#thank you bbs for tagging me
inkykeiji · 26 days
hii i just read that post about laughing during sex…n im kind of curious how touya nii or anyone of ur other iterations might react to reader giggling during sex (only if ur up to it ofc <3)
hello!!! AAAAH i love this so much hehehe (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) i don’t know why i feel like i’ve answered this before bUT i can’t find it anywhere so!!! i shall answer again ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
touya-nii: genuinely depends on why you’re laughing, but 9 times out of 10 it’s for a playful reason, and he’ll play along with you, teasing you in good nature with condescending coos and syrupy words (+ touya also chuckles a bit during sex fairly often so!). the only time where he’d get genuinely annoyed/upset with it would be either 1. your laughing is mocking or rude or in any way disrespectful in his eyes, or 2. you’re laughing during a punishment where you’re intended to be quite serious. at that point he is yanking your head back and growling you wanna laugh? i’ll give you something to fucking laugh about, sweetheart—and then you’ve earned yourself some severe pain in exchange for a few giggles >.<
bmb dabi: bmb dabi is 100% giggling along with you. your giggles are so contagious he just can’t help it, fizzy laughs bubbling from one throat into the other, pushed from and shoved onto tongues, sandwiched between the slick muscles and massaged into flesh. it doesn’t really matter why you’re laughing; he’s just glad you’re having a good time, which in turn means he’s having a good time. your amusement and fun is palpable, it instantly infects him and makes the experience that much more memorable <3
tag dabi: tag dabi fucks you even harder if you start giggling. he isn’t doing it out of anger, frustration, offence, or malice—in fact, he is also laughing, too; breathy little chuckles huffed out between the smack of his hips against your ass and the teasing words oozing from his lips. think something’s funny, do ya? he’s asking, but you can hear the smile in his voice, question infused with mirth. it doesn’t matter what your answer is, because his response will be the same no matter what your reason for laughing is: if you can laugh, Daddy must not be fucking you hard enough <3
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eyedovesart · 11 months
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the fact that they end up calling one of their twins duck does not elude me as pretty funny, so. a scenario that also probably happened while picking out baby names...
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trans-opossum · 4 months
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Sooooo there’s this frog man…
(quality is sooo bad please click !)
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fatuismooches · 1 year
💌 anon…NOT talking about dottore??? yes but no he’s always gonna be mentioned bc i have some thoughts
but! it’s childe’s birthday. i think that man would 100% always be bringing his reader home to his parents, and if they were his childhood friend that would be even better 👀 (he definitely was the kind of kid to propose or be like ‘youre def gonna be my spouse in the future :)) u cant date anyone else!!!’ and he takes it SERIOUSLY).
on dottore…there was a trend going around on “fanart trope of you meeting your partners younger self” and we technically already have that with fragile reader! probably holding tiny zandy in their hands and clutching him close to read him something (to help keep their development sharp!) unless it gets painful but…dottore meeting younger reader (like akademiya reader) and just getting a little sad bc he misses his reader being able to do whatever they wanted freely. Even if that meant he had to get jealous because “how dare they set up reader with another lab partner for this project. theyre *my* lab partner for life” and for life it is :)
- 💌
Ahhh yes 😫😫 Going to see Childe's family has become kind of a tradition for you, you go to them to celebrate the holidays, birthdays, or literally for no special reason at all, etc. Courtesy of Childe who always escorts you on the boat ride there, and is telling you the whole time how excited they are to see you and that they've missed you so much! (You saw them last month)
Omfg childhood friend Childe 💖 THE ANGST + FLUFF POTENTIAL... Going from little kids playing in the snow to when he falls in the Abyss and he starts acting way different and you get kind of pushed away when he joins the Fatui and you think he doesn't like you much anymore/doesn't remember that oath he made as kids...😶 But yea DEFINITELY It's very emphasized how Childe neverrr breaks promises so when he promises that to you, he's being 100% serious and he always fulfills his promises... Dw the Fatui is covering the costs for the wedding! Also consider: Childe + promise rings, I think he'd want to wait to marry you after a lot of the hardcore Fatui stuff dies down just for your safety so he gifts you that ring as a reminder to wait for him 💖💖
NOT U HITTING ME WITH THE DOT FLUFF TO ANGST... 😧 But omg... I can just imagine little Zandy sitting on fragile reader's lap as they read him a story! Well sometimes the story is a lengthy textbook but that's fine since you gotta keep your brain active sometimes!
