#thank you meg darling <3
kimbobbp · 2 years
ooo can I just say I’m obsessed with ur banner? very swag
why thank you~
heres the link since i realized i havent put it anywhere
but yes i highly recommend @natashowlet for icons and headers v aesthetic and high quality
also (confession) i havent been able to watch The Batman (2022) and i am a s h a m e d but the vibes and aesthetic from what i have seen is truly beautiful
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
Hey! I'd like to request "are you serious? i’ve had a crush on you for as long as i can remember. “ with Dewther. If that's okay? Thanks!
That is absolutely ok, this might not be what exactly you were picturing but it's what popped into mind. I hope you enjoy <3
It gets a little suggestive at the end, but nothing worth the mature rating lol
prompt from this prompt list
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The snow's piling up on the outside of their windowsill, the early morning sunlight peeking through the gaps in their window, spilling across their bed. Aether groans, shifting as he wakes. He grumbles at the cold air hitting his exposed face and nestles back down under the blankets into the source of warmth there.
Dew's still asleep, a raspy purr escaping him as he exhales. He's pressed firmly against Aether's side from chest to toe, his face smushed against his chest, tail tangled around his shin. Aether holds him close, an arm wrapped around his waist, hand resting firmly at the small of his back. He can't help himself but stare at Dew's relaxed features. It's a peace that he used to rarely see on his face.
It's still a novelty, even though things are better now. Even though Dew's more open with the newer members of their pack now. He doesn't share his smiles exclusively with him and Mountain anymore, and a little selfishly, Aether misses it a little, like it was something special the three of them shared. But he's truly happy that Dew's happier now, more open.
He trails a finger along Dew's cheekbone, pushing a strand of cornsilk-fine hair behind the point of his ear. Dew's ear twitches, and the fire ghoul mumbles something incoherent into Aether's chest. He doesn't wake. Aether chuffs fondly, nosing along the shell of Dew's ear, carefully rubbing his cheek along the sharp edge of his obsidian horn.
Dew smells of cinnamon and clove, warm and content. To Aether, it's always smelled like home. He buries his face in Dew's hair, breathing him in.
The spade of Dew's tail twitches, patting at his shin. It tents the blankets, and Aether chuckles softly as Dew trills sleepily.
"'S fucking cold," Dew mumbles, clinging tighter as he nuzzles into Aether's chest hair. His eyes are still squeezed shut, as if he closed them tight enough, he could deny that he was awake at all.
"You're a fire ghoul, love, and you're under five blankets," Aether reminds him gently, face still buried in Dew's hair. "Good morning to you too," he teases.
Dew mumbles something incoherent, muffled into his skin. He paws at the top blanket, throwing it over their heads, and Aether laughs. Dew's tail smacks his shin, irritated. Aether presses a kiss right between Dew's horns, and he trills softly.
"You're so grumpy in the mornings, love," Aether says, running a hand up and down his spine. "It's cute."
Dew grumbles, copper eyes glowing in the darkness as he glances up at him. "We're demons from Hell, starshine," he says, snapping his fangs to punctuate his sentence.
Aether just grins. "Oh, darling, I love you so much."
Dew perks up, turning to face him. "Are you serious? I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember," he says, tone light with playful sarcasm.
But Aether ignores the bait and grins, pulling him up to kiss him. Morning breath be damned, he kisses Dew square on the lips, hand coming up to cup the back of Dew's head, entwining his fingers through Dew's hair. The fire ghoul melts into it, pliant and affectionately easy in the mornings, no matter how much he grumbles.
When they pull away from each other, Aether smiles fondly up at him, free hand coming up to push another strand of hair out of his face. It drifts down to caress the long-scarred bite mark on the crook of Dew's neck. "Dewdrop, my darling, love of my life, we've been mated for three years. I sure hope you had a crush on me."
"Since me and Meg had to help Terzo drag your ass out of the summoning circle," Dew scoffs, leaning into Aether's touch with a little trill.
"Funny," Aether says, still grinning like a fool even though he's heard this story a dozen times. He twirls a strand of Dew's hair around his pointer finger. "I had a crush on you too, you know. That pretty little ghoul was the first thing I saw Up Top, and I fell in love with him the first time I looked him in the eye."
Dew rolls his eyes, leaning down to bury his face in the crook of Aether's neck, where the matching bite mark lays. He kisses it, purring up a storm as he settles down against Aether's body. "It's too cold to get up," he reasons. "There's no reason we can't stay in bed all day."
"There's my darling boy," Aether hums, leaning into Dew's warmth. He glances up, still under the cover of the blankets, running through his schedule in his mind. "I don't see why not. There's no practice, I don't think you have chores, and I don't have infirmary duties today, unless they call me."
Dew grins, nose crinkling. "A little sloth in honor of our Lord," he says, holding up an as above salute before moving to entwine his spindly fingers with Aether's.
Aether grins, leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of Dew's mouth. "Of course, for our Lord," he echoes. "And maybe, once the sloth's been satisfied, a little lust for Him as well?"
Dew throws his head back as he cackles, tossing the blanket from over their heads before snuggling back down to Aether's chest.
