#thank you anon for this epic prompt :D
lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hiii its the anon that asked for cellbit last time Back Again To Request More Cellbit!!
Maybe cellbit hyping up reader who just started streaming? :D (also i love your writing So Much omg)
hiii omg I missed you!! I love this prompt 🙏🙏 ; thank you for the compliment!! I appreciate it a lot 🫶🫶
CELLBIT ; stream starting soon
summary ; he hypes you up :)
warnings ; language, cringe, pet names (darling)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 737
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"Are you gonna stream tonight, darling?" Cellbit stands in the doorway, looking over at you while you sit at your desk, designing a new stream starting soon page.
You shrug, "Maybe. I wanna get this done first, animation was never my strong suit" You reply, clicking your tongue as you flip to the next frame to color.
He nods, stepping closer to get a better look, standing beside you. "Looks great so far"
You shrug again and mumble, "It's super choppy, I don't really like it"
He crouches down a bit, reaching your eye level, "I think it's amazing, and I love the color scheme. It doesn't matter if it's not over a thousand frames per second, Y/n/n. You should do whatever makes you happy and satisfied though, you dont have to stream because I suggested you might like it"
"I do want to, I just don't know what I'm doing and I don't know what people think of me" You say, placing your headphones down on the desk next to your keyboard so you can properly listen to him.
He tilts his head a bit, his facial muscles relaxing to talk to you a little more softly. "Well, I think, no, I know-" He says, correcting himself, "-that people think think you're a wonderful, kind, and most importantly, gorgeous person"
You're unable to hide the smile tugging at your lips as you reply to him. "Shut up, Cell"
"What? Why? Cause you're scared of the truth?" He teases, running a hand through his hair again.
"Yeah-huh!" He chuckles, "You're the most beautiful, caring, compassionate, truthful, and loyal person I've ever met. I, ever since I met you, have been convinced that some supernatural force sent you to me because you're the light of my life."
"Be quiet," You chuckle, hiding your face in your hands.
"No! You need to know how much your fans and I all love you." He smiles with a light chuckle, standing in between your legs as he wraps his arms around you, embracing you in a hug.
You accept the gesture, sitting forward in your chair a bit for him to not fall on top of you because of the uneven weight ratio as he was pushing back on your chair a bit before. He rubs your back as you hold on to him tightly, taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down a bit.
He pulls away once he hears you exhale for the last time and gives you a light smile. "Everyone adores you, at least I do, and you're gonna be an epic streamer just like yours truly." He giggles. "I do think you should put us in the Seedot art style in the corner, though"
"Oh my God, I should've thought of that! I knew it looked to blank! Thank you!"
He smiles, seeing you get to work on drawing the two of you for your new stream starting soon page. You animated a little bit of choppy movement and some hearts above you guys, floating so high that they popped at the top of the screen.
Once you finished, which he grabbed a nearby chair to watch you work on, he gave you a round of applause and a kiss on the cheek. He was trying to hype you up, also because you were planning to go live right after and play Jackbox with him, Quackity, Roier, Philza, and Charlie Slimecicle. You hadn't talked to them much, but you knew enough that they were all cool people, and you'd be happy enough to stream with them and get to know them and their humor some more.
"Told you it looks great." He cheesily smiles next to you, resting a hand on your shoulder as you sit back. "Do you need me to do a silly dance to make you a little more happy?"
You roll your eyes, staying silent as you cross your arms and pout. He stands up, turns your LED lights to the changing/multicolor setting, changes the tab to your Spotify, and plays a song to dance and sing along too. He spins your chair around and yells out compliments to you frequently before you start laughing with him, joining in on his antics.
"I'm hyping you up so much right now!" Cellbit smiles, spinning you around the room.
You laugh, "You sound like a Millennial using Gen-Z humor, stop!"
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The Giving Tree
(1.1k, angst, mod seagrass)
he gives, and gives, and gives until he has nothing left. it hurts, of course, but for his friends-- anything. [Joe overextends himself, over and over, to heal his friends. one day he pushes too far too fast.]
Based off of a prompt given to us during our 200 follower celebration:
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Another shirt torn in the same place today
Why they wear out thereabouts, that I cannot say
Another sleeve torn, ripped without a sign
Another top shorn, my wardrobe in decline
There are no threads so sacred that they never are let go
And our bodies grow more naked, as the clothes beneath them show
And the colors once so flagrant, fade thinning into snow
- Joehills
Have you heard the tale of the giving tree?
She gave and gave, til she had nothing left, then she gave more.
For love, of course. Isn’t that why we do anything?
It’s for love that he does it too, he thinks. Love of his friends, of his teammates, of the whole world. He has to give something, in return for all the love they give him. And he’s got the perfect power for it, too.
Joe can heal everyone, but everything comes at a cost. With the sigh of relief that comes from mending Grian’s wings, his own back tightens and he stifles a cry. It hurts, he thinks, but things stopped hurting a while ago and it’s all about the team now.
They care about him! They’re his friends! And he should help them in turn.
He keeps that in mind as it all escalates, as they come to him with worse injuries, when they limp in looking half-dead and tear tracks down cheeks as he rushes to them, asks what’s wrong (he’s so worried god) and mends their pain.
Joe tries hard at first to keep them all topped up, all ready to go, he really does. Tries to send them off fully healed, with a band-aid or something, ready to go—maybe they’ll be more careful next time, maybe he won’t have to face the sight of blood trailing on his carpet as they drag Stress’s pale body into their base, maybe he can be faster and help them avoid the pain in the first place.
But, it’s so hard.
The healing takes a toll on him, the universe tells him that he can’t keep up, slow down please, you deserve to stay safe too but what else can he do besides keep their team feeling okay?
He starts waking up in odd spots, unaware of when he had fallen asleep.
