#thanks for the ask! loved getting to talk about that story!!!
seospicybin · 2 days
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Lee Know x reader. (s)
Synopsis: Let's play two truths and a lie, and here goes the first thing about you: You want to fuck your roommate's boyfriend, Minho. (9k words)
Author's note: It's a quick one-shot I made like a year ago but pls enjoy it nonetheless 😊
Content warning: Infidelity.
This is how you play two truths and a lie. You share three statements about you, two being true and one false, and people must determine which is which.
So here goes the first statement: You want to fuck your roommate's boyfriend.
A few months ago, you came to the city for your new job and were placed in a housing with a group of unbearable people. Since you've just started working, you tried looking at another option to get a temporary place to stay until you're financially stable enough to rent an apartment.
Long story short, a friend of a friend introduced you to Kim who happened to have an extra room you can rent. She owns the apartment and does not necessarily need the money, she offered her room for the sole reason which is to help you. You're aware that you don't meet this kind of that is to help you. You're aware that you don't meet this kind of person every day and for that, you're grateful for her.
After a week of living as roommates, you learn that Kim is just as graceful as her occupation, a ballet dancer. She's beautiful, kind-hearted, amicable, and ultimately, a very attentive roommate.
The room you're staying in was supposedly her private dance studio but she uses the living room to practice now and you have to adjust yourself to the huge mirror covering one side of the wall in your room.
Not long after that, Minho comes into the picture. A sharp nose, sharp jaws, and feline eyes, a beautiful face that only reminds you that the world is unfair to some people, including you.
"This is Minho," Kim introduces him with a smile
The second your eyes lock in a gaze with him, you feel an instant attraction and it intensifies as he stares back into your eyes.
"My boyfriend," Kim adds a little too late.
It's funny that the word boyfriend doesn't stop you from being attracted to him, if anything, you want him more than before.
Kim and Minho have been together for two years now and they met at the dance academy which explains a lot of things, including Minho's lean and toned body.
How do you know? Because sometimes he stays over and on more than one occasion, you found him walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a white towel hanging lowly around his waist.
That's also when you learn that this attraction is strictly physical, your uterus is acting up when you see him, and lewd thoughts rush through your head. It's all biological. There's no way you want to pursue him romantically, you couldn't even think of a person more deserving to be with him than Kim. They're both beautiful and talented dancers, oftentimes, you get so envious because they have such a lovely relationship.
Like tonight, you hear their laughter the second you step into the apartment, finding Kim and Minho in the kitchen just casually talking to each other while sharing a bowl of fruits. You love how simple yet endearing their interaction is.
"Hey, you're home!" Kim says with a sweet, welcoming smile.
You wave your hand at her and briefly at Minho, "Hi, everyone!" You awkwardly say, feeling like you're interrupting them.
"Have you had dinner?" Kim asks, attentive as always.
"Yeah, I grabbed dinner after work," you lie, but you can always creep your way to the fridge late at night for dinner.
"There's a pie in the fridge. Help yourself to some dessert," she sweetly offers then shoves a piece of blueberry into her mouth.
Without having to look, you can see how Minho looks at you, he has this deep, intense gaze that makes you the slightest bit intimidated.
"I will, thanks," you hurriedly respond, wanting the interaction to end as soon as possible, "I'll just... get into my room."
"Yeah, you should rest," Kim softly mutters.
You hoist your bag higher on your shoulder and head to your room, before you get in, you mutter to them, "Night, guys."
"Night," Kim cheerily says.
You hurriedly get in and catch a glimpse of Minho with his intense stare a second before the door completely closes and clicks in place.
The trick to surviving the night is to wait until they get into the bedroom and put headphones on as you come out of yours, not only to avoid hearing unwanted noises, but you reckon it's only right to take the extra measure to respect their privacy.
As you're listening and catching glimpses of the movie playing on your phone, you walk around the kitchen to prepare your simple, unhealthy dinner: a cup of noodles and a can of soda.
You're quietly eating your dinner by the kitchen counter with the headphones still on and once you finished, you treat yourself to a slice of pie, then put the rest of the pie back into the fridge.
It gets messy as you're munching on the pie while watching the movie on your phone. The cherry filling gets all over your fingers and you hurriedly lick it off before it gets—
"Oh, my God!" You shriek in surprise, seeing someone standing by the fridge. Once you realize it's Minho, you break into laughter.
"I'm just getting a bottle of water," he says, his face illuminated by the glow of the fridge lights.
"I'm sorry," you say while clutching your chest, and a second later, regret for saying it when he should be the one apologizing.
There's something different in the way Minho looks at you, he has one corner of his mouth raised higher than the other, giving you the impression that he's thinking of filthy things when he looks at you like that. He's giving you that look now and it does certain things to you.
He then stops leaning against the fridge, taking the bottle of water as he walks back to the bedroom, leaving his signature faint smirk on the back of your head.
The signals are there, they're subtle yet constantly pinging, asking you to respond. For now, you're going to ignore it like you always do and continue existing like you're not sharing the same space with him.
Statement number two: You believe Minho wants to fuck you too.
At first, you thought you imagined it, you want to fuck him so you started being delusional and thinking that he wants to fuck you too. Once you started paying attention though, you realized that what he's been doing to you meant something or some sort of message he tried to deliver.
The first occurrence that came to your realization is when the two of you were in the kitchen, you were enjoying your yoghurt and he suddenly came behind you to get something from the drawer that happened to be blocked by your body. Instead of telling you to step aside, he made you stand there as his hand curved around your waist to get something out of a drawer.
From there, you noticed a lot of things he did, the way he briefly rested his hand on the small of your back as he walked past behind you, his hand that would often brush a part of your body when the two of you are next to each other or the way he would speak close to your ear as if he's seeking to be close to you. Simply put, he always tries to make physical contact with you.
The scariest part of it is not the possibility that the two of you will eventually get caught, but how unfazed he is even when his girlfriend is there. Like that night where the three of you shared the sofa and somehow, his hand found your shoulder and instead of retreating, he continued to caress the nape of your neck with his knuckle.
However, what happens tonight is what makes you believe that he wants the same thing.
After making sure that you're the only one still awake in the vicinity, you make your way to the bathroom to take a nice, hot shower to help you relax and sleep faster. You skip on using the hairdryer since it'll make too much noise and tiptoe your way back to your bedroom.
In the middle of putting on your clothes, you realize that you left the door ajar and you notice Minho is watching through the reflection in the mirror.
Instead of stopping or rushing to close the door, you pretend to not see him there and continue, turning your body to the side, showcasing every curve of your body through the reflection in the mirror.
You arch your back as you put on the night dress over your head and slowly slip yourself in it, shimmying your body as you pull the dress down with your hands. Then you look at him through the reflection in the mirror and make it known that you're aware of his presence.
From the crooked grin on his face, you can tell that Minho is pleased to be caught watching you and you received his signal loud and clear: He wants to fuck you too.
But sadly, tonight's show is over so you walk to the door and close it.
Friday afternoon, Kim barges into your room and she rarely comes into your room without knocking on your door. Seeing that she's carrying a dress in her hand, you guess she needs your opinions on her clothing choices.
You sit on the bed and take your headphones off, "What's up, Kim?"
She stands at the end of the bed and lifts the dress with both hands, "What do you think?" She asks.
It's a mini dress with spaghetti straps in a deep purple color and it's a nice dress, you're just not sure if it fits Kim's style that well, she usually opts for dresses with flaring hem and floral prints.
"It's nice, Kim," you say but skip on giving her the detailed explanation.
She puts the dress close to her body and hugs it, "Do you like it?"
"Yeah," you shortly reply, even though it doesn't fit her style well, it certainly will look good on her.
"Good!" She shortly says, handing the dress to you, "Cause you'll be wearing it.
Somehow, you reach for it and awkwardly hold it in front of you, "W-why? Why me?"
Kim goes to your vanity table and flips open your jewelry box, she holds your earrings one by one to find ones that would match the dress.
"You're coming with me to this party," she says, leaving a lot of details in her answer.
"What party?"
"Party at my friend's," she simply answers, deciding on the gold small hoop earrings.
But that's against your plan, you want to steer clear of Minho and party at Kim's friend means that he'd likely be there too.
"Kim, I don't think that's a good idea," you tell her.
She then leans against the desk in your room and crosses her arm together in front of her, "These past few days you refused to hang out with me so you have to hang out with me tonight."
So Kim knows that you've been purposely avoiding her but you need to explain that it's not because of her, "But that's not—"
"Nuh-uh!" She quickly cuts you off again, "Tonight you're going to the party with me," she decides on her own, not accepting any more excuses from you.
"Is it okay though? I mean... it's your friend's party. I don't want to intrude," you meekly say while playing with the strap of the dress.
"Why would it not be okay?" She says, coming to sit on the edge of the bed, "Besides I want to introduce you to Gaspard."
Maybe you owe this one to Kim and hearing a guy's name piques your interest, "And who is Gaspard?"
"A cute guy," she shortly answers with a sly grin on her heart-shaped face, "And you'll like him."
It's not like Minho's presence would bother you that much and Kim needs you, she wants you there, therefore, as a good roommate, you should be there.
"Yeah, okay, I'm in the mood to meet a cute guy tonight," you tell her, not forgetting to show enthusiasm as well.
"That's the spirit!" Kim says with a wide grin dancing on her face.
Well, since you'll be there and possibly meet Minho, Gaspard better be a cute distraction for real.
The taxi pulls up in front of a house and you reckon it's where the party at from how many cars are parked outside and the faint thumping of the music playing inside.
The fact that you get here by taxi only means that there's no Minho so you can relax, for now.
Kim excitedly links her arm with you as you both walk into the house and you expect a party with laid-back music and endless glasses of wine but the second you step inside, upbeat music is blasting from around the house and everyone is having beers from red plastic cups.
The party is not what you imagined it would be, but it's what you need.
Kim cranes her neck to find her friends and once she finds them, she raises her hand to signal her arrival to them.
"Come on! Let's meet my friends!" She says.
Please, God, let him be a cute distraction! You repeatedly mutter in your heart as she drags you with her to meet her friends who are gathered in what you guess is a rec room in the house.
When Kim's friends finally come to sight, you put on a smile as you quietly guess which one of them is Gaspard. Kim goes to hug them one by one before introducing you to them.
"This is Ellie, Jena, Paul..." she introduces her friends back to you one by as the mentioned person warmly greets you.
"And Minho," someone adds from behind you.
You immediately look over your shoulder to see Minho standing there, Kim gently slaps his shoulder in response and laughs.
"This is not a roll call, honey," Kim says with a smile and then leans in to give Minho a quick peck on the lips.
Minho is already here and there's no Gaspard yet. No Gaspard means there'll be no distraction. You keep your smile on even though you're slowly descending into distress.
"There he is!" Kim exclaims, pointing at something behind you.
You reflexively turn on your heels and see a tall man with brown hair, striking green eyes, and a scintillating smile. This man will make the perfect distraction.
Please let this man be Gaspard, you deeply wish inside your heart.
Kim comes to your side and puts her arm around you, "This is the man I told you about," she says.
"I hope you only told her nice things about me," Gaspard says with a sly grin that makes his whole face light up.
The universe heard your plea and decided to make it true for you, this is Gaspard, the perfect distraction you want and need.
"Holyfuck..." you lowly mutter in disbelief.
"What's that?" Kim asks, hearing you saying something but doesn't quite catch it.
You've already forgotten where you are and what you're doing. And Minho? Who is Minho? You let out a chuckle and shake these silly thoughts away.
"So this is Gaspard, huh?" You say in all confidence.
"That is me," he answers, returning the confidence with a wide smile, "I'm better than you expected, I guess?"
Gaspard is confident and then gets shy in the next minute which you find charming, you smile at him and say, "I need more time to decide on that."
"That's fair," Gaspard says, offering his hand at you.
You think he's just going to shake your hand but he takes you into the crowd gathered in the middle of the room, dancing.
"A fair warning, I'm a bad dancer," you warn him as he takes your hands in his and makes you stand facing him.
"We still have time to decide on that," he pokes fun at you, taking you by the waist and pulling you close to his front.
Kim is right, Gaspard is cute and you like him already. He has just the right amount of facial hair and it grazes your cheek whenever he leans in to whisper into your ear, giving you a tingling feeling inside and outside.
After a few moments though, you find yourself panting from dancing with him. You should've known this would happen when you're dancing with a real dancer.
Since Gaspard is way taller than you, you have to put your arm around his shoulder and stand on your tiptoe to whisper to his ear, "Hey, how about we get drinks?"
"Drinks?" He asks you in confirmation since the mix of loud music and chatter is filling the room.
"Yeah," you answer while repeatedly nodding your head.
He doesn't say anything but takes your hand and leads the way through the crowd to the kitchen where bottles of liquor are strewn around on the kitchen island.
You intently watch as Gaspard is excitingly making you his special concoction. He finishes it off with a spritz of lemon before handing it to you.
"Thank you," you mutter in gratitude.
"Come on. Taste it!" He encourages you, curious of what you think of his drink-mixing skill.
Well, you've been staring at it long enough to give him the impression that you hesitate to drink it. You hurriedly take a small sip and you don't even have to lie, it's good.
"Wow!" You gasp, impressed with the drink he made.
"I know," he confidently says with a smirk and drinks his drink.
It's so refreshing and sweet like it has no alcohol at all, you hurriedly take another sip.
"It's really good," you tell him.
"Thank you," he says with a grin.
He then offers his hand at you, "Let's find somewhere to talk?"
You take his hand without question, letting him take you wherever he wants because it seems like he knows where he's going. He leads you to the backyard where everyone is hanging out by the pool.
"Hey, you!"
Recognizing the voice, your head snaps toward the source, and see Kim waving her hand at you from the long sofa that curved around a fancy fireplace.
You stop walking on your track and end up leading Gaspard there. You unconsciously let out a sigh of relief after seeing that there's no Minho there.
"Oh, hey," you greet back.
Kim scoots to the side to make space for you on the sofa, "Where have you guys been?"
"Oh, we were just dancing and he made me a drink," you honestly answer, not forgetting to show her the drink in your hand.
"And where were you going to take her, Gaspard?" Kim asks with eyes squinted at him.
"Anywhere but here," he jokingly answers.
"Well, since you guys just got here, it's your turn to play!" Someone says, you can't remember what her name is but she's one of the friends Kim introduced earlier.
"Turn to play? What?" You ask in confusion.
"Two truths and a lie," someone says.
You feel bad for not being able to remember their names, Gaspard's influence is that powerful on you.
"You know how to play, right?" Kim asks.
It's not about whether you know how to play or not, it's just so unexpected that these talented, gorgeous dancers like to play this kind of game at parties.
"Yes, I do," you answer.
Kim turns on the sofa to face you and looks at you in anticipation, "Okay then. Shoot!"
"Right now?"
"Yes," Kim shortly answers with a chuckle.
You admire their eagerness whether for the game or to know something about you, you rake your brain to think of three things about you and one of them should be a lie that would likely fool them good.
"Okay first is uhm... I'm allergic to cats," you share.
There's no response from them but you can see how they're looking at you and probably every detailed facial expression you make that will give away hints about whether you're lying or not.
"Second thing is my mom has a twin," you confidently share with a faint smile.
"Ah," Kim lowly gasps and you guess because you've shared this information with her before.
"Last thing is..." you look around as you think of the last thing to share with them.
You eventually turn to the side and see Gaspard smiling at you, "I think Gaspard is cute," you share the third thing about you.
"That's the one! That's the lie!" Someone excitedly guesses, and you suddenly remember his name as Paul.
You laugh because Gaspard looks so offended by his friend, "No, it's not a lie," you quickly defend him.
Gaspard shoots him a glare and triumphantly laughs, "Just drink, man!"
Paul drinks his beer in defeat.
"I must say the second one is the lie," the girl says again, still can't remember her name though.
"No. Her mom has a fraternal twin," Kim says, learning that information from you on the first day you moved into her apartment.
"Drink up, Jena!" Kim tells her that she guessed wrong and not wasting time but drinks her beer as a punishment.
"Oh, so you're not allergic to cats?" Gaspard asks.
"No, I'm not. I like cats," you answer.
He then sighs in relief, "That's great because I have a cat."
"Oh, wow?!" You utter in disbelief.
Other than being a great distraction, you share a lot in common with Gaspard and that says something.
"I also have cats," someone adds, joining in on the circle.
You can tell by the voice that it's the man you've been trying to avoid seeing tonight. You remain calm and have a sip of your drink.
"Yes, Minho, we all know you're a cat daddy," Jena says, finally knowing her name from Kim.
Kim groans and tosses a cushion at Jena, "Don't say that!"
Minho takes a gulp of Kim's drink and sits with his back reclined and his legs spread open, even his sitting position oozing with confidence and you eat that shit up.
You feel like slapping your face at that thought and have another sip to swallow that thought down.
"Is it my turn to play?" Minho asks around.
Jena shrugs since no one is taking the turn to play, "Yeah, sure, go ahead."
Minho softly scratches his chin before speaking, "I want to kiss someone tonight."
He starts easy but from the faint smirk on his face, you can tell he's brewing something in his mind.
"That someone is not my girlfriend," he calmly says.
Welp, there you go! Minho acts like he didn't just drop a shocking statement while his girlfriend is sitting prettily next to him.
You glance at Kim and she looks calm, but you can see that her jaws are slightly clenched. She's not happy so Minho should stop it.
But instead of calming his girlfriend, Minho looks at you and continues to share the third statement, "The person I want to kiss is one of you."
Your heart skips a beat because he keeps looking right at you and making it obvious for everyone to see who it is. All of a sudden, you feel the urge to exit this scene but walking out only makes it even more obvious.
Minho is sick of doing this to you and Kim, it's like he doesn't even care what it can do to either you or Kim.
"Oh, Minho, that's..." Paul hisses, not able to finish his sentence.
"Why, Paul?" Minho daringly asks him.
"Nothing," Paul says while scratching his head.
Minho leans forward and says, "It's you, Paul. It's you who I want to kiss."
Paul's tense face melts in a second and everyone bursts out laughing, "Fuck you, man!"
"It's you. I want to kiss you," Minho taunts him more, throwing himself at him and jokingly tries to kiss him.
Paul keeps pushing him away, sloshing his drink as he tries to dodge Minho's kiss while everyone else is laughing at them.
Even though it turns out to be a joke, you feel sick in the stomach and feel the need to get out of here.
"I need to go to the restroom," you mutter, getting up from the sofa.
Gaspard puts down his drink, "I can show you—"
"It's okay. I can go by myself," you tell him off, you regret being so crass but you're sure he'll understand.
"Okay," he says, sitting back down on the sofa.
While clutching the hem of your dress, you head back inside the house and find the bathroom to only queue to get inside, you decide to try on the second floor. You can easily find the bathroom as it's wedged between two bedrooms.
It's a party, you're sure the host would be okay with you using their bathroom, you don't even need to pee or something, you just need a space to vent.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you keep muttering to the reflection in the mirror.
When you touch your neck, you can feel a sheen of sweat there so you run your hands under the cold water and tap it to your neck.
This is the first time you realize what it'll do to you when it comes to following your desire. You'll ruin not only their relationship but also your friendship with Kim and she's been nothing but good to you.
"Fuck!" You mutter once again as you splash cold water on your face like it would help to put some sense into you.
Coming here was a bad idea!
But you're already here so you only need to stick to your plan, staying away from Minho and sticking with Gaspard. You allow yourself to spend a few more minutes just to compose yourself before coming out of the bathroom.
As you're about to climb down the stairs, the plan comes to a failure.
You see Minho is coming up the stairs and he seems to be looking for you as well from the way he stops once he finds you.
Instead of avoiding him as you planned, you feel the need to confront him about what happened a while ago. You grab the front of his shirt and take him into one of the bedrooms. The first one is locked so you try the other one and it's empty.
Once both of you are inside, you slam the door shut and push him against it.
"What the hell are you doing?" You aggressively ask, pushing his chest until his back hits the door.
"What? What am I doing?" He plays innocent but that smirk knows it all.
You slap his chest with both of your hands now but all you can feel is how firm his pecs are.
"You just don't care, do you?"
He puts his hands on each side of your waist and draws you closer, not hesitating to plant his mouth on your jaw.
"Minho!" You whine, ending up getting trapped in his hold with his arms wrapped tightly around you.
He glides his lips up and presses a kiss there on the skin under your ear, sending a tingling down your spine as his warm breath brushes your skin.
You helplessly dodge away from his lips yet somehow, he manages to capture your lips in a kiss and oh, you hate it so much! You hate how you like the way he kisses you, so passionately and hungrily, he makes it known that he wants it so much.
Okay, maybe the kiss is a slip-up and you hurriedly pull yourself out of it. You push him and pull away from the kiss.
