: @nansblockit @ask-the-amazing-greenland @slasher-beware @ticket-to-ride13 @illwaitinthisplace
If you want to be tagged just comment on this post or shoot me an ask/message, have a wonderful day!
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bloomingednae · 5 years
For Okakuri Week.
Did I just use today’s prompt as a time to finally update Trade Mistakes? Yes, yes I did. 
It’s been a long time, y’all; for those of you still following this fic, thank you so much for staying along for the ride. You all deserve this long-awaited update. 
With that, enjoy. ~
Also on AO3.
Trade Mistakes Chapter 7: Clarity
Day 5: Trust
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity?” ~ “Clarity” - Charlie Puth Cover (song link: x)
October 11, 2018 (AM)
Bzzt, bzzt.
The incessant sound of Kurisu’s phone on the nightstand awoke her as she slowly opened her eyes. Though the blinds were shut, a slight sun ray ran through, creeping its way near her eyes as she squinted into empty space and refocusing her surroundings. She instinctively went to grab her phone blindly, but the moment her hand touched her vibrating phone, her eyes suddenly shot open, a horrible feeling building in her gut as she became more aware of her surroundings.
It marked the second day since she had last seen him, and the sudden realization of her current situation had her almost want to throw up as she sat up in bed. Her phone ceased to vibrate for a few seconds before it started up once more. Realizing that it wouldn’t stop any time soon, she reached for it again with a shaky hand, squinting at the caller ID. She almost wanted to groan at the caller, but felt a lack of energy to even do so, putting forth whatever she had in her to opening her phone and answering slowly.
“Don’t ‘hello’ me, as if there’s nothing wrong.”
The snappy tone of her senior caused her to flinch as she sat up more alert, but still feeling slightly groggy from waking up so suddenly. She shifted her phone to her other ear, prepared to hear much from her.
“Senpai, there’s nothing wrong…”
There was a slight groan of frustration heard from the phone as she heard Maho slam down what sounded like a pen. 
“Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong?” Maho emphasized, her phone escalating in volume and tone. “If Hashida-san has to call me in the middle of the night here randomly and Mayuri-san calling me sounding as if she were in tears means nothing is wrong, then I’m sure nothing is wrong, right?”
Her sarcastic tone was something Kurisu expected, and she rested her head on her hand taking it in with full force. She had meant to call her older friend at some point, but the past day had her feeling lost and the thought of even picking up her phone and talking to anyone had exhausted her enough. Kurisu shook her head after Maho spoke.
“...I’m sorry,” she quietly apologized, almost in a whisper. “I...haven’t had the energy to talk to anyone lately.”
There was a slight silence on the other end, followed by a sigh. Kurisu could tell that Maho was thinking; as scientists, there was an answer to every problem, and she knew enough that her senior was getting frustrated by her ambiguity and unresponsiveness. A sound of what sounded like Maho was shifting her phone was heard, followed by her much subdued voice.
“...what’s wrong? And be honest with me...I’m here to listen.”
When Kurisu said nothing, Maho continued. “I’m here to listen as your friend, and you know me; I won’t judge you for what you’ve been through.”
Kurisu clutched her phone, debate and slight doubt filling her mind. Her mind weighed pros and cons on explaining the situation to her friend, but she shook her head when she realized what she was doing. For years, Maho had always supported her; she was curt and to the point, but those were the aspects that Kurisu respected from her. Maho’s straight-forwardness and sharpness formed her into a confident scientist, and living with her for the past few years made Kurisu realize that Maho’s intentions were only for her own good. 
Doubt and fear were two aspects Kurisu realized she had clutched on even more so in the past year and she frowned to herself. When she became more meek over the years was a mystery because she knew; this wasn’t her at all.
And it suddenly hit her, the reason why Maho’s tone was frustrated and almost reproachful-sounding. Maho wasn’t angry at the fact that a solution couldn’t be found; it was her way of voicing worry and fear. She knew that Maho had admitted to her that Kurisu to her was someone she respected. Kurisu never really took it to heart and merely acknowledged it, because she herself respected Maho more than she did herself, but with this realization…she began to see that Maho was concerned for the once confident and decisive individual she once was. Not as a scientist, but as a person who absolutely saw the best in anyone. In the end, Maho knew her more than she knew herself. 
The silence between them was extensive and Kurisu half-expected Maho had hung up when she began to speak. When she heard a few papers rustle in the background, however, Kurisu slightly smiled; Maho truly was one of her closest friends.
With an intake of breath, Kurisu breathed in, deciding to hit the topic head-on.
“...did you know? Did you already know everything that...he thought of me?”
Kurisu realized she couldn’t bring herself to speak his name, the thought of him alone causing her to want to lay back in bed. She resisted the urge, however, sitting up and listening to Maho’s response.
“I…” there was a slight hesitation in Maho’s response, something that Kurisu didn’t expect, followed by what sounded like a repressed tone in her response.
“I don’t know all the details,” Maho started. “But in all honesty...that’s something you need to hear from Okabe-san himself.”
