#thank you for coming to my tedtalk 🙃
mondayborn · 1 year
Blind Channel advent calendar
Day 21: „The mistletoe“
As Olli was walking the last steps to the Helsinki Ice Hall for their last practice before christmas he still couldn’t believe they were going to be playing that venue soon. Of course it had always been their dream to play there, but to see it actually happening was just…it just didn’t feel real.
There was another thing on his mind though, and that was what his boys were up to right now. He was actually the last one to join the rehersal due to a last minute appointment, and he knew there was probably madness going on inside the venue right now. He also received a text from Joonas telling him to text him when he arrived at the venue, which meant he was probably up to something. Well it was nothing new to him, he knew to always expect the unexpected with either of them.
When Olli walked to their practice area he could see Joonas waiting for him in the doorway.
„Hi Olli“ Joonas greeted him with a smirk on his face, going in for a hug. A hug that Olli of course returned straight away. When they seperated again, Joonas didn’t move out of the doorway, but instead looked at him expectantly with the smirk from before even wider on his face.
„Joonas can we…“ Olli broke of, gesturing for him to move into the room instead.
„Kiss first“ Joonas replied coming closer to Olli instead of moving away from him.
„Have I missed something?“ Olli asked confused but also slightly amused because this was just so Porko.
Instead of answering Joonas pointed up. When Olli spotted what he was pointing at everything made sense and he began to laugh.
„How did that even get here“ he still managed to get out.
„Oh you see our dearest Porko put that up himself this morning before everyone arrived“ Niko chimed into the conversation, coming up behind Joonas and petting him on the shoulder.
„An opportunity I just couldn’t miss“ Joonas said, sounding and looking quite proud of himself.
„Yeah he really did not miss one opportunity with this. Those lips have touched us all“ Aleksi entered the conversation aswell.
„Well everyone but you Olli“ Joonas looked at him in expectation.
„Bisou bisou my dearest Olli“
- 🦋 wearing a santa hat
First of all I am so sorry that this is arriving two days late. I also had a bit of a hard time thinking about what to write for you, but than thought of this when I reread your kiss fics. I hope you like it, or maybe just find it a bit amusing at least. Please let me know though if you dont like it so I can write you another one.
Thank you this is really cute very Joonas 🤲
I have to be honest though the accompanying message made me very uncomfortable. I didn't sign up for whatever this little project is so to me this is very much a gift, something you did because you chose to.
Therefore dear 🦋 wearing a santa hat I would never ever think to:
a) blame you for being late (I didn't even know I was receiving a gift so why should I think this is late?)
b) say I don't like it (that would be crazy ungrateful! no one is entitled to extra fics from you)
People will like your work and people won't but the latter better shut up and say thank you because it's a gift!
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woodsy-hoe · 2 years
guess i’ve entered my crying in the hospital bathroom era 💅🏻✨
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There's a really cool point in this if you will bear with me, okay!
Peter Serafinowicz voices Death in the new audio books and in the new The Amazing Maurice, right? He's kind of like the new official Death in productions now like Christopher Lee was.
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BUT guess what other show he was on that is a complete tonal shift and I didn't even realize it was him? He was The Tick in the Amazon Prime show!!! I absolutely LOVED this show!
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(The bastard hid his britishness)
And now get this!
Sir David Jason played Rincwind in the Colour of Magic adaptation, okay? Well he also played Albert in the Hogfather Adaption!
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There were a few other actors that where in both as well.
My point is:
Actors play in different things and everytime I discover this I get really excited for no reason 🙃.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Got out of customer service and back into childcare which has been sooo much better for sure. But no matter where you go shitty coworkers abound 🙃 we have different rooms for each age group and I've bounced around between them all. In the infants one of the main teachers is an older woman that basically doesn't do shit! She doesn't do the cleaning, or diaper changes, or anything just sits and feeds them or holds them and she's not even there the full day like you're here for 5 hours and can't even do a few things??
Then we have the toddlers and one of the teachers in there is only a highschool freshman. Which isn't necessarily a problem but it definitely shows that he's younger.Hes not good about discipline or teaching the kids good behavior. He doesn't do much except play with them. His younger siblings are in the class and the 1st time I was in there with him he laid down with them during nap time and FELL ASLEEP!!! Nap is a fairly chill time and we can do other stuff but you still need to be awake to watch in case something happens!
Then there's 1 more that in the 16-18 months room sits on the couch area the entire time, when she "disciplines" she's just like "nooo don't do that 😐" without getting up or even hardly looking at the kids. You have to essentially order her to do anything because she can't take initiative to look at what needs to be done and do it. If I'm busy with 1 kid and something is going wrong with the others I had to tell her several times "can you take care of that??"
