#thank you for asking !!! i feel special 🥺✨️
willowser · 2 years
will!! hello!!! ✨💫 u have many versions of bakugou running around on both of your blogs and i am here to ask—which one is your favorite? god of war bkg? nerd bkg? android(?) bkg? bkg from and you take me the way i am ? the whole world wants to know!! 🎤
shay !! a darling, hello !! 🥺✨️🌱
i. do have so many versions of him, don't i ? ahfejrbbsma i'll tell you one thing, i WILL talk about that man in any situation i can stuff him in LOL it never ends, i fear 😔✌🏼
oh, gosh, my favorite !! 🥺 how do i choose, how do i choose !! 🥺 each of my lil bakugou's have had their spotlight in my brain for far longer than could be considered normal, and i love them all dearly, will always be able to go on and on about them BUT !!
man, i do have to say that right now, i am really into ex husband bkg 🥺 literally days ago, i said it was nerd bkg, but idk !! something about the pining and the yearning and the sorrow and the regret and the still-burning love, it's like 🥺 it just gets to me 🥺 i love to see a man win it all back !! 🥺
nerd bakugou is a real close second though 😩 especially after anon's adult bakugou question !! and the fanart of bakuglasses from joops !! 😩 i wanna shake him around like a ragdoll 🥺 i wanna kiss him stupid 🥺 he's such a dork 🥺
honorable mention is cowboy bkg too, bc my love for him was reignited after another anon question 😔✌🏼 haven't though about him for a hot minute, but. wow. what a handsome man 🥺
do — 🥺 do you have a favorite, shay, my dearest ?? 🥺 i would be so curious to know !!
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landerspaul · 5 months
THROWBACK TIME! As the start of the 2024 tour is approaching, I would like to ask you if there is a moment that made you happy at the 2023 shows you've attended? 💌
Hey sweety, thank you! 💗ヽ(´꒳`✿) omg I really love this question! It's always wonderful to reminisce about two special days that I will carry in my heart forever!
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( ु⁎ᴗ_ᴗ⁎)ु.。Ok so, I attended the two concerts in Bern. In addition to fulfilling my dream of finally seeing them from the front row, I also ended up on the fancam. ✨️◝(✧▽✧)◜✨️
I love watching fancam moments and honestly... I expected anything in my life but to see myself on that screen! 😹 I was so surprised! Neither my friend nor I were filming so imagine my joy when I happened to find the footage on youtube around one month later! Thanks to a fan who decided to film the whole concert?! 😱 So yeah, I'm very grateful for that 🥺🤲🏻❤️ When I think back on it still makes me feel bubbly and joyful! (●°U°●)​
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bluelolblue · 2 months
short ficlet of the d’antonio siblings killing a politician to gain more power of a territory perhaps🥺 (lmao i was feeling silly)
This is so silly I AHAHAH you can tell by the title LMAOO 😭
Okay but this was actually so fun to write! It's literally Santino and Gianna being siblings and John just having to put up with them AHAH
I got carried away with it, too! I love D'Antonio siblings, they're so ✨️silly✨️
Thank you for this prompt! I really hope you'll like it! :D
☆ Special thanks to @mrssimply for beta reading! ☆
The Rocket Team
Everything seemed to be going as planned. The D'Antonio siblings got what they wanted without breaking a sweat.
There was just one more thing missing for them to be fully satisfied.
“It was our pleasure doing business with you, Sir,” Gianna said with a smile, shaking hands with their ally from the 'Ndrangheta.
The man was from the mafia initially, but he’d been part of a grand plan from the criminal syndicate to infiltrate the Italian government further, and now held an interesting position of power… That the D’Antonios siblings were interested in ”sharing”.
“The pleasure is mine, Signora,” The allied boss said, kissing Gianna's hand in what was supposed to be a gentleman gesture. The guy was old and nasty, Gianna just kinda laughed it off nervously and Santino frowned.
They both had to wait just a little longer.
Santino shaked hands with him, too, going with Gianna's act. Just smile and nod, pretend to play their game. Drug trafficking was the easiest option for their plan, 'Ndrangheta had always been their ally with drugs and their territory would allow Camorra to have more power and control over trafficking.
“Everything will be delivered tomorrow like we agreed. We're always looking forward to working with your family,” The boss said, standing proudly, glancing from Gianna to Santino.