For story purposes... let's just say an experiment went wrong... and Dottore suddenly sees the familiar grounds of the Akademiya in front of his very eyes, more specifically the library, and most importantly, you. You, who donned the familiar green, gold, and white hues of the Akademiya's uniform. You, who were hanging off a ladder looking for a book on the high shelves like it was no big deal. You, who were smiling and giggling even though you probably had a 20-page essay due before midnight. You, who looked so happy... just like how he remembered you. Ah, how many centuries ago that was. It seems even he must grow weak to time sometimes.
... And then his eyes travel down to some person calling for you. Who the hell is that? Why are you working with someone besides him? And then he thinks, this scene is probably from before he got to know you. But still...
He idly wonders if he killed that pest in the past, but he can't remember because he doesn't care about his irrelevant victims.
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wrylu · 3 months
is it wree loo or wreye loo
you guys can call me anything you want because we are the bestest of friends :]
but yes it's wreye-loo as in.. [starts typing] "using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor."
again you guys can call me what you want— I LOVE FUNKY (NICK)NAMES !!!! <3
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kedsandtubesocks · 4 months
omg what is "uh oh cops" lmao
Lovely Laura hi!!! 💕💖💘 thanks for swinging by to send in an ask!! But also uh - I apologize for what you just unlocked LMAOOO
uh oh cops
oh man this one…very self indulgent and also another 🫣 fic lol
the guy you hit it off with at the bar is so smart and handsome and FUNNY but your time with him gets cut off quick when you have to take your best friend home
Then all those gooey crush emotions go down hill when you have to drop some shit off at your estranged dad’s office at the Laredo police department and look who also works there in narcotics AND under your dad the lieutenant in charge of the division - but mr handsome guy from the bar Javier Peña
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ivomartins · 4 months
Good evening. So I decided to tell you my opinion on HS as a whole. Well we should have stopped at the first one and the sequel lived solely due to pure unfiltered nostalgia and Vicky getting the facelift Kardashian style.
I love that despite our hate for HS2 or HS1 or all HS tbh. We all agree the LI's are the shit.
I think I love HS for the same reason many people liked Harry Potter. It spells "Wasted Potential" it spells "Infinite possibilities we could have explored if the author wasn't a coward-" . Like. I went for Mimi's route on both HS. I am not replaying this mess to see Severus Snape Albino Brother popping up again or the lord most annoying angel (that i had liked a bit in HS1 until a specific scene) or whatever the fuck Karen Haircut is up to(I don't hate her simply because I have experienced the Step-mother IRL. Just like her haircut. She is MID both in mother AND hater) I am not replaying this mess unless it's to count the plot holes.
Anyway. I do love HS and Mimi was the sole reason I even downloaded this app and kept it there. What saves HS is solely the LI's and nothing else.
Oh and my most controversial opinion about HS ? I think the author is homophobic as fuck cause why so many women but we only have 1 wLi and like 7 men with 3 being as spicy as flour.
I mean Austie was RIGHT THERE ! Plague TOO ! Even the fucking Statut. I am so mad. Anyway love your blog have a nice day sorry for the long ass rant.
TL:DR : I love HS for the possibilities and my sugar mommy goth demoness who is totally not just a succubus and the author is homophobic like a solid nat18 on the scale....
