#thank you melkor
sauronnaise · 2 years
Dreams again...
I dreamt I was 15 again and doing a history exam on New-France during a French class, but there was a guy who thought it was an English class and he blasted the worst metal I've ever heard (mind you, I listen to metal irl), which distracted me from finishing my exam. It was at this moment Melkor decided he had enough, walked up to the guy, told him to shut up. The guy did (he was scared of Melkor, and with reason. Pissing Melkor off isn't a good idea).
Anyhow, I couldn't finish my exam because my desk wouldn't stop turning on itself (and I'd turn around it on my chair), and I had forgotten how to read.
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polutrope · 3 months
If you're in the mood for another sentence ask:
"Why nine?"
Thank you!
"Why nine?"
"It is an auspicious number," said Fëanáro, "the number of Aratar, Highest of the Ainur, who came down into Eä from the Timeless Halls." Nerdanel howled with such delight that the forest above them burst to life with birds scattering in alarm. "So you would make yourself the rival of Ilúvatar in Arda?"
"Not rival! Peer, perhaps." Fëanáro said it in jest, but there was that defensive twist at the corners of his mouth, in the squint of his eyes.
"Well, you will have to learn to create offspring of your thought as the Allfather did, for you will not father nine children by me."
Fëanáro pouted, and after a while said, "Seven?"
"Six," Fëanáro allowed, and rolled her over to get to work.
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eri-pl · 10 days
(Feanorian spelling still counts as "Morgoth")
Second-in-command is going to get a name-shipability correlation testing poll too. At some point.
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mirkwood · 7 days
feanormelkor/ feanope 31
Hi thank you for the ask!! And sorry for the delay <3
Prompt 31 : After a small rejection
Pairing : Feanor / Melkor
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Fëanor can sense the Vala’s presence the moment he enters the forges. 
The air, previously heated by the forge’s flames, abruptly turns icy. The sudden chill makes the sweat on Fëanor’s skin feel clammy. He doesn’t need to turn to see the intruder. Familiar with Melkor's constant lurking, he knows when he is there, watching him silently.
He finds himself instinctively searching for him in every corner, in every dark room.
Gripping his hammer tighter, he wills himself to remain composed. 
“Whatever brings you here,” Fëanor says, his tone devoid of any warmth or welcome, “I have neither the need nor the time for it.”
A moment of silence fills the space between his words and the darkness behind him. As if the presence he felt was nothing more than just a trick of his imagination. 
But still, he waits. 
And there it is, a faint hum that morphs into a deep chuckle, reverberating through the forge room. 
“I doubt you truly mean that, Fëanáro,” comes the response, teasing and casual as if Fëanor is his friend.
It is a cruel melody, a rumble that could shake down the foundations of Fëanor’s resolve. He hates the way it makes him feel. Weak and defenseless against that voice dripping with saccharine deceit and lies.
Turning sharply, hammer still in hand, Fëanor faces the part of the forge where the fires' light doesn’t reach. In the darkness, two fiery eyes meet his gaze.
Melkor finally steps into the light, yet Fëanor can only spot his pale face, cloaked in darkness as he is. Fëanor straightens his back and folds his arms in front of him, waiting for Melkor to speak his lies once again. 
“I have a proposition for you,” Melkor breaks the tense silence while looking around the forge with an innocuous curiocity. Fëanor knows what he is looking for, and he also knows well that it is not here. 
He remains silent. 
“We could achieve great things together,” Melkor says, approaching the bench where Fëanor’s new project sits untouched. “Your brilliance and my insight could create something unparalleled.” 
Fëanor's expression hardens as he turns to face the Vala. "I have no interest in your schemes, Melkor,” he rebukes. “I work alone, as you well know. Nothing can change that.”
Melkor falls silent, his gaze lingering on Fëanor’s workbench, as if it is the most interesting thing in Arda. For a moment, Fëanor wonders if his words have gone unheard. 
