#thank you giveon <3
quintessencewrites · 2 years
ShuRiri x Wakandan!fem!reader
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“Nisale kakuhle zinkosi zenu (Goodbye, your majesties.)” You bow and exit, leaving the Queens in their despair. 
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Warnings: ANGST, explicit language, toxic!Riri, slightly toxic!Shuri...you might cry
Word Count: 2.5k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @remwritess @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12
A/N: Another idea by @k3nn3dyxo, loosely based on the song Vanish by GIVEON. There's so much damn angst in this one, it kind of broke my heart to write. As always though, enjoy <3 Translations are in the text, there are full on sentences in xhosa in this one. Also, just because I never said it before, every character I write for is a black woman. I love us <3 , okay that's all lol
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It had been weeks. That wasn’t an over-exaggeration. The x’s tallied across your calendar were proof. 
Weeks. Three weeks since you and your loves last had a meal together. 
Shuri and Riri lay in bed as you dressed, the smaller girl of the two still soundly sleeping, tucked under the other’s arm. Her highness smiled a beautiful smile at you, one filled with pride and all the adoration in the world. “Have a wonderful day, sthandwa (my love). Go do amazing things.” 
A beautiful grin of your own spread through your cheeks as you bent down to kiss the woman you loved. “Thank you. I will see you two for dinner?”
“Kunjalo, sana (Of course, baby). I can not wait to hear all about your day.”
And off you went, thrill racing through your veins as you left the palace in trek of the school you helped Nakia establish in your home country, one which mirrored her own brilliant institution in Haiti. 
Returning home many hours later, exhaustion adorning your features, you were welcomed by loneliness. The room shared between you and the adjacent queens was empty, as were the kitchen and living quarters. 
“Griot,” your voice echoed the large walls, calling out to the AI that had made its way out of Shuri’s lab and into your living space. 
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Where are my wives?” the question lingered from your lips. 
“Queen Shuri and Queen Riri are currently in the lab. Would you like me to page them for you?”
The heart encapsulated in your chest swelled, knowing that both girls have had a hard time returning to their work since Queen Mother’s death. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull them away from that. 
“No, Griot. Thank you anyways.”
That night, you climbed into bed alone, body no longer able to fight the sleep that draped upon it. 
When you awoke the next morning, your queens were snoring next to you. They’d crawled in at some point in the night and the sandman whisked them to dreamland; neither girl stirred when you left the bed to prepare for another day at the school. 
The abnormality of abandonment that marked the previous day for you and your family soon became routine. One night turned into two and two into 21. Twenty one days since you’d gathered around the table to enjoy a meal with your loves. 
Two weeks since they’d stopped making excuses. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. Work has been fucking crazy, man. I got caught up. Can I make it up to you?” Riri hadn’t even had the decency to leave the lab for the moment it would’ve taken her to stand you up in person. Shuri was in America, sovereign duties unable to go ignored any longer. 
Even without her partner in crime, Riri still found ways to make her lab work more important than her time with you. 
“You can’t take a moment? Let’s have lunch, my love.” You were begging, a pathetic sight had Ri been able to pull her eyes from her project long enough to peer at you through the hologram provided via the beads. 
“Nah, ma. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
Shuri was no better. 
“My Queen, where are you? The children are waiting, anticipating the Black Panther’s arrival.”
“Shit, usana (baby), that was today? Can we reschedule?”
“Can we re - No, Shuri! No, we can’t reschedule. These iingqondo ezincinci (little minds) have been waiting hours, missing lessons, to see their beloved protector. You promised.”
“I’m kind of caught up right now, y/n. Riri and I are about to do a test flight; the Iron Heart suit has to be able to reach speeds greater than Mach 5. We think we’ve got it.”
“Shuri plea-“
“Later, sthandwa (my love). I’ll make it up to you.”
And with that, her beads disconnected, erasing her face full of distracted features and leaving you with an auditorium packed with disappointed young ones. 
14 days ago, they stopped making excuses and empty promises, simply starting to just not showing up, not explaining. 
One week, exactly, since they forgot your birthday. 
It had been a hard year, you were well aware of that, but this day was one that never went by unnoticed by your queens. They spoiled you regularly, but on this day in particular, there was nothing that you couldn’t dream up that they wouldn’t move mountains to get you. 
You begrudgingly spent most of that special day alone this year. ‘They’re planning a surprise.’ you tried to convince yourself. Something so big, they had to spend the day away from you so they wouldn’t spoil it. 
Nakia and all the students at your school had wished you a happy birthday. Okoye granted you a year full of bliss as you aged up. Hell, even Griot spoke up when you arrived home from work, “Happy Birthday, Queen Y/n.” 
The damn AI had blessed your day before your wives had.
7 days later and they still hadn’t. 
You’d been patient; more than really. So when you awoke on the eighth day since your birthday to an empty bed, your thin restraint snapped, kindness fleeing with it.
You were angry, and you had every right to be.
The walk down to the lab was more of a march than a stroll. Rage preceded you, and when the lab doors opened before you, it permeated the space, quickly sucking out the focused atmosphere. 
“Queen Y/n has arrived,” Griot announded, oblivious to the fury preparing to reign down on the other Wakandan rulers. 
“Where are my queens, Griot?” You stood on the entrance platform, eyes scanning the room and coming up short of either girl. 
“Queen Riri is in the lab. Queen Shuri is thirty minutes out from the border, returning as we speak.”
Returning? Shuri had left the country and you weren’t even made aware.
“I’m down here, baby,” Riri’s voice was muffled among the buzz in the room, and you honestly couldn’t take it. 
“Wonke umntu ngaphandle (Everybody out),” your voice boomed. Riri was still struggling to learn the language and Shuri wasn’t here to translate, so you took command of the unfamiliar space. 
All around, the sea of white lab coats stilled, unsure. “Ngoku! (Now!)”
Their hesitations evaporated, and the scientists filed out of every exit in the room, leaving you and a confused Riri. You spotted your girl then, welder’s mask atop her head, slowly placing her tool down as you approached her. 
“Y/n, baby, I don’t have time for lunch today. These modifications have a deadline and-”
“Esihogweni ngomhla wakho wokugqibela (To hell with your deadline).”
Riri took a slight step back at your tone, “You know you’re gonna have to translate baby. I’m not there yet.”
At her retreat, you stepped forward, refusing to let her escape. “To hell with your deadline. My patience had a deadline too, Riri.”
Her guard drops, no longer taking your distraction in her lab as a serious matter. “Y/n, what are you going on about?”
When she raises her hand to drop the mask back onto her face, you scoff. She couldn’t even give you a moment to speak, nor an ounce of respect to hear your words. 
You step in front of her, risking being burned by the tool in her hands and not caring at all. Riri jumps back and switches the device off. “You gonna get yourself hurt, y/n! You know better than that; what the fuck is going on with you?”
“Queen Shuri has arrived,” Griot announces as she steps into the lab, panther suit still on, missing the mask. Her brows raise at the sight of her empty lab as she saunters over to you two.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Shuri questions with a kiss to the side of your head. “Where is everyone?” she asks as she repeats the action on Riri. 
If looks could kill, you and Riri would both be six feet under, neither of you removing your glare from the other. “Ask her,” Riri retorts. “She came in spewing some shit I couldn’t understand and risking her life with tools she don’t know how to handle and shit.” Throwing the tool to the ground, Ri steps closer to you. She’s so close she could kiss you, but the fury emitting from her tells you she won’t. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Shuri grabs Riri’s upper arm, stopping the girl from approaching you any further. With furrowed brows, she speaks. “Sthandwa (my love), what’s going on?”
A deep chuckle filled with rage leaves your body. It’s an ugly sound coming from you, brimming with emotions you don’t usually possess. “This is the most attention I’ve gotten from either of you in weeks.”
“Attention?” Riri cries. “This is about you not getting attention?” She turns to Shuri, “Baby, we don’t have time for this!” Swiveling back to face you and shaking her arm free of the Black Panther’s hold, Riri steps forward to you, an angry finger in your face joining her dangerous words. “You’re not a child, y/n! We don’t have to come running every time you beckon and call.”
“Ri, calm down. Y/n, my love, nceda uqonde (understand, please). This work is important to us. You know that.” Shuri is speaking to you gently while Riri paces back and forth, hands clasped and running over her tight braids. 
“Bast, Shuri, we don’t have time for this,” Riri repeats. 
Shuri raises her hand to silence Riri but then lowers it onto the small of her back, pulling her in close. “Y/n, sthandwa (my love), singakwenza oku kamva? (can we do this later?)”
That’s it. That small movement opened your foolish eyes.
They were a team. Shuri and Riri. The Black Panther and Iron Heart.
And right now, they were teamed up against you. 
The action almost caused you doubt, your brain wracking to think of a way you may be in the wrong. 
You came up with nothing.
“Ungacinga lomtshato uphakathi kwenu nobabini qha (You would think this marriage was only between the two of you.”
Shuri’s head dips and when she looks back at you, sadness is in her gaze. “Ungathethi loo nto, sthandwa (Don’t say that, my love). You don’t mean that.”
Riri’s head is spinning between you two. “What did she say?”
Shuri is hesitant to answer. “Sh-she said that it seems as though our marriage is only between the two of us.”
While Shuri is making the effort to be gracious with your feelings, Riri just isn’t. She laughs, “Are you serious, yo? You go a few days without any affection and you start tripping?”
“Three weeks.”
“What?” Riri asks.
“Three weeks,” you parrot. “It has been three weeks.”
“Quit being dramatic, y/n-” But Ri’s words are silenced when you throw the calendar upon her work station. Across it are little notes marking the important women in you life’s promises that went broken on those important dates. Big, bold x’s mark out those days. 
“Three weeks ago,” you point at the date. “Was the day I started my duties at the school. You missed the grand opening; couldn’t even be bothered to have dinner with me that evening to celebrate. I went to bed alone that night. Have been ever since.”
Shuri’s eyes are wide and full of hurt, having forgotten the vow she made that you on that day. “We haven’t eaten together in three weeks? Haven’t gone to bed together in that long?”
You ignored her questions. Your voice had finally found you and you refused to let it go. “Two weeks ago, Riri, we were supposed to have lunch together. You’ve been blowing me off ever since. You, ubungangamsha bakho (your majesty), promised to bless the school with your presence. You failed to do so, and I spent six hours consoling some very upset children.”
Next came the date with a bold red circle engulfing it. ‘My Birthday!’ the note read. “One week ago,” your voice cracks. “This one is pretty self-explanatory.”
Tears are falling from Shuri’s face. “How could we-”
Riri is belligerent. “Nah, nah. We wouldn’t miss your birthday. We had it all planned out, today’s only-” Her words fail as she pulls out her phone to check, as if she didn’t believe the calendar you placed in front of her. “Shit.”
“Ikaka ngokwenene(Shit indeed). So tell me again, Shuri, how I didn’t mean the words I said before.”
She doesn’t speak, face full of an apology she can’t vocalize. 
Riri isn’t backing down, anger riling her up again. “Hold up, so you been sitting on this shit for three weeks and you wanna come in and hold it over our heads now?”
“Hold it over your heads? Riri, my love, vuma ukuba awulunganga (admit you’re wrong)! It was you, nina nobabini (both of you), who forgot you had another wife to care for, not I!”
“If you’re so forgotten, y/n, why don’t you just leave?”
Her words knock the wind out of you. “Utheni? (What did you say?)” 