"We'll see how the morning goes, starshine."
"Of course, my darling," Aether says, tucking them back in, letting his eyes shut, his mate pressed against his heart.
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yona049 · 22 days
𝕻𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖒 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖆 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
Part 3
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
This is a story following the events after the Phantom of the Opera (2004) and only follows the movie and not any other adaptations!
This has evolved into its own story, if its not something you're interested in, feel free to skip this one and check out some other fics on my page! °v°
Christine Daaé, first a dancer, then Opera singer, beautiful slender shoulders and Radiant eyes to stun even the toughest man.
No wonder the Opera ghost fell for her, it's easy to forget they knew each other for years before Christine's debut. He was her teacher, and she was his muse.
"Isn't she beautiful!" Meg says excitedly, watching Christine in her white dress on stage.
Meg Giry, daughter of Madam Giry and best friend to Christine. She was so supportive and a good friend to Y/n aswell.
Y/n looked back at the stage with a bright smile feeling Christine's voice vibrate the floorboards beneath her feet.
Just as the chorus started Y/n could hear arguing from back stage. A very loud conversation beneath Christine's voice. No one seemed to mind since they were all bewildered by the Opera singer, except Y/n.
"Aloïs?" she questioned holding her puffy tutu up and past all the onlookers until she was back stage.
She could hear her Lover Aloïs arguing with someone, quite aggressively, any louder and they'd match Christine's Volume.
Finally she spotted him at the back of back stage near the curtain ropes. The man he was talking to was hidden behind the curtains, so hidden that Y/n entirely missed him.
"You can't take Christine! Then Carlotta will certainly take her place again!" Aloïs Yelled.
"She will be returned soon. I've been planning this for years, she won't be harmed." the voice said defensively.
"You set small accidents for Carlotta now you want to resort to kidnapping! End it! Or I will!" Aloïs suddenly grabs the man's face and yanks a white mask off it.
Y/n gasps loudly causing Aloïs to turn suddenly.
"Darling? You should be near the stage! It's almost time for your dance number!" he quickly hides the mask behind his back.
"I heard arguing?"
Y/n explains looking at what Aloïs hid behind his back. She smirks and moves against Aloïs placing a small kiss on his lips. This caught Aloïs off guard.
With swift turns in her ballet shoes, she spins around Aloïs and grabs the mask from his hands.
"What's this?" she questions holding it up to look at it.
"Hey! Y/n! Give that back!" Aloïs reaches to take the mask again but Y/n, still on her toes, En Pointe, spins away and holds the mask to her face.
"Why? I'm assuming it's just a prop?" she tilts her head sightly with the wide mask not fitting her face at all.
"Y/n!" Aloïs says with an angry tone.
With a giggle she stops teasing and hands Aloïs back the mask. Aloïs gives a sigh of relief and looks back at Y/n before placing a delicate kiss on her head.
"Thank you, darling. And yes, this is a very important prop."
Y/n smiles back at Aloïs's before her ears perk.
"Oh no!"
Putting her feet back flat on the ground, she shrinks to her natural height that's much shorter than Aloïs.
She blows a kiss to Aloïs before running off to the stage, right on cue to her dance number.
Aloïs turns back to a deep chuckle behind the curtains. Phantom had been watching Y/n's playful spectacle.
"Quite the witted beauty. Perhaps I'll take her instead?"
Aloïs growls and shoves the mask against Phantoms chest.
"Take whoever you want! Just leave Y/n out of it!"
"Y/n?" The Phantom taunted with a venomous rumbling voice. He places the mask back onto his face and swings his cape dramatically.
"I shall remember her." His last words before disappearing into the inter mechanisms of the Opera house.
Months passed since Y/n and Erik were hired in the Tavern. Things were going well. Their room had been upgraded to one with a proper washroom and two beds.
Even tho two beds still in the same room, Y/n made a point of it to put up a curtain between her and Erik's bed for a little privacy.
After the first few days of working Erik noticed the knot in Y/n's dress was starting to ruin the dress completely.
He saved up and bought her a band new dress the next day. One with frills and extra light material to emphasize the dance moves.
Slowly they started building a living! First properly cleaning the room best they could, adding curtains and a carpet. Then clothes and accessories to match their taste.
Erik's first time in a market was a wonder to behold, like a child scattered in all directions. Spices from India, silk from Asia. All exported goods Erik never really considered beyond the walls of the Opera house.
Y/n had to hold his hand to keep him from wandering off. This ended up turning into a tugging to every stall that caught Erik's eye.
At nights when kt was time to work, Y/n took the time to properly warm up then dance for hours on end.
Erik usually leaned against the wall or sat at the edge of the bar. Watching every step and every beautiful lock of hair glide through the air as Y/n danced.
Tho his face was dark and intense, he always felt the magic of the theater when watching Y/n dance. A twinge of nostalgia.
Unfortunately there were times when he had to twist a mans arm or almost break his hand for even almost touching Y/n.
Y/n always lost track of time. Erik took this oppertunity to pull her to a corner and probably hydrate and give her a needed break.
After the day was said and done they'd go up to their room for the night, still buzzing from the energetic bar.