Kurisu closed her eyes, expecting a vague answer such as hers. “Then answer me this: do you think that’s the reason why he stopped messaging me?”
Kurisu could tell Maho was biting her lip in contemplation when she didn’t respond right away. There was a small pause again, before Maho responded.
Kurisu sighed, the pitting feeling in her stomach building again. She still couldn’t comprehend the events from the previous night, and her silence proved as much. 
“We…” Kurisu hesitated for a moment before continuing. “We talked the other night. And…” she felt herself choke up and she felt stupid, having to pause and breathe in.
“I figured as much,” Maho responded softly. “Kurisu, this probably isn’t something you want to hear, but…”
Kurisu shook her head. “It’s fine. There’s nothing that can break me down already as it is.”
“You…” Maho contemplated on her choice of words. “The whole ‘not messaging’ thing. You have to understand how much it was for him, and then you stopping messaging him probably also messed him up a bit too.”
Kurisu put a hand to her forehead and groaned. “You knew about that, too?”
“I’m not that dumb to not notice,” Maho responded. “I get that you were in an ever-progressing relationship at the time, but for you to stop messaging Okabe-san after nearly talking to him everyday for the past few years before your relationship was a little unfair.”
Kurisu sighed. She knew Maho was right; her actions reflected that of unintentional selfishness, and the guilt overpowered her thoughts.
“But on the other hand,” Maho followed up softly, “he hardly responded, and I can see why you’re frustrated. Okabe-san isn’t exactly the most direct person; I think, out of all of us, you would know that the most.”
She heard Maho sigh. “I’m not one to dictate what you both should be doing in this friendship of yours, but in the end, as I see it, both of you were at fault in some way. And the build up of things you both haven’t said to each other is the result of where you’re both at now. There was a loss of trust somewhere down the line, and rebuilding it is going to be harder than losing it.”
Maho’s words stung Kurisu, but she knew that the words spoke truth. She opened her mouth to respond, but when no words came out, she hung her head in defeat instead taking in the words as is. 
Maho picked up on Kurisu’s silence and spoke with a softer tone. 
“On the more positive side, you’re both talking about it now, and that’s a step in a direction,” Maho said.  “Other than that…”
Silence filled between both of them as Kurisu began to fidget with her bed covers. While Maho’s words were true, she couldn’t help but feel foolish at the fact that Maho had to see her in such a state. In all her years of knowing her, she couldn’t remember a time when she appeared this vulnerable before her friend and it was embarrassing to a certain degree in her mind as she tried to cope with her current state and taking in the words just spoken. 
“Kurisu…” she heard Maho say softly, “I didn’t mean to sound harsh. As your friend...I’m here to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.”
“With that, though,” Maho continued, “I also want you to feel okay opening up to me. I’m not that great with these kinds of topics, but I want to be there for you as much as I can. So stop thinking you’re alone because you have me. You have Mayuri-san, Faris-san, Urushibara-san, the Hashida family...you have a lot of people around you. Don’t bear the weight of your troubles by yourself, or else we wouldn’t be much friends to you, would we?”
The words which Maho told her were heavy; they weighed on Kurisu’s heart, but they weren’t quite as heavy as her previous argument the other day. They were heavy, but they also uplifted her, a reassurance overwhelming her heart and mind as she realized how supportive the individuals around her were, despite her shortcomings in communication. Kurisu almost laughed to herself; she was being stubborn, and the others had long ago picked up on her difficult behavior and yet still came to her aid no matter what. 
“Thank you, Senpai,” Kurisu began slowly. “I’m...I’m not really myself right now, but...I appreciate everything you’ve done.”
She could practically hear the other woman smile on the other line. “That’s what makes you human, Kurisu. I can be there for your best times, but I also want to be there for your worst times, too. We’re not perfect, but that’s the best part.”
Kurisu smiled appreciatively before sighing. “...Sorry that Hashida-san and Mayuri-chan had to call you so late.”
Maho hummed in response. “That’s fine. But….I don’t need to tell you what you need to do next, right?”
Kurisu nodded, feeling a little stronger. “...yes.”
There was a momentary pause before she suddenly heard Maho slightly sigh. 
“Wait, Kurisu.”
She heard Maho click her pen a few times, before the words finally formulated within her friend’s mind. With a lower voice, she spoke.
“Whatever happens, know that I’m still here. Whether things work out or not, I’m not going anywhere; I’ll support your decision, whatever it may be.”
Slight hesitation was heard before she continued with a reassuring voice.
“I just want you to be true to yourself, Kurisu.”
Kurisu took in her senior’s words, nodding slowly. While she appreciated the notion of Maho always being there, she realized from this point forward it was her own battle to face; regardless, the support she never knew she needed was behind her, and she nodded her head in agreement.
“....don’t worry about me, Senpai. You’ve done enough; and I appreciate all that you’ve endured because of me so far.”
 A slight chuckle was heard on the line. “I’m here by choice, so I’m with you in the long run.” She could hear Maho slightly smile with her next words.
