#thanks 4 introducing me to sth tag
uhm?? previous post skyrocketed in literally one night I don't know how to respond to this. hi guys!! have another one I did :3
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take this while i work on new stuff to appeal to the masses
this one's definitely a little simpler in terms of lineart a little less canon in terms of design but it gets the message across when I have no idea how to not just leave a topic hanging!!
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forestinfire · 1 year
i was tagged by @dekaythepunk to post five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation then tag 5 people
thank you!! <3 /this is so hard as its me who mostly recommends music OR i dont remember if i found sth myself or not :( /
bad omens / the worst in me /they had only 4 songs then..../
lil peep / save that shit
kayzo & bad omens / suffocate
thousand below / hell finds you everywhere
goldroger / horcrux
i tag anyone who wants to do this!!
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just-eyris-things · 3 years
Eyris Interview
because I was tagged by the one and only @i-mybrunettelady, thank you .w.
OC Interview: Eyris
Draw (or use an old  drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an  interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
Me: it will be a quick sketch, just silhouettes or sth
Also me:
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1. Can you introduce yourself?
"Hi. I'm Eyris. That's about it."
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
"I identify myself as a bi woman. When it comes to relationship...let's say it's complicated. Since I am constantly away, it's difficult to establish a solid relationship, at least for me."
3. Where and when were you born?
"Ah, it was so many moons ago. I awakened in the Grove, because, you know, I'm a sylvari? We don't really do the whole...birthing... stuff you fleshlings do. As for when... as I said, many moons ago, in year 1310 After Exodus. Which makes me 24 this year. If it weren't for Airell, I'd feel old. Lucky for me, he's ancient."
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
"I prefer to take down my enemies unseen and quietly. I either get in close with my trusty daggers or take them down with a bow and an arrow. I can also pack a punch. I might not be as strong as my friend Airell or my, uh...girlfriend? Freya, but I know how to deliver a good blow."
5. Lastly, are you happy?
"Happiness is subjective, you know that, right? But I'd say yes. I think?"
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
"I...have never really had a family. The closest people to me are Aurene, Airell and Ewyn...huh, I guess you could say I consider them family... There's also Freya, of course."
2. Have you ever ran away from home?
"Just like I have never really had a family, I have never had a home. There were places I lived in, but...I never saw more to them than but a bunch of walls and a roof over my head... Home is where the heart, or in my sylvari case, rhuddin, is."
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
"Do I look insane to you? I am in a complicated relationship with a woman and you're asking me about marriage and offspring? Honestly, you interviewers are the worst! I am not a good partner and Freya knows this. I never stay too long in one place, that alone crosses me off the list for a suitable partner to have offspring with, don't you think?"
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
"That question is stupid. How can you be friends with someone and then hate them behind their back? You either are friends or enemies. Unless you're a filthy lying snake, like Countess Anise. Yes, you can publish that one."
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
"By default, Aurene. We're connected deeper than anyone can even think. Her heart and my rhuddin beat as one, we share feelings, and I mean it literally, and we can communicate through thoughts. Although, we don't do that too often, only when we need to keep things away from the commanders and their euntourage... But Freya, Airell and Ewyn know a lot about me, too, considering that, as mentioned before, they are my found family. I would trust them with my life."
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
"I'm a sylvari, you dolts. Of course I am literate and no, I have never been to school, thank all that's divine!"
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
"Weeeeell...I honestly don't know? Since I have been working alone for ages, I learnt to be observant and wary of my surroundings, so it's hard to say if I am predicting things, or just deducing... and here comes Rytlock Brimstone. Despite being an important figure in charr society, he is a loose cannon. We were in Orr, making a stand near the entrance to Arah and I almost died because of him. I made a remark on that and said that he would be the death of me at some point. Years later, I was brutally murdered because of him. How am I back? That is a very good question, I will not address that, thank you."