Shuri’s words find her again. “Riri, stop-”
“Nah, baby. She’s the forgotten wife, right?” She’s speaking to Shuri, but her eyes are on you. “We haven’t shown her how much we care over these past few years. How much she meant to us. It wasn’t enough for her.”
Readdressing you, Riri asks venumously “It wasn’t enough, was it, y/n? Huh, baby? We weren’t enough for you. So why don’t you go? Disappear? Vanish?”
A panic is rising in Shuri and she pulls Riri’s tiny body back, but the anger and frustration flowing through the small girl’s being strengthen her. “Cwaka, Riri (Silence, Riri.) Let’s cool off usana (baby), you’re going to say something you’ll regret.”
Riri takes no heed to Shuri's words, tears pouring down both girl’s faces, as well as your own. “Go, y/n. Bounce, baby. Find that woman who gives you more than either of us could, and when you do, wish the bitch luck!”
“Riri!” Shuri hisses, but then her attention is on you. Her eyes follow you as your hand moves to pull off your kimoyo beads. She rushes to you, her hand atop yours. “No, no, sthandwa (my love). She didn’t mean it. Yeka, hlala nam (Stop, stay with me.)”
You take the bracelet off anyways and place it in Shuri’s hand. She looks down at it in horror and tries a different tactic, taking your cheek in her hand to wipe your tears. “Umfazi wam, ndiyaxolisa (My wife, I’m sorry). Ndiyacela, ndiyacela, sukuhamba. (Please, please, don’t go.),” whispers from her lips. 
When you reach to remove the wedding ring from your hand, Shuri drops to her knees, begging. Riri even stops her pacing to peer at you with wide eyes, the weight of her words finally hitting her. 
The ring clinks as it lands on the table, a loud sound in the quiet room. “Ndiyahamba (I’ll leave).”
You pull Shuri’s chin into your hands, bringing her teary eyes to meet yours. With a small, sad smile and a quick glance at Riri, whose taking wavering steps toward you, your mouth opens to speak to the two one last time before you retreat. “Nisale kakuhle zinkosi zenu (Goodbye, your majesties.)” You bow and exit, leaving the Queens in their despair. 
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ornii · 2 years
Folie à deux
The Madness of Two,
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2020, The Grammys.
Your feet pattered the limousine floor as you checked your watch, a slight panic in your face. It was the Grammys this night and with your almost meteoric rise to stardom, this is the first time you’ve felt, Anxious about it. You take a deep breath and relax, slowly letting the world fade around you. It always seems so otherworldly.
It all began with posting a few SoundCloud songs, eventually one blew up and it seems your music name began to make the rounds. Taking that opportunity, you released an album under your name and it spread like Wildfire, big Celebes we’re posting snippets on social media and overnight, you somehow took over the world.
Media deals. Record Labels, Advertisers, all were hounding for you. The next big thing, and it seems it all lead to a climax and here you were. Pulling up to the Grammys, you took a few deep breaths and waited for the door to be opened for you, as your chauffeur did, cameras flashed, cheers and screams were all over the place. You put on a smile and head inside to the main foyer, you were greeted by the obvious managers of said Grammys and was Starstruck by those inside, Multi record winning Artists, people who are considered gods. You were standing with somehow. Your awe was cut off by a voice.
“Mr (L/N)?” They ask, you turn around to a woman with a mic, not a reporter but the woman managing the seating.
“I’m glad you made it safe, if it’s okay with you, you’ll be seated next to Ortega.” She said, you raised an eyebrow slightly.
“Brian Ortega? I didnt know he liked the Grammys.” You say and she chuckles.
“No no, Miss Ortega.” She said; which Just confused you even more, you shrugged.
“Uh, Sure.” You say, you began to mingle, trying to keep up appearances as some of the most influential artists Dawned your presence. Ranging from Movie directors like Spielberg, to Multi Grammy winners like Canadas own, Aubrey Graham, better known as Drake. Ten minutes to countdown you reach your seat and relax. Everyone begins to get ready, and your train of though was on what you would say if you would, could possibly win a Grammy.
“Hey.” A Voice draws your attention and you turn to face it, and your eyes laid upon someone that made the world grind to a halt, all you could see were those beautiful eyes, soft skin and a smile that could make the darkest moments in your life shine like a supernova. and it finally dawned on you, you’re Sitting next to, Jenna Ortega. You remember when Iron Man 3 was released in Theaters, and the Vice Presidents daughter that Tony had to save, that was her! And stuck in the middle! It took moments for you to realize the impact She actually had on you.
“O-oh! Hi!” You day, your voice cracking slightly as you try not to get lost in her eyes. She offers a slight handshake and you take it, not really able to speak.
“Jenna.” She says.
“Y-yeah I’ve seen a lot of your movies I—“ you begin, but stop trying not to sound like a fanboy in front of her. She genuinely smiles at her.
“Thanks. I don’t mean to pry but you are working on more music right? With that much talent you can’t stop right?” She says and you nod.
“Anything for you.” You thought, “Shit that’s creepy why did I say that?! JUST BE COOL.” You think and nod.
“Yeah, didnt think I’d get this far, nice to meet someone my age, makes me less anxious.
“I know, feels kind heavy, doesn’t it?” She says, “All these celebs, kinda feels weird being here.” She says awkwardly. And you build up the courage to utter one sentence.
“It should, you deserve to be here.” You say, it actually catches her off guard and she can only smile and say “Thanks.”, genuinely. You two hush as the ceremony begins. It was fairly uneventful, besides You and Tyler the Creator tweeting memes at each other, before the first set of awards were given, and one of the main four was presented. Best New Artist of the Year, it was heavily contested, Alaina Castillo, Summer Walker, Normani, Giveon. You definitely wanted Giveon, Heartbreak anniversary was your jam. As Keke Palmer took the stage she has the envelope and smiles.
“Good luck.” You hear Jenna say from the side and, that boosts your confidence to levels you couldn’t imagine.
“And the Grammy for Best New Artist goes to… Your Very own! (Y/n) (L/n)!” She says and the crowd explodes, the look of shock was on your face, you rose up being congratulated by many, Jenna claps for you as you approach the stage, still stunned. You take the Grammy with a look of sheer luck and disbelief, you stand there at the Mic and just stand there for a moment.
“Uh- Sorry i had no idea I was gonna be here.” You say and they laugh, you shrug it off.
“Well, I suppose I should say something.. first thing is, well it’s been a crazy year, I went from barley making college payments to buying my parents a new house, cars, anything they could ever want and, it’s all thanks to you all.” Your anxiety was soon filled with sadness and cheers began to bellow.
“You all don’t know how much this means to me, thank you. And, god bless you all.” You raise the Grammy to a rousing applause, you return back to your seat and wipe a few tears. But a tissue was handed to you, but none other than Jenna. You two share a smile and keep the Ceremony going, but I hope you didn’t expect just one.
“Song of The Year! Album of The Year! Record of the Year!” After the third one you hear the song play as you head up with the last one and you take it, and you turn to everyone awkwardly.
“Okay i didnt expect to be up here four times.” You say to more laughter, you try to keep it short and sweet. “Seriously this is becoming a bad trend, I’m just some kid from nowhere, and you all believed in me, and I’m so glad you put your trust in me, in us. My team, my family, my fans, these are all for you.” You hold up the fourth Grammy and as usual it was arousing applause.
Nearing the End of the celebration you walk out of the Grammys with Four, FOUR; in your first appearance there. Two under your arms and to in your hands. You attempt to show them all laughing. But before you can continue you turn around to Jeanna who’s taking pictures of her own and motion her over, to take pictures with you, she rolls her eyes sarcastically as the anxiety and fear washed away to golden confidence. You both pose for the pictures and they flash so desperate for a header and they got one.
“(Y/n) (L/n) and Jenna Ortega? What could this mean for the two blossoming stars?”
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k4g3hika · 1 year
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steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve harrington was aloof. one moment he was loving and another he treated you like you were garbage. but at the end of the day, you knew he loved you. even if he was dating ms. perfect, nancy wheeler.
genre: angst
wc: 2.8k
note/warnings: this was based off season one steve! season two, three, or four steve would NEVER. so i warn you now that steve is a major asshole in this, and there is no remorse. there are mentions of sex and cheating. reader is the other woman no matter how much she wants to deny it. also shoutout to giveon for inspiring me to write this ToT. and!! thank you so much to @andvys for rekindling my love for steve harrington!! haha you inspired me to write again <3
tags: fwb, angst with really no comfort, reader and steve are 18+, DNI if you are under 18 please.
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Steve Harrington was…aloof. One moment he was ignoring you, treating you like you were scum and the last thing that mattered to him in the world. Then, there were the times when he adored you. He treated you as if you were the love of his life and worshipped every part of you.
You wished that he acted like the latter every time. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much whenever you saw him prancing around with his picture perfect girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler. Who, he claimed to love to the core, but behind the door you knew that wasn’t true. You heard it from Steve himself.
“Steve…wait,” lightly pushing Steve off of your neck, you stare into his eyes as he bore into yours, “I have a question.”
“Okay, is everything alright honey?” He got up a little, pushing himself to your side instead of right on top of you. What you were about to say took a lot of bravery. It’s been on your mind for the last couple of weeks, but you just couldn’t manage to spit out the words.
“Y-Yeah, everything is great. I just…” you sigh and look at Steve, who was leaning on his elbow as he looked down at you. His touch gave you goosebumps as he brushed it on the little exposed part of your stomach that your shirt couldn’t cover. With moments like these, the intimacy was just too much. You couldn’t handle seeing him ignore you at school and adore you in the privacy of his or your house. The frustration was finally getting to you so you muttered, “Do you like me Steve?”
He scoffs, “well, of course I like you Y/N. I like every part of you-”
“No. I mean, like, do you like-like me?” Your face begins to feel hot. Steve’s eyebrow perked up and his touch along your stomach stopped.
“Yes, Y/N, honey. I like-like you. Why are you asking? We sound like middle-schoolers.”
Relief fills your heart. You couldn’t believe that he actually liked you. But before a smile could grow on your face, you ask him one more question.
“Then…why don’t we date? Like, with a label. If you like me so much,” your eyes drop down, “why are you still with Nancy…” the room got quiet. You could hear Steve’s pause in his breathing, before he exhaled loudly. His silence got you nervous, and you suddenly wanted to leave. You knew you shouldn’t have asked him. Now you’ve gone ahead and ruined everything.
But before you could leave, Steve gets back on top of you and puts his hands behind your neck. His thumbs begin to caress your cheeks. You could feel your heartbeat quicken, as his silence along with his eye-contact was making you nervous.
“Nancy is just…an image. She’s cute y’know. But you?” His lips land on yours for a quick peck. “You’re different. You’re my favourite.” At first, Steve’s kisses all over your face made you giggle and his reply to your question eased your heart.
But now, when you look back, you should’ve left Steve right there and then.
Noise from your phone interrupts your chain of thought. You finally look around your room, realising that you were not in fact at the Harrington residence. And in place of Steve, was your body pillow clutched tight to your chest. Recollecting yourself, you notice that the phone is still ringing, urging you to immediately get up and answer the call.
“Honey.” Your heart stops. Speak of the devil. “Can I pick you up? I miss you.” Looking up at the clock on your bedside table, the time reads out ten o’clock.
“But Stevie, it’s late-”
“I know honey, but I really want to see you,” you hear sighing on the other line, “please?”
You can never say no to Steve. Even if all your friends and family claimed this relationship to be toxic, denying Steve would be like giving up an addiction.
“Great, I’ll pick you up.”