“You are making a mistake, son of Finwë,” Melkor speaks again and his voice holds a dangerous edge to it. Gone is the friendly lilt and the false sweetness of it. “You would do well to reconsider my offer.”
Fëanor scoffs, his anger fully resurfacing. “Save your threats. I know what you are and I will not let your tainted hands or your insight near my creations,” he says with a sneer, the fire in his eyes blazing. 
Melkor turns to face him, and beyond the bitter disappointment and frustration, Fëanor can see destruction and death in his steely gaze. 
"You are a fool, Fëanor," Melkor murmurs, stepping away from the workbench and closer to Fëanor until he is mere inches away. "But a brilliant fool."
Before Fëanor can react, Melkor leans in, his lips brushing against Fëanor's cheek in a quick, provocative kiss. The unexpected contact sends a shockwave through Fëanor, and he jerks back, his face flushed with a mix of fury and bewilderment.
Melkor steps back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. “Do not keep me waiting, Fëanor,” he says. 
Fëanor holds his ground, refusing to look away. It's a battle of wills, and he's determined not to yield. He waits until Melkor chooses to leave, his cloak melding into the darkness as he departs.
Just as quickly as he arrived, Melkor is gone, the heavy iron door of the forge clicking shut behind him.
Fëanor's fingers linger on the spot where Melkor kissed him. He can still feel the warmth of his lips.
A fire ignites in him, a fire fueled by rage and a new unspoken, unacknowledged spark.
Send me a ship and a number
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forestials · 1 year
If you’re willing, could I request some Angbang art? I love your style!!
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@now-thats-an-oof You most certainly can! Forget the war crimes for a second, it’s the reverence for me.
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aipilosse · 7 months
This is probably a stupid question, but you said you're open to ones about Sauron: do you know what he was doing after Morgoth was defeated the first time? It doesn't make sense that he would be in Valinor, but I see people say that he was. Am I missing something? Thank you
Anon, this is not a stupid question at all and I've also puzzled over where the idea that Sauron was in Valinor after the otherthrow of Utumno came from. From reading the Silm, it really sounds like Sauron defected to Morgoth at a very early point, well before the elves woke up, and did not leave him after Morgoth's defeat.
I guess at a high level, here's the timeline of events:
World is created. Valar arrive.
Melkor decides he want to be king of the world, screw Manwë and Eru.
Tulkas arrives and chases Melkor out. Melkor begins to sulk away from the Valar.
The Valar make the two lamps. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
THEN we get this first information about Sauron (from the Annals of Aman in Morgoth's Ring):
Now Melkor knew of all that was done; for even then he had secret friends and spies among the Maiar whom he had converted to his cause, and of these the chief, as after became known, was Sauron, a great craftsman of the household of Aulë.
So, yeah, Sauron became a follower of Morgoth at a very early point, before the making of the lamps. He also had to have been not aligned with Morgoth exclusively at some point in order to become known as a great craftsman of the household of Aulë.
So when does he leave? I don't know, but I think it's before the elves leave Cuiviénen.
I think it's actually an important plot point that Sauron is out in the world working as an agent of Morgoth after Utumno is overthrown, and crucially Utumno is overthrown because the elves have woken up and the Valar want to defend them but have not yet contacted them. One of the highlights for me in Nature of Middle-earth was all the references that Sauron was causing chaos while Morgoth was in Mandos and then in Valinor. This was already in the Myths Transformed chapter of Morgoth's Ring, but there were even more details in NoME.
Here's Myths Transformed because I don't feel like fishing out NoME (and I think this is more complete and canonical anyway):
We my assume, then, that the idea of breeding the Orcs came from Melkor, not at first maybe so much for the provision of servants or the infantry of his wars of destruction, as for the defilement of the Children and the blasphemous mockery of the designs of Eru. The details of the accomplishment of this wickedness were, however, left mainly to the subtleties of Sauron. in that case the conception in mind of the Orcs may go far back into the night of Melkor's thought, though the beginning of their actual breeding must await the awakening of Men. When Melkor was made captive, Sauron escaped and lay hid in Middle-earth; and it can in this way be understood how the breeding of the Orcs (no doubt already begun ) went on with increasing speed during the age when the Noldor dwelt in Aman; so that when they returned to Middle-earth they found it already infested with this plague, to the torment of all that dwelt there, Elves or Men or Dwarves. It was Sauron, also, who secretly repaired Angband for the help of his Master when he returned; and there the dark places underground.
