#thank you based louie zong
wackytheorist · 1 month
Thanks for the ask rosey, this is such a based song why did you make me choosee.
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juliannegriepp · 2 years
7, 17, 27 for the ask game!
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Ooo this one is hard because I appreciate a lot of mediums but only regularly work digitally! I do love a good oil painting, I've worked with oils before but I have a sensitivity to the fumes so sadly I can't use them anymore because it makes me super nauseous. I've been experimenting with other options like casein and different versions of acrylics because I love the tactile experience of painting! But most of the painting styles I like are veerry different from my regular art style which I think is kind of funny.
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(John Singer Sargent)
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(Andrew Wyeth)
I also really like stylized 3d art! I've done a bit of 3d but it was all just for the credit or to use as a perspective base for my 2d drawings. My brain doesn’t really click with 3D which makes cool 3D art all the more impressive to me <3
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(Louie Zong)
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17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
Yeess I have a sweet tooth and a diet coke addiction. My body hates me for this so I try to also drink lots of water and my go to healthy snack is baby carrots even though I'm allergic to them and they make my mouth and throat itch I just love them so much
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
Not generally, honestly rendering/working on big pieces for me is usually more relaxing than sketching is so if I'm working on something I'll usually jump right in. Sometimes if I'm working on client work for a while I'll do some cool down work afterwards, and that would be basically anything I post on here or on Instagram cause I only really post stuff I do for fun on here.
Thanks for the ask!❤️🌸🖖
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alchemist-yamira · 8 months
Let's get to know each other &lt;3
Tagged by @yeeticusdaweary Thanks! I'm gonna figure this out I suppose
-Last song : Pocket - Louie Zong (Going for the song that's been most in my head in the last 24 hours)
-Favorite color : Purple is the obvious, based on just my whole everything. However I also love teal/cyan so really it's just off-blues I suppose.
-Currently watching : Yea, uh. I've been wanting to watch more "Traditionally produced" TV, but in lieu of that, lots of comfywatches on Youtube: RTGame and Wirtual to eat/decompress, Moon channel and other video essays for more "Interesting" content.
-Last movie : The D&D movie at behest of one of my IRL friends. It's aggressively "Okay".
-Currently reading : I have House of Leaves on my end-table. I've been terrible with reading though as it's been sitting there for half a year.
-Sweet/Spicy/Savory : All good, but if I had to pick 1 it'd be savory, followed by sweet. I actually REALLY like spicy, the problem is that spicy feels like a modifier to other tastes. Many things I like are spicy, but you can have sweet/spicy, savory/spicy, and others, it's rare spicy occurs on its own, and life would be lesser with it gone so??? Maybe Spicy on principle...?? Idk, that one's hard.
-Relationship status : Single, I think I'd like a relationship but finding people through a "dating scene" sounds like hell to me.
-Current obsession : Pixel art, No longer a burning need but I'm keeping up with it! A few video games have been cycling through my brain the last month: Sea of Stars, Darktide, and Armored Core 6. Darktide probably has/had the most staying power due to its multiplayer nature.
-Last thing I Googled : The Guild Wars 2 paper bag helmets to show off to two friends. Before that was Lake Michigan Ice Caves (Very cool, highly recommend if you haven't looked at them before)
-Currently working on : PhD program trying desparately to keep up, like bailing water from a sinking ship some days. Want to experiment with RP ideas desperately but feel held back by my the mix of other interests and current life needs. Fucking around casually with pixel art experiments, trying to get more of a handle on adding detail and making 'bigger' projects.
Tagging for funsies: @probablypercyjackson @lacking-in-enthusiasm and @shadowgast4t
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Summary// Ground Zero has been your crush since you were rescued by him, and ever since then, you've been writing love songs that your manager is sick and tired of hearing. One day on a live broadcast, you admit that the songs were inspired by your admiration for said hero. Little did you know, he was just in the other wing of the building getting his own interview done and decides to see you after the cameras are off.
A/N: I know his hero name is Dynamite but I wrote this before it was decided so I'm sticking with Ground Zero, sorry ^^;
You were never camera shy, you loved the stage and all that came with it. The lights, the flurry of makeup artists and the adrenaline rush of seeing the On-Air light turn red.
