#thank you kamala harris
hellosweetie99 · 2 months
My boomer lesbian mother just asked me what Brat Summer is
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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mylionheart2 · 2 months
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
once again voicing my appreciation for your steadying takes on the political hellscape we exist in now and wishing the best for your peace of mind.
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Joe Biden's legacy will be that he was not the president we deserved, but he was the president we needed.
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justabarbiegirl05 · 2 months
Happy one year of Barbie you did big things for us Madame President
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primrosing · 7 days
i genuinely do think we have to try to connect with trump supporters. i’m not saying the ultra maga people who will not listen to a word you say and believe all immigrants are evil and all abortions are murder etc. but genuinely people get pulled in by the rhetoric for valid reasons and completely shuttering them will only send them further down the trump hole.
i’ll tell you this… the rhetoric is that the democrats are corrupted and they’re making up fake charges in order to keep trump out. the democrats are so corrupt and evil that they are genuinely trying to destroy america from within by giving aid to immigrants when there’s homeless veterans on the streets, funding a proxy war in ukraine so they can start ww3, purposefully setting prices really high and making sure inflation stays through the roof, allowing abortions all 9 months of pregnancy because they hate babies, etc.
these issues are complex and hard to understand so when you listen to people tell you this day in and day out it’s easy to fall into it because you’re disillusioned with bidens administration. you can’t blame them for this because i think many people are disillusioned with biden, especially left leaning people who see the horrors happening in gaza and all of palestine for what they are: genocide.
if you’re disillusioned with biden and you listen to the narrative that harris has also been in office for nearly 4 years and hasn’t done the things she says she wants to then you will turn to your only other option which unfortunately is trump.
so i’m not saying engage with hostile racists/sexists/homophobes/transphobes/etc because in many scenarios it is not safe to talk to them, they will threaten you and they’re not going to abandon those beliefs on any whim. but the people who are voting trump because they believe he will fix the economy or that he’s being unfairly targeted or any other number of reasons that aren’t based in hatred of protected groups need to not be alienated or else they’ll fall deeper into believing that democrats really have been evil this whole time.
our completely polarized society is not going to work for much longer, we NEED to like NEED to make it unacceptable to be an ultra maga cultist and the only way to do that is to shutter THEM out of conversations. we need to find common ground with people who have genuine differing political beliefs about the way government/the economy/foreign affairs/etc should work. like actual political issues, not human rights issues that have been politicized.
i have noticed especially on this site that the polarization has gotten really bad where people are even turning in the other direction where they’ve gone so far left they also wont vote for harris. this is counterproductive. in so many ways.
i am someone who does genuinely believe ALL politicians are evil and i hate them. but i also understand that we have to play to our best interests within the system or else we will end up with trump who can only possibly make things worse. not saying harris is a miracle cure or that she’ll meaningfully make things better but think for a second about the step we’d be taking. harris is on our side with many issues even if she’s weak on them (environment, palestine, immigration). and electing a woman of color to the highest office in our land is a HUGE HUGE step. it WILL open doors for people i can guarantee that.
i know it hurts a little because we want the right things to be done and we haven’t seen that happen under harris’s vice presidency but you must must must vote for her on november 5th. please go to vote.org to check your registration and register if you’re not already. with the way this country is built voting is one of our most powerful rights. please keep in mind i am not saying that this country is built justly or that in anyway the country functions in a good way but the fact of the matter is this is how it is. don’t give up the fight for changing that, but we’re not far along enough in that fight to abstain our vote out of moral superiority. please remember: we do not live in a world where is possible to be morally pure. while we live in this world we have to do what’s best for getting to a place that’s closer to being a world/country we can be proud of.
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mikeysbride · 1 month
We Are Not Going Back
The 2024 U.S. presidential election has been anything but typical or boring, especially in the last month. Once President Joe Biden made the decision to remove himself from the race against Donald Trump in favor of endorsing VP Kamala Harris, everything changed. And it changed for the better if you're a Democrat. I was upset when he first withdrew, feeling that he was basically pushed into it by the media's insistence he is too old to run despite the record he's had as President the last 4 years. But then, within minutes, it seemed, my attitude changed to one of a sense of hope I hadn't felt in a while where the election is concerned. In reality, he made the ultimate selfless decision to put the country's interests above his own, and that is a remarkable quality, especially in a politician. It shows he's the real deal.
It appears I am not alone. The surge of excitement in the Democratic Party surrounding Kamala's nomination, which she'll officially accept this week, has been nothing short of amazing to watch. I have not seen anything like this since President Obama, and that says a lot. Her rallies are breaking attendance records, and even longtime Republicans are pledging to vote for her.