“Excellent, we will be expecting it,” Santino nodded in agreement. “Hopefully, it'll be on time.”
Santino was trying to buy some more time for John to aim a perfect shot at the guy's head. John was on a balcony further away from them, having his sniper rifle ready. He was just waiting for Santino's signal.
“I'll make sure it is. You have nothing to worry about.”
It was just a matter of time. He was getting on their nerves, they had to hurry.
“We will be in contact tomorrow, then,” Gianna said, stepping back a little. That was a sign for Santino.
He looked over at John's position and nodded, the guy was just too focused on Gianna, he didn't notice Santino's gesture.
John reacted immediately, blowing up the guy's head as he was ordered. Blood splattered over Gianna's and Santino's clothes and faces, everyone around them panicked.
That was another part of the plan. Fake being scared.
Santino gently pulled Gianna back by her shoulders, letting the politician's men search for the attacker.
He looked to where John was supposed to be, he was gone. Good, because the security was suspicious of them.
“You two are not leaving yet,” a bodyguard approached them.
“What makes you say that?” Santino pulled out his gun and shot the guy in the head, there was no other option other than to kill him.
“Idiota! They're going to come after us now!” Gianna scolded him, knowing her brother wanted to show off his skills.
“Relax, no one saw that,” Santino waved his gun playfully. Gianna rolled her eyes and tugged on his hand for him to run.
Yes, no one noticed that but a boss of 'Ndrangheta got killed while talking with them. Of course that was suspicious.
They both managed to run out from the back entrance, watching how more men got their heads blown up. John was clearing out a path for them.
Gianna tried to quickly scan through the area to see where he was, but he was nowhere to be seen. The only thing the siblings could hear was gunshots coming from the darkness.
“Will this start a war between Camorra and 'Ndrangheta?” Santino asked, taking a breather when they got to the car where they're going to meet John.
“Let's hope not. They know better, they wouldn't dare,” Gianna replied, glancing around, trying to see if anyone followed them.
Santino chuckled, leaning against the car.
“We could kill them personally, then.” Ever since Santino got skilled enough to use weapons, he really wanted to actually use them on people. “You know, I have that grenade launcher.”
“Yes, I know,” Gianna said in slight annoyance, “Don't even think about using it.” She could read him easily.
“Too bad. I want to try it out,” Santino sighed dramatically. “I mean, I could just blow up one of their houses, not all-”
He was cut off by Gianna shooting a guy that tried to sneak behind him. More blood splattered over their clothes. Expensive clothes.
Santino turned around to see the body, stepping back closer to his sister.
“You still have a lot to learn,” Gianna lowered her gun.
“It's not like I could see behind my back, but thank you” Santino huffed, checking out his suit, whipping off some blood on his face. “We're both covered in blood.”
“Yes, and I don’t have anything to clean it off my face,” Gianna complained.
Santino hummed, thinking for a few seconds before he remembered he had a handkerchief in his suit pocket.
“Here, this could help,” he handed it to her.
Gianna smiled faintly at him and took it, wiping off the blood.
“Thank you. You're surprisingly agreeable today,” she joked a little, but there was some truth in that. He was indeed acting good today, sticking to the plan and actually listening to her.
“I'm taking that as a compliment,” Santino said, taking the handkerchief back. He managed to wipe some blood off his face.
No more gunshots could be heard, someone probably gave orders to stop. It was quiet, only a few people shouting in Italian in the distance.
Santino reached into his pocket for cigarettes.
“I thought you said you'd quit,” Gianna reminded him.
“I know. Just the whole adrenaline feeling… this helps me calm down,” Santino explained, lightening up a cigarette. “Want one?” He offered.
Gianna glanced over at the cigarette and accepted. She has better control over that than him. The D'Antonio siblings shared similarities in their actions, smoking being one of them.
It wasn't Gianna's preferred brand, she prefered lighter cigarettes. These were a bit heavy, more to Santino's taste.
Covered in blood and smoking at night, gunpowder scent in the air along with the smoke of their cigarettes, waiting for the Boogeyman to return.
“Ah, there you are,” Gianna said, finishing her smoke just as John returned. “You did a good job, John.”
John glanced at the siblings, adjusting his bag with weapons over his shoulder.
“They retreated. It was too risky for them and they understood the warning,” John explained what he had heard and seen. It was indeed too risky to go against Camorra, it was just better to give them what they wanted.