Still better then Remy-
hi hi!! thank you for sharing your opinion bb :) <3
i hear you on the LIs being the shit tbh. ngl i also love that despite our love and hate towards it we all still play it and catch up with it every single update HRKWHEKW like. as much as us haters shit on its flaws we still fed into its hype which is so funny to me
the comparison to HP is honestly so spot on i'm actually shook like. ok i Get It now actually
i feel you on the replay tho omg i was also tempted to replay hs1 when i saw a lot of people doing it but then i was like NAH i'm not putting myself through that 😭 especially cause hs2 didn't even feel worth the replay with its sequel-slash-clean-slate vibe
you're so 💯💯💯 about the homophobia though like it's even more glaringly obvious now that we've had some authors actually being inclusive to femme LIs. there's still nowhere near enough equality between the men and the women in 90% of the books though so honestly all of rc needs to step tf up when it comes to that not just alice. i am glad they've improved in that regard a bit but i'm not gonna praise them for it when they don't even meet the bare minimum tbh
AND SHE'S STILL BETTER THAN REMY YES i love our rants ending on the same conclusion <3
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zenkindoflove · 4 months
Hey! This feels a little like an interview lol🤣🩷
7. what scares you the most and why?
11. what do you consider to be romance?
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
28. do you collect anything?
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
7. what scares you the most and why?
-Me or my husband and child dying. For obvious reasons.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
-Romance is whatever makes someone else's heart feel full of love and cherished by the other person. It can appear in many different ways. For me personally, I've never really ascribed to the "love languages" model of compartmentalizing what I like a partner to do for me. As long as its authentic expression, I can find joy in it.
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
-In general I'm very anxious/risk averse and I would say that I don't tend to regret things I haven't done because of that instinct. If I'm scared, it means I don't want to do it haha. But I think one of the things I want to get better about is doing more things alone. Like going to concerts alone. Traveling alone. I have dabbled a bit and there is something very freeing about escaping your current life and just being comfortable with yourself by yourself. (can you tell i'm very introverted?)
28. do you collect anything?
-No, not really. It's more like I get lazy about throwing things away so I have a lot of junk that is repetitive.
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
-Allow myself to be sad for a while. Cry a lot. Watch sad things. And then do some daydreaming escapism to make myself feel better again.
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
-I'm a sucker for good comfort food. Food is about happiness and connecting to others, so I love to make/order some of my favorite dishes or go out to eat with family/friends. Connecting with my friend - fandom or otherwise - always is a great way to cheer me up.
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scooprtroopr · 6 months
slowly catching up on all the tag games, thanks @thecreelhouse 🖤
bookstore au or fisherman au ✷ bartender au or spy au ✷ neighbour au or farm au ✷ wedding planner au or roommate au ✷ billionaire au or mob au ✷ western au or hospital au ✷ rockstar au or bodyguard au ✷ office/coworker au or firefighter au ✷ lumberjack au or deserted island au ✷ fantasy au or soulmates au ✷ modern au or historical au ✷ sex worker au or a/b/o au ✷ bakery au or academic au ✷ pirate au or babysitter au ✷ camp counselor au or werewolf au ✷ coffee shop au or flower shop au ✷ apocalypse au or treasure hunter au ✷ tattoo artist au or single parent au ✷ royalty au or vampire au
here's just an open tag if you see it and wanna do it too 🖤
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bornetoblood · 2 years
Gehrman: Wow, it sure is nice to finally share an intimate moment with you and momentarily escape all the horrors we have made.
Laurence (slowly sliding the comically large syringe back under his bed): Haha! Of course! ☺️
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teamnick · 9 months
for your fic rec ask game: 7, 9, 12? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
hii phoebe <3
7. line from a fic that's haunted you?