"You know we can't do this," you mutter but you're looking at his lips, tempted to kiss him again.
He ignores your words and kisses you again, and you fall into it again. You try harder this time and break the kiss.
"Minho!" You whine, looking away to not let the temptation win again.
Using it as an opportunity, Minho plants his mouth on your ear and nibbles on it, peeling a layer off of your sanity which brings you to slip down the slope again.
Your lips are colliding again, harder and deeper, causing even more damage than the previous one as his hands go all over you and pull the straps of your dress down your shoulders.
The two logics in your head are clashing against each other, the one wants to satisfy this desire and the other wants to get out of this situation altogether. If you follow the former then at least, your curiosity will be fulfilled and if you follow the latter, then you get to keep the peace.
As you are caught in that inner battle, you blank out and stiffen against him.
"We have to stop," you mutter to him.
But is that what you want? To stop when you already have your toes dipped in the water?
Minho also takes a moment to assess the situation, he looks at you with his lips red and wet, "it has to stop," he says in agreement.
You take a step back and feel the sudden detachment as he lets go of you and you can't believe that he agrees right away that this is the better decision. You can't help but think that he doesn't want you enough.
He stays standing there, leaning against the door and looking at you with his eyes dark and wide with lust.
"So what do we do now?"
That's such a wrong thing to ask you because what you want to do now is be selfish for the night, for one fucking night, and if you're going to do it, you may as well go all in, right?
Take the chance or pass? Right or wrong? Continue or stop? Now or never?
"Fuck!" you heavily sigh and take down the straps of your dress, sending your breasts spilling out of the front.
"Suck my tits," you order.
It takes Minho a moment to process it and when he finally catches on that you've made up your mind, he goes for it. He comes at you full speed, hands off the brake and head first.
His mouth lathers at your breasts before sucking at them like you asked, taking them in turns, and leaving them wet with his saliva.
"Nibble on my nipples," you command.
You look down to watch him obeying you, using his tongue to nibble on your blossoming buds and alternating it with his teeth next.
"Oh, fuck," you breathlessly mutter as he sucks hard on your nipple.
While his mouth is busy latching on your breasts, his hands are snaking to the back and kneading at your asscheeks, caressing them with his fingers, and teasing your underwear.
This feels so wrong yet so good, you have your inner battle still but your logic is being defeated by your body's needs. You pull him by the shoulder and make him kiss you again so you'll stop thinking.
The rattles on the door startle you both and Minho immediately pushes the door with his back, then holds the knob to not let anyone in. Whoever tries to get it seems to figure out that the room is occupied.
"Sorry," someone says from behind the door.
Minho immediately locks the door while you take a step back from him, he gives you that look again, the kind of look that sees right through you and knows that you feel conflicted inside.
"Kim is my good friend," you tell him, feeling a pang of sadness in your chest that it aches.
He comes at you again and kisses you in which you're returning with the same eagerness. He seems to know that it's the only way to make you stop talking and thinking altogether. He pulls you closer than before his hands snaking to your rear, cupping the ample flesh in his hand.
"This is terrible," you mutter as you break the kiss so you can take your underwear off.
"This is terrible..." you mutter again, pulling him close by the waistband of his jeans and proceeding to unzip his fly open, "Betraying her like this."
It's like your body has a mind of its own, it's doing the opposite of what you're saying.
You impatiently take his semi-hard out of its confine and stroke it in your hand, "terrible," you emphasize the word and nail it deep into your head.
Minho doesn't say anything but follows what your body wants, he kisses you again, sloppily with his hands mindlessly roaming around your body.
"Touch me there," you whisper into him.
Without looking, his hand knows where to go. It goes to where you want him to be, going to the front to that wetness between your legs.
"Put your fingers in."
Minho runs his fingers down your slit repeatedly before inserting his finger into you. One digit is enough to make you moan in pleasure as he pumps it in and out of you.
"Add one more."
He draws his finger out and brings his index and middle fingers, shoving them into your mouth to wet them with your saliva. He brings them back to your entrance and slowly pushes them inside.
"Fuck, oh..." you moan, burying your head in his neck.
Two fingers are going in and out of you and you're already losing it. You start to think of what his cock would be like inside you as it feels hot and hard in your hand, pulsating with so much desire.
His lips nestle in your neck, kissing and lightly sucking on the skin as your body clings to him for support.
"Curl them— Oh!"
Minho knows what to do, he curls his fingers and carefully finds that spot that makes you whine and moan at the same time, and the lewd noise echoes in the dimly lit room.
You look over your shoulder to locate the bed and start steering his body there, walking backward without having to take hands off of each other.
He slowly pulls out and breaks the kiss only to pull your dress up, making the dress hunched around your waist. You plop down onto the bed and get on, you take a moment to continue undoing his jeans and pull it down enough to let his erection free.
Without thinking, you put his cock into your mouth, take him as much as you can and compensate for the rest you can't take with your hand. You lick and suck, alternating those two as you enjoy every inch of his delicious length with your mouth.
Minho tangles his hand in your hair and gently tugs at it, "I feel so guilty," he says.
Oh, so he's not that selfish after all but the thought of him thinking of his girlfriend with his cock deep in your mouth doesn't make you jealous at all, it makes you feel more aroused than before.
"Oh, so guilty," he says between his hoarse, low moans as he stares back into your eyes.
You slowly pull away and replace your mouth with your hand, restlessly pumping his swollen cock.
"You should be," you tell him, sticking your tongue out of your mouth and swirling it around the pink tip of his cock.
All of a sudden, he grabs your hand and takes it away from his length, he then takes your other hand to pin it against the bed. He hovers above you as he kisses you again, his tongue prying open your mouth to taste more of you.
You can feel him rubbing his length between your folds and you spread your legs open so he can do it more, making you drenched than you already are.
It's obvious to you now that you want him, you want him so bad and what you want is only inches away from you, and you can feel how much he wants you.
"Put it in," you breathlessly say against his lips.
Minho wastes no time to position himself between your legs. He then holds his cock, lubricating it with your essence and giving it a few pumps to finally aims it toward your entrance.
The more time he takes to be inside you, the more impatient you get.
"Put it deep inside me," you demand, opening your legs wider for him.
Yet Minho keeps teasing your entrance, heightening your anticipation and the tension in the room, making you arching your back at him.
When he finally pushes in, he only inserts the tip. It's just the tip but Gosh! It feels good already when he starts thrusting at a slow, steady pace.
"That's it," you say, keeping your waist afloat to take more of him, "all the way in."
Minho is just as impatient. He takes your wish as his command and pushes the rest of his length into you, hitting you deep inside that you blank out and you can't hear your own scream of pleasure.
It only registered to you now that it's all real once you take a look at how his cock is fully buried deep inside you and there's nothing like the feeling of finally having your desire fulfilled. Minho feels so good inside you, every inch of his length fills you perfectly like he was made just for you.
"Oh..." you loudly moan as he starts moving.
You're in and out of you at how hard he's thrusting into you that it reverberates throughout your body and in the middle of it, you manage to look at him, his face is masked with pleasure from the way his eyes are half shut and his lips pressed together.
Maybe the two of you want it so much that the sex feels rushed and a little rough, almost animalistic even. You can feel you're about to cum and so is he.
"Don't cum inside," you warn him before bringing his head close for a sloppy kiss on his lips.
In return, Minho goes sloppy with his thrusts that the bed quakes along with his movements and you're gripping the sheet to hold on to. He's twitching inside you and your legs are shaking. The knot in your stomach keeps tightening and you feel like exploding at any minute now.
He incessantly thrusts into you while you keep gripping the sheet, he probably senses that you're on the brink of climaxing and takes you there, sending you into your release with your eyes screwed shut, seeing white. He cums not long after you and keeps himself deep into you, completely forgetting your warning.
When it occurs to you that he completely forgot about your warning, you slowly push him away and force him to pull out of you.
"I told you not to cum inside," you whine.
Minho's eyes fixated on the way his cum drips out of you, pearly white and glistening wet, inviting him to taste. He finds a way to solve it by settling his head between your legs and licking your mixed juices off of your cunt and not hesitating to swallow it. He sucks on your gushing hole before using his tongue to insert it, he makes sure to not leave any drop of his cum in you.
Watching him eating you and swallowing his own cum is getting you off in the best way, you suddenly don't mind it that much that he cum inside you. If anything, you want him to fill you so you get to watch him do it all over again.
"Stop, Minho! Stop!" You tell him, tugging at his hair to stop him from diving further into your wetness.
He abruptly stops and lifts his head with his mouth and chin glistening wet with your essence. You grab him by the front of his shirt and make him hover above you again. You know you already got what you want and it's time to stop.
What are you going to do now? You ask yourself.
Seize the chance. This is probably the last time you ever had this chance and this could be the one and only chance. You roll him over and straddle him, thinking of having him again for the last time, selfishly.
Taking a moment for this could be the only chance you get to do it, you look at him and his beautiful face, and you allow yourself to kiss his lips. You're running your hands down his clothed chest and patiently unbuttoning his shirt, then part it open to reveal his toned upper half body.
It's only fair if you get to touch him all over too so you do it, using your hands and your lips next, it's just you and miles and miles of his warm, honey skin.
Minho lets you do everything as he lays on his back, watches you kissing every inch of his abdomen, and eventually has him in your mouth again. He props his hands against the bed to see how your lips wrapped around his cock.
After a while, you suddenly pull out and gasp for air, "We have to stop."
He sits up on the bed and puts your hair away from your face, "But I don't want to stop," he says, then continues putting your hair away to the back so he can kiss your neck, chest, and breasts.
They're just words, they've been just words that you say in vain and have no effect to make you stop whatsoever. You only say that just to remind you that this feels so wrong but it feels good to do it.
You sit on his lap and position his cock at your entrance again, slowly, you lower yourself on him. You let out a mewl as you take him in little by little, feeling his girth stretching you out.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks you with his hands cradling your head in between.
"We have to," you sigh with your eyes closed, overwhelmed by his cock that buries deep inside you.
"I don't want to," he breathlessly says, holding you by the waist, guiding you to start moving.
Putting your arms around his shoulders for support, you're switching between pulsating and rolling your hips around him as he latches his lips on your neck and chest.
Somehow, he feels bigger and harder inside you, and he fills you better, therefore, you just want to keep feeling his length around you. However, in the middle of it, your logic fights to come out of you.
"This is wrong," you breathlessly mutter.
"Mmh-hmm," he hums against your lips, mindlessly answering to you.
"This is so wrong, Minho," you say again as you keep moving to chase your high.
If this is wrong then why it feels so good? If this is wrong then you never want to be right. If this is wrong then you want to be a sinner, forever.
"Oh, I can't do this anymore," you cry, it's unclear whether it's the body or your conscience speaking.
"Keep going, keep going," he repeatedly mutters through his gritted teeth, watching you bouncing on his cock.
The sex is more intense and harder than the previous one, you keep holding your breath even though you're running out of air. Your nails dug into his skin, your mouth locked with his lips, and you feel a sheen of sweat forming on your skin.
It all comes down to the one moment when everything hits you all at once. Other than the wave of dopamine and oxytocin that surge through your body, you feel good, you feel light and happy, but underneath that, you feel that bitter feeling, guilt that is gnawing and eating you alive from the inside.
You open your eyes and find Minho looking at you with a soft gaze and it feels tender that you feel like crying, or you're about to as you feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
"Oh, God! What have I done?" You roughly brush the hair stuck to your moist forehead.
"It's okay," Minho says, trying to justify this act of betrayal.
"Oh, my God!" You press the heels of your palms to your eyes to stop you from crying.
Minho gently holds your chin and softly presses a kiss on your lips as if he's trying to take the pain away but that's useless because you caused this yourself and he's a part of the problem.
But his kiss no longer holds the same effect, you feel restless the more he kisses you so you slowly pull away and keep a safe space between you and him.
"Let's just stop," you say with a sigh and then rush to get off his lap. You lowly gasp from the sudden emptiness and once your feet touch the floor, you're staggering backward.
Then, you feel it, his hot cum that drips out of you and down your inner thigh.
"I can help you with that," Minho offers.
You immediately hold your hand up at him and firmly say, "Just stop!"
You start fixing your dress, putting your arm in the straps, and pulling them to your shoulders. You look around for your underwear and once you find it, you put it on.
"Kim can't know about this," you meekly say as you pull the hem of your dress and smooth them down.
There's no looking back at it now. You've got what you wanted and now it's time to move on. You turn the door knob and head out without saying anything else.
Rejoining the party downstairs, you immediately head to the kitchen to get a drink but on the way there, someone catches you by the hand.
"Come, dance with me!" Kim says with a grin, pulling you with her to the middle of the room.
"Kim, I–" you can't find anything to say to her without the guilt clogging your throat, "I need a drink."
"Here. Have mine!" She hands you her cup.
"I'll get us drinks and get back to you, okay?" You kindly refuse her but she won't let go of your hand.
"Oh, come on, it's my favorite song!" She pleads with her puppy eyes, making you feel worse than you already are.
Seeing her and how oblivious she is to what you and Minho have done is breaking your heart.
That brings you to the third and last statement: That will be the first and the last time you've had sex with Minho.
Things are going back to normal. Or that's what it seems to you.
You're still roommates with Kim and she's still oblivious about what you and Minho did behind her back which means he keeps true to his promise.
And yes, he still comes to the apartment but it doesn't bother you as it used to. You learn that your friendship with Kim is far more valuable than his boyfriend's cock, in fact, you've been taking her kindness for granted.
So for these past few days, you've been trying to avoid them as much as possible. You purposely come home late from work and if you do find them together in the apartment, you make excuses to stay in your bedroom.
Fewer interactions means fewer chances of this guilt from bringing you down further.
The new plan is to get your own place as soon as possible and for that to happen, you have to start looking for it.
Today, Gaspard offers to help you check a few places and it's also the perfect getaway than staying in the apartment. You quietly get dressed and slip out of your bedroom to find Kim catches you while dunking her teabag into her cup.
"Where are you going?" She asks.
You don't want to tell her about it yet that you plan on moving out soon so you make up an excuse on the spot, "Just getting a few things for work, yeah," you lie.
She tosses the teabag into the trash and uses a spoon to stir it, "Just getting a few things for work, huh?"
"Yeah, I need new work shoes," you lie again, seamlessly this time.
"And you think you don't need my help?"
"No, no," you hastily reply, "I just know how much you like staying in on the weekends."
"I would to go out on the weekend too."
Kim keeps misunderstanding you so you decide to tell her, "I'm going out with Gaspard," you admit, but keep the details from her.
Kim lets out a laugh and puts down her cup of tea, "Oh, my God! Why did you lie about it?"
"I don't know. It feels weird," you awkwardly answer.
"Why would it be weird? Cause he's my friend?"
"Yeah..." you meekly say.
She laughs again and comes up to you, "Why would it be weird that my roommate is going out with my good friend?"
That's true, this is nothing compared to fucking your roommate's boyfriend. You swallow the guilt that crawls out of your throat.
"I can lend you my shoes to match it with that cute dress?" She offers, kind as always.
"No, it's fine. It's comfortable this way," you say, opting for the sneakers you're wearing since you're going to do a lot of walking today.
"As long as you're comfortable," she says, fixing your hair as she speaks.
The front door opens and the two of you are turning your heads to see who's coming, it's none other than Minho. You hurriedly sling your purse around your shoulder and ready to leave.
"I'd better get going," you tell Kim, giving her a quick hug.
"You can come home as late as you want," she jokingly says as she hugs you back, "Actually, don't bother coming home tonight."
You laugh it off and pull away while ignoring Minho who walks to the kitchen to get something out of the fridge. You head for the door and wave bye at Kim before getting out.
The search for a new place comes to fruition, you have two potential living spaces but the only problem is you can't afford the rent, yet.
You end the day with a hearty dinner also as a treat for Gaspard for being so helpful and patient with you. He's simply a great guy to be with and you wonder why didn't you want to fuck him instead of Minho.
Oh fuck, you think about Minho again and it reminds you that he's in the apartment now so you stay out as late as you can. You consider Gaspard's offer to come and visit his place but you don't want to give him the impression that this is a date.
It's too casual to be counted as a date in the first place but you make sure to promise him a proper one next time.
"Maybe next time when I'm not sweaty and the day is not as humid as today," you kindly refuse the offer.
"I agree," he says as his hair turns a lot curler in this humidity and shyly brushes it to the back.
He walks you to the entrance of your apartment building and you turn on your feet to face him, "Thank you for today," you sincerely say.
"No worries. I had fun today," he coyly says with a smile.
You know he wants to kiss you and you want to kiss him too because he's just so attractive and fun to be with, he's a great guy... you can list so many reasons why you should kiss him so you muster up the courage to do it.
You stand on your tiptoe and press a kiss on his lips, putting your hand on his shoulder for support and Gaspard returns the kiss with so much gentleness with his hand cupping your jaw.
In the middle of it, you come to a realization that you kiss him for so many reasons but not because you like him. You slowly pull away from the kiss and quickly put on a smile for him.
"Goodnight, Gaspard," you mutter.
He allows himself to place a gentle caress on your cheek and smiles back at you as he says back, "Goodnight!"
The walk back to the apartment feels like a punishment. At least, it's late enough that you're sure Kim is already asleep by now so you quietly unlock the door, pushing it open without making any noise, and walk through the living room until you get to the safety of your room.
You kick your shoes off, throw your purse onto the bed, and take off your jacket, just standing there in your dress facing the huge mirror with your reflection staring back at you.
"Do you need help with that?" Minho asks through the cracks of your door.
You hate it that he's still here and you're happy to see him, you're not answering but he comes to your aid anyway. He stands right behind you and slowly unzips your dress for you.
It must be intentional the way his knuckles graze your skin as he pulls the zipper down your back.
The memories from that night come back to you and unlock all the feelings that you try to keep at the bottom of your heart.
Minho then places his hand on your shoulder and looks at you through the mirror, "Do you need help with anything else?" He asks with a voice so low it's almost like a whisper.
You turn your head to the side and meet his gaze, "No."
All sorts of thoughts come rushing through your head but it's the same contradicting questions: Take the chance or pass? Right or wrong? Continue or stop? Now or never?
Those questions going around your head and won't stop bothering you until you make up your mind.
You turn around to face him and notice how close he's standing in front of you, so close that you can feel the heat his body is emitting.
"But I'll help myself," you say and then kiss him.
Well, you guess people can tell which one is the lie now.
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poeticmystery · 2 days
—🏍️ (if thats taken? idk lmao)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ WHIPPED (t.n.)
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summary : in which a boy is willing to do anything to convince a smart girl to go out with him.
w.c. : .8k
a/n : i loved writing this request and no 🏍️ isnt taken!! enjoy! 🤍
should i do a part 2 of the actual date??
wattpad : poeticmystery
warning(s) : none!
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theodore nott couldn’t deny how ultimately whipped he was for you. he was in love with everything about you. the way you’d ramble about your books, the certain face you’d make to him after you see somebody doing something less than smart.
he even respected how log. it had taken for you to let him in. he had quite a reputation with women, and he knew it’d make it more difficult to convince you to be in a real relationship with him.
so, he waited. he was patient, he was kind, and he defended you.
he seemed like the perfect guy on paper, but whenever you got close to letting him in, letting him finally take you out, you’d hear another story about a girl he hooked up with then left right after.
the thought disgusted you, and you didn’t want to just turn out to be another one of those girls with a horror story of hoe you were treated by the slytherin boy. you were smarter than that.
that was another thing he liked about you. how smart you were. he loved how you could explain extensive theories and spells to him in a simple enough way to make it easy to understand. it was like a breath of fresh air.
lately, he had been in an even better mood, something his friends even noticed about him. you were starting to finally let him in. you were letting him walk you to class, letting him take you to his favorite hidden spots in the castle.
most importantly, though, you were starting to talk to him. not just some insignificant conversation about homework, or the weather. real conversations.
you were telling him about books you liked, about something funny one of your friends had told you. you were rambling on and on to him, and he loved hearing it.
he loved seeing the way your eyes lit up when you were speaking about someone you were close with, or a new book.
the expression he held when you rambled to him like this could only be explained as pure love. he had waited months to even get you to open up to him, and it was finally happening.
he always made sure you knew he was listening, whether that was by asking you questions as you went, keeping his eyes trained on you, or even buying you the second book in a series you had mentioned liking.
even despite the way you’d protest your rants, saying you didn’t want to annoy him, or something of the sort, he loved hearing tour voice. he’d listen to anything if it was coming from you.
he noticed everything about you.
none of his friends, or even himself, could think off another time where he was this head over heels for someone. it was like his former self went out the window as soon as you walked in. he couldn’t even imagine himself with a girl that wasn’t you, and he didn’t want to anyways.
you were all he need- all he wanted.