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
"Not to toot my own Warbler, but-- no, I did not mean a bird, I meant a horn used by the Maguuman Hylek. As I was saying, I don't think I have ever been embarrassingly late to realize anything? I mean, I'm not Airell, I actually use my eyes and ears, and, unlike him, I only have two of each."
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
"I was burnt alive. Does that answer your question?"
5. What is your current main goal?
"Unlike seemingly everyone, I do not have goals. I might be a Soundless, but I still follow some of Ventari's teachings, one of them being where life goes - so, too, should you. Currently, I am by Aurene's side, I choose to be by her, and I will follow her to the Mists and back. I think that's the closest to a goal I have.
1. Drink or food?
"Drink. Sometimes food is scarce, but you can survive without it as long as you have liquids with you... I really like strawberry tart, though. Ewyn and Airell make great tarts, I strongly recommend to visit their stall during some festival held around the Grove and Astorea."
2. Cats or dogs?
"I...In my whole life I have faced various difficult choices and decisions that I had to make, and yet, this one is the worst. So, I shall say both. Both is good."
3. Early bird or night owl?
I am a nightbloom. I am a night owl by default.
4. Optimist or pessimist?
"Realist. Optimistic and pessimistic outlooks affect judgement, and nobody can survive in bad conditions with bad judgement. Let's take the simple "half a glass of water" into consideration. Optimist will say that the flask is half full, but the word full makes you think that you have more than you actually have. You might make a bad call when rationizing your water, and then you end up with nothing before you find a water source. Pessimist will say the flask is half empty, so they will scarecely drink, and in the end they will dehydrate faster, which will affect their wellbeing and affect their efficiency, which also might affect how fast they will reach a water source. Realists will see that there is half a flask, so they will calculate how much they can drink to keep their mind clear and have the water for as long as needed... You there, interviewer? Or did I lose you?"
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
"Uh...as in, which one am I? or which one do I prefer in people? If the first one, I think I'm sarcastic? And the latter... Both? I think? Depends on the people, really. Some people are bearable, some are not, and depending on that their sassiness or sarcasm has any or no effect on me."
1. Been caught sneaking out?
"Yes, in my earliest years. Nowadays I seem to simply disappear. Commander Stoneshire- I mean, commander deSol, I can't get used to the fact that she got married, that wretch of a woman... anyway, she hates me for sneaking out unnoticed. That....and for many other things, actually. She hates me in general. Hate is mutual."
2. Broke a bone?
More than once. Unfortunately.
3. Received flowers?
No, never. I don't really get any gifts, you know. And I do not count the flowers I got when I was working undercover for the Order of Whispers. They were not real gifts, not for me, but for the people I pretended to be.
4. Ghosted someone?
"Oh, yes. Some people do not take "I don't want to talk to you" for an answer. And if ghosting doesn't help, an arrow in the head solves the issue."
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
"Yes. Commander deSol's husband tells horrible jokes. Think dad jokes, but not the ones you like, those you hate and that make you want to strangle the person saying them... but even worse. I think the worst one was when he asked who lived in a pineapple under a tree, and when people asked who he said that pineapples don't grow on trees. Does that even make any sense? No. It does not. And that man is a father of two right now. I feel so bad for his children."
And now, oh boy, the tagging time!
Since I'm not browsing tumblr lately, if you were already tagged/have done this already, or simply if you don't feel like it, no pressure :)
@ascalonianpicnic @mystery-salad @fellis-world @moonlit-grove @kerra-and-company @salad-tales @likemesomesalads
If you're not here but wish you were - feel tagged, my tagging game is weak ;w;
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 147
What is a group ask?