But the moment you saw him walk into the room, you swear your heart fell into your stomach and all the words you've ever sang were sucked right back into your throat.
- -
Ever since the accident that nearly took your life, you have been an active fan of Ground Zero. He was constantly in the news, either due to his heroics or due to being spotted with other top heroes such as Deku or Shoto. Considering he was their classmate in high school, the media gobbled up any coverage they could with the trio.
You on the other hand, were mostly into the tabloids for information on Ground Zero.
The accident was after one of your concerts. You had been on your way to your tour bus when a villain had attacked. Luckily none of your crew were hurt, but you were trapped under the rubble of the concert hall that had fallen when the villain rammed into the wall. It was cramped and had little oxygen, the air was full of dust and your lungs were heavy with the ash. You had broken your arm and had to use it to support yourself to keep from getting crushed under the rubble that was slowly but surely pressing down on you.
You had little hope for yourself as the rubble grew heavier, your arm giving out under the weight of your body, but before it could fully crush you, you heard the sounds of explosions.
Not long after, you felt the weight of the rubble lift.
Ground Zero had sent smaller blasts to break up the larger pieces of rubble before finally moving the giant piece that was pinning you to the ground. He scooped you up into his arms and murmured the same line under his breath as he brought you to the paramedics.
"You're safe now."
He lowered you onto the gurney and waited by you as the paramedics asked you questions, soon finding your rib was cracked as well. Ground Zero gave you a once over before parting with a quiet goodbye and a thank you to the medics that were helping you.
You didn't get the chance to thank him as the medics placed an oxygen mask on your face.
So you wrote him songs. You never used his name, but a hero was always implied when it came to songs about him. You tried to be subtle with the crush you had developed, but apparently you weren't subtle enough.
Your manager was sent an invitation for an interview to talk about your new album full of love songs. The album was crammed with songs about a one-sided pinning for someone who could never love back, but the last song was a ray of hope that they might find a way to each other.
Was it based on reality? No. Ground Zero couldn't have liked you like you liked him, he didn't know who he had saved and likely didn't look back on that event. He was a busy hero who saved people daily. He wouldn't know your name, but you could always dream maybe he would hold you like he did when you were hurt.
So there you were, in a chair with the lights on you and your interviewer.
"Your album is named Loved One, are you trying to send a message to a certain someone?" The man asks as he cleans his glasses with a wipe.
You fiddle with your hands on your lap, a half smile on your face. "It's a love song for someone, yes. But if he's ever heard it I'm not sure."
"Your songs have been in the top ten, with Sweet Delights being number one for seven weeks straight. Surely he's heard one of them."
True. Your music was popular. But did he ever hear them? Would he know it was him you were talking about when you sang?
Of course not. That's why you wrote your feelings with no fear of being found out.
"He's a very special man, I can't say he has the time for music." You turn your face as a small blush fans your cheeks. "He's a hero, I'm sure he's too busy to listen to the radio."
The interviewer leans forward in his seat, a grin tugging at his lips. "A hero?"
The live audience begins to whisper and you can hear the names of heroes being tossed around.
Deku. Shoto. Chargebolt. Cellophane.
Ground Zero.
"Yeah." You chuckle. "He saved me during an accident. I'll be forever grateful to him for saving my life."
"Love at first attack."
"Something like that."
"What would you say to him if he were here right now?" The interviewer leans back in his seat.
You look down at your lap, twiddling with your thumbs as you try to come up with the words. You've written dozens of songs, but what words would you give him?
"Thank you. For being my hero. I've written you love songs I never thought you'd hear. Maybe I thought it would make you feel the same way I feel for you." You look up from your lap and chuckle, this time a tad bit weaker. "Silly isn't it? I get to know so much about him but I'm just a dime a dozen that he saves. He doesn't even know my name."
The interviewer scoots forward and hands you one of the tissue boxes on his desk. You aren't about to start crying but you appreciate the gesture and take it from him anyway.
"Love can be tough. But you've written plenty about it haven't you?"
