#thank you for asking raiden :)
fffrost · 11 months
sir what do you think raiden and kung lao would look like with their hair down kung lao with a bob 10/10
HI ANON I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM WITH THEIR HAIR DOWN. This is the quickest little thing i could make to explain it-
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So my thoughts are: even though Raiden has longer hair energy I think he has the shorter hair of the two. His bun is pretty small and i feel like he'd just enjoy how low maintenance shorter hair is. Therefor: Raiden has shoulder length hair. He usually cuts it shorter, but he doesn't get frequent haircuts and it grows into a sort of awkward shag. (you can also see in my notes that I think he would have a side part- Not super far to the side! just off center- but over time due to him constantly wearing his hair up, it just kinda vanishes and naturally falls back on his head. Thus leading to a middle part later... and looking somewhat awkward whenever he has his hair down) Kung Lao on the other hand- he has longer hair. He doesn't take much care of his hair, and also constantly puts it up. He wears it down more often, though, and he has a middle part. He does have a pretty short ponytail, so I know me giving him longer hair is completely unrealistic. But. I want him to have long hair. That being said, I do often draw his hair varying in lengths, and its extremely likely he would cut it for efficiency. Anyway, here's some more Kung Laos with varying hair lengths. (+a bob like you suggested!)
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helsensm · 7 months
Saw in your tags you have sad explainations for the eating scene? 👀 I'm curious
More like for Kung Lao's eating habits, yes. 😆 I understand that this dialogue was probably written and recorded for funs and giggles, but he sounds almost offended by the fact that Kenshi has some food left on his plate aafGhHH- And I'm a strong believer that there's always an explanation for people's (hence character's) behavior – and I'm sorry, but most of the time it's the childhood trauma. >:D
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So basically it's my last headcanon from this post. Kung Lao doesn't just love to eat - he understands importance of food as a part of our lives and he does not tolerate wasting it. Probably because when he was a kid, his family went through a tough period when they could barely afford enough food. Kung Lao knows the feeling of hunger that makes him stuff anything eatable in the vicinity down his throat, but also his parents most probably drilled into his head the idea to never leave food on a plate. It's a learned behavior.
Also he's a young man and a skilled martial artist who needs his calories 😊 so don't take all of this seriously, I'm just having fun with random headcanons~
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cybernetic-kneesocks · 2 months
what is ur opinion on raiden (he is my bbg)
oh how could i NOT love him. my l’oreal paris child. gender ambiguous creature who absolutely slays (figuratively and literally) on the battlefield. i will cherish him by pressing him into my flower pressing books. also i found it really amusing when i first realised that him and rose were quite literally named after the titanic characters
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Can i get yandere inazuma character of your choice if that okay? Anyway they confessed and unfortunately s/o is already dating the traveler. Like, HELL no ain't no way they can win. This mf beat ei herself and they think they HAVE a CHANCE?! HELL no!!! Hahahah i love to see their reaction lmaooo
And I oop~ This is quite the interesting request. I'll be doing: Heizou and Ei Enjoy~
Warning: Yandere themes, gaslighting/Manipulation, other uncomfortable themes
Note: Aether and Lumine are not explicitly mentioned. This is very spur of the moment, has not been read over, and will not be edited after posting.
Shikanoin Heizou:
"Y/n... I have feelings for you." The confession from the detective was shocking and flattering, but extremely offensive.
He knew that you were in a relationship! He knew that you were not interested in him in the least.
And yet he had said this to you. Despite the genuine way he had said it, how he'd been careful to make sure you felt safe; you didn't trust him. You were shaking with anger, but also something deeper.
"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Heizou clearly noticed this. Nothing went past him, especially when it came to body langauge, tone of voice, and more. He was a trained detective, and a brilliant one.
But despite that, he could not compare to your sweet Traveler. You took a deep breath, giving a soft smile.
"Heizou, I'm honored, really. But I'm afraid that I don't feel the same way that you do about me." You paused to gather your thoughts, noting how his eyes narrowed at the response. You could not keep the hints of abhorrence from your voice as you continued. "You very well know that I am already in a relationship with the traveler. I'm sorry, but unfortunately, I don't love you as I love them."
