#thank you I came up with spelling it Buggie <3
Unleash the Gigantic Battle Against Pesky Pests: Florida Pests Services
Pests – the uninvited guests that can turn your home into their vacation spot. If you're in Dubai and finding yourself in a bug-infested situation, worry not! Florida Pests Services is here to rescue you from the minuscule marauders.
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The Pest Menace in Dubai
Dubai may look like a utopia with its magnificent buildings and white sand beaches but don't forget about the little nightmares that coexist with this opulent area: bugs. Managing pests may seem like an endless horror film, from the cunning cockroaches performing tricks in your kitchen to the mosquitoes composing a late-night symphony.
Why Choose Florida Pests Services?
You need heavy guns when it comes to pest management, and Florida Pests Services is ready to go with its arsenal of bug-busting know-how. Why they're the preferred pest control company in Dubai is as follows:
Expert Exterminators: Florida Bugs Services has a team of trained exterminators who can outwit bugs in their own game. These aren't your typical bug-whisperers; they're the pest management industry's James Bonds.
Tailored Treatments: One size doesn't fit all when it comes to pest control. Florida Pests Services crafts personalized plans to target the specific pests invading your space. It's like a bespoke suit but for pest annihilation.
Eco-Friendly Approach: Worried about harsh chemicals harming your indoor environment? Fret not! Florida Pests Services adopts an eco-friendly approach, ensuring your home stays green while the pests turn tail.
Emergency Response Team: Picture this: it's 3 AM, and you're under attack by an army of ants. Who are you gonna call? Florida Pests Services! With their 24/7 emergency response team, you'll never have to face the pest apocalypse alone.
A Peek into the Pest-Beating Arsenal
Now that we know why Florida Pests Services is the knight in shining armour, let's take a look at the tools and techniques they use to battle the buggy invaders.
Customer Chronicles: Tales of Triumph Over Pests
We reached out to some satisfied customers who have experienced the Florida Pests Services magic firsthand. Here are their stories:
The Ant Armageddon
Jane, a resident of Dubai, found herself amid an ant invasion that would make any picnic enthusiast run for cover. She recalls, "I tried everything – from DIY solutions to ancient folk remedies. It was a losing battle until Florida Pests Services came to the rescue. They didn't just get rid of the ants; they made sure they never returned!"
Mosquito Mayhem
Ahmed, another Dubai dweller, faced a mosquito situation that resembled a scene from a Hitchcock movie. "I was ready to sleep in a mosquito net fortress, but Florida Pests Services swept in like pest control superheroes. Now, my nights are mosquito-free, and I can finally reclaim my beauty sleep!"
A Dash of Humor in Pest Control
Dealing with pests can be a stressful affair, but let's inject a dose of humour into the situation. After all, laughter is the best medicine, even for pest-induced stress!
Why did the pest go to school? Because it wanted to improve its spelling – it heard there were some great bugs in the dictionary!
See, pests may be persistent, but they're not known for their comedic timing. Leave the laughter to the professionals – and maybe a good pest control joke or two.
Wrapping Up: A Pest-Free Paradise
In the fight against pests, Florida Pest Services is the unsung hero of Dubai Houses. They're not just exterminators; they're pest-fighting champions, thanks to their experienced crew, personalised treatments, and sense of humour.
So, the next time you hear a cockroach tap-dancing in your kitchen or mosquitoes preparing a midnight performance, know that Florida Pests Services is only a phone call away, ready to transform your pest-ridden nightmare into a bug-free dream.
With Florida Pests Services, you may say goodbye to pests and welcome to a pest-free paradise.
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MER Week Days 3 and 6
Prompts: Midnight Rendezvous and Break my Heart
Eh heh heh... I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while. >:3c
Summary: What’s left behind when Commander Shepard dies? Not a lot for Bo to hold onto. It’s hardest at night, and it’s not easier with what remains. But sometimes it helps. Setting: Between 1 and 2.
-June 23, 2183-
Bo wasn't sure what she hated more: the sound of military music or her formal uniform.
Both were grating on her nerves as she sat there in a green field covered in headstones. Most of them were small. After all, in that day and age they rarely got a whole body back. At best, ashes were buried there under the names and dates. Sometimes... well, the less said about the larger plots the better.
For her, there was nothing left.
She clenched her fist tight as she stared down at the small plot of ground that had been marked out for the Citadel's savior. In plain dates, “Commander Alistair Michael Shepard, 2156-2183” was spelled out in heavy black letters. Nothing but the basic facts about the man who was anything but, even if she had said otherwise.