Previous Group Asks
AO3 Search Tutorial
Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hey, i was wondering if you could help me find this fic. it was an au and i think steve was experimented on possibly by tony with extremes or something, and bucky has to take him from an airport to tony so they can help make him better and he has to make sure steve doesn’t get angry i think. thank you!
whitewolfwintersoldier sent in Fix you by Lesserknownhero (oneshot | 8,767 | E)
Anon 2 said:
Hey I've been looking for this fic EVERYWHERE and can't seem to find it: it was a time travel soulmate fic where Shield-Agent!Bucky travels back to the 1940s, is interrogated by Peggy & Howard, catches Steve's USO show, and his soulmate mark (in Steve's handwriting) says sth like 'who's that with Peggy?' (and Steve's was like 'I can't believe I finally get to meet him.')
Anon and eorwyn sent in old situations (new complications) by ChibiSquirt, DrowningByDegrees-Art (DrowningByDegrees) (complete | 21,191 | E) *graphic violence
resurrectionofdawn said:
Thanks so much for all the work you do!! I'm looking for a story where the Soldier keeps trying to apparently attack Steve but in his mind, he's trying to do something to help him. Like the most memorable part is that Steve was in a fight with him and he seemed to be trying to attack Steve with a handkerchief. If this rings any bells I'd sure appreciate the help!
Anon 3 said:
Hey! i’m looking for this fic, i think it was post civil war and nat helped steve plan out assassinations for hydra. i remember the last chapter, steve was living with bucky and steve woke bucky up pointing a gun at him, and then they go out and stargaze even though bucky didn’t want to. sorry it’d not much, thank you so much though! 😊
Anon 4 said:
Hey, I’m looking for a fic where Bucky’s a stripper and Steve’s a cop? It’s a 5+1 fic, and Alexander Pierce is talked about in the first chapter
Anon 5a said:
Hey, I’m looking for a Stucky fic from a little while back. It was a cute Modern Setting AU. Bucky and Steve met through mutual friends and I vaguely recall them going to some park with Natasha and co. around Christmas time and Steve was carrying a camera and snapped a stolen pic of Bucky and basically called it cute and perfect, and it was so damn cute and for the life of me can’t find the damn fic. Any bit of help would be appreciated.
Anon 5b said:
hi! im looking for a sugar daddy fic where steve got bucky fired because he spilled coffee on his divorce papers & they keep meeting and steve sees that bucky’s short on money so he proposes he could be bucky’s sugar daddy. i also remember bucky being a virgin at first.
miraishu, wayward-lives, sergeantbucky-barnes, spinningbear, duelingnebulas and sweetconstance sent in Collar Full of Chemistry by 2bestfriends (complete | 188,111 | E)
Anon 6 said:
hello! I was wondering if anyone here could help me find a fic? I don't quite remember much of it, but I do remember that it involved bucky who worked with the avengers (though they called him winter soldier, cuz they didn't know his name?) and there was this one scene where the avengers were around a table talking about who to set steve up with and ask bucky to help, not knowing that him and steve are together. There's another scene where steve ask bucky why he's helping the avengers set him up
Anon 7 said:
Hi there! I'm looking for a fic where bucky appears in natasha's apartment to "help her" find a partner for steve, post-catws (?), pre-slash. Thanks!
Anon 8 said:
im so sorry i know you have answered something about this fic before but i’ve been searching for a fic where steve goes into bucky’s mind (i believe with sam) and finds himself and bucky in bed (not sexually). and i believe before they go into buck’s mind he says something about how steve “might not like what he finds”. And i think steve has to fight the winter soldier in bucky’s mind. thanks so much!!
