#thanks for the request friend!
renabe4life · 2 years
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expression meme request from @drbtinglecannon (i know you only asked for that top right one but uhhh... i got a lil carried away so here’s 3 qrows and a bonus cloves being so done with everything lmao)
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
for steddie please 😊
This is such a good one, I got a little out of control. My 500 word ficlet took on a mind of its own and became almost 3k of fluff. I'm calling this one Oh Good God, I'm Tongue Tied. You can read it on AO3 here! Thanks for the request @mxnson13 <3
From the moment they all realized they were heading in different directions for college, their after graduation plan was put into motion.
As a young kid just happy to be accepted by any school at all, Steve didn’t hold much hope of their plan actually coming to fruition. It was hard to grab onto anything for too long at that age. Yet, the longer Steve was away from his friends, the more he understood the need for something so concrete to look forward to.
Unlike Steve’s initial assumption, making lasting friendships that took his mind away from missing Eddie, Robin, and Nancy all at once was not an easy task. By the time Christmas vacation rolled around, Steve was desperate to be back amongst the people who made him feel the safest, the ones he got to call his own.
The long hug they all shared made Steve think he wasn’t the only one missing out on the easy camaraderie.
Despite the years passing, being away from his found family never got any easier. No matter how successful Steve was or how amazing he actually found school and the classes for his major, the pull of the people he loved was always greater, always more.
Finally, the year they’d all been waiting for was upon them. Steve and Robin worked out the perfect way to make it to each other’s graduations before heading out of state to catch Nancy and Eddie’s. After that, they were set to board a plane to California for a week of sun, sand, and glorious freedom. Not even the manuscript he just sold sitting heavily in his backpack could excite Steve more than the thought of their years’ worth of planning finally coming to fruition.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true.
See, Steve harbored a very big, very secret crush on his best friend. Eddie Munson was the embodiment of all things wild and free. He wore what he wanted, he said whatever came to mind, and he lived his life with such an ease that at first, Steve thought the tingly feeling in his stomach was jealousy. It took many months and a few embarrassing dreams for the truth to finally click.
Once it did, however, Steve had no idea what to do with himself. There were many times throughout their friendship that Steve thought Eddie might have been feeling the same way. When Steve came out as bisexual, Eddie’s eyes lit up so brightly, the shine was distracting. To this very day, Steve still couldn’t decide if his admittance or the potential that came from it pleased Eddie the most.
None of his friend’s actions ever gave Eddie away, either. Despite their closeness (and the hot and heavy chemistry that absolutely existed between them), Steve had no real idea of where their relationship stood.
To drive that point home a little further, Steve didn’t know what Eddie was doing next with his life, either.
One of the main reasons that Steve never stepped a toe over the friend boundary was the distance between them. Steve wasn’t all that good at making relationships work when the person was sitting right next to him. He shuddered to think what long distance would be like. Steve understood his heart to know he wanted all of Eddie – if the day ever came that his friend wanted more, Steve couldn’t settle for anything less.
So, friendship was where they stayed. Though, Steve was kidding himself if he thought for a second that he wouldn’t immediately jump at the opportunity for more.
Which, in the back of his mind, Steve hoped this trip would be. Hence… the anticipation.
Sitting next to Eddie on the flight, Steve was buzzing with energy. He had so many things he wanted to tell the man next to him, so many things he needed to admit. The overflow of it all came forth in the shake of his leg and the rhythmic clench and release of his fingers on the armrests.
“Are you a nervous flyer?” Eddie asked, lightly placing his hand on Steve’s forearm. The softest squeeze followed those caring words.
Steve forced himself to cease his movement, though the effort was great. Sucking in a large breath, he shook his head. “No, I fly all the time. I’m just – excited. This trip is all I’ve been thinking about for four years. I can’t believe we’re finally going on it.”
A knowing smile pulled at Eddie’s lips and the hand on Steve’s arm squeezed again. “I know what you mean. The end of this semester couldn’t get here fast enough.”
There was something about the way that Eddie didn’t move his arm or stop his staring that made Steve’s anxiety drop down to the floor. The humming buzz of ‘what if’ became manageable in the face of Eddie’s easy proclamation. Though nothing was concrete, Steve felt a stirring in his gut that told him everything was going to be alright.
Steve wasn’t really sure what that actually meant but he’d learned to trust his instincts. They did save him a time or two, after all.
