#thanks della!!!! this was fun <3
doesthenightknow · 11 months
Request for Louie and Della bonding, comfort, or just being together art? :)
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they're family ur honor
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hawkeyebj · 9 months
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
there’s not really one specific author i can think of right now. honestly, though, i get inspired by any author with a fic that’s ever really stuck with me or drawn me in all the time!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
mash fic wise, i think it is even at your darkest <3 it’s such a little, introspective fic, but i’ve got a soft spot for it for some reason. i enjoyed writing it as an exercise in trying to get into hawkeye’s mind, but it also includes an interaction between hawkeye and bj that i am fond of <333
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
mostly in sequence? however, i do find that i rarely start a fic at the very beginning. most of my ideas start with a burst of inspiration resulting in a few lines somewhere in the middle. if i decide to continue, then i’ll usually go back and fledge the whole thing out from the beginning!
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Thank you everyone who voted in my very first poll! There was a grand total of 105 votes throughout the entire poll! Congratulations to the DuckTales (2017) episode that is considered to be the best in the entire series!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
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amrv-5 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
HELLO DELLA @fieryphrazes and thank you for the tag, this was fun!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30! quite a number of anonymous 🤨
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
MASH! experiencing a beejhawk lockdown. for life
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
If I am being fully honest?
- A Be More Chill fic I wrote at age 16 and don’t want to link (<3)
- Somewhere to Get To
- Anonymous Fic
- Anonymous Fic
- Aspirin or Sorrow. But for fics in my fandom with my name on ‘em:
- Somewhere to Get To
- Aspirin or Sorrow
- Crosswalks, Crossroads
- Nothing is Real
- Moved on Memory
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to!! I was better about it prior to getting back into classes—not had a lot of time to respond thoughtfully lately but know that I DO see comments and love and appreciate everyone who took the time to read a fic of mine!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Aspirin or Sorrow, depending on your definition of angst. I think that one’s a happy ending, kind of, but I can also see how it’s not.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sailed Calmly On, I think. It’s more explicitly bright than Somewhere to Get To’s end, and (I hope) sort of affirming.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A few vagueposts. Only maybe twice to my (digital) face! People are usually on the whole pretty nice :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Which kind… not quite sure how to Categorize Them? Anyway the answer is: Yes, absolutely! I guess I’d say the throughline of “kind” is a focus on mutuality, decadence of experience (indulging in a fantasy, in sensation, warmth / luxury / soft treatment), and togetherness heightening relaxation and comfort. Or maybe I have a brand of smut I’m not aware of. I’ll take genre feedback, pls chime in.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Before? No. But…👀 watch this space 🤨
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Newt/Hermann pacific rim close to my heart but I think BeejHawk is my forever ship now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Golden age of radio beejhawk AU…
16. What are your writing strengths?
Maybe drawing out thematic or symbolic resonances? Otherwise I’d say I’m pretty comfortable with thoughts/internal narration (navel gazing?).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not good enough yet at another language to feel confident in it myself unless a character’s quoting a text or a few simple phrases I know well, but think it’s great when others do!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
RWBY kind of. Middle school friends would trade notebooks in the lunchroom and write fic of each other’s show OCs.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hard to pick. The S2G2 ‘verse is very special to me, and seems the obvious choice, but for one-and-done fav fic? I might go with End of All Octobers, which I’m still pretty happy with over five months later, and find occasionally comforting.
I’m tagging @machihunnicutt @catgrub @catgirladjacent @persianflaw @draftdodgerag @kejfeblintz (if you want!! no pressure :) ) and anybody who sees this and wants to!!!
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Thank you to the lovely @cantare-della-sirena for commissioning me! I hope you love it <3 it was fun!
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He's a good time, Cowboy Casanova- send in a fluff request!