He starts seeing spots in front of his eyes, learns how to keep his iron count up, learns how to maneuver himself to a bed as fast as any man he’s ever seen.
He starts discovering silvery lines all over himself, for every injury he heals he sees them back on his body like some twisted kind of transfer paper (and how he misses when he had the time for charcoal sketches pinned up above the fireplace).
It hurts, but he’s numb to it by now. Keep going for the team, take one for the sake of your friends. Because you love them.
It’s hard to notice when the cup fills to overflowing, when he starts to realize he’s not effective at base anymore, when he can’t heal fast enough to have them back in before the next battle. All he can tell is that they’re starting to ask him along on the missions.
Humiliation stings, he thinks. Unintentional or otherwise. So he works harder.
Harder, to make up for his failures, all those times he wasn't able to stitch up a wound fast enough.
Harder to try to make things up too little too late. He doesn’t know anymore what’s his own flesh and what’s scar tissue.
He’s so tired, just wants to lay and rest, but they’re moving in on a major battle and Grian had patted his shoulders with the most tired eyes he’d ever seen and a small bleeding gash on his arm and asked him if he was ready and god what could he say to that?
He doesn’t say anything. Just soothes the pain a little (can’t heal it fully can’t even heal a tiny cut anymore) and gives him the best smile he can muster. Grian takes it as proof he’s okay, then, and of course he is.
It’s so bright in the afternoon sun, he thinks lazily. The land’s blurry around him. He doesn’t know what’s going on, just that he’s got a new idea for a poem. He’s never been more at bliss, lying on a bed of soft grass, staring at the sky. Everything is warm and happy and peaceful and he thinks he should update the community bulletin board next time he swings around with a new poem.
He hears shouting from a very, very far place. Telling him to get up. He’s not going to get up, it’s such a lovely day, the sun’s so bright for the first time in ages. He can’t remember why he hasn’t done this sooner.
Maybe he’ll take a nap here, he thinks, and starts to slide his eyes shut. There’s a very, very thin string connecting him to his body still, his heavy, heavy, body, and he thinks how easy it would be to wind it around his finger and snap.
Please, someone cries. Pleasepleasepleaseplease—
It’s distracting, and for an instant he pries his eyelids back open to see a bloodied figure clutching his hands. Let go, he tries to say, and discovers how sticky his tongue is. Hm.
Must be something in the water.
Joe slides his eyelids back shut but god, the insistent crying, it’s echoing in his ears and distracting him from severing that last cord that tethers him to his heavy body. He feels a warm sort of liquid on him, but he barely registers it—must be a summer rain shower or something. He doesn’t know. Just wants to sleep.
He vaguely feels his body being lifted up, gathered in someone’s arms like a limp ragdoll, ha, wouldn’t that be funny, a little Joe doll. Could pin it up on someone’s wall or something.
He hopes he’s not causing too much trouble. Then they’d call him down, and he’d have to leave the lovely summer afternoon he’s in.
The pain of the months before is a distant dream? Memory? He doesn’t know, and he turns to his side on the grassy bank. He thinks, or hopes, he can stay here forever.
Inside there’s a little voice, calling to him, please joe you need to wake up you need to hurry your team is hurting you need to tell them you’re okay you need to heal them you need to you need to you need to
You need to fix all this you need to make it right you need to fix all your past mistakes and the time is always for doing that, hurry please wake up don’t die don’t die you still have work left to do
But he ignores the voice, doesn’t he, and shifts into a more comfortable position. He can still hear the crying and the screaming, but it’s getting fainter by the second, and he’s getting more and more comfortable here. He’s safe, and happy, and content here like he’s never been before. They can’t begrudge him that, can they?
Joe Hills starts to slide into a peaceful sleep.
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Stoic Laughter ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @robbie-lee-zombie and @shawnflynnthetoymaker
Robbie stared at Shawn. He thought the toymaker was one of the most interesting people that the zombie had ever met! Nearly every other Septic ego had moments of high, feral energy, but not him. Day-in day-out he’d be tucked away in his workshop/bedroom, whittling away at wood for toys or working on special tiny mechanisms for them. He’d come out for meals and sometimes join for movies, but other than that he was totally anti-social. He was a big fan of his own company, and relished in silence. So, when Robbie was feeling overwhelmed one day from all the manor’s noise, he decided to seek Shawn’s room. The toymaker couldn’t say no to Robbie’s sweet face, and let him hang out on the condition that he didn’t distract him from working. Robbie agreed… but now his curiosity was getting stronger and stronger.
He silently made his way towards where Shawn was working on something at his desk, creeping up behind the man unintentionally. A thing about Robbie, is that sometimes he was completely unaware of just how quiet he was. So very often, he made the other egos jump without meaning to – he even did it to Dark once, which was rather funny! Now, it was about to happen again.
Shawn jumped out of his skin, dropping his tools onto his desk as he whirled around in his chair.
‘Robbie what the hell?! Ye nearly gave me a heart attack, don’t do that!’
Shawn regretted his raised, angry voice as soon as his words left his mouth. Robbie’s face fell and his bottom lip trembled, the zombie now picking anxiously at his own fingers. It was one of Robbie’s biggest fears, upsetting others, especially when it was people he really cared about. Shawn took a breath, banishing his anger away; he knew Robbie couldn’t help being silent, and he sure as hell didn’t want to upset the guy just because he was a jumpy son of a gun.
‘Sorry, I’m sorry for shouting, I’m sorry.’
Shawn extended his hands to Robbie cautiously, not wanting to scare the guy even more. Robbie nibbled his lip, his eyes flicking between Shawn’s face and his calloused, open hands.
‘D-Didn’t mean to…’
‘I know you didn’t, I know. I’m just a jumpy dumbass, it’s not your fault okay?’