“Good. So, we're also getting the territory.” Santino threw the finished cigarette on the floor, stepping on it. “I told you John was the best man for this work,” he looked over at his sister with a smirk.
“Alright, you were right. Don't brag about it the whole night,” Gianna sighed. Knowing him, he’s going to brag about it.
Santino chuckled, “I think I deserve some credit because we wouldn't be here if you didn't listen to my idea.” It was his idea indeed, Gianna just came up with the whole plan.
“Tell that to our father, maybe this time he will listen to you,” Gianna said, maybe a bit harshly. Santino was about to snap back at her when John cut him off.
“Well, we should get going before they change their minds.” John decided to step between the siblings, stopping their little argument. “You both are covered in blood as well, if you, um… didn't notice.” He pointed.
The D'Antonio siblings completely forgot about their clothes being coated with blood.
“Yes, it's disgusting, let's just get back,” Gianna agreed with John.
John opened the car door for Gianna, offering his hand. He was such a gentleman.
“I thought you liked me being covered in blood,” Santino winked at John playfully. Gianna heard him and sighed in annoyance, leaning against her elbow against the window.
“Just get in,” John said quietly, keeping the door open for him, too.
Santino sat next to his sister, smiling a little to himself.
“Are you done?” Gianna asked.
“I don't know, we'll see when we get back,” Santino replied, feeling pleased with himself.
“Don't flatter yourself looking like this,” Gianna glanced at him, “Your hair is messy,” she reached to try and fix his hair a little but he moved his head away from her.
“I'm old enough to take care of myself,” Santino muttered.
“Obviously you are,” Gianna murmured. There was a soft tone in her voice this time. After all, he was still her baby brother.
Santino stayed quiet, not looking at her. He wanted to focus on what they achieved tonight. A bigger territory. All thanks to John. It was his idea, he should get more credit. He killed a man, too. All by himself.
Perhaps this time, Signor D'Antonio will be proud of his son. Santino could only hope to be that way.
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fivewholeminutes · 2 months
I'm so thankful to you! 💜🌟
You were one of the first sleep token folk I talked to and you've always been so kind to me and so enthusiastic about anything I've shown you or mentioned, and I cant thank you enough for helping me feel more comfortable in a space that I was new to. I don't always drop into dms but I want you to know that you're one of the first people I like sharing things with when it's ST related. So lots of love to you and the welcoming energy of acceptance you bring. ✨️
Hello, my friend!! 💖 first of all, apologies for taking my time, but i wanted to do something special for you as an answer and i was away from home for a few days and couldn't do that earlier! I hope it didn't stress you out 🥺
Second of all, you are an amazing person and i enjoy our conversations very much. You have no idea how much this ask means to me!! 🫂🫶 so i wanted to do something especially for you and since you have 'glitter' in your username and i am a human magpie, i went overboard with making it extra shiny 🌟🌟🌟
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It's wonky and half of the glitter fell from it before i managed to take photos, but i hope you like it anyway 💖🥺
Bonus peer review under the cut (he thinks that you are loved too):
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writing-whump · 3 months
Hey Sol. It's ☕ anon...
How's everything is going? I remember you mentioned approaching assignments and essay deadlines, hope you are handling them well and not exhausting yourself. 💫
Sorry for being MIA for the last couple weeks. But I was dealing with pretty unpleasant health issues unexpectedly.. I guess all the stress and exhaustion of June are not matching good with vertigo. It caught me pretty bad this time. I'm still trying to recover. (Here's what I've been dealing if you wanna use this bastard illness in your fics one day: relentless dizziness -can't even turn in bed without ur whole world is spinning like crazy-, nausea and vomiting episodes -and dehydration as a result of it-, fainting -if you accidentally move fasty like getting up from bed quickly-, having issues with maintaining balance etc... not the worst thing for sure but it's pretty annoying. And it got me pretty clumsy and slow like a 🐢 lol)
It's also sad because I really miss asking questions about your OCs and read the answers but unfortunately I don't have one today. I hope I'll be able to find ideas soon and continue bothering you 🤭
Anddd one last thing.. what about not a question but a tiny request, this time? Hex and Arnie are my comfort zone.. would you consider write about them sometime? I feel like I really need them. If this is not messing up your writing schedule ofc!
Thank you and lots of love💕 Take care!