Heizou smiled sweetly. He understood, of course. Who wouldn't understand? Well, you had assumed he understood. "Y/n, dearest, do you really think that they love you?" Heizou's question was purely innocent.
"What?" you could not keep the bite out of your voice as you glared at him.
"Come on, Y/n, any caring S/O would ensure that they knew where you were before letting you meet a friend- especially one who is a potential threat to them- before letting you leave. But the Traveler didn't, right?" Heizou asked the question as though he was explaining how to count to a two-year-old. As though you were stupid.
"No... they just trust me to take care of myself! Besides, they know you! You wouldn't hurt me, or anyone for that matter!" You found yourself spewing out the words before you could stop yourself. "You're the greatest detective Inazuma has seen!"
"...And yet you don't acknowledge me as such." Heizou sighed, rolling his shoulders. They cracked loudly. "You don't think of me as a threat, and that... was a mistake." Raiden Ei
You shuffled, looking at the woman uncomfortably. "I... I'm honored, Raiden, truly, but..." Before you could finish, the archon cuts you off.
"Ei, please."
"My name. It is Ei." She explains swiftly. "Please call me Ei." The woman has a wide smile gracing her lips, turning the room a bit more light-hearted. You nod, trying to keep your gulp of nervousness from being too obvious. "Are you thirsty, Y/n?"
"No... I'm fine." You answer.
"Then please, give your answer. I am aware that you have budding relations with the Traveler, but surely...?" Her question is left open-ended.
"Ei..." You take a deep breath to settle your nerves. She hums, eyes closed, as though enjoying the way you said her name. "I am truly honored that you feel that way for me, but I'm afraid that I don't feel the same. I really do love the traveler, and they love me back." You pause, noticing her hand twitch. "We have plans to travel this world together, and eventually other worlds with their sibling. Surely you can understand?"
"..." Ei sighs, shaking her head. "I see." She sits back on her throne, looking colder than ever. "It seems that you have been manipulated into believing that this traveler loves you. I will have to fix that. I am sorry that I had not realized sooner, Little Light." The woman's purple eyes fix back on you, who shrinks back in fear.
"It is fortutous that the Traveler is not with you. If I were to face them in a fight again, I would surely lose, and Inazuma would suffer for it. But if they believed that you chose me willingly, then they will move on to Sumeru, not looking back." She waves her hand gracefully, standing up after. "This, too, is a form of eternity."
Hey everyone! Sorry for dipping for so long. I can't guarantee that I'm back, though, because unfortunately for a lot of Mobile Players, we're slowly being choked out of room for Genshin updates, and this problem (as well as my own burn out) had caused me to be unable to play for quite a while.
I even missed the opportunity to pull for Cyno because of this. But I am saving up for Kusinali, because archons are amazing, and also she's absolutely adorable. I also got a C1 Albedo! (I only pulled on his banner once, and he came home that ten pull) No Nilou, though, because her kit is very special and I don't have any built dendro characters. (RIP Collei)
Who're you saving/pulling for this next update? Are you planning on building any characters, or saving most of your materials for future characters?
Thanks for all of the follows, everyone! And thank you especially for the ask, @harukisakisblog!
The reason why I did two charas is because I've recently been building and playing Heizou's event (He is illegally fun wtf) and Ei has had my heart ever since I first learned her backstory.
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Do you have any aro and/or ace headcannons for MK? I’m personally partial to aroace Kitana and I don’t see a lot of headcannons of that type
I have some! For Kitana, I'm conflicted. Mostly because I like Liutana and believe she is genuinely attracted to him. She probably has a lot of conflicted feelings about said attraction though. Shao Kahn did raise her to be emotionally distant, but even without that, she doesn't seem like the type to seek out intimacy. If she were to get in any kind of a relationship the other person would have to initiate it, so I'd keep her in the unlabeled gray area. On the other hand I can't see mk1 Kitana in a relationship 😭 maybe that'll change when she gets more screen time.
Raiden, to me, is sex and romance repulsed. As a god and earthrealm's protector, he doesn't see the point in such things and avoids it when he can. I have a crack headcanon that when he was a young god (around 100 or so and wasn't earthrealm's protector yet) he gagged at a sex god and had to apologize. Fujin has yet to let him live it down. Mk1 Raiden is still sex repulsed but I imagine him to be cupioromantic.