A light chuckle comes from the crowd.
You smile. "I know enough about pinning for someone who will never know me."
"What is his name? Maybe we could get him on here, get you a coffee date." He says in a playful tone.
What's the worst that could happen?
"Well, this is a little embarrassing, but it's Ground Zero." You rub your neck as the crowd collectively gasps. "He saved me after a concert I held, and ever since then he's been on my mind. I thought it was creepy, so I figured I would use my music as an outlet. My album is dedicated to unrequited love and accepting it. Hopefully I'll accept it one day too."
For a moment the interviewer is quiet, but when you look closer you see a smile is building on his face.
He clears his throat and lifts his remote control to the screen behind the both of you. "Ironically, in the west wing of the building, we're holding an interview with Ground Zero himself."
The screen turns on to show Ground Zero seated with his own interviewer.
They were watching your interview live.
And he just heard your admission to liking him.
Your grip on the tissue box tightens as you see his eyes scanning you.
Oh god you were going to be sick.
He stands up and walks out of the room. All you feel is lead in your gut as you watch the television move onto commercial.
Your interviewer presses on the Bluetooth in his ear and nods along to whatever the people were saying. But you didn't want to hear any of it. All you felt was dread.
He heard.
He heard.
He must think you were crazy. It was his job to save people! He didn't do it out of chivalry or kindness like some knight in a fairytale!
You let go of the box and cover your face with your hands. The crowd was talking now, you couldn't catch what they were saying but they were going wild.
Deciding to see what was getting the crowd so riled up, you look to the doors.
And there he is.
Standing across the room with his eyes glued to yours.
- -
So there you are. No words were forming and you felt like you were being sucked into the Twilight Zone.
The crowd cheers as he walks down the aisle in his full gear and makes his way straight to you.
You cover your face again as the interviewer speaks to him.
"The man of the hour, Ground Zero ladies and gentlemen!" He announces, but the crowd was already roaring with energy.
You feel the hero stand in front of you, mostly because he blocked your light, and soon you were wondering if you could sink into the cushions and disappear forever. Let Loved One be your momento mori, your swan song before you disappeared off the face of the earth.
No no no no- no!
You hear his gear shift and from the cracks between your fingers you see him crouch in front of you.
"Stop filming." He says to the interviewer.
"We still have five minutes to break-" The interviewer starts up but stumbles on his words. You hear the pop of small explosions and the murmur of the crowd.
"Break for two!" The producer calls from backstage.
This time, you lower your hands to cover your mouth, looking at Ground Zero with half of your face covered.
He looked just as he had when he rescued you, minus him being in his winter gear. But it was all the same. Even the tone he was using with you. Like you were fragile.
"Did you mean it?" He asks, his head nodding towards the screen above. "What you said about me."
"I.. I did." You uncover your face, using your nervous energy to hold onto the box of tissues instead, squeezing the life out of the poor box. "Every word. You saved me and I'm grateful." You look down in shame, unable to utter the next words while looking him in the face. "I- I know it's weird, to like someone you know so little about-”
"Bakugou Katsuki."
"My name, is Bakugou Katsuki." He grips your chin gently and tugs you to look at him. He had a small grin on his face. "Go to dinner with me and I'll debate letting you call me Katsuki."
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hoodiedmenace · 3 years
Polyarchives Robot!Martin Au
so Martin is a robot that Jon, Tim, and Sasha programmed and designed as a bit of a chore-keeper around their house. it's not uncommon for them to get home late, or just be busy and tired, and dishes and cleaning up becomes a much harder task than it was that morning. so the three of them (who are, in fact, dating btw) create this robot that is able to help them with the chores.
at first, that's all the robot was. he helped with chores and such, but it doesn't take long for the three of them to start to get slightly attached. The same way one would a roomba. And then Sasha and Tim came up with a name for him, because they can't just go around calling this very helpful robot an 'it'. and so the name 'Martin' is born, mostly because it's a small pun based on tin man. Tin man. Mantin. Martin. Tim is elated that the name sticks.
