#thank you for the asks oh my gosh!
sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Silly fic idea for you:
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates as a half-human half-crow-demon Phantom thief character.
He doesn’t want to steal from Bing-ge, but his System makes him, and naturally Bing-ge ends up obsessed. Bing-ge keeps luring him into traps with shiny things he just can’t help but want!!! Stupid crow impulses. (That he kinda wants to see Binghe again is irrelevant, obviously).
This is SUPER silly. Anon, this is so funny, I feel like I simply have to write this now oh my god. The idea that Bing-ge is confused at first, and he then sees this super handsome half bird-half human-demon thing and is like "man I need to get me more shiny things, I want to keep this fucker". ALSO, (I've heard that) crows are quite intelligent and start leaving presents as a response to getting fed or being given shiny things, so it could also be something where Shen Yuan starts having the urge to give Bing-ge things back after receiving all these shiny things (better if he doesn't recognise most of the traps as traps, mistaking Bing-ge for being a generous demon who doesn't need all of the shiny stuff he takes) and starts giving him shit like rocks and plants and the cool parts of beasts he fights... It also can be silly no matter when in the timeline this happens - it could be during the QJ peak arc where Shen Yuan sneaks around because he wants to see the awesome protagonist up close! The first time he steals something from Bing-ge, it's something super dumb like a particularly shiny rock or a coin that the boy left lying around, and Bing-ge's quickly like "??? The fuck just happened?" so he sets up a trap with the axe he uses for chopping wood (kind of rusty but still useable and particularly shiny). After that, it's chaos of trying to keep Shen Yuan the demon hidden while also stopping him from stealing other shiny things (cultivator's swords and such). Liu Qingge finds Shen Yuan trying to steal one of the swords he was gifted after saving a village and is also like "??? Kill?" It can also be after the Endless Abyss, when Bing-ge is like a demon lord and just has shiny stuff lying around. He throws it out occasionally and one day, while doing this, he notices a certain person swooping in and grabbing one of the shiny things. More antics ensue but I don't want to crash my laptop lmao (Which one would you rather me do, anon? Before the Endless Abyss, or after? Or both??) {part one! Part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven!} [This gorgeous fanart from @slurmdog that's making me go insane here] [More awe inducing fanart from @moonlightobsessions that has made me pass out here]
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
Hello hello!
I come bearing art of what I imagine the post-recovery brothers to look like!
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Thank you for such an amazing fic, can’t lie I did tear up reading it because of how beautifully you write, and it was such a cute ending in general.
Can’t wait to see what you create next (obviously don’t rush yourself or anything though) and I’m sure it’ll be incredible!!
OH MY GOOOOOSH!!!! AHHH!!! it's so beautiful and soft and lovely and i love Leo's smile IT'S AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH 🩵💞💓💖🩵💘
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
kel kel kel!
do you know how to flex? (hehe)
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Uhhh… Oops?
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mintytealfox · 29 days
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LOOOLL AAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW She looks so locked in to listening to him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This is so darn CUTE LOL
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notthesaint · 8 months
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Hiii, I wanted to draw a Winged Nosk dragon for a while. Figured the Winged Nosk person's birthday would be a perfect opportunity to do so.
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one <3
Oh lird.. I just opened tumblr and I suddenly gotten attacked by a weird lookin creecher. HELLO?! HUH, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND I AM SO FLABBERGASTED BY THIS ARTWORK 😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH 🧡🧡🧡
YO YO YO HOLY SHIT. I'm such a SUckER for creepy freaky creecher designs. I AM LOSINV MY MIND OVER THIS ONE
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basketobread · 8 months
I just came across your OC ( ♡she's a cute, btw♡ ), and I honestly loved her and her personality so much I had to do a sketch of her♡♡♡
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Please ignore the messy linework, I was on the bus home, and the bus driver was driving like we all had nine lives(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ have a nice day/night <333
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
your bt fics inspire me so much 💕 i especially love the way you write tommy! i love reading fics from his perspective which are hard to find. sorry to send this anon but i’m shy lmao!