Hey, coffee nonny! So glad to hear from you again!
My posting slowed down too because of the June season and all the deadlines. Almost over! Next week will be a little hectic and I got some more essays lined up for July, but it's getting calmer. I was able to take a break this week cause I got my right elbow injured pretty bad by a fall.🙈 So back to writing it is. Very inspired for hurt hands right now.
Oh my god, vertigo sounds horrible! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's a great concept, but really wishing it would stay reserved for sickfics and out of real life. 🥺 Stress and exhaustion triggering it is super brutal. Hope you are feeling better now.🙏💕
Hehe I'm looking forward to any questions you come up with 🤭 but no stress, main thing you are resting. 🍀✨️
Do you have a preference for which one should get the burnt of it?👀 Hector or Arnie?
I have a sort of sick Isaiah with Arnie and Hector there in the works and I was thinking of something with Arnie sick along the line...but let me know if you have special wishes for those two specifically.😇
Lots of love and take care too, hope you feel better soon!
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eyesofshan-if · 2 years
The update was absolutely amazing!!
This is really one of only few stories where I had the urge to save and try every single option that was offered.
The different dynamics with characters all sound super fun and I just can't pick a favorite. Do I annoy the Emperor to liking my Commander, or do I make my MC the best employee fo the month? All the options offered are too tempting!
The sparring session with Hansol was so intense (he's the bestest boy to me and I plan to do his route first so Im maybe a liiittle biased but)! It was so amazingly written, I could really feel the way they were both so evenly matched when I went for the same style of weapon my MC uses and the difference when I went for barehanded combat.
I know it's still too early for romance and I love that this game will be slowburn on that front but I saw some little sprinkles there and there and absolutely loved them. Hansol's look if the Commander beat him? The way his touch lingered at the corner of Commander's lips when they pretended to sleep? I loved it so so much. Like seriously.
You have truly this special way with words that made me kick my legs and giggle when reading some of the paths. Gunwoo is such a cutie that must be treasured forever! And the tiger-chicken Hoseok was just brilliant. Even the more minor characters have such a presence.
Thank you for updating! I hope you're taking care of yourself. I can't wait to see what you come up with next but I'm ready to patiently wait for however needed. Meanwhile I will be replaying and preparing saves for all of the potential ROs haha.
I'm sorry that this got too long, I hope it wasn't too annoying! Have a beautiful day ✨️
i'm really, really happy that you liked it so much!! and i gave you 8 saves for a reason, go ahead and replay to your heart's content!! almost every option leads to a slight difference in text and dynamic, so i hope you have fun slowly exploring <3
i worried that the sparring scenes might be too long, but i'm glad you enjoyed it!! there's a funny scene in the hand to hand combat scenario that i'm not sure if you've gotten, but i had a good laugh writing it. and hansol is indeed very gentle around mc 🥺🥺 the world has been hard on them. he has a soft spot for you whether you see him romantically or not
and long asks/reviews will never be annoying to me!! they're like my bread and butter 😠😠 i would frame them on my wall if i could. thank you for this lovely ask and i hope you have a beautiful day as well!!
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
for me?? this is the first time someone has written something with me in mind;; you have no idea how much this means to me, i'm a lil emotional rn aly you're making me feel so special 😭😭 and i'll never stop telling you sweet things!! you deserve all the love so i'll continue to give you my sincerest feelings 💜💜 and work is going good!! i'm still Big Nervous but i'm determined to do well;; i hope your job searching will be rewarding soon✨️✨️
(oh and cherry if you see this too, since aly is my moonlight, you are now my starlight. it's decided <3)
–vamp anon (sobbing)
yes for youuu ✨ awwh i’m glad i can be the first one to write something for you and that’s so cute that you’re getting emotional ;; okayy don’t stop then i’ll eat up all your compliments 🤲🏼 yay i’m glad work is going good for you and that’s normal to be a little nervous but i’m sure it’ll just be like second nature to you eventually :) thank you i hope so too 💗 and omg you’re so sweet i love that you support cherry and send her sweet asks now 🥺
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eliamartel · 2 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈😁 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifs 🫶 !