“Take care of yourself, alright?”
Kurisu nodded slowly, already forming a plan within her head.
“Of course. Thanks again.”
October 11, 2018 (PM, afternoon)
Okabe stepped down the small step into the park area, hands tucked in his pockets as he walked towards the bench which he was asked to be met at. Why Mayuri had randomly called him to the park was beyond him, but stopped wondering why she did half the things she performed, knowing she had a reason behind everything. 
With this meeting, though, he wanted to shake off that it meant something more.
He spotted her sitting on the bench already, her hand waving at him with a beaming smile on her face. She had what looked like a couple of cake boxes, coming to the conclusion that she probably needed help bringing them back to her home. 
When he came closer, she stood up and gave him a warm hug, he reciprocating in a warm manner. As she pulled away and led him towards the bench, she smiled.
“Mayushii is so happy to see you, Okarin!” she exclaimed. 
He gave a small laugh. “You mean you’re happy that you’re getting help bringing these back home, right?”
Mayuri laughed nervously. “Eh...well, that too. Faris-san had so many extra sweets that would be a waste to throw away.”
Okabe frowned. “And that’s going to end up in my house somehow, I bet.”
Mayuri smiled in return. “That’s one of the perks of living by Mayushii, right?”
At her smile, he couldn’t help but smile back; the warmth of her personality warmed up the bitter cold he had been feeling the past few days. He began to fidget with his phone in one of his coat pockets, a feeling he had been trying to avoid as he tried to refocus his attention on Mayuri. The younger girl merely looked up at him and looked off into the distance as she sat on the bench, her smile lessening.
“You know, I’m really glad to see you smile today.”
Okabe gave her a confused expression as he sat next to her, still fidgeting with his phone in his pocket. When he didn’t respond, she slightly frowned, eyes in contemplation. 
“Mayushii can tell something is on Okarin’s mind.”
Okabe stiffened at her words, trying to remain neutral in his expressions as he waited for her to continue. When she didn’t speak, however, he realized that she was waiting for him to answer. He knew that if he didn’t say what was on his mind, she wouldn’t ask again, but he also knew how rude it was to shut her out of his personal life; she had been there every single step in his life and to shut her out now was something of an injustice to her selflessness all these years. 
All the same, he felt himself dreading bringing up the topic. He was never one to talk about his feelings on the subject; the closest it had been surfaced was through his conversation with Daru  a few days prior, but even then, it felt stiff and guarded. Looking back now, Okabe knew that he should have talked about it and that Daru was only helping him; even now, he knew that Mayuri was helping him, but…
He heard Mayuri hum softly before she began to stand up, dusting off her skirt as she stood. She smiled a bit at Okabe. 
“Well, I guess we should take these home now….”
Something stirred within Okabe as he watched her stand up, a bittersweet smile on her expression. It was something that softened his heart and before he could stop himself, he found himself grabbing on to Mayuri’s wrist as she began to reach for the boxes, her stopping with surprise. She didn’t so much flinch, but she was puzzled as she slowly released the boxes back to their place on the bench.
He loosened his grip on her wrist, realizing that he must have grabbed her with more force than he intended, and was at a loss of words; when he couldn’t figure out what to say, he merely tugged at her, a signal she took as sitting back on the bench, her eyes in question as she stared at him. When he didn’t speak, Mayuri slowly loosened his hand around her wrist and placed her hand in his instead, an action she so often did when he couldn’t find the words to say to her. With a slight squeeze, she looked straight in front of her, slight concern lacing her words as she spoke.
“...Mayushii doesn’t know what’s going on, but I know you’re hurting, Okarin. And...it hurts Mayushii too. But even if Mayushii doesn’t know what’s going on, just know that Mayushii is always here, okay?”
Okabe kept his gaze away from Mayuri’s as he stared off into the distance as well. He knew that the younger girl already picked up on his aloof personality, growing more so in the recent two years. With a heavy heart, he slowly and selectively chose his next words, a regretful tone within them as he spoke. 
“...if you were faced with a decision that could potentially ruin the only connection you had with someone, would you still explain to them your viewpoint, or leave everything as is?”
With his question, he heard Mayuri softly chuckle, a reaction which he didn’t expect. He eyed her curiously, feigned offense in his eyes.
“Hey, what’s so funny about what I asked?”
Mayuri finally looked at him, a soft smile on her expression. “It’s just, that doesn’t sound like the Okarin that Mayushii knows.”
Okabe watched her, confused, as she turned her gaze away from him once more. “Mayushii knows Okarin. Okarin does whatever he can for the people he cares for; sometimes he’s reckless, but that’s the charm of it all. He still pushes forward even if it meant sacrificing a bit of his sanity, to say the least.”
She frowned suddenly as she paused, her eyes becoming more guarded. “But because Mayushii knows Okarin, Mayushii can also see that he’s suffering. He wants to tell the person he loves most how much he loves her, but he can’t because he’s afraid what would happen to their bond.”
