#thanks kan
kan-zaiaku · 15 days
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That one P3R artwork, but with Connor instead
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magicaldreamfox1 · 4 months
with & without colouring
tagged by @agendratum @toppingjeffsatur @petrichoraline thank u all i really wanted to try this !
a lot of these are very subtle bc my colouring approach in most cases is not to change too much and only to enhance the colours of the original scene !
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 11 months
Matara Kan: The report of my death was an exaggeration.
(Source: Mark Twain)
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wine-dark-soup · 5 months
opinion on your ff14 woman you know the one
i think i can safely bet this is about kan-e-senna.🤡
so without furder ado:
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listen to me. listen. i love her. all the criticism she and gridania get is warranted and was largely covered multiple times by people more eloquent than me so i'm not gonna talk about it here.
but. i feel like players are exaggeratedly mean about kan-e-senna sometimes
"she's a passive coward" she founded the eorzean alliance. and because i just did it again and have the screenshots on hand, here's her final decision concerning gaius' ultimatum before he invades eorzea:
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she's the FIRST LEADER to (in a decisive moment where she gets up and grabs her staff, reassuming her role) admit surrendering to the empire is a bad idea. most of all, she interacted closely with the previous warriors of light; and after carteneau, SHE was entrusted with their legacy and louisoix's. she CAN'T surrender if only for that.
i don't think she's meant to be an *active agent* in the sense she will never be raubahn running through a battlefield (although from what i've heard she WILL throw herself in the melee in the EW master rolequests). but throughout the game she has a catalyst role. she creates the alliance. she invites the other leaders to continue the fight when faced with an ultimatum. she is the first character to somewhat read what's going on with thancred's soul which will launch the events of shb. it's her who welcomes fourchenault in gridania, which will launch the events of endwalker.
but she *wants* to be an active agent in the story, because she DOES want to act when needed. whether she actually can or not is another problem and the root of many of gridania's issues.
she wants to help the people, but is completely blind to their problems because she spends her days in the lotus stand. she wants to travel, but she can't, because she has to help her people, by... spending her days in the lotus stand. there's an irony here that i absolutely adore.
the EW tank rolequests really highlighted this contradiction in her character imo. she's supposedly a good orator and kind leader, with a voice clear as day, but it doesn't show. so the people and the forest suffer more than they should and so does she - because of the pressure she's under. the very stupidity of gridania's immobilism (caused in part by kan-e's inability to act) manifested in the form of her childhood best friend turned beast (who, btw, should have become the elder seedseer. sudden pressure put on her after his disappearance) and the illusion of a plague spreading through the forest. it doesn't get more straightforward as a metaphor.
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grapejuicegay · 2 years
I’ve already mentioned some of this but I finally have enough to flesh this out a little. I’ve been working under the theory that Suppalo/the curse/Chadok is the sun, Akk is working directly under the influence of it, Ayan is the moon.
I’ve also talked about power and control in relation to Namo but let’s talk about it now with the curse as well. The legend is that the curse becomes stronger closer to the eclipse, that the eclipse is the time that people need to stay in line more than ever. 
During an eclipse, when the moon covers the sun the sun’s influence is reduced. So if control over the students is through the sun, the moon covering it would mean the loss on control.
Of course it’s during the moment of least control is when you would want the fear of unknown consequences to keep people in line when you can’t exert direct control, when your influence and power over them is weakened.
Now look at this post by @25shadesoffebruary​ about how the eclipse is happening in this moment when Ayan leans into Akk. And it happens over and over this episode. It keeps on happening every time Ayan and Akk get close (before this episode too!)
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But now look at Chadok when he confronts Akk in the school at night.
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He stands in the light in a way that it basically seems to be emanating from him, completely engulfing Akk in its shadow. He reminds Akk of his responsibilities and adds in a sprinkle of fear in the form of a scholarship - if you don’t do what I expect of you, you lose the scholarship. He’s using fear to maintain his influence.
And it works
Look at the light basically on top of Akk’s head during the judo takedown when Akk is trying to push Ayan away as much as he can. He’s back in prefect mode (shortly before he tries to get Ayan to leave the school, even threatening to bring the curse back)
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And here’s the placement of the same light in the same room when they were practicing judo alone a few episodes ago.
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Usually when they’re close to each other, Akk pulls Ayan in and covers the light. But right now, the light is looming directly over him.
Akk is under the control of the light (Chadok) trying to resist the pull of the eclipse.
Also, Akk, the morning after he was cornered by Dika, sleeping in the direct sun under the comfort of a blanket covered in stars. Like the night could be a source of comfort against the stress he’s under with the light.
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Bonus: Akk being protected from the sun by the starry blanket and the eclipse sweatshirt
And after Ayan spends some time taking care of him when he’s sick? He wakes up tended for, being protected from the sun by the stars and and eclipse right over his chest.