Kung Jin is demiromantic and allosexual. I feel as if he goes out of his way to disconnect the two and distances himself to avoid possibly falling in love and tries to keep non-platonic relationships strictly sexual. (That internalized homophobia is beating his ass 😭 it's okay Jin go get a boyfriend!)
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godbound · 11 months
“Are you always so competitive?”
(reverse! Raiden to Kung Lao!)
The puffs of air came out one after the other, sweat dripped from his brow lightning blue tickling at his fingertips and a brow raised at the other male in front of him.
"Are you always so competitive? It's a good thing, but sometimes it is ok to take a loss."
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
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theelderhazelnut · 11 months
Ombra and Lord Raiden for the alternate ship game!
They’d have a tragic relationship just like their current tragic friendship.
Aesthetically, it’d be like an angel falling in love with the devil.
I mentioned before that when Ombra used to live in the SF station (which was basically Raiden’s choice) she did have some feelings for him, but well, she never confessed it.
Ombra would look so young next to him, so them as a couple would seem kind of weird yet cute?
Basically, their relationship would put Ombra in a cage because in order to be with him she had to put aside her own philosophy and desires.
Also because Raiden would be so overprotective over her.
Ombra would still turn her back to Earthrealm at some point, so in the end, both of them would be left heart broken.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
please do write an essay about wanderer one day i would love to read it <3
i love you. he is so <3 (essay under the cut because im crazy)
scara/wanderer/whatever you want to call him is so interesting to me because like. out of the train wreck that was inazuma, he managed to be one of the only well-written characters. and he wasn't even on the playable roster for that nation. incredible. why was inazuma so bad
in a way, his character actually functions to draw attention to a lot of the problems i personally have with the way ei/raiden and inazuma are written, namely that ei sucks and never sees a single consequence for her actions or even like. tries to fix her mistakes in any tangible way. Scaramouche was her prototype puppet, meant to be a test run for the eventual figurehead for inazuma which would run on unchangeable ideals while ei fucked off to her mind palace forever. he was not actually used for this purpose because ei saw him CRY and decided he wasn't fit to rule a country, and instead of like... idk doing anything RATIONAL with him she was just like ok. i'll let him sleep forever i guess. surely he will not wake up and resent me for this and turn evil. anyway. obviously he wakes up and realizes why mama ei abandoned him. he of course does not take this well. he internalizes the idea that his emotions made him weak and useless from. basically the moment of his conception. his emotional response is the reason he wass essentially abandoned by his mother. (to be fair, it's unclear if ei was aware that he retained consciousness, but still. throwing him out like trash because he had EMOTIONS was fucked up). this sets the stage for the way his mental state deteriorates over the course of the next couple hundred years.
so the poor kid has been abandoned by his mother for feeling things. bad start. but another important piece of this story is that, as per ei's original design for a puppet figurehead of inazuma, scara was essentially built to house her gnosis (essentially the heart of an archon.) since he never actually got used for that purpose, though, he feels as though he is missing a fundamental part of himself. as he wanders inazuma, he feels that lack of a heart harder and harder as he attempts to connect to humans and finds that he can't quite connect with them. (this is what i think of as his 'trying to be human' era) He struggles with the idea of mortality--specifically, a child that he befriends dies prematurely, and scara can't help but view it as a betrayal--"how could he break his promise and leave me behind?" he becomes acutely aware of the fact that he is not quite human and not quite god, but something in between--something that lacks the ability to feel like a human but was too emotional to fulfil its purpose as a god.
mortality and emotional response, to scara, become signs of weakness. he was discarded due to his emotionalness. his human friends' mortality took them from him. he grows to despise and reject both, which kickstarts his 'trying to be a god era,' which is how we've seen him in-game thus far. the thing is, he doesn't REALLY want to be a god. he wants to be loved. he wants validation and respect and family--everything that was taken away from him when ei threw him out, and when his human friends abandoned him. he tried it one way, tried playing pretend as a human, and only found more pain and suffering, so he decides to swing hard in the other direction, developing a superiority complex as a cover-up for his insane abandonment issues. No one can hurt a god. no one can abandon a god. no one can call a god weak. a god doesn't need friends or family or love because a god is all-powerful. he is convinced that if only he can attain true godhood--a gnosis, the item he was created to house, he will FINALLY be happy. and he decides that it doesn't matter how many people he has to hurt to do it.