Steve’s BMW pulled up to your house and you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body. It was fall, prompting Hawkins to have this breeze brush through and freeze everyone in the process. He honks the horn, and you pull open your front door and rush to his car.
“Hey honey.”
“Hi Stevie.” You shyly mutter, jumping into the passenger seat and shutting the door behind you. “What’s wrong-”
Almost instinctively, Steve kisses you straight away with a need you’ve never felt from him before. You try to protest, but he just pushes deeper, holding your face and attempting to pry your mouth open with his tongue. Beginning to get uncomfortable, you praise God that Steve finally leans back, looking at your equally swollen lips.
“Steve! What-what are you doing!” He leans back into the driver’s side, pushing his hair back with…was it frustration? “Steve, what’s wrong?”
“C’mon honey, I just wanted to see you. Why don’t you let me kiss you, hm?” You furrow your eyebrows, trying to see any clues in his posture, face, anything really, to see why exactly he was acting like this. Sure, there were times where either of you couldn’t wait to get your hands on each other, but this time it felt different.
Almost like Steve was trying to kiss and forget, like he had a problem weighing on him that he wanted you to erase.
But you cared too much to just be a memory eraser. You wanted to know what was wrong with Steve, and you wanted him to vent to you about it.
Like a couple.
“Steve, tell me what happened-”
“Y/N.” His sternness pulled your words back. “Can you quit asking questions? Jesus, you’re acting like you’re my girlfriend.” Silence ensues the conversation. You were taken aback.
It’s true, you aren’t his girlfriend. But…didn’t he like you? You thought you and Steve were more than this. More than a hello, fuck and bye.
You were, right?
“Listen, come here, ‘kay? Help me feel better and I’ll tell you after. If that makes you happy.” Pausing, your hands clench out of unease. You console yourself, promising that Steve was probably just frustrated and tired. Hopping over to the otherside, you sit yourself onto his lap and look into his eyes.
They looked almost empty, apart from the obvious lust that he had for you. But was there anything else? He said you were his favourite, Steve didn’t like Nancy, he liked you.
Steve pushed his lips onto yours, hands rubbing all over your back and lifting your loungewear. Caressing every part of you, he continued to kiss all over your neck, finding his favourite spot to leave a mark. Your hands gave a slight pull to Steve’s brown curls, emitting a groan from him and him pulling you even closer.
“Love you honey…thank you.”
That’s right. Steve loves you. Not Nancy Wheeler, not any other girl in Hawkins. Steve Harrington loves you.
Now, looking back, you notice that Steve never told you why he was so upset.
You walk up to Hawkins High, holding your textbooks to yourself. Chrissy says something that you don’t really pay attention to, probably something about Jason or cheer practice later that afternoon. The parking lot was filled with students, and even more as the school bus came around and dropped off more kids.
As the both of you came closer to the school, you knew that this was where Steve normally parked his car. Getting giddy, you try to take a peek at the familiar BMW, but in contrast, you see quite an unfamiliar sight.
Steve and Nancy were passionately arguing. Not that they didn’t argue, it was normal for a couple. However, this one seemed more angry, mainly coming from Nancy which was unique. She was the quiet type and usually didn’t get mad. Being nosy and all, you continue to stare in hopes of catching what exactly they were talking about.
“Oh my, is that Steve and Nancy shouting? Is the dream couple finally gonna break?” You hear Chrissy giggle beside you. Your best friend didn’t exactly know what was happening between you and Steve. At the beginning, before his public relationship began, she was made aware of your situation. But as soon as Steve and Nancy were a thing, you kept you and him a secret.
It’s not that you were embarrassed, you just didn’t want to receive criticism for what you were doing.
“Wait, Y/N, is that not your claw clip?” Looking up, you see an object that Nancy was holding in her hand. It seems to be the subject of their argument as Nancy had it in front of her, accusingly pointing it at Steve. Trying to take a closer peek, you see the familiar white clip that had gold lines engraved all over it. It glittered in the Hawkins morning sun and your heart came to a stop.
It was your clip. It must’ve dropped last night when Steve took it out of your hair. You swore you grabbed it, but then when it was missing this morning, you just assumed it was in your closet somewhere! You began to panic, and grab Chrissy’s arm to walk faster towards the school.
Turning around, you make eye contact with Steve. His gaze was low and angry, making your heart jump out of fear. You knew Steve wouldn’t get mad at you, but maybe he was just annoyed that Nancy was screaming at him. In a public parking lot at that.
“Y/N?!? What are you doing?” You walk speedily to your locker, opening it up quickly and stuffing your books inside. “Y/N? What’s the matter with you? You’re scaring me.”
You don’t know why you were feeling so anxious either. But, seeing how Steve was looking at you, it made your knees feel weak and not in a good way. Your arms held onto the books that were on the verge of falling out, shaking. Your arms were shaking.
“Nothing Chrissy! Just…see you at Bio, okay?” Leaving Chrissy in the dust after slamming your locker shut, you made your way to the restroom. Trying to ease your pacing heart, you rub your chest and get in front of the mirror. You know Steve likes you, so shouldn’t you be happy that Nancy found out about the cheating?
Cheating…it wasn’t cheating. You were with Steve way before he began to date Nancy. If anything, she was the other woman.
Oh God, what if Nancy sends whispers around the school about you and Steve. You would be seen as the other woman, even though you most definitely were not. Nancy Wheeler is the other woman.
Suddenly, a smile etches on your face at the realisation of something. Steve and Nancy will surely break up, maybe already have, right? She found another woman’s clip in her boyfriend’s car. That should be the last straw. That means, Steve will finally be yours. And you and Steve will finally go public. This must be a sign. It was meant for your clip to be left in his car, it was for Nancy to finally realise that he didn’t love her.
He loves you.
Later that night, you wait for Steve’s call by the phone. It will come. You know it will. He will call you, say that Nancy and him broke up, and the both of you will finally go public. No more kissing in his car or his room, maybe you can kiss in the hallway, or even at parties. Steve Harrington will finally be in your arms, and you can actually call him your boyfriend.
However, instead of the phone ringing, a knock comes from the front door. You lift your eyebrow, looking down at the phone expecting something else. Maybe Steve wanted to do a surprise visit? He never knocks though…
More knocking came, and you lifted yourself off of your bed, going to the door while pulling on one of Steve’s sweatshirts that he gave to you. When it will be made official, might as well wear something of his right? Since you were going to call him yours and he was going to call you his. The thought made you giggle, and you open the door with joy etched onto your face to meet just the person who you were looking for.
But instead of relief, Steve’s expression was filled with annoyance. His hands were on his hips as he looked at you like a stern parent.
“Steve! You’re here-“
“Are you crazy?” He spat. Your heart came to a stop. “You left your clip in my car last night Y/N. Do you have any sense?”
“What?” You pull open the door more, wanting to pull Steve inside but he stood his ground. “Steve-”
“You know that I have a girlfriend Y/N. How can you leave your shit when you know she’s in there every day! You’re so fucking careless.” Steve heaves, wiping his eyes with his fingers. He really left you speechless, because instead of saying what you wanted to say, you could only stutter. “What, you have nothing to say? Did you want me and Nancy to break up or something? For what, so that you and I can be together?”
You purse your lips and thin them out, fingers coming together to fidget with one another. It felt weird, having what you wanted to happen thrown at your face in a fit of rage.
“God, this was all a mistake. Messing around with you, was a huge mistake!”
“Why are you saying these things? I thought you liked me, Steve.” Muttering your words almost like a whisper, Steve chuckles demeaningly. Your heart continues to hurt, however, you stay and stand in your place, ignoring the ache.
He rolls his eyes, “Y/N, listen, I like you…but for an entirely different reason. Way, way, different from Nancy…
You’re a good fuck.”
You felt your heart shatter. “W-What? What do you mean Steve?” You walk forward, attempting to hold onto his shirt. Trying to find solace in him, Steve responds by stepping back looking almost disgusted with your touch.
Why, why is he doing this to you?
“Trust me, we have fun. But I can never be in a relationship with you. So get that dream out of your head, and don’t leave your crap in my car.” Steve begins to turn around to head towards his car, stepping on the last bits of your heart with every step he takes. But before he finally leaves, Steve spins with one final heart wrenching comment.
“And take that shit off, I better not see you wear that sweater out. If Nancy sees, she might actually break up with me.” He chuckles, “plus, it looks fucking weird on you.”
A sob leaves your lips. Without any guilt or remorse, Steve gets into his car, reversing out of your driveway. You realise that he didn’t even turn off the engine, making you see that he really didn’t give a shit about you enough to think he was going to be here long.
You fought the urge to slide down your doorway. The last thing you wanted was your neighbours to see you helplessly sobbing on your doorstep. Opting instead, to close the door and sit on the floor. Covering your mouth, you cry, wiping your tears off with your sleeve.
You feel your shoulders shake with every sob of anguish that was pulled out from your body. Your hands felt like leaves shaking in the wind like the ones outside in the cool autumn breeze. Everything felt so useless and inside, you felt so helpless.
You were an idiot for thinking that Steve ever liked you, or even ‘loved’ you. But it just seemed too good to be true. All he wanted you for was sex, and it made you feel empty, as if starved from something you thought you had.
But, you couldn’t hate Steve. At the end of the day, you see that it was your own idea of Steve that made you stay.
You saw Nancy’s Steve. The affectionate one that kisses you in front of people and shows you off at parties. The one that takes you out to breakfast and dinner, and cuddles you on the couch.
You failed to see your Steve, who called you past nine o’clock at night, ignored you at school, and made you feel loved, only when no one was looking.
Steve didn’t play Nancy, no, the only fool who was a pawn at his game was you.
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alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - 2023 - Social Media
Pairings: Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn (+Ex!Harry Styles)
Warnings: swearing, some angst in comments(?)
Summary: Harry unexpectedly releases a new album. Fans are shocked. Twitter is in flames. A small restaurant in London becomes a gossip place. New beginning.
Side note: The album is made of songs by Joji, Bruno Major, Giveon and Lewis Capaldi.
Also it was supposed to have a written blurb within, but it already has 3k words. Just let me know if you want to read about Joe listening to the album and the confrontation.
check out this series SM posts! part1 part2 part3 part4 part5
series masterlist feedback
Part based on a message I got from @little-freak-satellite. thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache, hArrysbtch, harryshoee and 19 192 828 others
harrystyles •1133•27192• my new album is OUT AT MIDNIGHT
view all 483 392 comments
harrysmoustache excuse me???? i- speechless
harryupdates another sleepless night, thank you, harry!
ynupdates oh... i have a bad feeling
⤷ ynsmybestie i do too, i hope it's nothing too bad
⤷ ynshands besties.... you think he wrote a whole album for her (again)?
⤷ ynsmybestie probably. look at the artwork. his hand is real and has a shadow. the other one is only a shadow. this person is probably no longer with him, just like yn
⤷ ynshands noooo, im not ready to cry 😓
⤷ ynsmymama i did a quick calculation and, well, 1133 days are 27192 hours, it's about 3 years and a month...
⤷ ynshands youre kidding! the time they were in a relationship is an album title?????
⤷ ynsmybestie oh god, he really hasn't moved on
annetwist ❤️
harryshoee ehmm, are you okay??
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liked by ynupdates hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache, harrysmylife and 10 182 others
harryupdates Like you all know Harry announced today his newest album - 1133 27192. His website also got an update - after it loads on your computer for a split second one of 13 photos is shown. Each photo can be seen only once on an individual IP address. Those photos are the ones that got caught by fans.