The ceremony had been over for a while now. People had tried to give her sympathy but it had bounced off her like bullets off her armor. Bo had just stood there, staring at the ground. Maybe she was numb, maybe she was pissed. It wasn't every day she got to watch her best friend memorialized.
The priest was an asshole; Al wasn't Catholic anyway.
“Excuse me, Commander Shepard?”
For a brief second, Bo didn't move. After all, someone that polite would have been for Alistair. It took her a second to remember that he wasn't at her fucking side where he was supposed to be, fielding comments for her. Her buffer was gone now, and she had to face it alone. So, she turned to face them, not really looking.
They had a box in their hands and an Alliance uniform on their back. She didn't really notice the rank or the face. Details like that didn't really matter lately – someone would probably say that was depression. Honestly, she was just tired. Some asshole with a degree would probably say that was depression too.
They didn't shrink back from the bite to her voice. She had to give them that. “We recovered this from the crash. As next of kin, it's yours.”
They handed the box over without another word. “All we found was some armor and his pistol. I'm sorry we couldn't give you more.”
And then they left Bo alone with the little box that held the one possession Alistair loved almost as much as his hamster. She would have laughed, but it just wouldn't come out. Instead, she just stared at it, frowning. Then she gave the box a shake – too much rattled around for it to be in one piece. Given the Normandy had blown up, that was to be expected.
Disappointing... he had always liked that damn little gun. Even when there were better models, ones that maybe accounted for his shitty aiming, it was at his side like a little red nightmare. Dead eye, dumb gun. That had been her brother.
And now it was all she had left.
That was all Bo could get out as she turned to walk away from the empty grave, broken gun in hand. What else could she say? It wouldn't bring Alistair back if she suddenly developed his ability to speak to people, nor would it make her feel any better. All she could do was just keep walking and hope she figured out the rest later.
Stupid Alistair... he had to get himself blown up for his own damn pilot.
-December 11, 2183-
Explosions were what shot Bo out of bed that morning.
None of them were real – she would have been moving faster if they had been. But she heard them all the same and saw the Normandy exploding before her very eyes as she sat there on the edge of her bed, sweat pouring down her face and her chest heaving from the effort. It took every  effort to remember she wasn't in space, and the only thing that was threatening to explode was her heart. Even after a few seconds of staring around the dark room, it didn't calm down.
So it was going to be one of those nights, huh?
“What fucking time is it?”
Somewhere off to the side, her computer glowed. “The current time is 02:30.”
The pleasant voice that came from the speakers had a thick Irish accent that hadn't been reproduced well. Where vowels and consonants came together, the awkward electronics showed themselves. It wasn't a person.
It wasn't Alistair.
Bo took a deep breath as she looked over at the computer again. Even in the darkness, she could see the little hologram standing there, projected by her screen. The voice had come from a VI she had picked up her last time at the Citadel. The man selling it had cowered and given her a deeply discounted rate. He should have – the damn thing was broken half the time.
She sat down at her desk, not really looking at the little projection of her brother in his fatigues. He hated wearing those – something about them never fitting right in the legs and causing him to trip if he didn't roll them up right. It had been his curse of being so damn short.
“Anything good?”
The Shepard VI was as cheery as always. “You have 74 unread messages and one missed vid call from Admiral Anderson.”
Bo rolled her eyes as she briefly scrolled down. Nothing she gave a fuck about. “Delete them and remind me to call Anderson later.”
“Can do.” Then the VI switched to its deletion message. “I get rid of you on the way to real problems.”
She had to laugh, but it was like there was broken glass in her throat. It was her words in Alistair's dumb accent like some fucked up fusion nightmare. The real one would have never said anything like that. Hell, he probably would've offered to fix his own damn VI if he were around to see just how buggy it was.
Something about that was so wrong it had to make her laugh, but damn if it didn't hurt when she did it.
“Those volus patching you need to get off their asses and fix the personality. Did they get us mixed up again?”
Pleasant Alistair VI was back. “Sending a note to the development team. Thanks for your feedback, you make the galaxy safer.”
Nerdy; that was closer. Bo shook her head as she looked at her empty inbox and the pending call. Part of her – she swore it had an accent – was telling her to pick up her omni-tool and give Anderson a call. Then it was telling her to put on pants and go do something outside. All were sensible, yet horrible ideas and she didn't want  to do any of them.
“Fuck I don't even know.”