Anon sent in In Your Head by sara_holmes (complete | 47,710 | T)
Anon 9 said:
Hi, I wondered if you could help me, I'm searching for a fic where Steve is the descendant of a irish deity, (i think the deity was Badb), Bucky has dragon blood, or something, and it's a serie, where it starts from their childhood. I believe the first chapter is focused on Steve birth and presentation to the deity, not sure anymore. Thank you for all your work
therandomravenclw sent in Tar éis an domhain by LeafontheWinf2 (oneshot | 1,073 | G)
Anon 10 said:
hey, thank you for this blog! i tried looking for a fic in the tags, but no luck. There's this fic where steve develops a Pavlovian response to bucky tying his hair back bc that means he's about to get his dick sucked. do you happen to know what fic that is?
wxnterhxwk said:
Hi there!! I have been looking for this fic about stucky during WW2. It contains the howlies and how they figure out Steve and Bucky are dating because they hear them having sex through a wall. Is there anyway you can help find it? Thanks :)
princessniitza, wayward-lives and Anon sent in Don’t Ask* by AnnaFugazzi (complete | 21,491 | M ) *canonical character death (well, “death”)
Anon 11 said:
what’s that kidfic with tony and he hates bucky but comes over for dinner and hurts one of their kids on accident ?
Anon sent in At The Dinner Table by Movie_Popcorn (complete | 2,550 | not rated)
Anon 12 said:
I have searched for this fic for a while may have read it 2 years back and I normally don't ask for help with finding fics however I am stumped so its about Bucky stuffing some important documents that are meant for Steve by accidentally spilling coffee on them which leads to Steve firing him and then Steve later finds him working at a Starbucks and wants him to rehire I forgot why though? Please help if possible.
miraishu, sergeantbucky-barnes, spinningbear, duelingnebulas and sweetconstance sent in Collar Full of Chemistry by 2bestfriends (complete | 188,111 | E)
Anon 13 said:
Hi, I've tried searching for this on AO3 and the FWB tag here but to no avail. I'm looking for an AU modern fic (no super powers) where Steve and Bucky meet as co-workers in an architecture(?) firm. Bucky remembers hooking up with Steve in some bathroom because he doesn't usually do casual but Steve doesn't remember Bucky. They become friends with benefits. The thing I remember vividly is Bucky introducing himself to Sarah Rogers as "the stress relief".
bennettmp339 and whitewolfbucky sent in Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. by relenafanel (complete | 20,201 | E)
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thelucyaddams · 5 years
Part 3
previous parts: Part One, Part Two
Here comes part three. Hope you enjoy it.
MC x Kamilah
MC’s name: Lucy
Words: 1472
“Are you alright?”, Kamilah asked as she walked up to Lucy and stood beside her.
The stranger left her after saying his goodbye and talked to Dracula now.
“Yes, I’m great. He was really friendly.”, Lucy said.
“I haven’t seen him before. Did he tell you his name?”
“No actually… But he’s from…”
“Ahhhh, Kamilah, lovely to see you again after all this time.”, Vlad greeted the Egyptian and kissed her hand politely.
Lucy noticed how cautious he was with her and yet he couldn’t help himself but to touch her in some way.
The human smiled. Kamilah told her how she once broke his feet as he tried to kiss her.
“You haven’t changed I see.”, Kamilah said.
“Adrian, it’s also nice to see you again and don’t you look delicious.”, Vlad greeted the CEO and pulled him into a short hug.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”, Adrian returned the compliment politely.
“Nice to meet you both as well.”, Dracula said as Lily and Jax introduced themselves.
“You’re a little stiff. Maybe you should join me for a dance later and I help you to relax.”, Vlad said seductively to Jax who just looked at him blankly.
Then Dracula turned to Lucy and his eyes lit up as he looked at her body up and down.
“My my.. And who are you, gorgeous?”, he asked kissing the back of her hand.
“I’m Lucy, Adrian’s assistant.”
“You really found yourself a good one.”, Vlad told Adrian who just nodded politely.
“Excuse me I can’t help but to ask… Would you like to join me on a tour through my castle later around midnight?”, Dracula asked.
Lucy was a little surprised by the offer but then she thought about the Eye of Bathory which hang around his neck right in front of her.
This tour would be a good opportunity for her to steal it.
“I’d love to join you.”, she accepted his invitation.
Vlad smiled brightly and bowed before her.
