#thanks for meming babe
crystal-mouse · 1 year
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The lost sequel and prequel- Babe: Pig at Warp Speed (1996)
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scrollll · 8 months
Oh, you're looking at my screen while I'm on my phone in public? Not my fault, but may your eyes be blessed by the pictures, videos and gifs of men making out, making questionable decisions, snuggling and giving each other orgasms that make your eyes mist up with heat. May your eyes feast on this art and aesthetic.
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hppjmxrgosg · 8 months
Tim creeping on the only person who can help him find his boo (Ha!)
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sunshinechay · 3 months
Poll time!!!!!
I was tagged by @befuddledcinnamonroll and @happypotato48
I’m going to still to QLs though I struggled a little with a theme and to pick just 5 but I managed it :)
So without further ado
I’m going to tag @bunnakit @dramalets @lukaherehelp @zoinkssc00b @talistheintrovert and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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hourcat · 1 year
piarles + Bodyguard AU 🥰
10. Bodyguard AU
Pierre doesn't seem big enough for a bodyguard.
Not that Charles is complaining, of course, by any means—he knows, as royal lineage, that there's always a risk to his safety on at least some level whenever he's out in public, and he's mostly come to terms with that. But when his mother had introduced him to the bodyguard that the family had hired for his protection, he'd almost laughed out loud, because…
Well. Pierre looks like a normal guy. He's quiet, introduces himself with a nod, and Charles thinks immediately that he could be a stranger he bumps into in a coffee shop, not a man trained in god knows how many defensive arts meant to protect someone.
He's muscular, sure, but nothing to write home about. And like—Charles is taller than him. Not by much, of course, and sometimes when Pierre is standing alongside him it feels like he's towering, but side-by-side, he is taller. What's the point of a bodyguard who is shorter than you? George, one of his mother's assistants, is at least a head taller than him, and seems almost as fit as Pierre seems to be.
Not that Charles has been looking, of course. But on afternoons where they spend the day in the sun, Charles has seen Pierre take off his blazer and knows that the expanse of his back is broad and built, muscles flexing beneath the pressed white dress shirt and looking…fit. That's all Charles can allow himself. He doesn't care about his security team, end-of.
But they're stuck in traffic on a Friday night, lights from the road around them splashing across his bodyguard's face, and Charles can't help but think that he looks out of place, almost: sitting here across from him in the limousine, sunglasses on even inside the car, expression carefully neutral. He could be an influencer, maybe: the cut of his jaw is too sharp and, frankly, attractive to be wasting away in the private security business.
"What made you want to do this?" Charles asks, setting his phone face-down on the seat beside him. Pierre doesn't hear him, apparently—Charles clears his throat, raises an eyebrow as his bodyguard stirs at that, brows climbing over his sunglasses. "Be a bodyguard. Why'd you do it?"
Pierre shrugs. "It is what I'm good at," he says simply, pressing the earpiece further into his ear.
But that's not nearly the satisfying answer Charles had been hoping for. "But you don't look—" Pierre lowers his sunglasses for a moment, fixing Charles with a look that can only say what do you mean rather intimidatingly, and he changes his tune. "Sorry, I mean. You look like you should be a YouTuber or something, not…"
Pierre, shockingly, smiles. Or, well, it's more of a smirk than anything, but it's more emotion than he's seen from the man since he'd been hired. Charles' breath catches. He's…kind of hot. "Should I be flattered that you think I'm not ugly, Mr. Leclerc?" The younger man swallows. "Many people that look like me are more than just pretty faces." Pierre winks and Charles thinks he's just about swallowed his tongue.
"Oh," he manages, stupidly. "Are you ex-military?" Truthfully, he hadn't gotten around to reading the man's credentials even if they'd been sitting at his desk for months, and he hopes he doesn't come across as rude. It's just…something about the mystery of his bodyguard's aura is crawling under his skin, and Charles is nothing if not a picker.
Pierre's amusement dies in an instant. Features stoic once more, sunglasses back up properly on his face, Charles watches whatever opening of understanding he'd worked on zip shut. "Yes," he answers, voice even once more. Then, before Charles can inquire further, he continues. "You should review that speech while you have the time, Mr. Leclerc. The benefit will be waiting on you the moment we arrive, as traffic doesn't seem to be letting up."
Ah, right. The stupid benefit he's being forced to attend because Lorenzo is out of town. He opens his mouth to counter Pierre's suggestion, but doesn't get a chance to voice his thoughts because the car jerks to a stop, much harder than normal on-off traffic. The two of them lurch in their seats, Charles grabbing at his seatbelt haphazardly for a moment before they settle.