Thank you for the ask! 🥺💝
Talking to my friends and my family 💓✨️💝💞
Walking outside in the morning sun ☀️ feasting my eyes on the greenery and the smell of nature. I love the feeling of sun on my skin when the weather is cold
Drawing, dancing - it's very irregular, I try to keep a routine but I can't maintain it. Its always frustrating in the beginning when i start but I'm always surprised by how much I enjoy it
Tumblr/my Tumblr mutuals/asoiaf/hotd fandom/Team green stans/House martell stans/their meta writers 💗💓☀️💞
Listening to the same songs a zillion times
Love romance, comedy, angst and sad/ depressing stories
All fandom people who love the same things and hate the same things as me have a special place in my heart ❤️
I love fanfiction/fanart/gif compilations/fan videos/memes & fan edits
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willowser · 2 years
hi willow i was just perusing ur fic rec you just posted when i saw you mention if he’s a serial killer and of course I decided to re read it for the millionth time and now I wanted to say how much I absolutely adore it so much. The characterization of touya and his development of romantic feelings is just so, so wonderfully well done. I think about those two all the time— it’s just: what are they up to these days? has touya throttled kinjo yet? have they progressed to sleeping in the bed together rather than one on the couch? because they are just so special to me and I want to swaddle your touya in a heated blanket and make him a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream.
oh, oh !! 🥺✨️ thank you so much for sending this in !! i'm so glad you enjoy his characterization !! 🤗💐💕
what are these two up to these days !! let's see !!
warning for just dabi in general, as usual LOL also this got so fucking angsty and a bit sad ?? my b !!
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dabi is — sitting in the dark of your room.
on the bed, looking at the window he's just come through, how the night has followed him in. the clothes he's wearing smell like people, weird as that is to say; not at all like the passion-blah-blah-blah detergent he's become spoiled on.
and you're — not home. before he clambered in, he knew that already, but even a shell of you is better than nothing. preferable, almost, or at least that's what he tells himself.
couple weeks ago, you mentioned seeing a movie together, asked if you should take the night off before your work schedule came out, but dabi thinks that's all a little juvenile, doesn't he? whaddya wanna do? tongue each other in the back row? as if he gives a damn what's popular these days, what everyone's watching or why. not like he's got a ton of time to consume the general media.
but he's still here now. in the absence of you and your passion-blah-blah-blah, picking the lint off your comforter. there's no telling how to work the fucking washing machine; it sings and has a lot of buttons and he's never really watched you put the soap in it, and all he needs is for you to come home and know he's been here 'cause he flooded the place.
still hasn't decided if he's gonna stay the night.
(well, he has, because he always does, but he's at least trying to entertain the prospect of skipping out. for the sake of his ego.)
a huff of laughter slips through his mouth and all his gaps, watching his mirrored image in your vanity. "fucking pussy-whipped, dude."
"oh, touya, don't say that," he raises his voice several octaves, eyes falling closed as he lays back on your bed. sinks into it, really, as if it's trying to swallow him whole. as if he wants it to. "watch your mouth, hm, hm, hm."
and then he laughs for real, because he's fucking stupid.
what do you look like right now, he wonders. how'd you do your makeup today, and if you wore your favorite scrubs or settled for the ones that are a little too big. who've you spoken to. who had the gall to make you laugh. after knowing your nearly every goddamn move for half his life, being in the dark — fucking literally — has him distracted. side-tracked, for the past two days since he's seen you.
you're asking a lot of questions lately. ones he can't answer. things are — moving into place, changing, and they're all preparing for the grand finale.
touya is supposed to be preparing for the end, and instead he has his face pressed into your pillow, trying to scent himself in you so that he'll go unnoticed, just for a little while. really shouldn't even be here because he's got real important lieutenant shit to do, but —
no. because he's fucking pussy-whipped. and he ain't even gotten any yet.
touya wonders if you'll take the night off, when he kills endeavor. if you'll take the week off, when he's killed in turn.
touya wonders who is gonna walk you home that late at night.
fight-or-flight kicks in when the keys sound in the lock, but dabi's preparing for the end, anyway, so he just lays there. watches the amber glow of your living room lamp as it's twisted on, listens to the soft sound of your footfalls and maybe a plastic bag or two. you mutter something to yourself and his lips twitch, and when you stroll into your room, your eyes are on your phone.
when the light flips on, he groans and buries his face, muffled. blinded. "ah, fuck!"
the wavering breath you gasp in has him snorting, and then the knock against the wall has him peeking at you, squinting. you've got a hand over your chest and your phone is face down on the carpet and you look like you've seen a ghost.
right now that metaphor sucks, with everything on his mind.
