#thanks for tagging me rachel!!
lesbianmaxevans · 3 months
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Faran & Kelly || Chapter 18: Final Exam
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iridescentis · 4 months
having a conversation with my friends about dating just reminds me how i desperately need demi/aroace/lesbian friends bc wtf is this shit😭
looking at me like im the crazy one bc i don't want to approach an aesthetically pleasing girl to ask her out and instead want to form a devastatingly co-dependant and ambiguous relationship with her under the guise of being best friends like no you're the weird ones
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whimsicalcotton · 1 month
Radio Anon — Now obsessed the Apparition of Rachel Amber That May or May Not Be Real, may you please elaborate upon the concept
[voice of someone with category 5 brainrot] Of Course,
basically i listened to Anybody Else by Dom Fera (mv is really silly but still somehow amberfield flavored) one too many times and started thinking about timelooper Max being Literally haunted by Rachel. but like Heathers The Musical style where you're left wondering if ghosts actually exist in this universe or if your protag just really needs a nap.
it probably started after a few loops (aka few weeks w barely any sleep) and so Max has no idea if there's actually a dead girl hanging around her dorm or if she's been digging in the junkyard one too many times and now she's tipped over the line into guilt hallucinations. hence The Apparition That May or May Not Be Real. usually Max will spot either the deer or Rachel herself lurking around blackwell/hanging around Chloe. the ghost deer form is pretty much the same as canon but i've yet to decide where she falls on the 'oh that's just a person' -> 'holy shit 4k bloody mary' ghost-scariness spectrum. probably depends on what kinda state Max is in when she sees her.
i also haven't decided whether they talk to each other. like Max definitely talks to Rachel but i don't know whether i want the angst of her not being able to hear anything Rachel says back or if i want full Chandler-mode Rachel providing ridiculous/unhelpful commentary on everything going down and exercising her skills as a one woman greek chorus.
that's all i have for the moment! here are a few scribbles also bc she's been on my mind lol
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ask-teambaam · 2 months
If the chance arises would you guys have another irregular on the team?
Yes, we would. Viole has always been interested in meeting other Irregulars, and the team has worked with Urek Mazino before.
If the goals of another Irregular aligned with Viole’s goals and best interests, we would all be open to having another Irregular on our team. However, if they possessed ill will against Viole, I would gladly crush them myself, no matter how strong they were.
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sexynetra · 8 months
Okay I think I am going to take a short socials break after this but I just wanted to make a few points.
1. As I said, you have all been so incredibly sweet and it’s super heartwarming and I don’t know what I would have done without y’all rallying behind me
2. Please nobody send hate to Marcia, and don’t send hate to the original poster either, that will just fan the flames (I don’t think any of y’all have been or would, I just want to make where I stand on this clear!)
3. I don’t think Marcia had malicious intent retweeting it — especially given her taking it down relatively quickly. The fault lies with the person who posted the original tweet. That being said, after all of this, I have some very complicated feelings regarding Marcia and I ask that that be respected, for me and anyone else who feels that way. I don’t think any of us hate her or wish her ill will, and once this is less imminent I may go back to stanning her, idk! But for now I have very complicated mixed uncomfortable emotions surrounding her and I think I am allowed to feel that way given that whatever fallout there is will inevitably center around me, and I am fucking terrified about that fact.