Okabe almost choked hearing Mayuri’s words; while correct, it was said so bluntly and straightforward, and he felt himself slightly flush from her words. From his peripheral vision, he could see her smile a bit again and he felt another gentle squeeze from her hand.
“Mayushii doesn’t know what happened in the past few years, but it’s clear enough that it’s done a lot of hurt for Okarin.”
She looked up at him again, and this time, a serious expression spread across her as she stared at him directly. 
“It’s been so many years since Mayushii has known you, and Mayushii thinks it’s about time that you should be kinder to yourself.” He felt her grasp his hand a little more firm this time with a bittersweet smile on her face.
“You have a hard time opening up, but Mayushii thinks it’s high time that you’re honest not only to yourself, but to Kurisu-chan as well. She’ll appreciate it, really.”
Okabe blinked away, turning from her honest eyes and he shook his head. Leave it to Mayuri to hit the nail on the head for his conflicting emotions; nothing could be hidden from her, even his inner conflicts and thoughts regarding the person in question. But it was that honesty and straightforwardness that he’s noticed has grown within Mayuri; while straightforward before, Mayuri now presents in soft but firm confidence, delicately guiding the people whom she loved in the best way suitable for the individual. There was something about her upfront honesty that developed over the years that allowed her to not only be a guide but an even more close and precious friend than before. The selflessness which she portrayed over the years had only grown, with the intent to always help others before herself. 
Okabe felt the inner emotions conflicting once more as he breathed in, an attempt to keep himself together. When he couldn’t find the words to speak in full sentences, he spoke simply  instead, hoping it would convey the feelings he felt inside.
“...I’m afraid.”
Mayuri nodded. “I know.”
His vision began to blur. “She means a lot to me, more than I can explain.”
A nod again. “I know.”
He felt himself breaking apart again, only the second time he had done so over so many years; for a moment, he felt weak and unexplainably disgusted with himself, showing the vulnerable side of him to her, but realized that she was the last person to ever judge him and it was enough for him to rub his temples in an attempt to hide potential tears again.
“...I love her.”
The last few words came out barely above a whisper, a confession he hadn’t ever dare to say aloud at all; it were those last words that had broken all walls as he grasped Mayuri’s hand, the only thing he felt grounded to at that moment. No tears ran this time, he was grateful for that, but it was replaced with a raw sadness that ate away his inner thoughts and insides. He felt Mayuri release her grasp from his as she pulled him closer to her in a warm embrace. The cooler weather had been a chill to his heart, but as he felt her arms around him, feeling the care and honest compassion from her, he sighed as he realized those last few words were what needed to be said out of his heart. He could feel Mayuri rubbing his back in slow, reassuring circles as she spoke quietly.
“I know.”
They sat in quiet silence for a few moments, letting the weather and the day become gradually cooler. Okabe didn’t overlook the fact that she had, for once, used “I” to refer to herself; it were little things such as that had him realize the difference in tone and seriousness Mayuri had taken into speaking with him. For the first time, Okabe felt comfort since Kurisu’s arrival in Japan; though not completely strong, he knew that the broken pieces of himself were supported by everyone in the lab, most especially by Mayuri. He sighed deeply; despite his emotional state, she still stayed around for him, carefully regarding his unannounced feelings all these years and patiently waiting for the day until he proclaimed it himself. Mayuri was of a different kind, he realized, and feelings of appreciation felt nearly not enough to truly feel the over-bursting emotions of gratefulness for her in his heart.
Instead, he smiled a bit, response in tow to her previous answer.
“If you know so much, then what is it that you don’t know?”
Mayuri laughed a little, picking up on his attempt to be light hearted once more. 
“I don’t know why Okarin is still moping near Mayushii when Mayushii has said all that she can.”
Okabe laughed a little at her joke; though there was a heaviness still lying in his heart as he sat up straight, he realized that the only way to move was forward. She had given him more than enough strength to keep going, and it was all he could do to move on his own. 
Mayuri stood up from their bench spot, picking up a few boxes as she did so. She smiled a bit, nodding at the rest of them.
“Help Mayushii bring them back home, okay?”
October 11, 2018 (Early Evening)
Okabe only stayed briefly to drop off Mayuri back at her home (couple of boxes in tow in his arms, his suspicions correct about taking a few home with him) before turning back towards the direction of his home. He vaguely felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as he walked off, surmising to himself to take a look at it once he was in the confines of his room; he wasn’t sure if he was ready to face what the message said, since he had a vague feeling on who it was that sent it.
As soon as Okabe was out of sight, Mayuri sighed a breath of relief, going inside once more to grab her purse. It was early evening by this time, and she knew it’d be a shot in the dark to attempt, but she decided in her heart that it was the only way, seeing how the current situation was.
She made her way down the streets back to the train station, hoping the lines towards Ginza weren’t as crowded with the rush hour traffic.