Her leave was almost over, and then it was back to who even fucking knew. The Hong Kong wasn't around to take her back – even if they had loved her. Like the Normandy it was smashed to a thousand pieces and just as useful. Maybe the Council would want her to do something. Those fuckers owed her one after all.
A couple ones, but she would settle for one. Just... something. Anything.
Something wet trickled down her face – maybe the ceiling had finally sprung a leak due to her dumb ass neighbors upstairs. Bo didn't investigate it. She just kept staring at the damn VI, half hoping that it would do something other than read her messages for her. But it just stood there, waiting for her to give it a task to complete.
And the ones she needed it couldn't do. She had learned the hard way that a VI couldn't hug for shit.
“Maybe I should go back to bed.”
Her bones creaked as she started back over towards her unmade bed. Sometime during the struggle, her pillow had wound up on the floor. Grumbling, she bent to pick it up. That was when she felt it in her lower back – a dull pain throbbed to life.
She slapped her hand over it just as a similar burning ache stabbed its way through her lower leg. Bo fell back on the bed, half expecting gunfire. When she pulled her hand away there was nothing there, though. She wasn't bleeding – shit just fucking hurt.
“Are you ok, Commander Shepard? Do you require medical attention?”
Now that was fucking Al. Maybe the volus were finally on to something.
Bo blinked back surprise as she looked down to the source of pain on her leg. It wasn't anywhere she had been injured before as far as she could remember. Instead, it was centralized around a band of pinks and reds inked into her skin. Even in the dark, her fingers found her way to the tattoo and rubbed against it.
“Commander Shepard?”
Another throb, this time from her lower back and right where another tattoo was. Bo's eyes went higher than the VI, to a shelf she hadn't touched since she had installed it. On it rested a dusty box, marked down “personal effects” in ink that hadn't started to fade.
“Can't be.” but it was hurting right where her N7 tattoo was inked into her skin, as bad as it had when she had first gotten it with Alistair on the Citadel. He had had a matching one inked in the same spot on his own skin, though he had complained about it the entire time it was healing. For a medic, it was almost funny.
It had always hurt when either of them were about to do something stupid.
A strange smile crossed her face as she managed to get back into bed. “See if there are any available shuttles out of here in the morning.”
“Can do, Commander. Remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night for optimum efficiency.”
Hopefully, someone else was hurting as much as she was, because Bo wasn't going to be getting any sleep that night. But as a plan formed in her head, she couldn't say she minded much at all.
-April 11, 2184-
“You have two missed vid calls from ID “Bonecrusher” and “Demonslinger” and three unread messages from the Alliance.”
“Tell them they can suck it I'm busy.”
The bruises from last night's fight were still healing and it hurt to move. Bo really should have been resting or at the very least swimming in medigel. Instead, she was at her desk pouring over a bunch of dumb, stupid pieces.
In front of her, oh so careful dissembled, was a pistol. Half the pieces were new, bought or fought for during her time on Omega. The rest, the more beat up looking ones, were the originals she was trying to build around.
It didn't help Alistair never fucking cleaned his guns right. Fuckin' southpaws.
“I have informed them you are busy.” VI Alistair popped up in front of her. “Do you require assistance?”
Bo scowled as she held a piece up to the light – this was a new one, to help fit in the clips the pistol was being modified to use. “Pull up the Stinger maintenance manual again. I think I got this damn thing on backwards.”
The diagrams popped up large enough for her to read without her glasses on – yep, the damn thing was backwards AND upside down on top of it. She scowled and turned it right side up, then clicked it back into place. That sound was becoming oddly therapeutic in a way only knocking Krogan skulls in had been as of late.
They had always said she had laser focus back in school. Once again, she was proving them right.
Alistair VI glowed for a second as she continued to work. “Update: the part you ordered has come in. You can pick it up in the morning.”
“Great, make sure that asshole isn't trying to short change me again.” Bo grabbed her glasses from her forehead and pushed them down onto her face in order to inspect the next part. “Otherwise they're going to be my 13th win in the ring next week.”
The little VI of her brother flashed for a second – there were those damn bugs again. “Confirmed. Your message has been sent. Do you need anything else?”
“I need the full diagram for the Stinger firing system again. Damn thing looks like it needs another part.”
Maybe at this point it would've been easier to just get another a fucking gun. It wasn't like the Stinger pistol was particularly hard to find. Maybe a little rare on Omega, but that was more personal preference than scarcity. The mercs there liked flashier models that had a shotgun's kick to them. She could appreciate a good shotgun as much as the next person, but it wasn't her taste in consideration.