Oh gosh, don't be sorry! Anon is on for the shy folk out there, I'm glad it gives you the space to write in 🥰 I'm so happy you like my BuckTommy fics! Thank you so much for saying this 🥺 Tommy is a character I truly love writing. Some characters just hit you and he did. He's a man who wasn't good in the past. He was terrible partially because of the environment that he was in, partially because of the way he was raised, and most definitely because of his own poor choices.
But he chooses to be better. To be someone he can finally be proud of. To free himself of the restraints placed on him by his father figures, by society, and by himself. He becomes something that makes him happy. Becomes somebody who does better for the people around him. Who can have people's backs even if he hadn't in the past.
And I don't know if he's really there yet. I don't know if he's happy with himself. There's a loneliness to him that sticks so well, that tells me at least that he had never fully given in to being happy. Never knew how to or ever had the expectation that someone would want to make him happy or even the expectation that he could be happy.
But I like letting him live in my stories as he tries to figure that out. I like delving into why he gives those hints. I like helping him grapple with what has to be depression and heavy but necessary introspection on his part.
And while he shouldn't be the main highlight of next season, I do hope he gets moments to show the growth he has had. To show once again that he does have Hen, Chim, Eddie, Bobby, and Buck's back. I hope he finds that family in the people he wasn't sure he could have as family before.
I understand why someone may not like his character. There are reasons not to like him. He was a coward in the past. He did allow patriarchy and white supremacy to prop him up and allowed his fear of how he would be treated to overshadow doing the right thing back then. Even if 9-1-1 has shown that Hen and Chimney have forgiven him and trust him through hanging out with him after work at a bar, the 118 giving him a fun send off when he leaves, and Chimney on several occasions asking for Tommy's help and getting it, I understand that his past can put some people off. And there's a valid critique that more on-screen growth would be helpful in showing just how far Tommy is from the person he once was in the flashbacks.
But I have faith that 9-1-1 will show more of that. And it's clear from the narrative that that's what we're supposed to see in him - a person who's grown from the man who helped perpetuate a toxic work environment.
I feel like I might have veered away from the original ask here a bit, but I don't know. It's like - you take the good and the bad in a character. You take his past and his loneliness and his insecurities, but you also take his deadpan dry gallows humor and his patience and his understanding of how to be that better person he wished he always was.
And you let that blossom in your writing. And the character is all the better for it. I think so, at least. Thank you for loving my fics. Thank you for loving how I write Tommy. It means so much to me that my writing inspires you. You've truly made my day 🥰
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desertfangs · 6 months
How do you think Daniel would realise he had the fire gift, if he ever develops it?
Since I imagine him returning to writing at some point, I think there is a distinct possibility that writer's block or some similar frustration could lead to the paper or computer just bursting into flames 🔥 (thankfully anywhere he stays has a very robust fire suppression system, but now everything is wet 😥)
Oh my god, I am so glad you asked. this!
First, like.. Marius discovering he has the Fire Gift is PEAK COMEDY. You all probably know but in case you forgot this amazing moment, basically Marius is being set upon by two immortals, and he reaches for a lantern hoping to burn them, and then as he's wishing he could set them on fire, one of them bursts into flame! And Marius stares horror-struck, realizing that he made that happen with his mind.
Like, just imagine you don't even know that's possible and suddenly you've set someone on fire with the power of your desire to do so. Incredible!
But I digress.
Our boy Daniel will hopefully get the Fire Gift! Because damn that would save on lighters. And how cool would he feel if he could spark a flame on his finger and light a cigarette that way? He'd do that party trick every chance he got, Armand rolling his eyes behind him and reminding him to try and blend in, while the mortals around think it's just some cool magician's illusion.
I love the idea of him discovering this skill as he's trying desperately to get words on the page (I do think he will get back into writing at some point!) and then the fire alarms go off and the room is soaked. That's an amazing mental image of soggy, downtrodden Daniel, frustrated and then amazed at his own power, only to have it literally washed out immediately.