October 11, 2018 (PM, Early Evening)
Kurisu sighed as she grasped the plastic bag in her hand, her dinner (and in fact, her only meal of the day) in tow. She hadn’t had much of an appetite as of late, but the realization of eating and maintaining a decent amount of strength overrode her emotions, as rationale naturally took over. She wasn’t one to succumb to her emotions and it made her feel weak and disgusted with herself, so she tried her best to maintain a bit of normalcy that she was used to prior to the current situation. 
She frowned as she glanced at her phone once more, her Rine message clearly unresponded to. While it was short and implied her intentions, she also wished a response in likewise would be sent, as some reassurance. 
Me (16:40) I’ll be going to the lab tomorrow evening.  (read)
While it wasn’t the clearest message, she surmised, she also knew that she didn’t need to explain herself; with the way their last conversation ended, it was clear that they both needed to talk again, whether it be a good outcome or not. The only reassurance that she received from the message was the small “read” receipt that marked his acknowledgement to her message; he had seen it, and since he didn’t have any other responses, she concluded that he would be there as well. 
It still unsettled her, however, as the same raw feeling from this morning tempted to eat its way back into her inner emotions. She clutched her plastic bag a little tighter, power walking faster towards the automatic doors of her hotel. She suddenly felt bare and exposed, the need to want to hide in her room beginning to seep back into her. It was an unending cycle of confidence and fear, something completely different than her rational mind was accustomed to. 
Her intention was to make a beeline for the elevators to return to her room, but a faint color of familiar light blue and pink caught her eye as she realized someone had stood the moment she entered through the automatic doors. Turning in surprise, her eyes widened as the individual smiled apologetically, waving her over to the lobby chairs.
Kurisu power walked towards the younger girl, who embraced her into a warm hug almost immediately. 
“Mayuri?! W-why...how?”
Mayuri pulled away, still smiling as she did so. She pulled up her phone and nodded apologetically. 
“Sorry, Kuris-chan, Mayushii asked Hiyajo-san where you were staying because it was so hard to remember…”
Kurisu shook her head. “Oh, no, it’s fine; in fact, I’m happy to see you.”
Mayuri’s eyes lit up, warming Kurisu’s heart a bit more. “Really? Mayushii is so glad to hear that!” Mayuri turned back around towards her purse and seat, Kurisu following suit as she sat on the seat across from her. Mayuri sat down as well, her smile slightly diminishing with the next few words. 
“Mayushii was just...worried that Kuris-chan wouldn’t want to be seen right now.”
Kurisu glanced at Mayuri, understanding the implication of her words. While the words of the argument between her and Okabe still rang in her ears, she couldn’t imagine the position which Mayuri found herself in. 
After she had shut the door of the lab apartment, Kurisu found herself crying with unexplainable emotions; it was confusing to her, to realize that her heart cared for Okabe more than she could fully understand, that it caused her to break down almost immediately afterwards.
What she didn’t know as she broke down, was that Mayuri had been standing on the stairs of the stairwell for some time, a shocked look in her eyes as she witnessed Kurisu unfold before her. Mayuri slowly approached Kurisu as she cried, keeping her in her arms until the tears no longer flowed and only hiccups remained. 
The journey from the lab back to her hotel was a blur afterwards; she could only vaguely remember telling Mayuri where to go, and nearly collapsing on to her bed as soon as she was in the room. She also remembered Mayuri gently bringing her towards the shower, a task Kurisu somehow managed to perform in her harried state, with a quick bath which Mayuri had prepared while she showered. As soon as she was dry, she remembered Mayuri telling her to sit near the sink of the restroom as she came in with a chair; Mayuri proceeded to unwrap the towel from her head and gently combed out her hair as she dried it with a blow dryer. 
She couldn’t be bothered to eat, she remembered, and automatically went to bed. Mayuri had draped the heavy blankets over her and everything else went black afterwards. 
With the way Maho had called her earlier this morning, Kurisu concluded that Mayuri probably had called her right after. 
The events of the previous day began to flash in Kurisu’s mind and she couldn’t help but feel a mix of shame and appreciativeness towards the younger girl; Mayuri had done more than she could have asked for, and for her to visit her again had her feeling unsettled with riddled guilt. 
As if sensing it, Mayuri shook her head.
“Don’t worry about Mayushii, Kurisu-chan; you have a lot to think about as it is.”
Kurisu slowly nodded, sighing as she did so.
“...thank you.”
She earned a smile from Mayuri, who merely watched her with careful regard. Kurisu looked away, the unsettling feeling coming in once more. As if to break the small silence, Mayuri spoke quietly.
“You know...Mayushii was really worried. Everything that happened…”
Kurisu clutched the corner of her cardigan, guilt overcoming her. 
“I’m sorry, I’m…” Kurisu took in a deep breath before continuing. “I’m sorry you had to see that, that you had to get involved in this, that you had to hear everything…”
Mayuri slightly frowned. “That’s okay; Mayushii was...on the way to check on Okarin, anyway.”
Kurisu began to fidget with her cardigan, words escaping her as she debated how to approach the topic. When nothing else came to mind, she merely glanced away, slight shame in her voice.
“...how much did you hear?”