Besides, it was a pain in the ass to modify any fucking gun to be left handed. Why couldn't her dumb brother learn to shoot right handed like a normal person?
Alistair VI worked quietly, but he talked while he did it. “Searching. The Stinger pistol is a favorite of mine.”
“I know it is, that's why I'm fixing it.” She held a piece up to the light and then slid it in. “You're going to need a working gun when I find you.”
Maybe it was wishful thinking or maladaptive coping or just plain denial, but tattoos didn't lie. Hers especially didn't. Somewhere, she knew deep down in her gut that the dumb ass who owned the gun she was working on was going to want it back. And hell, she was more than ready to give it to him and then some.
The VI flashed its error message. “Request misunderstood. Could you please repeat?”
“Ah, forget it.” Bo reached for another tiny tool in order to work on the grip. “Play my workout music, 60% volume.”
Loud, high energy music began to pour into her apartment as Bo lost herself in the work. If she was lucky, she'd finish her modification on the Stinger's grip before she had to square off in the ring again. If not... well, as long as they didn't break her arm she'd be good to go.
And hopefully, it would be good to go with her modifications when she saw Alistair again. With any luck, that asshole would appreciate having a gun that shot a little steadier the next time she saw him. That would be after she kicked his ass for dying, of course.
After all, that was just rude. Who went off as a big, stupid hero without saying when they would be back?
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postgamecontent · 7 years
The RPGs of the Super NES Classic #3: Secret of Mana
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Original Release Date: August 6, 1993
Original Hardware: Nintendo Super Famicom
Developer/Publisher: Square Enix
Nintendo's 16-bit hardware had a lot of great action-RPGs, but perhaps none were as significant as Square's Secret of Mana. This was particularly the case in the West, where Japanese action-RPGs hadn't caught on quite as they had in Japan. The action-RPG label has always been a fuzzy one, with most of the games in the genre leaning pretty hard on one part of the label or the other. For many a player in the West, however, Secret of Mana was one of the first such games out of Japan that felt like it could satisfy both RPG fans and action game fans in equal measures. It also got considerable promotional support from Nintendo, which surely helped the game find its way into the hands of many young players. Adding to its legend is the fact that Square was never really able to make another game in the series that had the same appeal. With no rights issues holding it back, it's easy to see why Secret of Mana was chosen to carry the action-RPG flag for the Super NES Classic.
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This is the first follow-up to Seiken Densetsu, otherwise known as Final Fantasy Adventure, Mystic Quest, Sword of Mana, and Adventures of Mana in its various forms. Secret of Mana is somewhat infamous for its tumultuous development, most notably its late shift from being a Super NES CD-ROM game to having to fit on just a regular cartridge. Apparently, a great deal had to be cut from the game and as a result, the final product feels a bit disjointed and buggy at times. Of course, this shift was only necessary due to Nintendo deciding not to pursue their plans for a CD-ROM add-on. While you obviously won't hear any official word about it, I've heard rumors to the effect that the debacle around Secret of Mana was one of the reasons why Square jumped ship from their previous Nintendo-exclusive status. Still, in spite of all that, Secret of Mana is a really enjoyable game, with a unique feel all of its own.
Or perhaps I should say "because of all of that"? I think I've mentioned before on this site that I believe the reason why Secret of Mana is the crowd-pleaser that it is comes down to those required cuts. Series creator Koichi Ishii is a developer along the lines of his former co-worker Akitoshi Kawazu. He favors ambitious ideas and doesn't seem all that interested in being tied down by the conventions of the genres he works in. Like with Kawazu, this has resulted in most of Ishii's works being love-or-hate affairs. He's even had his name attached to some genuine clunkers. His most widely-appreciated game is Secret of Mana. I can't imagine it's a coincidence that it's also the game where he had the least amount of freedom to pursue his ambitions.
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Thanks to those restrictions, Secret of Mana ended up being not much more complicated than the Game Boy game that spawned the series. It's a much bigger game, and the presentation obviously blows its Game Boy predecessor away, but the weird and woolly sub-systems that would come to characterize the Mana brand are in short supply here. You can move around and attack with your weapon, charge up for a stronger attack, and cast magic or use items from a menu. Most of the weapons have a secondary use for navigating the world, and each weapon levels up individually as you vanquish foes with it. Magic similarly becomes more powerful the more times you use it. This probably sounds a lot like the much-maligned Final Fantasy 2, but the system isn't quite as broken here. Unfortunately, you'll probably still want to sink some time into grinding levels, particularly for magic spells. One nice point is that the weapons actually change form as you level them up. You only need to get each weapon type once.