Sirius Black helping reader pick out an outfit for a night out with all their friends and he’s like all nervous telling them something would look good on them and when they try it on and it looks really good on them he lets it slip that he thinks they’re gorgeous
“Really?” “Yes, of course I do, who wouldn’t?” “I don’t believe you.” “You should.” “Why?” “It’s the truth”
and then they’re in love because we say so
<3 I hope this imparts even a little bit of inspiration, whatever you do with it I’m positively certain it’ll be amazing, even if you change the whole thing. The dialogue isn’t exactly a prompt, more to give you the vibe i’m trying for.
Smudged Lipsticks & Confessions
Word Count:300
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this! Thank you Della for requesting!
“Red dress or black dress?” You asked, turning, hangers in hand, to look at Sirius. “Black…” He murmured, eyes downcast and face reddening in embarrassment. You hung the red dress up and set the black one next to Sirius. You picked up two necklaces. "Gold or silver?" You asked. "G-gold." Sirius stuttered. 
"Heels or boots?" "Heels." "Stockings or fishnets?" "Fishnets." "Gold watch or bengals?" "Watch." This went on for several minutes, you asking between two items and Sirius stammering out an answer. Finally, you had your outfit. You grabbed your things and scurried into the bathroom, commanding Sirius to wait outside. 
Minutes later, you opened the door, dressed and ready for a night out with Lily, Dorcas and Marlene. Sirius felt his entire face burn crimson, and he shoved his head into his hands, hiding his blush from you."You look beautiful." He said quietly. 
“You really think that?” “Yes, of course I do, who wouldn’t?” “I don’t believe you.” “You should.” “Why?” “It’s the truth.” You gave him the most skeptical look, but, nevertheless, stood and strode over to you. “I’ve been in love with you since second year.” He whispered, holding your face gently between giant hands. You gaped at him, speechless. 
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, gentle and loving. You stood, rigidly shocked for a moment, before reciprocating. He pulled away, staring into your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. "Damn you, Sirius Black! You smudged my lipstick. But, in the name of love, I will forgive you." You murmured, kissing him again. 
Sirius smiled against your lips, still giddy with excitement. 
"You know, I think I'm going to spend the night with you, if that's ok with you." You said, holding Sirius's burning cheeks. "I'll be happy anywhere as long as you're with me."
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kiiriminna · 4 months
What do you think about ducktales reboot?
P.D: I readed Downey's story on AO3, absolutely masterpiece! 👌✨️💖💖💖💖💖
First of all: thank you for reading my fic! I'm very happy you liked it :)
Now to your question...
I did like season one a lot. It was fun and mostly episodic, which in my opinion is a best format for any show (thanks to my total lack of attention span). Season two was little more hit and miss, but I did enjoy most of the episodes; and of course we finally got Della - she and Webby are simply the best!
Annnnd now I have to admit that I never gradueted to season 3; I just lost my interest, plus at this point characterizations of certain Duck-family members (mostly Donald's) just really started to get on my nerves, so I decided to take a break - and never got back to it.
The conclusion: based on seasons I did see, I would give DT Reboot solid 7/10. The parts that worked for me worked very well, and those that didn't missed their point spectaculary. Most of the characters were likable and I appreciate that an attempt was made to give them more depth, even if it didn't always work. I prefer the comics, but if I had Disney+ or could buy these on DVD I believe I would eventually give it a second watch and then (maybe) finally conclude the whole thing.
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blood-mocha-latte · 1 month
11, 18 and 28 for the ask game :)
thank you for the ask arthur <3333
fun things ask game <3
11 - what do you consider to be romance?
hmm. when we lived in dc i was having Trouble with work and the horrendous turn of the Decade and della would wait up for me to get back so we could watch an Episode of whatever show we were working through at the time and it was like. this sense of normalcy that was so fucking important. where was i going with this
18 - do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
it's complicated but every hospital i've ever worked at has been haunted. like it's part of the Charm
28 - do you collect anything?
MULTIPLE THINGS. in a previous ask i talked about Clocks but i also just got a 1936 model o royal typewriter and it's my Babey. my precious wonderful darling
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justaboot · 10 months
I’m really really glad you enjoyed the fic 🥺❤️ was my first time writing those three together/baby Donald and Della and it was so much fun <3
It was legitimately so special, I read it the FIRST chance I got. Thank you for all the amazing work you put into it. (I was like striding down Hollywood blvd on a saturday night in full getup and was like OH SHIT DT FIC LEMME SCAN IT IN A NIGHT LOUNGE W/ A $20 COCKTAIL, which is how dt fic should be read.