Of course, Kamala has already received the predictable criticism from the Trump cult about everything from her heritage to her laugh. Trump also still refuses to pronounce her name correctly, which is blatantly disrespectful but also typical behavior for him. If Kamala ("comma-la") is too hard for him to pronounce, Madame President will do just fine, I'm sure. But none if this should come as news to anyone. They have nothing else to go on, so of course they resort to the lowest rungs on the ladder when in reality, she has a stellar resume and record having served as a prosecuting attorney, District Attorney, Attorney General, Senator, and now Vice President of the United States. She is an actual prosecutor going up against Trump and his 34 felony convictions, and he's allowed to do that for the highest job in the country even though many jobs won't consider you if you have even 1 felony conviction. It's laughable really; it would be hilarious if it weren't also so sad and ridiculous. You can bet anyone of color would not be allowed the same leniency.
A few days before Kamala became the presumptive nominee, my 16-year-old daughter told me she felt apprehensive about her future if there were to be another Trump presidency. I told her that I feel the same way for myself. I actually feel that way about anyone who isn't a rich, straight white male because those are the only people Donald Trump cares about - those who look and think exactly like he does. But then, Joe passed the torch to Kamala, and it seemed the country awakened to a clearly better alternative and someone even the independents could get behind. Suddenly, there was hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be OK after all. That same daughter then came to me, just a few days after our previous conversation, and told me she is no longer fearful the way she was before. My 14-year-old daughter echoes her feelings, and the both of them have taken a greater interest in the election as a result. My teenage daughters are inspired and can see themselves in Kamala, and that is huge for them and for me.
I don't care who you are; this is historic and a big deal. It takes an incredible amount of privilege to see all this unfolding and not appreciate how significant this is in our history. Not only are we on the verge of having our first female U.S. President, but she's also Black. Not only that, but she's smart, successful, personable, and damn qualified. I can't help but think of my grandparents and how thrilled they would have been to live to see Barack Obama become President and now Kamala Harris. We came so close to a female President with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I pray the election deniers and complacent people don't mess it up for us this time. I honestly don't think we can survive another Trump presidency and come out the same way ever again. He's already promised to be a dictator on his first day back in office and has alluded to doing away with elections...neither of which we need. And we certainly don't need him. He only wants to be President to avoid jail time, point blank. We can't let that happen.
We have a chance this November to save our democracy and keep moving forward - to make a hopeful future available to everyone and not just the rich, straight white males of the country. We can do this, and I have to believe we will. This is a test we absolutely cannot stand to fail. I understand the assignment. Do you?
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snoweylily · 13 days
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I’m so happy for her 😭👩‍❤️‍👩🏳️‍🌈
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originalleftist · 1 month
If anyone ever asks what the difference is between Joe Biden and Donald Trump... well, there's a million ways to answer that question, but we saw it very clearly in tonight's speech.
Biden stepped down from a nomination he'd rightly won because he decided it was better for his party and country.
He then got up on stage, smiling and even joking about it, and gave a sincere, full-throated endorsement of his successor, and promised to be her campaign's best volunteer.
At one point, when the crowd was chanting "Thank You Joe!", he even interrupted them and said no, thank you Kamala.
Trump. Could. Never.
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jarvis-cockhead · 2 months
Joe Biden sneezes, the American left: holy fuck you guys if you vote for this man youre basically condemning us to 4 years under a walking skeleton you should feel so guilty about this and also Trump is bad but the Biden administration is still sending arms to Israel if you vote democrat you're basically funding genocide and you don't care about poc at all
Muslims and poc targeted in dozens of violent riots across the UK, including the burning of hotels where asylum seekers are currently being housed, and we need as many people to be aware of this fact as possible so those who are able can take direct action and counter protest to effectively stamp out upcoming far right riots, the American left: 🦗
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mylionheart2 · 2 months
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hang-on-lil-tomato · 11 days
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the right: who cares what a billionaire pop star endorses!? also the right: kid rock, Kevin sorbo, wrestlers, Charles in charge! Yay! Smart people! the insanity and hypocrisy of the MAGAt gQP is extreme!
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ridenwithbiden · 1 month
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stephenist · 2 months
The next US President, Kamala Harris, spoke in Wisconsin today. This was the live feed. At the moment, you can rewind and watch the speech. I’ll update the link later, if necessary. 🗳️
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sher-ee · 2 months
Let’s GO!
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