"Ha! Come now my dear, if I danced I'd surely look like waddling pigeon!" Erik laughed while delicately massaging Y/n's legs.
Back in the room after a long night of dancing for drunken men. A small candle was flickering against the wooden walls of the room.
Y/n had finally taken Erik up on his nonsense that she 'wasn't doing the proper cool down stretches', and told him to show her how he thinks it's done.
"C'mon! I'm sure you can do a perfect walts! You should've learned something from never leaving the Opera house!"
She watched Erik at the foot of her bed struggling with the basic massaging methods. She was finishing her dinner that Boris had brought up for them.
"Well of course! Walts and many other partner dances. But I wouldn't dare dance alone!" Erik mumbles.
"Mmh! Ow!" Y/n wines yanking her leg back.
"That's enough of your 'help'. " she lightly smacks Erik's hand with the back of her spoon.
She is quick to get back on her feet before pulling Erik to his.
"Now show me this waltz!" she excitedly puts her hands on either of his shoulders with a little bounce.
"Alright, alright! Let's start with this." He mentioned with a little chuckle before pushing Y/n down by her shoulders to stop her bouncing.
He takes one of Y/n's hands off his shoulder and holds it to the side. His hand traces down her side until it's firmly placed on her hip.
"Follow my feet, when I step forward, you step back." he looks down at their feet and starts humming a small tune.
Ta, ta tum! He steps forward and Y/n is quick to match, then another step forward and Y/n steps back.
"Good. Now there's a very important thing to remember about the Waltz." He smiles looking at Y/n's intense focus on his feet movements.
"What's that?" she questions.
Erik smirks and uses his finger to delicately lift Y/n's chin until she looks at him.
"Read the words that come from your partners eyes."
Y/n feels the blood rush to her cheeks and she nods still following Erik's steps and his hummed tune.
"Very Good." he complimented, his voice barely above a whisper now.
Their dance slow to a few small steps and Erik watches Y/n's gaze, hypnotized by his voice and the flickering of a candle in his eyes.
Erik felt his chest start beating faster. Their bodies close enough to feel Y/n's steady breathing. A delicate hand on her hip controlling her movements and keeping her tightly in his grasp.
Y/n's eyes never waver from Erik's gaze. He moves down slowly feeling an immense need to kiss her delicate lips. Their lips graze only for a moment, the want for the sweet taste of each other rushing through both their bodies before :
Knock Knock. "Y/n! A letter for ya!"
A sudden knocking pull both of them from their thoughts and Y/n is first to turn into a red tomato.
"Coming!" she yells, feeling the cold air away from Erik's embrace.
Finally opening the door she looks at Boris still holding his cigar firmly in his mouth with an abnormally white envelope in his hands.
Y/n thanks Boris and whispers a small goodnight before closing the door.
She turns back to Erik with her eyes plastered on the wax seal on the letter. Very formal one compared to any common folks letter.
She traces her fingertips over the oddly familiar crest on the seal.
With a satisfying snap she breaks the wax quickly unfolds the letter.
"What is it?" Erik questions after recovering.
Y/n reads intently which quickly turns to worry. She brings her thumb to her mouth and starts chewing on the nail.
"Floquet..." she talks with a mumble because of the nail she chewed on.
Erik delicately takes her hand from her mouth and holds it to his chest like you would a book.
Y/n looks at him then takes a deep breath.
"Aloïs Floquet. That was his family's name. I recognized the crest from back in the Opera, when he received multiple letters from his mother and father." she explains.
"The letter says they'll be coming here within the next few days. But it doesn't explain why?the letter was sent a week ago! They could arrive tomorrow!"
Y/n's hand clenches out of reflex. Erik delicately traces circles on the back of her hand before questioning.
"Why would they come here?"
"I don't know! Aloïs must've told his family about me! And they heard of me dancing here! Now someone from the family is coming here to yell? Ask me where he is? Arrest me?!"
Y/n starts breathing quicker but Erik swiftly pulls her into a hug.
"Calm your breathing, my dear. It's surely nothing of the sort, and if it is? You did nothing illegal. They will have me to deal with."
He places a kiss on the top of Y/n's head trying to calm her spinning thoughts.
Y/n nods slowly in agreement still feeling fear in her soul. She squeezed Erik tightly and sniffed her tears back.
"Thank you Erik."
She whispered so quietly Erik almost missed it.
Not long after Y/n fell asleep in hed bed. Another mental blow adding to stress that never quite left her after the Opera house burnt down.
Erik peaked through the curtain at Y/n peacefully sleeping on the bed before closing the curtain again.
He walks to the closet then kneels down to the very bottom of the wooden cupboard.
He pushes the false bottom out to reveal a small dagger he'd retrieved from the Opera house. Tho he'd like to use his Rapier sword, being the excellent swordsman he is, it would be far to obvious. Keeping a large sword visible would give him away to his opponent.
This was how Erik planned his encounters with any hint of a threat.
Christine's voice drifted through the open window and into the room. It filled Erik with a breath of fresh air once again. Christine still preforming in an opera nearby giving Erik all the more reason to think about her.
He pushed the dagger back into its sheath and set it down then pulling the ring from his shirt tied to a necklace.