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desperatepleasures · 3 months
am gonna have to ask my readers to suspend disbelief and accept that for the purposes of this fic youkai cannot get pregnant but I know that's kind of a big ask coming from doth "pregnancy kink" dotherson
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sneakyfox55 · 7 months
major To The Moon series spoilers ahead!
no because the real Quincy--relative to the "real" world our Lynri came from--never actually got to see his family again
can we talk about that please like my heart BREAKS for this man and sure you can say "well like he wasn't actually real because this is the topmost stack and not reality lmbo" but like.
what IS reality?
like! the entire point of the games is to bring up the question "what is the reality we tell ourselves, at one point does reality become... not so?" and that's honestly like, other than the various other themes Kan Gao has so masterfully crafted into this series that's my favorite one because then the ethic becomes, if nothing is reality--if everything is just the reality OR fiction we tell ourselves--what does it really matter?
so if we go based off that, the real Quincy relative to IF-Lynri's timeline just. was basically pushed off to the side. and yeah, there's the version of him within the machine that we play as of course and we get to see that version of him be happy, but how can that account for the original version? did that Quincy not have feelings? did that Quincy just, not have his heart broken by the love of his life after the tragic loss of their child? did she not abandon him? from we know that did still happen, does it matter that it did, maybe not to any other version of them (or even IF-Lynri for that matter since she gets everything she wants in the end) but did it not matter to that Quincy?
and it hurts so much worse to me personally to know that, he would have never know about any of this, and he has no idea that in another timeline so to speak, he gets to be happy. and!!! this even goes back to To The Moon the game (try saying that 5 times fast) itself because!!!!
the real River and Johnny technically might have never reunited.
in fact they? probably really didn't? at least not in a way that could have ever been substantial to either of them. the "real" Johnny never actually remembered their first meeting, and the "real" River never got to feel that closure that she so desperately wanted from him.
but then it goes back to the question of if it matters, since they're happy anyway?
and this all leads to my point about all of this:
does it? does creating perfect fantasy worlds for everyone really MATTER if the real them never got to live out that fantasy world?? because sure, you can say to THEM, it does! in that brief moment before they leave this world, they can leave knowing they did all they wanted! they can leave with a (figurative) smile on their face!! right? isn't that the point?
...but then. where does it stop meaning something because EVERYTHING was made up? how can we differentiate the two anymore?
and at what point was reality just... maybe, not reality in the first place?
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silver-queen · 3 months
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha Ezi 🙏🙏🙏 mohon maaf lahir & bathin
Selamat hari raya idul adha!!! Minal aidin wal fa'idzin! 🙏🙏🙏
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skz-vla · 2 years
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Nebula Han 🌌🌟
for DTIYS @/silverdraeconis on twitter <3
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bishonenspit · 2 months
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feeling Loved and Fulfilled and also Autistic this fine evening
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nabaath-areng · 2 months
Okay but now I have to laugh. Laying in bed still unable to really move from pain and fatigue, and I'm hungry, so I put on some music from Ieeha's instrumental playlist...
Except I forgot about the pulsating tinnitus, which isn't triggered by all sounds but very much by piano. I don't got my headphones nearby which alleviates it so now my ear is making fluttering sensations from the inside to the beat every single note in Fantasie-Impromptu, as if Chopin himself is in my ear playing
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ikram1909 · 11 months
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Gavi's contract is going to end before we properly register him 😭
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littlemissmanga · 10 months
I give thee...👀
Kan-ri Eliriim !
Kan-ri is a red-orange Torguta with grey montral/lekku, grey eyes and is in her mid-late 20s. Her Togruta markings make a "mask" around her eyes, large egg shapes on cheeks and small egg shapes on forehead.
She's a nomadic artist that lives on her ship with her R4-R5 astromech, BeepBop. Her ship and droid are decked in art of places they've been, that she's made.
Kan-ri is playful, go with the whim, doesnt like being restrained, dislikes killing but will shoot if she needs to. She goes where she wants, war wont stop her
Romantic or Platonic ship, your choice 😘💜
Here's a drawing I did of her
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Sorry for the lack of colour, I haven't digitally done this drawing yet 😅
OK first, your drawing is adorable!!! And can I say I'm jealous over how clean your linework is?
Moving on, I think she'd naturally be great friends with Corkscrew. Pilots appreciate pilots and he'd also love the expression and creativity of Kan-ri's artwork. He respects the heck out of Kan-ri's lifestyle and is a little jealous of the freedom and new opportunity her travels bring her. And he thinks she's incredibly brave for choosing such a life. He's also impressed by her independence and confidence.
Every so often, he'll want to plan adventures with her and just go exploring.
He appreciates her compassion and gentle heart and absolutely sees her as "close friend, must protect" so he can be heavy handed when warning her about pirates or other dangers in areas she's looking to travel to.
All Kan-ri has to do is comm him "Help, I need you" and he's there with whichever brothers he can rally. She'll never be truly alone because Corkscrew will never let her be.
Also ... I feel like they'd hook up. Maybe just once, or maybe a little longer FWB type thing, but I think Cor would eventually want something more structured/settled and they would call it quits (he doesn't love sex without feeling and he wouldn't be able to move on if they were still intimate) but they would still be supportive, solid friends after.
I hope you like these hcs!!
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jdramastuff · 1 year
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jemmo · 2 years
Okay but Khan"you can't trust ayan he's up to no good"long not only told Ayan about being Bruce Wayne but also asked him for advice about his big gay crush on Thua!? This is one friendship I didn't know I needed.
that scene was an absolute highlight for me bc omg i didn’t even know i needed this and now i would protect it with my life. like yes, ayan being kan’s gay guidance counsellor is the best thing ever, and it works so well bc ayan is so chill and understanding with kan which is what he needs, but at the same time he makes everything simple and plain which not only doesn’t scare kan or put him off, but makes everything seem less big and scary and i just think that’s such a good influence to him. like ayan is the one and only person that would turn around to him and say “dude i think you’re in love” and that’s what kan needs to hear, he needs someone to say for him what he can’t bring himself to say. he’s like gaining bravery from ayan through osmosis and i adore it.
but also i like to believe that kan keeps telling thua ayan is ‘scary and dangerous’ purely bc he knows all his gay secrets. like yeah don’t hang out with that guy bc he just might let it slip that I’m madly in love with you
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morgansyorkie · 1 year
Lmaoooo the pens missing the playoffs, what a glorious day it is in the hockey world!
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