#thanks for the ask again allana!
skr-mha · 6 months
A few days ago on Reddit, I found this success post on a shifting subreddit. It's by far one of the most motivating posts I've read, and it immediately inspired me to try shifting again! Esp cus MHA was my first ever DR and honestly my love for it is just as strong as it was back then!
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The fact that instead of just talking about scenarios that happened and just general things that anyone knows from the anime, she talks about licenses, public safety, what reality shows are like and also the reality of most common quirks is what makes this truly believable. I'm so happy I found this!
So, I'm asking if anyone else on here has similar things to share, not just stuff about the characters but the society! How the world works and how it truly feels to be there! Please share and help motivate more people! (And also please don't come up with headcanons on what could happen. It's the actual experiences that motivate the most, at least in my experience!)
Also thanks so much to Dangerous_Service674 aka Allana. Idk where you are now or what you're doing, but thank you so much for writing this and being an inspiration!! <3
(also sorry if my English is confusing at times, it's not my first language 😭)
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses continued from here!!
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"you don't need to thank me. i'm doing what is necessary, sion, to keep this family together." and he had no intention of letting them fall apart because one of the skywalkers decided to start a fight and he allowed himself to lose control again. "allana started the fight with samara, and would have killed my daughter if she showed any mercy. and by the time they fought, allana had already murdered sabina, sion. sabina was not their target, she was merely in their way, and i know for certain that it was her, before you ask. sabina gave sella and i enough information to confirm it when we found her, so i can not blame samara for not showing restraint in that fight. they did what had to be done, sion." he replies, his own tone calm as well, just wanting sion to understand the full story of what had happened, and quite sure sella had left that detail out if she had already neglected to mention the circumstances that had led to the fight. "her family knows they can not best me in a fight, and they know that going after any of you in retaliation would lead to a fight."
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lalosalamcnca · 3 years
for the ask game: scott/kira and buffy/spike
thanks for the ask, allana! Also you have opened a large can of worms with the sp/uffy ask
Ship it: Scott/Kira
What made you ship it? Their chemistry is great, they’re very well-suited for each other so I really liked their vibe. Felt like Scott moved onto a more grounded and mature relationship (not that scallison was immature, it was just very first-love)
What are your favorite things about the ship? They support each other and always have each other’s backs. We love couples who fight together
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I think I share the same opinions as most scira fans. Maybe my most unpopular opinion would be that T Posey got lucky with TW bc he’s honestly not the best actor but managed to get chemistry w Dylan and 2/3 of his love interests. Hit the jackpot
Don’t ship it: Buffy/Spike (sorry to any of my buffy peeps who ship them)
Why don’t you ship it? YEESH. Many reasons. In s5 when spike has feelings for buffy, it’s obsession, not love: he breaks into her house and steals her things, stalks her, makes a SEXBOT clone of her (which NO ONE talks about). S6: buffy starts a toxic relationship w spike after hitting rock bottom (she dies, resurrected by her friends and subsequently ripped out of heaven, mother dead and boyfriend gone, bills and sister and slaying to manage) and it’s a manifestation of Buffy’s self-loathing and depression, she only feels something with spike. He relishes this, he encourages this and even says “you belong in the darkness.” When she starts to heal, she breaks it off bc it’s “killing her” (real quote), then the attempted r*pe happens. Can’t go back after that imo. S7, he gets a soul but what does he REALLY do to become “worthy” of Buffy? Seems like he just whined in her basement relying on HER to make him good. Imo, they reduced Buffy’s character to build up spike and I DESPISE that. This is the best I can summarize it. I also dislike how some of the Buffy fandom (NOT EVERYONE AND NO ONE IN PARTICULAR) coddles spike and is reluctant to hold him accountable, which applies to SOME of the sp/uffy fandom. Their relationship is far too inherently messed up for me
What would have made you like it? I don’t really think I have an answer for this. I largely prefer bangel and sprusilla, I preferred evil spike so their ship doesn’t rlly fit into any preferable narrative for me
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Yes! Tbh, I don’t hate them, I’m not viciously against it like DE ((sp/uffy was the DE blueprint and yet DE failed miserably). Sarah and James have good chemistry, their s6 toxic relationship was very well-done, they have interesting scenes pre s7, I love both characters. I can understand why people ship them and even if I don’t agree with it, I respect it and try to stay in my lane
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i-go-by-levi · 3 years
not alone (flash fic)
A/N: as per usual this is far from my initial plan. after days of working on this but not making progress i finally decided to cut everything except for that one scene i really liked. it’s like in photography - never underestimate a good crop. so here you are, 700+ words of my oc griefing the death of her best friend. this is kinda part of a wip i am "working on"
@flashfictionfridayofficial, fff122, not alone
genre: drama
word count: 750
fandom: Sons of Anarchy
character(s): Allana Máiri Telford (fem!oc), Jackson “Jax” Teller, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz (mentioned)
warnings: grief, i guess
Breathing hard, Allana hunches over and balances her hands on her knees. They had reached the first peak of the trail after nearly three hours and the rising sun over the californian desert doesn’t make it exactly more pleasant. She is thankful though, for everyone that decided to come with her today. Even if they don’t know why she had chosen that particular trail, they all know that getting your mind off the things at hand is much needed. For everyone. The death of a Son doesn’t pass easily.
After taking a few deep breaths she stands up again and drops her backpack. The hot wind helps dry her sweaty clothes and Allana is happy her top doesn’t stick to her back anymore. She takes out her water bottle and takes a big sip. But her hike is not over yet. She had been restless the past days, barely able to sleep at a reasonable time. This hike is for her as much as it is for Opie. In memoriam of who they had both once been.
“I’m headed over to the second peak, anyone wanna join?”
“I will.”
Allana is surprised at the looks the Sons shoot at each other after Jax agreed to follow her. No one else dares to speak up and accompany them afterwards and she shakes it off. No need to overthink this. With her foot she pushes her backpack through the dust over to Juice who had kneeled down to pet her dog Kaya.
“Get her out of the sun and have her drink some water, please.”
Allana watches Juice nod and with one last look around the ones who will stay back, and a nod to Juice, Allana turns and joins Jax. He is already waiting where the small trail parts the shrubbery. Not even twenty minutes later Allana and Jax arrive at the small platform forming the second peak. In the middle a big nearly flat stone performs a great opportunity to sit down and Allana wastes no time in doing so. When Jax joins her and sits beside Allana she feels the mood shift. Oh no. Her heart gets heavy and breathing is suddenly hard for a whole other reason than exhaustion. In a split second decision, Allana lays her head on Jax’ shoulder.
She thinks back to the reason she had chosen this hiking trail. She thinks back to the evening at his house when Opie had told her about the hiking and camping trips Piney and John had taken him and Jax. Allana remembers Opies eyes light up and the uncontrollable laughter when he told her about all the stupid things the boys did here. Her eyes start burning and not from the dry, hot wind. Her voice is croaky when she speaks.
“How are you holding up with all this?”
Jax sighs and takes his time to answer. Allana almost thinks he won’t but neither would she dare to ask again. It’s been almost two weeks since Opie’s funeral and Allana tries hard not to fall into the same habits as when her father died a few years back. Back then, she had thrown herself into helping others, her mother, the club, everything that would keep her from properly griefing. Eventually she had had to move. Get out of the toxic environment to find herself again. And as much as she hopes that this won’t be necessary this time, Allana feels the urge to throw herself into every opportunity of distraction offered to her. Jax’ voice pulls her out of her thoughts.
“I don’t know, Allana. It comes and goes and that’s what makes it so hard but that’s just how it works. Griefing, I mean.”
Allana delves back into her memories. The laughs and jokes. The drunk nights she and Opie had crashed on a sofa at the club house. The heartwarming way Layla had accepted their friendship with so much understanding and absolutely no bad feelings towards her. Allana’s eyes burn. And then there are tears. “Yeah, I know. But right now, it comes.”
She can feel Jax gently leaning his head on hers. He puts his arm around her waist, not pulling her in, just holding her. Allana swallows hard a few times before clearing her throat. For the life of her she couldn’t say who the words are directed to. Maybe she does mean Jax. Maybe she says them because she is the one who needs to hear them.
“You’re not alone in this. You know that, right?”
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 1
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*not my photo*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 1298
Warnings: awkward situation lol
Summary: You and Tom are exes, but you need a place to stay at while you film in London and Harry is your best friend. Things get more complicated when a pandemic starts.
A/n: I’ve been thinking about writing this for so long, but like I LITERALLY HAVEN’T WRITTEN ANYTHING SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL LOL and also I feel bad for writing this bc I have a bf (is this wrong? haha). Anyways I decided to write this bc Stuck With U came out and I was like ok yes I’ll do it now. I kinda have this story planned out and already have other parts written, so please let me know if you like it or give me feedback on my writing!
*Italics = flashbacks
*Two weeks before lockdown*
You rolled your luggage toward the exit of the airport looking for your best friend, Harry. You weren’t nervous when you were on the plane, but as soon as the cold London air hit your face you began to think this was all a bad idea. You tried to convince yourself that filming would keep you away from Tom. You were pulled away from your thoughts when a deep British voice rang through your ears,
“Y/n! Over here!” You looked over and smiled to see Harry standing by the side of the car. He ran up to you engulfing you in a tight hug swaying you both slowly.
“I’ve missed seeing my best friend in person.” You hummed smiling up at him when you parted he took both of your luggage to the car.
“I’m so glad you’re staying with us while you film here.” Harry stated as he pulled your luggage into the trunk. 
“Ya me too, it was so hard to find a place to rent near the set.” You sighed putting in your other luggage into the trunk. “But are you sure it’s ok with Tom that I’m staying here? I haven’t talked to him in ages. If it’s not ok I can-”
“Y/n, chill mate. It was actually his idea.” He said and your breath hitched. 