When Mayuri gave no response, Kurisu only sighed. Her silence spoke volumes as Kurisu shamefully downcasted her eyes.
“This issue…”
“This issue is something Mayushii should have checked on a long time ago,” Mayuri interjected gently. “Kurisu-chan...there are some things that you have to realize about Okarin; he...he’s changed a lot, you know?”
She shook her head. “Of course you know. That’s a silly statement.”
Kurisu hitched a breath; she wasn’t surprised that Mayuri would understand the close friendship she had with Okabe years ago, but the current predicament made it feel like that had all happened in another life time. 
A tingling sense of familiarity overcame her again when that thought crossed her mind, but she shook it off again.
Mayuri continued. “Okarin...he never yells about anything. Maybe when it’s Kyouma speaking, but...Okarin himself never really yells or protest about anything.”
She glanced up at Kurisu, a bittersweet smiling forming. “And that’s why, Mayushii thinks whatever happened was so important.”
“It didn’t sound pleasant,” Mayuri continued, “but Mayushii knows it’s a step into some direction. Somewhere that the two of you have never crossed before. Whether it’s...good or bad, Mayushii doesn’t know, but the only thing Mayushii can tell you is this.”
She gently took Kurisu’s hand in hers and clasped it firmly. “Okarin only really speaks up when he cares about something so much, that his heart can’t take it anymore. He doesn’t like to let anyone in...and Mayushii believes you know that.”
“So this means that whatever is bothering Okarin is really bothering him; that tells Mayushii that this is important.”
She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again, a bittersweet look in her eyes. “Mayushii can’t tell you what to do, but…”
Mayuri nodded a bit before speaking in a more subdued tone. There was a heaviness in her tone, and Kurisu took note of it as she spoke.
“...trust him, okay? Trust that Okarin will eventually be able to tell you everything you need to know, because...he will one day. Maybe not tonight, but Mayushii believes he will.”
She gave a squeeze on Kurisu’s hand as she gave a small smile. “And trust yourself, Kurisu-chan. Mayushii think you’re being too hard on yourself, but you know more than you think you do and it’s time you listen to yourself here,” Mayuri points at the location of Kurisu’s heart, “rather than up here,” she finishes as she points to her head. 
“What’s going on up here is making you not think clearly…! So Mayushii thinks it’s time that you really start listening to yourself.”
She gave a nod again, as she smiled. “Everything will be alright, okay? Mayushii believes in both of you.”
The way her hand was wrapped around Mayuri’s with such a wide smile on the younger girl’s face...Kurisu felt both ashamed and elated at Mayuri’s support at the same time. It was enough to leave her in a loss of words as she couldn’t figure out a response to say in earnest, mouth attempting to form words with no sound coming through. Mayuri laughed at Kurisu’s reaction and she shook her head.
“Mayushii is okay. Okarin will be okay. And you, Kurisu-chan will be okay too. Take it one step at a time, okay?’’
One step.
One step towards reunion, or destruction?
This, Kurisu told herself, will never leave her thoughts as she thought of the worst case scenario: Okabe not showing up or even listening to her thoughts.
But Mayuri was right. Trust yourself, and you’ll be able to trust the ones you love.
She’d have to do this simultaneously, Kurisu realized, but it was now or never.
With a thankful heart, Kurisu took Mayuri’s hand, tears slightly brimming her eyes as she smiled back. There were no words of appreciation she could express, and she found herself only being able to nod, much to Mayuri’s amusement as she laughed a little at Kurisu’s response.
“Mayuri…” Kurisu started as she nodded. “I will. I’ll listen to you, to what he says, and most of all..what I feel too.”
Mayuri smiled at her response as she stood and gave Kurisu a warm and enveloping hug, full of a reassurance which Kurisu took full-heartedly.
“I’ll always be here, okay?”
The words of Mayuri were the only thing moving her forward; she felt she would’ve backtracked otherwise.
But there was no backing out anymore; now, or never.
Trust him. Trust what your feelings say.
Kurisu began to walk up the steps of the lab; upon entering the room and placing her shoes off to the side, the familiar backside of his figure came into view as he was turned away from her, sitting on the computer desk chair.
She inhaled and exhaled, and with a burdened heart, she spoke.
“...please listen to what I have to say.”
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nevermindtheweights · 5 years
Happy birthday and many happy returns, Karma-chan! Have a great day!