Somewhere over the middle of the central US, Steve fell asleep. The weeks of cramming for finals and fine tuning every last detail of his book deal had Steve beyond exhausted. Up until that moment, however, he hadn’t felt safe to really let go. Not truly. His sleep suffered the same way it always did. And like always, Eddie was a balm of comfort that never ceased to help curb the nightmares and chase his dreams away.
Eddie must’ve been pretty exhausted, too, because his head was leaned against Steve’s when the plane touched down. Blinking his eyes open, Steve came to as gently and quietly as possible – this sort of thing had never happened before. Steve was usually pulling himself away with an embarrassed smile when Eddie gently shook him awake. Experiencing Eddie’s vulnerability was new and exciting. Maybe a little hope inducing, too.
Eventually, those big brown eyes opened and his best friend returned to reality. While he did stiffen slightly, Eddie thankfully made no move to forcibly yank himself away from their intimate embrace. In fact, they stayed like that, curled up together between their two plane seats, until people got up to deboard.
The next few hours were a whirlwind of getting checked into their hotel room and handing their bags over to a concierge that would hold them until they were ready to head up for the night. The San Diego beach was calling their names, so no one wasted any time changing or fretting or trying to get settled in. Robin already had a spot in mind and was leading them out the door the moment she could.
True to form, Robin opened the door to the closest gay bar. Unlike those near Purdue where Steve went to school, this place was hopping, practically filled to the brim with girls and boys and all the people in between. Steve, despite being out of the closet for many years, felt out of place, like maybe he wasn’t gay enough to exist in such a mecca.
Eddie, however, looked like a kid in a candy store. His usual excitement bubbled over in such a way that made it impossible for Steve to keep worrying. The smile on Eddie’s face was stunning and Steve wanted to be a part of the reason it lingered on his lips for the rest of the night.
Between the thrumming of the music, all the bodies, and the bigness of the place, getting a drink took longer than they all expected. Steve was grateful to finally feel the shot of tequila go down his throat. He made a deal with himself when they walked in – a little liquid courage was necessary to step so far out of his comfort zone.
Before Steve could talk himself out of it, he turned to Eddie with a hopeful smile on his face. “Do you want to dance?”
Without hesitation, Eddie nodded eagerly. “Hell yeah, I do. Show me what you’ve got, big boy.”
Snorting, because that nickname never got old, Steve grabbed Eddie’s hand. He carefully laced their fingers and used their tethered grip to tug Eddie out onto the dancefloor.
The music’s beat was a fast one that thumped delightfully against Steve’s chest. He closed his eyes for a second to catch the flow of it around him. Then, Steve started to move. His hands eagerly took ahold of Eddie’s hips to pull him closer.
“I’m not familiar with fancy dancing, that one-two-three-four, shit,” Steve said as Eddie settled himself against Steve’s chest, “but I know how to follow the beat.” To prove his point, Steve swiveled his hips in perfect time to the music swallowing them up.
Though Eddie didn’t say anything out loud, the way he pressed back into Steve’s touch and let him lead their movements seemed like answer enough. Song after song, their bodies danced in sync, perfectly twisting and grinding and gyrating together. It felt like they’d been following the other’s step for years, not a handful of sweaty minutes.
But, maybe Steve’s first thought was really true. Steve spent the entire summer following Vecna’s defeat trying to fend off his feelings for Eddie. As they grew closer, their lives started to line up without either of them even noticing. And though they didn’t come together that summer or the one after that or the next three, Steve felt their bond deepening all the same.
He chalked it up to wishful thinking.
This new development, however, had him hoping otherwise.
The night went by so fast that Steve didn’t realize how long they’d been dancing together until the lights came up for last call. Steve had to stop himself from groaning when the spell broke and Eddie finally dragged his body away. The small bit of space between them suddenly felt like millions of miles not a few inches.
“You were right,” Eddie said, wiping his brow.
Steve waited until they were out of the mass of people before replying. “About what?” His mind was all over the place, he couldn’t recall a single thing that happened earlier. The cognizant part of Steve was still out on the dancefloor, pulling Eddie close.
“Following the beat. I don’t think we missed it once tonight.”
For some reason, Steve’s neck flushed red. The pit of want in his belly sparked to life, made even hotter by the knowing look that Eddie had in his eye. Instead of waiting for Steve to flounder around and come up with something to say, Eddie grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. He then dragged Steve out the front door to wait by the corner for Robin and Nancy.