"touya," you exhale, and his toes curl in his holey socks like a little fucking schoolgirl. "god, you scared me half to death!"
right now that metaphor sucks.
"turn the damn light off," he groans again, "some of us are trying to get some shut eye."
your expression melts down into one he's used to; yeah, it's been two days since he's been around, but he's answered when you called — "just to check" — so you shouldn't be all pissy. a little upset, because that ain't hard to do, but this is the best he can give you, with the time he has left.
even after you flick the light off, he can make out the soft curve of your cheek and it releases him from some shitty, unnamed thing; he wouldn't call it fear or panic or anxiety, but maybe something like it, if he wanted to be honest. and he doesn't.
a little flicker of want comes to life in the pit of his stomach, at the sight of you kneeling on the bed to lay beside him. he's not gonna die without fucking the life out of you, but your touch is making him too jittery tonight. has him on edge, and not the sexy kind.
"well hello stranger," you muse, tucking hair behind his ear before fiddling with one of his hoops. tense as he is, he should probably tell you to cut it out, but — fuck it.
"i'm here to rob you. gimme all your valuables and i'll let you live."
and because you're a fucking — little weirdo, you just tilt your head and crinkle your nose, already grinning. "what if you are my valuable?"
"shut the fuck up," he gripes, back curling like a cat as he faces away from you. the lilt of your laughter drags across his spine like a fine point, making him shiver and itch. "though we were s'pposed to see a movie, or something? not kiss each other's ass."
despite the curtain he's closed in your face, you still scoot closer to him, press your face against his back. "well, i'm sure it's too late now, all the last showings have probably started." you take his silence for disappointment, and are quick to appease. "we can watch something here though, if you'd like."
"i was expecting popcorn."
you snort, "that'll probably hurt your stomach, but i can make some." silence unnerves you again and you poke at his hips. "do you mind facing me?"
dabi does mind — but moments like this are what he'll want to remember. you're so close that his nose bumps yours, but you just smile at him, a little shy, like he hasn't known you your whole goddamn life.
"missed you." gently, your eyes close, like you're so fucking content that you could fall asleep just like this. "i know you can't tell me, but...i hope everything's okay."
and — touya has to fist a hand in your hair and knock his forehead with yours — softly; he's not trying to have any repeat incidents.
"i said i'm here to rob you, now tell me where the money is," he grits, "and maybe i'll even keep you for myself. like a little housepet."
"my wallet's out in the kitchen," you hum, wrapping your hand over his own until his grip loosens. "you can have it, just don't hurt the guy here in my bedroom."
"fuck him," dabi rasps, and you gasp, all dramatics. "i'll torch the idiot."
"then i'll fight you." again with your grinning; you hitch a leg over his waist, like you'll straddle him any moment and — whew. okay, your touch isn't making him that jittery. "you'll have to go through me first."
it's fucking bullshit, how true that is; preparing for the end means letting go, unfurling the hand he's had on you for so long. the very idea has him rolling the two of you over, pressing you firmly into your passion-blah-blah-blah sheets so that you're stuck, with no means to escape. some feral voice inside touya's head reminds him that you're his, because he's fucking earned you. all the waiting and watching he did, how hard he's worked to get you like this; beneath him and laughing and unbothered by the macabre of his hands and lips.
preparing for the end: yeah, he's working on it, but it ain't something he's got time for tonight.
too bad, so sad, but — he's got a movie date.
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shirogane-oushirou · 11 months
RO I HAVE COME BEARING ASKS: 🦊, 🥧, and 🌇 for both Rens and Oshirou please :D
Also, kinda f/ovember-y ask: What are both Ren's favorite thing about you? Like, what do you think they fell in love with first, after meeting you??? 👀✨️✨️✨️
( @verykissablepixels )
YIPPEE!! thank you so much reffie!!! 🥰 i've already answered some for ren, but i'll HAPPILY rant about oushirou for those~!
(answers + art under readmore bc i can't shut up for a SINGLE POST!!! too much juicy lore to chew on here...)