“theodore, are these flowers from you?” you called out when he stepped into your dorm.
you gestured to a beautiful array of red lillies, the scent they put off filling the room with a pleasant, light aroma.
“yeah. saw ‘em and thought of you,” he admitted casually, as though he hadn’t specifically looked for flowers of that kind, knowing you paid attention to the meanings of flowers and whatnot.
aside from that, he just thought they were pretty. naturally, you had popped into his mind.
you flashed him a genuine smile, a sight that looked straight out of his dreams.
“thank you,” you grinned, the sentiment behind the flowers being one of the sweetest things you could think of.
“finally gonna let me take you out?” he asked, a small smirk on his face.
despite his confident demeanor, he was one step away from straight up begging. he had waited months, all he wanted was for you to say yes.
you thought over it. you had heard girls in the hallway talking about how he hadn’t given them the time of day recently… and he had been so sweet lately. he had been trying repeatedly, not being deterred at all by your rejections. plus, what was the harm in just one date? one date didn’t mean anything was set in stone.
it was just… one date.
“yeah, that sounds good,” you replied, noticing the way his smirk turned into a large grin.
he felt like a child with how smiley he got around you, especially now that you had given him a chance to take you on a real date.
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theodore nott taglist: lmk if you’d like to be added!
dividers made by h-aewo!
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sc0tters · 3 days
Betting On Brats | Nico Hischier
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summary: when you decide to give Nico a taste of his own medicine it seems you two can only go so far.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected), swearing, oral (fem receiving!), slight degradation, porn with post plot?
word count: 4.37k
authors note: I really don’t know when it was that I last released something so let’s not ask @heavenlyhischier how long this idea has been swirling around… but long story short Abby posted something with Nico in his car and I was like the car sex request was music to my ears. I actually love elements of this so I’m hoping it gets picked up by y’all too. Here’s to us getting more updates soon!
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You were playing with fire.
From the moment you stepped into the venue, the smirk on your face should have given it away that you were ready to ruffle some feathers. Except it all started and ended with your fiancé and how he didn’t seem to care for the fact that you disliked your neighbour.
Mackenzie could have been the nicest person in the world, but that didn’t matter to you whilst she felt the need to flirt with Nico.
You swore things were going to be different when you came home with the giant rock on your hand. Yet your hopefulness quickly ran out when you saw her talking with him.
It was any old Monday as when you came back from Pilates, ready to tell Nico all about your day and how the Slovakian lady who owned a bakery left you with more baked goods for him to try “thanks for helping.” The voice made you freeze.
Mackenzie’s voice was like chalk against a board as she twirled her hair through her fingers “yeah our sink had that problem last week.” Nico nodded along as he clutched to the tool bag you got him months back.
You froze seeing Mackenzie in her pj shorts and a little vest. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she practically flashed her tits in his face “Hischier I’m going to shower if you want to join.” Your words came in a grumble as you shoved your shoulder into his.
It threw both of them off “we were in the middle of a conversation.” Mackenzie shot back as you scoffed.
Usually the sight of you all sweaty in your leggings and tight tops was enough to make Nico weak in the knees “I’ll be back in a sec okay schatzi?” He squeezed your hand but still that made you just roll your eyes as you pulled your hand back and left to the apartment.
That was four days ago and your comments to him have been with minimal contact. Nico noticed of course but he didn’t have the time to call you out on it with the start of the season quickly approaching.
It was what brought you both to today, the welcoming dinner for the returning and new players alongside their partners and it was your third season planning the event “schatzi please can we act-” Nico began as he went to squeeze your hand “Timo!” Your cheer cut him off as you saw the older boy smile at you.
Throughout your relationship with Nico you had gotten the chance to get close to Timo, and after convincing him to teach you Swiss phrases to then say back to Nico who of course was in awe of the gesture. After that you quickly found the boy turning into your friend as he now saw you like his American sister “you two still at it?” Timo smirked as he pulled you into a side hug.
Your sigh seemed to tell him all that he needed to know as he cracked a grin “knew you were wearing this for a reason.” It was a red sundress that Nico adored on you with the little slit that sat midway up your thigh that you paired with a white pair of heels.
Each time you wore it Nico seemed to end up pulling you into a room before the end of the night. So having it in place where he wasn’t allowed to touch you, was bound to be torture “it’s all just for a little bit of fun.” You smirked as you shrugged doing your best to ignore how Nico’s eyes glared at sight.
Timo simply nodded “is it still that Mackenzie girl?” The name made you scowl “if Nico could realise that she’s flirting with him then all of this could be avoided!” You wanted to pull your hair out at the idea of his constant disagreement of Mackenzie trying to do any bad in this world.
It made the older boy feel sorry for you “look maybe I can help you.” His offer was quick to make you raise your eyebrows in anticipation “since you want to get him jealous, why not stand with me.” The idea was perfect.
You were in your dangerous dress, Timo and you actually had a lot to talk about with the need to catch up, and if all went well Nico would get a taste of his own medicine. It almost made you mad that it wasn’t you who came up with it as you nodded “I owe you.” You added shaking his hand, leaving Nico confused at what was causing the smirks on your faces.
The questions only seemed to grow as Nico offered you the seat next to him - your normal seat - but instead you opted for the one across from the captain, right next to Timo “schatzi?” Nico did little to hide his confusion as sure he knew you were mad but he didn’t think that you were going to be that mad.
Instead you just offered him a smile “figured you’d want to see with Jacky boy no?” Your hand pointed to the boy who took your normal seat “yeah cap she got you all summer.” Jack matched your tone as he sent you a toothy grin paired with a wink.
Throughout that dinner Nico swore he was going to kill Timo and honestly Jack too. It seemed the American only loved to start talking when you were whispering things into Timo’s ear. All of the things had to do with random questions but the way it made Nico’s eyes burn into your soul left you feeling more alive than ever.
Nico was close to breaking his glass as he watched Timo help you push your hair out of your face as the freshly curled locks weren’t paired with a hair tie tonight “you’re so good t’me Timo.” You cooed sending him a smile as you sipped at your drink “Nico you good dude?” John was sat on the other side of the boy and felt how his body tensed.
It took the American a snap of his fingers to break Nicos gaze “yeah I’m fine.” Through gritted teeth you figured you had done enough for now to make him jealous “yeah baby you’re not looking too hot.” You turned your attention back to your boyfriend and that seemed to be the longest sentence you had give him in days.
Nico grew surprised but when your heel began to rub up the inside of his leg “schatzi I am good.” His voice came with a warning and a cough not sure how much more of your teasing he could truly handle from you.
You instead just smiled as you nodded dropping your foot to go back to your dinner letting the night go by quietly. Still you never gave Nico the satisfaction of standing in a conversation alone with him as Timo seemed to be attached to your hip, making the captain more irritated by the second “look dude I don’t know what you did-” Johns words practically dug his grave for him “what makes you think I did it?” Nicos head snapped in the curly haired boys direction as his eyes sharpened.
John felt his mouth go dry “well she’s kind of spent more time with Timo than she has with you.”John was scared his comment would get him into trouble as his body shrunk in front of the boy.
Nico went to respond but when your hand raked over Timo’s shoulder it practically cut him off “I’m going to kill him.” His voice was rough as his hands clenched making his knuckles grow white “hey now we cannot have the start of the season be tied to our captain being a murderer.” John stopped the captain from moving.
The Swiss man knew he was right but somehow that didn’t make him feel any better “she is just doing this all to piss you off.” It was the truth. You were desperate for Nico to feel how you felt about Mackenzie and you had done only an ounce of what she did.
When you touched Timo’s shoulder it had been to flick a leaf from it. Whilst you wanted Nico to feel your pain, not even your own stubbornness would bring you to inflict those emotions on him. You also wouldn’t think to do that with Timo, yet still you were too proud to let Nico see how you constantly watching him as you hoped that he would care enough to be a little jealous.
Your wishes quickly came to fruition when Jack finally ran out of things to say to Nico and Luke’s whines of boredom got too much for the middle Hughes boy. As the Hughes boys were no longer in eyesight, Nico turned his attention to where you and Timo stood giggling as you sipped your wine.
He didn’t hesitate as he made a beeline for you both, not uttering a word as he swooped down to grab you by your knees so he could throw you over his shoulder “have a good night you two.” Timo couldn’t help but laugh knowing the that your salute and his captains not so subtle middle finger basically said the same thing as one another, the end goal of the night was reached.
Nico didn’t let you go until he got to the door of the restaurant “I wasn’t ready to go.” Your voice was a mumble that made him scoff as he continued to walk now with his hand gripping yours “when you are acting like a fucking slut flirting with my friends, I think you’re ready to go.” Nico shot back not bothering to look back at you as your lips pursed together feeling the pain form in your wrist.
His comment seemed to trigger something within you as you scoffed “maybe it’s a shame that she wasn’t here because then you wouldn’t give a damn what I did.” Your comment struck him in a way that most words wouldn’t. All of this came down to jealousy and as he shut your door it seemed that part of it could have fizzled down to the fact that you didn’t feel heard.
Nico thought that leaving the environment would have been enough but your silence only reminded him more of his much you seemed to enjoy talking to Timo “cat got your tongue schatzi?” Nico’s words had a hint of annoyance that only you could pick up on.
You turned to him with a glare “surely you can’t be thick enough to not see why I’m mad?” Your teeth bit down on the inside of your cheek.
The timing of the comment was against you as the car came to a red light giving him the chance to fully focus on you “you let her flirt with you and get it to a point where I’m uncomfortable and somehow I’m the fucking bitch!” It was clear you were hurt as Nico’s consistent effort to ignore your complaints stung “at least I’m not flirting with your best friend.” If Nico didn’t notice that you were pissed off he was sure to notice it now.
A laugh left your lips like you couldn’t believe that this was reality “Timo at least gives a shit about what I think.” As your words oozed from your lips Nico clenched at his hands around the steering wheel.
The commentary struck a nerve “you need to watch it schatzi.” His tone was cold “or else what?” Your tongue clicked as you waited to hear him throw back some lousy argument.
But instead you got something so much heavier “if I have to pull this car over you will not be able to walk for a week.” His threat made you want to squirm but your strength stopped you “is that meant to make me scared?” Your ego was always going to get you in trouble.
And as you watched Nico pull the car into a semi secluded area that was made all that much more private by the darkened skies “w-what are we-” you had never seen Nico do this, the only place you two had been together was in your room “you wanted to see me fuck you in the back so get in the back.” Nico’s expression was flat as he turned the car off.
As he went to undo his seatbelt you realised that he was indeed serious so this time you opted to listen, sliding into the back seat as you realised he had gotten out of the car. Nico didn’t take long however, as the next you saw of him was now from the back door as he did his best to find a comfortable position whilst the doors locked around you both “we could have gone home and had a nice night schatzi.” Nico sighed as he let his lips hover over yours.
His hands traveled up your waist over the fabric of your dress “would have bent you over in this pretty fucking dress that I love so much.” The captain muttered along to himself as his breath fanned against her skin.
You whimpered trying to force your body closer to his touch “uh huh baby.” Nico clicked his tongue as his hands tugged at your dress forcing it over your stomach “hold it.” He ordered as he sent you a look that told you he was serious.
His usually soft fingers felt rough as he tugged at your panties pulling them down your legs before he shoved them into his pants pocket “want you to spread these.” Nico patted your thighs as he helped you lift your legs up resting your feet against the passenger headrest and your current seats.
Your cunt still glistened even in the darker area “did Timo make you this wet?” Nicos question taunted you when his index finger ran up your slit “fuck no.” You whimpered as you shook your head.
Even as he pushed you to your most irritated , it was always Nico you thought of when your hands dropped between your thighs “oh look, your brain does still work.” The hockey player didn’t give you a chance to respond as his lips pressed a kiss on your clit “fuck Nico.”
Your hand traveled to his hair, fearing that he’d leave if you didn’t “always my pretty pretty girl.” Nico cooed as he slowly thrusted his fingers into your cunt.
In response your stomach tensed feeling his beard rake against the inside of your thigh “please.” Your voice was needy as his pace was painfully slow “please what?” His lips dropped from your clit with a pop.
Your lips rubbed together as your waterline was soaked in tears “please cap.” You begged arching your back against the door.
Your cunt was weeping as it called for his attention “such a well behaved girl.” Nico smirked as he went back to what he was doing. His fingers were long as they thrusted into your core “and to think you were trying to be such a brat.” The captain clicked his tongue as he laughs vibrated through your body.
It didn’t take him long to settle back into his motions lapping at your clit as he eyes watched you chew at your lower lip “you’re so pretty.” You whined feeling his gaze burn into your skin.
His fingers were calloused from the large amount of weight lifting that he had done in preparation for the season, you felt every detail as the gummy walls of your cunt clenched around him. Nico found the perfect balance between licking and thrusting his fingers that held you back from cumming.
He would graze your g-spot without letting you enjoy it for long enough.
He hid his smirk as your thighs began to shake “fuck Nico.” Your moans were brought on with a tug at his hair as your stomach began to tighten.
You drove your hips closer to him “fuck Nico ‘m close.” Your eyes screwed shut letting your pent up frustration bubble over as your fingers weren’t doing enough for you.
Nico always knew how to lull you into your orgasms so when you felt his fingers drop from your cunt your mouth fell open “you really think I was gonna let you cum?” He laughed as he pressed his lips against your thigh.
You couldn’t help but huff “you wanted to be a brat and not get treated like one?” Nico taunted you as he rolled his eyes sitting up straight “you know you gotta answer when I talk to you sweet girl.” The hockey player pointed out as you looked to your thigh where his hand sat.
A gulp echoed from your throat “why do you let her flirt with you?” The question was vulnerable as if your heart wasn’t ready for the answer even as your mind was “because I don’t care for it.” It was Nicos usual answer and it made you feel like everything you had done tonight crumbled beneath you.
He too noticed your disappointed state when he hooked his fingers under your chin “not when I’ve got my girl.” He explained using his other hand to pull you onto his lap “and what’s so special about her?” You failed to hide your blush as you chewed at the inside of your cheek.
Nico nodded as he brought his hands down to your legs “well she’s got a smoking body.” His words made you laugh as you toyed with the buttons on his shirt “just a good body?” Your fingers made light work of revealing the skin of his chest.
The boy placed a kiss on your shoulder “sometimes she knows how to behave too.” He smirked as your jaw dropped letting your mouth fall agape “well we both know you prefer when I act like a brat.” You shot back petting your hand travel to his belt.
The increased pressure made Nicos breathing grow unsteady “so you admit you were being a brat?” The air around you both grew hot as he clicked his tongue doing as much as he could to hide his reaction to your hand fiddling with his boxers.
A smile formed on your lips as you pulled his cock out from above the waistband “well I don’t think a brat would willingly fuck you.” You pressed a kiss against the shell of Nicos ear as his fingers dug into your skin.
You squeezed your thighs around his leg “yeah well you’re still my needy fucking slut.” Nico reminded you as he arched his back trying to push into the pleasure he felt as you met his movements with pulling away.
His gaze sharpened as he scoffed “who’s the needy slut now.” You smirked running your fingers through his hair, softly tugging at the roots in the process “schatzi you better watch it.” The hockey player warned as his hand cupped your ass cheek.
You grinned as you let your hips drop so that his cocks head could graze your clit “know that you’re too horny to leave me here.” You hissed as the sensations shot through your body “just fucking sit on my cock.” He ordered and as his eyes practically burned into your skin.
The air around you both grew tense as you let your cunt sink around his cock “fuck Neeks.” Your forehead pressed against his as you took a chance to adjust around him.
His eyes stared into yours when his hands settled on your ass “I’ve got you.” His voice was soft as he dropped his head to kiss at your collarbone.
You whimpered at the feeling, finally rocking your hips as you revelled in his attention “don’t like you in all this.” You mumbled fisting your hands at his jacket “can say the same for you schatzi.” Nico clicked his tongue as his eyes toyed over the breast line of your dress.
It gave you the confidence to begin moving a little bit faster as you propped yourself up in a way that left you almost bouncing on his cock “then do something about it.” You whined as his hands wrapped around to slap your ass.
The skin was left red but you didn’t seem to care as you continued to swirl your hips, letting your core feel every inch of him “maybe I will.” The hockey player let his fingers harshly tug at the fabric, damaging the straps in the process “Nico!” Your whine echoed through the car as the boy smirked.
Nico always did adore this sight as your now free breasts bounced with every thrust of his cock since he made his hips meet yours. He was grateful for the fact that, you hated wearing bras in these dresses because now he had one less piece of clothing to get rid of.
His laugh pulled you away from the pleasure that was building up in your stomach “much better.” He clicked his tongue before he lowered his lips to your peaked skin.
A wonton moan left your lips as his tongue swirled around your skin “fuck Nico.” You gasped letting your hand tug at the hair on the nape of his neck.
You forgot how much you missed getting Nico like this, the power you had being on top of him was your favourite since he so clearly worshipped your every being“all you had to do was ask for this doll.” Nico murmured pressing a kiss against your skin as he switched to the other breast.
Now you were far too gone letting your hand drop to your clit craving the fucked out bliss you sought “‘m sorry.” You huffed catching your lower lip between your teeth.
It made the boy grunt against your skin as your cunt clenched around him “what was that schatzi?” His lips left your nipple with a pop bringing a line of saliva with his mouth, causing your eyes to screw shut.
Your silence made the sound of his breath and his skin slapping against yours when he drove his hips up echo in your ears “I couldn’t hear you slut.” Nicos voice got deeper as he softly hit your hand away, replacing his calloused fingers on your clit.
The action cause a long moan to leave your lips “please Nico.” You whined pressing your hand against his chest causing the cold metal of your ring to cool his skin.
As he looked down being reminded of the sizeable diamond that sat on your engagement ring, he swore he could have cum on the spot “you know that’s not the right words schatzi.” His softer words could have given you whiplash “I’m sorry okay!” You grumbled growing frustrated as you swore that every bit of strength you once had as you planned your night had vanished.
His thumb pressed into your clit in response “now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Nicos pace increased as he rubbed your sensitive bud craving his orgasm yet refused to cum first.
Your eyes began to flutter as he watched you do little to hide the fact that you were close “wanna go make a mess on my cock?” He added cooing in your ear as you nodded “wanna baby neeks.” You confessed feeling your walls burn as they trapped his cock within them.
If Nico had been dreaming he didn’t care because that made his pace turn animalistic as his free hand pinched at your hip “can’t wait to see these fucking tits grow so full.” Nico barked his desires at you and it was finally too much as your body began to shake “Jesus neeks.” You cried as your cunt clenched around him when you collapsed into his chest.
With a few more pumps of his cock and a soft “fucking hell.” His release spurted from his tip and coaxed your walls.
A flurry of whimpers flew from your lips as you felt him continue to slowly thrust into you “just making sure you don’t lose any of it schatzi.” Nico softy laughed as he kissed your forehead seeing your breathing slow “I love you.” The whisper was so quiet that if you weren’t looking up at him the words would have been lost in the leather of his seats.
In that moment he swore it was just you two and the gentle hymn of the engine “I love you too.” He let out a soft sigh running his fingers over your skin in random figures “and I’m sorry that I haven’t done a good job showing that.” Nico added causing you to nod as he tucked his hair behind his ear.
You softly smiled as you had enough energy to sit up straight “really?” You cocked your head blissfully unaware of what the night would hold.
It was as if Nico was going to cement the thoughts in your brain as he pushed any doubts away “you think you can give me one more?” You were now in your bed with your legs over his shoulders “fuck no.” You gasped seeing his face push out from the sheets.
The sun now started creeping up through the gaps in the curtains “ain’t that a shame.” Nico let out an exasperated huff as he pushed up to hover over you.
Your body was tired as you hadn’t stopped feeling his pleasure since you arrived “you’re so pretty.” Your voice was soft as you kissed his lips pulling the sheet over you both once you used what little strength you could find to flip the two of you over.
It was funny that after that night you two didn’t see a lot more of Mackenzie, in fact she seemed to move out “isn’t Micheal so sweet?” You giggled to yourself cupping your now quickly forming baby belly as you stared at the basket of baked goods in front of you.
Nico swore it was the universe coming back to laugh at him mocking what happened all but four months ago. Oh how he was going to grow relieved on the day when he learnt that it was in fact he who Micheal had a crush on, not you.
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flowerandblood · 2 days
Play with my heart (3/3)
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
[ warnings: unprotected & proctected sex, smut, angst, fluff, sexual tension, feeling of guilt, unprofessional behavior ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rhaenys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rhaenys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name. You can read this as a standalone story.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
They spent the next few days on set together with the other actors in a very pleasant atmosphere. He genuinely liked Daemon – he played the Princess's stepfather and had an incredible charisma that outshone everyone in every scene he appeared in.