1133 27192 out at midnight. Pre-save it on Apple Music and Spotify now!
view all 2 028 comments
ynupdates this is so fucked up... harry, what are you doing...
ynshands he used the photos we've never seen of them???? wtf, harry. wtf
ynsmybestie im ready to fight him. yn just got married two months ago, and had her first baby and he's pulling this shit??? nah, man. not with me those tricks
ynshands im just wondering if there wasn't even one person on his team that said 'Harry, its a little too far' BECAUSE IT IS TOO FUCKING FAR!!!
harrysmoustache well, i cant keep defending you, harry
harryshoee at least these are some nice photos! 😬
user182 isn't that an invasion of privacy?
joeandynfann im wondering what joe's thinking of it
⤷ ynshands this poor man. he's a new dad, has a wonderful wife, and needs to somehow deal with her unrestrained ex
⤷ ynsmybestie i feel so bad for him. if i were him, i would probably not last with yn. he loves her so much 🫠
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
you remember me from Harry's house breakdown? well, the 'numbers' album dropped almost six hours ago and let me tell you... i've listened to it 5 times already, cried my eyes out - im dehydrated. but...this album is just for, about and everything YN so i have to do a breakdown (1)
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16k comments 💬 80k shares 🔃 201k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornorbabe 2h
1. she chose me: it's the easy one - song that didn't make it to Fine Line (Harry's house too). just harry not comprehending how YN could love him. 'Why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen And she chose me' (2)
14k comments 💬 65k shares 🔃 193k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
2. tapestry: through the first listen - this was the song that firstly made me cry. it's basically harry's response to champagne problems (that i BET is a story about how yn rejected his proposals). in champagne problems there is a line 'you'll find the real thing instead, she'll patch up your tapestry that i shread'. and harry's responding yn with 'you'll always be a part of my tapestry' meaning - without you, no one will patch up this tapestry - his life. ALSO it's a second on the album, just like champagne problems is. (3)
17k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
3. nothing: again a song that didn't make it to Fine Line (either Harry's house) 'there is nothing like doing nothing with you' (4)
11k comments 💬 12k shares 🔃 57k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
4. pointless: ehh, this is a song where harry is in denial, i think. he's singing about how well yn and he know, love and cherish each other. 'i'll wait for you, you'll wait for me too' is repeated throughout the whole song until the actual end - when he realises the truth 'of all the things I'm chasing, there's only one I choose, everything is pointless without you'. (5)
15k comments 💬 14k shares 🔃 57k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
5. feeling like the end: i think he wrote this song while being angry, quite blaming yn for what had happened between them 'you used to promise me it would be forever, feeling like the end, don't think it will get better' (6)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
6. unholy matrimony: CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS CONFIRMED! harry did propose to yn, she rejected him - break up. but this song is more or less a hypothetical turn of events if she accepted engagement. 'now i know we'll never know what happens when our love just ain't the same no more' - maybe it would be different if their love stayed the same. 'our love story's ended way too soon, you're supposed to love to the tomb' and also 'love will give you what you need but also take what you don't appreciate' (7)
14k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 62k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
7. before the day is over: i think it made be the first song he wrote after the reality kicked in - yn was not his anymore, he wasn't hers; but he was still hoping she would call, text. 'say something soon, we might lose it all'. and then 'i can't take another day, i could go insane, there's only so much i can take' he deep down knew it was ultimate end, no turning back, no 'saying something soon'. (8)
16k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 61k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
8. die for you: song about harry getting to know about yn and joe being together. 'i heard that you're happy without me, and i hope it's true' 'i hope you're getting everything you needed' when he is 'not the same without your head on my shoulder' 'and it's true i need you here closer'. yn being happy is killing him but 'that's okay 'cause i'd still die for you'. and they're not friends because 'only time we speak is in my dreams' im crying again... (9)
19k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
9. glimpse of us: BE AWARE ! WATERFALL OF TEARS ! harry has/had a new woman, she's perfect but he still wishes it was yn - because 'sometimes when i look into her eyes, and that's where i found a glimpse of us'. he's a dick. because that lovely woman is his rebound. and then this man is crossing a line, ladies, gentleman and non-binary folks - 'maybe one day you'll feel lonely and in his eyes you'll get a glimpse, maybe you'll start slipping slowly and find me again' THE NERVE ?! im so angry but im crying so much as well (10)
21k comments 💬 19k shares 🔃 71k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
10. dissolve: here he knows that it was a dick move in glimpse of us, he sings 'who the hell am I to think you're my angel from above? it's not right' BRAVO, it's not, harry. and then again 'you got the life you always wanted, please don't leave me behind'. he can't stand yn being happy with joe (11)
15k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 64k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
11. heartbreak anniversary: so, after using my math skills i calculated when the heartbreak happened. it was around 3rd of July 2020 - around the same day and month in 2023 yn's pregnancy got revealed. i think (i'm certain) this song is a product of harry getting the news. (12)
13k comments 💬 18k shares 🔃 68k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
12. to let a good thing die: it feels like a warning harry gives us, 'life isn't like a movie, but it sure will make you cry'. it also feels like harry's telling us about what that 'good thing' did to him, he wants to prevent us from that pain. ending the song with 'stop wishing for forever, 'cause nothing ever lasts, if it's keeping you from sleeping wipe the tear from you eye, 'cause sometimes, it's time to let a good thing die.' it's not a healthy advice but harry doesn't know any other, heartbreak consuming him still. (13)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
13. the most beautiful thing: it might be a song where harry's saying that he's over yn. i don't believe it. in 'she chose me' he calls yn 'the most beautiful girl' and here he's singing 'the most beautiful thing that i have never seen'. maybe he wants something new, maybe his over yn, but considering he released 12 songs saying how much he still loves her, i don't buy this 'i'm over you' bullshit, a a (14)
18k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 69k likes ❤️
harrysbtch @iheartharryandyn 1h
i cried so much while listening to this album. and i still haven't stopped listening. he's voice - so heartbroken, hoarse and low???
1k comments 💬 0,4k shares 🔃 3k likes ❤️
joseph my love @joemyman 1h
it's a beautiful album but i feel so sorry for joe, he hasn't got a day in peace since starting a relationship with yn
2k comments 💬 0,9k shares 🔃 5k likes ❤️
yn the queen @ynmyqueenandsaviour 1h
@joemyman i just hope he and yn just haven't listened to it yet and don't plan to. it's really too much to handle, i think. especially with having a little baby under your roof.
2,3k comments 💬 1,1k shares 🔃 5,6k likes ❤️
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache, harrysupdates, ynsmybestie and 8 292 others
joeandynupdates Joe this morning at the London café! The person that took the photo said that Joe was checking his phone constantly, getting visibly upset by something.
Just let me remind you that it's been just about 9 hours since Harry dropped another album about YN.
credit: josephmyman
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ynupdates i hope it wasn't the moment he got the news about the album...
hArrysbtch i still have hope that Harry had contacted YN before releasing the album... i know, i am naive
harrysupdates please tell me no one was bothering this kind human being
⤷ josephmyman so hi! im the one that took the photo. After that, i politely walked up to him to just say hello and literally praise his work. he was soooo kind and lovely, so smily. he refused a photo ('so sorry, love') but propose a hug and to sign something for me. i was more than happy!
⤷ ynsmybestie do you know if him and yn know about the album?
⤷ josephmyman im more than certain. his phone was on the table and from the corner of my eye, i saw IG opened with a post about THAT album. he also smirked at my t-shirt (unfortunately i had a tee with harry's photo with the text 'that's my man' on it)
⤷ ynshands id love to see joe's face 💀
eddiesbaby dad life treating him well, look at this man 🤤
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liked by josephquinn, taylorswift, florencepugh, tchalamet, ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 11 028 383 others
yourinstagram meeting granny and papa for the first time 🩷 (I'm afraid i'm gonna turn into an instagram mum...)
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josephquinn best nannies in the world
⤷ florencepugh excuse me?
⤷ taylorswift excuse me?
⤷ tchalamet excuse me?
⤷ yourbestfriend excuse me?
florencepugh little Mae my love 🥰
tchalamet THAT'S MY GODDAUGHTER!!! 👶
taylorswift look at her holding her head without a problem! she's growing up so quick 😭
⤷ yourinstagram don't, tay. i cried today because she has two times more hair than a few days ago...
ynshands her name is Mae???? it's so beautiful !!!!
⤷ ynsmybestie i think it's a nickname
⤷ ynsmymama what if its Maeve??? it matches and its from Irish mythology that yn likes so much
⤷ hArrysbtch yes!!! i agree! Maeve was a warrior queen!
harrysmoustache look at you being unbothered, Queen behaviour!!!!
harryupdates beautiful family! 😍
harrysmylife i think she still doesn't know about the album...
⤷ joemyman you think joe didn't tell her?
⤷ harrysmylife I mean... if I were joe, i wouldn't tell her
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, ynshands and 28 293 others
There is no information of where it was on who got the photo.
view all 6 293 comments
ynshands what in a matrix just happened?????
ynshands excuse me?????
ynshands im so confused i- WHAT?!
ynshands wtf
harrysmoustache jeixhejisjdjdiis you're kidding!!!!! its not real
hArrysbtch what in the fuck is going on???? is it real? is it photoshop? are the fans lying??? maybe it was someone else? not yn and joe? whaaaaat
joeandynfann this is so random
user492 is this some kind of pr move? why are they meeting in public?
⤷ ynsmybestie i may be wrong but I can't imagine yn inviting harry to her and Joe's home. and neither going to harry's house where they made so many memories
⤷ user492 it makes sense
⤷ user917 but why not some low-key restaurant?
⤷ ynsmymama tmz uploaded a video of them leaving. it's literally some small restaurant outside of London. there were just a few people there.
ynshands i calmed down, do we know more about it??
⤷ ynsmybestie well, apparently it was all about the album. a person that got the photo also recorded them. tmz has it on its website
harrysupdates oh, that's so strange
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liked by harrysmoustache, ynsmybestie and 293 292 others
tmz "Well, it's not only about you. Not everything is. She didn't have a say in it. You did it behind her back. The least you can do now is apologise. And I don't think your proud ass can do that." Those were some of the words that Harry Styles (29) heard from his ex-girlfriend - YN YSN - husband - Joseph Quinn (29). The actor didn't hold back with words towards the pop star and neither did YN - just calmer. To listen to their conversation go to the link in our bio!
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harrysmoustache "You know how much it hurt to have my, our photos out there without permission. You said you felt the same. And now, you're reliving the past. But I'm the only one just off the boat. You betrayed all my trust, even the last strands of it that I've had." Oh man. it feels so wrong to listen to it, buuut tea 🍵 yn said what needed to be said
hArrysbtch "Man, I'm not asking you to do anything for me or because of me. I know you hate me, and if I'm being honest you're not my favourite person on the planet either, but if what you sing and write is true about YN, do it for her. For the last three years, she didn't catch a break. You're everywhere and it's tiring. You're a famous one, so you really can just stop this. For her." JOSEPH YOURE THE MAN I LOVE. LET ME GET ON MY KNEES.
ynsmybestie "Talk with Anne and Gemma. They know you like nobody else, they're there for you. Just, just get better, Harry. All of this is consuming you. You deserve better than still hanging on something that is no longer there." she still cares. she still is giving him advice. 😭
harrysmylife "I really am sorry, YN. Please tell Joseph. I regret, I regret what I did. I know it looks like a PR move. It wasn't. I just was a prick, did it for myself, for private benefit. I'm sorry for affecting you and your family, again. I'm so sorry, darling." HE SLIPPED THE PET NAME. HARRY YOU SIMP, OH GOD
harrysupdates i literally hate the person that recorded them
ynshands does the person that recorded know its illegal???
ynsmymama you're sick for uploading it! it was a private conversation!