There was a slight chill on the air that brushed across Steve’s skin. A shiver ran up his spine that made him wrap both arms around his middle. He tried to hug himself warm but the mixture of sweat and thin clothes did nothing to block out the cold.
Seeing Steve’s problem, Eddie narrowed down the space between them so they were once again sharing body heat. One of Eddie’s hands was still tethered to Steve’s but the other was free to reach up and wrap around broad shoulders. With the slightest pull, they were chest to chest, breathing the very same air.
And that’s how they stayed until Robin and Nancy came bumbling around the corner, drunk off their asses and attached at the lips. Despite knowing they reached Steve and Eddie, the girls didn’t quit until the need to suck in oxygen became absolutely necessary. Only then did they acknowledge their friends’ presence. Though, even that was brief.
Knowing the PDA was only going to get worse the closer they got to their hotel, Steve and Eddie stayed back a few paces, giving their friends a little privacy. Though it wasn’t the smartest thing to be so open about their affection for each other, Steve and Robin picked this neighborhood in San Diego because of its gay presence. They wouldn’t be the only ones waving that particular flag throughout the week.
They made it back to the hotel a little after 3AM. The lobby was all but deserted – even the hotel’s bar was quiet. After all the loud music, Steve found the absence of noise to be a little underwhelming. The lingering tiredness he tried to nap away on the plane came roaring back without the abundance of stimulus.
By the time Steve and Eddie got up to their room, both were close to passing out on their feet. Though, neither was sleepy enough to miss the very big, very singular bed in the middle of the room. It was huge and looked delightfully soft, but out of place all the same. Instead of the two queens that Robin promised she booked for them, one king took its place, taunting them.
They shared a long look, both trying to figure out what was going on and the problem’s best solution. Eddie broke the silence first.
“We can share. It’s not like we’ve never slept in the same bed before, Stevie.” His lips were quirked in a drunken yet hopeful smile. “We used to cram ourselves into the Wheeler’s basement. This’ll be a piece of cake.”
Unable to think clearly, Steve merely nodded his head. He wasn’t in any position to fight or go down to the lobby to demand a different room. Between the alcohol they drank and the late hour, Steve was genuinely surprised he was still standing. The ability to think complex thoughts no longer existed.
Instead of working to remember why he didn’t want to share a bed in the first place, Steve kicked off his shoes, pulled down his jeans, and crawled into bed. He barely recalled Eddie getting under the covers with him before the pull of sleep dragged him down and under.
Steve absolutely recalled the reason he should’ve been wary the next morning when he woke up with his arm thrown over Eddie’s hip. Like magnets, their bodies found each other throughout the night so that Steve’s chest was pressed up against Eddie’s back. After so many years of distance and space, none remained between them. Absolutely none.
Registering that other parts of him were also aware of Eddie’s presence, Steve started to pull himself away. A strong hand grabbing his forearm stopped him.
“Don’t go. I’m comfy, just like this.” Eddie’s voice was sleep clogged and deep, both sexy and absolutely adorable.
Rolling his eyes at that thought, Steve went to pull away again.
With a huff, Eddie turned in Steve’s arms so they were face to face. “Didn’t you hear me. Don’t go.” Eddie reached his left hand up, cupping Steve’s cheek. “Stop fighting this, Steve. It’s okay.”
Despite being shocked, Steve leaned into the touch of Eddie’s hand. “I’m scared.”
“You don’t have to be. I’ve been waiting years for you to finally come to your senses.”
Eddie didn’t give Steve any more time to think about what that meant or how that affected things between them. He leaned forward and placed his lips upon Steve’s, kissing him soundly. Morning breath be damned.
There was no argument that would ever beat the feeling of finally coming home.
Not even Steve and his stubbornness could conjure one up.
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daeyumi · 6 months
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i love it when ppl put kirby into desserts
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panmostuck · 6 months
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davekat sillies. original images under the cut:
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loopnoid · 6 months
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more mash nonsense i've been accumulating. yes i can draw things that are not bj and hawkeye sometimes. that being said nsfw(?) beejhawk under the cut
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maxlarens · 3 months
lando + 18 😛
18) squishing the other’s cheek
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You can feel the beat of the music in your veins like another heartbeat as Lando drags you through the packed crowd. He's got a grip on your hand like someone's about to tear you away from him, or the crowd is going to swallow you whole. Which doesn't seem likely to happen, given the force with which you're also holding his hand.
He looks back at you, teeth worrying away at his lip, like you might have been replaced by someone else without letting go of him.