“You won’t regret it. I make sure you’ll have a good time. Until then enjoy the ball. I’ll come back to you later.”, Dracula said and vanished to greet other vampires.
Lily was the first to speak up and she had a big grin on her face.
“Sooo… You’ll hold on to your plan now?”
“I guess… A private tour with Dracula is just the right chance I have.”
“There’s another way. I mean the tour is perfect but you don’t have to… Look I have sth that will help you to get the Eye.”, Kamilah said you pulled a little plant out of her dress.
Lucy took it irritated.
“What is it?”
“What?! Like the poison?!”, Lucy asked stunned.
“The very same.”, Kamilah said.
“Uhhh, fuck and kill huh?”, Lily said laughing.
Kamilah frowned at her before speaking up again.
“It wouldn’t kill him but if he ingests it you’ll have enough time to take the Eye of Bathory.”
“Whatever happens we’ll stay close in case you need us.”, Adrian said.
“Just say the word and Dracula loses his head.”, Jax added.
Lucy nodded.
“Thanks guys. Let’s mingle now and wait until it’s time.”, she said.
The others nod and spread out to enjoy the party a little. Kamilah was about to go when Lucy grabbed her arm.
She turned around to look at the human not hiding the question in her eyes.
“Would you like to dance a bit?” Lucy asked.
The expression in Kamilah’s eyes grew soft and a small smile appeared on her lips.
“Of course. I’d like that a lot.”, she accepted quietly.
The women smiled at each other for a second before they held each other and danced together.
Lysimachus drank his second beer as he watched Lucy dancing with that woman. Somehow he got a strange vibe from her.
He frowned and watched her with narrowed eyes.
For a second a got a glimpse of her face and his frown only grew. It was like he should know her.
His heart lept into his throat and he couldn’t even explain why. It was like she was… But that was impossible.. Gaius told him that…
Frustrated and angry with the emotions rising up inside of him he took a long swig of his cold beer.
It was over 2000 years ago when it all happened, when his life changed. And yet he was still so broken and lost inside as if it just happened days ago.
He lost his sister, his twin that day. The closest person he ever had in his life. His family. And now he started hallucinating again by seeing her in other people. His strong and perfect but caring Kamilah.
Lysimachus gritted his teeth and angrily wiped the tear away that managed a way down his cheek.
“It happened so long ago. Get a hold of yourself, Lys…”
“Lysimachus, my friend, I wanted to check in on you after I greeted all my friends and guests.”, Dracula said as he smiled his damn bright smile and took a glas of wine from the table that was standing behind the Egyptian.
Lysimachus almost immediately put on a smile and took another sip before turning his smile into a smirk.
“Missed me already?”, he said teasingly.
“You know I’ll never give up.”
Lysimachus rolled his eyes and tried to get a glimpse of Lucy and the woman but Vlad just blocked his view.
“I see you have an eye on that human. You know I invited her on a private tour through the castle.”, Vlad told the Egyptian.
He looked at Vlad with a curious expression in his eyes.
“She accepted. You could join us if you want.”, Dracula invited him.
Again Lysimachus rolled his eyes but smirked.
“Fine, I’ll go with you.”
“Perfect! We’ll go at midnight.”
Lysimachus waited by the staircase as Dracula walked over to get Lucy for their little tour. By now he had another new bottle of beer from which he took a swig as he watched the woman that danced with Lucy. 
He gulped and shook his head telling himself that he was becoming insane.
“Are you ready?”, Vlad asked them both.
“He’s coming with us?”, Lucy asked surprised.
Lysimachus narrowed his eyes a little and looked into her eyes. She was up to something. He could feel it.
“Yes, Vlad invited me. But if you don’t want me to come…”
“No no, it’s alright. I was just surprised.”, Lucy said.
Vlad smiled thinking this was about getting alone time with him.
“Come now, there’s so much to show you.”, Vlad said as he dragged them up the stairs and through the castle. 