⤷user396 they were in public. should've stayed at home.
⤷ ynsmymama just because it was at the restaurant, doesn't mean they had the right to record.
ynshands oh Harry... thank god Joseph is a nobleman and didn't beat your ass up. I wouldn't blame him. I'd beat you up if you were saying all this about MY WIFE
joeandynfann I can't believe im the only one drooling over joe smoking????? he looks so hot
⤷ ynshands it is!! but didn't he quit (because of becoming a dad)?
⤷ joemyman he did say that. maybe because of all the stress he just needed one?
joesupdates also joseph didn't say half of the things that are in your caption. why are you trying to put him in a bad light?
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liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, joesupdates and 2 201 910 others
esquire "They are my whole world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. Being a husband and a father are the best things that happened to me in 2023 or my life. I'm just so happy with having met YN those four years ago. Without her, I really don't know who I'd be." says Joseph Quinn, this year's last front page star. To read the whole article click the link in bio, or buy the paper magazine!
photographed by yourinstagram
styled by yourinstagram
view all 102 392 comments
ynupdates "I don't want to comment on that. It has enough attention, in my mind. I'd just wish it all went differently. Preferably without affecting my wife this badly." I knew that YN wouldn't take that album slightly...
ynshands "My wife is, how can I say it without talking for hours? She's special. Too good for this world. My best friend, my love, the mother of our beautiful daughter. She went through so much the last few years, I still am in awe. She's the strongest woman I know." crying....
ynsmybestie "It's scary to have a child. That little baby's counting on you with their life. It's- it's absolutely terrifying. But seeing her grow so quickly, learn and just be happy with the world is super exciting." Maeve, baby, can I borrow your daddy for a day or two???
joemyman lookin good dad
yourinstagram is he single???
⤷ josephquinn nope. i have a wife, lady.
⤷ yourinstagram damn it!
florencepugh dad life is paying of, joseph
ynsmymama b e a u t i f u l man
harryupdates he's so in love with yn. it's lovely to see!
hArrysbtch happy to see them happy besides all the drama
harrystyles stopped following yourinstagram
you deleted the number: yn🌻
text messages between Harry and Anne
i did it. i'm starting fresh.
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pinksobg · 1 year
Messages that need to be delivered 🌷'
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Pile 1) 5 of cups, The Moon
hello pile one 💞 welcome your reading. after difficult times you are finding yourself again.
"do you have healing energy? I seem to want to vent to you so here it goes: it's been a long journey, I get tired easily, I'm like the little prince. I came from a light feather, I promise I won't get in your way. I like tea, I like to talk, but right now I just want a place to relax. Could that place be you?" — "the know unknown" masculine energy, soft, fast, blond hair, "could be a mirage", traveler, soul family, calm, seems to talk fast/ with ease, serene passage, cure of headaches, relief, serene, water.
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Pile 2) reversed knight of cups, Queen of Cups.
TW: deep, long reading. take only what/if resonate and make sense with your reality now for your wellbeing please. ♡︎
hello pile two 💞 sounds like you're not doing things your way, sounds like you might be wanting too much to fit a certain pattern. I will ask more experienced readers for help. seems like a very serious matter so I want to be careful with my words. Have you been experiencing symptoms similar to imposter syndrome? pile two, looks hard... be careful with your health (not for you to be scared, but to take care of you); it seems like some of your actions aren't being healthy for you, maybe you've been doing things that could be making you feel sick: like frequently doing something you don't like (seems to be about work but I'm not sure), sustaining an addiction (like abusive consumption of something) and/or hiding yourself or what you really want. I wish only the best for you. from now on, take the proper lead. believe. take care little by little and the magic will happen. invest in treating yourself better, little by little. you will clearly become who you want to be. take care of your health, be patient and hope/wish/manifest/make peace on your way. 💞
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Pile 3) Strength, Hermit rx.
hello pile three 💞 you seem like the easiest energy to work with in my humble and flawed perception (may be, may not be the easiest). here comes the need for you to speak for yourself, have frank conversations, listen to learn about the other and not merely to respond.
♡︎ moodboard for you:
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peace and love,
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leonaluv · 5 months
Hi! I hope you are well, if you can, could you do zb1 fs music? Thank you <3
Sung Han Bin
 Kim Ji Woong
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
 Kim Tae Rae
Kim Gyu Vin
Park Gun Wook
 Han Yu Jin
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
intro post ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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about me!
call me octo :D - they/he/any
intj-t audhd sapphic
i’m really normal about tv shows.
feel free to dm me i LOVE talking to ppl abt my silly little interests
ao3: octopusoptimusprime
spotify <- (including byler playlist)
my favourite…
fandoms: community, stranger things, one day at a time, brooklyn 99, marvel, into the spiderverse, dc, agggtm, she-ra, bbc ghosts, his dark materials, bojack horseman, osemanverse, good omens, young royals, red white & royal blue, inside no. 9, never have i ever, percy jackson, hannibal, murder most unladylike, doctor who, criminal minds, psychoville, tlog, bridgerton
characters: mike wheeler, todd chavez, abed nadir, the captain (ghosts), miles morales, amy santiago, harley quinn, spencer reid, nick nelson, alex claremont-diaz, troy barnes, batman, prince wilhelm, ravi singh, crowley, penelope featherington
people: jack manifold, finn wolfhard, james marriott, ben willbond, david tennant, mathew baynton, john mulaney, tom simons, andy samberg, bo burnham, reece shearsmith
music: frank ocean, tyler the creator, childish gambino, deftones, kali uchis, brent faiyaz, crywank, los campesinos!, steve lacy, slipknot, system of a down, kendrick lamar, baby keem, giveon, hozier
ships: byler, elumax, trobed, jeffabed, sydlena, peraltiago, dianetti, pipravi, harlivy, catradora, silverparry, narlie, wilmon, aziracrow, firstprince, jeffbritta, benvi, tenrose, hannigram, polin, poolverine
things: tv shows, poetry, murder documentaries, kids’ movies, cats, women, dcverse, spiderman, sanrio, rap music
post links
autistic mike masterpost
mike headcanons
byler fic recs
gay mike post
links for my fics
back to you - ‘Mike Wheeler and Will Byers go to the Upside Down, and after an encounter with Vecna, Will decides to sacrifice himself. Mike, of course, is having none of it. And some truths and explanations slip out along the way.’
like real people do - ‘byler goes on a date. that's it that's the fic. enjoy <3’
in the moment - ‘mike gets vecnaed and all he wants is for lucas to accept him.’
racist/homophobic/transphobic/proshipper/bigot/transmed/hp fan/etc
fic recs
(platonic) stobin
my tags
#octo talks - me saying things
#about me! - self explanatory
#tag game - picrews etc
#favs - very cool stuff
#motherocto / #fatherocto - my parents
#asks - inbox replies
#music - me talking about music
& all tv shows/ships are tagged accordingly!!
∞༺♡༻✧ thank you! love you <3
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
your meme reacts are also giving me joy these days how the hell you find all these 😭 thanks for your service 🫡
and also now I see you not only love giveon but sza too<3 my apple music just told me i spent 10k minutes listening to her lmao. enjoy your summer!! 🤠
LMAOOO, pinterest has all the memes you’ll ever need (i literally have a board just for it) but glad i could be of service 🫡
we stan SZA in this household… that’s my girl fr, i’ll forever be mad i couldn’t see her live (still tryna get tickets for her other show so fingers crossed. y’all will be the first to know if i get tickets🤣)
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voxvulgi · 10 months
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1. idfc - blackbear
tell me pretty lies look me in the face tell me that you love me even if it's fake
2. J'en ai rêvé - Anaïs Delva
Nous attendrons l'heure De notre bonheur Toi, ma destinée Je saurais t'aimer J'en ai rêvé
3. Icarus - Jeremy Zucker
And I don't know how I'll fall asleep When lyin' next to you is a dream Just let it go and fall into me To me
4. This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Ask my why my heart's inside my throat I've never been in love I've been alone Feel like I've been living life asleep Love's so strong It makes me feel so weak
5. For Tonight - Giveon
For tonight, I'm yours So deny the truth We'll stay behind closed doors 'Cause all I wanna do is lie with you Even though it's wrong to lie with you
tagged by: @tenderpulsive a million years ago (sorry and thanks!) tagging: @heirofhermes @lovepurposed @sonoftartessos
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90363462 · 2 years
Kelly Rowland Praised Chris Brown While Accepting An Award On His Behalf At The AMAs And Told The Crowd To “Chill Out” After They Booed Him
After Brown was crowned Favorite Male R&B Artist at Sunday night’s ceremony, Rowland gave a speech on his behalf and thanked him for “making great R&B music.”
Ellen DurneyPosted 12 minutes ago
The American Music Awards took place in LA on Sunday night, and the ceremony did not escape controversy.
Early in the broadcast, Kelly Rowland took the stage at the Microsoft Theater to present the award for Favorite Male R&B Artist.
In contention for the win were Brent Faiyaz, Giveon, Lucky Daye, The Weeknd, and Chris Brown — and the last was crowned the winner.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/10328ea3b769/sub-buzz-6552-1669037102-1.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/8312179ea12f/sub-buzz-6823-1669037318-15.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
Over the weekend, Brown shared rehearsal footage of the musical number, which had been in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Jackson’s Thriller album. The Instagram post was captioned “U SERIOUS?,” seemingly in reference to the decision to pull the performance at the last minute.
View this photo on Instagram
In the comments section, he added: “WOULDVE been the ama performance but they cancelled me for reasons unknown.”
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/b0185b6f4278/sub-buzz-6492-1669037355-12.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/10328ea3b769/sub-buzz-6539-1669037179-8.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
“Excuse me…chill out,” she told the packed crowd with a raised finger, before going on to show her support for the singer.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/3c5102062788/sub-buzz-6547-1669037188-12.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
“But I wanted to tell Chris, thank you so much for making great R&B music and I want to tell him thank you for being an incredible performer,” she continued. “I’ll take this award — bring it to you. I love you. Congratulations. And congratulations to all the nominees in this category.”
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/e250e30431ea/sub-buzz-6928-1669037209-3.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
Brown has been a controversial figure since 2009 when he pleaded guilty to assaulting Rihanna while the two were in a relationship.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/3c5102062788/sub-buzz-6582-1669037386-1.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
His career was briefly impacted by the incident, with brands cutting ties and radio stations refusing to play his songs.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/e250e30431ea/sub-buzz-6928-1669037452-14.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
Remaining in the public eye, Brown has gone on to achieve mainstream success with subsequent records, in spite of a number of other public controversies and legal woes.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/8312179ea12f/sub-buzz-6851-1669037463-5.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
Given his history, Rowland’s support of Brown came as a disappointment to some viewers, who quickly gathered on Twitter to express their thoughts.
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/3c5102062788/sub-buzz-6547-1669037228-14.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
“What the fuck is Chris brown doing still winning awards and why is Kelly Rowland up there thanking his ass wtf truly,” one user wrote.
What the fuck is Chris brown doing still winning awards and why is Kelly Rowland up there thanking his ass wtf truly01:51 AM - 21 Nov 2022Twitter: @corrinneee13
Others even accused Rowland of “defending” the singer, writing: “Kelly Rowland defending Chris brown with her whole chest. Yikes.”