“Bitch what?”
He laughed, “No seriously it was! He was asking how you were doing two weeks ago and I mentioned that you were filming about 30 minutes away from our house and that you couldn’t find a place to rent and he was like ‘oh why doesn’t she stay here then?’ and I was like uhhh alright. So then I texted you!” He said it as if you and Tom didn’t have a past. Your cheeks heated up and you got in the car remembering how things started going wrong with Tom.
“Tom I can’t believe you said that! I told you to keep us on the DL for now.” You said irritated.
“Y/n, please there’s literally no way that anyone knows we’re dating. Plus he was hitting on you, he can’t do that because you’re my girlfriend.”
“He can do that actually because nobody knows I’m your girlfriend except our castmates and family.” 
Tom rolled his eyes, “Ok then why didn’t you do anything about it? Why’d you let him continue to flirt with you? Do you not want to be my girlfriend or something?”
You scoffed, “Oh please, Tom are you kidding me? You let so many fans and random girls flirt with you and I’ve stayed quiet about it, but when one person flirts with me it’s a fucking sin!”
Tom looked at you sternly, “You didn’t answer my question about not wanting to be my girlfriend.” 
“I can’t believe you right now Tom.” You looked at him in disbelief and walked away.
“Hello? Earth to y/n?” Harry repeated. 
“Oops sorry, Harry, what’d you say?”
He chuckled, “I said what are you thinking about?” 
“Oh uhm thinking about the beginning of the end of Tom and I…” You said awkwardly, “I don’t know if being in the same house will be good for either of us.”
He sighed, “Look, I know things are gonna be really odd between you two, but despite what happened you said you’d try to stay friends. And I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but he still cares for you y/n, I know it. As your best friend and not Tom’s brother I’m asking you to try and put any negative feelings aside and just be friends at least.” He looked at you in a pleading and apologetic way. 
“Ya you’re right he’s letting me stay at his house and he is the reason you and I are best friends after all.” You smiled at him and he smiled at your positive attitude.
When you pulled up to the house there were 2 other cars. One of the doors to one of the cars opened up and a gorgeous girl walked out and into the house. You gulped already having a feeling of who she was. 
“Oh uh yeah. Y/n, there’s something else I had to tell you. Tom’s got a new girlfriend.” He said carefully looking at you. Your chest began to tighten. 
“Yeah figured. Why didn’t you tell me when they first started dating so I could be prepared.” You said softly trying not to show you were upset.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you’d want to know… Hey, you’ll be alright, love. You’re a bad bitch remember?” You turned to Harry who looked scared that he said something wrong and you both burst out laughing. 
“Yes,” still laughing, “You’re right. I am a bad bitch. Fuck it, we broke up for a reason.” You shrugged and let out a big breath and fixed yourself a bit before looking at Harry again, “Fuck past feelings it’s time for a new slate.” You decided to brush your feelings to the side and walked out the car to retrieve your luggage. Harry watched worried and knew that if you didn’t tell him how you truly felt you were gonna implode at some point. Nonetheless he let you be because you knew you’d talk to him when you were ready.
Not too long after Tom’s girlfriend entered the house you and Harry did. You heard a yell and immediately knew who it was, “I just heard the door open. IS IT Y/N?” you laughed as Harrison came running around the corner and lifting you up in a big bear hug spinning you. 
“Harrison put me down you’re gonna make me sick!” He put you down and you wobbled a bit, but Harry held your shoulders in place. After looking back and thanking him you turned back to Harrison, “So, how’ve you been? It's been ages since I’ve seen you!”
“Oh my god, y/n, I have to update you on so much, but I’ll let you say hi to everyone first.” You laughed and nodded turning to Tuwaine.
Squealing a bit you ran into his arms, “Tuwaine, bud, how’ve you been?”
He laughed, “I’ve been good, all fun in here with the boys. I’ve been getting more roles too!”
“That’s amazing congratulations!” He thanked you.
“The rest of the fam are busy right now so they couldn’t say hello, but they want to have a welcome dinner for you tomorrow if that’s alright.” Harry said.
“That would be lovely!” You looked around for Tom, but he wasn’t in the hallway. 
“Oh uh I guess Tom’s still in the living room.” Harrison said awkwardly. You nodded taking a deep breath as you headed there.
You froze as you saw Tom and his girlfriend kissing your heart sped up a bit, “Oh god I’m so sorry.” You turned around and Tom pushed the girl off him quickly and he stood up.
“Y/n! Wait, come back and say hello!” He chuckled awkwardly, his hands getting clammy. You turned around and walked to him in painfully awkward silence, all you could hear was the increasing pulse of your heart, so much for a new slate of feelings. The boys watched in silence behind you at the awkward site. You glanced behind to see Tom’s girlfriend smirking with her arms crossed over her chest, you gulped and finally reached Tom not reaching out to hug him. 
“Hi…” You you breathed out.
“Hi…” he said back looking into your eyes apologetically. He slowly raised his arms, “Come here.” You wanted to hit yourself in the face with how awkward this moment was especially when hearing Harrison snort behind you then groan when Tuwaine slapped his neck. You wrapped your arms around Tom and he seemed to relax just as your shoulders did. You wanted to stay in his arms longer, old feelings starting to bubble again, but you pulled away quickly and cleared your throat. 
You avoided Tom’s eyes and he looked a little sad. You went straight to the gorgeous girl smirking from behind him. “Hi I’m y/n! I’m gonna be living with these guys for a few months. It's nice to meet you.” You said with a nervous smile.
She stood up and you gave her an awkward hug as well, “I’m Allana. Tom’s girlfriend.” That’s all she said and sat back down. 
“Alright who wants dinner? Y/n wanna help me choose the takeout?” Harry asked. You silently thank him for pulling you away from that painful moment.
You walked to Harry and the other boys as Tom watched you walk away. He was snapped back into reality when Allana told him to go back to her. You began to regret accepting Harry’s invitation to stay here. Tom has a girlfriend for Christ's sake and she didn’t know you two had a past.
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alias-levi · 3 years
🖊 i'd love to hear about an oc of yours!
Thank you for the ask, Denise 💙
the gushing about an OC ask game
Alright, alright I’ll go with Allana here!
Allana is an original character that I developed for a fan fiction. She is my first ever character that will be deeply woven into the relationships in the original piece (TV show in this case) so I am actually a bit scared how that will turn out.
But let me tell you about her: Allana is a tall woman, about 190 cm / 6 ft 2 in, in her late twenties to early thirties. While her hair is pitch black her eyes are a warm hazel/caramel color that tend to stand out due to the contrast.
Allana is a mom-friend and just can’t help but to care about others and help them. Still, she knows her place and is well aware when she has reached boundaries she’s better not to cross. On her own she is very confident and always knows where she stands, i.e. will fight for her opinion.
Here’s a very short and soft excerpt. This is actually one of the only things I have typed out yet. It’s also not really edited yet but I still like the energy.
Unwillingly she holds her breath and closes her eyes. But he just rests his forehead against hers with closed eyes.
Allana releases the breath she held and opens her eyes again. His hands are at her waist and she had reached up to his chest.
Now she cups his face, smiling softly. “Aw shucks, missed me that bad?”
A positive hum is his only response before she tiptoes to very softly kiss him on the lips.
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THE NUMBER 10 means ORDER THE NUMBER 17 means OVER COMING THE EMENY 8 is NEW BEGINNINGS 8+8 Equals 16 and THE NUMBER 16 means perfected LOVE. On 10/17/88 32 years ago I gave birth to my beautiful first born baby girl daughter that I prayed TO ALYUHAUUHA She was due November 4, 1988 yet I was rushed to the hospital on 10/17/1988 GAVE BIRTH TO her natural no pain medication pushed her out alone because my Ex-husband her father was sentenced to prison 8-25 years for a wicked crime as I had a one year old son and WHEN exhusband went to prison i was 7 months pregnant with Allana no job no money behind in rent no car nothing tears. I Yuhauuhakhana was so scared. ALYUHAUUHA THE HEAVENLY FATHER SAID She will over come the wicked enemy coming after her. I YuhauuhaKhana even brought a enemy not knowingly due to in my past wicked being a whore I brought wickedness to my little doll face daughter tears never have forgiven myself FOR NOT PROTECTING my sweet babygirl Daughter Allana tears Yet ALYUHAUUHA HAD her overcome that wicked enemy demon. I Yuhauuhakhana ask again to my precious daughter Allana please forgive me your once pathetic mother YuhauuhaKhana my beautiful daughter Allana that I prayed to ALYUHAUUHA FOR again forgive mama During my pregnancy I only had two prenatal visits did not know if the baby was a girl or boy I had a son 18 months earlier so I wanted a little girl to put hair ribbons on my doll face baby girl ALYUHAUUHA Answered my prayer and gave me my precious gift Allana she was such a precious beautiful infant child never really cried just smiled at me this infant saying mommy everything going be alright She Allana my daughter has beat the odds so many times in her 32 years. Always helpful always mama can I help you super smart same job for 13 years great mother to my grandsons helps me if I need food she just a pleasure as a daughter and I’m proud to call you daughter THANK YOU ALYUHAUUHA FOR CREATING Allanalatrice Desera. My YuhauuhaKhana’s daughter Allanalatrice Desera 32 years young born 10-17-88 over came the enemy in order of new beginnings in perfected LOVE https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdma2Xnv4u/?igshid=ftpdt4c1sfln
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godlydolans · 5 years
Does she finnaly go outside to talk to him when he spends the night in his Jeep????
One hour goes by. Two, three, four hours and his jeep is still there, outside Sam's house. Her kids are sleeping in their room upstairs and she is still down in the living room, sitting with you.
