#thanks again adventure time
astearisms · 9 months
but it ain’t called love without a little tragedy 🍁
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mushtoons · 8 months
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got commissioned by star, aka mirror simon to doodle this really fun comic 💕 everyone should look at it actually 💕💕
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okkennymay · 5 months
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Commission for @jaxinkh
Ooooo lookin fiIIINE Jason Todd! Ahhh This new year has been going better than I'd ever hoped it could!~ Ahh You waited so long Jaxinkh, Thank you for being so patient- I'm most definitely putting a disclaimer on my next commission page that the times they may take may vary wildly thanks to my health o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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originalartblog · 6 months
are the tinies more comfy w being affectionate w each other (than their normal sized selves) or do they just simply not notice when they're cuddling?
a bit of both? the first time on the couch just kind of happened because they were tiny and tired I still need to finish the continuation/conclusion of that but there is like. negative chances of them not being aware they're cuddling in the same bed when one of them is not even where he's supposed to be.
I've already said I don't really care whether skk get romantic or not, but here we are all about the longing for each other's presence. The tinies feel the same things but more, so like everything else the denial is harder to deal with. Because of that, they skipped a few steps and now they do all of their usual stuff but also they cuddle.
Meanwhile the big guys are stuck in their 14+ layers of denial and pride, so the tinies doing their thing in front of them is both chipping at those layers and so embarrassing, I don't think they see how the other one is acting as much as their own little guy is betraying them will you stop that what will they think???
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gojuo · 2 years
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (2012) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency (2012-2013) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (2014-2015) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable (2016) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (2018-2019) JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean (2021-2022)
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a2zillustration · 4 months
4 for the tab thing
"If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?"
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This sat in my inbox for so long but I was excited to come up with an idea since Croissant's backstory kinda sorta fits in with some events in BG3? Another question from the tav character development list (feel free to ask more!)
[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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divinittty. one moment - tulio eldorado voice
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anyways nothing makes me happier than an awful mishmosh of characters! no words also for your convenience. adding words is messy but oh i needed to.
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cloudysfluffs · 9 months
I love the way you drew Sam and Max in your art style! I hope you do more tk art of them (no pressure though draw what you want)
there is nothing id rather draw for you anon!!!! i LOVE making art of these two <3333333333
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(dont worry, sam's got a sneaky way of escaping)
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(ns//fw and/or fetish blogs please dni🙏🙏)
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lamuradex · 9 months
I really like how they handled Golbetty.
An all powerful, inscrutable chaos goddess, utterly inhuman, and yet her reactions still feel strangely understandable. She never communicates, and yet they still dealt with the relationship drama. They left it ambiguous if that conversation was with truly her or all just in Simons head, resolving the issue to himself (I think he was speaking to her). She's a dark and terrible deity who will body The Lich into a Tetris block and refuse to elaborate, and act in ways that constantly leave you questioning her motives, and perhaps imposing your own on her chaos.
Unknowable, all powerful, unpredictable.
But you touch her Simon, and she will turn you into bugs.
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
well, this all looks rather familiar...
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"I'm just coming back for fun. Because it's great being alive with you."
"Hehehe...Good reason."
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Just finished "Together Again." Don't talk to me.
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furashuban · 8 months
An Adventure Time fansong I composed inspired by an excerpt from the 2015 tie-in novel The Enchiridion & Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook!!! which expanded on Simon and Marcy's story in the show and detailed off-screen moments of their life together through their perspectives.
In the book, Marceline writes this poem after Simon leaves her in Everything Stays, and it was the moment that absolutely shattered me to read years ago and made their farewell in the episode thrice as heartbreaking :'> So when I revisited this book a few nights back, I suddenly thought it would be a neat idea if I gave Marcy's poem it's own melody:
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This was super fun and emotional to put together and I really hope you all enjoy this just as much as I did arranging it <33 (also I don't know if any copies of this book are still available anywhere but if you do manage to spot it I HIGHLY encourage you to get it, especially if you're really into the Simon and Marcy lore of the show like I am <33)
SoundCloud Version
Text version of lyrics below:
You're my old friend
I don't want you to go.
Is this really the end?
Please tell me no.
You said your mind
Was getting warped and hazy.
Before I was blind
To all of your crazy.
I still love the old you
I want you to know
There's too much we've been through
Do you have to go?
I hope you find peace
I hope you calm down
Please Simon don't lose yourself
To the crown
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corpsoir · 2 years
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sexy killing spree sunday or whatever
based on this:
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ir-dr · 1 year
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Day 3493 - 26 April 2023
A commission for @gaytransgirl !
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