Shawn tried a soft smile, and now Robbie felt a little more at ease. He slipped his hands into Shawn’s, and then tilted his head at the toymaker and smiled.
‘Shawn not dumb butt, Shawn smart!’
Shawn laughed gently, clearing his throat as bashfulness threatened to sneak up on him. Goddamn this sweet undead munchkin making him feel soft.
‘Thanks… uh, you uh, wanna see what I’m working on?’
‘Ooh yes yes yes! Toy?’
Robbie jumped on the spot excitedly, making Shawn purse his lips together to keep a grin at bay as he nodded.
He turned back towards his desk, with Robbie standing by him and looking down curiously as Shawn picked up a little object. It seemed to be a simple carving of a log in dark wood, about the length of Robbie’s hand, and with a little button in the middle.
‘Go ahead and press the button.’
Shawn said, making Robbie beam. He inspected it a little, wondering if it was going to play some pretty music, or unlock like a treasure chest. He gently pressed the button with his index finger, and promptly let out a squeal. It was a trick box. As soon as he pressed the button, the middle quickly opened up to reveal a carved crocodile head with an open mouth, which gently closed around Robbie’s finger. Robbie drew his hand back, clutching his finger as he beamed and burst into giggles.
‘Croooooc! Croccy croc!’
Shawn thought his heart was going to melt, Robbie was just too damn cute! He smiled at him, before closing up the box with a little click.
‘Yeah, it’s uh, more of a prank toy, you like it?’
‘Yeah! Again again again!’
Robbie made grabby hands towards the toy, so Shawn held it out for him. The next twenty minutes proceeded with Robbie repeatedly pressing the button and having his finger “chomped” by the little crocodile carving inside, and each time he was delighted, squealing and giggling like it was the first time over and over again. Shawn thought it was so endearing, but as time went on he was becoming aware of the fact that he still had a lot of work to get on with. So, eventually, he sighed and gave Robbie a smile.
‘Okay, I gotta get back to work now.’
He set the toy aside and turned back to his desk, making Robbie gasp and pout. He’d been having so much fun, he didn’t want to stop now!
‘Nooooo! No wooork!’
‘Yes work, sorry Robbie.’
He replied, before leaning down and getting ready to open up the toy to check the integrity of the mechanisms. However, before he could actually open it up… Robbie had wrapped his arms around him from behind.
Robbie adamantly hugged him, pressing his face into Shawn’s neck as the cuddle kept Shawn’s arms trapped at his sides. The toymaker squirmed, eyes wide in surprise as he let out an amazed laugh.
‘Robbie, I have to work!’
‘No! Work bad, hugs good!’
‘Well– okay I agree, but I have to work!’
‘No, work!’
Shawn gasped when Robbie gave him a particularly tight squeeze, before nuzzling the crook of Shawn’s neck just to emphasise his point. This, made Shawn let out a very distinct squeal. Then, there was a silence, a silence that was very nerve-wracking for Shawn. Meanwhile, Robbie was just processing what he’d heard… and he broke out into a sweet grin of realisation. Shawn was ticklish. Robbie giggled gently, and started nuzzling his neck again slowly.
‘Uh ooohhhhh…’
Shawn spluttered and tried to break out of Robbie’s hold, but the zombie was remarkably strong. He was actually the strongest ego physically, but his personality always made people forget.
‘Woah heyheyhey g-gehet ohoff me!’
Robbie giggle, his nuzzling getting faster as he cooed.
‘Shawny tickliiiiish!’
‘N-No I-I aham nahahat!’
Shawn insisted, but it was pretty obvious since now he couldn’t stop his deep stream of giggles. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been tickled, so it was like all his nerves were waking up from hibernation… which meant he was very sensitive. Robbie was so happy! He thought tickling was one of the best things in the world, so Shawn being ticklish was just so perfect! He nuzzled happily, and let his lips leave tickly whispers against Shawn’s skin.
‘Giggle giggle giiiiiggle!’
Shawn let out an embarrassed snort, trying to scrunch up and figure out a way to get Robbie off him before this got out of hand… but there was nothing he could do.
‘Y-Yohohou shuhut ihihit!’
Robbie let out a little gasp, and then decided to playfully nibble Shawn’s neck and growl.
‘Grrrr! Rude Shawnies get niiiiibbles!’
Shawn yelped and suddenly hunched over, letting out a stream of snorts as he started to cackle. This wasn’t just because Robbie was nibbling his neck though. At the same time, the zombie had decided to wriggle his fingers into Shawn’s stomach, sending ticklish jolts through his whole body as he exclaimed.
Robbie giggled, his tongue poking out through his teeth as he beamed.
‘Awww tickly tummyyy! Yaaaay!’
Robbie focused all his energy on giving Shawn’s all the squeezy tummy tickles he could muster. Each squish and wiggle made Shawn yip and jump in his chair, his hands scrabbling weakly at Robbie’s as the toymaker’s pale face grew very pink. His eyes were getting watery too… he hadn’t experienced this in a very long time.
Robbie laughed brightly at Shawn’s swearing, and scribbled at his tummy harder as he cooed.
‘Swearies baaaad, swearies get puniiiished!’
Shawn writhed in the chair as Robbie really dug into his toned stomach, leaving no hidden nerve un-tickled which was slowly starting to drive Shawn crazy. Also Shawn suddenly realised that so-called “punishment tickles” were officially his kryptonite. As soon as Robbie mentioned him being punished, his cheeks went from pink to red and he suddenly felt so small and flustered… and honestly, he didn’t hate it.
Shawn babbled, trying to see if Robbie would show his any mercy. Robbie cocked his head down at Shawn, and could see that he’d spent a lot of energy from being tickled, and so he decided to ease up for a few moments. He still kept him trapped in the hug though.