🦊 What kind of cozy animals would you and your f/o be?
oushirou has major red fox energy -- fluffy red hair / fur, extremely mischievous, has a silly vibe while still appearing very graceful, and when around the few people he's comfortable with he'll wag his tail and laugh-squeak in excitement 😭 and yet when he's pushed into a corner he can flip a switch and hold his own in a fight. i'd love to be a cat and cuddle up into his warm fur and feel safe!!! 🥺
🥧 Do you and your f/o bake or cook things for fall?
i don't think oushirou's very used to being in a kitchen... he grew up as a little rich boy, lived in a high school dorm but had his meals given to him (and was an opportunistic gatherer, as seen in the post-valentines-chocolate-hunt event lol), and then became a world-traveling journalist and photographer with little downtime. BUT! he has a sense for good food and starts picking up some skills when he brings back recipes from around the globe and gives me a Taste (tm) of his travels.
so i think if he's around during the fall, he'd want to put together something not commonly eaten here but is seasonal for other places around the world + fairly easy to put together if you're able-bodied, like lamb karahi, peanut stew, or solyanka. i could help with prep, but he'd INSIST on taking care of the rest -- instead, i could spend the cooking time ask him all about the places he'd been since i'd last seen him!
🌇 Describe your perfect fall date/day out with an f/o.
oushirou enjoys going on walks during cooler weather! going through parks, picking up pretty leaves and rocks, holding hands and snuggling close to keep warm, teasing me if a leaf lands in my hair... if we planned to go for a longer walk, he could push me along in a transport chair and i could bring some lunch to eat while we rest at a bench. he'd also enjoy shopping for cool-weather clothes together! maybe something to match each other to connect us while he's gone.
assuming he's already taken me to a number of hole-in-the-wall places in the city, doc!ren and i would rent a car and drive out to someplace more remote for a day or two. maybe a cabin? a place with a nice porch to sit on together, where we can share a blanket and Fucking Chill (especially him. god. his body'll give out on him if he doesn't fully unwind every once in a while...). we may also do the walk-and-a-picnic bit!
with r!ren... i think we'd tend to keep it simple! my family likes to go on short trips during colder months, so while they're out + as his schedule allows, he'd come over and we'd hang out together while i house sit! not TOO different from what we usually do, but the vibe is different... nobody to tiptoe around, freedom to use the kitchen and other main areas without being bothered, cuddling on the porch, no "oh you're going over to HIS place are you? 😉" from nosy family. just... normality. very cuddly normality. (ALSO also he'd like walks. all of my Guys like their walkies i guess ksdfknjsn)
as for both rens' first / most fav thing about me.... i'd say passion? or maybe the "gap moe" between the subdued way i normally present vs when i hear my sleeper agent activation phrase and go Special Interest Mode.
though it plays out differently for both of them -- for doc!ren he's passing through a waiting room and sees my one-winged eagle mask, and for r!ren he's helping me find something in the store and notices the beato keychain on my bag -- our first connection is:
"oh wait. that piece of merch... you're ALSO into this niche piece of queer media that's significantly longer than the fucking bible so few people have read the full thing?? AND you're a flesh and blood person i can talk to face to face??? AAAAAND the fact that you've already mentioned your fav character is [xxxx] during this 5 second convo means you're 99% likely to ALSO be queer like me in an area located in the bible belt????? 😳😳😳" kjadnjn.
that instant switch-flip from quiet politeness to GAY AUTISM-TO-AUTISM COMMUNICATION i think is endearing to them. and when they find out that passion extends into creating and collecting as well? it's Joever. neither realizes just HOW joever it is yet, but i mean... r!ren's willing to IMMEDIATELY help me to my car and hush-hush ask for my contact info (bc who else is into this kind of thing in bumfuck nowhere???), and while doc!ren waffles on it for longer, he eventually does ask if we can completely stop the professional relationship and just be straight up friends with no weird conflicts of interest (he isn't my direct doc but he's part of the team i'm seeing).
tl;dr they can't get enough of my autism swag KJEDN /J /J /J /J
(and i can't get enough of theirs.... 💕💕)
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Howdy Wren!
It's been so long, please know I've been thinking of you and hope you're doing well- my ask box is always open for you to come share things that have made you happy recently and of course to talk about your different f/os and what y'all have been up to :D! Likewise, my DMs are always open for you to chat anytime ✨️💙
I wanted to tell you that recently, I've read a good amount of different Austen books- I've reread Pride & Prejudice, read Persuasion, and am going to try reading Emma soon! What is your favorite book from Austen's works? I think I'm very fond of Pride & Prejudice most but Anne from Persuasion is such an endearing character 🥺!! She reminds me of some of my QPs ;--;
Also, I finally got my hands on a copy of Les Misérables! I wish I could read it with you ;--;! I've been enjoying finally reading about dear Jean (just finished the whole Bienvenue backstory which was also! Very enjoyable!) and am excited to read about Cosette (I hope I get inspired to write more fics about those two and Mercedes sometime soon :'>) and also learn more about your boyo, Combeferre first hand!