And so Martin is given a name. And it's around this time that Martin started to gain a bit of sentience. No I don't have a good reason for this, they just got so attached to him that he was given life. But Martin had seen other robots like him, it's unnatural for beings like him to be able to think like his humans are. So he tried to go about his daily chores without showing emotion.
But Jon stays so long slouched over his desk, looking frustrated and on the verge of tears. So he does what he's seen the other two humans do in the past, and brought Jon a cup of tea. Jon, of course, is very confused because this wasn't something they had programmed Martin to do. But maybe Tim or Sasha told the machine to bring him a cup. Either way, Jon still thanks Martin and sends him off.
Next is Sasha, who Martin discovered scowling down at a few pieces of paper, much like Jon had done the week prior. But this was unusual for Sasha. She seemed to always enjoy the work she did at home? Not to mention the time of night. Jon and Tim had both already gone to bed, and he doesn't miss the way her eyes droop close before snapping open, only to repeat the same process. And so Martin walked to Sasha's side, copying what he had seen the others do to Jon. "It is nearly 2 a.m. You need sleep for tomorrow, and you will not get enough if you continue to stay awake." He had pressed a little, and soon was practically carrying Sasha over to her bed. Sasha looked at their robot curiously. This wasn't normal behavior for him, certainly not anything they had programmed for him. But she thanked him nonetheless.
The last person Martin helps is Tim. He'd always thought Tim put at least some of his happy face on display, and the crying he heard from Tim's room when the others were gone one day only solidifies his idea. Martin walked carefully up the stairs to Tim's bedroom, knocking carefully before opening the door. Tim was sat on his bed, knees tucked up to his chest and face puffy and red with tears. He looked up at Martin, wiping his tears away as the robot sat down on the bed beside him. "You are sad. The others are concerned when you're sad. Can I help?" And Tim, knowing full well how strange it was, wrapped his arms tightly around Martin, continuing his sobbing into the robot's shoulder. And so Martin did what he so frequently saw the others do, and pulled Tim closer, wrapping his arms around him as well.
After the last event, Tim, Sasha, and Jon come together and tell each other of the odd behavior they had seen Martin do. It wasn't a sign of malfunction, possibly mimicking what they had seen each other do. processing information and then applying it?" Jon had asked, but Tim was quick to deny it.
"He seemed too attached for it just to be a programming thing. And I know it seems really bizarre but..I just think we should, I dunno, ask him?" Tim had suggested. And Sasha, despite knowing full well what machines were and weren't capable of feeling, agreed with Tim.
"He did carry me to bed the other night. Said that it was late. I know we do that to Jon a lot, but it was almost like he wouldn't rest until he knew I was resting." Sasha explained, and finally Jon nodded.
When they asked Martin about the things he had done for them, his immediate reaction is fear, an emotion he didn't feel very often, but was coming to hate with a passion. "I am only doing what you have programmed me to do. Help." He tries, though the slight fidgeting his fingers begin to do makes the three humans press further.
When Martin does finally break, telling them that he has gained the ability to feel, the three are both confused and yet a little excited, and even more curious.
Bit of a timeskip because that's a lot of stuff to deal with
Eventually Jon catches himself saying goodbye to Martin every time he leaves, even helping Martin with chores he seemed to struggle with. Sasha introduced Martin to books, and when she catches a messy words on a page, clearly written by the robot, she can't help but feel somewhat proud. And Tim starts to bring Martin along on 'adventures', showing him around their neighborhood and going to see the trees and flowers and animals that lived around their small house. Martin grows increasingly attached to Sasha and Tim, but can't help but feel that Jon is..distant. And so one day, Martin invited Jon on a little adventure of their own. He remembered the long walk Tim had taken him on, out into the countryside.
And out in the field are one of Martin's favorite things he had encountered so far (despite his humans, of course.) A scattered herd of cows. Jon felt the pressure from the last few days leave his body with the wind, and he turned and thanked Martin, for helping him unwind. He pressed his face into Martin's chest, and Martin wraps his arms around Jon in return.