‘Shawny suuuuper sorry?’
Robbie teasingly asked as Shawn caught his breath. Robbie gave him time to fully recover, and beamed when Shawn looked up at him with a bashful, nervous smile. He’d never seen that look on Shawn before, and he frickin ADORED it!
Robbie giggled, letting his fingertips ever so slightly twitch against Shawn’s quivering tummy.
Robbie teased, and Shawn’s smile widened as he squirmed in his seat; it was so maddening not knowing whether Robbie was going to go to town on him again!
‘I-Ihi prohomise I swear I swehear!’
Robbie’s grin widened, and he decided that he would give Shawn mercy… after one last little tickle.
‘Pinky promiiiiise?’
Robbie teased, but instead of offering Shawn a pinky finger, he instead wiggled it into the man’s fleshy side, just for a second. He never could have anticipated Shawn’s reaction. He let out a sudden hyper-ticklish shriek, and arched himself so intensely that he broke out of the hug, and launched himself from his chair onto the floor! Shawn clutched his side as Robbie gasped, immediately looking over him with worry.
‘Shaawwwn? Sh-Shawn o-okaaay?’
Robbie was scared he’d accidentally hurt him, but when Shawn rolled onto his back, Robbie could see he was still smiling. His eyes were wide with embarrassment as loose giggles came from his lips, and he cleared his throat bashfully as he muttered.
‘Y-Yeheah… uh… y-you uhuh… kindagotmyworstspot.’
Robbie beamed with relief, and giggled down at Shawn.
‘Sohoooorry, Robbie more carefuhul next time.’
Shawn felt butterflies in his stomach at the thought of a next time… that was another thing he hadn’t felt in a while. Hugging, smiling, laughing, tickling, butterflies… so many things that Shawn had thought he’d grown numb to over all the years of being alone. Turns out, he could feel things just as keenly as everyone else around him. He smiled up at Robbie as he spoke quietly.
‘Thank you Robbie.’
The zombie beamed, because he could see from Shawn’s face that he was feeling properly happy on the inside, and that made Robbie happy. Then, the zombie grinned and flopped on top of Shawn, nestling into his chest with a giggle.
‘Cuddles now!’
Shawn let out an “oof” and a little laugh, looking at the cute snuggly guy amusedly.
Robbie nodded up at him, and Shawn raised an eyebrow.
‘On the floor?’
‘Uh huh!’
Shawn snorted and shook his head, before sighing happily and wrapping his arms around Robbie warmly.
‘Ahh what the hell.’
Robbie let out a delighted squeak, before burying his face into Shawn’s chest as they both relished in the warmth that the closeness provided. Not just in terms of temperature, but also that very particular warmth you get when you realise that someone loves you. Shawn had that. As Robbie relished in the soothing musk of wood and coffee that clung to Shawn, Shawn smiled… and just enjoyed the warmth.
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Legolas with any of the twins for the ship game <3
Thank you, anon! <333333
1. What made you ship it? Way way way back, in the dim and distant mists of the early 2000s when I was first in the Tolkien fandom, I was writing (well, not really writing, more having ideas for and writing disconnected scenes for, because I didn't have the experience to write something longform, a great sprawling epic fic based in Rivendell in which Glorfindel eventually ended up with Elrohir and Elladan, after much agonising, ended up with Legolas. So the seeds for it were always there. But as I developed the twins' characters in my head I realised that for me, they were always going to be too self-absorbed and too bound up with each other to be able to connect with anyone else, so I sort of forgot about it. But certain prompts (I think they may be yours, anon! :D :D :D ) have made me look at it again and I am having all manner of fun with it. Mostly it's Elladan, because he's the more obnoxious and more vulnerable one in my head, and it's so much fun to make him realise he's caught feelings for someone, and for Legolas in particular. XDDDD
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? They have a really weird dynamic in my head, in that Legolas turns up in Imladris looking for the Dúnedain, he's carrying a lot of hurt and angst inside him because he's not been getting on with his Ada for ages, so he's particularly standing on his dignity and does not take at all well to the twins' general informality and habit of poking fun at absolutely everyone they encounter, including him (it's mostly Elladan does this, Elrohir is mostly a lot more sensible XD ). So the idea that actually Elladan's doing it because he's caught feelings and doesn't know what to do with them is endless fun to play with. :D :D :D
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Not really, except that I think Legolas has to come to terms with the fact that there are three of them in this relationship because the twins are so very close to each other. I think he and Elrohir are wary of each other at first and then become close friends, but it's super awkward at first. :D
Thank you, anon! I must get on with those other sentence starter prompts...
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mirclealignr · 4 years
Current WIP Requests!
Just showing y’all what’s to come!
And keeping myself organised so I don’t lose anything! Requests are still open! (And just so you know I accept more than just Remus and Sirius hahah)
Who I write for • Prompt List #1 • Prompt List #2 •
Remus x Reader requested by @emmaloo21 ~ REQUESTS ARE OPEN?!?!?! Oh my gosh, maybe a Remus Lupin x Reader, Marauders Era, where reader gets into a fight with a Slytherin or something gets severely injured due to a unfair attack? So he comes and visits her in the hospital wing?
Sirius x Reader requested by anon ~ Heyy could you please write a sirius x reader where Sirius lashes out and calls the reader unimportant and then the reader doesnt talk to him for a few weeks and sirius realises what he said and regrets it. Im sorry if this is too specific. I love your your work btw❤❤
Harry Potter
Harry x reader requested by @mischiefsemimanaged Hey, I’d love to be added to your tag list! Also have a request: a Harryxreader where y/n’s embarrassed about her surgery scars. I’m having another surgery Friday and I wish I had a Harry lol. No worries if you don’t have time, love your work! Thanks so much!!
Charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ can i request a Charlie Weasley x reader where they were best friends w mutual pining at hogwarts but did nothing about it but they reuinte at the quidditch world cup bc arthur invites the reader since they remain close w the weasleys?? and they get together after when the reader stays at the burrow or whatever you want really!!! thank you so much!!
Seveurs (golden era) x Order!reader requested by @purpledragonturtles ~ Could you write a adult! Severus x Order member!Reader one shot in which they argue with each other, both unaware that the other is flirting with them. I don't know why but I picture Snape as a teasing kind of flirter. Of course, please some fluff (and angst) at the end
Draco x reader (part 2) requested by @patton-fielder ~ Hey sweetie! Could I get a part 2 to that heart breaking Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader request I asked for? Using 2, 7, and 8 from the fluff section? (All of them said by Draco preferably as an apology) i love ya so much ♥ stay safe! - prompt list 1
James x Slytherin!reader requested by anon ~ Hey luv, just saw that your requests are open again YES! Maybe on with james where the reader is pureblood and Slytherin and they met at a gala or something, he invites her for a dance andddd i dont really know i trust your amazing talent eheh Sorry to bother thanks in advance xxx
Marauders x short!reader requested by @remibarnes22 ~ Hiya honey, can I request a short reader and marauders fic where they’re looking after her? Like against bullies and tall things. Good ol’ fluff ❤️❤️ thanks xxx
remus x reader requested by @screaming123 ~ Im a self indulgent slut so maybe a remus fic taking care of reader after a bad day? If requests are still open ofc Hope youre having a fantastic day/night/both! 💗
regulus x reader requested by anon ~ Fluff 6, misc 8 with regulus pls 👀 prompt list 1
draco x reader requested by @the--queen-of-hell ~ May I request 2 and 15 from the fluff prompts for draco x reader? Thanks in advance (if you need me to be more specific, I can send another ask!) 😊💖💕 prompt list 2
remus x reader requested by anon ~ remus x reader soulmate 4 (both emotional and physical with more emotional pain for reader)
weasley twin x reader requested by @dreamer821 ~ Soulmate 4 & 5 (or either really!) with one of the twins??? 🙈🧡 prompt list 2
charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ hey sweetie!! congrats on reaching your goal, its very well deserved!! can i please, if its not a problem, request fluff no. 7 w (you guessed it) charlie weasley?? thank you so much 🥰
fred x reader requested by anon ~ Can I request a Fred Weasley x reader where the reader is Angelina's twin sister and Fred and George flirt with them all the time? Thank you!
harry potter x reader requested by anon ~ Hello dear! Can I request a harry potter x reader where the reader is just like Lily Evans and everyone who knew her has a soft spot for her because she reminds them of Lily? Also the reader has been friends with Harry since first year and they are in love with each other and everyone low-key loves seeing them together because they remind them of James and Lily?this idea sounded cute in my mind. Have a good day/night 💕
james x reader requested by anon ~ Okay for the james one from prompt list 2 fluff 5 6 12 13 BEAUTIFUL CMON eheheh love you xx
george x reader requested by anon ~ can i request hufflepuff!reader secretly leaving a cookie/cupcake + a small note for the weasley twins and they love the gesture but fred/george especially adores it bc it reminds him of home then they try to find out who it is and date them 😉 thanks
sirius x reader requested by anon ~ Could you do a Sirius x Gryffindor girl. Mutual pining for years but both are too stubborn to admit it till their 6th year when James and Remus tease him into finally admitting it to her. He does something rlly big and public but soft to admit his feelings.
draco x hufflepuff!reader requested by @bforbroadway ~ Hey! Could I request a soulmate AU (the one where whatever you draw on yourself is in your soulmate) Draco x hufflepuff!reader, and Draco just constantly has little flowers and rainbows and cats and hearts, and just overall cuteness, all over his arms? Just really fluffy 💕 Only do it if you think it will be fun, and keep doing great!
neville x reader requested by anon ~ 2 things 1) ur epic 2) can i have a neville x reader where neville is the herbology professor and reader is the care of magical creatures professer? do what you would like, i just think that would be cool again, ur awseome Lena
Headcannon for remus x reader requested by anon ~ Hey girl 👋 can I ask for a headcanon ? Reader being in love with Remus Lupin but him falling in love with her twin (not identical ofcourse) and dating the twin . Thank you ! Sorry if you don’t like the ask, I’m a sucker for angst and hurt! fics
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ heyy, are you taking hc requests? cause i think i'd be really nice a head canon of the marauders meeting reader's (who is a muggleborn) parents
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ hey! can i get a headcanon of the marauders having a big fight w the reader (they are wrong, but they only realize later) and then apologizing, angst but fluff at the end?:))) thanks
moriarty x reader x mycroft requested by anon ~ Hiii!!! Can I please request a moriarty x reader x mycroft where reader is moriarty’s partner and she’s mad at moriarty for spending all of his time on his game with sherlock so she decides to play with mycroft to get moriarty’s attention?! Sorry if I couldn’t explain it properly english isn’t my first language! Thanksss!
Mycroft x reader requested by anon ~ What about Mycroft x reader misc. 13? prompt list 1
Steve x Avenger!reader requested by ~ @kitkatkl ~ Oooh, are your requests back open? If so, I'd like to request a Steve x avenger!reader where they like each other and the team orchestrates a game like truth or dare to make the reader admit it in some way (because I doubt steve would be down for t/d id he cant even get drunk. If you do do it, you can decide what's the truth/dare that makes them admit their feelings. 💙💙❤💙💙❤
loki x reader requested by anon ~ “Don’t go” as well as “We aren’t meant to be” and “It’s for your own good” with Loki? Maybe ending in fluff somehow? ~ prompt list 1
loki x reader requested by @mojofun ~ So can I ask a soulmate prompt for Loki? (The prompt about the mark)
Undecided Character
Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 (thehumanistsdiary)
What if, hear me out, “Why can’t I stop crying?” from the first prompt list, and “I let you hurt me because I thought you would hurt less” from the second? For either Draco or Severus? (anon)
requested by @thehumanistsdiary ~ Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 ~ prompt list 2
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reconditarmonia · 3 years
Dear Trick or Treat Author
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods can contact me if you have any questions.