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iron-parkr · 9 months
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom this year? Which one?
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
Well, my little brother is trying to get me to finally watch Star Wars (starting with Episode I and ending with Episode 6 since he hates the sequels) so who knows? There may be an iron-parkr Star Wars OC in the future!
4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom this year? Which one?
Going into 2024, I decided to take a look at all my OCs/fics and really be honest with myself about the ones I would actually end up putting time and effort into this year. So while I love all of my fics, I know I won't be spending much, if any, time on most of them, like my Gilmore Girls fic or my Stranger Things fic. They've never been a genuine priority for me, to be honest, not like some of my other OCs, and while it's sad to think they'll likely never be written, I know cutting down my fic "workload" will be beneficial in the long run.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
I don't know if it technically counts as a genre, but I'd love to start writing and posting drabbles and little one-shots for my fics!! I feel like it'll be a fun way to explore my OCs more, plus more OC content is always a positive!!
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Hmm, that's a tough one. I feel that way about a lot of my fics, tbh, but I don't have one in particular that I've written enough to the point where I'd feel comfortable posting it (with editing ofc). I will say I'm determined this year to post at least the first chapter of Della Travers' fic, to update Aquila Black's fic, and to make some serious headway into other fics.
(My problem comes from my perfectionism and my crippling desire for everything to be as polished as possible. I'm sure I could post a bunch of fics' first chapters now, but I can't let myself because I feel I don't have enough written in advance/the chapters will inevitably require a rewrite and I don't want to put out anything that's not my absolute best, perfect work.)
Thank you for asking!!
Fanfic asks for the new year
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writebackatya · 1 year
3. The best character you’ve written for
Della. Your love of her character absolutely shows in how you write her. She’s hilarious, snarky, and caring at the same time. She’s an absolute ball to read when you write her.
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics
When Dewey accidentally got high on pot brownies when he met his Great Aunt Matilda in the 1960s.
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them
Jane. In the grand scheme of things, she’s a relatively minor character, but at the same time, she has such an interesting relationship with both Louie and Webby. And she’s so relatable, in that she’s just a regular Joe, trying to get by by working at a children’s entertainment center. And just how you write her in general is so interesting!
3. Thank you! Della is always a blast to write for! Even when her role is smaller in an overall story I still like to think she makes a big impression. Especially when I not so subtlety let the reader know, “Yeah. Della is in this story!” like in this one where Della was basically given the role of “supportive soccer mom”
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If I have an excuse to include Della in a story I will. If she has no story purpose reason to be in a story, I’ll probably just have a character mention her
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Yeah I definitely don’t play favorites
And I’m glad I know at least one person out there enjoys how I capture! I remember early on when I started I writing I had a worry that my readers would get sick of me writing stuff around Della Duck and so far no complaints!
6. Oh my god! Thanks! I had a lot of fun writing that but I wasn’t sure if people would think it was as funny as I thought it was or they thought I was a messed up individual for writing this kid eating not one, but TWO pot brownies that a family member gave him. (Granted, neither knew they were related to one another but, still)
But at the same time…how could I NOT do a story about Dewey getting high during the events of Timephoon!?!
Timephoon! fics are always so fixated on that one scene when other characters were going through some stuff in that episode too. Well everybody but Dewey and Webby! They were having a fun play date with Bubba and got to eat chili dogs! And then they fought pirates! And went back in time to the 1960s and dressed up like hippies! Talk about a fun day!
I remember when I was writing it I was back and forth with whether or not I wanted Webby to eat a brownie. Glad I didn’t, I have something far more sinister planned for her in the next story which I had planned long before I even wrote Dewey eating that pot brownie
Also. Matilda definitely made edibles and was a hippie during the 60s.