"What's wrong?", you shout, getting closer to him so he can hear you over the ditz ditz of the music and the cacophony of voices in the club.
He shakes his head, keeps dragging you, heading in the direction of the bar. He's moving fast and you're stumbling along a bit, spilling the drink you've got in your other hand. You're four or so drinks deep so your balance and coordination isn't as good as you'd like it to be.
"Lando," you shout again, "Slow down. I'm spilling my drink everywhere."
He stops, so suddenly and with so little warning that you thump right into the back of him. Your face hits his spine, you feel cartilage crunching as your nose goes numb and tears involuntarily spring to your eyes.
Fucking ow.
"What the fuck," you're saying as he blurts out,
"You still have that drink?", frantic, panicked in a way you don't hear from him often, "Have you drank any? Tell me if you've had any?"
You've got your hand on the bridge of your nose, trying to quell the tingling feeling spreading through it and hoping it doesn't start bleeding. You frown, meeting your friend's concerned, almost angry expression with an equally as confused one.
"Lando. What are you talking about?"
"Have you had any?"
You shake your head adamantly, something a little sick, a little worried starting to creep into the pit of your stomach, "No. No, I haven't. Why?"
He releases a ragged breath that has his shoulders sagging in relief, but sets your heart rate spiking. You shake your head less in frustration, more because you're not quite sure what he's trying to tell you. You put your drink down on a nearby table, throw a napkin in it for good measure.
"Lando," you press, grabbing his bicep to keep his attention on you as it keeps drifting off into the crowd while he searches for something, "What's going on?'
He opens his mouth, closes it, then guides you into an out of the way corner, tucked behind a booth. Then he says, "I– there was some weird guy before. Like, leering at you, or whatever. I just thought—”
“—you think he spiked my drink?”, you ask, your heart beating a skittering, nervous rhythm in your chest.
Lando nods, lips pursed into a thin line.
“He’s gone now,” he reassures you, “I think. I can’t see him anywhere.”
Your chest feels tight with something— with many somethings. Fear, relief, panic, gratitude. You’ve been introduced to a problem and then had it resolved all in a very quick span of time. Your brain is still playing catch up. There’s music thudding in your ears, Lando’s looking at you like you might turn to dust right in front of him, your nose hurts, your head is spinning from the alcohol, your skin is prickling from the stare of a man who you hope isn’t there anymore.
It’s too much. So you gather it all up in a ball and you throw it away. You take a half step forward and squeeze Lando into the biggest hug you can manage. A little overwhelmed by your affection for him, but unable to throw that away so readily.
You’ve pinned the tops of his arms to his side with the force of the hug and you can feel his hands grappling for you, grabbing at your waist as he tries to hug you back. You press your temple into his cheek, your still tender nose into a groove at his collarbone.
“You’re sweet,” you mutter.
Affection for Lando, unbridled and made worse by alcohol, rises into your throat. You groan into his shoulder, squeeze him even tighter.
“Christ,” he squeaks out a nervous laugh.
You reel back, letting him loose of the crushing hug and sliding your hands to grip his shoulders. You shake your head, biting down on your bottom lip. A strangled noise slips from your mouth, eliciting a raise of Lando’s eyebrows while you reach up to squish his cheeks in between your hands.
“Oh, fuck off,” he groans, but it comes out muffled and incomprehensible as he swats at your hands— not making any real attempt at trying to push them away.
He’s trying not to smile at you, but his toothy little grin punches through chubby cheeks regardless.
“So cute,” you laugh.
His cheeks grow warm under your hands. He wraps his fingers around your wrists, tugging you away.
“I was worried,” he sighs, “And don’t call me cute.”
“I know,” you bite down on a grin, “Thank you Lan, really.”
His tongue moves to worry at his incisor, he’s fighting the grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. Intentionally not looking at you.
“Don’t call me cute,” he says again, tipping his head back and exposing the line of his neck so he doesn’t have to look you in the eye.
You snort indelicately, then coo, reaching out to pinch his face, “Aw, is that too much for little Lando Norris?”
“God,” he groans loudly, trying hard to pretend he’s not enjoying whatever this is, “You’re so annoying.”
“You love it, Lando.”
“Fuck off,” but there’s no heat in it, only affection.