One big change is that rather than playing as one character with a rotating guest controlled by the computer, you'll end up with a permanent three-character party. You can only control one of them at a time, of course, while a fairly stupid AI controls the other two. If you happen to have a couple of friends, a couple of extra controllers, and a SNES multitap, you can swap out that silly AI for some real humans. Square did this sort of thing from time to time in the 16-bit era, and while I'm not sure they really thought of it as more than a fun extra, it ended up being a major point in Secret of Mana's favor. People with multitaps were few and far between, but you could at least enjoy the two-player mode even if you didn't have one or know someone who had one. For its time, Secret of Mana was one of the best multiplayer RPGs you could find. The Super NES Classic unfortunately preserves that "missing third player" experience, but it's still a good time.
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Truth be told, though, I think the game is a little too long and leisurely to play through completely with other players. Pulling your friend in for a boss fight is a good time, but it's not quite the same joyride when you're just parking yourself outside of a town, casting magic to raise levels. If you were a kid with a brother or sister who maintained a similar schedule to yours and liked playing this kind of game, then you were set. Otherwise, it's a fun thing to do now and then but you'll be thankful that it's basically drop in and drop out. I remember the first time I beat the game, I did it with a friend controlling the Sprite. In hindsight, that was definitely the easiest way to tackle that tricky situation. The computer AI really isn't up to doing what needs to be done in that particular fight.
There are a lot of weird moments in Secret of Mana that help lend it its flavor. I've written elsewhere before about the bizarre out-of-nowhere appearance of Santa Claus partway through the game, and while that's about as strange as the game gets, there's nevertheless a lot of instances of similarly unexpected gags and references. I remember finding out from a magazine that the possessed books that populated one dungeon had a small chance of flipping open to a naked woman and being shocked that Nintendo didn't force that to be removed from the English version. There are a couple of mysterious faces carved into the world map that don't have any explanation. Then there's the Ancient City, which flips your whole image of the game's setting upside-down. You go to the Moon, you travel by cannons, and you visit an island that sits on the back of a giant turtle. It's all very quirky, if a little scatter-shot in its tone.
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The game on the whole is just as patchy as its eccentricities. It does a lot of things well. The variety of locales lends the game the feeling of a true adventure. The selection of weapons gives you some interesting combat options, and it's really satisfying when you land a solid blow on an enemy and thwack them into oblivion. The story may not flow well but it's interesting enough in the moment. At the same time, there are definitely areas that feel like they needed more thought. Having the player charge up an attack only serves to lengthen combat artificially, and when that attack misses because of the dubious collision detection, it's quite frustrating. The translation was done in a hurry and it shows. The game is very terse, and there's little room for proper characterization. The computer AI isn't up to snuff in many situations, which can be frustrating. There are bugs a-plenty, and there are plenty of places where you can feel the editing scissors in action.
Happily, the good parts of the game handily outweigh the minor annoyances. I don't find Secret of Mana nearly as interesting as some of Koichi Ishii's other games, but it's probably the easiest game of his to enjoy. I keep hoping to find another layer to the game whenever I come back to it, but it genuinely just is what it is. I thought I might find a new angle this time, having finally played Legend of Mana. All the context which that really provides, however, is to underline the rather obvious fact that Secret of Mana wasn't so much finished as it was buttoned up. Frankly, it's something of a miracle the game turned out as well as it did. Almost as unlikely as Square's seeming inability to satisfy players in the same way again, I suppose.
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This was a game that I actually picked up around its original release date. I can't remember what exactly pushed me into it beyond being a general fan of Square by that point. I remember enjoying the Nintendo Power coverage of the game, and I recall that one issue came with a poster of the gorgeous cover art depicting the Mana Tree. That poster was hanging on the wall of my bedroom for quite a while, and I still think it's a great piece of art. The game's art design is excellent overall. The sprites are extremely expressive, with great attention paid to the enemies especially. The backgrounds are nicely detailed and always fit the intended atmosphere nicely. It's lush and verdant when it wants to be, cold and mechanical when it needs to be, and just all-around nice to look at.  
The music is also superb. You have to believe this was one of the areas that took the biggest hit from the shift from CD to cartridge, but I can scarcely imagine how it could have been better aside from being played back at a higher quality. Composer Hiroki Kikuta's soundtrack has a very different feel from other Square games of the period, with a certain organic quality to it that almost perfectly matches the game. Even small things like the whale sound that plays when you power on the game help make this game sound different. The tunes shift from breezy to oppressive depending on the situation, but all of them are good at doing what they need to.