The Locked Tomb | Motherland: Fort Salem | Sleep No More | Teixcalaan
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; infidelity; unrequested polyamory; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships; unrequested trans versions of characters; breakups; focus on grief; unequal levels of investment in a relationship (including concerns about same that turn out to be unwarranted), or the idea of a character accepting something they're unhappy with as the most they're going to get.
I am requesting only fic, but open to art treats!
Fandom: The Locked Tomb Trilogy - Tamsyn Muir (Treat, Trick)
Character(s): Matthias Nonius
Nonius was one of my favorite new characters in Harrow the Ninth. His whole impossible arrival via evocation-by-poetry, battle with the Sleeper, and epic departure to fight the Beast made me very, very happy on levels I have trouble explaining. It was so heartwarming?! Because it was impossible, and because poetry won, and because they went off to do the best they could…I don’t know, exactly. (Iiiii also just love that he’s named for the Redwall mouse.) I’d love to read more about his life - being unprepossessing and very human but also paladin-like and really fucking good at being a swordsman, representing the Ninth House in slightly less decrepit times, his mysterious past with Gideon the First (and Pyrrha, sort of), however it happened that he died far from home in an unknown place and couldn’t be recovered for burial, “chickenshits don’t get beer”? Or, er, his afterlife - going to fight with Marta, Ortus, and Pro, re-encountering G1deon as allies…
Fandom: Motherland: Fort Salem (TV) (Treat, Trick)
Character(s): First Bellweather Ancestor, Original Historical Witch Character(s)
The alternate history that the show has created is so interesting and I’m craving expansion of that through fic! Tell me about the Bellweather ancestor who was a slave and ended up powerful and influential enough to begin a dynasty, and how she met and was recruited by Alder. Or other enslaved witches, witches in the American Revolution or the Civil War, or the founding of Fort Salem and standardization of American military magic with its various influences, or Chinese or Jewish or Mexican immigrant witches who maybe came from different magic traditions and might have had to make the choice of whether or not to reveal that they had magic (if the system knows you because of your descent in the country?), serving their country but also binding their daughters and granddaughters forever.
Not that there's any need to include present-day characters as a frame story, but on the off chance you do, I do ship Abigail/Raelle, with Abigail/Adil as a particular NOTP and Raelle/Scylla as kind of a soft NOTP.
Fandom-Specific DNW: I didn't enjoy the overt eugenics plotline this season and would prefer that nothing about breeding witches for stronger magic or particular traits (as opposed to any social reasons for arranged marriage and high society matching) be present in the fic.
Fandom: Sleep No More (Treat, Trick)
Character(s): Bald Witch, Sexy Witch
One of my favorite things about Sleep No More was the idea of this world of darkness and magic that’s underlying or intertwined with the social world, rather than in a separate space - I loved seeing the Witches at the ball and, holy shit, Bald Witch pulling off her wig after the ball in her solo ritual thing! (I hadn’t realized it was a wig until that moment.) So -
how do either of these witches interact with the normal world (Paisley/the hotel/etc.) or deliberately carve out other spaces (like the apothecary shop)? For that matter, I love the apothecary shop and Bald Witch's scene in it so more about that would be awesome.
How did the Witches find each other - before or after they were witches?
Are they immortal, and if so, what’s that like for them?
How much do they have a day-to-day life vs. witching all the time?
If you want to ship them together, and/or with Hecate (or both) I’m very up for that as well. Some sexy prompts if you go in that direction -
ritual sex magic to make something happen or share power?
If they have non-witch personas and sleep together while they’re being normal people, is there still magic?
Sex in one of the play locations - the apothecary, the ballroom, the bar that’s the empty shell of the real bar?
Slow dancing nude, or another inverted version of something in the normal world?
Fandom-Specific DNW: f/m ships with requested characters
Fandom: Teixcalaan - Arkady Martine (Treat)
Character(s): Three Seagrass, Twelve Azalea, Twenty Cicada
I found these characters delightful, and I would love to see any of them in some slice of life that tells us more about the City and Empire worldbuilding. Honestly I would probably read an entire novel about Reed and Petal in college doing absolutely nothing (to be clear, the fic doesn't need to include both) - what are some other things they do for fun, or places they like to go? Shit they accidentally got involved in in school or while working in the Ministry? (A scene is fine, I know the exchange has a 300 word minimum and am not trying to box you into writing a whole plot.) And on the flip side, Swarm's entire existence as the Teixcalaanli officer par excellence, the loyal adjutant, who's also a very visible minority doing minority things is really interesting to me. What are some other practices in the homeostat-cult and how does he manage to do them in his job? (Or Teixcalaanli things he doesn't do?) More about how he feels about being a part of Teixcalaan?
Fandom-Specific DNW: Swarm's canon fate makes me sad so I wouldn't want fic about it.
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viewmasterfeeling · 4 years
Omg what??? Tysm!!!! I love you all!!