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gotchibam · 7 months
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Pidgey with toast ko-fi doodle for @beingatoaster from @0nlyfiends!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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b1gwings · 10 months
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maybe i have a favorite song from the taz soundtrack
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pixelaves · 1 month
could you draw Hazel and Peri hugging Dev?
i couldn’t decide between drawing the two of them hugging dev together or separately so i did both, hope you don’t mind
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bluekiivi · 2 months
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keeping warm
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chinchillion · 3 months
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then vs now
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slvtforfiction · 10 months
hihi!! Can you do a Jake Webber smut , I never seen smut with him🙏🙏 maybe like one where he’s possessive over you?😩 if so tysm babes!!🩷🩷
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☆ Omg yes! Ofc babes!
☆ Thank you for the request love x
☆ Tag: @icecubesaredelicous
☆ Please request more things everyone! This helped me write a bit more which I’m grateful for!
☆ When you request you can ask for songs!!
☆ Jake Webber X Reader
☆ Smut
☆ Possessive and Jealous!Jake
☆ Masterlist
☆ A joke song and a real song depending on how you want to read/Listen!
☆ A like,reblog and comment is always appreciated:)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for divider :)
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Jake ‼️:
Hey love,come over? Colby’s here btw x
Okayyy,one minute? X
Jake ‼️:
Okay see you soon x
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I grabbed my half empty white claw off the counter and smiled grabbing my keys.
I locked the door quickly yet gently and proceeded to walk down the hallway to his apartment which was a floor below me.
After I got out of the elevator I walked to his apartment,knocking gently I heard him jump up and gently run to the door.
I hugged him before walking into his apartment and smiling giving a slight wave at Colby before hugging him and sitting down next to him.
Jake’s face contorted but I thought nothing of it and smiled as I cosied up next to him.
I felt Jake move away slightly and my smile faded,I rubbed his hand but he moved and I gave up,maybe he was just in a bad mood with Colby or something.
Either way I shrugged it off and continued to watch whatever they were watching on YouTube whilst sipping my white claw.
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I walked to the kitchen to throw my empty white claw can in the bin.I had tried to shrug off Jake’s behaviour but it was affecting me,whether or not he could see it.
I decided I would quickly text him whilst I leaned back on the counter.
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Did I do something wrong? You’re scaring me.
Jake ‼️:
Don’t know,why don’t you ask Colby if you’re so interested.
Jake! You’re my boyfriend,why would I even want to talk to Colby??
Jake ‼️:
Yeah whatever
He’s leaving now anyways!
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Colby got off the sofa and fist bumped Jake walking over to the kitchen next to the front door and gave me a hug before leaving.
After Colby had left I sat next to Jake again,hoping he had got over his jealousy.
I cuddled up next to Jake again and he moved away. “Okay,Jake what’s your issue?” I asked him,as I looked up to him,he paused YouTube whilst I sat up staring into his soul.
“You seem to love Colby so much! Why don’t you go fuck him instead?” He said and I audibly laughed,he didn’t seem to like that.
“Jake you’re the only one I even think about fucking,so don’t start.” I said as my laughter died down.
“Oh yeah? What you thinking?” He said leaning back on the sofa and I climbed onto his legs,facing him.
“Maybe something like this..why don’t I show you?” I whispered in his ear before kissing his neck.
“Maybe you should.” He said relaxing into the sofa as I pulled of his shirt,grinding on him softly as he held his hands at my hips.
He began pushing my hips down harder and I whined into the kiss I had found myself in.
“You’re mine baby,all mine.” He whispered as he reclaimed dominance,nipping at my neck gently and slowly putting me on my back.
“All yours.” I whispered back as he took off my shirt and bra. “All mine,yeah?” He asked playfully taking off my bra and taking my nipples into his mouth.
“Promise,m’ all yours Jake,promise.” I whispered,biting back a moan. He soon slipped his hands down and past my skirt.
He began to rub my clit through my panties,his hand round my neck as he kissed me.
“Jake,I’m all yours,please.” I said and he smiled, “Mkay baby.” He said and slowly took down my panties.
He lowered his face in between my legs and I could already feel the heat from his mouth reverberating in between my legs.
I smiled as he lapped his tongue up towards my clit,I moaned out as he took my clit between his pointer,index and thumb,continuing to lick at my heat.
He slowly pushed his tongue inside of me and I almost screamed from pleasure.
I writhed around underneath him,moaning and clenching around his tongue.
I had become a mess from his tongue alone,leaving me patiently waiting for more.
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“Fuck,Jake!” I moaned out,knowing he probably still wouldn’t let me cum.