Thank you Charlie-senpai!~
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godsavetheanimalz · 6 years
15 shuffle songs!!!
oh geez this a lot... was tagged by @w1tchesrave to do this thank you!!! changed it to 15 bc i’m super lazy to do 25 lmao - 1. time today by kero kero bonito - 2. what a mess! by ellis - 3. tangerine by luby sparks  - 4. little red corvette by prince - 5. america (never been) by car seat headrest - 6. happy unhappy by the beths - 7. happy song by alex the astronaut  - 8. talking s**t about a pretty sunset by modest mouse - 9. baboon by this town needs guns - 10. reality bites by laura jean grace & the devouring mothers  - 11. heaven by charly bliss - 12. castles in the grave (2010) by john maus  - 13. everywhere and allover by lali puna  - 14. won’t drown by foxing - 15. space cowboy by kacey musgraves  gonna tag @cyclefickle @silver-jews @742evergreenterrace @pxisonoak @fuckpanzinat @fridakahlo-saved-mysoul @smi-beans @trblwillfindme @trashmagicmissamerica @zesteea @tenderwarrior @iwasasprinter @coupdelamort @mybodyis-a-nicolascage @strangemercy1 @itskristinenotchristine @somethingscosmic1251 @angelolsengf @brightclear @zopicloneangel @hazelstreet @greeneyesandsunshine @green-tea-pleiadian @christianmilf @keepyoureartotheground @warmlantern @potaytor @emocutie @olivethebird @passivef1re @chilesrellenos @passedouttosuperchunk @postcitywave @sweetsoundofignorance @2damnice @chemtrailmix @whateverwhateveritsnothing @probablyprocrastinatingnow @constant-contra @mammoth-swoon @monasterymonochrome @kickerofelves @unnecessarysmalltalks @areyoutheregoditsmegabby @lisafranksnightmares @lessdead @telltheplanets @moon-on-the-bath @moonlemon @viennaswitch @fesca @feeling-iindigo @honeynut-cheerio @mirallesbihonest @theendingofdramamine @jumbledupsoup @n0t-your-senpai @martinfreegirl @rambleonmeghanrose anyone who wants to do this do it!!! needa fucking sleep goodnight mutuals!!!!
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alittlefawn · 2 years
Full Name - Annie Willow Morningstar
Preferred Name - Ann
Pronouns - She / They
Gender - Demigirl
Age - 6 
Species - Deer Demon ( Fawn )
Sexuality - Demisexual/Pansexual 
Date of Birth - 12/04/1927
Date of Death - ??/??/1933
Cause of Death - Murdered
Family - Alastor (Father), Charlie (Mother), Shiru (Twin Brother), Alex (Older Sister), Lexi (Older Sister), Husk (Adoptive Grandfather/ Partner-In-Crime), Gladion (Big Brother Figure/ Uncle) Amber (Adoptive Grandmother) Lilith (Grandmother) Lucifer (Grandfather)
Favorite Color(s) - Pink, red, black, white, blue, and purple
Likes - Bunnies, Sweets, Anime
Dislikes - Apples, Gladion smoking 
Other Personality Traits - 
Other Info:
Personality - Go Lucky, Shy, Oversensitive, WEEB, Hyper, Kind, an overthinker 
Abilities - She has the ability to create shadow creatures, but she tends to create shadow rabbits with this ability, but they act as if they are guard dogs.
She's allergic to Dogs.
She’s a talented singer, but they are also capable of playing the violin and piano.
Other than English she can speak in Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and some French.
She has really bad anxiety 
 She doesn’t know how to cook normal food in the USA but she is good at cooking Japanese food.
She is autistic (High  functioning).
She knows a couple magic tricks (thank you Husker).
Ann was created by Amber (Me, yours truly uwu) when she was going through a lot of things in life  to help her cope with her emotions.
Ann has a pet Flemish Giant named Snowball.
My girlfriend and I both agreed that one of her favorite anime characters would be Honey-senpai from The Host Club.
Ann would be a Hufflepuff- you can't convince me otherwise-
Ann's favorite flower is actually not a Sakura (although it is ONE of her favorites), but it I'd actually a Night rider!
Boundaries: Please no flirting, Don be rude, No bullying, No homophobia or Transphobia, just be a decent Human and we'll be good.
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pynkglow · 6 years
I was tagged by @cinnamon-roll-parker ! Thank you bby! I love you!
Rules: list ten of your favorite songs and tag ten people!
1. (Un)Lost // The Maine
2. Backseat // Charli Adams
3. Color // Finish Ticket
4. Spiders // Night Riots
5. The Way It Was // The Killers
6. Runaway // Bon Jovi
7. Warm Glow // Hippo Campus
8. Kyrie // Mr. Mister
9. Talk Fast // 5 Seconds of Summer
10. Steamroller // Phoebe Bridgers
Tagging: @the-claire-bitch-project @ironxbaby @rileywrites-parker @iridescent-daniel @valkyriethor @stephie-senpai @upsidedownparker @keeryscupojoe @fuckyou-imspiderman @madmadmilk
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nyodrite · 7 years
@becausemyfriendskeptasking said:
@kunoichi-ume said:
okay I am onboard.
Yessss, join usssss
@kitsune0neko said:
Yyyaaaaaaaaaaaay! I really like this. Especialky bc dragons r awesome and a love for them would totally transcend death.
This is absolute truth, dragons are awesome and love of dragons transcends such flimsy barriers such as  d e a t h
@seladorie said:
... i didn't know i needed this but i do
i want this so bad
i wanna see this team 7 meet kakashi
i want charlie!sakura to needle sasuke ONLY to see his fire dragon technique
While Kakashi is internally just,,,okay so apparently this one is obsessed with scaly, sparky flapper cryptids but at least she's not a fangirl??