Twitter: @HeyIm_Carol
Among those to condemn Rowland’s actions was writer Meecham Whitson Meriweather, who wrote on Twitter that the move was “embarrassing.”
Twitter: @MediumSizeMeech
It’s important to note that not all viewers shared this viewpoint, with plenty of others speaking out to actively praise Rowland for addressing the crowd.
Twitter: @big_business_
As such, Whitson Meriweather was challenged on his stance and ultimately doubled down, tweeting that the Destiny’s Child star “shushed the audience when they were rightfully outraged.”
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/3c5102062788/sub-buzz-6587-1669037639-5.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
“She thanked him for making music after she emphatically said his name and was happy he won — and shushed the audience when they were rightfully outraged. Let’s not act obtuse, the cameras aren’t rolling,” the tweet read.
@DeezyDevs That’s literally not all she did. She thanked him for making music after she emphatically said his name and was happy he won — and shushed the audience when they were rightfully outraged. Let’s not act obtuse, the cameras aren’t rolling04:14 AM - 21 Nov 2022Twitter: @MediumSizeMeech
This isn't the only time that a public figure has been criticized for praising Brown. In fact, last October, Lizzo came under fire for saying that he was her "favorite person."
<img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2022-11/21/13/asset/10328ea3b769/sub-buzz-6552-1669037267-4.jpg" alt="" class="img-nojs"/>
In a fan video, Lizzo was seen approaching Brown and excitedly asking him for a photograph. "Can I get a picture with you? Because you're my favorite person in the whole fucking world," she says.
Lizzo asked Chris Brown for a picture in new video: “Can I get a picture with you because you’re my favorite person in the whole f*cking world.”07:47 PM - 02 Oct 2021Twitter: @BuzzingPop
As in the current instance, fans' responses were varied. But, like Rowland, Lizzo faced backlash online, with one Twitter user writing at the time: "Lizzo calling Chris brown her favorite person in the whole fucking world IM PISSED OFF MAN."
Twitter: @cblivee
BuzzFeed News has reached out to a representative for Kelly Rowland for comment.
Sent from my iPhone
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brader0011 · 1 year
Entry #1
Hello, I'm Brad Russel. While I may not be your typical student who enjoys reviewing school subjects, my passion lies in the world of strategic games and the art of analyzing video game clips. I find myself immersed in the intricate strategies and gameplay mechanics that make each gaming experience unique, and yes, i rarely do reviewing but likes analyzing LOL. I am very much into strategies because my hobby is playing chess.
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I also watch animes, I love listening to music, I like R&B songs, and my favorite music artist is Giveon. Now, before we move on to my hometown, here's a trivia about my life with chess. When I was a grade 4 student, before the Intramurals, my teacher suggested if I can be the player of the sport chess, I agreed with her but I don't know how to play chess to I asked my Tito if he can teach me how to play chess and I tearned and trained for a month. After that, I joined the Intramurals and I was the top 1 player of the South District. I joined the City Meet and I played with the players in Borongan and I was the 2nd but the 1st and the other top player talked and had a deal so they didn't played fairly then I was only a 3rd player. During my elementary days, I played chess 3 times and I became an EVRAA player. During my high school years, I actively participated in the selection process for the chess team competing in the Intramurals, engaging in friendly matches and consistently defeating chess enthusiasts from all corners of the campus, one opponent at a time. However, when Intramurals finally commenced, I decided to sit it out, taking it more as a fun journey rather than a competitive pursuit.
Now let's talk about my hometown. I live in barangay Divinubo which is located in the east side of Borongan City across barangay Lalawigan. My hometown is an Island so many tourists visit there because of its natural beauty and its famous Karawisan Beach Resort. My parents are both from Divinubo Island so I stayed here. I grew up there and what I liked about being a resident there is because of its relaxing beauty and tranquil ambiance.
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Divinubo was perfect because there were a lot of beaches and resorts and the famous Karawisan Beach Resort was the number 2 most visited tourists spot but it was destroyed when Yolanda happened. But of course, we did not quit, we rebuilt the Karawisan Beach and the other tourist attraction there which is the lighthouse "Parola". I was raised there and I am now 18 years old but i'm still amazed by the structure of my hometown. One of the tourist attraction is also the rock formations there at the back side of the island.
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I studied there since there is an elementary school and what I liked in my elementary days was "Ber Months". Everytime the sea was not stable or its current was not good, there will be no classes since the teachers are not a residents of Divinubo LOL. As I get older, my high school journey was very hassle because I will get up early like 4am or 4:30am because I will prepare my lunch and other things. By the time the school ends, I will immediately go to the transportation terminal by riding a tricycle for about 7-10 minutes and once I arrive at the terminal, I will ride again a tricycle for about 20 or 25 minutes and i will arrive at the port like 4:30pm and sometimes there are no pumpboats left because the waiting time of pumpboats are only from 4pm to 4:20pm. It was very hassle but now I am currently living at Lalawigan so time is not a problem anymore.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog post! Feel free to leave any comments below, thank you!
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oyesmendes · 2 years
thank you for the tag dani <333 @silverstonesainz
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
put on my 'mornings with you' playlist for this one - so imagine making breakfast with your lover and just enjoying the company & tunes.
1. go - cat burns ft. sam smith
2. hurt me enough - nathan archie
3. how deep - tai verdes
4. late nights & lonely - suriel hess
5. my dear - solomon
6. lost me - giveon
7. don't go - rory
8. in the club - mahalia ft. cat burns
9. have we met before - sarah barrios
10. better version - fletcher ft. kelsea ballerini
tagging: @ricc3rodeo @estevries @bigricc (i know dani tagged you already hehe) & anyone who wants to join in bc i'm nOSEY about other people's playlists!!!
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navstuffs · 2 years
Favorite Mistake
Pairing: Steve Rogers x GenderNeutralAgent!Reader
Summary: You have been secretly meeting someone you shouldn't have.
Warning: songfic, mention of smut (i cant write smut yet), angst, AU fanfic, no use of y/n, Galaxy is reader's agent name.
Authors's note: im OBSESSED with Favorite Mistake by Giveon and i knew i had to write about it but DID NOT want to write about cheating. finally got this idea in my head and i'm gonna try to do justice to this smooth/perfect song. lyrics to the song are in italic while text messages are in bold. this might have a second part but i dont promise anything and idk when would come out
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Are you on your way? Are you comin' soon to me?
The rain was hitting light against your bedroom's window. Weather Channel meteorologist had warned about rain all night, with chances of thunderstorms in the whole city. You played with your shirt, pondering if that was the right outfit choice, staring at yourself in the mirror. It was simple but effective. Modesty-wise, you looked good. Sexy almost.
You should have gotten used to this by now, but every time your phone vibrated with that message earlier in the day, you would get nervous. Like the first time you entered S.H.I.E.L.D, or the test to become an agent, or the first time working with the Avengers. You passed all those situations with honors so you shouldn't be technically so nervous.
Your phone vibrated again, startling you. You breathe deeply, your heart bumping into your chest. After attempting to unlock your phone two times unsuccessfully, you finally read the single message.
Are you ready?
Nope, you weren't.
Is my secret safe? Safe with just you and me We can't leave a trace This is my favorite mistake
You didn't look at your driver during the whole ride. You entered the car, fidgeting with your phone, reading past messages. What started a few months ago as a distraction, had developed into something more intense. Intense enough for you to be breaking S.H.I.E.L.D rules to fuck another agent. Intense enough for you both to keep coming back to each other.
Maybe this was finally going to be the last time. You knew this couldn't continue, you wanted to stop.
After forty minutes of driving, your driver stopped. You breathe deeply, feeling the driver's eyes on you through the rear mirror. Maybe this wasn't a new driver, at all. Maybe it was the same person who picked you up the first time. When you went back shaking head to toe to your apartment.
Your phone vibrated again and you jumped, opening the door of the car and getting out. As soon as you hit the car's door, the car went away, leaving you in the rain that was picking up stronger. You looked around the empty street, not one single living soul, and to the old building in front of you. Unlocking your phone, you read the message with a single number: 201.
Decided, you made your way inside the building.
Oh, look in my eyes Can you find the lies? Do you feel alive? Look in my eyes
You were in front of apartment 201 and your body suddenly turned into jelly. The building seemed completely empty, abandoned almost. Your reaction was dumb and you knew it since it wasn't going to be the first time but every time, every single time it felt like it. You didn't knock on the door, entering the dark room.
You could see his shadow sitting down in a chair, facing the window. He probably watched as you arrived.
"You took awhile" The man's serious voice greeted you. You ruffed, closing the door behind you.
"Well, I am sorry you got this place far away from everything. It is not like I wasn't ready when you texted arrived."
You gave a few steps inside the room. There was a big bed that didn't look old or dirty, with sheets clean, almost like new. The only window was the one he was sitting in front, facing against you in that chair. Looking at the bathroom, you knew you would have to wait to go to the bathroom in your house. At least, you wished you could pee.
"You gotta start looking for the ones with nicer bathrooms" You complained, a little louder than you should have.
You heard the man getting up from the chair, making his way towards you. Although you tried, always tried, your heart and your body betrayed every time Steve Rogers walked to you with so much intensity. You stood there, watching as he closed the distance between you two, the good Captain America facade completely gone. And you loved it.
Steve didn't answer, his eyes scanning your body, your raincoat completely wet with the rain.
"Are you ready to take those off?" He wondered and you blinked. You nodded, feeling his warm hands helping you take your raincoat.
Steve was slow that night. You liked the slower nights since he liked to take his time. No rushing to the bed or not getting your clothes ripped. Not that you didn't like that, but it was nice when Steve took his time. You let yourself melt in his hand as he started rubbing your body. You didn't get that much rain but didn't realize how cold you felt before.
"Thanks, Ste- Captain."
Steve hummed in accordance. He positioned his face in your neck as he held tightly to you. How much you loved this: you knew it was wrong, you knew it was against the rules of what you had fought so hard to get in, but there wasn't any better feeling in the world. Getting fucked by Captain America himself in those dubious buildings, letting him give himself for you, for you only.
Steve's hand went to rub your hips for a second, then down to your ass, grabbing it. You held back a moan, distributing kisses on Steve's neck. How could he smell so good?
"No. Remember, I want to hear every sound," Steve warned you, grabbing one of your asscheeks more firmly. You let out a moan. "That is it."
Without warning, he lifted you up. Instinctively, you surrounded your legs around his hips, his hard-on pressing against your groin. You two stared at each other in the dark, your hands itching to rub his face but holding back.
"Are you ready for me, Galaxy?"
"Yes, Captain."
We both know it's wrong but you're still comin' over Even when you're gone the feelin' just grow stronger Should leave it alone but you're still gettin' closer
You probably slept an hour before waking up. It was still dark outside and the thunderstorm was hitting stronger. Steve was laying on your side, still naked, his body almost glowing in the dark, his hand lazily rubbing your back. He had his eyes closed, but you knew he was awake. He always woke before you. Super soldier serum.
"Are you good?" Steve wondered, his eyes still closed.
"Mhm." You answered, stretching your body. Except for a good pain in the middle of your legs that would last for a while, all the bites marks, and future bruises in your hips, you were feeling extremely good.
"Good," Steve replied, opening his eyes.
"Did you sleep at all?"
"A little bit. Not much."
A flash of lightning lighten up the room and Steve's hands went to hold your body, almost as if protecting you. Six seconds later and you could hear the thunder sound, Steve's rapid breath against your head. You welcomed his warm body against yours, laying your head against his chest.
"I didn't know Captain America was scared of lightning." You bit your lips, half smiling.