A few weeks later, Martin is formerly invited to join Tim, Sasha, and Jon's relationship, and Martin has never been happier to accept an offer.
inspired by Hello World by Louie Zong
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highintlowwis · 4 years
This was such a fun lil project to work on! Thank you so so much to everyone who sent me song suggestions, I appreciate every one of you! 
I actually ended up with too many songs to make a concise, descriptive playlist with all of them, so I ended up making two -- one curated and organized by yours truly, and one full of every song I was sent, found at this link, or on spotify under the title Cadwulf, Baby! (Extended Edition):
The ones I chose were based solely off of my own interpretations and the vibe consistency, there were a ton of great songs that didn’t make the shorter list just because I couldn’t figure out where they fit. And if anyone has EVEN MORE suggestions for the larger playlist, feel free to send them my way!
Descriptions for each of my curated songs can be found below the cut. Fair warning, I make no promises that my song interpretations are 100% accurate, so if I got something wrong or missed something lemme know! Enjoy!
Me and My Friends are Lonely by Matt Maeson: I’ve said it multiple times before but I’LL SAY IT AGAIN DAMMIT. Both Eadwulf and Caduceus are surrounded by people, but they’re always the ones left out. They’re never anyone else’s first choice. But hey, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be lonely with someone else…
This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory: FANTASTIC representation of Caduceus’ perspective! He was alone for so long, and he’s never been truly in love, but now he’s presented with this lonely, handsome man who needs to be guided to something sweeter and happier.
Arms Tonite by Mother Mother: Death isn’t a big deal for either of these kiddos, it’s the most natural part of life! Caduceus isn’t afraid of it, especially if he gets to greet it in Eadwulf’s big, muscular, amazing… arms… what were we talking about again? 
Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes and Louie Zong: Eadwulf has done a lot of bad things in his life, but he sees that Caleb has been redeemed by offering his own heart up, and Wulf hopes he can achieve the same. The second verse calls out Trent and his own arrogance and alludes to the fact that it will be his eventual downfall. (Also I just like the idea of Wulf calling Cad “honeycomb”, it’s so sweet)
Pumpkin by The Regrettes: Neither of them expected to walk into that dinner and meet someone who would become so important to them. Romance isn’t something either has really experienced firsthand, but now that they have had just a taste, they’re hooked.
Dirty Imbecile by The Happy Fits: Both these poor boys try to put on an air of confidence and ‘having their shit together’, when in reality they’re just trying to find where they belong like everyone else. Together, they no longer have to hide their insecurities, and they can lift each other up and grow as people.
Nobody by Mitzki: Y’all they’re SO LONELY. Even if it won’t fix everything, having someone there to hold you makes it easier to push through the hard times. Also they should just kiss.
Sunlight by Hozier: Caduceus is a ray of sunlight that Wulf never expected to reach him, but now that he’s felt it he can never go back. He’ll do anything to be near him, even sacrifice his own well-being. His life would go up in flames, but it would be entirely worth it.
Like Real People Do by Hozier: (This is Tumblr. There was never gonna be just one Hozier song.) “Why were you digging?/ What did you bury/ before those hands pulled me/ from the earth?” GOOD SHIT. What if we were two people who were struggling to figure out who we are and where belong on this planet, and we kissed. And we were both boys.
Ready Now by dodie: the inherent softness of having someone lead you to recovery. Wulf has a lot of work to do, but Caduceus will be there for him, waiting for when he’s ready.
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desertpacificoctopi · 5 years
1, 8, 11, 15, 21, 27, 29?
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?unfortunately homestuck is a must and a given, god forgive me. squalloscope’s discography is another one (my url is one of her songs) but i talk about that more in the next bit. also i made a sicknasty little playlist of me songs on spotify so like message me for that one if you want it. margaret atwood’s short stories are good ones to look at. if i am permitted to cite video games, world of goo and sword & sworcery are both some important ones. also the first pokemon movie prolly sdkfjjds. there are a lot of things and i’m most likely forgetting some important ones but like. eh
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?100% it has to be squalloscope. she just says some shit that she pulled out of the void and it’s hopeful and rueful and loving and angry all at once and it Fucks Me Up. one of the songs on my ow ouch my absolute me playlist has a detuned little chord sequence going on in the background and it’s not perfect, it’s raw, and i love her for it
11. describe your ideal day.this is based in my hometown but, with variants it could be good too. i’d like to roll out of bed at maybe 9am and go to my favorite coffee shop, whether it be with friends or not, but i’d sit there for a while and draw and hang out. then i’d go get lunch somewhere and eat it next to the river, and walk around down there until i get tired of it. after that i’d go home and make something that i feel proud of making, and share it with people i care about. the later of it doesn’t matter- the idea would be fucking around and having fun with people who love me until i finally pass out.