10. Oh Jane, I’m gonna do whatever I can to make more people in the fandom realize you’re great! Because she is! So far I think I only have her in two of my stories. Indi-Quack!’s F.O.W.L Play! where she vents to Gandra about her job (because she deserves to, damn it!) and Up, Up, and Away! where she is on the clock and getting paid time and half to be in the Funso’s ad
I just think she’s the type of person that would be on the good side of everyone in McDuck Family. Besides Louie and Webby, I like to think she’s chill with all the kids.
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Also I’m sure Jane has stories about working with Magica that she could share with Lena
I don’t have a whole lot of other stuff planned for Jane. She has a small role in my Iron Duck of Steel story and will definitely appear throughout the story (such acting as sort of a bartender to two characters later on in the story when they’re at a low point in their lives)
And I do have another idea for a story that will take place at Funso’s that I really wanna do. Basically as a way to combat the public finding out about FOWL operating underneath them, Funso’s starts doing adult nights where it basically becomes a Dave and Buster’s because alcohol makes arcades sooooo much better
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Art of Ducktales Review: Just Ducky
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Hello everyone and welcome to an extra crunchy bonus review, as I take a look at something you knew I was going to get eventually but thanks to mom telling me I wasn't getting it for christmas, I bought way sooner than expected: The Art of Ducktales, the art book released just last week from Dark Horse, containing interviews with tons of the crew, mostly Matt and Frank as you'd expect, behind the scenes art, and more good stuff. It was 50 bucks for the standard version but was it worth it? Join me to find out This was something I was jazzed for and for good reason: My love of ducktales is well documetented on this blog having covered the major arcs for season, all of season 3 and some assorted episodes. And i'm not really slowing down as I have a Gizmoduck arc planned for sometime next year (whenever Kev wants to do it), and a review of "last Christmas!" in just a few weeks. While I plan to still pace myself I do want to have reviewed EVERY episode at some point. Ducktales was everything I coudl've hoped for, more and then more AFTER THAT, an expertly crafted show spread over three wonderful seasons that should've gotten a fourth. What we got was still great though, so naturally a book honoring that, especially from disney who RARELY makes merch for older fans of their DTVA shows, and one that's sales could impact us getting one for Owl House, was like catnip. The fact that it was written and put together by Ken Plume, the same great dude who put together the awesome Art of Venture Bros that I still use reguarly for my Venture Bros retrospective was just the cherry on top So did it live up to the hype? Welll... yes and no. The bad news is while I HOPED for some content about what episodes could've been, some new factoids about the characters already.. there wasn't much of that. What we have gotten through tumblr (and Kev sending me posts) has mostly been thorugh the supplemental book that came with the deluxe edition I didn't buy because it was 80 dollary doos. I was already pushing my budget getting this. From that we did find out Hortense and Quackmore are still alive and living on Grandma Duck's farm.. but...
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Like... did they meet the kids before Della came back? Why would they go along with Donald's lies? why did they never try to patch the donald and scrooge riff?