Sitting on his bed he watched Y/n's silhouette through the curtain, her body tense while she slept, then back at the ring. While in thought he starts humming.
"No more talk of darkness,
Forget these wide-eyed fears,
I'm here, nothing can harm you,
My words will warm and calm you." his thoughts turned into a comforting melody.
Y/n's shoulders relax by hearing Erik sing like she's gotten so use to. He smiles seeing her figure calm down.
"Christine, you'll have to wait. I must protect My Y/n first."
Loud cheers from two or three men early in the morning. Their obnoxious voices make Y/n jump out of her dreams and right into the bright morning.
She groans rubbing her eyes with her palm, her wild, lioness hair never breaking the morning routine it kept.
She sighed and stood up from the bed, quickly pulling back the curtain. Erik was still fast asleep with his newly made black mask on the bedside table.
Y/n smiled warmly walking over to him and placing a very quiet kiss on his cheek. A small groan from Erik still fast asleep, then Y/n prepared for the day ahead.
She sighed pulling her shoes on and quietly closing the door behind her. Breakfast was served downstairs as a way of welcoming her and Erik to work in the mornings.
She skipped downstairs with a smile before sliding down the hand rail skipping the last few steps.
"Bonjour Boris!"
She smiled and spun around to the back of the bar where she grabbed a fork.
"Bonjour, girl. Hope you're hungry!" he said tossing a cloth over his shoulder and pushing two plates onto the counter."
Y/n takes a deep breath inhaling the fresh smell of warm bread. She swiftly grabs the bread and took a seat on one of the bar stools.
"Mm~ You spoil us, boy!" she teases Boris while chewing happily, only to receive a smack over the head with the cloth Boris had.
Boris smirks with a little chuckle before looking at the door that creaked open.
"Welcome! What can I get for you?"
"I'm looking for a girl."
Once again Y/n stops chewing and drops the bread into the plate causing the fork to fall out and onto the floor. Her heart pounding in her throat at the familiar voice she heard behind her.
Her body slowly turns to see a young gentleman in the doorway. A coat hung over his shoulder and a neat vest over a white V-neck shirt.
His eyes bright blue and his curly blond hair pulled into a formal ponytail with a few stray strands.
Y/n stands straight only for the shock to hit her fast. She falls back onto the bar holding herself up with her elbows.
Slowly Aloïs walks closer and kneels down to match her hight. Delicately he lifts her chin to look at him.
"Y/n, My darling. I've been looking for you for so long." a smooth whisper before he plants a kiss on her lips.
Y/n is taken by surprise and pushes Aloïs back with her hand on his chest.
"Hold on!" she objects but Aloïs scoops her into his arms and lifts her bridal style.
"Aloïs! Please wait! I-I need to-!" her heart now in her throat she couldn't get the words out fast enough as Aloïs carries her to the door.
"Don't worry! You're safe now!" Aloïs boasted with his head held high, feeling like a knight in shining armor rescuing the damsel.
Aloïs was inches from the door when he's slammed to the side and Y/n is dropped to her feet. With one hand she's pulled into Erik's chest, holding her body tightly against it. So tight that she could hear his heart pounding aswell.
Erik holds his dagger out to Aloïs and glares even more daggers towards him.
The villain come to claim back the damsel, he held Y/n's shoulders then growls out his objection.
"She said, Wait."
Aloïs stands up from where he was pushed and looks at the masked man confused.
"You?" he proclaimed.
Y/n squeezes her eyes shut and listens to Erik's heart for just a moment. He was terrified of her leaving. Tho he doesn't talk much about his past, Y/n knows for a fact he's terrified of ending up alone again.
"That's enough!"
She shakes herself out of her panic, at least enough to talk then looks straight back at Aloïs.
"Let's talk outside."
After getting Erik to lower the dagger, they meet outside of the tavern to talk. Erik right beside Y/n leaning against the wall and listening to every word.
Y/n is the first to talk with her hands fidgeting with her dress.
"How is this possible Aloïs? I saw you get crushed by the falling beams! I heard you scream as you got burnt."
She looks at Aloïs though her hanging locks of hair.
"I did, but I was found. And thanks to my parents, I got the right treatment." his hand moves to his collar only to pull it down low enough to reveal some scarring peaking out of his shirt and crawling up his neck.
"After that I made it a priority to find you. I asked the Managers but those cowards didn't even bother to check how many people survived!"
He takes a step towards Y/n but stops the second Erik growls.
Clearing his throat he looks back at Y/n.
"I hired a private investigator to find you. In the end, they told me of a girl dancing in a tavern matching your description. I knew it had to be you! Now I've come to take you to a safer place."
Y/n shakes her head with her body still tense.
"Leave with you? Aloïs? I barely recognize you! It's been months since, I saw you die. Now you have fancy clothes and an expensive carriage!"
"Yes! To live the life we always talked about! Y/n, I have the money now."
He reaches for Y/n's hand but she pulls away.
"Aloïs... I've mourned for you, I've finally gotten myself to stop crying and move on, you want me to come right back?"
She clenches her teeth and pushes her index finger against Aloïs's chest.