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Above all, I think it's fascinating that Secret of Mana has been able to hang on to its legendary status over the years. Unlike contemporaries like Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, or Earthbound, Secret of Mana doesn't transcend its genre in any meaningful way. It's just a really fun game, one that Square has been decent about keeping in circulation for old fans to enjoy again and new players to discover for the first time. While none of Square's follow-ups have managed to capture a similar level of success, the company seems to understand that this game in particular is a favorite classic. The game has been re-released on the Wii Virtual Console, smartphones, as part of a Japan-only collection on the Nintendo Switch, and of course as part of the Super NES Classic Edition line-up. Secret of Mana is also getting a full remake that is due early in 2018.
As the sole representative of its genre on the Super NES Classic, Secret of Mana serves its purpose quite well. It's also one of the better multiplayer games in the package, albeit one that requires a fair bit of patience. It's unfortunate that Nintendo couldn't find a way to include the three-player mode, but I suppose it would be a lot of trouble to implement for just one game. Whether you go solo or with a friend, Secret of Mana is certainly worth playing again. Square hasn't managed to top its wide appeal with another Mana game in nearly 25 years, and it may well be another quarter of a century before they do.
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Previous: Super Mario RPG
Next: Earthbound
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zazzyzoo · 6 years
Styles & Bliss Do Disney, Day 3: Old N’awlins & New Experiences
After a full day at the park, from opening to closing, you'd think AJ and Alexa would set a more leisurely pace the next day. Not so! Disneyland offers "extra magic hours" on certain days, permitting early park entry for resort guests. That means an even earlier get-up -- so early that no cafe is open yet for breakfast! Push on, little guys! Dig deep!
And dig deep they did! Major props to these two for their dedication. They were ready to go so darn early that it was still dark out and the security checkpoint wasn't even open yet!
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First through security (when the guards finally got there!) and first through the gate! What to do first? Can't go wrong with a little more Fantasyland, so how about Snow White's Scary Adventures?
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The queue for this one really sets the mood. The Evil Queen's dungeon and book of spells are the first things you see. The photo does not capture the disembodied cackling within.
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Time to get on! Hands, arms, feet, and title belts inside the buggy, please.
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Their loyal photographer tried to get on-ride pics. This was the only one that wasn't a pitch-black smear. It also happens to be the only part of the ride that isn't pants-wettingly horrifying.
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Pinocchio's Daring Journey is much cheerier. Our travelers couldn't get enough of the huge mural behind the queue barrier.
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Is this not the best drinking fountain of all time? Here they can dream of true love and stay hydrated... once upon a dream! *ba-dum tssss*
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Okay, enough fairy tales! There's so much more to Disneyland than that. AJ and Alexa fell head over heels for New Orleans Square, an authentic tribute to the 19th-century Big Easy. It's gorgeous, full of awesome restaurants and unique shops...
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... and home to their favorite ride ever, Pirates of the Caribbean.
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More queue detailing. It's Captain Jack Sparrow!
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Impossible to get decent on-ride photos. But as soon as they exited the ride, they came upon an ensemble of pirates milling about the Square, singing their salty sea ditties.
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Perhaps the very best thing about New Orleans Square is the food. Everything smacks of Creole, French, and Southern influence. This ain't your basic chicken-fingers-'n-fries deal, my friends. It's world-class dining with fully immersive theming. The jewel of it all is the Blue Bayou, a fancy sit-down restaurant.
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I wish so much that I could have gotten good photos in here. The interior is extraordinary. It's designed to look like the porch of a Southern mansion overlooking a twilit bayou. Please look at this photo and this photo from the Disney Food Blog so you can see for yourself how exquisite it is. Even better is that the boats for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride drift quietly through the bayou while you're eating.
Now, the food! Who doesn't love a complimentary bread basket? This wasn't just any old bread. It was a salty, rosemary-dusted, foccacia-like loaf. It was tough for Alexa not to fill up on this before the main course. Sorry for the shadowy photo, but it's the best this amateur could do without rudely using flash photography.