“So Lucy, how do you like my party so far?”
“It’s great. I like it. Now let me see your castle.”, she answered.
Vlad chuckled and started to explain the different rooms and halls they passed. He talked about the armors and weapons and paintings that decorated the huge building and of course he talked about himself. 
Lysimachus stayed guiet so far just listening and watching his companions. Drinking his beer now and then.
Eventually they arrived in Draculas chambers and sat down a little. Lucy turned to the Egyptian and spoke up.
“So you’re from Egypt? Can you tell me your name?”, she asked.
Lysimachus smiled.
“It’s Lysimachus. I know it’s not very common these days. Outside the yampire world I go by Keph. It comes from Khepri one of the Egyptian gods. Thought it’s better.”, the ancient vampire answers and Lucy looks at him surprised and stunned.
She was even speechless for a moment as she thought about Kamilah and how she spoke of her twin brother. 
Lucy gulped and was thankful for Dracula to say something.
“I met Lys in Rome years ago. He really caught my eye on that night market but he likes to play being hard to get which saddens me very much.”
Lysimachus smirked.
“What should I say you only get what you earn.”
“My friend what could I possibly do to finally earn your heart.”, Vlad said.
Lysimachus laughed and looked at Lucy.
“Being Miss Lucy would be enough as well.”, he said with a wink and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger.
Lucy’s heart was racing and now she could see it. She saw Kamilah in his face, in his features and expressions. The familarity she felt before when they danced… it was because he was Kamilah’s twin. The one that was supposed to be dead. 
Lucy tried to remain calm. She still had a mission but how was she supposed to stay focused when Kamilahs ‘dead’ brother sat right next to her?! She wanted to run back to her friends and tell Kamilah! 
She swallowed and didn’t know what to say. Will she fail now?
To be continued. Tell me if you want to be tagged :)
tags: @kamilahsayeed-owns-me , @vampireprincess1212 
Part 4
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pitheinfinite · 5 years
Facts tag
Tagged by @purplepxls​ long time ago. I have no idea what to say so I kept it as a blank draft. Today I am in a rare talking mood and decided to share some thoughts I’ve kept to myself, so, get ready to the over-sharing of somewhat-harsh critics.    
If you’re willing to endure my endless rambling with lots of grammar error, please read under the cut. If you find this post offensive in any way, I’m sorry, but these are something I’ve been considering to shout out for a while. So bear with me.
🔸1 - I am NOT a shy person. Many simblrs say they are shy when introducing themselves. Well, I’m not one of them. I can get along with ppl or talk to strangers in real life easily. I'm like those “friendly stranger” type of person. But it’s anther thing to talk online. To me, it’s more like “I don’t know what to say.” I can’t get as much information from plain username or words as I do with RL interaction. I can’t see your face or body language. 
Besides, my vocabulary for social interaction is quite limited. Sometimes I could only drop words like “awesome” or heart emoji even if I really really like the post A LOT. If you think I’m not very talkative or even cold sometimes, Believe me, it’s only because I can’t find better words.
🔸2 - Even though I’m not good at social interaction myself, I am gonna say this: what we lack of in TS3 community nowadays is not the talented creators but the motivation to show them how much you appreciate their works or tell them how good they are. 
By “talented creators,” I didn’t mean myself (though I certainly would be thrilled if you think I’m qualified to be one of them). I've reached out to several creators who chose to leave or feel depressed because they feel they are not needed or appreciated in the community. They are actually very talented creators and have made contribution for free for a long long time. 
I feel really sorry but relate to them to a certain degree. We made and shared cc (or stories or characters) not for money, but the feeling that we’re doing sth good and make this community better. All we need is some recognition for what we have accomplished and the sense of being accepted. Whenever you found a cc/story/pic you like, give the creator some applause, will you? Be it a “like” or an emoji, or a simple “Thank you,” let them know someone out there enjoys their works.
