wtfastaroth · 9 months
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Tharma Pre-corruption
This is what she looked like before Darkar's curse, The post-corruption appearance is not yet ready
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kingixsstuff · 1 year
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The great witches !
( Belladonna and liliss by Elle dei I believe.)
The great ancestral witches,mothers to all witches
Once was normal girls they were found and learned under the first witch hecate (il post her later) eventually cursing others with witch magic. They have two forms their sprit forms and young forms
In their young forms they are in my fan transformation “crisix” the fist magic form (for witches,fairy’s and sorcerers) it’s a lot of story with these characters thst I don’t even know how to start lol 😭
Belladonna is the witch of winter
Liliss is the witch of void
And tharma the witch of natural disasters 
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
The Ancestral Witches
I wanted to give The Ancestral Witches more individuality in their appearances with their faces, bodies, outfits, and colors. These three are often treated like a signal entity rather than three different characters. So basically imagine their descendants but a lot more extreme and irredeemable because they are heartless monsters. They also have individual colors for their ghostly specters.
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sabagon · 1 year
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Sharon Tharma
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thegoddessesofchaos · 2 years
Ancestral Witches RP blog(go by AU because canon can't keep straight)
Blog contains mature themes so read at own risk, other than that just don't be a jerk
Main is @bogwitchesofthemulti
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cold-box · 1 month
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solariaswitch · 1 year
i sooo agree about the icy backstory! i HATED the retcon, and the trix aren't sisters anymore?
I dislike Icy's S8 backstory, but I actually don't consider it a retcon. I know this is yet another topic that divides the fandom but I never took the Trix for being biological/blood sisters.
I think it depends a lot on which dub you watched, but I never considered them bio sisters, but rather sisters in a coven way. Covens of witches always refer to each other as sisters even if they aren't really. And there are some things about them being bio sisters the just wouldn't really make sense, for example the scene in S3 where they take a swim in the weeping-willow pond and come back as kids, and they don't recognise each other. Icy even tells Darcy "Your hair used to look like that!?" and Darcy says "Whatever, you look like a pixie!" or something lol.
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Besides the coven thing, I think they call each other sisters because they are descended from Belladonna, Lysslis and Tharma who were indeed sisters. If each trix is a descendant of a singular sister, then it's impossible for them to be triplets/biological full siblings. But you know, through them they're still blood relatives in some way.
Anyway, I think this is one of those things that the creators kinda didn't have figured out themselves so they just sorta... left it up for interpretation.
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magixfairyix · 1 month
Trix and Ancestral Witch's Lore/Thoughts
~ Alright so first off I have a set idea of how the Trix got the Ancestors' powers. The three of them are far past descendants of them (as the Ancestors are old as hell). Like, centuries past.
~ The Trix each had thier own magic. Ice, darkness, and storms and all of that. But on Diamond, Zenothe (Darcy's planet in my cannon), and Linfea (Stormy's planet in my cannon), the normal powers aligned with the magic of the planets are crystals, shadow (not psychic), and nature (not storm) magic.
~ In my mind the Ancestors saw potential in the Trix when they are around 15-16, and slowly started to give them their magic without the Trix knowing the fact. They were still trapped on Obsision, but they could move their magic essence to vessels as long as the timing would be correct and if their magic would accept the magic.
~TW: Murd$r
~ Icy developed ice magic and it was the least remarkable since a few faries on Diamond had ice magic due to magi (magic users) from Whisperia (quite a few Belladonna descendants there) coming over to the planet. She initially had ice magic, but far from the strength of what she had when she fully got Belladonna's magic.
~ After the fall of Diamond, due to all the negative emotions and anger Icy was feeling (she had accepted Belladonna's magic better than Stormy and Darcy had, due to Icy having distant Whisperian relatives where she got her not-Ancestor ice magic from.) she just sort of accepted the magic. It was a seamless process (not because Belladonna cared, but because it was easy already)
~ And Belladonna didn't have anything to do with the Shaman Witch's arrival. The Shaman Witch is actually more powerful than the Ancestors, and probs more lore about her later. But she saw how angry Icy was after the fall of Diamond and so she and her sisters decided it would be more beneficial for Trix to be cut off from any chance of a normal life.