"You may have been in the Opera for a few years, but I've had to learn to create an entire new life for myself and Erik!"
Y/n feels angry tears fill her eyes.
"We can't just start loving each other again!"
Y/n proclaims.
"We still could! I'm still the same Aloïs, Y/n. All you have to do..."
Aloïs pulls a sparkling ring from his pocket and holds it out to Y/n making her gasp.
"... Is give me a chance to show you."
Y/n looks at the glittering jewel as he places it in her palm and folds her fingertips over it.
"Think about it, my love."
He places a kiss on her hand. That was the final straw, Y/n couldn't take everything anymore, she took off back into the tavern leaving Erik and Aloïs.
Aloïs gives a long sigh before straightening his coat and popping the collar.
"That didn't go as planned, I'm afraid."
As much as he didn't want to, Erik chuckled at Aloïs's failed proposal allowing Aloïs to glare him down.
"You! You said you would leave her out of it."
"No, I said I'd remember her." he teased Aloïs.
Aloïs retorts.
"Don't forget, I know exactly what you are. What would Y/n think if she knew she was living with a murderer. The Phantom."
Erik's eyes go red and he shoves Aloïs against the wall and was about to plunge the dagger into the fancy vest Aloïs wore, but Aloïs grabbed Erik's mask almost yanking it off.
"Careful now! You kill me, Y/n will know instantly by my screams." Aloïs warns.
Phantom looks at Aloïs with his one eye that's not covered by Aloïs's palm. Taking a careful step backwards, he let's Aloïs go.
Aloïs straightens his coat and smirks walking to his carriage.
"Tell Y/n I will return for her answer, and you better not be here."
A final threat from Aloïs before the whip echoes and the horses gallop down the street.
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dispatchpodcast · 1 year
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The twelfth episode is here!
In this episode, meet @tripleaxeldiaz (aka spinningincircles aka Lauren), hear all about her fic, and listen to Rachel almost forget to ask about Lauren's podcast!
Listen to a preview above, stream the full episode on Anchor.fm, or find it on platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and more.
See the show notes below for timestamps of when specific discussion takes place, and for links to Lauren, her works, and her recommendations for works by creators @elisela @extasiswings @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @woodchoc-magnum @cinematicnomad @catdadeddie @buttercupbuck @nymika-arts and @tawaifeddiediaz
Show Notes:
Welcome and guest intro (03:13)
How Lauren got into 9-1-1 (feat. starting with Lone Star) (05:38)
Favourite things about 9-1-1 (feat. the beauty of getting the Begins episodes) (19:58)
Favourite character (once again, bet you can't guess…) (26:22)
Favourite episode and scene (feat. being haunted by the shooting) (37:24)
Discussion of Lauren's writing and fic (44:15), focused on: maybe one day i’ll fly next to you (feat. can you believe Lauren has never ice skated?! & having a fic made into a fanfic book) (44:28); always golden in the sky series (feat. the productive procrastination of research) (1:40:51); when the dance is through, it’s me and you (feat. Rachel prematurely starting 6B spec chat) (2:17:48); and maybe then, I’ll fade away (and not have to face the facts) (feat. thank god for people on Tumblr who will help you find fic) (2:46:54)
What Lauren is working on (3:01:17)
Lauren's fandom history (feat. old fanfiction.net accounts you would rather forget…) (3:03:36)
Thoughts on Season 6 so far and predictions (3:15:17) (feat. Lauren is much older and wiser (despite being younger!) than Rachel)
Recommendations for creators and fanworks (3:29:17)
Lauren’s podcast (The Leading Lady Club) (3:32:20)
Goodbye and outro (3:33:54)
Referred to in episode:
Lauren's Tumblr and AO3
Fics discussed: maybe one day i’ll fly next to you; always golden in the sky series (all was golden when the day met the night and darling let me trace the lines); when the dance is through, it’s me and you; and maybe then, I’ll fade away (and not have to face the facts)
Other fics of Lauren's mentioned: his name on your heart; fool for you from the bottom of my soul; and subtle as a brick in the small of my back
incorrect buddie quote post that inspired Lauren's first buddie fic
Eli (elisela)
Oli (tsoanatural) and an example of the fic books
Meg (nymika-arts)
picture of all the 911 fic books that Rachel has together
Kris (hattalove), Kris' podcast ep, and Kris' fic book
Mads (letmetellyouaboutmyfeels)
Those Two Firefighters fic
my post asking seeking maybe then, I’ll fade away (and not have to face the facts)
Morgan (rewritetheending)
Nova (catdadeddie) and 911bts
The Leading Lady Club Podcast
Lauren's recommendations:
Eli (elisela)'s fic
Chapel (extasiswings)'s fic
Mads (letmetellyouaboutmyfeels)'s fic
Felicity (woodchoc-magnum)'s fic, including the you can tell everybody this is your song series
Kat (cinematicnomand)'s fic and edits and gifs, including the happy eddie diaz series
Nova (catdadeddie)'s edits and gifs and 911bts
Alicia (buttercupbuck)'s edits and gifs and fic, including in a week
Meg (nymika-arts)'s art, edits and gifs, and fic
Zee (tiawifeeddiediaz)'s fic and edits and gifs
Contact details:
Dispatch Tumblr: dispatchpodcast.tumblr.com Dispatch email: [email protected] Rachel's Tumblr: burnthatbridge.tumblr.com
Intro and outro music by BrightestAvenue from Pixabay
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lilis-palace · 2 years
Hi! I’m using the Folk pack from you and I adore it. It’s perfect for what I need. My only question is, what do the wall protectors say? I can’t read some of them well enough to translate them all.