So, I think we can conclude Sauron spent time in Valinor during the Age of the Lamps, but was already leaning or completely converted to Melkor's agenda at the time, and he left well before the elves arrived, very possibly before the elves woke up. I am not aware of any information that suggests otherwise, though if anyone has it, I'm happy to hear it.
So I think the many stories of Sauron in Valinor with elves are just playing with the idea and having fun with it, because it is an interesting idea, and not really worrying about the timeline. And I will end on that non-judgmental note!
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urwendii · 11 months
'First time' for angbang (^v^)
Prompt game:
Oh dear, I only have one gear with them 🫣
Mairon's first time with Melkor isn't what people might picture - if they ever do such things. He is an inquisitive mind after all, and the new sensations bursting through his fana are of a whole new kind. He isn't necessarily at ease with the lack of control over his own emotions but Melkor's kisses and steady gaze keeps him anchored.
There is so much reverence and admiration in his heart for the mighty God he is certain that this is what the Music should have been about, the missing part, the one he tried so hard to come up with. He is even afraid by the magnitude of his feelings for Melkor, and when their bodies are finally joined as one Mairon lets go of everything but the certitude of having found something greater than Life itself. Melkor calls him his precious his admirable, so pretty, so very pretty and he thinks yes, yes I will do everything for you and he no longer fear breaking under the weight of that gaze that holds all the powers they were made with.
(He will. Break. Much later.)
(He stands alone and the darkness has lost its warmth. Nothing is precious any longer.)
(At the end of all Things he thinks, was it worth it?)
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Carries the thrre into a secret room in the depths of the fortress. Opens the door to show a nature filled, sunny plave with birds, and peaceful insects roaming around. Gently places the three on the ground and moves away, silently watching them. "You're far from home, but I can try to make this your new home.."
All three are still huddled against each other, scared to their very core, due to all they had to witness - blood, violence, monsters. They have been awakened too soon, their mind still fragile as that of a small child, just like the forms they had taken. They weep and are seemingly unconsolable. "I want atya back..." the silver haired sniffles. The blonde as well as the little girl with hair like freshly fallen snow hide her from him and cower from him.
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that-angry-noldo · 10 months
Ooh, please do tell about finarfin creechur!
thank you!! for @general-illyrin, @sparrowsarus, and @awkwardtuatara too
Creechur Finarfin is still in the plotting phase! I want to work on it as soon as I'm done with TRSB. The premise of the fic is "what if Finarfin got captured and Morgoth decided to keep him in a terrarium, with some modifications".
Here is a snippet!
When Melkor finally takes him out of his cage, too small for his size, Finarfin trashes in his hold to get out of it quicker and scout the surroundings accordingly - besides, Melkor's strong fingers hurt his ribs. He breaks free and immediately climbs up Melkor's shoulder, swiping his tongue out to gather information earlier unavailable.
Melkor scoffs. Finarfin flops his ears and warbles apologetically, quickly climbing up Melkor's head to look into his eyes. Melkor swipes him off with one big hand, and Finarfin lets out an undignified squeak as he falls down at the big table; he regains his footing immediately, ears perking, eyes scouting the room. Having perceived no treat, he warbles and turns his attention to a big green plant at the other side of the table.
He bites one of its thick leaves and sputters. It tastes sour and bitter. Finarfin decides he does not like to eat plants anymore.
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cilil · 11 hours
For the Ship or Don't Ship Ask Game:
Morgoth x Arien
I'm aware this is a "problematic ship" but there's something about Morgoth's desire for Arien that intrigues me. 👀
Have you written for them before, or will you ever?