He watched him intently from the sidelines, trying to remember his facial expressions and his reactions, wanting to use this later in his role.
To his satisfaction and relief, he could call his relationship with Rhaenys warm. She always smiled broadly at the sight of him and ran over to talk to him between scenes they weren't filming together, sometimes bringing him a sandwich or coffee from the vending machine.
"– you have to eat something – you can't survive on acting alone –" She said regretfully, and he shrugged his shoulders, biting into a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickles and sauce.
He had already forgotten about his eye patch and wasn't taking it off, not wanting to step out of character.
The day was fast approaching when they were to shoot the scene in which the Prince and his niece escape from the library together and spend their first night with each other.
It wasn't his first sex scene, but he had never played it with someone he cared about in any way, and her inexperience worried him.
As it turned out, he wasn't wrong, and the evening before shooting day she knocked on his door. When he let her in he could see that she was distressed and terrified, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
He let her in without a word.
"– I've never – you know – acted a scene like this and – more and more I feel that in front of such a large group of people I just won't be able to relax and get into character –" She muttered, standing in front of him but not looking at him, wrapping her arms around herself as if she was ashamed.
She was asking him for advice and help.
He nodded at her words.
"– it's natural – it's a very intimate scene – you have a right to feel insecure – me and the sexual psychologists are on set to help you –" He explained, putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers, looking away, feeling hot at the thought of what they were about to do.
Of course he knew they weren't going to have sex for real, however, they were going to be very close and he knew he was going to be touching her naked body.
She had a right to feel uncomfortable about this especially as he was more experienced than her, clearly not just as an actor.
She nodded and smiled at him, as if his words actually comforted her.
"– I – would you mind if we did a rehearsal? – I mean – if I go through it with you without cameras, hear your advice then maybe – maybe tomorrow it will be easier for me, I'll know exactly what I want to do –" She choked out in embarrassment, looking at him as if she was asking him if she was demanding too much of him.
He stared at her for a moment with his mouth open thinking he shouldn't be doing this, if only because his erection had swollen in his sweatpants at her request.
The fact that his cock wanted it meant that his mouth should refuse, but on the other hand he didn't want her to feel abandoned with something that obviously scared her.
He figured he needed to get a grip, think about her and her comfort.
He nodded and she breathed out loud, shifting from foot to foot, scared and excited at the same time.
"– so – where should we start? –" She asked quickly, and he involuntarily licked his lips, looking at her bare legs.
He wondered if she had panties under the material of her long, cream-coloured hoodie and cursed in the back of his head.
"– from the touch of a hand – a kiss – that opens the door to further emotions –" He replied in a hoarse voice, horrified that she had approached him, that she had taken his hand in hers, looking at him with her big, bright eyes.
It wasn't good.
He kissed her more passionately than he had planned – his lips swollen involuntarily pressed against hers and brushed her skin with a loud click, from which she sighed, her soft, warm cheeks locked between the fingers of his hand.
He sighed quietly when it became apparent that his directness did not deter her – she followed his lead, her hands enclosed his cheeks in a tender embrace, from which he involuntarily put his arm around her waist. Her body slammed against his, and her belly felt what was happening in his trousers.
He felt her tremble and moan quietly in his embrace, surprised and ashamed, parting her lips invitingly, allowing him to tentatively slip his moist tongue between them.
They sighed against their throats, pressing against each other, his hips beginning to rub against her while his kisses became more ferocious, aggressive, messy, full of their saliva, teeth and tongues.
He heard her sound of surprise as his hands slid down to her buttocks and clamped down on them, slipping under the material of her shorts. When she threw her hands over his shoulders he simply lifted her, grabbing her hips and turned, throwing himself on the bed with her.
"– too much wine, uncle? –" She asked with amusement, following the script, letting their lips melt again and again in soft, deep, warm kisses, sticky with their saliva and tongues. He grinned under his breath at his words, running his swollen erection between her thighs.
"– you'll see in a moment –" He gasped into her throat, her arms hugging him close pressing his body closer, her legs intertwined on his back making him feel like his cock was about to explode with desire.
"– and now what? –" She mumbled excitedly, clearly wondering how actors performed these kinds of scenes without having sex.
The problem was, that he felt like it.
He rested the weight of his body on his hands, placing them on either side of her head, looking at her for a moment – her glossy, puffy lips were parted in an accelerated breath, her eyes shining, warm, bright, her gaze misty.
God, how badly he wanted to fuck her.
"– in the scene the Prince exposes her breasts – can I do it? –" He asked in a trembling voice and she nodded, the expression on her face full of trust and confidence from which he felt a tightening in his stomach.
As he grabbed the material of her hoodie she raised her hands above her head to make his task easier. He pulled it off her reverently, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat at the sight of her lovely, plump breasts and her little nipples.
"– so pretty –" He whispered, leaning over her body, placing a gentle kiss on her sternum, from which her whole body trembled.
"– so, so good –" He murmured, not knowing fully himself what he was actually doing, convincing himself that he was trying to reassure her, to give her a sense of security.
Her hands stroked his short hair slowly and tenderly as his lips, with loud clicks of his saliva, lazily found their way up her neck and to her jaw, her soft, warm cheek, and finally her mouth, whose wetness he welcomed with relief.
He heard her moan quietly, surprised, clasping her hands over his neck and the material of his shirt as his hips began to roll back and forth, rubbing against the space between her thighs, mimicking the movements he would make if he were deep inside her.
"– ah –" She sighed, tilting her head back, his hot, swollen lips trailing over her fragrant neck while his hands blindly found her smooth breasts, caressing them and kneading them tentatively between his fingers.
Despite the fact that they should be speaking their lines, only silent moans of shame and panting came from their mouths. He knew, feeling her hips come up to meet his, that what they were doing was slowly turning into something else entirely, but neither of them dared to admit it.
Her body, the touch of her hands, her embrace, her scent, it was all so pleasant, warm, familiar, sincere, desired.
"– fuck –" He muttered, involuntarily speeding up the rocking motions of his hips and groaned a tad too loudly, betraying that he was long past his role, that what she felt under the material of his sweatpants was embarrassingly real.
It seemed to him that she didn't know what to make of this fact, hugging him close, trying to understand what she herself felt, why she was allowing this to happen, what was actually going on between them.
"– it feels good –" She mumbled into his ear, making his hard erection push against her stomach. She gasped, surprised, clenching her fingers on the material of his shirt as she felt his slick, moist tongue run over her neck, his hand sliding down to her warm thigh.
"– too good –" He confessed, embarrassed that his hand had slid lower between her legs, his fingertips teasing the material of her soaked panties and what was beneath them.
She squealed and tilted her head back, at the same time wanting to push him away and hold him close, feeling his fingers wander around her hot, pulsing womanhood, squeezing it gently.
"– ah – ah, oh God –" She whimpered, involuntarily spreading her thighs wider, wordlessly giving him permission to do what they both knew they shouldn't have done.
They both groaned embarrassedly loudly when, with an impatient flick of his hand, he pushed the material of her panties aside, sinking his fingers into her warm, silky folds, all sticky from her wetness.
"– just like that – that's what you should feel – tension –" He whispered in a trembling voice, kissing her hot, soft cheek loudly and lingeringly, digging his fingertips into her sensitive, tender skin, teasing and rubbing the space around her little bud, making her whole body tremble under him in convulsions.
"– Aemond – a-ah – mghmmm –" She mumbled out as she felt his fingers invade her swollen slit, throbbing with desire, all leaking from his treatments. He closed her mouth with his own as he slowy and gently slid his middle finger into her quivering, fleshy, hot interior, her walls sucking and clenching around him, tight and swollen.
He moaned low as her hands slid down to the fabric of his trousers, undoing his button and zipper. Knowing what she wanted to do he finished the job for her, watching with his mouth wide open as she herself slid her shorts and panties down her thighs, panting loudly along with him.
They clung to each other again immediately, their kisses lustful, shameless, loud, intimate – his hands slid down between her thighs, his fingers spread the folds of her little cunt open to the sides, letting the fat head of his cock find her throbbing, weeping slit.
She threw her head back as the thick, smooth tip of his erection burst inside her with her loud moan of pleasure, the next helpless thrust of his hips into her throbbing, tight interior made him know there was no turning back.
"– I'm sorry – I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry –" He breathed out, pounding deeper and faster into her with each word, imposing an aggressive, rough pace on her, her body, however, welcomed him with ease – he leaned forward, listening as her slick pussy was filled with his swollen erection with each successive shameless slap of their bodies against each other, their breaths heavy, their moans helpless, too loud, too animal, too desperate.
"– m-me to – fuck – fuck, God, oh fuck –" She mumbled and pleaded at the same time, tightening her fingers on his buttocks, directing him back deep inside her again and again.
Her tight, warm walls gave him a wonderful squeeze again each time he slammed into her, his body pressed hers against the bed which began to creak loudly beneath them, their bodies bumping against each other like mad with loud clicks of their wetness creating one big, wet, sticky mess between their thighs.
"– fuck – so fucking good – God, yes –" He breathed out, chasing his own fulfilment, as was she, not thinking about what they were actually doing or why, focused only on the fact that it felt wonderful, that it felt safe and that he wanted to come inside her, inside her, just inside her, as deep as possible.
"– m gonna cum –" She muttered helplessly, as if she was about to burst out crying with pleasure, and then she wept loudly, coming hard on his cock, her warm, fleshy walls beginning to squeeze and suck him inside.
He felt his mind stop functioning, the tension and tingling in his lower abdomen, testicles and length was approaching its zenith, and he wanted only one thing – to come inside her.
"– do you – God, oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK –" He cursed, before he asked the question feeling his warm seed fill her insides, bringing his body a relief from which he groaned low, his mouth wide open by how a strong wave of pleasure shook his body.
They looked at each other with eyebrows arched in pain, her gaze warm and tender, her hands running down his sweaty back and cheeks.
"– i-its – it's okay – I'll make sure I don't find myself pregnant –" She mumbled, something in her words and in her gaze made him want to cry.
How could he have been so irresponsible?
"– I'm sorry – I'm so sorry –" He mumbled out, feeling with embarrassment that warm tears one by one began to run down his cheeks onto her face.
Not a second passed and they both burst into sobs and hugged each other like little children, lying like that, exposed and vulnerable, bare before each other.
"– was it – was it real? –" She muttered in a breaking voice, and he nodded, choking on his own tears.
"– yes –"
He personally drove her to a twenty-four-hour pharmacy so she could buy a ‘morning-after’ pill. He insisted she let him pay, but she said there was no need. She returned a while later with a packet and a bottle of water, getting into his car.
All around them only night and silence.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to. It's my fault." He muttered, but she shook her head.
"– yes – I mean – I asked for a pill that will prevent conception if it hasn't happened yet – there's a good chance it will be enough –" She muttered, reading the leaflet quickly, and he nodded, feeling ashamed, sad and disappointed in himself.
"– I'm sorry –" He muttered, repeating it for the hundredth time that evening.
"– it's okay –" She replied, popping a tablet into her mouth and sipping it with water. She took a heavy breath, as if relieved and sad at the same time, then nodded.
"– let's go –"
By the time they got back to the hotel, it was almost midnight. He escorted her to her room, not knowing what to say, how to act.
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
She looked at him, surprised, and swallowed hard.
"That's okay. Don't feel guilty. I have my own reason too." She replied, looking down at her fingers in embarrassment.
"I want to stay with you. If you want me to." He replied in a trembling voice, looking down at the floor, feeling ashamed of how small he felt now.
A great actor who can't even put a condom on his cock before putting it inside good girl who came to him for help and advice.
She nodded and went inside, and he came in after her, bitter and broken. They lay down side by side on her bed facing each other. For a moment they just looked at each other, and then he leaned in – she opened her mouth thinking he wanted to kiss her, frightened, but he only pressed his forehead against hers, his hand stroking her soft, warm cheek.
"– try to sleep – hm? – I'll stroke your head –" He whispered. Her eyes glazed over with tears for some reason, her small body clung to him, seeking refuge in his chest.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her, stroking her back and hair, again and again placing a moist, tender kiss on the top of her head.
It felt so right.
They fell asleep like this, entwined in a tender, warm, safe embrace, and he thought, listening to her calm breath, that never before in his life had he felt such a need to protect someone.
Despite what he had promised himself, each of their meetings in her room, the pretext for which was to rehearse the script together, ended with their naked hips slapping against each other greedily with their loud moans of pleasure.
Their hands tightened on their bodies in a way that was not overbearing, aggressive, but tender, gentle, wanting nothing more than to become one.
He was ashamed that even though they pretended to meet as friends, he made sure he had a condom or two in the back pocket of his trousers every time before he was to come to her.
He didn't want her to go through again what she had when they first had sex.
On the one hand, the thought that she might have believed that he wanted to take advantage of her terrified him, so he assured her, kissing affectionately her exertion-soaked, sweaty cheeks, that he needed it as much as she did.
Never before in his life had he felt something like this, such an overwhelming need to be close to someone.
Afterwards, he always stayed through the night with her – even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny himself the warm embrace of her arms and fell asleep with his face cuddled between her naked, soft breasts.
It was real.
The director was delighted with the tension and electricity they were able to generate between each other on set without knowing that it had long since ceased to stem from their acting.
They teased and joked with each other between scenes, adding improvised, biting or ambiguous remarks to the script that they thought suited the era, and then, when it was all over, they sank into each other's bodies until they were one sticky, panting, throbbing mess.
His grandfather was proud of him and said that already several other productions were interested in casting him in the role.
"Seeing how you've handled the bed scenes, this will go easily for you." He said over breakfast, which they ate together. He felt a sense of discomfort at the thought.
"I want to limit myself to productions where I don't play intimate scenes. It costs me too much." He lied, not knowing how to explain that what was happening in front of the cameras was not because of his acting skills, but because his cock simply stood at attention when her tongue licked his on set.
His grandfather laughed under his breath.
"Don't be silly. You have to grab the opportunity. You're on a wave of recognition right now, everyone is waiting with bated breath for this show. If you are successful, the world will open up to you." He said, taking a sip of coffee from his cup.
"Some great artists have never played any intimate scene. I'm not a porn actor." He said coldly, grabbing for his phone, hearing it start to vibrate and saw that he had received a text message from her asking if they were going to watch The Lion King tonight.
He smiled involuntarily at the thought.
"Are you listening to me? You think you're shagging that little girl and you've fallen in love? Romance on set happens, but you're being dramatic." Said Otto, and he looked at him, shocked to feel his heart leap into his throat.
"Don't speak about her like this. Never." He growled warningly, looking him straight in the eye. His grandfather was silent for a moment.
"That won't do. She lives far away, once the shooting is over the thing between you will be over too. Don't be naive."
"It's a three-hour drive from our town by car."
"She lives three hours away from our town by car."
His grandfather looked at him in disbelief.
"You are making this naive girl hopeful. Don't waste her life and your career in the process. Don't turn down good offers."
He pressed his lips together at his words, looking at him indifferently.
"I will decide what proposals I consider good."
They had spent the last few days between shoots, during the day and at night in bed, and their disappearance together had sparked gossip and curiosity.
It was, however, the last thing he thought of when he could finally clamp his hands on her naked buttocks and slide her panties off her, a smile on her lips knowing that he certainly wasn't even bothering to take off the summer dress she had changed into.
"– the scene in Harrenhal – I almost fucked you there for real, you know? –" He gasped, kneeling on the bed in front of her, looking down at her with lips swollen with desire as his long fingers quickly took care of his trouser button and zipper.
"– come here –" He murmured, grabbing her by the hip and pushing her closer to him, her legs spread out in front of him in some natural gesture of trust and acceptance as he placed the condom over his painfully hard erection.
"– 'm sorry –" She mumbled out, thinking for some reason that she should be remorseful that he couldn't feel her completely, just like the first time.
"– stop – when this is over, we'll think about you taking pills – hm? –" He asked encouragingly, leaning over her, the weight of his body resting on his elbow as his free hand guided the head of his cock against her leaking, throbbing hot slit.
Her eyes got big at his words, as if she didn't believe he could want there to be anything after and she nodded quickly, making him feel that familiar heat spreading through his chest.
He leaned over and kissed her in a way he'd never kissed any woman before – their soft, warm lips were one loud, sticky, wet mess, their hands clenched on their bodies, holding them close together as he opened her wide on his long erection with one lazy thrust.
"– oh –" They both sighed, looking at each other with misty eyes, their mouths wide open as he began to pound into her quicker and deeper with loud, wet slaps of skin against skin.
"– A-Aemond – oh God –" She mewled, throwing her head back in pleasure, his hands blindly finding her breasts, sliding from the sides under the material of her dress, clamping down on their plump, firm structure.
"– you didn't touch yourself, did you? – am I right? – my sweet baby girl –" He hummed with a hint of sweet threat in his question, sliding his swollen lips down her cheek to her neck and jaw, leaving a warm, wet trail on her skin.
"– I – mghmm – n-no –" She mumbled out, stroking his hair and buttocks, her legs crossed over his back as his erection no longer slipped out of her, thrusting into her greedily, bringing him closer and closer to his peak, his mind and body hot with desire.
"– good girl – fuck – m close –" He gasped weakly, feeling a wave of pleasure approaching and a tightening in his testicles. His lover reached out eagerly to meet him with her hips, slapping against, his skin, crying and babbling about how much she good it felt, him deep, deep, inside her.
Their bodies intertwined in a close embrace as he pressed her tighter to the bed, imposing a brutal, fierce pace on her exactly as in the scene they were about to act out. Her scent, her moans, the warmth of her body and her fleshy walls, squeezing and sucking him inside, made him come in a condom with a low groan of relief.
He lay on top of her, panting heavily while his hand from between her breasts slid between their bodies, down to her thighs – his fingers gave her puffy bud a few encouraging, teasing squeezes before her little cunt began to pulse around his half-hard manhood in euphoria and her body was shaken by a sweet, hot orgasm from which she drifted off completely.
They lay like that for a long moment with their eyes closed, cuddled into each other, listening to the indistinct sound of conversation outside the window a few floors below, where the restaurant was located.
"– Aemond? –" He heard her quiet whisper, her hand stroking his head gently. He lifted his misty gaze to her, dreaming now only of a nap in her embrace.
"– hm? –"
"– what will happen after the shooting? –" She asked quietly, and he smiled lazily, for some reason calm and happy.
"– we will stop pretending to be actors –"
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caustinen · 2 days
thinking about hollywood! clegan au 🤭
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John Egan is a beloved actor who had his big break 5ish years ago and been doing a steady stream of hit movies ever since, 2-3 a year over all genres
Hollywood’s heartthrob but also a versatile actor who’s amazing at talk shows, considered very cool but also your grandma’s favorite celebrity
Has always been very private about his life outside of the films, always manages to make a joke out of everything when he’s (often) asked about his personal life, just wants to talk about his dog and whichever project he’s promoting
He’s been connected to a bunch of singers and actors (he loves a good party and isn’t aftaid of physical contact so he’s shipped with pretty much everyone he meets)
The absolute SHOCK that goes through entertainment world when he shows up to a premiere with a beautiful man on his arm
There are some speculations about this being another goof to get everyone confused but the picture of John looking at the man and rounding his arms around the his waist at any given moment on the red carpet go viral in relationship pages (they’re used in the type of pics “if your man doesn’t look at you like this…”)
Internet detectives quickly discover the man’s Gale Cleven, a publicist at the firm that represents Egan (not his publicist tho they keep work separate from their relationship)
He’s considered one of the best in the industry but hates spotlight and has stayed away from the media completely so far
However… After dating for 5 years John popped the question and Gale said yes, and as a part of their deal with how to deal with all of that Gale allows John’s long-awaited dream of being able to scream his love from the rooftops
He wasn’t kidding either, every single social media post after that is about how much he loves his fiancé, and the wedding plans are pretty much all he wants to talk about in interviews as well (aside from their dog, of course)
The negative side of it is that the internet also starts to thirst after John’s man and it becomes a new widely shared joke, like everytime John goes to talk shows after that the questions are all centered around ‘Hey, is your fiancé single?’