Shoutouts to the tumblr gang and all of my other lovely mutuals!! Ily!! <3
Thanks for putting up with my nonsense and reading my fics, short posts, reblogs, and Byler theories/hot takes! It means a lot to me, for real
I’m just gonna tag some people who have been amazing (in no particular order)
@eraseyourbookofstories My fic writing pal!!! Ilysm Queenie you don’t even knowwww (well you do because i spam it in the discord). You have AMAZING, ADORABLE fics and an AMAZING, AMAZING personality! (so amazing it deserves 2 “amazing”s) I love talking and working on cotn!! Also spam me any time!!! (maybe not with the oc asks,,, but just in messages :P)
@willbyersneedstherapy I think you were my first friend on here!! And that means so much to me!! Ilysm, and all of your Byler hot takes at 3AM are amazing and correct. The Duffers told me themselves
@im-not-a-joke You’re really awesome and have excellent vibes and memes. Also the headcanon game is top notch. I really appreciate you being there for me and just being awesome in general :DDD ily!!
@byler-obsessed You’re so amazing, and your fics are so cuteee. WE NEED TO COLLAB MORE cuz that was amazing :)))) Thanks for being a great friend, you’re awesome!!
@kalvinpostsweirdness Ok so I think when I first got tumblr, i saw some of your posts in the byler tag and i was like damn??? this human has some epic meta?? anyway, I love you so much, your vibes are immaculate, and you’re so kind and considerate to everyone. Keep being epic, ily
@shut-up-murphy I haven’t talked to you for very long but you’re super nice and have amazing vibes!! Can’t wait to get to know you more!
@strangerthanstranfest I can’t wait to get to know you more as well!! Your name in the discord server is amazing btw
@willswheelsonthebus You’re super nice and have great fics! We should collab (for real) some time!! <3
🌹 anon!!! You’re so nice to me and i love talking to you!!! So glad to be your friend!! ily!
Purple anon!! I haven’t talked to you in a while but you’re really awesome!!
@ all of my mutuals!! tysm!!! (special shoutouts: @madcaprainbow, @alteritymonster, @kaobaab, @chrrysodas @willbyersthings, ur all amazing!)
Anywho I’m gonna take ficlet prompt requests... I’ll make an official post in a moment. But yeah! Tysm! And not to get emotional but it means a lot to me :D
K byeeee
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umisabaku · 5 years
I'm honestly in love with your designation miracle series. I was thinking about your characters and i was wondering what house they (Youji, Masaomi, Hinami, and Shiori) would in. I kinda already placed them in my head but i wanted to know where you thought they would be since they are you characters. If you could also add Michiru, Setsuna, and Shigure then that would be great.
I am very happy to hear that, anon-friend!! I am so glad you enjoy the OCs =D 
Honestly, I think I could make a convincing argument for each of the different Houses for all four of them, it just depends on the situation. I actually wrote one of those “three-sentence” prompts for a MasaYou Harry Potter AU, and for the purposes of that story, I put Masaomi and Shiori in Slytherin and Hinami and Youji in Gryffindor. Largely, because I think that rivalry and mutual pining would be epic.
BUT, in general, I actually do think Masaomi would make a better Ravenclaw, Shiori would still be Slytherin, Hinami would still be Gryffindor, and Youji would be Hufflepuff. Just ‘cuz I think it works out nicely and also ‘cuz it would be fun if they were all in different Houses. 
Setsuna and Shigure would hands down be Slytherin. I think Michiru would also be in Slytherin, but if I was actually writing a HP AU with these characters, I would put her in whatever House Youji was in, because they’re Bros. 
I would love to hear what Houses you were thinking for them, anon-friend!! =D Or any other thoughts you have on how an AU would go for them.
Thank you for asking!
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roccinan · 4 years
For prompts and suggestions: more Hermanos content please 😟 you write them so well,,, and yes pls do that 5+1 thing as adults... I rmbr once thinking about 5 times some1 from the gang thought Sergio and Andrés were closer than they appeared and one time (the hangar scene mayhaps ☹ ) they realised they were brothers.. just an idea! THANK YOU so much for writing about these hermanos de mi corazon, I love them so much and it's so hard to find fics of them being bros so THANK YOU 😘😘😘
Your wish is my command ;) I’ve been dying to do another hermanos fix anyway haha, and so glad you like the way I write them! Anon, we must be linked or something because I remember having that exact same idea once. An epic 5 + 1 of misunderstandings *whispers* would you like Andrés to live?
The wildest part about this is that I think Tokyo has mistaken them for a dysfunctional gay couple since S1 because nobody told her they’re brothers. Gosh, the THINGS that must have been going through her head when Palermo showed up. Stay strong, Silene.
Anyway, thanks for the idea- will definitely get to it (Eventually lol). Always happy to meet other hermanos fans :’D Thank you for indulging in the brotp too!
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frenchibi · 7 years
15, 21, and 25 for the fanfic ask if you don't mind~ Also, what does the 'liberal me' on your page mean?
Hi anon, and thank you very much for asking!
Just to clear up your question there before we get started - “libera me” is latin (”free me”) and it’s a quote from a song that I’ve had stuck in my head for like 3 months because I sang it in my choir xD It’s… rather religious (which I am not) but I really enjoyed singing it? Have a link, if you’re interested (it’s classical, so idk if it’s everyone’s thing lmao); skip to 1:17 if you just want the choir part without the solo beforehand, and to 2:48 if you want the specific part I’m referencing, without the buildup xD
It’s… very dramatic and I love that :D The actual lyrics are something along the lines of “free me, God, of eternal death, on the day of mighty dread” and then “I am made to shake and tremble, I fear that day of calamity and misery” or something, I don’t really know enough latin to confidently translate them :’D It’s all very apocalyptic and super epic to sing in a choir hdfjklahshsdf
Anyway, moving on to your questions, before I get caught up rambling about how much I love choir again - this was supposed to be about fanfiction after all xD
15 something you learned this year
Well. I took on a project, as you may know, of writing one chapter or oneshot per week - and I kept it up until July, when I had a series of huge breakdowns and finally got help for my depression - I’ve since put that project on hold because I can’t handle the pressure yet (it started out fine though! I had fun with it for the first half of the year!) - what I learned through it is that writing, for me, is about discipline. I can always write, and if I want to, I should. I should only write when I want to, though, because that produces the best results. Am I making sense? Idk. I’m resolved to write more than ever, but to give less craps about the numbers - which I was rather obsessed with, regrettably. That made me miserable. So no more of that from now on.