Yes, absolutely yes! People often wrote general wisdoms or platitudes on the wall protectors. A few didn't age well, (e.g. gender roles) but I tried to pick some that had nice intentions anyway.
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"Ne járjon konyhába az a férj, aki úgysem a főzéshez ért!"
Don't let a husband, who doesn't know how to cook, go to the kitchen!
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2. "Míg a rántást keverem, életem a kedvesem."
While I stir the scramble, my life is my darling.
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3. "Kedves vendég, nem kínálunk, [végy egyedül, itt a tálunk]"
Dear guest we don't offer you, take it alone, here is our bowl (I chopped of the second part of the sentence)
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4. "Hol hit, ott szeretet, hol szeretet, ott béke, hol béke, ott áldás, hol áldás, ott Isten, hol Isten, ott szükség nincsen."
Where there is faith, there is love; where there is love, there is peace; where there is peace, there is blessing; where there is blessing, there is God; where there is God, there is no need.
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5. "[Adjon Isten] Bort, búzát, békességet, csinos, dolgos feleséget."
[May God give you] Wine, wheat, peace, a pretty, busy wife.
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6. "Sütni, főzni nem nehéz, ha van hozzá elég pénz!"
Baking and cooking are not difficult if you have enough money!
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7. "Hálás szívvel köszönöm a sorsnak, hogy téged adott nékem, senki mást!"
With a grateful heart I thank fate for giving me you and no one else!
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8. "Mit keres nagysága a konyhában, várja meg az ebédet a szobában!"
What is your "majesty" doing in the kitchen, wait for lunch in the room! I can't really translate Nagyságos. It was a noun used by highly educated intellectuals and a wealthy middle class until 1945. My great grandparents used it, and I wish I could be a nagyságos úrleány too:( Shame that communists took it away from us.
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get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better
i am so very late to this but thank you to meg @wmnylander and alex @j-ustkeepgliding for the tag! mwah <3
last song i listened to: hiss - megan thee stallion. when i tell you i have not been the same since this track dropped...
currently watching: having a downton abbey rewatch with the fam and oh my god. sybil my darling i am so so sorry they did that to you!!
currently obsessed with: the hockey hyper-fixation is very real atm, but i am also (very slowly) getting back into embroidery after finally finding my supplies that got shuffled around in a move
tagging: @hurtswell, @malewag, @annieqattheperipheral, @sergeifyodorov but also i'm nosy so if anyone else wants to, please do i love learning fun little facts about people!!
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andr0leda · 5 months
i was tagged my @thatlesbeanjew & @pearl-kite thank you darlings here we go
Last song: Who You Do It For - Ramsey
Favourite Colour: all of them 🌈
Last Movie/TV Show: The Meg 2: The Trench (it was terrible, first one was also terrible i admit but it was so much more fun) tv show.... i think it was bbc pride & prejudice because i was feeling sad a few weeks ago
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: why we gotta pit 3 bad bitches against each other? all of them 😩
Last Thing I Googled: "Dog puts his butt on my face" i know what it means i just wanted to remind myself that its a good thing, and that the dog does in fact care for me while he put his butt on my face 😔
Current Obsession: The White Vault !!!!!
i'm late so late to this so i shan't be tagging anyone! unless you, reading this want to do it then you should do it!
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2, 37, and 43 for the ask game<333
hello alyssa my lovely!! thanks for the asks!!! (also i love your new icon)
2. what would you name your future kids?
so i actually have a list of names in my notes (even tho idk if i even want kids lol) so here are some of my faves: audrey, ferris, marla, margot, madelaine, billie, edmund, anastasia, and marjorie
37. favorite actor/actress
okayyy so i LOVE actors who are just always playing crazy little guys and just doing the most!! christopher lloyd and tim curry are the first two to come to mind, but jeffrey combs is also great!! they’re all so expressive!!! i also love robert deniro. i just think he’s so incredibly talented. i also love jimmy stewart (but like his early work) and i trust anything kyle maclachlan’s in to be good bc he’s just a fun and funky guy!! kurt russell also slays!!! for actresses, i love anne hathaway. she is like my number one darling baby!! i also really like margot robbie (who doesn’t) and i absolute eat up any rom com that stars julia roberts, sandra bullock, or meg ryan!!
43. favorite song ever
this is actually so hard so i put multiple sorry <3
this is my go-to answer for this question. this song is so nostalgic, and it makes me feel so free
i mean we all expected this song to be here. this is like the ultimate love song to me. it’s so beautiful and unapologetically loving
lol i actually cry if i think about this song too hard!!! it’s so gorgeous, and i love the tangible feeling of yearning and devotion that it creates. also it makes me think of ghost and of josh, both of which i love
i just posted about this song but wow it’s a masterpiece. it feels like a warm embrace from a lover at the end of a long day. i love it
get to know me asks!!!