🔸3 - Appreciation can be expressed in many forms, apparently financial transaction is also one of them. Despite of my person disapproval against cc for profit, I’d like to remind you my friends, a good cause doesn’t justify the means. Some creators may choose to profit from their works, nonetheless, their ownership should not be undermined. 
In RL, even if you don’t agree with the price an artist charge with his/her design, you don’t get to copy or share it for free, It’s their right to decide where to upload their works, just like you have the right not to download from  hostile sites. In RL, you find the price of some products you like is way too high, what would you do? Yes, leave it and look for some alternative. You don’t agree with their terms, leave it. 
If it’s something you like so much and couldn’t live without, try asking the creators for alternative links NICELY. Let them know your concern, maybe you’ll find out a better way eventually, like open donations. Be NICE, they don’t owe you anything after all. They probably really need a source of income. 
🔸4 - To those creators who want to charge for their works, if you must merchandise your cc, at least do it in a safer way. You don’t have to expose your customers to the virus risk to get their money. If their PC exploded, they’ll have to spend the money on new equipment instead of your cc. Who gets most benefits from that? 
🔸5 - One more thing I want to say to my fellow creators, be bold when creating your cc. I find it a great pity that some CC, mostly conversions, stopped at providing more options like CAS-tability or functionality. Dear fellow creators, do you know how close you are to give your cc much more possibilities? All you need to do is to add a mask dds and separate the overlay image from multiplier. A deco item might be handy for taking pic, but a functional one could save you even more trouble. It’s really not difficult to make. I can make some tutorials if you need guidance. The color palette is one of the greatest advantages of TS3, giving us numerous possibilities. Don’t waste it, please. I’m practically begging.😭😭😭  
🔸6 - Another thing that literally makes me cry is this: more and more creators release their works in the most minimalist way, providing as less info as it can get. Sometimes I have difficulties to tell which tag I should add when reblogging for ccfinds. Or they like to release like this: one item for one post, 10 posts at the same time. and~~with minimalist details. They copy and paste for 10 times, then I have to manually reblog and add tags properly for 10 times. I don’t know how other ccfinds do that, but I can’t. I don’t have that much of time. I have to skip some of those posts and feel bad about being discriminate. I sincerely hope it won’t be a trendy thing to release cc that way. Do ppl who run ccfinds a favor, since they are also helping to distribute your cc, will you?   
As a creator myself, I want to make sure ppl know what they are downloading. Yes, it’s tiring to take pretty previews and write a long post for that. You can simplify the process for sure, but providing necessary info is also one of our responsibilities as the creators.     
Thank you for making this far!! 👏👏👏 I'm tired, I bet you are too. LOL So I’m gonna stop right here.  If you have any thought, please feel free to share!
Love, Pi.💜
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storyteller-shealie · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Thanks so much for tagging me @dotr-rose-love​! :) 
Rules: answer 11 questions, write your own 11, tag 11 people
1. Did you have alternate ideas for a wip that eventually didn’t make it in the story or were exchanged with a better scene or sth? If yes, tell us one or a few that you left out (could be just a character too, or a name)
OMG, so many. At this point I have an excessive and over-growing number of random scenes that may or may not (a lot probably may not) become part of the story eventually. It’s all over the place. I think I’m still learning what plot even is. :D
As for already established changes, let’s see... I had this persistent idea at first that my two MCs, Flame and Moth, used to be friends growing up and then got separated for years. When they meet again, Moth knows who Flame is, at least in Flame’s civilian identity, while Flame is certain they never met before. However I couldn’t for the life of me come up with a good explanation for why Flame would have this partial amnesia about his childhood, and his backstory already involved a period he can barely remember, back when his powers first manifested when he was around 17-18, so that’s too much amnesia for one character. So I just placed his first forgotten meetings with Moth in the middle of that period he barely remembers.
2. do you have a specific audience in mind for your wip?