~ Darcy's was quite remarkable. Quite a few of the witches on Zenothe were known for getting their magic from Lilith, though only the shadow side of Lilith's magic (this was purposefully from the witch's side). Lilith decided to give her psychic magic slowly, saving most of the magic for last.
~ Though Lilith's psychic magic is strong, and Darcy was a child, and not a lot of people on her planet knew how to deal with it. She had a neighbour or two who came from other planets with psychic magic who tried to help her deal with it and train her, but it was too much magic too quickly. It was painful.
~ One day after about half a year of dealing with the psychic magic, Darcy was walking back to her house and the psychic magic was extremely painful. Like, agony painful. Then Lilith decided, hey, now would be the perfect time to make sure she doesn't have any normal life tying her down.
~ Lilith gave Darcy the rest of her psychic magic, and then Darcy lost control and the minds of basically everyone on her planet were sort of "cut." They are still alive, breathing, but their consciousness is cut off. Everyone was basically on the ground unconscious.
~ Darcy then started going around different planets trying to find information to save her planet.
~ On Linfea there is just magic of the plant-like nature, and sometimes water but rarely (Thrama's magic is not seen on Linfea, and the way Stormy is a descendant is because her father, a wizard, is a distant descendant of the Ancestor and hates the fact).
~ Storm magic is seen as unpredictable, so when Stormy (who struggled with the small amount of plant magic she had) got storm magic it was difficult for her to control, and pretty much her nature magic went buh bye (courtesy of Tharma's magic taking over the less dominant magic, and Tharma didn't want nature magic there).
~ Stormy and her parents didn't get along that much. They weren't too shitty, but also they never really liked her much because of her magic. Stormy was in a fight with her mom, and Tharma was like "Good angst opportunity"
~ Basically the Ancestors purposefully wanted to ruin their lives to make sure they didn't have anything tying them down, to make sure they had nothing to make it easier to convince them to take the Dragon Flame. We hate them.
~ Stormy accidentally lost control of her magic (aka Tharma giving her the rest of the magic, and even besides that it was hard to control it) and yeah... that resulted in her mother's death. Her father found out and was going to take her to jail or something (cause he disliked her anyways. He sucks).
~ Then Darcy (who had looked in the Linfea archives to find information, and she didn't find anything) who also suspected about the Ancestor's being behind things, found Stormy and transported the two of them to Magic City. They then found Icy a few weeks later.
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zachshivers · 8 months
{Ogron} - There's no reason for us to worry about their clingy boyfriends.
{Duman} -Don't worry? What, like Valtor didn't worry? Or Belladonna? Or Lysslis? Or Tharma? Or Darkar didn't worry? Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those irritating, uniform-wrapped nightmares!?
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The Ancestral Coven and the Blood Oath
Originally it was just these three:
Belladonna: Witch of endless Ice
Lysis: Sorceress of whispering Darkness
Tharma: Dark Fairy of destroying Storms
No they are not all witches, because that would be boring and in my mind is way to cliché.
They were blood sisters, but none of them had children. So while Icy, Darcy and Stormy say that they are the descendants of the Ancestrals they have no blood claim to them.
The Ancestral on the other hand do. It has to do with the blood oath mentioned in Chapter 5. The three went looking for people that had similar powers to their own and were powerful and made a deal with them. They would teach those people and in return they would allow them to take over their bodies and anchor them in the living world. Slowly draining them of their life. It was also bound to the descendants of those people that swore the original oath.
At one point, because of reasons the Oath was forgotten and the Ancestrals made sure that the people who didn't know about it thought it was because they were their direct dependents.