4. Again I love you all and I’m so grateful for how sweet you have all been. I may pop in here and there to message friends but I probably won’t be posting much if at all for a bit, and I’m gonna go on a bit of a writing hiatus while I figure out next steps
I love you all and I love this community and I hope that this is all a blip in the past soon, but for now I need to prioritize my safety and wellbeing and that means separating myself a bit 💕
Okay this got long but. I love you all, I’ll be back before you know it <333
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leetaehwan · 10 months
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tagged by @lee-minhoe and @ambivartence to share my november receiptify ! 💖
tagging (if u want ofc!): @shorelinnes @minchanz @dinoboos @snug-gyu @changbeens @chanrizard @gnanii
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jeonwon-wonwoo · 1 year
rules: take this test and present who you got as the characters most similar to you
tagged by: @irlvernon (thank you so much, max!💕)
tagging: @ayatou @honeycafes @itsyoonzino @zyx @jeonsupershy @woozification @mihgyu @cherriescoup @master-tonberry (only if you’d like to! no pressure!☺️)
Rachel Chu (Crazy Rich Asians): 88%
Abby Lockhart (ER): 88%
Donna Moss (The West Wing): 86%
Dr. Allison Cameron (House, M.D.): 86%
Felicity Smoak (Arrow): 86%
Dr. Claire Browne (The Good Doctor): 86%
Skylar (Good Will Hunting): 86%
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter): 85%
Sara Trancredi (Prison Break): 85%
Grace Van Pelt (The Mentalist): 85%
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goldiipond · 1 year
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Found your inner monologue while looking for mangacaps
this is so true i am always saying this when looking at both mangacaps and fanart. dose any body care about him. about don. my best friend don. don
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oneawkwardcookie · 2 years
Fuck it Friday
Thanks for the tag @burnthatbridge 💜
Almost finished this video, so here's the thumbnail for it!
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Tagging: @tawaifeddiediaz, @bieddiediaz, @captain-hen, @piningeddiediaz, @fireinyourkiss, @stanningsky, @tarlosbuddie, @swiftiebuckleys and anyone else that's vibing 😁
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
lipstick on your cape
“Robbie?” Tabitha looked up from the phone she wasn’t supposed to have on patrol at Nightwing. Hopefully Peg wouldn’t tattle on her to Bruce. “You got a little something on your cape. I think it’s that dark red lipstick they can probably see from the Watchtower.”
Beth examined her cape and, sure enough, there were some mysterious red smudges on the inner yellow lining, just past the right shoulder. She scrubbed at it with her gloves, how’d that even get there? Alfred would have a fit if this stained. Peg grunted as she sat down next to Tab on the edge of the building.
“So, do you wanna talk about it?” Peg asked, deceptively casual.
“About what?” Beth questioned.
“About why you’ve been sporting colored lips the last week,” Peg said softly. “I mean it’s pretty and all but its very,“ she paused. “It’s grownup. Are you trying to impress someone? I know things with you and Arianna are over but maybe someone on your team?”
“No, it’s not like that!” Beth blushed. “I don’t know, I thought it looked nice?”
“You’re 15 baby girl,” Peg said with a little frown. “You don’t need to look nice, you just need to be yourself. Especially as Robin.”
“I am being myself. I don’t have a reason, okay! I just thought it would be fun. I don’t know, I like girly stuff I guess. Its a safety risk to wear fun earrings or necklaces on patrol so, I don’t know, the other day I put on some lipstick and thought it looked cute so I kept doing it.”
Her mother had been a tomboy, more at home in the dirt than society but Tabitha had always been impressed at how she could transform. The nights they were home, when they had to play the part of the Drakes, were special. Mom would do her hair, nails and make-up just so and become someone else. She went from Tab’s flighty, distracted but stubborn mom to a princess. Her smiles were calculated, her posture perfect and she could glide across a ballroom in six inch heels and a sleek dress like she was born for it. And she had been but she’d rejected it for her dad and archeology but mostly archeology.
Tabitha loved computers and skateboards and comics and cars but she’d spent so many hours learning to style her hair in different ways, to paint her nails like a pro and to layer her lipstick like she was ready for murder. It was a side she hadn’t indulged in much lately. Being Robin was it’s own sort of freedom but it had its restrictions as well.
“I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing,” Peg said thoughtfully, leaning back to look up at the moon. “I guess Jan and I set a bit of a precedent huh?” Robins were crime fighters. They laughed at criminals and fought against the worst of the worst. They were efficient, practical and inspiring. They didn’t wear lipstick. Beth brought a glove to cover her mouth.