@ruelukas22 said:
oh wow O.O senpai noticed me!
Does this mean you’re actually going to fic it? Because that could be amazing!
Would anyone else be reincarnations?!
How does Charlie like being an only child?
Does he refer to himself as a he in actual conversations sometimes?
Does he get a wild hair cut?
Does he like kunoichi classes?
We see the beginning of him interacting with Naruto, how does that continue, does he like Kurama and the other Bijuu? (“Giant, village destroying creatures. I love them.” “Honestly Sakura…”)
What does he think of giant summons? (“Sakura! The snake is trying to kill you, stop fawning over it!”)
.....sen...pai..? .....suddenly i feel more powerful then ever before.
Tentative yes on a fic but, whoa do I get distracted easily.
As for any other reincarnations, no? Not here, but @owldork1998 and @cassandrasdreamworld and I did talk about two people being reincarnated as Sakura around the same time. In fact there was talk about Charlie being reincarnated as Sakura while Newt Scamander was reincarnated as Inner Sakura.
Being an only child after being one of many is kind of lonely, but there's Ino whose kind of like a sister and who comes as part of a package deal with Shikamaru and Chouji so Kura makes do with pseudo-siblings.
While it wouldn't really matter or be noticed in English, since personal pronouns like don't lean towards a gender, Kura does do that. Kura's personal pronoun is "ore" all around instead of the expected "watashi", it's chosen simply because it's shorter and thus easier to say. This does, however, kind of affect things.
it's been, due to the time spent together at the academy, normalized for Kura's generation - in fact some of the younger girls at the academy start doing the same
ninja, on a whole, really don't care because there could be worse quirks for the kid to have - like peeping in bath houses, or wearing green spandex
clanfolk, even ninja ones, kinda do a double take but are generally just huh, alright then.
older people, even ninja, like the Council are disapproving it's partially about propriety but mostly about this fool kunoichi will endanger the mission if she is ever to go undercover or otherwise infiltrate some place
civilians range from shrugging it off as "ninja weirdness" or being scandalized, Kura's parents (who are in fact civilian in this) are on both sides - father shrugs it off and is even amused, mother is Not Happy
there's also little, awkward side conversations with first Iruka then Kakashi about if Kura is experiencing gender dysphoria and if it were better to use different pronouns or look into having a sex change
Wild hair? Kind of? Less cut though. Kura's hair is long, it is messy and pulled into a ponytail until it eventually grows so long - takes so long to clean in the shower - that Kura just hacks it off with a kunai. So, yep! Wild hair cut! (eventually)
Kura is ambivalient about kunoichi classes; sewings only practical, as is cooking, tea ceramonies and kimono are interesting in a foriegn way, make-up is kind of weird but mostly tedious given he was still around when little Ginny wanted to play with their mum's make-up and demanded he let her make him "pretty" and is now resigned to it, but he's actually good with flowers - entirely Bill's fault who once tried to impress a girl be carefully selecting flowers that were meaningful
Bijuu, yes Kura loves them. Once he finds out that they are actually real - and how are giant chakra monsters more believable then dragons?!? - he's stoked and all NO INO/NARUTO/SASUKE/SENSEI YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I HAVE TO MEET ONE I WILL LITERALLY DIE IF I DO NOT. Then he finds out about them being sealed away and is just WAT NO YOU CAN'T CAGE SUCH WONDERFUL CREATURES THIS IS A CRIME OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER
Giant summon, he loves them also and yes that's pretty much how it goes - that and a mix of frantically taking down notes because there's no Newt Scamander here to learn and write about the creatures of this world so now it is obviously my solemn duty to do so in his absence
and yes! i love you're tags - these ones also! sasuke is definitely the one shoved into the place of the Voice Of Reason between his two teammates - Let's Be Friends! and Can I Pet It Sensei, Please!? - and Kakashi is despairing the the tiny, traumatized ball of rage is the voice of reason out of his genin
kit123 said:
This was so much fun! Lol Ino acting like she is too popular to read but secretly being super smart. Hahaha Charlie "I don't have time for that stuff when I have to find dragons" Weasley KILLED me. He's going to annoy every Uchiha ever figuring out how that fire dragon came to be. I bet Shisui ends up semi-adopting him. The Uchiha massacre is averted just because a seven year old was obsessed with dragons.
more seriously, yes i was toying with the idea that the massacre is averted because Kura is just PLEASE CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT DRAGONS I NEED TO KNOW and shadowing random Uchiha who are too bewildered by this - usually people want to know about their eyes??? not??? dragons???????? - to do anything can even be misinterpreted as negative so the entire village sees the Uchiha tolerating a tiny, pink haired civilian girl following them around and pestering them and are just maybe they're not all bad???
on the other hand if the massacre were to happen and Sasuke gets his same team 7 intro, Kura would just be "Mate, don't lose you're nose" while thinking about Voldemort while everyone else is jusy "???"
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