I do wonder if Daniel tests his powers every so often. I would imagine Marius had him test them after he recovered from his illness, probably taking him out into the jungle to see if he could fly or set a tree on fire, things like that. Out of curiosity, mostly, because both of them probably did wonder. I kind of like to imagine he still occasionally checks to see if he can do things other vampires can do, to kind of see where he stands.
But if he does develop the Fire Gift between these little tests, and he doesn't discover it from the sheer frustration of writer's block--a pain so many of us know all too well--I would love to think it happens during a fight with Armand.
Like they're arguing over something silly, and it escalates, because it always escalates, and Armand is being intentionally obtuse, twisting Daniel's words and acting like him wanting to go to Germany for a concert or something means he doesn't love him anymore, you know how they get. And then suddenly Daniel's rage hits a boiling point and the curtains behind Armand burst into flame. And they're both so stunned that the fight ends and Armand makes him do it again, and then the sprinklers go off or the room fills with fire suppressant and then they're both laughing so hard that they can't breathe. 🔥🔥
That would be so amazing, to be honest.
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I hope this doesn't come across as weird or anything but every time you show up on my dash it makes me so very happy, something about the way you carry yourself just exudes a soft, comfortable joy that really makes my day brighter, kinda similar to when you see strangers just existing and laughing about inside jokes you'll never really know the context of, still, the joy is there, hope u keep being u stranger :') <3<3<3
-a random follower
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This doesn’t come across as weird at all oh my goodness 🥺 This… like. This really genuinely is one of the darned sweetest & kindest messages I’ve ever gotten. Thank you so so much I can’t!! I’m smiling at the screen right now :’D
I want to print out this ask and tuck it away into a safe little box where I can open it & read it & smile at it whenever I want to. Just… AAAAAAA!!! ANON!!! YOU ARE SO KIND!!! This is such a thoughtful & Kind message and it means the world to me. I really genuinely want to print this out.
Thank you so, so much for sending me this :’)) <333333 I’m afraid that words cannot express how touched I am right now, but please know that I will be Thinking about this ask for quite a while. I hope you have such a wonderful day/night <3
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skyloftian-nutcase · 23 days
Hi Lofty!
Like I said, we are really nice and tell you how the boys are doing. Have fun!
Parc Adventure
The Hero of Power was slowly losing his patience. He was walking with the two women and the other Link, but the women were walking so slow he had to stop every few steps to wait for them or risk losing them. And as they still hadn’t told him where they were going, he didn’t want to risk that.
“Why don’t you tell us where we’re going?” He asked for the third time. Mel sighed “I have already told you. We aren’t going anywhere. We’re just going for a walk.” “Yes, you did say that. But where are we going?”
“You know … around,” Nancy’s smile with this statement fooled no one.
“The sun feels nice,” mumbled Shadow, who looked as though his skin had seen no sun for a very long time.
Power let out a frustrated huff, fidgeting with his scarf as he did so. Whatever the girls had planned he hoped they'd just get it over with.
Mel's strange square buzzed and a smile appeared on her face at whatever she saw. Grabbing Nancy's hand they both began moving at a much faster pace, the excitement coming off of them almost palpable in its intensity.
They rounded a couple more blocks and–
“What's that?” Shadow asked, confusion painting his young features.
“This, is a park!” Nancy finished the sentence with a sweeping gesture to the benches and strange, completely foreign structures. “What do you want to try first?”
By that point Shadow had already started climbing the nearest tree and was halfway up the leaf laden branches, Power simply laid on the soft grass, letting the sun warm his face as he adjusted the scarf to a makeshift pillow under his head.
“Guess this will make setting up easy,” stated Mel and she and Nancy began pulling things out of a basket the boys had failed to notice earlier. First came a large blanket, then some smaller blankets, and finally a large array of different foods that needed no silverware.
As if summoned by the smell of food, both heroes suddenly appeared at the picnic spot, Shadow still had some leaves in his hair. “What are you doing?”