You are embarrassed of this. Of him. Samantha has been kind enough to lend you her guest room for a few days until you find a good enough apartment close to your university but she doesn't deserve to be sitting here, killing her sleep because some random guy is parked outside her house and refuses to leave.
You've had your jaw clenched for what feels like hours so when you finally unclench them to talk, your brain hurts. "Sam, lock the door and go to bed. I'll go see what he wants."
"Are you sure?" She looks up at you as you stand up.
"Yeah. I have the key, I'll come in after I'm done with him." You look outside and sure enough, his red and white jeep is unmissable even in the dark.
"Okay." She stands up too, hiding her yawn behind her hand. "I'm upstairs if you need me. Be careful."
You pull her in for a much needed hug. "Thank you and I'm sorry."
"Don't be silly." She squeezes you tight before letting you go. "I know you would do the same for me."
Ethan really wasn't expecting the main door to open so when it did, he sat up straight and his heart flipped upside down when he saw you coming out of the house. A victorious grin adorns his face when he sees you approaching and he is so happy, he can not explain it to anyone. But then the closer you get to him, the more nervous he gets about facing you after so long. His hands clammy from sweat, Ethan opens the door to his jeep and almost gets out before you glare him down.
"Stay where you are, we're talking in the car." You announce, making him sit back down and close the door. He hasn't even prepared his heart about seeing you after so long before you are opening the door and climbing into the passenger seat. "I'm not doing this in my friends house."
Ethan had prepared a list in his mind, of things he would say to you when he saw you but one look at your face and that whole list is as good as a blank sheet. His heart is hammering against his rib case as you sit just inches away from him, looking like a beautiful mirage.
God, he doesn't know what to say.
"Are you insane?" His lady love, however, has a lot to say. "You can't just decide you'll sit outside someone's house the whole night?! This isn't my place, Ethan! She is kind enough to allow me to live here and you-she could have called the cops on you! What childish behaviour is this?!"
Your eyes are blazing with anger as you look at him, waiting for him to say something. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. He gulps and tries again.
"I'm sorry-"
His words are interrupted by your scoff as you turn to look straight ahead, arms crossed over your heart protectively. You don't think you're ready to have this conversation.
"Please hear me out." Ethan pleads, his eyes never leaving you for a second. Who knows? This might be the last time he ever sees you if you decide you don't want to come back to him. The thought brings tears to his eyes. "Y/N, I'm so sorry for not believing you about Allana. I should have, I didn't know-I didn't think that she would ever try to harm me in any way. I didn't know she had feelings for me. I only found out last week when I went to her house and she tried to kiss me-"
"You went to her house?" You ask, your heart breaking some more. "You were going to her house, doing exactly what we broke up over, while you were calling me everyday to mend things between us? Am I a joke to you?"
"No!" Ethan exclaims, his heart dropping when he sees your eyebrows draw together. "I went there to talk and then later into the night, she tried to kiss me and I ran from there! Trust me, Y/N, I've always seen her as a friend. You're the only woman I see-"
"Ethan please." You look away from him. "Don't start."
"Listen, I'm not letting you leave. So remove that thought from your head. I love you. I've only ever loved you and I don't think I'll love anyone else the way I love you. I'm not just saying that for the heck of saying it. I know I fucked up and I'm ready to get down on my knees and beg you to take me back. Just please give me one last chance."
You look at him and those eyes that you see the whole universe in, brimming with tears as he pleads with you. You remember all the amazing times you're spent in his arms. The early morning love making, the late night drives and all the snuggles, kisses and laughter in between. You also remember the pointless fights you two have had, those that make you laugh now that you think about them and how silly you were.
But you also remember the fights that have not been light hearted. Those fights that made you cry your heart out while you laid in his bed, facing away from him while he did the same. The times he chose Allana over you, the times he let her meddle in your relationship, the times he let her poison his mind with wrong accusations about you and then came home and lashed out on you.
A tear falls down your cheek as you remember all of that and you quickly wipe it away. "You may love me but you don't trust me, Ethan. I can't be in a relationship that doesn't have trust."
Ethan grips your hand when you open the door to get out, "No, Y/N. Please, Y/N. I'll do anything!"
You pry his fingers off of your wrist. "I need a break from all this."
"It's okay. Take as long as you want, I'm ready to wait for you."
"Go home, Ethan." It is a command, something that's not up for negotiation. He knows that too. He just watches with bloodshot eyes as she takes one, two, three steps away from the jeep, walking away from him. "Go home, your brother must be worried sick."
"I love you." He has never declared his love for you this loud and clear before. Usually he let's you know about his feelings through little things he does because saying the words makes him shy. Today, he looks into your eyes and says it without any hesitation. "I am head over heels in love with you."
The words are at the tip of your tongue and even though they are just three little words that you've said to him so many times, you don't have the energy to say them tonight.
"Good night."
And with that you walk into the house, silently making your way into your room while he breaks down in the car outside. Fifteen minutes later, you hear the engine comes to life and you hear him drive away. That's when the tears finally stream down your cheeks freely and you sob with your head buried into your pillow for hours on end.
Tag list: @pgm-dolan @graydolan12 @atlas-of-a-human-soul @dolandolll
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sheyshen · 5 years
Chapter 62 of BtBN
In a rare burst of, well, actually getting a lot of things done today, I updated my fic!
You can read it below (I put most of it under a read more). you can also find it on Ao3!
 "So where are we heading now?" Ren asked as she leaned on Koren's seat as he brought the ship out of hyperspace.
 He handed her the data chip he had gotten from Allana. "Someone I was tracking, a mando like me and Shey. Garrett Reign. He's supposed to be in this system right now and I want to jump on this lead before it gets cold or he gets wind of someone trying to find him."
 "Because he's supposed to be dead." Koren brought the ship down, sending the clearance codes as they entered atmo. "Him and his team were all wiped out years ago and that was that. But a couple of months ago there were some sightings of someone that looked like him. So as someone who was adopted into the clans after his death, Mandalore asked me to check it out."
 Landing the ship, he turned and stood, brushing past Ren and heading for the hall.
 "Coruscant seems a strange place for a Mandalorian to hide."
 "That's probably why he's here. Last place someone would look." Striding into the room that held the holoterminal, he turned the system on and brought up an image of the man in question. Addressing his team, "Alright. This is who I’m here to find. His name is Garrett Reign, he's a Mandalorian, 6 foot 5, red hair, lots of cybernetics. This is not a bounty contract, so he is to be brought in alive understand?" The others nodded, "good. The data chip says his last known location was at these coordinates and it doesn't look like he’s wandered much from the area so it's safe to assume he's been there a while. Expect resistance, he’s spent around 15 years in hiding so he probably won't like it when we come knocking."
 "How many times did you rehearse that?" Vinn asked, earning a laugh from Connor.
 Koren shot him a look before answering, "four, I'm a doctor, not a diplomat." He crossed his arms, "this could get dangerous so Connor, you're going to have to stay here."
 "What!?" Connor exclaimed, "I wanna go with!"
 "Con, you've already been in too much danger going to a place your mother owns, this is too much of an unknown. Plus kara would kill us if something happened to you." Connor teared up. "Either you stay here, or at your apartment. Those are your only options."
 Pouting, Connor huffed out "fine" as he crossed his arms and glared at the wall to his side, refusing to make eye contact. He didn't want to be left out. "I'll go home."
 "Alright, well stop there on the way." He paused, debating, "Ren. Can you and Vinn stay with Con, keep him company. I should be fine with just Arcann."
 "Of course." Ren grinned and patted Connor on the head. "We can play some games, hows that sound?"
 He glanced at her but didn't reply, deciding to continue pouting instead.
 Sighing, Koren shut off the holo. "Let's get going."
 The spaceport was busy as usual but surprisingly quiet as the team made their way to a shuttle. Piling into a single taxi much to the droid who was running the vehicle's distress, they headed first to Kara's apartment.
 Connor headed inside without a word, still upset that he wasn't allowed to go with. Wishing them luck, Ren hopped out and followed Connor inside, Vinn by her side.
 "Think they'll be alright with him?" Koren asked. Voicing the concern felt foolish, he knew ren could handle Connor, and she had pretty good control of Vinn that all three of them should be alright on their own. Maybe too good of control, he mentally corrected when he noticed the man reach over and place his hand on the small of her back as the door whoosh closed.
 "They'll be fine. Ren is tough." Arcann answered unhelpfully.
 "That's not what I-" Koren sighed, leaning back in his seat as the shuttle took them to the landing area closest to the coordinates. "Garrett could be tough, think we’ll be alright?"
 "Of course," Arcann rose an eyebrow, confused on the sudden worry about the mission.
 "It just seems strange. A mando faking their death? That kind of thing doesn't happen, there's no honor in it."
 "You think there's a reason he went into hiding."
 "Yes." The shuttle landed as he answered and the pair climbed out. "I'd rather we play this safe, maybe see if we can talk to him."
 Arcann nodded but remained silent. He glanced at the shops and buildings as they walked down the streets.
 "It's been a long time since I've been to coruscant." Koren reached over, grabbing Arcann's arm and led him over to a shop he recognized. “Oh! Hang on, I want to stop here.”
 "Is it wise to take our time here?"
 "I'll only be a second."
 "I mean for someone like you."
 "I'm born and raised on Corellia, hunter or not I'm still a Republic citizen, besides I'm less likely to be recognized than you are even if you're wearing Theron's jacket."
 Deadpanning Arcann decided to drop it, wandering off to browse as well.
 Spotting something he liked, Koren grinned and called to get the attention of the shopkeep, "can I get this?" He pointed at a necklace that was being displayed.
 "Of course!" The shopkeep grinned happily as he turned to look at them, his expression shifted to surprise and the grin widened when he made eye contact with Koren. "Oh! Battlemaster, it's an honor to see you again. Give me one second and I'll have this wrapped up, free of charge."