"Sorry," the voice from the driver's seat says, filtering through the partition. "There's some kind of hold-up ahead—"
And then the ringing sound of what could be gunshots fill the tunnel around them, and oh. Charles swallows thickly. "Um," he starts, and then doesn't continue because the sound gets a little closer and in a second, Pierre's got a hand firmly on his arm, tugging him forward and onto the floor of the limo. Charles goes easily. The gunshots—they must be gunshots, Pierre wouldn't be doing this if they weren't—are loud, now, and he's fucking shaking. Shaking. He's driven through this tunnel countless times and hasn't even considered an incident like this as a possibility.
"Charles," Pierre says, low and firm, and Charles snaps to his attention, staring at his bodyguard's face. "Stay down. We will be fine, I promise." He scoots closer, leans over so that his body is closer to Charles' than it ever has been before, and he's warm. "Just stay down." Pierre's hand is now resting just between Charles' shoulders, big and almost comforting as it eases him further to the floor.
Any lingering concern about his size is long forgotten.
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diathadevil · 9 months
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Me about to grab my friends to tell 'em how much I love them.
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puddlesocks · 9 months
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i think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, bluestar. (meow)
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rosieofcorona · 2 months
Begging on my knees for more of your Solavellan baby fic 🧎‍♀️‍➡️🧎‍♀️‍➡️🧎‍♀️‍➡️
oh my love. that one will hurt you.
(that said i am deeply honored you would ask!!!)
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shejustcalledmeafish · 5 months
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Watching Game of Thrones for the first time like
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lectercunt · 2 years
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uhohdad · 3 months
I swear, you're really trying to kill us with the latest chapter of your hg au😭 I'm literally sobbing at that ending. it's so good and captures emotion so well! Keep up the great work. You're literally one of my favorite writers <3
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jtownraindancer · 10 months
... I know you know I'm gonna say BURN GORMAN lolll that is how I came across your blog and also I remember being *very* impressed by your archive. So yeah :) You are the Burn Gorman Blog™️ to me
Me, trying to explain Burn Gorman:
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Asdfghjkl for real though thank youuuuuuu ♡
Plenty more of Matchstick Man to come~
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tabbyrp · 30 days
the lap of someone who’s been gone for too long
It was somewhere between the bus crashing and Joan securing Jack’s services with traveler’s checks that Tabby fell asleep. A quiet, dreamless slumber that only broke with the rustle of keys opening locks. Blinking eyes open, the TV had gone into idle mode and Brian was home from a late shift, the weight of it adding only the faintest drag to his steps.
“Hey babe…” Tabby made drowsy efforts to rise from the couch until a weight in her lap made its presence known with sharp, pointy claws. All motion ceased as she sank straight back into the couch. “Sorry, can’t move. The princess says no.”
“She must have missed you.” Dropping keys then wallet and phone onto the counter, Brian leaned over to drop a kiss on his wife then give JJ a knuckle-rub on her furry forehead. The cat gave a slow blink in response then yawned, showing off pearly pointed teeth. “Don’t blame her either.”
“I’ll be back on the day shift soon. And hopefully Fuller won’t come up with another dumb reason to put your team on night shifts right when that happens.” The sleep fog was fading and in the spirit of regaining full circulation in her limbs, Tabby tried to adjust her position. It earned a mewl of protest.
Brian’s eyebrow lifted. He was considerably more immune to certain feline charms and well versed in how this was about to play out. “She’s not going to hate you forever if you move her. And before you even think of asking…” Tabby’s hopeful expression dropped. “… you gotta do it yourself.”
“But what if she does hold a grudge and never sits in my lap again?” Tabby scratched over the cat’s curled-up spine, purrs growing louder.
Cracking open the fridge for a beer, Brian threw her a wink. “Then I guess I better take her place.”
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theflirtmeister · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
going off my spotify on repeat playlist!:
360 - charli xcx
2. hot to go - chappell roan
3. too sweet - hozier
4. obsessed - olivia rodrigo
5. lunch - billie eilish
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sunshinechay · 7 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self's fantasy valentine?
*slides in a day late with the largest work related bags under my eyes*
Hello everyone! I am very late for this but I was tagged @prapaiwife and @syrena-del-mar
I haven’t been a teenager in a little over a decade now so it’s a little hard to remember what my teenage self would have wanted but honestly the more I think about the more I’m like
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Him definitely! Teenage me did not have the guts to live my life out loud I might have otherwise wanted too and Ai Di’s chaos would have been exactly what I would have wanted to be around, even if I never would have been able to admit it.
Bonus for myself now a days
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He’s mature, he’s a successful business owner, he’s a good father uncle to his pack of adopted boys, and most importantly he’s an absolute simp for mate boyfriend. Where can I get me one of those?
I know most people would have done it by now but I’ll tag @negrowhat @bunnakit and @visualtaehyun
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