Nancy looked at the boys with a big smile on her face. “A picnic.You sit down on the big blanket and eat.”
The heroes exchanged a questioning look and Shadow wondered why they were out here sitting on the ground when they had a table and chairs at home. He shrugged and plopped down on the blanket. It was nice being outside in the sunshine, hearing the birds, sitting under the trees and the food the girls had brought in the basket was delicious.
Shadow stole the last cinnamon roll just as Power wanted to grab it and smiled as the girls started to giggle at the offended look on his face. He took a bite of the pastry and let himself fall backwards onto the soft grass. Maybe the girls were right, this whole picnic thing was really nice.
Ahhhh this made me smile so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Power being all fidgety and impatient haha poor guy doesn’t know how to relax anymore 😂🙃 SHADOW JUST BEING LIKE “the sun is nice” MY POOR BABY AWWW
“Mel’s strange square buzzed” LOL I just love this little detail, don’t worry Power you’ll learn about Sheikah slates when you’re older and then it’ll be close enough 😂
I love that they both just immediately took advantage of the park. Shadow continues to make me melt within adorableness, dashing off to climb a tree. AND POWER JUST GETS TO REST, BLESS
LOL Shadow stealing the last cinnamon roll 🤣 Power couldn’t go on a vacation without some kind of strife happening HA
Y’all are SO SWEET I was excited to learn what adventures they were having today ❤️❤️❤️❤️ AH I can’t thank you two enough 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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silverskye13 · 7 months
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For you!
I'm cackling oh my god. Severe psychological distress indeed bahaha. And Helsknight darling, you are both a masochist and a loser.
Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing :D
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mistinajar · 2 months
on the topic of norway being a forgetful person, imagine norway forgetting that Iceland is staying over the weekend and that he was supposed to pick him up at the airport, and his phone is full of messages from Ice saying "hello?" "Nor??" "where are you????"
norway, after finally seeing the missed messages, casually but frantically rushing to the airport like seven hours late:
“i got lost in a fjord again and the trolls needed me, you know how it is."
ice: "you just forgot, didn’t you?”
norway: "… that depends what you want to answer to be”
ice: “… next time i’m just calling a taxi”
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mckinlily · 8 months
Um, okay this is a loaded question, and if you want to play it safe, you can answer me in DMs, but...I personally feel that there's something wrong about how VLD placed Keith in the lead. In a way, I can see him becoming Black Paladin, but Shiro...it feels more natural to me, it feels right that Shiro is Black Paladin. I'm not into VLD beyond Shiro, Keith's parents, and the Lions personally, but I know someone who loves it and makes good points about Keith as a leader, but something just isn't aligning for me. Maybe it's because Shiro and Keith are two radically different archetypes, and they got swapped when they shouldn't have, I don't know.
I came here because I saw one of your post S2 rewrites, and I appreciated it. So, again, feel free to answer me in DMs (if you have problems DM-ing me, let me know and I'll fix it for you) if you don't mind discussing this with me.
As a final note, I'm not trying to hate any particular character. They're all fine on their own, and I don't want to treat one as worse than the other. I just want to figure out this problem I'm having with Shiro and Keith.
Thank you for reading this, and take care.
You came to the right blog! Because I adore Keith and believe he certainly has qualities that could make him a good leader—and absolutely hate him as the Black Paladin.
The thing I never understood about Voltron fandom debates about who should be the Black Paladin is that they always seem based in the idea that because Shiro is a leader and the Black Paladin, that means the Black Paladin is the ONLY leader on the team.
It is worth noting that that premise was disproven in episode one. It was Allura who made the final call on whether the paladins should run or stay and fight Sendak, and Shiro explicitly bowed to her authority. From then on, Shiro and Allura both lead Team Voltron until the show decided to destroy their characters, accepting influence and trading responsibilities depending on which one of them fit the situation at hand. Typically, Allura functions more in a commander and diplomat role and Shiro is more of a field officer, but they both pick up the lead where needed.