(btw, throughout this entire time, ei has been in her mind palace being a deadbeat mom and deliberately ignoring the havoc her son is wreaking on the nation SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNING. he even sends a message of introduction to the raiden shogun at some point ("tell her my name is kunikuzushi") which i can only assume was meant to make it back to ei and maybe get her to CARE A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE KID SHE BROKE but she either never recieved it because the raiden shogun sucks equally as hard as she does or she heard it and didn't care. ughhhh.)
anyway. obviously this little insane attempt at attaining godhood does not end well for scara. i cant rewatch that sumeru archon quest cutscene without losing all brain function but you know what i mean. he fucks up. his hubris is his downfall. his attempt to bury his emotions and his humanity in order to ascend to godhood give him far too much confidence, and he loses the battle. nahida takes the gnosis and then fucking immediately gives it back to dottore because she sucks. scara's final attempt at finding some sort of place for himself in the world fails spectacularly and leaves him mentally and physically destroyed.
and in 3.3 he is going to wake up and keep going. and i am so so so so excited. i want to know how he heals. I want to see him reconcile with his humanity and his emotions AND with his origins in godhood, and i think having nahida and the traveler help him do that is gonna be so good if they do it right. i LOVE that they're allowing him to still retain a lot of that selfishness and smugness and attitude that makes him compelling as a villain, while ALSO seemingly letting him reconnect with his humanity and become better. i do still hope he gets to beat the shit out of ei tho
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How about a Raiden petting Pikachu? I think it would look adorable 😊
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OH! He loves electric type because of his own powers! (Fujin not...)
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fffrost · 11 months
i'm love the way you draw kung lao and raiden so much, my guys
AAH! thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying my art ^_^ I have this little raiden thing I've made- basically about a few notes I have for when I draw him! (I'm gonna make one for Kung Lao as well)
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allenvooreef · 7 months
For positive psychology ask! For Raiden: creativity, spirituality
For Alex: vitality, forgiveness
Thank you for asking! <3
CREATIVITY– How do they go about solving problems? What is something they enjoy doing so much that they can lose themselves for hours doing it? Pick an object in your space: would they know what it is, and if not how would they go about figuring it out?
Raiden has a very analytical approach to problems. He knows he's clever and relies on it eagerly. Very cued in to context clues in order to figure out unfamiliar things: what does the environment tell me, what can i gauge from people's behavior etc. I'm pretty confident he'd be able to figure out what a printer is based on the fact that it's in my work space, surrounded by paper and several misprints. Something he can lose himself in for hours is a good book - fiction or non-fiction, doesn't matter. He can also lose track of time listening to someone talk about something they're passionate about.
SPIRITUALITY– Do they connect with things greater than themselves, or do they find it daunting? Do they want to have an impact on the world around them (for better or worse)?
Valuing self-reliance as much as he does, Raiden has purposely stayed away from gods and higher powers. He knows they exist, because their influence is quite present in the world he lives in, but while he is fascinated by magic he would never want to deal with deities for it. Some creatures cannot be outwitted nor fully understood, and that makes them dangerous and best kept at a distance. As for things like fate, destiny or legacy, he has never concerned himself with those concepts much. In stories, yes, but not pertaining to his own life. He fully intended to live his life in the margins, hopping from one identity to the next, never leaving much of a trace at all. Now he finds himself on a path that might actually leave a mark on the world, and I don't think he's allowed himself any time to consider that. And as long as there is still a personal reason for him to be on that path, he conveniently won't have to.
VITALITY– Are they introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? Are they more active or passive? What do they do to stay energetic? (NOTE: introvert does NOT mean they don’t like people, it means they need time alone to regain their energy for social situations).
Alex is an introvert; after dealing with patients all day she enjoys nothing more than retreating into her apartment with a drink and some trash tv. Now she's on a space ship where there's limited opportunities to be fully alone, but now that she's getting comfortable having her crew-mates share her space it's getting easier to share that down time.