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Congratulations! You deserve many, many more, but I am so happy that 600 others have discovered how amazing you are. <3 You are one of the brightest stars on here and I adore you so, so much.
Now if I may exchange one of my potions for a Bewitching Brew of Captivation pretty please... I present to you Play It Again [Bakugou x Reader] <3
I'm not sure if you prefer me to give you a self ship or if you'd like to pick one for me or what fandoms you are dabbling in so I will give you a few options (sans my poly ones) for consideration:
Bakugou x Meg [MHA]
Momo x Meg [MHA]
Kunigami x Meg [Blue Lock]
Beel x Meg [Obey Me]
A star I am not, but I do thank you, my sweet and darling Meg, for comparing me to that of the constellations above. I'm sure you would make a beautiful accompaniment to them with how lovely you are 💛
I also thank you for wanting to visit my shop and continuing to do so. Your presence is so dear to me, and I hope I am able to brew something as wonderful as the newfound friendship I have made with you.
Now, I do hope my brew can captivate you 🔮
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Beelzebub is not the demon of Gluttony for no reason; he is always hungry and that hunger takes itself into many forms.
His favourite is in the form of you and the love that he so greedily takes from you - in any way you are willing to give.
He loves to spoil you as much as you spoil him - so expect many indulgencies from him.
Due to his insatiable hunger, you can expect many dates to be centered around food - going to food stalls on Saturday afternoons to try every vendor's creation and watching him rate each one, using an arbitrary list he came up with to state which was the best. Of course, he does take into account what you liked the most - and on days you are sad will show up on your doorstep with it to help cheer you up.
Expect to be whisked away at random on grand getaways to restaurants all over the world - Italy, Greece, France, Thailand, India - for a night out to try a brand-new restaurant that just opened that Beelzebub so desperately wanted to try; don't worry, he'll make sure you're home on time😉
As well, expect to always be fed when you see him. When you come over for a visit, as soon as you walk in the door he's handing you a snack to eat. When you're out running errands, going shopping, or visiting landmarks and museums, he always has a go bag of snacks and will always offer you one when he starts to get a little peckish.
And when you're alone? Well, expect to give him a constant stream of affection, cuddles, and kisses, or else you will be faced with incessant whining and pouting - and claims that you don't love him.
But that's not to say he doesn't give affection back, nothing starts his morning off better than holding you close, playing with your hair, and peppering your face with tender kisses until you wake up.
He's greedy about your love, but nothing makes him happier than spoiling you. So you can be greedy too.
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A potion for a potion, I hope this pleases you 🔮
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nursc · 10 months
Happy birthday, darling!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, and that the next year is the best yet. Love you!!!
Kate, this morning I told Meg 'Kate is the best sort of gossip', but I think I need to amend the statement to say 'Kate is the best sort of person'. You are just a pillar of goodness and delight, so full of ideas and love! I'm so lucky to have you in my life <3. Thank you!!
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rosyfingereddawnn · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
meg love !!!!! thanks so much darling <333 you are absolutely wonderful and deserve the world i hope you know <33
oof okay this is so so hard. yknow what i’m just gonna put the first 5 songs from my on repeat playlist because i have wayyyyyy too many songs i listen to. but tbh you wouldn’t think that from this list i know
1. built by nations - greta van fleet
2. see no evil - ghost
3. no children - the mountain goats
4. please, please, please, let me get what i want - the smiths
5. stardust chords - greta van fleet
please i have so many more songs these are just giving me brain worms i suppose <333
ily babe
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snoozeagustd · 2 years
Nixie, love, how are we doing????
anya, darling! we are... confused. like i told meg, i knew it was coming and i feel a little disappointed but hey, i’m sure they’ll have a bunch of stuff pre-recorded for us.my heart dropped when i saw this but i’m still proud of them and i trust them and honestly, the impact they’ve made on my life in this short time is tremendous and i just know i’m going to be here forever. i found these men when i was in a complicated? period in my life and this is so cliché but they made my life so so so much better. its like, i found a piece of myself again and i finally felt happier than i had in a long time. they made me love myself again and ill forever be thankful to them. ive only been army since march this yea (can you believe it?? it feels like ive known them forever) and this has the best time of my life. i know that ill be waiting for them patiently like so many other armys because hey, we're in this bangtan shit for life.
im so proud of them cuz the gov was going to dangle an out over their heads till dec and there was no way they were going to exempt them so im glad the boys took it in their own hands. and uk what? these 3 years is a great time for new armys to fully be immersed into the fandom..and its not like we're not getting any content for 3 years, i mean there is def tons of pre-filmed stuff and there are the solo albums too. like yes, its going to be painful to not se them together 'live' for a while but 2.5years will pass by fast anyway
we're here, waiting for them and loving them!
sorry you probably didnt expect me rambling right?
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visceravalentines · 1 year
Questions for Meg!
💭 You can ask any slasher whatever question you want. Who & what are you going to ask?
🤗 Which slasher do you think gives the best hugs?