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What is their relationship with the kids? How would they react to Webby, both pre and post revelation about her being a clone now and the two of her just a hangin around donald adopted? how would they treat Daisy? why are they on a farm? These are questions we fans can answer and i'll have fun doing so, this book reignited my passion and writins for the show so I might just do that, but it's stil baffling to just drop that bomb and not fill it Out matt, and especailly in the delxue edition. We also get conformation it was Matt who clearly missed the queer subtext with Webby and Lena as not only does it never come up but he outright calls them "friends who are sisters". Maybe he dosen't care some fans ship them? maybe it's his interpretation? I dunno and as one of the co creators it's fair for him to interpret it that way.. in a sense
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All in good fun of course. I do respect Matt. But I also expect my right to disagree. Anyways, we don't get any new blistering insights into the world itself. But it's MORE than made up for. While this book lacks in what we coudl've had it's a really GORGEOUS celebration of what we did get. For starters we get a LOT of in depth info on the creation of the show, it's themes, and I gained a new respect for a guy I didn't even really know existed, Seam Jimenz who was the shows art director. The stuff he pulled off for the show, the tone he set and everything he and his crew were amazing. A lot of the book is he or other people on the show detailing how they pulled off shit that came off efortless to me and making me love the show even more. From blocking an episode in an enclosed place for Last Crash of the Sunchaser, to how they ONLY used fog for Missing Links of Morshire or the castle eps as a stylistic choice, to the little bits of comic fuz you see in every background there's a lot of cool details. We also get lots of great art, from the protype designs of the kids, to Lena's own evolution, to various concept art for characters. There were a lot of good designs before the awesome ones we landed on. We also get art of incidental stuff like the posters from Terror of the Terra Firmians, the very gay cake from Night on Killmotor hill, the darkwing first darkness poster.. if your a hardcore fan of thes how like I am there's a LOT to love here. So in short, as this is a fairly short review if you love hearing the people who made this show fantastic talk about how they pulled that offf, character stuff, episode ideas and other neat little stuff, this is for you. if your hoping for more of the show.. this sadly isn't it.. but maybe it'll get us more. Either way it's a great insight into the beautiful found family this show created that gave us one of my faviorite shows of the last decade. Woo-Ooo!a
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foxymc · 1 year
Fanfic Asks for the Askers!
3. The best character you’ve written for
Easily Della, then followed by Dewey. They’re two of my favorite characters and I love how you write them! Also I just love that I see them as bi and you see them ace, we’re clearly projecting but who cares!? They’re always in character so Ace Della and Dewey are just real to me as Bi Della and Dewey
4. The best ship you’ve written for
Dellumbra. Coffee captures the two so well and when I was done with it all I could think was, “Yeah. This is canon”
8. What I like most about your writing
I find your work very comforting. No matter how I am prior, I’m always in a better mood than I was before
Awwww thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like how I write Della and Dewey. They're definitely my favourite to write (especially Della). and yeah, aro Della and aroace Dewey is me projecting but like you said, who cares?!
Coffee was really fun to write and I'm glad to hear you consider it canon lol.
Also, you find my work comforting (even the angsty stuff??)?! That is just awesome to hear. That's probably the highest compliment I've ever received. Thank you!!
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
1, 3 & 19!
How many words have you written this year?
well, according to ao3, my works add up to 214,634 this year. But you'd have to add another 100k or so onto that for renewal which is written but not posted... 😅
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I think my personal favourite this year, even though I wrote some Good Shit (TM) is either Many a Weary Mile (my just-post-GFA fic), or the love that you've looked for, aka pina colada song but poly :D
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I'll say two: spirk (I WILL finish ambassadors! I WILL!) and CJ/Danny.
(also honourary third, more straight-up BJ/Peg)
Thank you so much Della, I had fun answering these 🥰
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amaranthbirate · 2 years
I'm sorry to hear you had to have surgery, but hope you make a swift and smooth recovery <3.
In the meantime, a little birdie (you) told me you just watched the Ducktales reboot for the first time! In that case, what was your favorite episode, and who would you say is your favorite character?
Thank you<3 Fave episode is hard pinpoint, there were a few fun ones. I liked the one where they were trapped on a sitcom set, and the one where we see what Della has been up to on the moon. Fave character: it’s also hard to pick bc the show does a great job with the ensemble cast! I did like Webby and Della a lot, all well as Lewey. As one of the background characters I loved BOYD, such a sweet robot boy!
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thcrealheroes · 6 days
Happy Birthday, Della! Thanks for being so welcoming and a positive, inviting person towards me and everyone else! I hope this day has so many blessings in store for you and that you can enjoy it with family and friends alike! You're amazing, so talented and friendly, I hope life rewards you with so much happiness, as much as you've given us! We love you lots and are delighted to have you around! Thanks for making the rp community much more fun!
BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! || @h-a-unted
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//. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY 😭 please you're such a sweetheart idek what else to say but that you are lovely and I adore you so much !! But really, thank you for this, and for the kind words, I should be thanking you for being lovely, incredible, and just an absolute joy to have on my dash. <3 <3 !!! I'm sobbing please !!! thank you lovely :')
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