“Sorry, I guess it’s not really appropriate, is it? I think I have some make up remover wipes in my belt.” Peg grabbed a hold of her wrist.
“No, no, keep it on,” Peg insisted. “It does look nice, you did a good job and it really compliments the red of your suit.” She shifted so they were holding hands. “My mom used to do me up in makeup before shows, so the audience could see our faces. I can still feel her fingertips running over my cheeks.” She said with a soft voice, eyes closed in memory. “Moving in with B, I couldn’t do makeup that extravagant. I had to make a good impression and then, as I got older, I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression from lipstick and eye shadow.” 
“It’s such a burden to be beautiful,” Tabitha said with an eye roll even though it kind of was. She saw the way people ogled Peg at events. Tab had tripped one particularly creepy guy right into the punch bowl. Bruce had given her a thumbs up across the hall.
“You’re not Jan, no one expects you to be,” Peg said softly. “We just want you to be yourself. That’s the beauty of being Robin, you get to be whoever you want to be.”
“And what about B?” Beth questioned.
“You introduced yourself by breaking B’s rules,” Peg said with a grin, breaking the hand hold to ruffle Tab’s hair. She angrily straightened her clip and re-fluffed her bangs. Just because Nightwing just had a simple ponytail doesn’t mean some vigilantes didn’t care about merging style and function. “I think you’ll be fine.”
“Hmm, okay,” Beth said, scooting over to lean on Peggy’s shoulder. She loved her mom, missed her a lot but having a big sister was pretty great too. “You could add a little color to your lips too if you want.”
“I think I’ll pass. I’ve seen the colors you wear, baby bird,” Peg chuckled.
“Well how about your hair?” Tab asked, sitting up. “I could teach you how to do a simple french braid, or more fancy if you’d like. Still be functional but adds a little bit of style.”
“Tomorrow, my place, my hands always cramp after too long using the grapples. I’ll order some of that disgusting pizza you like,” Peg grinned. Tabitha grinned, her lips a dark ruby red under the Gotham moonlight.
Robin didn’t do her make up every night. Some nights she was running late, finishing clipping on her cape as she ran to the Batmobile. Other times she was too tired, too pained, just not in the mood for such frivolities. But other nights, she sculpted her eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. She rubbed primer, foundation, blush, sealant on her face that could hold up against wind, rain and rogues. She poured over her ever growing collection of lipsticks and lipstains and picked a color that spoke to her.
Red was for when she was feeling daring, bold, she had many different variations of the color but deliberately shied away from Joker red. When Spoiler took to the streets she acquired all sorts of different purples to complement the laughing boy’s costume. Pink was for when she felt soft but strong, when she was making a statement to the worst of Gotham that it couldn’t change her. Black was only to be used on the nights she knew would be bad. Bart got her a glittery gold one that she loved but used sparingly because it caught the light easily. Peg had laughed when when Tab shown up once with Nightwing blue lips, her braided hair dancing in the breeze.
She was Robin, she was a hero, a role model, a symbol. But she was also a girl, a girl who loved dresses that flared out when she spun and lots of shiny, sparkly dangles and doodads and she loved the taste of matte lipstick as she jumped into the fight. Sometimes people were just a pile of different things all mushed together. And the rest of the world was going to just have to get over it.
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
Lil tag game Rachel @eileen-crys  tagged me on ahah sorry it took me so long to get to it, i loved your answers ^^ 
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy mornings or twinkly nights // orange or black // pumpkin pie or apple pie // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky halloween or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights
how sweet !! tagging if they feel like doing it (even if it’s later than Halloween I’m aware sorry) @painandpleasure86 @reavenedges-lies @beydeaks  and anyone who sees this and would like to have fun 
stay safe and take care 💖💜
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
apf 20 :O
20 - on a scar
so i ended up setting this somewhere vaguely in the polluted marrow-verse bc How Could I Not w that prompt combo <3
CW for some talk of self-harm
Max won't stop giving her this look.