Icy, Darcy and Stormy didn't know about the oath until Darkar clued them in.
That being said the Trix still did everything they did, because they WANTED to. They wanted the power and the respect and the fear. Getting boosted by the Ancestral Ones was just a bonus.
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wtfastaroth · 8 months
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Now theyre all here, Belladonna, Lysslyss e Tharma before the curse.
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charmixpower · 7 months
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I will redesign the Trix properly.... This year. At least they're only three of them instead of six fnsjdksksnd I've gotten to Aisha so that's exciting. These are mostly some ideas for right now. I'll get them soon jfjdjdke
Buut my goal in life is to make the Trix and Elitix (the ancestral witches) as different looking as possible. I hate that their copies of each other in canon
I love my Liliss (blue) the most, like Belladonna "I will make life because I think I'm god" is great, and Tharma's (green) desire to rule the world is amazing, but Liliss is just this 7ft lady who can see the future and wants to control fate. She's so good
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doodlegraveyard · 10 months
Hey I wanted know about your version of the ancestral and to know the timeline of when they destroyed domino
Hi, @seth-the-whalelord, i am sorry because oh gosh i have a LOT to say and you prompting this means im not gonna be able to think of anything else ahhhh. OK so like. lets ignore how in general the timeline is really fucked up (flashbacks with the company of light and Griffin and Faragonda's relative ages are very confusing) but lets just ASSUME, path of least confusion that Domino got iced exactly as many years ago as is appropriate based on Bloom's age (I actually haven't decided if i's scaling the girls ages up slightly yet.) So basically it got destroyed when Bloom (and all her other peers in her age range here) were babies. That’s a BIG event to happen in relatively RECENT HISTORY and I have issues about how I want to make it clear that this is an event that has affected basically every world in the magical universe. BUT LETS PUT THAT ASIDE LETS TALK ABOUT THE WITCHES.
So my issue is the Ancestral Witches are meant to be these, hugely ancient beings formed at the beginning of the universe. But, they never… felt…. That cool to me? They’ve existed for all of time but it took them literally until what 15-18 years ago to get at the Dragon Flame? Despite the fact that it seems like pretty common knowledge where it is?? And the fact that they later named them and then the backstory with Griffin working with them and Valtor… that was before they got banished so to me it seems like they shouldn’t need the proxy of someone working on their behalf, like they do when they’re guiding the Trix… That feels to me like big powerful witches and villainesses and definitely big bad material but not like the unspeakable ancient things that I imagine when you say OLD AS TIME ELEMENTAL EVIL, you know?
Another thing: Arcadia. We have a direct counterpoint to “the first witches” in “the first Fairy who flew”. I actually like how vague her existence is and how strange and uncanny she looks. She almost comes across as a minor goddess, or someone who has basically ascended to demigod hood. I think one of the reasons I like her vibe over the ancestral witches is… she seems so… separate from reality and above what’s going on in the mortal planes. She waits for the Winx to come to her, instead of meddling/ the AW are pretty much exclusively into getting the trix to meddle for them. Or building a boy (Valtor) to do stuff for them. Idk. That said im actually not how im handling Arcadia or the existence of the water stars at all im just thinking ab the contrast of how they’re presented. Basically even when they’re spooky shadowy crone figures the witches strike me as beings of the material rather than an old-as-time type set of entities.
Anyway making the first witches these ‘’’’first creatures of evil’’’’ really fucks with the limp ‘well, not ALL witches are evil’ assertion that the show tries to make (but also doesn’t remember half the time). Like, that can definitely be the NARRATIVE that gets pushed, and I do think that the Ancestral witches themselves should be properly evil big bads, but you can’t build the worlds universe on ‘witches were invented to be evil, and fairies are meant to good’ and then benignly go ‘oh not realllyyyyy. I mean MOSTLY but not really. You know. Not the 2 witches we like (one of whom becomes a fairy)’. That can be the story a lot of people believe, but you cannot build it into the literal history of your world setting and then turn around and ask the audience to think otherwise.