John is a good sport about it but in private he takes any excuse to mark Gale as his, weather it was a seemingly carelessly placed hand on him any chance he gets or a hickey just visible over his collar and esp when they have sex John never shuts up anyway but now he’s particularly keen on reminding Gale he belongs to him
Gale doesn’t care about the public attention one bit but he loves how happy John is about showing him off, and every time he’s nervous when they’re photographed together John makes sure to make him laugh and relax even on red carpets when everyone is trying to get their attention
The one time they give an interview together the internet goes nuts because Gale is so shy but so sweet and John laughs at everything he says and the two of them are just so clearly smitten with each other people can’t help but root for them
It’s also clear form the interview that while Gale hasn’t been at previous premiers or public outings he’s John’s work’s biggest fan/supporter, John’s telling some story about how they managed to keep their relationship secret while also living an active life like ”Oh and while I was doing promo for this project Gale lived in London with me” and Buck’s always very nonchalantly like ”No actually it was for this project dear” because he’s more aware of John’s work than he is and John will always tease him like ”oh you’re right thank you baby you’re so smart” and Gale would fail to hide his smile behind his hand
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burntsaltsblog · 2 days
hi hi!!
if you could write a billy butcher x reader about finding out that butcher is using temp v and the reader finds out that he could die.
when billy comes out of mind readers trance, angst on lenny and his family, comforting him, him pushing the reader away but then needing to be comforted.
just a thought, i love your stories, thank yooou!!
hello!! thank u!! ur so kind <3 i wrote an imagine a little while back about the reader finding out about butcher taking temp v right here
thank u for ur request and i hope u like this little imagine i whipped up based on ur second request <3
tw: this story contains a retelling of abuse. pls don’t read if that may be triggering for u.
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"I'm not waking him up," declared Mindstorm once again. He was quite bold for someone so old, frail, and, most noticeably, naked.
"Alright then," I shrugged. "Say goodbye to one of your eyeballs." I strived forward, pocketknife outstretched, before Huhgie grasped my shoulder tightly, halting me in my tracks.
"Stop. There's no need for violence," Hughie said, trying to calm me down.
"Haven't you lived long enough in this world to realize that violence is the only way to get what you want?" I growled at him, tearing myself out of his hold. "You're not leaving until you wake up our friend," I continued, facing Mindstorm. "And I don't care how many fingers of yours I have to cut off in the process."
Mindstorm narrowed his eyes, and I quickly looked away so as not to meet the same fate that Butcher did mere hours ago.
"I'll teleport you. Anywhere you want to go," Hughie offered, and I sighed at his meek attempt to reason with the stubborn supe. "The options are endless. I can take you to fucking Anartica if you want, and then you'll be far, far away from Soldier Boy. All you have to do is wake up our friend first."
Mindtsorm studied Hughie, and I could see the cogs turning in his head as he pondered this proposition. "You haven't seen the inside of that guy's head like I have. He's real messed up."
"You're one to talk," I muttered, glaring indignantly on Butcher's behalf. Hughie promptly elbowed me in the ribs, signaling me to shut up, but I scowled at him as well. I was highly protective of Butcher, and this situation only intensified that. Hughie should be thankful I hadn't sunk my knife into Mindstorm's jugular for his little comment.
"Just think about it," Hughie said, his voice significantly quieter. "Wouldn't it be nice to live in a place where you wouldn't have to worry about Soldier Boy breathing down your neck?"
Mindstorm grumbled under his breath, reluctantly agreeing. "Fine. I'll wake him up. And then," he pointed to Hughie, "You're taking me to Jamaica."
"Yes, deal." Hughie nodded vigorously. "I heard Jamaica is lovely this time of year." He chuckled nervously, and I rolled my eyes before stomping over to Butcher's body, falling to my knees beside him.
I hyper-analyzed Mindstorm's every movement with narrowed eyes as he sunk to the forest floor and placed his hands on Butcher's temple. He breathed deeply and closed his eyes, whispering unintelligible words.
Anxiety riddled my body as each silent second passed by. I laced my fingers through Butcher's lifeless ones and willed him to wake up. "C'mon, Butcher. Please wake up," I whispered as unwanted tears stung my eyes. Until now, I hadn't considered that Mindstorm might not be capable of waking him up. But I was wrenched from my worries when Butcher gasped loudly as his eyes flew open.
"Oh, thank fuck," I sighed, full of relief that was soon replaced with worry.
Butcher's pupils were blown as he frantically looked around the woods we were gathered in. His chest rose and fell unevenly, and panicked apologies fell from his chapped lips. "M'sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."  
"Sorry for what?" I asked, confused.
"S'all my fault," Butcher mumbled. "It's all my fuckin' fault. I killed him."
"What is your fault?"
But it was as if he didn't hear me. Butcher continued looking in every direction as if the trees held a secret he was searching for. "Butcher, look at me," I shook his shoulders gently. "Butcher, please."
Butcher's eyes finally landed on me, and I cupped his cheek, tracing the tense lines to soothe him. "There, we go," I praised softly. "Good job. Now, can you breathe for me? Give me a nice, deep breath, yeah?"
I inhaled slowly, showing him how to do it, and he mimicked my actions. "That's it." I smiled. "You doing ok?"
Something inside Butcher snapped, and his demeanor hardened as he forcefully shoved me away. "Get your bloody paws off me. M'fine," he grumbled, rising to his feet on shaky legs. Hughie immediately reached forward to help steady him, but Butcher slapped his hand away. "Oi, I said I'm fine; I don't need help from either of ya' cunts."
I was stunned as I watched Butcher walk several yards away before fishing a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and swiftly lighting one.
"Here," Hughie said, offering me his hand and helping me stand.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked lowly, continuing to eye Butcher from afar.
"His mind is just catching up to the present time. He'll be fine in a little while," Mindstorm interjected.
I looked at the supe, wanting to know more details about Butcher's recovery timeline, but saw that his attention was already on Hughie, regarding him expectantly. "You owe me a trip."
"Oh, right," Hughie replied before turning to me. "You stay here with Butcher while I take Mindstorm to Jamaica, ok? I'll be back as soon as I can."
I nodded wearily and watched Hughie and Mindstorm disappear with a resounding pop.
"I'm worried about Butcher," I mumbled to Hughie as we perched on our motel bed together. "We haven't heard from him since we checked in hours ago. How do we know he's still in his room?"
"He has the same locator app on his phone like the rest of us. If he went somewhere, we'd know," Hughie replied, keeping his eyes trained on the cracked television displaying re-runs of old sitcoms.
I shook my head, rising to my feet. "I don't know. I have a bad feeling. I'm going to go check on him."
"Are you sure?" Hughie asked, glancing up at me as I headed for the door. "Butcher hasn't been in the best mood since waking up."
"And that's precisely why someone needs to check on him," I said, slipping on my boots and unlocking the door before pocketing the rusted motel key. "I'll be back in a minute." I looked back at Hughie, but he was distracted by Chandler Bing singing "I Will Survive" on the TV and giggling profusely.
I decided to leave him be and wordlessly slipped out of the door.
Butcher's room was next to ours, so the entire trip consisted of three and a half steps. I lightly knocked on his door and waited for him to grant me entrance, but that never came.
"Butcher? Are you in there?" I called through the door and strained my ears for an answer. But I heard nothing besides an ambulance that wailed on the highway behind the motel.
I sighed, biting my lip before I made the rash decision to try opening the door. To my surprise, the knob turned easily before the door swung open on hinges that squeaked in protest.
I peered inside as I hesitantly stepped over the threshold. "Butcher?" I tried again as I slowly roamed the room. The bed was still made, and the only proof that the room was inhabited was Butcher's overnight bag that he'd dropped on the floor by the door.
I was just considering leaving when I heard a small clamor from the attached bathroom, and I tiptoed over to peek through the cracked door. My breath caught in my throat at the scene before me, and I swiftly shoved open the door before falling to my knees beside Butcher's crumpled form.
"Jesus," I breathed as I closed my fingers around his chin, angling his head to better look at his face. His eyelids were drooped, and I was about to question him for his lethargic state when I spotted the empty bottle of whiskey that he clutched to his chest.
"Butcher, can you hear me?" I asked, tapping the side of his face, trying to revive him. He groaned, popping his lids and staring blankly into my face. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reeked of the alcohol he had ingested.
"Butcher," I prompted again. "How much did you have to drink? Please do not tell me you had the entire bottle in one night."
"Oops," he said, pursing his lips lazily.
I sat back on my heels as I cursed harshly. "Fuck, are you trying to die of alcohol poisoning?"
Butcher chuckled softly, running a hand down his face. "Don't worry 'bout me, love. It would take a lot more than a little bottle of booze to send me to God's front door."
I squinted at him as I deliberated about how to handle this situation. There was no way I could leave him here on the dirty bathroom floor. "Can you stand?" I asked, wanting to move him to the bed so he could lie down properly.
"As it so happens, m'quite comfy here. Why don't ya' come and join me?" Butcher drawled, holding his arms out unevenly and curling up the side of his mouth in a smirk.
"As delightful as that offer sounds, I'm not really in the mood to curl up on a floor that I'm fairly certain has about fifteen different STDs on it."
"Well, I’m all clean, doll, and that's the only thing ya' need to worry about."
"You know, I hate to break it to you, but you're a terrible flirt when you're drunk," I snorted. "Now, can you at least try to stand for me?"
Butcher huffed out gruffly. "Fine. But if I fall over on me arse, it's your fault."
"Fair enough."
I guided his arm around my shoulder and slowly stood with him. He was a little wobbly at first, but after gathering his bearings, we shuffled out of the bathroom and into the bedroom with my assistance. Butcher collapsed on the bed before gazing around, puzzled. "Where's me whiskey?"
"You drank it, remember?" I snickered, gesturing to his disheveled appearance. "That's how you ended up like this."
I sat on the edge of the bed and cautiously ran my fingers through Butcher's dark, tangled hair, pulling it back from where it had stuck to his forehead, slick with a light sheen of sweat. At first, I thought he might push me away as he did earlier today, but to my surprise, he closed his eyes, and a slight sound of contentment vibrated in his throat.
A smile played at the edge of my lips, and I kept repeating the action, watching the tension that the whiskey couldn't remove from his body dissipate. I thought Butcher had fallen asleep when he whispered almost too quietly for me to hear. "You're too good for me. All of ya'"
"That's not true, and you know it," I replied immediately.
"But I'm a bleedin’ murderer," he said louder as he opened his eyes, and my heart clenched when I saw he had tears in them.
"Butcher, we've all killed people. You're no worse than I am. Or Frenchie or MM."
Butcher shook his head adamantly. "No. I killed him, an innocent fuckin' person."
"Who?" I pressed, wanting to understand the source of his pain. "Who did you kill?"
"The one person I was supposed to protect." Butcher's voice broke, and he coughed weakly. "I shoulda been there to protect him, but instead, I fuckin’ killed him when he needed me the most."
Even in the midst of my confusion, I didn't cease stroking Butcher's head, wanting and needing to console him in any way possible. "I'm sure it was an accident. You're not a killer, Billy. And there's nothing in you that would ever convince me otherwise."
"Ya' don't understand," he croaked, looking up at me with sad, hazel eyes. My throat tightened, and I swallowed harshly to clear my emotions. Seeing Butcher so tormented clawed at my heart, especially when I didn't know how to help him.
"Then explain it to me," I plead softly.
Butcher looked unsure, and his unease was palpable. "I've never told anybody before," he admitted lowly.
"You don't have to tell me. But, Butcher, it might help to talk about it." I paused briefly as I carefully chose my following words. "Does this guilt you're feeling have anything to do with what Mindstorm did to you today?"
Butcher nodded, closing his eyes. "It's the one thing from me past that I've tried to outrun. But today, it finally caught up to me."
I was quiet as I watched the internal battle rage within Butcher. After several deliberary minutes, he omitted a sigh and began to tell his darkest tail.
"I had just turned eighteen. I'd been counting down the days until my birthday when I'd be a legal adult and could get the fuck outta my mum and dad's house. My old man...he was a fuckin' cunt. His temper was uncontrollable, and he loved to take it out on my younger brother, Lenny, and me."
I had heard a bit about Lenny from Butcher's aunt last year, right before her house blew up, but I never got any details. All I knew was that he had committed suicide as a child. It was tragic and involved a sort of heartbreak that I couldn't even comprehend, so I never asked Butcher about it.
"I tried to take the brunt of my dad’s shite to shield Lenny, but I was a kid, so there wasn't much I could do. There were times when little Lenny would be so hurt-" Butcher's voice wavered, cutting off the ending of his sentence, and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he composed himself before continuing. "Our mum never hit us, but she never tried to protect us either. That twat of a woman never lifted a fuckin' finger as she listened to us scream."
Butcher's eyes drifted behind me as he recalled the painful memories. "I couldn't fuckin' take it anymore. I decided that on my eighteenth birthday, I'd run away to join the army. The idea of being shot at was worlds betta' than living under the roof of my piss-poor excuse of a father. But I couldn't take Len with me." Butcher paused, hesitating. "Even after he begged me to."
"Our father was awful to him," Butcher said, meeting my gaze, and I saw fresh tears well in his eyes. But he couldn't suppress them this time, and they ran down his face, wetting his cheeks. "He beat Lenny far worse than he ever did me. I think he was bitter that I'd been able to escape, and hurting me little brother was his act of revenge."
"I'm so sorry, Butcher," I mumbled, knowing that my apology did nothing to ease his pain.
"After six months, the army gave me a short leave of absence, and I used it to visit Lenny." Butcher's tears increased as his voice grew strained. "He looked terrible. He'd lost so much weight and was covered in bruises, so he didn't even look like the same person."
I softly dragged a finger under each of Butcher's eyes, wiping away his tears, but every tear I collected was quickly replaced with a new one. Carefully, I urged Butcher closer so his head could rest in my lap. I resumed running my hand through his hair, hoping it would have the same calming effect on him that it did before.
"He blamed me for our father's behavior," Butcher continued. "He said that I had abandoned him when he needed me the most. He said he couldn't fuckin' bear it anymore, and he'd rather be dead than be beaten every night by the one person who was supposed to love him more than anything."
Butcher closed his eyes and breathed shakily through his nose as he uttered the tragic ending of the story.
"And then he pulled out a gun and shot himself."
His words hung in the air and settled over us, blanketing Butcher and me in a morbid and melancholy feeling.
"And it was all my fault."
I was startled by Butcher's accusation of himself. "What are you talking about? It was your father's doing. You weren't the one beating Lenny halfway to hell every night."
Butcher looked up at me, slowly shaking his head. His eyes were puffy as they continued to dispel tears of his anguish. "If I hadn't left, Lenny woulda been safer, and he wouldn't've been driven to suicide. I practically signed my brother's death certificate."
"If I had just stayed, then my father wouldn't have-"
"So it's my fuckin’ fault that-"
"Butcher! Your brother's death was not your fault, do you hear me?"
I hauled Butcher up from my lap and grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket, forcing him to look at me. "How dare you try to take responsibility for the actions of a fucking monster. You are a good person, Billy. And I will spend every day telling you if that's what it takes for you to believe me because I can't bear to sit back and watch you punish yourself for a crime that you did not commit."
Butcher looked stunned by my outburst as he opened and closed his mouth without dispelling any words. I had never seen Billy Butcher speechless, but I assumed it looked like this.
"You're one of the best people I know," I continued, wanting to finish everything I had to say. "And I'm going to personally hunt down Mindstorm and rip his stupid, little shrimp dick off and shove it down his throat for forcing you to relive something so horrific. And then I'm going to cut his toes off and- what?"
Butcher had lowered his head, and his shoulders shook ever so slightly as he chuckled.
"Oh, you think I'm bluffing? Hughie dropped him off in Jamacia, so all I have to do is get on a plane and- seriously, Butcher, what are you laughing at?" I asked incredulously. How on earth could he laugh at a time like this?
Butcher raised his head, regarding me softly as his laughter died down. "No one has ever protected me like you do."
His profession took me aback, and I raised a brow, needing him to elaborate.
"Hughie said ya' almost carved Mindstorm's eye out after he put me to sleep."
"And I would've carved out both eyes if he didn't stop me. Buzzkill."
A smile played on the edge of his mouth as he shook his head back and forth. "You're something else, ya' know that?"
I bit my lip as I looked down, but Butcher grasped the side of my jaw so it'd meet his eyes again. "Why do you do it?" he whispered.
"Do what?"
"Take care of me. Anyone else on the team woulda let me drown in me whiskey on that bathroom floor, but not you. Why?"
I swallowed audibly as I stuttered. "I, uh, just thought it was the right thing to do."
"No, s'not it," Butcher murmured, raking his teeth over his bottom lip. "There's more to it. I don't believe you spent your whole evening consoling the broken mind of your boss because ya' thought it was the right thing to do."
When I didn't reply, Butcher sighed, leaning his forehead against mine and closing his eyes. "Why are ya' so hellbent on convincing me that I'm not a fuck up like I know I am."
"Because I care about you. More than I probably should."
Butcher pulled back, searching my face for any hint that I may be joking, but when he saw nothing but the raw truth, he nodded. "C'mere."
He drew me close before pulling me down on the bed till I was curled up on my side, and he was directly behind me with his chest up against my back. Butcher slung an arm over my waist as he nuzzled his nose in my neck, breathing me in.
"Stay for the night, please. I don't wanna be alone."
I reached for his hand, which rested on my stomach, and intertwined our fingers. "I'm never leaving you."
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i hope u liked it!! i'm accepting more requests right now, so pls send one in if you'd like!!
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miley1442111 · 1 day
consequences (final part)- a.donaldson
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a/n: HI EVERYONE! Thank you all so much for reading this story (sorry it was so long!) and supporting me, it means so fucking much to me, you don't even know! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT AND LIKED THE ENDING TOO :)
summary: a glimpse into your life, 4 years on.
pairing: art donaldson x reader,
warnings: talk of eating disorder, talk of pregnancy, reader is a mom, art is a dad. :)
4 years later....
You lay in bed, an arm around your waist as the sunlight poured in from the window beside your bed. A pattering of feet and the opening of the door signalled the start of the day. Lily, and her little brother Hunter ran and jumped on top of you and Art, waking you both up from your hazy morning sleep. You rubbed your eyes to wake up, only to be met with the face of Hunter, giving you a hug. 
“Happy Mother's day!” he smiled, all two teeth an adorable sight. 
“Happy Mother’s day!” Lily squealed, squishing between you and Art to give you a hug. She would be spending the day with Tashi today, but she still counted you as her ‘mama’, not her ‘mom’ like Tashi was. 
And it didn’t bother you at all. You loved your two kids, technically neither of them were yours. Hunter had been adopted when he was 2 months old. You remembered the conversation with Art when you told him that you couldn’t get pregnant.
“Art, I can’t have kids,” you swallowed nervously as your newly-wed husband leaned against the counter in the bathroom as you huddled over the toilet, just finished vomiting. Art had said ‘you must be pregnant’ and started stressing, so you had to just rip the plaster off and do it. 
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Art, I had an eating disorder for a decade, that doesn’t exactly do great things for your body.” 
“I know but-”
“But what? I can’t get pregnant anymore, end of story.”
You had expected him to be mad, to get angry. But he didn’t, of course he didn't, because he’s Art fucking Donaldson, and he loves you. 
“That’s ok baby, we can always adopt,” he nodded. “I wouldn’t have ever said it if I knew. I need you to talk to me about these things, ok?” his arms wrapped around you as you nodded, tears falling down your face. 
Art accepted you fully and loved you wholly. He was everything you’d ever wanted, and you cursed yourself for ever letting him get away, then you remembered that he cheated and that what you did was justified. 
But you loved him back all the same. 
“Happy Mother’s day, baby,” he smirked, wrapping a hand around one of yours, and pulling it to his lips to press a kiss to. “You’re amazing.”
“You’re amazing,” you smiled. 
“Ok kids, pancakes for mom?” Art offered and they practically jumped for joy. He got up without another question and led the kids into the kitchen to start making your favourite, the first of many Mother’s day treats. 
Yeah, your life was great, and you loved Art Donaldson. Y/n Donaldson always had a nice ring to it anyways.
You two got married two years ago, Art and you quit tennis and now you're just regular boring celebrities. You got to galas and fundraisers, your very active in the foundation, and you get to stay at home with you kids and with Art. Art helped you heal from your ed and you helped him heal his trauma from his marriage with Tashi.
Pretty perfect life if you ask me.
art donaldson masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
people who asked to be tagged :)
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chilisworld55 · 15 hours
I love love love your writing!!!! Dios I love the mix of Spanish and English, it makes everything so much believable
,I don’t know if you are taking any request, but I would love one where reader and Carlos share birthday and he is turning 30 and reader is turning 26, and they have a surprised birthday party but after a while they disappear because they want to be alone, maybe running to the beach where things turn 🌶️🔥, but at the same time super cute
hi!!! thank you so much! i really love those fics about carlos in which they mix spanish and english so that’s the reason i am here :D. And yes, i am taking request and thank you again for this one. Hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️
🌶️ warnings: public sex, sex without condom (don’t do that✋), crempie, nipple play
a/n: Sorry for taking so long, i was kind of busy and tired this week. I hope you like it! sorry if there are mistakes, i’ll try to improve! feel free to leave any request, feedback or questions!