I hope this finds you in good health and good cheer!
Tex @tex-treasures
hello tex !! let me say it’s always a joy to receive asks from you, they always make me smile and it makes me feel so special ✨ it’s like a little letter !!
aw, thank you 🥺 the same is true for you !! you’re welcome to stop by anytime. i haven’t been too active recently due to irl and personal things, but i’m starting to feel better, so i do hope to be a little more active here soon ú^ù i do miss it !!
oh my goodness ? i hope you’re enjoying them !! i love the austen stories. pride & prejudice is my favourite, definitely !!! after all, my beloved mr. bingley happens to be from it ( we … might be courting 💕 ) !! however, i do really like persuasion. it’s such a sweet story. the 2007 film made me cry, in a good way !! i definitely recommend watching it once you’ve read the book. i do also really like emma, though ! mr. knightley is definitely one of my favourite austen characters. ✨
omg !! good luck with the brick !! i’m so glad you’re getting to really enjoy reading about your man ✨ be careful of when mr. hugo starts talking about mysterious men with incredible strength that definitely aren’t valjean …. because it’s probably valjean 👀😂 . i’m excited for you to properly meet combeferre !! … although, it will be a while until you get there 😂 he doesn’t show up until book four, chapter one ( marius, “a group which barely missed becoming historic” ) , and even once he does show up, he doesn’t .. get much appearance time. i still love him, though, very much !!! and i hope you get to have a fun time properly meeting him and the other amis ✨
this message has certainly given me a smile to receive, and a smile to respond to ✨
i hope you’re doing well !! good vibes are coming your way !! 🌸✨
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hobidreams · 2 years
I'm so happy for you!!! 😭💕 and you were totally surprised awwh!! How are you feeling? Aawwh! Oh i could just imagine you awhh must've been so overwhelmed haha. I mean also, that's a pretty great proposal story, its so cuuute pls?!! Thank you for sharing it here with uuus huhu!
Congraaaaats!! The story is so cuuute, the way he planned it with your first date place and all?? That's so sweet and that's always a good idea haha! And the way he paid to rush the ring?? And the way you actually suggested to walk for a while?? Haha! and the way he finally asked you and how he phrased it, whaaaat isn't that soo cute omg!! He really seems to know you so well 🥺 you two seems really good together awwh, you two deserve to celebrate your love! ❤️
Again, congrats to you two and IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUU!!! 🎉🎉🍾🥺🤗❤️❤️
Also the ring is so beautiful??!! 👀💖 it's so sweet that its an heirloom ring! And your hand looks fab especially with it?? Ugh yes 💅✨️💕💕 haha
Again, Congraaaaats and Im so happy for you, omggggg you're engaged!! and gonna get marrieeeed omggg congraaaats!! 😂💖💖
asdfjlkasfds AHHHHH overall i am so so excited but also kind of like... WHAT?!!? hahaha it feels like too Adult and Mature a life stage for me, especially when my friends are largely single or never actually had any dating experience before. so i feel slightly out of place haha. 
omg YES i literally never expected him to plan it for this long but he said he started thinking about it 6 months ago!!! he always said we were too young to be engaged and what would it change anyway, so he rly got me surprised 🤣🤣🤣 icb he paid to rush the ring tbh. thats the biggest surprise because he hates spending money unnecessarily normally. but i guess he saw proposing on this special date as a necessity 🥺🥺🥺 we got to have dinner after, which was already planned!! i just had no idea it would be an engagement dinner 🤣 but they did give us free champagne 💗
the ring is GORGEOUS. up until the end, i still wasnt sure whether to go with white gold or gold (i think the latter is more popular rn) but im glad i went with white!! now if i can only figure out how to mix metals properly because a lot of my favorite jewelry is gold 🤣 
marriage is still a ways off!!! everything is so so so expensive 😭 so we’re probably looking at 2025, when i finish law school 💗😇
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