 "What! No! I couldn't, the necklace isn't cheap."
 "Nonsense, it's the least I can do after you helped my mother." He wrapped up the necklace for him quickly, handing it to him as well as a second package, "your brother requested this made, could you give it to him?"
 Koren nodded, giving in and taking the items, "of course."
 "Kole," Arcann asked, taking care to call him by his brothers name instead of Koren's own. "What do you think about these." He pointed at a tray of rings.
 "For Theron and Kara?" He asked, when Arcann nodded he hummed in thought and pointed to three that were on the side, the band was silver with blue crystals embedded in them. It looked similar to the rings that Theron had used when he married Kara. "How about these, they match the ones they wear."
 "Ah, these are special." The shopkeep pulled out the tray so they could see them up close, "they were part of a set, but there was a… miscommunication and these ended up not matching the rest."
 "How much?" Arcann asked as he inspected the ring, turning it in his hand and rubbing his thumb along the engraving.
 The shopkeep shook his head, "a friend of the Battlemaster is a friend of mine, there's no way I could charge you."
 Koren sighed, fishing out some credits and handed them to the shopkeep, "please at least take this, I can't take these from you without paying." When the shopkeep insisted that he didn't need to pay Koren put them in a small bowl by the checkout, "then take it as a donation to your shop. You do amazing work and deserve the recognition."
 Giving in the shopkeep thanked him as he wrapped up the rings, adding in chains to put them on as well. Handing the package to Arcann he smiled at him, "thank you for your business. Please have a wonderful day, both of you."
 Thanking him they left the shop and resumed their mission, walking in companionable silence as they headed towards the coordinates.
 "Are you planning on proposing?" Koren spoke up suddenly. His curiosity finally getting the better of him.
 "No." Arcann shook his head, "at least not yet. I just rarely get time away from them where I could get something like this."
 "So picking something up while you can. I get it." He grinned at his friend, "I think they'll like it."
 They continued chatting as they walked, mostly Koren rambling about various things from work to Trey to Nora's new little one when he stopped in mid-sentence.
 "What's wr-" Arcann started, but Koren shushed him, gesturing to a man that was walking by.
 "Shhsh. That's him." He pulled Arcann to the side, leaning on him heavily as he fished the holo-disc from his pocket and compared the image that was on it to the passing man. Nodding he stepped away, approaching Garrett carefully. "Excuse me," he said, keeping his voice as cheery as he could manage, "do you happen to know this area at all? My friend and I are lost."
 The man shook his head but remained silent.
 "Well, maybe you could help me find someone instead, I was told by a friend that I could find people who were interested in work around here. Would you happen to know anyone who would fit that?" Koren pressed, opting to change his strategy a bit.
 Again Garrett shook his head, grumbling as he did so. He gestured, signing, 'you won't find anyone like that here'. He paused as he started to sign something else and then stopped reaching up to the cybernetics that were attached to his neck.
 "You seem awfully sure about that."
 Garrett paused, brought his hand down and signed, 'you understand me?'
 Koren nodded, "yea, I don't sign very often, but my friend and I will, time to time."
 "Is that what you and Kara are doing during meetings?" Arcann crossed his arms over his chest.
 "Maaaybe." The merc chuckled at the flash of annoyance that went across Arcann's face before turning his attention back to Garrett. "Look, I'll be square with you, I'm looking for a specific person and." He stopped mid-sentence as the larger man signed.
 ‘Kara. Hawke?'
 "Yeah, she's someone I work with, and a good friend of mine."
 'Is she the one who sent you?' The man looked concerned as he gestured the words.
 "Let's say she did, will you tell me where I can find someone?" Koren held up the holochip between his fingers.
 'No.' He let out a heavy breath, growling in annoyance. 'Go home.'
 Realization dawned on him, "you know her, don't you."
 'That isn't your business. Leave.'
 "What is he saying?" Arcann asked.
 "He's telling us to go." Koren hummed in thought, "then tell me this, are you Garrett Reign?"
 The man paused, nodding. He went to sign something but another man speaking up made his stop.
 "Gare, whos your friends?" The man grinned as he cocked his head to the side.
 'Leon' Garrett's face scrunched in annoyance, 'they know Kara.'
 The man looked at them in surprise, "oh. Well, that's no good."
 "And why’s that?" Koren asked hand already inching to his blaster.
 "Because they're her old crew," Arcann answered. "She told me about them once a few months ago, she said they died almost fifteen years ago."
 "And as far as she's concerned we still are." Leon shrugged.
 Arcann pulled out his holo.
 "What are you doing?" Koren asked, glancing at Garrett as he watched him carefully.
 "Calling Kara. She needs to know."
 "Look, I don't think that's a good idea right now."
 The holo pulsed as it connected, buzzing the commanders holo. As soon as she answered another man reached over and pressed the button to disconnect. "Tyr?" Was the only thing she got out before the holo disconnected.
 "Boss," Leon greeted happily, "just in time."
 "Hardly, she saw me." The man stepped away, sighing in annoyance, "good to see her reaction time hasn't dulled." He walked to stand in front of Garrett. "Now what to do."
 "I was sent by Mandalore to find Garrett." Koren admitted, "she wants to talk, probably about why you disappeared." He shrugged, "you can make this easy, come with me back to base to see her, and then you're free to go."
 "Like well let him go with you." Leon scoffed.
 'I'll go' he signed in response. 'It's been years, I'm done hiding.'
 "But what if they-"
 "If you are in hiding because you are targeted the commander can help. Kara has a lot of contacts, she can help you." Koren offered.
 "Did you miss the part that she thinks we're dead?" Leon huffed a laugh.
 "She already recognized him," he pointed at the newest addition to the group, "besides she's one of the most forgiving people I know."
 Leon sighed and shook his head.
 "He has a point. And if she's as well off as he claims she could solve this problem for us," Tyr admitted.
 "We went into hiding to protect her, boss. If we suddenly appear now wouldn't that be suspicious?"
 'Better than hiding in another backwater' Garrett returned, 'I’m going.'
 Grumbling Leon gave in, "fine, c’mon. I'm sure Caleb will be especially excited." He gestured for them to follow, the other two already heading back to where they had been staying. "We have some speeders we can take to the spaceport. I assume you have a ship right?"
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Thank you for telling us about your baby. I miss Ellis every day too. I had her in October, she should have been born in March. I have to second the suggestion for spiro. I always really surprised that people who had previously managed hormonal acne with BC pills and then have acne issues with a switch to an IUD don go this route prior to pulling the IUD. As was previously mentioned, the IUD hormones are localized vs in your bloodstream with the pills. But no, go off about how SICK you are of that your viewers feel exploited by your exploitation of them. (This isn just about Allana. Honestly, Jackie comes to mind on this issue, too, with that recent Clinique video. For me part of it is now I know what I like/works for me. For a while trying new things was fun, but I have what I need and I like what I have. I only replace items now. However it is she died, I think it is still important to stress how icy and potentially dangerous a lot of the walkways on campus were. So many people (myself included) slipped or almost slipped yesterday, and anyone could have gotten injured. This outcry, while it admittedly got a little out of hand, was necessary, especially with this new batch of heavy snow coming in, to stress to the university not to reopen campus without proper deicing again.. I made a lot of progress the last 5 months but 신안출장마사지 it still feels impossible and I still don know where the fine tuning of my tones is going to come from. There a lot of material for working on grammar and listening with accompanying transcripts, so much so that you can almost simulate an immersion environment without traveling. It pretty fun and satisfying to improve, but tbh it really hard to find the energy working full time but it gonna depend on 신안출장마사지 the person and the job of course. It makes a lot more sense and I think looks cooler to have a sleek but relatively gutted and spartan interior on a suped up racer rather than a bed and desk in the back. Even Ferraris have non adjustable bolted in seats usually, not extra legroom and coffee makers. I guess we have to see what they do. That said, it always struck me that in George original story conception, he thought he could end book 1 with the Red Wedding. And I get that the pitch letter was more of an early snapshot of where George thought the story of the first book was going, but it still a bit of head scratcher given all the plot beats he hoped to hit in one book. For example, all the Stannis setup in Book 1 works as setup for his role as antagonist to Joffrey claim on the Iron Throne.. The pain is getting so intense that sometimes I can't get out of bed. I can't walk without feeling like I'm going to fall down or pass out. Pain with sex becomes more frequent and my sex life takes a nose dive because I just can't stand it. The hospitalist service I working on often admits residents of several local nursing homes. One of the biggest red flags for me is when a patient is about to be discharged back to the home with essentially normal labs/imaging/exam findings but they suddenly start developing new unexplainable symptoms that they believe will keep them in the hospital, or they flat out say they not well enough to go back, even without being asked if they think they ready to be discharge. Probably because the hospital nursing staff actually checks on them regularly and they feel like they are actually being cared for.
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lower-east-side · 6 years
Hello! #3. for the title meme please or another question of your choosing if you have already been asked that one :D
Thanks for the ask! I did answer #3 over here, so I’ll pick #14, in the spirit of rec lists that are going around at the end of the year.
14. Give us a fic rec for one of your favorite fic titles from another author!
I know I said one but too bad! Here are some titles that stuck in my head or made me click.
Helix - Saras_girl - She’s more often rec’d for that other one word fic title, but I love snails and I love this word so I always remember this one more.
Says The Magpie To The Morning (Sorrow, Take Your Own Advice) - @femmequixotic​  - “Oooh, the Magpie rhyme?” I said to myself, clicking. Yes indeed, and gorgeously so.
WORM FOOD - spindlekiss - It’s a weird title, that makes you say “huh.” Then the story does as well.