"I was strong and I was of good courage; and I was not frightened nor dismayed; for you had been with me wherever I went." from 'We do not lose heart' by Akira @effervescentdragon...I could have chosen any line from this fic, each and everyone of them is just. so so beautiful, so angsty...one of my all-time favorite piarles fics <3
9. a fic that made you cry?
despite being a crybaby, I dont cry very often during fic reading...my heart hurts, or i feel the butterflies, but tears? nah. however! i found proof in our DMs:
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the fic in question is 'When the day is new' from Bel @francophones, post-retirement piarles and yea...that part still makes me so emotional..."He rests his forehead against the back of Charles’s neck, nosing at the sparse grays that Charles hates and Pierre loves" idk i LOVE soulmates in love forever and ever, choosing each other every day, growing old together...also this part: "Pierre admires the way Charles' raw edges have softened with age. The terrain of his body has shifted slightly with every decade of their lives, but he remains just as infuriatingly attractive to Pierre as he was at seventeen, twenty four, thirty. Pierre expects this will always be the case." my heart!!!!!
12. fic you want everyone to study in a literature class?
'Nth' by an anonymous author...this piarles fic is just hauntingly beautiful. magical realism!! greek mythology!! I'm in awe of it all - the descriptions, the dialogues...gorgeous concept and a perfect execution. anon if you're reading this - ily forever and thank you so much for this masterpiece. <333
fic rec ask game
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laurabenanti · 1 year
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tagged by the amazingly awesome @wherepoetsdie (aka elle ❤︎) to make a color palette from this thread with my sun, moon, rising, & venus signs. thank you, bb.
tagging (with zero pressure, as always): @maximilff, @sculien, @singinprincess, @detkatebenson, @connie-rubirosa, @agathadanbury, @safins, @hightowres, @gojosattoru, @nawjoon, @drbrennans, @lordjohnwgrey, @fourteenthofaugust, @userstarling and anyone else who wants to join into the fun :3
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tieronecrush · 7 months
what if i asked you about every single WIP... jk... but what if...
however i would love some crumbs about BNBG because frankie 🥹
we would be here for a long time in order for me to write enough sentences for all of them 😅 but you could ask about them LMAO
here are the crumbs for my baby frankie (again, smut below the cut….this pwp people)
Maybe it’s sexual frustration, maybe it’s pathetic. Maybe it’s the intense fucking craving to replace his need for coke high with a need for an orgasm, but for whatever reason chosen, Frankie finds himself clicking on the comment box with his thumb, typing wildly with one finger. He takes a second to read it for spelling errors before he presses send. Too lost in it all now to care.
Your eyes perk up, smirk growing on your face when you read the influx of chat replies.
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nishihii · 1 year
i really went from trying to talk about multiple characters, storylines and themes in bb and then gave up and now i just talk nonsense about maria
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brother-emperors · 1 year
i just - your two ao3 bookmarks are in supernatural and metal gear? impeccable, flawless taste, no notes, but aye, the horrors -
SHDHGSDHDKJ Y EAH I started watching spn back in 2008 or 2009, I actually have a million more bookmarks on my browser because I was reading spn fic on. livejournal.
speaking of metal gear, borrowing this ask as an opportunity to connect some dots because my god do I think about metal gear constantly
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, and History in Metal Gear Solid V, Amy M. Green
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Rome, Blood, & Power, Gareth C Sampson
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, and History in Metal Gear Solid V, Amy M. Green
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The Deaths of the Republic, Brian Walters
its like. the recurring violence of it all!! the last generations of the roman republic, snake eater/peace walker/phantom pain, none of you ever stood a fucking chance! the rot of military imperialism already doomed you!!!! you are trying to fix a decaying corpse, but the putrid flesh from the limbs is sloughing off in your hands!!! assigning a higher ideal, a fantasy, to the economy of war/imperialism/political violence won't change what it is!! do you think love can bloom on a battlefield? yeah, but it sure as hell won't save any of you! it will make you cannibalize each other**
**love wins for dave and otacon tho
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gojonanami · 11 months
“Is it over now?” WAS SOOOOOO GOOD OH MY GOD. The way you portrayed satoru and suguru? AMAZING. You literally POPPED OFF
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Ahhh thank you!!! I had funneled all my angst into that fic and I feel bad for geto lmao - especially because I have another very sad fic planned for him :)
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