I know you didn't bring up Allura, but I think it is vital she is included in any conversation about leadership in Voltron. She is introduced as THE princess of an entire planet, she has more knowledge and experience of the intergalactic landscape than any of the other characters, she's been set up to be a leader since birth, and she IS the leader of Team Voltron for two whole seasons. Shiro makes it VERY clear he considers her to outrank him.
So the question you have to ask any time you consider replacing Shiro as Black Paladin: why NOT Allura? If the Black Paladin is the "best leader", why are you skipping over the one character already established and thriving in a leadership role? (And then you have to ask yourself if that character being a Black woman has anything do with that.)
Now I do think there are ways narratively you could answer that question. For instance, if you keep the Lions as sentient beings, that means they can make choices—including wrong ones. For instance, for a time when I believed anything might be salvaged after season 3, my head canon for Black choosing Keith was that Keith was the one missing Shiro as intensely and desperately as Black in that moment. Therefore, the choice was not about Keith being "better" but rather them being at the same place emotionally and that allowing the bond. The major problem with the Lion swap in canon is that we're given NO reason for Keith to be Black Paladin besides "plot device said so". Especially when we have Allura right there. It's just bad writing.
(By the way, you don't have to be pro-Black Paladin Allura. There's nuance to be had, and I personally am actually more One True Black Paladin!Shiro. But you can't just dismiss her--a capable and proven leader--from the conversation. Erasing her character is not the answer.)
ANYWAY. Back to Keith. Or rather, leadership on Team Voltron. Thing is, there are many different WAYS to be a leader. We already touched on the differences between Allura and Shiro. Keith does a good job of making split second decisions in battle or calling shots if Shiro is incapacitated or somehow separated. If you're in the middle of a fight, the plan has gone to shit, and the team just got separated, Keith is great at telling people what to do and mobilizing because something needs to get done NOW.
But that's not the only way to lead. Keith, for instance, is terrible at pep talks. He misses a lot of the nuances going on between him and his teammates off the battlefield. He doesn't plan ahead, like, ever. Sure he's great at making up stuff on the fly, but sometimes you need a plan.
But it's not just Keith. For instance, when Shiro, Lance, and Pidge go on the mission to rescue Slav, it's Pidge who calls all the shots. Is that not leadership? Pidge is often the one telling people what they need to do to solve technical problems. She's a center for information, typically the one collecting it, organizing and interrupting it, and then instruction others based on her conclusions. We see her take point on a mission, give orders to her teammates, coordinate efforts, problem solve in real time and relay a new plan in order to navigate unexpected challenges. Why not argue PIDGE should be the leader?
And there's when they freed the Balmera and Hunk took the lead. That mission was more challenging, but I'd argue in that arc, Hunk's leadership mattered less in terms of orders and more in terms of determining what type of team they'd be. Hunk was ADAMANT they free the Balmerans and set a tone for the team where they didn't leave suffering people behind. Hunk set up a moral imperative for the team that they'd be lesser without.
And Lance! There's actually lots to say about Lance and his strengths and types of leadership. But it's easy to point out that Lance is the one initiating fun and team bonding outside of battle. And when you're operating a giant robot held together by emotion connection, that's pretty dang important!
Point is, they're ALL leaders. They all have the capability to take point when needed. We SEE them all take charge at different points of the show.
So what's the Black Paladin then? If Shiro's The Leader then what does that mean? And this is the cool part! Because you know what Shiro is really really good? Know who else to put in charge. He's the one who first acknowledges Allura as an authority because he sees she has knowledge and experience he and the others do not. He selects which paladins to go together on which missions based on their strengths and the situations. He steps back and lets Pidge or Lance or Hunk call the shots if they're in an area of their expertise. Shiro's job isn't to tell people what to do. It's to decide who to put in charge of what and place them in best position for success.