This was the third time I was on edge and it was torture. He sped up his pace,his hips clashing mine as I stared at the stars in my eyes,and not to mention the tattoos on his pelvis and arm that was currently choking me.
He pulled out again as I clenched around him and I whined out of disappointment.
“Jake,please.” I whined out as he poured above me sarcastically. “What do you think?” He said and I couldn’t decipher if he was sarcastic or not but I didn’t care.
“I’m begging,please Jake.” I whispered and he smiled returning back to his original pace.
I moaned out loud again,my limbs giving up on me and all the focus on was my pleasure and Jake’s hand wrapped around my neck.
“I’m close!” I moaned out as I clenched on him for a final time. “Same princess,cum with me.” He said softly as I finally came.
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I lied in his arms,falling asleep,his t-shirt loosely wrapped around me and his head in the crook of my neck as he spooned me.
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calciumdreams · 5 months
I'm sorry if it's a weird request, but I wanted to know if you could draw some Swapfell (purple) Sans × Error. It's my favorite ship and you're my favorite artist, sorry 😿 /nf
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Aww!, thank you :-D! i've never heard of that ship before!
the first thing that came to mind with these two was them meeting the same way error and blue did, so: abduction,, they ended just venting to each other, they can be a ball of hate together :-3
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
how about giving price the best head he ever received in his life? 🤭
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Thinking about what it takes for Price to give up control in the bedroom | 18+, MINORS DNI
As much as Price doesn’t mind switching up rolls in the bedroom, it’s very rare for him to do so. Reason being that he likes giving you pleasure. He likes making you cum, whether it be with his hands, cock or mouth.
You don’t mind him being in control, in fact you happily allow him to do so, especially if it means that you’ll be cumming for the next couple of hours.
However, sometimes you want to take care of him as well. Especially when you see the paperwork piling up on his desk, the way his office door stays more often closed than open and how cold his side of the bed has been getting lately.
As mentioned before Price doesn’t mind giving up control, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for him to do so.
So when you stand behind him in his office chair and start kissing his neck, he’s already asking if you want him to take care of you instead. As your kisses trail down to his chest, reaching dangerously close to his happy trail, he’ll ask you again “You sure you don’t want me to take care of you instead. It's been a while hasn't it?”
Again it’s not that he doesn’t want you to take care of him. It’s just second nature for him to be the one to do it instead. And as much as you enjoy the sight of his weeping cock pressing up against his pants as he buries himself between your legs, this time you want to be the one on your knees with your lips wrapped around his dick.
The trick to taking control is to be sure of what you want here. The slightest hint of hesitation- any indication that you’re considering taking him up on his offer and he’s flipping you around in the chair and burying his head between your legs.
“No John not today, want to take care of you instead “
He gazes into your eyes as if searching for hints of doubt but when there’s none to be found he nods and relaxes in his seat, finally accepting what you’re offering him.
Since it takes him a while to get into subspace, focus on teasing him instead. Kiss his neck, kiss down his chest, drag your nails down his stomach and along the expanse of his thighs, You can even slap his chest, thighs or even dick to make him gasp oh so prettily.
By the time you’re on your knees, he’s shaking, panting and eyes pleading for you to just do something.
“Yes or no, John?”
“Yes, yes for Christ sake yes” he cries out, head thrown back back and thrusting his hips up in the air, pathetically looking for some sort of friction since you’ve been teasing him for the past half hour.
He’d be so worked up at this point, cock straining against his pants and darkening the spot where it rests at and you can see how he’s giving you more and more control the further along you go.
Eventually you decide to show him some mercy by unbuckling his pants and pulling them down to his knees along with the boxers he’s wearing. The cold air raises goosebumps all across his skin but but it also gives some sort of relief to his burning hot skin.
You start off by placing small pecks around his tip as you wrap one hand around the base of his dick, not moving but just teasingly resting there. His dick is flushed an angry red, hard and twitching in your hand. It’s clear that he’s really worked up and that’s exactly why you hold off on taking him into your mouth.
It’s clearly something he’s not happy about since he’s whimpering, begging and bucking his hips into your hand. “Please - just please”
“But the fun will end so soon if I do it” you say with a teasing smile plastered on your lips before painstakingly slowly stroking him root to tip til your thumb can easily and teasingly swipe across his tip.
He gasps at that, legs slightly kicking as he shudders from your touch.