I think what makes most sense to me is that Belladonna, Liliss, and Tharma are the names of the last INCARNATIONS of the Ancestral Witches but not the original/actual identities.
I think they were just witches once. Not quite from the beginning of time but from a long, long, long time ago. They had names no one remembers anymore, and names before that. They were witches who garnered such power that they wrote their identities into the flow of magic itself, who unmoored their spirits from their selves so that when they died they did not truly die. Basically, they’re Liches. I like the idea of the Witches recurring in history, reappearing as different women across the eons as their spirits find new lives to subsume. It’s not a bloodline (even though the trix call themselves the AW’s ‘direct descendants’ - unless Belladonna, Liliss and Tharma all fucked and had children, and each of the girls could directly trace their ancestry back to them… first of all why, how, wouldn’t families keep that an awful secret because presumably being related to the people who tried to kill dragon god and nuked the fairy Vatican would make their lives DIFFICULT - despite that language I always assumed they were kind of styling themselves as spiritual successors (which.. might be the literal opposite of ’direct descendant’ but what can I say that’s the vibe I always got) I think, in my version of things, they’re… sort of like their successors. ( I have them style themselves as Inheritrix - Hence, Trix) but well, really the Trix are really more like… Vessels. Or, they will be, when they’re strong enough.
One of the big reasons Witches are looked down on is that there’s this pervasive cultural sentiment that they’re greedy and power-hungry. They Want what they don’t Have, they will Take what Is Not Theirs. This has a little bit to do with the way I conceive of the concept of positive or negative magic - not dark and light but more like electric charges or polarity. Fairies (+) generate magic, and Witches (-) absorb magic from outside sources. I think there’s actually a very important place for Witches in the magic ecosystem, and both fairies and witches have a part to play in keeping balance. The ancestral witches represent the worst extreme of witch dysfunction. They take so much that they cling onto life, stealing the lives of other witches through generations. They refuse to be swept away through the river of time, to return to the flow of Magic, to take their part in the cycle.
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pangeen · 11 months
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" Selangor Silvered Langor (Trachypithecus selangorensis) "
//© Tharma Seelan Silivam
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Energy. Art by Ed Buryn, from The William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination.
Energy corresponds to the Strength card in conventional Tarot. It symbolizes the stage of physical renewal, as inner strength arising from the body itself, and from animal intuition at the deepest level. The forms of the Zoas are again depicted; they are even arranged in their proper symbolic order: the ox of Tharmas at the left of the tree (west), the lion of Urizen at the base (south), the man of Luvah in front (east), and the eagle of Urthona above (north) — see Chart 2-2. The symbolic reappearance of the Zoas here emphasizes that Energy is both the outcome and the continuity of Whirlwind. That they are arrayed around the oak tree signifies the strength and endurance of the energy of nature. All the animals in this card represent instincts and intuitions that are mediated and mastered by the human figure of Tharmas, the Zoa of Body. Tharmas is shown filled with the renewed energy of life, and this "energy is eternal delight." The original inscription to this illustration says of the animals, "Their strength, or speed, or vigilance, were giv'n in aid of our defects" (William Hayley) — in other words, the animal forces are our allies. More than that, however, Tharmas is the ally of the animal forces; that is, he is the means through which they 'speak' — and in this sense, this card is also about the energy inherent in metaphor. Tharmas, whose sense organ (Chart 2-2) is the tongue, assumes the qualities of the animals by speaking for them. Because the first function of speech is the communication of the soul, the animals are metaphors for the range and power of the multidimensional human soul. (In metaphor, saying 'I am a lion' makes me a lion and personifies its qualities within me; by contrast, allegory says 'I am like a lion' and thus means I am not really a lion and only pretending. Metaphor releases energy, while allegory weakens it.) Traditional to this card, the lion is featured, and reclines at man's feet to signify that its fabled strength is under his command, and he can draw on it at will. Note also that Tharmas's symbolic animal (Chart 2-2) is the ox of strength and patience, which appears at the lower left; and in reference to his calling as a shepherd, the ram of virility appears at the lower right. In speaking for the animals Tharmas demonstrates that he understands (and loves) his bodily instincts and physical capabilities, and they listen to his dictates. This card marks the midway point of the soul's journey, and so it repeats the border motifs of card I to symbolize a new beginning through the second decanate of cards. KEYWORDS: LUST FOR LIFE • SENSUAL DELIGHT • ABUNDANCE OF VITAL ENERGY • INTEGRATION OF CAPABILITIES AND INSTINCTS • PHYSICAL ENDURANCE AND COURAGE • MULTIDIMENSIONALITY. METAPHORIC EXPRESSION • A strong sense of animal satisfaction may lull many seekers into stopping here. For those with the energy to go further...