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A few weeks ago, AJ submitted a request to the Tumblrverse for votes on what dish he should order. Rounding up, he received a grand total of zero votes, so thanks for nothing, y'all. Left to his own instinct, he went with the Jambalaya. THANK GOODNESS HE DID. This was absolutely FABULOUS. Thick, spicy (but not too spicy), and generously studded with shrimp and two kinds of sausage, this was a gastronomic revelation. If your lucky stars allow you to enjoy a meal here yourself, please order the Jambalaya. It's one of the best things these two have ever eaten.
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Well then! With stomachs full, it's time for a gentle, relaxing ride on the charming Mark Twain Riverboat. It's much cooler than it sounds. This is an actual steamboat, not just designed to look like one with modern propulsion technology hidden inside. This is for realsies. You embark at the New Orleans Square dock and commence a journey down the Rivers of America. Look, here it comes!
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What a view!
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Hey, look who's on board with us! Princess Tiana was kind enough to pause for a photo.
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They went to the top deck for an overhead look at the huge paddle wheel.
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We're entering Indian territory! A friendly Plains tribe is setting up camp.
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A wise old shaman is perched on a cliff above the tribe. This guy was too cool. Audio-Animatronics, BAY-BAY. He looked and sounded totally real.
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They got off the boat and HOLY CARP IT'S CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW! The quirky pirate insisted that AJ and Alexa include their photographer in the photo. So very thoughtful.
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Two celebrity run-ins back-to-back? This calls for a celebration -- a chocolatey one, topped with rich mousse and dusted with gold leaf. That's right, folks! It's time for Dessupper!
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They enjoyed the aforementioned choco-gasm at the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe, located just off Main Street, U.S.A. As you can see, it's nearly nighttime and the shops are all lit up.
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Finally, after a day at the park, one returns to the hotel room sticky with sweat and sunscreen. Daily baths are essential.
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Thanks to all who are sticking it out with me as I produce these mega-posts. There's more to come, of course, so hold on to your mouse ears. Day 4 is on the way!
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insightcheckrpg · 7 years
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Oh, hello there, I didn’t see you come in.
Thank you for taking the time to drop by. I am new to this tumblr world: only seeing posts from Facebook and liking them.
I don’t know how much to share in this opening post. I want to posts as often as I can. Whether it is about D&D, thoughts around D&D, my adventures with D&D or other geeky related things.
To start, I would like to share my most recent adventure. I play a level 7 Wood Elf Druid called Nenya. She is an... urban druid. She’s on the run from her tribe and she believes that, rather than relying heavily to the forests for cover, she would stick close to cities for coverage. She still connects with nature and will do what she can to cultivate the local environment, but she wants to develop balance between nature and human societies.
I liked the idea of going against the classic druid archetype. Nenya is still one with nature and will do what she can to protect it. I didn’t want to make Nenya a complete “tree hugger” through. I wanted to make her aware that there is life in all places of the world; whether in a forest or a city. And that balance between the two is necessary for the other to grow. She will never be a city kid, and would choose to run through an open field feeling free or transform into a shark and swim like I did when I was a kid. (Also, just in general, I am so excited to be able to fly as eagle. And don’t even get me started on Elementals. Gonna be rad af.
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With that in mind, I really liked the idea of balance. How you need both to survive, but one cannot over take the other. You take what you need, not what you want sort of mentality. And even though Nenya came from a tribe of Elves that grew up with this mind set that nature takes precedent, she fights back and will help all walks of life grow in their respected way: but only if it will maintain cohesive balance.  
SO. Back to the story. Nenya has befriended a Paladin. Now, this goes against most druid and their beliefs with religion. But, her Paladin friend hasn’t done anything to harm her or convert her, and he as defended her many a time, so Nenya trusts him.
For now.
Recently, Nenya has been recruited by a fellow Druid to a group of international Guardians. She is extremely hesitant, as Nenya does not like to be held down for a long period of time. As well, she is a bit of a loner she thrives on her independence. Nenya is cautious about not only the organization, but those she has banded with. Her only companion in the world is the Paladin, and he believes that being with the group is necessary. As well, he reminds her that being with a group could help her from those trying to capture her and bring her back home.
Nenya gingerly accepts his logic and follows his lead.
After a dealing with a city filled with Werewolves (in which she had a low charisma moment and turned into a dire wolf... in the middle of a werewolf infested city... oh boy that that fun...) they return to the sanctuary only to be sent out with only a short rest.
Now. I get being pushed and challenged. But when a druid spends half her spell slots on fighting werewolves, girl needs a rest. Especially needing to choose new spells. But nope, out we go to a desert to investigate the ruins of a Bahamut temple with a sacred egg, to which will provide power to either followers of Bahamut or Tiamut, depending who wields it. On the way, we discover that a group of Tiamut followers were racing to get there as well.  