"I am not."
"Are you sure? I am not the one cuddling for support here."
Steve jerked away from you, suddenly getting up. Well, shit. You guys had been doing so well lately. You had the feeling you had gotten closer: Cuddling, talking shit, and telling jokes. He had been more Steve Rogers, reserving Captain only to the sex time. You watched as Steve put on his black underwear, standing with his back against you.
"Steve? You know I was just teasing you, I am so-"
"S.H.I.E.L.D. suspects of something." His voice deepened a tone.
Your heart stopped beating. What?
"They asked Bucky and Sam a couple of days ago. They had been pestering Natasha about us but she won't tell them a thing."
"Okay? Do you think they know about us? Did they ask you anything?"
"No. Not yet."
"I see."
You got up from the bed, rapidly dressing your clothes. You two kept those encounters so secret, that not even Steve's friends knew about the locations or when you met. You knew S.H.I.E.L.D was going to eventually discover anyway.
"Are you sure none of them talked? Are you sure?"
"Don't Galaxy me, Steve Rogers. Are we sure?"
Steve placed his hands in your arms and gently turned you to face him. He was already fully dressed, the baseball cap the only thing missing. For a second you got distracted by the leather jacket Steve was using. You should have asked for him to leave it during sex.
"I trust my team with my life. If they say they didn't tell, they didn't." Steve's blue eyes stared at yours and you knew he wasn't lying. You nodded and he got closer locking your lips with his again. It was for a long second until you separated. "I don't want to stop with us. I still want to meet, if you want it."
You stared into his blue eyes for a second before turning around. You should finish this. It was doing no good to anyone since it had started. You two promise no feelings involved, no lovey-dovey shit but it had been getting harder to stay away. The meetings had been gotten more frequent and you knew you were reaching a new side of Steve you have never seen before. He was opening himself to you more and more, being vulnerable. You had to make a decision.
"I don't want to stop with us, as well. I like us. More than I should."
Steve let a relieved sigh as closed the distance between you two, his hands placing into your hips to turn you to face him. Steve seemed to be wanting to kiss you again but something seemed to stop him.
"I gotta go, don't I?" You wondered, watching his expression go cold.
Steve didn't answer, starting to involve you again. With his kisses, his hands, his body. You knew you needed to leave when your time was up, it was crucial for the relationship to continue, but it was getting more difficult to do so. You slowly got away from Steve's arms, putting on your raincoat.
"I will see you around, I guess."
"Be faster, next time."
"Find one with a nicer bathroom next time, Cap."
Steve smiled and watched you leave. He wanted to stop you, grab you back to the bed and make love to you, whisper dirty things in your ear, and cuddle until the morning, but he couldn't. He walked to the window, observing you enter the car to be driven away.
For a second, he stood there, feeling weak and sick to his stomach. He hated that you had to leave and he hated what he was doing to you. He walked towards his cap, finding the micro-headset in a secret compartment. Tony's doing. Steve put on his ear, turning it on.
"They are gone." He announced.
Two seconds passed when Sam's voice cut the silence.
"Are you okay, Captain?"
No. Not really.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just find stupid I need bodyguards now."
"For your own protection, Cap," Clint argued and Steve rolled his eyes. Like anything could hurt him physically, especially Galaxy.
"Steve, until we know what is the true Galaxy's deal if they are a traitor or not, I won't leave you alone." Bucky's voice sounded adamant.
"Neither me, Cap."
Steve shook his head, putting on his cap. Two days ago, Nick Fury and Tony Stark had a very particular and serious conversation about you possibly being a traitor. Both Tony and Nick didn't care about the relationship, but they wanted to know what was Galaxy's true motivation. They wanted to start slow because they understood how important you were to Steve. Steve didn't want to believe them.
Steve knew you from the first time you entered SHIELD. He watched you train, your face and posture always focused on the task ahead. You looked so terrified on your first mission together. Your desire to save and help people. Steve remembered you shielding a few kids with your own body against an explosion.
The first kiss he gave you, a kiss he had been wanting to do for a long time, his first kiss since Peggy. When you first shared a bed and Steve would always be ashamed to admit how rough he was with you that day, but he never realized how deeply he wanted you. Your face as he gave you orgasm after orgasm, your legs wrapped against his hips, begging for more.
He couldn't believe you could be a traitor.
Selling SHIELD's secrets for money. For the enemy. That wasn't you.
So now Steve had a mission. Every time he met you, he needed to try to get more information out of you. Analyze you. Save you from being a traitor. Steve knew you weren't. It was impossible.
He was going to prove it. He needed to.
Our secret's safe so you're my favorite mistake That's why we gotta keep it on the low
You entered your house, running to your bathroom. You needed to pee so badly, damn Steve not getting good places with clean toilets at least. Sure, it would be nice to have a nice shower. It would be nice to shower with Steve once.
You washed your hands, looking at yourself in the mirror, the recently fucked version of yourself. You were a mess. A mess that was more relaxed. You hang your raincoat to dry in the bathroom. Rain was going to continue for a few more days, so you needed that dry. You knew you were going to hear from your co-workers tomorrow. You knew it was just a matter of time until one of them had connected the dots between you and Captain America. The fast look that came from him. Or maybe it was your looks, he always faked so well.
You let your body fall into your sofa, grabbing your phone. You texted the same number Steve texted you earlier.
You were going to drop your phone to your side since he never answered from the same phone but was surprised to get a reply back.
I'm glad. Stay safe.
Strange. Steve never answered you from the same phone. He always used different numbers to text you. You shrugged, relaxing a little more before the so deserving shower before bed. You were going to sleep like a baby.
You heard the footsteps on your door running away, getting up to find an envelope on your side of the door. Grabbing it, you opened: an empty piece of paper. There was nothing written front in back. Nada. You ran to your bathroom, grabbed your raincoat, and ran outside, still dressing it. You had no time to lose now. When you received one of those, you had to always hurry. The rain was very strong now so you couldn't see anyone ahead but it was good like that. You rapidly made your way to the meeting point, a dark alley not far from your house, that smelled dead and rotten.
"Someone saw you?" A voice asked you in the darkness.
"You met him tonight."
"Yes. They suspect me." You confessed, your eyes scanning everywhere. You knew Steve's team had been around when you arrived. Sam, Bucky Barnes, and probably Clint Barton. You wondered if Natasha was up to this as well.
"As expected, eventually. What are you planning on doing?"
"I will do what was asked of me. You have my word."
"We shall see, shall we?" You felt the presence leaving and stood in the rain, alone. You had to act a little faster now.
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arhvste · 2 years
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‘you’re kidding me…’ you thought as your stomach dropped as you held your finger down on your boyfriends instagram story. it was august first; national girlfriends day, and much to your excitement your boyfriend had a coloured circle around his profile picture which had meant he posted.
what you didn’t expect to see him post however was a compilation of photos of his self proclaimed ‘girl best friend’ littering the screen with max demarco’s ‘heart to heart’ attached to the story playing over the background. ‘happy national gf day to my favourite girl’ you read as your eyes grew heavy.
tapping off the story and tossing your phone aside, you stared up at the ceiling, tears twinkling under the soft room light and your heart feeling heavier than ever. you didn’t even have it in you to contact your boyfriend to question his social media antics, not right now anyway, not whilst the wound was still so fresh. you’d get back to that later on.
the natural light from outside slowly grew darker as the hours droned on by as your position never changed. fresh tears washed over dried ones until your head was pounding from the non stop crying yet you refused to do anything to ease the pain. your eyes slowly drooped down before closing entirely, exhaustion hitting you hard and stopping you from moving for the next ten minutes before your phone vibrated from the other side of the bed.
you left it there not wanting to look at the device figuring it was your friends checking up on you after seeing your boyfriends story. yet there was no continue spam of messages coming through unlike whenever your friends would text you. one notification came through before you were left in the heavy silence of your room once more.
giving in, you grabbed the phone and tapped the surface to check it. your eyes squinted as they adjusted to the light before widening upon the words across your screen.
‘@k.tetsu has tagged you in a story’
kuroo tetsurō; your academic rival and bane of your existence.
your heart pounded as you tapped on the story unsure of what to expect before your breath hitched as music reached your ears and candid photos of you from across the classroom and shots you frowning slightly you knew the boy had taken to tease you covered your screen. ‘national gf day <3’ was typed across the photos as well as giveon’s ‘like i want you’ played in the background of the post.
your jaw stayed ajar as you took in the post and fact someone that wasn’t your boyfriend had posted and appreciated you. sliding up the story you decided it was only right to thank the boy for the kind gesture despite your rivalry and half playful attitude you’d offer to each other each class.
‘thank you :,)’ you sent in reply as you rewatched the story still in awe.
not even two minutes passed by before your phone vibrated again as the boy replied.
‘no need to thank me. it’s only natural i post my girl on national gf day ;)’
you laughed airily as your heart fluttered against your chest. before you could type a reply, kuroo responded once more.
‘but please hurry and break up with him and let me be your bf to make this post legit, i’m not tryna come across as a home wrecker over here’
there was nothing to homewreck. your soon to be ex boyfriend had made it clear where his priorities laid and they weren’t with you.
august first would be the day your priories would begin to lay with someone who clearly put you first. and that someone would be kuroo tetsurō, your academic rival, bane of existence and future long term boyfriend.
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@kuroosecrets for u my love!
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
And the Award Goes To...
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: All the fluff between Jack and our First Lady 😘💕
Synopsis: You and Private Garden are in attendance for the 2022 BET awards and excited doesn't even begin to describe how you're feeling. The night ends up being even more amazing when the last thing you ever expected to happen does.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: the gorgeous @minkookie95 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You woke up tangled next to your husband who was still in a deep sleep as you heard his light snores and him breathing with your face in the crook of his neck.
The day was finally here and you couldn’t have been more excited.
You finally have the chance of attending the 2022 BET awards that would be taking place in Los Angeles, California.
You remember watching the show every single year since you were a little girl dreaming of actually getting an opportunity to go and lo and behold, here it was.
You weren’t able to go last year since you had been on tour and wouldn’t have made it back in time in order to go with your husband.
Now, you would be able to go with him right along with the rest of PG. 
This year you had been nominated for two awards, Best Female Hip-Hop Artist as well as Best New Artist. 
Brandi let Jack be the one to break the news to you knowing how much it meant to you and you were floored.
You most definitely shed a few tears that night.
Working towards something for so long and actually seeing your work pay off was a dream come true.
And you had your husband and PG to thank for that.
Jack had been nominated the year before for Best New Artist, but unfortunately lost to Giveon which he was still salty to this day about.
You made sure to never bring it up after it happened. 
You would also be performing your hit song Big Energy and was planning on surprising the crowd by bringing out Mariah Carey since she had hopped on the remix with you, while Jack had planned on performing Poison along with First Class with Lil Wayne and Brandy.
Bottom line is that the Harlows weren’t coming to play.
All of you had been in L.A. for the past few days rehearsing and making sure that everything was just right for the special night.
You peeked at the nightstand behind Jack to see that it was around 7 in the morning.
The award show didn’t take place until 5, so there was plenty of time to kill before then.
You wanted to make it a priority to spend the day with Jack since both of you had been in overdrive for the past few days and truly hadn’t had the time to spend one on one with each other.
And both of you would soon become agitated when you didn’t get that one on one time.
Not wanting to be awake just by yourself anymore, you began to place kisses along Jack’s neck.
He fluttered his eyes open and you were met with a soft smile.
“Good morning, wifey.”
“Good morning, my baby.”