Chloe's grown used to the weight of her wide-eyed stare — well, sort of — but this feels somehow different. Heavier, hesitant. 
It started midway through their trip. Rachel had called a little earlier in the evening, waxing poetic about her long day and asking if they wanted to pick her up and head out for a bit to de-stress. So Chloe hopped in the truck with Max in tow, and after rescuing Rachel from the dungeon known as Blackwell's dormitories, they’d decided that then was as good a time as any to introduce Max to their tradition of impromptu midnight picnics. One stop at the convenience store and several bags of sweets later, they’ve all settled down in the flatbed, half huddled together and watching the stars between bites. 
Rachel's hoarding a bag of skittles and spinning a tale of Andromeda’s chains when Max starts shivering. Chloe interrupts to ask if they want to head back and is shot down in short order by two different pouts and a dramatic whine of, “No way, I'm just getting to the good part.” So instead she squirms out of her jacket and insists on handing it off to Max, hoping it still carries a bit of residual heat. 
That's when Max starts looking. Bushy little brows upturned in quiet concern, moving to absentmindedly fidget with the jacket collar. It’s something Chloe has come to recognize as a mark of overthinking, a sign that Max is worrying far too much about something more than likely out of her control. 
“Yo, Mad Max,” Chloe calls over to her as Rachel finishes. “C’mere.” She shifts a bit and motions in invitation for Max to come snuggle up to her. Max wastes no time making good on the offer. “What’s with the sad puppy eyes? Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Rachel moves a little closer too, leans into Chloe’s other side. “I think,” she murmurs, reaching down to run her fingertips over a patch of raised skin on the inside of Chloe’s forearm, feather-light. “She’s worried about these. Am I right?”
Max nods, timid and tentative.
Chloe forgets about her scars, sometimes. She’s used to them. Used to covering them up without a second thought, used to glancing them over, used to ignoring them for the sake of surviving a hot summer day. A good chunk of them are even hidden amidst her tattoo at this point, and she’s learned to ignore what few remain in the open. By now they’ve grown pale and thick with age, not having seen the returning glint of a sharp edge in a long while. Which is a good thing, she supposes; even if their discoloration and visible shift in texture make them almost as easy to spot as when they were fresh. 
“Oh.” She swallows hard, takes a sudden interest in examining the scuffs of her boots. “Don’t stress yourself out about it, Max. They’re getting pretty old. No worries, yeah?”
But Max remains unconvinced. She nestles herself further into Chloe, holds the girl's arm in both of hers and hides her face in the crook of her neck. “M’sorry,” she whispers, half lost to the dark.
Before Chloe can even think of an adequate reassurance, Rachel answers for her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she offers with a soft smile. “I took care of them.” She turns up to Chloe again, donning a slightly more unimpressed expression. “Most of them. When you’d let me, anyways.”
“Oi, I don’t think now is the time for petty technicals.”
“What, like she doesn’t already know how stubborn you can be?” Rachel counters in a lighthearted scoff. She laces their fingers together, gives Chloe’s hand a gentle squeeze. “My point is, you weren’t dealing with it alone. You had me looking after you.” 
They're quiet, for a minute or two, before Max finds her voice. “G-Good,” she says, emerging from her hiding place just long enough to pull back and nuzzle into Chloe’s shoulder. She presses a soft, cottony kiss to one of the less visible scars lurking amongst curls of inky thorn and ribbon. Then another, then another. “Thank you.”
Chloe bites back a shiver of her own.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
the glee s3 cover of i kissed a girl did far more for my sapphic awakening than i would like to admit
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sexynetra · 8 months
Btw if anyone wants to distract me with like. Cute animal videos or funny TikTok’s or infodumping about your favorite show or movie or book I have to stay up for a few more hours to finish this assignment and I would love some assistance in not spiraling <3
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leetaehwan · 7 months
tagged by @ambivartence and @lee-minhoe to list my top 5 songs at the moment !
