#thanks Marin:)
slushyseals · 11 months
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Photo taken by m.aquarium_love This is Hama-Chan getting all dressed up! Doesn't she look cute? She lives at Kyoto Aquarium in Japan. ( ᵔꈊᵔ )
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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tervaneula · 22 days
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(This is an edit of the pic I drew for chapter 15)
Maybe in another universe? 😭 I wish NQK was this, but it's not, and I have no idea why I had to hurt myself (and Leonardo) like this. Oh my gohdfsjdvdhdhfjgj. Screams falls down on knees cries throws up etc
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lowpolyanimals · 9 months
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K.K. Slider from Animal Crossing: Wild World
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You can't tell me our main man Jim, Jim Kirk, James Kirk, James T Kirk, James Tiberius Kirk, CAPTAIN stack of books on legs James Respectful and Sensitive Tiberius Kirk does not know about Vulcan hand touching and their significance.
This man. JAMES KIRK. Looked at Spock, clearly vulcan spock, hands firmly planted behind his back Spock. LOOKED him up and down, and despite absolutely knowing it would not be considered impolite if he didnt offer a hand shake, looked at Spock, tall drink of water Spock, Vulcan sensitive hands used as terms of affection Spock, and was like hmmmm absolutely will make this Vulcan shake my hand. AND SPOCK gave like 1 second of thought before he was like yes absolutely here is my hand to hold for you and you only. I AM DECEASED
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caelanglang · 11 months
"I remembered the fox. You risk tears if you let yourself be tamed."
- The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
from my skk childhood friends au
Continuation from this comic
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I got your letters. I got you too, Mackerel.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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Merry Christmas, and especially Merry Christmas to the fandom that started it all for me on here 🥺💕
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
Hellooo! First I'd just like to say that I love your work and art and I'm super excited to see where you go with this game. Make sure to prioritize your own self though. Eat, sleep, take breaks, all that yadda yadda. WE CAN NOT LET BURNOUT CLAIM ANOTHER ART BADDY
Right now on to my silly little question.
How would Mychael react to an MC who wouldn’t stop making “that’s what she said jokes”? Like I get that he probably get the joke right away but regardless if he understands them or not they just keep going. At least one a day. Nonstop. Even through brainwashing.
I think he wouldn't even understand the context, taking it at face value haha! You've got that look in your eye like you said something funny and he laughs but he doesn't really get it.
But! He knows it's something you do so he does it too, maybe to make you like him more, except it's wrong and he says "That's what I said" instead over and over all day. So now there's too of you smh.
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dailycephalopods · 7 months
May I humbly request the Humboldt squid?
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Daily Cephalopod #149
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 months
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“Don’t want the Board to watch,” Darling explains, not without an edge of embarrassment. “I mean, can you imagine if this --” he gestures to the small space between them-- “showed up on their minutes? I’d be-- mortified , is the word.” Trench stares at him. It takes him a moment to find the coherency to respond. “I’m sure,” he manages to say, “they wouldn’t mind extracurricular activities.”
a scene from my trench/darling fic, "minutes of the meeting" <3 i may not have finished the game yet but i am utterly enamored with darling and trench's dynamic of the bureau's golden child and his handler υ´• ﻌ •`υ
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yoyo-s-coffee · 1 year
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it went well
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famousblueraincoatmp3 · 8 months
weird fucking animals in the sea tier list
big fin squid. what in the actual fuck is this?
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2. phronima. inspired the face hugger from alien
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3. big red jellyfish (thats its scientific name....)
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4. squid worm???????? wtf is this monstrosity against god? (i love it)
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5. frilled shark....just why?
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6. barrel eye fish. its cute i guess but it looks so sad like a renaissance painting:( hey little guy cheer up you have lots of fans x
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7. chained cat shark so cool but why tf is it in our ocean
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8. japanese spider crab (i love this freaking thing but even a fan like me has got to admit this looks like a dark souls boss you'll die to 500 times before looking up various elemental tactics on reddit and gamefaqs.
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9. bristle worms. they are sturdy to me ♥
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10. blobfish...shes not that weird to me the thing thats weird is that people apperently eat it??? but folks will eat anything i swear to god. leave it alone its just a weird guy!!!!!!!
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11. goblin shark. presented with no further explination. shark evolution is so fucked man
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12. sixgill shark. he's back and hes coming in hot. i love his goofy ass
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13. whatever in gods green earths name this is (black swallower, shes soooo real)
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14. is it a tier ranking without me bringing up 12 squids? i dont think so. this here's a vampire squid, miss, a fine specimen for sure
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15. gulper eel. ???
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eddieintheocean · 1 year
just learnt that orca families hug and its called a cuddle puddle i will never recover
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rottengurlz · 10 months
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trying out @kashisun's new presets they're SO beautiful <3
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orcinus-veterinarius · 3 months
Are dolphins still being captured for aquariums/parks and is it ethical (or complicated?)
Thanks for the ask! Yes, captures unfortunately do still occur in unregulated countries, though far less frequently than in the past. One of the most infamous examples is the annual dolphin drive in Taiji, Japan. While the main purpose of this hunt is to kill animals for meat, a small number of young, attractive dolphins are kept alive each year for sale. Nowadays, only unaccredited institutions purchase these dolphins, and even the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums now prohibits its members from acquiring captured dolphins. Although Taiji is the most well-known, the majority of cetaceans captured from the wild in the 2000s/2010s came from Russia, which recently prohibited the practice.
Western parks and aquariums have not purchased wild-captured cetaceans in decades. The last captures in US waters occurred in 1989, and the last foreign imports were in the early 1990s (long before widespread public sentiment turned against dolphinariums). I do not believe the practice was ethical, and almost all my colleagues would agree with me. Some of them were indeed brutal affairs, such as the infamous Penn Cove captures, in which several young Southern Resident killer whales (including the famous Tokitae) were taken. Multiple animals were inadvertently killed, and the hunters clumsily attempted to hide the deaths by stuffing the whales’ corpses with rocks. The bodies resurfaced, and following public backlash orca captures were no longer performed in the US.
As awareness of animal welfare grew amongst scientists and the general public in the 70s and 80s, collections of smaller cetacean species became considerably less vicious. They were typically supervised by a veterinarian, and care was taken to ensure animals were not physically harmed. However, these were still undeniably stressful to the animals.
I’m glad the practice stopped. Dolphins are not endangered, and I don’t think we can justify the trauma of removing healthy young animals from their pods. Of course, I make exceptions for individuals that are ill, injured, or a danger to themselves or humans (like Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s Izzy)—and these situations are never taken lightly. And if a species ever became endangered (highly unlikely for bottlenose, but a possibility for belugas), that would also be cause for reevaluation.
Dolphins do quite well in modern accredited aquariums. In the United States, all managed dolphins were either born in human care or have been out of the wild for over 30 years (excluding non-releasable rescues). While there are valid concerns about cetacean captivity, ongoing wild capture is not one of them.
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squephalopod · 1 year
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Sepia apama
PSA if you
• chunky
• are colorblind
• hrrrrrrnnnnnfffffyeeeaaaahhhhh
you may be at risk of being an giant australian cuttlefish
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