There's another aspect of Shiro's leadership that is supporting his teammates, offering comfort, teaching, and giving the kids something solid they can believe in so they don't have to care the full weight of the war. But like letting others take charge where they shine, Shiro's leadership is all about enabling those he leads. One of my favorite Shiro lines is "It's too dangerous—I'm coming with you." Shiro's goal is never control. He is support. He leads the paladins because he sees the best in them and helps them reach it.
Narratively, also, Shiro is just set up to be the Black Paladin. The parallels between himself and the Black Lion are too obvious. From both being controlled and abused by Zarkon to Shiro's missing arm and Black's mission bayard. It's a kid's show. The symbolism isn't all that subtle. And if that weren't enough, we literally get an entire episode A plot in Space Mall about it where Shiro literally fist fights Zarkon for the Black Lion and in the end, he wins because he makes it clear it's the Black Lion's choice and trust.
Remember when I said the problem with Keith in the Black Lion in canon is that we're never given an explanation beyond "because I said so"? We're shown repeatedly why the Black Lion chooses Shiro. Even before we meet most the Lions, the other paladins themselves choose Shiro as their leader when Lance asks him if they should go through the wormhole. We repeatedly see Shiro seek to understand the Black Lion better, and Black responding. We see the similarities between their situations and backstories. We see them bond.
And I think this is really important because when Shiro is in the Black Lion, it's not about him being "in charge." It's about his relationship with the Black Lion. Yeah, of course, the other paladins are leaders! And they should be! But none of them have Shiro's relationship with the Black Lion. In this narrative, the Black Lion isn't a prize to be won but a relationship to nurture, and Shiro has put in the work for that relationship.
Which is really important because it means the Lions aren't a hierarchy. The Black Paladin is one role, an important role in Voltron, but no more important than any of the others. "The Leader" is not the most important person in the room. Instead, Shiro is a facilitator who enables all the others to perform their roles better.
Also can I just remind everyone just how well the Red Lion fits Keith? The paladin who keeps throwing himself out airlocks get the Lion most likely to go AWOL and fly off to save him. Keith defends his friends and team by attacking first and asking questions later, and Red started destroying a planetary body to get to Keith. The kid with abandonment issues gets the Lion who doesn't hesitate a second to go after him. And even the way they're shown to bond—that it's so physical and based in action rather than words—it's so Keith. I freaking love Keith as the Red Paladin. He gets to be as chaotic and free as he was always meant to be and gets a Lion who meets him every step of the way.
But if you say, no, Keith should be the Black Paladin. Well. What about Red wasn't working? Why was that role not one Keith fit in? Because from my reading of canon, Keith was thriving in Red. He got a secure attachment to his favorite person in the world, he gets the freedom to fly while also being part of something bigger, and he's making friends. It's still in its beginning stages, but he's figuring out how to bond with Lance, Hunk, and Pidge and you get the sense these are a kind of friendships he's never experienced before. But you know what could kill that really fast? Making him The Leader, a position that inherently sets him apart from the rest.
This is actually a problem twice over for Keith because unlike Shiro, who is shown to be given his role voluntarily by everyone around him and repeatedly shows he's earned that trust and respect, Keith is basically thrown into the Plot Device Machine and gets a t-shirt that says YOU'RE THE LEADER NOW. And we never get a reason beyond that.
This is actually my biggest problem season 3 and the Lion Swap. Because as soon as they made that choice, the Lions became a hierarchy. But what other explanation do we have? Keith won Favorite Character status got "prompted" to Black Paladin. But as soon as Black Paladin is a promotion, that makes the other paladin roles inferior. Red becomes the "second in command". So Lance get prompted but can never be equal to Keith. Allura gets the "Training Wheels" Lion/Blue, and they didn't have to write that as a massive demotion, but they sure did anyway. Hunk and Pidge are no longer leaders because they aren't in the "Leader" Lions.
It makes me so mad. One of the things I loved first about Voltron was the message of equality and servant leadership. The idea that a leader (represented by Shiro) is someone who elevates and enables everyone else. A recognition for the more "feminine" types of leadership—nurturing, compassion, emotional support. Which support roles are seen as vital and just as if not more important than being the "boss."