“Surprise and happy birthday!!” you heard the sudden familiar voices of your friends, mostly the rest of the drivers with their girlfriends. It surprised Carlos and you, not really expecting a surprise party. It followed by claps, cheers, and congratulations for this special day for you both as soon as you turned the lights of the dinning room on.
“oh my god-” Carlos said as he saw the whole decoration, most of it being the iconic red of Ferrari, a big and long cake on the middle of the table. The cake had two halfs, one half had the candles with the number 30 and another ones with the number 26 on the other half.
You were also surprised, just laughing and smiling along with your boyfriend “how many hours have you guys been waiting? we’ve been out for hours” you asked, coming closer to all your friends and greet them with a hug.
“Just like three hours, don’t worry” Max chuckled, hugging you and rubbing your back gently as he told you happy birthday once again.
“you gave us enough time to get everything ready, tho” Lando said this time, giving little palms to Carlos’ back while looking at you.
“Eh! Cabrón! i thought you were busy today” Your boyfriend started teasing Lando, as always, messing his hair. You just laughed a little while looking at them. Their friendship was still strong even if they are no longer teammates and you loved it.
That’s how your night started, having some drinks with great music and spending an awesome time so far. They even cooked delicious dinner, being so thoughtful because it was yours and Carlos’ favorite food.
It was that time in the night in which all of you were sitting, talking about random stuff, laughing about each others stories until you ran out of wine. “be right back, i’ll get more” you said, excusing yourself as you stood up from your spot on the couch.
Once in the kitchen, you were looking around for another bottle of wine which you were sure you had but didn’t find anywhere until a pair of arms hugged your figure from behind your back.
“Mi amor…” my love… Carlos whispered close to your ear, kissing your shoulder and its way up to your cheek.
“Yes, cariño? I was about to go back” you said with a soft tone, melting into his touch and kisses, missing him already.
Yes, he was with you all day but you parted ways once the surprise party started. His friends were always looking for him, sometimes receiving calls from his family that unfortunately couldn't come and the same happened with you.
“No… i don’t want to go back” He turned you around gently, his hands taking your and placing them over his shoulders. Then, his own came back to your waist where they belonged.
“Why? you didn’t like the surprise they got for us?” you made a sad face, placing your forehead against his.
“No es eso. Yo solo quiero estar contigo ahora mismo, solo los dos” it’s not that. I just want to be with with you right now, just the two of us. He said that and immediately a smile painted your face, finding his words so cute, loving the clingy side of him.
“Should we sneak out of here for a while?” You suggested and it didn’t took him longer than two seconds to take your hand and rush to the back door, making sure no one notice.
Carlos lead the way to the nearest beach and you were grateful it wasn’t far. You both were having a night walk, those from the romantic movies you always watch but never thought you would have the chance to live.
Both of you had took your shoes off, one hand holding each other and your shoes on the other, feeling the soft sand under your feet, the refreshing sensation of the air hitting your face plus the sound of the ocean making the moment so precious.
“Actually, this is my favorite part of the day…” Carlos pulled your arm gently, pulling your body closer to his to steal a kiss from you.
You giggled in the middle of the kiss, locking your fingers at the back of his neck. “Me too…” As much as you loved the surprise party that your friends made, you could say that spending time alone with your man was even better.
Your boyfriend let both of your shoes fall down on the sand, his hands going down at the back of your thighs to pick you up into his arms as he deepened the kiss.
The cute and passionate kiss turned into a hot and full of lust make out within seconds in which Carlos was now sitting on the sand with you on his lap, hands all over your body, soft moans between your lips. His tongue licked your bottom lip, your mouth opening slightly that allowed him to explore it more.
The kiss was getting too far and you were becoming too needy for being in a public place and Carlos noticed it by the way you squirmed and your fingers tugged on the his little locks of hair.
“Guess it’s time to give you your birthday gift, isn’t it, hermosa?” beautiful. he whispered, his breathing agitated as he pulled away from your lips with a smirk.
“Yeah? and what is it?” you smirked as well, his hands grabbing your hips and guided them to start grinding over his crotch, making you feel the clear huge bulge inside his pants.
“Me, of course” he winked at you as he bit your lip, then burried his face on the nape of your neck, kissing it up to your lobe and whispered. “si sientes como me pones, preciosa?” do you feel how you turn me on, pretty?
His jeans and your underwear were the only things that were keeping you apart, you were greatly grateful of choosing to wear a skirt, making all of this easier.
The trail of kisses continued its way down to the very prominent neckline that you shirt allowed to see. His hands slipped inside the back of your shirt and with a quick hand movement he got to undo your bra.
The friction between you both wasn’t really enough for you after a while since you’re starting to crave for more. His teeth pulled your shirt down your breasts, soft lips attached to your hard nipple. He sucked, licked and nibbled on it, knowing how sensitive you can become as his other hand massaged the other breast. He pulled it between his teeth and had you moaning louder.
You curved your back in pleasure, hands on his hair, feeling the urge of having him as close as possible to you. You bit hard on your lower lip. Your hips grinded harder, desperate. The clothes between annoyed you so much already. “Please… i need you so bad”
“Tus deseos son mis órdenes, amor” Your wishes are my orders, love. His fingers sneaked under your skirt, reaching between your legs and traced a long strip over your clothed pussy. “so wet for me, are you, cariño?” he left open mouthed kisses all over your chest, his middle finger finding that sensitive bud down there and started rubbing it with little circle motions. You hips were grinding on the air, looking for more friction that could satisfy you as you nodded as his question.
“shit, Carlos” You pulled him closer to kiss his lips again, this time needier than ever. No doubt why both of your lips are pretty red and swollen. Your hands travelled down his firm chest until his crotch, palming his bulge over his clothes. “take this off already” you whined.
“Tranquila…” calm down. His hand quickly unzipped his jeans, lowering them along with his underwear just enough to free his cock. You lifted yourself, he pulled your panties aside and shoved himself into your tight hole.
A breathy moan left your lips, feeling so full now that he is inside you. It’s like he was built for you but even after many times of doing it, you cannot get used to his size, and he’s huge.
He waited a couple of seconds, letting you take your time. His hands caressed your thighs under your skirt as he peppered little kisses over your shoulder and neck while doing so. Once you were ready, his hands helped you bounce on his lap, taking the control of the pace.
His cock was deep, hitting all the right spots inside you that made your eyes roll. Your walls were clenching tight, making Carlos grunt into your ear. “Joder” shit. He gasped. “you take me so fucking well” he moaned and his grip on your hips got stronger.
The wet sounds were loud, as well as yours and Carlos’ moans. You were feeling so good that you completely forgot that you were in the middle of the beach.
Carlos guided your hips to go faster, bare skin slapping against each other, your breasts bouncing at each thrust, giving a great little show to the man above you. He couldn’t help but bring your nipple to his mouth one more time, sucking hard on it, immediately sending you to cloud nine.
“Mierda, cariño” he groaned. “I won’t last much longer if you keep squeezing me like that” he hid his face on your neck, trying to hold himself from cumming just right there.
You smirked and started to roll your hips a little before doing slow but hard thrusts. “Then don’t…”Carlos couldn’t contain himself but let out muffled moans, cumming within seconds, followed by you as well.
Your body collapsed on his, the orgasm was so intense that you needed some time to come back to reality. Carlos giggled at your stare, also recovering from the climax but made sure he holds you tight in his arms.
“Feliz cumpleaños, preciosa” happy birthday, beautiful. He whispered, his hand running through your hair to take it off from your face and give you a kiss on your lips.
“Happy birthday for you too Carlitos” you corresponded the sweet kiss, feeling so loved and happy with him by your side.
“And we might get back home soon… it’s been a couple of hours” He flipped positions, laying you back on the sand gently, kissing your forehead.
You smiled. “Maybe… i didn’t bring anything with me. I left my phone in the kitchen” you rubbed your eyes, feeling a little tired but you just laid back, watching your boyfriends every move.
“Me neither, but they can wait a little longer” He showed you a big smile, not worrying about anything else but you. He was such a gentleman. He helped you putting your bra properly, putting your panties back in place (it was a mess down there. he wanted you to keep his cum inside) and fixing your clothes.
“i’ll take care of that later” He teased with a naughty look on his face, referring to the mess to then fix his own clothes, leaning down to kiss the side of your leg.
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hey i just saw this happen online, but basically an agent PUBLICLY asked for someone to write the concept of a querying author, and basically said the author wasn’t strong enough of a writer but the concept was really good. here’s the link incase you don’t know what i’m talking about. my question is, how on earth does a querying author protect themself from this?
Agent Tweets Concept of Rejected Query
Well, consider this a developing story because the literary agent in question seems to have deleted their Twitter account, presumably due to the fallout... Literary agents are supposed to adhere to confidentiality guidelines and professional standards that demand discretion when discussing specific details about rejected queries and manuscripts. Rejecting a query because the opening wasn't strong enough, then tweeting the concept via comp titles and entreating others to write it better certainly doesn't feel discrete, respectful, or confidential. I think there are those in the publishing sphere who would argue that "comp title x comp title" doesn't constitute "specific details," but it's less about that and more about the breach of trust, not just for the querying writer but for any querying writers who--like you--are left wondering if their concepts are safe in the hands of the agents they query.
And, regardless of the argument against comp titles constituting specific details, I think it's fair to say that the more unique the comp titles, the more specific the concept would be. Yes, you could still give a specific concept to three different authors and get three wildly different novels, but that's not the point. The point is this writer had a unique concept, and now it's in the hands of the public.
Aaand... I think some would further argue that since the writer didn't use the comp titles in their query, it shouldn't count as a breach of trust, but if that was their concept, that was their concept. From an industry standpoint, I think there's no question this will be seen as unprofessional behavior by most, and it will be interesting to see how this shakes out over the coming days.
Having said all of that, I genuinely don't think this is a common occurrence, so I don't think it's something you have to worry about when querying. If things were getting a little loosey-goosey in terms of literary agent confidentiality guidelines and professional standards, hopefully this will serve as a wake up call that discretion and respect are still very much desired by querying writers.
Do me a favor? If you see further development, would you let me know? I'll keep an eye out, but I don't use Twitter so I might miss something. Thanks, and potentially stay-tuned! Update: KT literary, the agency who employed the agent in question, has "parted ways" with them and is reaching out to affected clients to discuss their representation options.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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fallingformatt · 24 hours
Matt x fem!reader
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summary: while walking to the bar with your best friend you accidentally bump into Matt, then later you unexpectedly bump into him again, leading the two of you to do unholy things.
warnings: FILTHY ASS SMUTTT!!! unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, overstimulation, slight degradation, slight praising.
word count: 2.9k
a/n: Thank all of you so much for the love on the last post, as I started writing literally so recently it means a lot to me. Also these scenarios keep popping up in my head and I write them down immediately and just work on them till I’m finished, so yea Im posting three days in a row. THIS IS SO GOOD DOE, not proofread.
"But I have nothing to wear," I whine as I plop down on my best friend's bed. She really wanted us to go out to this cute bar she found on TikTok.
"Wait, I have something in my closet perfect for you," she said excitedly, pulling out a black mini dress. "It's just a black mini dress, what so special about it?" I ask with a confused look plastered on my face. "It's not the dress that's perfect," she says as she starts to dig around her closet again. "It's what you're going to wear with it," she exclaims.
"Found it," she says and excitement can be heard in her voice. She pulls out a box that has 'GUCCI' written on it. She pulls off the lid and there are a pair of tights in there. "Oh those are really pretty," I say as she opens the packaging for the first time. "That's not the end of it," she says swiftly turning around as she gets on her tippy toes to reach the highest shelf of her closet.
She manages to reach and pull out this little, red shoulder bag that screams money. "See it's not always about what you're wearing, sometimes it's about how you accessorize," she says happily clapping her hands together.
We both do our makeup and our hair while listening to music, chitchatting, and drinking some wine. As I finish my makeup and hair I get up to put on the outfit my best friend picked out for me. "Be careful with the tights, don't ruin them," she turns her head and says. "Don't worry, I won't, thank you for the cute outfit," I answer. "Glad to get you out of the house," she says as she also stands up finished with her makeup, and takes her clothes to change into.
We both step out of the house, ready to go to the bar, enjoy a few drinks, and maybe take some cute pictures for Instagram.
The city is lively, people walking down the streets, the sun almost gone, as the streets get darker. A bit tipsy from the wine we had, we walked, headed to the bar as it's not far from her place, our elbows intertwined as we continue to talk about everything that comes to our minds occasionally letting out a small laugh when one of us tells a joke.
My head is turned to my friend as she's retelling the story about her most stupid hookup, and I can't stop laughing. One moment I'm laughing about my friend's story and the next I feel myself trip over a pebble as I lose my balance. My body doesn't meet the ground, instead, it meets someone's chest. I quickly lean back to stand on my own feet again. I look up and my eyes meet the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. I look at him as I study his features, the fluffy hair, the silver earrings, his light stubble, and finally my eyes meet his, his icy blue eyes I could drown in.
I snap back to reality as I hear his voice "You okay there?" he says, his voice just as attractive as his looks. "Yeah sorry," I say as my friend pulls me to her. "Come on let's go," she says still holding onto my elbow and we walk past this beautiful stranger. As we're walking, I turn my head back to look at him and our eyes meet for the last time as we walk further away from each other, both walking in opposite directions.
We get to the bar and order some drinks, we sit down and look around. The bar really is cute, the ceiling is covered in flowers giving the place a fairytale vibe. I look to my side and notice this huge mirror that's covered in pink bows. "We have to take a picture there," I say as my eyes light up.
We're now 3 drinks into the evening and the guy from earlier crosses my mind. His face, his voice, his eyes. I could imagine him in between my legs as he eats me out giving me pleasure out of this world.
"Hello, are you listening to me?" my friend asks as she waves her hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality and look at her. "Did you hear anything I just said?" She asks. "You cockblocked me," I say furrowing my brows. "What do you mean?" She asks confused. "The guy I bumped into, he was totally into me," I say confidently. "Oh come on, that interaction lasted 2 seconds," she said laughing. "It was enough to make me understand that I need to be dicked down tonight," I answer. "Do you want to go to the club?" She asks. I nod my head happily. We finish our drinks and head out.
We walked around 5 minutes before we were in front of the club's door. Loud music can be heard as we walk in, lights shooting and changing color as we walk deeper into the club. My friend takes my hand as she pulls me into the dance floor. "This is my song," she exclaims as we both start dancing.
Feeling the light buzz the alcohol gave me, I close my eyes and move my hips to the rhythm of the song. I put up my hands as I get lost in the song dancing my heart out.
When the song finishes and I open my eyes, my best friend is nowhere to be seen. I try to move past all the people on the dance floor in an attempt to look for her.
As I walk towards the bar, I feel my ass brush against someone trying to get past the crowd. I turn around and look up. My eyes widen, not believing who I'm looking at.
It's the guy from earlier, the one who broke my trip and didn't let me fall to the ground. His eyes meet mine as a lustful smile appears on my lips.
"You really like to touch me don't you," the pretty boy says. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, what do people usually do at the club?" He answers my question with a rhetorical question.
"Thanks for not letting me fall earlier," I say as I brush his chest over the place I bumped into. "You have to be more careful, watch where you're stepping, it could've been a stinky homeless guy, instead of me that you bumped into, I'm Matt by the way," he says, his charming voice making my knees weak.
"You wanna go dance?" I ask him, and without hesitation, he takes my hand and pulls me into the crowd at the dance floor.
We dance in sync as Matt's hands are placed on my hips guiding them side to side as my ass is brushing against his jeans, my one hand bent backward wrapped around the nape of his head.
I feel myself getting wet as I feel his hands starting to roam around my body, touching me in all the right places. I begin to grind my ass against his crotch feeling his dick getting hard as he lets out a hot breath in my ear.
Now one of his hands has traveled to my inner thigh as the other one keeps resting on my hip slowly guiding it up and down his hard, clothed cock. He sneaks his hand under my short dress, moving closer to my heat. His thumb starts to move in circles on my clit as his ring and middle finger move up and down over my clothed folds. I let out a moan as the pleasurable sensation entered my body. I throw back my head resting it on Matt's shoulder.
I feel Matt's hand suddenly stop, as he spins me around. "Follow me," he says when he leaned in closer to my ear so I'd be able to hear him over the loud music. His voice was dark, filled with lust.
Matt took my wrist and quickly led me to the bathrooms, he approached a door with a 'staff only' sign on it. When he pulled the handle I thought it would be locked, but it wasn't. We went in and it was as dim almost as the nightclub itself only a few colored lights giving the bathroom enough light to see where everything was. It was a big one toilet bathroom though, but it's still weird that the staff would have to do their business practically in the dark.
I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Matt closing the door behind him and turning the lock. He looked at me, his icy blue eyes were now dark, filled with hunger. He takes my hand and pulls me close, smashing his lips onto mine and his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. His hands travel around my body stopping at my ass, he grabs hard on it.
Without breaking the kiss he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I let out a moan feeling the cold buckle of his belt against my heat. He walks over to the counter where the sink is located and sits me down.
He breaks the kiss and looks me in my eyes, slowly kneeling down. His head is now on one level with my throbbing pussy. "Please," is all I manage to blur out.
I feel his cold fingertips trace along my thigh as he stops at my core, rubbing circles on my clit and I let out a loud moan. With one sharp movement, I hear the tights rip making me feel the cold countertop on my bare skin as the tights now have huge runs in them.
Matt's hands guide my legs on top of his shoulders, he pulls me closer giving him better access to my pussy, making me lean against the mirror that was on the wall behind the counter. I let out a whine as I felt two of his cold fingers moving my thong to the side now giving him full access to my dripping hole.
Matt looks up at me before moving closer, placing a trail of kisses from my thigh to my sensitive bud, causing my fingers to intertwine with his fluffy hair. He sticks out his tongue and starts licking circles around my clit. I roll my eyes to the back of my head. I feel his cold fingers pressing against my pussy, teasing me. "I need you," I manage to whimper under my breath and without any hesitation I feel his fingers push deep inside me, his cold rings pressed outside of my pussy.
I moan out loudly as his tongue and his fingers move in a rhythm giving me unimaginable pleasure. His fingers curled inside of me, places so deep I could never reach them on my own, his other hand holding a tight grip on my thigh. I feel a knot forming in my stomach. "Cl- close," I whimper out not able to say anything else.
His fingers slide out of my pussy and his tongue replaces them. Curling his tongue in my hole, I gasp out of the intense pleasure, Matt's now free hand traveling to my other thigh, holding on to it.
My sloppy moans fill the room as the pleasure is too much for me and I can't find the room to take in a full breath. "I'm about to cum," I moan out. He hums against my pussy, his tongue still in me curling inside of me. His voice sending vibrations through my core is enough for me to reach my climax. I let out a loud moan as I tug on his hair hard, bucking up my hips and rinding out my high.
Matt continues to move his tongue inside of me making my legs shake as the overstimulation rushes over me. My moans turn into loud pants, trying to catch my breath. My legs shake uncontrollably as his movements don't stop and he continues to curl his tongue, moving it in and out of me.
I try to move my legs, but Matt tightens his grip around my thighs, his short nails digging into my skin as I let out a hiss. I feel another orgasm coming, legs still shaking. "Don- pl- don't sto-" I try to speak in between my attempts to get some air in my lungs. I feel my vision getting blurry as I feel tears forming in my eyes from the intense pleasure.
My eyes roll to the back of my head as I feel Matt's thumb drawing circles on my clit. This is enough to send me over the edge and I squeeze Matt's head in between my shaking thighs as I cum for the second time.
I ride out my high and Matt stands up, his lips shining a bright red color. "You taste so sweet, I could eat you out all night," he says before kissing me and pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth.
"Get down," he says and yanks me by my wrists. As my feet meet the floor, I instantly lose balance as I'm not able to hold myself up on my own, still unable to fully breathe. Matt catches me, quickly turning me, my back facing him, and bending me over, pushing me against the counter.
I hear him unbuckling his belt before his pants fall to the ground. I look back at him and see him pulling down his boxers. He pushes my dress up revealing my almost bare ass as the only thing covering it is tights with huge runs and now holes in them.
I feel a sting as Matt slaps my ass making me moan out in pleasure. He pulls my thong to the side and without any warning he grabs my ass lifting it up before pushing his dick deeply inside of me, immediately kissing my g-spot on the first thrust. I let out a loud pornographic moan.
"Shit you feel so good around my cock baby," Matt moans, one of his hands placed on my lower back, the other traveled to my hair, weaving his hand around them to make a ponytail.
As he continues to plant deep, hard thrusts in me, he yanks my hair causing my head to tilt back, he leans in and places a kiss on my lips as his other hand now firmly holds onto my jaw.