Sex, Lies and Veritaserum - @letteredlettered​ - Clever, both in title and in writing.
Or To Return From Following  -fourth_rose - Draco/Pansy - Would you believe that’s a Bible quote? It works perfectly. I also remembered the title for years until I tracked down the story again on AO3.
raw sienna, lemon, honey - @thealmostrhetoricalquestion - Daphne/Pansy - Vivid, colorful delicious words for two vivid girls. [Can’t tag author, fuck you tumblr.]
Current Traffic Conditions As of 5:17 p.m. - Wisteria/Allana - Spike/Buffy - I remember this title years and years later, so long the fic is only on the Wayback machine.
More title asks here!
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littlewhitetie · 6 years
Silence: Part One
An anti-Galra nanoweapon leaves Keith ill and Shiro badly injured. It's up to Lance and Allura to find them, take care of them, and get them home safe and sound.
(Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3)
“Lance? Will you tell me a story?”
It’s a simple enough request, but Lance seems confused by it. He raises a thin eyebrow as he casts Allura a sidelong glance. “Uh, sure. What about?”
“Anything,” Allura says. “I just… can’t stand this silence.”
The cave is too quiet, nothing but the occasional crunch of crystals beneath their feet echoing through the tunnels. Her head is too quiet, the usual presence of the Lions muted by the strange walls. Worse than all that, though, is the dead silence over the comms. No word from Keith or Shiro; no way of tracking them down. They could be anywhere in here.
“Yeah,” Lance says. “I know what you mean. So, a story. How ‘bout this. Once upon a time, there was a really cool space princess, who had a knight. Well, she had five knights, but one of them was especially awesome. He was brave, and strong, and smart, and popular, and really, really good-looking.”
“Was her knight named Shiro?” Allura asks, with a teasing smile.
“What? No! It was Lan— …do. His name was Lando.”
“What a terrible name,” she says.
“Yeah, I regret it already, but too late now. So Lando and Princess… uh... Allana? Yeah, Princess Allana, along with two of her other, less attractive knights, were—“
“What were the others’ names?” she interrupts.
“Uh… Keef and… Shoro.”
Allura laughs aloud at that.
“Hey. It’s not their fault the person who named them had to do it on the spot,” he says, defensively. “So, yeah, Allana, Lando, Keef, and Shoro were chillin’ in their space castle out in space, while their friends were busy on some super boring tech mission in another galaxy. Suddenly, they received a distress signal from the, uh…” he pauses, scrunching up his face as he tries to think of a name. “Screw it, they’re just gonna stay the Ferexians.
“Ferexis had been hit by this really bad pandemic that had infected thousands of people in, like, a week. There was a cure, but the ingredients for the medicine were super hard to get, and the Ferexians weren’t in any shape to get it. So Allana, Lando, Keef, and Shoro went to go find the ingredients for them. Allana and Lando—who was clearly her favourite knight—went to the mountains south of the capital to gather serafi roots, while Keef and Shoro went north to find the atraxeth flowers that grew in the crystal caves.”
“How can you be certain Keef or Shoro were not her favourite?” she asks, her lips curving upward.
“Uh, ‘cause those other guys were boring, obviously,” he says. “So Allana was super happy she got to be paired up with the best knight ever, and she had an awesome time ‘cause Lando was so handsome and witty and smart. It took a while, but Allana and Lando eventually found the roots they were looking for. No problem.
“But while they were out, something bad happened. There was a terrible empire that had enslaved most of the universe, and Ferexis was the empire’s main supplier of one of the components needed for the ion cannon things on their ships.”
“What was the empire called?” she asks.
Lance groans. “Do I have to name everything?”
She nods.
“Fine. It was the Glara Empire. Happy?”
“Very,” she says.
Lance huffs. “Okay. So while our dashing heroes were off getting the ingredients, the Glara dropped by Ferexis to collect their ion cannon stuff. The Ferexians didn’t have it, but they’d prepared for this day. They unleashed a really terrible nanoweapon into the atmosphere that would infect the Glara and mess with their tech all at once.
“Allana and Lando didn’t find out about this until vargas later, when they came back to the city with the roots. When they got back, there were broken sentries all over. The sentries weren’t just shut down, they were, like, twitching, or—or fried. And there were… there were soldiers on the ground… sick, a-and convulsing, and dying…” His breath hitches.
“That is enough detail,” she says, tersely. She tries to ignore the prickling sensation behind her eyelids, wishing she could scour away the image burned into her mind. “Please move on with the story.”
“Y-yeah. Right. Um, well, Keef and Shoro could've been affected by the anti-Glara weapon, too. They hadn’t come back yet, so Allana and Lando went into the cave to find them. Allana and Lando couldn’t hear them over the comms, though that was definitely, definitely only ‘cause something in the cave was messing with their comm system. But it meant they didn’t have any idea where Keef and Shoro were. Lando and Allana walked for vargas and vargas and still didn’t see them.”
“So what happened next?” Allura asks.
“Next, Allana had to decide which way to go, ‘cause they’d reached another fork in the path,” he says.
Allura’s heart sinks as her eyes follow the path below their feet, finding the notch where it diverges. There are no signs of which way Keith and Shiro would have gone—if they’d even chosen this route in the first place. The odds of finding them along this route are already terrifyingly slim, and now the chances of finding them have been halved yet again.
The place is a maze. The winding cave is made all the more confusing by its reflective surfaces and too many light sources; crystals upon crystals in pink and blue and violet surround them, shiny and glowing. A ‘funhouse’, Lance had called it when they’d first entered, but this is hardly fun.
“She chose to go right,” she says, with a sigh. “Please tell me Lando and Allana found Keef and Shoro in time.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, totally,” Lance says. “It didn’t take much longer, and they found them, and Keef and Shoro were a hundred percent fine. They didn’t actually need rescuing; they were completely safe. They were just, like, caught up in finding the flowers, or taking a long nap, or playing patty-cake, or something. They were happy to see Lando and Allana anyway, and they were all—” Lance raises his voice an octave, “Oh, Lando, you’re so amazing and talented! If only we could be as cool as you are!”
Her lips turn up. “Did they really sound like that?”
“Yes. So Allana, Lando, Shoro, and Keef got back to the city no problem. They got the ingredients to the Ferexians and saved everyone. The Ferexians were super grateful and threw the heroes a parade—”
“A parade? Would they not still be recovering?” 
“It was a small parade. Everyone had a good time, and then they all went back to the castle and took a nap. The end.”
She gives him a smile. “Thank you for the story. It was perhaps not particularly imaginative, but I did enjoy the ending.”
“Yeah. …Maybe I should’ve changed up the plot. It would’ve been better if Lando had just gone with Keef, like he was supposed to in the first place.”
“Well, Allana did not object to the proposed change in plans,” she says. Far from it. Allura loved Shiro and Keith dearly, but Lance… Lance knew how to make her smile.
A low, throaty roar echoes through the cave. She stiffens and grabs Lance’s wrist, yanking him backward.
He furrows his brow in confusion. “What is it?”
“Did you not hear that?”
“No, but my hideous human ears are inferior to yours,” he says.
“They are… charming," she offers. "It sounded like some sort of creature. I think it may be behind us—we must proceed with caution. I can guard the rear.”
Several tense doboshes pass, the heavy plod of footsteps and occasional growls getting progressively louder.
Finally, a large, blue creature comes into sight. It looks like a monstrous crossbreed between a crocodile and a xznly sqiwl. It’s armoured in thick, shiny scales. Its fangs are visible from the outside, too many sharp teeth hanging out of its broad mouth.
She pushes Lance out of the way, and then she rushes at it.
“What—what are you doing?” he gapes.
“Distracting it for you,” she calls, veering away from him. She has to get its attention; she can’t let it get to Lance.
The beast kicks up loose crystals on the ground with its forefoot, stomping, and then it charges at her.
For such an enormous creature, it’s surprisingly fast. She manages to leap out of the way when it comes at her, tucking into a roll. But the blasts from Lance’s gun have no effect, unable to get past its plated hide. Dodging won’t be enough on her end.
She runs forward and, getting close enough, strikes it with her whip. It doesn’t hurt it, but it does make it very, very angry. It snaps its teeth at her. She nearly gags at the rank odour emanating from its fleshy mouth.
“Get back!” Lance yells.
“No! This is your chance,” she calls. “If I remain close enough, it will keep trying to bite me. Shoot it in the mouth when its jaws are open.”
“You’re out of your mind,” he says, but he doesn’t object.
She lashes the monster with her whip again, this time aiming for its face. It rears on its hind legs before lurching forward, mouth gaping open, rows and rows of pointed teeth exposed. “Now!”
Lance takes several shots in rapid succession. He hits his mark, the blasts aimed perfectly between its sets of teeth to find the back of its vulnerable throat.
With a hideous screech, the beast collapses. The smell of burnt, putrid flesh penetrates her nostrils.
“Ew,” he says. “So. Gross.”
“It is rather disgusting,” she says, wrinkling her nose. When she’s certain it won’t get back up, she turns to Lance and gives him a grin. “Great job. I knew you could do it.”
The smile he returns isn’t the usual beam he wears when he receives praise. “Thanks. But… Keith and Shiro. Would—would they have been able to…” He trails off. It would have been difficult for the two of them to defeat it even in top form, given their close range weapons and the beast’s natural armour and teeth. As they are now…
“We have been in here for several vargas, and this is the first we’ve seen of these,” she says. “There can’t be many in here. They may not have encountered any at all.”
“Okay, but still,” he says, “we’ve seen, like, ten of those giant snake things.”
“Eight at most,” she says. “And those would not be so difficult for Keith to take care of with his sword.”
“If he can use his sword. If he can even move,” he says. “You saw those Galra soldiers.”