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
As someone who has been studying mental health care, Alex probably overestimates her ability to forgive. She can list all the reasons why holding on to anger doesn't serve you and how to learn to let go, and has encouraged many people to do so - especially living in a pretty bleak corporate-run, self-contained environment where there was no real chance of things changing. But now that they've left and there's this whole galaxy of possibility and change in front of her for the first time... if push comes to shove, I think Alex will be surprised to find a whole well of anger and hurt buried neatly in the pit of her stomach. And she might just find that there's some things you don't have to forgive and forget. Some things you have to shatter.
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azuredrg · 10 months
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Am I allowed to ask this about raiden
TUCKS HAIR BEHIND EAR..... i will never pass an opportunity to discuss raiden ezra from critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy xiv online TBH,,,,,, i have a full playlist fuill of songs that make me think of him
probably this. if i'm being honest. i feel silly using vgm from a different game but this is like my 5th raiden overhaul and this song reminds me of him soo much. he is not purposfully based off of raiden (metal gear) (i played mgs after playing ffxiv LOL) but raiden (ffxiv) is very similar ideally to the other one i think... so ig this makes sense.
raiden got his memory wiped with the calamity, like everyone else, and only really remembers that he has a role as Warrior of Light. A lot of his character is not knowing who he even is. you wouldn't guess that with the shit I post though. because being my special guy is above all of that stupid "character development" bullshit.
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grislyintentions · 1 year
I have a question about Ei: do you think she is slightly like Clorinde, in having fought enough times to become able to figure out if someone is fighting with the intent to die? (Asking because I have an entire junkyard of thoughts about Watatsumi & Enkanomiya & Orobashi lore.)
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[TLDR: Absolutely. This is an instinct that can be honed by combatants irl too so for someone who spent an eternity (bah dum ts) fighting, whose culture closely ties in with honouring the will of others who cross blades with her, it is likely Ei can pick up on it as well. Now the long waffle: When you engage in combat for a long period of time (eg: boxing, martial arts, weaponry, and even in competitive sports etc), it becomes a part of your instinct. Once you are actively in the zone, all of your attention is focused around mapping out patterns in the techniques your opponent uses, their tells (what they do before unleashing a specific move), and essentially try to predict what they are about to do in order to successfully counter it. It is more than just a fight. It is a puzzle to be disassembled, tinkered with and refined into your own skillset. This is something Ei excels in: working as a Kagemusha whilst her sister held onto her position as archon, it is likely that Ei has spent almost her entire lifespan in combat. So certainly, she will be able to pick up when someone is holding back or when they are intentionally allowing themselves to get hurt when it was an attack they could have easily parried.
I will also note that with Inazuma, the fact that one could challenge the Shogun with the will of either succeeding, forfeiting or dying for their ideals, is something that is very similar to the process in Fontaine. Like Clorinde, Kujou Sara was the one who is chosen to represent the Shogun's will in a fight (Per tradition seeing as the archon herself would not be on an even playing field with humans). I highly suspect that Ei would have known that Orobashi was holding back or intentionally forcing her hand in slaying them. And she would have been fully intending to investigate why. However, the cataclysmic disaster shifted her focus onto preserving the safety of Inazuma. I think it's very likely that now she's better able to ensure her Shogun counterpart can rule over present day affairs without trouble/with her active supervision, she may be inclined to take up her solo investigations again. Risky biscuits for herself but yknow, per her nature, always ready to sacrifice it all for her nation OTL]
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threnodians · 2 years
Current favorite character in genshin 👀
omg finally a chance to talk about my mvp, qiqi!!! 😊 i was SOOO happy to have her be the first 5-star character i ever got when i wished on my first banner - xiao's banner!!! and i was even more ecstatic when i got her when i first wished on cyno's banner too!!! extremely happy to have her be c1 for sure!!! i definitely use her all the time she never leaves my party!!! ❤️ 💖 💕
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
i warped this image and now it makes me itchy
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pov: me (a fish) being observed by one curious gorilla. to become a snack or just a sight to see. within the coming seconds only i will know the outcome.........
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