21 most memorable comment/review
Boy, you want me to pick out ONE?
I know this isn’t fair at all because I have gotten COUNTLESS fantastic comments this year and as soon as I start mentioning people I will forget someone, I just know it. But I do want to shout out to some of my favorites…? I hope I don’t inadvertantly offend anyone.
@josai was my writing companion for the better part of the year and while not all of her comments were public, they were the most encouraging thing EVER. You gave me the courage to post my work, you always listened to my ideas, and you had heaps and heaps of enthusiasm for me. I feel like I could never thank you enough.
@hajiiwa always leaves wonderfully thoughtful comments - I deeply appreciate your insight(s) and I absolutely love discussing theories and characterizations and fic ideas with you. We seem to be of similar opinions a lot of the time, which is great and encouraging, but sometimes you open my eyes to things and I’m really grateful for that :D
@greenstickynotes is the champion of keysmashing AND heartfelt emotional responses - your comments are always highlights, but even moreso I enjoy and savor your snapchat reactions because they are full of real, raw emotion that I cannot believe resulted from my writing. Honestly, you are a gift and I hope you never stop yelling.
@joanofarcticmonkeys is wonderful and supportive and takes time to comment even when she’s busy. Also she always sends prompts and she gets so emotional over my writing that she yells to her other friends about it (who are not even in the fandom?) - you are fantastic and I hope you know how much I love you.
@distinguisheddelusions is a recent commenter but their comments are pages long and they’re the most in-depth analyses I have ever received. I treasure and cherish every single word and thought they spend on my writing and characterization. They’ve been going through my works from back to front and commenting on my progress and I could just. weep tears of joy. Thank you so much, it’s the most validating thing EVER.
@marleeb left me a comment that I can’t get out of my head - it took me ages to answer because it made me so emotional? It was incredibly supportive and uplifting and just... exactly what I needed to hear to boost my confidence. I’m eternally grateful for that, honestly.
25 a fic you read this year that you would recommend everyone read
I haven’t been reading many fics actually - if you want recs, you could check out my bookmarks on ao3? - but I HAVE been reading books, and I’d like to recommend some if that’s okay instead…?
Dear Life by Alice Munro is a collection of short stories that is moving and important and just. Stuck with me. She won the Nobel Prize for literature for this book, and I think with good reason. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho is magic, plain and simple. A lovely tale (and it really is that, a tale) about finding yourself and your beliefs and I have re-read it at least 5 times. It’s stunning and beautiful and memorable.
Topics About Which I Know Nothing by Patrick Ness is a delightful collection of short stories - very diverse in the styles, but each one of them works remarkably well and I just loved reading it. So vibrant and colorful!
The Princess Saves Herself In This One by Amanda Lovelace is a collection of poems tying together to paint a stunning and startling picture of a woman who went through a hell of a lot to get to where she is - but she saved herself, as the title says. This book was a gift from @notinvidia and I read it in half a day - I devoured it, and I’m really, really glad I did. I didn’t think poetry was my thing at all, but here we are. Go read it.
Alternatively to that last one, read Milk And Honey and The Sun And Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur - stunning and immersive and expressive and just… important poems, the lot of them. They’re accompanied by art, too, and they’re all just so… full of life (and love and suffering and recovery) and it’s utterly fantastic and beautiful.
…okay, I think that’s enough raving for now. Maybe I should write book reviews? I’d enjoy that tbh. Would anyone be interested in reading them? hasdflasdh I might make some changes to this blog, or make a sideblog for my varying interests…? I’m just afraid I wouldn’t have enough energy to manage several tbh… and this blog is already a mess of everything, but I tag, so… it should be okay? xD Idk man. That’s a question for another day.
IN ANY CASE thank you so much for your questions, anon, I really loved answering them and I’d love to talk more about fics and writing, so feel free to ask away!!
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taylorj8771 · 7 years
I was the 'power bottom' anon (ah what a legacy).... Never apologise for smut. So. EPIC. You're the best! Love those stupid penguin boys so much. Sigh. Thank youuuu !! Xx
Thank you for prompting!! It gave me so many ideas… :D
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umisabaku · 7 years
So I saw this one shot you wrote of Kise meeting Youji for he first time from Kise's point of view. I was wondering, could you do the same thing from Youji's POV? I love your stories so much!!! So much so, that when I'm rewatching Kuroko no Basuke I sometimes forget that the the miracles are not genetically engineered super beings!!! Kudos to you!!!
Oh gosh, thank you, anon-friend!That is very kind of you to say! Kuroko no Basuke really made the idea of themall having superpowers very easy =D
And ahaha, sorry! I am still notcurrently accepting new prompts (although I have made a noticeable dent in myinbox prompts!! I am almost there!!!) HOWEVER I actually couldn’t have writtenyours at any rate because I have PLANS!! Your suggestion is actually somethingI have always wanted to write and I’m going to include that in the epicallylong MasaYou story I am currently working on.
As I’ve mentioned here before, I’malternating chapters between “present” and “past” and the “past” sections aregoing to have a timeline from their time in college to right up to when theymeet the Miracles. So Youji’s perspective on meeting Kise is going to be one ofthe final moments in the “past” sections. Which, uh, does mean it’s going to beawhile before you get to see that happen.
Wooo. I want to cover so much withthis story. I really cannot stress enough how long this story is going to be.
Thanks for your kind words and yourprompt! Sorry it’ll be awhile. 😓😊
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