“Keith is only half Galra,” she says. “I am certain his symptoms are not nearly as bad.” She reaches for Lance’s arm and begins walking again, pulling him along. “Keith and Shiro are strong. They always manage to pull through. We will find them, and we will bring them home, safe and sound.”
Lance gives her a slight smile. “How do you do that? Manage to sound so confident, when things get bad. Know how to inspire hope, and stuff.”
“Surely you know the answer,” she says. “After all, you do the same for me.”
He brightens at that. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing we’ve got each other, then.”
She smiles. “Absolutely.”
As they continue walking, Lance fills the silence with commentary on their surroundings. Apparently, there are no caves like this on Earth. They’re way more boring; the rock is always drab brown or grey, and they’re really dark. Sometimes, though, there are things that glow in the caves, like mushrooms or weird worm things that hang from the ceiling—at least, according to a documentary he saw. He’s never actually seen them in person.
There are a lot of things on Earth he hasn’t seen. Most humans, it seems, haven’t explored everything their planet has to offer. Allura can barely fathom the notion, but for a race that had never even travelled outside their own solar system before, it’s not all that unexpected.
When they reach a small pool of water, Lance runs to it. He cups the water in his hands, slurping loudly.
While Lance is busy quenching his thirst, another large snake-like creature noiselessly slithers toward her. It glitters pink, shiny spikes running down its spine. Its diamond eyes flash.
As quietly as she can, Allura slaughters the creature before Lance notices. It only takes a few well-aimed strikes. Immediately, she drags its carcass out of sight, hiding it behind a wide crystal pillar. There is no need to worry Lance further.
Lance has many fears, and he’s not quiet about them. He doesn’t have quite as many as Hunk, but it’s toward that end of the spectrum. He’s often frightened, so it makes it all the more commendable that he’s able to overcome that to protect others. He really is someone she's grown to admire.
As they continue onward, Lance keeps talking. It’s idle chatter, but it’s nice all the same. He tells her about a wide array of animals on Earth. It’s strange that there would be so many of the same animals as on Altea, completely different planets with galaxies between them. At the same time, though, it’s not all that surprising, considering how many uncanny similarities already exist between them. It’s not exactly random chance—the Blue Lion went to Earth for a reason.
The animals on Earth sound quite boring, generally drab in colour and not nearly as intelligent as their Altean equivalents. All the same, many people own pets. While not particularly smart, they’re supposedly nice to cuddle and play with.
Pidge is one such pet-owner. She has a dog at home that she misses. She had found great comfort in her dog when her father and brother went missing. Allura feels a pang of guilt for taking Pidge away from that, recruiting her in this war so far from home, but Lance assures her she’s not just here out of obligation; she’s chosen to stay of her own volition. She’s found a home out here, too.
Allura wishes she could have heard this from Pidge directly. She wishes they were closer. Her hopes for a sisterly bond between them had been quickly quashed, and they don’t talk all that much outside of missions. It’s not just Pidge, either; she wishes she were closer to all of the paladins. Allura had distanced herself when the paladins had first come to the Castle, too afraid to gain more loved ones to lose. The paladins found their way into her heart all the same, but by then, the paladins had grown so close to one another, she didn’t feel she could join them in activities outside of battle without intruding.
“Are you kidding?” Lance says, after she tells him—he has a way of getting her to open up in a way she never would with others. “We’d love to have you join us! We kinda always just assumed you wouldn’t want to, or would be busy hanging out with Coran, or playing with the space mice, or something. Seriously, you’re always welcome to hang out with us. We’d like that a lot.”
“…Are you certain?” she asks. 
“C’mon,” he says, with an easy smile. “If Keith’s invited, there’s no way you’re not.”
She laughs. “What even started your rivalry with Keith in the first place? He told me before that he had no idea; he didn’t even know who you were at the time.”
“That’s exactly it!” Lance says. “He didn’t seem to care about anyone other than Shiro. He wouldn’t give anyone else the time of day. I know better now, but at the time, I assumed it was ‘cause he thought he was better than everyone else. The worst part about it was he was better than everyone else, and he didn’t even have to try.”
She cocks her head to the side. “Why would that matter?”
He gives her a wry smile. “You’ve always been amazing at everything you do too, so you wouldn’t really understand.”
She’s not really sure how to respond to that. “…Tell me more about animals.”
He laughs. “Okay, maybe you don’t always win gold for subtlety. But yeah, sure. Ostriches. Did you guys have ostriches on Altea?”
Many conversations, six snakes, and two crocodile-xznly squiwl creatures later, Allura interrupts Lance’s explanation of ‘bowling’ when she hears the slightest noise from around the corner. It doesn’t sound like any of the beasts they’ve encountered. No, it sounds like… a groan.
Allura grabs Lance’s hand and breaks into a run.
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tragcdysewn · 3 years
Anonymous asked: allana, would you be willing to kill your father if he fell to the dark side again?
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“i... kriff, i don’t know. i’m fully aware that my dad being alive and back is a very real possibility, but i don’t want to think about it more than i have to. and i definitely don’t want to think about caedus coming back. that’s a trauma that i’m not ready to unpack yet, thank you.”
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anxious-bisexualll · 6 years
GODAMMIT @sasschabodcrane
pumpkin spice: what’s your drink of choice?
BITCH u already know its literally coffee allll day every day or water
wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
SWEATERS also sleeping with 6 blankets on top of me
chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
Uhhh least fave would be sweltering hot and fave is SNOW
scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
leggings with a baggy t shirt and no bra obvi. 
apple cider: if you could throw a party, and invite absolutely anyone, who would they be?
all my friends and chris evans and sebastian stan and allana from yt 
haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
literally every time my dad has had a heart attack cause i thought i would never see him again 
falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
Pineapple pizza, Pineapple Pizza and i think Pineapple Pizza. 
smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
COFFEE or coconut
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
Cold so i can wear warm sweaters
halloween: if you could dress up as anyone/ anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be?
Probably like someone crazy sexy celebrity or a cartoon character like poison ivy 
cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
alone in my room on my bed
hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone?
………..last Saturday
cinnamon coffee: is there anyone you want to kiss?
girls and boys
flannel: what’s your favorite day of the year? is there a reason it’s your favorite?
Christmas eve honestly is always so amazing. Its so happy and joyful and full of promise. 
fuzzy boots: if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why?
I love the 60′s fashion but I would also love regency for all its pomp and circumstance 
thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
friends and family for always putting up with my bullshit
black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
A villa in some tropical place OR the perfect studio apartment in NYC
apple picking: if you could go anyhere, where would it be and why?
I want to back to Italy very very badly. 
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
I’m not a bad singer and im very short 
hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
lmao is teleportation allowed?
the color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
Violet Hill by Coldplay or Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons
windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Hozier, Coldplay
holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
no, I believe in love and communication
watches: do you think black cats are bad luck?
candy corn: favorite fall thing to bake/cook?
uhh i just try not to burn down the kitchen making toast but my grandma makes a bomb pumpkin cream cheese roll and I like to watch her make that 
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Han, Leia and Allana (Spoilers for Millennium Falcon book)
“THIS LEVER CONTROLS THE ENGINES THE FALCON USES TO TRAVEL through realspace,” Han said. “This one takes the ship into hyperspace, after the navicomputer here figures out when it's safe for the ship to jump to lightspeed.” “And these?” Allana asked, pointing to a pair of trackball controllers just left of the central display monitor. “Hopefully, you'll never have to touch those. They control the laser cannons.” It was just the two of them in the cockpit, Han in the pilot's chair and Allana seated on his knee. Leia was in the main hold trying to reach Luke on the comm and C-3PO was crating up the slicer droid for shipment back to Vaced. Free to pursue her own course, the Falcon was purring through interstellar space. “Can I steer?” Han stood her at the yoke. “Go ahead.” Allana experimented with the instruments. “Can I make it go faster?” “Can you reach the throttle?” She stretched out her right hand and made a sound of effort. “Got it.” “Wow! Not so fast,” Han laughed, thankful he had the inertial compensator dialed to full. Surrendering the yoke, she climbed into the copilot's chair. “I think you're going to be a terrific pilot,” Han told her. “Like Aunt Jaina?” “Just like Aunt Jaina.” Allana inclined her head to one side. “Is she going to marry Jag?” Han smiled. “I don't know. We'll have to ask her when we see her.” “Did your grandpa teach you how to pilot a starship?” “No.” Han gave his head a pensive shake. “I didn't know my grandfather.” “We could go look for him.” He laughed. “I think I've had my fill of quests for the time being.” “Why?” “You're full of questions,” Han said, pivoting to face her. “But I've got one for you. Do you want to visit your mom? We're not too far from the Hapes Consortium right now. A quick hyperspace jump and we're there.” Allana smiled. “I want to see my mother.” She looked up at Han. “And if Mom says it's okay, I want to stay with you and Grandma some more.” “You're sure?” Allana nodded. “Sure.” “You know it's not always going to be a treasure hunt. Sometimes Grandma and I just sit around doing nothing.” “I can do that,” she assured him. “Anyway, how do you know another adventure won't happen?” Han had his mouth open to respond when Leia entered the cockpit, C-3PO a step behind her. Her look told him that she had big news. “What?” “The GA government is planning to file criminal charges against Luke.” “Charges? What's he done this time?” Leia's gaze shifted briefly and deliberately to Allana. “Dereliction of duty.” Han nodded slowly. So Daala's government had decided to blame Luke for having allowed Jacen to slip to the dark side. Will it never end? “How are the Jedi taking it?” he asked. “Not too seriously.” “Maybe they're right. Daala could be doing this because she has to, not because she wants to.” Leia gave her head a quick shake. “He's going to need our help, Han.” Han snorted. “Of course he is.” Allana swung to C-3PO. “Threepio, we're going to help rescue Master Luke!” “Oh, dear. Not again.” Han and Leia laughed. “Everyone strap in,” Han said. “You never know what kind of ride we're in for.” The Millennium Falcon responded to his call for power with an enthusiastic leap. Tasked with heading for Coruscant and raring to go, the old but venerable YT-1300 gathered her strength for the jump to lightspeed, then streaked into hyperspace and vanished from sight.