“No, I promise, I promise, I won’t- won’t cum yet”
“You promise me?” it’s not that you’re asking for reassurance here but instead you’re challenging him as you slowly stroke all the way down the length. To further tease him, you tactically place your thumb on top of the vein that’s angrily protruding at the side of his dick, teasingly tracing it as you stroke him.
“How about you convince me hm?” You say still with a teasing smile on your lips as you give him a couple of generous pumps with your fist.
“I thought you- you wanted this” he sobs out, throwing an arm over his eyes as he bucks up into the palm of your hand.
Your eyes spot the precum collecting on his tip, and for a second you forget to respond to him as you eagerly lean in to get a taste of it. It doesn’t take much for you to taste the salty and bitter flavor that you are oh so familiar with and you can’t help but moan around his dick, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through his body.
“Of course I want to, pretty” you say, once you pull away, a string of saliva connecting you to him.
“Fuck fuck fuck don’t stop” he cries, slightly kicking his legs in frustration as he drags his hand across his face.
“ I’m not sure if you really want it. I mean you were so adamant about giving me head…” you say, clearly still teasing as you once again place pecks around the tip.
“No I want it- please I want you to suck my dick “
You hum around his dick, as if considering what he’s saying but really you’re looking to cause more jolts of pleasure to course through his body. And you clearly succeed in doing so as he furiously shakes his head and bucks his hips into your mouth “Are you really sure?”
“Fuck yes please, just please”
You smile up at him, the words “good boy” falling from your lips as you finally wrap your lips around his dick and fully sink down on him.
“Oh- Jesus Christ”
He jerks in response, still a bit worked up from being teased so much and you wonder if you should pull away to give him a moment to collect himself but you decide against it. You grab onto his hips, setting a steady pace with him, brows furrowing in concentration as you gauge every little reaction from him.
His hair is tousled, and sticking to his forehead, cheeks flushed and pupils blown wide but you also notice him chewing his lips. You already know it’s his attempt at muffling the little sounds trying to slip past his lips, always feeling a bit shy when it comes to showing just how much he enjoys when you take care of him.
You slowly pull away which has his eyes widening, and he hurriedly grabs onto your arm as he says “why did you stop now?”
You smile up at him as you see the desperation on his face. And you make a little show of licking the smeared precum on your lips before you respond to him “I won’t do this if you stay quiet the entire time” you say before you’re once again paying attention to his neglected dick, tongue dragging along the underside of his shaft, and watching his body jerk in response to your touch.
“I won’t stay quiet. Just please- ”
“You promise?” You say still teasingly tracing patterns on his dick.
“Yes yes for Christ’s sake I promise”
You once again sink down on his length, gauging his reaction as you do it.
At first he’s back to chewing his lips, before you nails sink into his thighs in warning and he throws his head back on the chair as moans finally start to escape him freely.
Just as he gets used to the pace you’ve set, you grab onto his hand and place it at the back of your neck, lips going slack and body willfully relaxing as you accommodate to his length.
“Jesus Christ” is all he says to your unspoken request.
At first he’s unmoving, entranced by the sight in front of him, mouth agape, unblinking, almost holding his breath but it doesn’t take long for him to slowly start thrusting his hips.
Slowly but surely he’ll increase his pace and lose himself in the feeling of your warm wet mouth so snuggly wrapped around his dick, blabbering out incoherent pleas and requests and straight up sobbing in his chair.
Despite literally being down on your knees, you’re the one who’s in control here, hands commanding for him to keep going, eyes reassuring him with just a look that you’ll be here to catch him when he’s teetering at the edge of release.
Once you get him into that state, keep pulling orgasms out of him. It’s so rare for you to get him like this so might as well take advantage of it, until there’s nothing left but pitiful spurts of cum coming from him.
Aftercare is so important since he’s so far gone into subspace. He will nuzzle into your neck as his legs and arms clinging onto your frame. He just wants to be cared for and feel safe.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and tucked into bed, little soldier
[Bonus: Always wants to taste himself afterwards, will even make a show out of the whole thing without meaning to. He’ll lean in for a kiss, tongue peeking out to lick your lips or suck on your tongue as soft moans escape him
“Tastes just like me”]
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halflifebutawesome · 2 months
guy crazy about tomrey here thank you thank you thank you thank you
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raineandsky · 11 months
Could you do a story where a guard of a Supermax prison befriends a supervillain, because he treats him like a genuine human being instead of an animal; and later, all the power-dampeners suddenly fail; and all these villains just revolt against the guards; but supervillain makes sure he’s safe since he was always kind to him?