Oooh that's an interesting one to talk about👀 (also don't worry about "problematic" or "toxic" or generally dark ships, I don't mind discussing those ^^)
So do I ship them in the sense that I could see them as a halfway functional couple exchanging affection and ruling together? Not really. But do I ship them in the sense that it could be excellent dark fic material? Yes.
The way I write them could be summarized as onesided attraction on Melkor's end. He's quite interested in Arien because he (canonically too) loves all things light and fire and has expressed interest in various characters associated with these elements, other examples being Varda, Mairon and Fëanor. Arien however really doesn't like him - as do pretty much all women Melkor is interested in - especially after he started being... weird about it. I find the alternate version of the story in which he proposes to her super interesting and his proposal frankly hilarious because it's so bad, even if that scene has a rather... dark ending unfortunately.
With these two, you could really nicely explore the horror elements (but also exciting at least for the reader) of Basically The Devil desiring The Sun Maiden, lots of fire symbolism, light and darkness, good and evil, all that fun stuff. It also comes with the added "bonus" (if that is what the audience wants and the author is going for) of having an inherent power imbalance that wouldn't be as present with Varda and you also get to leave Beren and Lúthien alone.
As for my writing, I have written a story about them before, but it's unpublished - not due to the nature of the material, though as you may have already guessed this is in fact a not-so-nice fic, but due to the fact that I was young and not skilled at my craft. In this story Arien actually falls in love with Mairon who unfortunately has little use for her feelings and decides to sell her out to Melkor instead. I have plans to rewrite this one properly for publication one day.
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legendariium · 2 months
Maeglin had to grow up so fast and yet he died so young, too. somethingsomething dior parallel and the difference having a loving parent vs. an abusive parent can make
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eternal-fear · 2 years
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red-vixens-blog · 2 years
Valar of Flames
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Inspired by @doodle-pops post - 2
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mirkwood · 10 days
your angbang posting has been giving me LIFE!!! so 7+ angbang for the kiss prompt pleaseee (it just feels right)
hey ashleigh!!! thank you for the ask, it does feel right indeed <3
Prompt 7 : to shut them up
Pairing : Melkor / Mairon
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Melkor is… talking.  Mairon is too tired and annoyed to actually bother with listening to what he has to say. Utumno has been a cacophony of noises and screams and shouts from its inhabitants that now it’s quite impossible to focus for even one more second on what his Lord is saying. The Maia’s gaze falls on Melkor’s lips, moving and forming words that he can’t quite bother to actually listen to or even try to decipher. He really hopes his Master is not sharing one of his grand ideas. That would mean he has to actually pay attention, plan it through and put it in action. In any other case, he would do it in the blink of an eye, so willing and ready as he is to please his Lord.  Now, all he wants is for Melkor to stop talking.  He should not be able to get a headache. It is impossible. But here he is, sprawled on their shared bed, with black dots dancing behind his shut eyelids.  “What say you, Mairon?” he hears Melkor ask, and for a moment after, all is quiet.  Mairon smiles in relief, a big wide smile that is quite not him. He is moderate and reserved with his reactions, anyone acquainted with the Maia would know this. It is an unsettling sight.  And Melkor notices this as well. His brows furrowed in confusion, he observes his Mairon from where he is standing a few feet away from their bed.  He thinks he is beautiful. The very epitome of perfection and grace on his bed, with his golden locks all over the pillows and his body languidly stretched over the sheets.  Mairon rests his hands against his stomach, the fabric of his loose tunic soft beneath his fingers. He feels the empty spot next to him dip and shift under the weight of Melkor settling on the bed.  “You know,” Melkor begins, and Mairon inwardly curses everything that has ever existed. He can feel Melkor’s gaze on him, soft yet calculating.  “I believe it would be wise to follow that course of action,” Melkor continues, and Mairon has not the slightest inkling of what he is talking about. “Whatever you say, my precious,” Mairon responds, and he can practically sense the subtle tilt of Melkor's head. “What do you mean? Do you no longer believe we ought to–”  Melkor’s words are cut off abruptly when Mairon lifts his head from the pillows and reaches for him, fists clutching his robes and pulling him into a rough, messy kiss. Their teeth clash, but Mairon pays it no mind.  Despite his initial shock, Melkor eagerly returns the kiss, his hands resting on Mairon’s hips, pushing him back down on the bed. Mairon complies willingly, trapped between the pillows and Melkor’s body.  Yet he pulls away too soon, his head tilting back and away from Melkor’s attempts to follow him and taste him again.  Mairon gently presses two fingers against Melkor’s parted lips.  “Later, precious,” he promises and Melkor grunts in protest. “Hush now.” For once, his Master relents and actually listens to him.  The blessed silence that follows is the greatest of gifts bestowed upon Mairon.