Millennium Falcon - James Luceno
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 2
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: none
Summary: Yours and Tom’s past come in bringing a bit of tension.
Part 1
A/N: AHH I’m so glad people liked part 1! I don’t have a set schedule for posting bc I still have school atm, but I’m gonna try to stay consistent, cause writing this is so fun :))) If you have any suggestions of improvement for my writing or if you’re enjoying this please lmk! If you want to be added to the tag list don’t hesitate to ask! Enjoy Part 2 <3
“Harry, oh my god that was so awkward. I hated that, it will replay in my head for the next week.” You groaned flopping on his bed. “I am a bad bitch I’m fine, I’m fine” you reminded yourself.
He laughed at you and sat next to you, “You are a bad bitch. And yes that was painfully awkward, I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks for pulling me away though. Not gonna lie, I felt like Allana was plotting something in her head when she saw me. Did you get any vibe that she didn’t seem happy?” You asked, nervous.
“Eh wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t happy, she bosses Tom around. She tried to use me as her photographer once, but I was busy and couldn’t, but she somehow made Tom clear my schedule so that I could take pictures of her. I do not trust her in all honesty, so her plotting something wouldn’t be new..” You gasped at the story. 
“Dang I will not get in her way then…” Harry laughed and asked, “What do you feel like eating tonight, love?” 
“Uhmmm, oh I haven’t had nandos since the last time I was here.” You said and he nodded.
After the Nandos was dropped off at the house you all gathered around the table. 
“I think I can make food like Nandos.” Harrison said and everyone started laughing, “Hey I seriously think I can. Just watch.” 
“I think you can too, Harrison, I’ll be your sous chef if you want.” He smiled at your encouragement and stuck his tongue out at everyone else and Allana rolled her eyes. Oof. “Tommy, do you have spinach? I have a photoshoot tomorrow because one of the models cancelled. I can’t eat the side dishes. I’ll make myself a salad or something.” Allana said.
Harry scoffed and joked, “We don’t have rabbit food here, love.” Tuwaine and Harrison laughed, but you felt bad they were ganging up on her.
“Hey don’t make fun of her. It’s harder for us girls to stay fit whereas you boys can eat like shit and still be fit.” You said to the boys and Allana looked at you a bit surprised and pleased, “Allana, I think I saw some lettuce in the fridge. I can go grab it for you and a bowl. Gotta start getting used to the things around here anyway.” You smiled at her. 
Her expression went back to being unimpressed, “Uhm no thanks. I’ll just go eat at home, I have to leave in a bit anyway.”  She said and pushed the utensils away. 
“Darling, you need to eat a little something, you haven’t eaten one thing since you’ve gotten here.” Tom said. Your heart clenched a bit when he called her darling. 
“Tommy, god, I said I’d eat later. Don’t you ever listen?” She said everyone stared in silence until Harrison broke it, “Someone’s a little hangry…” 
“Harrison shut up!” Tom said snapping his head toward Haz.
Allana was turning red, “That’s it! I’m tired of your friends treating me like this. I’m leaving, Tommy, will you come with me?” Tom got up and glared at Harrison as he helped Allana out. 
“As if she doesn’t treat us badly.” Tuwaine said, rolling his eyes, Harry and Harrison nodding in response.
“Ok, but I still felt bad for her. That was a little uncalled for guys.” You said continuing to eat. 
“Y/n, she literally shot you down when you were trying to be helpful.” Harrison stated.
“Ok true, but I didn’t mind, she seemed to mind when you all ganged up on her.” The boys nodded.
“Not even 3 hours here and you’re already being our mother.” Harry said laughing.
“Oh shut up, you boys love me. I’m just using the bad bitch energy Harry gave me earlier.” You all laughed.
After dinner you and the boys watched funny videos on Harry’s laptop and then headed your separate ways to go to sleep. You did your night routine and pulled on pj shorts and tank top since the boys put the heater on. 
You stirred in bed trying to sleep, but the jet lag got the best of you and you decided to put your clothes in the drawers and closet. Before starting to clean you decided to grab a snack and water.
While waiting for the popcorn to finish popping in the microwave you heard the front door unlock and a tired looking Tom walked in. 
“Tom? Oh my god why’re you getting home now it’s 2 am, you should’ve stayed with Allana. It’s so late!” 
“Oh, y/n? And we were talking then she kicked me out, something about being alone in bed is better for her aura the night before a photoshoot. Why’re you up?” Tom stammered and you scoffed at the story.
“Jet lag. I decided to organize my room, but also wanted a snack.” He nodded sitting in front of you at the counter, “Why don’t you go to sleep now you look like shit.” You joked. He put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.
“Tsss ouch, y/n, but I kinda wanted to talk to you. You know, catch up.” He said looking at you with his head resting on his hand now. Your heart sped up and sighed trying to stay calm.
“Alright, what do you wanna know?” You pulled the popcorn out of the microwave and set it between you and Tom. He started eating with you.
“How’re you and Mr. Gavin Leatherwood?” His question surprised you because one; that was a very straightforward question and two; you never confirmed anything/ went public with Gavin except for paps photos of you two holding hands and only Zendaya, your family, and Harry knew and swore not to tell Tom. 
“Uhm we mutually broke up two weeks ago...” You said looking up at Tom fiddling with your fingers. Tom’s eyes widened a bit and he tried to hide his joy, 
“Oh I’m sorry about that y/n.” he said genuinely, “I always thought there was something off about him.” You rolled your eyes getting annoyed thinking back to the past,
“Tom nothing was wrong with him. Like I said it was a mutual break up. He’s a sweet guy, you just never gave him a chance.” You rolled your eyes. He put his arms up in defense,
“Sorry, love, chill. I was trying to make you feel better by implying you deserved better.” You scoffed knowing he was only being half truthful. 
“Mhm sure, we both know that you just hated him.” Tom looked at the bowl of popcorn in defeat. 
“Thanks for sticking up for Allana by the way. I know she doesn’t seem like the nicest person at first, but when you get to know her she’s a sweetheart.”
“Oh ya I bet.” You joked.
“What? ‘Not gonna give her a chance’, love?” He mocked your American accent  and put air quotes in when he said that. You gave him a displeased look,
“Really, Tom? Really? Are seriously going to say that to me when you never stood up for Gavin and was actually the meanest to him?” 
“Oh my god,” he groaned, “it was a joke, love. I see you still get butt hurt easily.” He said putting his head in his hands. That was it,
“Ok good catching up with you Tom. Good night, asshole.” You took the popcorn and water to your room. 
Tom sat there with his eyes never leaving your beautiful figure. He groaned, beating himself up mentally for fucking things up and for checking you out.
You woke up around 7 a.m. groaning because jet lag got to you really bad. You changed into leggings and a crop top ready to go on a light jog knowing you wouldn’t go back to sleep. 
When you walked down you saw that Tom fell asleep on the couch. Your heart melted at the sight, but you tried to ignore how cute and cuddly he looked. You were about to walk out, but gave in and decided to put a blanket over Tom. 
“Oh mornin’ y/n, you’re up early,” You heard Harrison as he walked down in shorts and a tshit-shirt, “Going on a run too?” 
“Yup, light one though. I’ve got a lot of work to do today.” You said putting your hair up in a ponytail.
“Sick, I’ll run with you for a bit then.” You smiled and waited outside for him.
When you started running it was a little silent until he spoke, “So did you put that blanket over Tom?” 
“Maybe” you chuckled a bit, it was quiet again.
“Fuck it I’m just gonna say it,” you raised your eyebrow at him, “I shouldn’t be saying thihs, but he hasn’t gotten over you. I think Allana is here just to keep him on his toes. And plus he-” 
“Sorry, Harrison, can we not talk about this now? I’m still trying to forget about my past with him since I’m living in his house and all.” You said breathing hard.
“You know you don’t have to do that. As his best friend I know he’d hate for you to pretend like nothing ever happened between you two.” 
“Alright then, but if something bad happens because of past events I’m blaming you.” You said jokingly and Harrison laughed, “So what are all the things you need to catch me up on, I’ll let you talk now, I already can’t breathe.” Harrison laughed and started updating you on everything.
“Wait are you serious? That sounds terrible.” You said, Harrison was telling you how he face planted when he was trying to impress a girl. 
“Oh my god it was so embarrassing, she was so quiet when she helped me up and took her number out of my phone!” You started dying of laughter. 
“I’m so sorry that’s so sad. I can’t help, but to laugh though. She’s missing out though you’re a good looking guy.” He turned red with embarrassment. 
“Aw thanks y/n. Also I can’t believe you ended up running the whole time with me.” You shrugged like it was nothing, but your legs were actually aching. You two stepped into the house to the smell of bacon. 
“Oh hell yeah... wait is that Tom cooking?” Harrison asked, very surprised. 
“Yes, I can cook you div.” Tom said. 
You noticed he changed into sweats and he was shirtless. 
“Bro the last time you cooked was when-”
Tom turned surprised to see you up, you stared at him a bit too long. He cut Haz off before he can spill anymore beans,
“Morning, love, like what you see?” You scoffed,
“Actually no, just waiting for you to burn your nipples or something since your frying bacon without a shirt.” You went to pour a glass of water and as if on cue Tom yelped in pain.
“Fuck, I burned myself.” Tom hissed and you were gonna laugh at him until you saw his side. 