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Trix on your rewrite?
Thank you so much for this ask! I'm actually so sorry it has taken me this long to answer, but I am my own worst critic and couldn't come up with an answer until now that I was satisfied with. I'm still not totally satisfied with this, but I'd rather just rip off the bandaid with this at this point so it's not proofread or anything. Enjoy!
(cut bc it got long)
Icy was once the second princess of Dyamond. Her childhood was pretty normal by princess standards until she was 7, when a cataclysmic magical storm swept through the world and destroyed everything and everyone in its path, leaving only her. 
While stumbling around the ruins of her castle, she came across Mandragora. Icy panicked and shot a magic blast at Mandragora which she very easily deflected. There was a silent stand-off for a while between the two while the Ancestral Witches debated on what to do about the situation, shocked that anyone had been able to survive their storm, much less a child. Tharma thought they should just kill Icy, tying up their loose end, and be done with it. Belladonna believed they could use Icy to get what they needed and then they could leave her to die. Liliss pointed out that the only pawn they had was Mandragora who was in fact a known war criminal and that having a pawn so young, impressionable and unrelated to them could prove to be useful. Tharma got outvoted and it was decided that Icy could live. 
It was explained to Icy (in child terms) that Mandragora was trying to find the person who caused the storm and that if Icy came with them and followed the Witches’ orders they would help her get revenge. They generally exploited the fact that Icy was a child in an extremely vulnerable emotional state. Icy agreed and picked up witchcraft without too much trouble, meeting Darcy and Stormy years down the line when she was 13 and 14 respectively. 
Icy’s magic is incredibly strong, with her having the most experience and the one with the strongest negative feelings backing it as well as a lot of one on one training from the Ancestral Witches.
In terms of her role in the group, she’s the leader. She always has a plan and can keep her cool in nearly any situation in spite of her temper. While she wasn’t much like this as a child, Icy has grown to be incredibly cold and ruthless. She genuinely cares about her sisters, but if she needed to sacrifice them to achieve her goals and couldn’t find another way, she would do it. Beyond her sisters, she doesn’t really care for anyone and usually only keeps them around for as useful as they can be to her. Between her and her only, she’s got really bad attachment issues and kinda clings to people like life rafts. 
Icy is the only one of the Trix that knew anything about Darkar before he gets his big reveal, though she only really knew that he was more powerful than the Ancestral Witches.
I'm also debating as of right now whether I should make Icy have albinism.
Darcy was the middle child of the wealthy D’Arcy family on Fallot. She spent most of her childhood being routinely ignored and disregarded and learned to use this to her advantage. She taught herself how subtly manipulate people and blend into the background even more allowing her to get away with a lot of questionable things. Eventually she picked up witchcraft and found she had quite the affinity for it (repressed feelings of loneliness and anger helped immensely with that), and spent a lot more of her time practising it growing to be quite proficient for someone her age. Her family found out and, with witch discrimination running rampant across the Magic Dimension (in spite of Griffin’s best efforts), her family forced her to give it up. Darcy naturally didn’t take too kindly to this and made the choice to leave at the age of 12. Her family didn’t notice for nearly 2 days. 