Childcare is rewarding if you like kids but its a lot of work, we've literally been intrusted with the lives and care of these kids, and if you can't/won't do that then don't work here!!! but ya rant over thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
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miloucomehome · 10 months
I had a "No fear/One fear" moment with VIVANT and the current situation going forward with Nozaki and Nogi. 🙃
The gist of it is that a fan on Twitter compiled all the close moments and all the moments we've seen where Nozaki has come into Nogi's personal space since episode 1 and then added the most recent one in episode 6.
The difference is noticeable. o_o);;
I can't link right now, because I'm on mobile, but for a stressful scene at the surgery waiting area during Jamine's procedure, both of them are sitting further apart than expected (?)*— you could add in that the raid where Nozaki stood outside looking towards the building Nogi was in, too I suppose. Like a growing distance?
*or well, I mean in kdramas for example no one sits close to the other when the Big Wait Outside the Operating Theatre moments happen. But compared to every other moment, it's a bit noticeable.
Anyway! Thank you for coming to my brief NozaNogi Brainrot TedTalk 😇
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celerrie · 2 years
Hello I just wanted to say I am obsessed with curse-breaker! It was so so amazing I had to find your Tumblr and I'm so excited you're writing more ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Your writing is so incredible and descriptive and just sucks me in, it's only a couple chapters but the universe you've created is so tangible and phenomenal and I don't have the words for how much of an impact you made ❤️❤️❤️ Your characterization was so amazing, and I'm especially a huge Wong fan and I'm obsessed with how you wrote him. You mentioned you took some stuff from the Death of Doctor Strange, I'm curious what it was? And would you recommend reading it? No pressure to respond! Thank you again for creating such a beautiful piece of art and sharing it with the world ❤️
Oh my gosh this is the kindest anon ask ever, you've just made my day by sending this in!!! T_T ❤️❤️ Firstly, I'm super happy to hear that you enjoyed Curse-Breaker so much and that it had such an impact on you!! It was something that I really enjoyed writing--it was supposed to be closer to a quarter the size it turned out to be, but it kind of just...got away from me hahaha 😂 Honestly, though, losing myself in the cozy domesticity of the Sanctum Sanctorum and the relationship with Stephen was really nice, so it's great to hear that it was good from your perspective, too!! ❤️❤️❤️ And thank you times a million for the kind words on my writing, too! It's always a huge relief to hear that people think my characterization is on point, especially when I'm writing characters who are so beloved by so many people, like Stephen and Wong. WHICH speaking of Wong: some of my characterization of him is actually what I took from Death of Doctor Strange!! In DoDS, he has this really lovely scene first thing in the comic where Stephen is getting up for the day, ready to take Bats for a walk, and Wong is already downstairs, making coffee and breakfast. He's about to go to his life-drawing class (which I loved SO much for him that yes, I referenced that hahah) and he teases Stephen a little before wishing him well on his "walkies". It's the cutest thing honestly. I really love the idea of Wong being that gentle, warm, always-there-for-you type of friend who's not afraid to go head-to-head with Stephen in banter. Wong is undeniably an incredibly powerful Master of the Mystic Arts in his own right (I have so many thoughts about him as Sorcerer Supreme tbh) but at the same time, he's also a guy who has his own healthy interests and hobbies. Wong is SUPER underrated as a character, as a sorcerer, as a friend, and as husband material. Thank you for coming to my Wong is the Best TedTalk JSJDIFJ Lastly: I would *absolutely* recommend DoDS. If you have Marvel Unlimited, the whole series is available there! The art style is one of my faves in recent comics, you really don't need to have much knowledge of things that previously happened in the comics to follow along (though it does help if you know who Clea is, which I think most of us do by now!), and the story is EXCELLENT. Moderate horror vibes throughout, as would be expected from a Dr. Strange comic, with excellent pacing and characterization. The ending is emotional and unexpected. If you read it, please come into my inbox to scream about it with me. My only complaint about DoDS is actually about its sequel, Strange, because I cannot *stand* how Clea is being characterized in it so far. So there's that 🙃 Thank you again for this lovely ask, anon!! You've really made my whole day ❤️❤️❤️
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galaxysuede · 6 years
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17 Culpepper House
uhhh all you need to know is that a lesbian witch and her alien girlfriend who does Tarot readings live here. thanks for coming to my Tedtalk. This is my second Simblreen Treat weekend 2
• 1 bed / 1 bath
• Please place with MOO!
• if you download please consider reblogging
• thanks to @jools-simming bc their amazing Drifter’s Wonders pack is the CC I primarily used in this build 💃
CC Links: Drifter’s Wonders | Bedframe | Bedding | Fireplace | Practical Magic | TV (creator deleted it, untested alternative 🙃)
GALLERY DOWNLOAD  (must be in game & have CC showing!)
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akria23 · 6 years
Because I know y'all gonna skip my post:
Black America don't need white tears, we need white America (and those in between) to assess their fucking prejudice and antiblackness 🙃
Y'all call this a Tedtalk right - well thank you for coming to mine.
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