“Are you excited?” He asked while bringing you in closer to him. 
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it. I’m just happy I get to spend the day with my favorite people.”
“And you deserve all of this mamas. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“Okay, please don’t make me cry at seven in the morning.” You immediately felt the waterworks beginning to form.
“I’m serious smush. Like you haven’t let up since you released your first single and you prove time and time again that you’re just as talented as anybody else out here. And wait.. it’s only seven? Baby, why are you awake so early?”
“Thank you my baby. And because I can barely sit still. I’m like a kid in a candy store.”
“Baby, I literally just put your ass to sleep at three so you mean to tell me you only slept for four hours?”
“Hmm, maybe?”
“Mamas, come on. Go back to sleep so you’ll have energy for later. No pun intended.”
“Nope, close your eyes and lay on my chest. Your ass is about to be out in ten minutes. Works every time.”
And no lie was told.
It was nearing 3:45 pm and it was now time for all of you to begin getting dressed to head to the venue and walk the red carpet.
The butterflies in your stomach were increasing by the second.
You and Jack had decided to coordinate your outfits and Metta along with Julissa found the perfect outfits to put the two of you in.
Well, everyone knew you were probably going to take the longest to get ready, so they made you go first.
It simply never failed, you would start to get ready and still be the last person out the door.
And no one was trying to be late.
But, of course, that’s exactly how it played out.
“Baby! How did you start getting ready before anyone else and you still not done!?”
“Don’t rush me, Jackman! Be patient!”
“She’s almost done!” All of PG heard Julissa say as she was putting the finishing touches on your makeup and making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place.
Julissa then ran into the living room to present her work to everyone which was you. She was proud of it and had done a damn good job.
“Is everyone ready?”
“Yes, Julissa, damn! We’ve been ready for like an hour!”
“Jack shut up. Once you see how pretty your wife looks, you’ll be thanking me. You’ll probably want to rip her clothes off as we speak.”
“But, I planned on doing that later anyway.”
“Yall are nasty as all hell. Do yall EVER come up for air?” 2fo asked as he rolled his eyes.
“Been tapping that since we were 15, not a chance.”
“Okay, yall shut up! Bring her out Julissa.” Metta replied while coming to sit on the couch next to Quiiso.
“Okayyyyy, I now present to you Mrs. Y/N Y/M/N Harlow better known as your first lady! Come on out Y/N!”
You had nothing but a big smile on your face as you walked into the living room so everyone could get a good look at your outfit.
“Well, got damn. Definitely worth the wait.” You heard Jack say as he was eyeing you up and down.
“Yes mamas! Work it! Give em a twirl!” Julissa was hyping you up as everyone began to laugh and take in how happy the scene in front of them was.
You did as you were told and hit a pose when you were finished.
“Damn, them earrings big as shit.” Brandi said taking in the sight of them. 
“You know what they say. The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.”
“Y/N! Stop that!” Jack exclaimed while also trying not to laugh. 
“Now drop!”
“NO! My wife will NOT be dropping it for anyone but me. Y/N, you better not! If that ass hits the floor, they’ll be hell to pay. Damn mamas you look gorgeous. How’d I get so lucky?”
Jack asked while getting up and making his way towards you and taking in how amazing you looked.
“I’m the lucky one.” You replied as you lightly kissed him trying to not mess up your makeup.
“Nah, cut the shit! Don’t get these two started because we won’t make it downstairs until the show is over. Keep it moving. Jack, you know what your wife looks like. You’ve been staring at her for almost ten years.”
“Urb, you are such a fucking hater.” You replied while sticking up your middle finger in his direction with you earning the same gesture in return.
“Okay, yall we are all on a mission tonight to get Urb laid so he can stop hating on me and my wife!”
“I’m getting real tired of yall asses.”
It took less than twenty minutes in order to get to the venue and it was now go time.
The rest of PG got out first leaving only you and Jack.
“You ready, baby?”
You simply nodded as he got out first and held out his hand for you to take and you heard nothing but screams erupting from the crowd in front of the venue.
“Private Garden has arrived! Jack Harlow and the first lady, Y/N Harlow are making their way down the red carpet!”
All of you posed for several pictures and also made the time for you and Jack to do a few interviews before making your way inside. 
All of you were sitting in a row with Jack being on the end and you were in the middle of him and 2fo.
The award show was now underway and Jack had killed his performance.
You were nothing but smiles as you all made your way back to your seats since all of PG had been on stage during it. 
It was getting close to the time where the awards that you were nominated for were going to be presented and Jack could tell that you were starting to get restless.
“Baby, it’s going to be fine. If you get that award in your hand tonight or not, I for damn sure am proud of you along with the rest of PG.” Jack softly whispered in your ear before kissing your temple making you smile.
“I love you.”
“And I love you more.”
“Cut it out. Save it for later.” 2fo replied as he overheard the two of you making the both of you roll your eyes.
It was time.
“Please welcome Saweetie to the stage!”
They would have to get your best friend to present this award. You knew that she was probably behind this somehow.
After this award was presented, it would soon be time for you to hit the stage for your performance along with Mariah Carey. 
“So, I am here to present the award for Best New Artist. Now, I have to admit there is some tough competition this year and it might seem biased of me however, the real ass rich ass bitch from the south has not come off yall necks since she stepped on the scene! Hey best friend!”
You and everyone else around you immediately laughed and you knew that she was trying to do her best to ease your nervousness.
That’s why she was one of your best friends.
“I love you!” You mouthed to her as she sent you a warm smile before mouthing the words back to you.
“Now, let’s take a look at the nominees.”
“Baby Keem.”
“Benny the Butcher.”
“Muni Long.”
“And the award goes to...”
You were holding onto Jack’s hand for dear life and took a deep breath.
“MY BEST FRIEND! THE FIRST LADY OF PRIVATE GARDEN, Y/N HARLOWWWWW!” Saweetie yelled as Big Energy began to play.
You were in immediate shock and your eyes began to water as you stood up and embraced your husband.
“What I tell you? Nothin but winners in this family.”
“I couldn’t have done this without you.” You replied as you kissed him.
He helped you up the steps to the stage so that you could take your award from Saweetie who screamed before giving you a hug.
Once she handed you the award, you stepped to the mic with tears threatening to fall.
“I.. am.. I’m literally speechless right now.”
“And I love yall too, yall have no idea how much. This is my first award that I’ve won and the fact that it’s a BET award is just out of this world and makes it all the more special. I have to thank God for giving me the opportunity to do this alongside by husband and best friends. They’re the ones who were constantly pushing me to be my best self and continue to do so on a daily basis. So, Jackman, I absolutely love you and PG, it’s only up from here. Thank yall so much for this.”
You were met with applause as Saweetie led the two of you backstage and the both of you embraced once again.
“I am so fucking proud of you babe! You deserve this!”
“You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“You are the shit, baby. And first lady needs to start acting like it.”
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Liked by jackharlow, bet, saweetie, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, privategarden, and 7,249,870 others
y/ninsta: it's givin BEST NEW ARTIST 🥺
jackharlow: so proud of my baby. well deserved. all hail the queen of the south!
saweetie: go best friend, that's my best friend!
sza: and we didn't expect anything less!
normani: you out here killin it bby! let them know!
mariahcarey: it was an honor to share the stage with you. keep reaching for greatness. Love, Mimi 💕
y/ninsta: mariahcarey I can't even put into words how much I appreciate you 💕🥺
urbanwyatt: maybe you should listen to us more often. we KNEW how amazing you would be
y/ninsta: love you Urby 💕
druski2funny: proud of you mamas! but why yo earrings so big? 🤔
y/ninsta: druski2funny you know what they say, the bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe 🤭
jackharlow: Y/N!! stop that!
y/ninsta: jackharlow no.
jackharlow: y/ninsta no? did my wife just tell me no?
y/ninsta: jackharlow 👀
jackharlow: y/ninsta imma teach your ass a lesson when we get back at this hotel. no my ass.
y/ninsta: jackharlow or you can do it right now 😏
urbanwyatt: PLEASE NO
jackharlow: urbanwyatt we gotta get you laid man. and soon.
y/ninsta: jackharlow urbanwyatt 🤭🤭🤭
jackharlow: y/ninsta stop laughing because you won't be after I get through with you
y/ninsta: jackharlow do your worse daddy 😏
jackharlow: y/ninsta meet me by the bathrooms. NOW.
2forwoyne: jackharlow y/ninsta can't take yall horny asses anywhere
privategarden: it's only up from here for our queen!
y/ninsta: we got room for everybody to win!
jackharlow: y/ninsta get your ass back here NOW.
y/ninsta: jackharlow cumming! I mean coming!
druski2funny: jackharlow y/ninsta yall got room for one more? 👀
jackharlow: druski2funny you got the got damn audacity to ask me that shit?
druski2funny: jackharlow look closed mouths don't get fed
jackharlow: druski2funny only mouth getting fed over here is mine. get your own girl.
druski2funny: y/ninsta tell yo man to let me watch!
y/ninsta: druski2funny you already got a free show in the past so no
saweetie: wait WHAT
sza: y/ninsta jackharlow EXPLAIN YOURSELVES
jackharlow: sza later. we busy.
jackandy/naremyparents: can't wait to hear about this one 🤭🤭
saweetie: and why do I feel urbanwyatt was somehow involved?
urbanwyatt: *sigh* because I was
theestallion: urbanwyatt SPILL IT
urbanwyatt: I think 2forwoyne is calling me
2forwoyne: urbanwyatt the hell I'm not. Spill it!
urbanwyatt: yall not about to send me 6 feet under. all imma say is the recording session of Sex Lies.... and I'm out ✌️
jackharlow: urbanwyatt one of my best performances if I do say so myself 😏
2forwoyne: jackharlow keep it down. yall loud as shit. how we in the club and I can still hear her?
jackharlow: 2forwoyne I'll do my best but no promises
saweetie: jackharlow well got damn
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polydeuces · 2 years
Zendaya x Fem! Reader
faceclaim - Diana silvers
requests temporarily closed (open soon!)
masterlist — all of my works organized !
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liked by thisisy/n, hoooooyeony, and 4,829,923
zendaya: We out here Emmy nominated again y’all!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
View all 94,912 comments
thisisy/n: so fucking proud of you baby! and the cast and crew, y’all deserve every ounce of love thrown your way. i love you all so much!!
➥ zendaya: my #1 fan 💜
hoooooyeony: Such a good show! Congratulations!
chloebailey: oh.my.fuck. yesss babe yesss!
➥ zendaya: ❤️
kehlani: congrats mama, proud of u
naomi: 💫🤎
hollywoodreporter: you are the wonder woman of Hollywood
mtv: we can’t wait to see an Emmy on that award shelf 😉
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liked by joeyking, ashemusic, maya_hawke, and 10,839
thisisy/n: ⭐️
view all 9,283 comments
joeyking: I also agree
➥ thisisy/n: thank you for the support, joey
gemmachan: that is an abnormally sized French fry..
➥ thisisy/n: it is, isn’t it?
giveon: when did you get into playing guitar?
➥ thisisy/n: …shhhh
yarashahidi: blonde suits you so well
➥ thisisy/n: i love you
ashemusic: marry me. please.
➥ thisisy/n: rn? like rn rn? okay!
maya_hawke: me, you, joe - start our own band
➥ thisisy/n: yes! 100%
finneas: Lana? Um… y/n are you okay?
➥ thisisy/n: yes, when i listen to phoebe is when it’s all over for me.
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instagram template thanks to mintsgraphic ! <3
divider created by silkholland
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