"You're such a good girl for me, fuck," Matt growls breaking the contact between our lips, throwing his head back as his mouth falls open, his chest unevenly rising up and down.
Both of our heavy pants and moans are now filling the room. "Ahh fuck princess, you feel so tight, I'm about to cum," Matt moans out. My walls clench around his twitching cock as I also feel my orgasm coming, I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, just a high-pitched whimper.
"Look at you, you're so pathetic, can't even say anything, I have fucked you dumb," he says and I hear how smug his voice is.
Matt thrusts a few more times before I feel my orgasm taking over me, and my legs again begin to shake. "Oh fuck," Matt moans out as he thrusts deeply painting my walls with his cum. He lets go of my hair as he pats my head "You're such a good girl," Matt says.
Matt pulls out his cock and pulls the dress over my ass pulling up his boxers and his jeans. I try to stand up feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the slightest movement. I lose my balance and Matt catches me once again. "Awww, I have really done a number on you, haven't I?" He asks teasingly, I just nod as I don't have the strength to answer.
Matt leads me to sit down on the toilet before he returns to the sink, and wets his hands under the cold, running water. He walks over to me and places one of his wet, cold hands at the nape of my neck and the other one on my cheek to help me come back to my senses.
We stand there like that for a while before he wipes the mascara that had run down my cheeks with his wet thumb while looking down at me giving me a warm smile, leaning down, and pressing a kiss on my forehead.
"How you feeling?" he asks innocently as if he didn't just fuck my brains out. "Better, I think I'm ready to go," I say as I stand up. We head to the door and I lead the way, unlocking the door we go out.
I see my best friend, she notices me too and rushes over, "What happened, where were you, I was searching all over for you!" she exclaims with a worried but angry voice as she looks me up and down. "What did you do to my tights?" Her eyes widen. "I got revenge on you for cockblocking me," I say as I smile. "Oh looks like we've got a brat on our hands," Matt says as he chuckles, leaning in, his hand on my hip, holding me tight, so I don't lose support.
"Bump into me again sometime," Matt says as a small smirk creeps on his lips.
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mylahrins · 2 days
forget-me-nots, 03.
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dear y/n,
i feel like i’ve told you this a million times already, but thank you so much for the flowers. kiyoko truly loves them, i haven’t seen her smile so brightly in a while! it was nice spending time with you after school. i can see all the effort and care you put into your club, it is truly admirable. when inter-high is over i’ll make sure to visit you more often.
you asked me the other day what it was like to be part of the volleyball club. at the time i couldn’t come up with an answer. to tell you the truth, i’m not too sure anymore. lately, i haven’t really felt like a member at all. with the new first years, i feel like i’m miles behind them when it comes to skill and talent. i want to be of use to the team, but right now i’m not much more than a cheerleader. despite all the faith i have in them, i cannot stop the feeling of envy i get when i see everyone play. i want to play volleyball with them too. perhaps that is selfish. please don’t tell anyone about this, it’s a bit embarrassing.
i don’t think i asked you enough questions about yourself. i’m sure i did more answering than asking. you probably get this question a lot, but do you have a favorite flower? i don’t know too much about flowers, but i’d be happy to learn. i only really know about peonies, the bright pink ones. we have a few peony shrubs in our backyard, my mom has been taking good care of them since i was young. do you like peonies? i’ll bring you some if you don’t grow them already. even if you do grow them, i’d be happy to lend you some just for having.
i should have asked you when we met the other day, but do you mind if we keep exchanging letters? i know that it’s kind of “old school” but i find it quite relaxing, also i had fun reading your response. you’re a very fun person to talk to, and i’d like to talk to you more (in person and letter form). though, it might be weird if we keep having tanaka deliver our letters. i’ll try to come up with a better solution , i promise!
have a lovely day,
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about the flowers!
➤ pink peonies: pink peonies are very diverse when it comes to symbolism, from prosperity to passion to even love! when researching about peonies, i found it interesting in how the shade of pink can change the meaning of the flower. light pink peonies are associated with romance and good fortune, while deeper/hot pink peonies convey passion as well as radiance and joy. a bouquet of pink peonies doesn't have to be romantic, but if it is, it can symbolize things like young love, first love, and/or love at first sight!
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a/n: ahhhh!!! im so happy to see ppl liking forget-me-nots already :)) tbh i made myself a bit sad when writing for sugawara here LOL much more sad stuff to come.. but trust me when i say i have lots of sweet things planned as well!! also, this is the official start of their friendship!! woohoo! mwuahaha i'm so excited to share more of their story.
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Watching this week's Team Torque from Williams and hearing Logan talking about how sometimes he's too hyped up before a race and has to calm himself down got me thinking about his heart... if he's really focussing on grounding himself before getting in the car, he should be able to feel his heart rate slowing. He's there standing in the garage and it's thumping away in his chest, hyped, ready for the adrenaline that's about to be dumped into his system. But maybe Logan takes some deep breaths, puts his hand on his chest, covers his heart, and closes his eyes. He reassures himself, and his heart, that they're okay. It's just driving. No need to panic. His heart slows, and he is ready.
Pre-race preparation 💓
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Logan has a very special relationship with his heart because it’s what’s always there for him no matter what. 
It’s with him in the happy moments, in his F2 wins, racing in Logan’s chest as he takes the checkered flag, it’s with him when he gets to know he’s going to be a Formula 1 driver, and it’s with him when he signs the contract with Williams. But it’s also with him in the painful moments, in the disappointments, when he DNFs, or when he tries his best but it’s not enough, it’s still there, beating softly to remind him that he can’t give up. Because they’re in this together. In racing, in life, in everything. 
This is why he needs some alone time before the races, in his driver’s room with his hand pressed to his chest, right over his heart. He needs to be with it for a few minutes, pay attention to it, feel what it has to tell, and talk to it. He has to tell it that they can do it. They’re in this together. They got this.
His heart pounds beneath his hand, slamming against his sternum, excited for another race, but as he starts internally talking to it while closing his eyes and taking some deep breaths, his heart starts to slow down, finding its normal rhythm quite easily. His heart trusts Logan and Logan trusts his heart. 
Because no matter what, they’re in this together.
As a cardiophile this ask means incredibly lot to me. I couldn’t just answer it when I got it because I had to draw something for it as a thank you, because this ask made me and my friend, Jess, create a story/role play universe with Logan (and George and Alex) that focuses on hearts/Logan’s heart and it helped me through this really, really difficult past semester. So thank you so much for sending this. It’s probably not that special for you, but it is for me, so I can’t be grateful enough for it. ❤
I hope you have an amazing day/night. You deserve it. ❤
[This drawing took me 21 hours and 57 minutes to make and I enjoyed every minute of it and I couldn't wait to finish it and be able to answer this ask. I love drawing heart-related things, especially when I get some beautiful inspiration like this, to it. 😊]
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taihua · 3 days
Thank you for the reply! Now this gets even more interesting when I think about his relationship with Mu Qing. Honestly, their dynamic really fascinate me because what the hell is going on? Why is he so volatile with him? Cause MQ may be a bitch but the things feng xin said to him can be really below the belt. Like you said, i dont wanna say he’s a classist but ??? My guy you’re not helping. And now feng xin got more interesting in my eye than what fanon usually depicts him. I think when he loves people, he wants nothing but the best for them. Even if something they don’t necessarily want for themselves. And since MQ obviously don’t meet the criteria, he just gets pissed off and can think of him nothing but a bad person.
"What the hell is going on with Fengqing" is the question that scholars will be asking for centuries 😔
Nonetheless, I don't think I agree that Feng Xin is making any "below the belt" comments--this is going to be a super long response because I want to break down all the situations where fandom accuses him of being unfair to Mu Qing, but the bottom line is that it's not as simple as Feng Xin being mean to a poor abused Mu Qing for no reason.
"Crowds get handsy. We don’t want people sneaking it in their pockets before we find anything,” Feng Xin said offhandedly."
This is usually where Feng Xin gets (unfairly) accused of being classist and a bully to Mu Qing, I guess because it's viewed as a snide comment about Mu Qing's wealth?--but that's not true, because a) nowhere does Feng Xin say anything about social class in this statement (and in fact, in context of Xie Lian suggesting they call in help to look for his missing earring, it's more likely they would be calling in people from the palace) and b) he wasn't even talking about Mu Qing.
Which brings me to the second point, but half the reason Mu Qing overreacts and storms out of the room is because he thinks Xie Lian has been talking about him behind his back:
Mu Qing clenched his fists tight, then loosened them, but at last did not continue to blow up. However, his eyes were growing red, and he turned to Xie Lian, enunciating each word as he stared at him."You…don’t keep your promises."
So here you have Xianle Trio's first major communication breakdown--Xie Lian tries to do the right thing by not sharing the story about the missing gold foil, Mu Qing jumps to the unfair conclusion that Xie Lian broke his promise and told Feng Xin, and Feng Xin is upset because he's being accused of being a jerk about something he didn't even know about.
Book 4 rice scene
Here's another case where Feng Xin seems to be blamed for yelling at Mu Qing without any consideration for the context. Xie Lian went to go cultivate after seeing Feng Xin get beaten up for busking and they were counting on him to ascend to lift them out of poverty, Mu Qing ruined it because he wouldn't stand up for Xie Lian in front of the other officials, you can argue to what extent Mu Qing "had no choice."
What kills me about this scene is how Feng Xin is so nice to Mu Qing at first:
"Alright," Feng Xin said. "I’ll say my thanks then. We do need all this stuff right now. Heavenly officials can’t gift mortals things privately, so you be careful too." Then he shuffled to Xie Lian’s side and whispered, “I’m pretty surprised too, that he’d actually come back to help. I'm the one who judged him wrong. In any case…"
He doesn't begrudge Mu Qing going to work for another god, and he only gets angry when Xie Lian gets angry--Xie Lian, who is visibly injured and so angry he can't even speak to Mu Qing, so obviously Feng Xin is pissed off after noticing that, and he still gives Mu Qing a chance to explain himself before he starts yelling. Was he supposed to say "thanks for the rice, I totally understand why you humiliated Xie Lian and ruined our chances at escaping poverty, I can't wait to go back to begging for coins and getting beaten up"...?
Plus you have another example of bad Xianle Trio communication, because Mu Qing accuses Feng Xin of holding him to different standards than Xie Lian, based on the stealing incident that Xie Lian never told Feng Xin about. Once again, Feng Xin is the last person to find out about the incidents that Mu Qing is being weird about and is expected by fandom to take Mu Qing's meanest assumptions in stride because Mu Qing is a poor little meow meow or whatever.
(Side note that that's two examples where it's clear that Feng Xin views stealing as morally wrong; he's consistent in his values.)
"...and don’t think yourself a good person! Genuinely good people aren’t like you, YOU’VE NEVER BEEN ONE!"
From their fight on Mt. Tonglu. It's not very nice, but the context of the fight is arguing about whether or not Mu Qing killed Jian Lan and Cuocuo. Yknow, Feng Xin's girlfriend who he loved and their child that he didn't know about that he just recently learned were brutally murdered. Mu Qing's the main suspect and there's clear evidence that he had met them before, he's been on the run to avoid a trial, and all he can say is "I didn't do it"--it looks bad and Feng Xin has every right to be not only suspicious of him, but also really fucking upset with him.
Plus, the context of the fight is also that they're still blaming each other for abandoning Xie Lian, and Mu Qing thinks it's okay to bring Jian Lan into that argument as if he isn't the prime suspect in their murder investigation:
"Taking yourself for the model of loyalty, didn’t you ditch the boss when the wife came along? The wife and the son became more important?! Everyone’s doing things for themselves, it’s the self that’s priority! Aren’t you embarrassed hanging on to that old shitty deed over my head?"
If anyone's going below the belt here, it's Mu Qing for bringing up a specific and personal trauma to win an argument. Feng Xin's generic insult doesn't come anywhere close to this, but I often see "you've never been a good person" quoted as something Feng Xin is supposed to apologize for with no consideration for what Mu Qing is saying a few paragraphs later. If one is shitty, then so is the other.
Speaking of Mu Qing making below the belt comments...
"After Fu Yao entered the Temple of Nan Yang, for two whole hours he thoroughly criticized this statue of Nan Yang from head to toe, something about how the design was deformed, the colors tacky, the craftsmanship crude, the taste bizarre...."
Notably, Nan Feng doesn't respond to this. Two hours of holding his tongue before he finally comes out with "Don’t you be acting all sarcastic here, if you’re really so bored, go sweep the floor!" after Fu Yao recites the Ju Yang poem and embarrasses him in front of Xie Lian. Literally below the belt from Mu Qing here, since he knows full well that Feng Xin doesn't like it and takes great delight in mocking him anyway. Fandom gets mad at Feng Xin for yelling, but it's funny and quirky if Fu Yao insults him? Why the double standard?
So bringing it all back to your initial question, "Why is he so volatile with him?"--because they don't communicate well, because no one bothers to tell Feng Xin about anything until after Mu Qing has thrown a fit, and because every time he gives Mu Qing the benefit of the doubt Mu Qing does something weird and ends up throwing it back in his face.
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sophrosynesworld · 19 hours
Community Service (Pt 3)
This is sticky sweet fluff and I'm kicking my feet over it rn.
"Are you ready?" Bakugo grumbles as I approach the campus edge, his trademark scowl in place. Despite his rough demeanor, he's become slightly more approachable since we started this community service project together.
"Yeah," I reply, adjusting my bag and falling into step beside him. The morning sun filters through the trees, casting shifting shadows on the sidewalk as we head to the bus stop. Our destination today is a surprise for him: the local children's library.
We board the bus, and Bakugo sinks into his seat, arms crossed and gaze fixed out the window. I sit next to him, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about our task today. The library project is much different then our previous weeks.
As we get off the bus and approach the library, Bakugo's brows knit together. "What are we doing here?" he asks, suspicion lacing his voice.
"You'll see," I say with a smile, pushing open the library door. The smell of books and the sound of children's laughter greet us. A librarian waves us over, and I can see Bakugo's confusion deepen.
"Good morning! Thank you for helping us today," the librarian greats us warmly. "Our afternoon reader had to unexpectedly cancel." Her eyes flicker between us before settling on Katsuki. "Would you be willing to read for them today?"
Bakugo's eyes widen slightly. "Read to the kids?" he echoes, looking at me as if I've just plotted his murder.
"Yes," I reply quickly, cutting him off. "He would love to do that."
We follow the librarian to a back room where boxes of new books await shelving. She shows us the proper categorization for each section and then leaves us alone with the mounds.
Bakugo grabs a box and starts sorting through it with a scowl. "Did you have that planned all along?"
I chuckle, picking up a stack of books. "Surprisingly, no. I just signed us up for book duty. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it."
"Yeah, right," he mutters, placing books on the shelves with more force than necessary. "I’m not exactly the storybook type."
"Maybe not, but the kids will love it," I praise him, trying to offer some encouragement. "You’ve got a way of commanding attention. " my arms move as I talk. "They’ll be hanging on your every word."
He snorts but hesitates, a look of uncertainty in his eyes. "You really think so?"
"I do," I answer truthfully. "You're something special, Katsuki."
We work in companionable silence for a few minutes, the sound of books sliding into place filling the room. I glance over at Bakugo, noticing the way he’s starting to relax.
"Hey, thanks for not bailing on this," I say, giving him a smile. "I know it’s not our usual thing."
He shrugs, not meeting my eyes. "Dog's don't need washed every week."
We finish sorting the books and make our way to the reading corner. The children are already gathered, their eyes wide with anticipation.
I lean against the back shelf of the library, watching Bakugo with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. He takes a deep breath, then sits down in the oversized reading chair, book in hand. His steely eyes scan the room, and he looks almost annoyed to be there.
"Alright, settle down," he barks, his rough voice causing a few kids to jump. "I'm only doing this once, so you better listen."
The kids exchange nervous glances but lean in closer, their wide eyes fixed on Bakugo. I can’t help but roll my eyes a bit, wondering how this is going to go.
"This story is about the greatest hero of all time, All Might," he begins, his tone still harsh. He flips through the book slowly, taking a moment to let the children see the pictures before turning to the next page.
As Bakugo reads, something surprising happens. His voice gradually softens, offering different voices for each character. With every page, he gains confidence, slowly becoming more engaging. The kids, who were initially tense, start to relax and become engrossed in the story.
A little girl with pigtails raises her hand shyly. "Mr. Bakugo, what did All Might do next?"
Bakugo's lips twitch into a smile. "With a single punch, All Might sent the villain crashing into the ground. 'You won't harm anyone today,'" Katsuki mimics All Might with a pretty spot-on impression.
Another boy chimes in, eyes wide with excitement. "Did he save everyone?"
Bakugo nods, his tone growing even softer. He's not looking at the book anymore. "Yeah, he did. All Might always put others first, no matter the cost."
Bakugo returns to the story, his voice more animated as he reads the final pages. The children's eyes are glued to him, hanging on his every word.
"And that's how All Might became the symbol of peace," Bakugo concludes with a dramatic finish, closing the book with a gentle thud. He pauses for a moment, looking at the eager faces before him.
"Being a hero isn't just about strength," he states. "It's about heart, courage, and the will to do what's right."
Katsuki's gaze wanders from the children to me. He looks at me for a moment, and I can’t help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through me at seeing this different side of him.
The room is silent for a heartbeat before the children erupt in applause, their faces lit up with admiration and excitement. Some of them are on their feet, clapping enthusiastically, while others cheer and shout praises.
Bakugo stands up, slightly uncomfortable under the attention, his usual scowl returning to a more neutral expression. However, I can see a faint hint of pride in his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.
One little boy tugs at Bakugo's sleeve. "Dynamite, can you read us another story sometime?"
Bakugo looks taken aback for a moment, then glances at me. I give him an encouraging nod. "We'll see," he grumbles, ruffling the boy's hair in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture.
As the children disperse, returning to their play areas or parents, Bakugo and I start to gather our things. The librarian approaches, a broad smile on her face. "Thank you so much for helping out today. You were wonderful."
Bakugo shrugs, looking a bit embarrassed. "It was no big deal," he mutters, but I can tell he’s pleased by the praise.
As we leave the library, the morning sun has shifted, casting longer shadows on the sidewalk. We walk in silence for a while before I turn to him.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" I tease, nudging him lightly.
He snorts, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it."
"The kids really liked you."
He glances at me, a small smile playing at the edges of his lips. "Maybe," he admits. "But can we do something else next week?"
I grin. "Sure. But you have to admit, you were pretty great in there."
Bakugo rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue, as we continue our walk back.
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hayleyscommet15 · 1 day
the fan she fell for p2
relationship: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: none!
word count: 1312
summary: billie invites you backstage…
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billie wanted to see you?
thoughts ran through your mind on what could’ve happened as you literally ran to the door. you really were faced with two guards, very tall and intimidating. you showed them the card. “who are you seeing today?” one of the guards said. he had blond hair and a deep voice. he inspected the card. “oh- um- billie eilish. she apparently-“ you said but got cut off by the same guard “we don’t need the story ma’am. go straight until you see a blue door, turn left at the door and go forward until you see an arrow pointing left. that’s miss eilish’s room.” he said, then moved out of the way for you too pass by.
“they actually said green room?” you said, awkwardly. “my apologies, turn on the first right you see, continue going straight until you see the cooler with a yellow mark. turn left into the hallways next to the cooler and you can spot the green room there. the room names are written on the doors.” he said as he presses his card to unlock the sliding doors. you gave him a nod in thanks, and moved through the doors.
you followed orders, turned at the first right, went straight until you saw the cooler, stopped for a quick breather, got a cup of water, controlled your anxiety, reminded yourself that this is the real life and not a dream, tossed the plastic cup in the bin and turned left into the hallways and started scanning the doors. “VIP box no1” no, that’s not right. “VIP box no2” still no. “VIP box no3” fucking christ how many vip boxes are there? Green Room 1” there.
your hands went and pressed lightly on the door knob, but something in you couldn’t. you just couldn’t. you took a breather, inhaled slowly than exhaled slowly. yet you just couldn’t. beside the other door was your all time idol, celebrity crush and the reason you were alive right now. okay, you got this. your hands went and pushed down the door knob and opened the room. it was… empty. you snuck your head into the room and looked around, yeah, nothing. maybe it was in an other green room, you said to yourself. you took one last glance before…
“hey!” a familiar, sweet voice was heard through the hallway. you turned around slowly, and it was who you thought it was. billie eilish. your hands started immediately shaking, reminding you of what was happening. you choked on your words, “sorry, hello. i’m just kinda-“ you got cut off. “totally get it. its not everyday where you get called backstage with a celebrity, right?” she asked you, chuckling. you stood there, sweating in the realization that you were standing in front of your idol, talking to her. “you seem a bit pale, are you alright?” billie asked you, as she took a step closer. “yeah… from the fact that i’m about to cry, i’m fantastic.” your breath started to hitch and you started to hic.