1. hideout - jo1
2. facetime - a.c.e
3. diamond days - seventeen
4. radiovision - jo1
5. honey - the boyz
tagging (if u want!): @leewonseo @chanrizard @snug-gyu @shorelinnes @xiaojuun @blueprintchan @minchanz @hyunpic
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afterglowsainz · 2 months
don’t wanna break up again | oscar piastri
pairing: actress!reader x oscar piastri
summary: you never go to any of oscar races and he’s always been okay with it, until he’s not
fc: rachel zegler
warnings: angst
a/n: i am in such an oscar kick lately you cannot physically stop me (i’ve also never wrote angst before this is so fun!)
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liked by oscarpiastri, gracieabrams and others
yourusername vacation barbie☀️
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username uhmmm ???
username obsessed with her going on vacation instead of supporting yet another one of his boyfriend’s races
username so now she’s not allowed to go on vacation after working for five months on a movie? grow up
oscarpiastri the prettiest🥰
username oh to be called the prettiest by oscar piastri 😩
username so beautiful 😍
username respectfully looking 👀
username day number 482927 praying for y/n to attend a race
username at this point i feel like the only way she’s attending is if she has to promote a movie or something
username petition for y/n to be in that f1 movie they’re making just so we can see her at the paddock once
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liked by yourusername, mclaren and others
oscarpiastri absolutely love austria 🧡
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username that’s my driver right there !!!
yourusername so well deserved❤️ (liked by oscarpiastri)
username another podium where y/n wasn’t present😊
username i could treat you so much better i swear!
mclaren incredible drive oscar🧡
georgerusell63 👊🏽👊🏽
username next podium is a win👀
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liked by gigihadid, oliviarodrigo and others
yourusername star of the year is insane! thank you so much for this award and to all of you, i love you all to the moon and back and without you this wouldn’t be possible🫶🏽 thank you thank you thank you ⭐️
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username so so well deserved y/n congrats! 🎉
username ms. rabbit has fainted
username oh she just looked unreal tonight 🤩
username she IS the star of our generation 👏🏽
oscarpiastri couldn’t be prouder❤️
yourusername love you! 💘
username she’s just THAT GOOD
username star of the year indeed😍
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and others
oscarpiastri incredibly proud of the most talented, hard-working, brightest woman i know. you’re not only the star of the year you’re also the star of my life and i know there will be many more awards to come your way🌟
tagged yourusername
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username oh
yourusername i can’t put into words how much i love you❤️
oscarpiastri ❤️
username now i just know he did not went out of his way to go to this award show for her during a race week and she can’t even be bothered to go to one (1) race
username he literally made a post about the critics recognizing her work as an actress and you’re commenting stuff like this? jesus
mclaren congratulations, y/n! 🧡 (liked by yourusername)
username y/n they will never make me like you!
username cutest couple🥰
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and others
oscarpiastri hungary will always be in my heart 🇭🇺 🫶🏽
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username obsessed with the first picture
username about to tattoo this whole race in my forehead brb
logansargeant congratulations mate🎉
carlossainz55 congrats oscar👍🏼
username so rookie of the year of him 😩
landonorris congrats muppet 🍾
yourusername so so proud of you congratulations my love‼️❤️‍🔥
oscarpiastri 🥰
username girl you weren’t even there…
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liked by lilymhe, taylorswift and others
yourusername six weeks of breathing clean air, i still miss the smoke.
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username no way they actually broke up😭
username can’t believe it’s been six weeks i thought they were gonna get back after two days
username but why is she calling her relationship with oscar toxic? 😔
username at least she’s going out!
username oh you know it’s getting serious when she’s pulling out the taylor lyrics
username refusing to believe my parents are divorced (i’m older than them)
username finally we’re out of the trenches‼️
username currently praying for oscar’s next girlfriend to be supportive🙏🏽
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