Send me a ship and a number
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sakasakiii · 3 months
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a while ago in june of last year i posted this sketch dump and received a very wonderful ask from @mochamai wherein the mysterious ghost hand to the left of maedhros was brought to attention..... i hv seized this opportunity to do these very self indulgent doodles of Melkor who (loathe as i am to admit it) is the individual that hand belongs to 😭😭
HEAR ME OUT OK. it was just supposed to be a random hand right. i had drawn it with normal nails and everything!!! BUT THEN. then. i was on pinterest browsing character design inspiration and i found the infamous stained dark claw hand (if you know you know) and i realised it was my one chance to actually incorporate it into my silm designs... then i considered who would fit it and all i could think of was post-silmaril morgoth.... and here we are :((((
anyways ive been kinda busy these past two months BUT i used this chance to squeeze in some anatomy practice so errrrr dont ask me why he's shirtless in most of these..... i will only speak in the presence of my attorney........
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thank you again for taking the time to ask though!!!!! ❤️❤️ i really really do like your original interpretation of the hand (i'll post the original picture below if anyone is curious) belonging to Maedhros in Mandos-- especially since it kinda matches up lorewise doesnt it....!!! it means a lot that youd take the time to look at it in such detail waaaaa <3333 maybe some new mae doodles are in order to make up for it 😚😚 soon!!!
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^ the aforementioned hand dun dun dunnnn
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ardafanonarch · 5 months
Is there any basis in canon for Fëanor and his followers wearing red? I know he and his sons have "tall helms with plumes of red", but that's the only mention of the colour in any sort of symbolic connection to them that I can think of.
Fëanorian Red
Jumping the Inbox queue for you because this is a fairly easy one to answer.*
You're right! The idea of Fëanor and his followers wearing red is fanon. I would speculate it comes from two sources:
1. The passage you identified
And Fëanor made a secret forge, of which not even Melkor was aware; and there he tempered fell swords for himself and for his sons, and made tall helms with plumes of red. The Silmarillion, "Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor"
2. The fact that we do know Fingolfin's colours were blue and silver
But as the host of Fingolfin marched into Mithrim the Sun rose flaming in the West; and Fingolfin unfurled his blue and silver banners... The Silmarillion, "Of the Return of the Noldor"
The "blue and silver" banners are again referred to when Fingon is killed in the Nirnaeth, and in Fingolfin's duel with Morgoth his shield is described as blue.
So it makes sense to me that the fandom would set Fëanor's House up in contrast to Fingolfin's by making his colours red -- supported, perhaps, by the mention of their red-plumed helms.
Red is also, of course, a colour historically and culturally associated with passion, violence, and war -- all things that rather suit the House of Fëanor. (Red, it bears mentioning, is a very common colour for helmet plumes -- either contributing to or because of red's association with war.)
Tolkien's design for Fëanor's heraldic device does contain some red, but its most striking element is perhaps the rainbow centre in a blue circle, and the most dominant colour is yellow.
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*Opening the floor, as always, to any other evidence of the Fëanorian colour being red that might be buried deep in the lore where I have not found it.
Thanks to this Reddit post for doing a lot of the research for me.
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