“oh, come here” billie said as she opened her arms waiting for you to come and hug her. you did, you jumped into her arms as you started to cry on her shoulder. “crying doesn’t suit a pretty girl like you” billie said in a baby voice as she lengthened the u in you. you hugged her even tighter than before, realizing what was going on. billie called you pretty TWICE? you could faint right there and then.
you pulled away from the hug as you took a step back. “why- did you call me here?” you said as you hicced in between words. billie took one step closer to you and wiped the tears of your cheek. her touch was so warm and soft. “well… i fall in love with fans, a lot. not even romantically! but its not everyday i feel this way.” billie started speaking. “my eyes kept drifting to you during performing. i don’t even know, you’re… special. there’s something about you. i just had to meet you.” billie continued. “if you’re okay with it i’d like to get to know you.” billie finished.
“are you serious?” you asked as you cleaned your face with a part of your shirt. “you do realize this is basically every teenage girls dream right?” you kept on. “you’re underage?” billie asked you. “no no! i’m 19 i just finished my first year of collage this year.” you defended yourself. “collage? what are you studying?” billie asked. “law, environmental law. i wanna stop dicks ruining our planet.” you replied. billie laughed, “good one. interesting. if you have the time, would you like to sit down?” billie generously asked. “i could literally stop the time for you, billie.” you replied. she smiled.
god, what was happening? billie held you through your wrist and walked you to the green room. she turned her back as she closed the door, you sat down on the dark colored couch. the room had dim lighting, it was truly a place to relax just like you’d read before. billie went over to the fridge and asked you, “want anything to eat or drink?”. she leaned her head through the fridge as she picked up a bottle of what seemed to be a smoothie. “if you want i can give you some of my smoothie too. my mom makes it.” she said. she was so friendly, you thought. “water is fine.” you replied, kinda stuttering and tripping on your words.
billie walked over you with her matte smoothie and a bottle of water. she handed the water as she sat in front of you on the coffee table. “sorry, i never asked your name?” billie asked you as she took a sip of her drink. she was still in her concert attire. “valerie.” you said firmly. “you?” you said jokingly. billie let out a laugh, “billiricous.” she said chuckling as she handed out her hand. “nice to meet you billiricous. can i call you william as a nickname?” you said as you shook her hand, still joking. “oh definitely.” billie said as she pouted her lips. you guys laughed.
“are you also into music?” billie asked you. you nodded, “actually yeah. i play guitar since like, forever. i actually picked up the guitar to play bellyache. and arctic monkeys. giant crush on alex turner.” you said, you used hand gestures a lot. “really?” billie asked. “yeah! me and my sister used to play your music all the time! we’d sing together and stuff.” you replied. “no, no. i was talking about the arctic monkeys part. alex looks like a fucking monkey himself! how are you attracted to him?” billie exclaimed. “what!? he’s not that bad!” you defended. billie chuckled, “well maybe you could give me your number so i can call you when i’m high.” she said as she pulled out her phone. you laughed, without even thinking you took the phone out of her hands.
“you getting high? whats xanny about then, haha.” you said as you opened the phone app. “oh cmon, can’t make jokes anymore?” billie said as she playfully punched your shoulder. you entered your number, smiling. she was so comfortable with someone she just met. you were too, but who wouldn’t be when you’re sitting next to your idol? “nice background, billie.” you said jokingly as you gave the phone back to the black haired girl. “i based it off oxytocin, don’t you like it?” the background was a clock, instead of numbers it wrote “horny”. the two arms pointed at two opposite ending “horny”‘s.
“i really like your energy valerie. if you consider it i’d love to be your friend.” she said, glaring into your eyes. her ocean blue’s were hypnotic. “definitely, william.” you said before billie bursted out laughing. so did you.
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senseifupa · 3 days
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Kento Nanami, His Royal Highness, has found himself curious about you. He refuses to call it infatuation because that's for people with no self control, something he has loads of. But social media is becoming increasingly less effective. He wants to experience you in the flesh and the perfect opportunity to meet you has landed in his lap. Now if you could always stay this close to him.
ModernRoyal!Nanami x PlusSize!Reader (black/woc coded but all can read and enjoy obvs 😗)
a/n: Congrats on 3k and Thank you @ayyy-pee for letting me participate the jujutsu journal event! I got carried away sksksksks. But I was inspired by this song . Idk what it was but it felt right. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
WC: 3.4K
c/w: partial smau, jealousy, sexual/provocative thoughts, stalker behavior, unhealthy infatuation and obsession, sexual acts, mentions of sex, italics aboose, internal dialogue, smut (vaginal fingering)
      He'd seen you in more and more of Gojos' IG posts over the last year, untagged. Assuming you were just a Gojo girl who wanted to be around for the perks of a wealthy socialite, He never asked to be introduced. But he did ask your name.
  A simple "Her face looks familiar" was all it took for Gojo to share not only your name and social media but also your profession, the university you were attending to get your degree, marital status, the name of your cat, and the fact that you lived in the US. Satoru loved to talk, thank goodness.
'Is that a Zenin? Tch'. A picture of you sitting in Naoya's lap, hand gripping your under thigh, sat on his dimmed screen. Maybe you had a reason for being seen with scumlike Naoya, but it wasn't a reason Kento wanted to know about. The following post was a brunch photo. A group of ladies with Gojo in the center. 'Keeping better friends. Smart girl.'. You were an enigma that brought him closer to the brink every time he saw your million-dollar smile.
His thoughts always started so pure before he thought about you in his bed, the strapless dress you wore in a photo captioned "Shawty got that dress on so the block is hot again" on his floor while at the same time, giving you the meanest strokes for teasing him this way. Thank heavens for the photos. Kento decided a throwaway Instagram account to like the posts and to look at your story would be brighter. Admiring more stealthily, he can at least fantasize about a life with you now that 'RateUp7_3' exists.
So put together. Every story or post included a bright smile or smolder in clothing that made him envy how they hugged your shape. Hair is always in its perfect, coiled natural state while you sit between Gojo and Geto or sit in their lap like some trophy. Satoru hugged you differently. Well. You were the only woman he seemed to hug in these photos. "Interesting," Nanami noted, something he should reanalyze when he has more time.
He pocketed his phone, realizing he had made it to his destination.
A small welcoming committee stood with broad smiles as they greeted HRH Crown Prince Kento. Bowing his head, taking the little book that was handed to him and began to look over the itinerary. "Busy week ahead! Your grandfather is waiting for you in Minato City." With that, his courtier, Ino, began to give him details for the coming week.
      Thanks to Gojo's extraordinary +1 privileges, you found yourself amid a private Gala he was obligated to attend. The champagne-colored satin gown, a cascade of elegance, draped your figure, accentuating the rich hues of your skin. A sight that could only be described as divine.
He broke off after briefly greeting Gojo, Geto, and others you weren't familiar with. He made his way to you near the bar, Easily making it seem like he was making his rounds to guests.
  "Good evening"
"Hello! You're Satoru and Suguru's' friend, right?" you inquired.
"I wouldn't say friend to Gojo. He's more like a gift with a purchase. But yes, I'm Ken."
  Giggles turned into a laugh once you both looked back over at Gojo, eating mini cupcakes, and Geto looking at him with concern.
Your laugh. It was the sounds of the heavens welcoming him to the golden throne. You snorted, and the resolve Kento had was officially withering.
"He's an interesting guy. I met him at a show I walked in a little over a year ago. Before that, he slid into my DMs and even sent me a pie to get my attention."
Kento didn’t think he could be jealous. That's for people who weren't self-assured. And he was very, very sure. Yeah, he's a man, but he's very strong-willed. No no. Not jealous. But this whole pie thing-
"Did it work?" Abruptly speaking. "The pie, I mean."
"Well, I'm talking to you right now. So what do you think?"
Kento exhaled a laugh, pushing back a strand of hair before looking over to you.
"He is a friend. A very good one. Always reliable"
"I've seen him in his element. He is indeed." sipping your cocktail, looking at him as you do.
"You mentioned walking in a show. Are you a model?" if you wanted to lie, it would've been a shame. He's already gone to see that your latest Savage Fenty ambassador collab dropped two days before you arrived in Japan. You looked ravishing in that fervently floral number.
"I am. I primarily work with small houses and on-the-rise designers. But that's how Satoru and I met. He was a guest model for FroviàGalón last season. It was a big hit. We've been working most shows together ever since."
This man could have any woman he wanted; He was Nanami family royalty. Handsome, smooth without even trying. He could buy a country with the proper connection if it mattered. But Gojo sending you a pie and practically being your purse dog makes him feel something. He was feeling jealous over a stupid pie and that white-haired imbecile. The slow unraveling because you snorted and the image of you spreading to show your glistening, plump, wet-
"The boy just loves to be in people's faces. He's one of the girls when we're out, so it's always a good time". Jealousy piques his nerves, and he notices your eyes trailing back to Gojo and Geto.
"He does enjoy good times."
"Speaking of, you plan on going to his after-party?" Innocence in your tone.
"After party? Of course, he finds that fitting for after a Gala."
His gaze lingered on your mouth, licking the remnants of the salted rim as you held the glass close to your body. The perfect honey-hued gloss with a hint of a shimmer. ’Her lips trailing down my chest, tongue lightly leaving a wet trail before swirling over my nip-‘
"You should come! I don't do parties, but since I'm on holiday, why not enjoy it?" the silky pep in your voice was going to be the death of him.
"I will consider it."
Get it together, Nanami.
Before he could offer to get you a drink, an older gentleman who looked very similar to Kento waved in his direction.
"I have to get going, unfortunately. But it was a pleasure meeting you. I.. don't know your name."
You tell him, smiling and holding your hand out.
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Ken. Hope to see you later tonight." He kissed your hand before walking off.
"Oh! And Bavarian cream."
"I'm sorry?" Confused, Kento turned back to you slightly.
"For the pie. I like Bavarian cream pie."
He smiled, turning away. "Fucks sake." He huffed, and his waistband was doing more work than anticipated tonight.
You made your way to the elevators, Gojo and Geto catching up as Geto wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Kento watched you intently as he stood with his family. Saying goodbye to other guests was the least of his concerns when the swaying of your body had his mind completely occupied. Getos arm causing a severe problem for him as it sat right at your ass.
5… 4… 3… breathe Kento
He continued to make small talk with the guest, smiling as you three got into the elevator, doors closing, and his heart racing.
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  It was like Gojo needed to learn how to have a small party. His penthouse, one of many, was now an entire club. A spacious dance floor, an open bar, and a dessert bar because that man wasn't touching a drop of alcohol. But a slice of Black Forest cake? Different story.
With an area roped off, you headed through the crowded floor in that direction.
  "There's my girl!" Shoko stood first, taking the cigarette out of her mouth before hugging you tightly. "How are you, doll face?"
"Better now that I've seen you, babe."
“I'm glad you decided to show up over an hour late." Gojo chimed in, an overdramatized look of annoyance on his face while pulling you to sit beside him.
"Toru. You know me. I'm not wearing the same fit to an after-party, bookie. Your girl had to get cute and comfortable."
"And a pair of Versace platforms is comfortable?" Geto questioned, sass embedded in his tone with a smirk.
"Exactly. I knew you'd get it, SuguPoo." the group laughed.
"Suguru, she's a Versace and Moschino model now. Those platforms are nothing", Satoru closed in, a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he handed you a drink.
Your cheeks got warmer as he mentioned your latest gig. You had officially made your mark. You were now standing as one of the few black curve models to walk one of the major fashion houses, getting the gig with pure talent. "Oh, baby. The way I wasn't expecting to hear back after my little rant about fashion house politics. But who could say no to this body?" You ran your hands down your hips and lightly smacked your rear, pulling playful howls from Shoko and Gojo while Geto laughed, shaking his head at your antics.
"Come on, let's give our faves show. I've missed you!" Gojo grabbed your hand, leading you to the dance floor. Shoko and Geto sat back to watch with their drinks in hand.
Kento watched and waited until you left the area, hands finally relieved of the clammy feeling they had for the last hour. Trying to restrain the hard-on you gave him once he saw the tight dress you changed into, he slipped into the bathroom to wait you out.
Nanami joined them the moment you left the section.
"Where've you been?" Shoko questioned harmlessly.
"Was just talking with some old acquaintances. I was trying to get back to you guys."
"Your detail giving you some breathing room tonight?" Geto pointed with his chin to the security guard he was used to seeing with Nanami, in far less inconspicuous attire than usual.
"You could say that. Didn't want to kill the mood."
    It was as if the music slowed when Kento's gaze approached you. The dance floor was packed, but he knew where you were—dancing with Satoru, who he wished to flick away so you could be all over him instead.
The way your body was swaying, generous ass moving against Gojo to a very poor mix of Pour It Up by Rihanna. You made it worth sitting through an awful set if it meant seeing how you grind on literally anything. The short, amber-colored dress showed the ample flesh he felt so desperate to grip onto. ' If you could just sit in my lap so I could hold you up as I give you every fucking inch of me.’
"I'm gonna step out for some air." Kento stood up, grabbing his gin and tonic, not looking back to see if Geto or Shoko heard him.
  Outside, he leaned against the railing. The late-night weather was welcoming. The faint almond scent from the trees wafted past his nostrils pleasantly. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply, leaning into the comfortable breeze against his skin.
Every bit of contact he'd had with you that day felt like a tiny gesture of sweet love. How your supple skin felt under his lips when he kissed your hand. Your laughter was a healing potion. He left the comfort of his estate to see a woman who made him weak just by snorting. You were the beautiful, intelligent woman who was friends with Gojo and Geto. Under 6 hours of finally experiencing your perfection in person without a barrier and he couldn't fucking breathe without his constricted dick throbbing. So many people had access to you and he wanted to know you better than they did. He wanted to be to only one with that access. You were a need. Needing you beside him, on top of him, under him, “I want to hear you same my name while I sing yours like a praise to the heavens. My angel. My everything”
    He brings the glass to his mouth, finishing the watered-down gin drink.
The sound of heels approaching brought him back to earth. "Having fun?" His angel came into view as he opened his eyes.
"More or less. It seems like you're having a blast." The shimmer of your lip gloss kept his eyes on your lips longer than he intended.
"For sure. Satoru is always my dance partner when we're out together."
"That happens often?"
"Eh. When I'm visiting here, only when Suguru doesn't feel like it. So very often."
Kento offered the space next to him as you both snickered. Standing by him, he finally saw your beauty under the moonlight. Everything about you was like an awakening. Flawless, gentle, soft.
A few moments of silence passed before you spoke. "You know, you should do a better job of staring from across the room if you were trying to be lowkey."
Your words stun him, a nervous laugh leaving his mouth as he stands up straight.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by any means."
"I'm not uncomfortable. I wouldn't have come out here if I was."
Relief shows as the wrinkles in his forehead relax. "Was it really that obvious?"
"Maybe I'm delusional, but your eyes followed me most of the night."
"Not delusional. But, to be clear. I find you incredibly attractive."
Your cheeks were now warming as his brown eyes looked for yours. "I'm flattered.”
"Can I buy you a drink? Preferably at a quieter locale?"
"Are you asking me out, Ken?"
"I wouldn't subject you to a drink as a first date."
Your smile glowed a bit more as he placed his hand on your lower back, making your way to the closest exit with him.
"We can discuss a proper date during the drinks. I am a gentleman, after all."
"Show me the way then, Ken."
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"So hotel stays are your usual choice when you're here?"
Trying to keep your balance, you wrapped yourself around Kento's arm while you walked down the corridor from the bar.
“50/50. I grab a hotel if I get in too late or stay at one of Toru's places if I tell him in time. I'll be doing that in the morning once I check out."
'Toru? We will have to talk about these nicknames.'
"Well, I hope I was pleasant enough company this evening."
"You're fun, Ken," your voice echoed as you approached the elevators. "You are quite the man, and I had a great time getting to know you."
"It's been my pleasure. You are captivating and have my attention." The energy was refreshing for you both. He wasn't another menace from your DMs. A philanthropist finance guy was rare—a gentleman with a gentle disposition.
You stopped, going to balance against the wall, bending over to take off your heels.
"Here, let me."
"It's alright, I got it." you persisted, with no progress.
"Darling, you're missing the strap of the heel. I insist." You giggled and watched as he bent down on one knee to unfasten the dainty strap, removing the heels from your feet as you held onto his shoulders for support. A heat rushed to your ears as you felt how delicate he was being with you.
"Ken, you are indeed a godsend."
Nanami carried your shoes as he led you into the elevator, holding it open. "Which floor are you on?"
He hit the floor number and went to lean against the back wall. You stood in front of him, eyes on his exposed collarbone.
Noticing your unsteadiness, he stepped forward and carefully placed his hands above your waist.
"Easy. You okay?"
With your heart racing at 1000 miles an hour, you could only nod.
* Floor 4*
You leaned forward, placing your hand on his chest to steady yourself. Cedarwood and alcohol on his breath. Your eyes met his with a shared feverish desire as you peered up. You were buzzing now from the proximity.
*Floor 9*
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You don't know how your hand went from his chest to gripping his neck, nails running through his undercut, but it happened before you got to floor 20, where he stopped the elevator.
"Ken.. please,"
His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting one of your legs to wrap around him. Your dress was already short, now hiking up as he pressed his thick bulge into your inner thighs.
"Please.. please say my name again." He grinds himself into you, pang of desire in his voice, breath tickling your ear as you wriggle your hand between you both to unbutton his shirt from the top.
"Ken. Nngh, shit. Ken.. I need you."
Lips finding purchase on your neck, nipping at any skin he could sink his teeth into. The pads of his fingers run down your panty-covered slit. A shiver went through you as he circled at your throbbing bundle of nerves.
"Fuck! Please, Ken."
"Please, what, darling? Use your words for me." His voice grew gruff as he felt you trying to grind against him.
"Please make me cum for you,"
“You want to make a mess for me. You want to be a slut in this elevator?” The patronizing voice made you whimper as the sound of Kento ripping your thin panties jilted you, his middle finger sinking into you deeply. A deep moan was all you could muster as his thick digit pumped into you, nails leaving crescents on his shoulders as he kept you pressed against the elevator wall. "Keeennnn. Fuck”
"All that for me, princess? Your cunt this wet all for me?" He curled his thick finger inside, finding that soft, sweet spot that made your knees buckle. "Looking at my hands while I drove. Playing innocently with them while you sat beside me in the booth." Talking through his teeth, he brought his weight against you, keeping you up as he aimed to make you beg before the elevator automatically began to move again. "beautiful, plump cunt was begging to have my fingers fill you. Is this it? Hm? Is this what my princess needed?"
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes! P-please don’t stop." You were desperate for release. The sloppy noises of your wet cunt filled the elevator as he relished in the slippery sensation. Brushing his lips to yours, Kento languidly slid his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them his tongue over yours while his grunts grew louder—a string of saliva connected you, a shared fervid look as the elevator dinged.
His hand was soaked, but he couldn't let this be where he gave you an orgasm for the first time. Letting your leg down, he brought his hand to your mouth, running his fingers covered in your essence on your lips.
"When we get to your room, you are mine. All of you." The hungry determination in his eye didn’t leave room for question; you were to be devoured.
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The sun was like a death ray as the bright rays and the constant buzzing nearby awakened you.
"Ken," you rolled over to see him lying on his back, bite marks and glitter across his chest.
"Mm," his groggy tone, letting you know he was only halfway listening.
"Ken. Please get your phone. That shit is going nonstop."
"Sorry, angel"
He groaned as he moved, kissing your shoulder gently. You kissed his lips as he reached over you to the bedside table. The vibrations didn't seem to have an end in sight.
"No one should need me this early. I should have an open schedule."
Opening the first text in his sights, he begins to read, stomach sinking as he clicks the link Gojo sent.
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"Ken, you okay? "
Nanami sat his phone down, trying to keep his composure. He knew he had to prepare you for the whirlwind of a nightmare that was to come. For you, at least. He didn't have to take the drastic measures he originally planned to have you, at least.
This may be good. No more admiring outside of your photo shoots. No more trips with just Satoru and Suguru to islands. He would be your comfort; you'd be by his side only. This incident could be the beginning of a whirlwind romance. That is different from how he would've done things. But he could soothe this over eventually.
"Before I say anything, just know I will do everything possible to keep you comfortable. Okay?" the sincerity in his eyes had you. You nodded as you looked down at his phone, eyes widening as you read the now-trending story.
“Kento? What the fuck is this? Prince!?”
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thanks to the lovely @/saradika for the dividers <3
banner featuring art from @/narutoss_ramen! please go check them out!
Thank you for reading! <3
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