Yes. We sailed Dune Buggies. It was the bees knees. And a sandstorm behind us (Darude was played) We had Dune Buggy sail off. We won.
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After dealing with a Sphinx and answering her riddles, we made our way to find chamber with the egg. Before leaving, we were warned of that we would come across a Medusa and more Tiamat followers.
Well. Shit.
We get to the chamber and lo and behold, more Tiamat followers. We spend a bunch of spells on them, including my Entangle spell (rad sauce) and then turning into a Giant Spider (Me: ew. Nenya: Let’s do this).
On the up side, when we found the Medusa, Nenya wouldn’t be immediately turned to stone because of blind sight. (Rad). BUT, Nenya was paralyzed from a lighting attack for 3 rounds (fml).
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As a player, I got frustrated. There are 6 spell casters and they all do radical spells. It takes a while to figure things out, but we are a patient bunch. I did get pissy (sorry not sorry) because I waited a good 40 minutes of doing NOTHING when everyone else was doing awesome stuff.
It was remedied at the end.
So. We complete the mission and all is good. Myself and Nenya were thinking “Yes, long rest time, gonna get some new spells”. We arrive in this mystical sanctuary and our contact for the organization was barely content with the results. He takes the egg and tells us that after a short rest, we are to head out again.
Now. This is our second huge Dungeon Crawl and we are barely holding on without a long rest. One character even killed herself and was able to instantly resurrected so she can replenish her spells. (Wild Magic, am I right?) And since this is the beginning of our new campaign, I had a basic selection of spells on my prepared list. I have 2 lists on the ready for when I can change my spells. But I can’t change any spells on a short rest.
Nenya was mad. She already doesn’t trust the organization. She tried to walk away the first time, but the Paladin convinced her to stay. And now some stranger is basically using her and those she fights with as tools. Nenya has vowed to herself not to be used as a tool for gaining power. She wants to help, but on her terms.
Nenya was completely defiant against the shady contact. Nenya put actively disagreed and demanded a long rest. The rest of her group agreed and made their arguments, but the contact would not listen.
At this point, Nenya wanted nothing more with the organization. She decided she wanted out of the Guardians, as she was no longer a druid but a tool. As Nenya began to leave, the contact waved his hand and froze her in place.
If there was any subtle signs that things were bad, this was the first obvious indication.  
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She was released from her paralysis, and this did not improve her mood. Nenya grew furious and outraged. She spat back at the contact, roaring back with every comment he made. Even a low Dire Wolf growl made its way up.
Once more, she made an attempt to leave the sanctuary. This time, in a Darth Vader fashion, Nenya felt an unseen force around her neck: choking the life out of her.
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The group took notice. The Cleric used a detect good and evil spell and was told that yes, the contact was evil. This caused the contact to choke out the Cleric.
The Paladin, seeing his new companion and his friend being choked out, demanded that the contact stop. The contact let go, and moments before Nenya could literally go beast mode, the Paladin held her back.
Nenya glares with pure hatred at the contact. She hates the situation that she is in and will fight, literally, with tooth and claw to get out. Nenya also heeds the logic of her companions and backs down.
The group agreed that playing along and then when sent out is the safest plan of action. Even when suspicions of why the contact needs all these powerful artifacts, it would be better to get out of the sanctuary than to be held captive.
As well, they need allies. There are other members of the Guardians that would be better suited to help. The last thing that was agreed upon before ending the session was that the contact was evil and that whatever mission they were to be sent out to next, they needed to also find help from other Guardians.
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^^^ Basically me right now.
I am out of school and need some way keep my attention occupied. I adore D&D for this reason. I am in a creative field and playing D&D is like a workout for my creativity. It keeps me on my toes and will help me work out creative problems for other projects that I have.
And, I adore Nenya. I have another character, Sora, who is a Paladin from an earlier campaign (and will pop up in this campaign at some point). Sora was my first, but Nenya is a lot of fun. Druids in general are fun. They can be tricky but I think they provide creative solutions to problems that traditional spell casters have. I miss Sora, but she is still alive and I am ok with that.
I want to keep sharing my experiences with D&D. I also play a shorter campaign in a hobby shop and thats a totally different experience. It can be hard sharing with people who don’t understand, but I feel there is a lot to be taken away from games like D&D and other role playing games.
(PS - just discovered my favourite D20 glows in the dark. I am happy af).
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