🏠 If you could live with only one slasher who would it be? How’s the experience?
~ Sol <3
Sol my darling!! <3 thank u for the ask!
💭 You can ask any slasher whatever question you want. Who & what are you going to ask?
I have so many things I would like to ask Mikey but I know he wouldn't give me any answers 😞
🤗 Which slasher do you think gives the best hugs?
Thomas Hewitt for sure as long as you don't mind Grime™
My house answer stands: Bullshit Mechanic. Bad Time.
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luxurybrownbarbie · 1 year
Hi babe I know that you’re probably deeply unbothered by it all but I did wanna say I’m very sorry you’re receiving such obnoxious anons right now. I really enjoy your online presence and appreciate your POV very much. <3
Thank you! 💛 It’s mostly funny, but occasionally very annoying. I’m not sure what set them off this time, I’ve always been very much supportive of Meg, even when I don’t agree with all of her decisions.
Thank you darling! 💛
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werewolfashton · 1 year
2022 writing evaluation
darling @igarbagecannotevenoteven tagged me to do this, honestly unbelievable, thank you megs <3 your answers were so interesting btw!!
i’ll also include all my works in this bc i haven’t written much in 5sos this year lmao. the other stuff can mainly be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/villainous_intentions
number of stories posted on ao3: 4 for 5sos, 20-30 in other fandoms, mainly stranger things (this is such a vague number bc i’m including drabbles)
word count posted for this year: ~53.332
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, stranger things, the iliad/tsoa, [redacted]
pairings: lashton (2), malum (1), ot4 (1), harringrove (like 20+ and some platonic pairings), patrochilles (1), [redacted]
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for 5sos it’s but underneath we had a fear of flying in all regards
for other fandoms in kudos and bookmarks it’s don’t that man look pretty and in terms of comments: i was far too scared to hit him, but i would hit him in a heartbeat now and into the deep
work i’m most proud of and why: i’m really proud to have written 4k in one sitting for a wild and an untamed thing, and really all i wrote for the harringrove harvest probably
work i’m least proud of and why: ngl i really don’t like any of my 5sos fics very much except maybe the 2 song fics and some horror aspects so
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i got and still get so much love for one of my drabbles for st, those always make me smile and then recently i got the funniest review of my life tbh but that stays between me and the unfortunate souls that have my insta
a time when writing was really, really hard: the only time writing was not hard was during the writing challenges in june and october. or well it was still hard but i was putting out words like an insane person anyway. blessed days.
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: still surprised to be writing in the first place. certainly wrote a lot of stuff towards the end of the year that i did not expect. wrote about a shitload of trauma. OH i wrote crack. did not expect to be able to do that. 
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i mostly like some of the one liners in my fics and this is one of them from into the deep end: "Fear spreads through [Steve] and he rushes forward, half expecting a monster in the middle of the bed, but when he moves behind the others to look into the room he stops as well. It’s not a monster, not really. At least he doesn’t think so. 
It’s just a mullet wearing asshole that’s supposed to be dead."
and i wrote this baby of drabble that’s one of my fav pieces of writing idk i struggled with this point of the review
how did you grow as a writer this year? i have become more open to just writing what i want. especially recently i’ve stopped really caring? like i still look at numbers too much but at least i write what i like now. i’ve also started writing longer works (at least sort of)
how do you hope to grow next year? i wish i had more time to write which isn’t really something i can force so i think i’m just hoping to not care about statistics as much. as to writing itself i wanna just expand my vocabulary.
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? alright so, idk. i often feel very uncomfy speaking to people about my fic bc i think i annoy them and they only put up with it. i certainly have some lovely people who have been supportive (like em) and have been kind enough to beta for me (e.g. helen) and especially noah has been helping me with ideas. but yeah overall idk i shy away from talking about my fic bc it just ends up making me feel bad. thus i think the only overall actually very positive influence was the stranger things fandom, lovely feedback, actual engagement with fics, all that stuff has been helpful.
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? haha. y’all don’t need to know how much i projected this year thanks!
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? stop! fucking! looking! at! the! stats!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? @pixiegrl birthday fic. like 30 harringrove drafts. much [redacted]. we shall see though i’m trying not to stress myself
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: aight idk what’s going on here anymore so i’ll leave this as it is
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takecareluv · 2 years
oh my god okay so im pretty sure i have some weird psychic powers that light up everytime you post because i came on here and i was like wait did meg post?? then i went to check ur masterlist and it wasn't updated yet so i was like ah damn okay then i was scrolling thru my following and i found ur forgiveness and face masks blurb and i was like I KNEW IT hehehe
btw it was super cute and adorable and retail therapy hello?? yes i love love love
once again, and ill never stop saying this, keep up the awesome work and im rooting for you!!
ahahah omg that’s too funny, you got like spidey senses when i post a fic 😭
also i’m so glad you liked it !! of course i had to had the retail therapy, that is my answer for everything haha i literally have packages coming in the mail everyday it’s so bad. i could be one of tiktokers that their entire page is just hauls ahaha
sending all my love <3 have a wonderful day, darling !
also thank you, u just reminded me that i need to update my masterlist haha
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