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.hnghhhh thinking about your answer to this, nastybook by barry yourgrau is probably in there somewhere for fucking me up. the year of the flood by margaret atwood is always gonna be important to me because margaret atwood slaps. fahrenheit 451 i only read once but like it made ray bradbury rly important to me so. there’s one i can’t remember the title of but it was by malinda lo i think, and was a retelling of cinderella where it was gay and like i’m a lesbian babey. and uhhh i hate to say it but a lot of the early bit of naruto
21. do you love easily?depends on how we’re defining it but basically the further along my fun little platonic-romantic closeness gradient you get the harder it is for you to get there. i’m good at caring but like? something like the far end where i don’t know what i’m feeling and whether it’s romance or just Big Friendship? that’s difficulti also find it easy to minorly swoon over particular people but. i guess that’s more infatuation than anything, and it tends to just be for a few seconds. put the song someone new by hozier here.
27. do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?sometimes and, very rarely? it’s not easy for me to dress the way i feel so i just default to what makes me feel comfortable. my hairstyle is doing a good job about it at least with the half long half undercut. i like my face and my eyes but other times i just get real dysphoric about my height and that’s, great
29. three songs that you connect with right now.i’m gonna try not to pick from the me playlist now so, Challenge Modethumbnail by louie zong and brian david gilbertheirloom by sufjan stevensand uhhhhh let’s go with, 2310 by paper bird
thank you for the asks lydia i love you 
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amatchgirl · 4 years
8 Halloween Popsicle Recipes | Yummy + Healthy Desserts & Treats | Naturally Jo
Yummy popsicles for a spooky snack, healthy dessert for this Halloween night. Made with cashew cream as the base to get the creamiest popsicles. Which popsicle was your favorite?
✩ INSTAGRAM✩ ✭ Instagram: https://ift.tt/2xaYlAI
✩ HELLO ✩ ✭ I’m Jose, just a 18 year old vegan teenager who loves playing with food. Hope you all liked my video! What kind of video should I make in the future? Which recipes would you like me to share?
✩ MUSIC ✩ ✭ Llussion, Louie Zong, cqsleep, Deadonthecarousel, Kaydycain, Mintiunixorn
Thank you for watching!
from WordPress http://sweetly.site/8-halloween-popsicle-recipes-yummy-healthy-desserts-treats-naturally-jo/
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claudrod · 6 years
The Week’s Catch #2
Mostly musical 'obsessions'. I call them that because I seriously played the heck out of these tracks/albums this week.
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From Louie Zong's video 'Mouth'
'Mouth' by Louie Zong - That Louie Zong (who’s a board artist for CN’s We Bare Bears) is quite the talent! This a cute little ditty is packaged in the form of a nicely-made video drawn and animated by the musician himself. I'm thankful for Twitter, for nice finds like this. Humans like him inspire me to be playful in the process of creating things. I do believe some of the nicest things come out of play.
'Good Look for You' by Gavin Turek - Another talented human being who takes inspiration from greats of the past. This one’s a tasteful recreation of '80s things that I thoroughly enjoy. Helps a lot that this track makes you just want to dance.
Ordinary Days by Adam Gwon [Spotify] - Filed under: Shows I Love that I Haven't Seen Yet. I found this after getting into a Broadway-based/-inspired web series called Submissions Only, which I heavily consumed over the holidays. Researched on the creators of the show, and found this under Kate Wetherhead's credentials. For a show that seems simple, it tackles some of life's hard questions and breaks some of the resolutions into funny little bittersweet bits that make the details memorable.
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