Darcy went around a month before she met Icy and very quickly convinced her that she should be allowed to join. Mandragora was not happy to have to keep an eye on another child but relented after Liliss claimed that Darcy could prove to be a powerful witch if given the right push.
In terms of her relationship with the rest of the group, Darcy is the one with the spellbook. She is incredibly people-smart and intuitive. She has trained herself to be able to sense others’ magic in both strength and type allowing her to pick up large advantages in battles when it comes to bluffing, though she has never been one to like actual combat. Darcy prefers manipulating her target or distracting them with her illusions and isn’t that good at taking a direct hit. She also tends to panic in high-stress situations or when things don’t go immediately right resulting in her overthinking. Darcy is also a horrible actor in spite of her incredible manipulation and lying skills thanks to her tendency to panic. 
Darcy genuinely looks up to both Icy and Stormy. On bad days she’s convinced that they could do everything without her and if she didn’t push herself constantly to keep up they would drop her. The rational side of her knows this simply isn’t true, they’re sisters and all bring something special and important to the coven, but the lingering thought eats at her. She’s terrified of being alone, unseen and unheard again.
Stormy was kind of a fucked up kid. She wasn’t evil ya know but it was that whole situation of looking after a “problem child” and just giving up on them because they’re struggling in a way adults don’t understand and lashing out. Eventually, after years of this treatment, Stormy had given up on the adults in her life and decided to strike out on her own at the ripe old age of 10. She was on her own for 3 years, travelling across the magic dimension, when, at 13, she encountered Darcy and Icy. She demanded to join their duo and the two were immediately against it, thinking she would only be a detriment to them and that they were far better off as two. Stormy started following them around in spite of their refusal and after they got into a bit of a pickle, she saved their lives. Icy and Darcy persuaded Mandragora to let Stormy stick with them, believing that Mandragora relented because of their expert convincing skills, though in all actuality it was due to Tharma taking an immediate liking to Stormy’s chaotic attitude.
Stormy, when Icy and Darcy first met her, gave off the impression of the character who’s the comedy relief with a dark secret, except she doesn’t really keep the dark parts a secret. Stormy was the first of the group to kill someone and she did it before she even joined them. She made money mostly by beating people up and stealing it, though when she wasn’t in the mood for a fight she would instead dance and entertain along busy streets. She ended up being quite the dancer, even making money off challenging professionals.
Stormy is the most adaptable of the group and tends to be able to go with the flow incredibly well thanks to how quickly she had to adapt and learn as a child. She’s the tank of the group, coming in with maybe not the most precise attacks but definitely the most deadly and destructive, and definitely doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and fighting without magic. Out of all 3 of the girls, Stormy has the most magical stamina from all the intense dancing workouts she does nearly daily. This workout can get on the other girls’ nerves since she does it at all hours, but since it makes Stormy happy and ensures their heavy-hitter can continue beating the shit out of people they don’t bother her about it.
Stormy is incredibly confident in herself and words rarely ever hurt. She has no problem hurting others if she thinks it’ll be fun, though she struggles to find that point in which things have gone too far which can often lead to things blowing up in her face. This can happen with the Trix too, Stormy pulling a prank that she takes too far and She doesn’t have a lot of clear memories left from her childhood before being on the road and joining the Trix, however she can still remember how it felt before she ran. Over the years Stormy has grown very apathetic towards things, only really caring if she can cause chaos in some way, though her temper has not improved since she was young and continues to be very short. While a short temper isn't usually great, Stormy actually couldn't perform any strong magic without it since witchcraft relies so heavily on negative feelings.
Also, their names weren't originally Icy, Darcy and Stormy but their old names aren't really of relevance so I'm not including them. Just figured that was worth clarifying.
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