Um. People who like queer romance? People who like found families? People who like action-filled contemplations on where the line between superheroes and supervillains can be drown? Fans of conspiracies? Lovers of bored lovecraftian monsters showing up in the middle of the plot out of nowhere? All of the above? 
3. is it important to you that your wip has a moral or a message?
Yes, but it doesn’t have to be something incredibly deep. I mean, it often is, but it doesn’t have to be. Messages “Friends have your back, so treasure them” or “Sometimes you just need a day off” can be just as good as “The difference between good and evil largely depends on the point of view.”
4. what kinds of relationships do you like writing the most (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)?
I like writing relationships where people have a lot of things in common but also a lot of crucial differences and points of conflict, and I love following them as they work through their differences to form a close bond despite everything that should keep them apart. Whether that bond is one of friendship, romance, or something else doesn’t really matter for my enjoyment of writing about it.
5. what kind of research have you done for your wip? what have you learned?
If you took a look at my most recent search history, you’d think I was a pre-med student or something, but I’m just trying to figure what that mysterious virus Flame got infected with could be based on. I’ve also researched plenty of stuff about city planning, and martial arts, and weapons, and even tailoring clothes. There’s always something to research, even when you start off thinking, “Hey, this story isn’t about the real world, I’m sure I can make everything up as I go.”
6. if your wip became very successful, would you want to make a movie adaptation? why or why not?
I’d prefer a TV adaptation. It’d be cool to see how it would look on the screen, but a TV show offers more space to introduce all the secondary characters and side plots, while a movie would probably be too rushed and leave out too much.
7. did you have any alternate title ideas for your wip? if so, what are they?
Nope, it’s been The Flame & the Moth all along, although perhaps I’ll come up with a better title one day.
8. what has been the hardest part about writing your wip so far?
Putting all the little bits together and figuring out the actual plot without letting it grow too big and out of control. 
9. do you prefer writing action or description?
Both are very hard, but I guess action? I can usually pepper it with some quippy dialogue, which is my favorite part of writing.
10. what do you want your readers to come away with after reading your story?
I hope they have fun reading it, and that this story might help readers who are queer and/or neurodiverse in similar ways that my characters are queer and/or neurodiverse to feel seen and... accepted, I guess. I also hope they grow to love at least some of the character that populate this story.
11. what’s your favorite part about your wip? what makes you excited to write it?
The characters! Flame and Moth, but also everyone around them, including some of the actual villains. Also, as much as I sometimes sigh and complain about it, I actually like the process of figuring out the plot. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle that keeps changing with every step you make closer to the right answer, and it’s very frustrating, but also very satisfying when you finally get pieces of it right.
My questions and people tagged below:
1. Do you ever notice that the media you consume (books, tv-shows, etc) influences your writing in some ways?
2. What was your favorite part about the last scene or chapter you’ve written?
3. What was the most difficult part of writing that last scene or chapter?
4. Do you write everything in order, or do you find yourself often moving scenes around?
5. What’s your writing software of choice? Why do you like it?
6. What’s your favorite writing environment? Do you need to be alone, or maybe you’d rather write in libraries or coffeeshops? Do you prefer silence or music?
7. If someone distracts you in the middle of a writing session, how do you usually react?
8. Do you like writing sprints?
9. Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? Why or why not? What are your thoughts about this type of challenge?
10. Do you find it easier to write short stories or novels? 
11. How are your WIPs born? Do you start with characters? With a plot idea? With a worldbuilding thought, like “what if there was a world with sentient dragons who were the source of magic”? Something else?
Tagging (feel free to ignore if you’re not interested!): @dragoneran @stravaganzaa @a-ray-of-moonshine @sweetcatminteareblog @limassol-writes @marie-writess @fantasy-shadows @thedreamsofthesky @1kwordsand10littlecandies @arieswriting @everynextdream and anyone who might want to answer these questions.
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