“Oh my god Tom! What the hell how’d you manage to burn your side?” You rushed to his side with an ice pack in a dish towel.
“Haha Tom I thought you said you could cook!” Harrison said dying of laughter.
“Harrison can you go get toothpaste?”
“What the fuck toothpaste?” Harrison and Tom asked at the same time.
“Yes, trust me.” With that Harrison scurried off to get toothpaste.
“Told you being shirtless was a bad idea.” You scolded him.
“You liked it though, don’t deny it,” you pressed the ice pack to his side and he winced, “ouch, love, I was joking.” You giggled a bit at his reaction, 
“How hard is it to find toothpaste? Harrison where are you?” You yelled. You looked back at Tom, seemed like something was on his mind.
“You uh look good, y/n.” He stammered, your face heating up more and your heartbeat quickening,
“Tom don’t.”
“What I can’t say my friend looks good? You told Harrison he’s good looking.” You raised your brow. Was he jealous? How the hell did he hear that from inside?
“You’re something else, Holland. Plus you have a girlfriend, don’t think she’d like to hear you say that. Especially when I’m your ex.” For some reason it pained both of you when you said that.
You sat across from him still waiting for Harrison. Tom nudged your foot with his and said, “Y/n, I wanted to say I was sorry about last night. I was tired and being a complete div.” 
You looked up at him, “It’s alright, sorry for overreacting and walking out.”
“No no you had every right to.” He sighed and was about to continue, but Haz ran in,
“I got the toothpaste!” Harrison said breathless.
“Why the hell did you take so long?” You asked as Harrison handed you the tube and winked at Tom, he rolled his eyes then face palmed.
“Oh my god, Harrison.” Tom groaned. You caught on real quick, Harrison was giving you two alone time. 
“You’re not slick at all Osterfield, you literally suck.” You said as he laughed.
You removed the ice pack from Tom’s side, “Alright, Tom, this is gonna sting a bit.” You warned and spread the paste on his burn he groaned in pain.
“Whoa, Harry cover your innocent eyes!” Tuwaine exclaimed covering his face when he and Harry walked in. 
“Really guys having sex in the kitchen?” Harry said. 
“Oh shut up you dickheads. I burnt myself and y/n is helping me out.” Tom said, still moaning.
“Tom you’re such a baby. Harry we’re no longer best friends anymore.” You stated. Harry laughed as you rolled your eyes. 
“Harrison here to save the day with better bacon than Tom’s bacon!” Harrison sang. Tom slapped Harrison’s leg. You laughed excited for how the next few months would turn out because of how eventful this morning already was.
After a very crazy morning and a facetime meeting with your manager you had to go to the table read for the movie you were shooting. Your phone began to ring, it was Harry. 
“Hey, y/n, I’m really sorry Sam and I are still filming right now. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pick you up in time to drop you off at your table read. Can you have one of the boys at home take you?” You began to stress a bit, but you knew that Harry was working on something really important to him.
“Yes of course. Let me know how filming goes later!”
“Thanks so much for understanding. I’ll tell you everything when I pick you up for dinner with my family! Bye, love.” You said goodbye and hung up, also completely forgetting about dinner with the Hollands tonight. 
You walked to Harrison’s room and asked, “Hey are you gonna be busy in like the next hour or so?” 
“Sorry, y/n, I’m about to meet up with some friends for lunch. What’d you need?” He asked frantically pacing looking for something. 
“Oh, Harry can’t take me to my tableread anymore, I need a ride.”
“Hmm, oh found it!” Harrison pulled out a watch from his drawer, “Well Tuwaine is leaving with me, so I’m afraid your only options are Tom or the tube.” 
“Really Harrison?” you groaned and he put his hands up in defense, “Ok have fun at lunch.”
You walked over to Tom’s room to see it empty, “He’s outside!” Tuwaine yelled from across Tom’s room. You thanked him and rushed outside to see Tom still shirtless. He was doing push-ups and the toothpaste looked glittery on his right side in the sunlight. His triceps and biceps enlarged every time he pushed his body up.
“You just can’t keep your eyes off me can you, y/n?” He said grunting while finishing his last few reps. You were at a loss for words because he did look really hot at the moment. You blushed and fumbled with your words,
“Oh uh sorry,” He turned and smirked at you, “I need another favor, Harry can’t take me to the tableread and Harrison and Tuwaine are going out for lunch.” He began walking closer to you making your heart skip a beat. What the hell was he doing? “I uh would take myself, but I’ve never driven here before and-” He was inches away from you he reached out and grabbed your shoulder chuckling,
“Alright alright, shut up I’ll take you.” You stared into each other's eyes not breaking eye contact and he reached over to slide the door open wider and he walked past you. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and rolled your eyes, you can’t let him get to you, he has a girlfriend! “We need to go in 45 minutes, thanks, Tom!” you yelled and he held a thumbs up.
“Z, I swear I cannot live in this house. Tom is acting like he’s some fuck boy and I swear he really is trying to pull something and he has a girlfriend! Did you know that?” You were rambling
“Uhmmm maybe…” She said awkwardly.
“Z! What the hell? Both you and Harry didn’t tell me.”
“What? Didn't think you’d care, cause you’re a ‘badddd bitchhh’.” You laughed at her mocking you.
“Fine, you and Harry said the exact same thing, weird… anyways what the hell do I do?” You said with your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you looked through your closet for something decent to wear at the Holland house. 
“Well, I think you should just focus on what you're doing right now and focus on your growth. Sis, you just broke up with someone, be free for now. It’s time to focus on you and your work.” Zendaya was right, you needed some time to self evaluate and grow, “But also maybe look super hot tonight at the dinner, you know, take his breath away.” She started laughing.
“Z, no! You just said not to worry about boys and he has a girlfriend…”
“But…” she said, waiting for you to carry on.
“But… ok I’ll dress cute, it’s always fun doing that.” You both laughed and she told you what to wear.
“Ok I’m gonna get ready for the tableread, I’ll text you. Love ya!” You said and she said it back and you guys hung up.
“Y/n can we actually leave in 5 minutes? I want to grab lunch, my treat!” Tom said from down the hall.
“Yeah sure.” You grabbed your purse and a bag with extra clothes. You walked out and ran into Tom with a thump he held your shoulders keeping you steady.
“Oops sorry, love. Was just going to tell you to not forget there’s dinner with my family tonight.”
“Yep, got the extra clothes in here.” You said holding up the bag to show him, he smiled and took his hands off your shoulders to take the bag from you and put it over his shoulder, “I could’ve carried it but thanks, bud.” You patted his shoulder and walked off. Tom’s heart dropped when you called him, “bud.”
Tom pulled up to a small cafe that seemed oddly familiar. As soon as he opened the door for you you remembered.
Tom brought back a tray with two burgers, fries, and waters. 
“This place has the best burgers in town. Closest thing we have to in-n-out burgers.” he said handing you the second tray. You told Tom you were starting to feel homesick and said he might know how to cheer you up. You smiled taking a huge bite into the burger, Tom looked at you waiting for your reaction, 
“Oh my god. Absolutely amazing!” Your eyes lit up and Tom’s heart jolted at the joy on your face. He continued to watch you eat the burger that was somewhat making you less homesick, “Hey, Holland, it’s rude to stare. Eat your burger before I eat it.” You joked and he laughed while taking a bite. His heart began to race as he debated whether or not he should tell you how he feels, then he thought ‘fuck it’.
“Y/n, darling?” You hummed in response.
Here goes nothing, “I like you, y/n. I have for a while now.”
Your thoughts went back to what Zendaya was saying, “don’t worry about boys right now.” You took a deep breath and moved up in the line with Tom. “Tom is that you?” Someone asked from behind the counter. 
“Oh, Ms. Sheila! It’s lovely seeing you again.” He said warmly and she came over to give him a hug.
“It’s been so long, and I see you’ve brought this lovely girl back. Is she your girlfriend now?” You widen your eyes and blush.
“Oh my uh no no. We’re just friends, Ms. Sheila.”
“Isn’t this the girl you confessed your feelings to, dear? Then you never came back after that, well only once and that was still ages ago.” 
“Oh, that was a while ago Ms. Sheila. Tom and I are just friends now.” You said before Tom. 
“Oh well that’s a shame you two would make a lovely couple. Anywho what can I get for you two today?” She asked as you followed her to her side of the counter.
“Two of the usuals please.” Tom asked. She nodded and brought the order out within 5 minutes. 
“Now, Tom, I hope you come back more often. Your brothers still come in every now and then.” Tom smiled and promised Ms. Sheila that he’d come back more. 
“How’d she know what your usual is if you haven’t been here in so long?” You asked as you both walked to a booth. 
“I’d come here to get breakfast with my family on Saturdays and would usually hang out here with my mates after school. This place is really special to me, I’ve made a lot of memories here.” He said picking at his fries, only making it more obvious what memory he was thinking about. You two ate in silence for a while not knowing what to say because of what went down the last time you were both here. 
“Alright, ready to go to set, love?” He asked, you nodded as you finished your last bit of the burger and he ate the last of your fries. You and Tom said goodbye to Ms. Sheila and said you’d come back again soon. 
“Thanks, Tom, I owe you big time.” You said looking at him with a smile.
“No problem, but what for?” He asked, glancing at you then back at the road.
“For the meal, taking me to set, and letting me stay at your lovely house.”
“Oh it’s no big deal. You helped me heal my burn,” he paused and cleared his throat, “Uhm b-besides, Harry literally begged me to let you stay, and I’ll be gone next week to film Uncharted. So I’ll uh be out of your hair” He joked and your heart dropped. Harry told you Tom is the one that suggested you stay at their house. Now you sat there confused about who to believe. Regardless you were definitely going to have a chat with Harry about all of this.
Tag list:  @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid
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