Love Ur writing!!
aaaaaaa this was such a fun idea - im absolutely in love with this lil dynamic!! hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing it :D
tw blood, death
Animals. That’s all the agency ever saw the villains as. Animals they could poke and push and test and break into nothing.
So when the jail’s power-dampeners fail, the villains are more than happy to make like the tigers are out of their cage.
The villain to the supervillain’s right is burning the lock on his cell door. The villain on his left has fazed straight through hers. The supervillain steps up to the iron bars across his own cell to look beyond.
VIllains are flooding the corridor, breaking for the stairs one by one. “You,” he snaps as someone passes, and they thankfully slow down. “Open the door.”
Escape might be tantalising, if the villain’s quick glance to the stairs is anything to go by, but no villain ignores a supervillain. They rest their hands against the door for a moment, their brow knitted in concentration for a moment, before the lock clunks open.
They pull the door outward as the supervillain steps into the corridor, waiting impatiently. “Thank you,” the supervillain says shortly.
The villain wastes no time continuing their great escape, chasing the tails of the other villains. Golden light flashes against the walls of the stairwell like fireworks, panicked shouting drifting from above, dull thumping as inevitable bodies hit the floor. The superhero strolls up the steps to take in the carnage the villains are wreaking on the pristine agency.
Gunfire showers the corridor in the light of heaven itself. Agency guards are backed up against the one exit. Most of the villains have already pushed past them into the room beyond, but those who haven’t are springing on them from all directions with fire or ice or electricity or nothing but hatred.
He can see someone familiar through the chaos, the eye of the storm. His gun sprays death, his face twisted into a mix of anger and fear, his eyes set on the villain currently making her way towards him with palms of steaming water.
Almost all of the villains have passed through. Most guards are either lying in a puddle of crimson blood or following the flock into the next room. There’s two of them—his Favourite, and someone he couldn’t care less about.
The villain’s water flicks from her fingers and sprays the guard, earning a pained cry and a cringe away from her. His attention falls to the scalding cutting through his skin, and in one fatal move the villain swipes the gun from his hands.
The supervillain doesn’t have time to intervene. The other guard swings his weapon to the villain, and with a flash of golden light she drops to the ground. The gun clatters to the floor with her.
The two of them heave a breath like they’re free, and the supervillain sees his chance. He sweeps up the gun from the floor, shouldering his Favourite out of the way, before turning it on the other guard and opening fire. The force of the bullets shove the guard into the wall behind him, and his descent to the floor is accompanied by a nauseating streak of red.
The supervillain turns his gaze to the last guard, his Favourite, the one who helped him from the day he got here. The one who saw past the animals and saw a person.
The guard returns his gaze with abject horror, defenceless, trapped. His eyes are wide, his back pressed into the wall, his mouth working in a desperate attempt at what is probably a beg for mercy.
The supervillain doesn’t waste time. He doesn’t have any. He grabs the guard’s arm, earning a startled squeak, tucking the gun under his arm. He can see the burns left on the man’s arm from the villain’s attack; small but undoubtedly painful. He lays a hand over them and the guard hisses and pulls in his grip, whether in pain or fear of pain he can’t tell.
His hand is cool—he can tell from the way the guard relaxes in his hold after a moment. The supervillain holds down a pleased smile. “That’s it,” he says smoothly. “Is that better?”
He lets go and the guard tips his gaze to his skin, unblemished and unharmed. Like the water never touched him at all. His mouth opens. Closes. His brow creases.
“Your power…” he tries after a moment, confused, “they never figured it out. They thought you’d have something violent.”
The supervillain throws him a smile, unhidden this time. “They never expected a healer at the head of evil, did they?”
The supervillain drags him along, following the path of bloodshed like a map. Some villains are still loitering—one of them slinks up to the pair with a grin. They inspect the guard closely for a moment before running the edge of their knife across his jaw in thought. He tries to shrink away but the supervillain’s grip on him holds fast.
“Oh, isn’t this one pretty?” the villain purrs. They give the blade a flick for emphasis, and the guard flinches as the edge cuts a crimson line into his cheek. “Can’t wait to show the agency what happens to good little boys like him.”
“No one touches him, understand?” the supervillain snaps coldly. “He’s with us.”
The villain scowls, clearly unsatisfied with his answer. “Oh, we keepin’ pets now, boss?”
“We don’t keep pets, [Villain].” His gaze turns to the guard for a moment, a touch softer, almost thankful. “They’re not animals.”
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