But we only got two seasons of that before they pulled the rug out and said, "Nope. We're returning back to patriarchy." Suddenly the Lions were in a strict chain of command, one character was the boss and the rest were his subordinates. There was a top position and a bottom position, and the characters were all fighting over each other. Perhaps most damningly, the Lion lost all personality and agency and become trophies to symbolize a character's power. And I'm not saying they're an accidental representation of how women are treated in Western media but I MEAN. It's right there.
My response when anyone says "[X] character should be the Black Paladin!" is—Why? Is their connection with the Black Lion deeper than Shiro's? Do they have more in common with Black than Shiro does? What could they achieve or obtain as the Black Paladin that they couldn't where they currently are?
And, though I don't think most of us realize it, the answer to that last one is power. Because we're soaked in patriarchy and a certain portrayal of "leadership (derogatory)" that many fans automatically assumed the Black Paladin HAD to be in control of and have power over the other paladins. So of course you want your favorite character to be the Black Paladin! You don't want your self-insert to be inferior!
But that's all the patriarchy talking. The other paladins are NOT inferior. There is NOT a hierarchy of types of people. Keith doesn't have to have Shiro's role because he's already equal as Keith.
Keiths look different from Shiros, but they're all equal and valuable as they are. Same goes for Lances, Hunks, Pidges, and Alluras. The whole point is they're stronger together. Their differences make them BETTER.
So yeah. Of course, Keith has some good leadership qualities. There's plenty of situations where it only makes sense for him to take the lead. But why on earth does he need to be the Black Paladin to do that? He's already Keith!
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
(Hands you a Senzu Bean) here.
Also, have you met the Sweetheart Clones yet?
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mintytealfox · 9 months
AU where Alice's and Orpheus' roles are swapped. Alice is the one orchestrating the manor games while Orpheus is trying to get to the bottom of his past. Alice taking on the pseudonym Eurydice as a renowned author, while Orpheus is a detective and uses whatever his real name is lol
Alice would hire Norton to work for her, but over time they get more invested in each other working so close together. Either they become an evil duo, or Orpheus convinces Norton and Melly that Alice is a better person and together they work to bring her back to her senses.
oh my GOSHHHHH -BANGS TABLE- They would be such a hardcore BADDIE DUO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Especially if they've been at it for a long time before 'Orpheus' and the crew show up. A BOSS FIGHT AGAINST THAT DUO?? IMAGINNNEEEEEEEE
But I can totally see Norton turning on Alice for her own good honestly. He is all about better futures and fates so when he gets sold on it he is SOLD. Especially if he sees that its a lose-lose, might as well just be him that goes down. I imagine that he puts those he cares about before anything else. If that genuine care and concern is there then that person comes first. ESPECIALLY that she was the one to get him out of poverty and living comfortably then living comfortably WITH her in a close relationship, only part that is missing is morals (constantly lying to himself that 'this is how life has to be to have what he needs, this is what needs to be done to survive. This is what the world is') but I have hope that those morals will return to him when the clock strikes at 'times up' and can do what is needed
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but when those morals kick in, he might not see much of a future for himself.
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revenantghost · 8 months
ahh I saw your tag about the embroidered Woowoo, that's one of the Mythwear messenger bags and there's also a chibi Vash one !!
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(this photo is not mine, from a sold ebay listing)
and I've had this Wolfwood one since 2010 or 2011 and it's seen a lot of use over the years (i've actually repaired it multiple times lol) :
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I've seen photos of a Kuroneko one in the same style as these and I think some other style bags were made by Mythwear with official artwork prints instead of embroidered arts, tho it's harder to find actual photographs of some outside of stock images so it has me wondering if they were ever made for real...
anyways yea just wanted to show u the embroidered woowoo with some lore haha
!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, thank you for blessing me with embroidered Woowoo and his lore, I LOVE him!!!!!!! Vash is also cute, but man. SOmething about Woowoo, I know you know the feeling haha
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